#Littlestar had not considered this
littlebloomclan · 6 months
kitties, would you desire to have a family of your own?
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legionairemutt · 2 years
When The Branch Shakes
The night was clear as the gathering island slowly flooded with cats. The chattering meows of the three clans now present grew louder as ThunderClan cats began taking their spaces, mingling among their friends and foes along the border. 
Rainstar of ShadowClan and Turtlestar of WindClan had already settled themselves high in the branches of the towering tree of the island. The small talk that passed between them was particularly friendly this moon. 
“Seems it’s a good Greenleaf,” Rainstar had hummed, looking at the plump forms of the many cats around them. He didn’t particularly like the idle talk that usually filled the time before gatherings, but he and the spotted brown molly had been sitting in silence for far too long. 
He had almost cursed himself for coming so early. Turtlestar seemed to laugh at his attempts, a purr rumbling in her throat. 
“I don’t think talk of prey is going to be the most interesting thing here,” she laughed. “I’d much rather complain about the splinter in my paw from that atrocious bridge.”
To exaggerate her point, she lifted a large paw, showing off a small splinter in her rough pad. Rainstar winced sympatheticaly. 
“Surely you’d rather treat that than just sit here,” he said. “You are right though. That bridge is bound to rot soon. We’ll need a better way to the island.”
Turtlestar shook her head. “I’ll have Poppywing look at it before we leave. I hate climbing up into these damn trees,” she murmured. As if to exaggerate her resentment towards the tall branches, Littlestar of Thunderclan leapt up on the branch. 
As much as he could at least. The small golden tabby clung to the top of the branch, his hind paws scrabbling at the wood. 
“For stars sake,” he cursed. Turtlestar bent down on the branch, a grin on her face. 
“Need help?” she asked. The young leader’s tone was mocking and was met with an exasperated hiss. 
“I’ll tell you when I need help,” Littlestar growled, claws digging into the bark. 
Rainstar looked at him briefly, before restarting his attempts at conversation with Turtlestar. 
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“While I typically love a good argument,” the older leader started, “We should probably talk about the signs we might’ve received this moon.”
Turtlestar glanced up at him, her blue eyes shining slightly. “Did you learn something special?” she asked. It was no secret the stars had been quiet the last few moons. Rainstar nodded. 
“I can’t exactly say whether it was good or bad. Even if our ancestors were willing to share this time, they’re still particularly vague,” he warned. 
Littlestar grunted as he got one of his hindlegs securely on the branch. He still had a bit to pull himself up but not much. 
“As long as they’re talking again, things are fine,” he grumbled. 
“I wouldn’t say fine,” Rainstar grunted, “It’s still... concerning.”
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Turtlestar looked up from her crouched position, her expression particularly positive. “Concerning or not, you got a sign! Better stop stalling and just tell us what it was.”
“You remember Reedstar’s weakness at the last gathering right?” Rainstar said, “The vision was reeds being smothered by snow. I think this leafbare may be his last.”
Turtlestar seemed to perk up. None of the three leaders present were particularly fond of the vicious RiverClan leader, though that wasn’t to say they were all friends. 
Littlestar had his own set of issues in Rainstar’s opinion, especially considering the tom continuously tried to raid his and other clans. 
Rainstar’s lack of offer to help the small tom mount the branch was a sign of that resentment. 
“You’re sure that’s what it meant?” she asked, thrill in her voice. Turtlestar was a very young leader, one Rainstar hardly trusted. Despite an outwardly altruistic nature, it was more than clear Turtlestar had worst intenions building up. 
“It’s only a guess, I’m afraid,” he said. “I only worry about the fact Whitenose will probably replace him-”
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As if on some sort of cue, RiverClan filtered in quickly, with the large deputy Whitenose leaping onto the branch. Turtlestar leapt up in shock, and the branch shook slightly, with Littlestar slipping from where he’d nearly gotten up. 
“Whitenose! You’re not meant to be up here,” Turtlestar scolded the much older cat. She had no problems throwing her authority around, even with the other deputies. 
Whitenose settled onto the branch quickly, grinning. His eyes were shining, despite the rather solemn mood of the rest of their clanmates. The grin quickly shifted into a respectful grimace. 
“Actually, I am. Reedstar passed suddenly the other sunrise. I haven’t quite set out to get my nine lives, but I am acting leader of RiverClan,” he said, the dark look only lasting a few moments. 
Rainstar, glancing worriedly down at Littlestar, spoke quickly. “I suppose if there’s no adversity from the stars, you’re more than allowed to speak tonight,” he said, before bending down to grab Littlestar’s scruff. 
The ginger tabby complained loudly, but didn’t struggle. 
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Turtlestar quickly turned to Whitenose, her eyes shining. The two were quite familiar with each other, something that peaked Rainstar’s interest. 
“So you’ll be going to the Moon Pool shortly? Who have you named as deputy?” she asked. “I hope you haven’t broken so much of the code that you haven’t named one.”
Whitenose purred loudly. “Of course I’ve named one. My old apprentice, Minnowsplash is the current deputy,” his eyes glowed with pride. 
“How did Reedstar pass?” she asked. Whitenose’s reactions and speech was quite odd in Rainstar’s opinion, but he was more concerned with making sure Littlestar was securely on the branch. 
It’d be a pain if any of them fell. 
“In his sleep. The sickness took his last life, according to Swiftberry,” he said. 
Littlestar bristled next to Rainstar and a paw on his back was all that seemed to keep the small tom from pouncing on the speckled RiverClanner. 
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“Don’t act like you don’t know! You were the one to kill him! I saw it on the border,” Littlestar yowled. 
Whitenose grinned, and much to Rainstar’s surprise, the moon was bright. He barely felt the presence of their ancestors at all. Turtlestar looked concerned, though more for Littlestar’s outburst. 
Whitenose purred as he spoke. “What were you doing on RiverClan’s border? Other than attack my patrols,” he said. The lack of denial made the gathering island erupt in the chatter of the gathered clans. 
Rainstar felt very cold beside the three other leaders. 
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