#Lita DDT
aritamargarita · 6 months
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IT'S YOUR FIRST introduction to the World Wrestling Federation and you’re surprised at the fan reaction. It makes you giddy, but now people (including those in the back) are going to be expecting much of you. Your two best friends, Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler, return back to the hotel room and you guys chat before heading to sleep.
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The adrenaline rush is still coursing through your veins as Shane McMahon helps you back over the barricade. You had just shown up to interfere in a match between Matt Hardy and the Big Show.
Shane told you that you needed to focus your attention on the redhead, Lita, and deal with the other, Trish Stratus, if necessary.
At one point in the match, Lita yanks Trish off of the apron and her shirt went along with it. Yikes.
Shane figured that this was a wonderful opportunity for you to get in there. He lightly pushes you forward and that was your cue to get the hell in there.
Lita was so busy with trying to beat on Trish that she hadn’t even noticed you jumped over the barricade. You can see her scream at Trish to “get up” as you approach. Her back is toward you. Perfect!
At first, the crowd was confused, but once realizing that you weren’t a fan, they holler and cheers at your appearance, quickly recognizing you from WCW.
“Is that—my god!” JR yells. “That’s [Name], from WCW!”
The crowd seems to get even louder when you yank Lita‘s shoulder and turn her toward you to smash your forearm right in her face.
Trish is looking on in awe, covering herself and scooting backward from the scene. Whoever you were, you kind of saved her?!
“She’s not taking too kindly to Lita right now!” Paul exclaims with laughter in his voice. “Fight, fight, fight!”
Lita doesn’t even get a chance to fight back, you’re moving way too fast.
It’s a little strange to hear the crowd so excited, but you try not to let it distract you as much.
Before you had gotten out of there, you made sure to give Lita a final parting gift. A swift DDT. You throw your arm around her neck and sweep your leg back, before pulling both of you down to the floor. Lita’s head slams into the concrete and you hop up from your spot.
The crowd gives a resound “ooooh” in response. If your DDT was in a box, it’d be wrapped with the prettiest bow anyone has ever seen.
Meanwhile, Trish wants to be thankful to you, this stranger that beat the hell out of Lita. Yet, she’s not sure if she should be feeling so grateful.
Covering herself with her coat, she slowly starts to make her way to the other side of the ring. She doesn’t want any problems with you!
And luckily for Trish, you didn’t have enough time to handle her, so you’ll save it for next show. Just disrupting the match equilibrium is enough.
No one was expecting you at all. You’re following behind the footsteps of people like Lance Storm, Hugh Morrus, and Booker T…..you are officially the fourth star to appear from WCW.
These random occurrences were no coincidence. To the WWF, it just meant man or woman, anyone could get it at any time.
Let it be known that the forbidden door is completely blown off its hinges. There was no longer any boundaries.
You had quickly made your way out before security could retrieve you and Shane had been waiting for you by the barricade. You two made a swift exit, with him encouragingly patting your side as he holds onto you.
Right now, he’s still guiding you out to the limousine with a camera trailing behind you two. The crowd cheers don’t end despite you two getting the hell out of there. You can still hear the noise from the arena.
“Great job, [Name]!” He exclaims. “Bet my father wasn’t expecting that! Now both divisions have something to look out for!” Shane quickly opens the door for you. “Get in!”
You quickly hop into the limo, shuffling in. Shane follows you and closes the door afterwards.
And just like that, it was the start of your WWF journey. You had always wondered if it’ll be like WCW. The backstage environment was sure to be different than this ones.
You suppose there was only one way to find out.
You’re splayed out in the seat of the limo, and though Shane had squished in there with you, he finds it to be a better idea to go sit across from you.
“I haven’t heard people cheer like that for a woman in years!” A but of an exaggeration, but it still holds true. People made a lot of noise for you.
Your attention is on the ceiling. It still hasn’t set in that the crowd might actually like you. You’re more focused on the fact that you’re actually here in the WWF.
You wouldn’t have ever guessed it. WCW was the place you wanted to be when you started. Years before you debuted, all you did was practice.
Really. Practice, practice, practice. Until you couldn’t move anymore. Your old mentor, Madusa, ensured that you were conditioned enough to be in the ring.
She kept you there for a while. You’d jokingly say that she was holding you hostage, but it ended up being for your benefit. You learned that they would pull the women from the school too early.
Madusa did not want them to make that mistake. She made sure you knew what you were doing before you could go anywhere!
You have to admit though, the training at the power-plant facility wasn’t the best. There were other woman who didn’t exactly know what they were doing. It was easy for them to mess up.
And it’s actually where you met your two close friends, Stacy and Torrie. You were nervous, they were nervous, it’s only inevitable you three would mutter things to one another.
You were more than happy to give them tips on what you knew. From you, they were more than happy to learn. Eventually it grew from only talking in the school to completely hanging out with each other.
It was really nice to finally make some genuine friends.
Shane takes you out of your daydream by holding out a bottle of champagne. “A performance like that deserves some reward! Want some?”
“No, I’m okay.” You shake your head. “But hey, I’m just glad I could get in there!”
Shane thinks you’re downplaying yourself. “Seriously, that was amazing.” He says. “I couldn’t believe it. WWF should know by now there’s one hell of a storm brewing.”
You didn’t realize it at first, but maybe you like this so called “invasion” more than you thought you would.
“You mind if we head to Times Square? I’m due to speak WWF New York.”
Your reply is sluggish. “Yeah, yeah, sure. What is that?”
“It’s mainly a restaurant, but we do some live events there too.” He summarized. 
That quickly reminds you of the WCW Grill in Vegas. You’ve been there many times, whether it to be signing things or just hanging out with other coworkers. 
You lean up from your seat. “WCW had something like that in Vegas! They closed last year though. Bummer, I kinda liked their food. And I think I had a menu item once!”
“Really? Well, I’m sure the WWF’s will be better.” Shane pauses for a second. “I mean, for once. Besides, we’ll be bigger and better. Then you can really get your name on the menu.”
You let out a chuckle. He slipped up a little. “Right.”
”I’m gonna need you for Smackdown too.” Shane says. “You don’t have to worry that much about transportation since we’re staying here for it.”
Oh joy! Seriously! No worrying about catching a flight tonight, that’s less stress on your shoulders. 
“Then I’ll be there.” It’s not like you wouldn’t be anyway.
”While you’re at it, mind asking Torrie if she could attend as well?” He requests you.  “I’ve got a great idea for the both of you.”
A great idea, he says. Not like you’ve heard that before. “Color me intrigued, what’s the plan?” 
“I want you ladies to go undercover in the WWF. Somehow, someway. Get as much information as you can from anyone you run into.” He explains. “If anything goes wrong, WCW will protect you. You’ve got my word on that.”
“I believe you. But how should I do that? Just waltz up in there and proclaim I’m one of them now? I just attacked Lita!” You throw your arms out for extra emphasis.
“Relax. Just act like you were misguided. And when you learned that I wasn’t in the right, you want to change your ways. If I were you, I’d apologize to Lita first.”
It was only a six minute drive from MSG to WWF New York. When the limo pulls up, you can hear the sound of the crowd on the outside of it.
The only thing you could do was nod at Shane. It’s go-time.
Leaning up from your spot, you take a second to fix yourself up, fixing your shirt and adjusting your hair so that it’s presentable. Wouldn’t want people to get the wrong idea…
Rumors still can circulate, even if you were seen in the ring earlier! The last thing you wanted was for dirt sheets to grasp at straws, with your boss of all people.
Shane gets out first, then takes a second to open the door. He then pulls it open and you are greeted with the crowd on both sides of the sidewalk.
When they turn their heads to see who else was in the vehicle, they cheer over at you. All you can really do is wave with a smile.
Do they really know who you are?
Photographers are at the ready, their bright white lights flashing at you. It makes you squint every time a camera would go off. You just hoped those photos won’t come out bad.
Shane waits for you, offering his arm for you to take while you get out of the car. You happily take it and he ushers you to go inside.
It’s like walking the red carpet, albeit shorter and quicker. You two go in, and you try to look at what they’ve got on display as you walk.
Lots and lots of action figures. You can only look over there for a few seconds, but you do catch a Lita figure on one of the holders.
There’s a lot of others, but you’re not quite sure who they are. Stone Cold Steve Austin? Triple H? Edge? None of those people ring a bell.
As you two approach the steps, there’s only one thing pops into your mind.
…You can’t believe that this place has two floors! So far, it was beating that WCW Grill by a long shot. Upstairs was for merchandise, and as you two go down you assume that the restaurant was around here.
You’re greeted by another large crowd of people and the both of you make your way over toward the stage.
The camera nearby moves over to the both of you.
Shane lets go of your arm and goes to grab a mic from a stagehand. You wait for him by the center of the stage.
Before he says anything, he reaches down toward the crowd to give them high fives. Shane comes back toward you.
“Surprise,” He says. “Well obviously, I’m not Perry Saturn, and she’s not Terri Runnels. But dad, I know you can hear me. It’s your son Shane, how’re you doing?”
The crowd cheers his name and you keep the smile on your face. This place was WWF New York, but before anyone knew it, it could easily become WCW New York.
“You know, the one that owns WCW. The very organization that has you a little heated under the collar. Because WCW continues to infiltrate your WWF.” Shane motions over toward you.
“[Name] made an example out of two women on your roster, and believe me, that won’t be the end of it.”
You nod your head. You’re eager to take these women down, one at a time. You definitely need to make a mental checklist.
Shane continues on. “You see dad, that is done out of necessity. Because in order to build a brand like WCW, we need television exposure. But I’ve gotta give you credit on this because I didn’t think it was possible, through all of your connections you have been able to block WCW from airing on any television network period.”
When he pauses again for a split second, the crowd cheers him.
“Here’s how it’s gonna go down.” He says. “I may not be able to compete with your checkbook but I can compete with your brains. Since you have prevented WCW from airing on any network, it’s now time for WCW to invade the WWF.”
You clap your hands toward him, then try to signal for the crowd to make some noise. They do and you smile. “Thank you!” Although your words were drowned out by the crowd.
“One of the people to lead the charge in one division stands here next to me,” Shane turns to you. “I reckon that she’ll become the next Women’s Champion in no time..”
You hope so. That’s a big step in your career. You were one year too late in getting the WCW Women’s Championship, despite Madusa’s efforts to revive it.
To your surprise, Shane holds out the mic toward you. He must’ve expected you to say something.
You try not to look like a deer in headlights as you take the mic and speak up.
“All I want is to lead WCW to victory. Whatever it takes, I will do…so let this be a warning to the entire women’s division. What I did to Lita was a demonstration of what’s to come. Trust me when I say that no one can stop me, but feel free to try if you want to…that is if you don’t want to end your career early!”
Shane laughs at your words. Hopefully the women (and men if they so dared,) would take heed. You pass the mic back to him.
“Oh, but that’s not all,” He points a finger up. “Might I introduce the second person to lead the charge, I’m sure that you and Stone Cold Steve Austin know this man very well. Ladies and Gentlemen, the WCW Champion, give it up for Booker T!”
As Booker makes his way from behind the curtain with a mic, he throws up his arms.
You watch as he reaches down to high five the fans. After of which, you reach out your own hand for him to shake. He grabs your hand and shakes firmly.
Shane mimics you, shaking his hand as well.
“Last night, at King of the Ring, it was just too easy, no, it was just too damn easy to take you outta the game!” Booker says.
There are mixed reactions at his words, with more cheering than booing from the antsy crowd.
“—And you call yourself the WWF Champion? I respect that, but ask me what I call you. I’m calling you out to let you know that if you want some you can come and get some, because I’m gonna be here at WWF New York, kicking it all night long!”
Shane brought back up his own mic. “I’d like to call this my dream team. These two are going to lead my brand new company to victory. Dad, this is a warning to you.  I’m just here to say that you’re on borrowed time..”
That’s all that was needed to say.
Shane was 100% sure that his father was watching. He’s also sure that he was boiling in anger. It’s exactly what he wanted.
The camera makes sure to get all three of you into frame. It’s up to you, as that’s left was for you and Booker T to apply pressure on the WWF..
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After the segment at WWF New York, Shane fortunately allowed you to return to your hotel, but told you to watch the remainder of Raw when you could on the television.
You’re not exactly sure what his plan was, but now you’re curious to see. All you knew is that Booker T was asked to stay and they went off somewhere else while you just left through the back this time.
Just what in the world were they up to?
Shane was nice enough to send you your own limousine after bidding you a good night. Most of your energy had fizzed out and you could tell that his had too.
All you were excited for was to flop onto your bed. You don’t even move the comforters, all you do is just lie down for a few minutes. You’re sure you can move a little later.
There’s a lot of big changes going on in your life right now. You think the first biggest one was Shane McMahon’s entry to WCW and how quickly everyone went on his side.
It’s only fair. It’s the competition, hell, it’s the son OF the competition. Who specifically came in saying that he was against his father.
But what made him so trustworthy anyway? A lot of your coworkers were immediately on his side. You knew WCW was declining, but you never thought everyone else would stoop low enough to side with competition.
At least, not that quickly. The way things were going in the company, it made you feel like you had no choice but to trust him. So far, no betrayals, so everything is going okay so far.
You do get enough energy to at least turn on the television to Raw. You figure it’s only right to honor Shane’s request.
Immediately, you’re greeted by the sight of Shane McMahon heading down the ramp with a pep in his step. His father is not happy to see him at all.
Seeing the brand new WCW logo projected onto the ramp makes you feel…
Well, you don’t know how it makes you feel. You can safely say it makes you feel weird though.
You’re so used to it having an obnoxiously large watermark behind it, with the barely visible text of “World Championship Wrestling”.
Now it’s all small, jagged with the points on each letter. You have to tilt your head slightly in order to see it better.
Eventually, the camera moves away from the ramp and decided to follow Shane who was circling around the ring.
With you being able to hear the commentators properly, you wonder what they had to say about your prior run-in. You should’ve asked someone back at home to tape it!
“WCW does NOT belong in Madison Square Garden!” Paul is almost standing out of his seat by now with all of his screaming. 
“You may be right about that, but—“ Unfortunately, JR isn’t allowed to get one single word out thanks to his partner.
“You’re damn right I’m right! I grew up here, I know these things, I see these things!”
You roll your eyes. Shouldn’t Paul Heyman be worried about his own company instead of everyone else’s?
Oh, wait…
You chuckle to yourself. Thank god no one could hear your thoughts or that you were backstage. That wouldn’t have been good.
Vince is beckoning Shane into the ring, but unbeknownst to him, Booker had hopped right up into the ring, ripping his jacket off in the process.
It’s so over for him! You can’t help but smile. You watch as Booker lays in punches onto him, causing him to stagger backwards.
Booker takes advantage of this and runs toward the ropes, bounces off of them, then lifting one of his legs to give him a scissor kick.
Just to add salt in the wound, he hits a spinaroonie to get off the canvas.
How amazing is this?! You can see the entire WWF locker room run down the ramp but Shane and Booker are way too fast, making their exit.
This obviously must’ve been what Shane wanted you to see. Maybe this means that the ball is back in your court now.
You wonder how you can upstage Booker this time. It’ll definitely be hard since he literally knocked the hell out of the literal CEO of the WWF! Vince McMahon!!
Although, Shane offhandedly mentioned he has a sister who also happens to be in the business. You could always find something to do with her if he allows it.
Are you still buzzing from earlier? You had thought your energy was all gone, but it seemed like there was still bits of adrenaline in your veins.
You had only a few seconds to make your appearance count and from what you can think back on, you did a pretty damn good job.
The sound of the door unlocking makes you snap your head to your right.
“Helloooo!” Torrie sings from the doorway. “[Naaame], are you here? I’ve got Stacy with meee!”
Ah yes, your unofficial roommate for this trip. Torrie Wilson. And Stacy, who insisted that she room with you guys this time.
You think she’s just scared of being alone, which is understandable. But there was no need for her to try and sneak into your bed when she could use the pull out couch!
“I saw you on TV,” Stacy exclaims. “You were great! You really kicked….what’s her name? Ah, who cares?! The crowd was really loud too!”
“Yeah.” Is all you can really say to that. And then you fall back onto your bed, turning away from them and putting your head onto the cold pillow.
The both of them share a look, but Torrie’s the first to question you. She takes a seat next to you on the bed. “What’s your problem tonight? I’m surprised you haven’t called us on that dying Nokia you’ve got. Normally you’d be the one to drag us out after a show.”
Torrie teasing you about your phone was nothing new, but you still take offense anyway!
“I’m holding onto it!” Your words are muffled. “My 1999 phone is getting me places, okay?!”
Stacy takes a seat on the opposite side of you. “Aren’t they making a new one in like November?”
“Are they?” You turn your head so that they can hear you better. “I hope they have other colors. But honestly, I’m tired. Kinda.”
“Kind of?” Stacy repeated. “How much sleep did you get last night?”
You hold up five fingers.  “Five, so just enough to me. I had a flight to catch to get here, so five was really pushing it. I can’t really tell if this schedule’s gonna be worse than our old one.”
“Oh, you poor thing!” Torrie exclaimed, rubbing her hand on your back. “You’re right, but with Shane McMahon being our boss, I’ve gotten more sleep than I would normally! But that’s pretty bad to say, huh?”
“Yes,” You mumble. “Yes it is.” She just haaad to rub it in your face.
“Listen, I don’t think we have to be at the next show—“  You quickly interrupt Torrie. “About that, Shane wanted me to ask you to be at Smackdown. He didn’t say anything about Stacy this time.”
It makes Stacy cheer. “Yay! I get to relax aallll day tomorrow. You know what? [Name], I saw this really cute top at Delia’s earlier today. Now I can go back and buy it for you!”
“Was it that crop top with all those safety pins on the side?” Torrie turns over to Stacy. “If it was, that one totally screamed [Name].”
”YES!” She exclaimed. “That’s exactly the one I’m talking about!”
”From the sound of it, it sounds like I’m gonna have to have a lot of trust in that top.” You say. “And when did you guys go shopping??”
”Earlier. See, they said they needed us.” Torrie removes her hand from your back. “Then I guess they changed their minds since they had you?” It’s the only logical explanation she comes up with.
Whatever, it’s really no big deal. ”Well, you’re gonna be needed tomorrow anyway. And Stacy, I’m sure they’re gonna ask you to show up again. People went crazy! It would be bad if we just left you two in New York.” 
“I wouldn’t mind at all!” Stacy finally decides to take a seat too. “Times Square is beautiful! If I could, I’d totally live here.”
“I saw a rat walking down the street with pizza.” You comment. “And you’d stay here. Crazy, crazy, girl.” 
Stacy definitely rethinks it. “…Well, now that you say that, shopping only!”
“Hold on a second, it had pizza?!” Torrie exclaims.
It’s gonna be a long, long night, that’s for sure.
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*painfully gives a thumbs up.* I SWEAR THIS WAS LONGER WHEN I LOOKED AT THIS OMG. but, yeah. Here we go again, please strap in for the ride
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58 notes · View notes
judgementdaysunshine · 8 months
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Your week had been shitty so far and all you wanted to do was see some of your friends before your match. But that changes when you get hit in the face with a door and kick it back open to see Chyna and Tori, "YOU FUCKED UP NOW BITCH" everyone's down the hall when they see you smack tori which makes her fly across the table before throwing a smile at chyna and hear, "Oh shit it's everywhere" you look at Bradshaw as Edge props your head up and holds tissues to your face which makes your brain short circuit and Test wiping blood off your arm and shoes wasn't helping matters as chyna drags tori away "I think this is bad luck since Halloween is not even three months away" you roll your eyes at Christian with a small grin knowing he was trying to lighten the mood, finally your nose stopped bleeding as chyna comes back with the match card. It was a mix of individual and tag team matches along with your match with Trish and a triple threat match against tori with chyna, "You'll get even" the boys laugh as they look at the match card while you sit stunned "Getting more attention that's good" you felt your jaw drop on the floor as chyna smiles sweetly leading to jokes and talks with the boys throughout the night before walking to the ring with edge while test walked down with trish, "You got this" a smile forms on your face at the kind gesture but your heart spins when he kisses your cheek before you climb in the ring only to hear. "What's going on with you and softie?" you're confused as you reverse the headlock into a DDT which starts off the first half of the match while edge cheers you on which makes your heart pound faster as you whisper during a cover, "Edge? What do you mean?" the match continues on before you're locked in a sharpshooter, you try to grab the rope and hear edge yell at the ref but what you weren't expecting was for test to grab your hand as you quickly grab the rope before he walks around the ring and pulls edge down off the apron leading to them yelling at each other until you dodge a hit and land between them which makes them both turn bright red after you climb in the ring and perform the infamous move you did on lita in your debut seven weeks back. You share a hug with trish before walking backstage and feel both men watch you until you were in your dressing room, the first thing you hear after walking out from your locker room is chyna laughing when you see both men looking at you as chyna drags you to the ring where tori demands you to get in the ring and start the match which makes the boys lose their minds seeing the confidence and evil in your smirk before starting the match, the three of you put good hits and defensive comebacks in before you tagged chyna in leading to you laughing backstage after winning. Everyone shares a few drinks at a local bar while you sip on soda before walking to your hotel room after saying bye to everyone while being confused when you didn't see edge anywhere, a hand grabs the door as you close it only to smile when you see edge before he locks the door leading to him kissing you gently, the kiss continues with small pauses in between while smiling against each other's lips with laughter as you decide to see where things would go between both men as he caressed your face before sharing another kiss with your arms wrapped around each other on your bed, falling asleep wrapped in his arms while he kissed the top of your head before your head was tucked under his chin.
9 notes · View notes
91062854-ka · 1 year
Alexandria Calaway (Played by: Taylor Momsen)
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Real name: Alexandria Leila Calaway
Ring name(s):
Alice Angel (currently)
Raven Black (formerly)
Alex (real life)
The Princess of Darkness
The Angel of Darkness
Devil's Little Angel
The Deadman's Daughter/Little Angel
Sister Abigail (by the Wyatt Family)
Born: July 26, 1990 (age 25)
Hometown: Death Valley
Height/Weight: 5'8"/121Ibs
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Platinum blonde
Mark Calaway/The Undertaker (Father)
Jodi Lynn Calaway (Mother)
Sara Calaway (1st Stepmother)
Michelle Calaway/Michelle McCool (2nd Stepmother)
Gunner Calaway (Younger brother)
Chasey Calaway (Younger stepsister)
Gracie Calaway (Younger stepsister)
Kaia Calaway (Younger stepsister)
Kolt Calaway (Younger stepbrother)
Glenn Jacobs/Kane (Uncle figure/Godfather)
Romantic interest(s): Jonathan David Good/Dean Ambrose
Face paint: (this screen shot is from iHasCupquake YouTube video of her Alice Angel Cosplay)
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Theme song(s):
Take it Out on Me by Thousand Foot Krutch (TNA)
In NXT and in WWE:
It starts with Alice humming,
Then Alice begins to sing, but it only happens during her debut promo, her official debut in WWE and during WrestleMania, (without the jumpscare at the end)
Then finally this song plays.
Wicked Enchantment by CFO$
Finishing moves:
Tombstone Piledriver
Kiss of Darkness (Lifting double underhook sitout facebuster)
Submission moves:
Hell's Gate (Triangle Choke)
Angel's Hell (Kneebar)
Angel's Gate (Armbar)
Signature moves:
Last Ride
European Uppercut
Belly to Back Suplex
Diving Crossbody
Roundhouse kick
Snake Eyes or Rebounds off the ropes on the opposite end and lands a big boot
Running Corkscrew Neckbreaker
Running Legdrop
Wheelbarrow Bulldog
Snap DDT
Running DDT
Corner Body Splash + One Leg Monkey Flip combo
Rope Stunner
Leaping Clothesline
Apron Leg Drop
Old School
Over the Top Rope Suicide Dive
Front Body Slam
Running DDT
Paul Bearer (before his passing)
Paige (off-screen)
Becky Lynch (off-screen)
Charlotte Flair (off-screen)
Sasha Banks (off-screen)
Bayley (off-screen)
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose (before falling in love with him)
Randy Orton (off-screen)
Triple H (off-screen)
Stephanie McMahon (off-screen)
Shane McMahon (off-screen)
Vince McMahon (off-screen)
Shawn Michaels
Big Show (off-screen)
John Cena
Brock Lesner (off-screen)
Paul Heyman (off-screen)
Nikki Bella (off-screen)
Brie Bella (off-screen)
Alicia Fox (off-screen)
Naomi (off-screen)
Tamina Shuka (off-screen)
Finn Balor (off-screen)
Kevin Owens (off-screen)
Trained by:
The Undertaker
Michelle McCool
Trish Stratus
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H
Shawn Michaels 
Brock Lesner
WWE Idol(s):
The Undertaker
Michelle McCool
Trish Stratus
• Alexandria was inspired by her father and her uncle when she watched them wrestle when she was a little girl.
• Alexandria met her new stepmother when she was backstage while watching her father and uncle wrestle and formed a positive relationship with her.
• Alexandria met her trainers when she was in backstage waiting for her father with her new stepmother, so she knows everyone as she grew up in WWE her whole life.
• Even though Alexandria wears different black ring gears as Alice Angel, her signature piece on her every gear is a black headband with a pair of white devil horns with a semi-broken white angel halo. She also wears white angel wings, but only during WrestleMania.
• Since Bendy and the Ink Machine didn't come out until 2017, Alexandria came up with the name because her debut took place in 2015.
• Alexandria has a very good singing voice from years of practicing on how to sing when she used to take choir classes in school, her first career choice was to become a singer but later changed it to become a wrestler to follow her father's footsteps. She recorded her singing to hum a creepy song and used it as a part of her entrance in the wrestling world as Raven Black and later as Alice Angel.
• As Alice Angel, she has supernatural powers that are similar to Kane and the Undertaker's, but she still has her own powers, such as a siren song and basically has all the powers as Alexa Bliss once had. Because of this, knowing who her father and uncle are, and later knowing what she's capable of, she is just as feared as they are in both NXT and WWE.
• Alice is very good at manipulating, tricking and play mind games with her rivals to mess with them. She learns these tactics from Kane and the Undertaker.
• Alice can wrestle both men and women throughout her wrestling career.
• She actually appears in WWE twice before her official debut in 2015: Her first appearance was in 2013 after her father defeat Dean Ambrose and before the Shield can causes any more damage to him, Alice Angel appears and attacks the Shield, and saves her father from getting anymore injured. This means Alice Angel will come to WWE from NXT soon. Her second appearance was in 2014 during The Undertaker vs Brock Lesner match in WrestleMania 30, to distracted Lesner so her father can take the win, this implies that Alice Angel will soon later becomes Brock's new rival in their future storyline.
• Because of her supernatural powers and what she's capable of, the Wyatt Family believes that she is Sister Abigail who came to life before them. Alice uses this to her advantage and use them as her bodyguards, playing mind games with them as she unofficially becomes a member of the Wyatt Family. However, it is unknown if they're playing mind games with her, or if it's the other way around, due to how unpredictable Alice Angel and the Wyatt Family are.
• Alice Angel sat up the same way as her father and uncle did during her matches in both NXT and WWE to frighten her opponents, as well as appearing from under the ring to drag them to hell, doing the throat slit and crossing her opponent's arms the same way after delivering the Tombstone Piledriver, but she doesn't roll her eyes back like her father, instead she smiles sinisterly.
• Alice's Twitter account is @WWEAliceAngel. (It's not real, so don't bother trying to find it)
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
My Highlights of Wrestlemania 39
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The time for sign pointing is over yet again
It's time for the stars to seal themselves in Hollywood. Thanks to family arrangements and travel I am doing this as both days at once, and unfortunately that means some results I was already spoiled on, but let's see how the show went on the positives side
Spoilers for the PPV Days 1 AND 2
So I am gonna split them in Day 1 and 2 just so it's easier to follow, but like we did for EC and Battle in the Valley's joint fixture we'll keep the conclusion across both events.
Day 1
The stage looked great
Cena using his entrance to bring some Make a Wish kids on stage
Hollywood crowd still pulling out the 'Lets Go Cena/Cena Sucks' chants XD
At the very least you have to respect the hustle of Titus O'Neil, he always gets to show up for Wrestlemania
Valhalla's attire looked menacing
Gable hit a Chaos Theory on Strowman!
It's nice to see Otis return to a similar amount of over-ness he had back when he was in that Mandy storyline
Richochet's Springboard Shooting Star Press
I...Don't think I can quantify Seth's attire, at first it looked like Drag Queen Jafar, then ended up being Scarlet Witch's secret lovechild with Jeff Jarrett. I guess the pink could be Bret Hart too
At the least Logan Paul didn't win
Becky, Lita and Trish's comic book entrance at least had some 90s comic book aesthetic to it. Trish out with the classic cloak and cowboy hat too
Lita had a much better showing than last time, mainly thanks to Iyo Sky's selling
Trish did really well too, much less ring rust on her
The Mysterios promo package was great
Dom with the prison-style entrance, and the Halloween Havoc Mask. You can see that he at least tried to grow out a tache to match Eddie's too
Rey though coming out to Eddie's music with the Low-Rider, no Hydraulics though
The black tones of Rey's attire better blends against the McDonalds colors too, but the mask does look odd but I get that it's meant to be Muta-coded
Rey giving Dom the belt XD
Dom throwing Aaliyah's drink at her for the heeeeaaat
That counter with Rey facesmashing the bottom turnbuckle was meaty!
LWO at least arrived to help after being formed
Rey won! I'm glad he did because he's been overdue a win, shame it required minor interference a la Bad Bunny (which I'm sure will lead to a Backlash match) and was sponsored by a cereal, but I think we were all certain that Dom would win. Make no mistake Dom has improved resoundingly, he will bounce back, but that's a testament to how well feuding with Rey has elevated him
The DDT counter to the Riptide was clean
At least Rhea won
Starting the main event with Jey vs Sami
Olé chants for Zayn
Zayn kicking out of the 1D
I will say it's funny how WWE purists will lose their shit over consecutive finisher kickouts, just...funny, ain't it? Almost like another company did it and got criticized for it by these same people...
Sami and Owens at least won, because they had to win, even if it is a consolation prize
Day 2
At least Brock/Omos went first because Brock likes going home early
They also at least let Liv get a pop by entering first in the showcase
Probably should've known that Endeavor was buying WWE with Brock and Ronda winning back to back after barely doing anything
Man we talk about GUNTHER's chops but Drew had some bass in his too
The staredown after Drew broke Sheamus' pin was great, I mean he should've expected it but the look of betrayal
It was a really good finish to the match as well
I wonder if the other Kabuki dancers are NXT women
Bianca's gear is good too, always gotta give it props since she makes it herself
I'm not a huge fan of the host setup but Miz and Snoop did bounce off of each other really well
Props to Snoop and Miz for adlibbing as well after Shane's injury
Doing the Brood AND Metalingus was a good decision
Edge and Finn had colour-coded weapons XD
The microphones embedded in the turnbuckle posts have been detrimental for most of the event (since that's when the wrestlers try to whisper to one another) but the sound they picked up from around the Cell did at least pay off there
I saw the gash of the aftermath and yeah jayzus Finn. Probably shouldn't have kept going but still you are one tough bastard
Pyros working for Rey this time in his entrance, and really nice that he personally congratulated each of the other class members, the hug with Stacy as well because WCW familiarity
Mania in Philly is a good choice still, gotta build a Rocky-esque storyline there
Negative 1 is a faction leader, an AEW wrestler and has been in Wrestlemania XD
Cesaro even got a mention (sure it was the list of people Roman beat but still)
And hey it only took about 15 minutes from Cody's entrance to them locking up
Paul texting for the Usos clear as day to motion their arrival was smartly positioned not front and center but in view to be noticed
Gotta talk about the absolute idiocy of Cody Rhodes for a moment too, because it's fucking hilarious how he spent all this time getting Sami and Owens to work together so that he could eliminate the Usos as interferences but had nothing reserved for a the ref bump, Heyman or Solo Sikoa - the guy who cost Drew the title in Clash at the Castle - and it bit him in the ass not once, not twice, not even three times, but FIVE TIMES. He literally just had to watch every Reigns title match from the last year (all 5 of them) to see all this coming
The fucking rubber duck too XD That just sums it all up doesn't it?
Well it could've been a lot worse, sometimes you just have to laugh. Night 1 was much better than Night 2, much better wrestling across more matches, the choices of winners weren't all bad across the board (even I had Cody not leaving as champ, but I was thinking he'd win by DQ like Dusty did) I think really it's just the odd choice of the Street Profits since that'd be face v face for the tag titles, but yeah it was alright, had its ups and downs, but since this is more about the positives we'll just leave it at that.
Match of the Night(s): IC match was close but I think I gotta give it to the Night 1 Main Event, just because it was more storyline-charged Best Attire: Seth, it was ridiculous and loud but dammit that's the point Best Entrance: Dominik Mysterio, the presentation and the silliness befitting to his character made it perfect Best Performance: Sami Zayn, Rhea was close but again Sami had to carry the wrestling goods and the greater storyline Best Spot: Snoop Dogg's People's Elbow Ricochet's springboard Shooting Star Press to the Outside of the Ring
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bustadivamove · 3 years
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Lita~ Snap DDT
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rickygoldman34 · 3 years
Hello everyone Ricky Goldman here.
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Its WWE Elimination Chamber 2022.
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It's the final kickoff show before Wrestlemania. I actually missed the start of this one because I didnt think they would be a match on the kickoff show. It's the Miz vs Rey Mysterio. An OK match here with not really much to add. The Miz tries to grab a chair from the outside but Dominick tries to stop him Miz fakes an injury to try and get Dominick thrown out Rey hits the 619 on Miz followed by the top rope Senton but Miz kicks out not for long though Rey flies off the top rope,rolls up Miz and puts him away.
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A huge way to kickoff the main show. Roman Reigns vs Goldberg for the universal title. Reigns went right after Goldberg the action momentarily went outside the ring but back in and a spear from the challenger. Goldberg goes for the jack hammer but Roman gets out of his and hits a move now superman punch to Goldberg. Roman goes for a spear but Goldberg hits one instead he then goes for the jack hammer again Reigns hooks in the guillotine Goldberg doesn't escape Roman Reigns is still champion. 537 days and counting!
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Next is Rhea Ripley vs Nikki A.s.h vs Alexa Bliss vs Bianca Belair vs Doudrop vs Liv Morgan in a elimination chamber match winner gets a Raw womens title shot at Wrestlemania. Liv and Nikki begin the match they battle each other. Doudrop enters next Nikki says to team up but Doudrop is having none of it. Rhea Ripley is in next Nikki climbs up the cage to escape but Rhea throws her off then in the ring hits the rip tide to eliminate her. Alexa Bliss now enters. Liv eliminates Doudrop while Bianca Belair is the last to enter. Alexa eliminates Liv god dammit and then Bianca eliminates Rhea. Its down to Alexa and Bianca both women battle hitting some good moves. Bianca gets the upper hand,hits the K.O.D and is going to wrestlemania.
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Its Ronda Rousey and Naomi vs Charlotte and Sonya Deville. Ronda will have one arm tied behind her back she also has her Gi on and black belt she takes the action to Sonya until Naomi tags in. Ronda back in and Charlotte who isnt the legal woman attacked Ronda then Charlotte tags in she beats down Ronda. Naomi in I do want to say this is a big show for her to be on Sonya back in and beats down Naomi. Ronda tags in hits Pipers pit and makes Sonya tap out with the arm bar Charlotte did have chance to save Sonya but she didn't. Your winners Ronda Rousey and Naomi.
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Next match is Drew McIntyre vs Madcap Moss in a falls count anywhere match. Happy Corbin quickly and kept getting involved. The action spills out onto the ramp but now back in the ring and drew whoops Moss he hits a DDT and throws Moss over the announce table but here comes Corbin again. This is also a big show for Moss to be on. Drew is now getting back into this grabs his sword,hits the claymore and pinned Madcap Moss.
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The next match is Becky Lynch vs Lita for the Raw womens title. The goat vs her idol. Great to see Lita back in action and on a big stage Bevky took it her on in the early going. Lita did turn this all around but the man handle slam put her down Becky went for the pin Lita with her foot on the bottom rope she then goes for the moonsault and misses. Lita hits the twist of fate and a moonsault of her own but Becky kicks out. Man handle slam takes down Lita and she keeps the title.
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heonsecretarts · 5 years
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Good Day to all of you tumblrs! Sorry for a long hiatus guys had many errands to do and todays episode is an another posting from previous post:
Anyways back to posting these old works of mine from the last years
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Next on my list is Shane Brandon (previous name was Shane Trany when I created her on CAW games). ~The Extremist Lassy Wrestler who rebels on her young youth and joining an illegal underground gang tournament to sharpen her skills up as a fighter.
**Her finisher is her favorite **Anaconda Vice (adpoted from her dead brother, which is her default submission finisher), Lionsault, DDT and her other favorite powerful move only used against female opponents, The Extreme Ankle Lock.
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reason why she is rebellious is that because her good brother (whom she idolizes the most) used to work from a famous wrestling company (**equivalent of WWE, yet to be named) who mistreated him badly on continuous occasions til one faithful day that’ll sadly change her life forever. Her brother’s death.
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From there on she had no other family to live with and thus lived in the life of bad influences, corrupting her morals alike. **some story still under development. She had no choice but to be strong and lived like a strong woman.
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**Gloves and Boots design.
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in the story progress within the years of her immaturity, she meets one of her faithful rivals. Solenne Cassaway, whom she always cross paths about and beating her most of the time (due to Solenne fighting fair and square attitude, unlike Shane who will find ways to get in her advantage)
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**Shane’s signature Drop Kick to Knee move against her rival
Solenne loses to her on multiple occasions (4 times) with involves most of her feet and legs getting heavily injured, wrecked after wrecked, til she grew overcoming her pain to her tenacity to passionately defeat Shane at the cost of devastatingly injuring the right sole of her foot, which bleeds along throughout the last parts of the tournament.
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That’s the story about her other than that, she is lnspired from the likes of Lita,  Kellie Skater and Chris Jericho in real life. That bitter and charisma attitude that makes her a total villain to boot. and also a bit of inspiration of characters from Dead or Alive series, specially Ayame’s voice and attitude.
check out her rival here @:
More development soon!…..
Stay tune for another post folks!
Original Drawing: 12/2015
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machobusta · 6 years
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Lita hits her DDT to defeat WWE Women’s Champion, Trish Stratus, in a tag team match.
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vonschweetz · 6 years
This might be the first time I’ve been tagged in anything like this...
Tagged by: @ambrosekingdom
name: Amy age: 25 gonna be 26 in a few weeks (Fucking RIP my old ass) favourite female wrestler: Lita, Asuka, Kairi Sane favourite male wrestler: Chris Jericho, Dean Ambrose, Sami Zayn favourite move: Lionsault and the Sliced Bread #2 (I’m determined to make these my finishing moves if I ever become a wrestler) OH! And that through the ropes tornado DDT that Sami does! favourite ring gear: Asuka’s robe, Kairi’s EVERYTHING (I will cosplay Kairi someday) favourite gimmick: Kairi’s Pirate Princess, Curt Hawkins lose streak (even if I want him to win) least favourite gimmick: *insert generic nobility title here in place of personality* Charlotte, Alexa, Mandy Rose, etc... favourite tag team: E and C, Team Xtreme, Iconic Duo
Idk who to tag so like if you don’t wanna do it you don’t gotta. I’m not like the chain mail policy or whatever *shrugs* @batterymans @blurrymarina @bemoxxish
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whatifitscool · 4 years
PPV Impressions – AEW Full Gear 2020
By  Timmy Daytona
Despite the continuing pandemic, All Elite Wrestling has achieved a level of consistency that competitors in the wrestling industry have struggled to match. In their final PPV event of the year – Full Gear – it featured a sizeable card featuring some possibly exciting match-ups. Did it help them go out with a bang?
World Title Eliminator Tournament Final: Kenny Omega vs Hangman Adam Page
Prior to the match starting, it’s worth noting that Omega’s entrances have gotten longer since his and Hangman’s tag team championship loss at the hands of FTR. His introduction to his ring entrance included these digs at Hangman:
“He has headlined more PPVs, scored more AEW singles wins, has a better AEW winning percentage and has 8 more years’ experience than Hangman Page.”
Kenny’s interviews before the tournament presented a version of himself that is laser-focused on returning to singles glory. To demonstrate this intent, see his squash of Sonny Kiss. All business, his attempts at sportsmanship after the match looked insincere and the flashes of arrogance on the way to the final may be teasing a heel turn at some stage.
Since their days in NJPW, the Elite have enjoyed success in their storylines of friendships disintegrating and they have not disappointed when incorporating that drama into their matches. Omega and Page’s tag team match against The Young Bucks at Revolution is still the top-rated match of 2020. Their chemistry shines whenever they face one another.
That chemistry was evident in this match which felt realistic in its depiction of a competitive match-up of two former partners who know each other’s arsenals so well. It was hard-hitting, they countered each other repeatedly throughout but towards the end, Page missed a Buckshot Lariat and was hit with two V-Triggers and a One-Winged Angel before succumbing to the 3-count. This was perhaps Page’s best singles performance in AEW’s young history. The man can go and because we haven’t seen the two former partners really explode since Page betrayed the Bucks and was kicked out of the Elite, there is a sense that there could be more confrontations down the road.
The camera lingered on Page’s lost and dazed expression following his defeat. Omega barely acknowledged him and did not wait for Page at the end of the match. And Page appeared later, watching from a distance following the Bucks’ match. These subtle but significant developments are as exciting as the matches themselves.
Orange Cassidy vs John “4” Silver
In the second match of the night, Orange Cassidy and John “4” Silver would settle their short feud. As number 4 in The Dark Order, you’d think that he’d just be a generic villain but it’s great that AEW remain committed to giving opportunities to wrestlers – who aren’t main draws – their moments to shine. Silver definitely did shine – the man is a beast. The way he manhandled Cassidy, unleashed those roundhouse kicks and how he powered out of a swinging DDT, Silver showed potential that he is quickly becoming a threat. Also, how great was it that he ripped out Cassidy’s pockets and put them in his mouth? His loss to Cassidy was never in question but AEW consistently teases that unexpected wins could happen at any time. The presentation of the product is that it is a place of elite wrestlers so hypothetically, anyone could win (see Private Party’s elimination of the Young Bucks).
 TNT Championship Match: Cody Rhodes (C) vs Darby Allin
Darby Allin and Cody Rhodes battled for the TNT title and the honour of being the face of TNT. Including the latter brought even more focus on AEW’s intent to elevate the TNT title to a level of importance. The package for this match was brilliant. Cody exaggerated his “victories” over Allin, casting doubt on whether Allin could be the face of TNT. They tried to sell that Darby’s unconventional appearance is not suitable to be that face while Cody came across as someone believing too much in his own hype. He stated Darby could be the face of TNT but the silent shake of his head at the end of that sentence negated that sentiment. Awesome.
Cody hadn’t handily defeated Darby twice. So it was fitting for the championship to go to Allin. He’s the first wrestler to be portrayed as confounding Cody. Cody’s overconfidence and showboating tendencies were on full display. During his first run with the title, he was once the babyface but in a reversal of roles and in particular on this night, he had become the bully in an almost David vs Goliath encounter.
Some complaints were that Darby was shown to be too resilient and while he took a beating, he got a lot of his trademark offence in throughout the match. It was a great touch on Cody’s part to drop to a knee to present the title to Darby and later put it on his shoulder.
Whatever comes next, it is great that Cody went out on a high note and his hold on the TNT title is over. It will be exciting to see what comes next during Darby’s reign for AEW’s strong and diverse mid-card.
AEW Women’s Championship: Hikaru Shida (C) vs Nyla Rose
Nyla Rose and Hikaru Shida’s last championship meeting was a decent outing. There were reasonable expectations that they could deliver a solid match in this next instalment in their feud. The result was solid, if unspectacular. There was the avalanche Falcon Arrow but it didn’t pop as much as the sight of Shida V-Triggering Nyla into a casino chip back at Double or Nothing. Also, Nyla’s “claw” to the knee looked silly and unbelievable. This could be wrong but Nyla’s diving knee drop onto the back of Shida’s knee looked like it actually connected. Was this a botch? In a more obvious botch, Vickie Guerrero was seen visibly failing to catch Shida’s foot in her attempt to trip her up. The ending sequence also looked like both competitors were gassed. And were the cameras meant to show Nyla asking Vickie to slap her? Let’s hope this feud is over as the overall performances when these two meet are mixed.
AEW World Tag-Team Championship: FTR (C) vs The Young Bucks (Stipulation: If Bucks lose, they can never challenge for the tag team championship again)
With the stipulation in place, the result of this match was telegraphed well in advance. There was no doubt that the Bucks would walk away with the titles. Cody had already fallen on his own sword with his stipulation for the World Championship so AEW and The Elite couldn’t afford to put themselves in a similar situation for the Young Bucks. How could they demonstrate they are The Elite if most of them are ineligible to challenge for titles?
Though the result was predictable, arriving there was very fun to watch. In a love letter to tag team wrestling, both FTR and the Young Bucks brought out finishers from tag teams that have likely influenced both. Seeing FTR use Meeting in the Middle to the Bucks performing the Hardy Boyz Twist of Fate – Swanton Bomb finisher was just a sample of the awesomeness on display. Despite their high-flying tendencies, it was a simple Superkick from Matt’s injured leg that ended it. Fitting because that was the leg FTR attacked prior to the PPV but you knew it was going to factor some way into the match’s finish.
While the Young Bucks have looked better in other matches, they certainly put over FTR who looked great. Let’s see what happens next for FTR – some sites have suggested they could form a new iteration of the Four Horsemen stable but they will likely be challenging for the tag team titles again in the near future.
Elite Deletion – Matt Hardy vs Sammy Guevara
With good reason, many were probably worried as to what could happen in this match. From Hardy getting hit by the wrong prop chair to the near-tragedy suffered at All Out.
In this COVID-era, cinematic matches remain a viable alternative to a live match and with the seemingly cursed combination of Sammy Guevara and Matt Hardy, this pre-recorded match in a controlled environment was possibly the safest option to see them conclude their feud.
Some of it was genuinely fun to see. Sammy’s golf cart was crushed by Hardy’s monster truck. Sammy performed a moonsault off the top of one of the monster truck’s wheels. Fireworks were used. Calling on his past, Gangrel appeared in support of Sammy while the Hurricane appeared in support of Hardy. The Lake of Reincarnation allowed Helms to transform twice. A small touch that was nice to see was Sammy’s creative counter out of a Twist of Fate. It was mostly the level of bonkers befitting a Matt Hardy match.
Entertaining goofs included seeing the cameraman’s shadow as Sammy drove up the driveway, the skull on the Staff of Mephistopheles flew off when Matt swung it and the fireworks disrupted the audio feed preventing Matt’s voice from being recorded. If there were minor criticisms, the commentary fell flat in spots.
In terms of major criticisms of the match, there was the near replication of Matt and Sammy crashing through a table, instead busting Sammy’s head open in a reversal of their roles from All Out. Sammy then staggered trying to get to his feet, appearing punch-drunk. Up to this point, all that could be said is that Matt has always drawn on stories or situations from his personal life. The breakdown of his and Lita’s relationship and her cheating on him with Edge became a feud in WWE. So it stood to reason that he would draw on his history with Sammy including the dangerous botch at All Out.
But then it ended with a Con-Chair-To to Sammy’s head on the floor. While some could accept them recreating the All Out botch, this ending was likely what turned most people off. It was a horror movie ending that was so shocking that it really took viewers away from this cinematic match. It was so brutal, verging on snuff and it’s a wonder they chose to end it on this note.
While these attacks or finishers have been seen on other wrestling shows or in films like The Raid, it shouldn’t have to be part of AEW simply to elicit shock. And then it ended with fireworks and a shower of Alize. Talk about tonally jarring.
Le Champion Chris Jericho vs MJF (if MJF wins, he joins the Inner Circle)
After seeing the end of the Elite Deletion, a traditional match was a good call to move on to and Le Champion and MJF had a decent outing. Jericho received a hero’s welcome during his entrance, smiling while the crowd sang Judas acapella. It was so great seeing Jericho utilise the camera to flip off MJF. It was even better seeing the Jericho of old hit the Lionsault before yelling “come on, baby!” He even brought out the Frankensteiner. But in a battle of the heels, Jericho would be outdone in this capacity. MJF’s influences have seen him look like the dirtiest player in the game but he definitely called on Eddie Guerrero when he played dead towards the end ,before rolling up Jericho for the 3-count. Simple but effective storytelling. This match served its purpose and it will be fun to see how it all blows up. Please let there be a big hoss fight between Wardlow and Hager.
Or have Jericho reveal to MJF and Wardlow that while they’re part of the Inner Circle, there’s an Innermost Circle within it that they aren’t a part of.
I Quit Match for the AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley (C) vs Eddie Kingston
“You’re gonna have to kill me! You better get ready to kill me! You better get ready! This is real! This is real!”
Eddie Kingston is still one of the best signings for AEW. He isn’t a ring technician but he’s as venomous as a freestyle rapper on the mic and harder hitting in the ring.
With that promo in particular, Eddie Kingston was at his most captivating. The barely contained rage as he said those words with Moxley behind him likely had many on the edges of their seats. Kingston sounds like he is one of the hardest bastards in the sport.
This was a stiff-looking match with plenty of the clubbing blows that Kingston makes look real. It had the violence that Moxley has loved to put on display since leaving WWE. They were both on the receiving end of attacks using barbwire. Schiavone even asked, “What the hell are we watching?”
This was not athletic or as protracted as the Lights Out Unsanctioned Match Moxley had against Omega at Full Gear last year. It certainly had less plunder. But this looked just as painful. The rubbing alcohol poured over the wounds Moxley incurred on the thumbtacks would have had many wincing, as if they felt the pain themselves.
You’ve also got to love Kingston’s defiance. Casually flipping Moxley off, he then had to endure being choked with barbwire before quitting. The measure of respect Moxley had at the end for Kingston was also believable. These two put on a brutal showing and tore the house down in a style that suited them both.
Did Moxley just tease Blood and Guts at the end?
It could be argued that this is the strongest main event Moxley’s had since Full Gear 2019. While his title match at Revolution was fun when he revealed that he wasn’t blind in one eye, his chemistry with Kingston and their physicality should be applauded. They seem convincing as brawlers and this was a great brawl.
This was yet another strong PPV card for AEW. While nothing screamed instant classic or was anywhere near the fun of Stadium Stampede, it’s the long-form storytelling that is the key strength to AEW’s dominance in professional wrestling. The seeds laid out for feuds-in-progress or setting things up for the future are as tantalising as the matches on display.
In terms of what they had, the opening bout, the tag team championship and the main event were easily the strongest matches on the card with Cody vs Darby III being the next best. Despite a weak Women’s World Championship match, everything else that could have been seen as filler either progressed or ended storylines appropriately.
AEW ends their 2020 PPV run on a high note. But the year isn’t over yet. As they’ve said in recent weeks, “Winter is coming”. Can’t wait to see what they do to close out the year.
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mrheyhellohowareyou · 7 years
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The worst part about the WWECW reboot wasn’t the logo, but Jesus is this shit is hard on the eyes.
The WWE vs ECW Tuesday special and One Night Stand 2006 are both things that I enjoyed a fair amount recently. I wasn’t a  wrestling fan in 2006 so I don’t remember anything about the rebooted ECW, all I know about it is its less-than-stellar reputation. I figure if One Night Stand was the launch then the new show should have started with SOME promise so I’ve been combing through episodes to see what catches my eye.
Episode 2 (6/20/2006)
Rob Van Dam and Kurt Angle vs Edge and Randy Orton
RVD is your WWE and ECW champion and riding a HUGE wave of momentum, having pinned World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio (maybe not all that impressive since Rey wasn’t very good at winning right then) in a non-title match at the aforementioned WWE vs ECW special, John Cena at One Night Stand ‘06 for the spinner strap, and would go on to successfully defend against Edge in a fuck-ugly match at Vengeance the Sunday after this show. Kurt Angle is “ECW’s Kurt Angle,” which seems like it meant that the guy was still an overconfident Olympic dickhole, the kinda guy who would slap people on the back of the head while they were covering up on the ground, but the crowd dug it because good guys who act like dicks are an ECW tradition.
Edge and Orton are representing RAW and sports entertainment as a whole if you listen to Joey Styles. Edge comes out first and says that ECW SUCKS, which we’ve heard so many times from so many different people that it ceases to be a controversial opinion. Commentary says this is the first time these two have ever teamed up.
Angle starts with Edge and throws him around a little bit, treating Edge like lumpy trash. RVD comes in to do his moves and Edge tags in Orton so he can take some punishment instead. Rob crotches Orton on the top rope and comes off the top buckle to kick him off, which is kind of a piece of shit move but Randy is a dick so no one cares. Orton and Edge take over when Lita pulls down the top rope and RVD falls to the floor, leaving the heels to take over with crisp tandem offense. Orton is pretty nasty in this match, really putting some malice behind his hits and displaying one of the few things I like about watching him. RVD takes a crazy bump through the ropes headfirst into the announce table and then gets kicked in the face with both of Orton’s heels on a crazy-high dropkick.
RVD creates some separation and tags Angle in, who throws both heels to the mat with German suplexes. Angle goes for Orton’s ankle but Edge pulls him to the ropes, which doesn’t put a full halt to Angle’s offensive tear. Edge comes off the top and gets caught for another German followed by an attempt at an Angle Slam, but he forgets about Orton lying in the corner and gets caught with a chop block to the knee. These bastards are nasty and their teamwork is super solid for a first time pairing, smothering Angle with their teamwork and not letting him breathe. Angle thrown to the floor by Edge and tweaks the chop-blocked knee on the way down, then is into the steps and rolled into the ring. Extreme Angle suprised Edge with a single leg from the ground and goes for a choke, which is broken up by Lita. Joey Styles doesn’t know what “the back” means, which is strange because he was just criticizing King for “not watching the product” very recently. Edge throws Angle into the corner and just gets kicked right in the chest on a charge, giving him an opening for another German and an opportunity for Angle to tag in RVD. Clotheslines and a kick to Edge, a blast to Orton on the apron, step-over kick to Edge and a tope to Orton on the floor. RVD grabs a chair but gets grabbed by Orton on his way back into the ring so RVD chucks the chair at his face (Orton takes a full five seconds to fall down) before getting blasted back to the floor by Edge. Angle grabs Edge’s ankle and ducks a belt shot from Lita then delivers the Angle Slam to her, which the crowd loves because you can take the fans away from the trash but you can’t take the trash away from the fans. Straps are down, Orton back in to RKO Angle, but he makes the mistake of gloating and gets kicked in the face by RVD coming off the top. He then goes for Rolling Thunder but gets kicked right in the face by Edge on the way down. Edge sets up for the spear, gets hit by Rob’s forearem, Five Star Frog Splash and that’s the match. Edge gets pinned clean (as clean as you can in ECW I guess) going into their match at Vengeance
Fun match, went by quickly. RVD bumped around like crazy and everyone had a little spring in their step.
Episode 3 (6/27/2006)
Rob Van Dam vs Kurt Angle
Edge comes out to sit at ringside so he can get a look at who he’s gonna fight at a later date. Taz tries to interview him but Edge calls him short so Taz shoves the mic into his chest. Edge threatens him and says “I know how to choke somebody out too” but I don’t think anybody believes him.
What I like about the build to this new ECW was that it seemed certain wrestlers took the cue of the new format to change their styles to something more appropriate for the audiences’ expectations. RVD’s style resembled the spot-heavy, ridiculously-athletic sprinting pace of old while Angle turned up the nastiness of his character while still playing to what a bloodthirsty crowd would want out of a good guy Olympic wrestler with an insane amount of self-confidence in his amateur skill.
This match… well, you would have no idea that any of this had actually happened by watching this match. Starts with Angle outwrestling RVD (obviously), with Rob showing enough skill of his own to avoid getting fully caught up in Angle’s submissions. Angle keeps on knocking Rob onto his back and killing his momentum and takes over the action. Rob tries going high risk, where he gets caught and gets thrown from the top rope all the way to the floor.
The remainder of the match goes something like this: Angle takes over with holds on the ground but stops fully wrenching away on them after awhile, leaving a little something to be desired in the punishment he’s supposed to be inflicting and the mean streak he’s supposed to be displaying; Rob creates separation a few times but keeps getting caught when he goes high risk, getting dragged back down to the mat. Rinse and repeat. RVD could bump like crazy but it seems like he doesn’t exactly do too well at selling holds. There’s nothing wrong with the formula, solid enough in concept but the two don’t seem to have much chemistry in this match.
After a few back and forths Rob starts to hit his signature offense. Rob eventually hits a tornado DDT off the ropes then anticlimactically climbs to the top rope for a connecting Five Star Frog Splash to end the match.
The biggest detriment to this match was the inconsistency it has with the character-building and stage-setting being done within the new ECW universe at the time as it’s worked like a standard WWE TV main event. Both wrestlers do their thing and have the match until it ends.
Episode 9 (8/8/2006)
Kurt Angle vs Sabu
Would you call this a “dream match?” Somebody has definitely dreamed about this match but I don’t think anybody has ever sat down and gone “you know who would be good together…” and then came up with this.
This shit right here is FAR superior to the RVD/Angle matchup, a lot more competitive with a lot more going on. Angle is smotheringly aggressive and gets a lot of shots in at Sabu, but the Genocidal One’s offense is so outside of what Angle is used to that he is caught off-guard on the regular throughout the match. This is almost the opposite of the last match, where it seemed Angle had RVD’s number until he managed to eek out a win with the high-risk offense, since the two go back and forth taking their best shots at each other and trading places as the dominant one in the match. This is a “non-extreme” match but that almost works into Sabu’s unpredictability: if he can’t use his chair then what’s he gonna try and pull out to gain the advantage?
(Unintentionally) funny bit early on when Sabu puts his feet on the ropes while trapped on the mat and aggressively tries to bring this to the blind ref’s attention. Angle keeps grinding down Sabu and smacking him around until he misses a charge into the ringpost and takes a gnarly bump to the floor after a second charge gets him tossed over. Sabu is pretty crisp here and keeps the action going, keeping himself in logical contention with the Olympic gold medalist, getting in WAYYYY more offense than Rob did in his ECW match with Angle. Sabu’s fists = underrated.
The two trade off spots of dominance, Angle grinding down Sabu and Sabu retaliating with some really “explosive” offense consisting of a mix of strikes, mat wrestling and high-flying craziness, both guys bumping inside and outside of the ring like the fate of the brand depended on it.
Sabu has Angle down and hits a Frog Splash for 2 and then gets his ankle caught, but before anything else can happen RVD comes down and smashes both dudes with a chair because, well, he wants a title shot. It seems like there are other ways to go about that but, y’know, ECW. So of course Rob gets what he wants next week in a ladder match against Sabu.
Almost disappointed this match had to end this way, it was very competitive and I was looking forward to seeing how one man would get the upper hand over the other. Both guys came at each other with purpose and nastiness, intent on cutting the other down but unable to gain a real dominance due to the style clash and the resiliency on display.
If you told somebody that never watched Raw in ‘06 that Angle’s last match for the ‘E would be against Sabu and that it was an actual fluid and entertaining affair, I doubt that anybody would actually believe you
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judgementdaysunshine · 8 months
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You smile looking at yourself in the mirror after putting your purple ring gear on before watching Undertaker's match with Billy Gunn. What stuns you is when the taker pulls you into a hug after he walks backstage to see you with a grin, "Your mouth will catch flies" you both laugh before realizing you'll be having your debut against Lita after two more matches while sitting in your locker room as the match between Christian and X-Pac began, you try to keep your nerves together until finally they come apart. Running outside and throwing up in a bush, rinsing your mouth out in the bathroom before sitting in the hall unable to control the shaking throughout your body and the tears flowing down your face as a voice speaks, "Hey you okay?" Bradshaw stands above you along with Test and Trish on either side "I'm a wreck, what if I mess up like badly and the match is shitty?" they immediately told you that everything would be fine because you were a great wrestler and that your match was with lita, she was fair and sweet which you knew the few times you ran into each other but you were still a nervous wreck for the match. "Look at me" you turn to see Edge crouched in front of you when your heart flutters and quivers erratically watching him grab and hold your hands while listening to him calmly talk to you, "You are gonna be fine, Lita's always about wellbeing and safety plus you'll be great don't be hard on yourself" you have a smile on your face seeing christian come backstage and talking with lita before she walks to the ring as you take a deep breath, you feel a warm hand intertwine and squeeze your own when you see edge next to you as your music of Higher by Creed plays. "The following contest is scheduled for one fall, making her way to the ring from Knoxville Tennessee, weighing in at a total of 150 pounds, Y/N" the match quickly began and the two of you form chemistry in the ring and match up well with each thing you did but the crowd pops at the unusual move of an Asai DDT and head scissors mixed together, Lita whispers to you as the ref counts while laying on top of her "It was fucking great, I'm proud of you" tears form in your eyes a little before realizing you had won and standing in disbelief with a smile as lita gets up with one of her own before rolling out of the ring and walking backstage where you see everyone behind the curtain after sharing a hug with lita and finally feel more relaxed while standing by the curtain as you watch edge's match against Val Venis. The two of you lock eyes with each other while he walks up the ramp which earned you a wink and you return the gesture with a shy wave before laughing at each other as Raw finishes up, happy that your debut went better than you thought and things were great as you walk backstage until you're grabbed and beaten up outside where you're found laying on the ground covered in blood and in pain by Steph, you get your head bandaged and stitches across your face before hearing your phone ring as steph takes you back to your hotel room, a groan of pain is let out when you hear a knock on the door only to open it and see edge who immediately checks over you after closing the door. You assure him that you were okay until he looks at you which makes the tears and emotions burst, "God I was terrified" edge stayed with you that night and calls someone as you sleep once you felt safe "Tomorrow in the locker room we make sure this doesn't happen again".
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91062854-ka · 2 years
Katherine Good (Played by: Spencer Locke)
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Real name: Katherine Elizabeth Good
Ring name(s):
Erica Ambrose (currently)
Kat Moxley (formerly)
Katie (real life)
The Psychotic Diva
The Next Chyna
The Female Lunatic
The Psychotic Lunatic
The Psychotic Amazon
Born: December 10, 1989 (age 24)
Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio
Height/Weight: 5'7"/117 Ibs
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brownish blonde
Jonathan David Good/Dean Ambrose (Older brother)
Unnamed Mother
Unnamed Father
Romantic interest(s): Colby Lopez/Seth Rollins
Piercing(s): Double ear piercings (on both ears)
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Body type:
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Left upper collarbone
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Upper left arm
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Left wrist
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Theme song(s):
Awake and Alive by Skillet (WSU/CZW)
Sound of Madness by Shinedown (FCW/NXT)
Mz. Hyde by Halestorm (WWE/NXT)
Finishing moves:
Wild Card (Gory Neckbreaker)
Dirty Deeds (V2) (Double Arm DDT)
Submission moves:
Barbed Wire (Octopus Stretch Hold)
No Way Out (Modified Scorpion Crosslock)
Asylum Cell (Cross Armbreaker)
Signature moves:
Lunatic Lariat (Rebound Lariat)
Air Lunatic (Suicide Dive)
Lou thesz pres
Spinning heel kick
Tilt a Whirl DDT
Tilt a Whirl Takedown
Fireman's Carry into Swinging Sidewalk Slam
Missile Dropkick
Diving Elbow Drop
Avalanche Hurricarana
Turnbuckle Headscissors Takedown
Sleeper Hold
Running Bulldog
Running Knee Strike
Corner High Knee
Multiple Stomps to a seated opponent
Corner Body Splash + Neckbreaker combo
Multiple Headbutts
Multiple Short Arm Clotheslines
Rope Stunner
Paige (off-screen)
AJ Lee
Becky Lynch
Sasha Banks (off-screen)
Charlotte Flair (off-screen)
Kevin Owens (off-screen)
Finn Balor (off-screen)
Nikki Bella (off-screen)
Brie Bella (off-screen)
Naomi (off-screen)
Alicia Fox (off-screen)
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins (off-screen) (before falling in love with him)
Randy Orton (off-screen)
John Cena
Dolph Ziggler
Triple H (off-screen)
Stephanie McMahon (off-screen)
Shane McMahon
Vince McMahon
The Undertaker
Kane (off-screen)
Shawn Michaels
Trained by:
Dean Ambrose
Michelle McCool
Shawn Michaels
Trish Stratus
AJ Lee
Seth Rollins
Roman Reigns
WWE Idol(s):
Trish Stratus
Stone Cold Steve Austin
• Katherine is four years apart from her brother, but she has a close bond with him due to their love for wrestling and from looking out for each other during their rough childhood. She also shares the same zodiac sign with her brother, which is Sagittarius.
• Katherine took gymnastics when she was 4, so it helps her when she wrestles.
• Katherine learns how to cook from her mother.
• Katherine has a pet female Pomapoo dog name Brownie.  
• Erica Ambrose is as crazy as Dean Ambrose and AJ Lee, if not crazier than them if she was pushed too far. Because of this, she likes to play mind games on her opponents and rivals to mess with them or, if she wants to, break them.
• Katherine used to compete in other wrestling companies, such as Heartland Wrestling Association (HWA), Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw), Full Impact Pro (FIP), Dragon Gate USA (DGUSA) and Women Superstars United (WSU) under the name Kat Moxley, the younger sister of Jon Moxley. She does make a few appearances in Combat Zone Wrestling (CZW) as her brother's tag team partner so anyone who goes up against them knows who dangerous they are when they work together.
• Throughout her wrestling career, Katherine wrestled both men and women, although in WWE she prefers wrestling men as she felt they're more challenging than women are at the time before the Divas Revolution. The only ones she felt were challenging in the Divas Division was Paige, Tamina and Naomi.
• When Katherine wrestles, the ring gear she wears are actually normal clothes, she was inspired by AJ Lee. She finds it more comfortable than the ring gears the other divas wears.
• When Erica waits for her opponent to come to the ring, she sits on the second rope like AJ Lee does in both NXT and WWE.
• When Erica goes out to the ring with her brother to confront those who stands in their way, she always comes out with either a steel chair or a kendo stick.
• Erica's Twitter account is @TheEricaAmbrose. (It's not real, so don't bother trying to find it)
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softambrollins · 7 years
tagged by @supreme-leader-rollins; thanks! :)
1. Favorite Current Male Superstar? Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho...
2. Favorite Superstar of all time? Stone Cold Steve Austin
3. Favorite Current Female Superstar? Becky Lynch, Charlotte, Sasha Banks
4. Favorite Female of All Time? Lita
5. Wrestlemania or SummerSlam? ‘Mania
6. Do You Have the WWE Network? Yeah, I have a 3-month free trial rn lol so thank you @wwe
7. Favorite Title Belt of All Time? The Attitude Era WWF title belt was great. And the big gold belt too.
8. Favorite Current Belt? I actually really like the WWE title. And the IC title; Dean looks great with it, I am just saying.
9. Least Favorite Superstar of all Time? Hah, I really don’t know.
10. Least Favorite Current Superstar? Ehh, I find some people overrated but I don’t actively dislike anyone.
11. Favorite Wrestlemania moment? I wasn’t around for it but Seth’s cash-in was pretty epic. In terms of ones I’ve watched live, The Hardys showing up this year was insane. I’m sure there’s a bunch from back in the day but I can’t remember specific moments.
12. Favorite Era? Attitude Era, for the nostalgia value. But it was really awesome. And I’m actually a big fan of a lot of the current era; I’m enjoying wrestling as a whole a lot more than I thought I would back in August.
13.Favorite Match of the Year (so far)? Dean winning the IC title was nice. Cena/Styles at the Rumble was awesome. And mostly for the feelings and because I was so invested in the story, Seth/Hunter at ‘Mania. I’ve watched it back a bunch of times already. And hell, that triple threat on Raw this week was amazing.
14. Favorite Piece of Merch You Own? I only own a Dean tank top with his logo in red atm.
15. Favorite Faction of All Time? The Shield. DX were great too.
16. Do You like the Current Main Title Holder(s)? IDC about Brock. And I used to be super into Randy back in the day but I’m bored of him now and the feud with Bray ended up so disappointing. The US and IC title scenes look way more interesting to me rn.
17. Do You Think That the Women Should Have More Titles? Tag titles, maybe?
18. Favorite Finisher? I actually think the RKO is the perfect finisher. The Stunner is a classic. Roman’s Spear is great. The Curb Stomp (RIP - I like Seth’s new one too though). Hell, I love that Dirty Deeds is so protected and that people pop like crazy for it even though it’s just a DDT. It’s very simple and very Dean and it has a great name.
19. Favorite Stipulation? Ladder matches are great. I’m also fond of the Elimination Chamber. Hell in a Cell can be really good too.
20. Favorite PPV? Royal Rumble, since I was a kid.
Bonus: Have You Met Any Superstars? If YES, Who? Haha, nope.
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lambchopviking · 8 years
Am I a fan?: yes
Favorite move: her ddt, snap suplex, headscissors takedown, that powerbomb thing she did, litacanrana, the moonsault when she didn’t botch it
Favorite match: vs trish stratus, main event of raw, or vs victoria, steel cage match
Favorite feud: trish
Favorite promo: the one where she goes off about her impact on women’s wrestling
Seen live?: no
Unpopular opinion: her moonsault is kind of overrated and one of the most hit or miss moonsaults of all time largely because she was no where near as technically sound as people with rose-tinted lenses tend to think she was 
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fcablog · 6 years
Flashback Friday: Survivor Series 2003
Fifteen years ago, we saw the end of 2 eras. The end of Stone Cold Steve Austin as a full-time on-screen character and the end of The Undertaker’s American Badass biker gimmick. If you were a fan of either or both at the time, this was a depressing PPV. Entertaining, but depressing.
Date: November 11, 2003
Location: American Airlines (c) Center in Dallas, Texas
Team Angle (Bradshaw, Chris Benoit, Hardcore Holly, John Cena and Kurt Angle) vs Team Lesnar (A-Train, Big Show, Brock Lesnar, Nathan Jones and Matt Morgan) // Traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series Elimination Match
“Doctor of Thuganomics” Cena came out 1st so we got one of his classic freestyles where the highlights included the idea of trading his team for an one night stand with Sable and pretty much telling Big Show to suck his d***
The 1st two eliminations came quick. Hardcore Holly got himself disqualified seeking revenge by trying to take out Brock Lesnar (Lesnar broke Holly’s neck back in September of 2002 and put him out of action). Bradshaw make quick work with a Clothesline From Hell to A-Train for the pinfall.
Bradshaw went just as quick as he eliminated A-Train as Big Show eliminated him with chokeslam.
Kurt Angle went crazy, cleared house and eliminated Matt Morgan with an Angle Slam then after a miscue between Nathan Jones & the Big Show, he forced Nathan Jones to tap to the Ankle Lock. Unfortunately, Angle fell to the F5 from Brock Lesnar eliminating him from the match.
Lesnar & Benoit went move-for-move until after several attempts he was finally able to lock in the Crossface and forced Lesnar to tap. The fans immediately started to chant “YOU TAPPED OUT”
Due to a blind tag and referee distraction, John Cena nailed Big Show with his signature chain and lift Big Show on his shoulders for an F-U (now known as the Attitude Adjustment)
Molly Holly (c) vs. Lita // WWE Women’s Championship
This match was big for Lita because she was returning from a neck injury she suffered the previous year.
This was a 7-minute back & forth match. After Molly Holly got frustrated from Lita kicking out the Molly-Go-Round, she pulled off the middle turnbuckle, threw Lita into it, and rolled her up for the pinfall to retain her title
Kane vs. Shane McMahon // Ambulance Match
The video package building up to this was great
Kane’s pyro was close to setting an ambulance on fire which was insane
Shane went after Kane quick sending both over the top ropes with a cross-body
Shane pulled off one of his classic daredevil elbow drops sending him & Kane throw the Spanish Announce Table
Shane then lured Kane backstage to set him up with kendo stick attack then backed up an SUV right into Kane. A camera got taken out in that backstage brawl.
Shane hits a Coast To Coast from the top of the ambulance to Kane who was pinned on the barricade by a trash can and a box
Kane hit Shane with the Tombstone on the floor and tossed him into the ambulance and shut the doors for the win.
The Basham Brothers (Danny Basham and Doug Basham) (c) (with Shaniqua) vs. Los Guerreros(Chavo Guerrero and Eddie Guerrero) // WWE Tag Team Championship
I forgot about Shaniqua. I’m still trying to figure out whose decision to give Linda Miles that gimmick and pair her up with tag team. Was she that bad in the ring. I remember her, but I don’t remember that much about her career.
Los Guerreros’ truck with the spinners…
This match was pretty much was all about Los Guerreros until Shaniqua got involved. Eddie and Chavo took her out and gave the crowd a show, but it cost them. After Chavo took out Eddie accidentally with a tornado DDT, the Bashams pulled “Twin Magic” (they barely looked the same) and Danny Basham rolled up Chavo for the win to retain the tag titles.
Team Bischoff (Chris Jericho, Christian, Mark Henry, Randy Orton and Scott Steiner) (with Eric Bischoff, Theodore Long and Stacy Keibler) vs. Team Austin (Booker T, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Rob Van Dam and Shawn Michaels) (with Stone Cold Steve Austin) // Traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series Elimination Match
The stipulation was set for this match where if Austin's team were to win, then the restriction that Linda McMahon had put on Austin previously (Linda McMahon put a restriction on Steve Austin, saying that he could not physically assault the other Raw superstars unless Austin was physically provoked) would be null and void; however, if Bischoff's team were to win, Austin would step down as Co-General Manager of Raw.
The match got chaotic and a Stacy Keibler distraction led to the Dudleys double-teaming Scott Steiner which led to Booker T eliminating Steiner with the Book End. It was only a few seconds later Mark Henry came in and eliminated Booker T with the World’s Strongest Slam.
It took the teamwork of RVD and The Dudleys to hit Mark Henry with the 3D and the 5-Star Frog Splash to eliminate the World’s Strongest Man.
Orton hits RVD with the RKO to eliminate him
Jericho slammed D-Von’s face to the mat to eliminated him
Jericho hits the low blow on Bubba Ray behind the ref’s back which led Christian to hit the Unprettier (Killswitch) on Bubba to eliminate him.
Christian slingshots Shawn Michaels into the ring post on the outside and busts him open
Christian gets hit with Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere and he gets eliminated
 Shawn Michaels reverses The Walls of Jericho into a small package to eliminate Chris Jericho
Shawn Michaels fought like hell, but due to a ref bump, interference from Eric Bischoff and a Batista Bomb from Batista, Orton covered Michaels to get the win for Team Bischoff
 Austin came back out to say goodbye and thank the crowd after the match. He pointed out that he got his start to his wresting career in Dallas, Texas which made this moment extremely bittersweet. Jonathan Coachman flanked by security came out to interrupt Austin. Austin proceeded to beat the crap out of Coach and the security guard then hits Coach with the Stunner. He celebrates with some Steveweisers after the beatdown. What a farewell...
Mr. McMahon vs. The Undertaker// Buried Alive Match
Video package: At the SmackDown! brand PPV, No Mercy, Vince McMahon interfered in a WWE Championship Biker Chain match between the Champion Brock Lesnar and Undertaker, helping Lesnar retain the title. Also at the same pay-per-view, Vince defeated his daughter Stephanie McMahon in an "I Quit" match. Due to a pre-match stipulation between the two, Stephanie had to quit her job as SmackDown! General Manager.The following week, on the October 23 edition of SmackDown!, Vince announced Paul Heyman as the new SmackDown! General Manager. In his first act as General Manager, Heyman booked a handicap match, with Undertaker facing Brock Lesnar and The Big Show, with the stipulation that if he won, Undertaker could choose to face any superstar at any event. Heyman put many stipulations in Undertaker's way during the bout, but despite this and taking a huge beating, Undertaker won the contest. As a fallen Undertaker laid in the entryway, McMahon began screaming at him, saying that he would never be WWE Champion again as long as he was alive and that he demanded to know what kind of match Undertaker would seek now that he could pick anyone to face at any time. The injured Undertaker told McMahon that he would be competing in a Buried Alive match at Survivor Series. Assuming Undertaker would choose Lesnar as his opponent, McMahon continued to berate him by saying he hoped that Lesnar would bury him "six feet under". Undertaker then snatched the microphone away from the owner of WWE and declared that he would not be facing Lesnar in the match, but instead would face a stunned and angry McMahon. On the October 30 edition of SmackDown!, Heyman announced that he had given Undertaker time off until Survivor Series, which made McMahon very unhappy. McMahon stated that he would "burn down Undertaker's house and order Undertaker's wife to be gang raped" if Heyman didn't do anything about the Buried Alive match. Both Undertaker and Vince were interviewed on the November 6 edition of SmackDown!. In his promo, Undertaker stated that the feud with Vince was personal. He went on to say that McMahon respects nobody and that McMahon disrespects his family. Later in the show, McMahon asked for forgiveness from the fans for his actions over the past few months.
Taker came out and beat the crap out of Vince in this match. Busted him open and he bled like crazy the entire match. 2 back-to-back matches where someone got busted open. Man, a lot has changed in 15 years. Nia Jax had to accidentally hit Becky Lynch in the face for us to see a woman bleed on TV. He smack him across the head with a shovel
Taker proceeded to take Vince to the grave to bury him, but Vince  manage to get away and hit Taker with a shovel and Taker falls into the grave. It didn’t last long as Taker drug Vince into the grave and tried to climb into the payloader to bury Vince when pryo went off near the payloader causing Taker to fall off the payloader. Kane appears, beat Taker into the grave, pulls Vince out the grave and tells Vince to go into the payloader to dump dirt onto Taker to win the match
Goldberg (c) vs.Triple H (with Ric Flair) // World Heavyweight Championship
Video package shows how Goldberg gets injured. Triple H put a $100,000 bounty to take Goldberg out. Batista collected the bounty by using a steel chair to take out Goldberg’s ankle which is why he came out to the ring with his ankle bandaged up
So 2003 Triple H decided to make ring gear changes which some fans didn’t approve of. At Wrestlemania 19, he decided to wear purple trunks and white boots. On this night, He decided to wear custom bike shorts. I thought the look was cool, personally.
Out the gate, Goldberg hits the Spear on Triple H before the bell rings. Ric Flair goes crazy and gets beat down for his troubles.
Triple H targets the injured ankle for the majority of the match and Flair decides to takes shot at Goldberg while the ref’s back is turned.
Triple H tries to work on Goldberg’s ankle again, but Goldberg pushes him off and right into referee Earl Hebner. Triple H then tells Ric Flair to give him a pair of brass knuckles while the ref is down and he nails Goldberg and goes for the pin, but Goldberg kicks out. A frustrated Triple H knocks Hebner out then goes under the ring for a sledgehammer. Goldberg kicks the sledgehammer out of Triple H’s hands. Ric Flair and the rest of Evolution try to run interference, but they all get taken out Goldberg with the sledgehammer in his possession. Triple H tries to go for the Pedigree, but it’s reversed. Goldberg picks up the sledgehammer and considers using it, but changes his mind. He hits the Spear followed by the Jackhammer and gets the pin and the win and retains the World Heavyweight title.
Overall, I give this PPV an 8.5/10. This was a great card. Better than what I remembered. The opening contest wasn’t long which is strange because you felt like it should have gotten more time with the talent involved, but it was entertaining (I had a minor issue with this in my Survivor Series ‘97 review). The backstage segment with Vince, Shane and Austin was good. The in-ring interview with Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban seemed unnecessary, but it got a little heat on Eric Bischoff and Jonathan Coachman with the crowd before the Raw Survivor Series elimination match, but it did more for Randy Orton’s “Legend Killer” run after he hit the RKO on Mark Cuban. The backstage interview with Brock Lesnar was interrupted by Goldberg and I found that funny because it was foreshadowing their Wrestlemania 20 match and many WWE fans know how that turned out. The Tag Title match wasn’t that great, but this was used to continued the storyline where after months of miscommunication eventually Chavo would turned on Eddie. I wasn’t a fan of the Women’s Title match been 7 minutes long, but this was par for the course at the time and Lita just came back from an injury so it was understandable. The ambulance match was solid. Raw’s Traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series Elimination Match was 10+ minutes longer than Smackdown’s, but it made sense because Austin was tied to the story and Austin is over AF especially in Dallas. The Buried Alive was a great way to end The Undertaker’s American Badass run and it made Kane and Vince even bigger villains (If you ever get a chance, listen to the American Badass Undertaker episode Something To Wrestle w/ Bruce Prichard podcast to understand why this version ended here). The main event was overbooked, but this again, was par for the course at the time,(Check out Wrestling With Wregret to get a better understand of what I talking about when it comes to the booking of Goldberg and Triple H around 2002-2005) but it didn’t take away from this match. Solid PPV overall and I enjoyed it.
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