#Life born of fire
greenapricot · 3 months
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patrice-bergerons · 1 year
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I lost the man I love and I killed the people I hated. And now there's only you and me. And the cleansing fire. Life born of fire, James. You and me. The firebirds.
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fanficrocks · 2 months
Don’t lie to Robbie, James!
You should know by now that it doesn’t end well.
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The lies in year 2 that led to this:
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And yet, there you were in year 4 with your tall tales about conversational Mandarin…
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Time to learn from your own mistakes?
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dykealloy · 6 months
ripple effect legacy // my tears are becoming a sea, M83
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xxivletxx · 5 months
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sunset horse riding
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hanadoesstuffwrong · 4 months
Thinking abt the air nomads:
What if, after the war, once the dust has settled a little, Aang goes back to travelling, hoping that maybe he can find at least some trace of surviving airbenders. As an added bonus, he gets to do more of the exploring and wandering that he had to put on hold.
Toph goes with him ofc. She only just got a taste of real freedom and it was overshadowed by ever-present impending doom. While she's on speaking terms with her parents, she isnt quite ready to be back under their roof on a permanent basis. The rest of the gaang have their individual homes and responsibilities that they get back to, though they join for the odd field trip or adventure when they can.
So anyway, they're touring all over the world and over the years they notice just how displaced so many people have become. EK citizens who barely escaped the blaze but lost everything; FN military now decommissioned with no idea how to carry on; people looking for a new start in the hard-won peace. Maybe it starts with Toph heading back to Earth Rumble, where a group of young runaways scrounge for cheap fights to make a little money.
At each turn they find more and more people with no homes to return to and no family to protect them; runaways escaping the roles the war forced them into. Gradually, Aang and Toph start to see that they aren't so different from themselves. They just want a new start.
So they decide to give them one. They clean up the temples and set up villages in the surrounding areas (helps to be master earthbenders), where people can arrive and stay as long as they need. Travellers and refugees pass through in droves, sometimes choosing to stay and rebuild their lives there, sometimes continuing in their wandering with a guarantee that they'll always have a place to return to should they have the need.
Over time, the lemurs grow in number and even some flying bison calfs (hybrids with a relative species maybe?), can be seen in the skies. Whenever the founders visit, it isn't the same but Aang feels a little more at home.
The first time someone asks Aang to teach him his philosophies, and expresses his desire to become a monk, how can he refuse? Maybe it's a former soldier, somebody who's done terrible things, looking for a path to redemption. So Aang teaches him, and then he teaches others. And though they may not be airbenders, they are as earnest and faithful as any nun or monk Aang knew before. The temples become filled with new faces: Firebenders, Earthbenders, Waterbenders and non-benders all wearing Air nomad orange and yellow.
Aang always feared that it would be his responsibility to have airbender children, and the idea of forcing that on someone he loved terrified him. Maybe that's why he waited so long before acting on his feelings for his best friend, his travelling companion, his fellow-village builder and temple-restorer. How could they have a truly happy relationship with this pressure hanging over them? He wishes he could be content with the new way of things that he and his friends have created. But he knows that he can't be the last airbender forever...
Nobody knows why some children can bend the elements and others can't. Is it blood? Is it blessing? Is it the land in which you're born? Or is it the simple allocation of fates decided by the values and norms you're raised believing in? Is it enough to be surrounded by the culture and beliefs of the Air Nomads? Nobody knows...
All they know is that nobody sees it coming when the six-year-old daughter of two non-bender villagers from the Earth Kingdom and Northern Water Tribe sends herself flying twelve feet into the air with a sneeze.
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bthemistake · 7 months
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~ Morgana Pendragon, The Mad Queen ~
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[Audio Description: Morgana Pendragon, the character from the BBC series Merlin, stands against a dark red-purple background with a golden crosshatched pattern behind her as a halo. She is wearing a red dress, the colour belonging famously to the Pendragon household and Camelot. In her hands she holds a golden sword by her side, pointed downwards with the hilt raised above her head. She is holding it incorrectly though, her lower hands holding the blade directly, while the other half-holds the hilt and blade, each hand drawing blood that drips down the metal and stains her hands.
She doesn't pay the pain any attention, however, and her eyes are in fact closed with an expression of yearning on her face. For Morgana, the sword represents power, which she is clinging to despite the harm it is causing her. Without a mentor or a friend to guide her properly, the sword will ultimately be her undoing, but for now she longs for it.]
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an-au-blog · 4 months
Oh, your love is sunlight
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Happy (late) Valentine's Day (version without text ↓ +description in tags)
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#east blue asylum wing au#zosan#zoro x sanji#zs#first off if its bad quality - it's a huge canvas and it's more pixelated if i try to export the picture than if I screenshot so... :/#I sometimes like assigning songs to different dynamics and or characters I play around with and I've been recently listening to#a lot of Hozier again and I'd like to think that Sunlight is how Zoro sees Sanji - he is Icarus flying to the sun and he is willing to get#burned if only to reach the sunlight - it's a deathtrap... because of course it is... all attachments are but Sanji's love is the death tra#that he welcomes like a moth to a flame because even Icarus felt the bliss and freedom before his wax melted#I haven't depicted it here but Sanji's Hozier song for Zoro would probably be NFWMB because in his eyes Zoro is this untouchable force#that would watch the world go up in flames and when the time Sanji wouldn't mind being a tree just to fuel his fire (im well aware how#cheesy that sounds just bare with me... or better yet listen to the song its really good trust me ok?)#the world starts and ends with him and where they lay#and their shared Hozier song is Francesca because if anything in this au zosan are two lovers stuck in Dante's inferno and sprinting back i#only for the chance to get back to their lover and if that meant going back into hell to look for each other then so be it#there's a part of the song that goes “My life was a storm / Since I was born / How could I fear any hurricane?” which is pretty fitting imo#op#fan art#my art
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lazyveran · 3 months
always thinking about the fact that azula was born the second child. that in royalty the second born, the daughter, was always the expendable one. that if azula hadnt been lucky enough to be born as prodigy, she'd most likely be married off, shipped away from her home and ultimately discarded for ozai's petty political gain
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greenapricot · 2 months
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patrice-bergerons · 1 year
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I bring niche memes
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sciderman · 2 months
Sometimes i remember a comics moment i randomly came across somewhere, where Sam Wilson mentiones a musical and Steve Rodgers says he doesn't like musicals, to whitch Sam goes "Guess that means you really are straight" and even tho i don't care about Cap America or the Avengers, the moment stuck in me for that quote by Sam. And like....Sci, any ideas if straight men actually don't like musicals or is that bullshit?
actually i think i know more gay men who hate musicals than i know straight men who hate musicals. i've had a drag queen stop me point blank when i was about to sing a barbra streisand song, and i know so many gays who pointedly hate abba. so based on my experience i think the inverse is true. most of the straight men i know are kind of impartial about musicals, but gay men? hate.
my theory is that a lot of gay men don't want to fall into stereotypes, maybe. but thaaaaat's just a theory! a gay theory.
#sci speaks#i'm trying to understand the gays. they are a mystery to me.#i've seen a lot more toxic masculinity coming from gay men than i have from straight men.#i think it makes sense. they have less women in their lives. so they reckon with a lot more masculinity. more dick measuring.#also gay men have some of THE most unhealthy romantic relationships i've ever seen in my life.#this isn't a blanket statement on everyone but just from what i've seen. it's such a strange pattern i've observed.#lesbians? healthy. straights? usually healthy. gay men? universally a tire fire that makes me say “if you hate each other so much ??”#“why are you together??????????”#i have never met a cis gay mlm couple in real life that was healthy. every single one of them made my eyes widen in horror.#i want them to be healthy. please treat each other better.#the number of bitchy bitchy fights i've seen between mlm couples in public that make me so terrified#but i know mlm relationships in general are usually less... affectionate than wlw relationships. even and especially friendships.#just an observation.#i hate to say that there is a definite difference between amab vs afab experiences when it comes to relationship dynamics but.#of course there is. there is. as much as i want to say gender and sex do not matter. it really does.#it makes a difference. it does.#which is kind of why i'm glad i was born in the body i was. when people say “trans means you feel you were born in the wrong body”#im like.. i don't think that's true. i don't think that's true for me.#i wouldn't be me if i wasn't born the way i was. and i want to be me. but i'm a boy. i'm a boy but in the body that i have.#my body is still a boy's body. because i live in here.#sorry this went off on a tangent.#but yeah i know my brain would be different if i was amab. and i don't want all those other issues.#i think the only reason i'm so peaceful and serene is because i'm afab. and afabulous.#i see cis guys and im like.. yeah i don't want what you got.#once again! lucky to be me! i'm lucky. im lucky i have a vargooba. thank fuck for that!#couldve been so much worse off. could've been born with a dick and would be fighting for my life right now.
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sealrock · 6 months
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me and a friend were talking about thetinne (tauvane) and the possibility of her being half-elezen and how that'll affect her storyline
I'm still on the fence about this but look at that sweet face. thetinne in her younger years maybe
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aphrodisiac-siren · 1 year
Lowborn!Aemond x Highborn!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of Prince Daemon and a close friend of Prince Aegon who, like your father, is notorious for sneaking off to the streets of flea bottom. The one time you decide to join him on his nightly endeavours, you run into a charming yet mysterious someone who’s as beautiful as the sapphire that’s replaced one of his eyes.
Warnings: Indecent ogling, catcalling, harassment, foul language.
Part 1
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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" You asked in a hushed tone, following behind Aegon as he led you through the dimly lit passageways of the castle "If we get caught-"
"I've done this a thousand times and I’ve never been caught" He waved you off as he assured that there was nothing to be so concerned about.
With Aegon, it did not matter even if he was caught sneaking out the castle after dark, drinking away in ale houses or found in some brothel. It was you who would be ruined. Being born a woman came with a list of terms that you were told you had to oblige to if you wanted to survive in this hostile world; rules that did not apply to men.
Aegon had instructed that you should keep the hood of your cloak on at all times, to avoid anyone seeing the pearly white hair you had in common with all Targaryens.
The streets he led you through were bustling with people selling trinkets at their little stalls, children laughing and chasing after each other. A few drunk men ogled at you which made you a touch uncomfortable, to which you responded to by clutching Aegon's sleeve a bit tighter. The cloak only shielded your hair, not your pretty face.
Aegon noticed and protectively wrapped an arm around you, shooting a sharp look at the men who dared to stare at you with the gaze of a hungry animal.
He led you toward an alehouse from which he wished to purchase a flask of spiced wine. The establishment was filled with men much similar in nature to the ones you'd seen on the streets only minutes ago and you were uncomfortable by the thought of having to waltz in the midst of them.
"I don’t think we should go in" you meekly told Aegon, pulling his arm slightly "I don’t have a good feeling about this place"
Aegon did not wish to drag you into an environment in which you felt unsafe but his response was not one you were expecting.
"Why don’t you wait there, across this street?" he pointed into the distance toward a cart which held a few vegetables "I'll only be a moment"
"You are leaving me alone? Here?" you were taken aback by how he didn’t even think twice before suggesting this. The place was flooded by men who seeked for an opportunity such as this. A frail girl in a foreign environment who could easily be subject to their animalistic wants.
"I promise I won’t take too long"
And with that, he turned and walked into the alehouse, leaving you with no other option besides having to stand by the little cart in the near distance. Your heart was pounding in your chest but despite the nerves, you tried to mask your anxiety as you pulled your cloak tightly around your frame.
'She’s a pretty one, ain’t she'
You ignored the comment that someone made followed by a cackle that made you shiver. Gods Aegon, come back already.
'The money I would pay to have her warm my bed'
'Money? I ain’t paying no one. I simply take what I want'
Your breaths became more ragged when you heard the voices get louder, signalling the people who it belonged to, were getting nearer.
"Lovely thing like yourself shouldn’t be out here in the cold" one of the men grinned as he eyed you from top to bottom, making your skin crawl "How bout we taken you back to ours, warm you up"
You ignored them.
"He asked you something" the second man snapped, making you jolt with the sudden spike in the volume of his voice "can’t you talk? Perhaps I ought to open that pretty mouth of yours with my cock"
"Leave me be" you managed to speak, the tremble in your voice giving away the fact that you were afraid of the situation you were in "I am expecting someone"
"I can be quick" the first guy laughed as he dared to caress your cheek, the touch made you sick to your stomach "In fact, by the time I’m done with you, you won’t be willing to leave for y-"
"The lady said to leave her be"
You were too stunned out of fear to bother turning around to see who it was who had intervened. You were fearful that perhaps it was another drunk who approached to claim you as his property for the night.
The men stood before too seemed to think the same before they tore that lustful gaze away from you and looked toward whoever was standing at a fair distance behind you. Their expressions were hard to read. They seemed disappointed, angry and partly afraid of prolonging their conversation with you. Yet, they did not leave, glaring daggers until the mysterious person spoke again.
"The last man who challenged me was found the next morning without his cock" he said in a monotonous voice "perhaps you two would like to join him? Start a little club of your own, rant about how life was before your little friend was chopped off"
Under different circumstances, you would’ve found this comment slightly comical but in the present, all you cared about was leaving this horrible place.
Without another word, the two men walked off, still quiet disappointed that someone had walked in on their fun.
"Are you alright miss?" The mystery man walked around you until he was stood in front of you, not too close though "They didn’t do anything, did they?"
His tone shifted from cold and heartless to soft and gentle when he spoke to you. He too had his hood pulled over his head and an eye patch covered his left eye. He had sharp features and you could see a few whisps of dusty blonde hair sticking out from under his hood.
"N-no, I-" you were still a bit shaken up from before but you answered him "I'm alright"
"Because if they did, wouldn’t take me long to slice their hands off" he spoke and even though you seemed to take it as a joke, he was being quite serious.
"That won’t be necessary" you told him. I could order for their heads if I wanted to, you thought, I'm the blood of a dragon "Thank you"
"T'was no problem miss" he politely spoke and you could swear you saw a hint of a smile but it vanished just as soon as it appeared "You aren’t from here"
"What makes you say that?" you asked even though you knew his observation was spot on.
"The only women you'd find around these streets are the ones who work in pleasure houses" he stated as he crossed his arms "and you most certainly aren’t one working for any establishment"
"What gives it away?" you curiously asked and saw him heave an amused sigh.
"Apart from the fact you were absolutely mortified by the approach of those two men, quite the opposite reaction a whore would have; you’re wearing silk velvet beneath this sad excuse of a cloak. Fine material like that shows that you are not one of us townsfolk" despite him stating his observations of you, his eye never wandered over your body and stayed fixated on your face "and if that wasn’t reason enough, you’re far too pretty and perfect. No circles beneath your eyes nor crows feet, as if you’ve never had to work a day in your life"
Even though you'd heard it many times before, hearing him call you pretty made you smile ever so slightly. It shouldn’t have made your chest flutter, after all, he was a lowborn.
"Did my honest comment of your beauty make you smile, princess?" He chuckled as he grinned at your adorable reaction.
What- Princess?
"The hood only covers your unique hair" he seemed to understand what your next question might be based on how your smile instantly vanished as your eyes widened "but you failed to realise that your disguise did absolutely nothing to conceal your lavender eyes"
He did make an excellent argument. Still, it surprised you he’d unmasked exactly who you were within a few moments of your encounter. Perhaps the others might’ve too if they weren’t so busy raking the rest of your body with their indecent stares. Despite this man being short of one eye, he by far had the sharpest vision.
"I must commend your sharp and rather accurate observation" you told him in a hushed tone "your act of kindly rushing to my aid won’t go unrewarded"
"I didn’t do it with hopes of gaining any coin, my lady" he politely told you "I do not tolerate men treating women as some plaything they can use and abuse when they see fit. Besides, I only realised you were the princess after they'd left and I moved from behind to speak with you. Though I do beg your pardon, for I do not know which Targaryen princess you might be"
Sharp and respectful, you thought. This was a man you'd met only moments ago and yet he was by far the most courteous person you’d conversed with. He was polite with an authoritative undertone. In fact, you’d go as far as to say he was far more interesting and pleasant than most of the suitors you’d met.
"Y/N" you sweetly introduced "and may I ask your name, sir?"
"Aemond, my lady" he gave you a curt not, taken aback by the respectable endearment you’d used whilst addressing him. He'd heard many terms used while being spoken to: arseling, freak, rat; but never sir.
"Aemond" you repeated. You liked his name, it suited him "you need not use formalities, call me by my name"
"Alright then, Y/N" he called out, offering you a boyish grin at the mention of your name "might I be so bold as to ask what you are doing by yourself in a place like this?"
"Oh I wasn’t-" fuck, you’d forgotten about Aegon "I was here with my cousin. Who promised he'd be here as quickly as possible"
"If you are referring to the prince Aegon, I'm afraid he’s wasted away in that ale house over there" he pointed behind toward the same building into which Aegon had wandered into "I don’t mean to sound pushy, but it would be best if you headed back"
You knew he was right but for some reason you found yourself wanting to spend more of your time in his company. He was polite enough to walk you back toward where one of the castle passageways led to. You wondered why and how he knew of this but you did not bother asking, you were too engrossed in the lighthearted conversations you both were having on the walk back.
Aemond wasn’t much of a talker, he instead liked to listen. He did make a few comments and asked a few questions here and there that let you know he was invested in the conversation.
"Forgive me if I sound like I'm being intrusive" you spoke as you kicked away a small pebble. Aemond was thoroughly surprised by how politely you spoke to him whilst you yourself were a dragon and he, a mere nobody. For some reason, even his scarred face with the absence of an eye did not seem to bother you nor change the way you treated him "might I ask what happened to um.."
He found it slightly adorable how you failed to put your question into words, simply pointing to your eye to hint at what you were asking. Aemond did not like talking about it, simply because the only time people asked him was when they stared at him like he was some circus animal, put up on a stage for the eyes of others to judge and poke fun at his maimed state. But he could sense nothing of that sort coming from you. No, you were just a girl, curious about this mysterious man who came out of nowhere to her aid and was now walking her back home.
"I got into a fight a few years ago when three men tried to inappropriately lay their hands on my younger sister" He earnestly told her as he reached up to take off the leather eye patch "I stole a gemstone a few months after the wound healed, had the sapphire replace the empty eye socket in an attempt to seem less frightening, it did not work"
Aemond didn’t know what possessed him to reveal the sapphire eye to you. He himself was quiet proud of how it looked and for a fleeting moment he was eager to show you as well, momentarily letting his guard down and almost instantly regretting it. He'd just mentioned the stone did absolutely nothing to fix his appearance, then why did he find the need to show you? Furthermore he internally winced upon confessing that he'd stolen the gem, to the princess.
Either you had not heard him or you did not care about his thievery.
"It's beautiful" you smiled as you leaned in slightly to admire the gem before you blurted out "you’re beautiful"
With each passing second, you seemed to surprise him more and more. You, a lady of noble birth, a Targaryen- someone who was closer to the gods than to men had just called him, a commoner with a flawed face, beautiful.
"You’re too kind" he could feel his cheeks heating up as he quickly reached up to put on his eye patch once again. He couldn’t believe that this delicate little princess had managed to make him, the man that most of flea bottom feared, blush.
The two of you finally reached the place where you both would depart from each other. You, back to your warm castle and Aemond, back to his hostile slums.
"I hope you find your way back safely" he gave you a curt nod.
"Will I see you again?" you quickly asked, not wanting this to be your last encounter with the lad.
"Well that depends on the frequency of your visits into the city, though I do not recommend the place where we met" he raised a brow as he smirked, reaching out to gently hold your hand "Maybe the princess would care to meet me right here tomorrow, after supper so that I might take her to a place suitable for a dove as yourself"
Aemond knew he was making a bold move, asking for the princess of House Targaryen to leave the serenity of her castle to meet him, a man who lived a pauper’s life. He looked down at her with an equal measure of nervousness and hopefulness.
You smiled at him.
"I would like that very much" you accepted his invitation.
He brought his lips to your hand, placing a tender kiss to your knuckles without looking away from your striking eyes "until tomorrow then, princess"
"I told you," you chuckled lightly "call me Y/N"
"Of course" he smiled.
Right before he could let go of your hand, you took a step forward and going on your tip toes, you placed a soft kiss right beneath his scar and you could swear you heard a faint gasp escape his lips.
"Goodnight, Aemond" you bid him farewell one last time before you turned to sneak through the concealed entrance of the passageway inside the stone building.
"Goodnight Y/N" Aemond said in a whisper, almost like he was talking to himself. He stayed put, gingerly reaching up to touch the spot on his cheek that your lips had touched- no, kissed, only moments ago.
Part 2 >>
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dylandeltwink · 4 days
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with every beat of his cocaine heart
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fuckedmesogood · 1 year
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angel 🎀
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