#Like yes it's important to have support but the expectation for your friends to keep fucking coddling you and carrying you isn't support
I think deliberately ignoring and spurning any attempts friends make to speak to you and then claiming no one cares about you when they move on isn't depression babe, thats you being a cunt. hope this helps
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bookishdiplodocus · 20 days
The Neurodivergent Writer’s Guide to Fun and Productivity
(Even when life beats you down)
Look, I’m a mom, I have ADHD, I’m a spoonie. To say that I don’t have heaps of energy to spare and I struggle with consistency is an understatement. For years, I tried to write consistently, but I couldn’t manage to keep up with habits I built and deadlines I set.
So fuck neurodivergent guides on building habits, fuck “eat the frog first”, fuck “it’s all in the grind”, and fuck “you just need time management”—here is how I manage to write often and a lot.
Focus on having fun, not on the outcome
This was the groundwork I had to lay before I could even start my streak. At an online writing conference, someone said: “If you push yourself and meet your goals, and you publish your book, but you haven’t enjoyed the process… What’s the point?” and hoo boy, that question hit me like a truck.
I was so caught up in the narrative of “You’ve got to show up for what’s important” and “Push through if you really want to get it done”. For a few years, I used to read all these productivity books about grinding your way to success, and along the way I started using the same language as they did. And I notice a lot of you do so, too.
But your brain doesn’t like to grind. No-one’s brain does, and especially no neurodivergent brain. If having to write gives you stress or if you put pressure on yourself for not writing (enough), your brain’s going to say: “Huh. Writing gives us stress, we’re going to try to avoid it in the future.”
So before I could even try to write regularly, I needed to teach my brain once again that writing is fun. I switched from countable goals like words or time to non-countable goals like “fun” and “flow”.
Rewire my brain: writing is fun and I’m good at it
I used everything I knew about neuroscience, psychology, and social sciences. These are some of the things I did before and during a writing session. Usually not all at once, and after a while I didn’t need these strategies anymore, although I sometimes go back to them when necessary.
I journalled all the negative thoughts I had around writing and try to reason them away, using arguments I knew in my heart were true. (The last part is the crux.) Imagine being supportive to a writer friend with crippling insecurities, only the friend is you.
Not setting any goals didn’t work for me—I still nurtured unwanted expectations. So I did set goals, but made them non-countable, like “have fun”, “get in the flow”, or “write”. Did I write? Yes. Success! Your brain doesn’t actually care about how high the goal is, it cares about meeting whatever goal you set.
I didn’t even track how many words I wrote. Not relevant.
I set an alarm for a short time (like 10 minutes) and forbade myself to exceed that time. The idea was that if I write until I run out of mojo, my brain learns that writing drains the mojo. If I write for 10 minutes and have fun, my brain learns that writing is fun and wants to do it again.
Reinforce the fact that writing makes you happy by rewarding your brain immediately afterwards. You know what works best for you: a walk, a golden sticker, chocolate, cuddle your dog, whatever makes you happy.
I conditioned myself to associate writing with specific stimuli: that album, that smell, that tea, that place. Any stimulus can work, so pick one you like. I consciously chose several stimuli so I could switch them up, and the conditioning stays active as long as I don’t muddle it with other associations.
Use a ritual to signal to your brain that Writing Time is about to begin to get into the zone easier and faster. I guess this is a kind of conditioning as well? Meditation, music, lighting a candle… Pick your stimulus and stick with it.
Specifically for rewiring my brain, I started a new WIP that had no emotional connotations attached to it, nor any pressure to get finished or, heaven forbid, meet quality norms. I don’t think these techniques above would have worked as well if I had applied them on writing my novel.
It wasn’t until I could confidently say I enjoyed writing again, that I could start building up a consistent habit. No more pushing myself.
I lowered my definition for success
When I say that nowadays I write every day, that’s literally it. I don’t set out to write 1,000 or 500 or 10 words every day (tried it, failed to keep up with it every time)—the only marker for success when it comes to my streak is to write at least one word, even on the days when my brain goes “naaahhh”. On those days, it suffices to send myself a text with a few keywords or a snippet. It’s not “success on a technicality (derogatory)”, because most of those snippets and ideas get used in actual stories later. And if they don’t, they don’t. It’s still writing. No writing is ever wasted.
A side note on high expectations, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism
Obviously, “Setting a ridiculously low goal” isn’t something I invented. I actually got it from those productivity books, only I never got it to work. I used to tell myself: “It’s okay if I don’t write for an hour, because my goal is to write for 20 minutes and if I happen to keep going for, say, an hour, that’s a bonus.” Right? So I set the goal for 20 minutes, wrote for 35 minutes, and instead of feeling like I exceeded my goal, I felt disappointed because apparently I was still hoping for the bonus scenario to happen. I didn’t know how to set a goal so low and believe it.
I think the trick to making it work this time lies more in the groundwork of training my brain to enjoy writing again than in the fact that my daily goal is ridiculously low. I believe I’m a writer, because I prove it to myself every day. Every success I hit reinforces the idea that I’m a writer. It’s an extra ward against imposter syndrome.
Knowing that I can still come up with a few lines of dialogue on the Really Bad Days—days when I struggle to brush my teeth, the day when I had a panic attack in the supermarket, or the day my kid got hit by a car—teaches me that I can write on the mere Bad-ish Days.
The more I do it, the more I do it
The irony is that setting a ridiculously low goal almost immediately led to writing more and more often. The most difficult step is to start a new habit. After just a few weeks, I noticed that I needed less time and energy to get into the zone. I no longer needed all the strategies I listed above.
Another perk I noticed, was an increased writing speed. After just a few months of writing every day, my average speed went from 600 words per hour to 1,500 wph, regularly exceeding 2,000 wph without any loss of quality.
Talking about quality: I could see myself becoming a better writer with every passing month. Writing better dialogue, interiority, chemistry, humour, descriptions, whatever: they all improved noticeably, and I wasn’t a bad writer to begin with.
The increased speed means I get more done with the same amount of energy spent. I used to write around 2,000-5,000 words per month, some months none at all. Nowadays I effortlessly write 30,000 words per month. I didn’t set out to write more, it’s just a nice perk.
Look, I’m not saying you should write every day if it doesn’t work for you. My point is: the more often you write, the easier it will be.
No pressure
Yes, I’m still working on my novel, but I’m not racing through it. I produce two or three chapters per month, and the rest of my time goes to short stories my brain keeps projecting on the inside of my eyelids when I’m trying to sleep. I might as well write them down, right?
These short stories started out as self-indulgence, and even now that I take them more seriously, they are still just for me. I don’t intend to ever publish them, no-one will ever read them, they can suck if they suck. The unintended consequence was that my short stories are some of my best writing, because there’s no pressure, it’s pure fun.
Does it make sense to spend, say, 90% of my output on stories no-one else will ever read? Wouldn’t it be better to spend all that creative energy and time on my novel? Well, yes. If you find the magic trick, let me know, because I haven’t found it yet. The short stories don’t cannibalize on the novel, because they require different mindsets. If I stopped writing the short stories, I wouldn’t produce more chapters. (I tried. Maybe in the future? Fingers crossed.)
Don’t wait for inspiration to hit
There’s a quote by Picasso: “Inspiration hits, but it has to find you working.” I strongly agree. Writing is not some mystical, muse-y gift, it’s a skill and inspiration does exist, but usually it’s brought on by doing the work. So just get started and inspiration will come to you.
Accountability and community
Having social factors in your toolbox is invaluable. I have an offline writing friend I take long walks with, I host a monthly writing club on Discord, and I have another group on Discord that holds me accountable every day. They all motivate me in different ways and it’s such a nice thing to share my successes with people who truly understand how hard it can be.
The productivity books taught me that if you want to make a big change in your life or attitude, surrounding yourself with people who already embody your ideal or your goal huuuugely helps. The fact that I have these productive people around me who also prioritize writing, makes it easier for me to stick to my own priorities.
Your toolbox
The idea is to have several techniques at your disposal to help you stay consistent. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket by focussing on just one technique. Keep all of them close, and if one stops working or doesn’t inspire you today, pivot and pick another one.
After a while, most “tools” run in the background once they are established. Things like surrounding myself with my writing friends, keeping up with my daily streak, and listening to the album I conditioned myself with don’t require any energy, and they still remain hugely beneficial.
Do you have any other techniques? I’d love to hear about them!
I hope this was useful. Happy writing!
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So many lonely people on Kaiju No. 8 had found companionship with Kafka.
He's the personification of support. A senpai, a role model, a hero, a friend, a cadet, a reliable worker, even a crush. He's someone you can trust and someone that wants to be there for you. Even the comedy relief guy or the saviour of the day!!
In the latest manga chapters he was a plushie for a little girl.
There's Reno who lost his entire family. Kafka took the role of the senpai with him: guide and teach the guy, talk with him, show him how to survive and inspire him. Reno met a genuinely good guy that was openly offering his help and friendship, so he went back to thank him and do the same. Hey, your dream is not over, Reno said. What did he get in return? Kafka sacrificing his life for him, telling him to run, giving up the most important thing in his life for Reno.
There's Mina, who is terrified of being alone. She found a personal clown in Kafka, yes, but he was also the boy who helped her keep her hope and made things easier. He would always go with her to the shelter during a kaiju attack, even if he was in another school. He told her she didn't have to kill kaijus all alone. He promised to be by her side. Mina was thrown into a world of giant burdens and expectations, where her failures could mean death and destruction. Kafka saw her not as the weapon she was, but as Mina.
Hoshina was constantly disrespected, overlooked and ignored. He gave Kafka a chance because he reminded Hoshina of himself. For his troubles, Hoshina got a guy that would work hard to reach his expectations, that would rival him, that would call him first thing and spend all that time worried and would apologize before turning into a kaiju to save their lives. Kafka became a friend of sorts to Hoshina through hard work and respect.
Kikoru was used to all types of reactions from the people around her, but not to the level of worry and pride and trust Kafka gave her. It was not for show, he was completely open and sincere in his feelings. Kikoru you're an asshole, Kikoru you're amazing, Kikoru pleaseeee take care of yourself, Kikoru I won't disappoint you, Kikoru you have my permission and gratitude if you kill me if I ever lose control, Kikoru I trust you to finish this battle.
The first thing Kafka did during the second part of the recruitment was support Aoi and Haruichi during their subjugation of a kaiju.
He saved Minase's life by partially turning and risking his life for it. He saved Iharu and Reno that day against No. 9.
Narumi told Kafka that only they knew the weight of the burden they carried for being there the day Isao Shinomiya was killed. Freaking Narumi, who wouldn't share that burden with anyone else.
Like it was noted by his boss while he was still part of the Cleaning Corps, Kafka would do his job after complaining, but he'd do it perfectly and do it again if asked to.
He's reliable. I know I said it before, but he is.
In a world where anyone can die any minute, in the Kaiju Country, Kafka is a presence you don't want to vanish. It's what Mina says: everything is easier with him around, anything is possible.
When in the first chapters Kafka tells the little girl to not be afraid because he'll go and everything will be okay— the girl thanks him. In the anime, the little girl even asks Mina to please not hurt the good kaiju. Once people have met him, they don't want him to go. They'd do anything for him not to go, not to die. When Kikoru saw him losing control and remembered her promise, she decided that she'd rather believe in him 'til the end. When Isao was about to disappear, he thought about Kafka and said he'd leave things up to him too.
Isn't that what it means to be a hero? To be able to say "leave it up to me" but also trust others to help you when you need it? Inspire people to support you because you supported them first?
The only thing scarier than the kaijus is to be left alone in the world— and Kafka fights that.
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see more and more “entire life told/thought i high function but actually am just very high support need” (autism context) and get more and more annoy at that
everytime see everytime click into page and everytime realize by “very high support” (yes see multiple include the “very”) they mean comorbid anxiety depression cptsd trouble make friends because people think “weird” bullied lose speech need remind shower need remind things (but able do and if no remind after a while will do) trouble school trouble job etc am forget.
and all that hard struggle yes no deny. deserve all the help and am not say it easy.
but it not “very high support need.” not even “high support need.” have higher need than what nondisabled neurotypical society expect you to is not “high support need.” yes, know many people do this because want validate self and past and trauma. but. not need be high support to be valid or to receive support. not need be high support for past trauma & past neglect & past not get support to be valid.
and. it water down definition of “high support need.” kick actual high support need out. us who extra vulnerable because need physical help most or all bADLs. need constant 24/7 supervision to be alive to not accidental harm self or die. need medical services for stuff people (include these people) take for granted, like just be able communicate, walk (yes many high support need autistic people struggle with that even without specific physical disability dx), feeding, etc. no awareness of self or other people or surroundings or danger. need 24/7 behavioral support. experience explosive emotions that even terrify self self no understand and cannot control behavior so destructive. many very high support, if not get support they literally die. not exaggerate. that how high of support they need.
(and even debate about whether should write this list. because. unless you high support yourself or experience these same amount yourself or close to someone who is or give care for them, very high chance you not get degree of symptom am talk about. plenty autistic struggle emotional regulation, for example. some struggle with severe intense lose control explosive behavior, include some level 1s. but unless you experience it self or read lot lot lot lot about & by people who do, found that average person include average autism community person not know what am mean by explosive emotion.)
it not “gatekeeping” or “call fake.” it me get frustrate at people misuse medical term that used describe extremely vulnerable population, who rely on other people to keep basic alive, many us have trouble or have limited language communication or have none at all, we need keep medical term describe us because many us cannot explain cannot list you our support need, either because long or private or make us feel awful or literal no communication/intellectual ability.
by validate self you harming us. “well it just one person identify themself not affect you [eye roll].” no, not just one person. but even if just one person, people around them see, and think, oh, that high support need, that very high support need, am educated. and that spread. and actual high support need people like am describe are ignored people don’t think they exist.
please. talk about own experience. no matter “there people more struggle than me.” am not say cannot. am not say “look at these actual struggles yours mild shut up.” it autism spectrum, there spectrum of experience. there more than “no support need” vs “high support need.” there things in middle. even low support need—that just mean low compare to other autistics. not “your support need your trauma not important.”
but please. remember us. leave our terms alone.
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xoxoemynn · 9 months
For OFMD Tumblr friends who want a S3 and are scared of Twitter
First, no judgment from me. I very much get it. I resisted Twitter for a long time, and even though I'm now a bit more comfortable on it, it's still not my Fandom Home. There are a TON of valid reasons not to be on Twitter, but if you REALLY want to keep OFMD visible right now and help its chances of returning for a third season, Twitter is the best place to do it. Like it or not, Twitter is still the best social media platform for raising awareness and for instant news updates.
Tumblr posts don't make headlines. Topics that have been trending on Twitter do. And if we want this show to come back, we need to make OFMD impossible to ignore.
By now you've probably seen just how close we came to a S3, and if you're like me, you are RAGING and donning your battle jacket. But I get it can be intimidating to get on Twitter for the first time, so I thought I'd address some common anxieties I see. I'll put below a cut because this got a bit long, but I promise it's a quick read.
I don't know what to say! Where do I even start? That's okay! You don't have to create your own tweets (although it's great if you do). Amplifying other people's posts is also important. Go ahead and like/retweet/reply to other people's posts. This may also help you get an idea of what you may like to say in your own tweets.
Hashtags...yes? Yes! Although don't use too many or you may get flagged as a bot. The biggest one that seems to be emerging is #SaveOFMD. Other popular ones are #RenewAsACrew, #RenewOurFlagMeansDeath, and of course, #OFMD and #OurFlagMeansDeath.
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Should I just be tagging all the streaming services? Per @renewasacrew, no. It's counterproductive. You'll want to tag one streamer at a time and be specific. Below is an example of a tweet I made the other day -- use specific reasons why that that particular streamer may benefit from picking up OFMD.
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I'm scared. People are mean. Yeah, people are mean. But I will say the vibes over at OFMD Twitter are currently the best I've ever seen them. People seem to have united for the greater good and are being overwhelmingly positive and just trying to do whatever we can to save the show. (That said, again, I already had a pretty curated feed, and was very liberal with blocking users/terms I didn't want to see, but I've been able to spend so much more time in the For You tab than I ever have without being jump scared by something.)
But I don't know anyone there! Wouldn't I just be shouting into the void? Not if you use the hashtags! Fans are being really good about following those and engaging with the tweets. Plus, [Stede voice], I'm your friend. I'm xoxoemynn over there as well, I'll follow you back and engage with any of your posts that I see. Plus, what's been REALLY lovely to see is that SO many lurkers have come out of lurkerdom to support the efforts, and they are being welcomed with open arms, so you will not be alone. Again, I am telling you, vibes? Best I've ever seen them.
I can't get sucked into another social media platform, I don't have the time. The beauty here is you don't need to spend a lot of time. I've been on Twitter more in the past week than I have in the entire year I've had an account, and I'm still only on for maybe an hour total the entire day? I open the app, I check a couple accounts, I engage with a handful of posts, and I close the app. It takes all of five minutes. It's an extremely small lift that can have a very big impact.
My bet is on Zaslav expecting us to be upset, and that there may be a day or two of outrage, but then we'd move on. I'm sure right now he's trying to convince everyone that this is a fluke, and that it'll blow over soon. Don't let him win. Keep OFMD in the news. Be loud (but polite) and make Max and other streamers take note of what a passionate, loyal fan base this show has. Make their stocks continue to drop. Make it clear this is NOT just a fluke, it is NOT business as usual. It's a BIG fuck up with lasting consequences.
Twitter, for all its sins, is the best place to do this.
Now let's get our damned show back.
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final-script · 3 months
Childhood Lovers | CS55
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Pairing: Carlos Sainz Jr. x Reader
Sumary: Where you and Carlos have been in each other's lives for as long as you can remember.
Warnings: English is not my first language !!!There are probably many mistakes (I will correct them later).
Gif: 455s
For as long as they could remember, they had been in each other's lives.
With their families being great friends, it was very predictable that both would become friends.
Maybe there were times when their time together was minimal, but still made the most of.
Supporting each other at all times.
At some point, unbeknownst to the other, they both began to have feelings for each other.
Due to the fear of losing their friendship it took a long time until the feelings were revealed.
Until Charles' time to finally go to confession arrived.
It was at the New Year's Eve party at her house.
As much as he wanted to hide his nerves, it was impossible, because you had noticed.
Y/N- are you okay?, I notice you are a little nervous.
In his mind Carlos thought... This is the time.
He may have been risking losing your friendship, but he could no longer keep his feelings to himself.
Before speaking, I take a deep breath, take your hand, take you away from the music and those present.
A distance that did not go unnoticed by anyone.
C- Would you be my girlfriend?    Internally begging you to say yes.   - I've been loving you for years and I couldn't keep it to myself anymore.
Let's just say that your shock lasted longer than expected, so much so that Carlos was about to retract it.
C- it's okay if you don't...  I didn't respond, I just grabbed him by the neck and kissed him.
It was all said, the person I've also been in love with for years, just confirmed to me that my feelings are reciprocated.
Y/N- I guess I was wrong all along, thinking that you were never going to see me any other way.
C- I guess I was just being a bit cowardly, plus I couldn't find the time to say it either.
Y/N- but fortunately you already did it and you know that we are reciprocated.
C- You don't know how glad I'm that it's like that, I don't know how I would have acted and everything was spoiled. 
Y/N – we don't have to think about that anymore, now let's just focus on ourselves.   We both shared a kiss again.
Immediately An outburst of applause occurred around us.
C- I think we just put on a show.
Y/N- although they don't say it out loud, I think everyone expected this to happen.
Nothing better than ending one year and starting another one with one of the most important people in your life.
Special Weekend - Franco Colapinto x Reader
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ybklix · 4 months
𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐧
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★ pairing: ceo!leeminho x fem!reader part four
part one / part two / part three
✦summary: Minho gives you a place in an agency you've always dreamed of, which will boost your professional and artistic career, but he can't bear to be away from you when your schedule changes drastically, which drives him crazy as he sees you provoking him with your slightly obnoxious partner from your new internship, and your persistent best friend.
✭ content - tags - warnings: smut / fluff / established relationship / fingering / oral sex / creampie / choking
word count: 14.4k
a/n: idk why so many w.c. i’m sorry, i literally had a writer’s block lol and procrastinated all week
It was not part of your plans to have a boyfriend, or to fall in love, much less with a mature man in his thirties. Reality hit you when you were having a nice date night on the beach, when Minho had to leave for an important call. You looked around, you hadn't realized the drastic change in your life, when if just two weeks ago you were crying in your room full of shame for even considering asking your parents for money and… suddenly you had it all. You bit your lower lip and looked at Minho from a distance, age was the least important thing about him, he was wonderful, he gave you fantastic sex and spoiled you every five minutes; in the moments so quiet for both of you when he is on his phone he suddenly speaks and tells you he saw a very nice dress and bought it for you, just like that, he would blurt it out as something so normal and never failed to surprise you when a small gift from him to you, turns out to be something incredibly expensive.
You examined him, his broad back and the attractive way he was running his hand behind his head, you thought it was a serious call because of his tense position, still you kept thinking how cute he looked.
Minho came over and sat back down, whispering a small “I'm sorry.” You asked him if everything was okay to which he nodded with a tender little smile. After minutes he stopped eating and gave you a long look.
“You have to enjoy your last few days working with me, I'm going to miss you being around” he said, his comment puzzled you too much that he could read it on your face immediately to which he continued, “Because starting Monday you'll be training at that acting agency.”
You opened your eyes a little stupefied, Minho had told you that he would support you in your professional career and that he would do everything possible to see you succeed to which you silenced him by whispering a yes and kissing him slowly, since you had thanked him and started to say that it wasn't necessary to which he immediately interrupted you arguing that he would do it anyways, but he hadn't given you in detail his plan.
“What, you hadn't told me…?”
“Really?” he spoke in a high pitched tone paying it no mind as he looked at the food, “I thought I told you that night.”
You shook your head softly. The news shocked you, yet you relaxed your expression, remembering that in such a short time Minho had given you so much and yes… in a way your relationship was a sugar daddy dynamic, but he made it clear to you that you should never feel ashamed to receive money from him because his intentions were merely focused on you and things that were going to benefit you, he didn't expect to receive anything bigger in return than a simple thank you or a kiss every time he came with something new for you, but it's clear that… you love intimacy with him so much that thanking him in that way wasn't bad for both of you.
“It's at the agency of…” you spoke more animatedly, lost in his bright eyes unable to finish the sentence, but he nodded softly.
“You know it is, the best in the country where all those successful and talented actors come out of nowhere” he replied.
You denied gently not being able to understand him, “But it's very hard to get in and…” you wanted to keep talking, but you realized that arguing wouldn't do any good, it was already done for Minho, “Thank you” you told him with a tender smile, he saw you the same way.
“It's nothing” he added proudly.
“Now I feel bad because I didn't know what to get you so I just brought you a cake” you said softly as you waved your hand animatedly towards the waitress who was sitting retired from you in case you were offered something else, you gestured to her indicating to bring the cake and candles for Minho.
He laughed softly and his eyes lit up as he saw the cake in front of him.
“You shouldn't have…”
“It's not a birthday without cake and candles,” you interrupted him.
His smile widened and he leaned in a little to tell you, “Come here, I want you to blow out the candles with me” you saw him pat his thigh.
You blushed a little and agreed to sit on his lap, turning your back to him, you were both on the terrace of his beach house, with a view of the sea so the wind moved your hair slightly, causing Minho to gently push it aside so as not to obstruct his view.
“I'll stay here but you have to be the one to blow out the candles” you added, as you lit the candles, hoping the wind wouldn't blow them out.
Minho gently caressed your back uncovered by your blouse and then let his hands fall on your bare thighs, thinking that he needed no other wish but to be with you, somewhat corny for him, but he couldn't ask for anything better than to hold you in his arms and kiss your lips… he thought humorously that maybe deep down, he wished he was less jealous when it comes to you, his hairs bristling and his blood feeling heavy every time he thought of you and the idea of another man around. Minho was engrossed in how tender you looked with your eyes shining at the sight of the cake and keeping the unquenched candles intact, which he awkwardly let out a light puff blowing them out and not taking his eyes off you. You felt his triggered gaze on you and found him with a relaxed and tender expression, it was hard for you to accept that a few weeks ago you were a stranger and he looked at you in a particular way with contempt and now it was the opposite, when you were not lost in desire and lust, he looked at you so softly and delicately.
You averted your gaze nervously and turned your body again, for a second, terrified of liking him more if that was even possible.
“Mmm, I also brought you something else, it's very small it's just that I seriously didn't know what to give you” you commented to him in a sharp tone.
And it wasn't a lie, you had no idea what to give to a man who had everything materially speaking and if he didn't have it he could buy it for him without a problem… besides you weren't the type of girl to write a letter and to say cheesy things to his face when you had no idea what to buy him… besides you tried to be realistic, the man was turning thirty, not eighteen.
“I told you it was okay by me this way without giving me something…”
You ignored Minho's words, leaning into your bag abruptly, brushing a little against his still-quiet bulge, still making him moan softly. And you took from there a small, elongated box, biting your lip unsure that it was such an insignificant object and didn't compare to the millions of won he spent daily on you with clothes or something else expensive. You settled your body on his lap, laying it sideways in front of him, your back now turned to the beautiful beach scenery. You handed it with uncertainty to Minho, who took it with joy, not caring what it was about, it was a small detail coming from you and that was enough for him, since Minho recognized that he was totally the provider of the relationship and he could not agree more with that; it was enough for him to see you happy, without worries, arranged for him wearing diamonds and luxurious clothes, raising glances and sighs from other rich women of his social circle who did not know of your existence.
Minho wrapped his arms around your body and opened it in front of you and, before he could even analyze what was inside, you hurried to say:
“It's small and silly I know, but you can use it… when you're in important meetings, plus it has your initials on it, it's totally yours.”
Minho let out a small chuckle at your reaction and was quick to see that it was a sleek black and gold pen with his initials LMH engraved small on the top of the object. Minho smiled broadly.
“This is what I'll sign our wedding papers with?” he commented amused looking at you.
You blinked in confusion at his sudden comment, “What?” you said.
Minho let out a small laugh again now slightly nervous and averted his gaze to the small gift, closing the box and leaving it on the table to place his hands on your thighs.
“Thank you” he murmured sweetly, moving closer to your lips to trap them in a tender kiss that made your ears burn.
“I should have given you something else…” you stammered disappointedly pouting slightly.
“You can always give me something else…” he whispered slowly squeezing your thighs and bringing his right hand up to your panties.
He had been specific with you, not wearing anything under your skirt other than your underwear, he picked you out the cute outfit that matched his own, acting like a complete sweetheart. You pressed your lips together tightly feeling your body temperature rise knowing that Minho wanted to touch you.
“You haven't shown me how grateful you are to get into the agency, wasn't it your dream?” he spoke again seductively close to your ear.
You nodded and closed your legs a little in reflex as you felt his fingertips brush your folds and squeeze your clitoris, Minho's hand was lost between your legs, covering only a small part of it by your tiny skirt.
“Show me how grateful you are to me…”
Minho continued to tease you, touching you through the thin fabric of your underwear, this time making you moan as your pussy was beginning to throb and grow wet at his fine touch.
“Minho, no please… she’s watching us” you tried to say as calmly as possible, a little scared as you realized you had the waitress in front of you a few meters away.
Minho let out a haughty laugh and looked vaguely in the direction of his employee.
“I don't think she's watching us.”
“Yes, Minho, s-stop” you spoke haltingly as you felt his delicious circular motions on your sensitive spot.
“Look me in the eyes and tell me to stop and I'll stop” he demanded authoritatively.
But you couldn't do that, his gentle rubbing became a little rougher moving and stimulating your labia as you felt his huge erection grow and touch your ass.
“Well to me you seem to be enjoying it” he said again even more smugly, “Then turn around princess, so you can turn your back on her if you care so much” he whispered.
You did it instantly, you were so excited and embarrassed that you couldn't see the poor waitress, so you just decided to fall into Minho's lap turning your back to the girl, looking out to sea. Now your concern would be anyone who decided to walk on the beach at night, but it was almost impossible, the nights were somewhat cold and strangely the place was perfectly empty. Minho was surprised by your sudden movement, pulling his hands away in confusion and let out a slight moan as he felt you sit on his erect cock drowning in his pants, instantly heeding him so he could continue playing with your pussy.
“Look at you, paying attention to me so I can touch your needy pussy” he growled haughtily.
You were so turned on by his touch and cocky tone, you couldn't even respond to him, other than just rolling your eyes annoyed that he was right and that you needed him now. You spread your legs a little wider giving him better access to your wet entrance to which Minho bit his lip, and stimulated your center through the fabric of your panties, Minho's breathing became ragged, he was becoming insane from not having your pussy in his mouth, he touched every inch of your folds, stretching your panties to feel the pressure on your wet pussy, making you moan, he enjoyed every moment of his fingers sliding on your labia and your sobs full of pleasure, finally he stuck two of his fingers smoothly into your tight hole making you whimper. Fuck, you needed him so badly, you were so aroused that staying still on his lap was not enough, you would want to take his fingers yourself, as you sensed the slow play in which Minho was touching you. Minho couldn't stand the thought of his cock suffocating in his pants but it made him hornier to watch your body squirm trying to regain your posture, he continued to finger you, paying attention to your clitoris with his thumb, completely prioritizing your pleasure as he energetically watched with his eyebrows slightly raised every little contraction stimulating his cock.
“Kiss me” he requested needily as he saw your parted lips emitting sounds of pleasure.
You joined your lips, in a dirty kiss feeling the inside of each other's mouths, making you more aroused, Minho licked your lips as he parted from you and looked at you completely blinded in lust, finally intensifying his skillful movements with his hand, making you startle and whimper more, fucking you deeply with his fingers so well that you ended up cumming in them. Minho grinned mischievously and abruptly pulled his digits out of you, taking them into your mouth covered in your fluid.
“Sweet cake frosting” he whispered, making you laugh as you took his hand with both of yours and sucked his fingers hard erotically looking into his eyes, making his cock throb harder as his imagination flew.
“Fuck, princess, let's go inside now” he gasped.
You skipped that day of school, however upon returning to the city your head could only think of your best friend that you hadn't had genuine contact with in long days, you were a bit sad that you decided you needed advice from another friend who may have gone through the same thing, falling in love with a rich older man after a chance encounter.
That day you returned to the city during the morning and Minho went straight to his office to work, barely paying attention to you; everyone at work speculated that you had something going on with Minho, you being always the last one to leave —since you waited for Minho and uselessly hoped no one would see you enter his office so often— and you always coincidentally came in together, but you didn't care, you were going to stop coming in on Monday and you had concluded your work by seeing Minho's work schedule and confirming that he was very busy… so you were bored in your chair, your very senior colleagues clearly judged you and did not approach to talk to you so much, so, not knowing what to do, you decided to try to talk to Felix in order to rescue your friendship a little bit; at the same time you texted Hari so you could see each other to talk as soon as possible.
Felix didn't respond to you all day, hurting you a bit as it was obvious he was ignoring you since he kept updating his social media. And Hari seemed to like talking on the phone today, to which you told her you wanted to see her in person so she agreed to do so the next day.
That afternoon when everyone left, you headed to Minho's office, ready to go in, but you stopped your hand on the doorknob when you heard him yelling in what you assumed was a phone call, you didn't want to interrupt and stood unsure at the door whether to go in or not…. to which you were determined to do so once you stopped hearing his voice indicating that he had hung up the call, but Minho stepped forward opening the door with force and coming out of his office with his suit jacket in his hand and advanced quickly in search of you, to which you hurried to follow him, catching his attention by the noise of your heels, smiling and relaxing his countenance at the mere sight of you.
“There you are” he said happily.
You took his hands and noticed his tired and tense face even though he was smiling.
“Shall we go?” you whispered to him tilting your head to which he nodded.
Once inside the car in the back of it, Minho squeezed your hand and turned to look at you to say as he let out a sigh, “Don't you want to stay at my place?”
“Only because you look tired and stressed, you need to rest” you replied raising the corners of your lips in a small smile.
“If you'll stay because I'm tired, then I'm tired every day, will you come take care of me?”
Your smile got bigger and you moved closer to him to caress his chest, his cute big round eyes suddenly looked droopy so you couldn't stand to see him like that.
“You really look stressed” you reiterated now worried.
“Yeah, I'm sorry it's just…” he grimaced, “it's the last few months and I'm working hard to close the year well with the company and start a new one…” you nodded listening to him carefully and thinking he had nothing to apologize for, “But luckily I have the best stress remover…” he murmured tilting his head and giving you kisses on your neck while his free hand pressed your thigh, “Do you want to fuck tonight?” he asked now in a low voice close to your ear, bristling your skin.
His voice and touch made you weak in seconds but… you thought it would be a very good way to help your boyfriend, but there were little things like that you had thought about all night and… you also wanted a quiet and sweet relationship where it's not necessary to fuck every day, even though you would do it with Minho every day at any time if you wanted to, still, you didn't want to look like or become addicted.
You shook your head softly.
“Let's go get you to sleep” you added firmly, looking him in the eyes and holding back all your dirty thoughts and the huge desire you will always have for Minho.
“Okay” he sighed slightly exasperated, “But let's go to dinner first, are you hungry?” he mentioned in a more relaxed and sharp tone, giving you a quick kiss on the lips.
Minho didn't wait for your answer and let the driver know the change of direction for both of you to go to dinner. You finally had dinner, walked around a bit and arrived at Minho's house, who upon stepping into his foyer, threw his coat and removed his tie in despair, whimpering exhausted and also threw the fabric of it away. You watched the scene, finding it incredibly attractive and were surprised by his grip on your waist.
“You want to shower in the master bathroom and I'll do it in the other one?” Minho spoke.
He had understood perfectly that you didn't want to have sex so he saved himself from seducing you and offering to take a shower together, besides he did feel tired, in any case that you change your mind, for him it would be wonderful if you took control this time and you were the one who fuck him, jumping on his cock.
But you thought for a few seconds, admiring the closeness of his face to yours, you hadn't kissed properly since the morning before you got out of the car and pretended to get to work first, you and then him, at different times. And you spent a while ago having dinner and talking all the time, without him even taking the time to get dangerously and romantically close to your face, Minho wanted to know absolutely everything about his girlfriend, so he had fun asking question after question until he sweetly knew the silliest detail, as was the age when you taught yourself to ride a bike, or more important things, like your career choice, your parents's opinion, your story and more deep conversation.
“Mmm, it's not okay for me, I can use the other bathroom” you replied.
“No, no” he regretted, “Do it in the main one in my room, don't worry, there's everything for you in my closet” he sentenced, giving you a little kiss on your forehead, he pulled away and hurried to shed his clothes in search of a quick relief.
You swayed on your own place, feeling a little strange to see his silhouette disappearing far away to another room you didn't know at all, so far you knew his house very well but you were still missing certain little places. You hurried to take a bath, totally unconcerned that Minho would see you in your pajamas and without makeup, in such a short time you had already built that trust, it was inevitable, you were spending more and more time together but, sadly everything was going to change in a few days since Minho gave you details that it would be after your university schedule and you recognized that there was no specific departure time because sometimes it was normal to stay late to practice…. still as you were new, the best case scenario is that your schedule would end at the same time Minho was supposed to leave his office…. but, on busy days like these for Minho, you could at least see him while you were being driven to the company, while he was walking outside his office or when you had to compulsorily accompany him to his meetings, but for now no more Minho which frustrated you, you just started to be his girlfriend and your time was starting to be delimited, you couldn't help it, you wanted to be cloying and be with him all the time, it felt so good to be by his side.
It made you tender to realize that Minho had taken it very seriously to make you feel at home, he had clothes for you, space in his big closet exclusively for you and little things like shampoo, lotion, brush for your hair, dryer, you couldn't process at what point it occurred to him to compulsively buy everything, just from one day to the next everything was there, like your sudden feelings for each other. You stood watching the outside through his incredibly long bedroom window, giving you the view of the large yard and area surrounded by tall trees, you sighed at the thought that your boyfriend was very different from you but still you were both in that sweet initiation stage where everything seems optimistic.
You felt the sound of the door and turned around the second, finding Minho in his comfy cotton pajamas wearing only his pants, his chest and abdomen bare as he shook his hair with one hand.
“I can finally go to bed” he sighed as he looked at you.
You honestly weren't sleepy yet, but there was nothing better than trying to fall asleep cuddled up to him. You approached Minho, who sat on his bed ready to lay down, but didn't do so until you sat the bed as well, he pulled the big sheets aside to cover himself and you, who happily looked for a place close to his body where you would feel comfortable once you lay down. Minho loudly indicated to turn off the lights to his speaker, surprising you a bit since on tired days when you don't want to get up to turn off the light, something like that was a great help and, as if he had read your mind he said to you:
"Do you feel good in your apartment? Don't you want to move?"
The question caught you by surprise, wishing you could look him straight in the eyes but you were so comfortable curled up on his bare chest feeling his soft breathing and your skin touching with your cheek.
“I'm fine, it's a place I know too well to move” you replied.
Minho started playing with your hair, stroking it.
“Well at least let me do something for you… how about tomorrow we go shopping so you have new clothes to wear to the agency?”
“I'm good” you smiled at him.
You didn't know if truly a way for him to show affection was the gifts or if he just gave them to you because of the way he met you and directly related your relationship based on that. You were still very grateful, but sometimes you felt so guilty even though Minho was absurdly rich, he ran a snack company all over the country and 10 other countries.
"I want you to look radiant and... I hear myself that the other young people there are a bit… you know” you heard him say.
You knew exactly what he meant, they were a bunch of spoiled rich adults who were taught a little discipline going in there, all you knew was that they were sorted by age and being a major company opened up so many casting opportunities for you. You were so nervous that you could only agree with Minho.
"Okay… but you're really busy on Thursday, I think Friday you're more available."
“Now you know my whole schedule?” he added in a sharp, mocking tone.
“Sure I do, I plan it” you replied, letting your hand rest on his chest.
He laughed lightly, letting his body relax completely and closing his eyes slowly, he was so calm with you that, before he fell into a deep sleep quickly, Minho whispered:
“Good night, y/n.”
The next morning was not the same, you missed a little bit your old routine of arriving with Felix, going to breakfast together and talking about anything around. You felt like you gained something but at the same time you lost something important, you finally felt loved romantically and you could give that love to him too… but you felt it wasn't fair to lose the affection Felix had for you. You knew you made a mistake by telling him you liked him too, you were so frustrated that you thought that's exactly why you never liked getting too involved.
Felix answered your message late, you didn't want to insist anymore so you looked for him where you knew exactly where his class was, an act he would do, go find you. There were still a few minutes to go and there was still no one inside so you waited nervously at the entrance outside the auditorium until you saw his long blond hair pass through the hallway, he saw you and his countenance became more serious, you smiled at him, happy to see him while waving your hand, but your smile faded when you saw his expression. And he walked up to you, looking as handsome and smelling as good as ever.
“Hi” you said shyly trying to catch his eye.
Felix was looking down at the floor and seemed a bit annoyed.
“Hi” he replied curtly.
He finally looked into your eyes, you felt a relief to see them. You hadn't seen his big eyes in days, a new record for you guys, because even when he went on vacation, you did video calls all the time. That's when you realized that… maybe you had screwed up too much, you should never have treated him like a boyfriend, now the poor guy was paying the consequences. It was always all about him and suddenly he felt displaced. After you always told him you weren't ready for a relationship, suddenly you had one with a rich older man, which was hard for him to believe. Felix was really questioning… could a relationship work between a twenty-one year old, still a student, and a man whose life is planned out… he wanted to think that maybe things wouldn't work out so well, and he hated himself to think that he knew he would be there for you anyway if that doesn't manage to work out and disappoints you, he would just be there.
“How are you?” you spoke again not knowing what to say properly.
“Fine” he said again curtly.
You couldn't hold it in any longer and in a short sigh blurted out, “Felix, can we talk?”
Now you would be the one to talk, or something like that.
“I have a class.”
“Can we do it later?” you asked him almost pleadingly.
He watched you for a few long seconds, admiring every part of you that he might never be able to touch again; he nodded.
Then you walked to the other side of the campus to take your class, but you were so distracted, when you finished, you almost ran once more across to the other end to see Felix, but the place was completely empty, disappointing you, you were catching your breath and ready to leave, until you looked at him at the end of the hallway, with a smirk; he thought with satisfaction that the least you could do for him was to run to find him.
“Want some water?” he spoke more relaxed, back to being his usual Felix self.
You shook your head and quickly regained your posture.
“Where do you want to talk?” you asked him.
Minutes later, you both walked to a coffee shop, where once sitting across from each other you looked at him and realized you hadn't really planned what to say… you just wanted everything to be like before, not treating him like a boyfriend or kissing him, but you wanted to talk to him again about some terrible movies, go for lunch, have your movie nights… you felt like you were about to end a non-existent love relationship in a coffee shop. But what a cliché, you thought.
“Felix… just… I want you back.”
“You broke up with Minho?” replied Felix trying to hide his mild enthusiasm as he gazed nonchalantly into his coffee.
You knew coffee made Felix anxious; but you didn't suppress him this time like you always usually do. Felix thought this encounter was frantic enough, so adding it more with the feeling the coffee gave him, could make him immune, to a broken heart.
“No” you whispered.
Felix pursed his full lips in disappointment and continued to watch his hands intertwined in the hot cup.
“I want us to stay friends and” you rolled your eyes, just like Minho, you hated to apologize when you knew it was sincere and you had to admit your mistake, after all you were both born under the same zodiac sign, “sorry, really. I know I said something important to you when we were, you know, in a vulnerable moment."
Your gaze was submissive, begging for forgiveness. Felix smiled sideways in disbelief.
“Important to me? You mean it was nothing to you” he finely raised his gaze to you, seeing his dark eyes from a look of him you didn't know, such was hatred, “You know… you never answered my question, you just said crap like you couldn't leave him, like you were tied to him” he mumbled.
You frowned, stammering confused as to what he meant.
“That if you love him” Felix spoke again.
You took a sigh. That was the question he was referring to, and your answer was simple and honest, even if it hurt him to hear it.
Felix pressed his lips together again and lowered his gaze again to his drink… he could hear and notice the sincerity with which you said it, that he had nothing more to say. It was silent for at least 2 long and tedious minutes, but you also didn't want to say anything and ruin it any more than it was. Felix pondered too much, he couldn't admit it and thought he could never do it, but he loved you the same way you loved Minho and you couldn't reciprocate to him, his mind was a continuous internal battle, still, he sighed, looked up and managed to say:
"Y/n… I need to think well, don't expect me to be well from one day to the next. But, I seriously don't want to be away from you."
You smiled gently at him and nodded, you were relieved that he looked a little calmer.
“You told him you loved Minho” Hari emphasized what you just told her, you nodded, “You broke the poor boy's heart.”
“Don't say that” you replied.
“And you do love him?” she spoke more seriously to which you looked her straight in the eyes and nodded again, “Wow, I didn't expect that from you between him and you.”
“That's why I'm here, isn't it the same for you with Chan?”
Hari was silent for a moment to which you panicked that you might have said something wrong.
“Chan and I… it's complicated, I guess I'm a realistic, do you really see me married to a man like Chan, or him to someone like me?”
You noticed the concern on your best friend's face. The afternoon had been busy for Minho just as you predicted and in the evening you told him you would be spending the night at your house as Hari was coming to visit, saying goodbye and kissing for the first time all day as he dropped you off at your house.
“Hari…” you cocked your head to the side and slid down on your couch to pull you closer.
“I'm afraid it's just… I don't know, it's really absurd, we were just supposed to be simple good fucks… but they involved feelings.”
Your heart stopped for a moment, she was starting to speak for both of you and for a second you woke up from your trance, maybe she was right. Still you spoke up.
“But, if Chan really loves you, you have nothing to worry about.”
She let out a sarcastic chuckle.
"Let's be honest, Chan at any time may decide to seek stability in a woman, something I will never be able to give him. In what world do you know the wealthy CEO stays with some random girl out of his league” she looked down ruefully, looking like she finally wanted to get it off her chest. “I'm afraid that being with him would be in vain because it would hurt so much to leave him.”
She was right, instead of helping you she was bringing you back to reality… you had to talk to Minho before you fell in love more, maybe leaving him wouldn't hurt so much. You loved Minho but you weren't sure if he loved you… and everything you had… it was because of him, making you feel bad.
“You have to clear that up with him, you have to know if things are serious so you don't hurt yourself” you told her, “Don't you feel he loves you?” you asked her, curious for an answer since you were completely unaware of being in love.
“He is… very good to me but…” she sighed and let herself fall back against the back of the couch, “maybe my fantasy will end soon and he will have to marry a wealthy and pretty woman with an important last name, his time is running out, his family is putting more and more pressure on him.”
“Oh, Hari, don't say that… what does he say?”
She let out a laugh again, now more animated.
“That we should move to Japan and forget about the people.”
Friday afternoon, you needed to de-stress, you hated being in love because it was just a constant worry all night and all day you were thinking Minho, Minho, Minho, and not in a sweet way, but in the ideology that your friend had, you were still not even sure if you wanted to marry him but, being with him would be a waste of time if things weren't serious. You were afraid that maybe it would last for years and suddenly… he would have to make his life, procreate a first born to inherit everything and that's when you leave his life after your years dedicated to him… or his years dedicated to you? because he gave you everything
You were so pensive that you didn't even enjoy his sweet lips when he picked you up from your house and greeted you.
Suddenly Minho's secretary brought you out of your thoughts by calling your name.
“Mr. Lee is waiting for you in his office.”
You blushed and nodded in sign of understanding, getting up from your chair and walking towards Minho's office, you could feel the heavy stares of your co-workers watching your every step, they weren't starting to like you at all and even less when their highly attractive boss was showing some extra interest in you.
You entered his office, finding Minho sitting in his elongated couch, relaxed with his legs ajar and the cell phone in his hand, once he saw you, he left the device on the table in front of him and smiled at you, indicating you to come closer with his fingers. You held back a smile, pressing your lips together once you were close to him; he took your hand and guided you to sit on his lap.
“Today is the last day you can be a bad girl and have office sex with your boss” he whispered naughtily in your ear, bristling your skin all over.
“Why did you have to tell your secretary to come see you?” you asked him, playing a little.
“Because I wanted everyone to know that I spoke only to you out of the blue to my office” he replied proudly, starting to kiss your neck with his tight grip on your waist.
“Come on princess, you have to give it your all on your last day, what will you do?”
You looked into his eyes… his gaze was a combination of sweetness and desire, his tender round but sharp eyes full of desire, then you looked at his lips, his perfect thin heart shaped lips… you hadn't had sex with Minho in days and suddenly you realized you desperately needed it.
“I'm going to ride your cock” you said excitedly between your teeth.
You kissed Minho, as you began to rub yourself over his growing bulge, making him moan in between the hot wet kisses you were giving him, Minho groping you, totally willing you to take control and jump on his cock over and over again. You quickly understood that this time he was letting you take control so you lowered your kisses to his neck, increasing his heart rate and making him so hard with your closeness. You unbuttoned his shirt, you were so wet and your pussy was throbbing hard, you wanted to feel his skin as you fucked him so you ran your hand delicately across his bare abdomen biting your lip, moving your hand down to his prominent erection in his pants, Minho moaned at your touch, completely yielding, you wanted to make him feel so good, so you kissed him again to turn on more on each other as you kept squeezing and rubbing his bulge and, once you had to separate to catch your breath, you got down on your knees between his legs, desperately unbuckling his belt and with a little of his help to lift his hips he pull down his pants, exposing his prominent penis sheltered in his underwear, your breath shortened, you were out of breath and your heart was beating twice as fast, Minho was watching you expectantly from above and you raised your gaze to make eye contact as you directed your lips to his erection, tracing soft kisses on it gently, making him gasp and stir in his own place, you continued to tease him, massaging his rigid cock through the fabric until you saw how little droplets of his precum pierced little through the fabric of his underwear, that's when you got rid of it, sighing at the sight of his swollen cock with its notorious veins and its tip so needy and red, you couldn't wait to play with your favorite toy, so with bated breath, you slid his smooth precum liquid all over his length until finally taking his whole cock and starting to play with it and your mouth.
You loved the dynamic of sucking your boyfriend's cock, feeling his entire length by your tongue, gently holding on to his balls, and starting to stimulate it all in your mouth, you sucked his tip hard, making Minho whimper and immediately held your hair so it didn't interrupt the process and he started to thrust you little by little, you were not mentally prepared for your boyfriend's big cock all the way down your throat, but you felt it slowly by Minho's light thrusts and his grunts, taking you to the limit and making you gag immediately. Minho smirked smugly at the scene of you being a complete excited mess, giving your best to please him, you kept enjoying his cock, at a delicious pace for Minho who kept panting mercilessly, not giving a shit that his office is not noise proof. You took your boyfriend's length a couple more times all the way down your throat, watering your eyes completely; but your mouth was exhausted and your muscles tense, to which Minho very thoughtfully, almost on the verge of his orgasm, moaned:
“Come here.”
You withdrew his cock from your mouth, so grotesquely that there was even a loud 'pop' sound as you did so. You sat on one of his thighs, licking your lips and trying to groom yourself.
“Show me how wet you are for me, are you princess?”
You nodded again with a mischievous grin, so glad he decided to touch you. You did your best to lift your tight skirt and spread your legs, Minho noticing your difficulty, he was decided to check for himself by caressing your pussy and squeezing a fingertip of his finger in your entrance, making your sensitive pussy cry more from your boyfriend's touch.
“Fuck, princess, take my cock, ride it now, take it all for me like a good girl, you deserve it” he gasped, almost tasting your soft insides embrace his choking cock.
Your legs trembled, you were at the peak of your sexual arousal and your boyfriend's sizzling voice encouraged you more. You removed your panties quickly to have your access only for him. And slowly you sat on his cock, letting out a cry as you felt your entrance stretch and try to fit the big intruder inside of it. You were halfway down his length and were already starting to whimper, still you continued, thrusting all the way in until you felt the pressure of his testicles in your pussy. You whimpered and held yourself around Minho’s neck and began to gently move in circles, feeling him on your belly.
“Move, baby, c'mon do it” he groaned.
You gasped in pain and pleasure and began to move up and down and back and forth, riding him animatedly, still in pain and pleasure. Minho in desperation and lust, unbuttoned your silk shirt, stripped it off your body and removed your bra as well, to leave your exposed body naked and licked your tits hotly and passionately, while the other hand massaged and squeezed your nipple if it was not being stimulated by his mouth. You gasped more, becoming aroused and feeling your liquid sliding down his member. You rested your hands on his thick strong thighs, urging you to jump, moving your hips feeling your boyfriend's masculinity throbbing in your loins, as he naughtily looked into your eyes with his big round brown eyes in such an innocent way while you two performed such a grotesque act, Minho licked your breasts delicately, gently biting your nipple, but stopped caressing you once you accelerated your movements, faster and deeper, you were about to cum on his hard cock, trembling you tried to lean on Minho's pecs and he in seconds took advantage to start penetrating you hard, lunging you to the fast movement of his hips, your ass pounding all way down to his balls, making your body jump while you started to whimper, you had given everything to fuck him subtly without his cock upsetting you, but suddenly there he was wildly fucking you, raising you to orgasm after a loud moan and spilling on him all your nice and shiny discharge of fluids. Minho continued to thrust you little by little, stirring his cock from deep inside you, still making you whimper for your sensitive insides, until he cum inside you, joining both cum.
Minho stopped moving and allowed you to catch your breath still sitting on his cock, but he, as he parted his body a little to witness the mess you both had made, he became hard inside of you again, you moaned as you felt it. Minho couldn't help himself, it felt so good to be in your tight pussy, the image of your delicate mons pubis with his cock buried in your tight hole and your labia sensitive and open at having him all the way inside.
“I'm going to fuck you now myself, kitten” purred Minho close to your lips.
You only saw him for a few seconds almost begging for mercy as Minho quickly pushed and carried your body gently and positioned you lying down on the couch, from which at least you had a cushion for support on your head. He still inside, lubricated by your each other's liquids, made you spread your tired legs, giving him the spectacular view of what was making him hard, his cock buried in your dilated orifice, and you, helpless and breathless surrendered to him with your eyes of desire, dilated pupils and swollen, glossy lips.
He held you by your waist with his left hand and with the fingers of his right hand began to caress your clitoris, from which your body shuddered and contracted a little. Minho started to move slowly while still giving attention to your sensitive spot with the gentle touch of his fingers, he was penetrating you deeply with constant and gentle movements for a long time, re-warming and preparing your walls and lubricating you more without noticing it.
Minho was 'gentle', as for you, he was fucking you deep making you lose your stability, until he pulled his body closer to you and gave you a dirty kiss, leaving you wanting more of tasting his lips and tongue in your mouth, but he pulled away from you a little still with his body on yours, watching you with a haughty smile knowing damn well what was to come, he withdrew his fingers from your clit and began to ram you at his own pace that made you whimper again, you felt the tip of his cock touch your cervix and his cock bulge in your belly.
“Fuck, kitten, you feel so fucking good taking my cock” Minho groaned.
Minho brought his forehead together with yours, gently brushing your noses as you felt his warm breath and kept ramming you hard, then he pulled his body away and held you by your waist, lifting a little off your hip, he pushed his full length back in, rubbing his cock hard and proud in you and kept pounding you, moving your torso like a ragdoll; you cried, you felt so full, your body writhing with pleasure at the feel of your boyfriend's cock in your core. And when you were so close and Minho felt your walls clench his cock, he gripped your neck tightly with his right hand, moderately choking you. Your gasps flooded the place, you stroked Minho's arm, his notorious veins bulging and without warning, you climaxed in your second orgasm, rolling your eyes and completely blurring your vision, this time making twice as much of a mess as the first time.
Minho bit his lip hard at the sight of your liquid slipping and falling little drops messing up the couch and let go of your neck.
“Fuck, it feels so good, I-I'm gonna cum too” he whimpered.
And he did. Releasing his thick white cum in a shot inside you once again, feeling the warmth of his semen in you.
He pulled out of you, feeling glorious at the scene of your sensitive pussy and your orifice expelling both liquids, Minho could continue fucking you, now in another position, just never get tired of you, but he saw you so tender, so exhausted and with your eyes watering that he decided to stop himself. He leaned over to you and gave you a sweet kiss on your forehead.
“That was wonderful, princess, you did great, let me clean you up. Do you need anything else? Water…? Another round…?” he said inches from your face.
After cleaning you up and helping you put on your clothes, when he was ready too, he sat you on his lap and held you like that for a while, feeling his breathing and relaxed while he answered important messages on his phone, at the same time caressing you tenderly. Later you came out of his office, totally disheveled, teary eyes, red cheeks, slightly disheveled hair and slightly messed up makeup, you wanted to go straight to the bathroom to touch up your makeup and go pee, but you had to go to your cubicle for your cosmetic bag so you still raised glances and superstitions in the air. It was undeniable what was going on in that office.
You had spent the sweetest weekend with Minho, that Saturday he planned to go camping with you, you had no idea, you thought it would be a small camping tent but Minho was more than prepared, he thought you looked cute wearing a plaid button down shirt of his that fit you big as you watched everything he did. You had an older brother so all these kinds of activities were done by your father with your brother, but it was nice to be with your boyfriend and with nature; and at night you were terrified to sleep there, but you had Minho next to you, sleeping huddled under the big tent. Sunday, you finally rejoined the city and you slept over at his house; having the sweetest sex, taking away the stress of having to socialize as you entered that new agency.
At least throughout the weekend Felix kept in touch with you via messages, of which Minho looked on with a raised eyebrow as you sometimes spent a considerate amount of time replying to him… but he had promised you and promised himself to be less jealous, so he let it go, after all, it was you he was with.
You told Felix in person the great news of your joining the company… which shocked him and made him quite happy… even though you always refused to let him give you that credit. Felix could not hide the fact that he was annoyed that you accepted everything from Minho and that you always made excuses for Felix. But that for you that had an impact in his personality, to accept something great from Felix was for you as if you were suddenly a gold digger and manipulative, that he was sensitive and delicate… while your concept of Minho was to be a serious and dominant man, and the one with a weak personality was you, however your perception of Minho is changing, you are getting to know his tender and sweet side.
And it was when the day approached, in the afternoon after the university, Minho sent for you his driver to drop you to the company; you entered with panic to which a woman escorted you to a room on high floors taking the elevator, the place was big and illuminated as nice as you always imagined.
You were welcomed once you entered the place, where there were 3 adults sitting at a table.
“You're already in, congratulations. We'd still like to have your acting practice video recorded, it's something we do” a woman sitting there told you to which you nodded.
“You can improvise with us this script and when you're ready let us know” the younger woman who led you in told you, handing you a script.
You sighed nervously and read it, studying it a bit, not wanting to keep them waiting to which you jumped in to say you were ready and, a short five minute scene, without much science or difficulty for you, certainly left them impressed.
Normally that was a kind of audition to get in, but Minho did everything he could to make sure you weren't rejected, yet the staff was so curious about you… whether you were going to make a girl they simply paid money to get you in… or whether you really had talent.
And, at last, you were taken to your first practice, where two young adults were already at the front presenting about a topic, you excused yourself as you entered and sat down without attracting attention… but it was inevitable, the girls ate you alive with their eyes as they saw you dressed from head to toe subtly and exclusively luxury designer brands, even your hair clip was from designer, making them whisper under their breath. Minho had chosen your outfit, which you accepted as you felt it was the least you could do as he fulfilled one of your dreams, and he dressed you, literally, putting on each of your garments, provocatively slipping on your panties while subtly touching you until he made you whimper and cum. A nice way to start your morning.
You caught the attention of a boy who was sitting next to you, without recognizing that he was in fact a celebrity; you were so nervous and focused on whatever the boy and the girl in front of you were saying. Twenty minutes of that course passed and you tried to keep up, you understood little, but you understood in a certain way; and in those 20 minutes that boy could not take his eyes off you, you felt it, but you thought you were going crazy to feel eyes on you when in fact it was not like that. To him you looked so familiar… your silhouette, your profile, he couldn't stop looking at you until he remembered and it was when the course ended, you stood up and he gently stepped forward so he could see your full face carefully, until he did, there you were in front of him, the pretty girl who was alone, wearing a white Versace dress and the one he liked her from a couple of weeks ago at an art event he attended. He couldn't believe it, he was stunned, he thought it was all about faith and destiny. This time he had to dare to talk to you.
You saw him along and recognized him instantly, Han Jisung, child celebrity and now social media celebrity, son of one of the country's top directors and co-founder of this company, you had heard rumors that he pursued acting as a career, however that his father wanted him to have a background and that it wasn't just about contacts and nepotism - as it was in his early childhood career - but as an adult his father gave him the opportunity to rehearse and earn acting roles on his own, so now he was practicing in his father's company, the best of them all, by the way.
You didn't make a big deal out of it, you weren't a fan of Jisung, you only followed him on instagram but he hadn't had any major roles for years; so he wasn't someone to make a fuss and idolize. With some nervousness, you approached one of the girls, ready to ask for instructions about how to get to the next room that marked your schedule, Jisung saw the confusion on your face and how you gently lifted the paper of your schedule, so he stepped forward, standing in front of you with a smile.
“Going somewhere?” he asked, his eyes wide paying full attention to you.
The other girls noticed and, like little immature schoolgirls, became jealous of you in seconds, your first impression was to walk in smugly -to them- wearing only designer and now you magically had Han Jisung's attention, they kept wondering… who you really were, whose daughter you were and why you appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the courses.
You smiled at the boy, relieved that you were getting help.
“Mmm, room C-14” you replied more in doubt than affirmation.
His smile grew bigger, showing his teeth and lifting his cheeks.
"I'm on my way there too. I'm Han Jisung by the way, but I'm better known by Han” he said, doing his best to look handsome and sound flirtatious.
You shyly told him your name and walked together to the new room.
The whole afternoon you lived a dream, unwinding in the real environment you always wanted to be in, you wanted to make love to Minho a hundred times to thank him and, the best part was when you were about to leave, although it left you thinking a little, Minho was outside in his car waiting for you and, an instructor stopped you to tell you.
“It is very common to open castings very often so by simply being part of here you are given the opportunity to audition, the calls are published every week in our private access page to the members of the agency, just to look if you meet the characteristics of the audition, you can also send the best options to your agent or public relations manager…”
Your eyes lit up, you could truly audition for real roles, the only small detail was that you didn't have an agent yet.
You walked out of your last session, walking happily to go into Minho's arms, however you hadn't noticed that Jisung was following you to keep talking, plus he didn't dare to shout your name to get your attention, so he followed you to the parking lot but stopped dead in his tracks as he saw you running into the arms of another man, leaving him perplexed. To your luck Minho was standing outside his car waiting for you and, you with a big smile that you passed on to him, he hugged you tightly.
He inhaled the sweet scent of your hair, burying his face in the hollow of your neck and shoulders as he held you tightly.
“Did you like it, princess?” he asked you softly.
“Yes, it was very nice, thank you Minho” you replied still hugging him.
You separated and he took your face between his hands to give you a kiss.
“Let's celebrate at home, I cooked you dinner.”
In the distance, Jisung saw everything puzzled, he really wanted to get closer to you, he was so curious to know who that man was and, when he separated from you, he could see his face completely, it was Lee Minho, the ex-boyfriend of his agent and publicist, with whom Jisung had also a crush for a long time, but she was always with Minho and then they broke up for unexplained reasons and now she had another man, but he always held a grudge against Minho and, if that wasn't enough, now he had you, the pretty unknown girl who was standing alone at that party. Soyul was Jisung's publicist and agent since he was eighteen, his beloved noona, and when he finally thought he could forget about her, you came along, but again, Lee Minho in his way.
On the other hand you without having the slightest idea got into Minho's car after he opened the door for you and when he was starting the car you caught his attention.
“Minho” he turned to see you right away with his eyebrows raised paying attention to you, you were embarrassed to say it but you had to, “…I think I need a publicist or PR agent, or manager… I really don't know…”
Minho blinked suddenly, “Oh my goodness, of course, princess, I'm seriously sorry I didn't prepare you sooner, I'll get you the best one as soon as we get home.”
You greeted Jisung, it was your second day and you wanted to continue adapting, but he ignored you and looked at you with a bad face, you frowned… thinking about what the hell was wrong with him. You continued the day without him saying a single word to you, he really looked annoyed with you, so before you left you approached him, wanting an explanation of his behavior or if that was his real way of being, sweet one day and the next acting strange.
“Han” you approached him, to which he turned to see you with a nasty look, almost offended that you called his name.
“Don't call me Han” he snorted, grabbing his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder to leave, without saying anything to you.
The rest of the week was heavy, your utopia lasted a day, you were barely spoken to at practice and you were starting to get so tired that you hardly saw Minho, or enjoyed with him; you came home to rest since all you wanted was to feel your bed. And every day Jisung behaved stranger and like a real son of a bitch with you, as if he hated you. And to the little lack of friends, you had Felix with whom you did not stop texting, you told him every detail, from the color of shirt that idiot Jisung was wearing, to superficial things, Minho was getting more and more annoyed that you did not leave your cell phone and it infuriated him 10 times worse to see Felix's name on your screen, so one night when you stayed at his house, before sleeping, already being in his bed, he simply told you seriously:
“I want you to stop seeing Felix. Stop texting him” he said annoyed, snatching your cell phone from you, you looked at him perplexed, “Look at me, I'm here.”
You pouted slightly, understanding perfectly that he must have felt bad.
“Minho…” you said tenderly but he didn't reciprocate your sentiment.
“I'm being serious” he added annoyed.
You laughed incredulously.
“You can't forbid me who to talk to, what-”
“I can do whatever I want with you” he interrupted you, a heavy energy taking hold of him, “Go to sleep.”
And he turned his back on you, not giving you the phone and leaving you confused. The next morning he apologized for acting that way with you, yet he didn't mention Felix, Minho was really starting to get annoyed. So, you stupidly lied to him. Felix offered to do your first movie night that Friday since you hadn't done it for weeks, so you agreed no problem since you saw him happy again, being his usual self, you were greedy and wanted everything, you wanted Minho and you also wanted Felix in your life.
So you lied to Minho, saying that you wanted to rest in your apartment that day and you couldn't see him, plus you had homework and other things, he really wanted to spend time with you and offered to be with you in your apartment if you wanted to be there, which made you feel terrible, but in the end he agreed, giving you your time alone, apparently.
That Friday night you welcomed Felix to your apartment, who was very happy to see you alone finally having your time together. He came over to your living room couch, ready to put on the movie, of which he wanted to experience something scary, you laughed as he told you about it, it was obvious that Felix wouldn't even survive the first 30 minutes of the movie, he was easily scared.
“I have to pee” you announced confidently, “but you can start playing the movie and grab the snacks, I'll be right back.”
You quietly told yourself to pee; Felix was so happy to be in your apartment again, he had given it a lot of thought and… he came to the conclusion that Minho was just a relationship, but not an official engagement, so he would subtly do everything he could to make you look at him again with different eyes and find him attractive. Felix took the remote control, agilely looking for the movie that was ready to start, he was about to stand up to choose the snacks when he felt a vibration next to him, he thought for a second that it was his cell phone, but it was yours that was resting on the sofa, Felix saw Minho's name, indicating that it was a call and his blood boiled in anger, thinking that not even in your moments alone he would not leave you alone. So, without thinking about it and to play a little, he decided to pick up the call, rubbing it in that it was him who was at his girlfriend's house on a Friday night and not him.
Minho missed you and felt so bad for simply leaving you like that, plus he wanted to be with you, so he was ready to come visit you with a bouquet of flowers since you were trying so hard at your acting practice, and he wanted to ask you if you wanted some dinner. That he would be at your apartment as soon as possible.
Minho smiled happily as he realized you took the call, he took a breath ready to speak but remained open-mouthed as he got a big surprise.
“Minho” greeted a male voice puzzling your boyfriend.
“Who is this?” he said worried with a frown.
“It's me, Felix” replied your friend with an arrogant tone, amused by the situation.
Minho couldn't believe it, he could even speak properly, causing Felix satisfaction.
“What… what are you-, where is y/n?” he asked in desperation.
Felix sighed, almost letting out a growl, “She's… agh, busy.”
Minho's heart stopped for a second, the worst case scenario came to his mind, his trust was damaged, he knew deep down that you weren't like that… but even from the one he loved the most he expected the worst, sadly. Minho hung up abruptly, leaving Felix confused and grimacing, thinking he had really upset him.
Minho rushed to your house, unsure if you were really there, but he would still come looking for you. He didn't think twice, a strength came over him, he couldn't believe it. He had to stop beating himself up and getting silly ideas or he would start crying with anger and sadness.
You came out of the bathroom, with perfectly washed hands and a smile, Felix saw you just the same, so innocent with his freckles on his face and his eyes shrinking from smiling, as if he hadn't done anything wrong seconds ago. And you sat down next to him.
Exactly 35 minutes passed, Felix was already terrified sheltering next to you, covering his eyes, until the sudden sound of your door startled you both. You both looked at the same time towards the door in fear.
“Are you expecting someone?” asked Felix in fright to which you denied, “Why didn't they warn you that someone was coming, no one can just barge in like that…”
You stopped being dramatic and stood up to see who it was, the only people you warned the doorman that they could enter your apartment were Minho, Hari and Felix; you didn't have time to check if you had any message from any of the two out of three in your list, warning that they would come to visit you, you were already in front of your door, looking through the peephole; Felix stayed behind you, scared. And you found Minho, scarier than any horror movie…. He was going to see that Felix was there. You saw him again, he had a serious expression.
You opened up to him, and his eyes opened instantly, examining every part of you, from the time it took you to open the door, from every detail of your clothes and face; but it was safe, your lips were not swollen, your clothes were intact, Minho relaxed his gaze and hugged you tightly.
“Oh, y/n” he said.
You were puzzled by his action but he was so relieved, the last time he appeared by surprise at home, his ex-girlfriend was having sex in their own bed with another man, Minho had terrible memories all the way to your place, hoping that you weren't like that.
He broke away from you, and instantly tensed as he looked at Felix behind you, who had the same disappointed reaction.
“I thought you'd be alone today,” Minho said to you in a low, croaking voice as he looked down at your silhouette.
You looked down at the ground in sorrow, you hated lying to Minho.
“Felix… he stopped by and stayed.”
Minho tried to hide his anger, he took your face in his hands and looked at you tenderly but somewhat defiantly.
“Well I'm your boyfriend and I also stopped by, can I stay?”
You nodded looking into his eyes with your face in his hands, Minho gave you a quick kiss, looking at Felix fixedly challenging him, victorious that he is the one who can kiss you, to which Felix sighed annoyed, it was enough for him, he wasn't ready to see you like this with him.
“Movie night?” added Minho amused.
Felix was about to call it a day and leave, he would let Minho win this time, he couldn't stand seeing you together.
“You know what…” spoke Felix catching both of your attention, “I remembered that I have to urgently go to something with Rachel, I'm really sorry, I have to go.”
You frowned at your friend's clear excuse, Minho smiled pleased that he finally decide to think critically and leave you two alone.
“Felix” you whispered but he ignored you, he walked over to the couch to grab his phone and keys and walked over to you.
Felix gently grabbed you by the waist and planted a delicate kiss on your forehead, not only dismaying Minho but also you, you blushed, you didn't believe he did that in front of your boyfriend without fear. Minho's eyes widened in horror and he clenched his fist tightly restraining himself, he wasn't going to hit him for that, but he wasn't going to let it go either, he would talk it over with you right away.
“Goodbye” he whispered to you as he separated from you.
And he walked through the door. You saw him sad, you were going to go after him without thinking but you felt Minho's hand take your wrist.
"Don't. Go. After him” he said threateningly.
“Minho” you whined, gently breaking free from his grip and caught up with Felix in the hallway.
“Fuck” you heard Minho mumble in annoyance.
“Felix” you called his name and walked up to him, he turned hurt to see you and you not knowing what to say, you said, “I'm sorry.”
Felix sighed again and wanted to be honest with you.
“Y/n… it's still hard for me to see you with him, please don't complicate things any more.”
“I know, I'm sorry” you repeated again.
Felix approached you, he saw your regretful look, him realizing in seconds that he could manipulate you with ease, you would always have a soft spot for him. Felix took your forearms in his hands, forcing you to look into his eyes.
“I'll talk to you later to go out another time, okay? And please make him not show up.”
You quickly denied.
“He won't.”
“Maybe you can stay at my place next time” he smiled to which your countenance quickly changed.
“Felix… I can't do that anymore.”
He looked at you seriously and sighed.
“Just… let's get back together without being interrupted by Minho, okay? I have to take it slow.”
You walked back to your apartment, finding Minho annoyed with his hands on his hips. You closed the door behind you, you couldn't even defend yourself, you had lied to him; and he had promised not to get mad anymore.
“I can't believe my girlfriend chooses her friend over me” he spat in annoyance.
“I don't choose him over you…”
“How would you feel if a girl friend invited me to her house to spend the night watching a movie while I'm around her, a night when I could be spending it together with you” he exclaimed again annoyed.
You looked him in the eyes and thought about the situation; Minho was right, you wouldn't stand for that to happen.
You didn't respond and walked to your kitchen counter, with nothing to say, but he had a lot to say so he continued, fueling his anger.
“And what angers me the most is that he walks around… touching you, kissing you, rubbing me the wrong way as if you guys had something…” he said reasoning, suddenly a flush of anger came back to him, “or did you guys actually had something, is that it? Why is it that every time I see that boy he looks at me as if he knows something I don't” he began to raise his voice.
You looked at Minho again.
“Minho don't start with that again…”
You started to get annoyed too, every damn chance he could, he would claim you if you had something with any other man.
“With what? Why is that kid walking around like he'd already touched you?” he walked towards you, stepping in front of you.
Minho suspected it from deep inside him, but he wanted to hear you admit it. This time you averted your gaze, always the same question, and you had never given him a concrete answer.
“Did I have sex with Felix? Yes, once before you, but it was really nothing, why can't you trust me now?” you started to say bravely and at the end sadly.
Minho looked at you perplexed, one of his greatest fears… but hearing the word trust, he understood immediately, his trust had been broken in the past and he was afraid of getting hurt again. He remained silent for a moment and then took hold of your waist, calming and speaking honestly.
“I'm sorry… of course I trust you but… you know what happened the last time I trusted someone.”
You searched his crestfallen gaze. You understood what he was referring to but it seemed absurd that he would hesitate, you were crazy about him.
“I would never do that to you Minho.”
Because I love you. You wanted to tell him, but you held back and just hugged him, suddenly the man who could carry you with ease and loved control, became small in your arms.
When Minho broke away he couldn't hold back and kissed you slowly, making his way with silly steps to your room to make love to you, you needed the closeness of his body more than anything else merely sexual. You wanted him close, attached to you, being vulnerable.
The rest of the week seemed to go by slowly, until your agent sent you the perfect information and appointment to audition for a TV drama. He got it for you as soon as possible, exactly that day in the afternoon, it was the last auditions they were taking so you were in luck; you were so nervous, it was your first audition for a big deal. And, two days later, you had the most beautiful call between you and your agent, confirming you got the part, blowing you away. Your first major role, you were dying to tell Minho the news.
You didn't think the staff worked too fast because that very day everything was planned inside the company, you met the producer, the director and finally… your co-worker with whom you had to act a love interest. You were stunned to see that it was a slight enemy, Han Jisung. He didn't like the idea either, but you both had to pretend with the rest of the cast for the photo, it wasn't a leading role, but you both would play important characters for the plot; two young people in high school in love, the news had been so sweet for you until you saw his face.
You stayed for the small celebration to meet the rest of the cast and important staff, you were at the dessert table until you felt Jisung next to you.
“You still have a chance to give up the role before they release the official cast photos” he whispered to you.
You turned to look at him offended.
“I'm not giving up anything just because your wacky ass is craving for it, you do it, find another role and another girl to pick on” you replied him also with attitude.
Jisung let out an incredulous chuckle and was ready to return your aggressive energy with another comment, but his countenance relaxed when he saw someone enter; he left you there and went to greet whoever had arrived. You took no notice, but suddenly a strangely familiar voice made you freeze.
“Congratulations on the role” the woman spoke.
You turned around slowly and fearfully, finding Minho's ex-girlfriend. You couldn't believe it, of all the places and all the people in the city… she thought so too, it wasn't nice to see you.
Soyul opened her eyes in surprise at the sight of you. It was all part of Jisung, he just wanted to watch the world burn and see how the before and after in Minho's love life met.
“Nice to see you again…you're an actress now…?” she spoke to you hypocritically to which you nodded, “…how is Minho, are you still dating him?”
Jisung was surprised, he didn't think you already met, he thought then, Soyul still had Minho in mind.
“Yes” you hastened to say, “he is very well, busy for work.”
“I see he's still very busy… I hope he won't neglect you” she added, leaving you confused.
You were nervous but you didn't let yourself be exposed like that; suddenly you hear a voice from the staff calling your name so you rush over there.
Soyul was thoughtful at the name you were called by and ran over there… and asked Jisung if your name wasn't Choi Eunjoo.
You had a dinner to celebrate the beginning of the shooting and development of the project, you had already received your script but… you wanted to tell Minho the news as soon as possible; they were given the rest of the afternoon to get ready, you asked the driver not to tell Minho that you had left early and, once you arrived at your apartment you sent him a message asking him if he could come to see you at your place, he quickly answered 'ok' and 40 minutes passed… you thought he would cancel you at the last minute because something important must have come up at work. You didn't have a specific plan, you just wanted to hug him and tell him the news, you had bought some wine to relax the atmosphere and make it more sophisticated… but every time you were losing hope of seeing him, until you heard yourself knocking on your door, running towards it.
You found Minho, hidden among a large bouquet of flowers, until you saw his radiant face in an adorable smile. You opened your mouth in amazement and let him pass.
“For you” he said kissing your cheek, “you've been working so hard, princess” you took the bouquet, longing for it in detail, as if he knew you would give him good news. “You missed me so much you wanted to see me?”
You smiled at him and gave him a short kiss on the lips.
“Thank you, Minho, they're so pretty… I have news for you” you left the flowers on the table and Minho looked at you with attention, you were embarrassed to say it, but you did, “… I got my first role” you exclaimed happily.
A big smile formed on Minho, he suddenly radiated genuine happiness and rushed to hug you tightly lifting you up a little.
"Congratulations, really. You deserve it” he replied hugging you.
And kissed you tightly when you distanced yourselves a little more as you didn't stop holding each other. You blushed, you didn't know how to react.
“Do you want to celebrate somehow?” he added sweetly blinking suddenly.
“Oh… I have to go to a dinner in a few hours so I didn't think of anything special, other than seeing you.”
Your words made Minho warm. You both were inches apart and his closeness always took your breath away… he looked so good, suddenly something of another kind of love and affection for your boyfriend crossed your mind… you played with the collar of his shirt and raised your gaze, giving him the lascivious eyes, you wanted to feel good.
Minho smiled sideways at the realization and lowered his hands a little from your back to your ass.
“Who's more special than me making you feel good, right, princess?” he replied.
You nodded, and your small movements were interrupted by your boyfriend's lips on yours kissing you nimbly. He pulled you closer to his body and slowly caressed from your back to your ass, you were starting to get aroused and it was just… something about Minho wearing his office clothes made you so hot, he looked so good in his tight cloth pants and his button up shirts that marked his arms.
Minho started to undress you until he left you completely naked in front of him, your body was exalted as you felt a little spank on your ass, then he took it again and squeezed it hard kissing you again. You felt so dirty and naughty being naked in front of him and him still wearing all his clothes. Minho kissed you the whole time, as he moved his hand down to your pussy and began to caress you mercilessly, wetting his fingers all over your area. He was so excited too that in one swift movement, he turned your body and made you lean back against the edge of your kitchen counter, giving him the view of your back and ass. You watched eagerly as your boyfriend pulled down his pants and released his cock, you bit your lip as you imagined him fucking you, but to your surprise, he placed his member between your folds, making you close your legs and began to rub his cock between your thighs. You both moaned and you thought about how every time he came up with anything to tease you. The texture of his cock rubbing between your labia and his tip protruding from the other end between your clitoris and mons pubis, you gasped more and more, Minho was driving you crazy. Minho held on to the lower part of your arched back as whimpered at the tightness of your thighs together pressing his cock, moving back and forth until he let out his cum, sliding down your thighs and squirting the beginning of your vulva.
The next day you had an unexpected and beautiful visit to the practice. Minho was there. Apparently he was going to be an official and heavyweight sponsor throughout the shoot. You smiled discreetly at him and slipped away to ask him if that was planned before or after you got the part, you would be disappointed to know that Minho was in the way of you getting a part, but you noticed the innocence in his eyes, he had planned it all right after you told him.
Minho was friends with the producer so he offered him to stay and see a bit about the project, Minho accepted without a second thought, that meant more time to see you.
“They are the two main ones” the producer said to Minho pointing to two adults close to his age, “And the two young ones over there” Minho saw how they pointed to you and another guy, “they are other characters with love interest… but I see a certain attitude from the guy with the girl, I think they seriously should have chemistry if they want this to go well; besides they are adorable together, don't you think so?”
Minho didn't think it was funny nor did he find the gentleman's words pleasant and then watched as the boy grabbed your arm and dragged you away from the room, puzzling and annoying him a bit.
You walked out of there with Jisung totally confused, annoyed about whatever he would want now.
“Did you read the script yet?” he spoke to you curtly.
“I refuse to kiss you, that won't happen, I told you to give up the role” he spoke annoyed.
Again you looked at him perplexed, you didn't even understand what his problem was… but he had a very big problem towards you, it bothered him that you couldn't be his and you were running around with Lee Minho.
You really wanted to challenge and talk back to Jisung but… he was the damn son of the owner of the company.
“Oh please grow up” you just put it to him saying, rolling your eyes.
“Then cooperate to make this go well.”
You opened your eyes in surprise, you saw his intentions to get dangerously close to you, but you shifted your body uncomfortably and managed to slip away and re-enter the room a little upset, Minho saw you and wanted to instantly run to you… but he had to keep it cool.
You were thinking that Jisung wanted to behave weirdly with you, maybe he just wanted to flirt with you so you would clarify that you had a boyfriend… and you couldn't tell Minho at all because you were afraid that he would react possessive again and you hated when he got like that and blamed you by, going back to your usual fight.
Minho saw you distracted while he was driving and stopped the car near the river view. You looked around because he had suddenly stopped and you looked at him for the first time after leaving the agency.
“What's wrong, love?”
You grimaced, urging a smile.
"Nothing… I'm… anxious about the new job” you lied.
Minho smiled at you and wanted to let your thoughts pass for a second, he just wanted to hug you and being locked in his car didn't help him.
“And you feel too tired to walk for a while with your old boyfriend?” he joked imitating an old man voice which made you laugh.
You shook your head and got out of the car, feeling the cold breeze, Minho ran to you and put his coat on you. You thought it had been long days when you were out walking with Minho doing nothing special, just seeing places together. He lifted your chin, making you look into his eyes, he couldn't hold back anymore, he took your face and brushed his lips on the bridge of your nose in a kiss.
“I love you.”
That surprised you and came to you like a cold gust of wind, which suddenly turned warm in seconds. All your questions had answers now. No one could take you away from him.
“You know I love you too.”
₊˚⊹ ᰔ TAGLIST: @stayceebs97 @linocz @kimseungminsprincess @xhazmania @strayzid @jisunglyricist @tinys0ftie @yaorzu-blog @kisses-too-the-moon
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stsgluver · 1 year
I'M HERE – gojo satoru
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synopsis. reluctantly, you agree to a new life with two children and your ex. PART TWO OF FOUR.
wc. 3.4k
tags. angst, swearing, happy ending-ish, spoilers for s2
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“get out.”
satoru flinches at the coldness in your tone, and you want to scoff. as if though he gets to be the one who’s hurt right now. your hands ache and your head feels like it’s imploding as you struggle to take in everything he says. it’s too much, too important, too soon.
a year has passed but you’ve barely had the chance to accept how cruel he’d been when he pushed you away, like you had meant nothing. like you hadn’t spent almost three years side-by-side, majority of that as his girl. 
gojo satoru is someone who always got what he wants – and he got you. he had all of you: mind, body, and soul… but that wasn’t enough for him. you weren’t enough for him. 
“yn–” again, he tries reaching for you and, again, you reject the advancement, standing up abruptly to ensure you can keep the space between the two of you. you swallow thickly and point towards your half open door. gojo’s eyes don’t follow the direction of your hand, instead staying intently on your face as he indulges himself in his favourite picture, even if that picture is stained with damp streaks.
“get out,” you repeat slowly. he needs to leave you in peace again – or whatever peace you’d come to accept after his sudden departure from your orbit. as much as you hate him, your body and mind is still intuitive with his. it feels wrong to watch him cry and not try and comfort him, and from his actions and the way his hands remain stiff at his sides, fidgeting with the material of his pants, you know he feels the same.
after all he just confessed his love for you, you’re aware of how he feels. but you don’t know what he’s thinking and that terrifies you.
“please.” he is begging, the strongest sorcerer alive is pleading for you, but you’re not sure what he expects you to say. i love you? let’s get back together? yes, i’ll totally take care of that monster’s children with you? i’m totally fine even though my best friend decided to murder a tonne of people and then you broke up with me and then i spent 12 months trying not to die on insane missions that i was sent on because the higher ups hate me and i don’t have you as a buffer anymore?
you scoff, arms crossing in front of as you roll your eyes at his ignorance to your suffering, “gojo satoru, i swear to go–”
“woah, woah, what’s going on in here?” 
your eyes dart to the door and you have never been so happy to hear the voice of your dear friend, shoko ieiri. in one hand is her usual unlit cigarette (she swears she’s quitting for real this time, she just needs the comfort of one in her hand), and in the other is her phone. you assume she must’ve been distracted by a call and that’s why he was able to come into the room and not her.
since satoru had put up this wall between the two of you, shoko had been your shoulder to lean on and you know she wouldn’t have just let him waltz in without her support. you thought he was your person, and shoko had watched as you fell apart alone and without him.
you don’t want to know what you look like if it’s anywhere close to how horrible you feel right now. your heart aches and every stitch you had made to patch back together your heart are slowly coming loose. there’s probably mascara running down your cheeks by this point and you’re thirty more seconds of being in satoru’s presence from breaking down into full on sobs as you relive the loss of him and geto.
shoko, your saviour and rock for the past twelve months, comes to your rescue. “what are you going here?” she asks in an accusatory tone towards satoru, head tilted with a raised brow. it hadn’t just been you that satoru had pushed away twelve months ago – it had been everyone. but you know that shoko has still managed to maintain some relationship with him, and from the way his shoulder deflates, he’s smart enough to not burn that bridge too.
“leaving,” satoru responds curtly, brushing past shoko as he makes his swift exit. well, his infinity brushes past shoko and she flips his back the middle finger as she’s gently pushed aside by the invisible force.
you drop down onto your back on your empty bed, both hands covering your face as you try to relax your heartbeat again that runs high wire. you’d be lying if you said you don’t miss satoru; miss seeing him in your room after a long mission or long day of lessons; miss waking up to his raspy voice as he pokes you in the side to wake you up for class; miss being loved by him.
“i thought he was still giving you the silent treatment.”
peeking between your fingers, you glance over to shoko who’s flicking through your open boxes full of your life of the last four years. “i wish he still was,” you admit, voice a little more stable now that you’re not in the middle of crying. the tears have stopped but your cheeks are still flushed red. “has he really taken in fushiguro’s kids?” 
“one’s his, the other is his step daughter,” shoko responds, as though that is common knowledge.
you frown, sitting back up, hands in your lap. “you knew then?” shoko pauses her snooping but doesn’t look back at you. if there’s one thing you and satoru still have in common, is lashing out when you’re upset. ironic given how much you hate him for it. 
“he has… changed. y’know, since geto,” shoko clarifies. the name itself makes you bite down on your tongue and the never ending ache you’re enduring reminds you why you need to leave this place.
“no shit,” you bite back and shoko gives you a blank look. “i’m sorry.” she’d been with you every night for the first month following the break up, she is the reason you are still alive following your sudden increase in mission difficulty. she had been the first to talk shit about satoru or throw random objects at him and just hope his infinity just so happened not to be active (it always was).
“don’t apologise, say whatever you want to me,” shoko shrugs, offering you a sad smile, “i’ll never leave.” three simple words that hold more meaning than you could’ve ever comprehended twelve months ago.
“thank you, love you always.” the two of you share a brief hug (shoko’s never been one for overtly physical affection). 
“good,” shoko pulls back first, checking her phone before waving it in your face. there’s a message but you can’t make it out as she shakes the screen, “now more importantly, are you ready to go? nanami said that he wants to take the next train into the city.”
“can you just give me a minute?” you gesture to the last boxes that you needed to close up – the school had been kind enough to sort out the removal of your belongings (shocker) so all you need to do is just get to the airport and make your plane. 
“of course,” shoko nods understandingly. the split in your class had only led to the two of you coming closer. blood aside, she is and would always be your sister. you know she isn’t happy that you’re quitting sorcery but she knows she can’t keep you happy here, so she’s kept her complaints to herself. 
there’s a soft click as your door closes and you breathe out a sigh of relief. satoru’s words still sit at the back of your mind (‘i love you, i’ve got two kids’ – like what?!), and then you flinch as you remember the wounds that have only just healed on your arm – one of which being a large gash that would’ve killed you had you not been so close to the school when you’d been caught off guard by the curse. this world isn’t for you. 
maybe in another life, one where geto never left the school and satoru never left you, but that is not this life.
grabbing your tape, you go to close the box that shoko had been flicking through when the flash of a familiar photo catches your eye. you hesitate but ultimately that feeling of home consumes you and you can’t stop yourself from lifting the frame from the box. 
it’s you and satoru and geto and shoko and nanami and even haibara.
you remember when the photo was taken: the middle of summer in your second year. satoru and geto had forgone their uniform jackets, the former having one arm around the latter and the other around you. shoko is next to geto and the two second years follow after them. she’s wearing satoru’s glasses as she often did steal them. you’re all smiling – even nanami – and you can’t stop yourself from mirroring the same expression.
those were better times, one where the responsibility and stress of being a sorcerer was only a whispered warning. within a short period that would all fall apart. your teenage years cut short and your innocences stolen following fushiguro toji’s attack.
you think of his children, the life they will never be able to have because of the thing they are associated with, and the power they've inherited. the children that your ex boyfriend has oh so generously taken in. 
it’s still ingrained in your mind; the sound of geto’s voice over the phone as he struggled to breathe, let alone speak. riko is dead, satoru is dead. that’s all he could repeat over, and over, and over, again. it had been shoko he’d called put you’d been there as she put it on speaker. if it weren’t for nanami being beside you you would’ve collapsed to your knees as you refused to accept what he was saying.
the next few hours were a blur, shoko saving geto, geto going to retrieve satoru, satoru being alive… 
he changed after that. it wasn’t overly apparent, not just to anyone, but you were his girlfriend. he’d reached a state of ‘enlightenment’, as he called it, his cursed technique now far superior to any other sorcerer alive (not that it wasn’t already).
the seven of you never deserved what happened to you – haibara especially never deserved to have his life cut short and the more you remember, the more you decide these children don’t deserve that either.
you bite down on your lip as you realise the conclusion that you’re beginning to come to. one that you’re not 100% sure you won’t regret in the coming months. 
to nanami: i’m sorry i’m not going to make it on the train
from nanami: don’t worry, shoko already let me know you’d probably changed your mind
from nanami: stay safe x
you smile down at your phone. nanami is the closest you’ll ever get to a little brother and even if you’re about to make the biggest mistake of your life, you’re glad he’s escaping this hell.
to unknown: meet me at the old park.
from unknown: what about your plane?
to unknown: 2pm
it’s for those kids, you remind yourself, not for him.
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despite being the one to choose the meeting location and time, you’re late and you’re already almost in tears yet again. the park was a regular for you, satoru, geto and shoko as teens. shoko and geto would climb up onto the roof of the public bathrooms to smoke whilst satoru made you push his lanky frame on the big swings. those nights practically always ended at dawn, and no matter how sneaky the four of you thought you were, yaga always caught you sneaking back onto the school campus.
things were so much simpler and you were so happy. a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions your experiencing now.
you’d chosen the park to give yourself an advantage, to remind satoru of the memories he could only remember and never relive. it was his fault he’d lost that…
…though even as you think that you know that you’re putting him at too much fault. everything was lost the second geto chose to make the first kill. none of you could’ve stopped that.
shaking your head and brushing your hands down the front of your clothes to brush off the invisible dust and compose yourself, your eyes scan the park for a white haired beanpole and two children. 
it’s not difficult to find the children as the boy – megumi, you think shoko said (she’d given you a quick debrief of what satoru had told her about the children over the phone on your walk there) – is a mini version of his dad. a shudder ran down your spine involuntarily the instant your eye caught sight of the spiky-haired boy. you try to push away the unease; it’s likely megumi barely even knows or remembers his dad, or at least you hope for his sake he doesn’t. either way it’s not far for you to cast judgement yet. the sister is close behind him, running circles around a slide four times their heights.
satoru is sitting on a bench, his gaze focused on the two small children. well, you assume so since that's the way his head is turned. he’s wearing his usual black glasses and tokyo uniform. to any outsider, he looks bored, like an older brother forced to take care of his siblings as his long limbs lounge on the bench. but you know better – his knee is bouncing and he keeps running one hand through his white hair, revealing an undercut beneath it. he’s just as stressed as you are. 
good, as he should be.
he knows you're there. he’s a special grade sorcerer after all, probably the most powerful of them all, he must’ve sensed your cursed energy the second you came within a mile of this place. still, he doesn’t turn his head, even as you walk down the path to him. 
though somewhere deep down you still long for him and what you had, every step closer you feel the same anger and resentment towards him bubbling up and threatening to spill over the surface. meeting him in a public area with impressionable children’s ears around is definitely not your finest idea. you’re within several yards from him now and you’re really starting to think this is a bad idea. 
satoru is a bad idea.
sitting gingerly on the edge of the bench next to him, you pick quietly at the skin around your nails. neither of you speak for several minutes. satoru still seems too afraid to even acknowledge that you’re there. he’s woken up too many times from a dream with you in his arms to an empty bed that he lay in alone, no trace of your perfume on the other side of the bed anymore.
the tension between you two is thick and palpable. 
“they’re cute kids.” you’re the one to break the silence as the two of them begin climbing a spider web apparatus. satoru hums in agreement and his knee slowly halts its bouncing. 
there’s two beats before you let your frustration spill over the edge. “you’re a dick you know that?” so much for your concern about doing this in this locatiom.
satoru’s mouth slacks a little, and he begins to utter something but you shake your head at him to cut him off.
“that was rhetorical. there’s no defending or denying that. it’s fact,” you laugh dryly, crossing your arms in front of yourself as you watch on at the park. in the corner of your eyes, you can see satoru slip off his glasses revealing his own cerulean eyes to you. you avoid them though, if you are going to stay and make this work you need to get all of this off your chest. and preferably without balling your eyes out again. 
“i cried a lot at first,” you continue, “blamed myself for suguru turning away,” he winces and does so again when you cement that point, “blamed myself for taking your best friend from you. i started having those nightmares of haibara calling me a murderer again.” he knows every word you say is true – he caused the former and he would be the one you’d come to when the latter had first started. it breaks his heart to be reminded of the agony he caused you – how he wasn’t there to pick up the pieces from the damage he caused.
following haibara’s death, there were some nights neither of you would get any sleep. you were afraid of what you’d see when you closed your eyes and satoru was afraid of losing you. so he would stay up with you, more often than not sitting against the backboard of the bed, your body curled up tightly against his as you watched funny compilations on his phone (he thought they were hilarious, you just wanted to hear his laugh). for satoru to throw that back in your face after geto’s defection tarnished any comfort you’d ever associated with him. 
it didn’t matter that he’d carved a permanent spot in your heart, the idea of letting him in that close again sends shudders down your spine. he had you in the palm of his hands and he destroyed you.
you take a deep breath and dare to glance over at satoru. his expression is blank but his eyes scream how he feels, the swirls of blue glassy as you relay all that he put you through. 
he had been aware of the hurt he’d caused you – of course he had, he felt it too – seen it on your face when you’d pass him in the hallways. you lacked enthusiasm in class and often went on missions alone without complaint (something you never previously did because how dare the higher-ups send you on a job hours away without anyone to talk to).
“and then i nearly died.” satoru’s brows furrow at this, he’d still kept tabs on you to a certain extent. so how had this slipped through the cracks? “two grade one curses among other nuisances,” you hum, “i shouldn’t have been there alone… but i wasn’t surprised the higher ups had sent me.” there’s something else missing there, how you would’ve never been sent on such a mission of satoru was still with you. the higher ups hated the power you held over their special grade, but they weren’t stupid enough to put you in significant harm’s way when you were together. 
“i’m sor–”
“gojo! can we get some ice cream?” tsumiki runs up to the two of you, cutting off his futile attempt at an apology. her little cheeks are flushed red from the exercise and megumi pokes his head out from behind her, eyes zeroed in on you. 
“who are you?” 
you flicker your gaze between satoru and the children who are awaiting your answer. for once, the white-haired sorcerer is at a loss for words. you want to scoff. 
standing up, you offer a small smile, “just a friend.” you point to the ice cream parlour on the opposite side of the park and nudge satoru’s shoulder gently, “go treat them to ice cream. we can talk about the logistics of this later.”
“this?” he repeats, sitting up straight, and a flash of hope dashes across his features. “so you’re staying?” 
tsumiki’s eyes are bright and full of excitement at the prospect of a treat and it reminds you of haibara. you blink harshly and quickly as you try not to let a tear slip past.
“they deserve better than what we had.” what you had.
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series masterlist
a/n. next part will defo be the longest part!! expect fluff, angst, some spice, the whole SHEBANG. I have mocks coming up soon but I'm hoping the next instalment will be up in the next 3-4 weeks. thank you all for being so patient and I hope this meets expectations <3
also a massive thank you to @bontensh0e because they massively helped with the inspo for the rest of the series. ly loads <333
taglist. @sanokiss. @dummyf. @erenssin. @makiuchiha97. @sosoa. @cole-silas. @fenrysashryver. @istanuwow. @dovahkiinsbitch. @mor-pheus. @creolequeen11210. @thefictionalcharacterssimp. @mariapierce789. @cynopcis.
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thefandomexpert · 6 months
ok. i see u complaining about how long it takes to get to shb, how are you supposed to get your friends into the fucking WONDER that is shb when they have to get through all of The Other Stuff First
I used to have this problem with Homestuck, people who wanted to skip to the trolls, or pass on the intermissions. I will repeat what I said then now:
The later stuff is mind-blowingly good BECAUSE of the setup slog. which is also fun btw, you’re having trouble selling it because you keep saying it’s a slog. it’s good storytelling! yes even arr and sb (i didn’t say it was the best storytelling!! but i’ve seen way fuckin worse!!!). You need to spend 300 hours with the characters and to watch them grow gradually for a LOT of the little character moments to even register later on, and i’m not even talking about the ascian reveals. estinien is a completely different character. thancred’s deep-seated issues have been brewing subtly since 1.0. the socio-economic political climate of the universe is SO important and SO well set up by the arr random task/fetch quests (BABY INCONSEQUENTIAL QUESTS. YEAH THE STUPID ONES IN THE INTRO PRE-SASTASHA SEQUENCES WITH THE NPCS YOU DONT REMEMBER. THOSE.) and that info is integral to character decisions made in every expansion afterwords, and is built upon consistently. the consistent build-up of the lore is, in my opinion, almost entirely the reason ffxiv’s writing stands out against other games of the genre. and it’s BOLSTERED by the fact that it’s a live service game with a shit ton of expansions you HAVE to play through single file when you start fresh. narrative games are usually 15-20 hours. ffxiv is giving you 500+ in msq alone (won’t get into how much the optional and side quests support the storytelling as well).
It’s like one of those long-running book series. you can’t ask someone to read Just the last book of animorphs and expect them to understand the narrative implications of what’s happening, or to get attached to the characters enough to care. that attachment and understanding is built by spending time and reading the other 1500 books prior. shb should not be treated as a stand-alone. in fact it’d be a bad standalone. it’s good BECAUSE there’s 500+ hours of playtime required to get there.
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 days
SurpriseBag2024: A Happy Switch-Up Between The Cunning Mobster & The Happiness-Obsessed Oddball
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This is a repost. Due to the original being deleted by Tumblr, my tags list will not be included nor will CGs be uploaded per my previous announcement. This is a fan translation only, so please expect grammatical errors and lack of nuance. While I appreciate your support and welcome re-blogs, please do not repost my translations elsewhere. Thank you for you support! ☾.
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I got involved in Roger's egoistical cursed research.
Ellis: Huh? Why is Jude me?
Jude: That's my line. Why’re ya me?
I was asked to watch over Jude and Ellis, who had switched places.
(As a fairytale keeper, I wanted to watch over them until the end.)
(......But I want to watch over them anymore.)
Jude: ………
(Jude in the form of Ellis is in an even worse mood than usual!)
Child Passing By: Mum, there’s a demon.
Mother Passing By: Hey. It’s dangerous so don’t go near him……
(Ellis' face is so handsome, but when he’s irritated, it's very powerful.)
(Ugh, I miss the usual gentle Ellis.)
Kate: Kate, this gelato I just bought is delicious.
Kate: Ah, yes. It has a rich flavor, yet it's not too sweet.
Jude: Lickin’ ’n lickin’ while workin’. Are ya dogs.
Ellis: Dogs don't eat gelato, right?
Jude: So, ya eat sweets in another’s body.
Jude takes a cigarette out of his pocket and puts it in his mouth with a natural gesture.
Kate: Oh, Jude, you can't smoke. That’s Ellis' body!
Kate: Besides, if you smoke it, you'll end up choking again.
Jude: ….Tch.
The reason we’re on the platform at Paddington Station, is because we’re on an important mission for Crown.
Actually, the two of them were planning to work at Jude's company as usual.
[Screen shows a pic of Jude in Ellis’ body.]
Jude: Yer in breach of the contract ya piece of shit…….I’ll show ya hell.
[Show a pic of in Ellis’ body.]
Ellis: Are you okay? Shall I make you happy?
(They stopped so that the people at the company who knew the two well wouldn't get confused.)
The two are now on Crown duty, while Victor and Harrison are at Jude's company posing as friends.
(I have to keep an eye on the two of them and keep up with my assignment!)
Kate: …..Still, the target doesn’t seem to have shown up.
Today's target is the capture and decimation of members of a corrupt business association who are committing theft in the country.
A man believed to be the main suspect was recently arrested by police but escaped from jail.
The Crown received word that he was planning to flee the country.
(The main culprit has a bad leg and limps. I have to make sure I don't miss him.)
Ellis: Kate, I'll give you my berry flavor, too. Okay, ahhh.
Kate: Ahhh.
Kate: Mmm….it’s delicious.
Ellis: Right? We don't know when the target will appear, so let’s just take it easy.
Kate: ……Thank you.
(…….When Jude treats me kindly, the gap is shocking.)
Jude: Oi, Ellis. Don’t do gross things with other people’s faces.
Jude: What’re ya up to?
Kate: I’m not up to anything.
Kate: It's just... it's refreshing and nice to be treated kindly……by you Jude.
Jude: Ha, don’t lie.
Jude’ lips in Ellis’ form twisted cruelly as I was grabbed by my chin.
Jude: Yer a masochistic pervert who needs to be tormented to get excited.
Kate: That, that’s not true……Please don’t treat me like a pervert!
Jude: Doubt that.
(I can never say I’m excited.)
While I was secretly excited, Ellis lifted himself off the bench.
Kate: Are you going somewhere, Ellis?
Ellis: I thought I'd get you something warm to drink.
Ellis: You must have gotten cold from eating gelato, Kate.
Ellis: Ah.
Jude: ……Didja see the target?
Ellis: No. When I stood up, I was just a little surprised that my gaze was lower than usual.
Ellis: Jude, you’re so short.
Jude: ….Ha?
Kate: ….He-hehee.
Jude: It's not that I'm short, it's just that yer a big guy.
Jude: Why’re ya laughin’, too? I'll knock yer head ‘round ‘n make ya shorter!
Kate: I’m sorry. It’s just sometimes you can learn something new when you change things up.
Jude: That’s damned useless information.
Ellis: I'm enjoying being Jude, though.
Jude: Shuddup.
Jude: Yer fluffy conversations are drivin’ me crazy.
At that moment, Jude’s gaze, which was clad in Ellis’ twilight color, were filled with sharpness.
Jude: ……..
Kate: Jude? No way….
Jude: There he is, that guy with the limp.
Jude: It'll be troublesome if he leaves the country. Follow him.
Kate: Ha, …..on it!
We board the train and pursue our target, weaving through the passengers.
Just as I stepped into the last row of the empty cargo area.
Main Culprit: Thanks for following along.........You guys, surround them.
As if on cue, several men jump out from the shadows of the seats and surround us.
(…….we’re surrounded.)
(I had no idea his friends were on board too.)
Jude: Yer very gracious to welcome us. Thanks.
Main Culprit: I knew the coppers were after us. I let you come, so I could get revenge.
(They think we’re the police.)
(Whatever it is, it means they were reading our moves.)
As we stare at each other, our feet shake and the train begins to move.
Main Culprit: We can throw your bodies out of the train and into the river, and there won't be a single piece of evidence left behind.
Main Culprit: It would be the perfect place to die. Go ahead, kill them.
Ellis: …..Kate, stay here so you don’t get hurt.
Kate: Yes….
Ellis tried to jump up as easily as usual, but wasn’t able to do so.
Ellis: Oh, whoa.
Ellis, who’s still in Jude’s form, lost his balance and fell on the spot.
Isla: Huh, Ellis….?
Ellis: Surprising. That’s right, I’m Jude.
(Oh, because his body is different than usual!)
Jude: What’re ya waitin’ for?
Jude:….Damn, what’re these uselessly long legs. They’re difficult......
Main Culprit: I thought you were an elite group, but you’re just a bunch of small fry.
Main Culprit: Take care of them kindly in “moderation”.
Ellis: ....... Hmmm, Jude has strong legs.
Ellis: I'm starting to get the hang of it.
Ellis: ……..Like this.
Ellis’ raised leg strikes into the jaw of the main culprit’s subordinates.
Subordinate: Gah……
(Wow, that's amazing...)
Kate: Oh, Jude, behind you!
Jude: I can see ‘em without ya tellin’ me.
Jude, using Ellis’ body, flew through the air and touched their heads one after another.
Subordinate: Whoa our hands are stuck together! They won’t separate. What is this……
All the men knelt on the spot in a prayer pose..
Jude: I can barely breathe in this body….I hate it.
Ellis: I wanted to use Jude's ability to put them to sleep.
Jude: Ya can't torture ‘em if they’re asleep.
Main Culprit: Hic…..
Jude: …..Let’s make a deal.
Jude: Right to left, James Spencer, Simon Harris, Oscar Perry.
Main Culprit: ……How did you know our names?
Ellis: The names of business partners, family members….he says it's basic to know everything.
Jude: Didntcha guys anonymously transfer the money ya stole to orphanages all over the UK?
Jude: I did some research ‘n found out that ya ‘n all the other members of the vice society came from the same orphanage.
Jude: Yer all in on it, stealing money from the crooks ‘n usin’ it to give to poor children.
Main Culprit: ……yes.
(You mean he was committing evil and helping people?)
Jude: How admirable, tear jerkin’, think I’d overlook it.
Jude: —What can I say idiot. Yer tears ain’t an excuse.
Whatever the motive, evil is evil.
The fact that once you have been involved in evil, it will never go away.
Jude: I'll letcha choose. Either you’ll be sold abroad, or you’ll be forced to work in a coal mine until your last breath?
Jude: Do you wanna stay alive, be my slave ‘n work for the rest of yerr life?……..Whaddya choose?
Main Culprit: I thought you guys were the coppers……
Ellis: Is that relevant now? He’s asking if you want to die or live.
Main Culprit: ……
Main Culprit: Please just save my life. Please......!
Jude: The slave contract is complete. Congratulations on yer lifetime employment.
Jude: Remember, a promise is a promise…..If ya break it, I'll give ya hell, so much so, that you’d wish ya were dead.
We boarded the turnaround and made it back to Paddington Station without incident.
Kate: ……that was still surprising.
Kate: Jude you wanted them as part of your company's workforce from the start, and Ellis understood that.
Jude: What’s with those eyes? Ya act like I helped somebody.
Jude: I was forced to do a mission that wasn't planned, ‘n I got something out of it.
Ellis: I think it's okay as long as Jude and Kate are happy.
Kate: I….will work even harder as a fairytale keeper!
Jude: Fuwaha, that useless guts argument. That's all ya do.
Ellis: You’re a hard worker Kate, I like that.
(Oh, that’s.......?)
Ellis: What's wrong, Kate?
Kate: Um...even though you look different, for a moment both looked like you usually do.
Jude & Ellis: ……….
Kate: Jude is still Jude and Ellis is still Ellis, no matter what you both look like.
Kate: But ...…..I kind of want to see the two of you as usual.
Jude: I knew ya were a pervert who wanted to be tortured.
Kate: What, that’s not true!
Ellis: Shall I tease you? I've never done it before, but maybe I can?
Kate: ……Please stop teasing me Ellis.
Ellis: Hehe, sorry.
Jude: Let’s switch back quickly. It's about time that quack finished the medicine.
When we returned to the castle, Roger had successfully completed the antidote.
After drinking it, Jude and Ellis safely return to their normal forms and the matter settled.
Or, it should’ve been -
Kate: I am so glad you’re back to being whole!
Kate: Hey, Ellis. What's with the wine and book in your hand?
Ellis: Victor and Harry went to work for us. Thanks for that.
Ellis: So, I picked the wine, and Jude picked the book.
Jude: It’s just a matter of amassin’ debt.
Kate: Hehe, that's right. Because “nothing is more expensive than free”.
Jude: What's with that grin on your face? It’s stupid.
Ellis: Should l I call Victor and Harry?
Victor: That’s not necessary, for Victor has come even before he was called!
Kate: Harrison……?
Kate:  .......What's going on? You sound like Victor.
Jude: Have ya finally gone nuts after bein’ smeared in all those filthy lies.
Ellis: Harry is kind, so I wonder if he forced himself...
Victor: ?? What are you talking about?
Victor: No matter how you look at it, it's your dearly loved Queen's aide Victor, isn't it?
Ellis: …….Harry.
Jude: Imitatin’ someone you hate is unpleasant, condolences.
Kate: Very......, -you need to get yourself to the hospital as soon as possible!
Harrison: ……I finally found you.
Kate: …..Victor?
Victor grabbed Harrison's chest with a look of anger on his face that he had never seen before.
Kate & Ellis: !
Victor: Oh.….I'm right in front of me. Why?
Harrison: ……Haven’t you noticed? Look at your reflection in the window.
Victor: Wow, I became you Harrison?
Victor: C-CUUUTE~~! Your hair is so smooth! And the tear mole is cute! 😭 LMFAO
Harrison: Don't touch my body!
Kate: Um, wait a minute.
(Harrison is Victor and Victor is Harrison.)
Kate: Does that mean ...…..the two of you swapped places!
Harrison: Aaah.
Harrison: Victor .……You're the one who got us into this mess, aren't you?
Victor: It wasn’t me! If I were the culprit, I'd probably notice the switch right away, right?
Harrison: …..That’s right.
Ellis: Oh.…on there’s needle marks on Victor’s and Harry’s arms.
Harrison: Someone drugged us with a syringe while we slept.
Victor: Judging from the brilliant puncture work, I'd say there's only one suspect.
Harrison: Roger! That egoistical bastard.….He used us as test subjects for an experiment, didn’t he?
Victor: Wow, Roger’s so passionate about research.
Victor: Ah, Kate. Would you mind telling me a little lie?
Kate: What? Well, I hate you Victor.
Victor: Yes, it's a lie! Wow, I can see them like this, that's amazing.
Harrison: Don't get excited, old man!
Ellis: ...Hehe, it looks like fun.
Ellis: Hey, Jude. Shall we switch places again?
Jude: Ain’t happenin’, I’ll never do that again.
…..To be continued?
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punkslovepoints · 9 months
✨2023 Steddie Fic Recommendations
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template from Steddie Support Podcast on twitter
Cutting Close by @anniebass
Steve Harrington is in pain.
No, not, like, psychological one, rather an unshooable bullshit of a headache, all thanks to the Russians squatting underneath a mall, torturing him a smidge.
So, when his two best friends get all chummy with a known weirdo of a drug dealer, Steve first rolls his eyes, then rolls with it, jumping on an occasion to purchase his all-natural head trauma medicine. Except, you have got to be at least cordial with your dealer, to keep the relationship, and when the guy remembers you as a shithead, well. You gotta try harder.
is your light on? by @toburnup
"Tell me a secret," Steve says and Eddie shakes his head.
"Why would I do that?
"I'll tell you one."
Eddie looks intrigued, smirks in his direction. "A secret for a secret? Okay." He looks up. "You go first."
(Steve always noticed Eddie. He's been there on the peripheral, easy enough to ignore. Until he's standing right in front of him, unavoidable. And then they collide over, and over, and over.)
Heed the Ominous Warning of The Talking Heads by audacity_of_bluejays
Steve Harrington thinks he has it all together until he doesn't. A revelation about his feelings for his roommate Eddie followed by an altercation with his asshole father complicates matters more than he expects.
(A 13 going on 30 AU)
i come back to the place you are by @glitterfang
Steve should've known that Eddie was lying when he looked right into Steve's eyes and promised not to try any heroic bullshit. He should've known based on their conversation in the upside down that Eddie felt he had something to prove. And he definitely shouldn't have left Eddie to face the horrors of the Upside Down alone. And now? Now Eddie's in a seemingly unending coma and Steve is wracked with guilt. So, he pours himself into trying to fix his mistake. He helps Uncle Wayne move into a new house, he spends hours in the hospital reading to Eddie, and he even keeps the Corroded Coffin boys company. He's getting to know Eddie really well while Eddie's out cold.
(Steve is surrounded by every single person who loves Eddie Munson. How could he not fall a little bit in love with him?)
Reboot by @plutosrose
In 2012, Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson film a scene in the teen drama Normal Stuff that launches a popular ship on ao3.
By early 2013, they aren't speaking anymore.
In 2024, Robin calls Steve with an offer to reprise his role as Andy Hartley in a reboot of their old show, with one important update--his character gets together with Eddie's.
no reason by @theopteryx
There's a pause. "I'm going to be fine?" Eddie asks, voice also going high and thin.
"Fascinating. Great. Are you—could you do me a favor, then, and maybe just—leave me here anyway?"
"What?" Steve says. "No. Why?"
"No reason," Eddie says, voice tight.
(Eddie kisses Steve in what he thinks are his last moments on earth. Then he doesn't die.)
carve your name into my chest by @hexiewrites
Eddie Munson just wanted to play hockey. That's almost all he's ever wanted, since he was old enough to realize it was an option for him. And now he's at the top of his game, one of the best players in the NHL.
Everything would have been perfect... if it wasn't for the small matter of the thing he's got going with his long time rival, goalie Steve Harrington.
Flashbacks by @eddywoww
"Why is it a secret?" Eddie asked slowly.
Steve felt himself shrugging. He knew why it had to be a secret. His parents would hate Eddie and his long hair, his dirt smudged cheeks. The way he shouted and ran and giggled. They wouldn't like who Steve was around Eddie. Steve knew that, so it had to be a secret.
"It just is." Steve said, looking out to see Elizabeth glaring at him. Frantically waving him over. Time to go home.
leaving like a father, running like water by scoops_ahoy
Steve is still riding the high of what he and Eddie never got to have five years after he died.
Crossed Wires by @entanglednow
Lesson of the day, no matter how busy you are, it's rarely a good idea to let your subconscious take the wheel.
Doll House by @grandmastattoo
Eddie comes of age knowing that sometimes a person doesn’t have to be one of the dead to haunt the living. A ghost can be a memory. A ghost can be a question.
It’s his own ghosts that he holds onto when he first finds himself in Steve Harrington’s house, after.
After the Upside-Down. After Vecna. After Eddie.
Soda Burn by @3minsover
When the upmarket cocktail bar Steve's working at goes out of business, he finds himself in desperate need of a job.
off-script by @pukner
Post season 3, Steve manages to figure out that he's bisexual, despite his best efforts to repress it, comes out to Robin and Jonathan Byers of all people, and figures himself out. Also, there's a cute guy who might be actually insane running the kids' dnd club and he's got his eye on him. And his bandana.
Too bad Eddie Munson hasn't had a similar revelation. He's still under the impression that he's a straight man obsessing over Steve Harrington for normal, extremely heterosexual reasons.
Tuesday’s Gone with the Wind by @thisapplepielife
Corroded Coffin's leased plane went down on June 13th, 1995 in the woods of Louisiana.
Ten people on board died. Eddie Munson survived. Before he survived, he really lived.
senior year, 1985 by tofana
Eddie wakes up naked with King Steve sleeping soundly next to him, and no recollection of how he got there.
Night Drives by @mojowitchcraft
“Are you okay Harrington?” Eddie asks gently, “Need me to get anyone?”
“No one to get,” replies Steve, so soft Eddie barely catches it. “You think I want anyone seeing me like this?"
(Night Drives is an ongoing series, starting with "No One Rides for Free" where Eddie Munson stumbles across Steve Harrington crying next to a bush at Tina's party and makes it his mission to cheer him up. Continuing on as their relationship develops over the course of fall/winter 1984 and beyond.)
i dont want to see you at my party (but i’d love it if you showed up) by nicobloodlust
When Eddie invites him to their first gig back after everything, he thinks, this is it!
Eddie is going to tell him how he feels or Steve will tell Eddie and then! They’ll be together.
He’s having a great time, that’s until he notices Eddie is flirting with someone on his right, a girl closer to the stage, and he starts to worry.
Then both of mine from this year:
The most that I could give to you is nothing at all
They make out in his basement sometimes.
Steve tells himself it's just something they do to blow off steam, to decrease the monotony of post-apocalyptic living. Nothing more.
A few months later, Eddie leaves for the opportunity of a lifetime. Steve ignores his calls, makes sure they get a clean break, that they both get over it. Trouble is neither of them do.
"The A is for Ally"
When he is seventeen Steve Harrington sees Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson pushed up against the side of the late night convenience store with his hands down another guy’s pants.
Unable to stop thinking about it afterwards, it takes him ten years to work out what that means.
(After his friends come out one by one, Steve settles comfortably into his new role as an ally. He moves to the city, joins groups, attends protests, even signs up to a gender studies class. Then in 1991 Eddie comes crashing back into his life.)
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cherry-holmes · 1 year
Glimpse of a life with Javier Peña (series)
Chapter 2
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Summary: Javi fucked up things with you.
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Word count: +2.5k
Warnings: none. No use of Y/N.
A/N: Chapter 2 is here! As always I want to thank you for your support! I hope you like this one and be ready for moreeee!🫶🏻✨ I love reading your comments and reblogs, so keep the coming✨
I’m open for requests. Javier Peña, Joel Miller, Din Djarin, Loki, BBC Sherlock, Supernatural…😏
Work made time fly quickly. You had a lot of paperwork to do every day, and it seemed endless – spending hours reading reports and files and then translating them on your typewriter. However, something had been making the last two weeks feel easier, or better to say, someone.
Every afternoon, Javier Peña visited your office to hand you his and Murphy's daily reports. You wondered when Messina would withdraw Javier's punishment, but you weren't sure if you wanted her to do it. You didn't have a lot of friends at work since your department consisted of only one employee – you. You had some conversations with secretaries and officers during your lunch breaks, but you always returned alone to your small office.
So, when Javier visited and talked with you for at least a couple of minutes, it made you feel less isolated in the demanding work environment. The couple of days when he didn't visit because he was on a raid out of the base, you couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. You became accustomed to the smell of cigarettes and men's cologne that lingered in the air whenever he was around. Sometimes he also smelled like black coffee, and on his roughest days, even like whiskey.
It became a small but pleasant routine, these short daily visits from Javier. You'd sometimes share a funny story or a piece of office gossip, and occasionally, you'd laugh together. Those brief moments helped create a sense of camaraderie between you and the charming DEA agent.
Until one particular day, as Javier handed you the reports, he leaned casually against your office doorframe, a playful grin tugging at his lips. "You know," he began, "I've been thinking. Maybe you and I should grab a drink after work one of these days. Get to know each other a little better, outside of this crazy office."
His proposition took you by surprise. You hadn't expected this kind of invitation. Your mind raced as you tried to decide how to respond. Javier watched you intently, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and something else you couldn't quite put your finger on.
You were about to say yes immediately, but you knew better than to let yourself fall into the den of the beast so easily. You had heard a lot about Javier Peña and his charming ways, known to lead any woman to his bed. And although you had been enjoying the friendly conversations with him, you didn't want to rush into anything too quickly.
You met his gaze, your own eyes locking with his. "Javier," you began carefully, "I appreciate the offer, I really do. But, I have to be honest, you have quite the reputation, and I don't want to misinterpret our friendship."
Javier's smirk hesitated, as he tried to process your response. He looked like it was the first time he'd been rejected, and it caught him off guard. He straightened his back and moved his hand as if dismissing the importance of it all.
"Wow," he said with a touch of sarcasm, "I never thought I'd see the day when someone turned down a night with Javier Peña. Guess I overestimated our connection."
His words stung, and you could see a flicker of hurt in his eyes, even though he was trying to play it cool. You had unintentionally wounded his pride, and it seemed he was determined to strike back with a hint of meanness.
"It's not about our connection, Javier," you replied evenly. "It's about respecting boundaries and not rushing into something we might regret later."
«That I might regret later».
He sighed, his tone softening just a bit. "Fair enough. I get it. I won't push," he said, his playful charm replaced by a more somber demeanor. "Let's just forget I ever brought it up. We can stick to our friendly chats. No harm done."
The atmosphere in the room grew tense, and you both lapsed into an uneasy silence. It was clear that your rejection had affected him more than he let on, and you couldn't help but feel a sting of guilt for hurting his feelings.
He didn't mean it.
"I never thought I'd see the day when someone turned down a night with Javier Peña"?
What the fuck was that shit?
As Javier left your office, he felt guilty and embarrassment for saying that. He knew his behavior wasn't correct, but the disappointment he felt really took him by surprise. He had been rejected a couple of times, he was prepared for your possible refusal. But what he didn't expect was the heavy weight he would feel when he heard you saying no.
For weeks, he had been feeling increasingly drawn to you, always wanting to be near you. He even used Messina's punishment as an excuse to visit your office, even after she withdrew it. Javier had finally come to the disconcerting realization that he was infatuated with you. So, he thought that perhaps by taking you out for a drink and even having you in his bed, he would get over it.
But as he got into his truck, he felt truly disillusioned. His ill-advised words had driven a split between you, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had ruined any chance of building something more meaningful. Javier's fear of commitment was something that never kept him awake at night, not even after everything that had happened with Lorraine. He felt genuinely sorry for leaving her at the altar thirteen years ago, but he always told himself that she was much better without him. She needed someone with a lot more commitment than he had. Now, the topic seemed to be haunting him.
He wasn't mad because you hurt his ego; he was mad because you hurt the feelings he didn't know he had.
Javier didn't come to your office again the following week. It wasn't the first time a man stopped talking to you after you rejected him. You were used to it. The moment you made it clear you wouldn't give them what they wanted, they magically lost interest in you, sometimes even resorting to calling you boring or, occasionally, a bitch.
You could sense this double standard in society. On one hand, they encourage women to freely explore their sexuality, which is great, but on the other hand, if you prefer to wait for the right time and the right person, you get labeled as "boring" or "prudish." It's as if there's no middle ground, no understanding that everyone has their own path and timing.
You had always believed in waiting for the right person, the one you truly cared about, to share such an intimate moment. It wasn't about religion, you didn't even believe on the false concept of ''purity'' or ''santity''; it was simply your personal choice.
So you thought Javier was just another man like many. It made you feel disappointed because you really liked him, but there wasn't anything you could do about it.
As you entered the office dining room, you spotted your usual group of female friends. They greeted you, and you joined them. All of you spoke in Spanish.
"Hello" you smiled as you greeted as you took your seat. The chatter at the table was lively, filled with laughter and bits of gossip about the office. These women had become your companions, and you cherished the moments you spent with them during lunch breaks.
As the conversation flowed, one of your friends, Marta, leaned in and asked in a teasing tone, "So, we've been seeing Agent Peña hanging around your office quite often lately. What's the story there?"
The mention of Javier made you pause for a moment, and you glanced at your friends, slightly surprised that they had noticed. "Oh, that," you said, attempting to play it off casually. "It's because of Messina's punishment. She made him handed me his reports."
Ana raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Messina's punishment? Come on, you were chatting for like two weeks straight. That punishment lasts only a couple of days."
You felt your cheeks flush as you tried to maintain your composure. Your friends were sharp, and they clearly had their suspicions. "Well," you began, searching for words, "maybe he did something to bother her again. You know how bossy she can get."
The women at the table exchanged knowing looks, and one of them, Maria, couldn't help but tease, "Hmm, a bad boy indeed. He must really that bad."
You sighed internally. With a sheepish smile, you finally confessed, "Okay, fine. We've been talking a lot. But it's just work-related, I promise."
Marta grinned. "Work-related, huh? Well, you can't blame us for being curious. Agent Peña isn't known for spending that much time in one place, especially chatting with a colleague."
You shrugged, realizing that your friends had seen through your explanation. "I guess we've been getting along. It's nice to have someone to talk to during those long work hours."
Your friends exchanged knowing glances again, and Maria leaned closer, her voice hushed. "Come on, spill the beans. Is there something more going on between you two?"
You hesitated, then decided to be honest. "No, there isn't. It's just work and friendly conversations. Javier is a nice guy, and I enjoy our talks."
Maria leaned in again, her tone more serious this time. "That's good to hear then, because, you know, we found out that he slept with Kelly. You know her, didn't you? The blonde one."
You paused, your heart sinking at the revelation. It didn't surprised you, but you felt a hole in your chest.
"Oh," you tried to composed yourself, "Well for them."
Sofia chimed in, her expression concerned. "Yeah, we just don't want you to get hurt. These things usually don't end well. Men like him, they tend to move on pretty quickly."
"You don't have nothing to worry about," you tell them, mixing your food but you had lost your appetite, "There's nothing between us, so Javier is free to do anyone he please."
The conversation moved on to other topics, but you couldn't help but feel a ache of disappointment and confusion. Why did Javier's involvement with someone else affect you like this? You told yourself it didn't matter, that you had your own principles and choices to stick to. But deep down, something had shifted, and you couldn't quite put your finger on it.
You and Javier had crossed paths around the office a couple of times during the following days, but neither of you made the effort to talk to each other. It was a bit awkward, but nothing that you actually mourned. You had heard that he spent at least two more nights with Kelly, until apparently, as you heard from Martha, she asked him to be more than just friends, and he said no. It wasn't a surprise; he had done that to more women at work. Everybody knew him.
On the other hand, Javier was desperate to get you out of his dreams. He told himself that he couldn't put a name to what he felt toward you, but the reality was that he just wanted to accept it. He had feelings for you, more than just wanting to be with you in bed. He wasn't in love - yet - but he did feel something. Your refusal had hit him harder than he expected. He couldn't deny that he cared more about you than he ever thought he would. But he had no idea how to approach you now.
The dimly lit room was filled with the lingering scent of passion and cigarette as Javier stood by the window, staring up at the distant lights of the city. Helena, lying on his bed, propped herself up on one elbow.
"Javi, what's been bothering you lately?," Helena asked, her voice soft and concerned.
Javier turned his head to look at her, his dark eyes meeting hers. He sighed and ran a hand through his tousled hair. "It's nothing, Helena, just work stuff," he replied, trying to dismiss her question.
Helena wasn't convinced. She had known Javier long enough to recognize when something was troubling him. "You can't fool me, Javier," she said with a knowing smile. "I can recognize a heart that's burdened."
He looked at her, his guard dropping slightly. "It's complicated," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Helena knew better than to press him for more details. As she watched Javier's back, her feelings were a complex mix of desire, longing, and a touch of sadness. She had known for a while that Javier was not just her client; she had developed a connection beyond the physical, even though Javier didn't.
She felt a heartache, waves of jealousy running through her veins, knowing that she could never compete with the other woman in his thoughts. Helena understood the nature of their arrangement – she was a hooker, and he was a DEA agent. Their worlds were inherently different, and she had resigned herself to the fact that he would never see her as more than a source of pleasure and information. Yet, despite her own rationalizations, Helena couldn't help but yearn for something more with Javier. She had developed genuine feelings for him over time, even though she knew it was a one-sided affair.
After Helena left his apartment, the night grew darker, and Javier lay awake in his bed, his mind racing with thoughts of you. He couldn't deny the growing feelings he had for you, and he knew he needed to do something about it. The distraction had reached a point where he couldn't ignore it any longer.
So he had made a decision. Tomorrow, he was going to approach you. He would apologize for the way he talked to you the other day, ask you out for a friendly drink, and see where things could go. It was a bold move for him, someone not accustomed to such personal pursuits.
As he mentally crafted his approach, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of your bright eyes and the way your laughter rang in his ears during those brief conversations in your office. Javier was convinced that there was something special about you, something that drew him in despite his best efforts to resist.
In the morning, Javier waited impatiently during the usual meeting in the office. He couldn't concentrate even when it was his turn to talk about the recent capture of one of Escobar's hitmen. Finally, as they left the meeting room, Murphy approached him and patted his back.
''Everything okay, Javi?'' he asked. Javier tried to keep it cool and waved a hand like it was nothing.
''I couldn't sleep well,'' he simply said as both agents arrived at their workplaces.
Steve chuckled, sitting at his desk and starting to gather all his paperwork. ''You were thinking about her, weren't you?'' he dared to ask. Javier and Steve trusted each other enough to tease one another. They never crossed the line but considered themselves friends.
Peña looked at him with annoyance, but it wasn't deep.
''Shut up, Murphy,'' he groaned as he gathered his own paperwork but didn't sit at his desk.
Steve looked at him with a grin, knowing his partner well enough to guess his next move.
''Two weeks without seeing her, and now you'll use Messina's punishment again as an excuse just to see her? What changed, Javi?'' he mocked.
''I told you to shut the fuck up,'' Javi said as he turned back toward your office, and Steve laughed.
Javier tried to remember the words he had spent the night trying to formulate and memorize. He was actually nervous. But just as he reached your doorway, his heart sank. He saw you engaged in conversation with Diego, another colleague from the office. The sight of you two talking, sharing a moment he wasn't a part of, left him feeling like an outsider. You were smiling, and there was a slight blush on your cheeks.
But not as flushed as she was with me, an intrusive thought echoed in the back of his head. He quickly turned away, his plans disrupted, and retreated to his own desk. Javier couldn't help but wonder if he had missed his chance with you. The uncertainty gnawed at him, leaving him in a state of frustration and craving.
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wardenparker · 6 months
Character: Javi G
Prompt: “I’ll protect you”
Lastly: CONGRATS! 👏 🥳
Javi Gutierrez. 830 words. "I'll protect you." Co-written with @absurdthirst
Established relationship. Reader is described as having hair long enough to curl.
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Javi rushes into the room, stopping and staring for a brief moment as you look up from the chair you are sitting in. Curlers are in your hair and there are a million different products lined up on the bathroom counter. A ring light has been added, giving more light to the space to allow the stylist that he had hired to make you feel like a princess. "The dress is here." He tells you excitedly.
"Is it everything you hoped for, amor?" His film premiere tonight has him in jitters, but the excited kind. As Javi has gotten more comfortable in Hollywood, he has also become a more active participant in the parties and events that the film industry considers so important. It's taking a little longer for you to get into the scene, but you also haven't been in Hollywood as long as he has. In fact, you're only here because of how much you love him. Being a writer/producer's girlfriend was never anything you had on the Bingo card of your life.
"You love it too, sí?" He asks, a worried frown crossing his face. He had thought you loved the dress too, but maybe he had been too busy imagining how you would look next to him to see any objections you had. He just wanted you to feel beautiful tonight, since you are coming with him.
"Of course I love it." It's a stunning, designer-made evening gown. What's not to love? "I just want you to be proud to be seen with me, my love. And since you picked out the dress, I wanted to make sure that you still love it."
"I would be proud to be seen with you no matter what you are wearing." You still seem to be a bit intimidated by the fact that he used to be a billionaire. He's not one anymore. Most everything he owed was siezed by the police when they captured Lucas. He didn't even get to keep his golden guns. Now, he was started to build back a nice portfolio with the screenplays he was developing, but you don't care about his lack of money. "But it is even more beautiful than I remember." He hums. "Almost as beautiful as you."
“Flatterer.” A teasing little accusation and you lean forward to kiss him as the stylist moves around you to take your hair out of the curlers and work whatever magic she has in mind. “Everything will be wonderful tonight, mi amor. I promise.” He’s knows you are nervous, but you have given him your word that you do want to be there and so you’re going to make sure that he feels it, too. Hollywood may be intimidating but it will not stop you from supporting him.
"It will be good for you too." He promises, sending you a soft smile through the mirror. You have been amazing, his constant support and champion after he had split with Gabriela. It was like you were meant to be.
“I’m sure it will be. And it will be nice to see Nick and Olivia.” Javi’s best friend is his coproducer on this film and Nick Cage’s wife has quickly become a friendly shoulder for you to lean on. As odd as that sentence is to you sometimes.
"Yes it will." He grins, excited to see his friend again. "They also said that the afterparties are a must."
“We’ll stay out as long as you like,” you promise him with an indulgent grin. “I took the next two days off of work.”
"You did?" His brows wing up in surprise, expecting to have to leave early so you could go to bed a reasonably decent time.
“Of course I did.” His surprise breaks your heart, but you reach up to cup his face gently with one hand. “I might be nervous but I’m not going to abandon you in the middle of your big night.”
"I know." He knows that you are incredibly supportive, but you also have a job that you have to keep as well. "I just know you are nervous at the big parties."
“And I’ll get used to it with a little practice.” Your office job doesn’t exactly put you in the line of fire when it comes to big anything. But Javi is worth making changes for.
Javi nods, understanding that you must feel like a fish out of water at times. "Don't worry." He promises, risking the stylist's ire to press a soft kiss to your cheek. "I'll protect you."
“I know you will.” Since the moment the two of you met, you have been his champion and he has been yours. He’s more than you ever dreamed of in a partner and you’re determined to make him proud. “It’s going to be a wonderful night, mi amor.”
“Yes it will.” He knows it will be, because you are by his side. “We will have the time of our lives.”
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
My Masterlist!
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Kisame Hoshigaki Friendship to Lovers Headcanons
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Tags/Warnings: No Reader Pronouns, Fluff
𓆃 It's about the only way it's going to go. Kisame isn't exactly the type to seek out a romantic relationship off the bat. He just isn't very interested, but unlike some of his peers, he hasn't sworn off the potential of a partnership.
𓆃 And yes, to him it's a partnership which is why the friendship to lovers pipeline is so smooth. Because in any potential professional partnership, you'll grow closer and more personal until you've ended up in a place where you don't know what you are per se.
𓆃 Will Kisame ever answer you? Hell no. You shouldn't even ask because he'll laugh you off, mess up your hair, and move along.
𓆃 He's weird about labels, but that doesn't stop him from being territorial.
𓆃 Rather, he expects for your relationship to be just be understood. That any special relationship or importance or any other sappy title doesn't need to be said nor should it (because that's the line of work your in).
𓆃 While he doesn't really stick to the old-fashioned shinobi codes, they are very deeply ingrained in him. The Hidden Mist was a very rough village and used draconic methods for longer than a good number of other shinobi societies.
𓆃 So while Kisame doesn't swear off close friends or other valued individuals, he's prone to keeping other's at an arm's length. The underlying value also being that he wouldn't hesitate to cut down anyone for the sake of a mission.
𓆃 It's likely best if you understand that to a degree. Not to say that you would have to agree, but being in the shinobi world should allow you to understand his attitudes.
𓆃 Although, this doesn't differ too much from other shinobi values.
𓆃 An ideal partnership would be most possible with someone Kisame hits it off with. He likes the kind of person who is willing to go along with impulsive ideas and keeps things interesting.
𓆃 Not to mention who will make a great sparring partner. It's how he likes to have his fun, so if you have good stamina and take pride in your combat abilities, you're sure to build a close relationship.
𓆃 Kisame likes to roughhouse and that will make up a significant chunk of your banter.
𓆃 And you'll carry on just like that, not even noticing the exceptions you make for each other because you're together all the time.
𓆃 And one day, maybe he'll surprise you.
𓆃 "I've had my fill," Kisame might say, heaving a heavy sigh the last of his opponents falls to the ground.
𓆃 You might snort, jesting that you had never heard him say that before or a snide remark about how you fought more than he did.
𓆃 And when Kisame tells you, "I think I'm retired," he doesn't blame you when you laugh at him. He snickers along with you at the ridiculous thought.
𓆃 Because he never truly is retired. But if turning in a bounty to get the fighting itch out of his system before coming to your secluded spot by the shore to start dinner is his version of retired, you supposed you should give it to him.
𓆃 You'd throw your headbands and cloaks off a nearby cliff. You'd build your little cottage yourselves, your two weapons next to the door as if they were umbrellas.
𓆃 A little dock would be nearby where you'd continue to spar, and a thick, fortified kitchen table for when you're stitching each other up later that night.
𓆃 You supposed nothing really changes in Kisame's version of retirement other than no longer having any allegiance to a nation.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: I'm still recharging but since it's taking so long I wanted to throw y'all a bone.
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I wish a happy, peaceful and stress-free birthday to my beloved @unbeknownstunknown I hope your day will be at least okay, but hopefully as wonderful as you are. (I'm not sure if you still like Nicercy or not, but hopefully yes. 🫣) I love you my dear. I wish you the best, because you deserve it!
Grover knew things. Most people didn't realize that; next to the big Percy Jackson, he was basically invisible. Even after following Pan's footsteps, he was still just a background character. Not that he minded, of course! He'd rather be just a side note than live through what Percy had to experience in all of his life. (He would NEVER want to be a demigod. No way.)
So, it wasn't like he minded being forgotten by people who weren't his friends. It made it possible to see things; to hear things.
To know things.
Like how the Stolls did most of their pranks. Or how Rachel found the loophole in her virginity oath. (That one was not something he wanted to know. Like, come on, girl! With Thalia?! Not something Grover wanted to know about his friends…)
Or how Nico di Angelo has been in love with Percy ever since the first time he looked at him. And how the literal second half of his soul has been in love with Nico ever since the guy saved their asses in the Battle of Manhattan. To be fair… the two of them weren't subtle. (Yet they still didn't realize their feelings. Idiots.)
Usually he stayed out of other's lives. He knew their secrets, but they were not his to spread. He just kept them. Like pretty jewels on a shelf; pretty, but basically useless. He only interjected when it was really important. Like in the battles. When he had to notify Percy about new rumors from Olympus. When there were gossips about Juniper.
But… maybe some secrets were more important to share than to keep.
For years, he saw the pinning grow. How crush turned into love, how suspicion turned into blind trust. Sometimes he suspected he knew them better than they knew themselves. He'd seen them grow up, from naive mortals to battle-hardened almost-gods.
He was the happiest he'd ever been with Juniper; didn't Percy, his soulmate, deserve the same happiness? Deciding to get involved was a scary thought. But not as scary as it was to imagine his best friend settling down with not having the best thing for him. To imagine Grover getting married and having the love of his life for the rest of their immortal lives, while Percy was thinking he wasn't loved, adored and cherished by Nico.
That was unacceptable.
He loved Juniper. He wanted to marry her, to have children with her, to spend the rest of their immortal lives with her. And seeing Nico and Percy laughing with each other, “talking” without any spoken discussion, being so comfortable with each other, yet believing their feelings were unreciprocated… Grover knew.
They deserved to have the same thing he had with his beloved.
Getting the two together was probably easier than expected, but harder than it sounded. He went shopping for Juniper's ring, taking Percy and Nico with him. For moral support, of course.
Not because he knew that as soon as they would get into the store, the two of them would stare at the rings with interest. Nope.
“Nico?” Grover asked. The younger boy raised his eyebrow curiously. “Do you think Percy's and Juniper's fingers are the same size? I forgot to ask about her ring size.”
Nico thought for a second, turning his head to look at Percy. Grover already knew the answer. “Yeah, I think so.”
They looked at the glass, studying the rings under it for a bit longer. Grover imagined how the rings would look on Juniper's gorgeous finger, and he suspected Nico was also thinking the same, except in his mind it was Percy's finger.
The Sea Prince was walking back and forth in the shop, like the ADHD demigod he was, before he walked up to them, throwing an arm around Nico's shoulder to check on their progress.
“Percy, I need your help,” Grover said. “Your finger is the same size as Juniper's and I want to see which ring would fit on her.”
Maybe seeing a ring on Percy's finger, Nico would realize he should put a ring on it.
“What do you think,” he turned towards Nico, “would look the best on-? I mean… If you were buying a ring for Percy, which one do you think would fit?”
His two friends were staring at him, bewildered. Too much? Probably.
But it worked. Nico's answer was too quick, his choice was too perfect to hide he was thinking about it before.
“Oh,” Percy sighed. The ring really was perfect. Thin silver band with a tiny blue stone in it; deceptively graceful, just like Percy was.
“I would wear it,” Percy confessed, eyes still on the jewelry, his ears suspiciously red.
“Oh,” Nico exhaled.
“I would…” the Ghost King coughed, light blush pinkening his unhealthy pale skin. “I would buy it. For you. If you want, that's it. From me.”
It was painful to watch. Like a chariot crash. But Grover couldn't look away. It was happening!
“I mean… if it was you buying it, for me… That would be. Uh. I'd love that?”
They were so awkward. It was adorable. Grover felt like he was both the proud big brother of both, and the long-suffering love expert who has been waiting for this moment for years.
“You- really?!” Nico looked so excited; like a puppy. Hellhound, Grover admitted, but a puppy nonetheless.
Percy swallowed. “Yes,” he breathed.
Nico's mouth dropped open a little, as if he was surprised at how easy it was. Well. Probably it was surprising for him. Grover knew.
“Would you- really? Will you… Is it just…”
Percy blushed, redder than Grover ever had seen him before. “I will marry you. If. If that's what you- Was that? I mean.”
“Yes.” Nico was nodding, like one of those little toy dogs in the cars, bobbing his head up and down. “Percy. Will you marry me?”
Grover sighed, not bothering to hide his proud smile. Finally! After years and years and years… It was finally happening.
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murainhell · 3 months
Apology Tour Spoilers!
Guys… I'm going to start by saying that I really like the episode. The songs, the return of Verosika, the way we have several conversations between the two of them even though they get nowhere because they keep not listening to the other!!! The drama. Yes, give me more. I didn't expect them to fix it quickly, so this has been what I was hoping for and more.
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But I'm so annoyed by all the hate I'm seeing on twitter. I mean, one of my friends doesn't like it and we've been able to have a civil conversation about our opinions, but that website… Oh, goodness.
First of all, why are so many people hating on the poor incubus guy? What is his crime? He notices a super cute owl demon at a party, technically single since he's Blitz's new ex, and asks him to dance. Makes Stolas laugh. He steals a kiss but Stolas reacts well. I'll be honest: I would kiss Stolas too in that situation lol
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I mean, yeah, I would understand if people were saying that Stolas is drunk and what about consent and such, but…. Who hasn't been out at a party and made out with someone? And they're bloody demons? I mean. Seriously, the strong reaction of hatred towards him is just because he gets in the way of Stolitz? Let's be honest, did anyone really expect them to sort it out already? This communication problem between them is going to go on for a long time. They have a lot of things to heal, themselves first, and then with each other.
Martha and Mayberry being together is also a problem for some people? We're in hell, I hope they have a good time!
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"What happened to the husband? Isn't he in hell?" Honey, just because he's not in the frame doesn't mean he's not, we just don't care about him lol
"This is so toxic, they're both in hell because of each other" yes, and? Dear, Martha was a murderer and ate people, she was going to end up here anyway. Possibly the other sending hitmen after her was super hot in her book, who knows! (And personally happy to have crumbs about a cannibal, as it makes me think about Rosie and her town then, it's not such a universal thing, neither how they look or living under her protection).
Verosika, beautiful, gorgeous, I am delighted to have more information about her and the reason for her anger towards Blitz. I hope this makes people hate her a little less, jeez. Blitz needed someone to speak to him straight and it is obvious that it is after their conversation that it all sinks in.
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And now about our beloved stars. Again, who expected them to solve it already? It's the next day, for God's sake! And I think exactly the same as I already said, this is not a team Stolas vs. team Blitz thing, they are both right and wrong at the same time! They have not had time to reflect and think!
I've seen many opinions from people saying they now support Stolas even more and others saying that the series now hates Blitz and the narrative is against him, giving the victory to Stolas. But, uuuh, no? I mean, it's just an episode specifically about Blitz being shitty to other people, it's something we know and it's necessary for him to see his effect on others. That doesn't mean they're proving Stolas right, we'll have more episodes to explore the whole conflict.
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Stolas has his moment to talk and talk about what he wants, but he still hasn't heard what Blitz wants. He clearly doesn't know either. We'll have time for that later.
But it is so sad… Blitz doesn't know what to do, but Stolas is also looking for a relationship without knowing anything about them, he has them idealized.
And sometimes I can't help but think…. Does he really love Blitz or does he just think that because he was the first being to make him feel good? Bird boy, you urgently need to have other people in your life to know if it's Blitz that important or you've just idealized him.
"I don't even know why you would want to be with me." "I want to be someone's someone. I want to feel wanted."
That's not a conversation. No one is responding to the other (but Blitz is listening. This is the second time Stolas is not actively listening to him).
"Stolas shouldn't be kissing others if he claims to love Blitz so much" oh, right, being sad and looking for what he wants so much in others after being heartbroken (or so he thinks) invalidates the other. Fuck, too bad I can't use an expression in my native language, but I guess this is the equivalent? The quickest way to get over one man is to get under another one.
I know it's frustrating when your ship doesn't sail, but isn't it exactly these moments that make being together more rewarding later on? It's not the end of the series. It's going to be four seasons as Brandom said.
I feel like we have a series with complex characters who screw up and react quite realistically and people don't know how to digest it. Over the last years the confrontations are seen as black and white, there is always someone who is right and the other is wrong… Guys, it doesn't work like that.
My theory for now is that they won't be talking to each other for the remaining of the season. The scene of Blitz protecting Stolas? The season finale, and it's going to mark the beginning of the "you do care" but without them being together yet. The beginning of what could be a friendship, you know, the foundation of a relationship. And then, hopefully, next season or the last one will bring us the resolution.
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