#Like bestie haven't you lived through like 36 of these by now
Random Side Character of the Day™: Doctor!!! The fate... Of the entire human race is at stake!!! If you don't save us.... It's all over.
Me who's been watching this exact scenario play out for 12 seasons now:
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I'm a Gemini, give me an inch and..well...here you go I got nosey!
2: Did you get to sleep in today?
4: Do you have siblings?
11: When’s your birthday?
14: Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
20: What’s something you cannot wait for?
23: Are you a morning or night person?
26: Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for. What do you do?
31: Did you like this past summer?
36: Are you doing anything else besides taking this survey?
46: Is it hard to make you laugh?
56: Sleep on your back or stomach?
57: If you could move away, no questions asked, where would it be ?
58: What would you change about your life right now?
as a fellow air sign, i respect that <3
2: Did you get to sleep in today? yes i did 😌
4: Do you have siblings? yes, i have two. i am the middle child (forever forgotten lol)
11: When’s your birthday? january 26th
14: Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants? sweat pants 🤙
20: What’s something you cannot wait for? i have a christmas market date w my bestie next week i'm excited to stroll downtown w her, the lights are so pretty 🥺
23: Are you a morning or night person? night 🦉
26: Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for. What do you do? my demisexual-queer ass lives in a tiny conservative town and i'm sad to say i haven't really fallen for anyone (at least past a crush)
31: Did you like this past summer? i feel like i dissociated through most of it 💀 i was not in a good place mentally lmao
36: Are you doing anything else besides taking this survey? i was just reading a fic, i'll probably go back to it when i'm done this ☺️
46: Is it hard to make you laugh? no, i'm a giggly bitch
56: Sleep on your back or stomach? mostly on my side or back. never on my stomach
57: If you could move away, no questions asked, where would it be? i was literally fantasizing about this last night. THE WEST COAST. or at least - west. i fucking miss the mountains man. this place is flat as hell 😭
58: What would you change about your life right now? i'd love to be part of a queer/neurodivergent community irl. i think it would improve my quality of life significantly.
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homosociallyyours · 2 years
12, 14, 34, 69 please. Have a nice day, megan
12) have you ever stayed up for 48 hours?
Not quite, but I've definitely done something like 36 when I was in college. We had a competition between classes where each class wrote and performed a 30 minute musical each year, and it involved a few overnight paint sessions. That meant staying up through the night and then going to classes the next day before crashing for a nap. Very fun at the time, wouldn't do again!
14) do you miss anyone right now?
LOTS OF PEOPLE. Miss my family a lot right now (haven't seen them since April 2019, and there's a whole kid I haven't met). Miss my bff. Also miss my bestie, who tends to stop communicating when things are hard-- we haven't spoken since about a week or two before lockdown.
34) who/what was your last dream about?
My dreams are frequently very complex and strange, and sometimes I don't want to remember them. The most recent one I can recall involved some sort of dangerous plot, a large building with a grand hallway, and nobody familiar to me. The vibe was unsettling but luxurious, I think? Also vaguely futuristic.
69) do you believe in soulmates?
Yes-ish. Idk how much I've talked about this here, but I have a kind of elaborate idea about souls and death/afterlife that I can kinda reduce to: when you die, I think your consciousness disperses into the world, settling into other living things/joining into their consciousness. Every living thing has a consciousness/soul/life force that's made up of these little bits of energy. This energy isn't created or destroyed-- it's part of an endless loop of experience and emotion and life.
With that in mind, I think sometimes soul pieces recognize each other. If you've ever had a moment where this happens, it feels different from attraction or curiosity. There's a deep and immediate comfort that comes seemingly out of nowhere. It's strange and wonderful.
That said, there's no one soul mate for a person. You might see the husk of a fallen tree and feel a kinship-- soulmate. You might feel an immediate affinity for a child on a playground-- soulmate. There's nothing inherently romantic about it, but sometimes that might be a part of it too. Incidentally I like that this explains past lives, too, even if they're a little out there. Is it possible that every person who's claimed to have been Cleopatra actually has a tiny fragment of her consciousness folded into their being? I mean. WHY NOT?
Anywayyyy that was a long answer!! Anyone who likes these ideas is free to take what you enjoy and adapt it to suit your own needs and beliefs btw :)
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