#Like lines probably dubbed in March but still weird for them not to highlight it
quillandrapier · 1 year
Surprisingly Nintendo and Rick and Morty have something in common.
It's being super quiet about the new voice actors in media releasing in the next month or so.
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fictionadventurer · 2 years
Thoughts on the beginning of The Two Towers:
The opening lines of the first chapters are short and focused on action. Almost makes it read like a YA novel, so pretending that it was helped me speed up my reading pace.
This actually started at the end of Fellowship (with Frodo looking out across the world from the mountaintop), but this is the point where it stops being a quest and we understand that this really is a worldwide war.
I love how, even with the huge time pressure, Aragorn takes time to honor the fallen Boromir with a funeral. This respect for the dead really highlights the book's pro-life worldview.
Though given the huge time pressure, he probably shouldn't have stopped as many times later on to sing songs and stuff.
Aragorn dubs them "the Three Hunters". It's so cute.
I think I have massively underrated Eomer as a character. I love this boy. He's wise enough to see things are going wrong, so he's subtly gathering his own loyal followers in case civil war starts up. He's shocked by these people telling him All the Myths and Fairy Tales are Real, but he still takes it in stride. He's willing to let them go and give them horses despite the king's order. He's a good lad.
This is also adorable: "Strider is too poor a name [...] Wingfoot I name you."
Merry is the Experienced and Prepared Adventurer to Pippin's Wide-Eyed Innocent, and seeing their dynamic here makes me upset that Jackson's movie mostly made them interchangeable comic relief.
I was thinking that Treebeard's dialogue sounded like a Narnia book, then I remembered that Treebeard was supposedly based on Lewis. So apparently Tolkien did a very good job.
I love everything about the Ents here. It's like the Tom Bombadil scene combined with Galadriel's scene. The protector of the forest with a long history. The songs of the long past. The loss of the Entwives is so weird and so cool and I love the texture it gives here.
This scene even retroactively makes the Tom Bombadil scene make more sense, because he explains that the forest outside the Shire is the same type as Fangorn.
I'm upset people don't talk about Quickbeam more. I'd forgotten there was more than one Ent with a name. He's the hobbits' other buddy and doesn't deserve to get forgotten.
Tolkien was on-point for recognizing that an entire forest literally marching to battle is one of the coolest things that could possibly happen.
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