#Lipton x Reader
mccall-muffin ยท 2 years
Hello my love! I saw your tags about more Lipton content, and since you're looking for prompts, I was wondering if I could request something with him? Because you are absolutely right, he needs more fics ๐Ÿ˜Œ Fluff, angst, anything - it's up to you! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thank you bestie! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ
Well, well, well - I guess, that one's on me ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹ Thank you so much for the request, love ๐Ÿฅฐ
This is for you my bestie @softguarnere! I really hope you like it and as for the topics...: why not a little bit of everything!
What lasts long finally becomes good // Carwood Lipton x Reader
Warnings: Language, War, Fluff
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January 16, 1945 - Rachamps, Belgium
You sit in the church and stare at nothing, completely downtrodden. The last month was pure horror, and now you're glad to have a roof over your head for the first time in a long time. You already thought that your limbs couldn't get warm anymore, but now this seems to be the case. With half an ear, you listen to the choir organized by the nuns, but the sound of the explosions is still ringing in your head.
You rest your elbows on your legs and rub your face.
"Here," someone in front of you then says, and you look up. It's George, holding out a cup to you. "Hot coffee... Should revive your spirits," he adds, and you accept the cup gratefully. George drops down on the bench beside you and sighs deeply. You carefully bring the cup to your mouth and sip. The warm liquid flows through you, warming you from the inside. "That was just what I needed," you say softly, smiling tiredly at George from the side. "I'm glad I could help."
The two of you sit silently next to each other, continuing to stare at each other and sip your coffee. Suddenly, George nudges you and points his head forward. You spot Lip and Speirs talking to each other when you look up. "What do you think it's about?" asks George, and you shrug before averting your eyes again.
"Everything okay between you and Lip?" Now you look at George again. "I don't know," you sigh after a while. "I haven't talked to Lip since... Not really talked to him since the incident with Hoobs." George frowns. "Why is that?" You shake your head, sighing. "I don't know. I had my duties, and he had his, I guess." "Y/N..." "Just leave it alone, please, George," you interrupt him immediately.
Lip and you got along very well from the beginning. Since the first day, you joined them in Toccoa. In the start, Lip was just your friend, but as time passed, you quickly realized that you felt more for him than friendship. The men noticed this too, and of course, they didn't let it stop them from teasing you about it.
You were sure Lip felt the same way about you as you did about him, even though he never told you or moved in that direction. He's too reserved and correct for that, precisely the qualities you value so much in him.
Even when you went to war and faced the threat of one of you dying almost every day, that didn't change. Except for occasional hugs, light hand-holding, or intimate conversations in the foxholes, nothing more ever happened. You share Lip's opinion here that this has no place in war. And yet your feelings have not vanished into thin air; no, they have only intensified since then.
You dare another glance at Lip, who is reading something but seems to sense your gaze because, at that moment, he raises his head and looks at you.
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For a few seconds that feel like hours, your eye contact lingers. Then you break off, zip up your jacket, and leave the church. "Hey, where are you going?" calls George after you, but you ignore him.
Outside, you fight back the tears. Your breathing quickens, and with trembling fingers, you light a smoke. Immediately, the cold creeps back into your body. With your free hand, you rub your arm, trying to warm it somehow. As you blow out the smoke, you shiver.
"You shouldn't be out here. It's warm inside; you can warm up there. We've spent enough time in the cold for now.,"
You don't need to turn around to know who is followed outside. Keeping your eyes fixed on the house across the street, you take another drag of your smoke. "Ah, now you're talking to me?" you ask, your lip quivering. Lip steps closer to you. He doesn't say anything at first before standing right next to you. "Y/N... I... I didn't know what to do..." Now you look at him but immediately turn away from him again.
Your eyes start to burn again. Hoobs was your best friend. You loved spending time with him. He was funny and always upbeat, and through him, you could forget the horrors of war for a while. And then came that fucking Luger. The fucking Luger he was talking about since fucking Normandy. And on which he finally got his hands on. You were with him in his final seconds, at least. You held his hand and tried to comfort him. You told him that everything was going to be okay. When he was gone, you were angry. Angry with him that he broke his promise that you two would go home together after this fucking war is over. Angry at the Krauts, for having these stupid guns everyone wants to get. Angry at god that he took your best friend.
You sat in your foxhole for hours, waiting for Lip to come to you and hold you, but he never did. He never told you that he will be there for you, no matter what happens. He never held you, rubbed your back, and told you that the place Hoobs is now is much safer and nicer than the cold hell you were in. He just never came to you.
Lip hesitantly raises a hand and wants to put it on your shoulder, but you immediately take a step away from him. "I needed you, you know," you say quietly, your eyes fixed on the floor. "I know," he whispers back. "And I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. I just didn't know what I could say or do to help you." "You didn't have to say or do anything; you just had to be there."
You look up at Lip again. "I felt so alone when - when Hoobs was gone. And then Bill and Joe and Muck and Penkala, too... I didn't know what to do anymore. I didn't know how to survive the whole thing. I know you had to do a lot, Lip, with Dike and all, but..." You break off. "But you still needed me." You nod. "I still need you."
Now you look at him again. Tears glisten in your eyes. Lip blinks a few times before closing the gap between you and hugging you. You bury your head against his chest and wrap your arms around him. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. It won't happen again, I promise. Do you forgive me?" You nod. "I would forgive you anything, Carwood."
As you break away from each other again, you quickly wipe away the tear that strayed onto your cheek. Lip smiles softly at you and gently holds your hand as his thumb draws circles on the back of your hand.
Then, however, he begins to cough. And it doesn't sound pleasant at all. You raise your eyebrows. "Come on. Let's get you back inside before you catch pneumonia."
February 5, 1945 - Haguenau, France
As you predicted to Lip, he has indeed caught pneumonia that won't go away.
Exhausted, you sit on one of the beds of the second platoon and wait. Waiting for new orders. Anything. Suddenly, Malarkey comes into the room. "Y/N, Captain Speirs is looking for you," he says, looking at you. Malarkey is even worse off than you are, you realize. You nod to him and stand up.
When you arrive at the CP, you immediately spot Lip snuggled up on a sofa, still looking bad. You smile tiredly at him, then walk up to Speirs. "Captain Speirs?" you ask when you spot him. "Yes, Y/N. I was thinking of pulling you back from the front lines for a moment and stationing you here in the CP," he says, and you look at him in surprise. "You can help Luz and..." He pauses for a moment. "Take care of Lipton. I want him to finally get better."
Speirs turns away from you again and walks over to Winters and Nixon. You look after him for a moment before turning to Lip. You walk hesitantly toward him. "How are you doing?" you ask, and he looks up. He straightens up a bit but then immediately coughs again. "Still the same," he then says. "Can I get you anything?" Lip takes a deep breath and then looks at you again. "A... A cup of coffee would be nice," he says, and you nod before getting him one.
You hold it out to him and then prop yourself on the backrest as you watch him take a sip. "What are you doing here, anyway?" he asks after a while. "Speirs told me to take care of you." Just as Lip is about to say something, someone you didn't expect enters the CP. It's Webster.
George also enters the CP at that moment. "Hey, Y/N, I hear you get to play nurse?" he says, and you look at him, rolling your eyes. Then he, too, spots Webster. "Well, look who's here," he says less euphorically. " Yeah. Sergeant Lipton?" he then turns to Lip. You watch Web closely. "Feeling all right?" he asks, and you stand up. "He's got pneumonia," you say directly, walking up to Web. "I'm sorry to hear that." "What are you sorry about?" you now gift Web and push past him to grab the pot of coffee again to top Lip off. "He's alive; he's got a couch, a blanket, snug as a bug." "Come on, Y/N. Give him some slack," Lip quietly says, and you look at him.
Web looks at you in irritation. You've never been this averse to him before. He clears his throat. "Yeah. Sgt. Malarkey said to check with the CO if I should be in 2nd Platoon." Lip holds your gaze for a moment before turning to Web. "Have a seat, Webster. We'll get you situated."
Web sits down as Lip instructed. "How long have you been sick?" he asks. "Long enough," you interject. "And now let him. Let him get some rest. Speirs will be here in a minute." You watch Lip close his eyes, slightly annoyed. "Y/N? Can you do me a favor?" "Sure." "Find Doc and ask him if he has any penicillin left." You know exactly what Lip's trying to do with this. He doesn't want you to keep giving Web a hard time, which is why he's sending you away. Briefly, you look at him a little annoyed before leaving the CP and looking for Doc.
When you return to Lip a little later with penicillin in your pocket, you quickly realize something is wrong. You immediately kneel down to him. "What's wrong?" you ask, taking his hand in yours. He looks up, and his forehead is adorned with his typical, thoughtful wrinkle that always becomes visible when he's convulsively thinking.
Lip looks around briefly to make sure no one else is listening. "They're planning a patrol to the other side of the river, and they want Malarkey to lead it." "What?!" you ask, surprised. "Malarkey? That... They can't do that! He needs a break." Lip nods at you in agreement.
Then he lifts his hand and puts it on your cheek. "I'm glad you don't have to go, Y/N," he almost whispers, and you don't know if his action comes because of the fever or not. He tenderly strokes your cheek with his thumb and, very gently, your lip. You look at him in surprise. You notice him leaning forward a little, but then you hear footsteps approaching. You look up quickly and pull away from Lip.
Speirs enters the room and eyes you both briefly. "First sergeant? Can you make it to brief the men?" he then asks, and Lip nods. "Yes, I can," he says and stands up with a struggle. "Good, then both of you get a shower right away. You've got the tents set up," Speirs continues, looking at you and Lip. You nod and then follow Lip outside.
February 22, 1945 - Haguenau, France
Lip is finally feeling better. His fever is gone, and the cough is almost gone. You are helping George carry away some boxes when you see Lip join the other officers. He looks at you briefly and gives you a small smile.
"I guess this is it," George says next to you, also looking over at the group. "What do you mean?" you ask, irritated. "Didn't you catch it? Don't tell me you didn't hear it." You continue to look at George in confusion.
"Lips battelfied commission."
Again, you look to the officers. Winters, Nixon, Speirs, and Welsh, who is also back, shake Lip's hand. "Damn, I totally forgot," you mutter to yourself.
"Gonna be even harder for you now, huh?" "What the fuck are you talking about, George?" George has his typical grin on his face. "Well... Two enlisted soldiers between themselves are fine to do what they want... Most of the time, at least. But an officer and an enlisted - I don't know." You punch George on the shoulder. "Shut up, Luz! That's not how it is between Lip and me." "Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that, Y/N."
"Just shut up, George. I'll take these quickly to OP2," you then say, grabbing two boxes before leaving the house.
"Hey," Lip calls after you, following you out of the house. "Hey," you say as well, looking at him and then continuing through one of the alleys. Lip is still following you. "Wait, give me those," he says, reaching for the boxes. When he grazes your hand, however, you are startled and drop it.
You stand there, stunned, and look at Lip. He looks at you, too. And then you don't care. You step forward, take Lip's face, and finally kiss him. Lip, as expected, is completely overwhelmed and taken aback by your action, so you immediately pull away from him. You lower your eyes and take a step back.
"I'm - I'm sorry. I... I shouldn't have done that," you mumble, barely daring to look him in the eye. "Y/N," he says quietly, and you look up again. Lip's expression is gentle, and he smiles slightly before taking a step forward. Now it's he who takes your face in his hands. He studies your face before leaning down and kissing you tenderly.
You put your arms around him and pull him a little closer to you. You feel Lip smile against your lips.
Suddenly you feel his tongue brush your lower lip, and you automatically open your mouth. Lip's hands are on your hips now, and you have yours around his neck. Enjoying each other, you both stand in the alley and kiss passionately.
Then, as Lip pulls away from you, he smiles at you. "That was..." you whisper, but he immediately silences you with another quick kiss. "Late," he then says, which makes you laugh. You lean back against the wall of the house and look at him. Lip bites his lips but can't hide a smile.
"Hey, Y/N!" then calls George, who is just turning the corner. "The boxes aren't going to carry themselves to OP2." Instantly, you're back to reality. "Oh yeah," you say quickly and want to bend down for the boxes, but Lip is faster. "I'll take these," he says, already picking up the boxes. "You know you don't have to do that, right?" you ask, amused, and he nods at you with a smile.
Once you've dropped off the errands at OP2, you make your way back to the CP.
Suddenly, however, Lip grabs you, presses you against the wall, and his lips back on yours. Surprised and out of breath, you look at him. "Who are you? And what have you done with the reticent Carwood Lipton?" you ask, amused, but Lip looks at you. "I love you."
The smile on your face disappears, giving way to exuberance. "What?" Lip, who must have just realized what he said too, becomes slightly unsure. "I... I love you, Y/N." "Holy shit!" Lip raises his eyebrows, then frowns. Spotting his look, you immediately put a hand on his arm. "No, no! I'm... I'm sorry. I just didn't expect that" you say quickly, and Lip hangs his head before taking a step back. "And I didn't mean it," you say with your eyes closed and shaking your head, annoyed at your own stupidity.
You grab Lip by his jacket and pull him to you. "I love you too," you say before kissing him again.
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ferally-ships ยท 2 years
hi :) are you working on anything rn?
Hi Sweet Anon! There's a small list..and given you came to my personal blog, which is a mess of multiple fandoms, I'm not sure which fandom you came from so I'll give you a run-down...
๐๐€๐๐ƒ ๐Ž๐… ๐๐‘๐Ž๐“๐‡๐„๐‘๐’: @lieutenant-speirs โ–ธ Lแด‡แด›แด›แด‡ส€ Pส€แดแดแด˜แด› (Lษชแด˜แด›แดษด); ๐‘ด๐’†๐’๐’•๐’‚๐’๐’๐’š ๐’‘๐’“๐’†๐’‘๐’‚๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ; ๐’๐’†๐’†๐’… ๐’•๐’ ๐’‘๐’‰๐’š๐’”๐’Š๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’๐’š ๐’˜๐’“๐’Š๐’•๐’†. โ–ธ Sษขแด›. Mแด€ส€แด›ษชษด x Rแด‡แด€แด…แด‡ส€ Cแดแดา“แดส€แด› (Pส€แด‡แด ษชแด‡แดก สœแด‡ส€แด‡); ๐‘ด๐’†๐’๐’•๐’‚๐’๐’๐’š ๐’‘๐’“๐’†๐’‘๐’‚๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ; ๐’๐’†๐’†๐’… ๐’•๐’ ๐’‘๐’‰๐’š๐’”๐’Š๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’๐’š ๐’˜๐’“๐’Š๐’•๐’†. โ–ธ Sick Lipton, Caring Speirs (This idea) ๐‘ช๐’–๐’“๐’“๐’†๐’๐’•๐’๐’š ๐’‚๐’ ๐’Š๐’…๐’†๐’‚ โ–ธ Malarkey Needs a Hug drabble (๐ˆ๐ง๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ข๐ซ๐ž๐ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž๐ง๐œ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ๐š๐ ๐ž๐ ๐›๐ฒ @liebgotts-lovergirl) ๐‘ช๐’–๐’“๐’“๐’†๐’๐’•๐’๐’š ๐’‚๐’ ๐’Š๐’…๐’†๐’‚ โ–ธ Asks in general - ๐†๐„๐๐„๐‘๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐ ๐Š๐ˆ๐‹๐‹: @hitman-two โ–ธ Amazing Grace content (Doc Bryan x Grace) ๐‘ด๐’†๐’๐’•๐’‚๐’๐’๐’š ๐’‘๐’“๐’†๐’‘๐’‚๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ; ๐’๐’†๐’†๐’… ๐’•๐’ ๐’‘๐’‰๐’š๐’”๐’Š๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’๐’š ๐’˜๐’“๐’Š๐’•๐’†. โ–ธ Brad Smut (Requested twice!) ๐‘ด๐’†๐’๐’•๐’‚๐’๐’๐’š ๐’‘๐’“๐’†๐’‘๐’‚๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ; ๐’๐’†๐’†๐’… ๐’•๐’ ๐’‘๐’‰๐’š๐’”๐’Š๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’๐’š ๐’˜๐’“๐’Š๐’•๐’†. โ–ธRay or Walt request ๐‘ด๐’†๐’๐’•๐’‚๐’๐’๐’š ๐’‘๐’“๐’†๐’‘๐’‚๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ; ๐’๐’†๐’†๐’… ๐’•๐’ ๐’‘๐’‰๐’š๐’”๐’Š๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’๐’š ๐’˜๐’“๐’Š๐’•๐’†. โ–ธ Brad x Reader (Female Reporter) request ๐‘ด๐’†๐’๐’•๐’‚๐’๐’๐’š ๐’‘๐’“๐’†๐’‘๐’‚๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ - ๐€๐“๐“๐€๐‚๐Š ๐Ž๐ ๐“๐ˆ๐“๐€๐: [๐š˜๐š— ๐š‘๐š’๐šŠ๐š๐šž๐šœ]
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bellewintersroe ยท 2 years
I saw your call for ships and I thought Iโ€™d ask. I have curly red hair, blue eyes, and am 5โ€™5โ€. Iโ€™m currently studying history and absolutely love it. Generally speaking Iโ€™m funny, kind, empathetic, curious, and creative. Generally Iโ€™m introverted, but I can be social. I can get very anxious sometimes, mainly about my health (I had a major scare with my brain last year, so now I can get overwhelmed quite easily). Iโ€™m still healing from that event and am usually in some form of pain. In my free time I like to watch tv shows/YouTube, crochet, baking, research historical events, listen to music, reading, and play video games. Iโ€™m a Scorpio, an isfp, and a hufflepuff (idk if that stuff helps). I love DC comics and Marvel, but mainly DC. I do need out sometimes and go on rants about history or comic books. I enjoy helping my friends and family with their issues, Iโ€™m the mom friend.
Thank you for your request!!! Honestly the more info the better so this is great, I was stuck between two people on this one so I checked your star sign compatibility and did go off that& matched you platonically as well!!
ps- I hope you feel better soon and everything is all good !! <3
I ship you withโ€ฆ Carwood Lipton!
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As soon as you said youโ€™re the mom friend i feel like you and Lipton would be the parents of your friend group/ easy company. Lipton would immediately be attracted to how caring and empathetic you are with everybody around you. Heโ€™d probably worship the ground you walk on when he seeโ€™s how much you enjoy helping people around you. I feel like heโ€™d definitely be more than willing to help you out with anything, especially if weโ€™re talking about during the war.
As for all your personality traits I feel at first it would be your kindness that attracts Lip to you. When he grows closer to you and recognises funny you are I feel this might cause him to be shy. Heโ€™d deffo be the type to turn all red and feel so proud of you when something youโ€™ve said makes everybody around you laugh.
I feel like your curiosity would be such a good match for Lip, youโ€™d probably be so insightful to stuff, especially surrounding history and heโ€™d be so fascinated and heโ€™d be watch you speak with his undivided attention and hskdkeidjfje heโ€™d have such heart shaped eyes for you I canโ€™t.
I have images of you sat in a foxhole together and youโ€™re telling him about the history of the area youโ€™re surrounding him and heโ€™s just so fascinated by your knowledge surrounding history. And maybe if you slip into conversation that you enjoy reading or found it out from a certain book, heโ€™d 1000000% find a way to get Speirs to steal a whole wad of books for you when he finds out itโ€™s something you love.
I feel like having red curly hair would make you literally irresistible to Carwood too. He hadnโ€™t seen too many red headed girls growing up, so I feel like when it did come to you two being together heโ€™d always have his fingers entangled into your curls, brushing it out of your face, heโ€™d just be sooo painfully in love with you.
Lip would be the BEST man when it came to anxiety and calming you down. Heโ€™d just be a natural at comforting you and allowing you to speak to him about your anxieties. Heโ€™d remember the smallest details you tell him, so whenever youโ€™d be in situations that could overwhelm you heโ€™d show you so many reassuring signs. I think heโ€™d show reassurance through physical touch, a hand on the small of your back, entangled in yours, or around your waist. Knowing that you can become overwhelmed he would be the perfect level of protective. If the men were getting too rowdy and he could see you were feeling more introverted heโ€™d pick up on this immediately.
Carwood would be soooo good at taking care of you when you werenโ€™t feeling so good or experiencing pain. Heโ€™d be so doting, literally always around and comforting, heโ€™d speak to you in such a soft voice and constantly ask if thereโ€™s anything he could do to help ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I love this man sm
speaking of pain, Lip lost his dad when he was young and his mom was paralysed in a car accident, so taking care of people and providing that caring role would come so naturally to him. Sometimes youโ€™d see how overwhelmed he could get but Iโ€™m sure all he would need is a hug and some reassurance and omg heโ€™d feel so much better that he could speak to you about anything :((((.
On the topic of star signs, Lip is an Aquarius so his energy matches yours pretty well and the stability you can both bring one another, especially during war, would mean sooo much to him. Literally, the comfort you can give him just from providing this energy back would literally mean everything to him. Heโ€™d respect and love you so so deeply, your intense connection would scare him a little at first, but after a while he knew he could rely on you.
if you were feeling anxious I feel like Lip would 100% understand because I feel like under that doting exterior he himself would worry quite often. When he grows to recognise how empathetic and caring you are he definitely will open up a lot, but will most likely find himself worrying about you so pls reassure him ๐Ÿฅบ
Also, if youโ€™re baking and talking away about your interests Lip would definitely lose track of what youโ€™re saying. I feel like heโ€™d just watch you with gentle eyes. Sometimes he just would feel so much love for you heโ€™d have to interrupt you to just scoop you up. Being much shorter than him he practically engulfs you in his big arms, heโ€™s aware of how strong he is, so you can expect his touches to always be so so soft.
Bonus Platonic ship withโ€ฆ Joe Liebgott!!
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You and Joe would definitely be an unlikely friendship at first.
letโ€™s pretend youโ€™re out with easy company through Europe, you wouldnโ€™t exactly hit it off with Joe right away. It would take time and trust to build a friendship, seeing as youโ€™re both such loyal star signs youโ€™d recognise this in each other and trust me it would make all the difference.
Joe at first would only see your more introverted side, but after a couple of months of growing closer and seeing you fire back jokes to his own sarcastic comments he found it impossible to not like you. Your friendship would 100% start off on the basis of joking around.
the deeper you get into war the more serious your friendship gets with Joe. To pass time you both end up discovering your love for comics, and you find yourselves introducing one another to new seriesโ€™s. (Lip does get a tincy tiny bit jealous of this but shhhh heโ€™s too shy and nice to let it on).
the more trauma the war brings on you the stronger your bond, when Joe seeโ€™s you in pain he canโ€™t help but want to take care of you. Not on the intimate level Lipton would, but heโ€™s so stubborn heโ€™d practically demand you to go get Gene to check yourself out. Vice versa, once you get close to him I feel like your social side would come out and you wouldnโ€™t hesitate to help out with any of his issues.
Youโ€™d just appreciate each other on such a good level, the consistency with your friendship would be life long and your personalityโ€™s would balance each other out so well.
Thinking about it as well, you Liebgott and Webster would all bounce off each other like a house on fire. Youโ€™d be such an unlikely trio but I feel like it would be comedic.
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speirslore ยท 4 months
band of brothers flirting styles + reaction to you flirting back
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(this includes winters, nixon, speirs, lipton, roe, bull, and liebgott! but if your fav isn't here, feel free to send an ask and i'll add them!)
lmk if you would like to be on my taglist: @ronsparky @bcon24 @blueberry-ovaries @1waveshortofashipwreck @beautifulbluejay
[dick winters]
dick feels kind of useless when trying to flirt
a lot of it is nix having very middle school vibes of 'hey, my friend over there thinks you're gorgeous btw'
it's very endearing
you waltz over to where dick is and his ears are already red before you even get to the table
he'll apologize abt lew instantly and you frown like, "oh, was it a joke?"
dick immediately is like "no, no, he- i meant it"
his nervous rambling is sooo cute to you, you can only smile and say, "i'm glad and by the way, i think you're pretty gorgeous too."
if his face can go any redder, it definitely does then
when you start talking, he's slowly getting less flushed and more comfortable
but he's an overthinker so he still isn't totally convinced that you're flirting
has to have lew pull him aside, shake him a little bit, and be like, yes they are absolutely into you, yes that is flirting
i do think dick can get super flirty once he's more comfortable, like once you're dating and it's just the two of you, he's so charming and sweet
but the first time you meet, he's just so shy but still very sincere with his compliments
dick is great about making eye contact because he just thinks your eyes are so beautiful
the night ends with his hand on the small of your back
and tbh the spiciest it will get after you first meet is a kiss to his cheek when he's leaving with a napkin with your number written on it
and nix is just watching like a proud father <3
[lewis nixon]
if there's one thing lewis nixon is, he is charming
he's very used to disarming others with said charm
he is such a gentleman... he was painstakingly subjected to a lot of manners and etiquette classes as a child/teenager
and lew now puts it to good use!
he's so good at flirting with his own brand of nihilistic, high society charm
so when you flirt back and respond... he's sooo excited like this is so fun for him
lew is very used to people being completely disarmed by him
but you're not... you grinned when he walked over to where you and your friends were talking and asked you to dance, and pressed a kiss to his cheek when you said yes
he does blush faintly, which is a huge deal for lew because that never really happens
once you're dancing, oh he's a menace
he's having SO much fun, hand on your waist maybeee moving lower
he thinks youโ€™re so funny and lewโ€™s grin and laugh... so top tier
it's so nice when it's genuine, and even though you just met him you want to hear it again and again
he can't stop smiling like it's soooo obvious, lew makes absolutely no effort to hide how attracted to you his is
does not try to play it cool at all like he wants you sooo bad
has absolutely no shame
and it does not take long before you're making out outside the pub, already feeling familiar and warm in his arms
[ron speirs]
ron honestly feels a little silly trying to flirt
it's very hard for him to get out of his own head about it
the most intense eye contact ever?
eye contact is ron's version of flirting
'like why don't they understand i want them in every possible way... i'm looking at them??'
ron really just does not understand, he's pulling out all the stops with his slightly unnerving eye contact
and also just talking, like if he's willingly having a longer than 5 minute conversation with you and actually talking about himself? ron is actually professing his undying love
a lot of just blunt complimenting too, i mean sweet compliments but just out of nowhere, like "you have beautiful eyes, you know."
when you flirt back, touch his arm, and look up at him, he's definitely melting inside
especially if you're normally more shy or reserved... oh he's hooked
he doesn't outwardly show it... at least not obviously... but you can tell from his eyes, the way they intensify, darken, widen, and focus on you
ron does love praise
"you know lieutenant, ron, you do have gorgeous eyes, too."
"and i love your hair, the sweetest curls"
oh he's yours entirely... please give him all the words of affirmation
it gets pretty obvious when he's really responding to your flirting, staring at your lips and biting his lip, moving closer to you
has this smirk that just subconsciously appears
like lew, escalates very quickly
ron is a very physical person and that's when he can really show his attraction ;)
[eugene roe]
eugene is not confident in his flirting at all
he's very very subtle
and he honestly does better talking to someone he's attracted to by just striking up normal conversation and learning about them and not approaching it as trying to flirt
his voice goes lower and raspier if that's even possible
especially if you're in a bar, with a lot of music and voices loud, he just instinctually leans closer to your ear, face so so close
then immediately realizes he's super close to you now and tries not to freak out
gene has to get out of his own head first and when he does that, he can be so charming
he just unintentionally has that sexy suave energy
especially when he drops certain pet names in french
you flirting back is a hugeeee relief for him
and repeating said french? like yes itโ€™s cheesy and cliche but it sounds so nice coming from your lips!
he can't hide his smile at all like, laughing into the sip of his drink
"i'm impressed," he'll murmur
"you should be, i'm pulling out all the stops for you, eugene."
oh he blushes so badly
he lovessss hearing you say his name, he's so used to only being 'doc' or 'roe', it's so nice to actually hear his name, especially coming from you <3
[bull randleman]
oh he's so sweet!
that southern drawl... yeah it's super charming
and the cigar... sorry it's super sexy
i think he would be surprised, pleasantly surprised
and then would immediately proceed to get super shy though
he feels like he's got a good head on him, resourceful, smart, etc
but it all goes out the window when you're flirting with him!
yes he def blushes
also very observant to how you're reacting
i think he would be really into kisses but would be scared to initiate anything
especially the first time meeting you
would love to dance
is he that great... no... does he feel like his hands are way too sweaty... yes... does he step on your foot a few times... maybe
but it's very endearing!
very southern gentleman of course
like he is definitely holding the door open for you, standing up when you walk into the room, etc
[joe liebgott]
joe is incredibly charming
and very honest
like he lays it on pretty thick
there's never any questioning of 'is he actually into me? or is he just talking to me?'... he leaves absolutely no room for overthinking
like you definitely know... there is never a doubt
and when you flirt back he gets the biggest, cocky grin
joe gets into it extremely quickly, will definitely immediately match your energy (and then some)
"doll, angel, pretty, cutie.." he's pulling out all the stops
loves teasing and going back and forth with you
criminal "yeah?" usage by him
the BEST at keeping eye contact, props up head with his hand just watching you talk
skinny, tipper, smokey, tab, etc are all definitely watching from a few tables away, intrigued and impressed, and very obviously
you notice and grin, "wanna give them a show?"
joe would never say no to that! so you just lean forward and kiss him, hand pulling his chin gently closer
and this man is already feral... the noises??? he has range and he's a little freaky, a little spurred on by a crowd, by his friends watching, shaking their heads, caught up into the moment
but ofc when you pull away, oh now he's shy... like he's so red
but make no mistake joe is definitely into it... very very into you
[carwood lipton]
lip feels so weird trying to flirt tbh
very much like, is this allowed?
not as like... alien as ron, more similar to dick in he's just a little, a lot, self conscious
but he's also so naturally personable and kind
and he attracts so many people naturally because of that
including you
talking in a group with a bunch of other soldiers with your friends, you're immediately drawn to him
you smiling at him definitely makes him feel more at ease
you definitely do have to encourage him to relax because he has a littleee trouble holding eye contact, looking down a lot
and then suddenly thereโ€™s another man staring at you, approaching you, and standing a little too close
and even though you don't know carwood, you're still looking at him silently for help
and ofc he's very observant of people and situations
so his hand snakes around the small of your back
and lip is naturally protective and careful, guiding you through the crowd
"my prince charming," you say and he of course blushes, muttering a small โ€œmaybe.โ€
"i hope so," you grin and lip can't help but smile too
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awaterfalls ยท 4 months
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Okay, I'm excited to post all of it!!!
โ€ข I had to post the pacific cast too bc the pic is so cute to be left out ๐Ÿ˜Š
โ€ข I keep looking at this pics all the time and I don't know what to say anymore.. I JUST LOVE THEM!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Part 4/??
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luminouslywriting ยท 3 months
Falling asleep on the Bob guys
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Nonny, this is such a darling request! Sorry it's taken me so long to get to it :) I hope you really enjoy and are having a great day! Reminder that my requests are open and I love the spam!
Cut for length, paragraph format below:
Dick Winters:
Dick Winters is the type of man to be caught off guard in the softest of ways. He's not expecting you to fall asleep on him and he's still trying to talk over plans when he realizes that you're totally and completely out. It's at this point that he gets this really soft expression on his face and just decides to treasure the moment since you never know what will happen. He stays awake and keeps a wary eye out for any sort of danger that might befall the two of you. And he might murmur a few sweet nothings to you while you're asleep since there's no harm and foul for that.
Lewis Nixon:
Honestly, he's rambling and rambling and is waiting for you to reply to anything that he's said and mid-ramble, he looks down to find you asleep. Kinda makes this amused expression on his face and then presses a short and sweet kiss to your forehead. He's perfectly content as a kitten, curling up and falling asleep next to you. Especially if you're the one who fell asleep firstโ€”he's not about to move you or wake you up haha.
Ronald Speirs:
Realizes you're falling asleep very quickly and just goes kinda quiet. He doesn't have the heart to move you or wake you up so he can move, so he just sits there with your head on his shoulder and finally has a minute to just be calm and relax in peace. It's honestly a cathartic experience for him and he gets to reflect on your relationship, which endears the situation even more to him.
Buck Compton:
Gets this really goofy smile on his face at the fact that you're asleep on his shoulder. He absolutely adores seeing you this peaceful and will press a kiss to the crown of your head and snuggle in real close to you. He's the type to probably fall asleep with you, even more cuddled up and practically spooning at that point.
Carwood Lipton:
A softie who softly tells you a story until you are solidly asleep on his shoulder. And then he's slightly blushy and shy about the entire thing, but he's not about to moveโ€”he's no idiot. So he just wraps an arm around you and murmurs a soft goodnight. He'll treasure this memory for the rest of his life and wants to wake up next to you every single day henceforth.
Joe Liebgott:
Literally the sassiest mfโ€”the minute that you fall asleep, he's out here glaring at anyone who walks by a little bit too loudly or is talking too much. He'll shush and tell someone to get the hell away from the situation bc no one is about to interrupt your beauty sleep. Not on his watch. He's also slightly smug and definitely thinking about sex in the future and how your married life would be.
Donald Malarkey:
10/10 a great person to fall asleep on. He's a solid choice, if only for the fact that he's ultra respectful and kind about things. He'll sit there patiently and untangle your hair while you're asleep and just relax. It's honestly just as calming getting to be around you while you're asleep and it becomes a tradition between the two of you.
Eugene Roe:
You cannot convince me that he isn't the best choice here. He gets super soft and almost emotional about the fact that you trust him enough to fall asleep near him and on him. He'll murmur lullabies in a half-whisper in French and stroke your hair and rub your back soothingly until you're totally asleep. He absolutely loves you and that'll be the last thing you hear before you're totally out for the count.
Bill Guarnere:
Doesn't realize you've fallen asleep until he turns to hear your reply or comments from a story he's been telling and then realizes that you're totally out. He gets this kinda goofy grin and just snuggles up real close to you. He's very honored that you feel safe enough to fall asleep in his presenceโ€”and he's not about to lose that trust for literally anything. You mean the world to him.
Joe Toye:
Slightly panicked?! Which doesn't really make sense, but you're literally asleep and he's just not about to let anyone interrupt that. He'll glare and make menacing motions to anyone who's too loud and he just wants to cuddle up next to you without anyone giving him shit. Not that anyone wouldโ€”but you know, he's got some worries. Either way, he's real gentle about the entire thing.
George Luz:
Probably happens in a foxhole amidst some jokes and laughs to keep spirits up. And when you don't respond, he gets a little worried and then glances over to find out that you're just asleep on his shoulder. Gets this shit-eating grin on his face and he's definitely gonna tease you about it later (but not in front of anyone else). He's secretly very pleased that you fell asleep on him since he's got a big crush on you anyway haha.
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privgeorgeluz ยท 4 days
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band of brothers โ€ข behind the scenes pt. 2
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ithinkabouttzu ยท 2 months
Hilo! Can you do the easy boys with an extra ticklish reader?????
Easy co. dating an extra ticklish s/o!
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a/n: Hi! Thank you so much for your request! I hope you enjoy lovely! ๐Ÿ’—
genre: romance; fluff
warnings: sorry guys i used the word tickle like a 100 times in this, thereโ€™s a little suggestion!
description: The men of easy co. reacting to you (their s/o) being extra ticklish!
Taglist: @executethyself35 @linhkhanhcps @1waveshortofashipwreck @grumpy-liebgott @barbeygirl @samwinchesterslostshoe @ronsenthal @sweetxvanixlla @mstiemountainhop (If you want to be on this list, let me know!! :))
BoB masterlist
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Dick Winters: He thinks itโ€™s adorable. The first time he tickled you he probably wouldnโ€™t even have meant to do it on purpose, like maybe his finger brushed beside your arm and you immediately started to laugh hysterically. He would think something was wrong with you until you told him lmao. Heโ€™ll keep it in mind though next time you try to tickle him.
Lewis Nixon: โ€œOh come on! You canโ€™t run away now!โ€ Heโ€™d figure out how ticklish you were when he decided it would be nice to give you a sweet kiss on your neck. Then he would completely take advantage of the fact that you are extremely ticklish there and start kissing the same spot over and over again.
Carwood Lipton: He would discover all of this when he was trying to be a gentleman to you and give you a nice foot massage after a long day on your feet. The moment he puts his hands on the back of your sole you would be in a giggling fit. He would sit there and look confused, waiting for some sort of joke. Once you told him, he would find it cute and laugh it off with you.
Joe Toye: When you tell him that you get ticklish very easily, he isnโ€™t quite sure what to think of it at first. When he wraps his arms around your waist and sees you break into immediate laughter, he gets it then, and he finds it to be the cutest thing ever. Heโ€™ll tickle you over and over again just to hear that pretty laugh of yours.
Joe Liebgott: โ€œOh come on honey, youโ€™re really that ticklish, huh? I guess Iโ€™ll have to keep that in mind for later then.โ€ He honestly doesnโ€™t believe you when you tell him how ticklish you were at first, but like nix, heโ€™d try to be smooth and kiss your neck, and have you in a giggling fit in return. โ€œOh doll, it canโ€™t be too bad, iโ€™m just tryinโ€™ to give yaโ€™ some lovinโ€™ thatโ€™s all.โ€
Bill Guarnere: I feel like this fucker here is going to make it into somethins sexual when itโ€™s really not lmao. Like once he knows that youโ€™re super ticklish, he's going to purposefully tickle you until you're begging for him to stop, and once youโ€™re doing that heโ€™s already in the mood to do something else iykyk. Better to just not tell him at all LOLL.
George Luz: When you tell him you can be extra ticklish at times he is taking that to his advantage 100%. If you guys are in the middle of some play fight and he knows youโ€™re winning, he's gonna start tickling you, same for anything else you could be beating him at. Whenever he just wants to hear your laugh his immediate thought is to tickle you and it makes him feel SO happy
Eugene Roe: Now he wants to get into a million tickle battles with you. The sweetest thing about it is if he was hugging you or touching somewhere where you were ticklish he would ask if you were okay and if he needed to move his hand to make you comfortable. ( because he knows how frustrating that must get at times and heโ€™d hate to accidentally hurt you.)
Bull Randleman: He doesnโ€™t have much of a reaction when you tell him other than thinking that itโ€™s a cute niche trait of yours. I think he wouldnโ€™t really tickle you unless he was having a horrible day and just really needed to hear you laugh. Kinda like Bull, he'd be wary of touching one of your tickle spots and accidentally irritate that spot since youโ€™re sensitive there.
Floyd Talbert: Heโ€™s similar to luz when you tell him that, heโ€™s going to take it to his advantage and use it against you anytime he needs the upper hand (in a very playful way of course.) Heโ€™s also kinda like Bill too in the same way that he likes hearing you beg lol. Whenever youโ€™re feeling sad, be ready to be tickled by him until you feel better haha.
Skip Muck: Oh gosh, once you tell him that youโ€™re very ticklish heโ€™s now going to tickle you every time you get some exciting news, need some cheering up, want some physical touch from him, literally anything possible, he just needs a reason to tickle you. He loves making sure your and his relationship is very lightweight and happy, and that's the best way to do it.
Don Malarkey: Honestly tickling you is his way of flirting with you before you guys ever got into an established romantic relationship. Once you guys are in that relationship heโ€™ll still do it in a flirty way loll. He also really finds it as a form of intimacy, it's his way of being close to you, and seeing you smile always feels nice too.
Babe Heffron: โ€œNo way! Me too!โ€ This is completely fanon but I have this idea in my head that he would also be extremely ticklish too. Like you and him would be trying to cuddle and both end up fighting for yโ€™allโ€™s lives because you guys are accidentally tickling each other. Itโ€™s also his biggest weapon against you so beware lol.
Shifty Powers: He would be the perfect partner for a very ticklish person because he knows when it's appropriate and not appropriate to do it. He knows that being tickled after a while can hurt, so if and when he is tickling you he wonโ€™t do it for too long. As long as you are laughing and having a good time then heโ€™s good with it.
Frank Perconte: Heโ€™s the type of guy that likes to sneak up on you and tickle that spot on your neck when youโ€™re focusing on something. He loves fucking with you like that. He knows that tickling you is your biggest weakness so he will use it against you anytime he needs the upper hand (Like floyd lmao.)
Ronald Speirs: You would tell him that youโ€™re ticklish, but the horrible thing is, this man couldnโ€™t be able to tickle someone correctly even if his life depended on it. The thing is, whenever he tries to tickle you he ends up digging his fingertips into you which just makes you hurt in the end. He gets an A for effort though.
Johnny Martin: He probably wonโ€™t tickle you a whole lot, mostly because heโ€™s not always the most playful, but if you had started tickling him first he would definitely be there to finish it and win at the unspoken tickle war lol. He would be the guy to swear heโ€™s just not ticklish but once you get to that one spot on his side, itโ€™s game over for him.
Skinny Sisk: Heโ€™s just like Luz, heโ€™s going to take full advantage of the fact that youโ€™re super ticklish, he loves loves LOVES being playful with you so tickling is always a go-to for him. He also does it when he just really wants to be close to you but doesnโ€™t know how to express that to you. His favorite spot to tickle you is gotta be that spot under your armpit.
Chuck Grant: He thinks itโ€™s super adorable that you get so ticklish so easily. The only thing is, like Speirs, he isnโ€™t very good at tickling at all LOL. He does this one thing that is so cute and it's called, โ€œHand ticklingโ€ which is just caressing your hand in a very fast way lmao. Not a very good tickler but he gets an A+ for creativity and effort.
David Webster: He doesnโ€™t like tickling you a whole lot for a number of reasons, one because too much of it can stimulate seizures, brain aneurysm, and eventually death. (Heโ€™s just a tad bit dramatic lol.) And if he does tickle you itโ€™s probably because you started it first. I could definitely see him doing it a lot by accident though.
Buck Compton: Heโ€™s like Skip in this scenario. Now just because you told him that you get ticklish very easily, he is going to go out of his way to try and tickle you almost 24/7. Like almost every other night before you and him go to bed, heโ€™s giving himself some corny ass name like โ€œThe Tickle Monsterโ€ lmao.
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Thank you for your cute request!! If you enjoyed, please make sure to like or reblog!! I love you all! <333
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she-wolf09231982 ยท 9 months
Chapter 1- The Age of Chivalry
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Summary: You're reassigned to Easy Company when one of their medics was injured pre D-Day. You expect some sass from the Company since you'll be the only female soldier in 100 miles but never expected for any of them to befriend you.
Author Note: Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFemMedic, WW2, Character introduction, Pre D-Day, She/Her Pronouns, Y/N, L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Military Terminology, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, Mentions of Weaponry, Smoking, Story takes place Episode 1- Currahee
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
October 1943
It was never a good idea to mix a single female with a Company of deprived men in the Army...but here you are. You found out you were assigned to Easy Company 2nd Battalion 101st Airborne Division in Fall 1943 when they lost one of their medics to an injury. Although you trained separately from the males at Toccoa in the Divisional medical unit and were one of very few females allowed to work alongside men, you got along quite well with most of the guys. You held your own never asking for special treatment or never played the โ€˜damsel in distressโ€™ card, so Easy Company learned rather quickly that you can keep up.ย ย 
You remember the day you arrived at Aldbourne, England to make contact with the boys of Easy Company. With your reassignment order in hand, you approach a group of soldiers sitting at a picnic bench outside a building. All of them looking a bit rough, but nonetheless smoking and joking with eachother. They take a pause as they notice you approaching them. Some of them sizing you up and down as you carry your duffel full of medical supplies and wearing fatigues that have yet to see the battlefields like theirs have.ย ย 
โ€œHey, you lost there, lady?โ€ Private Roy Cobb called out to you, sizing you up again as you continued to walk towards them without faltering.ย 
You shoot the mouthy Private a look of disdain before responding.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m looking for Corporal Roe. I was told to make contact with him as soon I arrived.โ€ You speak to the group as a whole.ย 
They all exchanged looks and a few whispers.ย 
Corporal George Luz stood up.ย 
โ€œWhy, Iโ€™m Eugene Roe. But around here they call me, โ€˜Doc.โ€™โ€ He declared confidently with a cocky grin.ย 
The others started to snicker. One laid a heavy pat on his shoulder showing his appreciation of the joke.ย 
You rolled your eyes, releasing an exasperated sigh.ย 
Sergeant Denver Randleman stood from the bench, then walked towards you pushing Luz aside shaking his head as he passed him. He was a larger man. Like a bear. Never removing the cigar hanging out of the corner of his mouth as he spoke to you.ย ย 
โ€œHeโ€™s across the way this way, Iโ€™ll take ya to him.โ€ He said, motioning you along in the opposite direction.ย 
โ€œThank you, Sergeant.โ€ You reply.ย 
โ€œNo problem. And itโ€™s just โ€˜Bull,โ€™ maโ€™am.โ€ He said politely in his thick Southern accent as he passed you leading the way.ย ย 
You turn on your heel and proceed to follow Bull, ignoring the distant whistles you heard from some of the men you just met behind you.ย 
โ€œI hope the guys havenโ€™t given you too much trouble so far?โ€ stated the actual Eugene โ€˜Docโ€™ Roe when you crossed into the designated aid station.ย 
โ€œNothing I havenโ€™t dealt with before, Doc.โ€ You say with conviction. ย 
Bull chuckled, finding your response amusing.ย 
โ€œYeah, I bet.โ€ Doc replied before continuing.ย 
โ€œWell, letโ€™s get you in processed here, and squared away. Thanks for bringing her here, Bull. Iโ€™m sure those other idiots wouldโ€™ve just sent her to their barracks.โ€ he said with a roll of his eyes.ย 
Bull nodded with a smallย wave. ย 
โ€œSee you at chow, L/N.โ€ Bull called back to you before he left.ย 
When Bull returned to where the others were still gathered, they bombarded him with questions.ย 
โ€œDid you catch her name??โ€ Sergeant (Sgt) Don Malarkey prodded.ย 
โ€œ-is she coming to Easy Company??โ€ Sgt Bill Guarnere interrupted before Bull could answer.ย 
โ€œ-did she say anything about me?โ€ Luz questioned.ย 
As the interrogation got heavier, he threw his hands up and removed the cigar from his mouth.ย 
โ€œGUYS!! Take it easy, will ya? Youโ€™ll see her later at chow, just donโ€™t attack her with all of these questions right away, k? We donโ€™t want to scare her off now, do we?โ€ He explained as he replaced his cigar and walked away. ย 
They all swapped looks of excitement. ย 
โ€œWell, I donโ€™t know about you guys, but Iโ€™m going to have me a shower before dinner this evening.โ€ Corporal Joe Liebgott stated while flicking his cigarette butt, rising from the picnic bench, shouldering his rifle.ย 
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โ€œOk, Liebgott, like you have a shot.โ€ Malarkey teased.ย 
Liebgott turned to him.ย 
โ€œOh contrare, I feel you underestimate me, Don.โ€ He shot back at Malarkey while walking backwards, then turning back around.ย 
The group scoffed at him collectively.ย 
You got to chow early before any of the other men started to show up. You tucked yourself way in the back at a long table in the corner. You made sure to keep your head down, hanging over a tray trying to swallow some of the Armyโ€™s finest slop. ย 
โ€œShouldโ€™ve just stuck to a dinner roll with margarine.โ€ You whispered to yourself as you grimaced from the last mouthful of mystery meat from your plate.ย 
โ€œNot exactly a high-end dish from The Ritz, now, is it?โ€ Sgt Carwood Lipton joked as he sat down across from you with his own serving of slop.ย 
โ€œYeah, not quite.โ€ You respond while poking at a hard, clay-like mound on your plate that was supposed to be mashed potatoes.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™ll get used to it.โ€ Bull stated as he sat next to you with his tray.ย 
You โ€˜psh-edโ€™ at Bullโ€™s statement.ย 
โ€œI highly doubt that. But Iโ€™ll make do.โ€ You convinced yourself. โ€œSurprisingly not the worst food Iโ€™ve had.โ€ You added.ย 
โ€œReally, thereโ€™s something out there worse than this?โ€ Lipton asked astonished as he stirred his cold soup that looked like ketchup and water.ย 
โ€œOh yeah! Pixley and Ehlerโ€™s Diner on Clark Street in Chicago has some questionable selections.โ€ You explained.ย 
โ€œIs that where youโ€™re from?โ€ Corporal Frank Perconte queried as he sat next to Lipton.ย 
โ€œI am.โ€ You replied with pride.ย 
โ€œYou Italian then?โ€ Guarnere asked, inviting himself to the conversation, sitting next to Perconte.ย 
โ€œItalian and Irish.โ€ You clarified.ย 
โ€œSsshh, a goddam Mick-Deigo.โ€ Guarnere sneered crinkling his nose in disgust.ย 
โ€œLeaveโ€™er alone, Gonorrhea.โ€ Liebgott interjected sitting next to Bull.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m guessing you're Italian?โ€ You directed at Guarnere.ย 
โ€œSicilian, actually.โ€ He retorted.ย 
โ€œHm, you know that Sicilians arenโ€™t real Italians, right? Sicily is just like Australia. All the criminals of Britain were shipped there to be ostracized from the mainland. Sicily is just an island of Italyโ€™s delinquents.โ€ You taunted.ย 
The others โ€œooooo-edโ€ in unison. Even Perconte who was the other Italian of Easy company.ย 
โ€œShe got you there, Guarnere.โ€ Bull teased.ย 
Everyone laughed. Except Guarnere.ย 
โ€œYou think youโ€™re funny?โ€ Guarnere challenged.ย 
You sighed and looked at him deadpan in the face without an ounce of fear to show.ย 
โ€œCome on, Guarnere, she was only dishing out what you gave her.โ€ Perconte defended.ย 
โ€œShut your trap, Perconte, you should be on my side!โ€ he said slamming a fist onto the surface of the table then pointing at him. ย 
The rest of the table filled up with remainingย members of Easy Company that could fit that wanted to see the fight unfold.ย 
You folded your arms in front of you on top of the table and leaned forward, making sure you got Guarnereโ€™s attention, then spoke with distinct fire in your voice.ย 
โ€œYou think Iโ€™m some dame just showing up here straight out of basic training not knowing how to handle myself with soldiers? Iโ€™ve been whistled at, barked at, howled at, catcalled, pinched, ass slapped, and manhandled by the worst of them, pal. You labeling me because of my heritage ainโ€™t gonna do shit to me. But Iโ€™ll be damned you disrespect me like I havenโ€™t earned the right to be respected. Just remember, Iโ€™m the one thatโ€™s going to be tending to you if you get shot in the field, sergeant.โ€ ย 
You glare at him, then rise harshly from your seat, leaving the rest of the table in a state of awe and shock.ย 
โ€œGood job, Gonorrhea. You pissed her off now.โ€ Liebgott pointed out with an audible tsk.ย 
โ€œFuck her.โ€ Guarnere spit back.ย 
As soon as you left the chow hall, you found a spot out of sight to catch your breath and slow your heart rate. You leaned against a post looking up towards the night sky taking deep controlled breaths.ย 
โ€œCorporal L/N?โ€ Youโ€™re startled by the voice of Lieutenant (LT) Richard Winters. You snap to attention ready to render a salute, but he waves you down.ย 
โ€œAs you were. Are you alright?โ€ He asked as you relaxed your stance.ย 
โ€œYessir, just getting some fresh air.โ€ You reassured.ย 
He looked at you with skepticism, not believing you were telling him the entire truth. ย 
You continued.ย 
โ€œA room full of men who havenโ€™t showered in a few days can make a gal lightheaded.โ€ You joked.ย 
The corner of LT Wintersโ€™ mouth started to curl into a slight grin, trying his best not to laugh outloud at your quick wit.ย 
โ€œI see, L/N. Well rest up, weโ€™ll need you to be ready when we move out for the next mission.โ€ He explained.ย 
โ€œYes, sir. Have a good night.โ€ You replied.ย 
Winters gave a nod and entered the chow hall.ย 
LT Winters bee lined for his companyโ€™s table. His men all greeted him cheerfully as he approached the table.ย 
โ€œLieutenant, got a seat open right here.โ€ Bull called out, gesturing to your vacant spot.ย 
โ€œNo thanks, Bull, Iโ€™ve eaten already.โ€ Winters responded. He paused before he continued.ย 
โ€œJust ran into Corporal L/N on the way in-โ€ He paused again to assess the menโ€™s reaction.ย 
Some continued eating, pretending like they hadnโ€™t really heard. Lipton, Bull and Liebgott looked up at Winters waiting for him to continue.ย 
โ€œShe seemed somewhat troubled.โ€ Winters finished. He waited for anyone to speak up, looking at the group expectantly.ย 
โ€œMaybe her panties got all up in a twist, sir.โ€ Guarnere offered up sarcastically.ย 
Some of the men chortled in response.ย 
Winters, Bull, Lipton, and Liebgott werenโ€™t amused.ย 
โ€œWell, she only said a room full of foul-smelling males made her dizzy and she needed fresh air.โ€ Winters relayed, while lookingย at Guarnere suspiciously.ย 
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The men all started to smell their armpits self-consciously.ย 
โ€œCorporal Liebgott.โ€ Winters called out.ย 
โ€œGet out there and escort L/N to her tent.โ€ Winters instructed.ย 
โ€œYes, sir.โ€ Liebgott acknowledged.ย 
โ€œL/N will not walk around alone at night, gentlemen. I donโ€™t care who goes with her, but make sure she always has a battle buddy in the hours of darkness. Tracking?โ€ Winters asked, raising his voice authoritatively.ย 
The table responded โ€œyes, sirโ€ simultaneously.ย 
Liebgott rushed outย excitedlyย and hustled down the streetย to catch you before you got too far.ย 
You were aways a bit ahead before Liebgott found you.ย 
โ€œHey, L/N! Wait up!โ€ He called after you.ย 
You turned around looking for the voice calling your name.ย 
You stopped walking, waiting for Liebgott trotting over to catch up to you.ย 
โ€œCan I help you?โ€ You asked with a little more harshness in your voice than you intended.ย 
โ€œAs a matter of fact, Iโ€™m here to help you. I have the honor of accompanying you to your barracks.โ€ He responded with enthusiasm and a smile.ย 
You were taken aback. You raised an eyebrow at him.ย 
โ€œOh?โ€ You questioned before continuing. โ€œThatโ€™s quite unexpectedly chivalrous of you.โ€ย 
โ€œWell, you have Winters to thank for that, it was his idea.โ€ He responded quite bluntly.ย 
You rolled your eyes. ย 
โ€œHm, I see.โ€ You reply briskly.ย ย 
Liebgott realized he sounded like an asshole right then.ย 
โ€œOf course, if you approve, Iโ€™ll appoint myself your permanent battle buddy from now on.โ€ He extended with his signature smirk as you resumed walking together.ย 
You felt your face heat up. You averted your eyes to the ground so he wouldnโ€™t see you blush. But Joseph Liebgott doesnโ€™t miss a thing. He grinned wider.ย 
โ€œIf those are the LTโ€™s orders, then have at it, Liebgott.โ€ You replied coldly.ย 
โ€œNah, that last part was my idea.โ€ He stated proudly.ย 
You shot him a confused expression, then he winked at you.ย 
You laughed nervously, looking away quickly to break the awkwardness you felt in the pit of your stomach.ย 
He smiled at you affectionately.
โ€œAnd call me Joe.โ€ He added.
โ€œY/N.โ€ You reply looking up at him through your lashes.
โ€œLook, sorry if Iโ€™m making it weird. And donโ€™t listen to Gonorrhea. Heโ€™s just a jackass with a height deficiency. The kid always has some stupid shit to say.โ€ He explained.ย 
You nod trying to suppress a giggle.ย 
โ€œThis is me.โ€ You announce as you approach the entrance to your sleeping quarters. You turn to face Joe. โ€œThank you for the chat, and the company, Liebgottโ€ฆI mean Joe.โ€ You say dotingly.ย 
โ€œForget it. So?โ€ He asked.ย 
You were genuinely confused.ย 
โ€œSooo?โ€ You reply.ย 
โ€œAm I your permanent evening escort?โ€ he asked with a grin and a wink.ย 
This time you laugh outwardly at his attempt at a flirty sexual inuendo.ย 
โ€œIf by โ€˜evening escortโ€™ you mean my nightly walk to and from one location to another, Iโ€™d have to say....Iโ€™ll think about it.โ€ You respond flirtatiously with a wink in return.ย 
His face lit up.ย 
โ€œWell alright then. Weโ€™ll take another test run tomorrow night.โ€ He proposed.ย 
You shook your head smiling, astounded by the level of confidence this man had.ย 
โ€œGood night, Joe.โ€ You finalized as you disappear beyond the threshold of the tent entrance.ย 
161 notes ยท View notes
hottpinkpenguin ยท 3 months
Easy Company HCs: Coming Home To You After the War
A/n: ahhhh my first time writing for a new fandom always makes me nervous. I'm rewatching BoB for probably the 5th or 6th time and just felt compelled to start writing for some of these incredible characters. please note all writings are based solely on the BoB TV characters and not the actual veterans. Let me know if you want any other BoB HC's or oneshots!
*Please refer to each character for warnings*
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Dick Winters Warnings: angsty Major Winters, vague references to PTSD/war trauma
Dick is standing outside on the deck of the ship before the sun is up on the day theyโ€™re due into port. He canโ€™t stop looking towards the horizon, waiting for the shoreline to swim into view.
Heโ€™s melancholy, thoughtful. Reflects on all heโ€™s seen in the war. He feels different than how he was when he left almost 3 years ago. He thinks about all the men he left behind in Normandy, in Foy, in Bastogne, in Holland, in Hagenau, in Germany. And he looks around at the men whose bodies are coming home, but who lost pieces of themselves in foxholes, in the bombed out streets of Europe, on the beaches.ย 
He also finds himself wondering what itโ€™s been like for you. He hasnโ€™t thought about that much, hasnโ€™t let himself think on it too hard. He feels ashamed that he never asked much in his letters about how you were. He knows it was to protect himself. If heโ€™d asked, and if youโ€™d been honest and told him about the rationing, the fear, how many of your friends were losing their brothers, husbands, and lovers overseas, the suicides of the men who couldnโ€™t goโ€ฆ well, Dick knew heโ€™d have been distracted. And distracted leaders got men killed. So Dick had sealed off his thoughts on that account. He knew it was the right choice. But now, he doubted.ย 
So as the ship pulls into port, heโ€™s sad in a broken way. Like the war has finally caught up with him. And heโ€™s terrified, suddenly. How is he going to see you like this? What are you going to see in him when you finally do? More importantly, what are you not going to see?ย 
He lets all of his men debark before him. Partially because thatโ€™s what a good officer does, but partially to try and collect himself.ย 
You know what to expect. You know Dick Winters isnโ€™t going to really stop fighting the war until he sees every last man in Easy Company off that ship and safely home. So you wait. Youโ€™ve waited this long, after all. You can wait another thirty minutes.
When you finally see him in the thinning crowd, you call out his name and break into a beaming smile. Heโ€™s here, heโ€™s home. Heโ€™s safe.ย 
As soon as he sees you, the ice in his veins thaws. The sun is warm on his skin, heโ€™s surrounded by clean sea air far from the burnt out husk of Europe, and youโ€™re there. Youโ€™re smiling at him. He canโ€™t remember the last time heโ€™s seen something so singularly beautiful.
He strives over to you, taking his cap off as he approaches. His stomach is flipping like a schoolboy and he couldnโ€™t keep the smile from his face if he had an entire firing squad of Krauts in front of him.ย 
You run the last few dozen paces into his arms. He catches you easily, spinning you around with a long, languid sigh of contentment. Your laughter is like a peeling bell in his ear.ย 
Richard, how dare you make me wait? you tease him.ย 
He canโ€™t find any words except to smile at you, looking into your eyes, memorizing your smile, reacquainting himself with the dusting of freckles across your nose, the scent of your shampoo, basking in the feeling of you in his arms. He smiles, then laughs. Your hands frame his face and suddenly heโ€™s kissing you.ย 
Dick Wintersโ€™ mind goes blissfully blank. The harsh edges of all his worries, his responsibilities, the burden of leading a company of men and ordering some of them to their deaths. Itโ€™s all soft now. Thereโ€™s just you. You and that piece of land heโ€™s been dreaming about.
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Lewis Nixon Warnings: alcohol abuse, war-time violence, detailed reference to parental suicide
Lewis Nixon came back from the front with an exorbitant amount of contraband, shadows in the back of his eyes, and a terrible drinking habit. You had no idea what to do with any of it.
Two months after his return and you found yourself staring out across a sea of boxes piled haphazardly in the foyer of the summer home Lew had bought you for your six-month wedding anniversary. Your home had never been more crowded, and yet youโ€™d never felt so lonely.ย 
You wiped the damp tea towel youโ€™d soaked in the kitchen sink against the back of your neck in a vain attempt to keep the heat at bay.ย 
Lew! you called up to him, although you knew he wouldnโ€™t answer. A brief glance at the clock - 2:15 pm - told you as much. Since coming back, Lew hadnโ€™t woken up before 3:00 pm and youโ€™d yet to share a goodnight kiss with him because he was liable to stay out until sunrise. Doing what, youโ€™d rather not know.ย 
With a weighty sigh, you decided you might as well pick a box and get started. Otherwise, this ridiculous maze of illegally shipped stolen goods would just go to rot in your foyer. And with your in-laws due in next month to visit your shell of a husband, youโ€™d better try to clean up the mess.ย 
You chose the box closest to you. It came up to your waist. As you ripped into it, you realized it was incredibly heavy, and you heard the unmistakable tinkling of glass on glass. You sliced the tape open with the boxcutter, marveling at how sharply the instrument cut into the flesh of the tape and cardboard. One of the first few nights after arriving back home, Lew had managed to stay at home and get drunk rather than do so out on the town. Somewhere between bottle three and four of the Chateau Rhone that youโ€™d served at the reception, Lew had started to talk. Once heโ€™d started, he hadnโ€™t seemed willing to stop, as if he had one chance to pour out all the misery and regret and terror heโ€™d accumulated in Europe. You remembered that at one point - one of his more lucid memories, when the slur in his words was light enough for you to understand him - heโ€™d told you that he had seen a whole platoon of men shredded to ribbons by a Kraut tank. Heโ€™d recounted in excruciating detail how one of their fingers had landed on him, the blood and sinew drying on his uniform like an adhesive, and he hadnโ€™t noticed it until the next day. Youโ€™d never seen anything quite so distasteful or violent in your life, but you imagined that it might be something like watching someone get sliced apart the way your boxcutter glided through tape.
With a shiver, you sheathed the blade and set the boxcutter aside to rip into the contents of the box. Tipping the heavy box sideways a bit, you spooned out the top layer of packing peanuts to reveal a familiar sight. Four corked bottles of wine sat at the top of the box. You stopped, staring down at the wine in the box in disbelief. This was the precious contraband that Lewis had spent thousands on to smuggle out of Europe? Fucking wine?
Your temper flamed to life with a vengeance. You pushed the heavy box over, letting loose a scream of frustration as you did. One of the bottles shattered as the box tipped over, a puddle of red wine staining the white marble floor. Once again, your mind flashed back to the war. Not to Lewโ€™s memories, but your own. To the black-and-white films youโ€™d seen in the theaters, to the newspaper clippings, to the reports that had come out of Germany about the death camps and the killing fields and the brutality of the war, to the letters your brother had written to you before his death at St. Vith. You thought of all the men youโ€™d known who hadnโ€™t come home - your brother Johnny, your childhood neighbor Tim Viens, your cousins Luis and Giovanni, the floristโ€™s son from your hometown, your girl friend Jillโ€™s fianceโ€ฆย 
Your head was spinning and your blood was boiling as you summited the stairs to the darkened upstairs two at a time. When you flung open the door to Lewโ€™s study where heโ€™d taken to sleeping, you were seeing black at the edges of your vision.
Lewis fucking Nixon, you better wake the fuck up or so help me God I will strangle you in your sleep!
The words flew off your tongue faster than you knew what to do with. Youโ€™d never had a foul mouth, and youโ€™d certainly never threatened your husband before. Despite his obvious hangover, he snapped to wakefulness faster than youโ€™d expected him to. He regarded you with a wary, tired expression, and you wondered for a half second if he was going to ask you to make good on your threat.ย 
Saints above woman, what is it? he demanded, reaching around the graveyard of beer and wine bottles strewn about the floor next to him. You noticed a particularly foul smell in the room at the same time you noticed the stain of vomit caked on one of the pillows heโ€™d propped under his head.ย 
The sight of your husband fumbling around for another drink at 2:30 in the afternoon with vomit caked on his cheek did something to you. You werenโ€™t sure if the sight broke you or if it snapped you into form. Whatever it did, it took the wind out of the hateful words that had been boiling in your gut. You snapped your mouth shut as you became acutely aware that you had nothing left to say to him. Youโ€™d said it all already. Youโ€™d cried, threatened, screamed, pleaded, reasoned, demanded, and done just about everything you could think of in your power to bring Lewis Nixon back to something resembling sense. You werenโ€™t without feeling - you knew that he wasnโ€™t the only man who hadnโ€™t fully come back from the front. Memories of your fatherโ€™s glassy, empty-looking eyes flicked in your mind like a silent movie. Your father never really left the trenches, your mother used to say by way of explanation and apology. Some men just canโ€™t come home after a war like that.ย 
The last memory you have of your father was the sight of him leaned back in his chair, his head bent away from his neck at an unnatural angle, with a ghoulish bloodstain on his chest from the hole his pistol had left where heโ€™d fired it under his chin and up into his skull. Youโ€™d found him like that when you were just six years old. At almost twenty six now, you were resolved never to see someone you love waste away like that again. Yet here you were, watching someone whoโ€™d once been your brash, fun-loving, hot-headed husband fade away like a ghost.
As Lew braced for what he felt sure was going to be a proper dressing down, you felt yourself deflate like a punctured balloon. Something final and irrevocable had happened in those few moments since youโ€™d come running up the stairs, and you knew deep in your bones that there was no going back.ย 
Iโ€™m leaving.ย 
It was all you could say. Lewis looked over at you through slitted eyes, stifling down an acidic belch as he tried to figure out your angle. Usually your arguments started with much more heat than this, but he wasnโ€™t sober enough to hear the goodbye in your tone.ย 
After a few agonizing moments, he grunted at you by way of dismissal. Get me some Vat 69, while youโ€™re out. Vat 69 was the only thing that Lewis Nixon had asked from you since heโ€™d gotten back to the States.ย 
You didnโ€™t have the heart to answer him, so you just turned on your heel, letting the boxcutter that you hadnโ€™t even realized youโ€™d been gripping like a vice slide out of your hand and land with a thump on the carpet.ย 
You descended the stairs with a strange buzzing in your head. You wondered if you should pack something, although you realized that all you really wanted to was to get as far away from the time bomb that was Lewis Nixon as fast as you possibly could. You called your mother from the kitchen phone. She didnโ€™t need to hear you say the words to know what had happened. Come on home honey,ย  she said gently. Iโ€™ll make your favorite key lime pie. The kind and simple gesture brought tears to your eyes.
After a few minutes to gather the essentials - your wallet, your pearls, your fatherโ€™s WWI medals - you thought of one more phone call to make. A parting kindness, you thought, as you sifted through the Rolodex you kept next to the phone until you found the card you wanted.ย 
The phone rang twice before a voice you knew well picked up.ย 
Hello? Dick, itโ€™s me, itโ€™s y/n Nixon. Listen, you better come get Lew. Heโ€™sโ€ฆ heโ€™s not well. And Iโ€™m leaving.ย 
You didnโ€™t wait for a reply before you clicked the receiver. If there was any saving of Lewis Nixon now, it wouldnโ€™t be by you.ย 
With one final glance at the house and the sad trove of memories it contained, you closed the door on your past and left, hoping that both you and Lew would find some corner of peace to spend the rest of your days.ย 
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Ronald Speirs Warnings: smut, sweet baby boy Speirs
Ron doesnโ€™t even tell you that heโ€™s coming home. You know itโ€™ll be soon, and youโ€™re waiting for a letter. None come. Years of waiting, years of him faithfully writing, years of dreaming and praying for this day. Now? Radio silence.ย 
So when this man shows up at your door, his duty bag in one hand and his hat in the other, the first thing you can do is scream at him.ย 
Ronald fucking Speirs! You didnโ€™t fucking write me, I thought you were dead or lost or just done with me! Why didnโ€™t you tell me! You fucking bastard, you utter fucking bastard!ย 
Youโ€™re hitting him and screaming and tears are everywhere. Ron just smiles. Youโ€™re precisely how he remembers you. Better even.ย 
He wraps you up in a hug, so tight that you canโ€™t move. Youโ€™re still struggling, wiggling and sobbing into his shirt, trying to beat your fists against him.ย 
When you feel him kiss the top of your head, it all just melts. Your knees buckle and instead of beating on him youโ€™re clinging to him. Realization hits you in waves. Ron is home. Those are Ronโ€™s arms around you. Ronโ€™s voice murmuring into your ear. Ronโ€™s breath on your forehead.ย 
When you finally look up to him - eyes bloodshot, nose running, mascara streaking, cheeks tear stained and red - Ron smiles down at you. My beautiful girl, he says softly before catching your lips in a kiss. Everything breaks loose in that kiss. You practically want to crawl into his mouth. Itโ€™s all need: lips devouring each other, hands grabbing and nails dragging, tongues invading each other. Ron moans and youโ€™re done, youโ€™re a mess.ย 
He knows. He pushes you across the doorway, his hat and duty bag long forgotten on the porch, lifts you up and carries you to the nearest couch, undressing on the way. He rips your blouse, knocks over one of your side tables when he kicks off his shoe, and almost drops you to let you rip off his belt.ย 
Ronโ€™s home to you when he slams inside of you. Your thoughts disintegrate as the two of you collide together, alternating between frenzied ferocious fucking and softer sweeter sensuality as lust, love, longing and whatever lives between those things rips open the walls youโ€™d both built up around your hearts.ย 
But Ron isnโ€™t home until after, long after, hours even. The house is trashed, clothes and pillows and furniture disheveled and everywhere. Youโ€™re both in bed, exhausted from countless rounds of tangling, with dawn threatening. Youโ€™re asleep, and Ronโ€™s watching you dream. Thereโ€™s a small crease between your eyebrows, and youโ€™re muttering. You look troubled; and he wonders if he should wake you. He canโ€™t stand the sight of you in anything resembling pain. But then, suddenly, you roll towards him, your head settling on his chest and one of your legs slung over his.ย 
Your face relaxes. You nuzzle into him. You sigh, a gentle smile on your lips. The crease is gone, your face smooth and peaceful.ย 
He marvels. His head tips back against the headboard, looking down at you in awe as a distinct wave of content washes over and through him.
Ronald Speirs is finally home.
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Carwood Lipton Warnings: just Lip and his perpetual angel-status <3
Lip is standing with the throng of men on the deck, watching as they pull into port. The crowd below is cheering and waving American flags, popping off champagne, and the women are waving handkerchiefs. Thereโ€™s a band somewhere playing patriotic songs and jaunty marches. Home has never looked so good.
โ€˜Ey, Lip, I think I see your girl
Itโ€™s Malarkey who spies her - why and how he picked her out so easily, Lip didn't rightfully know nor want to know. But Malarkey was right, there she was.
White ribbons in her hair, white dress on, white handkerchief waving. Sheโ€™s craning over the other sweethearts and mothers and fathers, eyes combing the deck of the ship. Her expression - impatient longing - snaps Lip in two. How the hell did he ever leave that girl halfway across the world?
Carwood?! Carwood Lipton?!ย 
He canโ€™t hear her, but he sees her lips moving and he knows that sheโ€™s calling out his name. He doubts that any of the deck goers are having luck finding their men that way. The ship is alive with soldiers and airmen buzzing with excitement, calling out to the shore and cheering. The dock is no less vibrant, so the entire place is drowning in the sounds of joy.
Lip stares at her, unwilling to lose sight of her ever again. He vaguely registers the ship jolting to a halt at its berth, the enormous horn announcing the official arrival and, for all the men on board, the uproarious end to the war from Hell. Lip exchanges hugs, slaps on the back, firm handshakes with the men of Easy. Itโ€™s strange to have so many painful goodbyes at the same time as a long-awaited hello, but Lip knows heโ€™ll see these men again. He canโ€™t imagine life without them, just like he canโ€™t imagine living without her.
The crowd of soldiers and airmen begins to move, a mass of jumbled emotions with a healthy sprinkling of joy. He watches as the first few men off the ship are swept up into the awaiting crowd as they step off the planks. He can still see her, a beacon of white. An angel, he realizes.ย 
He shuffles forward with the rest of the disembarking ranks. The process is painfully slow, and heโ€™s not close enough to call out to her yet. He tries to catch her eye with a few waves, but he can only imagine how many waving hands and beaming faces she can see at once. Sheโ€™s almost passed him on the dock, and Lip feels himself losing patience with the slowness of the men around him. He contemplates yelling at the men to keep it moving or donโ€™t stand at the end of the ramp, but he doesnโ€™t. He canโ€™t bear to ruin a moment of this, for anyone.ย 
Suddenly, she sees him. Her hands fly to her mouth, tears welling in her eyes. That handkerchief blots at her face. Sheโ€™s gone quiet; just staring at him, waiting. He waves at her, swallowing down the tears threatening in his eyes. She waves back, unsure whether to laugh or cry, so she ends up doing both. Once again, Lip wonders how heโ€™d ever left her. He realizes heโ€™ll never be able to again. Heโ€™s stuck to her like glue now, it canโ€™t be helped. And heโ€™s got his eye on a ring. Heโ€™ll buy it tomorrow, he decides. Maybe even today, if he can find a jeweler. No more wasted time.ย ย 
The wait is agonizing. Every few minutes, she waves at him again, as if afraid that heโ€™ll disappear like a ghost. He canโ€™t stop smiling at her. He doesnโ€™t notice, but the Easy men all softly agree that theyโ€™ve never seen this Lip before. A smile reserved all for her.
He steps off the ramp and sheโ€™s there, pushed through the crowd. He envelopes her in his arms as she peppers his face and neck with kisses. Soggy ones, from the tears. His or hers, anybodyโ€™s guess. She keeps repeating his name like a prayer and a plea. He holds her as she comes undone in his arms, body-wracking sobs and her head buried in his neck. He tells her itโ€™s alright, Iโ€™m home and it makes her squeal with delight. Then theyโ€™re both laughing. He carries her a bit, not trusting her legs quite yet, and honestly unsure if he trusts himself to walk without her weight in his arms holding him to Earth. She babbles, he listens, she asks something, he talks. Itโ€™s easy - so easy - and Carwood Lipton feels himself stepping back into himself after so many years of being Lip and First Sergeant.ย 
Her hand in his, they walk the streets of this strange town that neither of them are from, but yet somehow always find themselves feeling right at home. He has to squeeze her hand every once in a while to remind himself that sheโ€™s real, and heโ€™s really here, and the war is behind him. All day and late into the evening, Lipton and his girl stroll together, two friends, two lovers, one very happy ending.ย 
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Buck Compton Warnings: cursing, references to alcohol abuse
No oneโ€™s there at the train depot when Buck gets home. His mother is tied up taking care of his baby sister and her new baby, sick with colic, and his dad is too frail to make the forty-minute trip by car to the station. And youโ€™re done with him, as of Christmas time.ย 
Some homecoming.
He wanders through the townโ€™s sleepy Main Street, killing time before his brother-in-lawโ€™s shift ends at the munitions factory and he can pick Buck up. Itโ€™s a hot day, sweat runs down his back. It reminds him of Toccoa. He chuckles darkly, grateful that heโ€™s not running up Currahee with Sobelโ€™s sour puss hot on his heels. Heโ€™s grateful for a moment, but then he wonders if maybe those were the best days of his life, and he just didnโ€™t know it. So far, the end of the war hasnโ€™t brought much happiness his way. Maybe the best is behind him already.ย 
He stops for a root beer float at the local soda counter. He brought you here for the first date. He still remembered that your lips tasted like strawberry milkshake later when heโ€™d parked his truck in front of an empty cornfield and kissed you until he was dizzy. He knows heโ€™ll never be able to order a strawberry milkshake again.ย ย 
A couple of the old men sitting in the window side booths nod at him, one even pays for his tab. Buck thanks them but makes no move to engage in conversation. Heโ€™s not gloomy, exactly. Just lonely. He thinks about Joe Toye and Bill Guarnere, about the marrow-deep cold of Bastogne, and about just how far away he feels from the taste of strawberry on your tongue. Despite the scorching summer heat, he suppresses a shiver.ย 
Buckโ€™s sitting on a bench in front of the depot when his brother-in-law pulls up.ย 
Hey Buck! Welcome home, buddy.
Thanks, Dickie.
His sisterโ€™s husband has a noticeable limp, one of his legs visibly wasted and bent at an unnatural angle from the knee down. Bike accident when he was six, kept him out of the war. From his sisters letters, Buck knows that Dickieโ€™s been hitting the bottle hard after he got 4Fโ€™ed and told under no uncertain terms that he wonโ€™t fight for Uncle Sam. Buck can see the strain in Dickieโ€™s smile, the dark bags under his eyes and the faint stain of gray at his temples. Buck feels about three decades older than when he left home, but Dickie looks it.ย 
The ride home is quiet. Buck asks after his sister, Dickie asks after the war. Neither of them really listen to the answers.ย 
When Dickie cuts the engine off in front of Buckโ€™s parentsโ€™ place, the porch light is on and thereโ€™s a lamp in the front room window, shining merrily. Buck sighs deeply. Heโ€™d expected to come home to you, a little apartment somewhere. Heโ€™d planned on picking up his life from there, but instead heโ€™s here, looking at a place he calls home without feeling at home. He thinks he might prefer a cot in Toccoa, or a hot cot on a transport ship, or maybe even a foxhole.ย 
Aight Buck, you take it easy. Iโ€™ll see you โ€˜round. Make sure you stop in and see Kitty soon, sheโ€™s dying to see ya.
Sure, Dickie. Thanks for the lift.ย 
The sun is setting fast behind the mountains. Cicadas are beginning to strum and the fireflies dance in the fields gone farrow behind the house. Buck climbs up the front steps, his duty bag slung over one shoulder.ย 
He freezes where he is, hand outstretched towards the doorknob. It canโ€™t beโ€ฆ can it?
He hears the creak of the swing from the darkened corner of the porch as you stand up.ย 
Welcome home, Buck.
It is you. Buck is still frozen, his upper lip beginning to tremble. He wished it were darker, wished the damn light was off so you wouldnโ€™t have to see him like this. He feels the boards vibrate as you step towards him, hesitating at his side.
Iโ€™m sorry, Buck. Iโ€ฆ I made a mistakeโ€ฆ
A tear slips out. He swipes at it angrily. What the hell is he crying for? he wonders.ย 
Itโ€™s just that Louise told me she read in a magazine that itโ€™s harder for the men sometimes if theyโ€™re worried about someone back home and in your letters you were just always asking about me and how I was and what I was doing and I just knew that you were going through it, Buck, you know, I read the news and I knew you were right on the front lines and I started thinking about you being out there and distracted and what would happen if you lost your focus at the wrong time and you got shot or you got hit by a grenade or a sniper and I thought about losing you, Buck, and I just couldnโ€™t, I couldnโ€™t lose you, and I started to think maybe I needed to make it easier on you and I wrote you that awful letter and it was terrible Buck it was so bad and I hated writing it and I hated sending it but I convinced myself I had to and-
Buck silenced you by pressing his lips to yours mid-sentence. Whatever other explanations and apologies you had died in your mouth with a soft whimper, and suddenly your hands were traveling up his arms and tickling the base of his neck and you were sighing like you hadnโ€™t really exhaled in months. Buck swallowed it up, kissing you deeply and gently. He didnโ€™t know how to say that he didnโ€™t care about all that, that all he wanted was you with him. The rest would work itself out. Buck knew from the war that if you surrounded yourself with good people, then you could get through anything.ย 
He laughed when he tasted the strawberry milkshake on your lips. Smiling against your mouth, he broke the kiss and held you in his arms, his hands at the small of your back.ย 
Why are you laughing you ask incredulously. Did you hear what I said? arenโ€™t you mad? You hadnโ€™t expected this reaction. In fact, youโ€™d prepared yourself for Buck to be so furious that he wouldnโ€™t even speak with you. It was less than half of what you felt you deserved.ย 
Buck just shook his head, smiling to himself at a private joke. You wondered if he was laughing at how easily you fell for that kiss before he told you to take a hike and disappeared from your life forever.ย 
Mad? He sounds incredulous, like thatโ€™s the most ridiculous question anyoneโ€™s ever asked him.ย 
Yeah, Buck. I meanโ€ฆ I know I broke your heart.
He doesnโ€™t deny it, just nods simply and looks deep into your eyes.
Donโ€™t leave me again, darlinโ€™, and Iโ€™ll consider it even.
You canโ€™t reply because his lips are on yours again. All you can do is smile as you kiss your apology into Buckโ€™s mouth until the sunset has faded and his dad calls out to the two of you to come inside already!
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Bull Randleman Warnings: angst (you have been warned!!)
Something strange happened to Bull in the convent at Foy. He hadnโ€™t expected it. But suddenly, there you were. Sitting in the back of his mind like an itch he just couldnโ€™t scratch. His third grade crush from Ms. Wheelerโ€™s class. And his eighth grade crush. And his prom date.ย 
Bull grew up in a small town, and it had only gotten smaller to him since heโ€™d left. Sometimes in quieter moments heโ€™d wondered if heโ€™d ever be able to go back home. Heโ€™d seen a lot of the world - granted, most of it with the threat of German artillery at his back - but still. His hometown felt so far away and so small that he couldnโ€™t imagine fitting the size of his memories back there.ย 
And yet, sitting there in the dim candlelight of that convent, listening to those angelic voices, that tiny podunk town was all he could think of. Why couldnโ€™t he remember the name of that street, the one with the post office on it? And what was the name of those neighbors with the herd of basset hounds? He couldnโ€™t recall what kind of flowers his Ma planted in front of the house, facing due east. Bull realized that he was forgetting home, and it opened a gaping wound in his heart.
One thing he did remember clearly was you. He hadnโ€™t seen you in a long time, maybe not for months before heโ€™d signed up for the 101st. Youโ€™d been working at the florist right off 1st Street the last heโ€™d heard. Why he hadnโ€™t looked in on you after high school, he couldnโ€™t say. Heโ€™d been sweet on you back then, puppy love head-over-heels type stuff. You were his first kiss, his first date, his first of just about everything. Including his first love.
Somewhere along the way, Bull had gotten the hare-brained idea that heโ€™d outgrown you. Heโ€™d stopped calling, stopped asking you out to the movies or to the diner. He remembered how heโ€™d seen you out one night, his arm slung over some other girl that his buddy had set him up with. He remembered the way youโ€™d stared with your lip shaking, your eyes welling with tears, before youโ€™d practically run off into the Sears department store. Bull knew damn well you couldnโ€™t afford anything in Sears; all of the money youโ€™d ever made working as an English tutor and a nanny went to taking care of your eleven foster siblings. He knew you ran in there just to get away from him. At the time, heโ€™d laughed about it. Heโ€™d told himself youโ€™d be fine, youโ€™d grow up eventually and get over it. He told himself thatโ€™s exactly what heโ€™d done - grown up - but now he realized quite the opposite. Heโ€™d been intimidated by how much heโ€™d liked you, how much heโ€™d thought about you and worried after you and how scared heโ€™d been when heโ€™d realized that he wasnโ€™t the only one whoโ€™d noticed you anymore. You with your hand-me-down dresses and your sweet, shy smile and your head always in the clouds of a romance novel. His buddies had commented on it, and suddenly Bull had felt jealous, insecure even. Heโ€™d hated it, and heโ€™d run from it.ย 
But that night in Foy, you were the only place his mind could land. You were all he thought of. And heโ€™d promised himself that if he somehow managed to walk out of hell at the end of the war, that heโ€™d ask you out again. Who knew what you were up to now. He thought he remembered his Ma make an off-hand comment that youโ€™d started working at the hospital in the next town over, but he couldnโ€™t be sure. But Bull knew youโ€™d be back in that small town, probably just as sweet as ever. And if you gave him another chance, heโ€™d never let you go again.
Three days after stepping foot back in the States, and Bill was standing outside your house in his Army dress uniform, a bouquet of orange lilies in his hands. He wondered if youโ€™d remember that heโ€™d gotten you those same flowers for your prom corsage. Theyโ€™d stood out against the baby pink of your dress that youโ€™d borrowed from your cousin. Every time Bull saw a sunset or a flower bed, he thought of you. In fact, there wasnโ€™t much that Bull saw these days that didnโ€™t make him think of you.
He knocked three times sharply on the door. Your house looked just the same as ever: the front porch sagged in the middle, the curtains drawn and stained, the paint peeling. There was a ruckus inside, and what sounded to be about a dozen kids all screamed out โ€œDOOR!โ€ย 
A severe woman with dark gray hair slicked back into a tight bun answered. Her mouth was a thin, straight gash and her eyes narrowed in something between distaste and disbelief. She glanced down at the flowers in Bullโ€™s hands and at the sharp, crisply ironed lines of his uniform.
Mother Beatrice, Bull said with a slight bow. Not sure if you remember me, maโ€™am, but I-
I remember you. Randelman, right? You here for the girl?ย 
Your foster mother looked older but her manner was as cold and loveless as ever. She never used names for the children she took in - just called them by various impersonal monikers. For some reason, yours had always been โ€œthe girlโ€. Bull wasnโ€™t the only one whoโ€™d overlooked you.ย ย 
He nodded, thinking that if Easy had Mother Beatrice in their ranks then Germany might have fallen about a year earlier. Heโ€™d have to be sure to tell you that. He was certain you would laugh.
I wondered if anyone would come Mother Beatrice commented as she shut the door behind her, muffling the sounds of screeching children. She walked down the front porch steps and turned towards the back of the old farmhouse without a backwards glance. Bull followed, his brow furrowing slightly at her cryptic comment. He figured you might have had a few pen pals on the front, some girls would do that sort of thing, write to strangers to try and keep their spirits up. Heโ€™d heard that some of the men had made a point to look in on their pen pals when theyโ€™d gotten back home. Maybe thatโ€™s what she meant.
Sheโ€™s back here? Bull asked, taking in the sight of the rundown farmhouse-turned-orphanage and its weedy lawn. As long as heโ€™d known you, heโ€™d never known you to linger here. Too loud, no privacy youโ€™d always told him. Bull usually found you in the library or a park bench. Somewhere quiet.ย 
Mother Beatrice nodded, shooting him a strangely exasperated look. Course she is, where else would she go? The girl doesnโ€™t have any other home.
Bull chewed his lip thoughtfully. He supposed that was true. Maybe things had changed.ย 
Mother Beatrice led him around the backside of the dingy farmhouse, past a rundown chicken coop with a few mangy looking birds pecking at the dirt. There was a dilapidated stable off in the distance with one bony mare grazing on the tall grass and an overgrown vegetable garden. The tree line off in the distance looked ominously dark, like a line of guards sent to make sure the misery of this place didnโ€™t spread.
Mother Beatrice stopped short, and Bull almost walked into her. There she is.
Bull looked around but didnโ€™t see you. In addition to the forlorn horse, the garden and the coop, he noted a greenhouse missing more windows than it had and a towering oak tree reaching up for the sky as if running away from the unfortunate place itโ€™d been planted. But no sign of you anywhere
Mother Beatrice looked at him intently for a moment, making Bull squirm in his boots, before sharply turning on her heel to leave. She called back to him at the base of the tree and vanished around the side of the house.ย 
Alone at last, Bull looked at the shadowy trunk but didnโ€™t see anything. Must be around the backside, he reasoned. He started walking towards the tree, but a strange quiet settled over him. Suddenly, his collar felt too tight and his chest felt hollow. Something wasnโ€™t right.
As he approached the tree, he began to make out what Mother Beatrice was referring to. He could hardly believe his eyes, and with each step forward he felt his feet grow heavier as if his boots were filled with lead. About ten paces from the trunk, he stopped, unable to go any closer. His shoulders sagged and he felt the bouquet slip out of his hands.
There you were, your name staring back at him from the headstone.ย 
Y/n Y/l/n October 11, 1924-January 9, 1945 Army Nurse Corps May she rest in the peace of the Lord
Bull wasnโ€™t sure how long he stared at the stone. At your name. At the words Army Nurse Corps. Bull hadnโ€™t known you were a nurse. He hadnโ€™t remembered your birthday. He realized heโ€™d been misspelling your last name this whole time.
Bull stood and stared until the light was almost gone from the sky. The sound of Mother Beatrice ringing a bell and calling out dinner! from the front porch jarred him out of his reverie. He hastily wiped the tears that had long ago dried on his face, feeling out of place and like an unwelcome intruder.ย 
He left without saying goodbye. He did manage to tilt the bouquet against your headstone, and run his fingers over the cold edges of your name cut into the marble. He didnโ€™t feel entitled to much else.ย 
It wasnโ€™t until he was home that night, deeper into a bottle of whiskey than a grieving man ought to be, when he realized something.
January 9th, 1945. The day youโ€™d died. It was the same day heโ€™d sat in that convent outside Foy, listening to that angelic choir, reminiscing about you and imagining a future that would never come to be.
Still working on... Joseph Liebgott Doc Roe Maybe David Webster too? *let me know if you have any other requests
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joenotexotic99 ยท 1 year
Hi honey, I have to say I love your stuff. You write absolutely great. Could you do a headcannon on BoB and what type of love would you give them? I mean love at first sight, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, etc. I'd be happiest with Winters and Nixon and Speirs, but do what you will. Thank you.
A/n: here you go my love. When I finally re read the request I realized you might have wanted the pov's reversed but it was too late. Hopefully it's not too bad. I will happily switch it to reader pov if you wish.
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Richard winters
-friends to lovers. I don't think that this man thought of romance when he first met you. Attractive? Most definitely. However he had bigger things preoccupying his mind. Yet somehow at some point, you wiggled your way to being one of his best friends. Don't tell nix. Something about you practically scrambled his brain. He doesn't know when in the friendship he fell or if he fell in the very beginning. But when he realized just how much he loved you it was like he jumped off a cliff without a parachute. He knew right then and there you were it for him. He probably felt nervous telling you due to the fact that he never gave off the impression that he likes you. But let's just say the feelings were reciprocated.
"Dick, I have been flirting with you this whole time."
Lewis nixon
- love at first sight. This man took one look at you and said yes. He may not immediately start flirting with you out of respect, but he will damn well be tied to your finger. Will always open doors for you, and give you his coat when you're cold. So many acts of services. At one point you two were at a bar and some private made his way to your side to start a flirty conversation where he swears he got to hands'y. He knew that you were single but he was extremely jealous nonetheless. Eventually he had to leave to get some air. You followed shortly to catch up with him. You confronted him asking what has gotten into him as of late. He never wanted it to come out like this but it sort of just spilled out of him. He rambled on about his feelings before you cut him off with a kiss and a huge grin on your face.
"Shut up nix and take me on a date"
Ronald speirs
-Distance attraction, I don't know what to call it, this is the closest I can get. It just feels right. Basically, Speirs isn't quite love at first sight, he's the guy who needs to really get to know you to start building a relationship like that. However this man has a MASSIVE crush on you. But he's too prideful to say anything seeing how simping for someone isn't exactly in Ron's profile. He just admires you from a distance while simultaneously stuffing his emotions deep down. Much better in his book. Yet he still does his very best to be by your side at every moment possible even though he spends a lot of time trying not to think about how perfect you are. It's you who makes the first move. You obviously like him and you know he does too. It's obvious to everyone but no-one says a single word. And before you can finish telling him if he wants to go out some time, he's already agreeing.
"You free Friday?"
Carwood lipton
-childhood friends to lovers. He was the boy next door. You two were friends from first grade through college. Sharing secrets, sleepovers, getting into mischief. Car started crushing on you when you two were teenagers. Said crush continued all the way until you two volunteer to join the paratroopers. War was hell but you seemed to make it just a little bit more manageable. His life in the war picked up significantly and he had a freight train worth of responsibility placed on his shoulders. Yet you never left his side. It wasn't until Austria that he confessed his feelings. He almost felt sick when he told you in fear of losing his best friend. It was short sweet at straight to the point. You were silent for what felt like an eternity. Lip almost took off in fear of rejection. He was stopped in his tracks by the sound of your laughter. He turned to hear you laughing with the biggest smile on your face.
"Clifford carwood Lipton, do you know how long I've been waiting for those words"
Joseph Leibgott
-Enemies to lovers. Your relationship started off Rocky. Your personality clashed and having a civilized conversation was seemingly impossible. Every time your paths crossed it was filled with banter, insults and tension. Sometimes it got to the point where someone needed to intervene. When you would walk into the same room that Joe would be in it's like the air seemed to thicken. The cold stares and passive aggressive comments. As the war progressed your comments never faulted but the tension you ask? It could be felt by an entire room. And all that hate seemed to not leave as bad as a taste in your mouth. Joe knew from the start that he hated and loved you. You know the type of enemies to lovers where it's like 'she's mine' and 'who did this to you?' It's giving that. He got so fed up with replacements trying to whisk you away so he simply grabbed you by the waist and kissed you.
"Don't lever leave with one of them alright sweetheart?"
"Wasn't planning on it"
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saint-petah-the-good ยท 3 months
I just discoverd that donnie whalberg ho plays lipton in band of brothers was in a boy band back in the late 80s early 90s ,not any boy band but THE new kids on the block ,wich were also the first worldwide famous boyband
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I think this is just hilarious ,I mean look at the fit with the peace and love chain
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inglourious-imagines ยท 1 year
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Band of Brothers Masterlist
George Luz:
Jokes on You
Forever Yours
We're Never Coming Back
Flirt and Blush
Lonely Lips
Ronald Spiers:
Oh Captain, My Captain
Overprotective Captain
The Captain's Knife
Cuddly Mornings
Have Me
Together in Hell
Joe Liebgott:
Arrogant Lover
Hate Me, Love Me
Germans Brought Us Together
Lewis Nixon:
Poker Game
Beers, Tomatoes and Suspenders
Broken Hearts Lie All Around Me
A Bet Worth More Than 50 Bucks
The Only One
"I'm Out!"
Blame it on the Alcohol
Engaged - Part One, Part Two, Part Three (completed)
Get Drunk with Me
The Meaning of Vat69
"At Least Look at Me."
Carwood Lipton:
Sweet Lovin'
Soldier's Rescue
I Wish I Could Have Saved You - Part One, Part Two (completed)
How Are Those Nuts, Sarge?
Eugene Roe:
French Spy
Like I'm Gonna Lose You
Smile at Me
David Webster:
Sick With Love
Donald Malarkey:
Coming Back to You
Thank You For Your Loving
The Moment that Mattered
Floyd "Tab" Talbert:
Edward "Babe" Heffron:
Light in Hell
Darrel "Shifty" Powers:
Golden Eyes and a Smile Made for War
Richard "Dick" Winters:
War Hero
Joe Toye:
Yes, Sir.
Denver "Bull" Randleman:
Market Garden
Warren "Skip" Muck:
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greenpolicelight ยท 2 months
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: ฬ—ฬ€ยด*: ๏ฝฅ๏พŸโ‹†ห’OC's ฬ—ฬ€ยด*: ๏ฝฅ๏พŸโ‹†ห’
Prt 1 - Prt 2
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June 1942 โ€“ Camp Toccoa, Georgia
The humid Georgia air is thick as Easy Company stands in formation with all of their gear. Rene is standing in the back attempting to discreetly move his left leg to scratch his right calf without making it obvious. He brings his foot down, standing straight, at attention, as Captain Sobel walks up, moving in front of the company, "you people are at the position of attention!" Sobel walks between the men, stopping in front of Perconte who moves his gun, getting it ready for inspection. Sobel looks down at Perconte, "Private Perconte, have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a paratrooper?"
"No, sir."
"Then explain the creases at the bottom."
Rene's eyebrows crease slightly, wondering how Sobel could have been able to see creases, "no excuse, sir."
Sobel looks up, looking around at the other men, "volunteering for the parachute infantry is one thing, Perconte," Sobel looks back at Perconte, "but you've got a long way to prove that you belong here. Your weekend pass is revoked." Sobel turns, walking off, looking for someone else to stop in front of. He stops in front of Luz, "name?"
"Luz, George."
Luz moves, getting his gun ready for inspection before Sobel grabs it, barely looking at it before tossing it back to Luz, "dirt in the rear side aperture. Pass revoked." Sobel moves on, looking over the other men again, before turning around, only to stop next to Lipton. Sobel moves closer, grabbing onto a piece of string from Lipton's sleeve, holding it up to him, "when did you sew on these chevrons, Sergeant Lipton?"
"Yesterday, sir."
"Long enough to notice this." Sobel brings his hand up next to Lipton's face, "revoked."
Sobel moves on, standing in front of Malarkey, "name?"
Malarkey moves, getting his gun ready for inspection, "Malarkey, Donald G."
Sobel grabs the gun, raising an eyebrow slightly, "Malarkey? Malarkey's slang for bullshit, isn't it?"
"Yes, sir."
"Rust on the butt plate hinge spring, Private Bullshit." Sobel toss's the gun back at Malarkey, "revoked." He moves on, "name?"
"Liebgott, Joseph D., sir."
Sobel looks down, reaching to grab Liebgott's bayonet. He holds it up, looking at it for a moment before speaking, "rusty bayonet, Liebgott. You wanna kill Germans?"
"Yes, sir."
Sobel smacks the bayonet against Liebgott's helmet, causing him to flinch lightly, "not with this." Sobel walks away, moving to stand in front of the company, yelling now to speak to the whole company, "I wouldn't take this rusty piece of shit to war, and I will not take you to war in your condition." Sobel throws Liebgott's bayonet down to the ground, pointing towards the company, "now, thanks to these men and their infractions, every man in the Company who had a weekend pass, has lost it." Sobel pauses for a moment, "change into your PT gear, we're running Currahee."
Sobel turns, walking away and leaving the men to their platoon leaders. Winters turns towards Second Platoon, "Second Platoon fall out. You have two minutes."
"Fall out!" Rene grabs his gun up, turning to jog to his barracks with the rest of the company moving towards their own barracks.
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Rene takes his O.D's off, already having his PT gear on underneath it, having learned from previous experience it's the most efficient way to live in Toccoa with Sobel. Rene folds his O.D's, setting them on his cot as he sits down, leaning down to tie his boots back up. He pauses as he hears Perconte speak, "I ain't going up that hill."
Rene rolls his eyes as the door slams open, Martin walking in, a small glare on his face, "hey, Perconte, what are you thinking of, blousin' your pants?"
Rene looks up at Martin as he walks by, Perconte responding, "shut up, Martin, alright? He gigged everybody."
Rene looks back down at his shoes, as Martin scoffs, "yeah, well, you should know better. Don't give him no excuses."
"Excuses? Why don't you come here, look at these trousers, get down and tell me there's a crease in 'em." Rene looks up again as Perconte stands up before he notices White still in his O.D's.
Rene stands up, looking between Martin and Perconte, "guys, c'mon, this is bullshit, and you know it. But, that ain't any reason to argue with each other about it."
The two look at Rene, and Perconte is about to say something back to Rene when Lipton's voice comes through the barracks, "alright, let's go, on the road in PT formation. Let's move, move, move." Rene and Perconte hold eye contact, having a small staring contest, neither giving in as the men around them quickly make their way out the door. Lipton sighs as he looks between the two, "Perconte, let's go, Perconte." Rene stays where he is as he watches Perconte aggressively undo his jacket and takes it off. "Flores, c'mon, that means you too." Rene glances at White before looking back at Lipton and walking out the door, jogging to catch up to the others.
Sobel's voice is loud and grating, as he yells at the men, causing Rene to wince lightly, "where do we run?"
The men yell back as they run, "Currahee!"
"What does Currahee mean?"
"We stand alone!"
"How far up, how far down?"
"Three miles up, three miles down!"
"And what company is this?"
"Easy Company!"
"And what do we do?"
Rene rolls his eyes, "stand alone!"
Rene hears someone yell out, before hearing Sobel yell, "do not help that man! Do not help that man. We do not stop. You've got thirteen minutes to get to the top of this mountain if you wanna serve in the paratroopers. Hi-ho, Silver!"
Luz, who's running next to Rene glances over at him before glancing at the others around him he can see. Luz looks back at Rene, wondering how Rene doesn't seem affected by Currahee the same way everyone else is. The men around them are struggling to breathe, struggling to even run anymore, and Rene, it looks like he makes Currahee seem like the easiest thing in the world.
Rene runs behind Bull, following Perconte, and Luz as they run up to the stone at the top of the mountain. Rene rolls his eyes as he hears Sobel's voice yell out, "we are coming on twenty-three minutes. That may be good enough for the rest of the Five-O-Six, but that is not good enough for Easy Company."
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Rene pushes his food around with his fork, not actually eating anything as he looks around, observing the men around him as they eat their food. Rene watches as the men become quickly acquainted, acting as if they hadn't just recently met each other. He internally grimaces, beginning to hate his lack of social skills even more than he had growing up.
Rene looks up, being brought out of his thoughts as someone sits in front of him. Joe Toye. Rene never talked to the man, only saw him around camp and heard others talk about him. The two sit in silence, both discreetly glancing at the other until Joe speaks up, "I'm Joe Toye."
Rene looks over at him, slightly surprised he broke the silence. Rene stares at him for a moment, blinking, before responding, "Rene Flores."
"Where are you from?"
Rene gives him a confused look, "uh, San Diego. You?"
"Houghestown. It's in Pennsylvania."
"Yeah, you've been there?"
Rene chuckles, shaking his head, with a soft smile on his face, "no. Never met anyone from there either."
"Yeah? Well, now you can't say that."
Rene shrugs, "I guess." The two sit in silence again, only this time it isn't awkward. It's relatively comfortable for the two, until Rene breaks the silence, "what did you do before this? I mean like for work."
"I was a coal miner. Then I enlisted before deciding to join the paratroopers."
"So you were already in the army?"
"Yeah, went through training and everything, but I wanted some more money so," Joe shrugs, "I figured why not."
Rene smiles at him, "yeah, a double volunteer?" Joe nods slowly, as Rene tilts his head, shrugging a shoulder, "why not, right?"
Joe gives him a smirk, before he nods towards Rene, "what did you do?"
"I worked for anyone who would give me the time of day. Newspaper boy, construction, delivery."
"You go to school?"
Rene shakes his head, "no, I went when I was younger, but I stopped after my mom died."
"My dad made me drop out in Junior high, so I could work in the coal mines."
Rene purses his lips, "damn."
Joe looks Rene over, "you got any hobbies?"
Rene squints his eyes at Joe, "I like drawing."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Maybe you can show me someday, Re?"
Rene makes a confused face, breathing out, "Re?" He looks up, grinning at Joe, "yeah. Maybe, Joey." Joe smirks at Rene as silence comes over the two again, neither minding it. The two know a bond formed between the two, one that didn't need words spoken to be true. The two quickly understood each other, both knowing this was the start of something neither of them had felt before, the start of a friendship that would make them closer to each other, than the brothers they were surrounded by.
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Rene is laying on his cot, messing around with his lighter, listening to the men as they play poker. Luz continues glancing over at Rene, before leaning into the men and speaking quietly, "we should ask him to join."
Rene glances over, noticing they had become quiet. Perconte looks over at Luz, giving him a look, "why would we do that?"
Luz shrugs, "I don't know, we can't hate the kid forever."
"We don't hate the kid. We just don't like 'im."
Hoobler shakes his head, as he looks over at Perconte, "why? It's not like he's all that bad. He really helps when we run Currahee."
Luz nods, "he's pretty good at giving us motivation."
Randleman looks over at Rene, catching his eye. Rene smiles softly at him, which Randleman returns before gesturing with his head to the open seat next to him. Rene scrunches his face before shaking his head and returning to messing around with his lighter. He takes a deep breath before looking back over at the group, I can't just expect them to accept me. I've got to put my own energy into it too. He nods to himself as a way of reassuring himself, before standing up, moving towards the group. Randleman grins at Rene as he walks up, "can I join?"
The men look up at Rene, not expecting him to come over. Randleman chuckles, gesturing to the spot between him and Martin, "there's an open seat for you right here."
Rene sits down fidgeting with his hands as he looks over the cards. Luz looks over at him, "you know how to play?"
Rene shakes his head, "my dad tried to teach me. I got so confused, so I became the only one in the family that doesn't know how to play."
Randleman chuckles, "we'll teach you." Rene thanks him, as he begins to tell Rene the rules, explaining what was happening as the men around them played.
"Flores?" Rene's head snaps up, looking at Luz, "where you from?"
"San Diego."
"You got any siblings?"
Rene tightens his lips before pursuing them and shaking his head, "I have a brother and a sister, both of 'em enlisted in the Marines."
"You got any hobbies?"
Rene furrows his eyebrows, "what's all the questions for? This some kind of interrogation?"
Martin shakes his head, turning to Rene, "we just want to get to know you, Flores."
Rene shakes his head with a confused face, tilting his head slightly, "why? I ain't anythin' special." Rene doesn't know it, but his words are what tells the men around him exactly what they need to know.
The game is over, and the men decided to call it quits on cards for the night. Rene is still sitting with Luz, Martin, Randleman, and Perconte all of them sitting in silence for a bit, none knowing what to say. Rene clears his throat, as he shuffles the deck of cards for something to do, "my whole life, my family called me Bean."
The four men exchange looks, not expecting Rene to say that. Luz shakes his head, "why?"
Rene shrugs before Martin shakes his head, "why are you tellin us that?"
"I don't know. You were the ones who wanted to know more about me. I figured it was somethin' interesting. We can forget I said it though if it ain't helpful."
Perconte smirks, "nah, Bean, it was plenty helpful." Rene looks up, surprised as he stares at Perconte for a moment before grinning at him. Perconte returns the grin, something the others around them never expected as they knew whatever Perconte had against Rene, is gone.
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The company is on their usual Friday night march in their full gear. Rene's marching next to Bull who speaks up, "I'm gonna say somethin'."
Luz looks over, "to who?"
Rene shakes his head and looks back forward after glancing at Bull, "besides, what do you think is gonna happen?"
Bull ignores the two, calling out, "Lieutenant Winters."
"What is it?"
"Permission to speak, sir?"
"Permission granted."
"Sir, we got nine companies, sir."
"That we do."
"Well, how come we're the only company marching every Friday night, twelve miles, full pack, in the pitch dark?"
"Why do you think, Private Randleman?"
"Lieutenant Sobel hates us, sir." Rene snickers, his eyes widening slightly, not expecting someone to say that, especially Bull.
"Lieutenant Sobel does not hate Easy Company, Private Randleman." There's a pause, "he just hates you."
There's scattered laughter from the company, as Bull nods, "thank you, sir." Rene snickers, smiling slightly, grateful to have Winters in their company who knows exactly what to say to the men.
After finishing the march, the men are standing in formation in front of Sobel. Rene stands next to Bull, beginning to get a chill from the cool air and rain hitting his sweaty skin. Sobel's voice is shrill as he speaks from where he stands next to Winters, "Lieutenant Winters, I want canteens out of belts with the caps unscrewed."
"Easy Company, canteens out and open." Rene reaches to his hip, grabbing his canteen, opening it.
"On my command, they will pour the contents onto the ground."
"On the CO's order, you will upend your canteen."
"Now, Lieutenant."
"Pour 'em." Rene flips his canteen over, the water flowing out. Rene moves his eyes, watching the water come out of the canteen, his tongue sticking to the roof of his mouth as his thirst hits him with full force. Rene takes a deep breath before bringing his eyes back to the front.
Rene cringes lightly as Sobel quickly moves between the men, yelling, "who is this?" There is a slight pause before Sobel begins yelling again, " Christensen! Why is there no water in your canteen? You drank from your canteen, didn't you?"
"Sir, Iโ€”"
Sobel cuts Christensen off, "Lieutenant Winters."
Winters speaks from where he's standing in front of the company, "yes, sir."
"Was this man ordered to not drink from his canteen during the Friday night march?"
"He was, sir."
"Private Christensen, you have disobeyed a direct order. You will fill your canteen and repeat all twelve miles of the march immediately."
"Yes, sir."
"Fall out!" Rene winces as Sobel screams before watching Sobel move back to the front and bring Winters aside, talking quietly with him, before walking away.
Rene stands in front of Sobel in his full gear, as Sobel glares down at him, "why are you here, Private Flores."
Rene's voice is louder than normal, not wanting Sobel to think he's intimidated by him, "I'm gonna be in the airborne, sir."
Sobel nods, "then prove it. You have forty-five minutes to the top and back. I will be watching you."
Rene nods once, "yes, sir." He steps around Sobel and begins running towards Currahee.
After running up and back down Currahhe, Rene stops, standing face to face with Sobel, his breathing slightly uneven from the run. Rene's surprised to see Sobel standing there, actually timing him, but soon his surprise turns to annoyance as Sobel stares at the stopwatch in his hand. He looks at Rene, his eyebrows scrunched together, "forty-six minutes and fifty-one seconds, Private Flores. Again."
Rene takes a deep breath before he gives Sobel a nod, "yes, sir."ย  He turns around, rolling his eyes as soon as he knows Sobel can't see him and begins to run up Currahee again.
When Rene makes it back down in front of Sobel, his breathing is heavier than it ever had been after running Currahee. Sobel's voice shows his annoyance as he speaks again, "forty-six minutes and three seconds. Private Flores, this is not good. I thought you could run fast, however, this is a disgrace. Again. How can you think you can become a paratrooper if you can't even run in the right amount of time."
Rene nods again, sniffling lightly as his nose runs from the drizzle falling, "sorry, sir. It won't happen again, sir."
"It better not, I can't stay out here all night, Private Flores. Again."
"Yes, sir." Rene turns around again, his eyes widening in annoyance as he forces his body to move. The exhaustion begins to flow through his body as he tries to run again, but he pushes himself, not wanting to prove Sobel right.
The third time Rene finishes running Currahee, he believes he may never catch his breath. As he comes to a stop in front of Sobel, he struggles to calm himself down as he pants loudly while Sobel gives him a nod, "forty-three minutes and seventeen seconds. Private Flores, why didn't you do that the first time, instead of wasting my time like this?"
Rene takes a deep breath before he coughs and gulps, "no excuse, sir."
Sobel nods, looking Rene over, "you will run Currahee once more for wasting my time, then you are dismissed, Private Flores."
"Thank you, sir." Rene watches as Sobel walks away before turning and staring up at Currahee, breathing out as his body seems to deflate from disappointment. He takes a deep breath, before slowly starting up the hill, at least this one isn't timed.
Rene takes a deep breath before he coughs and gulps, "no excuse, sir."
Sobel nods, looking Rene over, "you will run Currahee once more for wasting my time, then you are dismissed, Private Flores."
"Thank you, sir." Rene watches as Sobel walks away before turning and staring up at Currahee, breathing out as his body seems to deflate from disappointment. He takes a deep breath, before slowly starting up the hill, at least this one isn't timed.
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Luz looks at Rene's cot, not seeing anything on it like he usually would. He turns to look at the other men, pointing at the cot, "where's Bean?" After the night of poker, the men started calling Rene, Bean, which seemed to have caught on with the men from other platoons as well. Even for the men who haven't really interacted with him, Bean became the way people referred to him.
Martin looks at the cot before looking at Luz, shrugging, "I didn't see him in the mess hall."
Perconte turns, "someone said they saw him talking with Sobel."
"Shit, really?"
Suddenly, the door opens and Rene walks in, his gear muddy from tripping on his run and the rain with his helmet in his hand. The men take him in, seeing how he looks dead on his feet, with his face pale, his eyes squinting, and drenched in a mixture of sweat and rain. "Jesus Christ," Luz breathes out. Rene takes a deep breath, keeping his gaze on the floor as he makes his way to his cot, tossing his gun and helmet onto his cot before falling face first onto it.
Luz gulps, his worry for his friends skyrocketing as Perconte speaks, "the fuck happened to you?"
Rene turns his head, to face Martin who's in the cot next to him, "I hope jumping out of an airplane is fun."
Martin gives him a look mixed between amusement and concern, "what happened?"
Rene sighs before he turns his head to face his cot again, letting out a loud groan before he turns and begins to slowly stand up. His movements are slow as he begins taking his gear off, showing the men around him just how exhausted he is.
"Bean, what did you just do?"
Rene takes his jacket off, turning to Luz, "George, I just ran Currahee four fucking times."
Rene puts his helmet on the shelf, hanging his jacket up, before moving his gun. As he begins to get undressed, he turns to the men, "I don't know, apparently I had to prove that I could run and that I wanted to be in the airborne. Pretty much the same thing he did to Gordon. Apparently, we don't work hard enough to show that we want to be here." Rene moves, sliding into his cot and immediately falling asleep. The others look at each other, extremely concerned for Rene. He's proven he deserved to be there on many occasions, he hasn't been the best at PT, but he does extra work to ensure he can show Sobel up by not giving him a reason to call Rene out. There were many instances where some of the men would wake up in the middle of the night and spot Rene doing push ups on the ground in front of his cot, just to be able to keep up with everyone during PT.
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Rene sits between Joe and Malarkey in the mess hall, playing with his food as he struggles to stay awake. Luz, Perconte, and Guarnere sit across from the three when Luz looks up from his tray, giving Rene a confused look, "hey, Re, howโ€”"
Joe cuts Luz off, his voice low with annoyance, "what did you just call him?" Joe stares at Luz, as the men sitting around them, turn to watch them.
Rene's eyes widen as he looks down awkwardly at his tray, clearly not expecting Joe to respond like that. Luz looks between the two, his face crinkling in confusion, "I, uh, I called him 'Re'."
Joe shakes his head, "you don't get to call him Re, only I do."
Rene's head comes up, looking at Joe with a small smile, as his voice is teasing, "aw, Joey, you make me feel so special."
Joe's hand comes up, pushing Rene's head away, "no I don't, you're loosin' your mind, Re."
Rene's head hits Malarkey's shoulder, causing Rene to look up at him, shaking his head, "sorry." Malarkey shrugs, looking over at Guarnere who's looking between Joe and Rene. No one really knew when they got close enough to have their own nicknames, but, apparently, no one was gonna use them but each other. Rene looks up to Luz, "what were you gonna ask me?"
Luz shrugs, "I was gonna ask how you managed to get so good at running?"
Rene nods, taking a bite of food, "my brother was on the track team in school. I didn't have too many friends and since I stopped going to school, I would get super bored, so I would always run with him. My dad and my sister would make bets about whether I could keep up with him." Rene smiles lightly as he takes a bite of the peaches, before scrunching his face as he swallows hard, "fuck, those are gross." Joe chuckles, reaching over to grab the rest of the peaches from Rene's tray.
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Rene is sitting on his cot, still in his muddy O. D's, not having a chance to shower yet. He grabs a cigarette, lighting it before grabbing his notebook and a pencil. Rene opens his notebook, beginning to draw parts of the barracks, as Martin walks in, sitting on his cot next to Rene's. He sits there for a moment, watching Rene, before finally speaking up, "what are you doin'?"
Rene looks up at Martin, talking slowly, "I'm drawing?"
Martin raises an eyebrow, "are you asking me?"
Rene's eyebrows crinkle, still talking slowly, "no?"
Martin purses his lips, his voice going monotoned, "really?"
Rene gulps, looking back down at his notebook, "sorry."
"What are you sorry for, Flores? You ain't done nothing wrong. What are you drawing?" Martin pauses as he looks around the barracks, "there ain't really anything to draw in here."
Rene shrugs, "just things. A mix of things." Rene flips the page of his notebook, turning it to face Martin who looks surprised Rene is showing a drawing to him.
Martin looks at the drawing, seeing different parts of the barracks put together, almost like a collage. Martin looks the drawing over, seeing how Rene manages to get the barracks to look so different yet so real. Martin's eyes widened, "shit. Bean, this is amazing."
Rene smiles sheepishly, looking down again, "thanks, Mar."
"Mar?" Rene looks up, shrugging, as the two share a smile. Martin clears his throat, glancing around the barracks, "when, uh, when did you and Toye get so close?"
Rene makes a face, "what d'you mean?"
"I mean, I heard about what happened the other day in the mess hall. When Toye pretty much told the whole company that he was the only one to call you Re."
Rene shrugs, "honestly, that surprised me. I don't really know when we got close. I mean, I guess if I had called one of you my best friend, it would be Joe." Rene looks over at George, who's listening in on their conversation while laying on his cot, "no offense."
Luz shrugs, "eh, I understand, we all see it. It was like you guys just instantly understood each other."
Rene stands in line to get his food, only for his face to scrunch up as he looks down the line, seeing what's getting put onto the plates of the other men. Rene moves up, watching as the noodles are put on his plate, the sauce following after. He looks up meeting the eyes of Winters in the kitchen, causing Rene to raise an eyebrow, to which Winters shrugs back. Rene grimaces before turning and walking away towards the table. He sits down next to Dittrich, grabbing his fork, taking a bite, before making a face and putting the fork down, speaking in Spanish, "fuck, I don't like spaghetti, then you add ketchup to the mix."
George turns to look at Rene from his spot next to Perconte, "Bean, we have no idea what you just said."
Rene looks at George before he shrugs, clearly not caring. Dittrich speaks up, his voice annoyed, "this stuff is orange. Spaghetti ain't supposed to be orange."
Rene scrunches his face, "this ain't spaghetti."
Perconte nods, "yeah, this is Army noodles with ketchup."
Guarnere walks over, sliding into the seat across from Rene, "you ain't gotta eat it."
Rene nods, taking a bite of his bread, "I know, I ain't gonna."
Perconte and Guarnere look at Rene before Perconte looks at Guarnere, "oh, c'mon, Gonorrhea, as a fellow Italian, you should know that calling this crap spaghetti is a mortal sin."
Hoobler turns around from the table behind them, reaching for Perconte's plate, "you don't want it, I'll have it."
He makes a move to grab Perconte's plate, but Perconte grabs it up and takes it out of Hoobler's reach, "no, no, no, I'm eating here."
Guarnere nudges Hoobler, "hey, get outta here." Hoobler turns and sits back down causing Rene to snicker as he takes another bite of his bread.
The sound of a whistle blowing causes all movement and sound in the mess hall to cease. Rene looks up to see Sobel walking in, "orders changed, get up!" Rene and the rest of the company stand up at attention, Rene continuing to chew the bread in his mouth, "lectures are canceled." Sobel begins to walk between the tables, "Easy Company is running up Currahee." Rene and Guarnere give each other a look of annoyance before Guarnere brings his head down to his chest, "move, move!" The company begins to rush out, "three miles up, three miles down. Hi-ho, Silver! Let's go, let's go."
After running for a little bit, the men of Easy are feeling the effects of running after eating spaghetti. Hoobler pukes next to Rene, who scrunches his face up from the sight of the orange puke. Rene glances over at Hoobler, "you're okay, Hoob. You got this. We gotta prove to him nothing can stop us."
Rene makes a face as Sobel runs up behind them, not at all hiding his feeling as Sobel yells, "you're a washout, Private Hoobler! You should pack up both your ears and go home." Rene takes a deep breath, catching Sobel's attention causing him to move and yell in Rene's ear, "Private Flores, can you run Currahee now? You want to quit, don't you? You can quit anytime you want, Flores." Rene closes his eyes tightly for a moment before opening them back up. Sobel moves towards the back, "looks like Gordon's done. Aren't you, Gordon? You finished? You do not deserve to get your wings." Sobel moves forward again, this time running in front, yelling at Bull, "Private Randleman, you look tired. There's an ambulance waiting for you at the bottom of the hill. It can all be over right now. No more pain, no more Currahee. No more Captain Sobel."
Rene takes a deep breath before opening his mouth, beginning to call out, hearing George do the same, "we pull upon the risers," the rest of the company joins in, "we fall upon the grass, we never land upon our feet, we always hit out ass." Sobel runs in front of George for a moment, surprised he would get the men to start chanting, before moving to run along the side of the company, slowing down as he watches them all running through their pain. "Hidee hidee, Christ almighty, who the hell are we? Zim-Zam, godddamn we're Airborne Infantry." Rene glances over, seeing how Sobel stopped, watching them run by before continuing, "we pull upon the risers, we fall upon the grass, we never land upon our feet, we always hit our ass. Hidee tidee, Christ almighty, who the hell are we?" Rene yells out louder, hoping to motivate some of the men, "zim-Zam, god damn, we're Airborne Infantry. Hey!"
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"So, do we feel like we're ready to be army paratroopers?" Rene sits in between Bill and Popeye, the parachute on his back pulling him down, closer to the ground as he squints up at the instructor standing in front of the group.
The men speak in sync, "yes, Sergeant."
"I hope so. This'll be the first of five exits from a C-47 aircraft scheduled for today. Upon the successful completion of your fifth and final jump, you'll be certified Army Paratroopers. There'll be a lot of men dropping from the sky today. Hopefully, under deployed canopies." Rene snickers slightly, yeah, hopefully. The Sergent gestures to the chalkboard behind him, "jumping from one-thousand feet AGL, in sticks of twelve jumpers per aircraft. All you have to do is remember what you were taught," he pauses for a moment, "and I will guarantee you gravity will take care of the rest. And, gentlemen, rest assured, any refusals in the aircraft or at the door and I guarantee you, you will be out of the Airborne."
Rene takes a deep breath, picking at his fingers as he sits on the plane. He looks over towards the door, seeing the light turn red and his heart stops for a moment as the jump sergeant stands up, calling out, "get ready!" Rene grabs his clip in his shaky hand, sitting forward in his seat as he gulps. "Stand up." Rene stands up with everyone else, turning to face the front of the plane. "Hook up." Rene brings the hook up to the wire running through the middle of the plane, hooking onto it, struggling lightly as he tries to get his hand to stop shaking. "Check equipment!" Rene moves, checking the equipment for Martin, who's in front of him, his mind racing at the possibility of Martin's equipment not being good and being the reason something goes wrong. "Sound-off for equipment check!"
"Nine okay!"
"Eight okay!"
"Seven okay!"
Rene feels the tap from Hoobler on his shoulder, causing him to flinch slightly before patting Martin on the shoulder, "Six okay!"
"Five okay!"
"Four okay!"
"Three okay!"
"Two okay!"
"One okay!"
"Stand in the door!" Rene moves up with the line, as the first person, Lipton, stands at the door. The light turns green, and the jumpmaster calls out, "go, go, go!" Rene moves up with the line as more of the men jump out of the plane for their first time, "go, go, go, go, go!" Rene breathes out, standing at the door, bringing his hands to hold onto the outside of the door, just as he was taught, his heart beating loudly in his ears, his stomach rolling as he looks out below him, the jumpmaster's voice echoing in his head as he waits to hear his signal. "Go," Rene jumps, not thinking twice about it, knowing if he did, he wouldn't get out the door and he would prove Sobel right. Rene looks around as much as he can as he descends from the plane, how the hell was I so scared of this? Once he lands, he immediately reaches up and grabs the parachute, wrapping it up as quickly as possible, not wanting to get hit by other falling men.
Rene jogs to catch up to Ramirez as they make their way to the bar to celebrate, "oye, Ramirez."
Rene puts his hand onto Ramirez's shoulder, causing Ramirez to stop walking and turn to look at Rene, "what's up Bean?"
Rene smiles at the use of his nickname, slightly surprised it spread so quickly, before speaking in Spanish, "I heard what happened."
Ramirez gives him a confused look, "what happened?"
Rene nods, "in the airplane."
Ramirez nods, making a face, showing he understands what Rene is talking about now, "ah, sรญ. Going to tell me that I failed?"
Rene smiles at him as he glances at the group behind Ramirez, watching the two, before looking back at Ramirez. He shakes his head, "I just wanted to tell you, I think you have a lot more courage than the rest of us and you should be proud of yourself."
Ramirez's eyes widen, "seriously?"
Rene nods, "jumping the first time is one thing, but jumping after refusing is completely different."
Ramirez squints his eyes at Rene, trying to decide if he can trust him, before he grins at Rene, "gracias, Bean. I was nervous you guys would think I shouldn't be here or something."
Rene crinkles his eyebrows as he begins moving towards the group waiting for them, speaking with a scoff, "please, what kind of brothers would we be if we felt that way. If anyone gives you trouble, send them to me."
Ramirez laughs following Rene to the group, as he shakes his head, "not too good I guess. And I will." Rene laughs as they make it to the group, all of them making their way to the bar.
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Rene is standing next to Joe at the bar, leaning with his back against it, watching the men around them celebrate with a small smile on his face. Rene turns his head, looking at Joe who has his head down as he faces the bar, causing Rene to chuckle, "too much to drink, Joey?"
Joe looks up at him, "fuck off, Re."
Rene smiles before he turns, facing the bar at the sound of their names, "Corporal Toye, Corporal Flores." The two look up at George who's impersonating Sobel as Joe stands straighter, "there will be no leaning in my company." George leans against the bar on the other side, getting a closer look at Joe's jump wings, "are those dusty jump wings?" Rene snickers as Joe brings his hand up, rubbing them, "how do you expect to slay the Huns with dust on your jump wings?"
Joe leans forward, grabbing onto the front of Luz's uniform, bringing him closer, before he shakes his head, "Luz, just get me a drink."
George grins at him, "hell of an idea, Joe." He looks over at Rene who shakes his head, picking up the beer he's still drinking. George nods as he reaches down, grabbing Joe a beer, setting it down on the bar, "here you go." Rene smiles as George grabs his own beer, holding it up, causing Rene and Joe to grab theirs, bringing it to meet Luz's, "three miles up, three miles down."
The three take a drink after the cheers, Rene almost choking as Sobel yells out, "ten-hut." Rene sets his glass down, quickly swallowing, turning to stand at attention.
Colonel Sink walks up to the small stage, looking over the men, "well, at ease, paratroopers." Rene moves, spreading his legs out, bringing his hands behind his back. "Good evening, Easy Company."
The men call out in sync, "evening, sir."
"Now, Parachute Infantry is a brand new concept in American military history. But by God, the Five-O-Six is gonna forge that brand new concept into victory."
"Yes, sir."
"I want you to know that I'm damned proud of each and every one of you." Rene grabs a beer, moving to hand it to Grant, "now, you deserve this party." Grant hands Sink the beer, "thank you, Sergeant Grant."
Grant gives him a nod, "sir."
"So, I want you to have fun, and remember our motto. Currahee!"
The men hold their drinks up, calling out, "Currahee!" Rene laughs before finishing his beer off, setting the now empty glass on the bar.
Joe turns, wrapping an arm around Rene's shoulder, "we did it, Re. We're fucking paratroopers."
"What is it, Re?"
Rene glances at George who leans back against the bar, listening in as Rene lowers his voice lightly, "I, uh, when I joined, I was scared of heights."
Joe looks surprised, glancing at George, who's also surprised before looking back at Rene, raising an eyebrow, "really?" Rene nods, causing Joe to shake his head, "why the hell did you join?"
Rene shrugs, "I ain't too sure, I just know that when I looked out the door, I had no idea what I was so scared of."
The three laugh as Joe shakes his head, "only you would join the airborne even though you're scared of heights."
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27 notes ยท View notes
speirslore ยท 8 months
band of brothers: types of kisses hc
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(a/n: sorry this is so longโ€ฆ i tried to include a lot of easy company... but if your fav isn't here, please just send an ask and i'll add them!)
send an ask if you would like to be on my taglist! :) (taglist: @ronsparky)
[dick winters]
cautious kisses
dick does not like pda only because he's extremely private and wants your relationship to be for the two of you only... no matter how nosy nix is
but there still are occasional kisses to your cheek when heโ€™s more relaxed in front of other officers
he's tender and careful too; dick is always cupping your face, a thumb brushing across your cheek or brushing hair away from your face
dick is always very gentle and a little unsure at times
especially at the beginning of your relationship, he feels incredibly inexperienced, or at the very least, out of practice
heโ€™s very okay with you taking the lead when kissing because he doesn't want to do anything wrong
dick is tentative and private but very into it... it's a good thing he has an insane amount self discipline because otherwise he would be kissing you 24/7
[lewis nixon]
speaking of self disciplineโ€ฆ lew does have it but he also chooses to ignore it most of the time, if he wants to kiss you then he's going to kiss you
so many morning kisses
honestly just anytime in bed because lew plays fast and loose with 'morning' and sleep cycles
absolutely never wants to get up, has to be coaxed with a lot of kisses and cuddling, it is a huge ordeal
he always kisses with some degree of mess, a little uncontrolled, perhaps a little desperate
a lot of sudden kisses too like you think you're safe and then boom heโ€™s all of the sudden in the room, pulling you towards him
will take advantage of any opportunity no matter how small... does he have any shame? (no, not really)
lew does shockingly get a little shy sometimes about pda though
โ€œi donโ€™t want to rub it in their facesโ€ฆ" he'll insist, "y'know... what they donโ€™t haveโ€
sureeee... the blush on his cheeks says otherwise though
[carwood lipton]
carwood's speciality is definitely comforting kisses
lip is always paying attention to you and what you need and how you feel and that extends to physical affection
always wants you to feel okay, better than okay, great
and if a kiss can make you feel better then heโ€™s more than willing to oblige
affection between the two of you is every casual and common, always kissing, holding hands, some sort of physical touch
constantly smiling in between kisses
heโ€™s just that happy and loves you so much
but the comforting kisses & affection goes both ways
kissing the stress and worry away from his face and tracing his scar with your thumb before kissing it gently, your noses almost touching after you pull away to catch your breath, the two of you wearing twin smiles
and whenever you say goodbye or reunite, you both try not to make a scene, but it's always a little bit of a scene tbh... like having to be without carwood's kisses for a week is basically criminal
all the other men think it's extremely cute though, don't worry
[ron speirs]
stolen kisses (haha)
even his kisses are stolen!
he will always come out of nowhere and will always find time for a smooch
every time you think surely ron isn't in this area, he's supposed to be somewhere else, he's not in this building... you are proven wrong
is incredibly good at carving out time to see you... and finding private places for the two of you
like he's definitely scoped a few places out before he goes to find you
one time you were in his office kissing and someone knocked on the door and he huffs and pouts because he has to break away from you, even if it's only for a second- he's not happy about it
ron barks out, โ€œnot now," before returning to you will a warm, soft smile
heavy on kisses instead of words
ron is very physical...whenever you finally pull away from a kiss... you can always see things/emotions in his eyes that you know he's not ready to say yet and finds difficult to articulate
[don malarkey]
soooo many shy kisses
okay yes, don is kind of unhinged (stealing a motorcycle, drinking methanol, etc) but not with relationships... like flirting?? kissing??
he's still incredibly enthusiastic about your relationship... very much so
but he gets really shy around you, especially with kissing
turns beet red so easily, like you love kissing him and pulling away to see him blushing all the way up to the tips of his ears <3
it's just so fun and he's having a great time... and don cannot hide his emotions or what heโ€™s thinking so whatever he's thinking always comes out when you're kissing
"god, you're beautiful. you should bring this dress to paris when we go next weekend. oh- y'know what, skip still owes me that $40 i lent him. i really need that for next week's pass so-"
"don," you interrupt gently, brushing a hand across his jaw
he'll blush and smile sheepishly, "right, i'm shutting up, back to kissing..."
he's shy yet so excited and wants to do everything right, willing to learn and wants to learn, and just wants his inner emotions and love for you translate with physical affection
and it definitely does! don is extremely endearing and you love him for it
[joe toye]
joe's kisses are always very intense
his eye contact, his touch, his raspy voiceโ€ฆ everything is intense in the best way possible
his hands already feel like fire, so warm against your own skin
he loves just laying next to you in bed, just observing you and taking it all in
his passion definitely goes along with the intensity
he's also extremely private about affection with you, just because it means so much to him
tends to get vulnerable and emotional very easily
and really likes pillow talk and just listening to your voice, your stories, and your perspective
he likes your reassurance too, your love, he's never felt anything like this before
so whenever he can manage to have free time alone with you, he's always savoring it
joe could kiss you for hours, he truly loves taking it all in, going slow, and savoring the time you have together
[george luz]
late night kisses are a staple for the two of you
george gets so excited being with you he doesn't want to sleep
the biggest sleepover vibes
like you both very seriously decide to go to bed but then george says something funny or does his dike impression and then you both start laughing and talking again
and kissing again, sometimes the impressions are so good you have to reward him
you guys have a lot of late nights because of this
also do kisses for warmth and sharing body heat count?
huddling in a foxhole together, in the thick of it together, like yes they don't have much food, supplies, or ammo but george is not going to let them take kisses away from him too
oh my god, laughing in between kisses
sometimes he really canโ€™t take himself that seriously
george is like don and gets very excited
he just feels so lucky to have you and has to kiss you accordingly
kissing you and just being with you can make him a little emotionalโ€ฆ a happy little high
cigarettes have nothing on you and your kisses!
[babe heffron]
babe is kind of like a baby deer, he's a little clumsy and sometimes unsure but he's definitely got the spirit
he is confident but he does tend to second guess himself when it comes to you, he just doesn't want to mess anything up.
like what if he uses too much tongue or he headbutts you on accident... he's just overthinking it
and sometimes you just have to grab his arm and pull him toward you and kiss him yourself
when you're alone, babe lovesss laying on your chest letting you run your fingers through his hair and kissing his forehead... but don't tell anyone
jk he doesn't care if anyone knows (and they absolutely do know)
and the guys can't even tease him that hard about it, that's much everyone loves babe... they're just happy for him tbh
babe definitely gets a little needy sometimes like whereโ€™s his daily kiss allotment :(
and he can get clingy... will 100% wrap his arms around, you pressing kisses to your neck and shoulder just because he hasn't seen you that much today
[eugene roe]
tired kisses are a doc roe staple
poor eugene, he's exhausted and jaded... a lot of the timeโ€ฆ and the rest of the company gives the two of you space as often as they can because they know how much your presence helps him
tired kisses as in he is putting in effort but his lips don't move as fast or as needy
he's more languid and calm, and it's very enticing
forehead kisses too omg
he lovesss when you kiss his forehead; pull him against your body, your chest, your arms and he feels safe and secure
he likes kissing the top of your head too, his nose in the crown of your hair while murmuring something in french
you catch various words in french that after spending so much time with gene you can understand now
like mon ange, mon amour, ma moitiรฉ (my better half? sobbing)
your presence is so grounding for him and makes him feel more normal, like he's not constantly surrounded by death and pain
you make him feel like he doesn't have to be constantly on edge, like he can take his helmet off and not be on alert, like he hasn't totally lost himself in his job... your kisses are so grounding for him
[buck compton]
a lot of reassuring kisses
like sometimes he just has to kiss the worry off of your face
and vice versa, towards the end of the war it's not even just kisses but your presence and touch alone become extremely reassuring for him
but also... buck can be so cocky sometimes, he loves showing you off
you secretly (not so secretly) love it... like sorry it's hot
like once when the two of you were at a pub in england... he's gambling, he's drinking, he's smoking, and ofc he's kissing you!
what else is he supposed to do when he wins at darts or cards... come on
the guys hype him up and just hide their jealousy because you and buck very often seem like relationship goals
he's always touching you, like usually has a firm grip around your waist
always laughing together, everything you do together automatically seems so intimate
like in a room with the other guys... they do feel like they're intruding
just because you and buck are in the corner laughing and talking together, the love and intimacy feels like it takes over the entire room
it's just so passionate and obvious he's head over heels and that definitely comes across in his kisses
[joe liebgott]
joe's kisses strike me as tender but demanding and needy at the same time
he's a taker.... but also a giver so it evens out
some very, very eager kisses
like pushing you up against a wall, hand sliding up your thigh and mouth working down your neck...
joe is a great multitasker!
accidentally bites your lip once, it wasn't that hard or anything but he went bright red and was apologizing profusely, but also was like, "did you like it though..."
(you did but...)
bottom line is joe's just a tiny bit feral around you at all times honestly
you never know when heโ€™s going to pull you into his lap and kiss you and you both loveeee when you sit on his lap
the men are very used to it by now
he also likes living on the edge, like who cares if the patrol's supposed to be back any minute now and could walk in at any time?
messy kisses like his mouth is just everywhere basically, he wastes absolutely no time
he is so noisy: whines, groans, moans, laughs, you get everything with joe
also loves when you tug and pull on his hair while kissing, he specifically requests it
but joe can also get incredibly soft and sweet and tender but that's strictly for your eyes only... he has a reputation to uphold ofc
he totally blows you kisses whenever one of you leaves the room... it starts ironically but now he really does enjoy doing it
[david webster]
oh david is just so romantic
like definitely over the top romantic... it's so serious to him
he's read enough (a lot) romance novels and craves that book and movie worthy relationship and love
his life IS a victorian romance novel and he will act accordingly
everyone else thinks it's incredibly cheesy but you think itโ€™s really cute
it means so much passion whenever he's talking about you, talking to you, kissing you, etc
he's always trying to think of the right words to say and youโ€™re like โ€œdavid, just kiss me pleaseโ€
ofc he obliges and he is very good at it
his touch is just always so tender, you can feel the passion and love through his kisses
he's a little hesitant sometimes, starts off slow but it's extremely easy to get him worked up and make him lose some of that self control that he works so hard to maintain and portray
[floyd talbert]
confident kisses
yeah... yeah, what more is there to say
floyd just has a way (from a lot of practice) with his mouth
he's also very attentive and is always surveying how you're reacting and feeling, always wants to make you feel good and lovesss watching your reactions
he loves when you make noises of surprise or pleasure, he always ends up grinning into your kiss, he just thinks it's sooo cute
however i do think the more serious your relationship gets and the more feelings that are attached, the more likely he gets nervous... just a little bit
but that's more with relationship things
the kissing he has down pat for sure
takes the lead, cups your cheek, always knows what to do with his hands and the perfect the angle to tilt his head
will sometimes stop super close to your lips and just grin, teasing kisses
floyd loves having all of your attention to himself, when you loop your arms around his neck, when your lips are on his face, when you're talking quietly only for him to hear, when you're the only one that actually calls him floyd, ugh he just melts
[shifty powers]
shifty is the absolute king of gentle kisses
like so so shy
especially at the beginning of your relationship, you definitely have to kiss him first and initiate everything
he's so scared of reading the moment wrong and messing everything up
which you always reassure him that he won't
he has literally the entire company hyping him up, they've been waiting for y'all to get together for basically years now
but once he's more comfortable, he's always wrapping his arms around you, smiling, and kissing you freely
he struggles to articulate all love and emotions he's feeling but you still love listening to him talk about it
he just blurts out "i love you so much" one day after kissing, when you're laying in bed in austria
and he immediately looks terrified, not that he regrets what he said because he most certainly means it, but he doesn't know what you're going to say
but it's only a few seconds before you grin and throw your arms around him, "i love you too," you mutter before kissing him, a little more intense, and with a little more fervor than your usual kisses
[bill guarnere]
his nick name of wild bill definitely applies to his kissing style
absolutely wild
sometimes borderline unhinged
especially if he's been drinking or partying
but also... if it's the two of you alone, having a mellow morning or night, bill does get soft
the other guys aren't even surprised by that, they know he has a soft and gentle side to him, they can see it whenever you're with him
bill is sporting a basically permanent smile while watching you
trying to burn the visual of you into his brain so he can keep it forever
his kisses are encapsulating and very distracting
he hates seeing you upset or stressed and he uses kisses and physical affection to help
loves holding you and being the big spoon
and you love it too
it's soooo comforting
and it's never easy to not be constantly reminded that you're in the middle of a war, about to jump into france, etc, but with him, his firm arms around you, it's a little easier to forget
[chuck grant]
chuck strikes me as very confident, kind of like tab
he just wants to appreciate you!
and shower you with love
he will never run out of ways and words to compliment you
he's been admiring you from afar for sooo long, now that your in his arms it feels incredibly surreal
his kisses are always firm and secure
and chuck really likes when you take the lead and take what you want from him
being away from you always stirs something extremely confident and desperate in him
really enjoys holding your hand
always having physical contact with you, that's a necessity
ooo... he loves having a hand on your thigh
especially if he can sneak it under the table during dinner or a meeting
just his hand sliding up and down, gripping and then releasing, and then looking at his innocent yet knowing smile...
that definitely leads to some intense kisses, your hands running through his hair, hand cupping his jawline, you leading the show
he lovesss getting a reaction from you
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awaterfalls ยท 4 months
I'm bored now and so I decided to post some things I have saved on my phone about Band Of Brothers cast like photos, gifs, videos, memes, etc. The post will probably be continued as I have a lot of things saved on my phone. Hope you guys like it! โœจโœจ
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Shane jaw is SHARP!!!! Part 1/?
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