#Like she wanted to do a Sunday and Robin cosplay for a con in the future
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Having cosplay friends is amazing bc they're super talented and passionate about their work, but it's also a pain as somebody with anxiety around my appearance because one of my besties want me to do a matching cosplay with her so bad and i'm just awkwardly standing there like girl I would die. I want to as well but i'd die.
#nihil dreams#Cosplay#She even considers the characters I like#Like she wanted to do a Sunday and Robin cosplay for a con in the future#Which sounds so fun!!#But I have trouble finding stuff that'd fit me and I got that good old anxiety disorder#So I just suffer
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DragonCon Gothic
-You are in the food court going to the Hilton. You take the sky bridge. You are in the Marriott. You take the other sky bridge. You are in the Hyatt. You take the sky bridge. You are in the food court.
-You are in a Very Serious Panel discussing First Amendment Law. You hear Gangnam Style through the wall.
-You hear a woman scream. She runs. She hugs Darth Vader. She is fine.
-You hear a woman scream. The escalator is eating her ballgown. It tears. The Addams Family comes to her rescue. Supergirl mends the gown. She is fine.
-You hear a man scream. His dragonhide stiletto has gone through the grate in the broken Atlanta pavement. He falls. Six anime characters and a Harley Quinn come to his rescue. He...will be fine tomorrow.
-A mother is dressed as Misty from Pokémon. Her baby is a Togapi strapped to her front.
-A mother is dressed as Misty from Pokémon. Her children are the Pikachu evolutionary line.
-A mother is dressed as Misty from Pokémon. Her baby is a Magikarp. Years later you see a young Garydose. You remember the baby. You wonder.
-There is an hour wait at the Hardrock. You go to the food court instead. It takes an hour to find a table.
-You are in the overflow seating for the food court. It used to be a Mexican restaurant. You look at the broken floor, the missing ceiling tiles, the shelf hanging crooked on the wall by one last screw. It has not changed since last year, or the year before, or the year before that.... You wonder why nothing new has used the space. You wonder where you would sit if anything ever did.
-There is...a character. You’ve seen it twenty times today. You have no idea what it’s from. You are scared to ask.
-There is a character. You have never seen it before. You tell the cosplayer they look great and ask what they are. They excitedly tell you the life story of this fictional person. They finish then hurry to catch back up with their friends. They never told you what it’s from.
-There is a wolf in the Marriott. An actual wolf. It is a service dog. You want to pet it. You spend the next half hour helping prevent drunk pikachus and storm troopers from petting the wolf.
-You are on MARTA with Spider-Man.
-You are on MARTA in cosplay. The train is full of sports fans. You feel the way they look at you, like you are a freak, like their jersey and face paint is any different from your costume. You all exit at peachtree station. The platform is full of Sailor Scouts and Doctors Who. The sports fans realize they are outnumbered. Some of them are afraid. Some of them will be dressed as the joker next year.
-Someone is crying in the bathroom. They just want to get their contacts out.
-Someone is crying in the bathroom. They were too far back in line, the room filled, they didn’t get to see David Tennant.
-Someone cries for help in the bathroom. It’s a variation of Spider-Man you have never seen before. She can’t unzip her suit. You help her. She is drunk and swears she will see you again next year and buy you a drink. You see her next year. She gives you a glow stick.
-There is a woman in a Marriott Carpet dress. There is a Sailor Marriott with the Carpet pattern on their fuku. The Marriott Flying Carpets quidditch team has the pattern on their robes. There is a car painted like the Carpet. There is a vendor selling Cult of the Carpet merch. The Carpet is copyrighted. You hear there is a lawsuit. The Marriott hasn’t had that carpet in years. You’ve been walking through the Marriott all day. You have no idea what the carpet looks like now.
-There is a character. You’ve seen it twelve times today. You have no idea what it’s from. You see it for a thirteenth time alongside another character from the same thing. You know both characters. You know the entire life story of the character you’ve seen thirteen times.
-You want to go to a panel. You find five simultaneous panels. You narrow it down to two. You go to neither of them.
-You want to go to a panel. You find five simultaneous panels. You narrow it down to two. You go to a sixth because it is in the hotel you’re already in.
-You want to go to the burlesque. You meant to go to the burlesque last year. They move the burlesque. Everyone gets there before you. You do not go to the burlesque this year.
-You are in the Dealer’s Room. You want to buy a sword. A vender hands you a D-20 die made of gemstone. You roll it. You nat 20. You spend $100 on stone dice. You do not buy a sword.
-There are hundreds of men in kilts. This is normal. A woman chases them with a leaf blower. This is normal. You would worry if she weren’t there.
-There is an ambulance outside the Sheraton. You hope everyone is okay. You think there was an ambulance here last year. You can’t remember.
-You are in the Walk of Fame. You meet your hero. They are the sweetest person you have ever met.
-You are in the Walk of Fame. You meet your hero. They’re a creep.
-You are in the Walk of Fame. There is almost no line for George Takei. You do not understand why. You talk to him. He is the sweetest person you have ever met.
-There are hateful protesters outside the food court. No one can hear them. Darth Vader is playing bagpipes.
-You walk past a woman wearing a censor bar and pants. You walk past her again After Dark. She is no longer wearing a censor bar. Or pants.
-You are at the Yule Ball. It is a fun, family party. The Golden Trio run by in their Hogwarts robes. They are too young to go to Hogwarts.
-You are at the Yule Ball. It has just hit ten o’clock. The children are escorted out. The lights go down. A belly dancing elf pulls out a flask. You don’t know from where.
-You are at the Yule Ball. Batman is on a date with Sailor Moon. He asks if he can kiss her. She says no. He leaves. She dances with the elf, then with Madam Hooch.
-You are at a panel. Someone has the mic. There is feedback. The sound guy tries to fix it. There is still feedback. The sound guy tries again. There is still feedback. There is always feedback. No one blames the sound guy.
-You need an elevator to go down. An elevator arrives. It is going up. You get on. You go up fourteen floors then go down. You clutch the handrail in the zero gravity.
-A drag queen who is not a drag queen compliments your cosplay. You almost buy a corset from him.
-Your shoes are not comfortable but they go with your cosplay. You’ve been walking for hours. Your feet hurt.
-You are wearing your most comfortable shoes. You’ve been walking for hours. Your feet hurt.
-You’ve wanted to do this cosplay for years. You’ve been working on it for months. You finished it last night.
-You poured your soul into this cosplay. No one has recognized it all day. Someone thought you were Robin Williams. You return to your hotel, blocks away from the heart of the con. The night porter compliments your cosplay by name. You are Validated.
-There is someone checking into the Marriott in a suit. A battalion of Storm Troopers pass. The person in a suit looks confused, maybe scared. The person behind the desk is unfazed.
-You are in the Marriott where the Blood Drive used to be. The Blood Drive hasn’t been here in years. You still think of this place as where the Blood Drive used to be. You still think vampire costumes should be mandatory for the Blood Drive crew.
-A Blood Drive volunteer tells your group you should donate. Most of you are gay. Two of you have new tattoos. One of you just returned from abroad. The rest have medical conditions. None of you have eaten in hours. None of you can give blood.
-You are in the Marriott where the Blood Drive used to be. A chorus of elves are singing, each of them carrying a lantern. They are beautiful. You are almost moved to tears. They are a chorus of angels, except they are elves, and the only angels you’ve seen all weekend are Castiel and Aziraphale, neither of whom seem to sing. The elves leave. BB-8 appears, followed by R2. The droids interact with the crowd. A small girl dressed as Leia pats BB-8 on the head. A second BB-8 approaches her, then a third, then a fourth tiny BB-8. The girl is delighted. It is adorable. You are moved to tears.
-You had the con crud last year. You do not want it again. You load yourself up with vitamin C and zinc. By Sunday your throat is raw. You have the con crud. You will have it next year too.
-You are in the CVS on Peachtree. The rest of the con is there too. You are buying tissues and cough drops. So are they. You all have the con crud.
-You see a badge on the floor. You are overcome with dread. You check your own badge. It’s still there. You exhale in relief. Your heart breaks for a stranger you have never seen.
-You buy a piece of jewelry and put it on. You go to a panel. Your jewelry is gone. You don’t know what happened. There is nothing to be done. You may go back to the vender tomorrow if you still have money. You may not.
-You are at a panel. The panelist makes a sex joke, then realizes there are children in the room. They apologize profusely to the parents while the children giggle. Five minutes later, it happens again.
-You see a character. You ask your friend where it’s from. “Anime,” they say. That explains nothing. That explains everything.
-A ducky squeaks in the distance.
-It is Monday. It hits five o’clock. Everyone is chased out of the venders hall. In the hotels, the Hunger Games breaks out over luggage carts. The crowds and madness disperse. The city is as quiet as it ever is. The con is over. You must return to the real world. You’re not sure you know how, but you’ll be okay. You begin to plan for next year.
#DragonCon#Dragon Con#dragon*con#dragoncon gothic#marriott carpet#cult of the carpet#long post#eiiri made this
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So the con was great!
I roomed with @reginamotherfuckingmills and @agntreginaskywalker and we arrived Thursday night and we went to the Melting Pot for fondue with @thesschesthair and some other friends. Cheese and chocolate is always good.
Friday is always a light day. I was in VIP so I had meet and greets that day with Chris, Jared, and Gil.
Mostly what I remember from Chris was talking about Eureka which was a show I loved and he played a major recurring part about. Someone got him to talk about it in the panel to and some of my meet and greet and panel things got fuzzy in my head with people but I think the thing I liked hearing most was about his casting for Vincent in Eureka. He went there wearing a plaid shirt and with a beard and scruffy sideburns. The casting call was for an effeminate man and everyone else in the audition was in a crop top and tall and thin. He figured he wouldn’t get the part. For those of you interested in ASOUE he will be in season 3.
Jared talked a lot about gaming and his sister who he clearly admires and adores. I asked him in my meet and greet and then someone stole my question (@saxgoddess25 and I had been asking it in panels too) in the panel what his most hated prop/costume was. He said he hated the backpack because they’d have him carry it when it wouldn’t make sense for him to have it. Like hanging out in his own house because they wanted him to be able to pull the book out of it. Also the book didn’t fit in the back pack and when we saw him doing that it was a special larger bag. He tried to get them to give him a messenger bag that would fit the book but no go. He also hated the scarf because it never changed length or got washed often. Jared’s friday panel featured one of the worst questions I have heard at a con, after he had gushed about working with Andy and how much he appreciated him, someone got up and said she resented him being replaced and asked how it felt when he found out. Which... yeahhhh
Gil was ... mostly Gil. He did say that his adventure outfit with leather pants was his favorite costume and that he didn’t much like the ball outfit. Previously he’d voiced his hatred of the big cable knit sweater.
I went out with friends for dinner friday rather than doing the concert because by that time at night I was mostly peopled out. @coaldustcanary was great and we talked about AO3 and I learned a lot about character tagging and the problem of Hope Swan-Jones and Hope Swan-Mills and if they should be tagged as the same character.
I was also kidnapped briefly by the pirate gang of @justmilah @queen-mabs-revenge @thesschesthair @killianmesmalls and @captregina who are all as crazy as you would expect and wonderful. I’m still annoyed I didn’t get my promised picture of my Milah funko and @justmilah‘s because I find it fascinating to see custom pops of the same character made by different people. I also gave her many many body parts.
Saturday I had a lovely breakfast with @laura-p-g who is just about the most adorable person ever. That day I had meet and greets with Rose, Karen, and Colin.
Colin flew in that morning from Atlanta where he is filming. I remember him saying until 6AM but others said he said 4AM but still. He couldn’t talk about the project but said that he’d been in a rain scene all night and they were using lake water so he was cold, wet, and dirty. But there he was at the con and in great spirits so I kind of love him for that. He answered the prop/costume question at the panel. Apparently he wasn’t fond of the Prince Charles pants because he split them open. They were tighter than usual. He was also a bit sad because it was his first Halloween away from his kids. Mostly I loved how much he gushed about season 7, he wishes he would have had more time to explore Wish Hook and Alice’s relationship in a season 8. That really the story with Hook and Emma was told because they were happy and there was more to be had with WH and Alice. I did have to chuckle thinking about all those people last year who claimed he was talking about how much fun he was having because he was forced to and was just promoting the show.
Rose was really lovely and we mostly chatted about learning to drive and where she wants to visit. We found out from the panel that she lived with a cousin of hers for 3 months after lying about living in Vancouver to get the job. Her cousin had to google her to recognize her when she picked her up from the airport. But good on her! She said her least favorite prop was Robin’s bow and arrow because it would whap her in the head every time they kissed or embraced. Also it was difficult to get in and out of the bug with it. The bug was also really hard to drive.
Karen is a lovely ball of sunshine and is loving playing a witch on Legacies. She said that her least favorite costume was from Scorpion King where it took forever to do up and then would come apart in the wind machines. I gave her an Izzy funko from Galavant and she was really happy with it. She said that funko Izzy looked more badass than she did.
That night I had dinner with friends including @saxgoddess25 and I tried not to be disturbed by a terrifying clown wandering around the pub.
There was a really great Good Queen cosplay that looked screen accurate, @queen-mabs-revenge‘s Lieutenant Jones cosplay was fucking amazing including her taco hat. And the best cosplay had to be the person who was an Emma Swan Funko Pop. Including giant head.
Sunday was wonderful. We had Lana, Bex, Emilie, Andy, and Beverley.
Lana was and always is amazing. She showed us pictures of Lola. There were many jokes around the con that she posted all those pictures Saturday to kill as many of us as she could to sign fewer autos. I heard she was signing until 11PM which... I love how much Lana cares.
Bex was amazing, she mostly talked about tv and she recommends the Haunting of Hill House. Her least favorite prop was the apprentice’s wand because it was awkward and pointy and she always had to have it and stick it up her sleeve. The script would say she puts it in her inside pocket but there were never any inside pockets so she had to shove it in her bra. She spent most of her scenes with it thinking “don’t drop the stick don’t drop the stick” which was slightly distracting from actually acting.
Emilie hated carrying around the rifle on Lost because it was heavy and awkward and she was always hitting things with it.
Andy was WONDERFUL. You should find time to meet him if you ever have the chance. We talked a lot about how he worked on coming into the part of Henry and in particular the scene on the telephone. You should just never play Settlers of Catan with him. Apparently he hoards brick and wood according to Rose and then extorts you for them. His least favorite experience was being sprayed with water constantly on the JR.
Beverley is just adorable and always fun to be around.
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Animaz/ement, My Weekend and Overall Thoughts.

under the cut bc god knows how long. i’m gonna go into details about my whole ass weekend.
Thursday Precon:
This was pretty simple, I got there at around 8:30 to get my tickets with my friend, I wore my blake belladonna cosplay because i wanted to make sure that i could wear everything comfortably. overall the night was fun, a few people took pictures of and with me--that was nice! But that was pretty much all that Thursday had to bring me.
I wore blake again this day, and from the start i got quite a few pictures taken of me ( i think i might also be in a video? i’m not 100% sure but if i am that’s super cool!! ) thank god for guidebook because i had my whole ass weekend planned out. the first thing on my personal agenda was mario kart with e jason liebrecht, which was hilarious. ( spoilers, he’s not the best at mario kart but he was having a lot of fun and that’s all that matters ). i was one of the first people to play the game and i got a fist bump from him which was uber cool.
after the panel, i scoped out the artist alley for a m!robin / grima print to get signed for the bf, it took a lot of looking but i found one that was perfect to get signed by david vincent. i got her autograph myself last year when he came, so i didn’t need one for myself this year. vincent was over an hour late to the signing, but i was dedicated to get this autograph--so i waited it out. i heard he was late because he was working out? idk lol. but i got the autograph! nice.
moving on, it was time to scope out the dealers room before i went to a q&a for david vincent. my first look around i didn’t see much that caught my eye but i did find an azura keychain from fire emblem, and i did a mimikyu lottery and got a cute little plate! the q&a was really fun, not much to really note from this. it was just a really enjoyable experience. well, i did find out that he (just as most all blaz/blue voice artists) is hoping for the english dub of bb/cf especially with cross tag getting a dub.
i went back to the dealers room after and found a saber nero figure, and of course i bought that because she’s my favorite saber. and i bought some 2b and 9s keychains! i’m giving the 9s to my boyfriend so we match. after this i met up with my friend in the game room and we were there for a bit, my feet felt like they were on fire by this point so i headed home after this. ‘
The day i was most excited for. I was dressed up as zero two from darling in the franxx this day! a few people took pictures of me and got a lot of comments about zero two being waifu for laifu, which is True. the first panel i went to was a panel for tomohiko ito panel, where he talked about the new s/ao movie. i found out some things about it i never knew and it made me want to watch the movie again. along with some neat trivia. after the panel he had an autograph session, and i thankfully was able to get his autograph. he drew a little kirito and asuna with his signature it was very cute.
After this, i looked around the dealers room for a bit only to find nothing--and then i went to wait in line for the liebrecht and elizabeth maxwell autograph session. this was hell cause i waited over two hours but it was honestly well worth it. liebrecht even remembered me from mario kart yesterday even though i was in a different cosplay! it made me really happy. due to all the waiting the signing was moved into the dealers room, so i decided to take another look around and was able to find a yuna figure from ordinal scale. she was the only one i saw and i jumped at the sight.
Then came the david vincent voice acting tryouts panel. this was a lot of fun! i wasn’t able to participate, but learning voice about voice acting and voice overs made me want to try to do it myself. i’m gonna try to make my own demo reel and look into things for the future. There’s not much to really say about this panel though!
After that, was probably one of my favorite panels. a cards against humanity panel with a large set of voice actors. the entire panel was hilarious! probably the funniest thing i’ve ever been to. and! it was my first 18+ panel! when the panel ended i was able to get a pciture with liebrecht and it was great. my bud wanted to stay for the jojo panel so i went to another ( hilarious ) 18+ panel with derek stephen price, i can’t really go into the details about the panel but man, was it funny.
and that wraps it up for saturday.
the last day of con, i was futaba from per/sona 5. there wasn’t many things i really wanted to do this day. i got the autograph of Shinichirō Watanabe and that was a pretty big highlight. i looked around the dealers room and artist alley again but nothing really jumped at me. but i did go to another panel! this was a q&a centered around voice acting that david vincent had. it was pretty insightful and really only made me wanna try voice acting even more. ( yes i’m aware it’s hard, but if you don’t try you won’t go anywhere yaknow? )
and that was pretty much all that really happened that day? it was still fun, but pretty lax compared to the previous two days.
Overall I really enjoyed the convention, this is probably my second favorite time being at animaz/ement. nothing can really top the 2016 con though, simply because i was able to meet some of my best friends irl for the first time. But this year was a whole lot of fun, and i really look forward to next year.
#that wasn't very ca$h money of you#if you read through all this can you lms. thanks.#it's just a lot that i wrote and i'm just. ahsdhjf. bless y'all.
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My Comic Con Portugal Experience (long post)
So let me tell you about my Comic Con weekend. There ain't much to say about Saturday, other than I went crazy and bought 13 Stranger Things Funko Pop's, 2 of them being those big TV moments. Sunday tho... where should I start about Sunday. So Millie Bobby Brown was the main attraction of the day, so I went earlier before the doors were even open, and I had a slight advantage because I had a weekend bracelet and 90% of the people on the line didn't. Slight advantage... if the organization on the entrance wasn’t so terrible. The lines were all mixed, we had to pierce the crowd trying to get in all at once, because the staff sent us to the last entrance. But the staff on the last entrance sent us to the other entrance before the last. And then the staff from the other entrance before the last tried sending us to the other line where the staff sent us all the way down. I stomped my foot and was like “excuse me, is it so hard to just read our bracelets with whatever device you have to read bar codes? We are tired of being sent to different lines, and I can see people already getting in that got here way after I got here. They read our bracelets and I started running to the Pop Culture Store where they were selling autographs and photos with Millie. That’s where the controversy started. I respected the line but a lot of people didn’t and the nice and respectful ones mostly got screwed. I waited an hour and a half. I met this family while waiting on the line and they were super nice, it was starting to get really hot and they even offered me their water. They got up at 5am because they came all the way from the north of our country to get here for a chance to get a photo op with Millie. At noon I knew I had to make a choice. Either Millie’s panel or the chance of missing both her panel and photo op. So I gave my number to one nice sir from that family so he could text me about the photos so I could decide then what to do (leave the panel and get the photo op, or stay and watch her panel missing the photo op). He texted me an hour later saying the photos and autographs were sold out. I made the best call and got a nice seat next to my friends and we watched her panel. We actually saw Millie in front of us. There were mostly kids and teens in there. At some point I gotta say they were rather annoying. They wouldn’t let her talk, they actually talked as she was talking and when it came down to fan question the line was huge and it was disappointing how lame most questions were (why the hell are you gonna ask her if she has a crush on someone or make her choose between Finn and Noah?????) I wanted to ask her a question (a valid one) and I just couldn’t because the line was to long and the time was short. After the panel I had this bittersweet feeling you know? I was so happy I got to see Millie in front of me, but so sad I wasn’t gonna be able to take a photo with her or get my Eleven Funko Pop signed by her. I met with some other friends of mine and then went to have lunch, so we went our separate ways, but kept in touch with each other during the whole event. By the end of the day there wasn’t much to see. I was interested in attending Anthony Carrigan’s panel, but it was mostly about Barry and I only knew him from Gotham (his Victor Zsasz was amazing, hilarious and a fav of mine) so I didn’t go. We took photos almost everywhere tho. And by this time the sadness I felt about failing my main goal (taking a photo with Millie and actually meet her) was gone. I mean, yeah, it freaking sucks to sacrifice hours of sleep, and feeling so close to the main goal and then it’s all for nothing. But I got to try the ice cream from the Upside Down Scoops Ahoy! truck, and I asked a question to Benedict Wong at his panel and Joe Reitman knows my name, what’s there to be sad about? But the happiness truly kicked in when we were leaving the Jurassic Park photo scenario and I look far ahead of me and I see a Steve & Robin cosplayers. My eyes were glowing so I ran to them and I was like “OMG hi! You guys looks so awesome!” They were like “Thank you so much!” “OMG you even have Robin’s board!” “yeaaah! You wanna take a pic with us? You can hold it!” “Are you serious???” “of course!!”. And I was glowing, guys. I was the happiest person in that moment. They were so nice and easily the nicest people I met in this year’s Comic Con. We exchanged IG accounts and we are mutuals now and the Robin cosplayer told me I was one of the nicest, kindest people she met there too and that people like me are the reason she finds cosplaying so worth it. That warmed my heart, ‘cause they’re from the North of the country (Porto more specifically). They came all the way to Lisbon just to cosplay and have a good time and then to know that I was one of the reasons that made it worth it for them... WOW it’s just so... it just warms my heart so much. And that’s my story from this year’s Comic Con 😄
#i loved them so much#I actually wanna be friends with them#they made me so happy you have no idea#comic con#comic con portugal#long post
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Katsucon 2017 Report!
So this was my first Katsucon -- my second convention overall -- and let me just tell you how much I loved it.
Friday I was Phichit from Yuri! On Ice. Saturday I was Lance from Voltron. Sunday I was Hinata from Haikyuu!!
I’ll break it down into things I remembered and loved, and things that I had problems with!
The people we roomed with were -- for the most part -- a real pleasure to be around. They didn’t judge and were actually very kind about complimenting my first cosplay that I made -- granted, it was really only the jacket I made from scratch but they were so nice about it, giving me compliments and saying it looked good. ;; It made me feel really good that people thought my first cosplay was good and it gives me so confidence to keep going.
I would totally room with most of the people we roomed with for next year, and I hope that we made a good enough impression to be allowed back into the room next year, too! ; w ; Hopefully between now and then, I can work harder on making my cosplays better and getting better at make-up so I can show off more.
Most people were really sweet and kind to us and were more than ready to help us in the AA/DR and be patient with our requests. We had to wait a while for some AA booths but that’s expected considering that they had a lot of fanart for popular series! The artists as well as other con-goers were really patient and understanding when we had to leave booths or making way for us when we came to a new booth so it was really nice just having so many people be kind to us.
I really liked the Voltron shoot, too! It was just-- it was so nice being around so many people with the same interests and feeling a part of something, like-- not to quote the show, but feeling like I was a part of something bigger. Everyone was so kind, for the most part, and it was just fun being able to meet and adopt people into our group.
We adopted a Pidge or two and adopted them into our group (we were only missing Shiro, d’aw!) so it was really nice to meet them and they were such sweethearts and adorable that I’m glad we swapped handles so I could be friends with them. I can’t wait to be able to cosplay with them again, they really helped boost the fun!
The Voltron shoot was just so much fun in general and even if there were obvious disagreements (age, discourse) no one was disrespectful about it, at least not out-right. For a meet, the maturity of everyone was really good, so I’m really glad my first fan shoot went as well as it did. The rules were to keep it discourse free and I’m so glad that everyone stuck to that or I wouldn’t’ve enjoyed it like I did.Everyone was really mature and I’m so thankful that I didn’t feel self-confident at all.
(I’m still not over the time we did a cheerleading pyramid to actually ‘form Voltron’ where I shouted, “THIS ISN’T WHAT I MEANT WHEN I SAID I WAS A BOTTOM!” or something like that. Wait, I think it was, “THIS IS NOT HOW I WANTED TO BOTTOM!”-- Something as equally as dumb, LMAO. I made everyone laugh. [Heart eyes.] Boost my ego, pls.)
We also had a really pretty Princess Peach (I believe that’s what they were!) ask my fiance and I to take a photo of us and I was so happy!! (We were Klance and Klance was their otp, heck yeah.) That was the first time someone who wasn’t always cosplaying Voltron asked for a photo of us and it made me feel so proud and happy. To the point we even asked them if they wanted us to pose, LOL. I hope they enjoyed the photo, they really helped boost my confidence as a cosplayer and I can’t thank them enough for it.
We met a lot of adorable individuals, too. Logan, Jem, Britany, Robin, Rebecca, Jensen and a few others. They really helped me feel better about my cosplay and everything. It was just so much fun being able to actually spend time with our friends at a convention and actually feel like we were part of a group.
(Anime Fest 2016 was great but it was mostly us following our friends’ friends around and not feeling part of the group, always being neglected -- though to no fault of our friends, we understand that people enjoy their cosplays and they have a friend group that’s closer to them but it was just... a lonely convention and we didn’t branch out much because we had no one to branch out with. Katsucon was different because we felt like we were a part of something. ;; I really adore everyone I’ve met through Kat.)
And it was so nice to meet old online friends (Nikita and Ash!!!) and being able to plan for next year’s convention to do group shots and everything, I just really loved feeling like I had friends (I mean, I do have friends but it’s different feeling like you can actually meet up with them, take pictures, hug and stuff than just online things. ;;) and loved that I could make plans with people and have hopes for next year.
There was a moment during dinner that Kieran noticed our rings and istg, it was exactly like that moment in YOI when realization dawned on them, LMAO. (Which is funny when you remember Kieran cosplayed Phichit, too!!!)
We got a lot of merch this time too, and we even cried over our wallets for it. But it was so worth it. +w+ A lot of stores sold out on Friday and Saturday but we managed to get most of the stuff we wanted to get, which was really great. We didn’t get everything we wanted because of money and out of stock but we definitely picked up business cards to hopefully buy stuff later. All the artists and their friends were so precious.
There was one booth that was the mom of the artist and she was so sweet and cute, and really nice and accepting. She was a blast! I’d totally want to support her and her child again in the future since she was so sweet. ;-;
The bus ride, definitely, is my top negative!
This convention was really big so it was awfully crowded but people were really understanding if you bumped into them by accident or needed to rely on their tables (AA/DR). So when I was struggling walking in my Lance cosplay, they understood perfectly that I needed to a break or I was having issues. But it was really crowded and at some points, people got really pissy/rude.
Like the Reinhardt for example-- yeah, the really tall one that everyone’s fawning over. They were in the AA and if you were there, you knew that crowded places with small walk-ways (probably fits three people at most between booths) are not the best places for massive cosplays. But this person, lord give me strength, was so rude about bumping into people. They bumped into me while my back was turned into them and almost knocked me over if I hadn’t grabbed on to the artist’s table we were visiting. He turned around and, so rudely, said ‘ExCUSE me.’ as if I was the one who bumped into him. And I’m still pissed off about that.
If you’re going to do giant cosplays, for the love of shared interests, don’t bring them into the AA or the DR unless you know you’ll have enough space to get around without bumping into people. And don’t be rude when you knock people over, jfc. What if the person you knocked over was an older person or someone with anxiety or fears or injuries? You don’t own the damn place, so don’t act high and mighty just because people fawn over your cosplay, jerk.
Another problem I had with this convention was bathrooms. Which, I get this all the time when I use the restroom. I’m not male passing but I’m still male, and just because I’m trans doesn’t make me any less than a man -- but some people don’t understand that. There were some people who were good about apologizing (I’m still sorry for being rude, D!) and acknowleding their mistakes, but to the jerks who literally tried to block me off from the bathrooms or who loudly stated, ‘Why is there a girl in the bathroom?’ -- Fuck you.
You’re at a damn convention where people are cosplaying, crossplaying, crossdressing or trying to enjoy a safe environment without judgement based of their gender, you have no right to be discriminative or rude because you assume this or that about me.
There was also this one person who kept latching on to us and making me really uncomfortable; all they would do is talk about themselves and their interests while following us around and -- I understand it’s nice having shared interests but if the only conversation you have to offer is about yourself, what you spent, what you have, what you did, then I’m sorry but I’d rather not wander around with you. Especially if you keep touching us without permission, I don’t care if wasn’t inappropiately but please keep your hands to yourself. (It took us a good 20 minutes to find a perfect oppurtunity to ditch them.)
That’s all I can think of for now but!!! I had a total blast, despite everything and it was so much fun just being able to hang around with my friends and everyone. ; w ; We’re definitely going to be more active in the con area because of how rewarding it felt and how much fun it was. We might try to go to local conventions, too, but it all depends on our finances! (It was so fuuuun, I cry. ;; w ;;)
Thank you everyone who made this convention a good one for me, despite everything, and for your kind words and help. Y’all are the best, y’all are what make conventions fun, and I hope that good things come your way for allowing me to feel great, even if for a few days.
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