#Liv x Drake
angelasscribbles · 4 months
All That She Wants Chapter 10: Old Wounds
Series: All That She Wants
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings for this chapter: Drake x Olivia (past)
Word Count: 1,341
Rating: M
Warnings for this chapter: none
My other stuff: Master List.
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“Coming!” Drake bellowed as he crossed the room to open the door. He pulled it open to find Olivia standing on the other side. “Liv! What are you doing here?”
The side of her mouth turned slightly downward. “Is that any way to greet an old friend?”
“Sorry. I’m just surprised to see you. I didn’t know you were in town, much less here.” He stepped back and swung the door wide. “Come on in!”
Olivia sauntered in like she owned the place, her eyes scanning the room surreptitiously. Not much had changed since the last time she’d been in it. The room was tidy, practically bare. She’d always told him he was a minimalist, and he had always told her that he just preferred simplicity.
The changes that existed were minimal, but they were there. Like the woman’s hairbrush lying on the bedside table.
She shoved her annoyance down as she perched on the edge of his bed. Watching his face carefully, she confided, “Liam summoned me here.”
Drake’s brows furrowed. “Why?”
“To offer to divorce Riley and marry me.” She laser focused on his face, watching for any sign that the information troubled him.
If it did, he gave no indication of it. “Why don’t you just put the man out of his misery and say yes? Then he’ll have what he wants and let Riley go. Maybe then she can move on.”
“Is that what you want?” She asked more sharply than she intended. “For Riley to move on?”
He ignored her question. “What did you tell him?”
“I told him no.”
“Why?” She gave him a look that indicated he was stupid. “Because I don’t want him like that!”
“That’s not true, and you know it.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that you and Liam have been entangled in some sort of situationship since puberty.”
“Not continuously.”
“I didn’t say it wasn’t on again, off again, but it’s on far more than it’s off. Come on, Liv. Name a period of at least six months where you haven’t been sleeping with him!”
“Is that why you broke things off?” She sniffed haughtily. “You were jealous of my relationship with Liam?”
An ironic laugh escaped him. “First of all, no. I was never jealous of you and Liam. I’ve known forever that the two of you are like fucking moths to a flame when it comes to each other. No matter what you say, no matter how many times you tell him to go to hell, sooner or later, the two of you end up in each other’s orbit again.”
“That sounds like jealously.” She gloated.
“Nope.” He shook his head. “Just stating facts. I always knew that whatever you and I had, it was temporary. We were never an actual couple, Liv.”
“Only because neither of us do relationships.” She protested. “You kept clothes at my home. We went on vacation together. I’m pretty sure you stopped sleeping around.”
“All those things are true.” He replied carefully. “What’s your point?”
“My point is that it felt like something more than just sleeping together. Things were going well. We never argued, never had a falling out, then you just ended it without an explanation or conversation.”
He was dumbfounded by the note of hurt in her voice. Had Olivia Nevrakis had actual feelings for him? He stared at her in shock for several long seconds, until it started to get awkward. “Oh. I…I didn’t realize you would care. I mean, yes, we had fun together, and yes, I kept clothes at your house because it was convenient to do so since we were spending every other weekend there, but I never thought you wanted more than that.”
“I didn’t say I did.”
“Okay.” He considered his next words carefully. “I stopped sleeping around at some point because I was satisfied with what we had. Did you?”
He waved her away. “It’s fine. I know you didn’t. We weren’t in love, Liv. We were in lust, we were in like, we were a lot of things, but in love wasn’t one of them.”
Maybe he hadn’t been, but she had. She wasn’t about to tell him that, though. Still. She had to know. “Fine. But if you got bored, or met someone else, why not just tell me that? It was rude to just cut and run the way you did.”
It was beginning to sink in that he had hurt her when he ended things. He knew her well enough not to say that out loud to her. Instead, he tried his best to fix it. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I have no excuse other than I really didn’t think I was more than a blip on your radar, so my reasons weren’t important.”
“Alright. I’ll accept that. But just out of curiosity, why did you end it?” Drake Walker was the only man that had ever dumped her. She was usually the one who did the dumping.
Her pride still stung.
Drake sighed as he ran a hand across his face. He didn’t want to throw Liam under the bus, but he didn’t want to compound the hurt he had caused by lying to her about it. “Liam asked me to back off.”
Shock, anger, and indignation shot through her. “That son of a bitch!” She was furious, and she was outraged, but underneath that, there was a tiny sliver of satisfaction. “What gave him the right to interfere in my life?”
“Probably the fact that you were still sleeping with him, knowing he was in love with you.”
“That…are you judging me?”
“I’m just saying that if he’s truly your friend and you don’t return his feelings, then you should probably stop sleeping with him.”
Olivia scoffed. “Who asked you?”
“No one. But why can’t you just admit you have feelings for him?”
“Because I don’t!”
“Then why do you two keep ending up together?”
“Please. The sex is good. What more could there be?”
“Do you keep in touch with Jin?”
“What? No. What does that have to do with anything?”
Drake shrugged. “You told me the sex with Jin was phenomenal.”
“So, if everything is just about bumping uglies, why don’t you keep in touch with him?”
“Or that Italian guy? What was his name? Fransisco?”
“Oh, for the love of God, Drake!” she exploded. “Liam’s the king! I can’t just cut ties with him like I can some fucking second rate spy for hire or a foreign diplomate!”
“Right. But it’s not just budget meetings and galas, is it? It’s trips to Paris, skiing in the Alps, yachting in the Caribbean, sneaking away during—”
“Because we’re friends!”
“Okay. Keep telling yourself that.”
“Oh my God, you’re infuriating!”
“Infuriating and right.”
Olivia rolled her eyes with a scoff.
Drake shook his head. “Well, this has been fun, but I need to get to the gym for PT with my squad. I’m already late. See you at dinner tonight?”
“No, I’m leaving for Lythikos before dinner.”
“Alright. Well, see you next time, then.”
He was almost to the door when she asked, “What was the second thing?”
He stopped and turned back to her. “What?”
“Earlier, when I asked if you were jealous of my relationship with Liam, you said first of all….what was the second thing?”
Drake smirked as he responded, “Second of all, you called it a relationship. You asked if I was jealous of your relationship with Liam. Your words, Liv. Relationship. And you just did it a second time. I trust you can show yourself out?”
She watched him leave as fury, confusion, and dismay collided inside her.
Were her feelings for Liam more complex than she wanted to admit? Was all her pining over Drake just wounded pride because he dumped her?
She leaped to her feet, slammed out the door, and power walked back to her room to pack.
Because fuck if she was ready to confront any of that.
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dcbbw · 5 months
The Odd Couples
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Hi, tumblrs! I’m back with yet another AU of one of my favorite AUs: it’s the DC gang, paired differently.  
(I know I haven’t written anything DC AU-related in a long ass five minutes, and I swear Chapter 6 of the original series is practically ready to post, just needs a deep-dive edit)  
So, this story is the product of two separate ideas: First, what if I hadn’t followed canon/fanon/personal head canons when pairing the couples up/off?  And the second idea comes from the What If episode of Friends where that gang ends up with someone different (Phoebe x Ross, Monica x Joey, Rachel x Chandler).  
Side note: Using throwback DC crew (Liam, Riley, Max, Leo, Liv, Drake, Madeleine, and Penelope). Also, check out the link to Leo’s shirt (if you make it that far). It’s the Leo-est shirt ever IMHO) 
Side Note 2: Mixing the pairings up means I have/will be writing pairings that others write/have written and are generally associated with said writer(s). While I am fully aware that no one owns ships, I realize this is a fandom and strive to be mindful of those who write rareships and respect their pairings.  
This is simply my take on my version of these characters when coupled differently in my world. 
To those who read over this story in parcels, pieces, and in whole ...THANK YOU!  
For those who do read this fic, THANK YOU! Your likes, comments, and/or reblogs are appreciated more than you realize. 
 Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. Microsoft Editor rates this piece as 99% error free.  
I’ll be back sooner rather than later with a submission for Hana Lee Appreciation Week, an angsty Driam/Riley love triangle, and some Stormholt.  
Song Inspo: Moments We Live For (Acoustic Version), In Paradise 
Word Count:  4,099
Pairings: SGL x Olivia; Drake x Madeleine; Leo x Riley B; Max x Penelope 
Rating: M for Mature themes 
SGL x Liv 
Liam Rys tipsily followed Olivia Nervakis into the hotel room, hip-checking the door to shut it while Olivia occasionally paused her steps to turn on table lamps. Her black stiletto heels made no noise against the carpet; however, the swish of her highly starched black and white polka-dotted dress sounded scratchy in the silent room.  
“Do you have to turn on every light?” Liam complained as he fastened the deadbolt. 
“It’s not every light, and not our electric bill,” his girlfriend responded tartly as she flipped yet another switch.  
The couple was in Baltimore for the weekend, attending a costume party thrown by Liv’s employer. There had been a buffet; an open bar; and a prize for the best costume, which Liam and Olivia did not win. Carlos Santiago, a member of the Environmental Services team, and his wife and three children came costumed as The Birds and The Bees and won the prize.  
Liam and Liv were The Ricardos: Olivia’s red hair was done up in Lucy’s signature poodle hairstyle, and her dress was a dead ringer for the world’s most famous housewife’s iconic frock. He had wanted to wear a tuxedo and carry a conga drum but settled for Ricky’s purple, polka dot silk smoking jacket with shawl collar, black pants, and black velvet slippers.  
“I can’t believe we didn’t win!” Liam muttered beneath his breath as he came behind Olivia, arms encircling her waist; his palms splayed against her flat, toned stomach. She responded by leaning against him, her back pressed against his chest.  
“Don’t hate!” she admonished. “With those Korean features and Boston accent, no way were you a convincing Cuban band leader. Besides, you have to admit Carlos had a pretty creative idea.” 
“Not more creative than my SOCK GAME! I mean, Liv … you gotta admit, it’s damn good tonight!” 
He was wearing black, knee-length socks with red hearts inscribed with “I Love Lucy” scattered all over. Olivia rolled her eyes in exasperation at the mention of his sock game. 
This man and his socks! Liam thought his sock game could cure cancer and bring about world peace. 
 “You’re sock game is great as it always is, darling. But it was a costume contest,” Olivia placated in a soothing tone as his fingers began removing bobby pins from her hair.  
She spun around, facing her boyfriend as her hair fell in soft curls that framed her face. Her green eyes twinkled as she pressed a quick kiss against his lips.  
“You big, spoiled baby,” she teased. “Wanna smoke, take the edge off? I brought a couple of blunts along.” 
He quickly shook his head. “No way am I going to be in BALTIMORE off some loud.” 
Olivia grabbed the lapels of Liam’s smoking jacket, pulling him closer to her. The tip of her tongue swiped his lower lip. “Makes sense,” she agreed. 
Liam pressed his palms against her ass cheeks; he sang softly in her ear as he swayed his hips against hers.  
And life is heaven, you see  'Cause I love Lucy, yes  I love Lucy  And Lucy  Loves me! 
“My name’s Liv”, Olivia corrected with a giggle as she gently wriggled out of Liam’s embrace. “C’mon, let’s get ready for bed,” she urged as she headed for the bathroom.  
Liam stuck out his tongue at her retreating back before glancing around the room. It was a typical hotel room, nothing really standing out or making it different from any other room. 
The door that led to the balcony was all glass with a brass doorknob; the hotel promised a 360◦ view of the city’s famed Harbor from the patio. The couple planned to have breakfast there in the morning. 
There was a workstation; a large, wall-mounted television; coffee maker and microwave; and the bed: queen-sized, four-poster, and centered against the back wall.  
His eyes widened when he saw the wall to the side of the bed. It was covered floor to ceiling, and side to side with a … mirror.  
Well, that was different.  
Liam approached the bed, kicking off his slippers as he went; he stared curiously at his reflection before climbing atop the bed and resting on his haunches. He then lay on his back, turning his head to continue staring at his reflection.  
He impatiently pushed his hair off his forehead before rolling over onto his stomach; pressing his palms against the bedcovers, Liam pushed himself up with his arms, still watching himself. He imagined Liv beneath him, her pale legs scissored across his back as they watched themselves. 
This could be fun.  
“LIVVY!” he yelled excitedly over the sound of water running in the sink. “There’s a MIRROR! On the WALL! By the BED!” 
The water turned off; Olivia sauntered into the room; her face was scrubbed clean of makeup, damp ends of her hair curling, and wearing a red lace bra with matching panties. A sultry smirk curved her lips.  
 Liam caught sight of her in the mirror’s reflection, and visibly gulped. Liv only wore matching underwear when they were going to have sex.  
“Ai yi yi yi”, he muttered as he bounded off the bed and hastily divested himself of the smoking jacket.  
Olivia was now standing directly in front of Liam; after guiding him to the other side of the bed, directly against the wall so he could see them both in the mirror, her red-tipped fingernails trailed a path from his throat to his belt buckle before unfastening the belt. She slid to her knees, pulling the pants zipper down with her teeth. Her eyes looked up at Liam.  
“Care to hear me do some ‘splaining?” she purred as her hand reached inside the opening and pulled his cock out.  
Liam never answered; he was too busy staring at Liv’s reflection as her mouth swallowed his manhood. 
Drake x Madeleine 
“Open your mouth, and stick out your tongue,” Madeleine demanded.  
Drake’s chocolate brown eyes stared up at her before raking over her body, his gaze settling on her chest. “Take off your shirt,” he countered.  
Madeleine exhaled a frustrated sigh that fluttered her bangs as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Damnit, Drake! You’re sick, and I need to take your temperature to make sure the meds are working.” 
Quickly covering his mouth, Drake Walker let out a series of deep, wet coughs that rattled the congestion in his chest.  
“They aren't”, he rasped as he wiped his nose with the back of his hand. “Tits would help. For sure.” 
With a horrified look, Madeleine hastily grabbed and thrusted a bottle of hand sanitizer in his face. “WIPE!” 
Rolling his eyes, Drake took the bottle; he then complied with his girlfriend’s first request. He slathered the disinfectant over his hands while Madeleine inserted a thermometer under his tongue.  
His temperature was 102◦; two degrees lower than it had been three hours ago. Uneasy relief washed over Madeleine’s features.  
“You should take the meds on a full stomach. You hungry?” 
Drake turned onto his side, adjusting the pillows beneath his head as he did so. “Not really, but we both know you’re gonna harp on it until I give in. I think I have some canned soup in one of the kitchen cabinets.” 
Madeleine nodded absently as she stepped into the bathroom to run the instrument under hot water in an attempt to kill the cooties her boyfriend more than likely transferred onto it. She heard Drake’s question when she turned the water off. 
“When are you giving up that broom closet you’re living in to move in with me?” 
“Don’t start,” Madeleine warned with a shake of her head as she re-entered the bedroom.  
“Start what? You’re paying $1300 a month to RENT A ROOM! You could move in here with me and pay HALF that and it would be a whole ass apartment! You could start saving, pay down that credit card debt of yours …” 
“I prefer to have my own, Drake!” 
Madeleine’s boyfriend rolled his eyes. “You HAVE your own RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!  Clothes! Shoes! Makeup! Oat milk! And if we’re talking preferences, I prefer to wake up with you in my bed every morning. I prefer to glare and glower at you from across the room when we argue instead of sitting on the phone in awkward silence. I prefer to not have to wait for make-up sex!” 
Madeleine shifted uncomfortably, scuffing the toe of her sneaker against the carpet. Her green eyes peeked up to sneak a glance at Drake, whose bleary eyes stared at her with a mixture of frustration and hopefulness. His fingers idly played in his chest hair. 
“Why won’t you just accept this greatness?” he huffed accusingly.  
Madeleine rolled her eyes in a here we go again way. 
She and Drake were in love with each other. They were the odd couple of the group: The WASP and the Blue-Collar Worker, but they fit each other like a glove. Most of the time.  
Cohabitation should have been the next logical step in their relationship. 
Madeleine found it nice to come to his U Street apartment after work and find him cooking them dinner while she mixed killer cocktails to help them unwind from their day.  
Or for her to be the first one awake and cook them breakfast, making sure to prepare the thick-cut bacon he liked, and brew the dark-roast coffee that was his favorite before sharing morning-breath kisses. 
Drake making sure Madeleine had the apricot and cream body wash that cost a small fortune, and high thread count Egyptian cotton towels she insisted upon for her showers. 
While their relationship was highly sexual, it was not sexually based. There were debates and discussions covering a gambit from international events and politics to cooking meats with mustard. The only thing they could never agree on was music: Madeleine was a Swiftie, and Drake was 70s rock and country. They shared a love of exercise and the outdoors; weekends usually found them taking day trips to Shenandoah to hike the trails, snacking on the beef jerky Drake loved and Madeleine tolerated. 
But people broke up all the time … over the most minute and ridiculous things. And Madeleine knew she could be an anal-retentive pill most of the time. She wasn’t going to be heartbroken and house hunting if things went south with Drake.  
Madeleine had been instilled from an early age that God blessed the child that had their own. 
“I’m not going to be that chick if we don’t work out," she stated in a small but firm voice as she sat at the foot of the bed; close enough to show support and comfort, far enough away to maybe being in a germ-free zone.  
“You’re saying that after I just asked you to move in with me for the 100th time?” Drake huffed before another coughing fit overtook him.  
While Drake hacked up a lung, Madeleine looked around the bedroom, wondering if he had any masks around. The couple locked eyes briefly, chocolate fastened on emerald. 
 “You could dump me at Target or something!” she countered as she alternated between awkwardly patting his back and scooting further away from him. 
When the coughing subsided, Drake pointed to the nightstand on Madeleine’s side of the bed.  
“Masks. Bottom drawer.” 
Drake knew her. 
“As for dumping you, you don’t shop at Target; it’d have to be Macy’s.” 
So well.  
Leo x Riley B. 
Leo Rys hefted an oversized, too-full sriracha red snapper taco in both hands before greedily biting into it. He let out a low grunt of satisfaction as flavors and spices exploded over his tongue and crumbles of taco shell fell onto his plate.  
Saturday afternoons couldn’t get much better than this: wearing his most comfortable shirt; hanging with his girlfriend Riley Brooks, who was his favorite person in the world; and lunch at his new favorite eatery, Tia Maria Tacos. Bonus: they had scored an upstairs window booth that overlooked the Potomac River. 
Normally for the pair, Saturdays were for sleeping in and being lazy; 24 hours of partial nudity and horizontal positions suited them just fine after clocking out of work on a Friday afternoon. Especially if they had worked a full week.  
But Riley had been in a funk lately; she had been to five job interviews over the past month; good interviews, where she had been a top-two contender. However, that hadn’t been good enough. Riley had been passed over every time, for each job.  
Requests for feedback had not been helpful; hiring managers told her they couldn’t go wrong regardless of who they chose for the position. Riley’s ego was bruised, her esteem low. Despite her having a job that she had worked for the past 10 years ... a job she did damn well ... she was now comparing herself to Penelope, for Chrissakes.  
Leo knew he had to do something, so he planned Date Day.  
They began at Lincoln’s Waffle House for breakfast followed by a couples’ massage in Cleveland Park. Riley wanted to visit a tarot shop; Leo was agreeable. They both got readings, and she purchased a deck of tarot cards along with a strand of chakra beads.  
From there they went to Georgetown, navigating the crowds and perusing shops. A French bakery was offering a European tea meal; Riley looked at Leo with hopeful eyes that quickly filled with dismay at his emphatic refusal. An hour later, laden with bags from a vintage clothing shop, a sex store, and a spice-filled storefront, they decided they were hungry; Leo suggested tacos.  
He took a long swallow from his bottle of beer, his gaze fixed on Riley who had a plate filled key lime shrimp, Korean BBQ, and spicy chicken tacos, along with a serving of nacho fries. She felt his gaze and looked up to smile at him before taking a healthy bite of the shrimp taco. 
Her eyes widened with surprise before closing in bliss. 
“Hmmmmmm, this is soooooo good, Leo! I mean, it ain’t Chinese food but still like, hella good! Thank you for suggesting this place!” she said around a mouthful of food.  
“Anytime, boo,” he replied with a wink as he reached into her plate for fries covered in nacho cheese and seasoned ground beef.  
“And thank you for cheering me up today. It’s the reminder I needed that the Universe is just doing what it does, and all those hiring managers are just bitches and heifers.” 
Leo dragged his fork through seasoned beans and rice. “They weren’t the jobs for you,” he assured her.  “YOU are smart, funny, kind, and the greatest asset any person or job can have, and the right organization will recognize that. Not to mention you’re fucking gorgeous, and do you have any idea how hot you are?” 
Riley bit into the spicy chicken taco, and quickly took a sip of her Sierra Mist with lemon. She nodded at Leo. “How hot I am? Yeah, I know ...  and the answer is not very.” 
Leo chuckled as he shook his head. This woman.  
He and Riley were the couple that were never supposed to be. Both had had extremely bad luck with love, resulting in deeply rooted trust issues; the issues were more prevalent on Riley’s end than Leo’s.  
They were both ambiverts, which loosely translated meant that there was no guarantee that plans made at 10am would still be in effect at 5pm. And you couldn’t be angry about it. 
Physically, neither was the other’s type. Leo was a touch too lanky and fit for the buxom Riley; for Leo, Riley had a few too many inches in height, and was a tad curvier than he was used to. They met via Tinder, and it was supposed to be a one-night stand. 
But their chemistry was off the charts.  
But the sex was too good.  
But their pillow talk left them curious to know more about each other while fully clothed.  
Long story short … she kept him wild, and he kept her safe.  
Before Leo could reassure his girlfriend that she was indeed VERY hot, her eyes trained on someone at a table near the back wall; they narrowed in anger as she tossed her food onto her plate while muttering, “What the actual FUCK?” 
Leo looked around puzzled, wondering WHO happened. Because with Riley, it was never a what.  If he could change two things about his woman, it would be her incredible grudge-holding talents and her penchant for public confrontation.  
Only one table in the far corner was occupied.  A Latina, facing them, was excitedly showing off one of her purchases to her male companion; Leo squinted, determining that the girl was proudly displaying a pair of earrings.  
He swung back around, a look of confusion on his face. “Who are we hating on here?” 
Riley dramatically pointed her index finger at the Latina. “HER! She told me I was a SHOO-IN for that freaking job!! AND THEN WENT WITH SOMEONE ELSE!” 
Leo looked even more confused. “Which job? There were five of them!” 
Riley didn’t answer. She was too busy scowling at the woman across the room while alternating between shaking her fist and making symbols with her fingers.  
“Babe, what are you doing?”  
“Throwing gang signs!” 
“DC DOESN’T HAVE GANGS!” Leo argued. 
So much for a peaceful outing and letting the Universe do its thing. 
Maxwell x Penelope 
 “I cannot believe you right now, Pen!” Maxwell Beaumont seethed as he rubbed the heels of his hands against his closed eyes.  
The Communications and Marketing Director inhaled and exhaled deeply, slowly. It was rare that anyone or anything upset Maxwell, much less angered him; but if anyone could knock him off his equilibrium, for certain it was his girlfriend, Penelope.  
His girlfriend stared at him with her wide, pansy-blue eyes before quickly licking her pink-glossed lips. She ran slender, pale fingers through her black hair, then tightened the belt of her pink silk robe. Penelope outstretched her arm, her fingertips grazing the fabric of her boyfriend’s shirt; at his look of frustrated rage, she quickly pulled her hand back.   
“Max,” she began in her breathy voice, “I know you’re upset with me, but I HAD to leave that godawful job! The commute sucked and who knew data entry was so … exacting? It’s a miracle I lasted as long as I did!” 
By the time she finished her explanation, her hands were gesticulating wildly about, and her tone of voice had become a shriek.  
Maxwell turned his back on Penelope to go into their kitchen; still hot Italian food sat on the stove, wrapped in plastic bags. He hollered at her while he began unpacking what was supposed to be a celebratory dinner for Penelope’s new job.  
“IT WAS A TELEWORK POSITION! That you were LATE for BOTH DAYS you worked! And it was MAIL MERGE, NOT DATA ENTRY!” He turned to glare daggers at her. “I don’t know what’s worse, the fact you put forth entirely ZERO effort into at least TRYING to become a member of the working class, or that you lied to me the entire week about still having the damn job!” 
An angry retort sprang to her lips; Penelope debated continuing the argument but thought better of it.  She had known the lie would catch up with her, but she had been hoping it would have been after the dinner. Carmine’s had the most amazing food, and Penelope was in love with their broiled Lobster Oreganata, Porterhouse Pizzaiola, and pasta with meatballs and sausage.  
With Maxwell’s back facing her, Penelope quietly tiptoed into the kitchen, trying to neither be seen nor heard. She peered over her potentially ex-boyfriend's shoulder, salivating at the sight and smells of containers filled with pastas, meats, and sauces.  
Maxwell felt his girlfriend’s eyes on him and exhaled a silent breath. He should have known from their first meeting that Penelope was not relationship material.  
They met at 9:30am on the elevator at the office building Max worked in; it was Penelope’s first day at a company occupying the entire third floor. At 11am, Max was back on the elevator hellbent on a Starbucks run; the elevator stopped at the third floor and Penelope entered, her blue eyes filled with tears.  
She had been let go from her new job in less than 90 minutes. 
Max was a sucker for a damsel in distress. He dried Penelope’s tears, treated her to a coffee, and offered to take her out on a date. That had been over two years ago, and if the woman had worked a cumulative 40-hour work week since, he knew nothing about it.  
He had asked the gang if their companies were hiring; Liam laughed so hard, his drink came out of his nose. Riley, who worked with Max, rolled her eyes as she muttered, “You already know.” Everyone else shook their heads vigorously. 
For a brief period, he had even let her be a stay-at-home girlfriend, but that definitely didn’t work out; Penelope couldn’t cook and had no concept of housekeeping. He had to pull from his savings to replace his wardrobe when she tossed his lights, darks and half a bottle of bleach into the washing machine. She was asleep when he left for work, and asleep when he returned home.  
Irresponsible was too inadequate of a word to describe his girlfriend. She was a money pit in addition to being careless, thoughtless, and an emotional vampire. 
But Maxwell Beaumont loved Penelope Ebrim. She could be sweet, buying him small gifts that brought a smile to his face. She mixed mean cocktails, had a killer sense of humor, and was a terrific dancer. She just needed to find her way.  
Apparently, God had chosen Max to help her do so.  
“Pen, you have GOT to find and keep a job!” Max stated in a firm tone that brooked no argument as he prepared her a plate of lobster, pasta with garlic and oil, and shrimp parmigiana.  
When Penelope saw Maxwell piling a plate with Italian yumminess, she had moved to the cabinets to grab a bottle of wine and two glasses. She was setting them on the dinette table as she debated coming clean in her reply. 
“I may have found something; I’m supposed to have an interview Monday.” 
Max set the serving spoon down as be swung his head to look at his girlfriend in surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me this?” 
“I was waiting until afterwards so I could surprise you!” Penelope crowed happily.  
“Well, where? With who?” Max’s smile covered his entire face as he resumed plating food. 
Maybe things were looking up.  
Penelope expertly removed the wine bottle’s cork and began pouring sparkling merlot into the glasses.  
“The interview is at The Greene Turtle, and it’s with a temp agency called Daddy’s Little Girl. Basically, I would be having lunches and meetings at hotels with older men for an hourly rate.” 
Maxwell had plates in both hands, which he slowly lowered onto the kitchen counter; his every movement displayed his disbelief. There was no way his girlfriend had applied for a job as an escort.  
“You’re going to be a prostitute?” he choked out.  
Penelope had just taken her seat. She looked up at Maxwell in horror at his words.  
“NO!! Why would you say THAT?  How could you even THINK THAT of me??’ It’s like lunch meetings or something!” 
“NAKED LUNCH! Pen, NO ONE is paying a woman … a PRETTY WOMAN … to just “have lunch”!! And meetings in HOTEL ROOMS? What the ACTUAL fuck?” 
“It’s working lunches, sometimes dinners, with out-of-town business entrepreneurs who need someone to take dictation!” 
Max’s face dropped into his open palm.  
“The going rate is $150 an hour! I was told with my looks and appearance, I could be in huge demand,” Penelope argued.  
“WHEN DID THEY SEE YOU?” Max yelled as he threateningly shook a plastic spatula in Penelope’s direction. 
“I saw the ad on Craigslist and called the number in the listing, then did a Zoom with the manager.” 
Maxwell Beaumont stared at his girlfriend for a long, silent moment before exiting the kitchen and heading for their bedroom.  
“MAX! Where are you going??” 
“To have a talk with God.” 
Penelope stared at his retreating back with a furrowed brow before shrugging and rising to fetch her dinner.  
“Tell Him I said heyyyy.” 
Max’s response was to slam the bedroom door. 
Tagging: @ao719 @jared2612 @marietrinmimi @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @mom2000aggie @liamxs-world @liamrhysstalker2020 @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @busywoman @beezm @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @gardeningourmet @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @alj4890 @lovingchoices14 @lady-calypso @walkerdrakewalker @queenjilian @kristinamae093 @choicesficwriterscreations
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randomcartoonbro · 1 year
Fuck it. 2000s Kids Live Action Shows Bracket Time!
Since the poll blew up and there were multiple people that were like "where's x show???", I figured this is the logical best next step.
(click the links below to vote. Note: the order of these are completely randomized. If any of them seem unfair 🤷 sorry)
Drake and Josh vs. House of Anubis
Lizzie McGuire vs. Kenan and Kel
All That vs. Hannah Montana
Wizards of Waverly Place vs. Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide
iCarly vs. Victorious
Suite Life of Zack and Cody vs. That's So Raven
Zoey 101 vs. A.N.T. Farm
Shake It Up vs. The Amanda Show
Even Stevens vs. H2O: Just Add Water
Austin and Ally vs. Big Time Rush
Jonas vs. Naked Brothers Band
Good Luck Charlie vs. Sonny with a Chance
Jessie vs. Cory in the House
My Babysitter's a Vampire vs. Liv and Maddie
Suite Life on Deck vs. Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Phil of the Future vs. Lil Romeo
Dog with a Blog vs. So Random
Reblogs are appreciated!
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alj4890 · 1 year
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
(Maxwell Beaumont x Olivia Nevrakis) in a Choices The Royal Romance Crackship AU
A/N I know it's been a while, but I think I can say I'm back 🤞Covid and flu went through my whole family these last couple of weeks and I'm behind on everything, including having fun on Tumblr. I'm starting to catch up on writing, reading, and answering asks. For the time being though, here's something I'd finished right before all the sickness struck. I was finally able to edit it this morning, so here we go with some more angsty romance with Max and Liv.
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Chapter 4
Cordonia's Royal Port...
Olivia was seething.
There were a great many things in this world that could make her angry. One that was high on her list was what she deemed: traitor. It just so happened that she was debating on whether or not to assign that particular moniker to one of the men she'd known for most of her life.
Is he betraying me by being all buddy/buddy with Riley? He's pushing so hard for her to win Liam's attention. Shouldn't he be rooting instead for me, his so-called friend?
Her narrowed eyes were riveted upon the joyful trio. It was ridiculous how happy Drake, Riley, and Maxwell were for having won the annual regatta. Olivia felt her temper spike to see her competition engulfing both men in tight hugs before jumping down to the dock to greet Liam and Constantine.
The fact that the three most incompetent people she'd ever known had beaten her soon to be fired crew was absolutely insane.
"Your grace?" One of her crewmen cleared his throat. "Please accept our apologies for--"
"Get everything ready for the party." She snapped. "Guests will be arriving soon. I expect no further failures."
"Yes m'lady." He bowed then scurried away.
Olivia refocused on the various nobles coming towards her yacht. There was only one person she wanted to see from her peer group. She wasn't certain why she wanted to see Maxwell as badly as she did. She chalked it up to her need to set him straight on a number of matters.
Then again, curiosity over their kiss could be another big reason.
She greeted her guests on her way down to the dock, making certain on timing it to where she could run into Maxwell without it appearing planned.
Luckily, he wasn't looking where he was going. His attention was directed upon his phone while a slight frown formed on lips she knew a little too well.
Maxwell bumped into her, nearly sending them both into the water.
"Whoa!" He grasped her waist to help keep her upright. "Sorry."
Olivia's frown deepened over the flush creeping up her neck from their bodies being pressed up against one another for such a brief moment.
Stepping back, she straightened her sweater and waited on him to say something more.
His eyes lingered upon her cold, dispassionate face. Maxwell felt his heart sink at not seeing anything like he'd hoped to after sharing a kiss that had been beyond anything his imagination could conjure.
"Excuse me." He mumbled, stepping around her.
Olivia blinked at that being all he was going to say to her. After that kiss from a few nights earlier, she expected him to say something about why he'd done it.
"Where are you going?" She snapped.
Her waspish tone caused him to freeze.
"Bertrand needs to talk to me." He told her.
"Now?" She asked.
"Yeah." Maxwell sighed. "His, um, his patience is really wearing thin."
He glanced towards her yacht and the nobles already mingling on it. Of all the times his brother demanded his presence for another lecture, it had to be when the woman he was head over heels for threw a party.
Not that she would want me there.
"Aren't you coming to my little get together?" She asked.
His eyes searched hers. Hope flared within him.
Maybe I didn't screw up my chances with her, he thought. If she wants me at her party then my kiss didn't completely gross her out.
"I wish I could." Maxwell ran a hand down his face. "Bertrand is demanding I come find him."
"Are you going to the beach later?" Olivia wanted to slap herself for sounding like she couldn't wait to see him again.
"Yeah," Maxwell replied, "I think so."
His phone buzzed with another irritated text from his brother.
"I'll see you later." He mumbled.
"Hey." Riley greeted, stopping beside Olivia. "Liam said you're hosting the Ladies of the Court."
Olivia watched him walk away. Her brow furrowed in thought over his behavior and her own holding back in telling him off. She wasn't quite certain what game Maxwell was playing with her, but she knew she needed to stop it before it went any further.
Is it a game he's playing with me? Is that why he kissed me? Or am I giving Maxwell too much credit?
"I am." Olivia turned back towards the gangplank, motioning for Riley to follow. "Welcome aboard."
"Thanks." Riley relaxed some once she saw Olivia wasn't her usual temperamental self.
"Of course." Olivia's overly bright smile made Riley pause. "Please, make yourself at home and do not hesitate to ask for whatever you need."
Riley's eyes widened when Olivia called out for a servant to bring her a bright orange life jacket.
"Here." Olivia's smug smile formed. "We can't take a chance on possibly losing you during our excursion."
"Is everyone getting one?" Riley asked.
"No. They aren't as fragile as our newest member of the Court." Olivia replied.
Riley's own smile held a hint of evil. She took the life jacket in her hands and managed to sound like she was overcome with emotion.
Olivia struggled in her embrace.
"Olivia! Aren't you the most precious person to be so concerned about me?" Riley pulled her into a tight hug. "It is so sweet how much you want to keep me around."
Her delighted out urst drew the nobles' attention. Many were chuckling and whispering while watching the two ladies before turning back to the brunch that was being set out.
"There's no need for this." Riley whispered. "This competition doesn't mean we have to keep being mean to each other."
Olivia pushed out of her arms. "You're a bigger fool than I thought. This is a competition. None of us can be anything other than opponents as we fight to win Liam."
"There is no fight." Riley tossed the life preserver into a nearby lounge chair. "Liam is a man who will choose the woman he wants to ultimately spend the rest of his life with. I don't care what Madeleine says about it being to find the perfect queen. In the end, he has to live with whomever he picks."
She gestured around at the crowd. "Those of us who aren't picked will need to continue on in life. Wouldn't it be better to do so as friends?"
Olivia scoffed at that notion.
Riley really is naive.
"Believe that if you want," Olivia muttered, "but in the end, you'll hate the one Liam picks over you."
"Why?" Riley folded her arms. "If I truly care about Liam, then shouldn't I want to see him get the person he wants most?"
Olivia hesitated. Of course, she knew that's how one should feel. Yet, could she take Liam picking one of the other ladies over herself?
"Anyway," Riley continued, "I think we'll all end up with the person we're meant for."
Olivia rolled her eyes. "That sounds stupidly optimistic."
Riley shrugged. "I'm a hopeless romantic. It's why I agreed to Maxwell's invitation to be House Beaumont's suitor."
She then nudged Olivia.
"You know, there are a lot of handsome guys here."
"Excuse me?" Olivia sputtered.
"I'm just saying, the ladies Liam doesn't pick have a pretty decent selection to nurse their broken hearts." Riley smiled at her. "I bet there's at least one who's not the prince who has caught your eye."
Olivia paled at the thought of Maxwell telling Riley about the kiss.
"He has not caught my eye." Olivia hissed.
"Who?" Riley asked.
"I don't care what he said to you!" Olivia whispered harshly. "Nothing will ever come from that kiss!"
"Who?!" Riley's eyes widened. "Who did you kiss?"
Olivia realized she'd made a huge mistake. The longer she studied Riley's curious face the more she knew Maxwell hadn't told her about what happened that last night in Lythikos.
Furious over her own stupidity, Olivia spun on her heel and left Riley gaping in confusion.
The private beach...
Maxwell did his best not to look around and see where Olivia was. He'd already caught her staring at him twice. He knew he should probably talk about the kiss with her.
He didn't want to hear her say that she felt nothing for him.
He softly groaned as he collapsed back on the towel he was sitting on. Once he saw Liam sneak off with Riley, he knew he could finally relax somewhat. He wished he could get out of his clothes and go swimming with his friends. He knew Bertrand would have a stroke if he found out that he did so and that the entire court saw his tattoo.
Still...it was tempting to rip his black shirt off. Hearing the gasps and whispers over the baby hippo residing upon his chest would bring a smile to his face. It would also temporarily take his mind off one particular subject.
He'd give anything to escape his thoughts. Between the heat of the afternoon sun and the inner heat from the memories of how Olivia's lips felt on his, he needed a cool dip in the ocean.
"We need to talk."
His eyes shot open to see the very person he could not stop thinking about standing over him.
Olivia glanced around. Everyone was preoccupied with either swimming or mingling. No one was paying any attention to them. It was the perfect moment to finally get some answers.
"What, um, what do you want to talk about?" Maxwell asked a touch hesitantly.
"You know what I want to discuss." She hissed. "Now get up and follow me."
He scrambled after her when she darted towards a shaded area filled with palm trees and thick brush.
Once she knew they were well out of earshot of everyone, she rounded on him.
"I know what you're doing." Her tone sent a chill down his spine.
"You do?" Maxwell thought he'd been so careful.
"I'd almost be impressed if you were normally this manipulative." Olivia swallowed, fighting against the frustrated tears that she felt. "But coming from someone like you, all I see is how cruel you really are."
She refused to cry in front of people. It was a form of weakness that a Nevrakis could never show to anyone. The last person she'd ever thought would make her feel this close to tears was Maxwell Beaumont.
Heat rose up her body as she blinked back the telltale signs that he'd upset her to this point.
"Cruel?" His eyes narrowed in concern as he stepped closer to her. "What are you talking about?"
"Your kiss!" She snapped. "You used it to distract me from pursuing Liam all so you're precious Riley could steal him away!"
Maxwell's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe she'd jumped to that conclusion. Didn't she know he was hopelessly in love with her, that he'd never use that as a weapon against her? How much more obvious could he be in showing Olivia how badly he wanted to be with her?
"Listen closely." She poked his chest with each word. "I will win Liam. You and I will never, ever speak of that kiss again after today. I know your tricks now and will never falter again."
"Tricks?!" He finally found his voice. "Liv, it wasn't a trick! I didn't do anything to make sure Riley wins Liam's attention."
"Bullshit!" Olivia hissed. "You knew what you were doing when you came to my room that night! I let my sentimentality over our childhood friendship keep me from seeing just how far you'll go to make Riley be Liam's choice."
"I swear I had no plans to do anything that night!" He cried out. "I honestly wanted to check on you! Don't you know..."
He trailed off, lowering his eyes. He knew deep, deep down he had kissed her in the hopes she would be distracted from pursuing Liam. It just had nothing at all to do with Riley or winning this asinine competition.
He only wanted Olivia to fall in love with him.
Swallowing, he reached for her hand.
For some reason Olivia allowed him to do so.
His thumb brushed over her skin setting off tingles for them both.
"Don't I know what?" She bit out, refusing to relax her fingers.
He lifted his eyes to hers. Olivia took a step back from the undeniable emotion swimming in those ocean blue depths of his.
Maxwell wanted to tell her everything that was in his heart. He knew he couldn't and even if he did give in to his weakness for her, she'd never believe him now. He could only hint at what he felt for her.
"Don't you know me well enough to see that I would never do something like that to anyone, especially to you? "
His voice cracked towards the end of his question. He didn't bother to try and hide how hurt he was. What was the point?
Olivia felt her suspicion begin to dwindle the more she studied Maxwell. He'd always been nice, especially to her. Could he truly have kissed her without any ulterior motive?
She knew he'd had a crush on her since forever. Did he actually kiss her because he wanted to? Or was it to help her know if Liam was what she wanted?
"All I want," he squeezed her hand before letting go, "all I ever wanted was to see my friends happy."
He stepped away from her.
"And since you've always been important to me, that's all I want for you. Whether it is with Liam or..." he grimaced, "or some other lucky guy, I want you to be with someone who appreciates the kind of woman you are."
Olivia folded her arms.
"That's all you want?" She snorted. "Nothing for yourself?"
"I didn't say that." He snapped.
Maxwell could feel the irritation well within him that she was completely blind when it concerned him.
"I want something that I know is becoming more and more impossible with each day this damn competition continues." He explained in a bitter tone. "And I hate that since it is the only thing I've ever wanted that I'm stuck watching from the sidelines as all my hopes get destroyed one by one."
Olivia's lips parted. She had a feeling she knew exactly what he wanted. If he truly wasn't trying to distract her, knowing she was one of the top picks for Liam, then it really could only be one thing.
He wants me.
Maxwell waited a couple of heartbeats for her response.
When she parted her lips, he'd hoped she would say something. Though he wanted it to be what his desperate heart needed, he almost wished she'd tell him to give up. This torturous longing for her was getting worse now that he knew how her lips felt pressed against his. The way her body fitted his like a puzzle piece and the taste of her skin had kept him awake the last few nights. He didn't know if he could continue to be a passive observer for the rest of the season now knowing that what he'd once imagined paled in comparison to the real thing.
Her hesitation in responding caused him to stumble back.
"I need to go." He mumbled, averting his gaze from hers once more. "I'll see you around."
Olivia let him go without a word. She watched him scoop up the beach towel he'd been sitting on and leave the area without saying goodbye to anyone. The lack of both his warm smile and the typical spring in his step let her know that their conversation had hurt him.
Her eyes narrowed once more. She could see that she was nowhere near getting Maxwell Beaumont off of her mind. If anything, this conversation alone would have kept him there. Add the kiss and the unusual feelings that were creeping up each time they touched, and she knew that it was only getting worse.
She returned to her lounge chair to think on what to do about this unexpected complication in her life.
As the sun set, a gasp slipped past her lips. Her fists clinched as a more pointed realization struck. It was unbelievable what she'd done.
She'd spent the entire day thinking of and interacting with only one man.
And it wasn't Liam.
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Cop x Gangster Who is Actually an Undercover Cop is the relationship in iZombie season 2. Liv (assistant medical examiner who solves murders with a police detective) starts dating Drake, who is introduced as someone who works for the gang leader Mr. Boss but is revealed to be working as an undercover cop. She only finds this out after he disappears (kidnapped, relates to the main plot of the season). Also, they met when Liv's arch-enemy Blaine convinced her to turn him into a zombie to save his life as he has information that both parties want.
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queenmiarys · 1 year
Please excuse any errors or mistakes and I want to say thank you to whom all reads. Happy Sunday everyone.
Through  Hell and back
Trr none royal
Pairing: Olivia x Anton
Chapter summary: it's Juliana's birthday and Olivia cut loose and has some fun but confused about Anton's reaction after the party.
Warning: mentions of attempted rape, being tipsy and light profanity.
All characters belong to pixelberry I just borrowed them for my stories.
Word count 1,928
Song inspiration:
Part 2 Green eyed monster
It was Sunday afternoon. Olivia turned over and grabbed her phone, it was now 2pm. " Oh shit Liam."
She dialed his number."I'm so sorry but on the way?"
"Liv, we talked with Kiki earlier and she explained your date went over, so I understand I told her to let you sleep, besides you are coming to Juliana party tonight right? 
"Sure I'll be there."
Are you bringing this new guy along?" 
"I don't think so."
"Really you should invite him."
When Olivia arrived at the party, everyone was having a good time. "There you are, Max said, slurring his words." So we don't get to meet this new guy?" Kiki said that he was hot,  but I bet not hotter than me." He laughed, I could already tell he was tipsy. . 
"Babe, come with me so you can cool down some." A wicked grain from Juliana all it took and he followed her upstairs.
Liam and Mia had walked over to Olivia.
"My love, would you mind if I spoke to Olivia for a moment?" Liam said to his girlfriend 
"You know I don't mind, baby." 
Once they made it outside." So you really like this guy Anton?"
"He's okay, but honestly I really don't know him well. We just went on one date."
"Have you talked with Drake at all?"
"No not at all, it's been over a year since we spoke."
"Here's the thing, remember Riley?"
"You mean his girlfriend??"
"Yeah her."
"Would you just get to the point already?"
"He asked her to marry him last week." 
"Why would you be afraid to tell me this?"
"Well No one really knows how serious the two of you were, but  I knew you both loved each other and despite him meeting this Riley girl you'll always be his first love and the same for you."
"Liam it doesn't mean anything." She couldn't stop the tears from falling.Liam just held her without saying a word for a few minutes. 
"I'm here for you, we can talk about it if you want or not."
"Did you know he was my first?"
"I figured as much, you were so  very young."
"Come on, you guys are only 2 years older than me."
"True, but you know how Drake is, you know he went against his own rules and took a chance with you only being 16, I remember right before you got together you two were always at each other's throats, I remember when he confused he had feelings for you and wanted to come forth, he thought you hated him, you know I encouraged him to just talk to you and treat you better."
" Thank you for that, um We should go back in before they come looking for us." She said to change the subject and to keep from reliving the past, besides he's engaged now. 
"Yeah I suppose so, so when do I meet this Anton guy?" Oh look at that smile you really like him huh?"
"He seems alright." 
They returned to the party. "Come on people let's dance the night away a very drunken Bertrand yelled out, Maxwell re entered the party with a change of clothes on, Bertrand and Maxwell broke into dancing to,  it actually look like Max had taught his brother some moves, what was impressive was that Bertrand was so drunk he threw off his shirt, and throw it over his head to Penelope who caught it and was super excited, Bertrand winked at her, until he saw Savannah walk up behind her. 
Drake called Juliana on FaceTime. " Hi Drake oh hi you must be Riley?" 
She smiled. "Yes, nice to meet you."
"Same here he's told me so much about you
"Excuse me, but I called to wish you Happy birthday kid, I really wish we could've been there."
"I totally understand." She said giggling. Some things never change. Drake will always be himself, she thought.
Olivia was walking past, Juliana was talking and she heard Drake voice but also another female, she peeped in to see a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes,  her heart sunk in her chest, it's been over a long time she thought who could blame him for moving on it had been 2 years she was brought from her thoughts when she heard Juliana speaking again
"Look guys, I hate to cut things short, but I need to get back to my party."
Okay Juliana talk later."
"So that's Maxwell's wife?" She's beautiful." 
"So are you, Brooks, and yes I was certainly surprised when Beaumont got married, he was pretty wild back in the day." 
"I've only met Liam in person, and your sister, I would like to meet everyone else, and that video call doesn't count."
"One day you will, Liam has invited you to his wedding, you know I'm the best man so I would be going down early.
" Just how early?" 
"I need to go a week in advance." 
"I can't let them have you for a week." She teased pulling his 6"3  frame down to her 5"4 and kissed him."I love you Mr Walker."
"I love you too."
He couldn't help but to think of Olivia and the way she used to do the same, only Olivia stood 5" nothing. He closed his eyes and shook his head. 
"Baby I need to take a walk, just to clear my head." 
"Okay baby, don't be too late." 
He walked to a nearby park.
" Liv, stop, why do you act like you hate me so much?" 
"Drake please just go."  " I didn't ask you to be my knight and shining armor."
"Look at me, did Jason, just try to hurt you?" She started to cry. That was all the confirmation he needed. "That son of a b**** , "Beaumont, can you sit with Liv till I return?"
"Go ahead, I won't leave her." 
Once Drake made it inside  Jason was standing surrounded by several  females. "Just who I was looking for, I'll  teach you to never touch a lady when she says no." 
Drake punched him and he fell to the ground,  Drake continued to punch him. Until Liam jumped in front of him,  pleading with him to stop. 
"Drake you're going to kill him, come on go with me and get some air."
They got outside." What the hell happened?" 
"That sob tried to rape her, she's a mess, Liam you know how I feel about her."
Once he returned home Riley questioned him going home "Oh, so you want to go without me?"
"Brooks, it's my best friend's wedding. I can't miss that."
He pulled her over to him, and gently kissed her neck." 
"Come on, let's  go take a shower, we will meet up with your mom in a few hours.
"We can just get ready then."
Brooks, I love you, but you take forever to get ready for like 2 to 3 hours and on top of it all, you hate waking up it takes you 30 minutes to wake fully up." 
"Let's pick something to wear,  and take our shower together."
4 hours later. 
"Brooks,  get up  it's been 30 minutes, it's 9:30 we are supposed to meet your vmom in an hour. " 
"I'm up." Drake was just staring ." Don't worry it's going up in a messy bun, it's only mom."
Olivia work up to her phone Vibrating, she and Juliana, joined by Kiara and Penelope all fell asleep while watching a movie, everyone was drunk except Mia 
"Hello?" She answered. "Oh Anton, how are you?"
"I'm good, so did you have fun last night?"
"It was okay, wish you could've come, me and most of the girls ended up watching a movie falling asleep."
"So you are still there?"  A hint of jealousy came into his voice. But he quickly changed his tone
"Yes I am, 
"I have to go, talk later." He quickly hung up the phone in her face. 
She stood there in shock for a moment. "Is everything okay?" Mia asked whom Olivia didn't know was in the room.
"Yes it's fine, I got to get to work." 
"Me and Liam both too, it's a good thing I own my own business." Today I'll do 12 till 8.
"There you are my love." Liam gave her a kiss and handed her some money. Remember no ATM use, remember off limits."
She let out a sigh. "Okay I promise. "
"Gotta go." he gave her one more kiss
"What's this you not getting money from the atm?" You have new shoes and a new handbag? Olivia said, rolling her eyes. 
"It's the reason Liam went all crazy on me, and he's been very strict on what I spend, I mean the man puts my bank account to shame. He's only 22, he gave me 20 bucks and said that should be enough for lunch." 
"He's always saved up, but he's also indulged in his lavish gifts as well. "
"He's just showing me how to save and what I should invest in, well I must be going now."
Everyone rushed off to work.
Two weeks later,  Anton had come over for dinner. Olivia wasn't the greatest cook, but her mom taught her a few Pasta dishes and how to make the sauce to go with them. "It smells wonderful in here, I didn't know you could cook."
"Well not really,  these few dishes I know were passed down from my mom, I used to help her a lot." 
There was a knock on the door. "Ki did you forget your keys?" She said as he opened the door revealing her father and brother standing there. "Father, Joel
"We just came to see, would you like to go get a bite with us?".
"While father I have company, and I cooked
"You cooked as in food?"
"stop it, of course I cooked food silly .
"you must really like this new guy?" Can we meet him
"Sure brother, come in." She opened the door and they all went into the dining room and introduced them, her father knew who Anton was already
"Anton this is my father Lionel and my brother Joel
"Nice to meet you." They both said in union.
They sat and talked for a while, but it was just something that Joel didn't like about his sister new man.
"Sis I hate to run but I got some stuff to handle."her brother said as he stood up to leave.
She hugged her brother and walked him out.
"So what do you think brother?" 
"I honestly don't know yet sis, I mean so far I don't like him, he just has a negative vibe and until then I can't say what it is but I don't like this guy sis."
"You don't like anyone I date so what else is new?" Are you dating anyone ?"
"I was just hooking up with this guy named Kevin." 
"So no one special?"
Maybe when I'm old enough, 27 is still young and beside no one looking for me to marry or have a child, since I don't swing for the right team, as aunt Lucinda always tells me how it's a sin to date men and all."
"You can't listen to her, she is so wrapped up in us but doesn't see that Amber is Bi and Casey may be as well, it'll serve her right for looking down on people." 
"Thanks you're the best little sister."
"I'm your only sister." She said with a big smile..
"Let me get back to Anton." She hugged him and went back inside.
Anton sat in the dining room talking to her father but watching the scene out the window. 
"Dinner was delicious, but I must be going." He hid how angry he was that her dad and brother crashed their date.
@kingliam2019 @choicesficwriterscreations @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @kaitycole @karahalloway
@honey358luv @harleybeaumont @kingliam-rys @tessa-liam @bebepac @dcbbw @mom2000aggie
@lolablackwrites @luvquit @shewillreadyou @yaniradolton @yolandawalker @yourmajesty09 @storyofmychoices @queenrileyrose @ao719 @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234
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angelasreblogs · 9 months
Master List Organization Poll
I would love to have everyone's input on master list organization. I have a lot of content and my ideas of how to most efficiently present it keep changing.
I used to have a short paragraph/blurb for each story out to the side of the title. Now I just have bullet pointed lists of titles under categories (ie, “collabs”, “Poly stories”, etc).
I used to have things sorted into multiple master lists, then put them all in one place for simplicity then moved them again, sorting into several blogs each with its own master list: TRR Scribbles, TRR Poly, TRR One Shots, TRR Bad Romance. On these blogs, you will find them further divided by category, but all shown on the same page/list.
I’m wondering what works best for the readers. When you go looking for content, which format do you prefer?
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Ex 1 List of stories with blurbs:
Insurrection: Riley isn’t what anyone thought she was. Her actions set off a civil war in Cordonia. Eidolon: Construction in the four-hundred-year-old throne room awakens an ancient evil. Unexpected Max has an inappropriate fixation on Riley. Dark Elf: Liam Rys is unpleased that his human half has left him not quite immortal. He has a plan to correct that. American Girl: Riley, Drake, and Liam grew up in a small town in North Texas. High school graduation scatters the three lifelong friends and shakes up their respective relationships.
Ex 2, same as one but divided into categories
Paranormal: Eidolon: Construction in the four hundred year old throne room awakens an ancient evil. Dark Elf: Liam Rys is unpleased that his human half has left him not quite immortal. He has a plan to correct that. Non-Royal Au's: American Girl: Riley, Drake, and Liam grew up in a small town in North Texas. High school graduation scatters the three lifelong friends and shakes up their respective relationships. Drake x Riley Stories My Best Friends Girl: Drake Walker struggles to contain feelings he shouldn't be having as he finds himself falling for the same girl as his best friend. Star Crossed: Drake Walker meets the woman of his dreams the night before his best friend's wedding but there's a major obstacle.
EX 3 Title only, one long list
Three Weeks in Ramsford
The Proposal
The Agreement
Forbidden Passion
Savage Love
Royal Retribution
The De Facto Queen
Victim of Love
Ex 4 Title only, divided into subcategories but still all on ONE master list
Riley x Drake:
My Best Friend's Girl
Lavender and Crimson
Star Crossed
A Fervid Fixation
American Girl
Riley x Liam
Other Pairings:
In Your Room Drake x Leo
The Crown and the Shield Jackson x Constantine
Broken Jackson x Eleanor
Leo & Liv Leo x Olivia
Mardi Gras Mayhem
One Step Ahead
One Night in Cordonia
Cordonian Royal Airlines
Ex 5: The way it is now, links to separate blogs/ML. Stories are divided into broad categories (each of the below links leads to a separate master list where stories are then sorted into further categories but all on the same page/list)
IE: You click on one of these and when you go to that page, you see ex 4 above. ex 4 is what you get when you click on TRR Scribbles here.
Why Choose? Poly/RH stories.
TRR Scribbles: Mono pairings
Law's End: A crime procedural
One-Shots: TRR one-shots
Visuals: Art, edits, etc.
Extras: other TRR stuff
Ex 6: The way it is now, links to separate blogs/ML but with paragraphs/blurbs giving a brief description of the story. So organized like ex 5 but when you get to the ML, instead of title only, there would be blurbs like in ex 1.
Ok, was that clear as mud? If you understand all that and have an opinion, I would love to have your feedback!!!
Tagging under the cut. Thank you all in advance for your help!
@karahalloway, @harleybeaumont @nestledonthaveone @alj4890 @aussiegurl1234
@walkerdrakewalker @kingliam2019 @twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14  @tinkie1973 @secretaryunpaid @irishgrl2022
@queen-arabella-of-cordonia @kristinamae093 @tessa-liam
@differenttyphoonwerewolf @queenmiarys @emersyn-in-cordonia
 @bascmve01 @twinkle-320 @mattiematt1234 @jared2612
@dcbbw  @amandablink @indiacater  @bebepac
@lunaseasblog @belencha77  @gabesmommie1130
@hollygirl1269 @mainstreetreader
@ladyangel70 @ohmyeightpastlives  @gardeningourmet
@sillydg @phoenixrising0308
@3pawandme @21-wishes @73geenalove @jennieausten
@princessleac1 @kachrisberry @tornbetween2loves
@fangirling12566  @pinklipsandmasonjars @savannahdix
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trrvisuals · 1 year
The Rest of the Stories
Credit for below edit: @peonierose
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I guess this is a catch all post. This would include other pairings (I have three series that don't include Riley as one of the MC's), Drabbles, One-Shots, Collaborations and a few miscellaneous items.
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In Your Room: Drake x Leo
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The Crown and the Shield: Constantine and Jackson
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Leo and Liv: Leo x Olivia
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Summer Vacation One-Shot Drake x Jen (F!OC) board by @harleybeaumont.
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Birthday Surprise: Follow up to Summer Vacation
Extras from @secretaryunpaid
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Broken: Eleanor x Jackson
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I have three open ended series that consists of short drabbles: Cordonian Karaoke, Cordoian Chaos and Drabble Me This:
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And obviously the never ending one-shots:
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One Step Ahead:
This was a round-robin done with several other writers. Including this one here. Other collaborative works will have their own post just because there are a lot of visuals that go with them and Tumblr limits how many images I can have in one post. Since this one just has one board, I'm putting it here. This was my very first Tumblr round-robin!
Board by @twinkleallnight
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This board from @choicesholidays spring holiday prompt event:
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And this one from @drake-walker-appreciation World Whiskey Day event:
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This one isn't even TRR, shhhh! It's the only other choices fandom I write for. Ride or Die:
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and these wonderful gifs from @secretaryunpaid back when I hit 300 followers:
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Sunday Six Highlights #113
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@angelasscribbles WIPs
Dark Elf; Chapter 4 | Liam Rys
Heir  Apparent; Chapter 19 | Drake Walker; Liam Rys; TRR MC
Leo & Liv; Chapter 7 | Leo Rys x Olivia Nevrakis
Savage Love; Chapter 27 | Drake Walker; Liam Rys; TRR MC
Unexpected; Chapter 3 | Maxwell Beaumont; TRR MC
This Life (10/13); Reckoning | Ethan Ramsey x F! MC 🖤
@genevievemd WIPs
Absence Makes the Heart (2/?) | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Untitled Holiday Fic (set in book 2) | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@jerzwriter WIPs
A Very Mixed Up Christmas | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Unnamed Christmas Fic | Tobias Carrick x F!MC
Unnamed Holiday Fic | Ethan Ramsey;  OH MC; Tobias Carrick x Drake Walker, Liam Rys, Olivia Nevrakis
Unnamed Holiday Fic | Eli Sipes x F!MC
Polo | Drake Walker x ???
Untitled Kidfic AU | Bryce Lahela x M!MC
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pavlovianfuckery · 2 months
how many damn times do they break up and get back together 🙄 would have preferred major x natalie and liv x drake tbh
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angelasscribbles · 5 months
All That She Wants Chapter 5: Consequences
Series: All That She Wants
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Liam, Riley x Drake, Liam x Olivia
Word Count: 1,094
Rating: M
Warnings for this chapter: none
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley stared down at the plastic stick in her hands as a myriad of feelings washed over her.
Another negative test.
How? It had been 6 months since she’d first set her sights on Drake. They had been sleeping together regularly ever since.
Frequently even.
Disappointment and disbelief were the first emotions. She had conceived Ellie on her honeymoon with Liam. Xander had taken only two months of trying.
Frustration and relief were an odd combination, revealing her conflicted motives. Her original goal of procreation was being thwarted, and that was frustrating.
But another negative result meant she would have to keep sleeping with Drake. Not just sleeping with him, but basically dating him, per the arrangement she had agreed to.
She hadn’t meant to, but she found herself enjoying the dating part. It felt good to be wanted, to be pursued, wooed, romanced, valued.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear him until he was right behind her. “What are you doing?”
Her body jolted as awareness of her surroundings rushed back in. “Liam! I thought you had meetings all morning!”
“I did. But the Duke of Rothsford spilled his coffee on me and I came back up to change.” Astonishment crept into his voice. “Is that a pregnancy test?”
“It’s none of your business, is what it is!” She snapped as she moved her hand behind her back.
“Oh, I think it’s most certainly my business if my wife, whom I haven’t had sex with in months, is taking a pregnancy test!”
“Try a year and a half, Liam!” she bit back furiously.
He looked momentarily taken aback. “Has it been that long?”
“Yes!” She hated the tears that gathered in her eyes.
Liam faltered for a moment. He looked at her with compassion, his hand reached out toward her in a comforting gesture but froze halfway there. His voice was icy as he demanded, “Why are you taking a pregnancy test?”
“I wanted to see if I was pregnant, Liam, that’s why!”
“So, you’re having an affair?”
She gaped at him, the anger in his tone confusing her. “You literally told me that if I wanted another baby, to find someone else to be the father!”
“That was hyperbole, Riley!” Liam was shaking with barely restrained fury. “The Queen of Cordonia can’t just have another man’s baby!”
“Oh, but you can sleep with Olivia and ignore your wife, and that’s fine?”
“Exactly. You’re a hypocrite, Liam. What if your mistress got pregnant? Then what?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Liv doesn’t even want children! She took the necessary precautions to prevent that years ago!”
“Wow.” Riley shook her head as anger replaced all the despair and sadness she usually felt when confronted with her husband’s infidelity. “You didn’t even try to deny it.”
His shoulders slumped as his fury abated. “I’m sorry, Riley. You deserve better than I’ve given you. I know that.”
“Did you ever love me?”
“I do love you, Riley. Things with Liv and I are…. complicated.”
“No, Liam, you don’t love me. If you loved me, you wouldn’t have shut me out. Something changed somewhere along the way, and you didn’t bother to let me know.”
“I’m not disputing that things changed. Our marriage became…stale.”
She wasn’t sure which emotion was more prevalent as she took in his assessment of their relationship. There was an ample amount of rage tempered by an overabundance of grief.
She had never stopped loving him. Had never stopped trying.
But the unvarnished truth was that he had left their marriage, at least emotionally, long ago, and there was nothing she could do about it.
For the first time since she had said I do, she admitted to herself that this was not the fairytale they had sold to the press. This was not her happily ever after and Liam was not her prince charming. They had been living a lie from the moment he proposed.
“Why didn’t you just marry her in the first place?” she asked bitterly.
“I just told you…. she refused to have children. I needed an heir.”
“So, you married me for my uterus?”
A defensive note crept into his voice. “You knew the terms. You agreed—”
“I agreed to the marriage terms because I loved you, you fucking unbelievable bastard!”
“Riley, you’re upset. I understand. But once you calm down—”
“No? No, what?”
“No, to whatever is about to come out of your mouth. I’m done worrying about what’s best for you! It’s my turn, Liam!”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you have three choices. Either give me a baby, let someone else give me a baby, or let’s just get divorced and I’ll do as I damn well please.”
“Riley, we can’t just—”
“Those are your choices. Even the king can’t force someone to stay married to him against her will. Just imagine the scandal that would cause!”
He struggled to maintain his composure when what he wanted to do was throw things, yell, lock her in the room, and forbid her to leave it. Instead, he took a steadying breath and counted silently to ten before he spoke. “We said forever, Riley.”
“You promised to love me, Liam.”
“Who is it?”
“Excuse me?”
His voice was tight as he searched her face for answers. “Who are you sleeping with? Who is stabbing his king in the back?”
For the first time in their entire marriage, Riley had the upper hand. She gave him a self-satisfied smirk as she tossed the plastic stick into the waste bin. She crossed the room to the door, opened it, then turned back to face him. “You have two days to decide which option pleases you most, my king.” Then she was gone.
“Son of a bitch!” Liam picked up the nearest object and hurled it at the door that had just closed.
Glass shattered against the wood, as water and petals exploded outward.
Who the fuck had been sending her flowers?
He had barely noticed the vases of fresh-cut blooms that had changed every few days, assuming housekeeping had been putting them there to brighten the room. Now the certainty that someone was not just fucking his wife but romancing her took hold.
Something had to be done. A decision had to be made, and it had to be made quickly.
He pulled out his phone and quickly punched in Olivia’s number. “We have an urgent matter to discuss. I need you to drop whatever you’re doing and come to the palace immediately.”
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halfpastblood · 6 years
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for vk.com/drake_holloway
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zodiyack · 4 years
iZombie Masterlist
(updated per upload)
Back to Masterlist
Prompt List  / Prompt List Two / Smut Prompts | Send Me Requests &/or feedback! | To Do List
★ = smut
⋆ = presmut
♡ = fluff
☁ = angst
☠ = death
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Blaine McDonough
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Headcannons ~
Fics And More ~
Be My Sleepy Valentine ♡
Valentines Day special! Enjoy, my lovlies!
Donald Eberhard
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Headcannons ~
Fics And More ~
Zombie Life ♡
(Request) Y/n is a new zombie and Don E’s girlfriend. She has a small problem with letting people into her life but a soft moment shows Don E that he’s making progress.
Olivia Moore
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Vampire Steve
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Headcannons ~
Ravi Chakrabarti
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Major Lilywhite
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~ 
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Peyton Charles
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request whenever requests happen to be open!)
Enzo Lambert
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Headcannons ~
Chase Graves
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Chat Thingies (Random Cute Stuff) ~ 
Random iZombie x Reader Stuffs
Headcannons ~
Lowell Tracy
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request whenever requests happen to be open!)
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cindersmagazine · 7 years
“Anyone got a pottery wheel?” Poor Liv, she really has the worst luck in the romance department
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bisexualrhee · 8 years
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you know this girl is the one good thing i got in my life
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trrvisuals · 1 year
My Characters
Riley is always my MC, but I have given her different last names and different middle names in different stories. All of my character's personalities vary from story to story. And Riley is perhaps the most variable of them all.
All of the Riley Campbell Chronicles: Riley Beth Campbell (after her mother Elizabeth)
Savage Love: Riley Amalas Brooks (after her aunt, the queen of Monterisso)
Star Crossed: Riley Renee Brooks (after her grandmother)
Face Claim: Barbara Palvin
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Liam is almost always an LI for my Riley, if he's not with Riley, I pair him with Maxwell. In most (but not all) poly fics, she is married to Liam. Occasionally he's in a throuple with either her and Max or her and Drake.
I've written Liam as understanding of her torn feelings about him and Drake and as more jealous of it. I've written him as sweet and innocent and I've written him as possessive and controlling.
In the tradition of most royal houses, I have given him (as well as Leo and any of his children) multiple middle names.
Liam Nicolai Ulysses Augustus Rys
Face Claim: Daniel Henney
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Drake is almost always a LI for Riley as well, either as a rival for her affections or in a poly situation with Liam. Her relationship with him is often (but not always) a secret even when all involved are in a CNM situation, due to concerns about scandal.
I've written Drake everywhere from completely no jealousy in him to murderous jealousy over her and everything in between. Depends on the tone of the story I'm going for.
I've given him the middle name of Nolan, after one of the greatest pitchers of all time, Texas Ranger Nolan Ryan. His son is almost always named Jackson or Jaxon after his father.
Drake Nolan Walker.
Face claim: Daniel Di Tommaso
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I created more boards for him during Drake Walker Appreciation Week. Here they are:
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Max is a wild card. I've written him as her best friend and I've written him as her lover. There are a few one-shots where she and Max end up exclusive but I really love him with her and Liam as a throuple.
When not with Riley, I've paired him with Liam and once with Savanah. I also have two boards for him because I created a new one for Maxwell Appreciation Week.
Maxwell Percival Beaumont.
Face claim: Xavier Serrano
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Rashad is not a LI in canon, but I went ahead and made him one in Bad Romance and was surprised at how many people enjoyed his character and his relationship with Riley.
Canon didn't give him a last name, so I did.
Lord (and eventually Duke) Rashad Faheem
Face claim: Manish Dayal
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Leo really became a more filled-out character for me when I wrote him in Bad Romance Disney Adventure. I have only paired him with Riley once so far and it was in the past tense. I have almost always put him with Olivia until it occurred to me to put him with Drake and I'm shocked at how much I love that pairing.
Leonardo Tiberius Constantine Fabian Rys
Face claim: Trevor Donovan
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Hudson Rys, Leo's eldest child, who is forever salty that his father's life choices robbed him of being king.
Face claim: Jesse McCartney
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Olivia, aka Liv or Livvie to her close friends and family. I have paired her with Leo multiple times and once with Hana so far.
Olivia Vanderwall Nevrakis
Face claim: Karen Gillian
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Kiara Theron. Sometimes romantic rival for Drake's affections. Twice I have married her to Gordon Price, the prime minister of Terrana. I have yet to write how that comes about, but one of these days maybe lol.
Face Claim: Aja Naomi King
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Hana Lee. I have paired her most often with Riley. I have put her with Lena a few times. I have made her aromantic. I have given her a fling with Penelope. In my Drake x Leo universe, I paired her with Olivia. I have never paired her with a man other than Liam. I have made her queen twice. In Dark Elf she is escorted to social events by Rashad, but she hates it and only does it to appease her parents so they leave her alone and she can focus on her true objectives.
Face Claim: Angela Yeung Wing (stage name Angelababy)
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