#Like i feel like he’s a “modern” kinda villain in that he’s kinda just a rich narcissistic white guy
Talking about the Villain Irene AU
tbh a lot of what my role-reverse/Evil Irene au is isn’t just “these characters are just have different values now but there core personalities haven’t changed” because that’s kinda boring to me.
I feel like some themes I’d toy with are this hole idea of “destiny” and “nature vs. nurture”
this hole thing starts because the divine warriors witnessing her kill her own child, decide to take a stand with Shad, instead of opposing under the pretense that there has to be another way to stop the void besides sacrificing life, that of which they want to protect.
And it raises this question of does this create a butterfly effect where the characters individual issues manifest in different ways because of that choice.
garroth’s golden child syndrome doesn’t cause him to push away his family and responsibilities but instead he embraces’s them and learns that he can use his status and charm to manipulate people. It manifest a narcissistic person whose views on people are rooted in classism and superficiality.
Zane’s neglect manifest into him being the “easy child” always stays out of peoples way, always apologizing for things that don’t need to be apologized for, and often being isolated. For fear of speaking up or stepping out of the comforting bubble he’s made for himself.
Vylad becomes overly dependent on Garroth and seeks his approval to stay in his step families good graces and has adopted garroth violent manic tendencies. He’s however, nothing without the people that protect and guide him.
Aaron’s no longer this unhappy loner and seeks out friends and family wherever he goes to subconsciously make up for the one he lost.
Zenix has a more outgoing personality and sees Zane as a brother and family he didn’t have, because he was shown kindness by him when no one else did, and takes him on expeditions for his research on the relics and the divine warriors.
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roach-works · 5 months
i feel like there's a rich vein of SOME kind of ore to mine with regards to the romantic woes of visibly "freakish" and inhuman superheros, especially in silver age comics. like, because of the comics code, the writers could not in-universe admit that some people are really kinky and would absolutely nut in an instant if a gigantic alligator man or a living rock monster or a ten foot tall woman who's on fire gave them a little smooch on the head. like maybe most people in the 70s and 80s had no idea this was the case, either!
but so you end up with these romantic plot lines where some poor freakish superhero with a heart of gold and the skin of, i don't know, a bunch of octopi, is miserable because they'll never find true love, except for a totally normal woman has the power to see their inner heart (which is normal) and fall in love with them for that (normally). villains can sometimes be like 'yeah this chick is super into the fact that i'm an eight foot tall deathbot, we're both evil like that' but ben grimm can't get a date! even blind women are a little concerned that he's literally made out of rocks. it never works out because the writers either can't imagine or can't admit that no matter the freak, there's a bigger, hornier freak who's praying for a chance to shoot their shot.
i don't know. it's just interesting. obviously modern comics can acknowledge a lot more sexual variance than the stuff from fifty years ago, but it's just kinda neat to consider the bizarre limitations a heteronormative paradigm enforces on a population of very strange characters.
and also i feel like in real life ben grimm's DMs would be full of incredibly horny geologists going PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE all day long.
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bogleech · 6 months
Kinda sad that I feel like relationships in kid's cartoons are more common as a one-off source of conflict. That routine where one of the main characters falls in love, right, and for one contrived reason or another the narrative needs them to be single again by the end of the episode. The new boyfriend or girlfriend is secretly a villain, or they're mean and controlling, or they just can't get along with the other characters. In some cynical cases the relationships is perfectly happy but just too annoying for their friends to tolerate. I swear it must have been in EVERY cartoon I grew up with at least once and absolutely none of them ever presented the inverse. Looking back it feels like writers dumping their own bitterness on the audience. The first time I saw a children's series really do better than this was Adventure Time, which didn't air until I was an adult, but had so many different relationships come and go for different characters in different ways. Regular Show was more nuanced about it too. I feel like the most well known modern character to best dodge that had to be Soos. It even started as another throwaway ruined relationship episode and he turned it around, hell yeah Soos
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ganondoodle · 1 year
totk rewritten (for me, specifically)
since i dont have time to get to drawing it right away AND im worried people might take this the wrong way, i thought i could write out some bullet points about my rewrite of totk (meant as a fix FOR ME not saying its inherently better) to give you a better idea on what im going for:
the core structure largely remains the same, the biggest change is no time travel, thus making zelda your travel companion, and zonau tech being lagerly gone/broken with shiekah tech instead
it is not shown but said in dialog that shiekah tech, such as the ancient furnaces, shrines and towers are either turning off or have flickering power supply and purah having calculated that all their connections point towards beneath hyrule castle
game starts pretty much the same as real totk, most zonau ruins are so withered away that they are barely recognizable and the further you get down theres more and more shiekah tech pipes and occasional a miasma vein, some pipes are broken and spill miasma, others flicker
instead of the room with the wall carvings theres one with old ancient shiekah research remains, old broken tech and prototypes you dont what their purpose was, all documents are too withered to read but zelda finds one that was sealed in a container and takes it with her (she got a backpack now)
theres a structure similar to the bed thingy of the shrine of life from botw but its working in reverse; within it is sealed ganondorf (i gotta work out the details around it still)
(details still missing) it breaks and zelda takes the enigma stone but doesnt touch it directly and puts it within a sealed container (you know kinda like you should do with soemthing you have no idea of what it is and was alsO LOCATED ON A CORPSE)
ganondorf isnt the elegantly talking villain type in this version but more of a mess, talking in different languages both modern and ancient but you cant make out any clear sentences, struggeling with suddendly being awake and half alive after spending thousands of years in an agonizing limbo, having witnessed every second of the passage of time yet also it feeling like everything just happened all at the same time
the ground breaks as he recognizes zelda (bc of her fighting calamity ganon in botw) but also not really, still sees her as a threat (also bc of the enigma stone in the container she still has in her hand) attacks her, link deflects with the master sword, it breaks and damages his arm, zelda drops her torch and pulls link away towards where they came in from and both run as the caves fill up with miasma like a flood with arms starting to reach after them while they both run back through the tunnels (creepy chase sequence anyone?)
cataclysm happens (ground breaks, miasma bursts out of the ground, especially where shrines and towers where since they were still connected to the pipelines) ground shifts massively in some places giving alot of the map a whole new structure; all shiekah tech that was not independent stops working due to power loss
links arm is amputated since otherwise the miasma would spread to his whole body; purah, robbie and zelda work out a prosthetic arm prototype to give to link (protoype at first will be upgraded at halfway point of the game) that can switch between multiple modes, like a hand to hold normal items or a weapon that isnt crafted, and a fusing ability (though maybe limited in the prototype) that lets you make weapons similar to the weapon fusing in canon totk (potential upgrades including an extendable guardian arm that doesnt break, grapple hook anyone??, also the ability to build stuff out of shiekah tech parts, not glue needed you actually screw it together, maybe zelda even helps)
now you are given free roam of hyrule, the goal is to explore and find what has changed and check on people, see what the underground has, new monsters have spawned etc.
zelda is your companion the whole time, she can use the shiekah stone/purah pad to analyze enemies for you, she also carries at least a dagger for her own self defense but doesnt contribute much to the fight (subject to change maybe), you can talk to her anytime and she usually has something to comment on depending on where you are or what you just did, can give you tips and advice IF ASKED FOR IT, when you discover ancient ruins, whether zonau or shiekah, she can either decipher it for you or take photos for later to find out more about everything that has happend and what it means, she also takes part in conversations when you talk to someone, her outfit changes with yours (meaning when you wear the tingle set she wears it too, opens up alot of funny interactions njfkdk)
purah has built new towers but they function different (still working on the details) mainly that they function independent from the energy source in hyrule castle
there are floating islands but they are bigger and in more connected clusters, when reaching them its ancient withered ruins that the ancient shiekah built support around (like the platform used by monk miz kyoshia) to keep them afloat; there are building like observatories and research labs, but all very overgrown due to being up there for so long, theres a titan prototype on one of the islands, its shaped like a whale and zelda deciphers it was called vah narisha (reference to the whale deity in skyward sword) (i havent decided yet if its fully broken and just a big piece of enviroment to explore or half functioning floating around, or maybe first broken but later half repaired so it can fly around at least giving you an easier way to reach other island, you cant steer it tho) some of them are falling bc of energy loss but the bigger ones have independent energy sources (work in progress)
the underground has more diverse zones depending on which part of the map it is located on, there are old mines (for luminous stone) from the zonau but all is extremely withered, in each one its been mostly built over by the shiekah but there are construct remains that were clearly dissected and studied, half built shrines and towers, you can find collectibles and lore there (working on more details, but an idea was to include remains of ancient shiekah tha fled there when they were persecuted by that old king of hyrule, adding to the eery vibe)
some titans (maybe two, and the other are still on the sruface, like vah medoh) feel down during the cataclysm, broken apart or malfunctioning/ possibly being a boss as in they were used by a big cluster of miasma hands like a hermit crab uses its shell, the inside filled with eyes and different sized hands dragging itself towards you like a drowing man grabs after anything to save him)
dongos are your go to transportation here and a little different, when you call one they dig a path to you (not permanent, just so they can always spawn near you) they glow in the dark and can climb on walls (bc why not), and can point you towards the next objective/point of interest, likely where theres a high concentration of luminous stone since that is what they eat and its usually where old mining/construction sites are (still working on a replacement for light roots that are less invasive)
the rat from the trailer is a miniboss/boss you need to defeat in order to get the broken mastersword back into your possession
(im still working on how the sages work, but the idea is to incorporate their abilites for more efficient and reliable use into links shiekah prosthetic, so you can still use their abilities but only when you actually want)
(again still working on details) halfway point of the game is you trying to find out where ganondorf went, not intending to fight necessarily but just to find out more but it devolves into you fighting some sort of miasma monster (either him or some sort of manifestation he made) and you get a bunch of short memory flashes from him, all vague and a wild mess from both the time he was sealed and from the time afterwards, maybe even a perspective shift from when link was fighting dark beast ganon, but from ganons view, from zelda when she was keeping that manifestation in check, random views from the malice eyes from botw, from the blights, maybe even from the fight with the old and new champions, from the point when shiekah built their tech around him while he had to watch not able to do anything etc.)
links arm gets upgraded from prototype to a full prosthetic, opening up more fusing abilites and other things (like the grapple hook, again working on it, im open for ideas lol)
i will reblog this and add more over time if you want, but do let me know if you like it thus far, bc im still unsure if its worth the effort of working more on this QnQ
(also if you dont like just keep scrolling, i dont need to know that you hate it, it literally changes nothing but make me annoyed xD)
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maxwell-grant · 1 year
I’ve been diving a bit back into Batman 66 for research, and this is the cliffhanger from the very first episode. As such:
Jesus Christ
For context: Batman had his drink spiked by one of Riddler's goons at a bar he was investigating in, and he realized this just in time to call Robin to his aid, but Robin was tranquilized and kidnapped by the Riddler's gang just as he left the car. The scene above is what happens almost directly after Batman does the Batusi, and together they kinda form a microcosm for the whole show: That it is super silly and played for laughs and done with tongue-in-cheek irony, but when you’re a kid or just suspend your disbelief more easily, this is all extremely real and serious, there’s hardly much that funny or campy about the plot here
Adam West is so good here, drugged and despairing and worried bad enough that his composure is gone. The scene is funny in one way, because it’s drunk Batman handing the keys to the Batmobile to the police because he’s too sloshed to drive, but it’s also fucking horrible, because he’s just been roofied and has to stand by as his partner / son is taken by very, very bad people who want to do very bad things to him and he’s completely helpless to do anything about it. I don’t think even the movies (outside of maybe The Batman’s scenes with Falcone) ever got this dark
Frank Gorshin is so fucking good here, so goddamn creepy. The episode itself pivots hard tone-wise to get to this cliffhanger and most of Riddler’s scenes beforehand were all fairly comedic, with him trying to destroy the Batmobile or handing Batman the lawsuit, but he ping-pongs masterfully between affable conversational charm laced with uncurable arrogance, smug satisfaction and high-pitched manic giggling that causes his whole body to spasm and bend and curdle like the laugh is going to leave his body, and then he just as frequently punctuates those with ice-cold homicidal whispering with not one bit of humor in it whatsoever, and he shuffles these three multiple times per scene or even dialogue
I wanted to more personally confirm the stuff people have said about his performance, that he was the only villain in the show who conveyed genuine, chilling menace (not sure if he’s the only one as of yet), that he was the blueprint that 70s-onwards Joker ripped everything from, and yeah, forget just the Joker, he feels like a baseline for so much of modern film supervillains on a scale maybe only matched by Heath Ledger’s Joker (that I can think of right now)
Batman really doesn’t break composure in this show that much and that’s part of the charm, which helps make these two first episodes and his desperation with Robin more notable. I know there’s one major scene in the movie where he goes berserk around the villains to protect his date, but I’m liking how this matches something that's a fairly consistent pattern with Batman media, from the early comics to this show to the cartoons even all the way to The Batman, which is The Riddler’s ability to fucking piss off Batman to the point his composure evaporates and he goes berserk with violence.
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thepoeticall · 2 months
Surprisingly, (actually not) Ferid is always the most fashionable out of all the people in the manga.
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Kagami may not focus on the clothing choices of his character, but I'm gonna analyze his outfits anyway because I've observed that some of his clothing choices have a deeper meaning.
Let's start with his 'usual' outfit from the anime.
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His choices in clothes are always fancy and classic, yet he adds things to it which makes his outfits look out of the ordinary.
— In conclusion, his clothing style represents him. (Well, to be quite frank, our fashion choices always represent who we are directly or subconsciously. So, it's not like these 'theories' of mine r out of the ordinary.)
People in general have always considered him odd, but his own kind specifically considers him eccentric because of his unusual 'emotional' behavior which makes him have a human-like personality, since vampires cannot feel anything besides the strong desire for blood. He, as a human, would be seen as pretty normal. (this would be before they get to know the real him)
His personality has traits which makes people fall for the fact that he's a genuine kind and simple person, yet, as his clothing style, he makes sure that even those people will get some suspicious of his true nature.
He has a deal going on in Sanguienem with the kids there. Ferid drinks their blood or they serve him and in return they receive their necessary supplies. From this deal, he might make kids fall to his tricks easily, as it is seen specifically with Mika and also, with other children in the light novel. Despite this, his reputation is known even to those kids as being kinda off-putting. The kids hear rumors about those who serve him going missing, so these rumors and his (sometimes) suspicious behavior makes people think that there might also be something fishy going around him.
— His vampire noble uniform is classic, yet has outstanding elements to it like: ribbons, high heeled boots, red earrings and purple long nails.
— The effort that he puts into his daily appearance can be easily seen, which signifies his obsession with putting on a facade around people. He's not a fancy, villainous, charming and aristocratic man as he shows himself to be. From the new chapters, it had been obvious even for other uninterested people that Ferid was actually a broken soul, with no love and care shown for him through his life, which made him the 'frustrated' and monstrous man that he's today. The abused becomes the abuser. Yet, he still clings to his childhood and old wishes because he doesn't want to be completely lost, like the other vampires, like other people which failed to achieve their wishes and died by their own hand. He's a complex, intelligent and simple man if you look at it that way. Yes, complex, yet simplistic.
— Something that I've observed in all of his outfits is that he tries to hide as much skin as he can. It's not because he's insecure, but because he's hiding the real him beneath a fancy surface. Unlike other characters which show their skin more through the manga (even vampires), he is never wearing an outfit which reveals much of his skin.
— His obsession with wearing collars (even through his childhood) signifies his suffocating from all of the others' expectations and even from his own expectations.
— On the other hand, his obsession with ribbons, is another sign of his surface, which makes people think that he's just a fancy, careless guy (like a ribbon from the wrapping of a present iykyk)
This outfit now:
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(Gonna try to write this shorter cus I'm writing a whole book of his outfits atp)
— Once again, he's wearing a classic outfit which looks out of the ordinary only from his vampire cape.
— He's wearing an outfit with a collar again, yet through some manga chapters his hair is finally down. His tight ahh ponytail may be another sign of his constant internal suffocation.
— Honestly a true classic slay if i were a modern vampire i would wear the same thing
The new official art:
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— Honestly, this outfit truly gives so many details about him. Even if Kagami's intent wasn't to put on a deep fashion show, his outfit could still signify so, so many things. Atp I think he did it intentionally since Ferid is his favorite character to write so ofc even his outfit in the art would be significant (cus Kagami's ass is obsessed with giving us small clues)
— First of all, this is the first outfit of his which reveals more skin, which therefore means that through the newer manga chapters he has finally completely revealed to the audience his true intents and his nature.
— His skirt is way bigger than his actual size, which therefore reveals that he's no longer putting on a facade, suffocating himself with a fake mask. Yet, his skirt is held in place by his belts, which means that he still wants to keep in control some part of himself. However, his progress through the manga can also be seen through this outfits which get more and more relaxed.
— He's wearing pink sunglasses, which is an obvious sign that he might feel carefree, like a free soul without worries, enjoying a vacation on the beach. On the other hand, it could also be interpreted that he wants to see the world through a pinkish tone now, he has a desire to see the better in life unlike his past self. His glasses have a necklace kind of thing (with those gold things, i forgot its name) which gives an old-fashioned look to the glasses, making me think that his happiness isn't gained by simple foolishness and ignorance, but by wise and hard-working things.
— His ribbon is completely gone WOW and even in his latest new outfit there's no ribbon on it, which signifies the slow vanish of his surface.
— Underneath his clothes, we can see at the waist that he wears a red shirt?? which looks like women's sexy lingerie LMFOAO I don't know what this means tbh. Their current outfits were inspired by their old ones so this mf probably has some red underwear with black lace...💀
— He's wearing flared pants, which remind me of the 70s, a decade which was all about being carefree and childish with the rise of hippies. Either way, his pants which now are not tight are another further implication in his new happier style. His outfit here actually reminds me of the 70s and the hippies.
That's all the yapping for today
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cacklingskeleton · 5 months
One of my problems with modern batman media is that they often treat joker as a separate entity to the rest of the batman villains
like he's either seen as above them and only interacts with other villains to lead or one-up them
or the rest of the villains don't consider him part of the group because he's too evil or something (even though characters like scarecrow or riddler are at least just as evil depending on the adaptation)
and I kinda get it, most of the other villains are usually given at least a small sympathetic element while joker tends to be a more pure evil villain
but I think it's way more fun when joker is just considered another villain and can interact with the other villains as equals
like how in the animated series batman considers joker his worst enemy but the other villains just interact with him normally and are willing to do stuff like play cards with him
or in the audio adventures where he and riddler just have a casual conversation while joker is making breakfast
like idk I feel like separating joker from everyone else means you miss out on a lot of fun dynamics or banter
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aquagirl1978 · 4 months
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Meet my OC: Charlotte (IkePri)
Name: Charlotte Lelouch Paired with: Chevalier Michel Relationship: romantic Age: 27 Hair Color: dark red Eye Color: hazel green Birth Sign: Aquarius
Early Life
Charlotte came to live at the Palace in Rhodolite at an early age. Her mother, Clavis' sister, passed away when Charlotte was very young. With her father not in the picture, the now orphaned Charlotte moved into the palace to live with her aunt Leticia and cousin Clavis. Clavis and Charlotte were the best of friends, with Charlotte following her older cousin around and getting into trouble with him.
Incredibly intelligent and kind hearted, Charlotte was much like her cousin down to the matching birthmarks below their mouths. The one glaring area where the two differed was on their relationship with Chevalier.
Charlotte often acted as a buffer between the brothers. Clavis, never wanting to be alone with Chevalier, brought Charlotte along with him to make things more bearable. Chevalier, who tolerated so few people, allowed Charlotte to remain as, in his words, she, unlike her fool cousin, knew when to stay quiet.
After the death of the former queen and her aunt, Charlotte's future was unknown, until Sariel agreed to let her stay. He reasoned that it would be detrimental to her to remove her from her closest living family member.
Childhood Friends
When they were young, Charlotte had a somewhat distant, but respectful, relationship with Chevalier. She would remain (mostly) quiet in exchange for borrowing books from his library. They would sometimes read together, with minimal words exchanged. She was in awe of Chevalier - his genius, his grace, and as she got older, his looks. She never understood why Clavis hated him so much, and perhaps a part of her tried to get closer to Chevalier to improve their relationship.
There came a time in Charlotte's education when she, to put it nicely, outsmarted the palace teachers. Sariel was at a loss as to what to do with her - being the hellcat's cousin, no one wanted her as a student. That is, until the second prince agreed to be her tutor.
From that day on, they would spend time in each other's room studying together. Chevalier was impressed with her intellect, and found her thirst for knowledge refreshing. Unlike her cousin, she was not obsessed with besting him and was therefore able to focus her attention where it mattered.
It was during these study sessions when Chevalier first noticed he was experiencing strange feelings. They weren't unpleasant, a bit bothersome if anything. Over time, he grew accustomed to them, so much so that he even enjoyed these new feelings. He knew then it was time for him to stop being Charlotte's tutor.
Dating Chevalier
Now we get to the anti-climatic part of this story. I don't want to put anything here, because this is where it gets fun - flirting and kissing and teasing and more - and I have fic ideas planned for their dating journey. I'm gonna kinda just end it here, if I don't I'll ramble on until I can't write anymore words on this post. Charlotte has lived in my head for close to three years now, and I have a lot of stories in my head. Some I might share, some I won't.
On that note, I do welcome any and all asks about her, about her relationship with Chevalier and Clavis and anyone else in the palace. I will be reblogging OC ask games moving forward - always feel free to ask about her. I also have a modern AU for Charlotte and Chevalier which deviates greatly from canon. I might actually be more invested in that one, as I have far greater creativity there.
I also had so much fun working on this for Charlotte, that I have created another OC, this one for Ikemen Villains, and I hope to have her page up soon.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 6 months
Why Cassandra's Moonstone Armor Sucks
*cracks knuckles and dusts off keyboard*
It's time to finally rip this armor to shreds...figuratively because it's indestructible XD
And big shoutout to @whosbex @archivedwoods @th3p0rtalmaker @the-reverse-mermaid @aziraphalesbookkeeper and @majorabbey who all wanted to see this. I thank you all so much for your patience 🥰
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Don't get me wrong there are some elements of this that absolutely work. The blue and black is a wonderful color scheme, especially that blue swirl that goes down and around Cass's body. And the spikes on the shoulders, forearms, and calves looks super cool and gives off a more black rock feel and a very intimidating silhouette. But...that's about all it does right.
1- It doesn't fit Cassandra's sense of style at all
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In all the outfits we can see Cass wear throughout the show, we can very easily get a sense of exactly what her style is. It’s very clear that she dresses conservatively. And especially in armor she values practicality above all else. Her clothing has to serve its respective purpose. And up until season 3 the only revealing thing she wears is her island outfit and even then that’s pretty modest. And the moonstone armor comes along and completely disregards her established sense of style.
2- It undermines the moonstone's capabilities
We get it very explicitly confirmed that the Moonstone made the Dark Kingdom, and made Cass's tower as well. We see the amount of detail it puts into buildings. Even the rocks, the most simple thing it can make, are magically complex enough to know to seek out the Sundrop. And you're telling me that this thing can't make better armor than that?? Nuh uh, no way. I don't buy it. There’s absolutely no reason for the moonstone to provide a skin tight catsuit with a few spikes when we know its power can be much more sturdy and intimidating.
3- It's Chris Sonneburg's fantasies showing through
Those of you who have been in this fandom know the crush that Chris, the director, has on Cass. She's supposedly based on his college crush or something, and from day one he always wanted Cass to be the villain and plan to betray Rapunzel even as far back as the very beginning of the show. And of course, don't you want to see your crush in something hot? Therefore, I'm certain that the retaining of the catsuit was his idea. Because if you look at the moonstone concept art you can see more and more the visual leaning into a catsuit rather than actual armor
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4- It's not at all practical or historically accurate
For reference, THIS is what armor has typically looked like throughout history
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And even in works of fantasy you still have some version or variant of armor like this. Throughout the middle ages you can see just how tanky armor used to be. But as you can see, the moonstone armor looks nothing like that. It doesn't at all look like it could realistically defend a person.
Granted Cass's guard uniform is also kinda form fitting like the moonstone armor, but there’s still protective elements of it. The helmet, the breastplate. You could still believe that that is practical armor. Despite it being indestructible, the moonstone….is not at all practical armor. It doesn't look like it belongs in history or even fantasy. It is so obviously modern it’s almost painful.
5- It makes her disappear.
This is actually something that @moltenhair pointed out a while back that I never realized. There's too much black in there. A lot of the time we see Moonssandra at night and because there's so much black on her armor it makes her fade into the background to the point where she looks like a floating head and hand because the blue is all that really catches your eye about the design. Granted one can make the argument that this could have been done on purpose because taking and using the moonstone isn't actually giving Cass the spotlight she thinks it is but...eh...it's a loose argument.
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ewingstan · 3 months
Finished the Ryan interlude. On the one hand, it did what I thought was impossible and made Cradle interesting to me. Can't underestimate WB's interludes, even if I wasn't a fan of March's. I really sympathize with Ryan, this kid who's gutted by friends pulling away from him, who's internalized other's perception of him as a monster to the point he conceptualizes his own tantrums as nothing more than a brat acting out. It was a very interesting character sketch.
Plus, apart from being very characterful, the passages describing what he finds valuable post-gold morning included more worldbuilding than we've seen in 5 arcs.
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It was the return to the modern day that left me a bit cold. I didn't really see the jump from "I gotta get revenge on this kid" to "I'm gonna destroy the city." Also the implication that the cluster bleed or emotion powers gave him a new capacity for empathy and regret, while interesting on a conceptual level, kinda put me off in its execution. Something a bit "guilt as righteous punishment" about it. I liked seeing how Ryan had a sense of ethics without empathy; his sense of fairness, his desire to not be seen as a monster even when no one was watching.
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Going from "I continuously pushed boundaries in ways that hurt people but stopped after realizing I wasn't getting anything much out of it, as well as a desire for friends and companionship that my behavior prevented" to "I need to get rid of this Rain kid because he's making me feel bad about being bad" just feels like a downgrade in terms of interesting character exploration. Its like Wildbow crafted a rich and interesting character for the interlude and then had to flatten him to fit the villain he'd been writing for the last twelve arcs.
That said, I do feel like I turned around a bit on Cradle as a villain in Rain's story, even if I don't like the "hold the world hostage" development. Though I feel like this interlude should've occurred way earlier in the story. His and Love Loss', honestly; the whole Mall cluster plotline would've been stronger if the "we GOTTA kill this kid" side was given more audience sympathy. This chapter established Ryan as more of a foil for Rain (both characters who spent much of their life acting like shitheels and then being intensely frustrated that people won't let them move past their previous actions), establishing that mirroring earlier on would give much of their conflict more thematic heft. Plus, establishing Cradle early on as someone manipulating the cluster to get at a "justified" target like Rain, letting the audience consider his clustermates in relation to Amelia and Lloyd, could've made for an interesting story in and of itself.
I'm tempted to say the mall cluster story should've been from Ryan's perspective instead, but that would've been too much. But something like Claw's shifting arc perspective could've been interesting. Playing off Ryan and Victoria's perspectives in the same way we see Mia and Ben's could've enhanced things, letting us consider Rain from a place of justified anger and cautious sympathy in the same way we get different views of Natalie Teale.
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pendwelling · 3 months
Helloo,sorry for the trouble but could you tell me a bit about the ending of twsb? Is it a happy ending? Do all the main 3 get to live together? I am still in 170s as there is no other eng translation out there to read ahead... 🥺. I would really appreciate your help as the curiosity is killing me.
I answered a similar question on twt/x so I'll just elaborate on my answer from there haha:
It's a very VERY happy ending!!!!! Think of all the struggles and desires of the main characters and imagine them finally getting peace, solace, and happiness. TWSB at its core had always been a very character-driven story where the goals and desires of the characters were what largely push the plot forward, and after all their struggles, you can tell the ending was lovingly crafted over a careful build-up of 920 chapters. They all get their resolution, and character who have went through tragedies get their second chances at living a kinder life, and the villains get their comeuppance in the fair way that TWSB tends to treat its antagonists (there's also proper trial investigations being done and etc etc, politics and court affairs in this novel is actually so interesting.)
All the characters have obtained their perfect endings in their fitting respective ways! It's a super gratifying conclusion for readers, and the thing about Sookym is that they also do a great job in making us care (or feel strong emotions towards) their large cast of characters.
In a more meta sense (since TWSB, for its genre, is surprisingly very meta)(and this is also a spoiler in regards to the universe's God), the "God" wishes for the main characters to be happy, and so the story has shifted itself so that a happy ending is something that our beloved characters are finally able to achieve for themselves without outside interference of original narrative structure forces (think of it a bit like ORV's Probability, TWSB has something similar to that). And in fact, for both the TWSB universe, AND the original QPB universe, as well. I can also confirm that the original Jesse Venetiaan gets his well-deserved happy ending, too! 🥹
Yeseo does indeed get to reunite with his siblings, too, and he ALSO gets to live with Cédric and Ham Ga-in Christelle on the weekends! (Despite pretty much being "married" into the Imperial Family and becoming Pope, this guy still chooses to work his usual 9-to-5 in the modern world LMAO.....)
There is an inter-world arrangement going on that is a bit hard to explain because there's a lot of context behind how it came to be haha, but basically Yeseo is essentially a bride that moves between households after getting married (LMAO). Everyone is very happy! Cédric especially, is very very smug that he gets to keep his beloved partner close by—he even safely escorts Yeseo back home like a dutiful partner whenever he needs to go back to his family home HAHAHA. Jung Hyunseo and him kinda have some beef over it, actually (Hyunseo: "this is his home?? why does he need an escort...." *insert smug Cédric face*). Hyunseo is really the older brother who has to deal with the antics of eccentric otherworldly in-laws and a model-student younger brother who has now grown up to be a bit of a troublemaker..... (There's a scene where Yeseo shows up and goes "Here's our baby!" while holding pretty-much-their-baby(DONT ASK WKDJKD)(AND NO THERES NO MPREG) and gives Hyunseo a near heart attack while Cédric looks so so so smug and self-fulfilled, he's such a brat..... (affectionate)).
All in all, after the war between the Riester Empire (with the allied forces of other countries + Crown Princess Elise) and the Sneijders of Venetiaan, there are award ceremonies (several characters get promoted or given new titled ranks), memorials and eulogies for those fallen in the war, and a very well wrapped-up conclusion to this huge conflict (again politics in TWSB are actually very interesting and really well done imo). It largely has to do with the Almighty God, as well, but I won't say much about that because 1.) It's a revelation that is best made while reading yourself, and 2.) It's a bit complicated to understand without the proper context anyway hahajah....
(I can also confirm that future emperor Cédric probably won't have to worry about siring an heir. Congratulations to Yeseo for essentially being the queerplatonic mother to his two partners' "children".....)(this sounds absolutely crazy but it makes sense OK trust me, but anyway, CYC are partners and I trust that they will continue to support each other for a long, long time hehe)
It's super, super satisfying, and a very happy ending for Yeseo and friends! :')
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secretagentsociety · 2 years
Huge yandere X extremely concerningly chill reader pt2
We all know the drill eng isn't my first language,I didn't proof read yada yada and this is again just self indugent
more about huge yandere!
•first thing first the world you're in Because no!people no no this fic is not taking place in our normal modern world that would be boring.to write,anyway this world is a fantasy world called gaia,it have worrior,villains,heroes,fairy,god goddesses,elf,goblins and even the legendary m.i.l.f. and d.i.l.f so there's that.
In my defense who doesn't know a fantasy magic based world amirite? Alr we done? We cool with this? Moving on!!
• so whats like his deal?,like what's his backstory?Well you're in luck!bcuz I have just the thing!firstly he hails from a humble beginning-
Nah he's the hero of this world,yes you heard it right the righteous hero,summoned isekaid typical op mc but he's just built naturally tall and naturally scary so ppl thought of him as a devil and basically discredit his hero Status, The mages then proceed to summon another hero a more traditional looking one yk?suave,cool,has way with words and prolly have a whole harem?yes that replaced our beloved yandere
oh but it's fine!he doesn't rlly see the point of a harem,in his eyes there can only be one person he shall devote his life into And that is you!:D his beautiful dearest darling (yes even if you're a dude you'd still be beautiful to him)(no exceptions)
• now that his backstory is over let's get to know him really His name is Tresh (real name unknown)(goes by Tresh cuz yes)
his height?that depends how tall are you?now take that and add about...hmmm....alot more than that and bam!you have his height!(How many is alot more is unspecified,go ham make him a giant for all we care :P)
His appearance typical scary mobster but still kinda cute kinda hot ya feel me?,like wouldn't be the first guy you laid your eyes on but wouldn't be the dude you forget instantly
his hair is basically just black with little white strand to it His eye colour plain brown just normal brown that looked like black nothin special but it's cute yk?I love brown eyes,they cool,they vibing
•his job? well he's basically a hero?villain?who knows not even me the author knows,but I could tell you this,since he is the original hero the world favours him GREATLY!
so don't even try to run cuz some of the most ridiculous sht will happen to you like for example tripping on a stick and bam! Right into his arm how you get there?idk.
and since he basically got the world's favor he's strong as fk remember? he's mc,typical op and yada yada all that jazzy plot armor,yes he had those even if he's 'replaced' the only thing the new hero can obtain is just the thing he never pursue After
which he felt lucky that he pursue you (he say pursue I say kidnapping,but yk what tomato potato) Before the new hero,cuz just the thought of you being eyed by that sleezy womaniser!perverted!douchebag! new hero made him angry to the point his mana spills out causing a not so good natural disaster
Oh well he's sure the new hero will fix it :D
• how jealous CAN he get Now I mentioned previously he's jealous as fk,now his jealousy doesn't show Infront of you,although if it did you prolly wouldn't even gaf,but behind you oh boy...
honestly had you not been aware of you surroundings?!
basically everyone avoided gazing at you for more than 5 seco-i mean 3-no?ok 2 seconds???- okay he gotta stop or everyone gonna have to use a blindfold just to keep the empire peaceful and away from his wrath
may or may not have had his loyal subordinates to trail after you,not to stalk you or anything (yes it's to stalk you) it's just to take records of what you're doing everyday (which is stalking) but it's not rlly stalking if it's for your safety (nope still stalking) he just loves you so much what if you got injured?!and he wasn't there?! Oh god the horror of paper cuts you could be in pain!!(cool motif still stalking)
Have to stop here bcuz it'll be too long,I shall continue later.
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nerves-nebula · 11 months
chelloooo the tmnt getting more racist thing is actually rlly interesting to me because I don’t think it’s getting more racist , I just think that as more and more pieces of media with good Asian representation come out (eeao, amphibia, and even elemental are the first things I can think of) there’s more stuff to compare it to and realize that tmnt is just… not it. And that although it’s gotten less blatantly stereotypical, it just hasn’t followed the curve of good Asian representation in media. It continues to be lacking. It improves in small ways. It’s just slow 
and I also think it’s because how tmnt handles japanese and east asian culture in general took such a fucking nosedive with mutant mayhem. Look at splinters entire character and the fact they learned to be ninjas from mostly popular chinese movies. Like almost everything about this movie shows how much the creators were looking through it with an orientalist lens
Like. I don’t think tmnt is getting more racist, I think the amount of racist shit is staying relatively the same.* So as western culture and pop culture starts to be less racist, tmnt starts to look more racist as a result. And also because socially and culturally speaking, tmntmm is Rlly Bad. Like look at it once with ANY IDEA of racist stereotypes and it’s Bad. It would have been fine like any year before 2023. But compare it to any popular piece of media that’s come out in the past 1-3 years and its…. Lord. It’s not it ………
(I like tmntmm etc. I just have to ignore a lot of the racist stuff in it, as I have to do with most pieces of media. But for something that came out in the 20s it’s so much harder to turn a blind eye to it than other stuff.)
*imo it improves the most with rottmnt. But that show was also racist in other ways, just not towards japenese culture. It handled being asian american and an immigrant surprisingly well
(also for judas’ followers who don’t know me I’m asian 👍) -angie and jonah
OHHH YOU PUT IT PERFECTLY INTO WORDS. Tmnt isn’t really getting more racist it’s just improving very very slowly compared to a lot of modern media.
Like it feels weird when racist stuff happen in old media but you kind of expect it in old movies & tv- but when it’s still present in modern day it’s kinda more noticeable.
And yea I feel a similar way about mutant mayhem, it’s very good in a lot of ways! Racially isn’t one of them!
Not even just with Asian stuff either- which I think you’ve covered pretty well here- but from a black perspective it’s not great either. superfly is kind of weird to me cuz he’s clearly black and his coding is clearly pulling from black culture and he’s all macho and chains and I love that for him. I think he’s so cool.
But he’s basically just another one of those villains who’s an oppressed person who’s faced violent discrimination and fought back- and that in itself is framed as explicitly evil. Him telling the story of how he was being chased by a mob and faught back is when we’re supposed to start thinking he might be evil.
and so he’s like, coded as an activist or civil rights leader, but instead of fighting for equality rights he wants to kill all white people (in a metaphorical sense) and it’s like oh ok cool. This again. Greatttt.
Anyway point is: ur so right
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ghosttotheparty · 1 year
ok i have an idea but i don't feel like writing the whole thing as an actual fic so here's me talking ab famous!steddie
modern au where post upside down/saving the world eddie and corroded coffin gain popularity in the metal scene bc of eddies dropped murder charges and everything
steve and robin start making music too but it starts as just a way to make extra money; they play at local bars and cafes after leaving hawkins; steve writes songs and robin picks up piano and guitar p quickly (i assume w how good she is w languages shed be good w instruments too) but after a while she wants to stop when she gets a job so steve learns guitar himself and he keeps playing by himself
they both get big but they're in such different scenes (eddie is metal obv but steve is more like noah kahan midwestern loneliness vibes) that no one knows that they know each other but there's a consistent thing where ppl compare their lyrics and how similar they are
theres even a game ppl play on tik tok where they read some lyrics and ppl have to guess whose music its from (ppl know that eddie is the songwriter for cc and that steve writes his own music); their music both follow themes ab like mortality and lost faith and like kinda fantasy ish stuff (heroes and villains etc)
its not until theyre both present at some award show that ppl start wondering if they know each other; steve is being interviewed on the red carpet whatever but eddie walks by behind him and they both get kinda distracted watching each other pass bc they haven't seen each other in years and steve has to have the interviewer repeat the question; the clip of them looking at each other goes viral and ppl are speculating ab how their expressions change when they see each other (eddie almost smiles and his eyes widen a little, and steves lips part and he fully loses his train of thought until eddie is out of sight)
(and maybe steve wins something and someone catches eddie in the crowd just gazing at him w very wide eyes and a soft smile that looks almost fond)
and then a tik tok goes viral where some girl named madison hagan says she found her dads old high school yearbook and would you believe that eddie munson and steve harrington both went to hawkins high school and they were only a year apart and oh my god they totally recognized each other at that award show holy shit--
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lazymonth · 5 months
( I have an idea and need to note this concept / AU and for some reason OTHER PEOPLE need to know it with me! )↷
✰ King candy / Turbo if he got adapt into the popular Disney Villains media ✰🍭🏎️
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In this case I have two ideas and probably the only two popular Disney Villains media I know. Twisted wonderland, Descendants <-
( Also sorry for my English.. and some swear words )
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;; I have completely retired from this fandom since 2022 and promise myself I'll never go back to it. It's all because I lost my game account in my present phone and all my progress in the game ( more than 5 SSR cards specially Idia dorm uniform and I already in Chapter 6 ) even though I still have the game and the same account in my old phone but I'm too afraid to open it.... Well, it has been a year now since I lost it and my feelings for this game are better now. But I still retired from this fandom
Ok, back to the concept. Twisted Wonderland mostly focuses on classic types of Villains but I wanna know what it would be like if one day Disney feels a little bit funny and put the modern villains in and adapt his story into this game
Just like in WIR He starts at being Turbo does something very bad and gets kicked out but comes back as King candy. So here's the idea
☆ The character lore ;
Terlos " Kingan " Candás ( Definitely quick makeup name ) or Terlos Candás was a student of Night Raven College and belonged in the Ignihyde dorm. He's a low percent of Ignihyde students who are kinda active people but Terlos not much of a good guy doing to his power-hungry personality.
Just like most Ignihyde dorm students. He has intelligence on Technology specific hacking and gaming but the thing that makes him different from other is he's a Magical Shift player too that's literally only him and his Twins friends who's playing it in this dorm
But during one of the Magical Shift Tournaments something happens. Night Raven Battle with another school and Terlos being the spotlight. Sadly the longer the game goes player from another school start to make a score more than Night Raven and steal Terlos's thunder
He's so jealous, jealous enough to attack that player with fury. The damage is more than enough to make the Tournaments stop immediately. That poor player gets sent to the hospital, sadly the damage from the magic put him in coma
from what happened Terlos got banned for playing Magical Shift forever but not only that Terlos got fired from Night Raven...
.... but he's not giving up yet. A year later Terlos disguised himself making a new identity name Kingan Candás or KC for short and this time he's getting into another school instead of Night Raven he goes to Royal Sword Academy being the fake royal among them. KC knows that RSA is a competitor with NRC so it's a chance for him to get revenge on his old school
☆ In game story ;
The storyline runs pretty similar to Chapter 5 about NRC vs RSA kinda thing but this time the difference is it's Magical Shift Tournaments between these two schools and the one who cheats and Overblot.. is Kingan himself
While the tournaments are running Yuu and other characters found some suspicions on KC during the event. And at the end they found out about his true identity of him being a wolf in sheep's clothing. After that KC snapped so hard he got Overblot and it's Yuu and other characters to deal with it before the tournaments start
.... After that the headmage of both schools know they think about how to deal with KC this time. Luckily he doesn't get fired from Royal Sword but gets banned from playing Magical Shift ( again ) Being kept a special eye on by all teachers and staff in RSA to make sure he won't do anything wrong again
☆ Unique magic concept ;
" Cheat code! " This Unique magic has the ability to make Terlos see through every movement of what's going on like reading his own hands. Know what other people are going to do next, know their weakness or see them even if they're hiding behind stuff. It's like using a cheat code in video games to win
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;; After listening to What's my name, Rotten to the core and It's goin' down so many times I start to have an idea. I know it sounds so crazy and literally almost impossible for King candy / Turbo because he's a game characters. But hey, if we high enough anything can be possible
Similar to Twisted Wonderland that focuses on classic types of Villains but Descendants Mosley focuses on their children instead. At this point I’ll throw a lot of " logic " things out of the window and trying my best to use my imagination to make things make sense as possible
☆ How KC got to Isle of the Lost ;
Just like other villains that they get brought back to life to be imprisoned in the Isle of the Lost. In this case is quite special than the other
After King candy-bug survive from the beacon he’s hiding for a while in Sugar Rush until he change the hiding spot to other arcade. Somehow can avoid Surge Protector and other game characters by going in time that Litwak's Arcade still open and no characters out of their game
KCB has hiding in another game for a while but that game get unplugging because of the unpopular. He thought he’s died already until… his eyes open again and found out the arcade gets transported into new places. It’s not normal an Arcade Central but it’s some places that’s dark but full of colorful lights. Dr. Facilier’s Voodoo Arcade
The arcade plug straight to the wall, limited him from leaving the game but in the same time KCB doesn’t hiding himself anymore that makes the characters in the game scared and hiding from him instead because there’s no one who can help them now. Well, that’s mean he’s kinda succeed on take over the game this time
Even the game probably doesn't work like what Dr. Facilier think but this little weird thing makes him interested and designed to still keep the arcade like this
☆ Royal child...? ;
Descendants of course focus on the villain's child so like.. what if KC has a kid? It might sound crazy and impossible but hear me out. Your question might be " who's the mom " but what if.. KCB doesn't need her?
" They don't know they're in a game. All they know is eat, kill, multiply "
This dialog from the movie gave me an idea about " multiply ". KCB of course still has a cybug code and I'm pretty sure the cybug doesn't give a F about gender so... Yah, you know what I mean gonna skip that egg laying part
Maybe there's a lucky one that hatches and being a Cybug Hybrid with flexible code makes them can transform between humans and The hybrid
Oh boi, it's getting more unreal and fictional every minute
☆ Get out of the Arcade ;
Now here's the " it's magic britch. I ain't gonna explain shit " parth
KC's child ( that I don't think about the name or gender yet ) because they also have a cybug code making them grow up fast and becoming a teenager in just a few weeks. So many days pass one of Dr. Facilier's daughter Celia finally found out about the truth why their arcade game acts weirdly. It's because the characters have their own subconscious and awareness
She tells her dad about this and bolt of them gets really excited about this information. Dr. Facilier and Celia designed to communicate with KC and his child tell them that they know about the character's awareness and don't need to hide anymore with promise they won't unplugged the game
After that both sides of them have become a friend specialty Celia and KC's child. One day Ceila designed to bring her digital friend to the real world. There's nothing magic can't do so she's looking for the magic that might take her friend out of the game
And guess what? She found the spell that can take something unreal to exist ( it's hard to explain and I have no idea what I am talking about ). As soon she cast the spell to KC's child the magic pulls their body out of the arcade. The effects of the magic giving KC's child and new body to fit in the real world while they still can transform to hybrid-cybug form ( similar to Mal turn into dragon and Uma turn into octopus mermaid )
☆ Auradon Prep ;
Celia recommended KC's child to come to Auradon Prep with her so they could study together in the same school. KC's child who already wants to go explore the outside world answering it and moving to Auradon Prep
Even that KC's child hiding their identity of the original being video games character and telling other people that they're just another person from Isle of the Lost
But sometimes they go back to the isle to meet their dad and update about the outside world
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♛ Bonus part ! ;;
In this part I'll explain about some of the references I put in and something that you guys might have a question with ;
【 Twisted Wonderland section 】↷
> Why did I put Turbo in Ignihyde?
: Turbo or King candy might sound more fit in other dorms like Heartslabyul doing to the red color ( and the fact KC have a reference design from Mad Hatter ) or even Pomefiore doing the purple color and royalty feeling. But the reason why I'm putting him in this dorm instead is because of his skill that is related to technology like video games and hacking and both of these seem like a skill that is especially on Ignihyde dorm. ( Also it's my favorite dorm too )
> The Turbo twins in this concept
: Turbo twins have a similar role like Jade and Floyd in the main game. They're both sticking around T. being a good partner but deep down they both kinda dislike T. a bit just like other people. And of course they're also in Ignihyde. This time it's kinda fit because the dorm main color is blue
> Unique magic reference
: " Cheat code! " It's a reference to konami code King candy used to entering The code space
【 Descendants section 】↷
> Why I don’t bring King candy to the real world too?
: Simple. It’s feel curse and I feel like it’s more good for KC if he still stays inside game ( Live action KCB it’s feel.. wrong to thinking )
> The timeline
: Timeline of this concept it’s between Descendants 3 to Descendants: The Rise of Red for making it kinda present as possible
¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. ☆
For who to reading it to this part I want to thank you for watching me writing about all this Concept, What if, AU kinda thing sm. It’s taking me a few days it finished it and don’t think it’ll be this long, LOL
Anyway I might drawing about both of this concept in future… If I won’t forget it first
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nanaosaki3940 · 10 months
Romance Manhwa You All Should Read...
So there are a few Korean manhwa that I have been reading recently. Some are new manhwa which I just picked up to read while the others are old ones that I read before and now I'm re-reading them again. All of them are of modern-setting with the premise of high school or college romance. 🥰🥰🥰
The new ones that I'm reading for the first time -
My First Love Hate
Seasons Of Blossom
Our Secret Alliance
Just Twilight
I Don't Hate Us
Cheese In The Trap
Revelation Of Youth
Operation Name: Pure Love
The Law Of Being Friends With A Male
My Introverted Boy
See You in My 19th Life
The old ones that I've read before and now re-reading them again -
Something About Us
Positively Yours
Marked By King BS
The ones that I haven't read yet but want to get into it -
Romance 101
My Younger Brother's Friends
Rewriting Our Love Story
1 Plus 1
Villain With A Crush
This Must Be Love
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Now I wanna talk about some of the Manhwa series that I recently read in the last couple of days...
Our Secret Alliance
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Manhwa Status: Completed Troupe: Childhood best friends turned lovers. THE NO. 1 BEST FUCKING "CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TURNED LOVERS" TROUPE MANHWA OUT THERE💘!! PERIOD😤!!!
No, seriously. I really enjoyed reading this series, and OMG !!! Female lead Se-i Yun and male lead Jaeha Kim are so fucking adorable!!! Se-i is a cutie, for sure, and seeing Jaeha as a boyfriend in this story raised my "boyfriend" expectations to an unrealistic height...
Also warning: you'll encounter a soft, bashful male lead here... so beware!!!
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Seasons Of Blossom
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Manhwa Status: Completed This story has four different parts: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. And damn, the stories are so good, y'all!!
(This is gonna be a LONG rant here btw...)
I really loved the 1st part of the series "Bomi's Flower" which is the season of Spring. The sweet female lead (Bomi Yun), one of the most popular and studious girls in school, has a little crush on the 2nd male lead (Jaemin Lee), another popular kid in school, but later finds out that her best friend/2nd female lead (Seonhui Kang) also has a crush on Jaemin. But the thing is everyone in their school ships Bomi and Jaemin together as a romantic couple. Seonhui also shows her genuine support to Bomi as a good friend if she ever tries to get together with Jaemin, but Bomi knows that deep down inside her heart Seonhui is hurting by the fact that Jaemin likes Bomi and everyone ships them, meaning her love towards Jaemin is unrequited. So to save her friendship with Seonhui and also to save Seonhui from a potential heartbreak, Bomi gets into a fake relationship with the male lead (Jinyeong Choi), so that Seonhui and Jaemin get the chance to be together... But the thing is Jinyeong is the complete opposite of Bomi. Unlike Bomi, Jinyeong is blunt, ruthless with his words, always has a straight bored look on his face, and has an "I don't give a fuck" kinda attitude. He doesn't fuck around and hates those typical high school dramas and bullshit. Even though he's a gaming otaku and only has two male friends, he's quite famous among the students; guys want to be friends with him because of his game recommendations and girls think he's really cute. Also despite the fact that he's shorter than Bomi in height, my man has balls for sure when it comes to speaking up about his mind or taking action for anything.
This story talks about how opposites attract one another, how to discover and learn new yet unexpected things, how to fall in love for the first time in life and that sweet feeling like falling in love in your youth, and how to break out of your own shell and discover a new side of yourself. This 1st part of the series will give you nothing but fluff, sweetness, and butterflies.
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And then later comes the 2nd part of the series, the season of Summer aka Hamin's Flower...
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Okay, this one was really tough to get through. Not because the story sucked or anything. It's because of how painful, angsty, and heartbreaking it is. In the 1st part (Bomi's Flower aka Spring), we get to know that the 2nd male lead Jaemin Lee had an older brother named Hamin Lee (the golden child of the family) who died 6 years ago by committing suicide. We don't get much info about Hamin Lee in the 1st part (other than the fact that he's Jaemin's brother) until it comes to an end and the 2nd part begins. The 2nd part opens up with Jaemin Lee and the gang bumps into a 24-year-old art college student named Somang Han who happens to be Hamin's girlfriend from high school. Through Somang's narration and flashbacks, we get to know what kind of person Hamin Lee was, how she and Hamin met and fell in love, and how he spiraled into depression which resulted in him ending his own life. And also through Jaemin, we get to know more about Hamin as a son and a brother and how their parents' rough parenting pushed him to darkness and depression. At first, when Hamin was first mentioned in the 1st part, I didn't think much about him and only felt empathy for Jaemin for losing his older brother. But after getting introduced to Hamin in the 2nd part and learning more about him through Somang and Jaemin's POV and narrations, I couldn't help but bawl my eyes out for him in every single chapter. It got even worse for me since I already knew where the story was going and what was going to happen to Hamin in the end (it was more like the Shinichiro Sano effect from Tokyo Revengers like you know who Shinichiro is and what happened to him but that doesn't stop you from falling in love with him despite him being dead throughout the whole series). RIP Hamin Lee; my heart will always go out to you, forever, always.
The 2nd part Hamin's Flower aka Summer talks about some heavy topics/subjects like - dysfunctional families, rough parenting going wrong, dealing with societal burdens and depression, losing your loved ones and dealing with the aftermath, your first tragic love story, handling regrets and dealing with your traumas, how to overcome those traumas, and finally how to let go of your past and move on with life.
Hamin's Flower left me in such a numb and gloomy state that I couldn't read the other two parts (Autumn and Winter), but I'll try to get back and read them sooner or later. Even though I haven't read the complete series yet, I'll still give out a biased statement - I really, really loved Bomi's Flower and Hamin's Flower, and these two parts will always gonna be my favs from this series (doesn't matter to me if Autumn and Winter are better than these two).
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Cheese In The Trap
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Manhwa Status: Completed The oldest series in this list...
This story... this story... Oh God, where should I begin?!?! I can't believe that I didn't read this until now!! This is a truly mature love story. If you read this wanting a simple light college romance, this is not for you. While there are very cute interactions between the main character and her love interests, it is a very well-thought-out and complex manga - definitely the most realistic I have read thus far. The character development is out of this world and adds a sense of tangibility to the characters that you really don't see in fiction normally. To explain, the important main and side characters in any story are always bound by rules of development to identify them as cogs in a narrative; we have underlying expectations about what the characters might do, or how they might subvert those expectations. But, this webtoon is the study of social relationships and the nature of people. You get to see that there will always be some sort of social hierarchy, that there are meanings and repercussions beyond what you expect to happen in life, and that we all have some degree of victim and perpetrator in us. We all cope and process in different ways, while also continuing and evolving in life the way we know how. Unlike anything I have ever read before.
Also, this story is under the tag of "Psychological Drama" and it's all because of the male lead named Jung Yu. God, I've such a love-hate relationship with him, y'all!! Like I love him but also hate him at the same time. He's mysterious, charming, alluring yet so damn confusing. Also, the fact that he's a sociopath with a bit of a Yandere-ish tendency in him and that he's also obsessed with the female lead (Seol Hong) in a very twisted way??? He's a walking red flag for sure, but then again not... In short, Jung Yu is a complex character and my simple brain just can't comprehend him. I also love the female lead (Seol Hong), the 2nd male lead (Inho Baek), and Seol's two best friends (Bora Jang and Euntaek Kwon). The only important side character I despise is Inho's twin sister Inha Baek (don't ask why; just go and read it for yourself and you'll know why... also I hate those bully characters too btw, just so you know...).
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I Don't Hate Us
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Manhwa Status: Completed Troupe: Childhood best friends turned lovers.
Another series with "childhood best friends turned lovers" troupe done right!!
The female lead (Wonsu Ha) and the male lead (Jaesu Sang) have been childhood best friends since their middle school days. They had been best friends through high school and college until one day Wonsu got herself a boyfriend. Jaesu has romantic feelings for Wonsu, but she only sees him as a friend and has platonic love for him. Wonsu then breaks up with her boyfriend, not because the guy is a cheater but because they aren't that compatible with each other, so they mutually break up and separate. Wonsu also gets separated from Jaesu because his romantic feelings for her were getting in the way of their friendship at the time, and also her relationship with her ex-boyfriend took a toll on her mentally and emotionally, so she cut off all her connection and simply focused on her studies and graduating from university. Years later, now working in a small yet growing company, Wonsu reconnects with an adult and more mature Jaesu, who now works in a multinational corporation, and that's when sparks and butterflies start to fly left, right, and center. Almost all the characters are likable, the story and the plot are realistic, and overall it was an enjoyable read for me truly.
Also warning: you'll encounter a soft, bashful male lead here... so beware!!! I mean, the fact that despite the bad boy looks and everything, he's so cute like a puppy is fucking adorable, yo!!!
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My First Love Hate
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Manhwa Status: On-going Troupe: Childhood best friends turned lovers
This one came out this year and so far I'm really enjoying it. Just like the previously mentioned series above, the female lead (Eunha Kang) is relatable, funny, smart, studious, strong-willed, and whatnot. The male lead (Seungmin Ha) is Eunha's childhood best friend since elementary school but they stopped hanging out with one another ever since he became a delinquent back in high school despite the fact that they went to the same school and were in the same classroom. Years later, Eunha got into a prestigious university in Seoul and later learned that Seungmin was also at that university!! Not only that, he also stopped being a delinquent for good and suddenly started dressing up like a nerdy college boy. When Eunha asked what he was trying to do, Seungmin simply replied that he was returning back to his old self again and wanted to reconnect with Eunha... But things got a bit spicy all of a sudden when a tattoo-bodied 2nd male lead named Ryu Seonhoo walked into the scene and Eunha had to tutor him for the GED test on a regular basis...
Also warning: you'll encounter a soft, bashful, puppy-like male lead AND 2nd male lead here... so beware!!!
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Just Twilight
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Mahwa Status: Ongoing Troupe: Strangers to friends to lovers
I won't say anything about it... JUST FUCKING READ THIS SHIT ALREADY!!!
If you're a fan of another famous manhwa series called "Positively Yours", then you'll also love this series since it's written by the same author. The female lead (Junyoung Yun) is literally my spirit animal and the male lead (Beomjin Kwon) is such a husbando material, y'all... like, just look at him!!!
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That's all for now... I'll make more Korean manhwa recommendation posts again very soon!!!
My manhwa recommendation list posts - Link 1, Link 2, and Link 3.
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