#Linda Martini
blu27nature · 2 years
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Linda Martini - Silves Urban Music Pentax K1000, SMC Pentax-M 50mm f2 Fomapan 400 (pushed to 800), Rodinal 1:25
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adrianoesteves · 1 year
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dancerinthestorm · 2 years
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darkestmania · 4 months
Que se foda o panteão
Dou os ossos a um cão
Que me roa a salivar.
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maquina-semiotica · 5 months
Linda Martini, "Super Fixe" #NowPlaying
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headlinerportugal · 11 months
O último dia vestiu-se de preto - Dia 3 do Festival Ponte d’ Lima 2023 | Reportagem
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Andrew Stockdale, uma figura impar do rock mundial | mais fotos clicar aqui Este último dia da I edição do Festival Ponte d’Lima, arrancou com os ponteiros dos termómetros a marcar máximas de 33°C graus e com uma onda quente de gente vestida de preto. 
Jepards abriram o palco 2, às 19h00, com “Naughty Behaviors” do seu último álbum ‘A Study on the Behaviors of the Inebriated’ editado em 2022. O quarteto anunciou, através das suas músicas, que apesar da atitude punk que ainda permanece, o seu som está mais crescido e soube amadurecer. 
Com as guitarras a gritar em sintonia, o baixo a segurar de uma forma criativa e a percussão de ritmo que não se deixa intimidar, Carlos, Dany, Pedro e Zé Pedro, abriram o dia para o punk rock. 
Mostraram com orgulho vários temas do seu último álbum mas também partilharam o seu mais recente single  “Cautionary Tales” passando igualmente por temas mais antigos do seu primeiro EP ‘Okay, Alright!’ de 2018.
Quase a terminar o concerto, recordaram o início da sua história com “Let 's Call It a Night”, do primeiro EP, fechando com “Beastie Boyz” single editado em 2022. 
Segue-se num ápice e, sem demora, o som que se ouve do palco 2, “Semente” a fazer apressar o passo para se ouvir Cassete Pirata, que logo enche o recinto. 
Um palco repleto de talentos nacionais, António Quintino no baixo, Joana Espadinha nos teclados e voz, João Pinheiro (SAL) na bateria, João Gil nos teclados e voz (o baixista dos SAL que aqui substituiu Margarida Campelo) e João Firmino na voz e guitarra.  
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Cassete Pirata em palco | mais fotos clicar aqui A voz melíflua de João Firmino em “Pó no Pé”, do primeiro EP da banda de 2017,   derrete-nos e deixa-nos verter amor num pôr-do-sol perfeito com o público a acompanhar o refrão, “Sabe muito melhor quando vocês cantam connosco desde o início até ao fim!” confessa o vocalista da banda. 
E porque qualidade é o que mais tem este quinteto, faz-se a devida troca de guitarra pois,  “apesar de ser um homem de um amor só” diz João Firmino trocando olhares com Joana Espadinha, que de uma forma tão brilhante responde à altura nos teclados e voz, o público merece ouvir “Ferro e Brasa”, do álbum ‘A Montra’ editado em 2019, com a maior mestria possível. 
Um verdadeiro momento onde a realidade superou as expectativas, com um público rendido ao som reconfortante dos Cassete Pirata e a entoar na perfeição os refrões dos temas que aqui foram tocados onde nem mesmo os mais recentes, como é o caso de “Tanta Vida pra Viver” single lançado este ano, precisou de ensaio. 
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Pir, o vocalista dos Cassete Pirata | mais fotos clicar aqui “Este sítio parece que foi mesmo feito para um festival” confessou João Firmino que falando também dos tempos esquisitos da pandemia, apresentou a música que surgiu para celebrar o fim deste período estranho “Só Mais uma Hora”, do álbum ‘Semente’ de 2021, e mais uma vez, o público mostrou a sua adoração pela banda entoando o refrão na perfeição “Vocês são lindos pessoal, vá muito obrigada!” 
Se gostamos de Cassete Pirata em disco então ao vivo ficamos a adorar, e é assim que se vê quanto são gigantes. 
Sem norte e a não querer ver o final, ficamos e porque o tempo foi curto para tudo, deixaram-nos com “Ser Diferente”, single de 2022,  aquecendo o público para as outras bandas que aí vinham…
Ouve-se, do palco 1, cantar, “Eu nem vi”, do último álbum ‘ERRÔR’ editado em 2022, e num cenário a preto e branco vão surgindo, na penumbra, os Linda Martini. Do palco, solta-se um grito e… André Henriques chama e o público segue. 
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Hélio Morais, um dos melhores baterista nacionais | mais fotos clicar aqui Celebram-se vinte anos do rock de Linda Martini e nós, podemos aqui, desfrutar dessa viagem de duas décadas hipnotizantes. 
Um público totalmente siderado pelo som caótico melancólico que se ouve do palco, responde com corpos atentos e introspectivos, enquanto tocam o êxito “Boca de Sal”, single de 2018 e afirmam “Somos sempre muito bem recebidos quando cá estamos”.
O frenesim harmonioso que ouvimos de todos os instrumentos mostram que, pelo menos em palco, André Henriques na guitarra e voz, Cláudia Guerreiro no baixo e voz,  Hélio Morais na bateria e voz e Rui Carvalho (Filho da Mãe) na guitarra, estão totalmente de acordo e sintonia.  
O rasgo metálico entra-nos até na alma e depois quase que somos pendurados na incógnita entre intervalos melancólicos e hipnotizantes e entra “Amor Combate” do primeiro EP da banda, relembrando o quanto são bons desde o início. 
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André Henriques e aquela vibração única | mais fotos clicar aqui “É sempre bonito ver o início de 20 anos…As palmas não são para nós são para toda a gente que está aqui” afirma o vocalista. 
O grito de “Taxonomia”, single de 2021,  fez o chão vibrar que, entre paragens, fez a plateia entrar em transe. 
“É um privilégio podermos tocar aqui todos juntos, partilhar o palco é partilhar a vida também” confessa Hélio Morais, e porque conciliar egos é sempre um jogo difícil, tocam “Se me agiganto”, do álbum ‘Linda Martini’ editado em 2018, num momento intimista de partilha de emoções e reflexões. 
A guitarra de Rui Carvalho fala, geme e grita tal como a voz de André Henriques em “O Amor É Não Haver Polícia”, do álbum ‘Olhos de Mongol’ de 2006, e anunciando o desfecho fizeram quase o palco cair ao tocar em “Cem Metros Sereia” de ‘Casa Ocupada’ de 2010, com o público a entoar o refrão, mãos e copos no ar. 
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Cláudia Guerreiro e André Henriques sempre com aquela dedicação infindável | mais fotos clicar aqui Assim, saem do palco e o público entoa “só mais uma” e….voltam,  com Cláudia Guerreiro a agradecer dizendo que tinham mais uma para nós e o público vibrou com palmas e braços no ar e  “Dá-me a Tua Melhor Faca” fez-nos sentir o toque metálico dos instrumentos roçarem-nos a pele e arrepiar-nos…assim terminou. 
Rapidamente, do palco 2, já se ouve o som da festa, e sem hesitações testemunhamos a grande entrada de António Bandeiras, o furacão sensual que anuncia a chegada de David Bruno e com a sua dança, prepara o público, qual festa popular recheada de carrinhos de choque, à espera da grande atração. Entram em palco com grande estilo, David Bruno, Marco Duarte (Marquito na guitarra) e Mohammed da Costa (teclado) e começam logo a brilhar com “Praliné”.
No final da primeira música,  David Bruno inicia o diálogo gritando “Gondomar, Gondomar” qual comício hilariante e trocando o nome da cidade para “Ponte de Lima, Ponte de Lima!” aproveita para fazer uma rápida sondagem ao público para perceber quantos dos presentes seriam da cidade que os acolhe…ou de Barcelos…ou de Viana (recorde-se que mais de 60% do público veio de fora de Ponte de Lima) rapidamente conclui que “são de todos os lados mas podiam estar em muitos sítios, podiam estar em casa a ver o Papa, e só por causa disso vocês são demasiados gentis!”. 
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David Bruno e Marquito dão um show bem animado | mais fotos clicar aqui E…passa-se a publicidade em “Mesa para dois no Carpa“ e entre coreografias sensuais, rosas vermelhas de plástico, projeções de vídeos de Valentim Loureiro e a cidade de Gondomar, Mac Drivers, roulottes, pombas brancas, cavalos e títulos animados género word paint cria-se uma lenda em Ponte de Lima. 
Com o público já há muito a vibrar, com direito a t-shirts dedicadas ao artista, tocam “Lamborghini na Rouloutte” com David Bruno a anunciar “Nem que me paguem 1 milhão de euros! Eu não gravo esta música, é um presente para as pessoas que vêm ver os concertos!”.
Com a “caminha já feita” entra o ilustre convidado Marlon Brandão, vestido à grande galã de cinema, para cantar“Tema de Guedes” e de luz vermelho sangue no palco, prepara-se o cenário para que se ouça a banda sonora da mais famosa áudio novela do momento “Sangue & Mármore”, álbum editado em 2022.
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David Bruno e António Bandeiras junto do público | mais fotos clicar aqui Só quem conhece todos os costumes do nosso Portugal profundo consegue verdadeiramente identificar-se e sentir cada tema como se fosse nosso, se conseguíssemos conjugar tão brilhantemente as palavras certas e tão bem ordenadas com as batidas e sons tão bem conseguidos.  “Palmas ao outlet de Tui, esta música é dedicada a quem vai a Espanha” e tocam “Salamanca by Naite” onde Marco Duarte, na guitarra, arrasa e mostra o “porquê de ser o rei do tinder” enquanto David Bruno partilha o microfone com o público, qual garrafa que roda. 
Segue-se com “Bebe & Dorme” do álbum ‘Miramar Confidencial’ de 2019, que marca o momento mais sensualmente arriscado do concerto, onde António Bandeiras, qual boneco articulado sem vertigens, sobe até ao topo do palco, gritando de lá “Bebe e dorme!” e a plateia agarra os cabelos, deixa o queixo cair e suspira num autêntico momento de histerismo total. 
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David Bruno e Marquito com um jovem fã | mais fotos clicar aqui Acalmam-se os ânimos assim que António Bandeiras desce ao palco são e salvo, David Bruno aconselha “Não vendam coisas roubadas, ok?” e inicia-se  “Interveniente Acidental”. Aqui, dá-se o grande momento que Tiago, um pequeno grande fã entre o público, estava ansiosamente à espera e por sorte, foi escolhido para partilhá-lo com David Bruno, que quando o chamou ao palco ainda nem imaginava que, coincidentemente, o pequeno cantor é de Miramar. Tiago brilha em palco, ao cantar na perfeição a letra da tão emblemática história de quem que foi chamado a tribunal por ser interveniente acidental e, no final, o público grita “Tiago, Tiago, Tiago”, reconhecendo o pequeno rei entre eles. 
Já um pouco pressionados pelos quinze minutos que restavam, tocam “Inatel” e o público responde com cartazes no ar, telemóveis a gravar e todo o recinto ao rubro que canta, salta e brinca com Bandeiras no mosh!
Apesar do tempo ser curto, ainda há tempo, para um concurso ao vivo de flexões no palco,  e de camisolas caveadas e colares dourados, óculos de sol do outlet dança-se sensualmente ouvindo-se “Festa da Espuma” do álbum ‘Raiashopping’ de 2020. 
“Obrigado Ponte de Lima! Aplausos para este festival! É melhor que o Marés Vivas em Gaia e eu sou de Gaia!” despede-se assim David Bruno. 
Bandeiras volta para distribuir rosas e assim termina a festa. 
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O australiano Andrew Stockdale a rockar em Ponte de Lima | mais fotos clicar aqui Os muito aguardados Wolfmother, cabeças de cartaz do festival, romperam a noite com a intensidade dos agudos da voz e guitarra de Andrew Stockdale. Com uma energia eletrizante, digna do espírito de épocas passadas onde se vibrava com bandas como os Black Sabbath e os Led Zeppelin, Wolfmother iniciaram o espectáculo mais cedo que o previsto e tocaram menos do que estava programado. 
Numa tournée que passará por sete países, Andrew Stockdale, confessa-nos, que na noite anterior, tinham tocado até às duas da manhã e voaram diretos para Portugal, e muitos foram os que lhes disseram que não iam conseguir mas, o músico, em tom irónico, anuncia “lamento desapontá-los!” 
Dos êxitos do seu último álbum ‘Rock Out’, editado em 2021, o trio tocou também alguns temas mais antigos, iniciando o espectáculo com “Dimension”, do álbum de estreia da banda, editado em 2005 mas também percorrendo ao longo do concerto êxitos como “Woman” e “Apple Tree” igualmente desse álbum.  
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Wolfmother a deliciar os seus fãs lusitanos | mais fotos clicar aqui A melodia da guitarra conjuga-se na perfeição com a voz de Andrew Stockdale,e o baixode Paul Dokman consolida toda esta vibraçãosem travar o ritmo alucinante da bateria de Jesper Albers quesegura o público e o faz vibrar com um solo arrebatador em “Colossal”, igualmente do álbum de estreia. 
Não se sabe se pelo fuso horário ou pelo cansaço, Andrew Stockdale agradeceu durante todo o concerto na língua de nuestros hermanos mas o público não se importou e tanto é que a vibração contagiou tudo e todos em “New Moon Rising” do álbum ‘Cosmic Egg’ de 2009 onde a plateia entoou na perfeição todo o refrão e com palmas no ar, dão o ritmo inicial a “Gipsy Caravan” de ‘Victorious’ editado em 2016.
Terminaram, como iniciaram, relembrando o álbum de estreia com o tema “Joker And The Thief”.
Moulinex (Luís Clara Gomes) fez-se acompanhar por GPU Panic (Guilherme Tomé Ribeiro) e Diogo Sousa na percussão para que juntos tocassem ‘Requiem for Empathy’  álbum editado em 2021 e não só…
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Moullinex o alter-ego de Luís Clara Gomes | mais fotos clicar aqui Com “Running in the Dark” a abrir a pista de dança, o trio minimalista que  veste branco metálico, fez-nos sonhar e relaxar, e de olhos postos na lua, que se escondia por de trás das árvores das margens do rio Lima, ficamos leves e dançamos.
Entre jogos e brincadeiras sérias no sintetizador, Moullinex guia o ritmo para fazer crescer a bateria, GPU Panic pede palmas e saltos, e o público responde fechando os olhos e deixando-se levar, entre os sons eletrónicos e as vozes de Luís Clara e Tomé Ribeiro, não se deixou a empatia desvanecer. 
“Fomos recebidos como se estivéssemos em casa, é incrível como o norte sabe receber tão bem!” confessa Moullinex reconhecendo algumas caras entre o público de outros espectáculos dados aqui no norte. 
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Moullinex Live em versão trio | mais fotos clicar aqui De “Minina do Céu” (com Sara Tavares na voz projetada) a “VEN” todos sentimos o calor reconfortante das suas batidas até quase arder em “See me Burning”, este último do álbum ‘Moullinex /\ GPU Panic’ editado este ano.
Despediram-se, iluminando-nos com “Luz” do último álbum e com boas energias terminaram o último espectáculo, no palco 1, desta primeira edição. 
Logo de seguida, sem pausa, começaram os Gin Party Soundsystem. 
Acordamos para o fim do século XX, e entre gins e uma multidão em palco, recordam-se tempos onde as pistas de dança eram autênticas comédias e exibição de passos de dança caricatos. 
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Público júnior fã do gaiense David Bruno | mais fotos clicar aqui Dos Vengaboys aos 20 Fingers passando pelos Gala e mais uns tantos que fizeram da Eurodance um sucesso de abrir pistas, os Gin Party Soundsystem puderam ainda, em tom mais sério, agradecer aos bombeiros que ali perto combateram um incêndio, que da montanha se fez avistar do recinto e que, felizmente foi rapidamente controlado. 
E com sons saudosistas nos despedimos da I edição do Festival Ponte d´Lima que já deixa também saudade. Aqui, todas e todos nos sentimos em casa e com tão boa receção fizeram-nos sentir verdadeiras estrelas do rock.
Para o ano há mais e as datas já estão marcadas: 1, 2 e 3 de agosto prometem com nomes já confirmados - Mão Morta, Surma, Unsafe Space Garden e Kamikazes. 
Até para o ano!
Foto-reportagem completa deste dia: Clicar Aqui
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Público júnior fã do gaiense David Bruno | mais fotos clicar aqui
Texto: Catarina Rocha Fotografia: Tiago Paiva
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musicaemdx · 1 year
Ao segundo dia de NOS Alive, um Ode ao Punk e ao mestre Palma. A reportagem fotográfica do dia.
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altamontpt · 2 years
Paredes de Coura 2022 - Dia 1: A música portuguesa a gostar dela própria
Depois de dois anos de ausência, os festivaleiros voltaram a Coura e às margens do Rio Tabuão, para um dia dedicado exclusivamente à música portuguesa, onde, entre velhas glórias, novas promessas e alguma chuva, o dia foi um sucesso.
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ljblueteak · 2 years
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Copies of handwritten lyrics/doodles included in the Ram archive edition box set. Looks like we’ve got some of “Rode All Night” and “3 Legs.”
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hollyslangblr · 1 year
my portuguese teacher is literally just promoting her son in law’s band i love her so much
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my-life-fm · 3 months
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valkaryah · 10 months
Dá me tusa esse teu pavonear, o desdém e o descrer quase dão para entreter (...) Eu sou só podridão e nobreza
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adrianoesteves · 3 months
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wint3r-h3art · 2 years
Hi Linda! Do you still take requests? I have this idea of mine that I couldn't put it into writing 😂
So, we always read about Stephen fanfics, y/n is always the one who gets overstimulated during sex right? What if we turn things around, we get a dom y/n and stephen get overstimulated, coaxing him to give you another right after he's done it?
Beg For It | Armani!Strange
Summary: If he wants it, he needs to beg for it.
Word count: 4.3k
Warnings: brain rotting smut ahead. dom/sub undertone, sub & dom Strange, breasts play, blow job, male ejaculation, face sitting, choking, unprotected vaginal sex
Dr. Strange Masterlist
A/N: Stephen Strange is entering his slut era 😌 I always wanted to write sub!Strange, so this is me putting my whole 🐱 into this fic! I must confess that writing a man that usually exudes dom energy and making him switch to a sub was quite a challenge. I did sneak in dom!Strange at the end there because let’s face it, he’s not going to let you have full control for the whole session. If you enjoyed my works, comment and reblog are greatly appreciated and encouraged. I love reading about your thots, besties 💛
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*** Do not copy, repost, plagiarize, or translate my works!
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Stephen Strange wasn’t the kind of man to be led by his dick. Tonight though was different.
He was weaving through the crowded Gala like a predator. His senses and determination zoned in on you the moment he caught a glimpse of you here. All of his rationality flew out of the window. His focus was absolute.
After what felt like ages ago and perhaps three glasses of Martini later, he finally found you standing alone on the balcony with a glass of drink in hand, looking like an absolute goddess tonight. Strange took a leap of faith and stepped out of the crowded room, strutting his way to you like a man on a mission. 
He knew he wasn’t going home alone tonight because hell–if he has to beg you, he’ll do it.
You glanced over your shoulder as you heard footsteps approaching you were met with his hungry look. His cerulean eyes drifted to the swell of your ass briefly before his heated gaze drifted back to your face. He was beyond starving, you thought amusingly to yourself. His desires practically seeped out of his pores. 
Every gaze and every gesture was done with an intent to woo you out of your clothes tonight, and you were loving every second of it. After all, Stephen Strange was decked out in his custom Armani as usual. Not a single hair on his head was out of place. 
He didn’t come to this party to play. He came here to win.
“I’m starting to think you’re following me, doctor,” you said softly. You could feel your own arousal pooling in your panties as you stood there staring at him a moment too long. You quickly tore your gaze away reluctantly when his gaze locked on yours. 
You tried telling yourself not to show him how you really feel of course.  He broke your heart once before, so was it even worth it to play this little game with him? 
The thing is, you liked the chase, and the idea of the good doctor pinning after your attention didn’t sound so bad. You crave it–hell, you need it. Oh to be the object of his desire. Who would have thought how the table has turned?
“You’re quite a difficult woman to find,” he said slowly as he took a few steps forward until he was standing beside you. The smell of his cologne warfed over you, flooding all of your senses with nothing but him. Every molecule in your body hummed at the warm and inviting masculine smell.
“Perhaps you weren’t looking hard enough.” A smirk tugged at the corner of your lips as you turned to face him now. 
“Or perhaps, you didn’t want me to find you,” he countered with a courteous smile before bringing his glass of martini up to his lips. You watched him under your lashes, the way his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed his drink. The sight made your mouth salivate.
“Perhaps,” you said softly, hiding a smile on your lips. “What does the famous Dr.Strange want from someone like me? Is it business or pleasure?” Your fingers grazed his suit just enough to leave him aching for more. 
“I told you many times before to call me Stephen,” he said as he suddenly clasped your hand in his. Heat flooded your face as you became more hyper-aware of his presence here with you. Anticipation was like a loaded gun as you braced for his next move. 
“You know exactly what I want.”
You shivered at the way his voice suddenly dropped an octave lower. No man should have this sort of power over you, yet here he was in the flesh–the good ol’ sorcerer himself. 
“Oh? Care to remind me, doctor. The last time we spoke you weren’t so much of getting over Christine yet,” you spoke carefully not to tread over old wounds. As much as you enjoyed the little cat and mouse game, you weren’t so heartless as to intentionally hurt his feelings. At the same time, you were guarded with yours. “And I’m not looking for a man with a commitment issue.”
Stephen didn’t miss the bitterness in your voice. “I’m a changed man.”
His admission excited you. Every part of you hummed as he took another step closer. Stephen brought your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles almost too gently. Only then that you realize you forgot to breathe as you exhale through your nose.
“Oh? What changes your mind, doctor?” 
Stephen stiffened when you suddenly leaned in closer to him. He could feel his cock twitch in his pants at the way you were looking at him at that moment. Something in him stirred and he wanted nothing more than to feel you underneath him. 
“Plus, you like control too much, doctor. I’m too old to fight for what I want.”
Stephen chuckled softly, his hand slowly sliding down the nape of your neck, holding you there in place, forcing you to look at him. The pure possessiveness in his touch alone awakened the raw hunger within you and made you want more. Every cell of your body craved him, and you felt like you were about to combust if you didn't have him now.
Need blossoming at the pit of your stomach as the dull ache between your thighs became apparent. He was too damn close, but at the same time, not enough. You wanted more–oh so much more from him.
Your gaze flickered between his piercing eyes and his lips, wishing and wanting to taste him. Stephen didn’t miss that as he slowly leaned in till his lips were barely inches away from yours. 
Your heart hammered against your chest as your nipples tightened and strained against your thin dress. You could practically inhale the taste of martini on his breath. It made your pulse raise, and your pussy ached.
“I’ll give you whatever you want willingly, so there is no need for you to fight for it.”
You were practically drenching your panties at this point as you stood there and stared up at him. “Really? What’s the catch?”
Stephen chuckled. He found it endearing how you tried to play hard to get with him. He understood it well enough. He wasn’t a great man before—not that he was any better now, but he had been better for the most part. A bit too late to get your attention, but he always loved a good challenge. It made life less boring. 
“Be mine,” he said simply yet confidently. 
You chuckled. “Oh, Stephen. Stephen, Stephen, Stephen. My darling, Stephen. It’s not that simple to just be yours.”
He knew that you were still hurt by his last rejection. “What can I do to make you mine then?”
“Does the good Dr. Strange like to be told what to do?”
The question surprised him and intrigued him. No one ever dared to try to control him, let alone be in charge of the bedroom department. 
“Depends on what you mean by that?”
“You know exactly where I’m going with this, Stephen,” you said softly. Fingers danced across the plane of his hard chest. Stephen found himself sucking in his breath as he looked at you cautiously. His pulse raised to the point where all he heard was his own heartbeat. “I want you on your knees for me, begging me, will you be able to do that?”
Stephen wasn’t used to your directness and your words took him out by surprise. His cock was throbbing at the thought of being on his knees, worshiping you with everything he had. Every fiber of his being hummed and buzzed with a need that he had never felt before. 
The act of submission to a woman like you thrilled him—it made his pulse raise. He wanted it. 
“When do we start?”
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Stephen wasn’t being coy anymore.
He was harder than a rock by the time he conjured a portal straight to your place.
You silently lead him to your bedroom. Every step you took, you could feel his eye burning into your back, and you enjoyed every moment of it. 
You began to lower the straps of the dress off your shoulders first before pulling the thin fabric down till it pooled at your feet. Stephen watched you tentatively stepping out of it. The gentle tap of your high heels clicking on the wooden floor made his throat go dry.
“See what you like?”
He wasn’t ashamed of staring. You were after all a beautiful woman. Hell, this was the only time he probably got to properly look at you with his sanity intact. 
“I would like it even more if I get to touch you too,” he commented. His voice was a bit lower now as lust coated every syllable. You noticed his bulge and you knew he was down bad for you.
“If you’re going to be a good boy tonight, you will get more than touching, doctor.” 
Stephen didn’t miss your sultry voice as you made your way to him, pushing him back till the back of his knees hit the mattress.
He allowed you to push him down until he was sitting. A curious gaze looked up to you as you gently hooked a finger around his tie and slowly loosen it. His heart was practically drumming against his ears once you slid the thin strip of fabric off of his neck.
His heated gaze burns hotter than the light of a thousand suns as you move to straddle his hips. You could see him swallowing hard by the way his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. With a smirk, you pushed your chest forward, placing your taut nipples directly in his face.
Strange swallowed hard. He was practically throbbing in his pants as his gaze locked on yours. He was horrified at the creature he’d become if he dared to let his gaze drift down to meet your supple flesh.
“Do you want to touch me, doctor?”
He nodded though you could feel his control slowly slipping by his measured nod.
“Will you be a good boy and listen to me?”
Stephen nodded again, and this made you smile. He was being so good for you that you couldn’t help but push this further. Perhaps this was a suitable arrangement after all.
“Touch me, doctor. Use your hands and your mouth to please me.”
Stephen didn’t miss your command. His large hands slid up your ribcage and cupped your breasts. He kneaded the soft mounds gently, squeezing them and squeezing them until your buds became taut.
You watched tentatively as his mouth slowly descended on your nipple and your eyes drifted shut as you reveled in the sensations that were bubbling up from every suckle and every lick by his mouth.
Every part of your body felt like it was on fire as his tongue flickered and slid over your sensitive nub, and you could feel yourself rocking your hips against him. A soft moan slipped past your lips when you pressed down against his bulge. The sudden pleasure shot through your molten core, making you clench and unclench against the emptiness.
You wanted more–No, you needed more. 
Deft hand moved to his hair, grabbing him by a handful and yanking him slightly so that you could look at him as his tongue was still on your taut bud.
His eyes twinkled underneath the dim light like a pair of stars as he gazed up. His teeth nipped, his tongue swirled, and then he sucked at it before he licked it over again. His fingers pinched and pulled at your other nipple until you gasped and melted in his arms.
A soft sigh slipped past your lips at the way the sensation spread throughout your body. His hand then moved southward to the swell of your ass. 
“No, not yet, darling,” you said softly as you swiftly pulled away from him. You could see the hurt in his eyes but you remained firm. “I want to play with you first.”
He could feel his heart flutter when you stepped away and began to unbutton his shirt. Stephen let out a sharp exhale through his nose when he felt your hand on his skin, scorching whatever part of your touch. 
When he was completely bare as you are, you moved to straddle his lap once more. This time you made sure to push him down till you were seated on top of him. You watched him carefully as you reached behind you to stroke at his length.
He was like velvet wrapped on steel–he was hot and so hard for you by the time you started touching him. It made you wonder how long you could have made him wait for you. His hard stomach twitch and contract below you every time you touched him, almost as if he was slipping out of whatever control he had left. 
Stephen started to moan almost pathetically as you continued stroking him. His legs fell asunder, body strained beneath you while his lips parted. Low moaning noises emitted from deep within as you work him up. 
“You like that, don’t you, doctor?” you asked. “But do you know what would be better?”
“What?” he asked, watching you move till you were between his spread thighs. His voice was hoarse and rough as he stared up at you almost in a daze. His hair was now falling over his face, lips slightly parted. He was holding his breath as his eyes followed you, and the noise that came out next sounded like a dying man.
Instead of answering him, you took his length in your hand and began stroking him. This time you dipped your head and your tongue flicked over the fat tip of his cock, lapping in at the small pearl of fluid that was leaking out of the slit. 
His thighs twitched in response every time your fingers grazed at the soft sacs of his balls. His moaning sounded more and more like an animal by how low and deep it rumbled in his chest.
Smirking, you licked along the underside of his cock, letting your tongue trace the veins that ran the underside of his length. A string of incoherent words fell from his lips as he was holding onto the sheet till his knuckles turned white.
Feeling bolder and obviously encouraged by his reaction, you licked all the way down to the soft sacs. You eyed him tentatively as he slowly unraveled before you. Your tongue flicked over the soft, delicate flesh then you licked your way up to the tip, sucking at it so lewdly that it was the only thing that Stephen could hear in his state of mind.
At this point, Stephen was panting and writhing beneath you. 
“Please, Y/N.” 
It sounded more like a moan the more you flicked your tongue over his pink, bulbous head. You didn’t respond to him, instead, you continued to tease him by licking over the slit.
“Please,” he begged again, his knuckles were aching because of how hard he was clenching on the sheet.
“Tell me what you want, doctor?” you cooed as you stroked him. “I want you to beg for it.”
“Please, f-fuck me with your mouth, Y/N.”
You hummed with satisfaction before you wrapped your lips around his cock once more. The warm wetness of your mouth felt wondrous around his molten steel. He swore he was seeing stars at this point by how heavenly your mouth felt around him.
Whatever sanity he has was gone when you began to bob your head up and down his stiffness. Stephen was reduced to a panting mess every time you hollow your cheeks in and created a suction around his length. 
You were sucking him so deep to the base that you could feel yourself gagging. His breathing became ragged as he slowly began to thrust, but you stopped him and gave him a warning look.
Stephen mumbled sorry in between his panting as you sucked his literal soul out of him. Your hand cupped his balls, rolling them gently in your hand, and he exhaled sharply through his nose. You gazed up to see his liquid sapphires melted into your by the dim light. 
He knew he wasn’t going to last if you continued to do this time. Every cell of his body felt like it was about to explode as he ascended higher and higher–
Then it stopped.
Stephen’s eyes shot open to find you pulled away from him with a loud pop. 
“I call the shot, big boy. You don’t get to come till I come,” you smirk as you crawl your way up to him. “It feels so good, doesn't it?” you asked, clearly teasing him by the way your palm slowly traced the hard ridges of his abdomen. 
Stephen nodded. He was clearly breathing hard as he laid there, feeling so needy and horny for you. You crawled up until you were not seated on his chest. 
Stephen’s hand gently slid up and down your thighs. The contrast of the softness and roughness of his palm made you shiver as you stared down. You wanted him to lick his lips as his eyes drifted down to the juncture between your thighs. 
“See something you like?” you asked, but your voice came no more than a breath as your hand moved to cup his face. “Make me feel good too, doctor. Make me come all over you.”
“Please, let me taste you.”
You leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “If you insist”
You slowly sank yourself down onto his face. A sharp hiss left your lips from the feel of his beard scratching and burning the delicate skin of your inner thighs, but it slowly turned into a moan when you felt his tongue licking along the seam of your folds before delving into your heat.
Stephen moaned deep within his chest as his tongue slid inside you as deep as he could before pulling it out and circling at your clit. He flicked and swirled his tongue around that bud.
Stephen didn’t stop until your fingers wrapped around his hair and swiftly pulled his head away to look at him. His eyes glimmered in delight at the way you were panting as hard as he was. His tongue continued to work you till he could feel your wall start to flutter around his tongue.
Even then, he was relentless in his pursuit to bring you to your pleasure, fucking you with shallow penetration till you moaned on top of him. He concentrated on that one spot that made you squirm above him, and only then that you feel your orgasm hit you–made you strained above him as your thighs clamped around his head. 
You could feel him moaning underneath you as he drank you up. The slight vibration from the noise alone made you gush out right on top of him, and Stephen drank you up greedily till there was no more. You slumped on top of him. His hands were on your thighs again, lazily tracing your skin. 
You didn’t know how long you stayed there. Stephen never complained despite the fact that his dick was harder than steel. 
You moved above him. The tip of your breasts brushed against the hard plane of his chest. You could hear him hissing at the contrast of your skin against his. Your belly rubbed against his as you grasped his length and lined the head of his cock against your swollen entrance before you began to impale yourself on his rigid length.
You let out a throaty moan, welcoming his hot hardness as he stretched you out so deliciously. You stared down at him and concentrated on nothing else but the sound of Stephen Strange moaning and panting below you. 
The sound of his passion, the scent of your sex mingled in the small room, and the pure desire and devotion in his eyes alone–all melted and wounded tightly at the pit of your stomach.
Your hand found his neck while the other was used to brace your body. Slowly, you curled your delicate fingers around him as you rode him. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. His lips parted at the way your hand felt around him. And as if it was possible, his cock felt like it was swelling even more inside you, stretching you out to the absolute limit. 
You rocked on top of him, rubbing against his pelvic bone. He was so deep inside you that you could feel the tip of his cock rubbing against that one spot that made you moan out wantonly. Your concentration was fixed on your pleasure and yours only as you focused all of your energy on that one spot, rocking your hips faster and harder. Your thighs were burning. Your muscles were trembling at the effort, but you didn’t care. You were so close once again–just a little more.
Your fingers continued to wrap around his neck tighter, and Stephen could feel himself getting closer as well. To say that he was enjoying this was an understatement as he was rocking his hips to meet yours, pushing you further and further until his fingers gripped your hips and pulled you down roughly.
Stephen grunted–the noise that came out of his mouth sounded more like a feral beast than a man. His body arched on the bed, thrusting deep into your needy heat. Like a spark of flames, your release came hard, sending the scorching flames to every nerve ending inside your body till you were slumped on top of him.
Stephen was still breathing hard below you. His hand reached out to touch your face. It took you a couple of seconds before you could catch your breath. 
“You ok?” he asked, he looked at you almost anxiously as if he had hurt you when in reality you were just using him to reach the best orgasm of your life.
“I’m ok,” you said breathlessly, though your legs felt like jelly. 
As you made a move to pull yourself out, Stephen stopped you. The look on his face changed. There was something dangerous and possessive about it that made your skin prick with goosebumps.
“Now, it’s my turn.”
Before you could process what was happening, Stephen had you on your hands and knees. His hand was around your neck, pulling your back so he could kiss you from behind.
He kissed with much possessiveness that you knew he was capable of, and before you realized it, you felt his cock entering you once more as he moaned against your mouth. He quickly tore his lips away from yours, leaving wanting more. 
Grasping you by the hips, Stephen slammed into you over and over again. Just when you thought you could feel all of him before, this time was different–this time, you could feel every inch of his cock rubbing back and forth against that sweet spot deeper and harder than ever before. The constant pressure was driving you crazy as your hips snapped back to meet him every time he pulled you back.
“Stephen…” you managed to speak only to be cut off by a loud gasp when he withdrew himself all the way back before slamming his dick all the way back inside your slick heat.
Your entire body felt like it was shattering into pieces as he brought you to another orgasm. Every part of your body felt like it was dying and reborn instantaneously as you spasm below him. 
Stephen continued to fuck you and used you as you had used him earlier. His hand gripped around your neck the same way that you have done to him, holding you still as he thrust into you. His breath tortured before he let out a gasp. He was riding you so hard and so intensely that every grip of his fingertips might as well burn onto your skin.
Stephen came with a groan as he thrust deeper, rolling his hips against yours. His cock swelled and pulsed, and before you knew it, he quickly pulled himself out and squirted his seed all over your ass cheeks. 
Everything in the room felt like it was nothing but a blur in a milky haze as both of you lay there, panting and bathing in the afterglow of your orgasm.
“So…” he started as you turned to face him. Perspiration dampened your forehead as you stared into his eyes. They were once again twinkling like a pair of morning stars underneath the dim light. Everything inside the room felt quiet once more as your focus was on one another.
“So,” you repeated.
“Are you going to be mine like you said you were?”
You smiled at him, but you didn’t answer him.
“I’ll let you boss me around again,” he added. This caught your attention.
“Oh? Are you just saying that just to get me or are you being serious?”
“I’ll let you tie me up.”
You chuckled. “Since when you are into trying up?”
“Since you,” he said before taking your face in his hands and giving you a toe-curling kiss. “I love this side of you, and I can’t wait to see more.”
“Me too, doctor. Me too. I can’t wait for you to beg for it again.”
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fangswbenefits · 7 months
Genuine question, what type of music do you listen to?
I will listen to pretty much anything 😅
If you are asking about specific bands/artists:
Arctic Monkeys, London Grammar, Florence + The Machine, Hozier, MGMT, The National, Madredeus, Linda Martini, Bárbara Tinoco, Sufjan Stevens, Metallica, Ghost, Pearl Jam, Muse, Kings of Leon, Kings of Convenience, Franz Ferdinand, The Black Keys, Mastodon, Arcade Fire, Evanescence, The Pretty Reckless, Within Temptation, David Fonseca, James Bay, System of a Down, Coldplay, Adriana Calcanhotto, Norah Jones, The Weeknd, Lana Del Rey, Chloe x Halle, Vampire Weekend
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maquina-semiotica · 6 months
Linda Martini, "Super Fixe" #NowPlaying
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