#Lilith synastry
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krisluxxeeempress · 2 days ago
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The first thing that came to mind, intuitively, was “this has to be the synastry Lilith and Adam had in the beginning of their tale”. It’s very clear who has the problem in this synastry, and you guessed it, Lilith. Or is it? If you know the mythology around Lilith and Adam, I am certain that they would still be together if Lilith never had a problem with the way Adam was trying to control, manipulate and gaslight their situation. However, if you know, you know that Lilith was not having it. Lilith left because Adam was exerting toxic masculinity and attempting to throw off the balance between their marriage with intent to have the upper hand. Unfortunately for Adam, his plots and plans did not work so he started telling lies but here’s the truth.
It doesn’t matter how many times anyone, especially an “astrologer” who claims they understand Lilith energy- they do not. Lilith’s mythology and history derives from being misunderstood, projected upon, scapegoated and treated unfairly. The most damaging part about the misconception surrounding Lilith is that she’s extremely sexual and provocative. This false narrative is just confirmation of the very lies that the mars person creates about the Lilith person to damage “her” reputation. The “astrologers” who regurgitate and spread false news are equivalent to being the mars person, the proverbial Adam.
The will of the Lilith and Mars person are too strong separately. The Lilith person needs equality, respect and acceptance. If and when that is not available, the Lilith person is naturally inclined to leave. In reality, anytime someone leaves a situation what usually happens? Gossip, assumptions and a lot of sh*t talking takes place starring the one who left. The same concept applies here when the Lilith person reacts, leaves or stands up for his/herself. This, of course, is then misunderstood and misconstrued, resulting in the Lilith person appearing the way others initially assumed.
Lilith Square Mars in synastry would not be considered a compatible one. The square that is present isn’t a challenge that can be overcome, it has to be abandoned, in my opinion. Some fights are fought in the dark and silently and the Lilith person in this synastry will eventually come to terms with this especially after persistent fighting with the mars person who can be extremely strategic, relentless and ultimately unwilling to change, understand and or respect you- the Lilith person.  Interesting because Lilith is squaring the mars person implying the Lilith person is the one with the problem however, the mars person is responsible for initiating the problems (this is somehow overlooked) and yet Lilith is the one blamed, as the problem.
I won’t go as far as to say that the Lilith person cannot win this battle with the mars person, though, a wise person once told me that “ you can’t lose, if you don’t play”. According to the mythology surrounding Lilith, injustice was demonstrated first in her relationship with adam and then again, with outsiders who until this day are still making up lies, assumptions and continuing a narrative that is based on projections. No where in history has Lilith tried to defend her reputation, image and more importantly, never has Lilith tried to tell her side of the story. She simply left ‘the Garden of Eden” and created a life elsewhere, never looking back. As for the Lilith person in this synastry, it would be best, when your're “ready” and consciously aware that you cannot change history or the mars person. The Lilith person has to realize at some point, that this relationship with the mars person is indeed karmic and the challenge here is to learn and accept that there comes a time in a relationship where it becomes toxic and the best way to fight back is to leave and to never look back. It doesn’t matter what the Lilith person does or doesn’t do, lies will be spewed, projections about your character will be created and it would be a great misuse of your time, energy and dignity trying to clear up all the gossip about you- or worse, retaliating.
For some of you who know the history and mythology around Lilith, you may argue that Lilith did retaliate by “killing newborn babies”. Did she really? Or was this another lie created to damage her reputation based in revenge for leaving Adam?  
It is also important to note that in mythology, aries, ( ruled by Mars) was not a faithful lover and in fact, aries got caught trying to have sexual relations with venus, whom was married ! But no one talks about this. This serves as another point of injustices within this synastry dynamic. The mars person accuses the Lilith person of being and doing everything that the mars person is actually doing- but no one sees, knows or cares. In the event the Lilith person remains faithful to the mars person, she/he will still be accused of doing things they never did. In the event the Lilith person does everything they are being accused of, then, well, the mars person was right all along and is justified in his/her treatment towards the Lilith person. Nothing negative is said about Adam to this day- and the same goes for the mars person.
There’s a negative connotation that has been idealized about Lilith. Like, the fact Lilith can entice obsession in another person. I can say that assessment is rather true especially within this synastry aspect for differing reasons. The Planet Mars acts as an extention of our ego, in facts mars is exalted in the sun- our ego. Mars is also respectively, a masculine planet exuding masculine energy.
Therefore, the Mars person becomes obsessed with the Lilith person not out of love but Moreso out of the egotistical need to control, win and dominate. We all want what we can't have. Whenever anyone hears no they immediately start saying and doing whatever they can ( this is known as manipulation) to make the no a yes. The mars person is no different. The Mars person wants what they want and the Lilith person who always put themselves first, is the perfect challenge. When the Mars person is unable to make the Lilith person submit and tolerate their egotistical and selfish antics, the mars person becomes enraged and start plotting attacks: and shortly executing those planned attacks.
We would all have to refer to books like “ the art of war”, “48 laws of power” and any self-help books on narcissism to determine the types of attacks the mars person will enact.
This is where the saying “knowledge is power” proves to stand correct. Hence why I fore-mentioned above that it would be best for the Lilith person to leave without a word as opposed to retaliating. There isn’t only one way to lose a fight and for however long the mars person is in your life, a fight there will be. During war, other countries will unite together and the same can be said for the mars person and their methods of attack upon the Lilith person. The Mars person will get everyone involved, like an army, to attack the Lilith person. Let’s never forget the root cause of this attack because shortly things will become loud, messy, confusing and destructive to such an extent that the truth is lost- just like the history of Lilith.
“ History doesn’t repeat it’s-self, people do”. The best way for the Lilith person to combat the Mars person is by educating his/herself. If the Lilith person has been beaten down over time due to his/her relationship with the Mars person, then again, leaving and educating yourself will help with taking your power back and becoming empowered once more.
Everything that I’ve described may not be as apparent at first, but give it time. Time is the Mars person weakness considering it’s impatient nature. If the Mars person is the male and Lilith the woman, The mars person would be the type to take you out to eat, something quick and then pressure you into having sex with them afterwards. If the Lilith person declines, depending on the sign Mars is in will determine how subtle or blatantly they react to the rejection. If it’s subtle, best believe the Mars person is going to create a lie and tell anyone who will listen about you. If the Mars person is bold, he will try to bully you or guilt trip you into complying. If that’s rejected, in extreme cases rape can occur. ( Lilith was raped by Adam btw)
If the Mars person is a woman and the Lilith person is a man, The Mars person will try to force the Lilith person by way of entrapment and or blackmail . In this case, the mars person being the woman will be favored and the Lilith person being the man will be scapegoated, cancelled and judged harshly by way of projections created and spread by the Mars person.
You are not Popping if you don’t have haters, therefore, the Lilith person in this synastry is somewhat of a celebrity- atleast in his/her immediate environment. Like most celebrities, they never clear up gossip or lies created about them. They just stay silent and keep living their lives which in turn, makes others obsessed. The same concept applies for the Lilith person. Lilith is popular even today because of the lies, projections and sexual fantasies placed on her that haven’t been cleared up. Even if they were cleared up, people including the mars person will still believe the lies. Their ego cannot and will not accept defeat and the truth about Lilith, the truth being discovered about Lilith and who she truly is, is a threat. A defeating one. This shouldn’t be hard to conceptualize considering how upset people get when they have to hear the truth.
“It’s easier to fool someone than it is to convince someone that they’ve been fooled”.
In conclusion, the Mars person will learn more war tactics dealing with the Lilith person. Trying to defeat the Lilith person is viewed as just another challenge that life is dishing out to which the Mars person will act accordingly. The Mars person isn’t the one who is expected to change in this synastry, the Lilith person is. When we realize that we really cannot change another person no matter how hard we try or fight only then will we regain our power and invest it into ourselves but first that takes seeking knowledge and that turned into wisdom, by action.
The Lilith person needs to learn to accept this truth and live by it. This entails leaving when one is not respected, understood and or valued- without a word. The Lilith person needs to overcome their fear or being publicly disliked or misunderstood. The Lilith person needs to learn how to control their emotions and those strong desires to defend yourself verbally or physically. Lastly, the Lilith person needs to learn that it doesn’t matter who you truly are, people are going to believe, think and say what they want regardless- it’s a losing battle not worth fighting.
Silence is deadlier than any acts of combat and or arguing- all of which is the only thing the Mars person knows how to do. Sure, the Mars person can be silent but again, give them time. Mars cannot stand a chance against time with silence added to the mix- this will drive them crazy. Soon, if we’re lucky, driving the mars person mentally crazy will manifest physically for everyone to see.
But as for the Lilith person, don’t hold your breathe waiting for that outcome, just go ghost.
With time comes wisdom, therefore, time and silence is your bestfriend, speaking to the Lilith person.
The Mars person is not a bad person (or maybe they are) The Mars person is just who they are and the Lilith person needs to accept this. The same acceptance that was never granted to the Lilith person. The saying “ we don’t forgive for them, we forgive for ourselves ”holds true. The best revenge is no revenge because the one expecting revenge will drive themselves crazy waiting for the ball to drop and never knowing if and or when it will.
In war, when an army retreats, the opposing army believes it’s due to injuries. The opposing army begins to assume they have already won and that’s their downfall – unbeknownst to them. That retreating army is planning a different type of attack now that the opposing army has exposed their weapons, fighting styles and the number of soliders they have. A smart army will lay low for awhile, using silence as a secret weapon- no pun intended. A smart or paranoid person would wonder if they really won or if maybe, just maybe, there’s a counter attack coming. The Mars person may think they're smart and that they’ve won because of the Lilith persons silence but deep down, the Mars person fears the truth.
The truth that maybe the Lilith person may arise from ghostville and fight back or clear up all the lies. The mars person may be smart but that will soon turn into paranoa. In reality, this will manifest as the Mars person feeling inclined to protect their ego at all cost, therefore, the lies have to continue about the Lilith person. The Mars person wants to bury the Lilith person so bad and deep that the Lilith person will never be able to rise back up, very similar to Lilith’s mythology. If you do any research, you will be misinformed about Lilith being casted into the underworld. Once Lilith was demonized, logically, there’s no way she will ever be viewed as a saint. How can a baby killer, satan lover, god disobeyer and promoter of sexual promiscuity, ever be redeemed? In most cases, it cannot be and that’s the intention of the Mars person in the event the Lilith person leaves or fights back against injustice created by the Mars person.
Personally, I’ve been on both sides of the fence. I’ve been the Mars person trying to control the narrative around someone and when it didn’t work- it ate me alive. I’ve also experienced a mars person who tried to control the narrative surrounding me and when that didn’t work- it ate him alive. With my progressed moon in aries conjunct my natal Lilith in aries, I can say that now, I do not care. I do not care about what has been said or thought about me nor do I have any desire to clear them up. I’ve been a “hoe” since middle school when at that time, I didn’t even know what a penis looked like. I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 18 years old, but people still project some image of a “hoe” on me. I’ve had men claim to have had sex with me when that never happened! When I tried to clear it up, it made me look guilty or like a liar. When I learned to stop caring and got quiet, everyone else got quiet. They may still accuse me of being someone I am not in addition to thinking that way, but now, I cannot hear it nor do I care if I did. I have learned to let people think, act and say what they want – it’s about what you answer to and never about what your’e called.
If you are the Lilith person, learn that, believe that, accept that and live by that.
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msmysticfail · 7 months ago
astrology notes
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Generational planets such as Pluto, Uranus and Neptune in the 1st house can indicate great fame, since these planets have to do with large crowds of people, causing the native to attract or exert great influence.
Mercury in Aquarius/11th house be careful not to become what you most fear becoming: dogmatic. No matter how formed your opinion is, don't let it become fixed to the point of being your greatest truth.
The 3rd house is very elastic, the one who will define its energy most precisely is the sign in it.
Moon/Venus/Mars in Scorpio/8th house, go practice the Law of Attraction, you have a very powerful aura, you are wasting time if you don't use all this magnitude to get what you want.
You know that Mercury in Scorpio/8th house person you teased? Good luck trying to hide anything from them, in love or hate they will discover your secrets and, if hurt, they will use it against you.
12th house placements, please stay more in touch with the people you love, they miss you. If the distance you maintain is self-imposed, don't forget that the people in your life love you, that they want to have a little more of your physical presence.
My dear Leo, be careful with who you spend your affection with, you give so generously, be careful not to give it to the wrong people, the ones who are secretly jealous of you, who talk about you behind your back. Your heart of gold can "rust" in the wrong hands.
Aquarius placements, get ready, because the definitive entry of Pluto in Aquarius on November 19th of this year until 2044 will be the craziest years of your life. Get ready, there are a lot of big profound changes coming.
Mars in Pisces would do very well if they worked with their mediumship, whether in tarot or astrology or in art.
10th house placements always attract 2nd house placements people, it's incredible. They generally get along very well, they understand each other, they can be very good friends. The 2nd house supports the ambition of the 10th house, the 10th house values ​​and pampers the 2nd house.
Taurus, stop crying for that man/woman, you are so beautiful, independent, attractive, don't let him have that power over your heart, woman. You deserve more. Let go, even if it hurts, something better won't take long to appear, don't lower your level, raise it.
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lilithwithdark · 5 months ago
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🪽 Moon in 8th house synastry can become obsessive if the Moon person is not careful.Moon person is very interested in the 8th house person's emotions, mind and body. The Moon person thinks of the 8th house person as a secret they can never solve. They trust each other a lot and this is a very intense and difficult bond to break.
🪽 Jupiter in 2nd house synastry the Jupiter person supports the house person materially and spiritually, invests in the house person, buys gifts for the house person and makes them happy. Jupiter person praises and glorifies his/her partner in front of people.
🪽 Mars 1st house synastry the Mars person finds the house person physically very attractive and interested. Regardless of the sign of the ascendant, he/she finds the ascendant fiery. Mars person angers and irritates the asc person in order to arouse a reaction and interest in the 1st house person. The 1st house person feels the confident and masculine energy emitted by the mars person and sometimes finds it excessive.
🪽 Lilith conjunct sun moon venus in synastry if lilith is male he becomes obsessed with the planet person .lilith sees the planet person as someone he can never reach. if it is the sun he fears if it is venus and moon he is drawn to her femininity lilith sees the planet as forbidden. if not careful it can easily become an intense deceptive toxic relationship
🪽 Sun 5th house synastry makes you feel childish self-confident. the sun person falls in love with the house person. they spoil together, have fun and enjoy doing activities. they cannot take their hands off each other. they may even want to have children together. The ego of the sun person increases next to the house person.
🪽 Vertex conjunction venus synastry can make the meeting and relationship of venus and vertex person feel like fate. they feel as if they have known each other before, they change their destiny together.
🪽 Venus 7th house synastry is like a dream for a romantic relationship. they feel that they complement each other. they are understanding and loving towards each other. they both feel as if they have found their ideal partner. it is a harmonious romantic emotional relationship.
🪽 Mars 3rd house synastry, the house person admires the way the mars person expresses himself and the way he thinks. they find each other mentally attractive. they like to make jokes and joke with each other.
🪽 Lilith 10th house synastry, the lilith person sees the house person as someone who has the potential to become famous. The lilith person feels the need to prove himself to the 10th house person. they may want to make enemies instead of supporting each other in their careers.
Love u... Ceren.....
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starmosaics · 1 month ago
Lilith synastry is SICKKKK it’s like you’re enthralled by this person yet something about them makes you know it’s wrong. You also feel guilty about liking the person because of the circumstances. (Ex. crushing on your ex’s best friend, liking someone who’s in a relationship, being in a relationship and still crushing on them, etc.) Straight obsession, can’t get them off of your mind, they show up in your dreams, their stares are infectious, and you’re unable to hide from them; Even in a crowd full of people you’ll spot each other. All these carnal feelings coming out of you just to face your deepest desires that have been left unseen or ignored for too long it’s insane.
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bestlilithian · 17 days ago
My experiences with synastry
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8th house synastry
By far, my favorite. Intense, transcendal, deep. It goes beyond the physical and mental, reaches straight into your soul. The sexual tension is palpable, and at the same time it feels like home.
( do note that i have pluto influencing my ic and moon so your and my idea of 'home' might be a bit different ♡ lmao )
Moon in 8th house:
- absolute favorite. the connection runs deep, if you let it. when you meet this person you will know pretty early on that the potentional for intense bonding is immense. for every person i met with this, after a while i look in their eyes and think 'we could absolutely ruin eachother in the best way possible'.
- the sexual tension breaches the physical and turns almost emotional. like, 'i want to fuck you so hard that you cry' type shit. of course, every 8th house connection has some kind of sexual electricity constantly present, but i've found that w this placement, it's .. profound.
- so far , i've only been the house person, and i've found that the way the moon person looks at me is like nothing i've seen before. i mean, the eye contact being intense is a given w any 8th overlay but w this one it's ... wow. it's a simultaneous pleading to 'come closer, enter my world, feel my essence' and a threat to 'stay away, you see to far into me, you know too much'.
- it's obsessive. on my side (house) at least. by obsessive i mean ... obsessive. one of them is a crush that i haven't been able to put out for a fucking year, even with no contact. in fact, funnily enough, when i thought i was totally over it, all it took was to see her again and make eye contact - immediately, i was thrown for a loop. we didn't even exchange words directly, it was a group setting .. but the eye contact was absolutely enough. crazy.
- as the house person, i feel like the moon person can feel that i see straight through them. another thing i've noticed is that the moon person usually seems a little intimidated/nervous around me, especially at first.
- the thing with this overlay is that it can get hard to take real action on the connection because it's anything but lighthearted. you can clearly tell that if you pursue it, it's gonna get deep and that can range from inconvenient to uncomfortable, or even scary for someone who's not used to 8th house/pluto/scorpio energy.
Lilith in 8th house
- the sexual tension. is. insane. i'm talking .. concerning. i've had this w a friend, a guy who's not my type in the slightest (and i dont really like guys in general, mind you), but there's this kind of ... sexual energy in the air. like, we're not gonna do anything about it, but it's there. and it's not even physical, for me at least - i dont find him attractive physically its just .. a compulsive feeling.
- now, when i have it w someone i actually find attractive, even a little bit, it gets scaled up to the extreme. the moment i see this person, i'm immediately attracted to them. instant. they don't even have to be my type, but if they are - my god, if they are ...
- i am usually lilith in this overlay, and i often find myself wanting to corrupt the house person, to pull them into my dark erotic world. this synastry really brings out my lilith energy even more.
- as lilith i love teasing the house person & i want to see them squirm. i wanna dominate them & see them fall apart beneath me (in the best way possible)
- this is very much a 'i can ruin them' type connection (not in a malicious way)
- i automatically feel confident around this person, no matter if i felt insecure the rest of the day; its like the house person awakens my dark feminine energy just w their presence (and thats a damn good feeling)
Sun & Mercury in 8th house
- honestly this ones interesting; if your connection is platonic, it wont add weird undertones, if its not , it will heighten the attraction significantly.
- it will be really easy and satisfying to talk about your secrets, your past, your traumas, your pain, as well as your kinks, sexual preferences & sexual experiences w this person.
- you will be able to tell this person the naked, blunt truth about them to their face, and vice versa, esp eith mercury in 8th overlay
sun conjunct lilith
- i was lilith and its .. fun. sun brings out my 'bad' side. the fun one.
- as lilith, i find sun really cute, and i try to figure them out, cause i feel like they arent really as naive & innocent as they seem to be.
- sun may be a little scared of lilith here. :)
pluto conjunct lilith
- i have yet to experience this but from what i've heard i love, love, love .
- think bonnie n clyde, mr and mrs smith. they can appreciate eachothers shadow and its very exciting
- hearsay says the sex is mindblowing but i cant confirm or deny
pluto conjunct ascendant
- my mothers pluto is conjunct my ascendant and she literally fucked me up royally soo be careful w this one yall
- pluto will try to control the ascendant and have power over them
- pluto tries to control ascendants behavior, appearance, mannerisms, social etiquett, even food intake sometimes
- i have never seen this be a healthy dynamic but i would love to be proven wrong
lilith square ascendant
every time a man's lilith squares my ascendant, an angel dies. i swear to fucking god, this synastry is a hot, headache-inducing mess.
now, ive only ever had this with men so take it w a grain of salt.
whenever a mans lilith squared my ascendant, the situation was the same:
he had a crush, and then there was .. me. he loved one girl, truly, but had an intense, weird, sexual obsession with me (that often scared him).
he was extremely attracted to me, but reluctant to admit it directly. wanted to 'tame' me, make me 'well-behaved'. we argued at least once within 24h of knowing eachother.
heavy sexual tension, but in a irritating, conflicting way. reallyy intense eye contact, but almost forbidden.
they all, at some point, iced me out in one way or another, deliberately avoided me, seemingly for no reason.
lilith in 7th house
this ones weird.
- we kinda have beef, but not really
- we either completely agree with eachother or utterly disagree
- mixed feelings
- switching between liking and disliking eachother
- sexual tension, but in an annoying way
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444shayyy · 4 months ago
how it feels being the moon person in the mars/moon and lilith/moon connection
the feeling of being hunted 24/7 😭😭😔
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mrmoldavite · 2 months ago
The Main Synastry Overlays & Aspects That Drove My Attraction to Approaching and Speaking to Random Women.
This year, I set myself a mission: to cold-approach every woman that I found attractive—no matter the setting, be it the gym, shopping, public transport, or elsewhere. If your energy drew me in, I wanted to talk to you.
After having established a connection, I’d then dive deeper and analyse our synastry through birth charts.
Here are the key trends I’ve noticed when it comes to attraction and astrology:
1st House Synastry (Time Stops Because We Stand Out)
Immediate and noticeable attraction. Walking into a room and noticing each other felt like entering a spotlight together—undeniable chemistry, as if we existed in our own bubble. We looked good together, Magnetic and undeniable chemistry. Sometimes a little Ego clashes.
2nd House Synastry (Boosted Self-Esteem)
Mutual respect & validation and a sense of value; just talking to each other made us feel confident and seen. Didn't tend to feel a crazy romantic attraction, just more like we're chill with one another. A person you'd smile at, say hello, small talk and wish each other well. Two people simply enjoying each other’s company and building each other up.
5th House Synastry (Energetic, Childlike, Fun Connection)
Vibrant. Fresh. Exciting. Conversations effortlessly turned playful and light-hearted, like our inner child had known each other for years. Felt like a burst of creative energy. Fun, spontaneous dates like bowling, cinema, mini golf, funny conversations over a quick meal. Fun and subtle sexual tension. Situationships or Quick causal light hearted fling.
8th House Synastry (Magnetic Intensity)
Chemistry so palpable, everyone in the room seemed to feel it. Our connection hinted at something primal and raw. Intense sexual tension behind our eyes. Thinking "just you wait and see what I'll do to you". Wanting to f*ck each others souls. Watching each other across the room like a Lion stalking its prey. Can be too intense for those not used to 8th House energy.
11th House Synastry (Instantaneous Friendship Vibes)
The vibe was casual, but deeper connections brewed beneath the surface. We felt like best friends immediately. In the gym for instance we might have ended up working out together, sharing laughs and light conversation. Everything felt easy and natural, with a good surface-level connection that hinted at a deeper, more meaningful bond underneath. Friends with benefits.
12th House Synastry (Past Life Soul Recognition)
I’d feel an inexplicable familiarity, drawn in as if we’d crossed paths in another life. There was depth and intrigue beneath our words. 12th house isn't just hidden enemies seems like people forget that it can also mean a deep feeling of unconditional love for one another. Especially when you're both spiritual beings that have done spiritual inner work. There's no words needed between each other, just an instant subconscious understanding of one another. Eyes are the window to the Soul. Seeing & feeling the spiritual love emanating within each other beyond our physical vessels.
Moon Conjunct Venus (My Moon in Virgo or Venus in Pisces)
Emotional connection blended with admiration. We found ourselves naturally caring about each other’s feelings, even if we’d just met. The kind of tenderness you feel when you see a dog or cat, you just think "awww let me pet you". Naturally supported & fulfilled each other emotionally, with little effort, creating an immediate sense of comfort and trust.
Ascendant Conjunct Venus/Mars (Attention Drawn)
The way we noticed each other was magnetic. My presence caught their eye, and they instantly held mine. It was like a beacon of light drawing us together. The way I moved, spoke, and carried myself seemed to be exactly what they were looking for—and they had the same effect on me. Every glance I'd take of them felt significant, making it hard to look away from.
Sun Conjunct Venus/Mars (Captivating Aura)
Our energies combined in a way that others could sense. I became more aware of my own glow and theirs. Our conversations and laughter seemed to light up the entire room. They saw how my Ego expresses itself as ideal match. Naturally we fit together.
Venus Square Pluto (Intensity)
Strong, transformative attraction that felt like a challenge to resist; conversations and eye contact were magnetic. Feel like I have this aspect with so many people because of my Venus in Pisces in a generation of Pluto in Sagittarius. The Pluto person loves how gracious my Venus placements is, the square makes them feel obsessive, intense and drawn to me. They want to own me.
Lilith in 1st, 5th, 7th, & 8th House Synastry:
A sense of forbidden attraction and untamed energy, manifesting in bold stares and raw authenticity.
1st House; My physical appearance & self expression is just raw and irresistible to them.
5th: Can't get enough of each other. Lots of fun together.
7th: Lilith energy just feels like a perfect fit. What you didn't know was missing.
8th: Knowing how to tap into each others hidden sexual desires. Insatiable.
I won't even front this little experiment/journey of cold-approaching beautiful women and then being able to explore the synastry aspects has been very insightful and has shown me how astrology definitely reflects the connections we feel with others.
Each encounter I had, whether it be brief or deep, has revealed unique chemistry, patterns of attraction and has vastly deepened my real world understanding of astrology aspects.
It’s not even just about charts; it’s about experiencing real connections in the moment. How fascinating it is to be able to experience certain types of bonds and then have the feelings backed up by astrological patterns.
The moments I've experienced have remind me of how the universe aligns energies and paths in such mystical way!
I hope this post was informative.
(P.s. I'm 6'3, have an 8h Venus, Leo Rising & Aries Stellium. My aura and confidence is powerful, which is why I am able to get a lot of attention from women). 😏😉
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neptxn3 · 4 months ago
Synastry I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy ⋆。˚꩜ . ݁ ˖ִ
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Ok the title is an exaggeration, more like synastry I would prefer not to have, like always:
Disclaimer, these are observations I have made through personal experience and thorough research, observations also vary depending on other synastry and natal placements involved! All of these aspects can be worked through, none of these aspects make or break a relationship ❤️
Doesn’t resonate ≠ untrue
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Lilith in the 7th house / conjunct descendant
♅ When women have their Lilith present in the seventh house in synastry, often times the house person can make the Lilith person feel shame just by loving who they are. The reason is because lilith in the charts of women is the area where society has convinced them is unnatural and wrong, something they should be ashamed of. So when the seventh house person who sees Lilith an an ideal desire and partner wants to love Lilith in the way they think is right, the Lilith person can pull away. Marriage is not seen as an appropriate act to follow a shameful relationship. Seventh house also represents open enemies, over time the Lilith person can resent the seventh house person. It’s typical for Lilith to pull away in these relationships in order to avoid any commitment.
♅ When a man’s Lilith is present in the seventh house in synastry, you’ll often notice they do not want to marry the seventh house counter part. Lilith in a man’s chart is the woman society has told him he should not pursue which only makes him want to chase her even more. It’s undeniable that the relationship is passionate, but it is also a sign that he does not intend to take the relationship seriously. Again, the seventh house is also the house of open enemies, the male Lilith can be very public with his intentions of not committing to the house person.
Celebrity Examples: Orlando bloom (Lilith) + Katy Perry // Andrew Garfield + Emma stone (Lilith) // FKA twigs + Robert Pattinson (Lilith)
Pisces and Libra mars
♅ I say this because Mars already has a hard time expressing its aggression or purpose in these signs, so when you take something that’s already confused and hand it to someone that will misconstrue your intentions to an even bigger extreme it becomes so draining.
♅ It’s like staying silent after an argument because you don’t know how to communicate your emotions, then the other partner sees this and thinks that your inability to work through these issues means you hate them. You just really have to hope the Mercury synastry is well aspected in this relationship😭
Sun square moon
♅ Moon typically views the sun to be someone who only indulges in their own pleasures and doesn’t seem to care about what others feelings. Often times the moon can feel as though the sun doesn’t understand or support them in endeavors that bring their inner child joy.
♅ The sun thinks the moon is irrational in its decisions and is too deep in thought to understand the suns true emotions. The sun is usually the most aware in this synastry that the moon is misconstruing it’s intentions, but is incapable of understanding how what they are saying is hurtful.
“ I want to start selling my paintings”.
“ well you’re not selling at that price, you know how much people like to lowball”.
“ maybe they’ll appreciate my art and buy full price?”.
“ moon, I wouldn’t buy a painting like that for more than 10 bucks, let’s be realistic here”.
♅ Moon person can be a push over the the relationship. To overcome this hurdle sun must be open to change, and moon must be willing to set boundaries and expectations. If not, there’s always going to be a nagging feeling in the pit of each others stomach where they know there’s an emptiness in your interactions.
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Mercury square saturn
♅ Saturn person has a tendency to feel like the dominant partner in the relationship intellectually wise. They can feel like they have the wisdom and upper hand to teach the Mercury person about maturity and knowledge. However because it is in the tense aspect of the square, Saturn person has a habit of not understanding how Mercury has a way about going through things.
♅ Mercury is not only our communication but also our day to day mundane things. Saturn person can find a flaw in how Mercury spends their morning, their work habits, their food intake, how they do their hair etc. This can be frustrating to the Mercury person because they believe Saturn tends to nitpick everything the Mercury person does. The worst part of this synastry is Saturn can regard themselves too mighty and disregard the Mercury persons concerns which is where withdrawals can occur (Mercury tiptoeing around the issues and avoiding constant conflict with Saturn)
Pluto square Mars
♅ This synastry aspect can unfortunately have a great possibility of physical abuse. Pluto in one’s chart goes through intense transformations and changes that can be abrupt at times. An example could be, the Pluto person could go on a weight journey after overcoming a health problem that caused them to gain weight. The Pluto partner could expect of the Mars partner to join them in their new health routine, but the square between these two planets makes it evident they do not view this new change in the same way. Pluto can be angered with the mars partners lack of encouragement which in turn activates Mars’ aggression. Being the God of war, Mars will not back down when challenged which creates a back and forth conflict.
“ Can you get off your ass and take out the trash like you said you would.”
“Can you get off my ass and do it yourself, I’m the one who pays the bills around here.”
“I’m not taking disrespect from someone like you, I’ll leave you if that’s what it takes for you to see how badly you treat me.”
“Then leave.”
Moon square Uranus
♅ Unless the moon partner has natal moon/Uranus aspects, this aspect can be categorized as constant anxiety for the moon partner. There’s a lack of emotional stability and satisfaction which can be detrimental to the moon partner. It can feel like there’s finally a point in the relationship where you are both on the same page in life, but the Uranus counter part moves on to the next thing that causes turmoil in the relationship
♅ The reason this can be detrimental to the moon person is simply because the moon likes being in calm waters. The exaltion in Taurus indicates the moon likes to feel comfortable in the same spot for long periods of time, but when it’s aspected negatively by the Uranus individual it challenges the moon to constantly change its environment.
♅ Moon person can find themselves leaving the comfort of their home (not literally) in order to chase Uranus. Uranus finds themselves poking the hornets nest (Moon) to see how much independence from the relationship they can get away with.
Quincux signs
♅ When two signs are quincux (Virgo/Aries, Gemini/Scorpio, Aquarius/Cancer etc.) it’s difficult to understand what the other person is feeling. In sexual synastry (mars) , you both can have trouble understanding what pleases one another. With Venus signs, its a hard time understanding your love language.
♅ if one partners Sagittarius sun is quincux the other partners Cancer moon, it can feel to the moon person that the sun doesn’t even bother understanding the moons emotions, and it’s simply because the sun never even thought about what the moon person feels. Not because they’re selfish, but because they’ve never met someone who goes about their feelings like the moon.
♅ Aquarius mars quincux Virgo Venus. Mars partner can expect the Venus partner to allow them their own freedom and manage their own schedule while venus partner could be adamant about curating mars a monthly schedule to stick by which in turn can turn the mars partner off.
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Quick Notes
♅ When one’s natal Saturn is negatively aspected and enters a persons 9th house in synastry, the Saturn person can seem to restrict the 9th house persons beliefs and knowledge. For example, turning the 9th house person religious/having them join a cult/demanding obediance of a woman (dispite previously potentially being more liberal.
♅ Negatively aspected natal saturn entering the money houses in synastry (2,8,11) can mean the saturn person takes away the house persons possessions/money. In the second house, they can refuse to buy you things because “you haven’t given them a reason to”/taking expensive things they’ve bought you back. 8th house, taking money your parents give you (allowances,inheritance) potentially disability checks if you receive those. 11th house, taking money from work you’ve done because of the connections they’ve given you that allowed your income to flourish.
♅ Negative Moon/Pluto can be stressful to have. Moon can open up to Pluto, and dispute being someone who isn’t shy of intense topics, if this relationships dissolves (due to other incompatible aspects) it can almost feel like “I just told you my deepest secrets, you can’t just walk away like I didn’t tell you the things that could ruin my life”.
♅ 12th house Neptune overlay. Ok this one’s a stretch but, if it gets to these deep rock bottom moments and you’re stuck in a room with someone who’s Neptune is badly aspected and it’s in your 12th house. Introduction to drugs/narcotics. Not the cool kind, I mean the one that has you sniffing the floor for snow ❄️
♅ Virgo mars man
♅ Malefics simultaneously in the 4th house and 9th house. Could lead to isolation from family and could potentially have you move away from any support systems.
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botanicalsword · 1 year ago
Mini Masterlist ❥ Synastry / Composite Chart Observations
Qualities HE needs for significant partner
Qualities SHE needs of Significant others
Moon signs show the quality of partner they desire
❥ Synastry Chart -
How they view you in this relationship • Synastry ✧ Part I (extended)
How they view you in this relationship • Synastry ✧ Part II (extended)
Aspects in Synastry Chart • Short notes
Who feels more / Synastry explanation
House synastry observations
Long term relationship
Slow-burn love (Synastry / Composite)
Choosing partner based on House Synastry
3rd House synastry
5th House shows your crushes & love adventures
8th House Masterlist
11th House • Venus in 11H • 11th house stellium (Composite)
Mars Synastry • Mars-Sun synastry • Mars-Venus synastry • Mars-Pluto synastry • Mars in Houses Synastry
Vertex in Synastry
Synastry - Intentions & the Nature of the connection
Karmic synastry • part 1 ♡ (extended)
Theme of relationship • 𓆩♡𓆪 vibes check on aspects ✧ Part I (extended)
Theme of relationship • 𓆩♡𓆪 vibes check on aspects ✧ Part II (extended)
Axis in Synastry • ASC / DSC / IC / MC (extended)
❥ Marks Chart - psychological condition of both parties in a relationship
What is Marks Chart
How to cast a Marks Chart (free members)
What is the purpose of Synastry Chart; Composite Chart; Davison Chart; Marks Chart (extended)
Marks Chart ♡ their POV in this relationship • Intro (extended)
Marks Chart • How do they feel in this relationship
Marks Chart • How your crush's thoughts
Marks Chart ♡ their thoughts & feelings (Part I) (extended)
Marks Chart • Hailey and Justin (Part I)
Being unforgettable after breakup • Lilith in Marks Chart
Marks Chart • How the connection affect the way they behave (extended)
Marks Chart ✧ Someone's Feelings towards You? • Marks chart observation
❥ Composite Chart / Davison Chart
Indicators for Unbreakable bonding
Davison Chart • will there be reconciliation?
Marriage? long-term connection? Composite & Davison Chart
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seleneee12 · 6 months ago
Lilith in synastry💋😈🔥💣
Lilith has been a big topic in Synastry lately.
Everyone gets so excited when they talk about a man’s Lilith conjunction to a woman’s inner planets. Lilith contacts create an intense sexual attraction in Synastry in general. I’ve noticed that women have an easier time and love their Lilith conjunct a man’s personal planets, but a man has a more difficult time when his Lilith is conjunct another’s woman’s personal planets. Men usually like when a woman’s personal planets oppose, square, or trine his Lilith. Ex: ( Liam Hemsworth’s Lilith is very closely conjunct Miley’s sun and moon). We see that even though he was magnetically attached to her for years, he couldn’t control her making him even ashamed of her and her persona. With rumors that he even cheated on her. Now he is with Gabrielle Brooks who has her sun and possibly her moon opposing his Lilith. Making the magnetic pull stronger and easier for him to handle. Another fictional example is the new movie “ The idea of you” in the movie Nicholas Galitzine character is obsessed with Anne Hathaway (I mean who wouldn’t lol). The chemistry in the movie is undeniable! Nicholas has his Lilith directly opposing Anne’s Sun and Venus. Chris Evan’s was the biggest bachelor. He dated Minka Kelly (his Lilith conjunct her moon) off and on for seven years and never married her. He dated Emmy Rossum (his Lilith conjunct her Venus) breaking things off after one year. When he met Alba Baptista he Married her after 2 years of dating (His Lilith is squaring her Venus trining her Sun). Another big example of a man’s Lilith in Synastry is Johnny Depp. His Lilith was conjunct Winona Ryders sun and Venus, his Lilith was also conjunct Kate Moss’s moon. He dated both of them breaking things off with both of them. Winona and Kate took the breakups really bad. He never intended to Marry either of them, with him breaking his engagement to Kate. Johnny Depp got his relationship Karma when he Met Amber Heard. Amber has her Lilith conjunct Johnny’s Venus, he cheated on Vanessa (his Lilith conjunct her ascendant) with Amber and then went on to marry her. Lilith in a woman’s chart isn’t always a home wrecker. When it comes to a woman’s Lilith, if she makes a direct conjunction with a man’s personal planets, especially his Venus. She has put him in a magnetic spell. This I’ve seen in many Synastry charts of long term married couples. This is because he loves her sexual lilithian nature, and embraces her wild femininity. Ex:( Taylor swift and Travis Kelsey, David Beckham and Victoria Beckham, Jessica alba and Cash Warren, Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander). There’s a lot more examples of this if you read many different celebrity couples charts.
In my own personal experience: my Fiancé and I have so many Lilith contacts in Synastry. It’s crazy. Our chemistry and sex life is off the charts. He has his Lilith opposing my Venus, moon, squaring my mars and Uranus, with a sextile to my ascendant. My Lilith is conjunct his Venus, Sun, Uranus, trining his moon. The sexual chem may also be do to our 8th house Synastry, with his mars, Pluto, and ascendant all conjunct in my 8th with my mars trining all 3. We broke up once but we never got over each other. He came back to me three weeks after the breakup, Now he asked me to marry him. Ooop! It might also be because he has his Eros and Juno conjunct my Venus, Moon, Eros, trining my ascendant. My Eros is also in his first house, but now I’m just bragging lol. Let me know if you want me to make an Eros and Juno in Synastry as well as 8th house overlay💕
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pureastrologywisdom · 7 months ago
A man’s Lilith conjunct a woman’s ascendant 
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I have been getting a lot of questions about this placement in a synastry chart so I thought I would make a post on it. I will also be touching on when a woman Lilith comes in contact t with a mans personal placements also.
A mans Lilith is a placement that shows what he finds attractive yet intimidating in a woman. He desires her but he fears her at the same time. Because of this having your ascendant aspecting this point in his chart is very intense. Its creates this magnetism, a sort of push pull affect within him. When a woman’s ascendant falls here he is extremely physically attracted to her. The ways she carries herself is very interesting to him, he finds her sexy. This is initially a more visual attraction, however it can grow overtime into something deeper, especially if you have other placements to support you.
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In the worst case scenario, Lilith in a mans chart shows you the type of woman he wants or tries to control. He is initially attracted to all these wild and enticing things about her, but when he has her he tries to dampen her fire. The more insecure and undeveloped a man is the more likely he is to fall into this outcome from the placement between you. On the rare occasion, if a man has issues with his feminine energy or rejects the feminine in his life, he may be repulsed by her because of her free and untamed nature. Its something he cannot understand or empathise with.
However if he is secure, confident within himself and has worked on himself he is more likely to admire how powerful you are and it only adds to the attraction between you two.
I will say with this placement more often than not, a woman with this synastry with him will be his weakness in some way or other, not always in a bad way. Lilith is a representation of pure feminine power, that is often untapped because this is an area that is repressed within a woman through her life and growing up by family, peers and society itself. 
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Having this placement with a partner in synastry can also show at the best of times that this man will help her feel more connected to her own power and femininity. He can help her open up to this side of herself. This is also the case when a woman’s Lilith is aspected by a personal planet in a mans chart - more common when it’s this way around. 
In turn, the woman can help him surrender to the feminine and embrace her. Healing his own wounds around women and femininity. Realising that its not something to control or tame but something to admire and work with.
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Thank you for reading everyone. This is a topic I am extremely passionate about and I love working with Lilith in clients charts.
If you would like to work with me in embracing this side of yourself through your natal chart send me a message on here or email me at [email protected]
Please title your email ‘Lilith work’ - My Lilith readings are priced at £5
I am so grateful to you all who follow me and work with me
Pureastrowisdom <3
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msmysticfail · 7 months ago
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Because they are governed by the Water element, they feel deeply the energies around them, they absorb the environment. Their gaze is intense, sharp,  they pay attention to things that no one else notices. Their presence is strong, as they are ruled by Pluto, their magnetism is accentuated. They are generally quieter, they are not very receptive, they like to analyze people first and then start introducing themselves. Distrust is a strong characteristic of this Ascendant, who does not feel safe until they have completely read the environment and the people around them. They usually intrigue people because they are mysterious in a certain way. While people are trying to find out more about them, the Scorpio ascendant has already read people to their soul, analyzing their gestures, their posture and, above all, listening to their intuition. They like to change their appearance. They live life with intensity, giving themselves fully to experiences.
Ruled by Pluto, these people are deep, with the Sun in Scorpio nothing just is what it is, everything is intense, bigger, deep. They are reserved people, who generally have some drama in their history, some tra1ma, some pa1n. They understand well that life is not beautiful, they can see the “ugly” that permeates it, which is why they are dense people, with depth, they understand life like no one else. They undergo transformations in their personality, generally caused by some personal crisis. Like it or not, they are attracted to power, they like the feeling of security it can bring, they tend to have a strong personality, they rarely give in in order to please or obey someone. Because they are ruled by Pluto, they do things driven by passion, they either love what they do or they don't care at all about it. They are extreme people, with complete surrender on one side and total indifference on the other.
Things are felt with all their intensity and, generally, people with this Moon cannot control the intensity of their feelings. Emotions bubble to the surface, sometimes stirring the native of this placement. There is nowhere to run, the emotions are everywhere, and they are very intense. Because they know their emotional world well, these people are capable of having great magnetic power, since Pluto, the ruler of this Moon, teaches the depth of understanding their own pains and loves, giving power to the conscious mind. When they feel something, it stays with them for a long time, whether the feeling is good or bad. They do things with all their soul, because only then they can feel satisfaction/fulfillment. Either loving or hating, emotions keep flowing under the deep waters of their feelings.
They are more of the quiet type, but their mind is running deep. Generally people only discover what is happening in their lives when things have already happened or are ending. This is the Mercury that is obsessed, when they like something, be it a song, an artist, a person, they will want to find out everything about it, they love to know more and more, there is no limit to how much they can absorb when the the subject is the things they like/love. They are intelligent people, they generally know extremely well about a topic, as they have studied it deeply. They are great at giving advice, however their advice is the very truth that people are not always willing to listen to. They love music, they usually have a favorite genre, music moves them a lot, it makes them feel more intensely about themselves, messing with their mind and interior.
This is one of the most powerful Venus in the zodiac. Here Pluto, its ruler, gives physical and psychic magnetism and a powerful aura. The search for power, whether physical or psychological, is great. This Venus slowly permeates the objects of their affection, they may seem indifferent, but it's only because they are working on their magnetism to attract what they want and they usually get it, their vibration is slow and deep, their charm is irresistible. Their love life is intense and rich, they like to have control over their loved ones, to know their secrets, their emotional intimacies. Love is felt intensely, when something or someone becomes theirs it will be theirs forever, even if no longer physically.
Powerful people. Ruled by Mars and Pluto, these people analyze, intuit, observe very well before acting on what they want. This is the most powerful and silent Mars in the zodiac, their actions are done in silence, in the “shadows”, and that is why most of their plans work out, this Mars doesn't go around saying what they plan on doing. They put together an extremely well planned plan and put it into action, the results speak for themselves. Controlling. This Mars likes to have things and people under their control, as they love the security and predictability that power brings, they rarely let other people take their power over, especially if they fought to conquer it. Very quiet and cunning, this Mars is the high octave of Mars in Aries, and here it acts at its full power, they can concentrate all their strength and resources to get what they want, and, no matter how difficult it is, they will persist concentratedly until they obtain the object of their affection, be it a goal, a person or a dream. Because they are people with a strong personality and even stronger actions, they generally have many enemies, but this Mars knows, however, who they all are.
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krisluxxeeempress · 2 months ago
The venus person in this synastry is the one everyone likes and believes in this instance. Venus rules libra and everyone is obsessed with venus- they all want to hear about venus this and that while completely disregarding how superficial and sexual her energy is. The venus person appears perfect, desired, and highly liked whereas, the Lilith person is disliked, projected upon, and demonized.
So how this would play out is people seeing this couple and automatically feeling the venus person can do better. If venus is the man and the woman is Lilith- I cannot say who gets this worse in comparison to venus being the woman and the man being Lilith. It’s hard to say. Now considering the mythology around Lilith and the lies told by a man and believed by EVERYONE- literally everyone, maybe venus being the man and the woman being Lilith is the harsher dynamic as opposed to the latter. We still live in a patriarchy world where men are worshipped and fought over. So if venus is the man, he will be the aggressor, the liar, cheater, the prize. Meanwhile Lilith being the woman is viewed as everything negative that she is not. People will think they know what the Lilith person is about but be totally wrong, even if they claim to accept the Lilith person. What they’re accepting is still lies just like people who give interpretations on lilith’s energy and they’re still wrong ha.
Anyway, everything negative about the venus person is not seen but projected upon the Lilith person. When the Lilith person tries to speak up, he/she isn’t believed and blamed. This synastry aspect reminds me of venus being the successful and or popular person in school who rapes the Lilith person and Lilith still being blamed for her raping. Because "there is no way the venus person would do that." This is like the venus person being verbally or physically abusive towards the Lilith person in a relationship- but the Lilith person is accused of being aggressive because “ the venus person would never do such a thing”.
Keep in mind this synastry is a square so it’s riddled with challenges and honestly, both parties will have them in different ways especially if this couple wants to be together. The problem the venus person has with the Lilith person is 1) the projections that he/ she created. Example, the venus person will be a liar and then accuse or secretly not believe anything the Lilith person has to say. The venus person will be superficial but view the Lilith person to be superficial. The venus person will be a cheater and assume the Lilith person is a cheater and unable to ever be faithful and so forth. The venus person needs to realize that they are accussing the Lilith person to be everything they are themselves.
Again, venus is about appearances because appearances determine what and who you attract in life. How you appear determines how you’re treated therefore, the venus person does not want to see themselves as a cheater, abuser, emotionally unavailable, immature, a liar, a sex addict, materialistic and or superficial- the list goes on. Until the venus person can see this about themselves, they will continue to project on the Lilith person and projection is a lie, an illusion. Due to the venus person projecting all the time, this prevents the venus and Lilith person to get close because both are on guard. Venus is on guard because he/she doesn’t trust the Lilith person when really the venus person doesn’t trust themselves. As for the Lilith person, he/she is unable to get close to the mars person because 1) venus doesn’t see the truth in them 2) there’s anger with always feeling/ being treated as an untrustworthy person.
(btw anger is really hiding pain) so in this synastry the venus person causes the Lilith person a great pain, but of course, the venus person will want to be the one to appear hurt.
Have you ever been so frustrated to tears? The Lilith person feels this constantly being with the venus person. The Lilith person will be challenged to leave this person which will promote growth in him/her and or, challenged to grow through the toxicity and of constantly being misunderstood and treated as untrustworthy and or as someone with ulterior motves.
The challenge presented for the venus person is to 1) see themselves as they truly are- flaws and all 2) accept their flaws and 3) begin to work through that and change for the better including treating the Lilith person better and seeing them as they truly are. With this synastry aspect alone, I do not see the venus person having the ability to do this as it goes against their nature. If other aspects are implemented, there is hope. But standing alone, I do not think so. with squares comes lessons.
The Lilith person needs to learn to stand up for themselves even if that means in silence. The more you try to explain or prove yourself, the more you lose your power, confidence, and identity. There’s profound power in silence and isolation and the Lilith person will need to learn to leave with no explanation or warning and usually this may trigger the Venus person to see themselves with the help of the sign and house Venus is in-but also including other aspects.
IT’S A VIBE LIKE, “if someone calls me a crackhead, I guess I’m a crackhead. I’m not clearing up shit”. A strong Lilith person will take that approach. A weak Lilith person will become the liar, cheater, alcoholic, sex addict and bad mother everyone accused them of being, eventually because he/she’s backbone has broken. The venus person isn’t stronger than the Lilith person. The venus person just appears so. (emphasis on appears) Think of women, for example, who are genuinely not attractive, and they wear a lot of makeup. That makeup makes them look like a completely different person and they appear attractive but once that makeup comes off, your left sitting there like what the hell?
In conclusion, I do not find this synastry aspect as compatible. Venus is not predisoped to dig deeper or change and the Lilith person will be a punching bag until one day he/she punches back. When Lilith punches back he/she will still be blamed and viewed as the problem.
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
I purposefully did not mention sexual energy because those who are interested are more than likely a venus type person and the Lilith person deserves better. The Lilith person is not a sex object or whatever else you want to project.
Just accept her energy is misunderstood and always be. Stop making up stories because you don’t like or can't accept the original one.
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geographerdose · 7 months ago
Alright as exciting as Lilith-Moon and Lilith-Mars aspects sound on Tumblr, I assure you IRL they are fucking traumatizing and painful and the most gaslighting energy you’ve ever felt
Plus mix that with 2nd, 8th 12th, and 6th house synastry and it’s like what in the actual fuck
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blackmoonh13 · 3 months ago
No babe don’t put Lilith synastry shit into cheating, it’s just two miserable people who have no dignity of any shame who make that. And to be clear when we see cheating scandals between celebrities or else Lilith synastry is rarely involved.
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444shayyy · 8 months ago
12h synastry is just so hard man one moment I miss this man and I'm finally ready to forgive him for the treatment and trauma but it's like my spirit guides immediately bring up every horrible moment and are asking "are you sure about that?" And then I just never know if I'll ever be able to truly forgive without immediately thinking about the past hurt, trauma and lies or just being angry again for what ever has happened.
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