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liliumsabyss · 7 months ago
I hear your voice
Viktor x GN Reader
Word Count: 540
Tw: End of Season 1, Death, Dying, Normal Arcane stuff
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You impatiently waited outside the room pacing back and forth, you had done everything, gave everything to this only to be left out of the room. You had propelled Jayce to his position as counselor, you got Jacy and Viktor out of every legal mess, hell you fucking covered up when the hexacore killed that poor girl. And Viktor you could never hate him but the sadness you felt towards him in this moment was nearly unbearable, the way he looked at you like he could do nothing like it was simply a means to an end, hurt. The thoughts circled through your head until you caught a strange gleam of light. It was a small blue orb with trails of smoke following it small in the distance but seemingly ever approaching, it was getting closer, smoke, it was getting closer. And before you had even known it your legs had started to move, sprinting down the hallway back towards the doors. Your heart was beating fast, too fast, too dangerous for you but you didn't stop. You couldn’t stop. Your arms spread in front of you as you slammed into the doors pushing them open so far they banged the wall behind them. Your eyes moved to Viktor only a few feet away, his eyes staring at you along with the eyes of all the others. You were going to take a breath but your lungs refused to move and you could feel your heart failing. You thought just as you could see the orb moving closer to the window the world slowed down and your thoughts screamed Get Down as the glow intensified the room finally becoming more aware of what was about to occur. Viktors eyes grew in terror. He had figured out what was about to happen and you had run in here to where ground zero would be and all their bodies would be ash and now so would yours.  The words tumbled out of your lips in unison with the thought but they were not the words you had thought.
“ VIKTOR GET DOWN” You cried as you lunged at him with the last strength in your body. 
Counselor Medarda turned around the others following her gaze. The light grew blowing out the room. You were blinded and you couldn’t see anything. And then you felt your arms curl around the material of a suit and thin ribs, one hand crawling up to the back of his head, his soft hair flattened under your palm as you went down together. You hear the shrieks and the terrible sound of the shattering windows. As you plummeted to the ground shielding his body with yours you feel arms curl around you. You hit the ground at the same time it makes impact . A wave of heat licks your back burning painfully through the fabric of your back, you continue shielding Viktor, never letting go. The room so loud everything went silent. Your lungs burn and your heart you had known was already coming to a stop the pain unbearable in your chest. And in the blistering heat and pain and in the arms of Viktor, through the silence you thought you heard him. Then everything goes dark. 
Thanks for reading <3
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liliumsabyss · 9 months ago
heyy! could you do a newt (film newt) x male reader storyy that takes place after the opening scene in the third film and they're sitting together on the beach talking about everything in the world they've missed out on (and like staring into the open ocean) when the reader decides to finally tell newt he loves him after putting it off for months :))
Don’t go
Newt(TMR) x male reader
Minor angst to Fluff
Word Count: 1.168k
Tw: Normal Maze Runner stuff
A/n: First thing is it leans more towards gender neutral however considering the whole concept of the maze runner by logic the reader would be male. Second matter is sorry I just dropped off the face of the earth a lot of shit happened but im back and this request has gotten me even more motivated to write again so thank you have an amazing day/night<3
Update: I made a sort of prequel to this its here if you want to read!
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The normal winds of the world they had seen had been softened to a light cool breeze that brushed past their bruised and cut skin providing relief to the higher temperatures of the world. Sitting on the sand with your legs bent in front of you, your head gently rested against your knees, your right cheek being squished as you stared at the beautiful blonde in front of you. His eyes remained focused at the ocean in a soft stare, he was talking, you could see his mouth moving, your brain just couldn’t figure out what he was saying. You caught bits and pieces here and there. Something about…missing? Majority of the time you would listen to every word Newt said grasping onto every word he said like it was the water to a man dying of thirst. He was brilliant absolutely brilliant when he spoke, just now you were struck with reality. The reality was that you loved him, you loved him with all your heart and you so so many times had wanted to tell him but you were too cowardly to ever do so and now either of you could die at any minute. Every second now you were scared to die without telling him, whether it was for yourself or for him to know that someone out there has loved him you weren't sure. The thoughts swirled your head as you stared intensely at him. You were able to catch a few more of his words, he was talking about everything you've missed out on in the world, he sounded…sad? No, not sad. He sounded bittersweet, his head eventually turned towards you, his eyes catching the gleam of the sun making them appear much more shiny than usual. He looked so so beautiful, inexplicably beautiful. That's when the words tumbled out of your mouth, you only heard them after you had said them all watching Newt's face taken aback. “I love you” the three words that would ruin your relationship with him, I mean why would he why would he love you as far as you were aware he wouldn’t like someone like you,  just look at his face that wasn't the face of someone who reciprocated not like you even thought he would but it stung and so you did what this world has taught you most to do and you fled. You scrambled up onto your feet in a clumsy panicked motion similar to an animal cornered. You turned around wildly ready to sprint off, to where you weren't sure you weren’t even sure you were thinking in the first place you just couldn’t stand to see what he was to say. A hand reached up grabbing your arm tightly tugging gently but swiftly at it, your turned your head to look down your eyes meeting Newt's, his face filled with worry, his eyes shone in the light and his lips were slightly parted as if they were about to speak. He stood on his knees with most of his weight on his one leg to make him more stable against his weaker leg, his one arm was stretched up grabbing right below your elbow firm enough to cause you to stop but gentle enough to not hurt his other hand had grabbed yours.
“ Did you mean it?” Newt questioned his eyes searching yours for an answer.
“ I,” you started pausing in hesitation searching his eyes back for an explanation “ Yes.”
“ Then don’t go, not without letting me say anything first, please” He pleaded towards you and you did a small nod to let him speak.
“ I love you, I love you so much.” He stated simply as if it was as easy to understand as a fact. 
That's when both of you realised that either one of you had done everything but say it. From the moments like when you helped with the pain in his leg, to when you saved him from a crank by full on tackling the crank stabbing it in the head multiple times, or even just listened to his little rants and info dumps, meanwhile he had showed his through bandaging every cut and scrape you’ve gotten, to when he shielded you from the bullets that WICKED rained down upon the group as you escaped, or even how when you inevitably would fall asleep at the bonfires he would carry you to your bed and tuck you in. Of course there was so much more just both of you had never had the words till now…actually that wasn’t quite true. You had tried to tell him before it just never felt right, in fact everything in the maze had felt wrong but that was probably to do with the fact you were in a psychotic social experiment and not Newt. Newt on the other hand never tried or planned to tell you nor was he ever going to till now the only times he ever got close were on accident in passing moments when he couldn't help admire you just ineffably you. The closest he got was when you tackled the crank that was just on the verge of biting him, he was terrified for you, why had you done something so so stupid you were willing to subject yourself to the possibility of becoming a monster for him and that would have been his worst fear come true. It didn’t but he could still remember how your future flashed before his eyes, the awful awful image of your eyes slowly turning into a black void, dark blood spilling from your mouth, your veins showing off the changes, and worst of all, your beautiful mind gone. That was when he almost slipped up his biggest secret, the one he was sure wasn’t mutually returned and yet here you were. Words rolling off your tongue like the tide that was rolling in front of him. He tugged your hand a little once again, you softly falling to your knees staring at him with shock and adoration all compiled into a swirling gaze.
“ You…do?” You asked your head slanting to the side ever so slightly with your lips twitching upward but still a twinge of doubt that none of it was real.
“ Of course I do.” He scoffed jokingly as a laugh escaped his lips slightly smiling back his head tilting to match yours.
He turned back to facing the ocean, his stronger leg bent with his other straight and him leaning back onto one hand with his other arm held in a slight arc in the air indicating for you to move closer. You scooched forward still on your knees, a wide smile creeping onto your face as you crawled under his arm allowing for his arm to go around you holding you softly as you matched his position.
“Don’t go please,” he whispered slowly, leaning his head on you.
“ I don't plan on it anytime soon as long as you don't,” You replied lightly with a slight chuckle still meaning every word of it. In this world after everything youve gone through together even death couldn't separate you.
Thanks for reading <3
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liliumsabyss · 2 years ago
Scenario w/ Jason Todd (Sick!Gn!Y/n):
Y/n: Im colddddddd, and everything hurtsssssss!
Jason: Sounds like you have a fever.
Y/n: But the thingy says no.
Jason: What thing?
Jason: Ok well take some ibuprofen to break your fever.
Y/n: Jay your not listening…THE THINGY SAYS NO!
Y/n: Jayyyyyyy I’m still coldddddddd!
Jason: Well you took your medicine, you’ve stolen all the blankets in the house, and raided the kitchen for everything warm you could find. I think your going to have to just wait it off.
Y/n:*sarcastically* The fiery pits of hell sound real nice right now….
Jason: Trust me its not.
Y/n: *flabbergast at Jason’s joke*
Y/n in the middle of the night: THERES THE RAT! RIGHT THERE!
Jason: WHERE!
Y/n: *pointing to picture of Jason on top of their dresser*
Jason: *offended sounds*
Jason: Love your pointing to Bruce’s photo?
Jason: *Feels y/n’a forehead* Ah fever hallucinations…time for another round of Motrin.
A/n: Im sick lol. So heres my half assed writing to make myself feel better, its not great but I hope you enjoy.
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liliumsabyss · 2 years ago
Do u have any time for a Viktor x Ftm fluff drabble? Just smth small about Ftm reader wearing something that hugs his body and he’s not sure about it but Viktors like: god/goddess.
Calls him a pretty boy n stuff <3
Pretty Boy…
Viktor(Arcane) x FTM! Reader
Word Count: 516
Tw: Mentions of Dysphoria, Tight Clothing, Unedited, and maybe OOC Viktor
A/n: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! I hope you like this! Thank you so much for requesting have a good day/night!
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You had been getting ready for work in the small apartment you and your partner shared. The cold wood floorboards cracked underneath your feet as you moved to the small bathroom with your clothes in hand. Walking into the bathroom the cold tile hit you feet not caring to close the door as you changed quickly into the outfit consisting of a black turtleneck and trousers that were on the tighter side. But as you finished buttoning your trousers you looked up into the rectangular mirror hung above the faucet, your face pulled into a slight grimace as you inspected the outfit, it being very form fitting. The more you stared at it the more it made you feel what you could only describe as icky the same feeling of when someone tells you something terribly wrong thats how you felt. You were caught so much into the debate of how the outfit fitted you you barely noticed your partner who’s can softly thudded as he came into the bedroom standing at the doorway observing you as you turned your body in every direction pulling at the fabric of your clothes.
“ Love?” A voice came from behind you as you turned to see Viktor standing at the doorway directly behind you.
“ Oh Hello Vik… Did you have breakfast yet?” You say trying to sound less stressed and more cheerful however still you sounded hesitant yet still worried for Viktor considering the man was so obsessed with his work he would forget what day it was.
“ You have been pulling at that outfit for five mins.” The male comments nodding his head slightly as he speaks, taking a step forward to get closer to you, being his own way of asking you what was wrong
“ It’s just, its so form fitting and it makes me feel ughh,” You say, sliding your hand down your face frustrated with yourself as Viktor only takes another step closer putting an arm around your waist pulling you against him gently.
“ I think it suits you quite well my love,” Viktor started as you stared at him putting your arms around him in a hug as he reciprocated, giving out a slight cough as he was so touchstarved he still was not quite used to contact without initiating it first. He buried his head into your shoulder trying to mask his bashfulness.
“ How did I get such a pretty boy…” Viktor mumbles under his breath genuinely asking himself, you let out a little chuckle. The male makes you forget the outfit situation in the first place.
“ Well how did I get such a handsome man?” You quip jokingly yet still serious about the quip, The two of you stood there for a little while until you both realized you were running late. The two of you hustled towards the door and down the hallway of the apartment building all the way to the front entrance quickly saying your goodbyes but as you were walking towards your job you heard Viktor mumble something only able to make part of it out.
“ Pretty boy..”
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liliumsabyss · 8 months ago
In The Small Moments
Pt1, Pt 2, Part 3, Pt 4, Pt 5…
Kaz Brekker x Gn Reader
Summary: Moulin Rouge/Satine Inspired!Reader and Kaz go undercover at a ball only for things to go terribly wrong.
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48845809/chapters/123220936
Word Count: 617
Tw: Angst and Fluff, Swearing, Mentions of Sex, Mentions of Sex Work, No Smut, Mentions of Death, Forced Marriage, Manipulation, PTSD, reader called handsome but could be interrupted as in the old timey gender neutral way, maybe OOC Kaz Brekker, also potentially could be interpreted as suicidal ideation, mentions of suicide, Characters are like 25-ish and Pekka Rollins
A/n: sorry y’all it’s short and I’ve had this for awhile
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“ Why don’t you put on one of your little outfits you used to wear,” Pekka said slickly shuffling through paperwork at his desk as you stood in the corner leaning against the wall flipping through books. It was the only thing you could really think to do as you shoved any feeling down into the pit of you. Ignoring any protest or regret to the grave you had dug yourself.
“ For you?” You scoffed disgustedly rolling your eyes as you nearly gagged.
“ Never stopped you in the past” He fired back annoyed but his focus still remained on his paperwork.
            You but back a further insult only for the sake of your life becoming further infuriated by the man who had ripped your full freedom away from you in the blink of an eye. 
“ Now what would Ryker say about that attitude of yours or better yet your dear Ezra, or even your beloved bastard,” Pekka started as one of his lackeys came into the room handing him a letter. You however were seething snapping the book shut just as the lackey walked out door slamming behind him. 
“ Do not speak his name.” You seethed as you stood straight up your finger pointing accusingly at the man. Marching forward to the edge of the desk you stood angrily staring at the man who didn’t even make an effort to glance at you completely unbothered by the threat. 
            His attention was much more captured on the letter in front of him as he inspected it closely, specifically the seal. His face was one of humoured curiosity as he reached into a drawer of his desk pulling out a small dagger that had a snake wrapped around the hilt and encrusted jewels for eyes. The dagger sliced through the letter gently so that it was a clean cut, he quickly fished out the letter inside unfolding it. His eyes snaked upon the page as he read it, a sense of sadistic joy lit up in his eyes. You on the other hand just stood fuming watching him. Pekka let out a chuckle when he finished the letter, prompting him to toss the letter carelessly onto the desk and stand up pushing his chair out behind him. He shuffled around his desk passing you striding down the room towards the door.
“ Before we go you should dress in something more appropriate-there's something for you in the other room” Pekka stated, stopping turning his head slightly to acknowledge you as he waved you off. Before continuing out the doors closing seemingly automatically behind him.
You stood angered at how you had been treated while you hadn’t expected much, you wished that you had more power. To go back to feeling powerless felt like quite a fall. You had soared too close to your sun, your freedom, him and now you were falling into the dark suffocating depths of the ocean. Yet you had dug your grave so you must lie in it. It hadn’t felt like the dread of death or despair, it felt relief, relief that the bastard would be safe. It even briefly skittered across your mind if this is what Ezra had felt all those years ago. But you knew better than to linger too long and so just as you were about to exit the room your eyes flashed upon the small dagger that rested upon the desk, the snake adorning it staring directly into your soul. You made your decision and you slipped so lightly over to the desk with grace that would impress the wraith and slid the dagger carefully onto your person. From there you flaunted out the door and into the room down the hall acting as nothing had happened.
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liliumsabyss · 9 months ago
Newt(TMR) x male reader
Prequel(?) to “Don’t Go”
Minor angst to Fluff I think?
Word Count: 1.35k
Tw: Normal Maze Runner stuff maybe more descriptors of violence, loss of hearing temporarily, maybe ooc
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Newt hadn’t seen it till it was too late and now he was fighting off a crank that had climbed on top of him waving its claws wildly and snarling at him. He terrified, fought back being careful to avoid being scratched or bit using the large rifle he had stolen from wicked as a shield as much to his misfortune had gotten jammed rendering it as his only weapon useless, utterly useless. And he was not ready to accept the fate that was to await him if he were to give up he still had to fight. But that wasn’t the main thought in his mind as his ears rang. The main thought was Where were you? If you were okay despite the odds were ok he would be fine with dying right there but with the group getting ambushed by a flood of cranks he feared that you had either been dead or infected and both of those images had been his worst fear. His thought of you being infected had started to now grow into a conviction he was so convinced you had to be infected at this point that he begged you had died instead at least then he wouldn’t have to watch your eyes slowly turn into a black void, dark blood spilling from your mouth, your veins showing off the changes, and worst of all, your beautiful mind withering away till you were an empty shell actually you wouldn’t be empty you would be so much worse filled with agony, hatred, and a violent nature that simply just didn’t belong to you. The thought of that made him more terrified than the crank he was fighting. And yet just at that second a swift blur in his confusion passed by his eyes the weight of the creature gone. So he scrambled to sit up only to see you on top of the crank, pinning its arms into the ground with your knees while your knife was held high above your head. Newt's eyes flashed with even more horror at the image, why were you being so so stupid why would you put yourself in this kind of peril for him, why were you willing to potentially die for him. He couldn’t understand actually with his fear cloudling his brain he wouldn’t understand the conviction of you being infected flashed across his eyes all over again. Your knife came down over and over black liquid spraying you with each violent stab into the cranks skull the dark substance dripping from the knife that shined ever so slightly the crank letting out screeches until it fell silent its struggling arms fell limp. You leaned back ever so slightly relieving the pressure on your knees. Dark coloured blood splattered across your face smeared along with dust and dirt as you climbed off the crank still remaining on your knees. Newt without thinking crawled? More like clamered on his knees towards you sliding at the last second ever so slightly before you.
“ You bloody shank! Why would you do that?” He practically yelled over the gunshots of the others, “ Why would you be that bloody stupid! People care about you, I care about you!”
You tilted your head in confusion at him but he didn’t appear to notice. He continued to “yell” as you watched his lips trying to make out with what he was saying. He almost completely forgot that he had practically confessed to you but that would be a problem for future him. Yet by the time he had stopped to take a sharp inhale and he refocused on you matching your confusion as he saw you staring confused and intensely at his mouth. He blushed a little at the immediate implication he had thought of, quite embarrassed with himself that his mind even remotely thought of that. You said something softly, too softly for him to hear over the screeches and gunfire. He looked at you in confusion moving his head closer, hinting he could not hear. 
“ I CAN’T HEAR MY GUN BLEW OUT MY HEARING.” You shouted unable to control your volume due to your well lack of receiving volume. Newt slightly jumped back in surprise at your loudness, but quickly he nodded showing he understood what you had said. 
He scrambled onto his feet, realising that the group had to move forward or else they would die there. He had then reached his hand out towards you, you in response stretched your hand up to rest in his before his fingers curled gentle enough not to hurt you but firm in which it would be hard to let go. Newt gave a sharp tug to reference you to stand, you stood up stumbling a tad trying to gather your bearings. 
“ We have to get out of here, they will corner us.” Newt shouted at the rest, you had tried to read his lips only catching a word here and there as your hearing continued to be repressed. It would have sounded if you were underwater.
The other nodded and made affirmations in response. Newt looked at you trying his best to mouth something, you could make it out and he never would have even had to tell  you for you already did. The words “Trust Me” left his mouth and you nodded, why wouldn’t you he was the one you had so utterly cared for to the point where you had thrown yourself onto a crank for him. So yes you did trust him. He turned around reaching into his back pocket behind the aviator esc coat revealing a small handgun he had most definitely taken from WICKED. When? You had no clue but considering his other weapon was rendered useless you certainly weren’t complaining. He started to yell towards the rest who were still fighting against the ongoing swarms of cranks. There was a plan in play, a plan you didn’t know and that scared you but your ever going trust in the other male was clear so you squeezed his head lightly your version of a response. And soon you moved forward, Newt jogging to the best of his ability stayed at the front clearing the general path with the small handgun and never once letting go of your hand. While he was usually never the leader and often more times second in command the person who keeps everyone together you could see that he was more than suited to be a leader. Whether it was in his nature or he had picked it up from Alby no one there could deny his knack for leadership. To you he had seemed like a knight in shining armour, fearless. However his internal dialogue would prove otherwise, he was mortified at that second he was nearly shooting everything that moved and he was as flighty as bird. He held frantically onto your hand the warmth of your hand and the occasional squeeze here and there kept him grounded yet made him only further scared him. The constant reminder that you had been there and while not helpless you certainly weren’t in the most ideal situation.
 He would’ve kept running if it wasn’t for Minho’s voice calling out to him he wouldn’t have stopped. He looked around a little too fast for someone who would appear to be safe and that's when he realised they had gotten out that they were safe. He looked back at you, both of you holding each other's hand just as tight, the sun lighting up your faces. A huge grin spread across your face and you laughed, you just laughed, your head threw back and you laughed and before Newt knew it he was laughing alongside you his toothy grin being revealed as he laughed. There were only two thoughts in his mind: you had survived and furthermore you were so bloody beautiful. And so he continued to smile and laugh as the others joined in celebrating your victory, he couldn’t tell if your hearing was back but for now he would just enjoy watching you celebrate. 
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liliumsabyss · 2 years ago
Almost(Sweet Music)
Light The Way Series
Levi Ackerman x Male Reader
Word Count: 2.01k
Tw: Levi and Reader have Daughter, Daughter named after Hange Zoe, Deceased Reader, Spousal death, not during timeline after entire plot occurs, vague allusions to a fatal illness/condition, maybe oof Levi(?), Not a song fic, and essentially the entire thing is about grief
A/n: Daughter has black hair but readers eye colour so could be interpreted as related biologically to both you or if you have black hair than she could be only related to you or if you dont she could be just related to Levi and happen to have your eye colour. Or if your like me and she could be biologically related to both of you and you want her to be but you also have grey eye’s than and I would just choose a specific shade. Essentially her entire being is up for interpretation by you so interpret it how you want if your like me and overthink everything.
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Levi walked into the small house that laid on the outskirts of the city away from everything. While the age of titans had been over the scouts had not been disbanded still having to clean up the mess of the whole war, Levi still held his high position but had double the paperwork so he often ended up returning home late. The man had large bags under his eyes marking his tiredness and endless hours of work. Walking into the house he slipped off his shoes but stopped mid action hearing a soft melody playing from the upstairs of the old house. A familiar heart aching melody, he finished slipping off his shoes and hanging up his coat before climbing up the stairs he walked down the wooden hallway to the third door from the end the door was wide open. The man stopped leaning against the frame of the door peering into the room. The room had scribble drawings across the walls as well as beautifully done murals also painted next to them, toys, paintbrushes, and other various items. In the room a little girl around the age of ten with long black hair splayed around her head and bright (e/c) eyes laid on the floor staring up at the ceiling, a record player sat near her head playing the melody that Levi both loved and dreaded. On the ceiling that the girl stared upon was a beautifully painted mural of said little girl only younger maybe four or five being held by the same man as the one by the door frame but there was another man holding her on the other side he had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes and the warmest smile. The girl continued to listen to the tune and stare at the ceiling in thought.
“ Zoe you shouldn’t be up.” The raven haired male stared at the girl on the floor who at the voice bolted straight up onto her feet, her face breaking out in a huge grin.
“ Papa! Your home!’ She said barreling towards the man full speed, throwing her arms around him, giving him a huge hug in which he staggered slightly at the force before he returned it slightly.
“ Zoe,” Levi responded sternly looking down at her as she started to slowly chuckle in response, “ You shouldn’t be up. And where did you get that record?”
“ Well I may or may not have been looking around the house and stumbled upon it.” Zoe said nervously which Levi had known was a complete lie that she stumbled upon it for it had been kept in a large wooden box under his bed that held all other remnants of you.
“ Zoe I know that's a lie but we will talk about it in the morning. You need to go to bed.” The raven haired male said sighing as he lifted up his daughter carrying her to her bed as she snuggled under the covers. The man turned to leave the room when Zoe let out a sharp wait.
“ Can you tell me how you and dad met again?” The black haired girl said with a huge grin across her face that made Levi’s heart swell and shrink at the same time as he looked just slightly past her to see a picture of you with the same grin on her nightstand. Oh how much she seemed like you Levi could never fathom but the corners of his mouth quivered upwards just the slightest bit to form a tiny almost smile which didn’t get past Zoe seeing as her papa rarely had smiled ever but especially since you had been gone.
“ He was part of the scouts but the scientific reserve unit, we always noticed one another. It was just pointless to interact especially when I had to keep an eye on those brats but when I had an off day I went to a tea shop. All the chairs had been taken though except for one chair at the table where your Dad was sitting…” Levi started in his usual deadpan tone but a slight fondness creeped into his voice when he stated “brats” and “ Dad”. He continued on with the story until he heated a slight snoring looking down to see Zoe fast asleep. Levi put a small kiss to her forehead before he stood up grabbing the record from the record player and its sheet next to it as he walked to his room, closing the door and turning off the lights behind him. 
When he got to the cold empty dark room he had once shared with you, the bed remained the same as that day except his side had some wrinkles in the blankets and some in the pillows. He was about to place the record back in its sheet but instead he placed the vinyl on the player gently placing the needle on the outer rim of the disk. The sweet music started to play in the dark bedroom as Levi walked towards the open wooden box that sat on the floor, crouching down he peered inside to see your scouts badge, your certification, your ID, your favorite books, your sketchbooks, pictures of you and any other reminders of your existence. Levi gently grabbed one of the heavy books only to open revealing pages filled with photos, photos that were tinted beige and brown and others in black and white. The photos contained you in the earlier pages were photos of you when you first started as a scout as a teen and even a couple of you as a kid while you had little to nothing and lived on the outskirts of the Underground yu had a huge smile on your face. And as he flipped the pages you started to get older in the photos and then when you appeared to be around thirty the raven haired male started to appear in the photos with you, you juxtaposed each other him with harsh demeanor and deadpan look while you had a certain brightness in your eyes and a huge grin. And then when he turned the pages another was added into the mix an adorable baby girl with a scrunched up face black hair and sparkling (e/c) eyes as you proudly held her in the photos. Then the little girl slowly got older as Levi stared at the photos of you helping her stand and the photos of the three of you doing all sorts of things. But then before Levi realized it he was on the final page, a large photo of the three of you having a picnic by the ocean in which you had managed your largest grin your tired eyes squinting your frail body hugging the raven haired male and your five your old daughter who was holding up a shell proudly in his hands. Looking at the pictures with the soft melody playing in the back that you always hummed and convinced him to slow dance in the middle of the night after both long shifts reminded him just how much he had loved you, how he still loves you his heart still skipped a beat looking at you even after all these years of you being gone. And he slowly put away the picture book and records back into the wooden box before climbing onto the bed laying on top of the covers.
A couple of days later Zoe asked, more like demanded to have a picnic at the beach which in the past Levi had always said no since you had passed however for some inexplicable reason he had begrudgingly agreed to which Zoe’s face had lit up. When they got to the beach the overpowering small of the salt and the deafening crashes of waves with seagulls squawking unpleasant tunes bombarded the air. The raven haired male's stomach felt sickening being there without you felt…wrong. His breathing became rigid and uneven, his posture stiff, his heart racing, and his ears fuzzy as he stared out at the beautiful turquoise waters that were decorated with white seafoam and porcelain sand. The raven haired girl who had her iconic large grin on her face turned happily to look at her father who had been standing even stiffer then his usual demeanor. She quickly grabbed his hand causing him to flinch and look down at the girl in a passing surprise. Zoe tugged the hand of her father towards the ocean causing him to stumble at the force, almost dropping the picnic basket that he held in his other hand. She sprinted causing him also to run to get up to keep up with her. Soon she came to a startling stop as the two laid down the pleated blue blanket that reflected the color of the depths of the ocean. The off white sand shifted under their feet in a struggle to kick off their shoes to avoid getting sand on the cloth. Even still sand got on the blanket which Levi compulsively brushed off but instead of trying to get every tiny grain off he stopped after getting the majority off. The two chatted which was more of a one sided conversation of Zoe ranting about all topics and the raven haired male occasionally let out more of a response than a simple nod, shake of the head, or hum. Zoe started to slow down her rant eventually staring out at the ocean. The entirety of going to the beach shocked Levi, the sun warming his pale almost corpse like face as he finally started to look less like death than he did for the previous five years.
“ Papa you're finally getting some sun so you're less vampire-like!” The dark haired girl said giggling Levi only shook his head at the statement, the corners of his mouth twitching.
“ But seriously papa you look better than you have in years you’ve finally got some color back.” The girl said, staring out at the ocean, her eyes glimmering in the sun. Levi looked at her in a short surprise of her statement and followed her gaze towards the ocean. She then fo no apparent reason started to laugh kicking her feet so similar to you and Levi before he realized it he was laughing with her like he used to.
Once they got back the two listened to the radio at the makeshift dining table covered in paperwork. The drowning sounds of the radio made him think of you as you two would stay up late working on your reports side by side at the same table. You two never needed anything but the other's presence. But soon enough Levi realized the time and made sure to tuck Zoe into bed. Then he was alone. He walked outside to the back porch where the gardens you had so delicately maintained stayed maintained no matter how little free time the raven haired male had. He sat in one of the two oak colored rocking-chairs that sat on the porch. One was his, the other belongs or at least had belonged to you yet it remained vacant since you had passed. Levi sat thinking, staring out into the dark. Most nights, especially ones he had off he repeated this routine. He thought mostly of you and the lifetime you two had together which seemed now like yesterday but also so far away. The thought of it all did make him sad rather than his usual anger filled responses of course he would never let that emotion show to anyone well not anyone alive. However after the years had passed he had better nights without you where the thought of you made him nostalgic rather than despair. And that night after reminiscing of you he had headed up to the empty dark bedroom taking out the record and placing the needle on it as it slowly started to whirl to life playing the same tune it had nights before and half a decade before that. But when he got into bed instead of sleeping on top of the perfectly made covers like usual he climbed underneath getting lost in the warmth drifting off to a peaceful sleep, finally starting to heal after years of ruin.
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liliumsabyss · 2 years ago
In The Small Moments
Part 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5,
Kaz Brekker x Gn Reader
Summary: Moulin Rouge/Satine Inspired!Reader and Kaz go undercover at a ball only for things to go terribly wrong.
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48845809/chapters/123220936
Word Count: 5.16K
Tw: Angst and Fluff, Swearing, Mentions of Sex, Mentions of Sex Work, No Smut, Mentions of Death, Forced Marriage, Manipulation, PTSD, reader called handsome but could be interrupted as in the old timey gender neutral way, maybe OOC Kaz Brekker, and Pekka Rollins
A/n: This is inspired by Moulin Rouge the musical both adaptations and the place. I imagine the characters to be more like 25 in this.
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Early in the morning of Ketterdam fog hung over the streets, while most towns would be asleep, Ketterdam never slept. There was always laughing from a bar, hushed whispers from allies, the drunken shouts of yells, screams of a not so lucky passerbye, honey sweet calls from brothels, that was the barrel, that was the life you knew. You were awake at your desk running through the plans that a certain man had given you. The certain man who was feared by many, he had created numerous enemies yet remained in power, that man being the bastard of the Barrel, Kaz Brekker. And unfortunately for you the man your heart belonged to. You hadn’t quite been a dregger or a crow more like a person of select skills for even selector hire or in other words you sometimes applied these skills but only for Kaz Brekker. Not to say you didn’t get along with the crows, in fact you got along amazingly. They quite enjoyed your “refreshing” presence as they stated, the best term to explain your relation would be friends of some sort.
Otherwise you worked as a bartender and occasional waiter when it got crowded in the Crow Club. It wasn't anything much, however you always noticed a few extra gold coins that appeared in your pocket on payday. Many days after the Crow Club closed for the night or at that point what had been very early morning, it lay empty, Kaz’s companions off somewhere leaving the two of you in amicable silence as he slowly sipped on the strongest liquor on the shelf while you did whatever cleaning up needed to be done, many of times conversations would eventually spur. And then he found out about your particular skill set slowly once on a busy night you were waiting tables when a customer was getting a little too handsy with you after you repeatedly told him to stop Kaz was about to intervene only to see you grab the customers arm twisting it behind his body and smashing his head into the hard wooden edge of the gambling table breaking his nose. Most of the crowd at the table turned stunned, you quickly dropped the stuff off, gave a quick bow in apologies as you left, Kaz stood slightly impressed. Another time you had forgotten your key to open the club before the sun had even come up, you squatted down so you were eye level with the lock, quickly you rummaged through the pockets of your heavy woollen coat finding a random thin hooped earring you picked up on the street and a paperclip you quickly unbent the paperclip and pulled the thin hool straight as well little did you know Kaz was approaching when he spotted you crouched at the door however he saw you pull out the two random objects to his own confusion as you pushed them into the locks fiddling with the tumblers till you heard a click, you stood up and to the others shock opened the door, and then walked in. The third time he was talking to Jesper after the crow club had closed for the night and not bothering to care whether you were there. Jesper was discussing how the Landercrofts, a very wealthy family that were the head of one of the gangs, were having their annual ball in which the crows were planning to rob their vault during the party. Jesper had gotten his hands on false invitations and was stating how the dress code was black and white when you spoke up stating that the dress code this year was red, the black and white dress code was a rumour to set apart who had gotten invited and who was sneaking in. When Kaz and Jesper inquired into where you had gotten that information you explained how your connections made you quite knowledgeable of the barrel and many drunks let things slip. And the fourth time, was when you were carrying a glass from a table once the club was closed when you tripped the glass shattering at your feet Kaz who was by you when you tripped at the same time as you quickly belt down to pick up the glass out of an instinct. You both immediately reached for the largest piece when your hand brushed against his glove and he flinched only he really didn't. It was a slight twinge but less than usual so he tried it out again prying the glass out of your hands and once again he was a little nerved but better than he had with pretty much anyone else. So Kaz could only see one thing to do with your talents and would hire you on the occasion he saw fit which was becoming more and more often. Tonight was the ball that the crows had prepared for months for and the one in which you provided consistent information for, Kaz only saw it fit as you would be one of the ones to directly infiltrate the ball.
Hours passed by as you ran through the plans over and over again before you knew it, it was evening just a few hours before the ball. You frantically got ready scolding yourself for being so careless with watching the time. You grabbed the blood red outfit that laid on your bed for the past day delivered personally by Kaz. The brunette male had also delivered the red mask that was decorated in black markings intricately painted and sculpted; mixed with the outfit there was no way that Kaz paid for it just for you for this one event, someone had to owe him a debt for this. You quickly got yourself ready like you had used to, it had been a long time since you wore anything like this and you were glad for it. A sharp knock came from your door as you scrambled stuffing any possible tools you’d need into various hidden pockets. Opening the old door which let out an unpleasant creak revealed Kaz in a black and red suit to match your outfit.
“ Good your ready we need to go” Kaz let out curtly which was not what he wanted to say yet it was all that he could let out in the cold streets of Ketterdam where anyone could hear anything and take things the wrong way but for what he was going to say they surely would have took it the correct way. You gave a swift nod, looking behind him to see a black horse drawn carriage, Nina and Jesper at the driver's seat waiting impatiently for you two to climb into the back.
“ I thought Inej and Jesper were also supposed to be going in with us?” You questioned, confused at Inej’s lack of presence and Jesper at the reins in a not ball ready outfit.
“ They will be going in just not with, now if we want to be on time we must move.” Kaz responded as he turned walking away climbing into the back of the carriage you followed in tow closing the door as you entered.
Sitting on the plush cushions you ran your hand against the seat and the wooden sill that elegantly framed the window, you breathed in the stale air of the carriage the feeling, the smell had all been so familiar to all those days and nights it was honestly shocking you could forget it for this long. Kaz eyed you silently, watching your face twinge in familiarity however that look was soon gone in your eyes and an eerie tint of hatred flickered. For the rest of the ride you just peered out the window mindlessly. The lights from the mansion shimmered as you approached in your carriage many other carriages also appeared to be dropping guests off. The carriage slowly stopped to a stuttering halt pausing as the carriage rocked slightly giving away that either Jesper or Nina had gotten off their seats. The carriage door swung open, Nina holding it wide open. You put the mask on quickly looking over to Kaz who had done the same, his mask being black decorated with red instead, the inverse of yours. The man swiftly climbed out of the carriage waiting with his hand outreached ready to help you out of it as the carriage hobbled. Nina eyed the two of you in surprise as you took his hand carefully stepping down the wobbling carriage, lights poured carefully out of the manor barley illuminating the pathways that led to the large doors that were cracked and every so often would open letting light flood onto the party goers entering the masquerade. Kaz left his elbow out as you tucked your arm into it carefully so as not to look suspicious to other attendees. The brunette male held the invitations in his opposite hand, grasping them tightly. Stiffly walking up to the doors large men who had large swords sheathed in leather at their sides; ready to be pulled out against any threat to the people of the manor. The guards had displeased faces as they stood tall, intimidating, snatching invitations out of the hands of masked figures. Shortly You and Kaz stood before a guard who stood with her arms crossed and the corner of her lips pulled into a tight frown. Kaz stared at her equal in expression for a long couple of seconds before swiftly putting his arm up the two pale beige invitations decorated in gold swirls with hints of red trickled on them the women to the invitations inspecting them carefully front and back before taking out a wooden plank the split into two three quarters of the way she wedged one of the invitations between the the slit in the plank harshly squeezing it together giving it back to Kaz’s outstretched hand revealing it to have a red seal marking the paper, the guard did the same to the other begrudgingly knocking on the large painted metal and wood doors causing them to slowly open. You and the stiff brunette behind you slipped through into the manor. Laughter and music filled the air swirling around the stuffy air of the large ballroom, gowns splaying out from being turned by their suit and gown clad partners. Standing at the top of the marble stairs looking down upon the people down below, the shoulder that pressed against you that was tensed loosened slightly with a relieved breath. Turning your head to look at Kaz he slanted his head to you in return giving a sharp nod before you both took equally swift steps toward the stairs before descending into the madness of the ballroom. Kaz took a step away from the stairs and away from you his red gloved hand offering his hand with his other arm plastered behind him only then did you noticed the absence of his cane, you gave him a confused look to which he took a step to you whispering below his breath.
“ We cannot afford to look suspicious.” Kaz said lowly pulling up the leg of his suit revealing a slight gleam of metal which appeared to be a brace only letting it fall quickly before taking a step back to once again offer his hand. People whirled around behind him but you could only see him under the warm chandelier light that illuminated the marble floor and sparkling cloth.
“ Of course” You replied fondly to both the gesture and his comment, gently taking his hand taking several steps out onto the floor before turning toward each other. The song that had been playing had finished partners taking a step back bowing or curtsying to the other. The music picked up again with a medium pace waltz, guests flocking toward each other for the dance.
“ Do you want to lead or shall I?” The brunette in front of you commented fidgeting stiffly once again.
“ Eh doesn’t matter to me, dealer's choice.” You shrugged in response figuring that while Kaz offered he probably only knew one of those options if even considering his aversion toward contact. Kaz took a step closer lifting your hand which still lightly remained in his to his shoulders which he set on his ridged boney shoulder his hand reached for your side placing it gently and you grabbed his other hand raising it up holding it slightly below your shoulder as well as out. Kaz moved his foot toward yours, yours moving back in response to the waltzing causing a game of call and response in your movements. Your partner moved his head closer to the side of yours leaning in his mouth by your ear, you could feel a hot breath tickling your ear making a slight tinge of fluster.
“ We need to distract the Landercrofts, Alinda Landercroft and Jerad Landercoft are over by there by the fourth column from the window,” Kaz whispered carefully stopping midway to turn you a subtle gesture you understood, getting a flash of the pale couple in their 50’s, Alinda Landercoft wore a deep red chiffon and miniver gown that was adorned with ruffles while Jerad Landercroft wore a black suit with a red suit vest that matched the same shade of red of his wife, a large top hat stood on his head causing his short grey hair to sprawl out.
“ Their son Devlin is over there succumbing to his seduction activities.” The brunette gestured with his head to the blonde haired male around your age. He was surrounded by a couple of people of all genders who were fawning over him, him just giving a lazy suggestive smile to each of them. He wore a loose black top that cut low into his chest, a red vest tightened to his figure and black dress pants that were tight around his waist leaving little to the imagination a seemingly common theme with his outfit.
“ Once this song ends we should make discussion with Alinda Landercroft and her husband, their son seems busy enough.” Kaz said vaguely referring to his flirting where now a short haired person in a dress that had a very low bust and corset that pushed their chest up, rubbed said chest against his arm as you groaned in disgust.
And as the song ended the two of you briskly walked toward the older-ish couple who were laughing as you approached. You stopped before the couple you and Kaz bowing your heads slightly as the Landercroft’s looked at you in curiosity.
“ Hello Mr. Landercroft, Mrs. Landercroft,-” Kaz started as you internally sighed at his bluntness that was going to get you guys caught before you decided to interrupt him.
“ Mr Landercroft, Mrs Landercroft! Truly this gala is lovely, every year you never fail to impress me or my husband!” You exclaim in delight to them touching Kaz’s arm affectionately at the term “husband” as the brunette give you a wild slightly disturbed look at your behaviour to which you just gave him a slight unnoticeable jab to the ribs.
“ Oh well thank you my dear! But may I be reminded of who you are? My memory isn't as sharp as it used to be.” Mrs. Landercroft said jokingly as you all(except for Kaz) let out a slight chuckle at her statement.
“ Of course don’t worry I get it, I am (F/n) Casspian and this is my wonderful husband Kazmere Casspian. Between you and me he’s not much of a talker unless it comes down to business.” You tell them fake whispering the last part to Mrs. Landercroft in which she responded with a hearty laugh as Kaz rolled his eyes in response but slightly thankful you’d be handling the small talk especially with how much of a natural you were at this.
“ Same with mine dear!” She laughed out as her husband grumbled beside her as you joined her laughter faking it.
“ Now what did you say you did again?” She “asked” or in the world of the rich she was demanding you explain how you got into the party as people these rich rarely personally invite people more so often leaving it to trusted members of the household to invite people of popularity, opportunity, or influence.
“ The Casspians own that metal company. I believe I recently heard about it from an associate, I hear that it's becoming very influential.” Mr. Landercroft spoke up in a very “knowledgeable” tone which would have been knowledgeable except for the fact that none of it was true nor was it planted information just the older man trying to show off. Both you and and the brunette next to you turned your heads slightly making eye contact with a look of confusion at what bullshit this man was spewing to which you both just shrugged your shoulders slightly turning your attention back to the couple.
“ Yes and we were hoping to establish some sort of arrangement between our company and yours.” The brunette says to the elderly couple to which both looked shocked to see him speaking however you internally smiled smug at the distraction this provided the others who should be close to the vault in the eastern wing of the manor.
“ That would be great, son!” Mr. Landercroft said walking over clapping Kaz on the back was quite hard as Kaz flinched away from the contact, inching closer to you pressing tightly against your arm as you felt his arm trembling slightly against yours. You carefully snaked your hand towards his tightly clenched fist nudging it with your pinky in a silent ask. His hand slacked open in response as your hand slid into his carefully rubbing circles onto the back of his hand as his shaking slowly started to decrease as the older man in front of you ran his mouth off about his company.
“ Well son why don’t we all head to my office to hash out the details.” Mr. Landercroft stated hearty as he laughed, putting out his arm for his wife. You looked as Kaz grimacing when the others were not looking, pointing your head towards Devlin who was still wrapped up “entertaining” the people around him. The brunette nodded in understanding at your subtle gesture.
“ Mr Landercroft I would love to join however I must leave my husband up to this, an old acquaintance of mine appears to be here and I’ve never been good at business.” You speak in fake regret towards the couple furrowing your eyebrows together and letting out a tight lipped smile. The couple nodded in understanding of your statement. You turned to Kaz one of your hands still holding his slightly trembling one, you carefully grabbed his other hand with your free one looking at him for any resistance to which you received none you gently raised both his towards each other raising them to your mouth as you bowed your head maintaining eye contact with him lightly brushing your lips against his gloved hands the thick cotton rough under your lips as you placed a soft kiss on them. Kaz's eyes only widened slightly as the corners of his lips threatened to twitch into a warm small smile so faintly you may not have even realised nothing like his manic and greedy smile but a smile that held whatever pieces of his heart had been left. And so you let him go which caused a faint tug at your own heart as you watched him leave with the couple, your eyes trailing him as much as you could before he completely disappeared through the crowd. You turned back to the people whirling in endless mindless circles in lavish gowns and suits. This is the life they know and for most of them all they’ve known but it was also a life you knew, you knew it in the twisted behind closed doors way. And so you skimmed the crowd following it all the way to the blonde man who leaned in close to one of the people that was crowded around him a inch distance from their face with a smirk on his. You made up your mind and decided you would distract him yourself to avoid suspicion of just standing in the open unmoving, unamused. So you walk up to the male swaying your hips slightly, an innocent smile that holds a slight suggestiveness undertone to it cringing internally. The blonde's eyes turned wide for a second before his entire face turned into a smirk as he stopped leaning against the pillar standing straight up, his arms still crossed.
“ Well hello,” Devlin stated seductively(?), more like an attempt to be seductive to which you internally groaned with disgust. But regardless of how cringe worthy it felt you went along with it looking way in fake flusteredness.
“ Hello,” You replied meekly, crying internally at how awful the situation was. The blonde just continued to smirk as he took a step towards you.
“ Well what caused you to wander over here love.” The man replied teasingly and unfortunately for him horribly unattractive. And so your fake waltz began with your “subtle flirting” and his prowling responses. Many of the people who had been fawning over him had walked away with their noses high in the air, scoffing, at your presence it certainly hadn’t been the first time you experienced this but hopefully would be the last. And so your little dance began with slight touches, suggestive innocent sentences, and so on, all part of your careful scheme of distraction. And oh how you dreaded it weaving a web around the playboy who only expected you to be an innocent party-goer who had been entranced by him not a thief who took the role upon themself to protect the man and friends they had come to adore.
“ Well darling how about we head to somewhere more private.” The blonde said his voice dropping as he pressed his mouth against your ear, you having to clench your fingernails into your palm to resist the urge to push him away. But of course you had a role to play and so you’d play it. Your lips turned into a slight pout as you spoke up.
“ Well could we have one dance…first?” You trailed off hugging his arm, an obnoxious move but one that charmed him and most likely only his lips turned into a gentle smile.
“ Why of course.” He responded lightly as he reached his out for yours ready for you to grasp it. You of course did as the two of you walked out into the centre which had just concluded the previous dance, some couples fled to the side, some stayed and some joined. All on the floor stayed perfectly still as they were in their spots until the musicians started to play. It was a medium paced dance and one you knew well. You sighed in relief at the fact you knew the dance and one that you knew well but not only that the dance was one in which you switched partners for a large portion of it in the middle meaning you could get a break from Devlin, what a relief that would be. Your whirling and steps began him sweeping you through the other couples narrowly missing one another, Devlin holding you to him as tight as he possibly could. You on the other hand were mentally counting down the seconds till you would get to switch partners. Then finally what felt like forever you spun away only to be caught by what you’d hoped was anyone better than him. You were wrong. The man in front of you had his hair gelled matching his thick beard and moustache, his eyes stared coldly into you, a smirk upon his lips. You knew the man, you knew him very well and you hated him, you hated him for yourself, for the people he’s hurt, and for Kaz. But there he was in front of you smirking your dance partner, any sliver of hope you’d had. He didn't recognize you went out the window when you came face to face with him.
“ Rollins.” You spat at him, your face seething with anger.
“ (Y/n)” He responded back with that stupid greedy smirk on his face causing you to roll your eyes.
“ You are looking as great as ever, tell me have you taken a visit back yet since your little runaway stunt.” He commented, the words rolling off his tongue in a fake syrupy sweetness. You gritted your teeth together as you stared at his cold gaze with one equally of coldness, possibly even more.
“ Do not even speak of that to me.” You hissed at him hating how one of his hands rested on your waist and the other touching your hand, but most of all you hated how you had to continue this charade with the man, the man that the person you cared for had despised.
“ Oh you mean the Red Windmill or Ryker Knox because both are missing their shining diamond terribly,” He started your face twisting briefly into horror before going back to being enraged “ You know nobody would have ever thought you would have run away from the man much less to the bastard of the barrel.”
“ What are you talking about?” You state sharply trying to feign ignorance in masking your terror that you might’ve put a larger target on Kaz’s back.
“ Oh you know what I’m talking about, I know you quite fancy that bastard but what would dear old Ryker say about that…” He trailed off getting closer, his voice dropping lowly.
“ If you dare do something-” You began to threaten before he clicked his tongue interrupting you.
“ Well for starters I could order my men to go capture them right now don’t think I don’t know about your little heist,” he interrupted now finally so close he was whispering in your ear as you shuddered in fear at the fact you knew why all the guards looked vaguely familiar they had been Rollins in disguise of course they had, “ or you could listen to me and your dear bastard and his group of misfits will go free unharmed, accomplishing their heist, and you won’t be dragged back to Knox.”
“ What do you want?” You said out of your clenched teeth to him terrified at his threat. You couldn’t let them be caught if you could’ve done something to avoid it and you certainly wouldn't, no you couldn’t allow yourself to be dragged back to that awful awful man. You would allow yourself to take your very last breath before you’d ever go back to him willingly or unwilling. Pekka only smirked in response from the little you had seen of him pulling away from your ear for a slight moment before leaning back.
“ To leave with me. You are to leave with me and work for me,” He started as you raised your eyebrow at why he’d possibly want you, you could offer up a decent set of skills but none he needed unless it had to do with your prior “occupation” in which you’d rather die however if thats what would save your friends and your livelihood so be it. But then the man continued, “ And when you do so, when the bastard comes for you, you will tell him no, you will reject the boy and you will break his heart.”
“ Is there anything else?” You let out monotonous, staring ahead blankly ignoring the man's disgustingly hot breath against your ear before pulling away doing the turn the dance required only to slam back into him. You hadn’t questioned his condition, you knew Kaz wouldn’t come for you, and you couldn’t even blame him for it how could you, it wasn’t going to break his heart that the bartender who had some extra abilities would end up going with Pekka Rollins his enemy sure it would piss him off in terms of loyalty but break his heart no, no it wouldn’t. But of course you couldn’t fathom how much it actually would, how would you when the only time the man would let his heart bleed for you was in the moments you’d blink and for those split milliseconds his gaze would soften when it wandered to you, or when the early hours of the morning when even the crows of Ketterdam slept but he’d be the only person up his mind drifting to you so quietly, or in crowded rooms when he could pick out your voice out , out of the many drinking it in memorising it ever so thoroughly, or maybe it was when he’d watch you clean the club late at night after closing and he‘d get to indulge at letting your name roll off his tongue not having to fear the world hearing, so yes how would you know when he loved you in the quiet moments, moments of time no one in the world could detect in his terror of someone finding out. And yet he failed.
“ All you will need to do is sit there and look handsome, with the possibility of obtaining information.” He responded back his voice slick with victory his words slithering like a snake into your ear but it wasn’t words of temptation he whispered it was venom it was the venom of the life you could not live it was the venom that would kill your livelihood, kill your soul, and ultimately kill you. But it wasn’t a choice it was a sword and a vial of poison it was death for you either way one would be slow and painful, guilt, shame, and hatred would be one or the other where only you would suffer completely it would take a bit of time to kick in but only you would be harmed without having to worry about the others. And so your choice was made you acting as your own executioner.
“ I will do it, but only if you agree that they will go successfully with the heist and you will not do anything to them directly or indirectly.” You said firmly making your final stand refusing to let any loopholes get through for your effort.
“ Fine, I agree. Let us go.” he said, grabbing your wrist harshly, twisting it a little bit as he dragged you to the door as you attempted to keep looking back a few times desperately as a final last hope that one of the crows may be there but of course this was reality they were not. And so you were dragged out into the dark night by the monster who was to cage you once again. The stars and sky of Ketterdam had never looked as cold and dull as they did tonight but you attempted to ignored them as you got into the dark carriage not caring to look around just staring blankly into the void of the night, the lights of the manor disappearing behind you and the weight of what you had just agreed to started consuming you into the void of the night.
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liliumsabyss · 2 years ago
Your being
Viktor(Arcane) x FTM! Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Tw: Mentions of Dysphoria, Mentions of being ashamed for being trans, some self-hate, Reader is on T, Reader is Pre-Top Surgery but is getting it, Needles, maybe ooc Viktor(?), The word trans is never used it is always referred to as “this”(makes sense in the context), Viktor got cured
A/n: HAPPY TRANS VISIBILITY DAY! Yes I know I am a little late on this but I still wanted to put something out there as a trans guy. This fic is based on a lot of my own emotions with being trans and how it’s caused me to view myself but also how I’ve grown from my past views of myself causing me to not be ashamed of myself and just let myself be me. And if anyone wants to hear any funny stories from my trans ass I would be more than willing to share them as there is a surplus. So to all my fellow trans masculine folks I hope you enjoy this fic and I wish the best to all of you!<3
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In the midst of pursuing the hexacore and building hextech with Jayce, Viktor had met you, a bookstore owner from the rim in which Piltover and Zaun met. You were far more intelligent than being a bookstore owner would let on but didn’t show it off not even being aware that you had it causing Viktor to take on an immediate liking to you as he would peruse through the bookstore on his way to the lab in the early mornings when nothing yet your shop was open. The two of you had become quick friends and then eventually lovers and then you found yourselves sharing an apartment for what you two tried to excuse as for “financial reasons” even though you both knew it to not be true. Your relationship had been built on trust which didn’t come easy for either of you and yet you had kept something to yourself for all the time you had been together you didn’t know why, you weren’t ashamed of it itself, but you guessed you were ashamed in your mind that it would never be the same after Viktor would know. So it was your secret you kept, Viktor never verbally questioned why would would sleep with your shirt on, why you would use a bathrobe instead of a towel, why anytime physical intimacy started to “heat up” you’d awkwardly would put an end to it, why some days you’d sneer at anything that had a glossy enough surface to see your reflection, why you’d have to stab yourself with a needle full of some mysterious medicine(of course in the beginning he did question that one in concerns of your health and safety) and other attributes that for most men wouldn’t make sense. And you were so thankful for that so you kept your secret you knew it would never last but being with Viktor was sweet bliss so you’d enjoy it while it lasted. However you got a letter in the mail regarding top surgery you had spent years saving up for it your hands shook opening the letter terrified of what the surgeon had wrote and reading it you dropped it on the desk, heart surging, tears starting to well out of your eyes, and a huge smile found its way onto your face. They said yes. They said yes. The approval of the surgery. You’d finally be rid of the flesh on your chest that you so much anguish, the flesh that you detested would be replaced by two scars that would mark your struggle and victory. But as you checked the time you realized you were going to be late opening the shop you quickly stuffed the letter in the desk not thinking much about it running off being sure to lock the door behind you racing down the squeaky hallways.
Hours later Viktor arrived home shockingly early for him, you hadn’t even been home yet the reason he was home is he realized that while working on the hexacore he had some papers in the desk that could assist. He briskly walked over to the desk, his cane letting out soft sharp thuds against the wooden ground arriving at the desk. He opened the drawer and grabbed the papers without a thought rushing back to the lab even though it caused a thrumming pain in his leg. At the lab he slowly sat down in the wooden rolling chair he sifted through the papers reading each one carefully under the little lamp desk till he arrived at a letter confused. He read the first line and his heart dropped. It read your name and the words “ your surgery has been approved”. Viktor immediately stood upwards stumbling forgetting to grab his can but using the desk as support. He didn’t read past the first line but he knew what it meant or at least what he thought it meant. He grabbed his cane hurdling himself out of the lab barely remembering to lock it behind him he headed towards the apartment you both had called home, he knew at this time you’d be there. And he knew you, he knew that you would only get surgery that was essential to you which in his mind left only one possibility you were dying or could die without the surgery which broke his heart. Why would you keep something like that from him, especially knowing that once too he was a dying man. It also hurt him that it felt like you couldn’t rely upon him he would gladly pay for it then and one hundred times over after all hextech did make him and Jayce more wealthy and even then he could emotionally support you, be an anchor if you needed it. He wobbled up the uneven stairs and down the hall of the apartment building quickly unlocking the wooden oak door to your home while still having the letter in hand. Opening the door he saw you sitting on the couch curled up reading a book. He barged through the door slamming it behind him making you aware of his presence.
 “ Hey Vik-“ You started to say before getting cut off by Viktor.
“ What is this?” He said sharply holding up the letter in his free hand giving it a slight shake angrily. Your eyes became as wide as saucers staring at the letter in his hand with fear as you bolted upwards your hands out in front of you ready to explain everything ready for your relationship to be over.
“ Look I can explain-“ You started once again before once again being cut off by the other male quite harshly.
“ How can you explain this?! How can you justify hiding this?!” Viktor responded bitterly, his tongue cutting sharp like knives.
“ I’m sorry I didn’t think it would ever get this far-“ You tried to say before Viktor interrupted.
“ You didn’t think it would get this far?! And what you're sorry you didn’t tell me you are dying!” He seethed out wrapped up in his emotions too wrapped up to notice the confused expression on your face.
“ I'm sorry, what?” You said dumbfounded and in utter confusion of his statement. Only saying this caused him to go on a rant about how could you not tell him and other statements along those lines. You went into your headspace trying to figure out what in the actual hell this conversation was about only to think about it more. Quickly you caught onto the fact that Viktor has always respected your privacy but a he must’ve accidentally come across the letter as it had been in the desk with some of his papers and had read it stopping after the first line for the sake of your privacy but also worry.
“ Viktor,” you started out sternly trying to make your voice as flat as possible. “ Viktor read the entire letter.”
Viktor just went silent his face still held bits of grief and anger but sure enough he looked down reading the letter his face remaining the same till you figured he came across the line “ the consultation before your chest masculinization subcutaneous mastectomy will be held on the date xx/xx/xxxx if you have any concerns or need to reschedule please respond back.” Viktors face softened with realization of your avoidance of being shirtless, or just naked in front of him for that matter yet unreadable as he finished the letter. He looked up at you. You thought you would be terrified and yet you felt relieved but you also felt grief mourning the relationship which you had thrived in wither away because of what you are.
“ I am sorry I lied to you, I'll pack my stuff and stay at the store.” You started remorsefully, your head hanging low, refusing to look at him chewing at your bottom lip in stress. The sound of his cane thumping across the floor matched your heartbeat and when he stopped in front of you the thumping stopped with both his cane and your heart. You almost jerked at the feeling of his strong thin hand that was placed on your shoulder waiting a second to see if you’d push his hand away from your shoulder to which you didn’t he stepped even closer sliding his arm around you holding you against his chest lightly to not scare you. While Viktor was touch starved it was often you who took charge grabbing his hand, pulling him into hugs and kisses all sorts of intimate moments but when he did take the lead it meant something it was his way of telling you that he loved you. And you could tell exactly what he was doing here embracing you gently enough where you could pull away at any moment if you so desired but hard enough where it anchored you there in that moment with him. 
“ You never lied, and I am sorry my love I just worry for you.” The brunette male Sid squeezes you slightly for your comfort or maybe his own.
“ I am sorry I kept this from you but how can you still love me after knowing about this” you said wildly gesturing to your body still in VIktors embrace.
“ Because I love your entire being and this is a part of you so I love it as well.” VIktor stated warmly as if the sentiment was basic logic. But that’s exactly what you loved about Viktor is that to him his compassion, his love was just basic logic yet any other person would actually struggle to empathize and love at his level. And with the statement any of that shame that festered in you seeped out maybe not completely but you at least knew that you didn’t have to feel ashamed of it.
“ I love you so much Viktor.” You said squeezing you arms around him you could sense he flushed at the statemeant while he could say the sweetest phrases that mean ten times more than I love you to other people he himself could barely hear an “ I love you” without flushing and stammering. 
“ And I you. And if you need me by your side I will be there.” He said squeezing you back the two of you standing there in the middle of your home just enjoying each other's embrace soaking in the love for one another. 
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liliumsabyss · 2 years ago
Had a little look through your character list to see if you wrote for Outer banks, the show isn’t there but at the top of your list it says that characters can be requested it’s just not 100% that you will write for them. If you don’t that’s completely ok I’d be happy for you to use this request for my fav Newt or even switch it up and write it for Spencer Reid because I saw him on the list too.
Anyway here’s the thoughts that have been thunk: Jj Maybank from outer banks (happy for someone else if you don’t write him) with a sleepy boyfriend (reader) who has just woken up and Jj isn’t there with him so he just wanders around until he finds hims and pretty much just falls into his arms for cuddles when he does find him and it’s all cute and fluffy.
I mean this with my whole entire mind body and spirit, you are one of my favourite authors and even though I have no idea who you are I love you and your work. I eat it up every time you write one of my requests and it’s just: ✨❤️🤩🏆 all the time, you know? Thank you for existing and sharing your stories they make my day.
All the love ❤️
Spencer Reid x Male Reader
Word Count: 0.7k
Tw: Very brief allusions to medical emergencies such as heart attacks, strokes, and other things along those lines but never outwardly stated just the asking of symptoms, Mentions of Cat Adams and Tobias Hankel, Very Fluffy, Spencers adorable stutter and yes he has a stutter, and Unedited
A/n: Hey! Once again thank you so much for the request! Im sorry this took so long I may or may not have gone down a rabbit hole trying to figure out Jj’s personality from OBX only to fail and ask everyone I know who watches the show including my mother for his personality only for them all to not be very helpful and have to go with one of the other characters you stated. I ended up going with Spencer to shake things up and also I love Spencer so much and with the new criminal minds season having him gone I chose to show him some love. Thank you so much for everything it’s such an honor for someone to think of me as their favorite author and to like my work. Also the day I got this request I had a very poor encounter with someone so this just made my day so much! Thank you so much <3
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(Y/n) woke up sleepily blinking his eyes open, reaching to his right lazily when he felt a cold empty spot. He sat up quickly looking around confused in the dark room noticing the vacant right side of the bed. The warm light poured under the doorway from the hall of the apartment. The (h/c) haired male swung his legs off the bed slowly standing up as he rubbed his eyes sleepily stumbling to the door of the bedroom. He opened up the door blinking wildly as the light flooded in, hurting his eyes. (Y/n) walked down the hallway to the end which opened up into the large room that was split between the kitchen, living room, and dinning room, across the rood was a set of glass french doors. Looking through the glass doors one could see a man curled over his desk still adorning his plum colored button up shirt and his dark dark blue almost black tie that hung loosely around his neck. His mop of curly brown hair covered many details of his face including his warm umber colored eyes that stared stressfully at the case files scattered across the desk. (Y/n) staggered his way across the large open room of the apartment he shared with his boyfriend who was in fact the man hunched over the desk lost in his work, Spencer Reid. The (h/c) haired male approached the glass doors knocking gently leaning against them for support, tiredly wrapping his arms around himself. The other male turned his head towards the glass doors staring at the other in surprise. He quickly got up rushing over to the glass doors opening the one his lover was not leaning against.
“ Mh Spence why are you up…” (Y/n) said as he stopped leaning against the doors.
“ I-I had to look more at this case some-something about it doesn’t seem right,” Spencer started rubbing his hand on his forehead before he looked up with his eyebrows pinched.
“ Wait w-why are you u-” 
Spencer began to day but was cut off when the (h/c) haired male collapses towards him catching the other.
“ Woah woah (Y/n)! Are you ok! What’s wrong?! Your pulse seems to be fine. Does your chest hurt? Did you hit your head? Can you put both your hands out and close your eyes for me?” Spencer started to ramble asking various questions related to various medical emergencies. The (h/c) haired male just wrapped his arms tightly around the other snuggling his head into the other male's chest.
“ Spence, I'm fine, can you come to bed please.” (Y/n) said, staring up at Spencer putting on a playful pout. Spencer shook his head, his lips pulling into his wide iconic grin.
“ Ok. Did you know that the human body needs at least se-“ Spencer started to say as the two walked towards their bedroom, his arm around the other's waist. But before the brunette could continue (Y/n) jabbed his elbow into Spencer's side quickly shutting him up understanding the point. The two staggered to their room shutting the white wooden door behind them causing them to be surrounded in dark. The two collapsed on their bed not bothering to climb under the covers. The (h/c) haired male buried his head in the brunette male's chest while Spencer moved his chin on top of the other's head, both holding each other tightly in their arms.
“ I love you Spence…” (Y/n) said drifting off at the warmth that the other radiated.
“ I love you too.” Spencer said, squeezing the other tightly as he closed his eyes. While Spencer often had nightmares due to his occupation and just everything he went through from Cat to Hankel to the victims he was just slightly too late to help even though it wasn’t his fault but with (Y/n) he rarely maybe even never gets them and if he does his lover has always been there by his side after. And so the two drifted off in each others embrace just enjoying the time they had together before the next morning they would each be called to their respective jobs. 
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liliumsabyss · 2 years ago
So I’ve seen that you are accepting request? Then… may I please request a Dainsleif x Male reader? Where the reader is like the traveler, but they’re disguised as wondering, mythical dancer in pursuit to learn and teach more art of a special dance. But while they travelling they take a short break to practice a dance, unaware that a certain knight is watching him from afar. And as Dainsleif continues to watches him dance, an enchanting feeling washes over the knight as he continues to watch the reader dance. As reader finishes practicing his dancing, all Dainsleif could feel is nothing, but total relief over his both body and mind. This goes on a a few nights, until the reader ask Dainsleif to join him in a waltz under the stars. The waltz finishes and they both exchange names and the reader bid him farewell, but not before saying in quiet tone "that they will both will met again and have another waltz under the stars."
So I hope this is enough for you to work with.
Waltz Under the Stars
Dainsleif x Male Reader
Fluffy Oneshot
Summary: Two stranger have a waltz under the stars
Word Count: 1,187
Tw: Breif mentions of war and other things containing Dainsleif’s past, Unedited
A/n: Im am very sorry this took so long. I hope you enjoy this! And thank you so much for providing a plot in such depth it helped me in writing this so much!
You had been traveling for hours on end only to be a couple of hours outside the city of freedom. Your reasons for traveling as largely as you did varied between two reasons one the truth and the other truthful but more of a cover. The truth being is you awoke in this world with only one thing in your memory but a type of dance and your name. The cover was to spread your dance teaching the ways of it to any who may be interested as you traveled which was true in part but it was more so to see if anyone could identify where the dance had come from and maybe that is where you came from as well. And so that brings you to the clearing in which you stood taking off your shoes and socks. You stood your bare feet together, arms by your side, the music from the capital of Monstadt faintly being carried amongst the breeze, you outstretched your arms and started to practice. Your feet and legs delicately swiveled, pointed, lifted and turned your arms flowing in tandem. Little to your knowledge a certain knight stood in the trees around the clearing peering in curiosity at your unfamiliar presence. The blonde haired knight watched enchanted when you danced your moves matching the song that carried from the city, the moonlight lighting up your gestures, and for once he felt peace. Peace from the everlasting war, peace from immortality, peace from the world, peace for the gods, just peace, he felt calm and his mind had been rendered blank. And he just continued to watch you practice through the night till near dawn when you sat down and drifted off to sleep. And the other male walked off. 
Each night as you practiced the knight would come and watch you dance under the moonlight each time taking the weight that he felt off his chest. However little to his knowledge is on the third night you had spotted him in the cover of night a slight shimmer came from the man's golden designs of his outfit. And with a little focusing of your eyes revealed the stranger hiding amongst the trees watching with what appeared to be a neutral expression but upon closer inspection a gentle smile hid on his face. You didn’t mind the blonde's attention on you as you practiced night after night only resting in the mornings but by the time you'd wake the sun was high in the sky and the other male was gone. It was the seventh day the sun was setting and you prepared to practice once more, once again taking off your shoes and socks putting your bare feet together. This time without waiting for the music of the night that streamed from the city you began. The blonde stranger hadn’t appeared yet, most likely waiting for the cover of darkness. You still danced regardless of any of the circumstances of the moment. And so as you swung your body around gracefully yet powerfully until you noticed the sky was once again dark and the music of the main city flowed through the air. And when you noticed you stopped your steps looking around trying to spot the obscured blonde stranger, and when you saw the slight shine of his armor in an attempt to hide in a lush shrub.
“ Hello Stranger…may I ask for a dance?” You asked somewhat timidly towards the figure in the brush hoping you made eye contact but through the dark it was too hard to tell. The shrub let out a rustle as the other male climbed out of it stepping onto the leafy ground that made crackling noises with every approaching step towards you until he stood right in front of you. He looked at you, his crystal teal blue eyes remained neutral as was the expression on his face.
“ Only if you’d like.” he says slightly bowing his head in response.
“ Well then would you like to lead or follow?” You asked joyfully to his response as you smiled at him, happy to have someone to dance with once again.
“ Lead…please” he mumbled lowly so you could barely hear him looking for approval from you. Once you nodded he put one hand out as his other arm folded behind him.
You grabbed his hand as he grasped it pulling you closer to him, your arms extending sideways. His other hand clasped your hip as you clasped his shoulder. And so the two of you were off waltzing to the sounds of nature and the music of the main city being carried on the wind. You were whirling around your feet maneuvering around each other, the only light you had was the faint glow from the city and the moonlight that showed perfectly through the clearing. The coolness of his hands felt nice in comparison to the warm climate of Monstadt. His face was so close to yours as you did nothing but stare until a huge grin broke out on your face for some inexplicable reason and the other male in front of you let out a small smile that was barely noticeable but there none the less. The dance lasted for what felt like a lifetime of peace even though it could have only been minutes and so the whirling slowed down till you came to a stop. The blonde male and you each stepped back away from the other starring still.
“ May I ask for your name?” You asked bowing slightly, looking at him with a small playful smirk on your face.
“ Dainsleif” The man whispered under his breath so quietly you thought it must've been your imagination until he spoke up slightly, “ And may I ask for yours?”
And when you told him your name in response the corners of his lips twitched as his mouth opened slightly repeating your name back to you. So in likeness you repeated his name back to him with a kinda warmth in your tone that most could only hope to imitate. 
“ Well Dainsleif,” You started as you grabbed your stuff placed around you, “ I have very much enjoyed your company however I must bid you farewell, I have to continue my journey.”
Dainsleif had a look on his face that you couldn’t quite figure out what it meant but you just gave out a reassuring hum as you continued to collect your stuff. Scrambling around the clearing stuffing your various possessions into your brown leather bag while trying to get on your shoes as the other male watched you silently. By the time you had collected all your stuff still stood watching you, his arms crossed in front of his chest. You approached him once again giving a slight bow before immediately turning away briskly walking away. And as you got to the edge of the clearing before setting out into the dark you stopped turning your head to see Dainsleif frozen in place before you whispered under your breath.
“ And they will both will meet again and have another waltz under the stars…”
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liliumsabyss · 8 months ago
In The Small Moments
Pt1, Part 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5…
Kaz Brekker x Gn Reader
Summary: Moulin Rouge/Satine Inspired!Reader and Kaz go undercover at a ball only for things to go terribly wrong.
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48845809/chapters/123220936
Word Count: 856 (I think)
Tw: Angst and Fluff, Swearing, Mentions of Sex, Mentions of Sex Work, No Smut, Mentions of Death, Forced Marriage, Manipulation, PTSD, reader called handsome but could be interrupted as in the old timey gender neutral way, maybe OOC Kaz Brekker, also potentially could be interpreted as suicidal ideation, mentions of suicide, Characters are like 25-ish and Pekka Rollins
A/n: sorry y’all I’ve had this for awhile and posted
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The heist had gone successfully. The crows had gotten what they needed as they waited back at the base for Kaz and (Y/n) who were to take a carriage back to meet them. It was silent as they only sat around the flat boredly. Jesper leaned back in his chair throwing a pouch that was full of kruge into the air catching it repeatedly huffing impatiently.
“ So…” Jesper finally started “ What do ya think about the boss and (Y/n).”
“ Think about what?” Wylan asked, confused looking up from his book on thermodynamics, titling his head towards his boyfriend scrunching his eyebrows.
“ Y’a know the whole mutual pining thing.” Jesper responded waving his arms around acting like it was the most obvious thing, the bag of kruge rattling as he did so. The rest had just stopped what they were doing, staring at Jesper in various ways from confusion to annoyance  to shock at his bluntness of the situation that none of them dared speak of. Nina clicked her tongue shaking her head.
“ What?! You know I'm right!” The sharpshooter exclaimed when Nina gave him a sharp glare at his 
“ Hell I’d even bet that (Y/n) will confess any day now” He continued as the healer just scoffed and Jesper rolled his eyes.
“ You want to put money on that?” Nina quipped, shocking everyone else in the room, Jesper quickly recovered smirking as he nodded his head confidently.
“ 20 kruge that (Y/n) confesses first,” The sharpshooter spoke confidently.
“ And 50 Kruge that Kaz confesses first, if you're right I will even add in an extra 50 kruge.” Nina replies back, shrugging her shoulders, picking at her fingernails.
“ Damn 70 Kruge, you got yourself a deal” Jesper says, winking only to be interrupted by the sound of the door slamming open, he staggers in his seat nearly falling backwards. Kaz walks through the door, his expression more bitter and hostile than usual. He leans against the doorway grasping slightly at his leg before pushing against the door and limping inside. Nina quickly got up, shutting the door to prevent the cold night air from wafting in. The leader of the crows settled in his seat taking a shaky breath out.
“ Where is (Y/n)?” Inej questioned cautiously from where she sat in the darkest corner of the room. The others all stared cautiously but expectantly at Kaz.
“ I do not know. I asked one of the guards on the way out and they were seen with Pekka.” Kaz spoke darkly as he stared daggers into the floor, clenching his fists so tightly he could feel his fingernails pressing through his gloves.
“ Jesper,” Kaz barked “ I want everything on them you can find.”
Jesper stood up quickly loading his revolver and stuffing it into his belt as he hurried off out of the slat barely saying goodbye to Wylan by giving him a swift kiss on the cheek. The door of the slat shut creaking as the rest set in silence.
“Inej-” Kaz started his voice just as harsh to Jesper but aimed toward Inej, a tone that almost never would be used towards her. Inej who already had her daggers stored in their sheethes on her belt and her hood up, interrupted the currently infuriated male.
“ Already on it.” She gave a firm nod to accompany her response as she left swiftly and quietly like always.
Wylan and Nina quietly observed Kaz as he stood unmoving, his jaw clenched, his fists angrily snapped closed, his breath increased in its heaving. The three remained in near silence as the pair cautiously backed out of the room giving the man his space. 
The only question that crossed Kaz Brekker’s mind was Why had he trusted you, why had he let his inhibitions down for you out of all people. Just look where that got him. His mind spiralled and he let it because more times or not betrayal had been the result of someone or something he trusted. But of course his bad luck had run its course again with you. And of course Kaz Brekker being Kaz Brekker assumed the worst of you, only briefly did the notion that you may have been taken against your will flash across his thoughts. But even then he still wouldn't fully believe you hadn’t betrayed him until he saw full evidence. He sat like that until the moonlight slowly floated away and the rays of early dawn illuminated the foggy streets. The door to the slat creaked open figure slipped in his coat flowing behind him as he entered the room at the same time Kaz stood up his eyebags much more prominent making large dark circles under his eyes, his hair dishevelled from running his hands through it, and his skin a sickly shade of pale. Jesper slid past him sitting in one of the wooden chairs creaking alongside the floorboards which creaked when Wylan and Nina came in at the same time as neither looked well rested. In fact none of the people in that room looked rested.
“Well I found out about our little friend…”
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liliumsabyss · 7 months ago
Chewing on the bars of my cage I NEED SOUTA FROM SUZUME like rn. Or like to go on an adventure with a guy like Souta. I just need Souta and like an adventure thats all<3
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liliumsabyss · 8 months ago
Hey guys so I won’t be writing any DC stuff for the foreseeable future. My love of DC became something that I shared with my ex as he had a love of DC too and it’s just doesn’t feel good for me to consume DC stuff whether it’s me writing it or just seeing it. So yeah thanks for understanding <3
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liliumsabyss · 9 months ago
I was wondering if you could please make more newt works? I absolutely adore them. It’s so hard trying to find x male stuff and you have to be the best writers I’ve seen write him. Thanks for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Hi! First of all I want to apologise for not responding especially for so damn long. And thank you so much for the compliments it genuinely means a lot to me to know that people enjoy my silly little writing I honestly wouldn’t be even half as motivated without readers. I will absolutely continue writing for Newt I love his character and I love writing him. And as per the request of more work I have two I recently released with “Don’t Go” and its prequel “Victory”
Thank you so much and I hope you have a great day/evening/night!
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liliumsabyss · 2 years ago
Light The Way Special Edition Series Masterlist
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Summery: Light The Way is a special edition series in which nine fics will be made each one based off of one of the following songs while they will not be songfics the pieces will be based off of the story the song tells and the mood of the song. As such this will most likely result in more angsty fics so readers discretion is advised however as usual there still will be warnings on each fic this is just a forewarning. (Also if on the TBD ones if you can think of a character that could match it then feel free to send me it! I cannot guarantee that I will use them but it would help my indecisiveness a lot.)
Cleopatra-The Lumineers
Lilia x Male! Reader(Coming Soon)
Ophelia-The Lumineers
Mikey Sano x Male! Reader(Coming Soon)
Sleep on the Floor-The Lumineers
Charlie Boy-The Lumineers
Lights are On-Tom Rosenthal
Din Djarin x Gn! Reader(Coming Soon)
The Night We Met-Lord Huron
V x Male! Reader(Coming Soon)
Almost (Sweet Music)-Hozier
Levi x Male! Reader
Me and the Devil-Soap&Skin
Kaz Brekker x Gn! Reader(Coming Soon)
Je Te Laisserai Des Mots
Viktor x Male! Reader(Coming Soon)
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