#Lift Escalators Service Maintenance App
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servicecrmindia · 2 years ago
Lift & Elevator Service Maintenance Software - Service CRM
Elevator and lift maintenance can be a challenging and time-consuming task, but with the help of Lift & Elevator Service Maintenance Software, it can become much easier and streamlined. This powerful software allows service teams to manage maintenance schedules, track equipment performance, and quickly diagnose and fix issues. Partnered with Service CRM, the software becomes even more valuable by providing a complete solution for managing maintenance service requests, parts ordering, and customer communications. With these tools at our disposal, we can ensure that elevators and lifts remain in top operating condition, providing reliable and safe service for all who use them.
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carsworldswiss · 3 months ago
Exploring the Technology Behind Modern Car Recovery Services in Dubai: Innovations That Enhance Efficiency and Safety
Car recovery services in the UAE, particularly in a bustling hub like Dubai, have evolved significantly over the years. Modern advancements in technology have transformed how these services operate, ensuring not only faster response times but also greater safety and efficiency. In this blog, we will explore the cutting-edge innovations that are redefining car recovery services in Dubai, making road assistance more reliable than ever before.
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The Role of Technology in Car Recovery Services
Modern car recovery services are no longer limited to towing a vehicle from one point to another. With advancements in technology, they have become comprehensive solutions for drivers facing emergencies. Here are some of the key technological innovations:
GPS-Enabled Dispatch Systems
GPS technology has become the backbone of car recovery services in the UAE. Recovery fleets are equipped with advanced tracking systems, enabling service providers to pinpoint the exact location of a stranded vehicle. This minimizes response times and ensures help arrives promptly, even in remote areas.
AI-Driven Predictive Maintenance Assistance
Some car recovery services in Dubai now leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to offer predictive maintenance solutions. AI systems analyze vehicle data to anticipate potential breakdowns, helping drivers address issues before they escalate. This proactive approach significantly reduces the likelihood of emergencies on the road.
Smart Recovery Equipment
Modern recovery trucks are equipped with smart tools, such as hydraulic lifts, robotic arms, and advanced winches. These innovations ensure vehicles are handled with precision and care, minimizing the risk of further damage during recovery.
Mobile Apps for Real-Time Updates
Many car recovery services in Dubai offer user-friendly mobile apps. These apps allow drivers to request assistance, track the recovery truck in real-time, and communicate directly with the service team. Such features enhance transparency and customer satisfaction.
Integration of IoT (Internet of Things)
The Internet of Things has introduced a new level of connectivity in car recovery services. IoT-enabled sensors in vehicles can alert service providers about accidents or breakdowns instantly. This seamless communication ensures faster and more accurate responses.
Autonomous Recovery Vehicles
While still in the experimental phase, autonomous recovery vehicles are set to revolutionize the industry. These self-driving recovery trucks are designed to operate in challenging conditions, ensuring safety and efficiency without human intervention.
How These Innovations Enhance Efficiency and Safety ?
The integration of technology into car recovery services in the UAE offers numerous benefits:
Reduced Response Times: GPS and IoT ensure faster location tracking and dispatch, reducing the wait time for stranded drivers.
Improved Safety: Smart equipment and predictive maintenance tools minimize risks for both the driver and the recovery team.
Enhanced Reliability: Technological advancements ensure a smoother and more dependable recovery process.
Customer Convenience: Real-time updates and communication through mobile apps improve the overall customer experience.
The Future of Car Recovery Services in Dubai
The future of car recovery services is bright, with continued advancements in technology. Innovations like drone-based surveillance for accident sites, blockchain for secure data management, and 5G connectivity for faster communication will further enhance the capabilities of these services.
Royal Swiss Auto Recovery car services in the UAE - Now get exceptional customer service and round-the-clock support.
As Dubai continues to embrace technological advancements, car recovery services in the UAE are setting new benchmarks in efficiency and safety. By integrating cutting-edge tools and systems, these services ensure that drivers can navigate the roads with confidence, knowing help is just a click away.
Whether you’re facing a flat tire, an engine failure, or an accident, our modern car recovery services in Dubai are equipped to provide prompt, professional, and reliable assistance, backed by the power of technology. 
If you’re looking for top-notch car recovery services in the UAE, choose a provider like us that prioritizes innovation and customer care. The road may be unpredictable, but with the right support, you’re always in safe hands.
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thesevenseraphs · 7 years ago
Bungie Weekly Update - 5/24/18
This week at Bungie, we lit the Iron Banner again.
Iron Banner 6v6 is back for Season 3. To celebrate its return, we added a reprised version of the Bannerfall map to the playlist. This was another fan favorite we brought forward by popular demand. It will be available in the Iron Banner playlist until the next reset, when it will become available in Quick Play, Competitive, and Private Matches for all players of Destiny 2. You also might see it in Trials this weekend, but we’ll know that for sure tomorrow!
Hive Annihilation
Escalation Protocol has been live for two weeks now. Ever since the launch of Warmind, we’ve seen Guardians bravely battling hordes of Hive on Mars. The bravest among you have gone on to defeat seven levels of bosses. As always, combat leads to feedback. Today, we’re responding to a popular request for new matchmaking systems that would unite nine players in battle.
Lead Designer Jacob Benton has some comments about this new activity in Destiny.
What were the design goals for Escalation Protocol?
Jacob: Escalation Protocol was designed to be a high-difficulty endgame activity for a max-level, three-player fireteam. Other players in the world can contribute to make it easier, but they shouldn’t be required as long as your team is highly skilled and coordinated. We have received a lot of feedback since the original launch of Destiny 2 that players felt like reaching max Power was not satisfying. There weren’t enough activities that required and rewarded that level of commitment. Escalation Protocol was designed to fill that gap.
So this activity was not specifically designed for nine players?
Other than Raid Activities, all PvE activities and private spaces are optimized for three players to allow for multiple types of activities in the space. So no, it wasn’t designed for it, but it’s not a surprise that it’s easier with nine players, given how under-leveled most of us are right now. We knew that players would use the same creative workarounds to get nine players into a space similar to Court of Oryx, but we did not specifically tune the difficulty around requiring that many players.
Any plans to enable larger fireteams in the future?
We’ve had a lot of conversations here about what to do to answer the community’s feedback. We’re going to continue to monitor as more players progress up to max Power and are able to attempt Escalation Protocol at the difficulty it was designed for and we’ll determine what, if any action, is necessary. We also hear players are really enjoying large groups of players fighting against enemies, so we’ll use that feedback to inform our future plans.
Armor Updates
We kicked off the beginning of Season 3 with changes to Exotic Weapons. “What about the armor?” has been a popular question. Today, we’re going to start answering it. This is the first wave of changes—the next are currently slated to come in July.
Sandbox Designer Victor Anderson has the facts on what you can expect on May 29.
Victor: We’ve received a lot of feedback on Exotic Armor in Destiny 2. With 1.2.0, we introduced changes to Exotic Weapons to make them punchier and more compelling, and with the 1.2.1 release, we're taking steps to update some of the existing Exotic Armor.
It’s my hope that the changes to Exotic Armor will result in more interesting choices, whether you're doing a strike or going for wins in the Crucible. When deciding to update the Exotic perks, our goal was to keep the identity of the Exotics the same, even if the way they influence your playstyle is slightly different.
With the release of 1.2.1, we’re updating six pieces of Exotic Armor, two for each class, and we will be updating more in the future. Please note that any mechanical changes are in addition to the already established effects unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Mechanical Changes—Previously, the perk adjusted your melee damage depending on the number of enemies surrounding you. Now it grants a flat bonus to melee and Super damage when you’re surrounded by three or more enemies. The buff is retained for a short duration after you are no longer surrounded.
Although Synthoceps has gotten a fair bit of love in the Crucible, players are often focused on the increased lunge rate. The outgoing damage bonus was hard to appreciate and plan around with it being so variable in nature. With this change, you will be able to feel the impact more often in all scenarios, particularly in PvE.
Lion Rampant
Mechanical Changes—You can hipfire while Lift is active without interrupting it, and your aerial hipfire doesn't have an aerial accuracy penalty.
The Lion Rampant was focused around Lift and how it impacts your playstyle and tactics, so we decided to push further in that direction, emphasizing fast moving aerial assault.
The Dragon’s Shadow
Mechanical Changes—Dodging reloads all weapons simultaneously. The effects of Wraithmetal Mail now also include a bonus to mobility.
Although the Dragon’s Shadow does have a small following, we wanted to make it more useful in a general sense under even neutral conditions, while keeping in the theme of a fast-moving ninja.
Mechaneer’s Tricksleeves
Mechanical Changes—Swapping to a sidearm while critically wounded greatly increases its damage.
We went for the fantasy of a holdout weapon; the pistol tucked into your sleeve that you pull out in an emergency to save you. These changes should let you turn around a fight more easily.
Lunafaction Boots
Mechanical Changes—Rift reload is automatic instead of being activated on entry/exit. Empowering Rift makes weapons more effective at extended ranges.
Players having to dip in and out of the Rift to reload their weapons was not consistent with other Rift effects, particularly with the overshield effect on Healing Rift. It’s been made automatic to be easier to understand and use. As this is a more offensive choice in terms of Rift Exotics, we also wanted to further reward players who want to double down with Empowering Rift instead of playing it safe with Healing Rift.
Mechanical Changes—Original effect replaced with: Increases the duration of Solar Grenades. Solar melee kills grant unlimited Solar Grenade energy for a brief time.
While effective under some circumstances in terms of things like flat damage output with your Solar Grenade, Sunbracers didn’t feel flashy enough for gloves where your hands are perpetually on fire. So, while retaining the original flavor of “The Solar Grenade Exotic Armor,” we’ve scaled up the potential output significantly to give the player a strong taste of power on a more frequent basis.
Bungie Versus
A few weeks ago we kicked off a new type of stream where we have a friendly match against a predetermined team of worthy opponents. Our friends at Vicarious Visions have put their quarters down and called next.
If you are not familiar with VV, they have partnered with us to create awesome content for Destiny 2. They want to show off their Crucible skills and see whether they can defeat us in a friendly exhibition. Here are the details:
Bungie Versus Vicarious Visions
May 30 at 11 a.m. PDT
Watch Bungie at twitch.tv/Bungie
Watch Vicarious Visions at twitch.tv/VicariousVisions
Team Vicarious Visions
Barry Morales, Production 
Chris Pietrocarli, Art 
Paddy Hennessy, Engineering 
Dave Keenan, Art 
Team Bungie
Dmg04, Community
Cozmo, Community
Kevin Yanes, Crucible
Victor Anderson, Sandbox
This will be a best-of-five match. Bungie will pick two game types, and VV will also pick two. The final game will be Mayhem on Bannerfall.
Good luck, have fun.
Fixing to Fix It  
We have another update inbound. Destiny Player Support is here to tell you when your bits are scheduled to arrive and what you need to know about the upcoming patch.
This is their report.
Update 1.2.1 Release Destiny 2 services will undergo maintenance on Tuesday, May 29, 2018. No downtime is expected. During this time, Destiny 2 Update 1.2.1 will become available to players. Please see below for the timeline of the maintenance window.
9 a.m. PDT (1600 UTC) 
Destiny 2 server maintenance is scheduled to begin
No downtime is expected
Destiny 2 Update 1.2.1 will be available to download and install
1 p.m. PDT (2000 UTC) 
Destiny 2 server maintenance is scheduled to conclude
Players who have not installed Update 1.2.1 will be removed from activities to begin the download and install process
Patch Note Preview
Here’s a quick overview of issues that should be resolved in Destiny Update 1.2.1:
Fixed an issue where players would lose Glory Rank Points for leaving a match too soon after the match ends
Fixed an issue where the Clan XP Milestone was not granting a powerful reward
Fixed an issue where Vanguard Boons would block progression of strike-specific quest steps and milestones
Fixed an issue where Shriekers would close too quickly during Warsat public events, thus blocking players’ ability to trigger a Heroic public event
Fixed an issue where Calus’s shields required too much damage to break after Destiny Update 1.2.0
Fixed an issue where players would experience long load times for Iron Banner matches on PC
The full patch notes will be made available on Tuesday, May 29. Stay tuned to @Bungie on Twitter for further announcements.
Bungie.net API Issue: Item Equip Currently Disabled
This week, we identified an issue where players could reach 385 Power within a short amount of time if characters had no items equipped in their weapon inventories. Characters could enter this state only by using the item equip functionality available through the Bungie.net API. As such, the ability to equip or unequip items through the API has been disabled until we can resolve the issue. While players may still transfer items from character to character, any item that is equipped will need to be unequipped within Destiny 2 before it can be transferred using the Destiny Companion App or any third-party application. The ability to equip items is one of the most used features available through the API, and the decision to disable this functionality was not made without our weighing the impact it would have on the community. To preserve the meaning behind reaching max Power, we decided that this action needed to be taken. Once a solution to this issue has been identified, we will provide updates on when to expect a hotfix that will allow us to enable these features once more. Stay tuned to @BungieHelp on Twitter for updates.
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mindthump · 5 years ago
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Kone monetizes connected elevators with Alexa, Spotify, and digital displays https://ift.tt/34BDDqC
Elevators of the future will have “virtual windows,” voice-activated controls, music-streaming, and more — that’s if Kone has its way, at least. The Finnish engineering giant, best known for autowalks, automatic doors, escalators, and — yes — elevators, unveiled its grand vision at an event in London yesterday.
For its endeavor, Kone has taken a cue from the automobile industry, which has increasingly platformized with connected services spanning diagnostics, entertainment, navigation, food delivery, and more. Translated into the skyscraper realm, Kone is striving to make elevators a platform, allowing its clients to tailor services such as music, customize digital displays with local information or panoramic views via “virtual windows,” improve accessibility, and enable voice commands.
“We’re trying to move from selling equipment to selling services,” Tomio Pihkala, Kone’s executive vice president for new equipment business, said in a conversation with VentureBeat.
For those unfamiliar with the company, Kone is among the top providers of elevators and escalators globally, with 450,000 customers and around $9 billion in annual revenues. The company’s various installations transport 1 billion people each day.
Remote control
The new Kone DX Class elevators build on a digital platform first unveiled by Kone last year, and which has been available as an upgrade to customers looking to modernize their elevator systems. Yesterday’s announcement concerned new elevators designed from the get-go with connectivity built in, allowing building owners to remotely control, activate, and deactivate specific services from a central dashboard. The setup includes a dynamic display, acoustics, and lighting that can be used to tailor the ambiance and interior.
Above: Kone DX Class elevator with display
Moreover, the display can adapt as the elevator goes up and down, with lights serving as cues to the car’s movement and how close they are to reaching their desired floor.
Above: The new Kone DX Class elevator
Among the examples demonstrated at the event yesterday, Kone illustrated how the display could effectively serve as a virtual window into the outside world. So if the building faces London’s St. Paul’s Cathedral, for example, the landmark could be shown inside the elevator, with the visual perspective changing as the elevator moves.
One of the more high-profile service integration partners for Kone’s digital platform is Amazon’s Alexa digital assistant, which residents could use to beckon a lift while they’re still inside their apartment, thus saving them from having to wait. But in the future, this could be extended to other use cases. “There are many possibilities,” Pihkala said.
Other API partners on board for the launch include Spotify-backed Soundtrack Your Brand, which has a self-stated mission to “kill bad background music” via a B2B version of Spotify. For anyone that loves existing elevator music, this probably spells bad news, but for everyone else this partnership will allow landlords and building owners to customize the mood inside their elevators. Among the other partners mentioned at the launch event are service robot company Robotise and accessibility-focused navigation company BlindSquare. Indeed, BlindSquare, alongside Alexa, hint at the possibilities offered by connected elevators in terms of improving accessibility. The fledgling Finnish startup is working with Kone to help building owners direct visually impaired users toward the elevator using beacons and an app — BlindSquare essentially tracks the location of the user in relation to the elevator to keep them on the right path via a mobile app.
The Kone DX Class elevators will be available in Europe first from December 2019, with other markets following in 2020. Given that the platform can be retrofitted to existing installations as well as new builds, this hints at the potential for the platform to be expanded with new feature sets further down the line. One obvious use case here would be facial recognition services that automatically identify individuals to take them to the correct floor, though it could also have accessibility ramifications alongside — or in place of — voice services.
Computer vision-based technology isn’t part of the Kone DX Class elevator lineup at launch, but the company is already working on this kind of technology elsewhere in its business, so this could feature as part of the platform in the future.
“Computer vision is really one of the big things which we are working on quite a lot,” Pihkala added. “There are many use cases — facial recognition in the context of accessibility is a really obvious one for us.”
Above: The new Kone DX Class elevator
The connected elevator isn’t a new phenomenon, as most of the big providers — including Kone — already leverage sensors and analytics for predictive maintenance. But Kone’s embrace of connected services is notable from a business perspective, as it highlights how it’s pushing to monetize beyond mere elevator installations and maintenance. As seems to be the case for just about every company in the 21st century, Kone is adopting a subscription-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) model to generate recurring revenues after it sells its equipment.
“We are merging the technologies of tomorrow with the buildings of today to put the ‘smart’ into smart buildings,” Pihkala said. “We are changing our business profoundly towards a platform business. This means combining products and services over the lifetime of a building, which is very powerful.”
Lift off
Elevators don’t often constitute part of the narrative when urban innovation is discussed, but the mass transport system — and that is what it is — has transformed the very fabric of cities over the past century. The emergence of elevator safety systems specifically enabled cities to build higher and higher, transforming the upper floors — which were once servants’ quarters — into penthouses and plush apartments. It’s true that innovations such as steel and reinforced concrete contributed to the growth of high-rise properties, but without elevators nobody would want to live or work in them.
The world will be home to an estimated 10 billion people by 2050, one-quarter more than the Earth’s population today — and two-thirds of those will live in cities, according to United Nations figures. That’s a 10 percentage-point increase on today, and the only way to accommodate this influx of city-dwellers will be to build upwards. This will likely require more elevators.
“New technologies give us opportunities to create an integrated and easily adaptable building experience,” noted Kone president and CEO Henrik Ehrnrooth. “As buildings evolve, the elevators can also evolve in ways we have not seen before.”
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