#Licht theater
micheltaanman-blog · 2 years
Frankrijk- Bordeaux - Magisch licht theater- waanzin
Frankrijk- Bordeaux – Magisch licht theater- waanzin
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victorluvsalice · 1 month
Dishonored 2 OST Main Theme (Daniel Licht) [Extended] by TragicFX
Welcome to actual Song Saturday, where I have yet more Dishonored music for you! Specifically, this is an extended version of the Dishonored 2 main theme, which I first encountered on that "Blades In The Dark"-themed YouTube playlist I mentioned yesterday and immediately decided I loved. :D It's just so cool! And, as you might expect given how I found it, I have decided it has awesome Valicer In The Dark vibes. Though unlike most of the songs/music I have on my playlist over on YouTube, this one doesn't really make me think of any specific moments of them being badass. Instead, it just feels like a good overall theme for the AU itself -- like, it encapsulates their world and their particular version of Duskwall. I mean, if it's good enough for Dishonored 2, it's good enough for me! :) Think of this as what would be the opening titles music of each "episode" of the series if it was a TV show or something. Just some tunes to get you in the right mood for everything!
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𝗪𝗮𝘁 𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝘃𝘂𝘂𝗿𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗸 𝘃𝗮𝗻 𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝘀 '𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗼𝗶 𝗘𝘅𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗹' 𝗶𝗻 𝗭𝘂𝘁𝗽𝗵𝗲𝗻!
N-Joy Pictures Fotografie was erbij en genoot van al het theater, de muziek, de rook en de lichten.
De stad bruiste van energie en de sfeer was magisch.
Wil jij De Parade ook zien? Check dan mijn foto's!
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BUILD: H. Licht Fine Photography by antiqueplumbobs // CC SETS: The Aesthete by @chere-indolente (For Lawrence), and At The Theater by @chere-indolente (For Winifred). Thank you for both for your wonderful contributions to the historical simming community! This shoot would have been nothing without you!
Lawrence and Winifred stop by a photography studio before heading off to the Haymarket Theatre in London to attend the debut of A Woman of No Importance by the popular (and beloved by the Baudelaire's) playwright Oscar Wilde.
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all-my-worlds-a-stage · 10 months
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@bluespring864 tagged me in this. thank you <3
ok, ich beschränk mich jetzt mal auf die, an denen ich tatsächlich manchmal arbeite, und bei denen ab und zu sowas wie ein progress zu sehen ist XD
WI Summ, Summ, Summ
LieHaf_Teil4_ So oder so ist das Leben
Theater AU
WN Licht
tagging @carlomenzinger @khalaris @kathastrophen @gleamingsilence @fallingforfandoms and @iiiflow no pressure, though, obviosuly <3
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thenovelartist · 2 years
Modern AU headcanons - Ikemen Prince
Upon rereading my Costco Calamity story, I began to wonder about the circumstances of all the characters in a modern universe, and now, here we are.
This all started when Emma met Sariel at an urgent care waiting room at eight in the evening.
Rio had fallen down the stairs, bashing his head open. Leon had hurt his arm in a multi-brother wrestling match. 
Five stitches, one concussion, and a broken arm in a cast later, Sariel and Emma jokingly traded numbers.
Look, it was a rough night, and they just wanted a drink, but they couldn't get that drink until all the children were KO-ed in bed. 
They did, however, chat for two hours that night, each holding their own glass while complaining about raising boys and life in general.
Flash forward a year and a half, and they found themselves hitched. 
How that happened, and so fast, they didn't really know but neither was complaining. 
They live in a huge, three-level house out of town with five acres of property. 
They need it for these boys.
They have a gravel parking lot for all the cars. Their house looks like a used car lot.
There's also a building in the back, completely disconnected from the house, which is the office building. It's very convenient to not have to drive away to go to work, considering the house of boys Sariel is in charge of.
The boys have split the house into two sections: the attic and the basement. 
Of course, they don't get these whole areas to themselves. Half of the attic is the game room, with a pool table, ping pong table, and card table. Half the basement is the movie theater.
Otherwise, the bedroom portion of the attic was claimed by Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, and Luke.
And the bedroom portion of the basement holds Jin, Leon, Yves, and Licht. 
Each comes with its own challenges. The attic faction is dying of heat stroke in the summer. The basement faction is freezing in the winter. 
Rio, on the other hand, is the only one with his own room, much to the envy of some of the brothers.
Never mind it's a closet on the main level and the smallest room in the house. It's big enough for his bunk bed, a desk underneath, and a chest of drawers. 
Sariel and Emma also live on the main level, in the newly renovated master bedroom that Sariel had expanded when Emma moved in.
It's chaos, but they make it work. In the end, they are family...
Even though more often than not, there is murder in the air.
Used to be the secretary of a financial group, but upon his boss' passing, he got the company
... and custody of his boss' eight sons.
Sariel was already close enough to his late boss to know all about these boys. 
Part of his job as secretary was keeping an eye on these boys whenever they came into the office. Even though babysitting shouldn't have been part of his duties, money was tight and he needed a job, so he'd take what he could get and not complain.
Henceforth, since Sariel had been babysitting these boys since he was in high school, he felt like he could take this on. 
But actually being the parent to these boys... holy crap, he should have run.
He'd completely given up on any thought of being married (not that it had interested him, per se) due to his demanding job and his now eight adopted sons. 
But then Emma came and wormed her way into his heart. So he tricked her into marrying him.
It was the meanest, dirtiest thing he's ever done, and he regrets none of it. 
Does pamper Emma whenever he can, though, to make up for the fact he dragged her into this hell and kept her there with a multiple-carat amethyst ring.
He tries to be a doting husband in the midst of all this. 
And even though he insists it will NEVER happen... secretly has considered what having a baby with Emma would be like. 
Emma (Belle)
An editor for a publishing company. 
Ironically, even though she was a sucker for romance, never really considered it for herself. 
Even less so when she adopted a runaway boy spontaneously one day.
It just broke her heart to watch this crying boy out in the rain. She took him in with the intent of getting him back home, but when she discovered his guardian had died in a car accident, she instantly decided to take him in.
He'd already grown fond of her in that short time things were getting sorted out, anyway. There was no way she could see him being okay with leaving. 
So, her focus was on her work and being a good mom to Rio. 
And that was it. No relationship in sight... until she met Sariel.
She didn't mean to fall, but somehow, she ended up doing so. 
Some of her friends were worried she'd made a mistake, marrying a guy with eight unruly sons like that. 
And there were times she wondered just what she'd been thinking, considering that her life could turn into living hell in a flash.
But underneath it all, Emma was very happy to be married to such a great man. 
And even though she's in her thirties and knows her time clock is almost out... she has wondered once or twice if she could talk Sariel into having one of their own. (And with any luck, a girl.)
Runaway who left after a family disaster. He really didn't want to go back.
So he was more than happy to hide with the nice lady who took him in. It was far better than being lost and hungry out in the cold.
Was just as surprised to hear about the car accident as she was.
When she offered to adopt him, he cried. 
And from then on, swore he'd be the best son ever. 
But then, his mom got married. (He was happy for her, and he liked Sariel well enough.)
And he got eight brothers as opposed to the one he used to have long ago. He was a little overwhelmed. 
When they first merged households and he got to choose where he slept (attic or basement), he slept on the couch in the living room.
Hence why Emma insisted they clean out the storage closet on the main level so he could have his own space, even if it was small.
Sariel agreed and forced the rest of the boys to agree since he was the odd brother out. 
Actually does decently in school. 
Not in any clubs but does take piano lessons. (He also somehow squeezed a keyboard in his room.) 
Rarely lets anyone into his room. (And Clavis and Nokto are both perma-banned.) But does occasionally let Chevalier in when he needs a place to hide from Clavis. 
Maid of the house.
No, really, that's his job, and he's paid for it. Because heaven knows how well everyone else cleans up after themselves.
When it comes to driving, he picked it up rather quickly. Emma was surprised at how comfortable she was with him behind the wheel. 
He's one of the safest drivers in the house.
He's the firstborn and feels the responsibility of helping Sariel with everything when Dad died, even though he was very young at the time.
He always made sure everyone was fed and cared for. 
Has a special relationship with Sariel because of this; Sariel always treated Jin as an adult rather than a kid since the day he took the boys in.
Despite that, he knows Sariel feels guilty for leaning on him so heavily and forcing him to grow up so fast.
However, that guilt has allowed him to escape being lectured about school, which he does moderately okay in. As long as he passes his classes, he's safe.
Also free from lectures about why he's not involved in extra-curricular activities. 
Unless you count being the responsible one in the house, helping out wherever needed, and keeping an eagle eye on all his brothers. That's a full-time job. 
He was the first to learn how to drive. Sariel was happy he got to start with Jin, because while he wasn't the easiest (that was Chev), heaven knows there's SOME boys who are going to be hell down the line.
When he gets his license and earns enough money working as Sariel's secretary to get a car, every brother suddenly becomes his best friend. 
And only because Sariel asks so nicely (and reimburses him for the gas) Jin becomes the unofficial chauffeur of the house. 
Skipped a grade in school, so youngest but scariest in his class.
Valedictorian. Captain of a private fencing club. 
Avid reader. Any free time he had was spent reading. 
The librarians knew him personally. He recognizes all of them but can't recall their names. 
Has a ton of elite fencing awards but doesn't display them. They're all packed away to make as much room as possible for books.
Has hideaways around school and home to read in private. 
And while he regrets putting himself in Rio's debt, does go hang out in Rio's room frequently enough. 
Doesn't mind when Rio plays piano when he's in there, either. Actually, it's quite nice.
Learning to drive was a very low-key experience. Sariel got lucky with teaching him since he picked it up fairly quickly, but anything involving the DMV was just a living hell for Chev. (The waiting. The incompetence. The... interesting people.)
But once he gets a car, he's free to drive to private places to read.
He finds it very special... for one year until Clavis starts following him.
Theater nerd. Fight me.
He loves building the sets and doing backstage stuff as much as he loves acting and being the center of attention. 
If he IS on stage, the actors have to prepare because at some point, he will send that script flying out the window and they're forced to improvise the next fifteen minutes. 
The crowd always loves it, though.
In school, he does well enough, but the entire class knows who this clown is. 
And so do the staff. They wish they didn't. 
At home, he's a terror. 
They all know to watch their step and keep an eye out for whatever trap he's pulled this week.
And when it comes to driving...
Someone pray for Sariel's soul. Emma got in the passenger's seat one time before insisting it was solely Sariel's responsibility. 
Takes him a little longer to get his license, as he almost failed once, but once he does... hell on wheels. 
The police soon know this license plate by heart. 
They wish they didn't.
Student council president and vice president of the volunteer club.
If he can interact with the community at large, he's there for it. 
Popular in school because he's connected with so many clubs and groups. 
And somehow, keeps his grades really high, as well.
If he was not homecoming king at least once, then I'd like to meet the kid who beat him.
Generally well-loved, except when it comes to racing his motorbike down the dirt roads. The neighbors always know it's one of the kids from that one house.
However, when it comes to driving a car, his skills translate fairly well. 
Although he's a bit of a speed demon, so Sariel constantly has to remind him to ease off the gas.
First one with a speeding ticket. (Clavis's tickets are other traffic violations... that he usually talks himself out of... somehow.) 
From then on, he's always willing to drive everyone around whenever he gets the chance. Jin is more than happy to let Leon play chauffeur now.
The moment he was old enough to help in the kitchen, he basically never left. 
He put himself in charge of baking all birthday cakes, festive holiday treats, random afternoon snacks, and regular dinners between one to three times a week depending on how busy things are. 
He took one cooking class in school.
Hated it because it was so boring and he knew everything already. 
After that incident, it was Emma who encouraged him to start a cooking youtube channel. 
Insists he hates it. Posts one video a week diligently without fail.
It actually becomes his job. 
And he manages to do that and keep his grades fairly high.
Emma helps him write a cookbook and get it published. 
Driving... is, er... loud. 
Little road rage king. Heck, he's yelled at everything from potholes to stop signs.
And loves his horn. 
But manages to keep his temper under control to get his license.
Part of the same fencing club as Chevalier. Also has a ton of awards he never displays.
He is the only one who owns a pet in the house. And that's because Sariel has a soft spot for him. 
Has a horse that he takes full responsibility for. 
Very thankful because he's allowed to ride it away for some peace and quiet. 
Does pretty well in school, too. Keep his grades high, and the teachers love how quiet he is.
He did not care to get his license when he came of age. But then he realized that if he learned to drive, he'd be able to pull his horse trailer on his own. 
That was his sole motivation. 
Sariel is very patient with Licht, as he's a good driver. But then comes the extra step of teaching Licht to drive a truck with a trailer attached. 
So, actually, he spent the most time training Licht out of everyone.
But as consequence, Licht soon becomes one of the only ones trusted to drive the RV, as well.
He hates it, though, and will only do it if forced.
Yeahhhh, class clown. He likes the attention.
Yet, somehow does really well in school, which just infuriates the teachers. 
Infuriates them further because he's also on the debate team and, dammit, he's good.
Please don't hate me for this; I don't think this is doing him dirty...  He's a cheerleader.
He rubs in guys' faces that he's caught more girls than any other guy in the school.
He's also dated half of the squad. And is the guy who all the girls vent to about their boyfriend problems. 
Also was homecoming king, but that was a surprise to him. 
He went to every single dance, with a different girl each time.
He definitely spiked the punch at least once. (Blame Clavis for getting him the booze.)
When it comes to driving, he was more motivated than his brother.
And yet, it took him longer to get the hang of it, meaning the twins got their license at the same time even though Nokto started earlier.
Luke only came to them after their dad died. 
Two-year-old Luke was found on the doorstep after his mother rang the doorbell and ran.
He's still got some trauma from it, doesn't like being left alone, but Emma soon became his new mom, and he settled in.
Kinda an unmotivated kid. 
But everyone else does something. So throwing him in karate it was.
Enthusiastic about it? Not really. Good at it? Yes. 
So he'll stay there just 'cause. 
Mediocre about school. 
And the same about driving. 
As the youngest, he was happy being a professional passenger.
Took him until he was seventeen to even find the motivation to start the book-learning portion.
And that was only because everyone was pushing him to do so. 
Has run so many stop signs and parks like shit. 
It's a wonder he hasn't caused an accident. 
He'll get his license before he hits nineteen, though. 
And his poor, beat-up green Jeep is (thankfully) the last car to join the house's overflowing parking lot. 
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unddervorhanggehtauf · 7 months
3. Macbeth
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Ich bin jetzt wohl in meiner Shakespeare-Era. Und weil ich nicht sicher bin, ob ich Macbeth in der Schule lesen musste oder nicht, bestelle ich mir zur Vorbereitung auf den Theaterabend eine gebrauchte Ausgabe, die ich dann in der Zeit bis zum Vorstellungsbeginn doch nicht komplett lesen kann. Erfreulicherweise enthält sie Spoiler, die an den Seitenrand gekritzelt sind. „Er wird schizophren!“ steht da und „Am Ende vom Buch…“ Ich höre die Spotify-Playlist „Songs Lady Macbeth would vibe with“ und mache das Buzzfeed-Quiz „Who said it – Taylor Swift or Shakespeare?“ Das muss als Vorbereitung reichen.
Auch die Welt von Macbeth ist eine sich drehende Scheibe, eine beeindruckende allerdings. Sie teilt sich in ein Helles und ein Dunkles. Ein schwarzes Gebirge und eine weiße Burg, in Schatten und Licht. Liegt also zunächst die Vermutung nahe, dass sich das Gute und das Böse so einfach voneinander trennen lassen, verschwimmen die Grenzen irgendwann, erhält das Unsagbare in beiden Welten Einzug. Während seine Lady schon radikal überzeugt von der Sache ist, muss Macbeth erst noch ein bisschen überlegen, ob er eigentlich wirklich will, was er tun soll, muss er wirklich? Ja, er muss. Macbeth permanent begleitet von drei Hexen, die einen das Fürchten ganz neu lehren. Die Hexen, die da sind, auch wenn nicht da sind, die einem den Rücken zukehren, deren Blick einen trotzdem durchbohrt. Und während man also davorsitzt und dabei zusieht, wie da einer schizophren wird, hört man drei Stimmen wispern.
Macbeth oder wie der Shakespeare unserer Zeit, Taylor Swift sagen würde: „They say I did something bad. But why's it feel so good?“ Lady Macbeth gefällt das.
Als wir das Theater verlassen, stürmt eine junge Frau an uns vorbei und schreit „Das war schrecklich.“ „Ach“, denke ich, „Naja.“ In Teilen war es vielleicht ein bisschen lang und ein bisschen ungewohnt. Aber was ist Theater, wenn es einen nicht ab und zu an die Grenzen bringt.
Das erste Mal nicht alleine im Theater, auch schön. Habe darüber nur vergessen, ein Foto zu machen
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born-to-lose · 9 months
Hiii check out this local theater actor's first single, it's in German but it slaps (and they sing clearly enough for you to understand if you're just learning the language) 😘
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friedrich-denker · 1 year
Es wäre gelegen 
Noch einmal darüber zu überlegen
Kein Platz zu finden unter dem Lichte
Wenn das eigene Leben sich düster lichte
So viele Worte zu sagen 
An den fremde Tränen sich zu nagen 
Viel zu oft erkoren zum Höchsten 
Und doch nieder des Selbst am Nächsten 
Sie sagen Worte in des Hall 
Singen Verse Oden unter dem drückenden Schall
Es wird nichts bleiben 
Alles Restliche der Welt sich zu verleiben 
Erde gibt, schenkt und nimmt
Zurück zur schwarzen Erde winden und trimmt
Schon in ein paar Generationen deinen Namen vergessen 
Enkel und Urenkel werden sich ohne dich an dieser Welt satt essen 
Furcht und Sturz 
Mut des Lebens so kurz 
Angst sich einnehmen 
Lügen nieder zu benehmen 
Kapitel und Geschichten 
Sich werden in Zukunft ohne dich richten 
Ist es der Schmerz der wird siegen ?
Ohne die Liebe des Nahen sich zu wiegen ?
So oft teilen Leider dieses Schicksal 
So viele gibt es von Ihnen 
So oft gesehen und gehört
So oft geschehe dieser Akt
Was bringe Menschen dazu , zu diesem Schritte ?
Sich schwingen an einem neuen Phönix zum letzten Ritte ?
Der Phönix sich stetig neu erfinde und gedeihe
Aber der eigene Leib sich versande unter Myrre Weihe 
Glocken läuten zum Gedächtnis 
Doch die formelle Sünde sich verneige dem Vermächtnis
Ist der Selbstmörder ein Mörder, gar des Bösen ?
Oder ist er mutig sich der Lebenden zu lösen ?
Ein alter Mann stirbt und wird selig
Ein Selbstmörder dirbt und verdient wenig 
Zur des eigenen Geschichte sich alles darum Rinde 
Wie es geschah der letzte Akt der Bühne im gehässigen Winde 
Real und ehrlich sein 
Wie des Abends guter Wein
Doch das wahre Leben eine Lüge sei 
Einzig ehrlich sei die Geburt und der Tod nicht zum Schein 
Theater und Muse , Darstellung und Wendungen 
Begräbnis und Ruhe, Verstellung und Blendungen 
Am Ende wird er abseits des Heiligen begraben 
Selbst die heilige Kirche sich wird damit verraten 
So stehe es um die Gunst der Freitoden 
Sie zählen nicht zum Reiche der Toten und zu diesem Boden 
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kon-konk · 1 year
I find it funny how in side materials (especially the CDs) it's like Tsubaki puts up with Lawless because it means he can hang out with Licht
If the trade-off to hang out with a cool dude who totally is down to fuck shit up when the opportunity arises is also hanging out with his theater kid bf who happens to also be your big bro, I think that's a pretty solid trade
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alanlicht · 1 year
New release: May 99 by Charles Curtis, Alan Licht, and Dean Roberts
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Never-before-heard 1999 recordings now on vinyl LP and download, available from Blank Forms and/or my Bandcamp page.
In the spring of 1999, Charles Curtis, Alan Licht, and Dean Roberts brought an unconventional mix of drone, improvisation, and experimental rock on an eleven-stop tour of Europe. The concept was straightforward, yet novel: each night, they would improvise a single piece while sustained sine waves played for the duration of the concert. May 99, culled from three shorter pieces recorded for a radio program at Amsterdam’s VPRO near the end of the tour, represents an early high watermark in the collision of minimal and rock sensibilities that started to become prevalent in the late 90s and is an ear-opening listen even for those familiar with the musicians’ other projects. May 99 combines resonant sine waves in the style of eminent downtown New York composer La Monte Young’s Theater of Eternal Music with scratchings, scrapings, and warblings produced by Licht and Roberts’s guitars, Curtis’s cello, and a variety of electronics. Just as sine waves hold together these sundry improvisations, a shared tendency toward the minimalistic—Licht’s performances with the Blue Humans, collaborations with Loren Connors, and solo guitar records; Roberts in the band Thela and his solo project White Winged Moth; and Curtis performing with Young and his own Trio—brought together three musicians with very different backgrounds, creating fertile ground on which they generated the album’s unclassifiable sounds. Cello: Charles Curtis Guitar: Alan Licht Electronics: Dean Roberts 
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bettinawerner · 1 year
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E.T.A. Hoffmann
Thalia Theater, Januar 2023
Regie: Charlotte Sprenger, Bühne: Aleksandra Pavlović, Dramaturgie: Julia Lochte, Licht: Christiane Petschat, Musik: Philipp Plessmann & Nick McCarthy nach Anna Calvi
mit: Merlin Sandmeyer, Toini Ruhnke, Pascal Houdus, Gabriele Schmeide, André Szymanski, Clara Marie Pinter / Josephine Weber, Liam Adamsberger / Jonathan Happe, BO Thun / Emil Rustige / Valerio Asteri Murat
Live-Musik: Nick McCarthy, Philipp Plessmann, Theresa Stark/ Lisa Wilhelm
Fotos: Emma Szabó
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Wat een vuurwerk van een avond was 'Convoi Exceptionnel' in Zutphen!
N-Joy Pictures Fotografie was erbij en genoot van al het theater, de muziek, de rook en de lichten. ✨✨✨
De stad bruiste van energie en de sfeer was magisch.
Wil jij De Parade ook zien? Check dan mijn foto's!
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marillian-flowers · 2 years
Gedanken zu Edward II - pt. 1 : some thoughts in general
Auf dem Hinweg geht eine Person neben mir her und ich fühlte schon so ne gender connection. Wie sehr ich mich gefreut hab, dass die Person mit mir zum Theater ging. Queer people go to theatre! 🌈
im Programm wird Didier Eribon zitiert! Ohne André würde ich Édouard Louis nicht kennen, ohne Édouard wiederum Didier nicht. Und dass ich grad erst das neue Buch von Édouard gelesen hab, es passt einfach alles zusammen. Es gibt keine Zufälle! (Danke Christoph Marzi für diesen Satz, der mich schon fast mein halbes Leben begleitet!)
Ich mag den Bau vom Volkstheater sehr. Es fühlt sich ein wenig wie eine altes Industriegebäude an. Sind wohl auch noch nicht so lange dort (vorher in einer alten Turnhalle laut dem Mann neben mir). Die Farbkombi innen aus mint-grün, saffran-gelb und einem dunklen Blau ist echt schon, ebenso wie der Innenhof samt Restaurant.
Der Saal ist an den Seiten mit vielen kleinen Lampen beleuchtet, die in der Wand eingelassen sind. Das Licht ist sehr warm und es fühlt sich kuschelig an.
Drehbühne my beloved!
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aoihono96 · 2 years
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2022/09/17 - Kikuchi Shuuji’s Twitter Post
Stage play ‘Fire Force‘
- Rescue from Nether -
The first day has arrived safely!!!
Thank you very much to everyone who came!! 
From tomorrow onwards, as Licht*,
I’ll do my best to support this production and everyone from the 8th Division!!
If you have time, we’ll be waiting for you at the theater!!!
Source: twitter
* Kikuchi Shuuji is playing the role of Viktor Licht, the former head of incendiary research at Haijima Industries, and the scientist of Special Fire Force Division 8, in the stage play ‘Fire Force - Rescue from Nether’ 
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devosopmaandag · 2 years
Deze week zag ik met vriendin A de theatervoorstelling 'De jaren'*, gebaseerd op het gelijknamige boek van Annie Ernaux, en enkele dagen later 'She said'**, de film over twee journalistes van The New York Times die onderzoek doen naar Harvey Weinstein. Eerder las ik het boek van Ernaux en langer geleden zag ik documentaires over Weinstein en over Jeffrey Epstein. Feit, fictie, werkelijkheid, kunst – vrouwenlevens.
Ik las het boek in grote bewondering. In een ingehouden stijl schrijft ze over haar eigen geschiedenis, die ook de geschiedenis van Frankrijk is en andersom, kortom: een collectieve autobiografie. Zij doet dat met precisie, zachtheid en scherpzinnigheid. Het boek appelleerde vooral aan mijn reflectieve aard. De gebeurtenissen in haar andere boeken zijn rauwer, emotioneler, maar altijd geschreven in haar onmiskenbaar eigen stijl, die sommigen misschien als koel omschrijven. Het toneelstuk, in de regie van Eline Arbo, was het tegendeel: in ruim twee uren speelden vijf actrices van uiteenlopende leeftijden samen de vrouw van het boek. Niets werd geschuwd: verkrachting, masturbatie, abortus, moederliefde, verlangen, angst, spotternij, euforie, bezinning. Alle theatrale middelen werden ingezet: er werd wonderschoon gezongen, rook ingezet, licht, muziek, nepbloed, tafelkleed na tafelkleed werd beklad, bemorst, bevlekt. Ondanks mijzelf misschien wel, maar vooral dankzij de spelers en de regie, werd ik meegesleurd een vrouwenleven in. Na afloop was ik enigszins uitgeteld – en zeer onder de indruk.
Dan was er die goed vertelde, niet sensationele film, waarbij ik vaak moest denken aan documentaires over Weinstein en Epstein, waarin een lange rij van vrouwen vertelden over wat zich binnenskamers bij die twee machtige mannen afspeelde; verhalen die weerzinwekkend zijn en op een bepaalde manier ook stompzinnig. En hoe die gebeurtenissen hun leven bepaalden. Ze zeggen ook iets over de soms onvermijdelijk lijkende kwetsbaarheid van vrouwen en over hoe wel erg veel mannen hun macht laten gelden en die in zijn lelijkste vorm tegenwoordig 'toxic masculinity' heet.
Ernaux zet haar kunstenaarschap, haar gevoeligheid en haar intellect in om niet slachtoffer te zijn maar de protagonist in haar eigen leven. Een verkrachting op jonge leeftijd, een pijnlijke abortus, hopeloze relaties met een getrouwde man en een veel jongere man, de bekrompenheid van haar jeugd, de opwinding en idealen van '68, de daarop volgende deceptie, het consumentisme, de ouderdom, dat alles vormt het materiaal om haar verhaal te vertellen, om te zeggen: dit is de vrouw die ik ben. Maar niet iedere vrouw is een Ernaux.
* 'De jaren' | regisseur Eline Arbo 2022 | Het Nationale Theater | naar het boek van Annie Ernaux | vertaling Rokus Hofstede | met Hannah Hoekstra, Nettie Blanken, Tamar van den Dop, Mariana Aparicio en June Yanez.
** 'She said' | regie Maria Schrader 2022 | scenario Rebecca Lenkiewicz | met Carey Mulligan en Zoe Kazan 
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