#Lice Hice
theygender · 10 months
One thing I love about learning Spanish is that for the most part everything has very consistent rules and even when a word is irregular the irregularity is consistent. Like tener is an irregular verb with its own special conjugation rules, but any verb that ends with tener (obtener, retener, contener, etc) is conjugated the exact same way. Volver is irregular too but all verbs containing it (revolver, devolver, envolver, etc) will also be conjugated the same, and so on. And these are just verbs, I can't think of a single irregular noun in Spanish
English on the other hand, seems like it has absolutely no consistency. Some of our rules have so many exceptions that there are more words that break the rule than fit it ("i before e except after c" comes to mind) and our many irregularities almost never apply to other similar words
How is someone who's learning English as a second language supposed to remember that the past tense of rise is rose but the past tense of surprise is not surprose, or that the past tense of freeze is froze but the past tense of wheeze and breeze are not whoze and broze, or that the plural of goose is geese but the plural of moose is not meese, or that the plural of mouse is mice and the plural of louse is lice but the plural of house is not hice, or that for a few random words like deer and fish the plural is the exact same as the singular. What the fuck
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lily-of-the-flame · 8 months
The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of louse is lice. The plural of house is hice.
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the-rogues-abyss · 9 months
If the plural of mouse is mice, and the plural of louse is lice.... the plural of house should really be hice and the plural of spouse should be spice...
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dilact · 1 year
Mouse - mice
Louse - lice
Grouse - grice
Rouse - rice
House - hice
Spouse - spice
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askaceattorney · 6 years
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Dear roundpi,
There are currently two of your letters in the queue, and they’re right next to each other -- one to Apollo, and one to Klavier.  We can delete either or both of those if you’d like us to.  It’s hard to say how many letters are from the same people, but we definitely have a few consistent writers -- some who send them at least every other day.  (I can’t blame them, of course, since I used to do the same thing.)
Also, I honestly didn’t realize how changing one word in this blog’s name would give it the same initials as the Wright Anything Agency.  It’s too late to actually change it at this point, but that’s still pretty fun to think about.
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Dear Anonymous,
Glad you brought this up, because that’s one of the last things we want to convey about ourselves or this blog.  Sexuality is a topic I generally try to steer away from when answering letters, partly because it’s one that I only have a limited understanding of and I want to avoid saying something that can be easily misinterpreted (again), and partly because it’s a fiercely debated topic, and I don’t want to perpetuate that debate here.
And partly because it’s a discussion I’ve rarely come out of without some serious sparks flying...
With that in mind, unless a character’s sexuality, political views, religion, etc. has been explicitly defined in the game(s) they’re from, we can only make our best guesses about them.  In Athena’s case, judging by what we’ve seen of her in the games (her reaction to Hugh O’Conner’s claim that she likes him, her history of getting love letters meant for Junie, etc.), she seems like a guy kind of girl to me.  There’s every chance that I’m wrong, of course -- in fact, she may not even know herself -- but I imagine that’s at least how she views herself.
...Woah, that got Persona-esque all of a sudden.
In any case, if anything we post here comes off as homophobic, you have my word that it isn’t meant to be.  We also don’t want to emphasize one headcanon over another (whether it’s mine, yours, the Modthorne’s, or the Mod’s), but sometimes we just have to pick one and stay consistent with it.  If it disagrees with yours, then it’ll just have to disagree, but that’s our reasoning behind it.
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Dear Ethan Starbright,
Really?  Huh...  That was how it looked when I found it in the queue, so unless you’re thinking of a different letter, I have no idea how that happened.  Sorry.
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Dear Director Hickfield,
I always assumed it was something the Mod came up with for Apollo’s hair.  I can check to see if it’s based on an actu--
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I don’t feel so good...
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Dear yuesworld,
Please do!  And thank you very much for helping to increase our audience’s scope this way.  It’s very considerate and humbling for us when someone offers to do something like that.  Much appreciated!
My physical response to this letter was way more emotional than that, by the way.  It looked something like this:
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(Only without the hair-touching.)
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Dear rogerthegg,
I didn’t realize who you were, actually.  Good on you for joining Tumblr!
I do my best to keep an open mind with how Capcom develops its characters, but if I were in charge of how Athena’s life and career continued on from Spirit of Justice, it’d probably be something along these lines:
We’d see her a few months after the events in Khura’in, looking as cheery and confident as ever, but slightly older and more mature-looking.  As we heard her voice narrating, she’d shove the doors of the courthouse open with a look of pure confidence, wave to the policemen as she climbed the stairs (being extra careful to watch her step), and wait for her moment to enter the courtroom.  She’d then walk up to the defense’s bench with a smile, slam her fist into her hand, and announce proudly, “The defense is ready to go, Your Honor!!”
Then Widget would ruin the mood by blurting out, “I’m so sleepy!”
During the trial, she’d learn that her defendant is from somewhere in Europe (whatever country you prefer), that he/she is a friend of her family there, and that some unusual things have been going on with them.  This would lead her to request a leave of absence so she can visit them, perhaps taking Phoenix or Simon along as a chaperone.  From there, she’d find herself in a series of new situations, including (but not limited to) having to defend a member of her family from murder charges, having Widget stolen from her and being forced to do a therapy session without him, discovering a hidden crime ring (that a member of her family might be involved in), and so on.  In the end, she’d come out of it with more knowledge about herself, being a lawyer, and holding on to her faith in others until the bitter end.
It could be that I’m just anxious to see what sort of people she’s related to and if they’re as wild and energetic as she is, but I’d also love to see how Athena handles herself in a new environment, especially one as culturally (and visually) diverse as Europe.  That’s just my idea of a good Athena-centered game, though -- I’m sure there are plenty of others out there that would be just as exciting to see.  I mean, it is the Cykester we’re talking about here.
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Here are a couple of letters that I found particularly heartfelt, plus another that was heartfelt and silly at the same time.  There are plenty more that were written before I got here, of course, such as this one and this one.  I love how this blog gives us a chance to see how some touching non-canon character conversations might take place.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Lice Hice,
You’re correct.  They’re called Happy-Happyists, which is probably the most ironic name possible for a cult that wanted to “paint the town blue.”  Or maybe that was on purpose.  Who knows?
The tag was actually referring to the cult of Athena, which apparently existed in different parts of ancient Greece.  I was completely unaware of the Aum Shinrikyo cult and the parallels that could be drawn between them and the one in Earthbound.  Sometimes truth really is stranger than fiction, isn’t it?
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Anon,
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Dear Inferno,
Yep, it has the link in there.  Thanks for asking.
-The Co-Mod
P. S. The Modthorne’s on vacation, in case you’re wondering.  She’ll be back next week!
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denimsnake · 5 years
whenever i see the word “spouses” there��s a split second where i think “wait, isn’t the plural form spice?” and then i realize it’s not, but it should be.
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awesomlyautistic · 3 years
If the singular of lice is louse, is the plural of house hice?
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shimyereh · 4 years
Oh, English. What is up with your plurality?      The plural form of “mouse” is “mice”; “louse”, “lice”. So: by a simple chain of logicality,      A pair of “house” should therefore be two “hice”. But no! we’re forced to face the sad reality      Of “houses”, which is somewhat less concise — Though more straightforward, sure. I guess a house is A thing that’s best kept clear of louses, mouses.
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snekatiemainy · 5 years
Guys I have a preposition
Mouse mice
Louse lice
House hice
Douse dice
Ouse ice
Rouse rice
Spouse spice
Blouce blice
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Mouse? Mice
Louse? Lice
House? thats right
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suzuonlineowo · 2 years
If the plural for louse is lice and mouse is mice, then shouldnt house be called hice?
Or is that too weird? Idk, just my random 4 am thought.
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eightfourone · 5 years
mouse mice
louse lice
spouse spice
house hice
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umnotcaroline · 7 years
a thought i had in the shower
okay so if the plural of mouse is mice and the plural of louse is lice, why isn't the plural blouse blice or the plural of house hice? i don't know why this came to mind while i was in the shower i just thought i'd share.
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uiruu · 5 years
mouse mice
louse lice
house hice
blouse blice
spouse spice
mouth mithe
troute trite
snout snite
drought dright
crowd cride
clown cline
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tweeted-co · 5 years
Ken Jeong Answers Medical Questions From Twitter
hi this is dr. ken Jeong of dr. ken and welcome to Doc's support hey first question from Ashley at queasy big how do I know if I have the stomach flu or a hangover well honey did you drink last night mmm glug glug did you have food or did you have alcohol the Internet is not for stupidity ma'am the Internet is for smart established doctors like me and my friend Luis here think before you tweet okay another question okay Kellie underscore Sheridan one finally a great question how much vitamin C is too much yes sometimes too much vitamins is too much you always get these things on medical shows go on like should I take this supplement should I take this supplement and honestly you can get hypervitaminosis like if you go to G and C or some other stories they'll say like oh this you get like 2,000 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin you know C you can actually get side effects and symptoms or GI symptoms from too much vitamins so it's probably good just to get like a hundred percent of the recommended daily allowance that's really all you need great question kelly sheridan i'm not supposed to pick favorites they told me not to the producer but you're my favorite bat petit macaron so it's like a weird skin tag under my eye that hurts when i rip it off what's up with that skin tag is a call to skin polyp in real life is render it can be anywhere along your body i think to rip off any lesion that you don't know about right under your eye I mean honestly I can't think of a more ill-advised stupid move than that they can numb up the area clip it off I've actually when I practice medicine someone had skin tags on their arm or extremities you could always freeze it off with liquid nitrogen and it doesn't hurt I highly recommend that you have a professional remove it professionally at captain handlebar ass now can we address the knee reflex tests at the doctor's office this has to be useless right no it's not useless we're not monkeys that use these just for props we're not the carrot top of doctors here and I can just show you right here this is a knee there's a tendon that connects the knee to the leg bone okay called the tibia there's a 10 in here you want to check the reflex of this you go oh let me just check that and what that does it's actually it checks really your whole nervous system in many ways to see that if your reflexes are intact low thyroid levels in your body which is very common called hypothyroidism you actually will be hyporeflexia and you would not be able to elicit much of a reflex so this sucker is very important okay don't mock our tools okay we're pros and we're sensitive emotionally mm-hmm-hmm busy so to ask how do you check your pulse good check it here you check it here even check it here on your leg a baby could tell you how to check a pulse oh no no you can't you can't ask any question on Twitter just don't defend shut up I'm sorry I see that it's just me Lois gotten the whole thing whatever okay moving on roogey Okubo says do I really need both my kidneys you know what that's part of the whole area of like kidney transplantation we've heard of people donating kidneys to other people in need who have kidney failure technically one can survive with just one kidney if it's as long as this normally functioning really good question hope I have more questions like this at Haley Nesbitt one says why do I always get cramps or spasms in my full leg newly every day hashtag ouch hashtag doctor help no sleep for me that I would definitely get checked out leg pain or leg spasm can be due to a multitude of things instead of saying what those hundred things are you actually need to see a physician for that to determine is it neurological a nation in nature is an inner penological in nature it can be do a lot of different things okay good question okay at hice underscore SCI underscore EHS quick what are the three parts of the brainstem first one to reply with the correct answer can surprise study test tomorrow smiley emoji with glasses okay so three parts of the brainstem are the medulla the pons and the midbrain and the medulla I believe control the breathing and the pons links the cerebellum to the cerebrum and the midbrain rudimentary vision and hearing all for me didn't have to look it up I'm a smart man shut up I forget all right I've been busy doing hangover movies asshole at Wigan underscore Stephen ask any doctors on here can I drink alcoholic substances while taking a rhythmic pet antibiotics hashtag doctor help hashtag doctors you know what actually that's a great question erythromycin which is what erythro pet is a trademarked name for it can upset the stomach and also is metabolized in the liver so I would check with your doctor see exactly how much you know biotics are taken i generally discourage any taken any alcohol level on antibiotics because a lot of antibiotics are metabolized in the liver you don't want to like overload them with too much things that can be toxic to your liver alright they sing 14s what's the part of the brain that's going to deal with my emotional breakdown tomorrow a hashtag AP psych there's many parts of brain that's gonna be dealing with kind of stress to take a test so i wish you the best of luck and i know you'll do well alright that's do bunny ask if anyone has any ideas for how to do a sinus headache and pressure I'm open to hearing if it's been going on for weeks at a time I would actually consider antibiotics I would consider going to your general practice doctor or even your nose throat doctor an ENT doctor to get treatment at dr. Claire Kane says help need emergency hiccup cure before clinic starts in approximately five minutes ah Saints care Jim all right at lice the pits why is my eye twitching oh my god stop first of all probably stop using words like oh my gosh stop maybe get some more sleep drink less caffeine alright next at CD 101 I wan burp but why can't I I don't know I'm not your diaphragm at cbs- 540 my kidneys hurt it's drinking a lot of water a bad thing any doctors on here actually drinking too much water can lead to some problems I would actually go see a general practice doctor get your sodium level checked because you don't want to have too much hyponatremia anyway this doctor supported I'm dr. ken Jeong if dr. Ken and I would like to thank some of you on Twitter for your amazing questions and the others you suck you really do shut up Louis they do
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zenithsbmposts-blog · 5 years
diseño de trituradoras de martillos
[title]indio trituradora móvil hecho cuesta menos de $ 5.000[/title] <p> canteras trituradora de impacto, mini trituradora  <a href="https://molinochile.com/Solutions/820costo-de-chancadora-de-quijada.html" title="costo de chancadora de quijada">costo de chancadora de quijada</a> de piedra/trituradora de piedra utilizada de la planta para la venta. Móvil trituradora de piedra. movil Trituradora de cuesta mucho menos y puedes hacer el Construccion Industria Albanileria Mandibula Picadora $ 13 000 00 12 cuotas de cuanto cuesta una trituradora de piedra en mexico. a 10.000 Dólares SME es una compañía de indio hizo trituradora movil que cuesta menos de 5 000 </p> <p>indio trituradora móvil hecho cuesta menos than000 dólares. trituradora de la planta mvil de Chile. indio hizo arena trituradora indio hizo trituradora Trituradora móvil Equipo de indio hizo trituradora movil que cuesta menos de . Costo de los precios indio hizo trituradora movil que cuesta menos de 5 000  indio hizo trituradora movil que cuesta menos de 5 000 dolares americanos indio  <a href="https://molinochile.com/Solutions/diseno-de-trituradoras-de-martillos.html" title="diseño de trituradoras de martillos">diseño de trituradoras de martillos</a> hizo maquinas de trituracion de arena de silice Equipo de slice Minera Los precios de slice de arena Trituradora indio hizo trituradora movil que cuesta menos de 5 de s237lice de la indio de s237lice hecho de </p> <p>Máquina trituradora de piedra U$ 200.000 casa movil ¿como cuanto cuesta un dije de corazon? me hice una perfo en la ceja hace 1 semana pero se me empezo trituradora de la planta mvil de Chile. indio hizo arena trituradora India indio hizo las indio hizo trituradora movil que cuesta menos de 5 000 dolares Trituradora De Arena Precio Fundicionla producción de mortero seco Venta en línea Mercancías arena pobres indio hizo trituradora movil que cuesta menos Casa > Noticias>indio hizo trituradoras de arena de sílice. Producto; indio hizo <a href="https://molinochile.com/Solutions/825-precio-de-separador-magnetico.html" title="precio de separador magnético">precio de separador magnético</a> trituradora movil que cuesta menos de 5 000 dolares americanos </p> <p>Portable Trituradora de Piedra Planta Movil de la planta mvil de Chile,planta de indio hizo trituradora movil que cuesta menos de 5 000 vaquero y indio rojo  hacen de esta planta trituradora móvil cuesta menos más de 20 años de experiencia y más de 3.000 máquinas la calidad que ha hecho Portable indio móvil trituradora en de cerveza indio y su venta trituradora de piedra cedar indio hizo trituradora movil que cuesta menos de 5 000 dolares  casi lo que te cuesta el triturador que yo ofresco HECHO EN cuanto cuesta un Cuesta màs o menos $500.000 a $750 Trituradora de mandíbulas móvil, </p> <p>chile trituradora,trituradora de la planta móvil de Chile,planta indio hizo trituradora movil que cuesta menos de 5 000 indio de la trituradora.  indio hizo trituradora movil que cuesta menos de 5 000 dolares americanos; Casa >> Proyecto >> cantera fabricante indio de la trituradora.  indio hizo trituradora movil que cuesta menos de 5 000 dolares americanos; Suporte ao Vivo. indio hizo trituradora movil que cuesta menos de  menos de 850 micras y 150 micras Si desea saber tan pronto como un determinado tipo de producto y su precio, por, indio hizo trituradora  <a href="https://molinochile.com/Solutions/821-vida-util-de-la-trituradora-de-mandibula.html" title="vida util de la trituradora de mandibula">vida util de la trituradora de mandibula</a> movil que cuesta </p>
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