#Like okay good luck finding a girl who wants to give u her eggs
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idontmindifuforgetme · 4 months ago
Girl it was so bad I was literally like ohhh I feel so bad for cancelling on him let’s give him a chance. So today we spontaneously met up and studied together and we just ended up yapping the whole time . And at first it was fun bc he gives off this funny party guy who’s also ambitious impression (my favorite type). He says some questionable white man things I let slide. But then towards the end he goes on this whole rant ab his ex and how he’s pissed oft she didn’t wanna have kids (he’s 24) and how we should be thinking about having kids seriously and how women’s clocks start ticking (this man wants to be a doctor one day) so I should be thinking about it at my old age of 22 (yeah). This whole time I’m listening and smiling but on the inside his autopsy is already monogrammed in my mind’s eye bruh it’s so over
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hangovercurse · 4 years ago
The Things We Can’t Tell Pete About vi
You and Colson grapple with being “just friends.”
Colson X Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 1871
| i | ii | iii | iv | v |
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Hi friend
You were in the studio working on editing one of your songs when you got the text. You hated it, but you smiled automatically when his name popped onto your screen.
Hi friend
The past few days had been weird, but necessary. Colson ended up staying at Pete’s apartment the next night too, so you had plenty of time to figure out how “friends” worked. Unsurprisingly, you hated it. But it was the only way to keep Colson close to you, so you’d take it.
I’m bored
I thought you were friend?
But seriously you should entertain me
As friends
I’m in the studio rn
U can take a break
What would we do if I took a break?
You tried really hard not to flirt, but it came so naturally. But maybe if you convinced yourselves that you were just friends, it would happen. Because that’s how things work.
I’m hungry
I thought you were bored?
That joke is lame
Will u pls go out to lunch with me
As friends
I suppose I could think about it
You sighed, saving the audio project and shutting the computer down. You hadn’t eaten all day and spending time with Colson wasn’t the worst way to spend your lunch break.
Y/N I will find you and drag you out of that studio
You don’t even know where I am
Where do you wanna go?
I could find out…
Whatever u want
Mediterranean? There’s a cute place right by me I’ve been wanting to check out.
You sent him the address, asking him to meet you in 10 minutes.
It’s a date
Not a date
Like I’ll see you then
You laughed as the texts came through your phone, shaking your head. You headed out of the building, walking towards the small restaurant. You weren’t exactly dressed in “lunch clothes,” because you had expected to stay in the studio all day, but you would survive.
You got in line at the blue painted restaurant, thankful that it wasn’t too long. You waited a few minutes before a familiar voice spoke from your side. “Now what’s a pretty girl like you doing all by herself?”
You smiled, turning to Colson. “Waiting for her friend to show up.”
He raised his eyebrows, a smirk on his face. “I hope your friend is as hot as you are.” He chuckled.
You rolled your eyes, “not even close.”
Luckily Colson understood you were joking and he laughed with you. “How have you been?” He asked, “did they catch the guy breaking into apartments?”
“I’ve been good, working.” You nodded, “yeah, they caught him. He broke into this police officer’s place while he was home.”
Colson huffed in amusement, “talk about bad luck.”
“Right? I mean, I’m glad they caught him but, I mean, what are the odds?” You moved forward in the line, reaching the hostess stand.
“Two please.” Colson asked, flashing the girl a smile. You bit your tongue to hide the scowl that almost instinctively came to your face.
The hostess was young and no doubt attractive. She batted her eyelashes towards the tall man, not even acknowledging you. “What’s the name?”
You furrowed your eyebrows as Colson answered, wondering why she would need his name if she was taking you to the table. “And what’s the number?” She asked sweetly. If you were drinking water you would have spit it out.
Colson blushed slightly as you stood in shock. “Um-I’m.” He looked at you as if to say “I’m here with someone” but then he must’ve realized that he wasn’t technically on a date. “You’re lovely, but I’m not interested.” He muttered out, an awkward look on his face.
You were trying your hardest not to look pissed off, because if you looked pissed off then the lie you and Colson have been telling each other about being just friends would be exposed.
The girl looked you over, eyes raking up and down you with a disgusted look on her face. You felt very self-conscious suddenly, your head turning towards the floor in embarrassment. Colson noticed and cleared his throat, “our table?”
The girl didn’t speak a word as she grabbed two menus and led you to the table. “Your waiter will be with you shortly.” She spit out, anger on her face. Your heart was beating very fast, but you couldn’t tell if it was from anger or sadness.
Colson eyed you from across the table as you played with the hair tie on your wrist. “You okay?”
���Yeah, I’m fine.” You spoke too fast to convince him, your quiet demeanor also giving you away.
He sighed, his foot kicking yours lightly and pulling your focus up to him. “Okay, you just seem a little uncomfortable.”
You huffed, “yeah, well, having girls look at me like I’m the scum of the earth does that to a person.”
He frowned, “You know she has, like, nothing on you, right?”
A small blush found your cheeks, and you looked down at your hands again. “You can’t say stuff like that.” You muttered.
“What? Friends say that stuff to each other! I’m trying to make you feel better.” His smile told you he knew what he had done, but he didn’t care.
You sighed, “yeah but you can’t say that to me.”
Colson gaped dramatically, “why not?”
“Because it’s different coming from you.” You laughed. “Why didn’t you give her your number?” You asked, curious for his answer.
He shrugged, “wasn’t interested. Guess I have high expectations.”
You rolled your eyes, “it’s not because I’m here, right?”
Colson let out a sigh, “N-“
He started to speak but was interrupted by the waiter at your table, “Welcome to Shuka, my name is Oliver, I’ll be your server today. Can I get you guys started with something to drink?”
“I’ll get a water, please.” You said, smiling at the man. Colson raised an eyebrow at you. “I have to go back to work after this.”
He chuckled, scanning the menu, “can I get a Nitro?” Oliver nodded, sending you both smiles before heading back to the kitchen.
You sent Colson a look, expecting him to continue your previous conversation. Instead, he continued to read through the menu. “Do you know what you want? I’m thinking about the Shak-Shakshu-.” He tried to pronounce the name of the dish but was failing.
You giggled, finding the dish on the menu, “Shakshuka.” You told him, “and I haven’t even looked.” You scanned through the menu in your hands, reading the names of the various dishes. Colson took to studying you, a small smile on his face.
“It’s not because you’re here. It’s because I’m genuinely not interested in anyone else.” He said out of the blue. Confusion flashed across your face before you understood what he was referring to. You took in a breath, trying to figure out how to respond. “I know I shouldn’t tell you that, but I just think you needed to know.”
You smiled to yourself, “I don’t mind, I just- it makes it harder to convince myself this isn’t a date.”
Colson nodded, “this is not a date. We are just two friends having a friendly lunch. As friends.” He was trying to convince himself too.
“Right. Friendly friends. Two people who are just friends.” You said, exaggerating the word “friends”. Awkwardness hung in the air for a few moments before you both started laughing.
You fell into the familiar pattern of conversation that seemed to come naturally to you both. When your meals arrived, you were both very excited. “Can I try some of yours?” You asked, sending him the most convincing puppy dog eyes you could muster. He chuckled, placing some of the poached egg onto his fork and moving it towards you. You rolled your eyes at the cliché but smiled anyways, letting him feed you. Your eyes widened in shock “that’s so good!”
He nodded, swallowing his food. “My turn.” He said, reaching over and plucking up a falafel from your plate with his fork. Once he finished eating he smiled at you, “you have excellent taste. You’re picking the restaurants every time now.”
You raised an eyebrow, a sly smile on your face. “So we’re going to have more of these friend lunches?” You asked.
“Duh. We’re friends. This is what friends do.”
You giggled, “I don’t hear about you and Pete going out for lunch together.”
The man chuckled, eyes closing for a moment. “If it’ll make you feel better I’ll take Pete to lunch one of these days.” That made you giggle even harder, shaking your head.
 Neither of you finished your meals, packing them into to-go boxes to eat later. When Oliver brought the check over, you were very flustered. Colson automatically reached to pay but you grabbed his wrist, “we’re on separate checks.” You told the server. Oliver nodded, moving to fix it until Colson spoke up.
“I got it, it’s not a problem.” You sent him a look. “I asked you to lunch, I pay.”
“Friends let their friends pay for themselves.” You muttered, moving your hand from his wrist.
He rolled his eyes, “you can pay next time.” Smiling smugly, he handed his credit card to Oliver, who was very confused. “Relax. I’m just being nice.”
You sighed, pouting slightly. “It’s already hard enough and then you make it worse by flirting and paying and- ugh.” You cut yourself off, frustrated.
Colson clenched his jaw, letting out a hard breath through his nose. “I know, I’m sorry. This isn’t exactly easy for me either.” You nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed at your small outburst. “We can do this.” He said, confidently. If only you could feel as confident as he sounded.
Once Oliver came back with the card and receipts, you both left the restaurant. You hadn’t noticed the cameras as you walked down the street with Colson, the conversation returning to light banter and jokes, but they noticed you.
Colson walked you all the way back to the studio you were working at, insisting on going with you all the way inside. “I just wanna see where you work.” He claimed, but you insisted it was just like every other studio.
You got into the elevator to ride up to the fourth floor, where your space was. Colson stepped in with you, a smile on his face. You sighed, pressing the button and waiting for the elevator to close.
“Hey Y/N?” He spoke as the doors began to shut. You looked up to him, eyebrow raised in question. The doors closed and instead of responding, Colson leaned down, pressing his lips to yours.
You kissed him back, hands cupping his face. You heard the elevator beep as you passed the second floor, and then the third floor. He pulled away, smile on his face.
You took in a deep breath, “I thought you…”
“Fuck it.” He muttered, standing up straight. You smiled, biting your lip. “But we’re not hiding this from Pete. We’re just… testing the waters.”
You hummed in agreement as the elevator doors opened, stepping into the hallway and leading him to your studio.
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swtsvrndr · 5 years ago
book + harry potter
           i’m  rewriting  the  harry  potter  series  with  maya  as  the  chosen  one  so  buckle  up  kids,  let’s  see  how  many  books  it  takes  her  to  screw  things  up.
maya  marceli  and  the  philosophers  stone
          maya  decides  to  befriend  draco  malfoy.  or  she  would  have  if  he  wasn’t  being  a  prick.  she  breaks  his  nose  and  he  vows  to  get  his  revenge.    on  the  train  she  thinks  ron  is  weird  and  avoids  him,  sits  with  his  older  brothers  instead  because  she  thinks  they’re  cool.   she  finds  neville’s  toad  and  slips  it  into  his  bag;   she’s  not  a  monster  but  she  doesn’t  want  people  thinking  she’s  decent.  
     she  gets  sorted  into  slytherin  and  that’s  when  things  start  diverting.   professor  snape  is  a  dick  but  she’s  constantly  giving  him  hell.   she  was  definitely  a  handful  as  a  child  and  never  learned  how  to  keep  her  mouth  shut,  even  when  she  was  punished  for  it.   she  spends  the  majority  of  the  first  few  months  antagonizing  malfoy,  in  detention,  and  getting  in  fights.   she  ends  up  on  the  quidditch  team  bc  malfoy  claims  ‘  girls  aren’t  as  fast  ’  and  ofc  she  needs  to  prove  him  wrong.   professor  mcgonagall  gives  her  detention  but  word  spreads  and  snape  gets  her  on  the  team.   i  think  maya  reminds  him  a  lot  of  lily,  where  as  harry  reminded  him  of  james,  and  that’s  what  eventually  turns  that  relationship.    
       everything  else  happens  the  same.  she  befriends  hermione,  they  investigate  snape  and  get  info  out  of  hagrid,  and  somehow  ron  gets  thrown  into  the  trio  even  though  maya  could  give  less  of  a  shit  about  him.   she’s  also  really  good  friends  with  blaise  zabini  so  he  becomes  part  of  the trio,  which  is  now  a  quartet.  maya  and  blaise  make  it  the  final  chamber  and  then  it’s  just  maya,  face  to  face  with  voldemort.   she  blacks  out  and  the  professors  save  the  day  but  u  know,  the  guy  who  killed  her  parents  still  lives  and  she’s  a  vindictive  bitch.    she  knows  he’ll  be  back  and  becomes  obsessed  with  being  prepared  for  it.
maya  marceli  and  the  chamber  of  secrets
     everything  that  happens  at  the  beginning  of  the  book  still  happens.   dobby  ruins  everything,  ron  shows  up  in  the  impala,  and  they  crash  into  the  whomping  willow.    except  this  time  maya’s  driving  because  she  was  not  putting  her  life  into  ron’s  hands.  the  wrong  decision,  clearly,  but  u  know.
       since  she’s  a  slytherin,  in  a  room  surrounded  by  snakes,  i  feel  like  she  figures  out  pretty  quickly  she  can  talk  to  them.   so  when  she  starts  hearing  the  voices,  she  tells  everyone  she  can  think  of.   they  all  think  she’s  crazy  and  gaslight  her  so  when  people  start  getting  hurt  she  just  shrugs  and  says  you’re  all  on  your  own.   hermione  and  ron  are  goodygoodys  though  and  keep  investigating,  only  believing  her  after  blaise  gets  petrified  that  it’s  a  big  ‘ol  snake.    in   the  end  it  catches  hermione  off  guard,  they  tell  the  professors,  and  everyone’s  on  high  alert  but  ginny  is  still  possessed  so  u  know,  we  end  up  in  the  same  place  anyway.   she  goes  missing  and  because  lockhart  is  a  dumbass,  and  ron’s  grown  on  her,  maya  knows  her  dumb  ass  is  going  into  that  chamber.    instead  of  lockhart’s  wand  backfiring  though  i  want  to  say  maya  just  straight  up  fucked  that  man’s  career  up  with  no  hesitation.  he  would  have  left  them  drooling  on  themselves  and  her  spell  was,  y’know,  not  the  best.   good  luck  dude. 
         she  has  a  nice  showdown  with  young  voldemort,  who  is  super  hot,  would  do  him,  and  then  takes  on  the  snake  and  stabs  the  journal  with  it.   ginny  lives,  dobby  goes  free,  and  everyone’s  happy.    the  end. 
maya  marceli  and  the  prisoner  of  azkaban
            she’s  not  an  idiot  and  sees  peter  pettigrew  on  the  map  sleeping  with  ron  and  questions  everything.     she  tells  blaise  who  tells  profssor  snape  who  busts  the  door  down  and  gets  pettigrew  on  blast.    pettigrew  gets  arrested,  sirius’  name  gets  cleared  and  he  doesn’t  live  as  an  escape  murderer  anymore.    she  goes  to  live  with  him  at  grimmauld  place,  tells  dumbledore  and  the  dursleys  to  get  fucked,  and  lives  happily  ever  after  with  remus  &  sirius,  her  new  gay  dads.  
       she  and  draco  malfoy  are  still  at  odds.   she  hates  him  because  he’s  a  dick,  and  he  hates  her  because  she’s  hot  and  constantly  better  than  him  at  everything  even  though  she’s  not  a  pureblood.    we  love  petty  bitches.  
maya  marceli  and  the  goblet  of  fire
          her  name  gets  put  in  the  goblet  by  crouch.  lupin’s  smart  so  he  figures  out  what  to  do  with  the  second  task  and  the  egg.   she  ends  up  using  the  charm  with  the  bubble  head  and  y’know  does  okay.     her  loved  one  at  the  bottom  of  the  lake  is  blaise,  her  best  friend  and  confidante.    sorry  harry/ron  shippers.     she  finds  out  about  hermion  and  krum  and  is  like  girl  get  it,  even  when  ron  starts  complaining.   krum’s  going  to  lose  but  it’s  none  of  her  business  if  hermione  wants  to  date  losers.  
        the  portkey  is  still  the  cup,  cedric  still  dies,  but  voldemort  doesn’t  come  back  to  life  right  before  her  eyes  because  his  helpful  servant  is  a  hot  mess  and  doesn’t  tie  her  up  properly.   she  makes  it  to  the  portkey  and  yeets  before  the  guy  wakes  up.     they  already  had  her  blood  though  so  when  the  guy  woke  up they  just  finished  the  job.    so  okay  maybe  she  is  a  dumb.   harry  take  notes.  
 i  was  going  to  do  the  rest  but  i’m  tired.   she  dates  ginny  weasley  but  they  break  up  because  maya’s  not  down  for  that  cookie  cutter  life.   the  weasleys  are  too  perfect  and  she’s  too  unpredictable.    she,  blaise,  and  hermione  go  after  the  horcruxes.   (  ron’s  bitter  she  broke  his  sister’s heart  )   and  she  asks  for  all  the  help  so  they  figure  it  out.    she  also  noticed  that  draco  malfoy  was  having  a  meltdown  and  they  had  a  touching  ‘  moment  ’   at  the  end  of  6,  before  dumbledore  died,   so  when  they  see  each  other  again  in  7  and  draco  saves  her  life,   there’s  some  mutual  respect.     (  draco  /  maya  endgame ?   maybe  so.  )       TLDR:      the  war  ends  before  it  even  starts  because  they  look  for  horcruxes  right  away  and  ask  for  help.     people  die  but  not  as  many.    neville  still  kills  nagini  bc  he  deserves  it.   
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cd-archive · 8 years ago
Astaroth Arc 6: In The Hive
Akta, one of Nilsine's sisters, runs up to Maline. "Maline! Are we ready to decide who the newest queen is?" She asks excitedly, knowing that it has to be her. "I-I mean, whoever wins I wish them the best of luck as queen."
Maline blushes. "It was decided that Nilsine, Being Jeda's last born, And most fit for Reproduction, Which our kingdom has need for, Will act as queen until further notice. A proper election will take place once jeda is buried and the reproduction crisis is solved."
"Nilsine!?" Akta frowns. "But she's-" she sighs. It wasn't fair. Nilsine was only younger by a minute at most. Why should she get to be Queen? "Are you sure that is wise?"
"But she's the weakest! The runt of the litter! And she's only the youngest by a couple seconds!"
Akta argues.
"She's acting queen. Period. Jeda told me to choose a hatchling to act as queen until our kingdom's population was stable again. Until then, She's figurehead. I make decisions,She repopulates. A true queen will be chosen from the hatchlings when the population is stable. No more arguments, Young lady."
Akta frowns. "That's not fair!" She pouts. "Fine! I'll just wait till she's removed. I doubt it will take long."
"I will have no more of your sass, Akta! You will wish your sister luck, Then you, Too, Will fulfill your duty of populating this kingdom."
Akta sighs and nods. "Yes, Maline..." She angrily walks away. "The only thing I'd wish my sister is a swift usurpation." She mutters under her breath.
"Wait in the throne room, Akta." Maline tells her.
"Fine, I'll be there." She says, heading off towards the throne room, resisting the urge to hit the hive walls and scream in frustration as she walks there.
One of Jeda's Weavers is fixing some old webs on the wall. "Hello, Little hatchling." she says.
"Hey." She grumbles back, her arms crossed as she waits.
"Waiting for someone?" she asks, Looking at her.
Akta nods. "Maline told me to wait in the throne room. She didn't say for what. Probably to congratulate her royal highness." She frowns.
She slinks down from the webs. "You don't seem happy, For a queen."
"Because I'm not queen. Naline's queen. And it's just because she was born a few seconds behind me."
"Poor thing." She hugs Akta. "Maybe you will win the elections."
Akta smiles faintly. "Thanks... I hope so." She hugs her back.
"You are one of Jeda's brood...You need to be Strong."
"You're right. Thank you." She nuzzles the weaver. "I'm sure the hive will elect me. I have faith in our people."
The weaver picks her up. "You are of breeding age. That must be why Maline wanted to see you."
Akta blushes. "Y-yeah." She nods shyly.
"Your body is unused, Yes?" she asks.
"Mhm...." She blushes brighter.
"I want to have a brood with you, Little Hatchling. Perhaps we will birth a future queen. "
Akta nods. "Yeah... I'd like that." She smiles. "J-just... go slow please."
She grows a cock. "Let's start."
Akta looks down at her cock, spreading her legs. "Hold me close..." She says, nuzzling her.
She picks up the little attention starved hatchling, Nuzzling her as she slides her cock into her.
Akta lets out a cute moan, smiling as the two embrace. "Ahhn, I want to have lots of little hatchlings with you."
"I want to do the same with you." she thrusts into Akta quickly.
Akta moans as the weaver fucks her tight little pussy. "Mhh!" Her tail twitches with pleasure.
"You will be a nice queen." she thrusts harder as she nears orgasm.
Akta moans louder. "I love you!" She squeals as she cums, her lithe body trembling with pleasure.
The weaver cums in Akta and stuffs her with her tail, Beginning to lay her eggs.
Akta pants and moans softly as she feels the weavers eggs start to fill her. She smiles, nuzzling her.
"You are a sweet girl. You have traits of both of your mothers."
"Really? I never got a chance to know Jeda well. And I never even met my other mother." She says, blushing faintly at the compliment. "But... thank you. It means a lot."
The weaver's tail slides out once akta is full of eggs. "Let me take you to the back, so you can eat."
Akta nods. "Thank you." She smiles, feeling her full belly. "I am pretty hungry..."
"You deserve to be pampered." she smiles gently,Putting her down.
Akta blushes. "Just being with you is nice enough for me." She smiles, holding the weavers hand.
Her touch is almost overly gentle and she's very motherly, She's an older weaver and she has been working on the hive for a very long time. She kisses Akta.
Akta kisses her back, smiling. "I... I've forgotten where the food hall is." She lies. "Can you lead me there?"
She nods,Picking up akta and carrying her to the food hall. She sits the Hatchling down. "I need to return to my duties, Little one."
Akta nods. "Okay..." she says sadly. "But... you'll come see me later, right?"
"Is that what you want, Little hatchling?"
Akta nods. "Yeah! I-I mean... if you're not too busy, a-and you don't mind then... I want to spend more time with you."
The weaver smiles. "My name is Jeasa. I will be in the throne room today." she walks away.
Akta watches as she walks away, smiling. "Jeasa..." She sighs happily, before getting some food. She eats her food quietly, wondering what to do today. She could go back to the throne room and spend more time with Jeasa, but maybe she'd seem too clingy. Besides, she should probably show Maline her egg-filled belly. Or, if nothing else, she could go for a relaxing walk.
Cleaners come by, A few stopping to groom her and clean her body as she eats. Their Fuzzy bodies gave them a cute and gentle appearance.
Akta giggles as the cleaners groom her. She's quite ticklish, and she tries not to laugh as they clean her.
One of them sniffs her, Spreading her legs and beginning to clean the excess juices from her.
Akta blushes and gasps. "H-hey, wa- ahhh!" She moans, her legs trembling.
She continues to clean, But doesn't realize that by licking Akta's folds, She's making more mess to clean.
Akta bites her lip to try and keep her moans quiet. Her delicate frame quivers from the cleaners skilled tongue.
She keeps going, Trying to clean a seemingly endless Flow of juices.
"Mhm, w-wai- nhh!" Her girlcum flows even faster as the cleaner continues. "I-if you keep licking there then I'm gonna- mhh!"
She keeps it up, Her tounge moving faster to lick up the cum.
Akta lets out a girlish squeal as she cums, more of her feminine juices leaking from her slit.
The cleaner keeps licking, Trying her best to clean up Akta's mess.
"Nhh, wait! Wait!" She manages to say between moans and gasps. "I-I'm clean, you can stop!"
She looks up, Squeaking a bit.
Akta pants softly. "Y-you... did a good job." She smiles, patting the cleaners head. She really was quite cute. "I'm all clean now. Thank you."
She nuzzles Akta, Beginning to leave.
"U-um... miss!" She calls. "D-do you think you could stay for... a bit longer?"
She walks over to akta, Sitting down near her.
Akta smiles, nuzzling her. "Thank you. Do you want some food?"
She snuggles up to akta, squeaking as she falls asleep.
Akta blushes. "O-oh. Well... I guess sleeping is good too." She rests her head on the cleaner, closing her eyes.
When akta wakes up, she's in one of the spiderkin dens, being snuggled by the cleaner and other spiderkin.
Akta blushes as she opens her eyes and looks around. "Oh, good morning." She smiles shyly.
They nuzzle her, wanting her to keep snuggling them.
Akta giggles. "Well... I guess I can stay for a little bit longer." She says, snuggling them.
Jeasa is laying above her. "Hi, little hatchling." she kisses akta.
Akta smiles brightly as she sees her. "Jeasa!" She kisses her back.
"Mhm. You got carried here after you fell asleep."
Akta blushes. "I-I just needed a little nap is all. Carrying eggs is more tiring then I thought. What about you? Are you done your work in the throne room?"
"Mhm. I have time to cuddle with you."
Akta smiles, hugging her. "I never got to cuddle with anyone before." She admits. "It's nice."
"You're attention starved, aren't you little hatchling?" She hugs Akta.
"W-well... m-maybe." Akta blushes, nuzzling her. "I just... never stood out among my sisters, that's all."
"I think you're very pretty, Little one.'
Akta smiles shyly, looking up at her. "Y-you really think so?"
"If you aren't queen, you'll make a wonderful advisor, and a wonderful birthmother."
Akta hugs Jeasa tightly, her eyes watering up. "Thank you, Jeasa. I couldn't have picked a better spiderkin the carry the eggs of."
"Oh, you give me too much credit. You're such a sweetheart."
Akta nuzzles her. "I should probably go tell Maline why I wasn't at the throne room today."
"Why don't you tell her after i stuff you again?" Jaesa smiles, trying to get Akta horny.
"Again?" She feels her egg-filled belly. "Will more eggs fit in me?"
She blushes.
"We can fill your butt." Jaesa smiles.
Akta bites her lip, starting to get turned on at the thought of being stuffed with more eggs. "Okay." She nods. "I want you to fill me with as many eggs as you can!"
Jaesa smelis and spreads akta's legs, Sliding her cock into Akta's other hole.
Akta moans, holding onto Jeasa. "Mhh... I love you."
Jaesa thrusts faster, Grabbing Akta's sides.
Akta moans louder, her femcum soaking her nethers as Jaesa fucks her tight hole.
Jaesa speeds up, Rutting the little spiderkin hard.
Akta squeals cutely. "Mhh, g-gonna cum!" She moans, kissing Jaesa.
Jaesa cums first, Lubing her up as she begins to lay her eggs.
Akta squeals and moans as she cums, feeling Jaesa's eggs slowly fill her tight butt.
Jaesa finishes,Pulling out and kissing her. "Better go talk to maline."
Akta nods, kissing her back. "Alright. I'm sure she'll be happy to hear the news." She smiles, nuzzling her. "Oh, and... it's Akta. My names Akta." She walks back to the throne room to go find Maline.
Maline is sitting near Nilsine, with a web made over a hole in the ceiling.
"Maline!" Akta calls as she enters. "Oh... Nilsine. You're here too." Her smile drops slightly.
"Hello, sister!" Nilsine smiles, not seeming to notice.
"Did something happen?" Akta asks, looking at the hole in the ceiling. "A Minotaur walk by?"
"I'm trying to catch humans." Maline says.
"In the throne room?" Akta shrugs. "Whatever." She smiles, rubbing her belly. "Notice anything different?"
"You're full of eggs." Maline nods. "So is Nilsine, I'm going to show the royal hatchlings how to turn a human into a widow and impregnate her."
"Do you think anyone's gonna wander over here?" Akta asks. "I mean, we have better odds of catching an orc."
Meanwhile, above the throne room, a young girl sits down to examine her map. "Hmm... the old cave system should be right here. The owner abandoned it decades ago, but why? There should still be plenty of gems down there." She's young, with a curvy build and a hint of muscle. Her hair is black, and long, and her eyes are bright green.
"Orcs are good eating." Maline says happily. "But i have faith in my bait hole."
Nilsine nods. "Maline's really smart. I'm sure she'll catch a human."
The human girl take a pickaxe out of her bag, and begins walking closer to the webbing, still looking at her map. "Hmm... if I set up some rope then I should be able to drop down right... here?" She stops as she steps on the webbing.
Maline nods. "Thank you, Nilsine."
Akta frowns. "Ass-kisser..." She  mumbles to herself.
The girl tries to step off the webbing, but her feet are caught on it. "Wh-what the?" She starts to pull and struggle, trying to free her feet.
"See? I hear one. Watch her fall." Maline crosses her arms triumphantly.
"Fall? Is something going to catch her?" Akta asks.
The girl growls. "Stupid gunk!" She grabs her pickaxe.
"Yes! The web that Jaesa made." she points at it.
Akta nods. "Oh! By the way, Jaesa's the one who laid her eggs in me-"
The girl above strikes at the webbing, causing it to tear. "Um... maybe this was a bad idea..." suddenly it gives out under her weight, causing her to fall onto Jaesa's webbing. The girl keeps screaming as she lands on the web, before slowly stopping and opening her eyes. "W-wait... I'm alive?"
Maline smiles. "Told you! She's a good specimen too. I can't wait to see her nude."
The girl struggles, trying to get out of the webbing. "Crap... maybe that's why they abandoned it..." She looks at them. "Are uh... you gonna eat me?"
Maline shakes her head. "I'll get to you in a minute. Akta, be a dear and get the other royal hatchlings."
The girl sighs in relief. "Oh good. Take your time then!" She smiles.
Akta nods. "Okay." She leaves, going to get the others.
The girl looks at Maline and Nilsine. "So... what do you want with me then, if you're not gonna eat me?" She asks.
Akta returns with her sisters. "Maline, here's everyone!"
Maline smiles and climbs up to the web. "I'm going to show you how to convert a human and breed with her!" She coos at the hatchlings.
Natalia claps happily. "Really? Cool!"
"W-wait, what?!" The girl starts struggling again. "No! Not cool! Very not cool! Let me go!"
Akta smiles. "Well... that sounds like fun."
Nilsine blushes. "Mhh... I don't know..."
Claire nods. "Are you gonna lay eggs in her?"
Maline smiles. "Mhm!"
"Hold on! I never agreed to this!" The girl squirms. On the shirt of her adventurers outfit, is a name tag that reads "Evie".
"Evie!" Maline smiles. "That's a cute name. Do you want to be my wife, Evie?"
Evie shakes her head. "No, what I want, is to be let down from here, and led safely back outside!"
Maline smiles and bites her neck.
Evie winces. "Stop that! I'm not your prey!" She says, her struggling getting weaker and a blush growing on her cheeks.
She stops biting, looking at the hatchlings. "Never lay eggs in any human you don't bite first. Spiderkin venom kills viruses that might harm your eggs."
Natalia squeals. "Can we bite them lots?"
Maline nods. "As many times as you want, But be careful, Too much venom can cause problems. So only bite if they struggle. "
Akta giggles. Natalia's enthusiasm was contagious. "Mhh... humans are kinda cute when they're tied up."
Evie continues to weakly struggle, barely managing to pull at the webs. "L-let... me go!"
Maline smiles. "You want them to be like she is now before you strip them. She can't resist me now, and if she does try, we'll just give her another love bite." Maline begins to strip evie.
Claire watches intently. "What hole do we lay eggs in?"
"Any of them." Akta answers. "You can fill their womb, their ass, and even their mouth all at once if you want them to carry lots of babies."
"W-wait... stop!" Evie begs as Maline strips her.
Maline nods, Spreading her legs and spreading Evie's pussy lips. "This is the best hole to put babies in." she licks her lips.
Evie moans weakly. "D-don't stare..."
Natalia blushes. "She's pretty, How do we lay our eggs in her?"
"Mm, Use your tail or a cock to mate with her." Maline smiles and bites her again to get her ready.
Evie gasps as Maline bites her again. "Mhh... w-wait..."
"How long do eggs stay in a human for?" Nilsine asks.
"How many eggs should we fill them with?" Akta asks.
"Fill them with as many as you can. Eggs will stay in them for a few weeks before they are laid."
By this point the venom has caused Evie's lower lips to become soaked in girlcum. She can barely even lift a finger as she struggles to move. "Nhh..."
Akta blushes. "Look at how wet she is... I wonder if she wants those eggs now."
Maline Smiles and pinches Evie's tits as they enlarge from being slowly transformed.
Evie gasps and moans. "What- mmn- are you doing?"
"Is the venom doing that?" Nilsine asks.
"The venom will begin to turn suitable hosts if you inject them with a special enzyme. It takes a certain pressure to inject. It'll take a little practice. Her body is changing into a Widow's, Better suited to suit our needs."
Evie's body slowly begins changing to that of a widow. She's too weak from the venom, and can only look down in horror.
"Mhh, she's really pretty now." Akta smiles.
Maline smiles, Moving her cock near evie's mouth. "Open wide, dear."
Evie hesitantly does as she's told, opening her mouth to let Maline do as she pleases.
"What an obedient girl! You'll make a nice wife."
"J-just... let me cum..." Evie says weakly.
"Mhh, and to think she was struggling so hard earlier. Our venom is powerful." Akta grins.
Maline smiles. "I love you, My wife." she tells evie.
Evie looks up at her. "R-really?"
"Mhm. You're going to stay with me and live a nice life as a royal advisor."
Evie smiles faintly. "I'd... I'd like that... but I still don't know your name."
"Maline." She smiles. "Time to lay the eggs." She smiles, Putting her cock in evie's mouth. "Lube it up, Little slut."
Evie obediently starts licking and sucking on Maline's cock, enjoying the feeling of servicing her new wife.
"Mm, You've got a nice mouth, Evie." Maline smiles. She thrusts into her throat.
Evie moans as Maline uses her mouth like a fucktoy.
"Mhh..." Nilsine blushes brightly as she starts to get wet, resisting the urge to touch herself as she watches.
"Mn, drink my thick seed." Maline pounds her throat.
Evie moans and moves her tongue faster, licking at the underside of Maline's cock to try and coax out a big load.
Maline cums, her gooey load Filling Evie's throat.
Evie eagerly swallows her hot seed, gulping it down like a cum-hungry slut.
Above ground, a girl stumbles upon Evie's abandoned map. "Hmm? Who left this here?" She has long black hair and amber eyes. She's taller than Evie, with a curvier, and slightly more toned body. She's wearing tight pants and an skintight undershirt that reveals the shape of her body perfectly, leaving little to the imagination. Above that, she's wearing plated armour, and carrying a large spear.
Maline pulls back, Sniffing Evie and nuzzling her.
Evie smiles. "You know... you're pretty hot, Maline."
The girl above ground picks up the map, looking around. "Hmm... no sign of a struggle. Maybe someone just left it?"
"You're hot too, Evie. Your body is perfection." Maline flirts.
Evie giggles. "Says the girl who made me look like this." She smiles. "But... I'm not complaining."
The girl above ground keeps her spear raised as she looks around. "Something's not right..." She slowly inches closer to the hole, until finally she steps over it, falling in, and right next to Evie. "Damnit, what the hell?!"
Maline looks over at the new girl. "Hmm?"
Nilsine giggles. "You're really good at making pitfalls, Maline."
The girl growls. "A pitfall? I should have known." She looks around. "Spiderkin? As if these webs could hold me!" She starts pulling, the webs straining under her strength.
Maline quickly bites her neck.
The girl squirms and tries to free herself before the venom takes effect. "Bitch! That neck would look better with a collar around it..." She strains, pulling as hard as she can. The webbing around her right arm pulls and tears, and she manages to free her arm, but then the venom weakens her as she reaches out for Maline. She grabs Maline's arm, but her grip is weak. "Y-you'll regret biting me! I think making you eat your meals out of a dog bowl will suffice." She threatens, not seeming to understand that she's clearly in no position to make threats.
Maline bites her arm.
She winces. "Ow! Stop biting me, wench! Or I'll have you lick my boots clean!"
Akta giggles. "She's... not the wisest."
Nilsine blushes. "She's certainly confident..."
Maline smiles, letting the venom take effect.
The girl's cheeks flush as she feels a growing need. "Nhh... dammit..." Her arm goes slack. "You'll regret this. Once I'm able to move my body I'm taking over as Queen and making you my first slave."
Akta giggles. "Maybe she needs a bit more venom."
Evie nods. "Yeah! Make her so horny she has to beg!"
Maline bites her and injects her with more venom, Smiling.
She gasps, her body growing even hotter. Her panties are already soaked with her love juices.
Nilsine smiles. "What are you going to do with her?"
Maline smiles. "You look horny." she teases the girl.
"I-I'm fine..." The girl lies. "N-now let me go!"
"Hmm... She looks uncomfortable. Maybe it's that bulky armour." Evie giggles.
Maline nods and begins to strip off her armor.
As she takes off her armour, the girl's hard nipples can be seen through the tight shirt, and a faint dampness is visible between her legs.
Maline grins. "You're a horny girl." she smiles and rubs at the girl's wet pussy.
The girl bites her lip, trying to keep her moans quiet.
Maline pinches her nipples. "Look at how hard your nipples are.....you want it bad."
She lets out a moan, the venom making every little touch send waves of pleasure up her spine. "Mhh... n-no..."
Maline grins and rips off her Suit Forcefully.
The girl squeals as her clothing is torn off, revealing her needy body. "P-please..." she whimpers.
Maline pokes her body. "Beg."
"P-please... let me cum..." she mumbles weakly, her already flushed cheeks reddening even further.
Akta grins. "I think she can do better."
"Try again, Cow."
The girl is silent for a moment, before swallowing her pride and begging for release. "Please let me cum! Pound my ass! Fill my pussy with your seed! Do whatever you want with me, just please let me cum!"
Maline grins. "You'll be my other wife, Then."
Evie giggles. "Starting your own harem?"
The girl whimpers needily, nodding. "Yes, I'll be your wife! Now you'll let me cum right?"
"No." she grins. "I want you to howl like the slut you are as your tender lower lips get wetter and wetter. That poison will have you wanting anything to touch you."
The girl pouts. "What? No fair!" She whimpers. "Please! I'll do anything! I need to cum!"
She bites the girl's sensitive thigh, the venom making even the air tease her sensitive body.
The girl squeals. "Nhh! Stop teasing me!" She whimpers.
"M-maybe you should let her cum..." Nilsine suggests.
"No... I like hearing her beg." Akta grins.
Maline grins. "You were so dominant a few minutes ago...but now you're a little horny slut."
The girl whimpers. "Stop mocking me! You made me like this, it's not my fault!"
Maline smiles and touches above her pussy teasingly.
She lets out a needy moan. "Nhh, please, I'm begging you..." she whimpers. "I'll do anything you want, just let me free so I can relieve myself."
Maline grins and grows a cock. "Mmm, Do you want it?"
The girl looks at her cock hungrily, nodding. "Yes, I do! Fuck me already, I can't wait any longer!"
Maline smiles and thrusts her cock into her.
The girl squeals loudly, her tongue lolling out. Her pussy is tight around Maline's cock, covering it in her juices.
Maline smiles. "Get ready for my eggs."
"Mhh, wait eggs?! I changed my mind! I don't- ahhn- want them!" She moans, trying to move her body to no avail.
Maline grins. "You're going to turn into one of my kind."
The girl frantically shakes her head. "No! I like being human! Mercy! Please have mercy!" She begs.
"Mmm, You'll enjoy it soon enough."
Evie nods. "Yeah! I love being a spiderkin!"
"You'll love it too!~" Maline speeds up.
The girl moans louder, about to cum as her sensitive pussy is fucked hard. "Mhh, cumming!" She squeals,
Maline closes one eye and her tounge lolls out as she cums, Beginning to lay her eggs.
The girl continues moaning and squealing as the eggs fill her womb, the venom beginning to change her body.
"Mmm, lots of fertile eggs for you!" she says happily.
The girl whimpers and mewls as the transformation finishes.
"Mm, she looks even hotter now!" Evie smiles.
"R-really? I do?" She asks.
Maline squeezes the girl's massive tits. "Mmm, she's got a body like a cowgirl now."
"Too bad she's not lactating." Akta says.
"Mhh, not so rough!" The girl moans. "I'm still sensitive from all that venom."
"She's still got nice nipples to suck~" Maline begins to suckle her.
The girl moans and shivers with pleasure.
"So, cutie, what's your name?" Evie asks.
"Its- mhm- Aurelia." She answers.
Maline grabs Aurelia's hand and moves it to her cock.
Aurelia blushes as she starts stroking Maline's cock. "I-I'm just doing this because you're not giving me a choice. That's all."
Akta giggles. "Sure."
Maline thrusts into her hand as she licks and suckles Aurelia's tits.
Aurelia moans, Maline's pre-cum covering her hand as she continues to stroke her, getting wet again.
Maline looks up. "My dear wife, Aurelia.."
Aurelia blushes. "This has been a really weird engagement... and wedding."
Evie giggles. "And honeymoon!"
Maline lays with them.
Evie nuzzles her. "I love you, Maline."
Aurelia blushes. "M-me too..."
Nilsine smiles. "Aww, what a cute couple... um... triple."
Akta nods. "Well, it was certainly educational."
Maline snuggles up to them.
Aurelia yawns. "That was pretty tiring."
Evie nods. "Yeah..." she closes her eyes.
"Is the lesson over, Maline?" Akta asks
Maline smiles.  "Yes. Come lay with me."
Akta blushes. "M-me? Are you sure you don't mean Nilsine?" She asks, a faint joy in her eyes.
"Nilsine can cuddle too. All the hatchlings can~"
Akta and Nilsine both smile and join them on the web, happily cuddling with them.
Maline falls asleep.
The others all cuddle up to her, falling asleep too.
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