#Lilith in 9th
astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations 🪐🪐🪐
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🪐When you have Pluto in the 7th house in your Solar Return chart that year you might feel tempted to sabotage your personal, one on one relationships, romantic partnerships, friendships and committed partnerships in order to form new ones. You will want to destroy them just so you can build new ones.
🪐If you have Pluto in the 3rd house in Synastry chart you two will be very competitive with each other, especially in running, cycling etc.
🪐People with Pisces Moon/Pisces IC or Pisces over the 4th house tend to find their one true love after they retire. Usually these people spend a lifetime finding a partner that doesn't make them feel lonely.
🪐With Pluto in the 7th house in the Solar Return chart you might enter a legal contract that year that could bring you debt the years following, so stay mindful with what you are signing when you have Solar Return Pluto in the 7th house.
🪐Mercury in the 5th house natives are extra competitive when playing board games. They desire to win at all costs.
🪐I noticed that whenever you connect with the Sun sign person of your Moon sign, for example you have Aries Moon in the 4th house and you connect with Aries Sun or Cancer Sun, you feel like you have hard time connecting with them through your own CURRENT interests. Because the Moon is so connected with the past, your childhood, upbringing and your growing up. With them you are always pulled in the past and nostalgia. You spend a lot of time talking about hobbies, interests that you've done in the PAST, but not so much actively, in the present moment. It's like they remind you only of the activities, interests, hobbies and passions that you had in childhood or while growing up, but it's much harder to sync in with them through your active, current interests that you have in your adult life.
🪐Mars in the 9th house always need to listen to music while they are doing an activity or while they are active, walking around the city, on their way to somewhere, while in transportation or during sports.
🪐Moving on to celebrity world, I find interesting how rappers Cardi B and Offset, who are married released song Jealousy since both have Scorpio Venus in their Natal charts. They are quite literally making money (Venus) off jealousy (Scorpio theme).
🪐The 2nd house shows on who you are spending your money on. So when someone puts their personal planets into your 2nd house, you spend a lot of money of them. And vice versa, when someone has your sign over their 2nd house, they might spend a lot of money on you. But with so not that often discussed, is that it goes the same for your Part of Fortune sign. If you have Sagittarius Part of Fortune, a Sagittarius Sun might give you money or spend a lot on you, buy you gifts. Since Part of Fortune represents also material wealth.
🪐People with Libra Midheaven are so fascinating to me. The native with Libra MC is always known for their partnership/marriage, they are known as "this person's partner/wife/husband". BUT the Libra MC native is always EVEN MORE well known or has more attention, recognized by the public than their partner/spouse. For example celebrities Kim Kardashian, who for the longest was associated with Kanye West and as "Kanye's wife", her popularity outgrew her husband. The same in case of Cardi B (Libra MC) and his husband Offset. Similary, Kylie Jenner (Libra MC) who dated Travis Scott, now supposedly Timothee Chalamet, she will always be known for dating these people, but will be bigger than them. To conclude Libra MC native will be always KNOWN by association, because of their PARTNER or who they team up with, but Libra MC native will despite that always be BIGGER, have even more attention, success than their partner in some sense.
🪐Capricorn Lilith is often faced with rumours and gossip about them in the workplace and usually they are started by a boss and distributed by co-workers.
🪐I noticed two signs repeated in charts that often point to extreme sensitivity. It's Pisces and Aries. Often times I noticed in individual charts of people who are in a partnership, most often one partner had Pisces Moon or Rising, Mars in their Natal chart and the other person had Aries Moon, Aries Mars or Sun in their Natal chart. So a Pisces Moon in a man's chart points to a partner that is very sensitive. And if the woman has Aries Mars, again it points to a partner with extreme sensitivities.
🪐Mars in the 9th house native is VERY DECISIVE. They often had a highly opinionated father with very strong beliefs, opinions. So early on they were taught by the father that is not okay for them to be indecisive or not have an opinion on something. But what is interesting that the Mars in the 9th house individual is very indecisive throughout childhood, but grows up very decisive and opinionated later in adulthood.
🪐Sometimes with Lilith in the 9th house, you might not feel fully accepted by in-laws, so your partner's parents. Could encounter challenges here with them. Another thing I noticed here could also be either your partner's parents never take side with you. They always defend your partner, their child and not side with you, even when you're right. Or they paint YOU the bad guy and not their child, so your partner. Be mindful if you share any partnership troubles with your partner's parents since they might not grasp your perspective well.
🪐If you have Composite Capricorn Ascendant, connection that the two of you share, will receive A LOT of attention from the public. People will be highly curious about it and very focused on your connection. You will draw quite a lot of attention and people around you will be invested in your partnership.
🪐Scorpio Moon and Cancer over the 8th house might consider intimacy that you share your phone/social media password with them.
🪐 Pisces over the 4th house often points to the fact that someone else is paying your rent.
🪐 If you have Saturn in the 4th house, Capricorn over the 4th house your parents might pay your rent or buy you an apartment, a home.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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lunaa007 · 2 years
Astrology observations #1
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Welcome to my first astrology observations!
I’m in no way a professional astrologer, this is purely for fun. Take only what resonates with you! I'm happy to discuss these points further in the comments :)
♦️ Leo mars live for the praise. They love words of affirmation, especially in bed 😏 They call the attention effortlessly when exercising, dancing or other mars-related activities. But they might not always like this.
♦️ Chiron 1st house can be very insecure about their appearance if they don’t work to heal this. I know someone with this placement that hates mirrors as they never liked what they saw. But it gives great potential to heal and help others regarding these issues.
♦️ Sagittarius mars people could regularly need new experiences in their sexual life. They might be open to try everything once “just to see”, and they might lean less toward monogamy than other mars placements.
♦️ Moon in the 6th house might be more sensitive to anxiety as their emotions lie in the house of daily life and routine. So they might have to deal with their emotions on a daily basis. They might need regular physical movement and consistent routines to feel regulated and content.
♦️ Pluto conjunct MC might hate posting on social media as they could feel exposed and vulnerable if they do. They might have an intense need to keep their life private.
♦️Mercury conjunct/square/opposite Pluto might swear a lot, or at least more than what they were taught was okay. If their education was very strict they might swear only when surprised, like if they get hurt or forget something.
♦️Venus in 10th house or conjunct MC can work in the fashion or makeup industry and be known for their beauty and sense of aesthetics.
♦️Saturn in Aquarius could have interest or talents in Uranian fields such as astrology or technology. They might be motivated to work towards social causes. They also could have an emotionally distant outlook on life.
♦️Lilith conjunct Ascendant create strong reactions everywhere they go. They are provocative without trying. People can get easily obsessed with them as they exude tremendous sex appeal. But they can also get very aggressive and negative reactions towards them without any reason.
♦️Mars square pluto absolutely need to channel their energy and anger into exercise and breath work. Martial arts is the best for them. If they don't control this energy it can get dangerous for themselves and even for others in extreme cases. But if they learn to control this tremendous force, they can achieve incredible things.
♦️Venus square Saturn can have a lot of difficulties with their self-worth, which affects their relationships. If you have a low self-esteem you will settle for less than you deserve. Once they have sufficiently worked on themselves and on their self esteem, they can find great love. This doesn't mean it can't come early but it might be more challenging. However, Saturn delays but never denies. They are not doomed and will find love (this depends also on other placements and aspects).
♦️Moon in Taurus can have a very calming and healing aura. People feel at peace when with these natives, especially when hugging. They are very grounded and stable, which is felt by others and is very reassuring. However, they can be stubborn at times as Taurus is a fixed sign.
♦️Mars in the 12th house could be passive aggressive sometimes as they do not recognise their own anger and never really learn how to control it. They might have sudden outbursts which can take the people around them by surprise.
♦️Sun opposite Moon can have a difficult relationship with their mother. They can feel that their mother's personality is the complete opposite of them and that they are not understood by her. Other aspects to the moon can come accentuate this or make it easier.
♦️Pisces Mars often have a talent for dancing. One of my best friends has this placement and she is a professional contemporary dancer. Her movements are so graceful, it really looks like water moving. Mars at a pisces degree (12°, 24°) can have a gift for dancing also to a lesser extent.
♦️Pluto in the 9th house can bring transformations and soul evolutions when traveling overseas, studying a higher education or moving abroad.
Thank you for reading ❤️
© lunaa007
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astro-tag-9 · 5 months
Placements most prone to jealousy
(With a brief explanation)
(Also these are not in order)
-Aries Moon: only jealous about things they are possessive over. They know what is in their control and what is beyond their control. But provoking their jealousy is not recommended. Don’t go after what is theirs.
-Taurus Sun: Will get jealous when their person does things without them. They feel a need to constantly be included and when they are left out, they take it personally.
-Cancer Sun: As much as they want their friends and lovers to be happy all the time, truly, sometimes they just can’t get over somebody having fun or being happy without them being apart of it. Kind of similar to Taurus. They will also still be jealous of anybody their ex dates after them they have a hard time letting things and people go.
-Aries Sun: For people that are success driven, they sure can’t stand watching somebody else get the spotlight. They thrive off of their own success so much that it is hard to see people they are close with have it of their own sometimes. They may belittle or put people down out of jealousy; they strive too hard to be the best where they always feel in competition
-Scorpio Sun: Anything they care about they’ll have some jealousy regarding, although not always focused on the negative aspects of jealousy. Deeply emotional people tend to have deeply emotional responses and reactions. Their jealously is one that can easily be tamed by the right actions and words. They will not be jealous about something or someone unless they love it.
-Capricorn Moon: Typically not your average type of jealous, but definitely still there. Only thing that makes them jealous is giving their all at something just watch the guy who put in no effort at all walk out with the prize. To them, nobody thinks as hard, works as hard, or tries as hard as they do in all things.
-Scorpio Mars/Venus: they are the type of lovers that want to be it all for the one they love or are with. If they think an ex lover was better than them in any kind of way, they will hate them for it and try to fill that hole to be better. They know their greatness, but don’t want you telling them about anybody else’s. As much as they want to understand you, they don’t want to know too much about your past. It can upset them dwelling on a life before they knew you.
-Virgo Lilith: They have a hard time fining acceptance. Due to that, when others are much more easily welcomed, they hate it.
-Leo Sun: Kings and Queens of always wanting things they cannot always have. Always wanting more of the people around them. Part of it is they want people they love to be great, and part of it is they have a complex where nobody is able to be better than them. If they are perusing somebody who is already with somebody else, they are not shy about going out of their way to bash on the person they’re with, and make themself seem better. They want what they want.
-Gemini Sun: the only thing that really makes them jealous is seeing somebody they love unable to give them the love they deserve, but then so effortlessly and freely give it onto others. Ex) having your parent favor her other children over you; or having an ex partner who you had to beg to be a better person finally change for somebody, even tho they could not for you.
- 5th/6th/9th/12th house Mars: The “where were you when I needed you” type of jealousy. When they have to go through something alone, and you were nowhere to be found, they might just not forgive you for it.
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saturnbellfromhell · 2 years
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On today's astrology post I will list my favorite placements, signs and aspects. Now, there are many of them so I'll make a part two next week if this this one is liked by all of you. Hope you enjoy!
🟤 Jupiter in the 1st House
This placement is like finding a pearl in the ocean. These natives ooze positivity, truthfulness and cuteness. Their desire to make others feel content and loved is something I admire about them. They are the wise and thoughtful one of the group and they truly deserve the biggest hug anyone can give.
🟤 Mercury in the 9th house
The dictionary on two legs. These people are so interesting to befriend. They always have new knowledge to spread and are interested in anything from novels, essays, poetry, encyclopedias...they are hungry to learn and spread their knowledge. They also love learning other languages and others traditions. Very open to talk about anything and everything.
🟤 Cancer Moon
I've already wrote about this placement in my Moon saga, but it definitely needs another reminder. The softness, loyalty and nurture these people have is healing, physically and emotionally. They will do anything to make you feel comfortable and safe, always help you with anything you need and never back down from you even if the whole world is against you.
🟤 Lilith in the 1st house
They're just the definition of sexiness. You can spot them from a mile away and the moment you touch them you can really feel this raw energy they give.
🟤 Sun in 8th house
Having such a personal sign in one of the darkest houses can be quite a storm to overcome. Nevertheless these people are so brave and utterly beautiful from the inside. They hold their pain away from the world with a hard shell of humor and sarcasm. This placement is the one which inspires many. They deserve recognition and to be taken care of.
🟤 Mercury in Pisces
They just know how to explain everything in your manner, being that you're a child, teenager or grown adult they are so patient and talented for it. Never wanting to fight, always thinking before speaking and truly an emotional fairy of words.
🟤 Moon in the 12th house
These natives feel everything and anything. They always know how to make your day better of what to get you for your birthday. With a collective sense of emotion and the willingness to constantly heal, these are the witches of the zodiac. The one's always seeking the darkest parts of others and seeing beauty in it.
🟤 Scorpio Rising
They have such a captivating appearance with their fierce look and everylasting eyelashes. They seem scary and creepy to some, but I beg to differ.
🟤 Scorpio Sun
Even though people love to hate Scorpio sun's, I absolutely adore them. I mean I am a Cap, so dark humor, making fun of others, the cold shoulder and sarcasm are nothing new to me. They are very loyal individuals, that's a fact, even though I've never dated one...but the friends I had as Scorpios are amazing people to have around.
��Sun trine Moon
What can I say, the harmonius aspect between the ego and the heart. These individuals are the calm one's who always have a wise answer for everything. Down to earth and an amazing support system.
🟤 Pluto in the 9th house
These individuals cam experience some rocky times in school and/or college, but after some ups and downs they are such interesting individuals. I've also met alot with this placement who love anything crime related especially serial killers and looking into their demonior and motives. They are the curious cats and are highly intelligent. Absolutely oppressed with these people.
🟤 Leo Venus
Even though they're not for me, being a earth Venus they are the one's that love showing their partner off and put them on a pedestal. They make you feel like a Hollywood star and being out the red carpet out every other day. They are the one's to spoil the hell out of you.
🟤 Neptune in the 11th house
Having this placement myself I know the struggle of always believing others and getting hurt by their selfishness. You always feel like your peoples second even though ypu try your best. So all my Neptune 11th hoursers, you're not alone. Love you alot!
Xoxo Numa
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gayou01 · 1 year
Astrology observations pt 29
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-people with the Sun in conjunction to their ascendant have a "what you see is what you get" kind of personality and tend to really fit the stereotypes associated with their sun signs
-People with Saturn in the 10th house usually have to work for every ounce of success they achieved. If they unfairly stepped on people to obtain their power though, their Saturn return will make them fall from grace publicly
-People with their MC in Aquarius tend to get embroiled in scandals and allegations and have controversial careers, this would be especially evident in celebrities
-Leo and Pisces mercuries are both prone to exaggerating when speaking about their experiences. The difference between the two is that the latter can genuinely believe the embellished version of their story while the former usually does not
-people with Virgo placements hate when people touch and rearrange their things whether their space is actually clean or not
-Chiron in the 5th house indicates that the native got their creative expression stifled by miserable people in their lives, and/or that they suffered a lot of heartbreak romantically
-if the sun and the moon are both in your 7th house, or aspected to Juno, it is likely that your parents will be physically involved (or at least emotionally invested) in your marriage
-people with mercury-Uranus aspects always know a lot of random things that you would not expect them to know. Or they say a lot of random things that sometimes have nothing to do with the conversation at hand
-people with Lilith in the 9th house get a lot of shit for being honest, especially when they are children
-if a person has Saturn in the 2nd house, money is going to be really tight during their Saturn return and their self-esteem will likely hit an all time low
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holywizardheart · 2 years
💕Astrology observations part 18💕
The pictures aren't mine 📎
Don't copyright my work ⚠️
Enjoy your reading 💜
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🍷Moon in the 9th house I just noticed that they often cope with difficulties through drinking or maybe searching for new entertainment
🍷Neptune in the 4th house can have a family with a lot of unsolved mysteries. Perhaps mom is not telling the truth or trying to hide the information.
🍷Chiron in the 4th the trauma is related to the family. Very often this happens when a person was a small child. Sometimes they don't even remember.
🍷Pluto in the 3rd house they find something interesting and becomes obsessed with it. They will study everything related to this. They may also sometimes be interested in strange or dark topics.
🍷Chiron in the 7th house has bad luck in relationships or they suffer from loneliness
Also, they can be scared of relationships and deep connection (it depends on signs as well)
Please look at the dominant planets it can show your main traits of your character
Chart ruler can describe your appearance
MC describes your public image and first impression of you
🍷Moon in the 1st house they have a cute appearance and radiates pure energy. Also, they often have full cheeks
🍷Mercury dominant people have attractive hands and nails
🍷Mars dominant people have an athletic body. It's really easy to train their muscles and gain strength.
🍷Juno in the 12th house craves a soul connection with partners. Very spiritual and understanding.
🍷9th house stellium very standish hips or butt
🍷3rd house lilith could be bullied at school. They also have problems with speaking their mind. But I think that they have a very seductive voice. Besides they're really good at lying and deceiving people.
🍷Moon/Mercury conjunction/trine/sextile may have talent in singing or they have a very soft and pleasant voice. (especially conjunction)
🍷I want to add Venus/Neptune aspects to this group. They are very creative individuals in my view. They have great talents as well. Like dancing and singing.
🍷1st house lilith may have complexes concerned with their appearance. Perhaps something like an accident happened and it affected your face. For example, you broke your nose and now you dislike your appearance.
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astroheauxxxxx · 1 year
Personal natal aspect observations. (Pt.5)
Personal planets include: sun, moon, mercury, Venus, mars and your rising (not a planet but an angle)
Moon ♋️ conjunct Mercury ♊️-
Both planets are in their home signs here. Feminine intuitition meets masculine logic. This manifests in two ways for me:
1. Overly rationalizing emotions, trying to make sense of what just naturally is.
2. Able to communicate my emotions easily through writing, singing. Even though I enjoy heart to heart conversations, I’m very shy so at times it’s hard to speak up
I’m a Highly emotionally intelligent person. I understand emotions at a great depth. I understand that emotions can’t be understood.
Moon♋️ conjunct Saturn ♋️-
As if already having Saturn in its detriment ♋️ wasn’t bad enough we have the planets also aspecting. Almost like I’m forced to learn in this life to get a grip over my emotions and femininity otherwise life will keep karmically whopping my ass. It’s about learning to balance the emotions, it’s not always a time to operate out of femininity. Sometimes discipline is needed to create order and longevity (Saturn).
Mars ♓️ trine Saturn ♋️-
When I’m truly passionate about something spiritually, and subconsciously ♓️ and I feel energetic and motivated about it (mars), I’m more likely to discipline myself (saturn) emotionally♋️ to get it done because usually my emotional nature gets in the way of my drive and discipline. Mars and Saturn come together in this way to help me create success for myself.
Mars ♓️ conjunct Uranus ♓️ (10H of career and public rep)-
My drive and ambition can only stem from my own path, independence and rebellion. I can’t work for anyone else, I’m too determined to get by myself for myself. I rather fulfill myself and work for myself. Create my own ways of making Money.
Neptune ♒️ trine ascendant ♊️-
no cocky-ish, I look like a very ethereal, dreamy person. I am a sirene, so you can see the depth of the ocean in my eyes and my face. Very psychic individual, I naturally see through the illusions and facades people have of themselves.
Chiron ♑️ 8H trine Lilith ♉️ 12H-
Healing the suppressed and karmic dark feminine wounds through discipline, security, feminity etc. constant them for me. I’m gonna dedicate a whole post to this placement cuz it’s so much more to it. Being dominated sexually and acquiring trauma from it. (Yes I am a victim of assault). Suppressing the acquired trauma and being unstable because of it.
222 as I end this 🌙.
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moonsquaremars · 11 months
And so the 12th house sun fell in love with the 8th house sun...
I look at our charts and it is amazing. I knew within minutes of meeting him that I was going to marry him. We were inseperable this summer. Things didn't work out, but it is undeniable the connection we have. He feels it too, I can tell.
His chart is like a mirror of mine. I have NN & Chiron conjunct in the 3rd house in libra. He has NN & Chiron conjunct in gemini in the 7th house. See?
How common is NN & Chiron conjunct? I'm not sure I've seen that in another person's chart other than mine. And the fact mine are in the house of gemini, with the sign of libra, and his are in the house of libra, in the sign of gemini.
I'm looking at our composite chart now, and our lilith lies in the 9th house. I want to laugh while typing this. I go to university, but he works at the museum on campus. 9th house is the house of higher education, and let's just say if we wanted to, we could cause a lot of trouble for one another in the 9th house realm xD
EDIT: also the synchronicity with this guy is INSANE. i will have to make a post about it.
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thatonevenusian · 2 years
Indicators of Nightmares Being Common
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READ: IT'S OCTOBER!! So here's a quick spooky-ish post! This is not meant to inspire paranoia. This is for learning and to create a healthy discussion. I would also like to add. These placements can be intense nightmares or exhausting dreams as well. I am not a professional astrologer, but I have been studying astrology for a while now. Take what resonates and stay safe :)
Pluto/Mars/Saturn/South Node/Chiron in the 9th house
9th house ruler in 8th
9th house ruler in 8th
9th house ruler in 12th/6th (varries)
Moon square/opposite/maybe conj Mars
Moon square/opposite/maybe conj Saturn
Moon square/opposite/maybe conj Neptune
Moon square/opposite/maybe conj Pluto
Moon square/opposite/Conjunct South Node
Moon in th 12th/6th (varries)
Pluto/Saturn/Chiron/Mars/South Node in bad aspect to 9th house ruler
Harsh aspects to planets in 9th house
Side note about Lilith
Lilith in the 9th can show dreaming about shameful things or things we are ashamed of
Lilith in harsh aspect to 9th house ruler can give nightmares that someone believes are embarrassing or odd
I'm still working on my in depth dream/nightmare post so I thought why not use some of the info for a October post.
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nephilimsuperstar · 2 years
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Lilith in the 9th ☆
transformative philosophical beliefs from being suffocated and disillusionated by intense religious or spiritual energy.
rebels against the norm.
strong connection and values rooted in the taboo. The things that people refuse to talk about is your duty to spread. this is the result of the transformative 8th house energy.
Question Everyone. Question Everything. Trust No One.
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geminimoonastro · 1 year
In the realms of cosmic dance and dreams,
Where souls entwine in mystical streams,
Resides Lilith, a fierce celestial force,
In the depths of the 9th house, her potent source.
Born beneath the stars, she gleams with might,
A symbol of rebellion, against the placid night,
Lilith, a flame, not easily confined,
In the fiery embers of her unbound mind.
Within the house of knowledge, vast and wide,
She spreads her wings, ready to guide,
A guardian of wisdom, untamed and free,
Lilith calls forth seekers, like you and me.
Her reign heralds a longing to explore,
To transcend borders and question more,
Inquisitive minds, she lovingly ignites,
Fanning the flames of intellectual fights.
From dusty tomes to forgotten lands,
She beckons us forth, as she commands,
To study the stars and ancient lore,
To find meaning in the myths of yore.
With Lilith in the 9th, we seek truths untold,
Unafraid to question beliefs we hold,
Beyond boundaries, we dare to roam,
Seeking solace, where the wilds doth foam.
Yet Lilith's power is not for the faint,
For she champions rebellion without restraint,
She challenges established lines and norms,
Unleashing passions that forever transform.
Through the embers of her cosmic blaze,
Lilith guides us in her mysterious ways,
To break free from dogmas that bind,
And to seek the truths that truly unwind.
So, let us embrace Lilith's radiant fire,
Let her flames ignite passions higher,
In the 9th house, where she finds her reign,
Lilith beckons us, the curious and arcane.
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tower-girl-anon · 2 years
Astrology questions in comments
As I've said in my last post, here are some unanswered questions that has been published in the comment section of my posts and I'm going to answer them here but without publishing the names of the people who made this asks due to privacy. I hope it resonates with you all.
Lilith opposite Midheaven (MC)
Hmmm... I've been thinking about this aspect for a long time and it seems to indicate that you have an inner dark side that could be hidden from others. Maybe some people can sence this dark part of yourself, maybe a highly sexual energy too, but they can't figure it out if that energy is real or not because you keep it very much hidden from others since it conjuncts the IC, the most private part of ourselves. Only with very close relationships that you trust, or on your own, you release this dark and sexual energy.
Bless conjunct Venus in Midheaven (MC)
Having the asteroid Bless in your tenth house and conjuncting your Venus could signal that you will have a benefic and loving time in your career. If you have a creative, fashionable or artistic side that you want to pursue as a career, this aspects can tell you that your career will be blessed. On the other hand, your career or work time could bring you oportunities on forming loving and, sometimes, romantic partnerships with your coworkers. With these aspects alone, there won't be many hard times in your career.
Vertex in the 9th house
Vertex, in general, talks about "points of fate". The house, signs and aspects this point makes in the natal chart indicates the areas in which you will face certains types of themes that can change or affect your life deeply. Having this point in the ninth house indicates that you will face life-changing events or situations either when you enter university, study or travell to other places. Maybe the way you see the world or your faith will face certain situations that will challenge and expand the way you are as a hole since, in my opinion, the Vertex not only affects one specific area but our entire chart as well.
I hope you enjoyed this post. As always, I send love and light to you all.
Tower Girl Anon
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Hey!! Hope you're doing good!! I love your observations!!
I have a question that's been really worrying me...
I have aries lilith in IX which I've heard is a placement that makes the person have a lot of relationship problems that in the end they just decide to stay alone.. Do you think that's what'll happen here too, I'm such a hopeless romantic that i just can't come to peace with this thought..
If you'd need, these are my big three:
Sun in Aquarius, moon in Taurus and Leo rising.
Thank you soo much!!
Hi love!
Thank you so much, I try to keep up with astrology observations since this is what you enjoy reading the most on the blog.
What kind of relationships problems though? I think we need to define that first.
I'm gonna be honest that when I read your Lilith sign and house relationship problems was not the first thing that came to my mind. Is there anything specific that you've heard?
What I've read just about Aries Lilith specifically that was about relationships is that they are very much a feminist (be it a man or a woman Aries Lilith) and they can't deal with partners who are too traditional or too close-minded when it comes to this. I've also read that sometimes people who are already in a relationship can be interested in the Aries Lilith native, which can turn problematic at some point.
When it comes to just Lilith in the 9th house, the only point that can turn sour when discussing relationships, is that these natives can often try to impose their opinions, views, beliefs and sometimes even values or moral system onto their partner. They might silently expect that their partner adopts their values and moral, ethical system when they start dating.
This is the only thing I noticed about partnerships when it comes to this Lilith sign and position.
Have a relaxing evening and take care,
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astro-tag-9 · 2 months
Hi!. I was wondering if you could do a character for me based on my astrological placements.
Libra sun (7th house)
Libra moon (7th house)
Scorpio Mercury (8th house)
Virgo Venus (6th house)
Sagittarius Mars (10th house)
Jupiter Taurus Retrograde (1st house)
Saturn Taurus Retrograde (2nd house)
Uranus Aquarius Retrograde (12th house)
Neptune Aquarius Retrograde (11th house)
Pluto Sagittarius (9th house)
North Node Leo (6th house)
Sagittarius Lilith (9th house)
Pisces Ascendant
Sagittarius Midheaven
Sagittarius Chiron
👑 Queen Clarisse Renaldi 👑
( The Princess Diaries )
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yourmoonmomma · 1 year
Hello love!
I wanted to ask some questions if I may❤❤
° Lilith in pisces 11th house: What are my hidden emotions?
° Chiron in 9th house Capricorn: how can I heal my traumas etc?
° North Node is Gemini: How can I develop and master my current life?
° Ceres in Aquarius: How do I take care of myself?
° Mercury X MC in Aquarius: What is my career and what can I do to achieve it?
Thank you in advance and if you can't do it you can ignore! Thanks a lot ❤❤❤
Hi hi! You certainly can (and I find these questions particularly interesting, I enjoy when I have to think a little about the answers!! So thank you for asking!!! <33)
Lilith in pisces 11th house: What are my hidden emotions? I will admit, the term "hidden emotions" is somewhat difficult for me to understand. That isn't on you, of course, as that's a very common phrase, but I think it's just a concept that is a little too complex for my autism lol. So I hope this answers good enough!! You may struggle to express your spirituality to your friends, or have a fear of being teased/bullied for the ways you want to change the world or the beliefs you hold. You may tend to suppress your judgment and jealousy of others, to the point where you either feel guilty when those feelings come up, or struggle to understand where others are coming from when they are acting out from a place of those emotions. You may struggle to accept your need & deep love for platonic relationships in your life, choosing instead to embrace other types of relationships as they just "feel easier".
Chiron in 9th house Capricorn: how can I heal my traumas etc? Through helping others experiencing similar situations, even if you think they haven't done the same amount of work/effort that you have into their own healing. It is important to live a life of truth, and be willing to change your mind/opinions. For example, (and a very small, simple example at that) admitting part way through an argument that you were incorrect, and that the other person was right, will be a small step towards healing. As well, learning to live without needing the reassurance of others that you are on the right path.
North Node is Gemini: How can I develop and master my current life? By speaking up and speaking out. This may be difficult, with your 11th House Pisces Lilith, but the more outspoken you are about your beliefs (especially if you're able to apologize and change them if necessary!) the more you will develop this life and become closer to your soul's potential. This placement works so well with your Capricorn Chiron in 9th, in the sense that it continues to emphasize a past life where you were too steadfast in your beliefs (potentially at your own downfall). Mastering this life, means being willing to change and learn with the times, and advocate for those who need it, even if they do not realize they need it.
Ceres in Aquarius: How do I take care of myself? By letting yourself be the person you feel you are meant to be. By being quirky and following your "weird" ideas to the end, whether others support you or not. By being authentic and true to yourself.
Mercury X MC in Aquarius: What is my career and what can I do to achieve it? Tying into your Gemini North Node, public speaking or writing could be a good career. Even, perhaps, motivational speaking? It is important that you are pursuing a career where you feel you can make a difference in the world, or at least your community, otherwise you will not feel fulfilled. And again, this does not have to be in the sense that everyone else thinks "changing the world" looks like! You have your own sense of what that means, trust in yourself. And in terms of achieving it, networking will be your best friend here, and putting yourself out there! Go to protests, rallies, community events.
I hope this is what you were looking for haha! Thank you again for the fun questions <3
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gayou01 · 2 years
Astrology observations I made pt 20
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-mars in the 10th house can sometimes indicate literally doing sex work and being known for it. It’s one of the rarer manifestations
-a Saturn return for someone with Saturn in the 8th house may involve losing someone important to them. That experience will force them to learn to process and face grief and loss head on. They may get an inheritance out of it
-cancer ascendants tend to have soft features in general, rounded faces, large eyes and small but plump lips
-a Saturn return for someone with Saturn in the 10th house may involve literally changing career paths. You may have been working the same kind of job for years and then your Saturn return happens and you realize “that’s not what it want anymore”. This can also happen for people with Saturn in the 6th house
-people with Lilith in the 9th house has had major beef with a teacher/tutor of theirs at least once during their school days. Everything that teacher did left a bad taste in their mouth. If the native comes from a very religious family, they hated the preacher lol
-contrary to popular belief, Pisces mars natives are far from weak, they’re just lazy as hell and need a little extra push to get things done
-people with a lot of 12th house placements feel the most energized at nighttime and they always have trouble with their sleep patterns
-women with Lilith in the 11th house tend to have to deal with men who pretend to be their friend but secretly want to sleep with them and will jump at any opportunity to get in their pants
-another lesson the saturn return might teach someone with Saturn in the 10th house is to start caring about the public image they project out in the world. If before their Saturn return they were wild, carefree, and not concerned about rules and their reputation, they will learn the importance of certain rules and values put in place by authority figures around them then
-people with mercury in Capricorn tend to have such a proper and refined way of talking, to the point of sounding old-fashioned sometimes. They don’t usually keep up with ever-changing modern slang very much
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