mikuoz-art · 6 months
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💘 🎤An Xtransceiver through your heart 🎤💘
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purpleluckystar · 1 year
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The long awaited (?) sequel to this post. More of my fav pokeships including a protagonist.
Next destination: pokeships that are not about the protagonists.
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sydsfankids · 3 months
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Doing custom adopts for someone on DA again. First one is a Curtis/Rosa daughter.
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luvcaster · 21 days
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He finshin’ 🎣
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starlitwhispers · 4 months
im/pure. (slightly nsfw) livecastershipping (curtis/rosa) drabble a/n: they are aged up, of course hehe
His heart wouldn’t stop racing. His hands were sweating, and every time he caught them sweaty, he’d wipe them on his pants. He’d think to himself ‘that’s gross,’ he wouldn’t dare touch her with hands like that. 
But he was going to. 
They had planned it for this evening. And this evening started to come sooner, and sooner. The agreed upon time seemed to travel quickly, it would be here any minute. He kept fidgeting, shaking, nervous. All of it felt wrong to him – the way it was going to transpire, but every time they kissed in the past, he could feel himself wanting more. And finally, with his voice shaking and his cheeks the same color of her name, he told her. 
“R-Rosa,” he panted and swallowed. He wiped his hands again. They just wouldn’t stop being wet. Wet.
She smiled back at him, as she pulled away from his face after their kiss. The girl knew exactly what he had been thinking about; he was the most transparent person she’d ever met. He never thought much about performing in front of thousands, nor did he feel an ounce of anxiety whenever he conducted interviews. 
But when it was just the two of them, he melted. 
Curtis would become absolutely malleable, and he wanted to mold himself to her. The Unova champion was flattered, and although she had also changed the fate of her region, even she, too, would become nervous around him. After all, they would both be each other’s firsts. In the funniest, strangest, loveliest sensations they’ve stirred in the other, she wanted to experience it all with him. 
Softly, she dragged her hand over to his, picking it up. “W-What’s up… Rosa?” He continued to ask, somewhat flustered. 
“Shh,” she gently responded, with a sugary smile. She batted her eyes at him, bringing his hand to her chest. He gulped, his hands and arms still shaking. He had never, absolutely never, touched a girl in such a way… but he wanted to grasp. Rosa arched his hand along with hers over her breast, as she brought herself closer to him. 
Without having to cue him, he began to tenderly kiss her… and then kiss her deeply. As their tongues slipped into each other’s mouths, Curtis summoned a little more courage and brought his other free hand to her hip. Slowly, carefully, he snuck his fingertips underneath the hem of her shirt. 
As his hand traveled to her bare waist, she released her hand atop his on her chest and used her hands to fumble against his buttons on his pants. They kissed more deeply, more passionately, colliding into the other. He felt the nervousness disappear and the desire grow. At that moment, he removed her hands from his pants and undid the buttons and zipper himself. 
It was finally his time to make the moves. 
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seadolph · 2 years
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fankidtober day 5 - Quince, a Curtis/Rosa kid! Almost inseparable from from his electronic devices, he’s a streamer, a gamer, and also does a little bit of music on the side. His affability makes him popular, especially among his own generation.
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pkmnomegaverse · 3 months
Got commissioned to do more fankid adopts over on DA and one of the kids was Rosa/Curtis. So I told the person it had to be a girl since the main reason that ship got cut here is I just could not design a son for them no matter how hard I tried. His design just would not come to me. But as soon as I told this person that, the vision of what their son could look like came to me sooooo maybe Briar will be received. I don’t have any strong opinions on Rosa/Iris over Rosa/Curtis. So whether or not Briar gets to be the endgame Rosa kid over Juno will remain to be seen.
Like on one had I still have the vision of what I would do for Rosa/Curtis plotwise over her with Iris moreso. So if Briar can revive himself… 🤔. But yes, there’s something to be said for cutting ships/kids and then seeing if they can claw themselves from the grave as a good test if they’re meant to be.
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Hi! I’ve been following you for a while now (since before you started working on sisterhood). I love the concept you have for Sisterhood a lot. I’m just curious about what shippings you like since I feel like I know some of them but not all of them (and I know how shipping can change over time). If you feel like talking about them, I would love to hear about them!
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I've accumulated a vast assortment of pairings the past several years, particularly due to being a multishipper (but not a polyshipper-). However, for each protagonist there is usually what a friend of mine refers to as an "endgame" love interest: the one who I feel resonates with her personality most.
For example, the pairings related to Leaf are Conflictingshipping (Green/Blue x Leaf) and LeafStoneshipping (Brock x Leaf). The former is the "endgame" pairing for her. As for the latter, I actually concocted the name myself.
(There are a number of pairings I've been left with the solemn duty of bestowing a name upon, in actuality-).
An additional detail to keep in mind is, for anyone else who may be reading; the ages of several characters are altered in the universe of Sisterhood, meaning everyone involved, including the female protagonists, is a young adult.
Kotone, her "endgame" pairing is SoulSilvershipping (Silver x Kotone). Silver is truly the only person she has a romantic relationship with, although he is rather prone to experiencing jealousy when other male characters, such as Hibiki(Ethan) and Morty, are in her presence.
Haruka also has two paths of romance before her in the forms of HoennChampionshipping (Steven x Haruka) and NewRivalshipping (Wally x Haruka). What can I say? She has a type, and it's nerds. Haruka couldn't care less about the former's status and money, and she isn't so shallow that his looks would instantly capture her heart.
Hikari has no love interests to speak of in Sinnoh, but under the alias of Akari while in Hisui, she has quite a few options! Wieldershipping (Volo x Akari) and BrilliantDiamondshipping (Adaman x Akari) are the main contenders, but additionally... I also am somewhat partial to CandyTruffleshipping (Melli x Akari), for humor related reasons.
Ferriswheelshipping (N x Touko) is Touko's "endgame" pairing. Similarly to Kotone, she has no other love interests. However, Cheren does harbor romantic feelings for her during the course of Black and White's main game before eventually moving on and finding happiness with Bianca.
Technically, Mei has two and a half love interests? Initially, LiveCastershipping (Curtis x Mei) was intended to be the "endgame" pairing for her, but I gradually grew more and more fond of Hue and his one-sided affections. And to elaborate on the "two and a half love interests", Kyouhei(Nate) is sort of one, but... it's... it's complicated.
Serena is another protagonist who has a sole pairing associated with her, which is Kalosshipping (Calem x Serena). And yet, I also can't consider Calem her "endgame" love interest. I don't dislike him, but... he's lacking a certain je ne sais quoi. So perhaps Legends: Z-A may introduce Serena to her perfect beau?
Despite how frequently she teases and torments him, Mizuki's main love interest is Gladion. Although I do also enjoy some Malasadashipping (Hau x Mizuki) on the side. Regardless of whether their relationship is platonic or romantic, Hau is an important part of Mizuki's life in Alola now.
Gloria has two tsundere boys battling for her attention and affection. Not that Bede and Avery would admit this without raising a fuss. I haven't yet decided which will be her "endgame" love interest, so I suppose DressedInPinkshipping (Bede x Gloria) and Barriershipping (Avery x Gloria) will also be competing for my approval!
Juliana has the most love interests out of all the protagonists thus far! A grand total of four! HerbaMysticashipping (Arven x Juliana), Dipplinshipping (Kieran x Juliana), Tracksuitshipping (Drayton x Juliana) are the primary pairings, but Grusha does occasionally show interest in the academy's Book Wurmple as well.
There are also various pairings in Sisterhood which don't involve the female protagonists. Some include the male protagonists, such as Red possibly becoming a couple with Misty, while others are composed of non-player characters, one of my favorites being Surveyshipping (Laventon x Cyllene). The professor and captain are married in this universe, as a matter of fact!
And because the world of Pokémon is always expanding, this means there should always be more pairings! Legends: Z-A is soon to be upon us, after all! But hopefully not too soon.
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Related to the other post on the main AU blog, here’s how the destined bunch compare with their spouses on this thing. 
I will be honest my main motivation for all this was to put Green, Silver, and Bede in the ‘smug bastard’ quadrant
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shima-draws · 3 years
I know it’s a less well known ship and only in the games but- Xtransceivershipping/livecastershipping?
It’s not to popular so I can’t say it has a perfect name- but it’s the ship between the black/white 2 trainer and either Curtis or Yancy.
Hell YES Livecaster is literally my favorite B2W2 ship next to Sequel 😭
Curtis is one of my most beloved minor characters from the games and it’s really sad how little content of him we have. Please Nintendo bring him back his crush on Rosa was so cute I’m going to die
I’ve never played as the male character in B2W2 before so I don’t have as strong of an opinion about Xtransceiver? But I’m sure they’re equally as adorable haha
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mikuoz-art · 5 months
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it's them
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sssporadic · 4 years
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lil sketch of rosa and curtis
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Fankidtober Day 11 - Another birthday pic and another “baby sibling” fankid! It’s Rosa/Curtis’s younger child, Silas.
Not much to say about him. He’s main role is being Maddie’s annoying little brother. His dream is to one day make horror movies and he also loves things like video games and playing pranks. As a horror-lover, he enjoys setting up practical effects and scares and every year his family helps him set up a pretty awesome haunted house. 
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yuzukisuoh · 4 years
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Finally Meeting You at Nimbasa City
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pokemonfankristal · 4 years
Man I'm going to try😂 since i can't sleeeep okey, Lets seeeee you only writte something, and since you people don't writte enough livecatershipping, by the way i don't writte english to well i speak spanish sorry por that...
Curtis pov
He was so tired, tired of everything in deed Curtis has been wanting to sleep a Litle More than usual, since he doesn't rest His head in the pillow for More than five hours, His visión it's starting to bluuurr, the only thing that Is keeping him up Is the fact that yancy brought sweets in the morning and she gave him some, it's nothing new tough she loves everything that contains sugar, so if some other Random group of fangirls comes screaming at him again, aggghh he's going to lose His Senses.
-Yancy do you mind saying Mr.(insert the name of His boss hear) that I'm going to take a quik brake before we start recording, if anything happens I'm going to have my xtransvisior with me.
-dont worry, plus it's about you have a break dude i don't remember the last Time you saw the sunlight
-pretty funny
So he tries to change His Fancy clothes as fast as he could do, and goes out with His ""normal clothes"" and geez that it feels nice to feel the wind touch His face again, well sure he has been out a lot of times the last Days, interviews, shows, concerts, but not this way the people dosen't even turn around to say good afternoon, wile in other situasions they would went Wild, and it's nice to have personal space.
And sudenly he looks from the corner of His eye the group of girls, the same faces that almost tried to strip him over a few hours ago, he Is litterly containg himself to burst out a laugh at how they don't even notice him Wen he's not looking like a pop Star.
Sudenly he bumps into someone because he was distracted looking at the beutiful View, the sun it's setting and the Ferris wheel of nimbasa looks so dazling, the sky it's in a pretty Shade of red, pink and orange.
-I'M SO SORRY SIR, she said pickin up all her things,-don't be, it Is my fault i was to distracted with the View. he said begindown to help her and get a better look at her because she was wearing a cap the only thing he saw was her Brown hair.
-you have a lot of badges miss, you are doing the gym Challenge am i right
-well yes, i'm going to Challenge Elesa tomorrow, i want to be the champion of the region.
-That sounds amazing, May i now your name.
-Thank you, my name i... Ring Ring, -Hello, yes Huge i am trainin by the way how are you. WHAT?ARE YOU SURE THEY ARE THERE THIS TIME. Okey.yes i am no my way there
-Sorry it's important, ihavetogoseeyoulater, she said alredy waving and running.
-O don't worry i understand i have to go back to my work anyways. He said a lil bit disapointed that she dident even gave him her name.
He changed again and gave himself another slap in the face to keep him up.
Rosa's pov
-And here we are Kamil, running again because he sais that team plasma it's taking over the World. Rosa said with a forced laugh to her beloved servine in her arms. Kamil gave her a weird look like he was triying to say, -here we go again, that Huge never stops bothering you with The same teamplasma thing, he never even ask you how are you.- Don't look at me like that Kamil Huge Is our friend, and maybe this Time well help him to get purrlion back. Servine did a weird cry protesting, Rosa huged Kamil thigher and gave him a gentle kiss in the top of His head-Don't be mad darling plus tomorrow we are going to Challenge Elesa so this Is going to be like a trainin, right?. Servine smiled this time.
Huge: hey Rosa come hear!!, He said waving her.
-well what Is so important this Time dude,did you faund there hideot?
-well yes, and no, i saw some of them get into that building, and followed them, but i can't find those criminales anywere, so i am counting no you right? You are going to help me find them.
-look my team and i are really tired, we NEED to rest we haven't eat a thing since the morning i came from nimbassa to the desert, LITERLLY runnin, because you we're screaming that team plasma was here and you are not SURE we're are they?
-You haven't eat??
-Huge we are going to help you but firts I'm going to gave my friends some kind of food,.. Lets seee. There has to be something here, i Packed berries and water erlier, What Is this?. She looked at the xtransvisior in her hands, this Is not mine.
-You stoleet???
-What? Now! No way this has to be a mistake RING RING, squeek, what should i do Huge?
- I diden't stoleet, you did, he said in a Chuckle.
-i don't know, what if Is some kind of team plasma Grunt.
-YOU are not helping.
-well them PICK UP!
-ok, mmm Hello?
-Hello, may i ask you why do you have my xtransvisior?
-I don't know sir, (from the voice she could Tell that it was a he), BUTISWERIDIDNOTSTOLET!
-Look i'ven here before, if you want it that badly you can keep it; but taking things from other people it's not nice.
-I said I DID NOT STOLET. I am not a thief, i foud this in my bag, i swer, and i don't want to keep it i have my own. If i did STOLET i woudent PICK The call understand?, If you want it i can GIVE it to you.
-okey, you sound sincere, so even if you don't want to keep it, i can't take ir back right now, I'm really Busy, by the way my name Is Chri...
I mean CURTIS!, My name Is CURTIS.
- My name Is Rosa, you SURE you can't take ir back right now?
-Okey then, I'm Busy to so you can call to your xtransvisior Wen you have Time Curtis but i can't talk right now.
-sounds good, well godbye Rosa
Bep bep
Huge was staring at her.
-I don't like that Curtis guy, what if he Is dangerous?
-You are the one that Told me: then PICK UP !
-I diden't expect that you we're actually going to do it.
- watever, here i found the berries, one for Kamil, one for Leafy(swadlon),one for Orión(bravieri) and one for Lara(audino), Also thank Arceus that is one for me, I'm starbin.
After that, we are going to drink water, and then we are going to help Huge to find purrlion okey steweties? , Any of them said a thing.
-You are to Busy eatin hu?
Okey i think it's not the greatest thing but, maybe someone Will read it... Maybe.....Someday, by the way this Is my firts fic Soo sorry for the grammar and maybe it's to short
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erabu-san · 5 years
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*cough* this ship is really cute.
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