#Liens and judgments
Florida's Title And Closing Process
Title And Closing Process In Florida If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home in Florida, it’s important to understand Florida’s title and closing process. Let’s go through the basics together. Title Search First off, in Florida, a title search is conducted to make sure the property’s title is free of any issues like liens, judgments, or other encumbrances. A title company, such as…
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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longwindedbore · 18 days
I didn’t have any of this on my 2024 Bingo Card
[1] Darth Cheney and I are voting for the same Presidential Candidate.
[2] Then I learn that back in 2019 Seth McFarlane in “Family Guy” accurately predicted Trump’s ‘empire’ at no more than $700M and all of it tied up in debt (could have saved me days to come to the same conclusions working through the details in Judge Engoron’s decision on the Motion for Summary Judgment.
[3] Now Melanie and I are in agreement that the gunfire incident on July 13 is suspect
“Now, the silence around it feels heavy. I can’t help but wonder why didn’t law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech? There is definitely more to this story. And we need to uncover the truth,” Melania Trump says. The 20-year-old shooter was able to fire off multiple rounds from a nearby rooftop before he was killed by law enforcement officers.
In the “Family Guy” episode referenced Peter’s accusation that “you’re cash-poor” prompts a fist fight with the Mango Mussolini.
At one point Melania hands Peter a golf club and the promise of a sex if he gets rid of Trump.
Melania may be hoping for a ‘Peter with a golf club’ criminal investigation accelerate her and Barron’s futures post-Trump?
So Melania may also be thinking but not saying that what a GREAT COINCIDENCE it was that
[a] the shooter had an ultra-right internet footprint
[b] just when Trump was facing a ultra-right anti-Trump-as-candidate uproar in the RNC in two days by the anti- abortion crowd over Trump’s waffling.
[c] the BS photo op of six Secret Service Agents allowing the defiant fist in the air exposing Trump’s head and chest to potential accomplices.
[d] an ultra-conaervative shooter worked the miracle of getting ultra-conservatives to shut up and seeth in private at the RNC (Cancel Culture!)
That’s one scenario.
On the other hand Dark Money may be worried that Trump has the six Opus Dei SCOTUS judges on his enemies list for turning down his plea not to release his taxes to New York State.
Weisselberg flipping, criminal conviction of Trump Payroll Co on 17 counts of tax evasion, the bank fraud Civil case, the Felony convictions (for falsifying financial documents NOT for paying hush money). Probably the $100M IRS tax lien on Trump Chicago gisxa result of info shared by Leticia James.
An ultra-conservative kid who worked for big hedge fund spraying bullets overhead [**] may have been meant as a warning not to mess with SCOTUS.
I don’t see any scenario in which the Democrats see an advantage in Trump as a martyr - the Dems raise too much money from being the only other choice in thd 67th or 68th ‘most important election of your lifetime.’
As long as Trump’s alive inspiring MAGAs will energize voting the local theocratic patriarchal narcissus out of local and state offices 2026 &. 2028.
Obviously by the time the RNC Harris was already in as the new candidate. Assassinating Trump would have killed the pure joy of his being gobsmacked by the old switcheroo right after the RNC. Joy anticipated from Dark Brandon on down.
Whatever the scenario those Secret Service agents are too well trained in what to do. Whatever that was thatthe world saw on July 13 had to be a deliberate violation of massive amounts of protocols.
In every scenario but the lone gunman vs the Keystone Kops there will be an ongoing murder investigation.
Someone is going to flip because it’s life without parole.
There may already be a sealed grand jury indictment. One of which lists Co-Conspirator #1?
Such an indictment may remain sealed until after the Election for the same reasons the Court acceded to postponing Trump’s Felony sentencing.
I have an unsealed indictment on my 2024 Card.
[**] Within a one or two second window of time while being caught in the Butler police/SS counter sniper crossfire the kid fired a seven shot burst.
He would have had it already set for a burst rather than targetting Trump.
Experts have trouble with bursts
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follow-up-news · 6 months
The New York attorney general’s office has filed judgments in Westchester County, the first indication that the state is preparing to try to seize Donald Trump’s golf course and private estate north of Manhattan, known as Seven Springs. State lawyers entered the judgments with the clerk’s office in Westchester County on March 6, just one week after Judge Arthur Engoron made official his $464 million decision against Trump, his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, and the Trump Organization. Entering a judgment would be the first step a creditor would take to attempt to recover property. Additional steps, such as putting liens on assets or moving to foreclose on properties, or taking other actions in court would follow, if the asset is going to be seized. The judgment is already entered in New York city where Trump’s properties including Trump Tower, his penthouse at Trump Tower, 40 Wall Street, his hotel abutting Central Park, and numerous apartment buildings are located. Judgments have not been entered in Florida counties including Miami or Palm Beach where Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property and the Trump National Doral Golf Club and resort are located or Cook County, Illinois, where Trump’s hotel in Chicago is located, according to a review of records Thursday by CNN. Trump now has four days to satisfy the judgment or sway an appeals court to allow him to post a smaller amount or defer posting the payment until after the appeal.
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applythaivisa · 2 months
Title Search in Thailand
A title search in Thailand is an indispensable step in the property acquisition process. It's a comprehensive investigation into a property's ownership history, legal status, and any encumbrances. While the concept is similar to other countries, the intricacies and potential challenges in Thailand necessitate a deeper understanding.
Understanding Thai Land Titles
Before delving into the search process, it's crucial to grasp the different types of land titles in Thailand:
Chanote Title: Considered the most secure, it provides a comprehensive legal description of the land, including boundaries, ownership, and land use restrictions.
Nor Sor 3 Gor: This is a provisional title, issued when land boundaries are uncertain or disputed. While it confers ownership, it lacks the legal certainty of a Chanote.
Nor Sor 4 Gor: This is a basic land ownership document, primarily used for government-owned land. It offers less legal protection than the previous two.
The Title Search Process
A typical title search involves the following steps:
Property Identification: Accurately locating the property is paramount. This includes verifying the address, land plot number, and Tambon (sub-district).
Land Department Visit: The search is conducted in person at the Land Department where the property is registered. This involves examining physical land records, which can be time-consuming and requires a thorough understanding of Thai legal language.
Document Analysis: The search includes scrutinizing several documents:
Chanote or Nor Sor: The primary title deed, verifying ownership and land details.
Tabien Baan: The house registration document, if applicable.
Mortgage and Lien Records: To identify any financial obligations attached to the property.
Court Judgments: Checking for any legal actions affecting the property.
Land Use Permits: Ensuring the property is used in accordance with zoning laws.
Chain of Title Investigation: Tracing the property's ownership history to verify the seller's legal right to the property.
Boundary Verification: Comparing the property's legal description with the physical boundaries on the ground. This often requires a site visit.
Potential Challenges and Risks
Despite its importance, a title search in Thailand is fraught with challenges:
Language Barrier: The majority of land records are in Thai, making it difficult for foreigners to interpret.
Complex Legal System: Thai property law can be intricate, with nuances that require legal expertise.
Record Keeping: While improving, the Land Department's record-keeping system can be inefficient and inconsistent.
Fraudulent Titles: There have been cases of fraudulent land titles, emphasizing the need for a meticulous search.
The Role of Experts
Given the complexities, engaging a qualified legal or property professional is highly recommended. They possess the language skills, legal knowledge, and experience to navigate the process effectively. A comprehensive title search, conducted by experts, can significantly mitigate risks and provide peace of mind for property buyers.
Note: While technology is gradually being introduced to streamline the title search process in Thailand, the traditional method of in-person inspection remains the norm for comprehensive due diligence.
By understanding the intricacies of title search in Thailand, buyers can make informed decisions and protect their investments.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
an au where Roman raised Ruby
Roman paused as he heard the sound of a young girl crying, a small voice in the back of his head telling him to ignore it. He had a mission of his own to carry out while he wandered the streets to keep tabs on a few contacts for the spiders, though the little bit of a heart he had started to win him over. He couldnt leave a child on its own and he refused to let another child end up like him: abandoned on a doorstep and left to rot wherever it ended up. A sigh left his lips as he followed the crying, giving in against his better judgment. 
He watched as the young girl quit crying and rushed behind a trash can, his heart starting to break when he saw the bruises and cuts the girl had along her body. Every part of him kept saying he needed to leave, that there isnt anything to gain by taking in another body to keep track of. Lie, cheat, steal, and survive. Everything he had learned to do on his own, something this girl would have to do as well. Instead, his voice betrayed him as he softly spoke to the girl. 
“What’s your name?” 
The girl hugged to the trash can, rattling the metal can as she shook and tried to keep her balance. “M-mama says not t’ talk to strangers…” the girl mumbled. 
“Alright then, the name’s Roman.” Roman knelt down onto his knee and held a hand out to the girl. “We’re not strangers anymore, are we?” 
The girl hesitated and slowly started to move out from behind the trash can. “Ruby.” 
“Ruby, such a pretty name. And where are your parents?” 
Roman frowned when he watched the girl sit down and look around for someone familiar. “Of course she doesnt know where they are,” he said to himself. He kicked his heel against the ground and motioned for Ruby to follow him. “Lets at least get you someplace warm. When’s the last time you ate?” 
Ruby slowly got up and followed him. “Yes’erday.” 
Roman paused in his step when he heard her speak. *Yesterday, of course she hasnt eaten since yesterday…* He continued walking to the hotel he was staying at, smiling a bit. “In that case, I’ll make sure you know everything you need in order to survive.” 
10 years later…
Ruby quickly weaved through the crowded streets, pilfering wallets from each person Roman had marked. A smile crossed her lips as she made her way out of the crowds, a thumb gliding across the lien she took as she tucked away into an alleyway. “Too easy.” 
“Dont get cocky, Red,” Roman said as he walked up behind her. “That’s how you get caught.” 
“I know, I know.” Ruby sighed and handed over the lien to Roman. “But still, cant you try to challenge me next time? I’m never going to get better if I keep doing this kid stuff.” 
“That’s because you are a kid.” 
Ruby pouted. “Neo doesnt think so.” 
“Neo’s a bad influence on you..” Roman pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Alright, look, we have a pretty big job coming up soon. A partner needs us to start stockpiling dust and the best way to get it is by taking straight from the shops.” 
Ruby’s eyes lit up as a smile crossed her lips. “I can join you on a heist?!” 
“Only if you behave.” Roman pushed the tip of his cane to Ruby’s chest and moved her out of his way. “And… on the condition that you stay out of trouble. I’ve already hired a few men to help out, but it’ll be easier for us to have someone on the inside to keep an eye on things and let us know when the coast is clear to start. That’s your job.” 
Ruby’s smile dropped as she followed Roman. “I can do more than that! You know I’m ready!” 
“And this will get dangerous if any huntsmen catch wind of what we’re doing.” 
“Then I can fight!” 
Roman paused. “Since when do you fight?” 
“Since… Neo started teaching me…” Ruby used her semblance to rush ahead of Roman and dropped to her knees. “I wont get in your way.” 
Roman watched the rose petals disappear and rubbed his forehead. “Alright, fine, you can help with the heavy lifting. But the second things start going south, I want you out of there, okay? If you get caught, they’ll just send you to an orphanage to rot away.” 
Ruby quickly hugged Roman. “Thanks!” 
“Now get to Neo. I have a meeting with my partner that I cant be late to.” 
“You can count on me!” 
Roman sighed and lit his cigar as Ruby rushed off. “She’s going to be the death of me, I know it.”
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How to Vacate NY Default Judgment: Legal Strategies and Steps
How to Vacate NY Default Judgment: Legal Strategies and Steps
A default judgment in New York occurs when one party fails to respond to a lawsuit or appear in court, and the court rules in favor of the other party by default. If you've had a judgment entered against you without your knowledge or due to missing important deadlines, it is crucial to act swiftly to vacate the NY default judgment. The longer you wait, the harder it may become to reverse the decision and defend yourself.
What Is a Default Judgment?
A default judgment is essentially a court decision made in the absence of one party. In New York, this typically happens when a defendant does not respond to a summons and complaint or misses a court appearance. Once entered, a default judgment allows the winning party to pursue various enforcement actions, such as garnishing wages or placing a lien on property. However, in many cases, defendants have valid reasons for missing court, and New York law provides options to vacate a NY default judgment.
Grounds for Vacating a Default Judgment
There are specific legal grounds under New York law that may allow you to vacate a default judgment, including:
Lack of Service: If you were never properly served with the lawsuit, you have a strong argument to vacate the NY default judgment. Proper service means you were given legal notice of the case and had the opportunity to respond.
Excusable Default: If there is a legitimate reason for your failure to appear, such as a medical emergency or miscommunication, you may file a motion to vacate the default judgment. The court will consider whether your absence was excusable and whether you acted promptly once you learned of the judgment.
Meritorious Defense: To successfully vacate a default judgment, New York courts often require you to show that you have a defense to the original claim. This could involve proving that you do not owe the alleged debt or that the plaintiff failed to follow legal procedures.
Steps to Vacate a NY Default Judgment
If you're seeking to vacate a NY default judgment, here are the general steps to follow:
Consult an Attorney: Before taking any action, it is highly recommended to consult with an attorney experienced in New York civil litigation. At the Law Offices of Michael W. Goldstein, we have helped many clients vacate NY default judgments by identifying valid grounds for dismissal and preparing persuasive motions.
File a Motion to Vacate: You will need to file a motion with the court that issued the default judgment, explaining the reasons why the judgment should be vacated. This motion must include supporting evidence, such as proof of lack of service, excusable default, or a meritorious defense.
Request a Hearing: After filing your motion, the court will often schedule a hearing to review the arguments. This is your opportunity to explain your side of the case and why the default judgment should be vacated.
Follow Court Instructions: If the court decides to vacate the NY default judgment, they may give specific instructions or conditions, such as filing an answer to the original complaint within a certain period. It is important to adhere to these deadlines and requirements to avoid any further issues.
Dismiss NY Default Judgment vs. Vacating It
It’s important to understand the difference between vacating and dismissing a default judgment. When you vacate a NY default judgment, the case is reopened, and you have the opportunity to defend yourself against the original claim. On the other hand, dismissing a default judgment means that the case is entirely thrown out, which is more difficult to achieve unless there are significant legal errors or the plaintiff voluntarily dismisses the action.
Legal Assistance to Vacate or Dismiss NY Default Judgment
The process to vacate or dismiss a NY default judgment can be complex, requiring strong legal arguments and proper documentation. It’s essential to work with an experienced attorney who understands New York civil procedure. At the Law Offices of Michael W. Goldstein, we specialize in defending clients against default judgments, ensuring their legal rights are protected. Whether your goal is to vacate the judgment or dismiss it entirely, we can help you pursue the best possible outcome.
If you are facing a default judgment or have questions about legal remedies, including specific performance matters, our specific performance lawyer NY is available to provide expert legal guidance.
Act Quickly to Protect Your Rights
A default judgment can have serious financial consequences, but the law offers ways to fight back. If you need to vacate a NY default judgment, don't wait. The longer you delay, the more difficult it can become to overturn the court's decision. Contact the Law Offices of Michael W. Goldstein today for a consultation, and let us help you regain control of your legal situation.
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clarkelawpa · 8 days
Protecting Assets with a Florida LLC
A Florida LLC (Limited Liability Company)  protects assets in several ways.  First, an LLC. like a corporation, protects its members' personal assets from the LLC's debts.  If, for example, a creditor obtains a judgment against the LLC, it can only recover against the amount that each member of the LLC has invested.  The LLC members’ personal assets are not exposed.
Another asset protection advantage of a multi-member LLC is that it is a "charging order protected entity." This means that a judgment creditor of an LLC member can only receive a charging order—a lien on distributions the member might receive from the LLC—rather than forcing the sale of the member’s interest.  If the LLC members agree in advance that all of them must consent to distribute profits to a member, they can frustrate the efforts of a creditor to collect on a  charging order.   Note that charging order protection does not apply to a single-member LLC.
What is a Florida Limited Liability Company?
Florida LLCs are flexible corporate entities.  One or more members invest assets into the LLC and then receive profits or losses from the LLC’s business operations.  The LLC can be managed by its members, or the members can designate a manager to run the LLC (the manager may or may not be a member of the LLC).
LLCs are governed by the Florida Revised Limited Liability Company Act (Chapter 605, Florida Statutes). An LLC must be registered as either member-managed or manager-managed. Chapter 605 sets forth default rules on the rights and duties of the LLCs members and managers. 
The LLC members may but do not need to  execute an operating agreement to precisely define how the LLC will function. The operating agreement typically addresses: how the business will be run, rights and duties of members, and how profits are distributed.  In order to take advantage of the asset protection benefits of an LLC, it is crucial to have a properly-drafted operating agreement in place.
How to Form a Florida LLC
Forming a Florida LLC requires filing Articles of Organization with the Florida Division of Corporations, paying a filing fee (currently $125), and appointing a registered agent.  You can file Articles of Organization electronically, and the turnaround time is rapid.
Pursuant to Florida law, an LLC must file a report annually and pay the applicable fee (currently $140) in order to remain in good standing.
Transferring Assets to an LLC
When deciding which assets to transfer to an LLC, distinguish between safe (exempt) and unsafe (non-exempt) assets. Homestead property for example, is considered an exempt asset in Florida.  Your judgment creditors can not impose a lien on your homestead property, so it is already protected, and should not be transferred into an LLC. Check out our article on Florida homestead creditor protection here.
Instead, businesses, investment real estate, and other non-exempt properties should be placed in LLCs. To reduce collection risks, it’s advisable to place each unsafe asset in its own LLC.  
Collections of  Florida LLC
 Generally, creditors have limited ability to collect against a debtor’s Florida LLC interest. A creditor cannot seize or garnish an LLC membership interest, nor garnish the LLC’s financial accounts or real estate.  
Florida Statute 605.0503 provides that a judgment creditor’s sole remedy against a debtor member of a multi-member LLC is a "charging order.”   This charging order allows the creditor to receive any distributions that the LLC makes to the debtor. However, if the LLC does not make any distributions, the creditor receives nothing. A well-drafted operating agreement can give the debtor the ability to veto distributions and otherwise prevent creditors from participating in management.  
It is important to note that single-member LLCs do not enjoy the same level of protection as do multi-member LLCs.  In Olmstead v. F.T.C, 44 So. 3d 76 (Fla. 2010), the Florida Supreme Court held that a creditor may foreclose on a debtor’s interest in a single-member LLC.  The court determined that the purpose of Florida’s statutory charging order protection for LLCs was to protect the interests of the non-debtor members of an LLC from debtor-members’ creditors. It therefore held that a creditor could foreclose on a debtor’s entire interest in a single-member LLC if a charging order did not prove to be an adequate remedy.
A member’s interest in a Florida Limited Liability Company (LLC) is considered personal property. This is true regardless of where the LLC was established.  This means that, if a creditor obtains a judgment against a member of a foreign LLC who resides in Florida, it may collect against his LLC interest in a Florida court. For this reason, forming an LLC in another state or country is not usually an effective strategy to avoid your creditors.
 Protecting Assets When You Are the Only Member of the LLC
One strategy to get charging order protection while maintaining exclusive control over your LLC is as follows: Create a Florida Limited Liability Limited Partnership (LLLP), which also has charging order protection, alongside your LLC. In this structure, you would be one member of the LLC, and the LLLP would serve as the second member. You would then get enhanced asset protection while maintaining dominion over your assets. The only drawback is that you would be responsible for the fees and paperwork of two entities on an annual basis.
LLCs in Estate Planning
An LLC can also be an effective estate planning tool. You can avoid probate of your LLC interest by putting it into a trust or putting inheritance language in the LLC’s operating agreement. If you die without a succession plan for your LLC interest, that interest will become part of your probate estate.
In summary, a Florida LLC offers robust protection for personal assets and is a vital tool in both asset protection and estate planning. Proper structuring and careful management of the LLC are key to maximizing these protections.
Examples of LLC Asset Protection
Real Estate Investment Protected by Multi-Member LLC Jane owns an investment property in Florida, which she places in a multi-member LLC with her husband, who holds a 1% interest. After a tenant slips and falls on the property and sues for damages, the LLC is named in the lawsuit. Because the property is owned by the LLC, only the LLC’s assets—specifically, the investment property—are at risk. Jane’s personal assets, including her home, savings, and car, are protected from the lawsuit.
LLC Protecting Rental Income from Personal Judgment Sarah and her business partner, Mike, own a rental property through a multi-member LLC. The LLC’s operating agreement states that both members need to approve LLC distributions of profits to the members. Sarah is involved in a car accident unrelated to the business, and the injured party wins a judgment against her personally. The creditor obtains a charging order against Sarah’s distributions from the LLC but cannot force a sale of the rental property or seize the LLC’s assets. As long as the LLC decides not to distribute profits, Sarah’s investment remains protected.
Improperly Commingled Personal and LLC Assets Tom owns a small retail store through his LLC but fails to maintain a clear distinction between his personal and business finances. He regularly uses the LLC’s bank account to pay personal bills. When the business faces a lawsuit, the court “pierces the corporate veil” because Tom did not treat the LLC as a separate entity. As a result, the LLC’s limited liability protection is lost, and Tom’s personal assets are now at risk to satisfy the judgment.
In summary, the protections afforded by charging orders, particularly in multi-member LLCs, offer robust defenses. By structuring your LLC strategically, you can maximize asset protection and minimize the risk of a creditor collecting against your LLC interest.
 Call asset protection attorney John Clarke at (954)556-8952 for assistance with protecting your assets!
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Need To Conduct a Real Estate Title Search in Bethlehem and Easton, PA
Investing in property is an oft-done task across the nation. While many US citizens may harbor the dream of owning their first home, others may want to resale the existing property. Sure, real estate transactions are complicated processes that must be done meticulously to ensure the legal rights of all concerned parties.  Conducting a thorough title search in Bethlehem and Easton, PA, is essential to ensure the property transaction closes perfectly. Trying to do it without the required knowledge and expertise will likely be ineffective. It makes sense to hire a legal professional or a title company to get it done flawlessly.
Sure, many people are confused about this aspect and question its need. It is interesting to note that a title search involves checking the public records for accurate information about the ownership of the said property. The records may include uncovering the facts by reviewing existing mortgages, deeds, judgments, tax liens, easements, and any other documents that may affect the property’s title. Moreover, the history of all transactions resulting in a change of ownership by inheritance, sale, or transfer can provide a clear line of the title.
While it is not necessary to do anything once a professional takes on the onus of doing a title search, the prospective buyer/seller may be interested in understanding the process as well.
Title Search Process
Knowing that the procedure is done by ensuring the following steps:
1. Placing a request to a title company or a real estate attorney
2. The professional will examine all relevant public records, including but not limited to the county courthouse records, tax assessor’s office records, and other official databases
3. The search may also involve reviewing surveys, maps, and other documents related to the property
4. Generation of a title report or abstract of title that summarizes the findings
5. The report is handed over to the seller/buyer for review
Reasons for conducting a title search
There are varied reasons for requesting a title search, and the following are deemed necessary:
· Necessary to protect the interests of both the buyer and the lender to ensure real estate transactions
· All potential problems with the property’s title are discovered early in the process
· The investor gets to avoid hugely expensive legal disputes by receiving a report of clear ownership of the property
· Lenders find the title searches to be important to assess the risk of financing the purchase
· The lenders may request the investor to buy title insurance as a prerequisite for getting the loan
The importance of title searches cannot be overestimated as they serve as a critical step in facilitating smooth, error-free,  and secure property transactions
The concerned title company may go a step further and handle all associated services on behalf of their client, thus ensuring proper settlement services in Allentown and Lehigh Valley, PA, followed by the successful closing of the transaction.
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bpp-law · 10 days
Pre-Bankruptcy Judgment Liens in Louisiana:
One of the most important tools in any creditor’s chest is the judgment lien. When recorded in the mortgage records, the judgment acts as a lien on any immovable or real property owned in the parish where recorded. Judgment liens often sit for years when an account is otherwise uncollectible. That is until the creditor’s attorney receives the coveted payoff request from a title company.
When a debtor tries to sell or refinance the property, the title company is obligated to do a title abstract that will reveal the judgment lien which must be paid off during the closing. Because of this invaluable collection method, it is prudent to search for available assets and record the judgment in those parishes, accordingly.
But what happens to the lien when a debtor files for bankruptcy? Generally, liens pass through bankruptcy intact following the discharge. Per 11 U.S. Code § 522(f), when a pre-bankruptcy judgment lien impedes on the exemption of the debtor, the debtor can have the lien avoided. Creditors have options under certain circumstances, though.
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columbianewsupdates · 19 days
New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyer Daniel Straffi Explains the Impact and Process of Judgment Liens in New Article
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smithmark71421 · 8 months
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We understand that navigating the complexities of credit can be daunting, and we are here to provide you with personalized solutions that go beyond the ordinary! Our story is of passion, commitment, and an authentic desire to empower individuals on their journey to financial success.
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cwprocess · 23 days
How to eFile and eRecord an Abstract of Judgment in California
Filing and recording an Abstract of Judgment in California is a crucial step for creditors seeking to enforce a court judgment. The process begins with the eFiling of the Abstract of Judgment, a document that outlines the details of a court judgment and creates a lien against the debtor's real property. To eFile, you'll first need to prepare the Abstract of Judgment form, which can be obtained from the California Courts website or your local courthouse. Ensure that the form is completed accurately, including essential details such as the names of the judgment creditor and debtor, the case number, and the amount of the judgment.
Once the form is prepared, you'll need to submit it through an electronic filing (eFiling) system. California courts use various eFiling service providers, so check with your specific county to find the correct portal. Typically, you'll upload your completed Abstract of Judgment form and any accompanying documents to the eFiling system. Some courts may require a fee for eFiling, which can usually be paid online during the submission process. After eFiling, the court will review and, if approved, issue a conformed copy of the Abstract of Judgment.
The next step is to eRecord the Abstract of Judgment with the county recorder's office. This step is crucial as it makes the judgment lien public and enforceable against the debtor’s real property. Similar to eFiling, eRecording is done through an electronic system provided by the county recorder’s office. You’ll upload your conformed Abstract of Judgment and pay any applicable recording fees. Once recorded, the lien becomes effective, and the debtor’s real property will be encumbered by the judgment. This process ensures that your judgment is legally recognized and enforceable across the county.
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vanita95 · 25 days
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Buying a Used Boat in Jacksonville: The Importance of a Thorough Marine Survey
When it comes to buying a used boat in Jacksonville, one of the most crucial steps you can take is to hire marine surveyors jacksonville. Marine surveyors jacksonville are experts in assessing the condition of boats and can provide valuable insights that can help you make an informed decision. Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting is one of the leading marine surveyors in Jacksonville Florida. With their expertise and experience, Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting can help you navigate the process of buying a used boat with confidence. Before you purchase a used boat, it's essential to have a thorough marine survey conducted by marine surveyors jacksonville. A marine survey will assess the overall condition of the vessel, including its structure, systems, and safety features. During a marine survey, marine surveyors jacksonville will inspect the hull, decks, and superstructure of the boat for any signs of damage or deterioration. They will also check the integrity of the boat's electrical and mechanical systems to ensure they are in good working order. In addition to assessing the physical condition of the boat, marine surveyors jacksonville will also review the boat's documentation and history. This can include verifying the boat's ownership, identifying any outstanding liens or debts, and confirming that all necessary permits and certifications are up to date. By hiring marine surveyors jacksonville to conduct a thorough marine survey, you can avoid potential pitfalls and costly surprises down the road. A comprehensive marine survey will provide you with a detailed report outlining any issues or concerns that need to be addressed before finalizing the purchase. When choosing marine surveyors in Jacksonville Florida, it's important to select a reputable and experienced company like Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting. Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting has a proven track record of providing accurate and reliable marine surveys that give their clients peace of mind. Whether you're buying your first boat or upgrading to a larger vessel, enlisting the services of marine surveyors jacksonville is a wise investment. By having a professional assessment of the boat's condition, you can make an educated decision and negotiate any necessary repairs or adjustments before completing the sale. Don't let the excitement of buying a used boat cloud your judgment - protect yourself by hiring marine surveyors jacksonville to conduct a thorough inspection. With their expertise and attention to detail, marine surveyors jacksonville can help you make an informed decision and ensure that your new boat is seaworthy and safe for use. In conclusion, when it comes to purchasing a used boat in Jacksonville, hiring marine surveyors jacksonville is essential. By enlisting the services of experienced professionals like Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting, you can rest assured that your investment is sound. Don't take any chances - schedule a marine survey today and sail away with confidence.
marine surveyors jacksonville
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Filing a Suit for Judgment: Process and Considerations
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How does Marcadis Singer, PA secure successful legal judgments for creditors?Marcadis Singer, PA leverages comprehensive legal expertise and meticulous pre-trial preparation to secure favorable judgments in debt collection cases. By crafting detailed complaints and providing vigorous courtroom advocacy, they position creditors for decisive legal victories. The Assurance of Legal Excellence in Judgment Suits Securing fair courtroom verdicts mandating debt payment requires comprehensive legal capabilities. From drafting negotiable demand letters to presenting irreproachable evidentiary arguments, Marcadis Singer, PA dedicates top-tier talent and resources to filing judgment suits. This ensures masterful legal representation that furthers creditor recovery interests. Visualizing Victory in the Courtroom Meticulous pre-trial preparation by Marcadis Singer, PA yields smooth complaint filings that outline indisputable payment delinquencies. They utilize vigorous motions to limit defendant delay tactics, followed by irrefutable oral advocacy that cements plaintiff claims. This proactive case craftsmanship removes obstacles obstructing favorable creditor rulings, demonstrating the proven Marcadis Singer difference. Case Studies of Winning Judgments Marcadis Singer, PA has a robust track record representing national lenders, institutional investors, Fortune 500 companies, and small businesses alike. Their success in securing favorable judgments is reflected in their impressive statistics: - 83% clerk-issued default judgments - 92% courtroom success rate - $47 million in secured judgments under management Act Now to Secure Your Financial Verdict Let Marcadis Singer, PA position your unpaid debt case for decisive legal victory through expert lawsuit filing and shrewd in-court advocacy. Contact us online or call (813) 288-1881 to discuss how we can guide your claim to a winning judgment and secure rightful compensation. Legal Disclaimer This article presents general information only and does not constitute legal advice. Individual filing time limitations, procedural rules, and creditor suit qualification factors vary by jurisdiction, significantly impacting case eligibility and projected success rates when seeking legal judgments. Outcomes are never guaranteed. Consult experienced legal counsel specializing in creditor matters to evaluate the utility of judgment suits before taking action based on the information provided here. Frequently Asked Questions about Judgment Suits in Debt Collection What is a judgment suit? A judgment suit is a legal action taken by a creditor to obtain a court order requiring a debtor to pay a specified amount of money. This is often pursued when other collection efforts have failed. How does Marcadis Singer, PA prepare for a judgment suit? Marcadis Singer, PA conducts thorough pre-trial preparations, including detailed complaint filings and strategic motions to minimize delays. Their experienced attorneys provide strong courtroom advocacy to secure favorable outcomes for creditors. What are the benefits of securing a default judgment? A default judgment is issued when the defendant fails to respond to the lawsuit. This typically results in a quicker and more straightforward resolution for the creditor, allowing them to enforce the debt without prolonged litigation. Why choose Marcadis Singer, PA for judgment suits? With a proven track record and high success rates, Marcadis Singer, PA offers expert legal representation tailored to creditor needs. Their commitment to thorough preparation and effective courtroom strategies positions them as a leading choice for securing favorable judgments. References FLORIDA’S NEW “JUDGMENT LIEN IMPROVEMENT ACT - Judgment Read the full article
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publiclossadjuster · 2 months
Collecting After a Judgment: Key Steps to Secure Your Funds
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Congratulations on winning your judgment! Now comes the critical phase of actually collecting the money owed to you. Navigating this process requires a strategic approach and a good understanding of the legal procedures involved. Here are the key steps you should take to ensure a successful collection:
Step 1: Obtain a Certified Copy of the Judgment
The first crucial step is to obtain a certified copy of the judgment from the court where your case was decided. This document serves as official proof of the court’s decision in your favor, and it provides the legal basis for your collection efforts.
Step 2: Identify The Debtor’s Assets
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Before you can start collecting, it’s important to identify the assets of the debtor. This includes bank accounts, real estate, vehicles, and any other valuable possessions. This information will help you determine the best course of action for collection.
Step 3: Send a Demand Letter
A demand letter is a formal written request for payment sent to the debtor. It outlines the amount owed, the judgment details, and a clear deadline for payment. Often, this step can lead to a voluntary payment without further legal action.
Step 4: Consider Wage Garnishment
If the debtor doesn’t respond to the demand letter or is unable to pay the full amount upfront, you may explore wage garnishment. This involves obtaining a court order to have a portion of the debtor’s wages withheld and sent directly to you.
Step 5: Bank Levy
In some cases, you may choose to levy the debtor’s bank accounts. This involves obtaining a court order that allows you to take money directly from their bank account to satisfy the judgment.
Step 6: Property Liens
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If the debtor owns real estate, you can place a lien on their property. This means that if they try to sell or refinance, the debt must be satisfied before the transaction can proceed.
Step 7: Post-Judgment Interest
In many cases, you’re entitled to collect interest on the judgment amount. Be sure to check the laws in your jurisdiction to determine the applicable interest rate.
Step 8: Stay Persistent, But Compliant
Persistence is key in collecting a judgment, but it’s crucial to remain compliant with all legal requirements. Any attempts to collect that violate the law can have serious consequences.
Step 9: Consult With a Professional
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If you encounter challenges during the collection process, it may be beneficial to consult with a collection agency or an attorney experienced in judgment collection. They can provide expert advice and assist in navigating any complex situations that arise.
Remember, each situation is unique, and there may be specific laws and regulations that apply to your case. For more detailed information and personalized guidance, visit judgmentcollection.org.
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