#Little!Sam Winchester
jjtheresidentbaby · 8 months
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» spn agere week: day 7, "date night" - little & caregiver have a much needed night of bonding - feb 4th
» for @spnagereweek event
» caregiver!dean & little!sam - a carnival night with no monsters this time
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sleepyreese · 4 months
Can we more Sam Paci icons??
Of course! I love Sammy paci icons I love little Sammy (≧v≦)
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PS. Anyone can use my paci icons by either putting credit in their bio (pfp by @sleepyreese) or by liking and reblogging! ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ (Please like or reblog if you save as well!!!)
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littlespacereader · 4 months
Hai Clara, I just saw this adorable Scooby Doo paci and I think little dean would go absolutely bonkers if he found it and cherish the hecc outa it when he got it!!
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The paci was made by paci.pops on Instagram. It was a custom one and is sadly not for sale irl, but just imagine little dean seeing it and getting so excited, or Cas commissioning it and gifting it to him as a surprise. 😭
Just wanted to share this cute mental image (in the hopes it inspired you in some way hehe)
Anyway, love you - byee!! <3
First of all, that pacifier is adorable!! I would kill for one that looked just like it myself!🤩 But Dean woukd literally lose it to having something like that!! While the story mostly has Dean and Castiel in it, I made to sure to sprinkle some Sam and Crowley in the end:) I hope you enjoy as always @dino-boyo-agere ! Thank you so much again for another beautiful request to the Supernatural storyline!
For all the previous fics in this series click here, here, here and here.
The Surprise👀💚
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Caregiver! Castiel & Little! Dean Winchester, with Caregiver! Crowley & Little! Sam Winchester (SFW!)
Tags- struggling to regress, hurt/comfort, surprises, pacifiers, diapers, stuffies, hugs and cuddles
Hunt after Hunt, Castiel could see that Dean was in desperate need of regression.
It wasn’t his fault. Sam and him thought they were going on a simple ghost case. But simple and Winchesters don’t go together. What should’ve been a week at most turned into a two week long hunt.
By the end of it, Sam and especially Dean were in some dire need of love and support from their respective Caregivers.
Castiel will be the first to admit…it was definitely an interesting change having a second Caregiver in the bunker with him. Crowley and him were polar opposites when it came to their Caregiving styles. So navigate around one another is…interesting to say the least.
Castiel kept pacing back and forth waiting for the sound of the Impala outside the bunker. Finally the boys were on their way home. And by the sound of it, he could tell Dean was struggling not to regress.
Castiel insisted he could just teleport Sam, the car and him right back him but Dean insisted on driving. He wanted to clear his head after the brutal case and before he regressed. And one the ways he knows how to do that is driving.
More than anything Castiel wanted to be there right as Dean walked into the bunker. So there he stood now, well…maybe not stood. Castiel paced and Crowley sat at a table nearby reading a newspaper with his feet up.
“Staring at the door isn’t going to get them here any faster Cassie.”
Castiel shot him a glare before going back to his pacing. Crowley rolls his eyes and puts the paper down.
“Alright, I’ll bite. What’s got you so worried about Dean?”
Castiel looked confused to the phrase but continued on. “You know when Sam calls you and tells you everything fine.”
“But you can just tell that everything isn’t fine and that he’s barley hanging on to his adult self?”
Crowley sat back in his chair and sighed, “Yeah…I know what you’re talking about. So squirrel is barley hanging onto his adult mindset.”
“That’s what I suspect.”
“And you let him drive?”
Castiel turned to glare at Crowley again. “You try tell Sam not to do something when he’s fighting his regression.”
“Oh trust me I have Cassie.”
“….And I was in the same position as you.” Crowley sighed, hating to admit.
Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the car doors closing. Sam and Dean walking into the bunker looking rough.
Sam immediately walked over to Crowley while Dean on the other hand, was about to walk past Cas and towards his room. But Castiel stopped him.
“There you are! I’ve been waiting for you.” Cas smiles with a warm and calm expression.
Dean’s expression was the complete opposite for the moment. He looked tired and stressed, “You were?” There was a slight hint of hope in his voice as he looked at Castiel, surprised he was waiting for him.
“Of course I was.” Cas smiled again, “I think it’s time for someone to take the night to relax and maybe even regress.”
Dean sighed before he pushed past Cas and walked towards his room. Castiel followed after him.
“Stop.” Dean said with no real heat behind it, “I don’t want to regress tonight. I-I can’t… not after that case.”
“By the look and sound of it, I think you should. You look stressed out beyond belief Dean.”
He followed him into his room, closing the door behind them so they could talk privately. “Listen, I know you’re still feeling big but if you’d let me help you, I can help you age down a bit and finally relax.”
Dean struggled with this often. Coming back from a hunt that required him to be protective, brave and strong was a hard thing to change. For Dean sometimes it was a hard thing for him to regress. He almost gets stuck in that mindset, forgetting how to regress again.
Castiel always knew the signs of it, he had seen Dean do this time and time again. He fights the need to regress and then in turn becomes grumpy from not regressing.
Dean ignores Cas and heads towards the bathroom, “I’m gonna to take a shower.” He muttered before walking away.
He threw his clothes around the bathroom before stepping into the shower. The warm water was rather relaxing. It started to clear his mind on everything.
Everything is frustrating! He didn’t know how to just regress after everything! He had been an adult for two weeks and it was hard to switch that off. But being home with Cas made feel his head getting fuzzy with the feeling of regressing.
His regression felt as if it was on the tip of spilling over. Like a cup filled to the rim with only one drop that causes the whole thing to spill.
That drop of course, would be Castiel.
When Dean stepped out of the shower, all of his clothes thrown wildly on the floor were gone. Instead, on the countertop sat a soft fuzzy robe. Dean dried off before putting the robe on and heading back to his room. There, Castiel waited on the bed with Sharon and Ozzie next to him.
Dean, in a losing battle against his regression softly asked, “What’s this all about?”
“I just had the most interesting conversation with Ozzie and Sharon here.” Castiel started to say. He patted he bed next to him, urging Dean to sit with him.
The walls Dean desperately had up, start to come crumpling down brick by brick as he took a seat next to Castiel.
Cas takes his hand in his, “Now I was just in the middle of talking to Ozzie. He was telling me how brave and strong you were while you were away.”
“He was?” Dean asks so innocently. He starts slipping more than he realizes it.
“Yeah he was. He was going on and on about how he’s so proud of you.” Castiel squeezes his hand.
Tears start to sting at the corners of Dean’s eyes. He quickly wipes them away with a knuckles fist, “That’s really nice of him to say.”
“It is. But Sharon was just reminding him that even big brave boys need to relax sometimes too. And it doesn’t make them any less brave than before. Sometimes they need someone else to be brave for them, just for a little while. That way they can rest and be brave again when the time comes.”
Suddenly it all makes sense to Dean. Of course this is what Cas was trying to tell him but…but Sharon and Ozzie made more sense with it.
Castiel could see the gears turning in Dean’s head. “I think what you need tonight is for someone to be brave for you. Not only will you have me to be your guardian angel, but you’ll have Sharon and Ozzie to protect you too. Triple protection for my little bee.” He picked the stuffies up and handed them to Dean.
Dean quickly grabbed them and brought them close. Tears fell from his eyes as he looked up at Castiel. Gone was stubborn adult Dean fighting his regression, and in its place a little boy in need of some serious comfort.
“Dadee, missed you so much.”
That’s all Dean had to say before Cas leaned forward to bring his Little into a nice cozy hug. Dean rested his head on Castiel’s shoulder and just sighed. He missed this so much, he missed Cas so much.
“I miss you too love bug.” Castiel rubbed Dean back and gently rocked him back and forth.
Once they broke apart, Castiel took Dean’s hand in his once more. “Tonight is going to be a nice relaxing night for us. First we’re going to get you changed into some comfy pjs and then we’re going to watch some Scooby-Doo. But before we do I have a little surprise for you.”
Dean’s eyes lit up, “Surprise?!”
“Yeah a surprise! I was planning on saving it for someone’s birthday but tonight it’s needed more. But first pajamas.”
Castiel stood up and walked over to Dean’s closet while Dean whined and threw himself back onto the bed. “I don’t wanna wait.”
“It will only be a minute.” Cas replied back as he search for some pajamas.
“What is it?”
“Wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I told you?” Castiel smirked.
Dean huffed and sighed, and tried, tried to wait patiently for Cas to come back over. After what felt like years (in reality only two minutes) Castiel returned with some pjs and a diaper.
Dean lifted his head when Castiel returned, “Surprise?”
“Not yet sweet boy, just a minute. First we get you changed then…”
“Then surprise?”
“Then we get the surprise. That’s right smart boy. Now, let’s get you into some pajamas.”
The pajama change went by uneventful. Dean, though a little impatient, acted his best when changed into pajamas and a diaper. Once all settled Dean quickly sat up and looked at Castiel all excited.
“Okay baby bee, close your eyes.” Cas winked with a smirk.
Dean could barley hold his excitement. The once grumpy hunter had done a complete 180. He closed his eyes and held Sharon close as he patiently waited for his surprised.
Cas went into the closet and grabbed the small box. He carefully unwrapped the packaging before making his way back to Dean. When he did, he spotted the Little trying to look.
“Hey what did I say about those eyes?” Cas raised an eye brow. Dean quickly shut them once more. Cas couldn’t help but shake his head at his cheeky little one.
“Okay, hold out your hand and when I count to three open your eyes. Ready?”
With Dean’s hand out, Cas carefully placed the gift, “1….2…..3!! Open!!”
Dean quickly opened his eyes and gasped. There was a moment of pure bliss as Dean stared at the Scooby Doo themed paci. The paci has the works, gems, little paw print charms, zoniks written on the front and a little picture of Scooby himself.
He looked up from the gift to Cas, “Y-You got me a paci?”
“I did,” Cas took a seat next to him on the bed once more, “I’ve been noticing someone has developed a habit of sucking their thumb,” Castiel started to say causing Dean to blush.
“So I planned on getting you a pacifier but then I stumbled across this one online and I couldn’t resist to get it for Scooby Doo’s number one fan.”
With tears in his eyes he looked back up at Cas again, “I wuve it!!” Dean practically tackled Cas into a bear hug, wrapping his arms around his neck. “Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!! It’s so pretty and it has gems on it and even Scooby!!”
Cas laughed, hugging his boy back, “You are so welcome. I’m happy you like it.”
The two broke apart and Dean continued to stare at the paci.
“Dean?” Cas broke him out of his thoughts, “Why don’t you give it a try?”
What seemed so obvious made so much more sense. Wow, Caregivers really are the best! Thing is…he’s never had a pacifier before. What was it like? With a small moment of hesitation, Dean popped the pacifier into his mouth.
Then suddenly it was as if the whole world melted away. He closed his eyes and let the feeling wash over him. A pacifier was something he always wanted but before his regression was known to his family, he didn’t want to risk anyone finding it.
Now he had his own!! And it’s perfect!! It’s Scooby!! He loves Scooby!! It couldn’t get better than this.
You know what’s better than a Scooby Doo paci? Having a Scooby Doo paci in your mouth while watching Scooby Doo!!
Dean laid with his head in Cas’s lap as the two settled in the tv room for the night. Dean’s eyes were half lidded as he watched Scooby and the gang get chased around the castle by a ghost.
Cas had one arm wrapped around his little one and another playing with his hair. The night started to end off peacefully. Just a Caregiver and his little one.
Well…almost ending peacefully.
Crowley could be heard yelling in the background before Sam bursted into the tv room, towel around his waist and his hair soaking wet like a mop.
“Dean you’re never gonna believe what I-.” Sam stopped mid sentence seeing the paci.
There was a second, just a moment, where Dean worried his brother might tease him about his new paci. But what he found was the polar opposite.
A smile spread across his face from behind the pacifier as Sam complimented it. Dean sat up and pointed to it, “Swooby!” He mumbled behind the paci.
“Yeah!! It looks so cool with that green gems and the Scooby charm…” Sam started to trail off. This pacifier gave him an idea. After all Dean’s birthday was coming up soon. Maybe he would like another one?
Crowley burst into the room half soaking wet himself, “You. Little. Troublemaker! Come here!”
And so the night ending in the Bunker with a real Scooby Doo chase. But instead of a ghost chases the Scooby gang, it was instead a soaking wet Demon chasing a very tall Hunter while another Hunter watched and giggled next to his Guardian Angel.
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little-snuggle-bug · 1 year
Regressor!Sam Winchester
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between sam or dean who do you think would be more of a regressor? personally i think dean would because he never really got to have a childhood due to hunting
Ooooo! I think that they would both be flips. However personally I do think that Sam is a Caregiver lean, where as Dean is a Regressor lean!!!
I feel like they'd alternate who watches who and if they're both regressed at the same time Cas, Bobby or Gabriel (cause I love him and feel the need to include him 😅) would watch them.
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chxrrylungs · 4 months
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instead of scooby doo, what if they were transported into my little pony?
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nahpkmp · 5 months
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And for those of us who can't just let ourselves be happy, i suggest to look closer at the picture and notice what Dean's hiding behind his back
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saturnneedsspace · 2 months
One of my favorite Destiel moments is definitely when Dean stares dreamily into the distance and calls Cas a "weird, dorky, little guy."
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niekiddo · 1 month
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may i offer you some sam winchester in this trying time?
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thursdaythen · 2 months
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House Hunting
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jjtheresidentbaby · 8 months
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» spn agere week: day 2, little and their caregiver go on a long car drive - jan 30th
» for @spnagereweek event || on my ao3 | 1.7k+ wrd count
» little!sam & caregiver!dean
» warnings: pre canon, hurt/comfort, swearing
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“It’s so cool Dean, c’mon admit it!” Sam swivels in his seat of the mini van Dean’s driving. They rented it for a bit while the Impala is in the shop, much to Dean’s dismay, and John’s out on a hunt a few states over so the trucks gone too.
“Okay you’re right, it’s kind of cool. Not as cool as Baby though.” Dean caves and smiles when Sam beams with a mutter about him being right like always. He sounds so happy, it’s a little strange for Dean if he’s honest, ever since Sam hit age sixteen he’s been a ball of angst and anger, but not today.
He’s acting like he would when he was younger- still in his fleece pajama pants because no matter what Dean said he wouldn’t change, giggling at Dean’s cheesy jokes, sitting cross legged in his seat, flipping through the cds that the car rental place left like they’re the most interesting thing in the world, pointing out different colored houses or animals they see as they drive- it’s like he’s eleven again. Dean has no idea why or what’s even going on but he likes seeing Sammy happy so he won’t bring it up.
“Hey they have Metallica!” The cd gets pulled out of the plastic sleeve in seconds and Sam leans to slide it into the radio.
“You don’t wanna listen to something else?” The look he gets in response is somewhere along the line of ‘why in the world would you ask that’ and ‘how dare you offend me like that’ which makes Dean snort. Usually Sam’s complaining left and right about only being able to listen to the tapes Dean and John have stockpiled in the Impala and truck.
“Can’t believe you just said that, who are you and what have you done with my big brother?” Sam teases and blushes with a laugh when Dean pushing his hand at the top of Sam’s head.
“Haha, okay smart guy what do you want for lunch?” Please don’t say salad, please don’t say salad. One more salad this week and Dean may lose his mind.
“Slushies!” Dean blinks once, twice, pulls up to a red light and turns to see if his brother is being serious. He is.
“Sammy that’s not lunch.” A frankly pitiful pout forms on Sam’s lips in seconds, big eyes blinking at Dean like he just told him his dog died.
“We can get them but we need real food too.” That thankfully seems to fix the issue as Dean knows from years of raising Sam that the expression he just had would eventually turn to tears if he’s not careful.
“Can we get mac and cheese?” God he really is like a little kid again. Something sour appears in the back of Dean’s throat, partly worried his brother might’ve gotten cursed or something, but more so concerned that something might’ve triggered this. They’ve been nonstop hunting for a while now and Sam’s even had to skip school which Dean knows he hates. Maybe the drastic change in routine has been messing with him more than he says? Maybe the horror of what they see is finally setting in and this is Sam’s way of getting away from it?
“Course bud.” He smiles and lets his hand rest in Sam’s hair when he pushes into Dean’s touch. He was reaching to ruffle his brother’s hair like when they were younger but Sam’s almost laid across the center of the van to stay touching Dean.
“Thanks De’.” And fuck- that nickname strikes something deep in Dean’s chest.
It’s been years since Sam’s used it, he was still shorter than Dean back then, still got excited when John would come home, still asked Dean a million lore questions he was too young to be asking, still wanted to sleep in Dean’s bed with excuses of it being cold but in reality the monsters outside scared him and he needed his big brother to protect him. He was so innocent back then, short years ago that feels like a lifetime.
“The drive through is too long so I’m just going to go in and grab the food.” Dean says as he pulls into the parking lot of the Wendy’s restaurant- it’s the only fast food place Dean knows has mac and cheese and isn’t a two hour drive outside of where they’re going.
“Wait you’re leaving?” A hand quickly wraps around Dean’s forearm before he can turn to climb out of the van. His brow furrows when he sees how upset Sam looks, bordering on looking- scared? What the hells he scared of? He was smiling five seconds ago, humming along to the radio louder than normal and bouncing in his seat a bit like he used to.
“Just to get some food, I’ll be back fifteen minutes tops.” None of it soothes Sam.
“You wanna come with me?” He gets a nod, though it’s hesitant.
Almost the second they step into the restaurant Sam’s hand reaches to grip Dean’s tight like a vice. He’s glued to his brothers side and would be hidden behind Dean’s frame if not for the added height Sam has, height he’s trying to hide in this moment as he shrinks down and curls up against Dean. It’s breaking Dean’s heart a little- there’s maybe five people in the restaurant and yet Sam seems terrified.
“You okay Sammy?” The few people in the place are eyeing them more obviously than appreciated- Dean isn’t sure if it’s the pajamas with the Iron Maiden shirt and converse Sam’s in, the way he’s tucked into Dean’s side, or just the fact that they look out of place in this small town in the middle of nowhere Maine.
“Mm.” Well that’s not good. Sam always got quiet when he was upset as a kid, only giving a hum or nod to questions asked, not caring if John had been pleading with him for an hour to talk or if Dean promised a trip to the movies to see whatever Sam wanted or even if Bobby gave him free range over his entire library. The kids a master at the silent game.
“What can I get for you two?” The voice of the woman behind the register startles Dean which in turn startles Sam twice as bad, he clings his free hand to the loose material of Dean’s t-shirt and stuffs his face into Dean’s shoulder.
All Dean can do is relay their order back to the woman- pointedly ignoring her concerned looks at Sam- and wrap an arm around Sam’s shoulders so he has an easier time tucking himself as small as he can into Dean’s chest. The food takes no time at all to be done and Dean gets Sam ushered out of there as quick as humanly possible without someone thinking he’s kidnapping him. The sigh of relief both boys let out once in the van again makes Dean feel uneasy- they shouldn’t be sighing like this over ordering fast food.
“You wanna go get those slushies now Sammy?” He reaches to place his hand in Sam’s hair again, rubbing his thumb at his brother’s forehead and watching with a slightly furrowed brow as Sam’s eyes flutter shut before back open again. It’s only one pm, they left at seven this morning which isn’t all that early on Winchester time, but maybe Sam’s been acting weird because he’s tired?
“Or maybe stop at a motel and sleep?” The plan was to drive for at least another eight or so hours before stopping to sleep, but the last thing Dean wants is for whatever’s going on with Sam to get worse. He could be feeling sick, it is freezing out and it’s not like they’re exactly up to date with their flu shots.
“Thought we had to meet dad?” Sam asks with a clumsy rub of his eyes that makes Dean give a faint smile. He’s the same little kid he’s always been.
“We’d have to drive back here for Baby anyways, we’re just saving a trip.” Assuming the Impala will be done by tomorrow morning when they go to leave again, Dean can hope, and hope that John doesn’t ask too many details on why Dean and Sam won’t be meeting him as early as they said they would. The hunt he’s on seems pretty nasty so Dean doubts he’ll be paying much to mind to what day the boys get there.
It takes all of twenty minutes for Dean to find and book a room at the nearest motel- years of hunting for them in the pitch black makes them pretty easy to spot in the daytime. Sam stays in the car as Dean gets the key and pays for the room- though Dean can feel how hard Sam’s staring at him through the window, he swears the nervous energy radiates far enough that it makes Dean’s spine shiver.
“You okay bud?” Dean says with half a laugh when Sam collapses onto his bed and instantly curls his arms around Dean’s middle with his head on Dean’s chest. There’s an empty queen bed two feet away- it was the same price as getting a single so he figured Sam would appreciate the bed to himself. Apparently he was wrong.
“You’re not goin’ anywhere right?” His face falls hearing Sam’s voice come out so small, nearly whispering as he tightens his hold around Dean.
“Course not. I’m always right here Sammy.” That’s all it takes for Sam to let his eyes slip shut.
Dean can’t even think about going to sleep- too overwhelmed with worry- so he does what he did when Sam was little and starts to rub his hand up and down Sam’s back, counting the breaths he takes with each stroke of his fingers against Sam’s spine. He really hopes Sam’s acting a little more normal when he wakes up but just incase Dean makes a plan for if he’s not, going over the basic steps he used to do to make sure Sam stayed happy when he was a little kid, reminding himself of the habits Sam hasn’t shown in years but may revert back to. If Sam needs him to take care of him like he used to then Dean is going to make sure he does it right.
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sleepyreese · 1 year
Little Sam Winchester (Supernatural 2005) Agere Mood Board :D
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littlespacereader · 7 months
Hello again, Clara!!
So, I just read this and this story of your's and I'm physically unable to stop thinking about them..
Since they are both part of the same universe and connect to each other, I have questions and a request!!
The questions:
Does Sam know about Dean's Regression?
And if so, how did he found out & how did he take it?
Did he judge him/ acted weirded out at first, not understanding "what's the point", or did he understand it right away? (Personally I like option one, cuz it's realistic, but it can also be upsetting to read/ write)
Was he already familiar with the concept? Maybe because he regresses himself or had a partner that did?
Does he sometimes take care of little Dean & enjoys to be the "big brother"?
If he regresses himself, do Dean and him have playdates?
Weather he does already know or not, the request stays the same;
Tell us how he finds out & how he reacts!!
Please and thank you!! <3
~ ฅ⁠|°▿▿▿▿°|ฅ
The second part is here!! I apologize for it taking so long but I really wanted to be 100% happy with it and I really am! It’s mostly told from Sam perspective because part 1 was mostly from Dean’s. I hope this chapter answered a bunch of the questions you had listed above! I can’t wait for you to read the second part! Please enjoy! Love you always @dino-boyo-agere (platonicly of course💞)
Protection from Heaven and Hell (Part 2)
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Little! Dean Winchester & Caregiver!Castiel, with Little! Sam Winchester & Caregiver! ??
Tags - accidents, pull-ups, diapers, hurt/comfort, Sam is the oldest when regressed, protective older brother Sam, new family dynamic
TW - supernatural typical violence (kidnapping, killing) and mention of demons and ghost, mentions of hell, heaven and ghost
Nickname - Papa for ??, Dadee for Castiel, little moose, squirrel, little boy, ‘ammy, little squirrel.
Click here for Part 1! Other stories in my Supernatural series are: here and here :)
Sam started to wake up in bits and pieces. He blinked and whined. He didn’t want to wake up, he wanted to go back to sleep with his moose stuffie. Why was Papa waking him up? It just wasn’t fair!
But then everything started to hit him, the realization of what had happened. Memories stared to flowed back to him as began to wake up. What happened again?
Dean was distracting the older lady while he slipped away into the back area to see what was going on. There were weird ingredients, strange object and even blood. It has all the makings of a witch’s spot. But scariest of all, they had photos of Dean and Sam. They had been watching and following them.
Sam quickly realized this was a trap. He started to back up and turn to go find Dean when he ran into an older man. “Awww son, are you lost?”
The man blew a sort of dusty into Sam’s face before he had time to react. He cough and cough, then suddenly started regressing like crazy. No! No he couldn’t! He can’t regress now, he needed to get his brother and get out of there.
He pushed past the man but didn’t make it far. He could hear Dean calling for him in the distance but he couldn’t make it to him in time. He fell to the ground, the sound of Dean’s voice falling into the distance. His eyes closed and he fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of his stuffie, of his Caregiver…
Sam pushed himself to open his eyes and wake up. Memories of what happened had his heart racing. What happened while they were asleep? What had the witches done to then?
He was in what looked like a basement. One of his wrist chained to the wall and the other was free.
Sam could feel himself still regressed. He felt anxious at the idea of being stuck in his headspace and in danger. He wasn’t thinking like a hunter, he was thinking like a little kid. He was scared of what that meant for him and his brother.
Speaking of his brother, he looked to Dean who laid unconscious across from him. Suddenly he felt felt an overwhelming need to protect his brother.
Dean slept peacefully across the room from Sam. One wrist chained similarly to his own, but with his free hand he had his thumb in his mouth as he slept.
This wasn’t the first time Sam had seen his brother doing this, the first was this morning before he left. He had figured it was just the way he was sleeping. But now…now he didn’t think he knew as much as he thought he did.
He never would’ve thought in a million years that Dean would ever understand his need for regression. It killed him not to tell his older brother who, in many respects, was like a Caregiver to him. But never would he have thought Dean would be a Regressor like himself!
Was it really possible?
He was hit with the same dust that made him regress and faint. And Dean…Dean must’ve been hit by the same thing. He had to be, he just had to!
If he is a Regressor, then Sam is definitely older headspace wise than him, if the thumb in his mouth is anything to go by.
Ha! Who’s the little brother now?
Plus thinking about it, Dean was being weird about his relationship with Cas…WAIT! Could Cas be his Caregiver too?!
The thought brought a small smile to Sam’s face. He wasn’t alone! Plus now he has a second Caregiver now to regress with too! And his Caregiver knows Castiel…but they don’t have the greatest of relationships to one another…
Now thinking about it…he wasn’t sure how good of a reveal it would be for Castiel to see Sam’s Caregiver.
Speaking of him, maybe he could get him and Dean out of this mess. He said only to call upon him if it was an absolute emergency. And it wasn’t an emergency yet…or at least Sam didn’t think it was…
Maybe he could impress Papa and get out of this without his help! Then he would be so proud that he was able to save his brother from the witches while the both of them are regressed!
Sam listened quietly to the sounds of the witches moving about upstairs. What were they planning? What did they want with two hunter?
Okay, okay, first thing first! They have to get out of these chains…somehow.
Sam started to look around the floor for anything he could find to break this lock. The basement was mostly empty. One set of stairs lead to the house, there was a washer and dryer, and there was a light coming from somewhere but it was out of view from him.
While Sam started looking around he heard Dean shift and whine in his sleep before relaxing once again. He lifted his head up and looked to his brother. Maybe he could help!
He was about to yell for Dean to wake up but that’s when he noticed Dean’s jeans getting darker and darker. Oh no.
Memories flashed back to when they were kid. John screaming at Dean about his bed wetting when no doubt he was the cause of it. Dean was always sadly plagued with nightmares which always resulted in wetting the bed. Now, with a regressed Dean, it must’ve came back to him.
Sam shifted himself. He didn’t have to go potty but he couldn’t tell most of the time. Usually he would just be playing and it would hit him out of no where that he would have to go. He really didn’t have control over it.
It happened again last night in the hotel room. Dean wasn’t taking super long but he really couldn’t hold it any longer so he rushed and pushed Dean out of the bathroom. Thankfully he didn’t wet his pants completely but he was close to it, too close.
He called his Caregiver the next day and he suggest going out and getting some pull-up…just incase. It wouldn’t hold a full accident but it would give him enough time to find a bathroom and go to one without fearing an accident. So Sam did, tucking his shirt in and hiding the padding under his suit pants for today case.
Now, in this gross and scary basement, thankfully his padding was still dry. But for how long? His heart started to pick up speed. Maybe Sam’s hero plan wasn’t so good after all. Sam pulled his arms against the chain. He was stuck. There was no way he was getting out of it.
Dean whined again getting Sam’s attention. He stretched his legs out and pulls his hand that was chained…but it didn’t move anywhere.
Suddenly Dean jumped awake, startled by a nightmare. He gasped and tried to catch his breath as tears fell from his eyes. He immediately spotted Sam, his eyes locking onto his. He went to stand up and go over to him when he pulled against his arm, locked to the wall.
He looked at the chain confused, but then he must’ve felt the cold wetness around him. He looked down and just froze. His lip trembling as he stared down at his accident. A sob escaped his lips.
Sam’s heart broke for him. Having had accidents himself, he knew what Dean must’ve been feeling. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay Dean! It’s alright! You didn’t know.” He tried to say.
Dean lifted his red rimmed eyes and shook his head, “It-It isn’t okay! I….I didn’t mean to…It’s not what it looks like Sam! I swear it isn’t!” He started to yell.
Sam right away shushed his brother, both out of fear of being heard and out of genuine worry. “It’s okay! I promise it’s all okay. Just an accident right?”
“Yeah,” Dean said in a voice so small and broken, “They…They must’ve done something to me that did it.” He tried to argue.
Sam was not about to disagree and debate that in this dark and dangerous basement. Right now they needed a plan and they needed to work together.
“Totally, yeah, now listen Dean. I have a plan. The witches are still upstairs which is good for us. We gotta find a way to get out of these chains and out of this basement before they come down here. Now what do you see from your side of the room?”
Dean looked at his brother intently as he explained everything. He looked around but didn’t see much of anything. “There’s a…a bucket…a table…a hook on the wall…a door…”
“The door! Tell me about the door!”
“It has some stairs going up to it, a railing to hold on to. Oh! And it has a window on the door.”
That’s where the light was coming from! “What does it look like through the window?”
“It looks like the outside.”
“Great Dean! That’s going to be our escape door!” Sam smiled. Dean smiled too, happy to be helping.
“Now all we need is to find a way to get out of these chains. Do you see anything around you on the ground that would pick a lock?”
Dean looked around on the ground, but he shook his head after a while. Suddenly upstairs there was a loud bang that made the two jump. Dean looked at Sam worried.
“ ‘ammy?” He asked his brother with the plan.
“It’s okay, I’m sure it’s just-.”
The opposite door swung open and the two witches entered, walking down the stairs to the basement. Both of the Winchesters backed up with their back against the wall, trying to put as much distance between them.
Both of the witches entered the room, big grins on their faces. The two entered the basement wearing outfits straight out of the 1950’s. When they saw the two boys, they gave one big awwwww!
“Good morning my sweet boys.” The woman said with a pleasant chipper voice. “I’m sorry to have to keep you down here all chained up and such. But until we can trust you, this is the way it will have to be.”
“What do you want with us?” Sam said, trying to sound big and brave and not at all worried.
“Son, we just want a family of our own. And you boys are just the perfect two Littles anyone could ask for.” The man explained.
Sam and Dean immediately locked eyes with one another. They both had the same expression. They’re “big” secret reveal to the other. But wait, why was the other one just as shocked? Holy shit.
They share a look of both shock and a small bit of relief. Their “big” secret didn’t feel they big in the moment. But now wasn’t the time to go “HA! I knew it!” Or “You’re a Little too?!” Now was the time to get the hell out of there!
“What? Haven’t you ever heard of adoption?” Now Sam was confused.
“Yeah!” Dean added helping his brother out.
“Of course we have!” The woman snapped back. Sam and Dean jumped to the sudden yelling. The woman right away noticed this and tried to cool herself down again.
“You see, we tried every route to have a perfect family of our own but it just didn’t work. Till finally we came across this beautiful community of people online who regressed into the perfect Little children. Then we thought to ourselves how perfect it would be to find someone like this!” The man began to explain.
“So I created a simple yet effective dust that would cause any person to start regressing. But instead…people started dying. Unfortunately really. Some ended up in the hospital, others like that bickering couple ended up dead. But oh they would’ve been lovely Littles.” The woman recalled.
“We thought our chances were over until we met you boys. Two regressors without even needing a thing of that dust!”
“I spotted you boys in the library. You could barley keep your eyes open as you researched away.” The woman giggled.
“And I followed Sammy here to the grocery store where you bought the pull-ups. Poor boy is old enough to not need a bottle or diapers but not too old enough to out grow accidents. Am I right?” The man said, in a sort of chipper attitude as if he was talking about Sam like he was some little toddler who didn’t know any better.
Tears stung Sam eyes as he tried not to let the confession bother him. “I did not!” He yelled. But he just sounded more Little by the second with a classic response like that.
“Yeah he did not! And we’re not Littles!” Dean yelled after seeing the man upset his brother. Didn’t matter to him whether it was true or not. It only matter that he upset his brother.
“Awwww. I’m sorry dear but I know you boys are. You see, if you weren’t my dust would’ve put you both in comas or six feet under. But instead it worked perfectly. You immediately started to regress then fall into a deep sleep.”
She started to step towards Dean as the man started to step towards Sam. Dean crossed his legs and hoped she couldn’t notice the accident. But sadly that’s exactly what she did.
“See? My dust has been working brilliantly on you boys. Did my poor baby have an accident while he was sleep?”
Dean shook his head as test began to fall from his eyes. “No! No! You did this!”
“Sweet pea my dust only brings out your own regression. You must be so young aren’t you?”
Sam watched as Dean shook his head when she went to wipe his tears away. But he had his own issues. The man kneeled down beside him now and began touching his hair. Sam jumped and tried to push him away with his unchained arm.
“Your hair is much too long for someone as young as you. We’re definitely going to have to cut it.” He said with a stupid 50’s mentality of short hair being best.
Sam shook his head, “No! It’s my hair!” He yelled. But the man just shook his head back at Sam.
Before Sam could yell something else out he felt a sudden warmth. Suddenly his pull-up started to leak, darkening his pants. When did he start going? He didn’t even have to a minute ago?
Now it was Sam’s turn for tears. The man started saying something to him but he just zoned out. Too upset, too Little to really be concerned.
He looked to his brother who was just as miserable and uncomfortable as he was at the moment. They had to get out of there and there was no way they were going to be able to do it regressed. There one only one person Sam wanted more than anyone in this world, one person who could make this right…
“PAPA!!” He yelled, “PAPA HELP!” He cried out.
There was no wings, no sound as all. But suddenly a man just appeared in the basement with the four of them. Sam looked up as Crowley grabbed the man kneeling in front of him. He stood him up before stabbing him square in the chest.
Dean copied off of Sam when he heard him call out for help, “Cas! Dadee! Help!” Dean cried, lowering his head as fresh tears started to fall.
This time there was a faint sound of wings when Castiel arrived. He grabbed the woman, spun her around and stabbed her with his Angel blade.
With the two witches dead the boys were finally safe, and with their safety came the sudden realization of a few new things.
Castiel took in the scene and marched over to Crowley, putting his Angel blade to his throat, “You did this! You tried to kill them!” After all whose mother was a witch? Crowley’s mom Rowena. It made perfect sense.
But before Crowley could even mutter two words of an explanation Sam screamed out for him. “NO! CAS! HE’S MY PAPA!! Papa! Help! Please!” Sam continued to cry.
Castiel paused for a moment hand still gripped onto Crowley’s jacket collar. He looked from Sam to Crowley before it clicked in. Wait, Sam is a Regressor like his little boy?
Crowley just rolled his eyes, “Can I go see my boy or are you still planning on stabbing me?” He asked with his usual sarcasm.
Castiel lowered his Angel blade and allowed Crowley to go see Sam, after all he had his own Little to worry about right now anyway. “Grab Sam and I’ll bring us all back to the Bunker.”
“Can I get pass the warding?”
“You should if I bring you.” Cas said matter of fact like usual. Crowley rolled his eyes to the Angel before turning back to Sam.
Crowley was a hard person to hurt, but his heart broke when he saw his Little. Tears streamed down his face, his pant were slightly wet, and his wrist that was chained was red and worn from pulling on it. One hand reached out desperately for him.
“My little moose,” he said with a sigh. He hated seeing his boy so upset. He snapped his fingers and the chain around his wrist disappeared.
“Papa!” Sam couldn’t help the tears that kept flowing down from his eyes. He immediately stood up once freed and hugged his Caregiver tightly.
“It’s okay, you’re okay Sam. I’ve got you, I’m here.” He said as he swayed Sam who was holding onto him for dear life.
They’ve learned over the last couple of months of being Caregiver and Little how Crowley could perfectly hug Sam’s 6’4” self with his Little’s head resting on his shoulder.
“I tried Papa…tried to be big…” Sam lifted his head and used the back of his sleeve to wipe his tears away. “But the witches did something to Dean and I. It made us regress and we can’t…unregress.”
But speaking of his brother…
Sam looked over to see Dean in a similar state to himself. He hid his face in Castiel’s shoulder, holding onto the Angel like his life depended on it.
“That’s alright. I’m sure Cas can undo the spell or whatever they did to you and your brother. If not we can always call Grandma. I’m sure she’d be happy to help her favorite grandchild.” Crowley smirked causing Sam’s spirits to lighten slightly.
“I’m her only grandchild.”
“Doesn’t mean you’re not her favorite!”
Sam shook his head and tried to hide the small smile on his face. Papa was so silly sometimes. Even in the worst of situations he always made Sam feel better.
Crowley took Sam hand before walking over Cas and Dean. Dean was holding onto Castiel’s arms. His eyes were casted downward, but occasionally he would look between his brother and Crowley.
“Ready?” Cas asked. Crowley looked to Sam to make sure he was okay before he nodded to Cas.
In the blink of an eye all four were back in the bunker, safe and sound.
“Cas,” Crowley stopped him. “This isn’t their normal regression. The boys were poison with some sort of dust they made them regress.”
Castiel looked at Crowley confused. His eyes shifted back to Dean who confirmed what he was saying with a silent nod.
“Can’t you do some of your Angel magic and get it out of the boys?”
“I don’t know if it will work but it’s worth a try.”
Castiel places a hand on Dean then on Sam. The boys looked at each other worried before Castiel’s hands started to glow. Suddenly the two started cough and out came the witch’s dust they inhaled.
“There you are, better?” Cas asked Dean who just nodded.
“How do you feel?” Crowley asked Sam.
“I feel…better. Not overwhelmingly regressed anymore but…not too big either.” He sheepishly said.
Crowley hummed as he took in his boy. He definitely needed a change and some comfort before anything else was to be done.
“Cassie? I’m going to take my boy to get change.” Crowley announced making Sam blush.
“Don’t be too long. I want to talk to you about all this.” Cas replied with a glare.
Again Crowley just rolled his eyes before taking Sam hand in his own, “Why don’t you show me to your room?”
Sam nodded and led the way down the halls of the bunker to his room. Crowley had never been in the bunker before this, with the heavy amount of warding and the secrecy. So he was a bit curious to his little ones room.
Sam opened the door and led Crowley into his room. Inside his bag from the hotel had magically appeared (probably thanks to Castiel) along with all his supplies. But other than that you would never guess he was a Regressor at all.
Crowley stood my the door and admired the room. It was a bit plain but then again Sam, like Dean, had been hiding his regression. But now with Dean also being a regressor maybe there was a chance for the both of them to be more open about it now.
Sam didn’t really say a word, he just grabbed a box under his bed and pulled his moose stuffie from inside it. He brought the moose close and just hugged it. With a shuttered breath in and out, he looked up at Crowley with tears in his eyes.
It was as if everything was starting to hit him now that he was back in the safety of his own room with his stuffie and his Papa.
“There, there my little moose. It’s all over now. You’re safe with Papa.”
Crowley crossed the room and sat on his bed. He held Sam’s hand and urged him to sit down beside him. But Sam just shook his head no.
“I wasn’t good Papa.”
“Darling, you were no such thing.”
“No! I was bad! I didn’t save Dean! I had an accident! And I couldn’t even get my hand free. I’m bad. Bad hunter and a bad brother.” Sam cried.
Crowley leaned forward and took one of Sam’s hand into his own. “Sam, I want you to look at me for a moment darling.”
After a moment Sam lifted his tear stained eyes to meet Crowley’s.
“None of this is your fault. You did not plan on getting kidnapped, you did not plan on having an accident and you did not plan on Dean getting involved in all of this either. Everything that happened today was out of your control and isn’t your fault.”
His words started to sink into Sam, who was starting to process it all. After another moment Sam spoke up again, “But…now Dean knows.”
“Yes…but you also know about his regression as well. Which I’ve always saw coming.”
“No you didn’t!”
“Yes I did, clear as day. But the point is, you boy aren’t so different as you think you are from one another. You’re both in the same boat and you both know that boat well. Maybe in some strange way, this was all meant to be.”
Now that, that really started to hit Sam. Maybe it was meant to be. He was so tired of hiding, maybe this was the opportunity for the two to Regress in peace and maybe even regress with one another.
“Now, I say we get you change, have a little cuddle and then go see Cas and Dean. I’m sure Dean is just as worried about you as you are about him.”
Sam nodded and followed as Crowley helped him to the bathroom to get changed. But all that kept playing in his head was what he was going to say to his brother.
Hand in hand Crowley and Sam walked back to the main part of the bunker. Sam, now I’m a plaid shirt, some pajama pants and another pull up, looked around anxiously for his brother. But when they arrived there was no one around.
“Wow,” Crowley said sarcastically, “So much for hurry up because ‘I want to talk to you about all this!’ ” Crowley said trying to do his best Castiel impression towards the end.
“I do want to talk to you about all this.” Castiel appeared with Dean at his side, now changed into some plaid and pjs as well. “I don’t believe you didn’t have a part in this.”
“Well you’re going to be very shocked.” Crowley said with his usual sarcasm.
Crowley looked to Sam who was fidgeting nervously, “You going to be okay for a minute while I talk to Cas?”
“Y-Yeah. Yeah of course. I just…I really want to talk to Dean.”
Crowley looked at Sam unsure but understood that he needed this time with his brother alone, and he respected that.
“Alright,” He patted his back.
Castiel looked to Dean, “If you need me just call okay?” He said to Dean getting a small nod.
After that Castiel and Crowley walked down the hallway of the bunker to go talk, leaving Dean and Sam alone together.
Sam had it all planned out in his head. He had this long winded speech he was going to say to Dean explaining everything that happened and about his regression and more.
“Dean, so you see-.”
But he didn’t even get more than four words in before his brother crossed the room and hugged him tightly. Sam, for a moment, just froze. The hug was unexpected but not unwelcomed.
Sam wrapped his arms around him and hugged his brother back. For a moment the two just stayed like that, hugging one another tightly.
After a moment Dean spoke up, “I’m so sorry Sammy.”
Sam shook his head, still hugging his brother tightly, “There’s nothing to apologize for. Neither one of us did anything wrong.” He said taking Crowley’s advice.
The two broke apart from their hug, and when they did they weren’t the adult badass hunters they always portrayed themselves to be. In this moment they were just two Littles. Not quite regressed but very vulnerable still.
“Let’s have a seat and talk about all this.” Dean joked, waving his hand in front of the two of them. Sam chuckled and followed his lead, sitting at one of the table across from his brother.
“So…um…when did you start…or I mean when did you-.”
“Right after you left for college.” Dean quickly explained. “I didn’t really have a name for it back then. All I knew was that nothing else but this was helping. No amount of alcohol, sex or anything could calm me down like regression could.”
“Yeah, same here.” Sam nodded among.
“Yeah I started when I was in college. Jess is actually the one who suggested it to me. I regressed with her whenever I was stressed out from finals or whatever. Then after you came back I sort of put regression on hold.”
“Yeah, I’ve been putting it on hold too. I never had anyone to look after me whenever I did regress. But eventually Cas talked to me about it.” Dean’s face started to turn red with a slight blush. “So I regress with him. He’s my Caregiver.” Dean said a bit shy.
“Yeah, I figured.” Sam sat back with a smirk.
“Hey!” Dean laughed back, “What about you? You really regress with Crowley? Really? Crowley?” Dean looked confused.
“Yeah,” now it was Sam’s turn blush. “It’s actually a funny story. You remember when I went on that hunt a while back? You stayed back in the bunker and I went solo.”
“Yeah I remember.”
“It wasn’t a ghost issue, it was a demon issue. Crowley was involved with it which I didn’t know at the time. To make a long story short since I was alone and badly hurt. One of them grabbed me and hit my head against the wall. I saw stars. Just before I passed out I saw Crowley and a separate group of demons start attacking the ones that hurt me. Next thing I know I woke up in hell.”
“In hell?! Why did you tell me about all of this?!!”
“Because I didn’t want you to know about my regression and there was no real way of telling the story without it.” Sam explained.
Before Dean could protest, Sam continued on, “When I woke up in hell I was in some sort of mansion type section. It was Crowley’s home in hell. The only problem? I woke up regressed. Crowley took care of me. He was confused at first but then he sort of figured it out. He wasn’t the way he normal is…he was kinder, gentle. If I wasn’t there I wouldn’t have believed it myself.”
“But the point is,” Sam continued, “I haven’t felt truly safe and comfortable like that in a long time. After I came out of my regression I was angry and shy about the whole thing. But instead of making fun of me or telling everyone about it, he was just as kind as he was to…little me. So I became his Little, going on “solo hunts” which were really just excuse to go and see him and Rowena.”
Dean smiled, “Rowena too?”
“Yeah surprisingly her too. She really like to take care of me. I’m sure she’d love you too.” Sam smiled as well.
“I’m happy for you Sammy. You deserve someone who will take good care of you.”
“Thanks. You deserve that too Dean. After all you need much more care than me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Dean crossed his arms. It was becoming evident that the two weren’t as big was they were a moment prior.
“You’re much younger than me headspace wise. So now I’m the older brother.”
“Nu un!”
“Yeah un!”
“How am I younger than you? You have accidents just like I do!”
“For starters I wear pull-ups. Do you?” Sam asked but Dean didn’t answer, he just turned his head away as a blush creeped onto his face.
“And second of all I don’t suck my thumb. So that makes me the oldest! So…I’ll watch out for you just like you always did for me.”
Dean looked back over to his brother with a hopeful expression, “You don’t have to-.”
“No no no, I want to. I’ve always wanted to but you’ve always looked out for me. Now I get the opportunity to look out for you.” Sam smiled again.
“But also you have to do what I say because I’m the oldest.” Sam quickly said.
Dean rolled his eyes, “That’s not how it works.”
“That’s definitely how it works.”
“What if I don’t listen?”
“Then I’ll tell Castiel.” Sam crossed his arms.
Dean gasped, “You wouldn’t!”
“Try me baby bro.” Sam smirked.
“That’s cruel…even for you.” Dean chuckled.
“So umm…” Dean began to say, “Do you have any toys or a stuffie or…”
“Yeah! Yeah, Papa got me this moose stuffie and it’s my favorite! Mabel goes with me everywhere!” Sam stood up and Dean followed.
“I have a stuffie too! Actually I have two because they’re married dogs. Ones name is Ozzie and the others name is Sharon.”
“That’s so awesome! We gotta introduce them to one another!”
“Yeah! Let’s go!”
And so the two Littles took off down the hallway of the bunker towards their respective rooms.
“Whether you like it or not it’s the truth Cassie. Promise. Sam is my Little and has been for months now. If I wanted to harm the boy I would’ve had the opportunity to do it plenty of times but I would never. I know this might be a shock to you, but I actually care about him a lot, both regressed and not regressed.”
Castiel nodded his head, finally able to see past the cockiness Crowley usually retained.
“And since your little squirrel is a Little too, that makes us co-parents to the Winchesters.” Crowley smirked. Castiel rolled his eyes.
“How old is Sam’s headspace?” Castiel asked.
“Oh he’s somewhere between…” Crowley started to trail off.
“Somewhere between?” Castiel looked at Crowley confused to why he was trailing off.
“Well he’s older than Dean but not by much,” Crowley started to say but he trailed off again, his mind was elsewhere.
Castiel paused for a moment and listened but he was silent. “Listen to what?”
“Exactly. Two Littles were talking to one another and now they’re both silent?” Crowley raised an eye brow.
The two sat for a moment and listened to the silence before they both, in unison, jumped up from where they were sitting in the kitchen and rushed to the main part of the bunker to see where their Littles were.
But as they past Dean’s room, Castiel grabbed Crowley’s arm and stopped him in his tracks. Without saying a word the two Caregiver just watched. Both leaning into the room with a big smirk on their faces as they watched Sam and Dean on the floor playing with hot wheel cars together.
There was definitely going to be an adjustment period, not only for the Caregivers but for the Littles too. But, in the end, it’s all worth it. The Winchesters never had a peaceful childhood. But now was their chance to start again.
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phrysic · 4 months
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741 notes · View notes
Heyyyy do you think you can do a Sam Winchester stimboard pleaseeeee? Thanks! :D
Ooo yessss!!! I hope you like it!!!
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chxrrylungs · 4 months
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the pony posting continues
part 1
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