#Lights Camera Diwali
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Top 10 Movies To Watch This Diwali
Dive into the festive spirit with our Top 10 Diwali Movies ! From heartwarming family reunions to epic tales of good vs. evil, these films are your perfect Diwali companions.
Check out out top 10 picks right here: https://www.theomenmedia.com/post/top-10-diwali-films-that-light-up-your-screen-with-festive-joy
#Diwali#Lights Camera Diwali#Diwali On Screen#Bollywood Diwali#Festival Flicks#Movie Marathon#Diwali Special#Diwali Movies#Festive Flicks#Cinema Celebrations#Shah Rukh Khan
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Dazzling in Desi! 🌟✨✨
Diwali dazzle with a touch of Bollywood glam! 🌟
Our Diwali party turned into a costume craze, and the Bollywood stars were out in full force. Lights, camera, Diwali! 🪔📸
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jean kirstein x fem!reader, modern a.u., buzzfeed unsolved a.u.
summary ; you dont know just how many watchful souls listen to you and jean speak, waiting, watching. maybe it's just you, but the prison air feels warmer. warnings ; mentions of violence, a little horror (? literally just the tiniest bit), talks of death. cringe humor. a/n ; happy halloween my beloveds. crazy that halloween and diwali were on the same day. kinda poetic lowkey. im DEAD TIRED so ykw that means! happy fireflyfic day! (and happy diwali to those who celebrate :)) taglist ; @holding-infinity-and-a-book , @mrsnobodynobody , @hopeless-anti-romantic , @jeanscremebrulee , @berrijam , @happxme , @cherrypieyourface , @imgayandshesanime , @moonmalice , @kivernova , @potaho3frog , @xakilicious , @katestrophes , @gojo-ana , @ppushable , @zombiefiedskeivy
masterlist is in pinned post! ✿ enter my taglist! ✿
The prison wasnt eerie, which should’ve struck you as concerning.
No, rather, the opposite, the fact that it was a little too comfortable, a little too lived-in to be considered ghostly was what you found…weird. Or maybe it was jean’s presence next to yours, the coldness of the air masked by his warmth and stolen jacket perched over your shoulders that made the air feel a little more breathable.
Connie and marco are huddled over the camera, speaking in hushed whispers - some technical jargon that your brain is too tired to recognize.
Jean shifted from beside you, adjusting his own coat - not stolen - and thumbed the straps over his chest that snuggly held a smaller camera so it fit better over him. He cleared his throat when he caught you zoning out, “know your lines?” he asked, a prompt for you to speak your mind.
You smiled cheekily, looking at him under the dim, sole flashlight. “By heart. Scared, jean-boy?���
“Dont call me that on camera, please,” he says, eyes screwing shut when you shine your light straight into them.
“Have i ever embarrassed you? You do that to yourself more than i do,” “okay that’s…intentional. It helps with the character im going for.” you snort. “Damsel in distress?” he scoffs, “i had to save you last time, remember?” “that was just an excuse for you to hold my hand, you can admit it. The cameras arent rolling yet,” you tease, bumping your shoe with his worn-out converses. He lets you. There isnt much he doesnt let you do to him.
“Alright, cameras are gonna start in three…two.. One!” marco’s voice is characteristically calming, even at a higher pitch.
Your shoulders stand straighter as you look into the lens, placing the flashlight right under your chin. “hello, watchers! Welcome back to another episode of Unearth - a series where we try to gather evidence of the paranormal to see who wins - a believer,” you say, pointing the light under jeans chin briefly before settling it back under yours, “or a skeptic.” “it’s not a competition,” “right. Of course not.” you say, winking into the camera. Its jean’s turn to speak, his voice a low baritone, and you can see his breath becoming foggy into the now november air. “We are here today at the Marley Prison, rumored to be the host of seventy percent of the state’s most wanted criminals since the early eighteen hundred's. And we’re standing infront of it now and it’s fucking creepy,” “right, and it was also incredibly overcrowded, so-” “-so just, a terrible place to live in.” “yeah, but they killed people,” “...right. Most of them.” “i’ve heard it smells like shit,” you say, almost forgetting that this might get broadcasted, but jean’s eyes on you seemed to have that effect. forgetting the size of your own beating hear, forgetting where you were, melting away any proof of life except his.
He smirks, looking straight at the camera once more. “Right, that’s why i have-” he pulls out a small spray bottle. From what you could read, the text flashed, “FLOWER POWER!” and your smile turned into a laugh. “- this air freshener right here.” “right. That’ll protect us.” “if i get possessed i’d want.. It to smell, like-” “-like flower power-” “right.” now the both of you are laughing, shoulders shaking.
“Great. Let’s head inside, guys,” marco says, smile on his face, and eren puts the camera down to view what he had gathered.
“After you,” jean says, his shoes scruffing against the harsh stones underneath, spreading his arm infront of you as a guide.
“Pussy,” you muttered, making him sputter.
“Alright,” you say, settling on the cold hard ground. Cell number 509, holding the last inmate of the entire prison who passed away in the very same, cramped room. Only a mattress and a sink to keep him company, a small, hand-sized window on the wall opposite to the door, meant to be locked at all times.
“Dangerous people in this place,” you say, mostly to yourself. Your partner was on the ground floor of the vicinity, in another building entirely, investigating by himself. You decided to split up to see if that might spite any spirits to act, planning on asking questions to the different people that were barely alive, living in the space so freely disturbed. The camera crew were also downstairs, waiting on the two of you to be done. All you had was an old walkie-talkie that connected to jean’s.
“You there?” his voice - filled with static and concern - reaches the confines of the prison cell. “Yep. where are you?” you ask, sitting in the middle of the floor, pulling your knees up to your chest, your flashlight flickering. “Im at the uh… that punishment place.” “ah. Im in Dean Cooper’s cell.” “oh,” he says. “Why dont we just use our phones for this part?” he asks, a beep following him. You smile. “I dont know, actually. Do you- should we?” “yeah that’d be.. I mean, better communication. Audio..quality - there are so many bugs here,” he speaks as you switch your phone on, dialing his number. He picks up not even a second in.
“Okay, can you hear me better?” he asks, and you rest your back against the thick wall. The door - heavy and cold - is fully closed so you could get a better experience, the full creeps. You nod, knowing he cant see it. “yep. Its crazy that people had to live like this,” you speak, holding the microphone part of your device close to your mouth, his voice on speaker. Something alive to fill the walls, more than your own presence. “Yeah. well it’s crazy that they committed so many crimes, honestly,” “i know.”
You’re supposed to be filming. Your camera is rolling already and youre supposed to be speaking to a presumed dead person but a holy one is roaming downstairs without you and all you have is his voice as proof. “Hey,” jean calls out, and you thank good network reception and technology to have his voice be so clear, without cuts, real against your hand. “Im at the uh… what’s it called? The place where they could talk to their loved ones right now.” “ah,” “it feels weird.” a beat of silence. “Weird how?” you ask, your voice quiet.
“Like-” theres a shifting sound at the end of the line, followed by a slight creak. “- weird in the sense that… i dont know, like, people still loved and cared for quote-unquote bad people,”
You hum. Your head now also rests against the wall, too unaware to keep it up, too comfortable to find your own muscles. “I dont know. You’re always better with the words and shit.” he says, and you give him a small laugh. “Words and shit?” “yeah like, you know what to say.” “i mean, these people are dead, jean, theres a real small chance they can even hear us.” “i know, but like, even to alive people.” its almost 3 am, your phone says, and your heart increases in size, a little too comfortable against your ribcage.
Have you ever felt that before? the muscle that’s supposed to be contained in a confined space now opens itself up and you have no choice but to let it. It grows, bigger, until youre body is tattered and all that remains as proof is your heart, big and timid, still beating, waiting for jean’s eyes to look at it. You havent. You wonder if any of the people half-alive in this place have.
“I mean, love is alot of patience,” you start, your fingers fiddling with the end of your jacket. A stray piece of thread. You hear him humming in agreement and continue, “maybe they just… couldnt say it. How many times have you been able to not say that you love someone, y’know? And then you get the chance to but then it gets lost in all the other unimportant things and maybe that… maybe that’s love. The unimportant things.” you say. Your fingers feel funny, tingly, hearing his voice saying something at the end of your sentence. Youre too caught up to say something important as a reply.
So you settle. Listen. “Like, imagining this place alive… y’know. Like not in a creepy way but in like… it’s - like so much time passed, and so much was said here.” he says. His voice holds importance in your hands, and you trace shapes into the side of your phone with your thumb as if its the back of his hand and you’ve taken it in yours, cold and patient, unimportant. Tracing shapes that cant be seen. He hears them though. It’s in every pause he takes, every breath he hears on your end of the line and he wonders if you know how your alive-ness makes him braver than the night. Brave enough to know that speaking is something to be accomplished, that you’re listening.
He stares at the glass window in front of him, sitting on the chairs that prisoners used to sit on with hope in their eyes. At least, that’s how he imagines it. Theres a small hole in the window, enough only to catch a couple breaths and silenced sentences and he can only imagine how the other person mightve felt, seeing their loved one behind a blurry and unkept screen.
“Im not going to empathize with them, obviously, but, i feel like… i mean, obviously this place was built to be inhumane. The fact that they even included that section of the prison, though.. I dont know. it's kinda nice.” you say, and he closes his eyes to pretend youre in front of him. Its not that hard, in all honesty, because your voice fills his ears and he’d rather listen to proof of the living - with her shoe kicking his, with her voice teasing his shrieks - rather than the minute but present proof of the dead. He knew someone - barely alive souls, watching - had to be listening to your conversation but he also knew that he was listening to it too and he’d rather commit to the cold of your familiar hands than the unfortunately lived-in warmth of this place.
“It is.” he agrees, his chin tilting up, his shoulders relaxing. One hand in his pocket, the other holding his phone, microphone to his lips with the speaker on. He wasnt alone. His phone’s screen is blurry and unkept, but he wasnt alone.
“Y’know that’s what i find kind of… i dont know, comforting? About like, something this hopeless. That, like.. There’s a recreational room that they had. Like the option was there for them to sit down there and talk, maybe. I dont know how that wouldve gone-” you say, voice ending in a self-aware laugh, making him smile, “-but it was there, right. Same with this communication room…thingie. Like the option of loving is there.”
Your voice floats against the walls of the room, touches the glasses separating him and the world, before coming back to him. His chest feels funny, more aware that it’s there. Not just as an organ and something trivial that helps him breathe but now as something larger than himself. Something less candid, hidden under layers of clothing and skin built to be thick, raised to be soft, and it almost lays there, in front of him, inhaling the sound of your voice like it’s a new source of oxygen. And it grows. Alive.
“Option of loving,” he echoes, eyes now fluttering open and looking at the expanse of the tattered ceiling above him, spotting shapes. Option of loving. “Like even now there’s like.. Im sitting here, and there’s notches on the wall. Like the… four standing lines and then a slash through them. Like the hope of getting out isnt gone. Its… cool how humans just do that.” you say. He clings onto every word, his own little prayer against the dark, unsaid but important. Option of loving.
He looks back infront of him, staring at the glass window again. Theres gunk in the corners of it and spiderwebs claiming it as their home in a place as haunted as this. “And even if i dont… believe in ghosts it’s like…cool to think about in the sense that, i dont know, everything is a proof of life. Y’know?” you ask, ready for confirmation knowing that he’d provide it to you. Anything you’d ask.
“Thats… i didnt see it like that,” he admits, “i mean i just saw it as like… confirmation that dead people are dead and that if there’s an afterlife we have to chose a right way to live, something we’re proud of, so that we dont regret it when we’re… dead and roaming the halls, waiting to be found, yknow?” “like grief.” you answer, and he shifts in his seat, getting a bit more comfortable. He nods, knowing you wont see it. “Yeah. kind of.” “that’s…poetic. We should start a podcast-” “-shut up,” and both your voices are broken up by laughs, short and warm and proof of being alive and roaming the halls, waiting to be found.
There’s a dog howling in the distance. No light in the room that you’re in, barely any air, coolness of november flush against your skin despite your layers. His voice holds you, a little blanket, cocooning you around yourself. “Hey, you’re supposed to come find me,” you say, reminding him of his task of peering into the halls, asking ghosts and bugs to come closer to him. Whatever’s alive or half-dead or half-alive or half-already-living. “And you’re supposed to play twenty questions with your hot date,” “i think he’s pretty cold, actually,” you say, he laughs. Another shift in fabric, another creak - he’s gotten up from his place on the chair, now warmed, soon to be claimed by the prison’s musty air, but for now it’s there. Fully alive.
“My battery’s gonna die.” he says, voice a little solemn, his footsteps squeaking against the floor, rubber on hard cement. “We have walkie-talkies,” you provide, your voice full around it’s edges with your own smile and jean almost asks why youre smiling, but refrains. He’ll ask when he finds you. Or maybe he’ll tell you he’s in love with you. Or maybe the words will get lost under all the other unimportant things that he has to say to you.
Or maybe that’s just what love is. The unimportant things, layered, hidden, chest and heart, large, warm, growing.
#sorry this is bad guys#if it is dont tell me pleas#jean kirstein x reader#jean kirstein#jean kirschstein x reader#aot#jean kirstein x you#shingeki no kyojin#attack on titan#jean kirschtein#fireflys rambles#marco bodt#connie springer#eren yeager
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happy diwali to all those who celebrate! here’s a lil something for the jegulus readers <3
jegulus au - diwali
Diwali, the festival of lights, has always held a special place in James’ heart. The air feels like love and festivities. It’s full of joy; joy he wants his lover to experience too.
As they exit the uber they took from the airport, James watches Regulus look up at the Potter house. It’s an ancestral property, maintained to perfection, draped in lights of various colours. The grass in the front yard is trimmed and the entrance to the door sparkling clean.
When the doors open to let them in, they are met with what must be at least half of the Potter family, piling on to hug and greet them. Regulus laughs that startled laugh of his and it’s music to James’ ears.
Every hallway is lit with lights and diyas and candles, adorned with flowers and rangolis. James watches Regulus take it all in with awe on his face and thinks that he might just be falling in love all over again.
But if he thought Regulus had him mesmerised before, it’s nothing compared to the sight of him in traditional clothing. Dressed in a purple kurta, which brings out his eyes, Regulus is a sight to behold.
And if that weren’t enough to make James question if he has died and reached heaven, Regulus stepped out into the lights in the balcony. Blue and purple, pink and green, all colours reflect on his chiseled face, making James go weak in the knees.
Regulus hasn’t even touched him yet and he already has James dazed.
“Take a picture of me, love,” Regulus requests and James thinks that if he asked him to carve his heart of his chest and put it in his palm, he’d do that too, without any hesitation.
As Regulus poses for a picture, James thinks about how, even if the camera didn’t work, he could probably paint this from memory. Regulus Black in traditional Indian clothing, glowing under the assortment of lights hung overhead, is not a sight that could be forgotten.
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Solarpunk Aesthetic Week Final Day: Worldbuilding Thoughts Three!!!
Because my silly little brain is hyperactive as heck.
"It takes a village to raise a child"? That's true now. The kids in the commune don't need to have dictated caregivers, they just chill with who they want. Houses welcome to children can be marked with a special symbol- Every adult who feels comfortable with kids is in a special groupchat (or the like) for the collective parents to chat about how their kids are all doing. Those adults who don't want to be kid-raisers don't join the group chat and don't mark their house, and kids are taught to not to bother them.
We all pitch in to help with the commune, but also to cover each other on days we can't work for whatever reason! Is it shabbat? Is your mom sick? Are your migraines bad today? Are you feeling burnt out? Do you just not want to? Then you don't have to work to do anything. Of course, a whole lot of manual labor (such as milling wheat and other grains into flour) would be automated with robots! The ickiest worst jobs aren't for anyone.
Lights! Lights on Hanukkah, on Diwali, on Christmas. Window-shutters close automatically on houses past sunset so inhabitants can have their lights on without polluting and confusing animal life. Floating lanterns, a soft glow on a gentle face, kids laughing with fireflies cupped in their hands, a dazzling array of stars blinking quietly down on the Earth..
Allergies, intolerances, and food sensitivities are all respected and taken careful note of, and restaurants offer a diverse array of options including vegan meals and allergy-friendly kosher and halal menus!
Kids are considered kids until their brain is fully developed, but are given agency as soon as they can articulate and move themselves. Kids aren't allowed to leave the commune without supervision, though, but inside the commune it's totally alright cuz eyes on the street.
High-tech hormone readers on cameras with AI trained to detect signs of distress and assault, and begin blaring a loud alarm, could be placed wherever. I'm not one for surveillance states, but if we have fire alarms, we could have alarms for other things too, right?
Communal service dogs! Someone had a seizure, a stroke? BARK BARK BARK BAKRBABRKABABRK
In the cities, perhaps a commune is considered your 15-minute sphere? They're divided and governed as such, but cities can also have higher levels of division if necessary.
Food factories! Greenhouses the size of commercial warehouses, giant aquaponics facilities, all kept by robots and an automatic delivery service to restaurants or homes or wherever need be.
That concludes this set of thoughts, and this Solarpunk Aesthetic Week! Woohoo! I hope everyone had a wonderful time <3
#text post#worldbuilding#solarpunk aesthetic week#solarpunk aesthetic#solarpunk#solarpunk worldbuilding#solarpunk world#city planning#urban design#urban planning#city design#post capitalism#high tech high hope
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Celebrate Diwali in Udaipur’s Stunning Palaces
Are you dreaming of a Diwali celebration that’s as dazzling as the festival itself? Look no further than Udaipur, the City of Lakes, where you can celebrate Diwali in breathtaking places that seem to have been plucked straight from a fairy tale! This magnificent city, with its intricate architecture and rich history, transforms into a mesmerizing spectacle during Diwali, making it the perfect backdrop for your festival of lights. If you're looking to elevate your Diwali experience this year, keep reading—Udaipur is where the magic happens!
Why Udaipur is the Ultimate Diwali Destination
Let’s set the stage: Imagine yourself in a city adorned with beautiful palaces, surrounded by shimmering lakes, and illuminated by thousands of twinkling lights. Udaipur during Diwali is nothing short of magical! The palaces, which once housed royalty, are now venues where you can immerse yourself in the rich culture and vibrant traditions of Rajasthan.
The stunning City Palace, perched majestically on the banks of Lake Pichola, becomes a canvas for dazzling light displays during the festival. Its architectural beauty combined with festive decorations creates a picture-perfect setting that feels like a scene from a movie. Imagine strolling through the palace courtyards, with the aroma of traditional sweets wafting through the air and laughter echoing around you. You’ll want to capture every moment!
Experiencing Diwali Traditions
When you think of Diwali, what comes to mind? Family gatherings, colorful rangoli, and of course, the mesmerizing fireworks! In Udaipur, these traditions come alive in spectacular fashion. You can take part in traditional rituals like Lakshmi Pujan, where locals worship the Goddess of Wealth for prosperity in the coming year.
It’s not just about the prayers; it’s about the community spirit! Join locals as they light diyas (oil lamps) and create intricate rangoli patterns outside their homes and in the palaces. Grab a friend and get your creative juices flowing as you design your own rangoli! It's a great way to bond, and you'll have a beautiful piece of art to show off on your Instagram feed.
The Spectacular Fireworks Show
One of the highlights of Diwali in Udaipur is the stunning fireworks display. Picture this: you’re standing on the banks of Lake Pichola, surrounded by friends and fellow travelers, as the night sky lights up with vibrant colors. The reflection of the fireworks on the lake creates a magical atmosphere that you’ll want to experience again and again.
Find a cozy spot near the lake, perhaps on a boat or at one of the charming lakeside cafes, and soak in the view. It’s a moment of pure joy that you’ll remember long after the festival is over. Don’t forget to capture the fireworks on camera; your social media followers will be in awe!
Exploring Udaipur’s Palaces
While you’re in Udaipur, you absolutely must explore its stunning palaces! Each palace tells a story of Rajasthan’s rich history and royal heritage. The City Palace, with its intricate peacock mosaics and stunning courtyards, offers breathtaking views of the lake and the city.
And then there’s the Jag Mandir, an exquisite island palace that looks like something out of a dream. During Diwali, these palaces are often decorated with lights and flowers, making them even more enchanting. Take a leisurely stroll through their corridors, and let the beauty of Udaipur wash over you.
Culinary Delights of Diwali
Let’s talk about food! Diwali is all about indulging in delicious sweets and snacks, and Udaipur is no exception. The city is known for its mouthwatering Rajasthani cuisine, and during Diwali, you can savor an array of traditional dishes. From the crispy, savory kachoris to the sweet, melt-in-your-mouth besan ladoos, your taste buds are in for a treat!
Join locals in their kitchens for a cooking class to learn how to make these delightful treats. Not only will you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor, but you’ll also create lasting memories with your newfound friends. Sharing recipes and cooking tips fosters a sense of community that adds to the warmth of the festival.
Connecting with Locals
One of the best parts of celebrating Diwali in Udaipur is the opportunity to connect with the locals. They welcome visitors with open arms and are eager to share their traditions and stories. Engage in conversations about their Diwali experiences, share laughs, and learn about the significance of various rituals.
You might even get invited to a local family’s home for a traditional Diwali feast! The warmth and hospitality of the people of Udaipur will make you feel right at home. This sense of community is what makes the festival so special, it’s not just about the celebrations; it’s about the bonds you create along the way.
Night time Boat Rides on Lake Pichola
As the sun sets and the palaces begin to twinkle, one of the best ways to soak in the ambiance is by taking a nighttime boat ride on Lake Pichola. With the moon reflecting on the water and the palaces illuminated in the distance, it’s a romantic and serene experience.
Grab your loved ones, find a cozy corner on the boat, and let the gentle waves rock you as you glide across the lake. It’s a moment to pause, reflect, and appreciate the beauty surrounding you. The picturesque views make it an ideal spot for some stunning night photography!
Tips for an Unforgettable Diwali in Udaipur
Before you pack your bags and head to Udaipur, here are some tips to ensure your Diwali experience is as unforgettable as possible:
1. Book Accommodations Early: Diwali attracts many visitors, so make sure to book your stay well in advance to secure the best spots.
2. Explore Early: The palaces and streets can get crowded, especially during the festival. Start your day early to enjoy a quieter experience.
3. Dress Festively: Embrace the festive spirit by wearing traditional Rajasthani attire. You’ll feel more connected to the culture and stand out in the crowd!
4. Stay Safe: While Diwali is a time of celebration, always be mindful of your surroundings, especially during the fireworks display.
5. Engage with Locals: Don’t be shy! Start conversations with locals and fellow travelers; you never know what stories or experiences you might share.
Don’t Miss Out on Udaipur’s Diwali Fun!
So, are you ready to embark on a Diwali adventure in Udaipur? The palaces are waiting to welcome you with open arms, and the festival of lights promises to be a celebration you’ll cherish forever. From the vibrant traditions to the scrumptious food and the stunning fireworks, Udaipur is the perfect place to create beautiful memories during this auspicious time.
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Capture Vibrant Festivals in Kota: A Photographer’s Guide
Rajasthan’s dynamic city of Kota is well-known for its exciting festivals and rich cultural legacy. Kota offers a wealth of chances for photographers and content producers to capture the spirit of these festivities. Every occasion offers special moments that capture the city’s essence, from the vibrant celebrations of Teej to the sparkling lights of Diwali. The main festivals observed in Kota will be discussed in this blog, along with their importance and valuable photography advice. We will also explore local photography-friendly events, highlighting the distinctive cultural features stimulating artistic endeavours.
Major Festivals celebrated in Kota.
One of the most critical events in Kota is the Teej Festival, which honours the relationship between married couples and heralds the arrival of the monsoon. The festival’s defining features are traditional songs, dances, and colourful processions. Women participate in a variety of ceremonies while wearing vibrant clothing embellished with henna and jewellery. Because of the vibrant atmosphere, photographers have a great chance to catch unscripted moments of joy and celebration.
If you want to take good photos of Teej, think about going to local markets where women buy traditional clothing and accessories. Together with the vibrant clothing, the busy setting makes for an eye-catching background. The spirit of joy and devotion can be captured in early morning photos taken during the rites. While a larger aperture can provide stunning photographs that accentuate minute details in apparel and jewellery, a fast shutter speed can help freeze the motion during dance performances.
Diwali, often called the Festival of Lights, is another important holiday in Kota. This celebration represents the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. Diyas (oil lamps), rangoli (vibrant designs created from coloured powders), and bright lights are used to decorate homes. There are plenty of chances for breathtaking pictures as the streets come alive with fireworks and festivities.
Arrange your photo session around dusk, when the lights start to sparkle against the lowering sky, to capture the vibrant spirit of Diwali. Try using extended exposure techniques to record fireworks while keeping your tripod steady to prevent camera wobble. By highlighting the elaborate patterns and hues that characterise this festive season, close-up photos of diyas and rangoli may give your collection depth.
Another fascinating occasion observed in Kota is Holi, the festival of colours. During this joyous celebration, people throw water and coloured powders at one another, representing love and solidarity. The festive mood makes for a perfect backdrop for action-packed, dynamic photographs.
Use a quick shutter speed to capture movement as people toss colours during Holi. Wear weatherproof clothing or protective gear to prepare your camera for splashes. Images of genuine laughing and light-hearted conversations will effectively capture the essence of Holi.
Local Events to Photograph
Apart from these significant festivals, Kota organises several regional gatherings year-round that draw photographers looking for distinctive cultural experiences.
Kota Dussehra is one such occasion, with its massive processions that showcase exquisitely adorned floats depicting a variety of mythical tales. The vivid hues and intricate costumes offer fantastic chances to take eye-catching pictures that visually convey narratives. Get there early to have a decent position for taking pictures of the procession as it moves through the streets.
Another noteworthy occasion is the annual kite festival in Kota, which is held during Makar Sankranti. During this celebration, people compete amicably to take down each other’s kites, and the sky is filled with vibrant kites. Along with photos of athletes enjoying their triumphs, photographers can get amazing overhead images.
Rajasthani Folk Dance Festivals, which take place at several locations throughout Kota, offer traditional dance styles like Ghoomar and Kalbeliya to individuals interested in cultural performances. Photographic opportunities to capture movement and expression are abundant in these performances. Focus on the dancers’ facial expressions to portray emotion while employing a rapid shutter speed to capture them in mid-motion.
Practical Tips for Capturing Festivals
Take into account some valuable pointers when taking pictures of festivals and events in Kota:
Research Ahead: To expect amazing photographs, familiarise oneself with the festival’s significance, customs, and pivotal moments.
Arrive Early: You may scout angles and reserve great locations before the throng arrives.
Interact with Locals: Developing a relationship with local participants can result in unscripted events that you can document and offer insights into their customs.
Attempt Different Angles: To create dynamic compositions, don’t be afraid to attempt shooting from high or low vantage points.
Respect Cultural Sensitivities: When attending religious celebrations, always be aware of customs; get consent before taking pictures of people actively participating in rituals.
Use Natural Light: Since festivals frequently happen in the middle of the day or at dusk, imaginatively use natural light to create dramatic silhouettes or softer portraiture.
Capture Emotions: Pay attention to unscripted moments that express happiness, enthusiasm, or reflection; these frequently make for more exciting narratives than staged photographs.
Kota’s festivals are more than just festivities; they are colourful displays of culture that present countless chances for photographers to produce breathtaking images brimming with passion and passion. By comprehending the importance of these occasions and using efficient photographic methods, content producers can use their work to highlight the splendour of Kota‘s cultural legacy. Every moment is an opportunity to convey a message that connects with viewers, whether capturing the hues of Holi or the lights of Diwali.
Content Creation, CulturalEvents, Diwali, ExploreKota, FestivalPhotography, film shooting, film shooting location, Holi, KotaFestivals, Location for photoshoot, music videos, photo shoot location, Photography, photography location, PhotographyTips, Scene Locate, SceneLoc8, Teej, vloggers
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#“CulturalEvents”#“Diwali”#“ExploreKota”#“FestivalPhotography”#“film shooting”#“film shooting location”#“Holi”#“KotaFestivals”#“Location for photoshoot”#“music videos”#“photo shoot location”#“Photography”#“photography location”#“PhotographyTips”#“Scene Locate”#“SceneLoc8”#“Teej”#Content Creationvloggers
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The Best Travel Photography Tips for Capturing Stunning Memories in India
India, with its diverse landscapes, rich culture, and vibrant colors, is a photographer's paradise. Whether you're an amateur or a seasoned photographer, capturing the essence of this beautiful country requires some thought and technique. Here are some travel photography tips to help you take stunning photographs that will immortalize your memories of India.
1. Understand the Local Culture
Before stepping out with your camera, take a moment to understand the cultural nuances of the place you're visiting. Different regions in India have unique traditions, festivals, and rituals. Familiarizing yourself with these aspects will allow you to capture authentic moments and connect with your subjects more deeply. For instance, during festivals like Diwali or Holi, you may want to capture candid shots of locals celebrating.
Engage with locals; ask for permission before photographing individuals, especially in rural areas. Respecting their culture and space will yield more authentic results.
2. Golden Hour is Your Best Friend
The golden hour, shortly after sunrise and before sunset, offers the best natural lighting for photography. The soft, warm glow enhances colors and adds a magical quality to your photos.
Plan your shoots around these times and scout locations the day before to find the best angles and compositions. Whether it's the Taj Mahal at sunrise or the bustling streets of Jaipur during sunset, these moments are worth capturing.
3. Include Local Landmarks and Scenery
India boasts a plethora of breathtaking landscapes and architectural marvels. From the majestic forts of Rajasthan to the serene backwaters of Kerala, incorporating local landmarks into your photography will enrich your travel story.
Experiment with different angles and perspectives. Instead of a straightforward shot of a landmark, try framing it using natural elements like trees or people to add depth to your images.
4. Play with Colors
India is a country known for its vibrant colors, from the saffron robes of monks to the intricate designs of textiles. Embrace this kaleidoscope of hues in your photographs.
Seek out colorful markets, such as those in Delhi or Mumbai, where you can find an array of textiles, spices, and street food stalls. Capture these lively scenes to convey the energy of Indian life.
5. Master Composition Techniques
Understanding composition is key to elevating your photography. Techniques such as the rule of thirds, leading lines, and symmetry help direct the viewer's eye and create a more balanced image.
Use leading lines, like a street or river, to guide the viewer's gaze through your photo. Look for symmetry in architecture, such as the intricate designs of temples or the classic arches of Mughal structures.
6. Capture Candid Moments
Some of the most beautiful photographs come from spontaneous moments. Engaging with people and capturing their interactions can tell a story more evocatively than posed shots.
Use a zoom lens to maintain a comfortable distance while capturing candid moments. Look for emotions in vibrant street scenes, rituals, and daily life.
7. Experiment with Different Settings
Don't hesitate to play with your camera settings. If you're photographing people, adjust the aperture to create a beautiful bokeh effect in the background. If you're taking action shots, choose a faster shutter speed to freeze movement.
Consider shooting in RAW format to give yourself more flexibility in post-processing while editing your images. This will help bring out the details and colors in your photographs, which are so prominent in India.
8. Post-Processing is Important
Editing plays a crucial role in photography. Use software like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop to enhance your images by adjusting exposure, contrast, and saturation.
Be careful not to over-edit. Retaining the essence of what you captured while enhancing the natural beauty will create stunning images.
9. Create a Storyboard
Capturing stunning photographs often involves telling a story. A storyboard can guide your photography sessions, helping you decide what moments to capture and how you want to present your experiences visually.
Document a particular theme—like daily life in Varanasi, the colors of Rajasthan, or the serene beauty of the Himalayas. This will create a cohesive narrative in your photography collection.
10. Be Patient and Have Fun
Travel photography should be a joyous experience. While it's essential to capture stunning images, it’s also crucial to enjoy the journey.
Give yourself ample time in each location to connect with your surroundings. Sometimes, the most beautiful moments happen when you're not actively seeking them.
Capturing stunning travel memories in India involves a blend of cultural understanding, technical skills, and a keen eye for beauty in the ordinary. With these tips, you’re well on your way to creating breathtaking images that genuinely reflect the charm and diversity of India. So grab your camera, immerse yourself in the experience, and let the magic of India shine through your lens! Happy traveling and photographing!
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During the month of Diwali, millions of people around the world celebrate the festival of lights. Consumers eagerly await to get the best deals and discounts on a wide range of products during this joyous occasion that is all around us. We are anticipating Diwali 2024 to be a very exciting occasion as we will be featuring the best 5G camera and gaming phone under the prices of 20000.

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diwali ends
to the worlsd. guys watch polimer tv channel in youtube. it's a tamil news cahnnel. just see video alone. you will see cars lining up to enter chennai.
everyone use GST road. all over people from south of chennai use that roadway to enter chennai.
traffic police will be like camera fitted in traffic light lapms. just monitor.
there are several ways to enter chennai.
if they make a circuit that allows to enter chennai using all the roadways of chennai everything will be fine.
gst road - right cut - chennagal pattu bypass - use kanchipuram -walajapad - oragadam - sriperumpudur - tiruvallur - ambathur - chennai
gst road - enter chengalpattu - mamallapuram - east coast road - enter other way
like this they sould prepare a network.
or can use rtos.
while they are going from out of chennai - they use tollgate - for - paying money to use that road - can't those tollgate money owners - prepare a circuit - a ticket system - when to re-enter chennai - like movie ticket - alloted with seat and movie time.
all enter at same time - experience worst things - mind fed up - next day to work - how they work.
people work are living like this.
police - tollplaza money owners - politicians - are - living in their shadow.
guys stop this nuisence.
make a statement.
don't pay tax.
let them do what they want.
let me see how they be a garbagge.
fyi - today - i fired garbagge.
tomorrow i will do the same.
till the person who live to put garbagge - i will fire.
i will live forever...
i know how to replace the work i do to clean garbagge.
how like coding like this.
if i code. my people listen.
remember my people are those who work !!!
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[ad_1] With shoppers gearing up for Diwali festivities, those looking to upgrade their handsets have the ideal opportunity this October. As part of the 2024 Festive Sale, those shopping on the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network can enjoy exciting deals and discounts on several 5G smartphones. The Diwali offers on mobiles range from hefty discounts of up to 20% to benefits like zero down payment on select models, making big-ticket purchases affordable and accessible to all!Shop for the latest 5G smartphones on Easy EMIs on the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network5G technology offers high-speed internet, better connectivity, and low latency, making it a no-brainer to shift to 5G-enabled smartphones. Several leading brands, from Samsung and vivo to OPPO and Xiaomi, offer feature-optimised 5G handsets that elevate user experience. These devices also run on fast processors that clock high speeds, making lags and device slowdowns a distant memory. You also get cutting-edge features with these smartphones, such as 50MP to 200MP cameras, cooling technology, and fluid AMOLED panels, making them incredibly efficient and hard to resist.Here are some of the top-selling models you can purchase with the latest Diwali offers:1. vivo V23 Pro 5GThose looking for an incredibly versatile shooter can choose the vivo V23 Pro 5G, which boasted the country's first 50MP Eye AF dual selfie module at the time of its launch. The custom sensor, in tandem with pixel isolation technology, offers stunning details and vivid colours in every image.2. OnePlus 10 ProAnother exceptional all-rounder is the OnePlus 10 Pro, which comes with several advanced features like OIS, EIS, and 10-bit colour for improved camera performance. This handset is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chip, which guarantees the device's unrivalled performance.3. OPPO F21 Pro 5GIdeal for shoppers wanting an affordable, pocket-friendly model, the OPPO F21 Pro 5G combines style with functionality. The Snapdragon 680 6nm chip and the RAM Expansion technology ensure the device's smooth computing performance.4. Redmi Note 11T 5GDubbed the 'Next Gen Racer', the Redmi Note 11T 5G is another stellar offering, boasting features like a 90Hz display and RAM Booster tech, upgrading the total RAM capacity to 11GB! The EVOL. Design lends the smartphone an understated yet elegant look, making it a highly sought-after model.5. Samsung Galaxy A73 5GSamsung devices are renowned for their displays, and the Galaxy A73 5G carries this legacy. Flaunting a captivating 6.7-inch Full HD+ sAMOLED Plus Infinity-O screen, the smartphone breathes life into images and videos. The Eye Comfort Shield protects the users' eyes by reducing harmful blue light emissions, making binge-watching marathons comfortable and enjoyable.Users waiting for the festive season to commence their shopping spree can shop on the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network from October 15th to November 5th and avail of unbelievable deals and offers. The Diwali offers on mobiles make even high-end, premium smartphones affordable, as they can split the cost into Easy EMIs. With EMIs starting from just Rs. 833, paying for the device is ultra-convenient. Other exclusive perks of shopping on the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network include long tenures of up to 60 months, zero down payment and free home delivery on select models.Benefits of shopping with Bajaj FinservWant to make the most of Diwali offers on mobiles Here are the benefits of shopping on the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network:Competitive prices: Enjoy great value for money with competitively priced 5G phones at any of Bajaj Finserv's partner stores.Easy EMIs: Purchasing your desired 5G smartphone is simple with Easy EMI options, allowing you to choose a repayment tenure that suits your budget.Zero down payment: For select 5G phones, benefit from the zero down payment option, eliminating the need for upfront payment at purchase.Options and accessibility: Choose from various phones available at Bajaj Finserv partner stores across multiple cities, offering unmatched convenience.
For financial ease and convenience, you can opt for Bajaj Finservs financing options including Easy EMI and zero down payment schemes. Break the cost into Easy EMI to enjoy a hassle-free shopping experience.*Terms and Conditions Apply.Bajaj Finance Ltd. ('BFL', 'Bajaj Finance', or 'the Company'), a subsidiary of Bajaj Finserv Ltd., is a deposit taking Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC-D) registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and is classified as an NBFC-Investment and Credit Company (NBFC-ICC). BFL is engaged in the business of lending and acceptance of deposits. It has a diversified lending portfolio across retail, SMEs, and commercial customers with significant presence in both urban and rural India. It accepts public and corporate deposits and offers a variety of financial services products to its customers. BFL, a thirty-five-year-old enterprise, has now become a leading player in the NBFC sector in India and on a consolidated basis, it has a franchise of 69.14 million customers. BFL has the highest domestic credit rating of AAA/Stable for long-term borrowing, A1+ for short-term borrowing, and CRISIL AAA/Stable & [ICRA]AAA(Stable) for its FD program. It has a long-term issuer credit rating of BB+/Positive and a short-term rating of B by S&P Global ratings.To know more, visit www.bajajfinserv.in. [ad_2] Source link
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[ad_1] With shoppers gearing up for Diwali festivities, those looking to upgrade their handsets have the ideal opportunity this October. As part of the 2024 Festive Sale, those shopping on the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network can enjoy exciting deals and discounts on several 5G smartphones. The Diwali offers on mobiles range from hefty discounts of up to 20% to benefits like zero down payment on select models, making big-ticket purchases affordable and accessible to all!Shop for the latest 5G smartphones on Easy EMIs on the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network5G technology offers high-speed internet, better connectivity, and low latency, making it a no-brainer to shift to 5G-enabled smartphones. Several leading brands, from Samsung and vivo to OPPO and Xiaomi, offer feature-optimised 5G handsets that elevate user experience. These devices also run on fast processors that clock high speeds, making lags and device slowdowns a distant memory. You also get cutting-edge features with these smartphones, such as 50MP to 200MP cameras, cooling technology, and fluid AMOLED panels, making them incredibly efficient and hard to resist.Here are some of the top-selling models you can purchase with the latest Diwali offers:1. vivo V23 Pro 5GThose looking for an incredibly versatile shooter can choose the vivo V23 Pro 5G, which boasted the country's first 50MP Eye AF dual selfie module at the time of its launch. The custom sensor, in tandem with pixel isolation technology, offers stunning details and vivid colours in every image.2. OnePlus 10 ProAnother exceptional all-rounder is the OnePlus 10 Pro, which comes with several advanced features like OIS, EIS, and 10-bit colour for improved camera performance. This handset is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chip, which guarantees the device's unrivalled performance.3. OPPO F21 Pro 5GIdeal for shoppers wanting an affordable, pocket-friendly model, the OPPO F21 Pro 5G combines style with functionality. The Snapdragon 680 6nm chip and the RAM Expansion technology ensure the device's smooth computing performance.4. Redmi Note 11T 5GDubbed the 'Next Gen Racer', the Redmi Note 11T 5G is another stellar offering, boasting features like a 90Hz display and RAM Booster tech, upgrading the total RAM capacity to 11GB! The EVOL. Design lends the smartphone an understated yet elegant look, making it a highly sought-after model.5. Samsung Galaxy A73 5GSamsung devices are renowned for their displays, and the Galaxy A73 5G carries this legacy. Flaunting a captivating 6.7-inch Full HD+ sAMOLED Plus Infinity-O screen, the smartphone breathes life into images and videos. The Eye Comfort Shield protects the users' eyes by reducing harmful blue light emissions, making binge-watching marathons comfortable and enjoyable.Users waiting for the festive season to commence their shopping spree can shop on the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network from October 15th to November 5th and avail of unbelievable deals and offers. The Diwali offers on mobiles make even high-end, premium smartphones affordable, as they can split the cost into Easy EMIs. With EMIs starting from just Rs. 833, paying for the device is ultra-convenient. Other exclusive perks of shopping on the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network include long tenures of up to 60 months, zero down payment and free home delivery on select models.Benefits of shopping with Bajaj FinservWant to make the most of Diwali offers on mobiles Here are the benefits of shopping on the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network:Competitive prices: Enjoy great value for money with competitively priced 5G phones at any of Bajaj Finserv's partner stores.Easy EMIs: Purchasing your desired 5G smartphone is simple with Easy EMI options, allowing you to choose a repayment tenure that suits your budget.Zero down payment: For select 5G phones, benefit from the zero down payment option, eliminating the need for upfront payment at purchase.Options and accessibility: Choose from various phones available at Bajaj Finserv partner stores across multiple cities, offering unmatched convenience.
For financial ease and convenience, you can opt for Bajaj Finservs financing options including Easy EMI and zero down payment schemes. Break the cost into Easy EMI to enjoy a hassle-free shopping experience.*Terms and Conditions Apply.Bajaj Finance Ltd. ('BFL', 'Bajaj Finance', or 'the Company'), a subsidiary of Bajaj Finserv Ltd., is a deposit taking Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC-D) registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and is classified as an NBFC-Investment and Credit Company (NBFC-ICC). BFL is engaged in the business of lending and acceptance of deposits. It has a diversified lending portfolio across retail, SMEs, and commercial customers with significant presence in both urban and rural India. It accepts public and corporate deposits and offers a variety of financial services products to its customers. BFL, a thirty-five-year-old enterprise, has now become a leading player in the NBFC sector in India and on a consolidated basis, it has a franchise of 69.14 million customers. BFL has the highest domestic credit rating of AAA/Stable for long-term borrowing, A1+ for short-term borrowing, and CRISIL AAA/Stable & [ICRA]AAA(Stable) for its FD program. It has a long-term issuer credit rating of BB+/Positive and a short-term rating of B by S&P Global ratings.To know more, visit www.bajajfinserv.in. [ad_2] Source link
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48MP Fusion camera on iPhone 16 series lauded for low-light Diwali snaps
Indian photographers on Wednesday said that to make this Diwali the most unforgettable bash of the year, it is time to put together some iPhone 16 camera tips to get that one-in-a-million snap.
Photographer and director Joshua Karthik said Diwali can be the most dynamic time of the year, where one moment feels unlike the other, so much so that it becomes impossible for a single camera lens to do justice to the entire tableau.
Source: bhaskarlive.in
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Diwali Celebrate with Kapaver: Stylish Mobile Back Cover Cases at Huge Discount!
So, gear up your festive mood with Kapaver’s classy mobile back cover cases for Diwali, now on heavy sale!! As the festive season of lights, joy, and togetherness is just around the corner, it is always a good time to do a little makeover, isn’t it? Kapaver’s cases are not just eye candies; they are the best packages that can provide durability, style, and function all in one. You might be celebrating Diwali by going to parties or merely sharing the colorful moments of the sweet celebrations with family or friends; whatever the situation you find yourself in, your smartphone must also rise up to the occasion and Kapaver guarantees that it does so splendidly. From strong metals with elaborate patterns to thin flexible films, there are great choices for every spirit that you will have during the festive season. Considering this grab your favourite products from this unbeatable Diwali sale before the stock is out. What’s more, protect your phone, make it fashionable, and always have a scratch-free gadget together with great discounts for Kapaver during the festivities!
Upgrade Your Phone Cover This Diwali:
The Diwali season is the time to renew and refresh everything, including your phone accessories. Here are a few reasons why getting a new cover from Kapaver this Diwali is a smart move:
Phone Protection During Festivities: With so much going on parties, firework celebrations, family gatherings accidents happen. A durable phone case will safeguard your phone from bumps, drops, and scratches.
A Style Statement for Every Occasion: With Kapaver’s designer covers, your phone will complement every outfit, from ethnic wear to casual festive attire.
A Perfect Gifting Option: Kapaver cases make thoughtful, affordable gifts for friends and family. The blend of functionality and design ensures the gift will be both practical and appreciated.
Limited-Edition Festive Designs: The festive season calls for special accessories, and Kapaver’s Diwali collection offers exclusive cases designed to suit the celebratory mood.
Kapaver Mobile Back Cover Cases:
Rugged Armor with Military-Grade Protection: If you're constantly on the go during Diwali celebrations, you need a cover that guarantees your phone’s safety. Kapaver's rugged armor cases are designed to meet military-grade standards for drop protection, ensuring your phone stays safe even in high-activity settings. These cases come with reinforced corners and raised edges to protect the screen and camera from accidental drops or scratches.
Slim Yet Sturdy Construction: Kapaver comes in a very slim and protective model that is capable of protecting the phone while maintaining its slim look. The slim profile allows for easy glide into the pocket or a clutch which is such a great companion during Diwali dance nights!
Advanced Grip and Anti-Slip Technology: During celebrations, you might be moving around with your phone constantly in hand. Kapaver covers are designed with textured surfaces that ensure a secure grip, minimizing the risk of drops.
Designer Covers with Festive Vibes: Looking to add a touch of festivity to your phone? Kapaver’s limited-edition festive designs feature patterns inspired by traditional land and modern Diwali patterns. These covers are not just protective but also stylish, letting your phone shine during family gatherings.
Anti-Fingerprint and Smudge Resistance: Kapaver’s cases are built with anti-fingerprint coatings, so your phone always looks clean and polished, even after a day of scrolling through social media or capturing festive photos.
Wireless Charging Friendly: Many of Kapaver’s cases support wireless charging, so you won’t have to remove the cover every time you charge your phone. This feature ensures convenience during long festive nights when quick charges are essential.
Precise Cutouts and Hands-free Buttons: Kapaver Cases’ designs provide clean cutouts that allow the user to have easy access to all the ports, speakers, and buttons. The buttons are physically placed on the body of the phone and have a texture as well as a click that likewise enhances the functionality of your phone.
Top Picks for This Diwali Festive Must Have Kapaver Covers
Kapaver Transparent Hybrid Case – For a Minimalist Look:
For those who own the iPhone 15 or Samsung Galaxy S23, the hybrid case is protective to keep it safe without covering such stylish slim phones. Unlike many clear casings, the transparent portion at the back of the product also utilizes anti-yellowing technology and thus does not turn yellowish even when used over a long duration.
Kapaver Rugged Armor Case – Built for Adventure:
Perfect for those who love outdoor Diwali adventures, this case offers shockproof protection without looking bulky. Whether you’re attending Diwali fairs or participating in fireworks, your phone will remain safe.
Designer Cases By Kapaver:
Kapaver provides designer cases that don’t only protect your device but also allow to show the world who you are. Every single one is crafted with care, proudly using vibrant and large prints thus making sure that your phones are protected from everyday drops. By choosing Kapaver you are not only getting the quality of your product but also the design which will take you out of the ordinary.
How Kapaver Enhances Your Festive Celebrations:
Kapaver cases are not just protective; they are part and parcel of Diwali celebration for those who own them. Just think of selfies with friends, a video call to the family, or the ideal fireworks pictures – the phone is protected by a stylish Kapaver case. With their durable cover, you do not have to worry if your phone will fall while handling it as you enjoy your great moments.
Celebrate Diwali with Style and Savings:
Diwali is nearing and we at Kapaver wanted to help make your smartphone safe and stylish by simply gifting it our product. Kapaver is seeking nothing less than to offer you the best designs, the shield known for military protection, and the greatest discounts to have you in the right festive mood. If it is for personal use or to give out as a gift, these cases are stylish, functional, and budget-friendly. Don’t miss this opportunity – go and get your favorite Kapaver mobile back cover on the Diwali sale and make your phone as bright as Diwali itself.
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[ LEISURE ]: sender goes to the receiver's house for a movie night or a game night (maybe supervillain five finally accepts her invitation to dinner?? 🥺)
doors for the doorway girl / @tempportal
if there's anything she's proud of, it's the way she's (gently!) wheedled mister 'look at me, look at me, i'm such a super villain' to accept her invite. he didn't particularly strike her as someone who loved all hallow's eve, what with people showing up at whatever and wherever his 'evil lair' is, demanding candy.
no, it's best he spends that time elsewhere, isn't it? among people.
no one should be alone during the festival of lights.
"you made it!" udyati beams at him as she opens the front door. there's a small diya to the left of it, tucked into the corner. "come on in! amma is finishing the raita and then we can eat! she didn't know if you're vegetarian or not so there's aloo paratha as well as chicken roti rolls."
she moves aside so he can step on through, cautioning him to be careful with the front door when he shuts it again. shut it with too much force and the framed picture of five little kids, smiling at the camera, will fall down. again.
"you can leave your shoes in this little hallway." udyati is still grinning as she speaks. "i'm so excited! we didn't think we'd have diwali guests this year! daisuke, xiomara, meilin and skyler normally swing by but they went to walibi fright night this year."
it's only through sheer luck and the position of the moon that the festival of light and samhain are on the same day.
once she's steered him through the narrow hall, he steps into the heart of the house: from here, one can go anywhere.
to the left is the living room - which is less of a living room and more of a cozy room. to the right is the kitchen, as well as ankita's bedroom. and further down is udyati's bedroom.
udyati's mom gives five something that resembles a smile. it's a sharp thing. quick like the flash of her daughter's daggers. here, then gone.
"glad you could make it. please, sit. make yourself at home while we set the table. yaya---" her mom says something in their native tongue and she nods. "---i made chai," udyati tells five, "i'll go get you a mug."
#tempportal#drabbles.#//idk why tumblr ate my superhero/supervillain verse tag but it is very decidedly set in that verse hehehe#queue.
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Enjoy a festive vacation in a Panchgani private villa
You already know what the arrival of the festive season means:
friends, family, and plenty of fun! Now is the time to get together with your tribe and locate a spot where you can rest, unwind, and take in the festival of lights. Panchgani is the breath of fresh air you’ve been longing for, nestled in the verdant Sahyadri range. This quaint hill village is well-known for its breathtaking valley vistas, rolling green hills, and cold, clear weather. You’ll want to grab your camera every five minutes. It’s like entering a movie set, complete with twisting roads, foggy mornings, and breathtaking scenery that will leave you speechless.
Panchgani is at its best from October to February, when the temperature is just right to give you the ideal festive mood. This destination will win your heart whether you’re visiting for Christmas, Diwali, or just a much-needed vacation. What are your options in Panchgani? The list goes on and on! There is something for everyone, from walking up Table Land (the second-largest alpine plateau in Asia) for breathtaking views to indulging in fresh strawberries at the well-known Mapro Gardens. If you’re feeling adventurous, go paragliding at Parsi Point or take a leisurely drive to Mahabaleshwar, which is nearby, for even more breathtaking views. And let’s not even talk about the sunsets — believe us, they’re incredible.
Greetings from Arlington Heights: Your Panchgani Luxury Villa for Rent
Let’s now discuss Arlington Heights, the location that will elevate your joyous festivities to a whole new level. This is an experience rather than merely a poolside villas in Panchgani. Arlington Heights offers the finest of luxury and nature in one gorgeous package. It is a four-bedroom villa that can accommodate up to 12 people (yes, even your pet is welcome!).
Imagine this:
You enter a large terrace that provides a stunning 180-degree view of the foggy Panchgani hills. It’s a scene that would go in well with a Yash Raj movie; it’s the kind of perspective that makes you feel like you’re on top of the universe. Arlington Heights isn’t just a villa on rent in Panchgani — it’s a slice of paradise where the only agenda is relaxation and fun.
The villa’s interior is the ideal balance of style and coziness. It has a stylish yet homey feel because to the earthy furnishings, striking industrial details, and muted beige colors. A private swimming pool, a fully furnished kitchen (whether you’re cooking or hiring the in-house chef), a large living area (ideal for family movie nights), and one bedroom with an ensuite bathroom are all located on the ground level.
Three roomy bedrooms with individual modern bathrooms are located upstairs. Coffee in the morning while seeing the Panchgani hills? Sure, please! This villa is made to make you feel like a king or queen, whether you’re relaxing in your room, stargazing on the terrace, or by the pool.
Bollywood vibes, fun, and festivities
No holiday season is complete without having a good time, and Arlington Heights has plenty of that. Whether you’re in the mood for BBQs by the pool, late-night conversations under the stars, or intense board game battles in the living room, this villa is all about living your best life. And the best part? You and your loved ones are the only ones enjoying your own little piece of heaven, with total privacy and no shared utilities.
Don’t forget to take those Instagram-worthy pictures while you’re at it. From the terrace overlooking the Panchgani hills to the entire villa designed for Instagram, Arlington Heights provides some truly breathtaking scenery.
Envision yourself standing in your favorite holiday attire while the hills are illuminated by golden light at dusk. It resembles something from a Bollywood film, and you know what? The star is you!
Reasons to Reserve Arlington Heights
Now is the ideal time to reserve your stay at Arlington Heights and lock in your dates because the holiday season is quickly approaching. This villa in Panchgani with a pool is prepared to provide you with a memorable vacation, whether you’re organizing a Christmas retreat, Diwali escape, or just a leisurely trip with your family.
Additionally, Mahabaleshwar is not far away if you would like to do a little more exploring. In search of a Mahabaleshwar villa with a swimming pool? You can choose from other equally gorgeous selections on The Rentalgram. Visit the website to view our other properties. What’re you waiting for, then? Prepare to have the most amazing holiday vacation ever by making your reservation now. Arlington Heights is prepared to greet you with open arms (and stunning vistas) this season as your Panchgani adventure calls.
Tags: Homestays in Lonavala | Homestays in Mulshi | 3 bhk Villa in Mahabaleshwar | Best homestay in Panchgani | Homestays in Sri Lanka | Villas in Lonavala with pool | Luxury villas in Goa | Alibaug Villa for Rent | Luxury villas in Sri Lanka | Villa in Alibaug with pool | Homestays in Goa.
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