#Listen I love princess mononoke so much so when I met Akita I was like
averygayplant · 1 year
Something I noticed, watching the never realm arc-
This is San from Princess Mononoke, my favorite film by Hayao Miyazaki, my personal hero and the coolest animator ever:
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She seeks to kill a woman who is directly responsible for destroying her forest and killing gods for protecting what has been entrusted to them, and happens upon a naive human boy who's just trying to figure out what spurred Nago (a demon) to attack his village.
This is Akita from Ninjago, a tv show that I really like and enjoy thoroughly:
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She seeks to kill a man who destroyed her home and took her brother from her in an unprovoked attack against her kind, and happens upon a dumb human boy who's just trying to find his friend and a way back home.
....corporate needs you to find the differences in these two pictures-
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