#Liam the new comer
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belencha77 · 3 months ago
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Esta mañana me desperté con un torbellino de preguntas. ¿Quién ocupa mi corazón por completo? Mis sentimientos están en caos. Con Liam, me siento segura y amada, pero lo mismo ocurre con Drake, quien es increíblemente tierno conmigo, algo raro para él. Me pregunto si mis sentimientos hacia él son solo amistad o algo más profundo.
Lamento haberle pedido a Drake que se alejara. La separación ha dejado una sensación de incertidumbre, especialmente con Sara en el panorama. Aunque oficialmente Drake no está con ella, temo que pueda tener algún sentimiento por ella.
Liam, por su parte, está a punto de casarse con Madeleine en un mes. Si no encontramos a Tariq pronto, perderé a Liam para siempre. Mi situación es desesperada, y sigo sin saber a quién quiero. La confusión me atormenta.
Después de desayunar con Drake, paseamos por Nueva York, disfrutando de un respiro del drama de la corte. Me sentí libre y auténtica, sin la presión de mantener una fachada noble. En una boutique, le pedí a Drake que probara un atuendo. Aunque inicialmente se mostró reacio, aceptó con la condición de que le compraría un trago. Al verlo en el atuendo, me sorprendió lo atractivo y sexy que se veía, lo que lo dejó algo sonrojado. También le mencioné que saldríamos esa noche con mis dos mejores amigos. Aceptó el plan con buen humor.
Cuando fuimos a visitar a mi madre, Drake me acompañó hasta la clínica. Al entrar, decidí no mencionar que había conocido a mi padre para no añadir más preocupaciones a su carga. Mi madre se veía más débil que hace dos días, pero Amanda dijo que mi presencia le levantó el ánimo y logró comer algo.
Las horas pasaron y llegó el momento de irme. Me acerqué a ella, notando cómo su semblante reflejaba una tristeza profunda, casi palpable, como si el peso de sus temores la oprimiera.
|| Mamá, ¿te pasa algo? || pregunté, mi voz temblando con una mezcla de preocupación y temor.
|| Hija, estoy feliz de haberte visto de nuevo || respondió con una voz débil, casi susurrante. Sus ojos, nublados por la emoción, se llenaron de lágrimas que no lograba ocultar || Pero, sobre todo, me reconforta saber que me has perdonado por todo el daño que te causé. Creo que con eso podré morir en paz ||
Las palabras de mi madre me golpearon como un puñetazo en el estómago. La realidad de su inminente partida me abrumó con una pesadez insoportable. Aceptar que pronto la perderé para siempre es difícil, y el dolor se mezcla con el arrepentimiento por el tiempo perdido entre nosotras.
|| Mamá, por favor, no digas eso || le pedí, mi voz quebrándose mientras tomaba su mano en la mía. Las lágrimas fluían libremente por mis mejillas, incapaz de contener el torrente de tristeza que me embargaba || ¡Piensa que aún podemos disfrutar lo que nos queda! ||
Su expresión se tornó más serena, aunque su debilitado cuerpo parecía estar al borde del agotamiento. La fragilidad en su rostro revelaba un cansancio profundo, pero también una paz resignada.
|| Cariño sé que me queda poco tiempo. Creo que sería mejor que regresaras con tu rey y lucharas por ese amor. No lo pierdas... Trata de limpiar tu nombre || me dijo, con una sonrisa débil en el rostro.
|| Mamá, no pienso dejarte sola en estos momentos. Pase lo que pase, tú me necesitas ahora || dije, llorando. Ella acarició delicadamente mi rostro, su toque lleno de ternura.
|| Te amo, hija, de verdad y de todo corazón. Siempre lo hice, pero nunca supe cómo decírtelo en voz alta. Perdón por no habértelo dicho antes || sus dulces palabras parecían surgir desde lo más profundo de su corazón. Me acerqué rápidamente a ella y la abracé con fuerza.
|| Yo también te amo, mamá, y mucho... No quiero que me dejes. Dime que tendremos más tiempo juntas || le dije, sollozando. Mi madre acarició mi cabello, pero no respondió. Sabía que no podía prometer nada, porque su vida ya no estaba en sus manos || Voy a quedarme contigo esta noche || le aseguré. Justo en ese momento, Amanda entró en la habitación.
|| Riley, cariño, es momento de que te vayas. Desafortunadamente, tu tiempo se ha acabado. Te mantendré informada de cualquier cosa, ¿de acuerdo? Tu madre necesita descansar || dijo Amanda con amabilidad.
|| Amanda, creo que me voy a quedar hoy || respondí, mirando a mi madre y tomando su mano || No puedo dejarla sola ||
|| Hija, no es necesario. Ve a descansar... Es lo mejor || mi madre me miró y sonrió. Miré a Amanda, quien asintió con la cabeza.
|| Está bien, mamá. Hasta mañana || dije, y le di un gran beso en la frente antes de marcharme. Me despedí de Amanda y me dirigí hacia la puerta. Justo cuando estaba a punto de salir, me encontré con un médico que se disponía a entrar a la habitación de mi mamá. Decidí aprovechar la oportunidad para preguntar cómo se encontraba realmente || Doctor, antes de que entre... ¿podría hacerle una pregunta? || Le dije.
|| Claro, señorita. Dígame || respondió amablemente.
|| Puede ser sincero y decirme cuál es el estado real de mi mamá. ¿Cómo ve usted su enfermedad? || pregunté con preocupación. Rápidamente, vi una sombra en sus ojos, lo que me indicó que no eran buenas noticias.
|| Para ser honesto, la situación es bastante grave. Los medicamentos ya no están teniendo el efecto esperado. En cualquier momento podría ocurrir un paro cardiaco o el colapso total de su organismo. Lo único que podemos hacer en caso de dolor extremo es administrarle morfina, pero más allá de eso, nuestras opciones son limitadas. Su cáncer está en una etapa terminal || dijo con voz grave y compasiva.
Sentí que mi alma se partía al escuchar esas palabras. El cáncer la había consumido por completo y nadie podía hacer nada.
|| Y... ¿Cuánto tiempo cree que le queda? || pregunté con miedo.
|| No puedo darle una respuesta exacta. Podría ser hoy, mañana, o quizás dentro de una semana o un mes. Desafortunadamente, eso no está en nuestras manos determinar. Lo que puedo aconsejarle es que aproveche al máximo cada momento que le quede con ella || me dijo con sinceridad y empatía.
Mi alma estaba destrozada, hecha pedazos. Sinceramente, no sé cómo actuaré si mi madre muere. Tuvimos tan poco tiempo juntas...
Al llegar al hotel, me sentía agobiada por la inminente pérdida de mi madre, así que planeé una salida con mis mejores amigos y Drake para distraerme.
Le envié un mensaje a Michell confirmando nuestra cita en el 1OAK a las 9 p.m. y le recordé que ya le había enviado los tickets. Michell estaba emocionada por la salida y ansiosa por conocer a Drake.
Luego, recibí un mensaje de Drake, preocupado por no haber tenido noticias mías. Le expliqué que mi madre sigue en cuidados paliativos y que necesito distraerme. Le recordé que nos veríamos a las 8 p.m. en el lobby del hotel y le pedí que usara el atuendo nuevo. Drake se mostró comprensivo y esperó con ansias la noche.
Con los planes confirmados, me sentía un poco más animada, esperando disfrutar de la noche y despejar mi mente del dolor y la incertidumbre que me rodeaban.
Tomé un relajante baño y, envuelta en mi bata, revisé mi maleta para elegir mi atuendo. Opté por un vestido ajustado de terciopelo negro que realza mi figura con elegancia. El escote en forma de corazón destaca mi cuello y hombros, y la falda, ligeramente ajustada, cae con gracia hasta la mitad del muslo. Complementé el look con tacones de aguja negros y pendientes de plata que brillan a la luz. Me miré al espejo y el resultado fue perfecto para la noche. Necesitaba distraerme y tratar de olvidar lo que estoy viviendo.
Llegó el momento de salir y despejar mi mente. Bajé por el ascensor y, al salir, vi a un apuesto caballero cruzado de brazos, esperando en el lobby del hotel. Era Drake, quien había añadido una chaqueta negra a su conjunto de jean gris y un jersey de cuello alto tipo Henley color vino, que acentuaba por completo sus músculos.
A medida que me acercaba a él, sentí las miradas de admiración que se posaban sobre mí. Mi presencia parecía magnética y, al notar la atención, Drake volvió a mirarme. Fue entonces cuando nuestras miradas se cruzaron. Sus ojos recorrieron mi figura con un destello de asombro, mientras su boca se abría en una expresión de sorpresa.
|| Brown… Wow… te ves… Wow || murmuró, claramente impresionado.
|| ¿Acaso te dejé sin palabras? || le pregunté con una amplia sonrisa, dejando ver mi picardía.
|| No sé cómo explicártelo, pero lo único que puedo decirte es que esta noche me siento afortunado y orgulloso de que me agarres del brazo || respondió Drake, su nerviosismo evidente mientras intentaba recuperar la compostura. Su rostro mostraba un rubor que no podía ocultar.
|| Oh, Drake, eres muy dulce || dije, dándole un beso en la mejilla, lo que también lo hizo sonrojarse || ¿Sabes? Me encanta cuando te sonrojas ||
|| Yo no me... tú estás... Brown, eres una sorpresa total || murmuró Drake, claramente nervioso y sin poder disimular su afecto.
Al llegar al club, me sorprendió la energía que emanaba del lugar. Las luces de neón iluminaban la entrada y el sonido de la música pulsante se filtraba a través de las paredes. Vi la larga fila de gente que esperaba pacientemente para conseguir una entrada, algunos conversando animadamente, otros revisando sus teléfonos. La multitud era una mezcla de elegantes y modernos, vestidos con atuendos llamativos que prometían una noche llena de diversión.
Mostré mi teléfono al guardia y, gracias a mis pequeñas influencias como persona algo "famosa," me dejaron pasar sin problemas. Sentí una oleada de emoción al cruzar la puerta. Dentro de la discoteca, el ambiente vibrante y lleno de vida contrastaba con la emoción que sentía al ver a Michell y Frank a lo lejos. Después de tantos meses sin verlos, mi corazón se aceleró al reconocerlos entre la multitud. Michell, al verme, no pudo contener su entusiasmo y corrió hacia mí, abrazándome con fuerza mientras gritaba con alegría:
|| ¡RILEEEY! ¡AMIGAAAA, CUÁNTO TE EXTRAÑÉ! Estás preciosaaaaaaaaaaaa ||
|| ¡MICHEEEEELL! || exclamé, tratando de contener las lágrimas de emoción que amenazaban con salir. Mi voz temblaba mientras me esforzaba por sonreír. Michell se rio, con esa risa contagiosa que solía llenar nuestras noches de diversión. Acarició mi rostro con ternura y me dijo:
|| Por favor, amiga, no llores; ¡el maquillaje! ||
Nos reímos juntas, justo como solíamos hacerlo en el pasado, cuando nos preparábamos para cualquier ocasión especial. Las lágrimas que querían salir se contenían mientras ambas tratábamos de recuperar la compostura.
|| ¡Cielos! Tienes razón, ¿dónde está el glamour? || le respondí, sonriendo mientras me daba cuenta de que tanto Drake como Frank nos observaban con curiosidad. Frank tenía una de las sonrisas más grandes que había visto, y su expresión era un reflejo de la calidez con la que me recibía. Mientras me miraba, simplemente sacudía la cabeza en señal de incredulidad, su sonrisa no hacía más que crecer. Me acerqué a Frank y le di un fuerte abrazo, sintiendo su afecto sincero || ¡Frank! ||
|| Nena, qué bueno es verte. Te hemos extrañado mucho || dijo Frank, su voz cargada de cariño. Nos abrazamos con fuerza, y de inmediato me invadieron recuerdos y anécdotas compartidas con ellos. La calidez del reencuentro me recordó cuánto los había extrañado.
|| También los he extrañado, chicos || Les dije, tratando de controlar mis emociones. Cuando finalmente nos separamos, tomé a Drake de la mano y lo acerqué para presentarlo || Amigos, les presento a Drake Walker. Él vive en Cordonia. Drake, te presento a mis mejores amigos: Michell Miller y Frank Smith ||
|| Es un gusto conocerlos || dijo Drake, extendiendo la mano con una sonrisa.
|| El gusto es nuestro, Drake || respondió Frank, sacudiendo la mano de Drake con firmeza. Michell, sin embargo, no dejaba de admirar a Drake, lo que me llevó a darle un codazo disimulado.
|| ¡OUCH! || exclamó Michell, dándome una mirada fulminante antes de volver a enfocarse en Drake || Qué gusto conocerte || dijo, sin extender la mano, sino que le dio un beso en la mejilla || ¿Entonces tú eres el mejor amigo guapo y sexy del Rey? ||
Drake abrió los ojos como platos, frunció el ceño y se quedó sin palabras, claramente desconcertado por el inesperado elogio. Frank, por otro lado, miró a Michell con una mezcla de resignación y diversión, poniendo los ojos en blanco con una sonrisa que decía "Ah, Michell y sus bromas".
|| ¡Michell! ¿En serio? ¡Estoy parado aquí mismo! || exclamó y todos estallamos en carcajadas. Drake, aún un poco aturdido, no pudo evitar reírse también mientras trataba de recuperar su compostura. Sentí una profunda calidez al ver cómo Michell y Frank acogían a Drake. La manera en que lo trataban y bromeaban con él, como si lo conocieran desde hace años, me hizo sentir aún más unida a ellos. Era como si la conexión que compartíamos no solo se mantuviera, sino que también se expandiera para incluir a alguien importante para mí.
|| Lo sé, amor, y lo siento… || dijo Michell con una sonrisa traviesa, lanzándole un aluvión de besos a Frank || Pero ahora, ¡solo tengo ojos para ti! ||
|| Espero que al menos me dejes algo de atención, ¿eh? || respondió Frank, bromeando mientras rodeaba a Michell con un brazo.
|| Claro, cariño, solo unos segundos para no parecer tan desconsiderada || le respondió Michell, guiñándole un ojo.
La escena quedó envuelta en risas y bromas, con Drake finalmente relajándose y uniéndose a la diversión. Me sentí agradecida y emocionada de ver cómo mis amigos habían aceptado a Drake con tanto cariño y naturalidad.
Toda la noche estuvo llena de baile, risas y charlas. Era como si el tiempo se hubiera detenido y todo volviera a ser como antes. Me sentía completamente en mi elemento, rodeada de mis amigos, sin la presión de críticas o miradas juzgadoras. De repente, la voz animada de Michell me sacó de mis pensamientos.
|| ¡Frank, quiero bailar! || exclamó Michell con entusiasmo, ya un poco borracha.
|| ¡No ya no más, estoy cansado! || respondió Frank con una sonrisa resignada. Pero, a pesar de sus quejas, Michell no se detuvo y lo arrastró hacia la pista de baile. Observé a Drake para ver si él también quería unirse al baile, pero…
|| Olvídalo, Brown. Yo ya no quiero bailar. Además, es hora de que me pagues el trago que prometiste ||
|| Tienes razón, está bien... Solo por eso te perdono que no quieras bailar conmigo. Vamos || le dije, sonriendo.
Drake me sonrió a su vez, y tomé suavemente su mano. Juntos nos dirigimos al bar. Al llegar, pedí dos vasos de whiskey al camarero. No tardó en servirnos, y cuando Drake tomó su vaso, lo miró como si fuera un tesoro.
|| ¡Wow! A esto puedo llamarlo la gloria || dijo, admirando su bebida.
|| Vamos, Drake, no exageres || respondí con una sonrisa.
|| ¿Exagerar? Brown, no he probado un buen whiskey en días, y esto es justo lo que necesitaba. Gracias por cumplir tu palabra || dijo, con sincera gratitud.
|| De nada. Recuerda que soy una mujer que cumple || Le respondí, mientras observaba cómo disfrutaba cada sorbo de su bebida. Cuando terminamos nuestras copas, Drake me miró con una expresión de interés.
|| Brown, honestamente, me encantó la bebida. Pero tengo una idea… ¿Por qué no vamos al área externa a tomar un poco de aire? ||
|| Ok, buena idea || acepté.
Después de que Drake pidiera un par de vasos más, nos dirigimos hacia una zona apartada de la discoteca. Cruzamos un pasillo iluminado con luces de neón y bajamos unas escaleras que llevaban a un área al aire libre. La transición del bullicio de la pista de baile a este rincón tranquilo fue un alivio. La música se atenuaba, y el ambiente se tornaba más relajado. La noche estaba fresca, y la vista desde allí era espectacular: se podían ver las luces de la ciudad parpadeando a lo lejos.
Encontramos unos taburetes cerca de una barandilla, donde nos sentamos a disfrutar de nuestras bebidas. El aire fresco contrastaba con el calor de la discoteca, y la calma del lugar nos permitió apreciar aún más la belleza del entorno.
|| No puedo creer que vaya a decirlo, pero hay mucho más en este lugar de lo que pensaba || exclamó Drake, mirando a su alrededor con asombro y satisfacción.
|| ¿A qué te refieres? || pregunté, con genuina intriga, intentando comprender la perspectiva de Drake.
|| La primera vez que estuve en esta ciudad fue durante la despedida de soltero de Liam, y sinceramente, las películas no le hacen justicia. Aunque Nueva York es enorme y bulliciosa, me encanta cómo la gente aquí no tiene miedo de expresar lo que siente, tal como lo hizo Michell || explicó Drake, con una sonrisa en los labios.
|| Bueno, ella es un caso especial, pero creo que esa sinceridad es parte del encanto de los neoyorquinos || respondí, sonriendo también, mientras me dejaba envolver por el ambiente relajado de la noche.
|| Gracias por traerme esta noche, Brown. Realmente necesitaba algo como esto || dijo Drake, con un tono sincero que revelaba su gratitud.
|| No tienes que agradecerme. En realidad, yo debería ser la que te agradece a ti por aceptar venir conmigo. Honestamente, creo que necesitaba un respiro... Mi mente está llena de preocupaciones en este momento || suspiré profundamente, el peso de mis pensamientos haciéndose evidente en mi voz || Me atormenta saber qué pasará con mi mamá, cómo será mi relación con mi papá... Si finalmente se acabará esta gran mentira que pesa sobre mí... Y qué pasará con Liam... ||
Al mencionar el nombre de Liam, noté que Drake desvió su mirada hacia el horizonte, donde un manto de estrellas brillaba a pesar de las luces de la ciudad. Su expresión se tornó seria, como si intentara comprender la magnitud de mi angustia.
|| Sé que Sebastián y Maxwell están haciendo todo lo posible para localizar a Tariq. ¿Por qué te preocupas tanto, Brown? Estás cerca de limpiar tu nombre. Deberías sentirte aliviada || dijo Drake, tratando de consolarme con un tono alentador.
|| Puede que te parezca fácil, Drake, pero ¿y si Tariq no aparece a tiempo y Liam termina casándose con Madeleine? Esa mujer es repugnante y solo busca el poder de la corona. ¿Sabías que ella y Regina hicieron un trato con Liam para asegurar mi regreso? || respondí, la frustración y el desánimo reflejados en mis palabras.
|| ¿Un trato? ¿A qué te refieres con eso? || preguntó Drake, frunciendo el ceño con confusión.
|| Regina se encargó de asegurar mi regreso a la corte sin problemas, mientras que Madeleine habló con Liam y le prometió que, si la elegía, ella permitiría que él mantuviera una relación conmigo. Es decir, Madeleine obtendría la corona y Liam podría tenerme como amante || expliqué, notando la creciente duda en el rostro de Drake.
|| No estoy entendiendo del todo || admitió Drake, visiblemente desconcertado.
|| Que ella permitiría que yo fuera su amante, Drake. A Madeleine no le interesa Liam en absoluto || aclaré, viendo cómo la incredulidad se asentaba en su expresión.
|| Ah, el acuerdo Cordoniano... Ahora entiendo de qué se trata. Pero, ¿qué dijo Liam al respecto? || preguntó Drake, intentando procesar la información.
|| Cuando discutimos esto, él estaba dispuesto a abdicar y renunciar a todo por mí. Liam estaba preparado para dejarlo todo atrás. Aunque me encantaría que nos escapáramos juntos, él tiene un deber con su pueblo y con la corona. No podía permitir que lo hiciera. Fue en ese momento cuando Liam me insinuó que fuera su amante || respondí, con un tono decidido.
|| ¿Liam te propuso eso? || preguntó Drake, con sorpresa y decepción || No puedo creerlo, Brown... Liam jamás me comentó sobre sus intenciones, ni me imaginé que se atrevería a ofrecerte algo así. Y dime, ¿supongo que aceptaste? ||
|| Drake, ¿quién crees que soy? ¿Acaso crees que aceptaría ser la amante de alguien? Absolutamente no. No importa cuánto me quiera Liam o la situación en la que esté, no voy a reducirme a ser la amante de nadie. Una cosa es estar comprometido, pero cuando se case, todo será diferente. No voy a aceptar ser la segunda opción || Respondí con firmeza, dejando en claro que, para mí ese no era un camino que consideraría bajo ninguna circunstancia.
|| ¿Y Liam estuvo de acuerdo? || preguntó con interés.
|| Quería que dijera que sí, pero respetó mi decisión. Aunque esperaba que lo reconsiderara. La verdad es que me siento perdida, Drake. El tiempo se está acabando y no sé qué hacer || respondí, mientras un pesado silencio se instalaba entre nosotros. Drake me observó atentamente, y justo cuando estaba a punto de hablar, él empezó a decir algo.
|| Parece que Liam sabe que tengo sentimientos por ti || mencionó. Mis ojos se abrieron de par en par al recordar las palabras de Liam.
|| Así es, él lo sabe || confirmé, sintiendo un nudo en el estómago.
|| ¿En serio? ¿Por qué no me lo dijiste antes? || preguntó Drake, visiblemente sorprendido.
|| ¿Habría cambiado algo si te lo hubiera dicho? Ni siquiera yo estoy segura de lo que siento || respondí con sinceridad.
|| Cuando viniste sola, Liam estaba desesperado por saber cómo estabas, pero no podía venir. Contactó a Maxwell y Hana, pero ellos no pudieron ayudar. Por eso me pidió a mí. No parecía contento de enviarme, pero no tenía otra opción. Ahora entiendo por qué... Liam tiene miedo || explicó Drake, mirándome con atención. De repente, sentí nervios.
|| ¿Miedo? ¿Miedo a qué? || pregunté, confundida.
|| Dime una cosa: ¿estás enamorada de mí? || me preguntó, mirándome fijamente.
|| Yo… Yo… || titubeé, mientras Drake colocaba sus manos en mis hombros.
|| Brown, solo dime la verdad || dijo con seriedad.
|| No estoy segura. No sé si lo que siento es solo amistad o amor... Esta confusión me duele. Sé que no debería estar en esta situación, y no quiero que pienses que soy una cualquiera. Nunca me había pasado algo así y, sinceramente, no sé qué hacer con lo que siento... || De repente, las lágrimas comenzaron a caer de mis ojos. Estaba confesando mi confusión a Drake por primera vez. Él me abrazó con fuerza, buscando reconfortarme.
|| Tranquila... No pienso eso de ti. No eres ninguna cualquiera. Solo te pido que tengas paciencia. Cuando todo esto termine, serás libre de tomar tus propias decisiones. ¿Está bien? || me dijo, mirándome con ternura. Asentí lentamente mientras él limpiaba mis lágrimas con sus manos || ¿Por qué no entramos? Voy a llevar algunas rondas de tragos a tus amigos. Yo invito || ofreció Drake, intentando animarme.Su propuesta me hizo sonreír y empecé a respirar con calma para controlar mis emociones.
|| ¡Ok! No sabía que para que fueras generoso tenía que abrir mis sentimientos. ¿Debería hacerlo más seguido? || bromeé.
|| Brown, quién sabe, tal vez solo sea tu compañía lo que me anima || respondió él con una sonrisa.
Mis mejillas se sonrojaron ante su cumplido. Juntos caminamos hacia el bar para pedir las botellas
<<<Punto de vista Drake>>>
Pasamos una gran noche, riendo como nunca lo habíamos hecho. Riley parecía disfrutar del momento, y por unos segundos, parecía que cualquier problema que tuviera desapareció. Pero conforme la noche avanzaba y después de más de seis botellas, noté que Riley ya no daba más. La vi tomar su celular y, con una mirada borrosa miro la hora. Frank y Michell seguían bailando y besuqueándose, pero Riley ya no estaba en condiciones de seguir, así que me miró con los ojos entrecerrados.
|| Drake… Creo que… Necesito irme... Estoy mareada... Mejor dormir... || Dijo con dificultad y la preocupación me invadió.
|| ¿Estás bien, Brown? || Pregunté y ella solo asintió con la cabeza, pero claramente estaba demasiado mareada || Muy bien, vámonos || Le dije.
Rápidamente llamé a Frank y Michell y nos despedimos de ellos antes de salir del club. Sosteniéndola, la ayudé a caminar, tambaleándose, mientras nos dirigíamos hacia el hotel.
Al llegar al hotel, noté que el mareo de Riley aún se mantenía por lo que la acompañé hasta su habitación. La vi buscar en su bolso las llaves, pero no lograba encontrarlas. Suavemente, le quité su cartera y sin problema saqué la tarjeta que abría su puerta. Me miró y me sonrió suavemente, un gesto que parecía una mezcla de agradecimiento y cansancio. La ayudé a entrar.
|| Que descanses, Brown || le dije, acercándome para darle un beso en la mejilla. Pero de repente, vi cómo sus ojos se llenaban de lágrimas. Se veía sola, triste, abandonada. Todos sus sentimientos y el licor se mezclaron, haciendo que comenzara a llorar || Hey Brown, ¿qué pasa? || Pregunté tiernamente mientras la abrazaba. Después de unos momentos, se separó y me miró, sus ojos reflejando una tormenta de emociones.
|| ¿Drake, tú… estás enamorado de mí? || me preguntó Riley con ansiedad mientras me miraba con dulzura. Dudé un momento en contestarle, pero no podía mentirle.
|| Brown, estoy locamente enamorado de ti desde que te vi por primera vez en ese bar. Cuando Maxwell salió con su loca idea de llevarte a Cordonia, me obligué a ocultar lo que sentía porque noté cómo Liam y tú se miraban, así que pensé que lo mejor era dejar todo a un lado || le dije mientras suavemente la tomaba por los brazos || Pero cuando todo esto termine tú podrás escoger… Aunque esa parte me da miedo, porque si me llegas a escoger a mí, no puedo ofrecerte ni la mitad de lo que Liam te daría. No sé qué podría ofrecerte, pero cuando llegue el momento, y esas fotos no cuelguen en tu historial… Yo seguiré aquí. ¿Ok? ||
|| ¿En serio, Drake? ¿Seguirás aquí? Pero… ¿por qué? || me preguntó Riley, claramente conmovida.
|| Porque te quiero, Brown… Y sí, estaré aquí para ti y hablaremos. ¿Te parece? ||
|| ¿Y qué pasa con Sara? || me preguntó Riley, curiosa.
|| Sara a mí no me importa… || dije mirándola fijamente || Solo dime si te parece que hablemos cuando ese escándalo ya no cuelgue en ti ||
|| Ok, hablaremos || respondió, pero de repente me acerqué lentamente a ella, tanto que pude sentir sus labios muy cerca de los míos. Mi respiración comenzó a volverse brusca mientras la observaba, intentando absorber cada detalle de este momento. Tan pronto como di un paso hacia ella, giré y la presioné contra la pared. Mis labios se encontraron con los suyos en un beso apasionado. La besé más profundo mientras nos acercábamos más. Gemí cuando Riley envolvió sus brazos alrededor de mi cuello, luego me alejé un poco y contemplé sus ojos.
|| Eres mi debilidad, Riley || dije suavemente, tocando su mejilla y acariciándola con ternura || No te imaginas cuánto te deseo ahora mismo. Desde que llegué no he parado de pensar en eso… Te necesito... ¡Necesito tenerte! ||
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@tessa-liam, @kingliam2019, @choicesficwriterscreations
If anyone else wants to be tagged, just let me know. I hope you enjoy this wonderful love adventure.
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f0point5 · 1 year ago
if danny ric didn’t exist (or like, had to quite f1 for some reason) who would you want in the second rb seat?
Right now, I’m going to go wild and say Nico Hulkenberg. Stay with me here.
He’s better than that Haas. In a rocket ship, I believe he would pick up some good points. He knows how to work with what he’s got so he’s going to work with the car Red Bull give him rather than complain. He’s consistent, he’s used to his job being “score points”, so he won’t get delusions of grandeur. He’s far enough away from Max to not be an issue, he would be grateful enough for a car that lasts more than 3 laps on one set of tyres so he will not be too uppity, and I think he’d be a decent back up.
He will also only want a couple more years in the sport, which goes nicely because in 2026 I would retire him to give the seat to Liam Lawson/an RB up and comer. I say Liam because he’s looking like the one right now but that may change. But I think 2026 would be a good time for a rookie back in Red Bull, ready to learn from Max in preparation to take over when he retires. (I would LOVE if it was Kimi Antonelli SOMEONE steal the kid from Merc Helmut Marko I am counting on you grandpa give me ONE FINAL GOLDEN BOY).
But yeah so, Hulk till ‘26 and then new RB rookie for the new era
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b4byblu3z · 8 months ago
HELLOOOO sorry I haven’t been active much!!!
But I just saw your yandere circus and OOOOOO.
I got ideas…
Clown yans with apprentice clown darling who just recently joined: She is new so she’s steadily trying to figure out what the main part of her act is going to be. The clowns use this as a chance to get her to be apart of their act to have her all to themselves. Here’s the fun part. Each clown has a unique act that ties into all of the others. So constantly they are stealing her away from each other to get her to work on their act, but all Darling sees is them being sweet enough to help her out. In reality they are at each other’s throats fighting over her attention. Now the question is… Who will she choose?
Ringmaster Yan with a darling who has applied to take care of the animals that are apart of the circus: His love(obsession) for her happened when he went to her tent to check to see how she was doing on her first day, and he so happened to walk in on her caring for a female elephant and her child. In that second he froze and it felt like his heart skipped over itself. From that point on he would constantly call her over to his tent from the pretense that an animal needed to be checked on while he supervised. This was so he could have her all to himself away from all the other members of the circus.
Twin tight rope walker yans with a contortionist darling: The twins from birth have always been inseparable. They shared everything. Clothes, hair styles, speech patterns, etc. If you saw one you could guarantee you would see the other not far behind. That is the main reason as to why their act was so special. They could not speak a word to each other before a show and do tricks flawlessly. It’s just how well they know each other. One day a new comer shows up and immediately they both are in awe. After their act from behind the curtains they see contortionist Darling move her body in ways they thought impossible. She could balance three bowling pins one on top of the other on the balls of her foot all the while bent backwards. She would flip and turn, and throughout her entire act the crowd was in awe. She made the children laugh and made gasps sound throughout the audience when she did something that many deemed impossible. After the Twins got through watching her act that moment they both knew something. They had to have her all to themselves, and they weren’t too keen on sharing her either…
Name Ideas:
Clowns: Chuckles, Whimsy, Pipo, Pips, Patches, Tot, Binks, Dimitri, Alphie, Artie, Chester, Davey, Edwin.
Ringmaster: Everett, Gabriel, Julius, Titus, Imre, Sebastian, Alexander, Edmund, Alister, Callum, Liam.
Tight rope walkers: Noah and Nathaniel, Toby and Thomas, Leo and Lucas, Finley and Freddie, Hugh and Hugo, Abel and Ave, Jasper and Finn, Benjamin and Elijah, Ash and Heath, Atlas and Adonis.
Sorry if this is too long!! I hope you’re having an amazing day/night!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!!!
Like a band of clowns (Sunday, Artie, Chuckles, and Alphie) who joined the circus to put their unique violent skills into something helpful, their act is intricate, involving everything from slapstick comedy to knife throwing. Poor darling doesn't fit in, they're clumsy and oh so inexperienced.
The clowns, of course, offer to help their new apprentice vying for their attention in the process. Darling is all merry, happy that their mentors are all trying to get their act to fit into the show. Meanwhile, the clowns are giving each other nasty glares behind their back.
Or the Ringmaster, Edmund, who simply can't do it all. He's in charge of everything: animal care, cleaning, organizing shows. He just can't do it anymore. With one of his best elephants about to give birth and his show growing in popularity, he needs help.
He puts out an ad, asking for workers who were willing to travel with the circus to help out. Darling answers the advertisement, applying for the animal handling position. They were clumsy and a bit skittish, but beggars can't be choosers. He hired them up front, and their work began quickly. He avoided them for the first several weeks, until they're late bringing out the animals, and he went to search for them. Finding them in the elephant's trailer, he watched them help the newborn nurse, and a switch in him flipped. Something about the care that they gave the creature, the gentleness with which they handled her, it enraptured him.
He began calling them to check on certain animals, even when check ups or grooming was unnecessary. He just wanted to see them so desperately and get them away from prying eyes.
Or the tightrope walkers, Toby and Thomas, who were used to sharing, ever since they were young they would share toys, clothes, snacks, they even shared a bedroom until they were teenagers.
It was only natural that they share the pretty new performer as well. They're mesmerized by the way that they can move, flipping and twisting into unnatural positions.
The two made a silent agreement on their first night with the circus. The twins would share them, like they shared everything else. They belonged to the twins, even if they didn't know it.
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theanticool · 2 months ago
Liam Paro vs Subriel Matias - 6/15/2024
Australian boxing has a new world champion in Liam Paro (25-0, 15 KOs). Paro is coming off a solid performance over Puerto Rican Subriel Matias where he took the IBF Super Lightweight championship. For some reason, he is back in Puerto Rico this week to defend that title.
Paro will face off with up and comer Richardson Hitchins (18-0. 7 KOs) this Saturday (Dec. 7).
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myimaginarywonderland · 1 year ago
I think we are all overestimating the actual impact.
McLaren, Ferrari and Aston Martin are still looked in at the end of the day for 2025 (unless Aston has the second half performance overall next year then yeah, Nando might leave.)
RedBull will probably only promote Ricciardo realistically should Perez continue his bad form and keep Yuki while getting Liam in.
Haas will if they change the line up, only take one of their reserves.
Williams is looked in with Alex and Logan for I say the end of 2025 unless Logan has a really bad year. If Logan does I would bet money on Mercedes pushing for Mick to have that seat.
Alfa Romeo is probably going to drop Val and maybe get another rookie in there.
Alpine and Mercedes is really where I see the only change with the second Alpine seat obviously going to Sainz. I am certain that Esteban would get the call before Sainz because I am sure that the main priority of Mercedes will now be George. And while Esteban can get fisty sure, Sainz is a much bigger risk purely on the base that he has also shown that he isn't a team-player and the non-existent connection to Mercedes. Esteban was for a long time speculated to take over for Valtteri. I don't see what harm having him for 1/2 season could be until maybe Antonelli is ready to step up.
The end of 2025, that is what we need to watch out for but I think the end of 2024 will not really provide a huge shake up as the only new-comers will be drivers that already had F1 experience one way or another and the fact that most teams will likely just keep their pairing or switch with the basically existing sister team.
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lilbabyalpha · 1 year ago
Power Play: Caleb/Liam
The Pit. An underground night club in the depths of Gotham City. It wasn't just any nightclub. It was the biggest sex club in all of Gotham. Not just any sex, gay sex. The pit was known for hosting the hottest gay sex parties in all of Gotham. Politicans, police men, lawyers, doctors, they all have come to the pit in secret, and many of them are secret patrons of the club. Gay sex, all night, no limits, all fun. The money was piling up, the booze was flowing and the sex couldn't be hotter. This man the owner of this establishment very happy.
He was a baby faced young man, barely eighteen. Not only was he the owner of this establishment. He was one of the most feared criminal mob bosses in all of Gotham. His name was Cherub, his street name anyway, named so after his baby face features. Because of that, the young man worked harder than any of his colleagues to be exceptionally ruthless. Caleb has an impressive body count under him and a huge rap sheet of his very own, all hiding behind that sweet baby face. Caleb may be young, and he may not look it, but he is a serious threat. He has no problem in taking out those who disrespect him, and he enjoys it too. However, putting his reputation aside, tonight, he's just a man looking to party, and he just so happened to find his new target.
He was a newbie. Caleb had never seen him before. He would have remembered a face like that. Tall, incredibly handsome, bright blue eyes, and a smile that could send armies to war. This stranger carried a man's beauty so well, and Caleb couldn't take his eyes off him. He watched from afar, and he could see that others were interested, so he acted fast. Giving the bar tender his special que, the stranger was ordered a drink and the bar tender told him that it came from the owner. Toasting the stranger from afar, he gave the new comer a wink. He was ready to have some fun.
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midnightmisadventures · 11 months ago
Pt 2 Liam Dream
Here's what I got...
We um, we were in our dream settings as usual. Fancy cruise dinner but not necessarily on a cruise, state college, huge manison, is it christmas? and most importantly.
The biggest up and comer. That park/camping/venue/camp that sometimes day is performing at outdoor festival style or there is a very cheap and country carnival. Looong "road"or driveway going to the park.
Theres also the dream town? And we were at one of those restaurants in one of those plazas if that makes sense.
And we were talking about various things while getting ready to go somewhere together.
There were other relevant guys what we knew or who were interested in me in the dream?? And I started talking about them casually not in a way where im praising them or calling them attractive. But in my head i felt myself talking too much. Like i had a feeling bringing them up would make Liam upset, but it was like I couldnt stop myself or like word vomit.
So then he tensed up or whatever and asked "who's more attrative "insert guy we know" or a famous basketball player" "Compare him to a famous basketball player you think is hot"
and as he was going i was like "no no no, im not doing that" and he was like "cmon, just do it" as if it was all good fun and not something he was upset about. I was like Liam no, im not gonna talk to you about guys and tell you whos hotter thats crazy, why would i do that." And something along the lines of....i love YOU and thats all that matters. But also not that bc i couldnt define our relationship exactly
He kept pushing, and i said i dont even know any basketball players by name except the famous ones. I only know the people my dad talks about anyway. And because he wouldnt let go, i even tried to name ACTIVE basketball players at the top of my head and i was struggling just to prove it to him, but i was hoping he believed me.
We then started talking about going to events, and like upscale things, not the grammys or something so big but potentially an award show. And he made a comment along the lines of "you get a girl who lives/works in new york and she'll start talking about stuff like this" Like oh so fancy, uhuh this checks out since you work at a fancy job in the city now and you do fancy things.
Lmaooo. I was just like what?? But we moved past it.
This comes off like he was being an insecure dick. But he wasnt.... lol. Insecure? okay yea probably but he wasnt being a dick it was very playful vibes but only significant cause i could see through it and tell this things were bothering him a little.
But it never felt like at my expense. He was always just trying to measure himself to feel good enough for what i was experiencing and who i was around.
Then.... time goes on. Its just us we're talking the same. And I tell a story about how one time i didnt pay a parking meter? And didnt get a ticket but i parked illegally. Idk a super harmless RANDOM story.
And after I told it he got quiet. And weird. Emphasis though on not mean. He was sweet and gentle the whole time. But his deameanor changed. And i tried to keep talking but now he was SO down. So I was wondering if I should bring it up, should I wait till we leave and say something in the car....
But i just said "im sorry, is it something I said? What's wrong"
And he looked up from tying his shoes and was like....."uh its just that (lets say "not paying the parking meter?") is really dangerous and I wouldnt want anything to happen to you. One time something happened with me and my dad and it was really bad"
And i felt horrible I was like "oh im so sorry Liam, I would have never brought it up, if I knew you had trauma attached to it" and he quietly was just like "its okay" And i was about to go over to him and hug him or rub his back but I asked "do you wanna talk about it"
And he just shook his head. So i was like...okay, he wasnt mad at me. He was just in a bad mood becaus of whatever bad memory.
But i....to fill the silence i guess kept saying sorry. Even though i didnt need to apologize anymore lol, I didnt know it would trigger him. And i asked him if he wanted to talk about, AND i said i wouldnt park illegally again. (Even though whatever my random story was about wasnt that bad)
My point was i did everything i could so i need to learn not to put it on myself to make him feel better. He's allowed to be sad. People can be in bad moods. Its not my fault!!
Which maybe explains why, then i said "Im sorry if now im talking too much, or saying the wrong thing i-, just sometimes don't know when to stop or if im doing to much"
And he said something in a cheeky way like "yea....you coulda stopped already. You don't have to keep talking"
And in the dream i took offense to that (silently). And got insecure about yapping too much.
But thinking it through now I think he was just saying "its okay you don't have to overcorrect or fix something that you didnt do" (or even that you did). You apologized. And he wasnt upset cause i told a random story about a parking meter. He was upset becuase he was reliving whatever trauma with his dad.
Swipe up for part 3
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bittenfms · 2 years ago
MW characters and are people friendly to new comers?
we haven't opened yet but I can assure you everyone here who apped love new comers and excited for whoever you bring in !
aro , marcus , caius , alec , jasper hale , angela weber , carlisle cullen , maria , chelsea , corin , heidi , renata , kachiri , zafrina , bianca , valentina , afton , felix , eleazar , amun , benjamin , liam , stefan , lauren mallory , tyler crowley , mike newton , eric yorkie
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amnachil · 7 years ago
The High School Game Part 11
Sam DAY 86 Thursday LAST CHAPTER
The young lad skipped his class the whole day. He felt too depressed and ashamed to show himself in front of his schoolmate. Worst, he felt too pathetic to play at videogames or anything else. He just slouched onto his bed, eating some chips while reading the text Barbara sent again and again. So rude. F, ranked 30th over 32. You have to increase you effort as soon as possible. Our professors consider that you might repeat a year. They said your bonus from gymclass could help you, but not with those news conditions. It was the text she sent. So rude. Sam belched, bloated from the multitude of cans he drank today. He felt useless. Pointless. Raphaël probably hated him now, and the other as well. Gregory manipulated him. He was a fucking loser, and he will repeat a year. This was a fucking shame. His mother tried to force him to go at shcool, but he just sent her packing. Become fat and enjoy food instead of workout, fine. But repeat a year ? No way.
"Son ! Diner's ready ! Come downstairs please !"
No. Let me alone. His stomach gurgled, tempted by the idea of a diner, but Sam was too depressed. How could he face his mother now ? He always assured her his grades were fine.
"Son for god sakes ! We've a guest ! Come on !"
A guest ? Surprised, Sam stood up. He quickly dressed (sweatpants and a loose sweater) and went to the kitchen. Indeed, his mother was not alone : Shirley waited here, sat at the table. She merrily smiled.
"Hi Sam, how are ya ?"
Stunned, he asked :
"What the hell are you doing here ?"
"Please son !" his mother corrected him. "I prepared a diner, but I will go in town for a drink. Both of you, be nice. And Sam, please, be polite."
She left the home without any additionnal explanation. On the table, there was a gargantuan feast. Home-made pizzas (two big pizzas with enormous side dish), a whole chicken with some pasta and a plate of nachos. Plus, he smelt the delicious odor of chocolate mousse. What the fuck she did ? We can't eat everything only both of us.
"You we're absent the whole day, and I were worried." stated Shirley. "I decided to come see what was the matter."
Sam sat down, still astounded by the amount of food. His stomach gurgled loudly, and he blushed.
"The matter is my grades, which are too low. And I can't expect anything from soccer since I'm, well, you know."
She nodded.
"I can help you. Work with you. I'm sure you will be accepted in the 12th grade. But today, you have to take our mind off those worries. Let's eat."
He gladly approve. After all, he was starving. With a ravenous hunger, he took big slice of pizza, and started to eat. In no times, he have finished, and took a second. Shirley just watched him, smiling. Her presence was fortifying. Soon, he polished the whole pizza, and started to feel stuffed. Slowly, he slipped his free hand under his pull and rubbed his distended belly. This clothes were a good idea, after all.
"Are you stuffed ?" asked the blond girl.
He gazed at her a minute, then took the second pizza. She smiled, and he confidently started to eat. One slice. Two slice. He was not hungry anymore, but with his expertise, he misled his stomach in order to gobble more. Three slice. Four slice. Sam felt his bloated belly gurgle again, but in pain, this time. It was round and hard, packed with pizza. He stared at the last slice remaining, uncertain. Shirley eyes were shining, and her smile gave him the energy to finish. He swallowed, and then stood up straight. His belly was round, plump under his sweater. His sweatpant was a bit tight, and he belched loudly.
"Sorry." he whispered.
"Are you stuffed ?" she asked again, ignoring his burps.
He nodded, but the girl came closer and softly put a hand on his sweater. She started to make circle, slowly, tenderly.
"Are you sure ?"
Well... Sam knew he was stuffed. Those pizzas were enormous, for god sake. But while Shirley rubbed his tummy, he felt able to eat more. He stared at her and took the plate of nachos. She smiled. She had a beautiful smile. The young lad devoured the whole plate quickly. Faster than he expected.
"Seems like your stomach streched." Shirley said with a quiet voice. "Shall we try the chicken and pasta ?"
He nodded. This feeling, of being stuffed, was so good. He was aware of his dick, pushing harder against his trunks. I have a fucking erection. It was largely noticeable, because of the sweatpant. Anyway, aroused and encouraged by Shirley’s smile, he ate the last plate. It had an hard time finishing, but eventually, he succeeded. Now, his distented gut was squeezed by his sweater. His pants was overly snug. Jeezus, this is so good. His hardening cock remembered him he was not alone. But well, the girl was rubbing his belly after all.
"Time for dessert." she whispered. "I guess you still have some room ?"
Hell no. He was unable to speak.
"Don't worry. I will feed you this."
She brought the chocolate mousse. Despite being overstuffed, Sam desired it. The taste was mouth-watering, and he salivated in advance. Slowly, Shirley took a large spoon, and ordered :
"Open your mouth. Let me do the job."
He gladly obeyed. Humm... So sweet. God... His both hands rubbing his over-distented gut, he let the blond girl fed him the whole container without interruption, except for some belch from time to time. The flavor gave him enough motivation to eat, eat, eat. Plus, he was so aroused he did not know how he could hold this. His dick was pushing like hell, and when he finished, he was almost cumming. Shirley took off her shirt. Her tits were hard. She slowly undressed him too. She asked, while patting his hard belly.
"Can I call you honey once again ?" she begged.
"Well... burp... sorry. Yes... burp... I guess you can."
After all, today, he had to take his mind off.
Gregory DAY 88 Saturday
Today was the most important day ever in his life. His first day as a supporting striker for the team. The opportunity to erase the rumours against him. To get his popularity back. It was more important than is overall average (C+) and his rank (19th over 32). Right now, in the locker room, his teammates were changing, excited. Gregory took off his pullover when suddenly, he heard Raphaël cold voice in his ear.
"Don't screw up perv."
But the team captain was far away, talking with Liam. Holy shit... The young lad sighed. He knew this match was his best chance to get back into Raphaël's game. And then, I will beat him. He already planned everything. Jessy phase was currently in progess. Then came Shirley-Sam phase. Those two motherfucker were back together. And Sam insisted to bring Gregory at Mcdo on Friday (he was absent on Thursday). Anyway, I will humiliate them so much, they will move far far away. And then, he would be able to shift in Raphaël phase. The final phase. I can't wait...
"Okay guys, let's go." shouted the captain. "Don't forget our goal : the victory !"
They all rushed towards the field, and the match began. At start, Gregory did well. He managed to follow his captain, and they scored the first goal. However, at the 20th minute, the young lad caught a sigh of Shirley and Sam, sat next to Jessy in order to encourage the team. I need to impress the public... They will shut the fuck up. His three ennemies were here, smiling and laughing, greeting Liam their supports. Gregory sped up despite Raphaël being unmarked, and rushed the adverse goal. He dribbled around, and came close to the goal, overjoyed. I will score without you, cap'. Sadly, a defender tackled him, and he lost the ball. In no time, the adverse team perturbed his own defense, and they scored a goal. Fuck. Our defenders are so bad, for god sake. And Liam is here, watching the sky. Fuck him.
"Don't do that again." Raphaël whispered. "I was unmark. Dude, we don't give a fuck about who is scoring, we just need to score. Am I clear ?"
"Clear cap'."
Gregory went back to his place. Nevertheless, close to the half-time, he had a new opportunity. And Sam was laughing. This fat fucking cow is laughing at me. He thinks I'm worse than him. The supporting striker rushed the goal again, without an eyes on Raphaël position. He came closer, but once again, a defender tackled him. And once again, they scored. 2-1. Seriously ? What the fuck is doing Liam ? Masturbating while watching his stupid girlfriend ? The half-time came, and Gregory went on the locker-room, enraged. This situation was insane.
"The fuck are you doing ?" asked Raphaël. "What on earth have you in this fucking brain ?"
They were alone, but the dark-haired lad was too angry to let his captain complain.
"That's not my fucking fault !" he shouted. "Our defenders are so bad ! They can't even stop a fucking chicken ! And Liam is awful. Useless. Did he even know how to be a goalkeeper ?"
Raphaël face became inexpressive. Gregory glimpsed a scaring glint in his eyes.
"I'm not speaking about our defense." he stated with a cold (really, really cold) tone. "They did mistakes, as everybody, and I will talk to them after. But what the fuck did you think ? Why rush when I'm unmarked and waiting the ball ?"
"I had opportunities." retorted the brown boy. "And our defense failed so much... that's why we are losing."
His captain attitude was frightening. Standing here, face to face with him, Gregory shuddered, feeling uncomfortable.
"Listen carefully, dude." ordered Raphaël. "We still can draw level. You just need to understand we're in a soccer game : you will not be popular by losing. Be a good player, knowing his position, is the best way to be famous. You are a suppoting striker. A supporting one. Understood ?"
Gregory nodded. It was time to join the others.
After an hard second half, they eventually won the game. Sadly, thanks to Raphaël. The blond lad led the attack, and scored 3 goals, one after one. His presence on the field was impressive. Anyway, in order to celebrate the victory, they did a party. However, Tobias had left the town, so they went to Finn house. The ex-fatty (according to the monthly check-up, he managed to lost 4 kg-9 pounds over December.) was honored to recieve the whole 11th grade. And Gregory had some business to deal with. Phase one start now. He headed towards Jessy, which was luckily alone, and smiled.
"Hi girl. Having fun for our victory ?"
"Well, I don't know if it's your victory perv, but at least it's Liam's one."
He smiled cheerfully. Bitch. Fucking bitch.
"You're right. A drink to celebrate our goalkeeper ?"
She stared prudently at him, but eventually agreed. However, she did not realised he did a mixture with strong alcohol. And she doesn't need to know. The drak-haired girl drank the whole thing and smiled.
"I did not expect you being so nice. I thought you would hate me for my betrayal."
"Well, I still don't understand, but we don't need to talk about it anymore. Another drink ?"
She nodded, and he went to the buffet to prepare the mixture. Everything's fine. This girl is a dumbass. He smiled to Shirley, who just sat here while her ex-new-boyfriend ate. Then, he went back to Jessy, and offered her the glass. He repeated the act for a while, before being sure she was heavily drunk. Liam was far away, speaking with Raphaël and some others teammates. Good. Now, let's have my revenge. He brought her next to Finn, and whispered :
"Do you see how Finn is handsome ? He is good-looking, with this weight loss."
Gregory knew this plan was risky with a girl. But Jessy was not an ordinary girl. The was a gossip, and a very, very eager chick. She replied loudly :
"Yeah, he is so hot ! Woah, I'm hot too, by the way."
"That's probably mean something." Gregory mumbled.
"Yeah ! It means we have to... have to."
She did not finish. Slowly, not too well, Jessy headed towards Finn, and hugged him.
"We must have sex big boy !!"
This one turned towards her, surprised. Soooo good. Gregory was filming the whole thing, but it was useless, because everybody heard her. They all stared at her with amazement.
"Let's have sex Finn !!!"
The lad tried to reject her, but she was insistent. Right now, the whole 11th grade was aware of the situation. Nice. So nice. Liam came, his cheek red of embarassment. He took his girlfriend while people started to laugh.
"After the perv, there is the slut !" shouted someone.
Jessy phase : achieved. Let's move to Shirley and Sam phase.
Liam DAY 90 Monday
A ray of light passed through his door, but the young boy ignored it. He was laid under his duvet, in the warm.
"Brother, you need to wake up now !" shouted Chloe. "You'll be late, as always !"
"Mmh, one more sec..."
School began in one hour, but Liam was not a morning person. Slowly, his head appeared, and he opened his eyes to acclimatize to the light. I hate Monday. Weekend were better. More sleep, less work. Monday announced a week of labor, exam and social life. Too difficult for Liam : he pulled his quilt up and cursed Monday. May this day disappear.
"Seriously brother, you're a pain in my ass."
He felt someone tossed him around.
"Move your big ass brother !"
Chloe arose above him and slapped him (it was regular, no worries). Slowly, Liam stood up straight, and he rubbed his eyes. I hate Monday. He got on his feet and headed towards the dinning room (his sister already left the bedroom and reached the bathroom). Like a zombie, the lad served himself a glass of milk and some pancakes and jam (okay, six big pancakes, but he was a growing boy). He ate the whole thing, then went back to his room and watched his bed with longing. Unfortunatly, Chloe stared at him, so he just took his clothes and went to the bathroom. While showering, he rambled about his life. Since 27 days, he dated Jessy (YES he counted every day, so what ?). The dark-haired girl had a spontaneous personality, but they had good times together. He still thought she was too skinny but well, Shirley told him to be patient. Shirley. He never expected to be friend with Sam's girlfriend, especially knowing Raphaël disliked her but well... Things happens without any logic, sometimes. However, Liam had another concern regarding his girlfriend (yes, his shower was THE place for considerations. Who never transformed the world in his shower ?). During Saturday party, she humiliated herself by hitting on Finn. Luckily, the lad rejected her advances, but the goalkeeper felt ashamed while he brought her home.
"Brother !" shouted Chloe. "It's 7:45 ! I'm leaving the house, don't forget to lock the door."
Jeezus I know. She was 12 and he was 16 for god sake. Well, okay, he forget to lock the door several times, but that's not a reason. Liam got out of the shower and dressed with a jean and a big, loose pull-over. He still had to brush his teeth and take his bag. He heard Chloe come back and yell :
"Don't forget to take the trash out ! And you'll be late, as always !"
Thanks mum... She stormed out. Seriously, he was old enough to take care of himself (maybe not, but he had his pride.)
Liam went to the high school, an after a feeble excuse for his late, he finally could follow the lesson. Anyway, he was a good student, with an overall of B- (which means he was ranked 12th over 32 because yes, he was serious). The break came, and he followed Raphaël outside, but suddenly, Jessy grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and brought him apart. Once sure they were alone and away from prying eyes, she kissed him. Liam, surprised, let her do, shaking his hand without particular reason.
"I missed you my love." she whispered while fondling him. "One day far away is too much."
"Well, you too, you too, but are we gonna talk about Saturday night or ?"
Okay, time to be honest. During Raphaël's party on December, Jessy took Liam's virginity. He was just heavily drunk at this moment (because his captain made him drunk) and he barely remembered the whole night. Therefore, yes, he was still shy and completely prudish (okay, boys at his age were rarely prudish, but he was an exception, so what ?). Even the idea of Jessy entirely nude made him blush. By the way, he was blushing, now. Holy shit. She's supposed to be embarassed, but I'm. He seriously needed to calm down his brain (because who the hell think about his prudish desires in a schoolyard while asking his girlfriend if she intended to cheat on him ?).
"What happened Saturday ?" she asked.
Oh... well... Did he really wanted to tell her ? It was probably better if she did not know. A lie can't be bad... Well, a lie was a lie, but in some circumstances... STOP thinking Liam please. Oh yes, he was sometimes speaking to himself, but everyone was doing that, right ?
"Nothing important my love." he eventually stated. "Let's enjoy the rest of the break."
She smiled and pounced on him, happy. For god sake... She was light, but he could already imagine when she would be fatter. Not today, unfortunatly. Well, it was hard to be in a relationship...
Shirley DAY 92 Wednesday
After physics, the young girl and her boyfriend went to the library in order to study. They already tried to review at Sam's house, but they were too tempted by... other and more private matter. And at Shirley's home, with her sisters, that was not possible. So, they had decided to study at the library after the class, except when the girl went to gym. Today, the couple had to review history (Shirley's weakness). However, when they sat, Barbara headed towards them and said :
"Hi guys. Sorry to interrupt but I have a favor to ask you."
Shirley smiled. She still remembered the gloomy incident of Raphaël's party in December, when the class delegate helped Jessy to trap her... Nevertheless, it was safer to forgive Barbara for this and move on to something else.
"I heard from Jessy who heard from Liam you were studying together in order to improve yours grades, and I wondered if you could take Kilian with you."
She showed him out, sat alone reading his history lesson.
"He's trying hard, but he has difficulties and nobody to help him. I would do it myself but I have some matter to deal with, sadly."
Sam smiled innocently.
"Sure, tell him to come."
What ? Shirley was not convinced. Firstly "some matter to deal with" sounded like a pathetic excuse. Secondly, she agreed to help her boyfriend, but two boys with difficulties ?
"I'm not our head of the class, Barbara, I'm not sure I can handle this. And how much difficulties he had ?"
Her boyfriend gazed at her, surprised. Sorry Sam, I'm not as naive as you. There's something fishy going on. Kilian was more than discreet. He never came to the parties, never came to the soccer game and never came to gym class. During class, he never speak, and often, professor even forgot him while calling the roll. This guy was just nonexistent. Well, at least invisible. So why he suddenly needs help, uh ?
"Kilian had an overall average is F-, which means he's our last. And I asked Raphaël, our head of the class, to help him, but he politely declined, pretending having other matter to deal with."
Well of course the devil is too busy... Barbara did not seem to realize the irony. Anyway, Shirley could not decline with this pretext too, because she was helping Sam right now. She knew that... The class delegate was smarter than she thought.
"Fine, tell him to come. We'll study together." she eventually decided.
Kilian was a fuckin' freak. Okay Shirley, be nice. Kilian was an original teen. Firstly, he had a weird family name : De Beauchêne. French origins, she guessed (she quickly checked on her phone : it meant roughly From Handsome oak, which meant nothing). Afterwards, he was mute. Well, not mute mute, but he never spoke, except for greet them. Plus, he had a frightening black eye and a plaster on his forehead. He worn a pullover moth-eaten, with sweatpants and a too tigh black jacket with the hood rode up on his head, hiding his blond hair. His face, studded with freckles, and his blues eyes, where quite dreadful. Shirley felt uncomfortable, studying with him and Sam, who was unaware of her emotions. At least, his boyfriend was taller (Kilian was 179 cm or 5′10″) and more impressive (the scary boy was weighting 55 kg or 121 pounds, which was quite disturbing). I wonder what Ms Lovely think about him... To Shirley's opinion, the boy needed to be controled. Anyway, they worked two hours, before Sam, bored, wanted to stop. The girl, too hurried by her bad intuition, agreed to leave.
"See you tomorrow Kil'." gladly said her boyfriend.
Neither she or Kilian replied. The couple left the high school and headed towards her home. Like every evening, Sam escorted her, and they enjoyed this period of calm, far away the game, as Raphaël was saying. However, this time, Shirley was still frighten by their schoolmate. What if he is following us ? Did the devil sent us his most powerful minion ? After all, the captain have been letting them peaceful for a long time now.
"What are you thinking hon' ?" asked Sam while patting his gurgling belly (it gurgled every two hours anyway).
"What is your opinion about Kilian ? I found him rather frightening."
Her boyfriend laughed.
"Why ? He is a twig, without muscle at all. If he attacks you, just punch him in the face, and he will faint."
"Well... probably."
"Do not worry about him. If he is a dangerous psycho, I will protect you. Okay ?"
She smiled, vaguely calmed. I hope you're right... But if it's Raphaël's idea, a punch in the face will not be enough against the devil himself...
To be continued
Sorry for this long wait.... I honestly just forgot about posting the next part ‘-’. Anyway, this was the last Sam Chapter, because he eventually became what he wanted to be, and he’s back with Shirley !! (I know she’s happy about it). However, the game isn’t finish yet... And Gregory is planning some bad things !! And welcome to Liam, our new character !! I hope you’ll love him :3
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dcbbw · 2 years ago
Coitus Interruptus
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This is my submission for @choicesflashfics​; I used the following prompt: ��I can’t believe you would even think to leave me like this.” It will appear in bold.
This story is also the answer to a nonny ask: Has Riley ever faked the big “O”?
Thank you to all who read over snippets of this fic.
Thank you to all who will read the story. Your likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated more than you know. 
Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. MS Editor rates me at 98% error free.
Pairing is (future) #Riam
All characters (except the children) belong to Pixelberry
Song Inspiration: Love to Love You, Baby, Donna Summer
Word Count: 2,400
Rating: Going with M/Mature because of lemon-scented Pledge
“You were simply wonderful this morning, love,” the King of Cordonia praised his Queen.
The couple were in the backseat of their chauffeured limousine, returning to the Palace after spending the morning at House Theron for a charity event sponsored by Duchess Joelle:
Gender is a Spectrum: A Union of Art, Fashion, and Inclusivity.
The program consisted of breakfast with the King and Queen, followed by an hour-long fashion show where models of all sexual orientations carried the Duchess’ latest art collection as they strutted and sashayed the runway in the latest haute couture from Ana De Luca, House Beaumont, and a rising up-and-comer from Duchy Domvallier whose works had been discovered on the app Fashion Parade.  
For the fashion show, Liam had been the emcee and Riley, one of the models.
“I starved myself to be able to fit into those skinny, too-small outfits!” Riley complained as she dug in her purse for her cellphone.
“You were modeling the extended size collection,” Liam reminded her as he nuzzled her neck. “And did so beautifully.”
Riley’s head swung around, her blonde bob swinging synthetic hair across her cheek. “Extended sizing begins at SIZE 8, Liam! SIZE 8! NOTHING on my body wears a size 8!”
She sighed as she resumed her search. “I swear, this baby weight … maybe dieting is a good thing.”
Liam didn’t bother to point out their baby, Theodore, was now seven years old.
“You’re on a diet?” he asked in surprise.
“Not really.” With a cry of triumph, her hand emerged from the handbag with the phone. She turned her head once more, her eyes narrowed with distrust. “Are you saying I NEED one?”
Liam shook his head quickly. “No.”
The couple had a rare weekend free; their sons were at Applewood visiting with Regina and their Aunt Lena. Both had plans for their open weekend.
Neither had communicated their plans with the other.
Liam had plans for his wife that involved no clothes, no work phones, and lots of sex. He wasn’t chancing an argument.
“AND you had breakfast this morning, so not starving,” he quickly changed the subject.
“Do you know how long ago THAT was?” Riley demanded.
Liam did know. Riley had eaten breakfast aboard the royal family’s private rail coach at 8am. It was now 11:30am.
“You call TWO pancakes and ONE sausage patty breakfast?? THAT is NOT breakfast! A snack, at best.”
Riley’s plans involved eating food she wouldn’t have to cook or share, simping over Gong Yoo, and finding a new hiding place for her snack wagon and hamper.
Ever since Liam’s children had entered the picture, Riley had no food to herself any longer. From the moment of conception, his kids had been nothing but crumb snatchers stealing all her food. If they had been her children, they wouldn’t do her like that.
Riley often wondered how she ended up a single mother, and sole food source to kids that weren’t even hers.
Liam moved closer to his wife, his lips ghosting her jawline. His thumb grazed against her nipple, hidden beneath a red cotton camisole tunic and black sports bra. His lips curved as he felt it harden beneath his touch.
Riley slapped his hand away. “I’m trying to make a phone call!” she chided snappishly.
“To WHO?” Liam demanded as he rubbed the offended spot on the back of his hand.
“The kitchens! I need sustenance!”
“We’ll be home in a matter of minutes,” the King argued. “You can order from the rooms, and we can … pass the time until it’s delivered.” He raised an eyebrow suggestively as his palm rubbed her thigh.
Riley stared at her husband; her expression was neither agreeable nor amenable.
We’re hungry for two different things, she thought. I’m Team Chicken Kiev.
Her gaze went back to her phone, and she continued dialing. Liam rolled his eyes, annoyance flashing briefly in them.
He knew when Riley was hungry, she was impossible to deal with. He should simply wait until she satisfied her basic hunger before gratifying his baser ones. But Liam was in heat for his wife, which made him obstinate, impatient, determined.
We can have a quickie, and after she’s eaten … she’s all mine, all weekend.
The King pulled his wife close to him, her cheek nestled in the crook of his shoulder as she prattled off a litany of menu items to one the Palace’s chefs: Chicken Kiev (it could be fried or baked, as long as it was crispy); wild rice with mushrooms and gravy; string bean almondine; fried spicy sausages; fried potatoes; devil’s food cake slices; baklava; milkshakes.
Liam smirked down at her. “I have all the sausage you need, love.” He waggled his eyebrows.
Riley’s eyes peered up at him. “Yours isn’t spicy or fried. Just bland and boiled.”
Once safely inside their personal quarters, the parents video chatted with their children, oohing over the excited chatter about attending a magic show the night before, and playing soccer with the local youth in the still-healing orchards earlier in the morning.  
They ahhed at the fact that after lunch, Aunt Lena was taking them to a street fair where there would jugglers, clowns, and cotton candy.
They bid their sons hasty farewells when the twins stated they wanted a dog, and their youngest began begging for a snake. A big snake, like the ones found in rainforests and jungles.
After the chat was over, Riley immediately called downstairs about her food.
Not ready yet. Soon.
She was leaned over, looking inside her nearly empty snack hamper and frowning at two packs of peanut butter and cheese crackers, when she felt Liam’s strong arms encircle her waist. His breath was warm and ticklish as his lips brushed over the raised hairs on the back of her neck.
Despite the rumblings coming from her stomach, Riley’s body responded instantly to Liam’s touch; she straightened up, pushing her back against his broad chest. She wriggled her ass against the crotch of his pants. She felt Liam’s lips curl against her skin, responding with a smile of her own.
And then her stomach loudly growled, and all thoughts of lust and lovemaking left her brain.
Where is my FOOD? How soon is soon? And now this man thinks I want the D.
The Queen exhaled a deep negro-spiritual sigh.
Let me handle this real quick.
Liam, of course, did not realize this. He thought her deep, put-upon sigh was a low moan caused by his roaming fingers and butterfly kisses. His wife’s eagerness in pulling off her clothes spurred him to disrobe in record time. The King did look strangely at his now nude wife as she hurried to their bed.
Riley preferred to saunter and tease him with her body.
“Come here, lover … touch my nakedness,” she purred as she crooked her index finger at Liam.
Riley was definitely never so bold, not when it was the two of them alone and intimate. This was when her vulnerability, her submissiveness to him freely revealed themselves.
But Liam’s need for her touch, her feel, her taste was almost overwhelming, and he began reasoning and justifying her unorthodox actions.
She’s in need more than me!
“I would deny you nothing,” Liam muttered in a husky whisper, his naked body joining hers on the bed.
He positioned himself so her breasts dangled enticingly above his mouth; his lips wrapped tightly around an elongated nipple, and he began to suckle gently. His hand curled around his very erect shaft, lightly stroking himself from head to base. He whimpered softly at the feel of his wife’s fingers in his hair.
“OW!” he yelled as she pulled his hair, hard. “What the HELL, Riley?”
“I want you inside me. Deep inside me,” Riley explained as she settled spread-eagled on the bedcovers. “Come ON,” she whined as she surreptitiously glanced at the clock.
It’s GOT to be soon now!
There was a scowl on Liam’s face as he stared moodily at his wife. His scalp tingled where she had yanked his hair. He wanted nipples on his tongue. But Riley wanted him inside of her.
I did say a quickie first ...
The King pulled himself up on his knees, his gaze trained on his wife’s sex. He plunged two fingers inside her entrance; they flexed and curled against her walls as arousal dampened his skin. The Queen’s hips arched against his hand; slowly, Liam removed his digits, placing them in his mouth before licking them clean. He pinned her wrists above her head as he sank into her.
Immediately, Riley’s neck arched as her hips bucked against his; moans, obviously forced, were uttered along with encouragements such as, “Fuck me harder, baby. Give me your dick!”
Liam stopped his thrusting; if one were counting, he had only gotten in three. His hands released her wrists, and Riley immediately began flailing her arms about. His wife looked like a one-person show consisting of really bad porn, crooked wig included.
Liam slowly pulled out of her tightness; Riley was still gyrating her hips, throwing in a back arch for good measure before her grand finale.
His eyes alternated between widening and thinning as Riley continued her histrionics, oblivious to the fact that Liam was no longer participating.
“Oh baby … oh baby … I’m cumming. I’m cumming, Liam,” she gasped, not a drop of sweat anywhere on her body. No trembles, no panting of breath. Nothing to indicate she had exchanged pleasure with the man she claimed to love.
Because she hadn’t.
“RILEY!” Liam bellowed.
Her eyes flew open, and she grinned up at him. “Was it good for you, too? Yeah? Okie doke, lemme up!”
Liam’s palms were pressed into the sheet-covered mattress, one arm on either side of his wife. “Did you just FAKE an orgasm with me?” he demanded angrily, his complexion reddening with frustration and disbelief.
Chimes rang throughout the suite, indicating that someone had entered the quarters.
“All’s fair in love and hunger!” Riley exclaimed as she pushed Liam off her, leaving her wig behind on her pillow.
“I can’t believe you would even think to leave me like this!” Liam hollered in annoyance, his index finger pointing to his half-erect penis.
His wife didn’t even look his way. In less than 10 seconds, she had tossed her nightgown over her head, grabbed a robe, left Liam alone in the room and was greeting wait staff.
She kissed the startled employee full on the lips as her eyes took in all the food.
After two pieces of Chicken Kiev, two whole sausages, a huge portion of fried potatoes, and some green beans, Riley felt common sense return to her body. Her eyes rolled in ecstasy as she devoured a slice of the chocolate cake; it fully restored her senses and sensibilities. Completely satisfied, she hummed softly to herself as she stored the leftovers in the refrigerator.
Now she was ready to perform her wifely duties.
Happy wife, happy life.
The Queen entered the bedroom, her eyes taking in her still-naked King; Liam’s hands were interlocked behind his head, which rested on two king-sized pillows covered in silk casing. His body stretched the length of the bed, one ankle crossed over the other. He was watching an international news channel.
He did not look at his wife.
Riley bit her lip before standing in front of the television screen. She gave Liam a sultry look before enticingly sliding the robe off her body.
Liam picked up the remote and turned the electronic device off.
Undeterred, Riley slowly licked her lips as she skimmed her palms over her curves. Her fingers tugged at a black lace strap, rolling it off her shoulder.
Liam turned onto his side, away from Riley; he pressed his palms together, resting his hands on the pillows; his cheek lay on the back of his hands.  
“ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?” Riley shrieked as she threw her robe at him.
Her husband lifted his head, his eyes mere slits as he glared at his wife. “I AM AS SERIOUS AS YOU WERE PERFORMING YOUR … “
He sat up, throwing his arms in the air. “I don’t even have WORDS for what the hell you did!”
“I WAS HUNGRY!” Riley stamped her foot against the carpet.
“You lied to me and made a mockery of the most sacred act of our marriage. I have nothing further to say to you,” Liam replied coolly as he laid back down in the bed.
Riley continued to stand, a stupefied look on her face. “I’m ready now,” she whined.
Liam exhaled a loud breath. “I am neither hungry nor horny.”
“I cannot believe you are making a huge deal about me delaying sex,” Riley huffed as she continued to undress.
“This isn’t about the SEX! It’s about you thinking you can get away with faking an orgasm with me! And in such an obvious way, as if you think I’m stupid! You were extremely selfish, Riley and you attempted to play on my intelligence!”
“You KNOW how I get, Liam! You KNOW!”
“Apparently, I don’t.”
Riley pushed her lips to the side as she considered how to make this right without admitting she was wrong. Naked, she climbed into the bed, pressing her ample breasts against Liam’s muscular back.
“Show me on the doll where I hurt you,” she whispered against his tawny-complexioned skin.
Liam attempted to shrug her off, but Riley clung to him like a burr.
“Is it here?” she kissed his shoulder blade.
No response.
“Here?” Her lips brushed the nape of his neck.
Despite his best efforts, Liam felt his cock stir as his erection began to grow.
“STOP THAT, Riley!” His hand harmlessly swatted air.
Riley’s hand reached around to encircle his shaft; she smirked in satisfaction. “Ahhhh, here it is. Let me kiss it better, love.”
Liam frowned as he debated his options: Continue to refuse his wife or receive oral gratification. His pleasure derived from hers; he had never needed her mouth on his sex, but he did want it. He did enjoy it.
She owed him an apology.
He rolled onto his back, his eyes closing in pleasure when he felt her other warm wetness wrapped around his cock.
The couple spent the remainder of the afternoon in bed, lost in each other.
Riley didn’t fake anything this time around.
Liam made sure of it.
Tagging:  @jared2612​​ @ao719​​ @burnsoslow​​ @marietrinmimi​​ @merridithsmiscellany-blog​​ @queenjilian​​ @indiacater​​ @kingliam2019​​ @bebepac​​ @liamxs-world​​ @mom2000aggie​​ @cmestrella​​ @liamrhysstalker2020​​  @neotericthemis​​ @twinkleallnight​​ @umccall71​​ @superharriet​​  @busywoman​​ @gabesmommie1130​​ @tessa-liam​​ @phoenixrising308​​ @beezm​​ @gardeningourmet​​ @lovingchoices14​​ @foreverethereal123​​ @mainstreetreader​​ @angelasscribbles​​ @lady-calypso​​ @emkay512​​ @jovialyouthmusic​​ @21-wishes​​ @princessleac1​​ @charlotteg234​​ @queenrileyrose​​ @alj4890​​ @yourfavaquarius111​​ @motorcitymademadame​​ @bbrandy2002​​ @eversoaringqueen12​​​ @queenmiarys​​​ @choicesficwriterscreations​
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jadepetals · 4 years ago
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so this is part 2 of the fics that i've read and have stayed with me for a looong time. hope you feel the same way.
The Meeting Place / 15352 words
Bakery working, university attending, empty pocketed Harry Styles loves words, quotes, and wooing the beautiful boy who hates blueberry muffins. Because falling in love is very easy when one is falling in love with Louis Tomlinson.
swimming in a champagne sea / 16978 words
Louis is a supermodel. Harry is a celebrity photographer known for capturing the brightest up and comers in their most candid moments. They meet at London’s most exclusive New Year’s Eve party.
Monsters at Home / 21566 words
Everyone's eyes are on Harry, the beautiful, charming new student. Harry's only got eyes for the school golden boy: football captain Louis Tomlinson, whose homophobic father complicates matters a bit.
til I drown in your hands / 26204 words
Liam has a house to sell (and issues to sort out), Zayn is just trying to keep it together, Niall wants everyone to get along, Louis is flirty, and Harry has been in love with Louis for eight years.
lock me up with love / 29657 words
Louis had a messed-up knee, ruined career, and labradoodle to take care of. Harry had a normal knee, perfect career, and concern for his recluse neighbor. Harry's baking skills were enough to bring them together.
Sounds Like Heaven / 30516 words
A very painful au where singer/actor Harry Styles and songwriter Louis Tomlinson are married and have a daughter, but are not together any more. Except of course, it’s not that simple.
Sisterwives / 32624 words
Louis thinks he's getting everything he's ever dreamed of. Harry helps him find what makes him truly happy.
Nobody Marks You / 33093 words
Five assholes stuck in a bunker put on a play.
In Your Black Heart (Is Where You’ll Find Me) / 35954 words
The story of The Captain and The Carpenter.
Two Steps Behind / 38550 words
Louis is two years younger than his neighbors, Harry, Liam, Niall, and Zayn, and he grows up bending over backwards to get their attention and acceptance. Especially Harry's.
7 Up / 51973 words
Very loosely based on the British TV show "The Up Series" and somewhat inspired by the song “Something I Need” by Onerepublic, we follow the lives of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson in an interview setting every seven years. They fall apart and come together, their lives and emotions recorded. Harry calls it a time capsule. Louis calls it a pain in the arse.
Gentle Autumn Rain / 57690 words
Louis Tomlinson moved to London with a big heart and a big dream. Harry Styles moved to London, fresh out of the police academy, with the hopes of helping as many people as he could in his eyes. When a deranged alpha forces their paths to cross, their ideas of what is meant to be will never be the same.
somethin’ bout you / 59855 words
Of all the government agents in the world, Louis had to go and land the most charming one.
DOCTOR, DOCTOR /80389 words
Harry and Louis are competing for the same position. They have differing outlooks, a heavy amount of mutual irritation, and all manner of reasons why getting romantically involved would be a terrible idea. Somehow — well. Things end up happening.
The Dead of July / 117466 words
Harry is Captain America, and Louis’ been dead for 70 years.
Never Be / 117522 words
The one where Harry Styles moves to Connecticut from England for nine months as a part of a study abroad program, and he just so happens to move in with Louis Tomlinson and family.  
Wild And Unruly / 123665 words
Harry is a cowboy sitting on the biggest oil reservoir in Wyoming, and Louis is the paralegal assigned to pressure him into selling his land.
A Love Like War / 173835 words
Louis Tomlinson is a cliched rock star, he's got everything except for love. But then he meets Harry Styles; the man that, against all odds, saves him in every way a person can be saved, even when Louis didn't know he needed saving in the first place.
Your Mess Is Mine / 176723 words
Louis is the father to the most brilliant little boy in the world who is all Louis really needs, or at least that's what he tells himself. Harry is a gorgeous boybander fresh off a two year break and a massive scandal that's left him a little broken and more than ready to move on.
Young & Beautiful / 227417 words
Louis, to his horror, attends an elitist university in which the name Zayn Malik means something, Niall Horan doesn't stop talking, there are pianos everywhere, and Harry Styles, only son of a drug-addled, clinically insane ex-rocker, has a perfect smile and empty eyes.
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
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singing-show-alums · 3 years ago
Singing Shows and Eurovision: Sweden 🇸🇪 (Introduction)
I know it’s been a loooooooonnnnnnggggg time since I’ve posted anything on here, but that’s about to change. This is the start of a new series I’m planning to do on this blog, and I will be reblogging these on my Eurovision side blog, @american-eurovision-nerd. Some say that the Idols format was, in part, inspired by Eurovision. And although the Idols format has fallen in popularity in recent years, artists who first made their name on the format have found their way onto the Eurovision stage, a stage that has made and broken many a singer over its six decades of existence. I’ll be profiling different singing competition formats, specifically Idols, The X Factor, and The Voice, the countries where one or more of those formats may be popular, and their contributions to Eurovision.
In my first posts of this series, I’m going to be profiling what is likely the most successful country when it comes to Idols alums crossing over into Eurovision: Sweden 🇸🇪.
Sweden first began airing its version of Idols, Idol ____ (the blank there because the official title of the show uses the year that each season is taking place), in 2004 with Daniel Lindström crowned its first winner. Since then, it has run for 17 seasons, taking a one-year break in 2012 when The X Factor aired instead. The X Factor Sweden was canceled after one season and Idol 2013 returned the following year. Over 17 seasons, 12 men and 5 women have won Idol Sweden (and women have never won in back-to-back years on this particular version).
The male winners are: Daniel Lindström, Markus Fagervall, Kevin Borg (the only Idols winner to ever come from Malta), Erik Grönwall, Jay Smith, Kevin Walker, Martin Almgren, Liam Cacatian Thomassen, Kristoffer Kläfford, Sebastian Walldén, Tusse Chiza (originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo), and Birkir Blær (full name Birkir Blær Óðinsson, who is originally from Iceland).
The female winners are: Agnes Carlsson, Marie Picasso, Amanda Fondell, Lisa Ajax, and Nadja Holm.
Some American readers may recognize Erik Grönwall (who appeared as Simon Zealotes in NBC’s concert production of Jesus Christ Superstar) and Christoffer Kläfford (who would later compete on America’s Got Talent in 2019, where he made it to the Semifinal rounds before being eliminated).
This particular version of Idols has also produced a whole bunch of non-winning alumni who have gone on to great success, thanks in no small part to Melodifestivalen. Melodifestivalen (Swedish for “The Melody Festival” or “The Song Festival”) is the Swedish national selection competition to choose its entry for Eurovision. It was first staged in 1959, for Sweden’s second Eurovision appearance (its debut the previous year is the only time that Sweden has ever used an internal selection to select its Eurovision entry), and since then Melodifestivalen (also affectionately known to fans worldwide as “Melfest” or “Mello”) has taken place almost every year except for three: 1964 (cancelled due to an artists’ strike, which led to Sweden withdrawing from Eurovision that year), 1970 (when the Nordic countries boycotted Eurovision over the 1969 Contest ending in a four-way tie with four winners crowned because there was no tiebreaker), and 1976 (due to protests arising after Sweden hosted the 1975 Contest; Sweden ultimately withdrew from the 1976 Contest and returned the following year). Melfest for much of its history has made stars of up-and-comers and has either validated established stars or nearly ended their careers. Melfest has produced a total of six Eurovision winners (four of those coming before Idol’s debut in Sweden) and 24 Top Five placings at the Contest.
So...with that out of the way, let’s take a look at how many Idol Sweden alums have gone to Melfest, and then we’ll cover the Idol alums who have actually won Melfest more in depth. We’ll be looking at the overall alums season by season, with those reaching the Melfest Final at least once in bold. Those who also won Melfest are in bolded italics. The highest finishing contestant from each season is listed first, followed by finalists and then semifinalists (if any). All alums listed went to Melfest as performers. If they competed at Melfest under a stage name, it will be shown in parentheses.
Season 1 (2004): Darin Zanyar (Darin), Lorén Talhaoui (Loreen)
Season 2 (2005): Agnes Carlsson, Sibel Redžep, Måns Zelmerlöw, Ola Svensson
Season 3 (2006): Erik Segerstedt, Danny Saucedo (Note: both competed once as part of the trio E.M.D., and each competed at least once more as a solo artist)
Season 4 (2007): Daniel Karlsson (The Moniker), Mattias Andréasson (Note: as part of E.M.D. as well as solo), Christoffer Hiding
Season 5 (2008): Alice Svensson, Robin Bengtsson, Anna Bergendahl, Loulou Lamotte (Note: as both a backing singer for John Lundvik and as part of The Mamas, a group formed from those singers), Linda Pritchard
Season 6 (2009): Mariette Hansson, Eddie Razaz
Season 7 (2010): Andreas Weise
Season 8 (2011): Robin Stjernberg, Molly Pettersson Hammar (Molly Hammar)
Season 9 (2013): No contestants from this season have appeared in Melodifestivalen as of 2022.
Season 10 (2014): Lisa Ajax
Season 11 (2015): Martin Almgren, Axel Schylström
Season 12 (2016): Liam Cacatian Thomassen (LIAMOO), Rebecka Karlsson, Renaida Braun
Season 13 (2017): Hanna Ferm
Season 14 (2018): Kadiatou Holm Keita (Kadiatou), William Stridh, Natalie Brydolf
Season 15 (2019): Tusse Chiza (Tusse)
Season 16 (2020): No contestants from this season have appeared in Melodifestivalen as of 2022.
Season 17 (2021): No contestants from this season have appeared in Melodifestivalen as of 2022.
If you’re keeping count, Idol Sweden has produced 32 Melodifestivalen contestants, 7 Melodifestivalen winners, and among those 7 winners, 2 of them went on to win Eurovision: Loreen and Måns Zelmerlöw.
So, in order of their appearances on Idol (and in the case of season 5, the order they won Melfest), we’ll be learning a little more about those 7 alums who have gone on to win Melodifestivalen and grace the Eurovision stage. For each one, I will include a pic from their Idol run and a pic from their Eurovision appearance.
This series will be spread out over three posts: the first post will cover Loreen and Måns Zelmerlöw, who both appeared on Idol Sweden earliest in its run as well as won Eurovision. The second post will cover the three Season 5 alums who have gone on to win Melodifestivalen a combined four times: Anna Bergendahl, Robin Bengtsson, and Loulou Lamotte. The third and final post in this series will cover the two alums who competed latest in Idol Sweden’s run to win Melfest: Robin Stjernberg and Tusse Chiza.
You won’t have to wait long for Part 1, as it will be posted (and hopefully reblogged to my Eurovision side blog) tomorrow to mark the First Semifinal of Melodifestivalen 2022! The other two parts will each be posted on the next two Saturdays after that.
Stay tuned for Part 1!
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f0point5 · 1 year ago
If you could change next year driver line up, how would u change it?
Hmm this is a tough question because I don’t have too too much knowledge of F2/other series to know who are the best options for replacements, but I’m going to fill them in where I can and and if I’m not sure I’ll leave it blank.
Red Bull - MV1 and DR3 - I actually don’t think Checo has been as much of a problem as people make out this year but I think next year when the field begins to converge and the top teams start coming for Red Bull, he’s going to be a constructor problem. He might even be a driver problem around those street circuits if it’s not guaranteed that Max will win everything else. I think Daniel would happily take the number 2 role from day 1 while Checo struggles to settle into it for the first few races.
Mercedes - GR63 and LH44 - I personally wouldn’t change it, because they’re two great drivers, and I’m here for the chaos. I think Merc would potentially shoot themselves in the foot by binning off one of two good drivers. Neither of them will win a title with the other in the same car but for constructors, I’d keep them both. Also I don’t like Merc as a vibe so these two tripping each other up next year is banter for me. I actually do think LH should retire but I can’t think of anyone on the grid who deserves (both in a positive and negative way) that Merc seat atm so I’m leaving him there.
Ferrari - CL16 and NH22 - Wild I know but hear me out. I think Hulk is SO much better than a Haas. He has dragged that disaster of a car to places it shouldn’t even see on a map in qualifying and he does all that can be done in the race before the tyres cook like Uncle Ben’s rice in a new microwave. I think he would be a great second driver for Charles. He could settle into the role easily, he could provide support not competition. I think he’s mature enough and would be grateful enough to do what needed to be done in a support role but also stern enough to speak up when there’s a problem, which maybe Charles doesn’t as much and Nico could be a good ally for him. I just think Charles could do with a big brother in that team and I think Nico could do that as well as scoring valuable points.
McLaren - LN4 and OP81 - This driver line up will cook by ‘25 imo but I think they’ll be good for another year.
Alpine - PG10 and EO31 - Just leave ‘em there, they’re not bothering anyone except each other.
Alpha Tauri - Liam Lawson and another rookie (Iwasa?)- I know AT are trying to move away from their RB junior roots and they want a strong development driver but it’s my game I’ll play it how I want. I like that they’re a place for young drivers to show their potential and that it’s the F1 finishing school. I think Liam Lawson deserves a chance to show he’s a contender for the post-Verstappen era, and I think Tsunoda is not their plan for Red Bull so he shouldn’t be taking up a seat in AT. I don’t know if they can get a really experienced reserve/sim driver to help with development, maybe give a chance to one of the other guys I’m mentally throwing out of seats, but I think AT should be for the up and comers.
Alfa Romeo - Theo Pourchaire and ZG24. I don’t know Theo Pourchaire too much, but I know he’s doing well in F2, and was in talks with AR for ‘24, so unless there’s another more promising rookie, give him a shot. I’d maybe like to see Arthur Leclerc in the seat just because I think he’s downright adorable but I don’t know anything about his driving. But yeah I think Bottas has had his time, he’s not providing points, Zhou seems to have a good handle on the car I don’t think Bottas is providing much in the way of mentoring. Sometimes you take the old horses out to pasture, I think it’s time. I’m leaving Zhou there another year or two because again I don’t have the knowledge of who else really needs a seat in junior categories, but if there was a stand out junior I’d chuck him. I think the line up would change again in ‘26 because I full believe there’s a seat for Sainz if he wants it, so I say give youngsters a chance while the team is in a transition period.
Aston Martin - FA14 and CS55 - I’m caveating this with it being contingent on Aston Martin recovering some form, because I wouldn’t want Sainz that far down the midfield as they are currently. That said, I think those two in the 3rd/4th fastest car would do BITS. They get on, Alonso is a man who can handle the pressure, and I think could handle Sainz and his family very well. I just see it being a competitive but harmonious pairing, and I think Sainz would calm down somewhat knowing he would for sure inherit free run of the team once Alonso retires (if Sainz doesn’t go to Audi). Also, Lance just has to go. I’m sure he does enjoy it but there’s any number of thing he could enjoy that don’t involve the negativity he deals with in this sport, that don’t involve the spotlight which he seems to hate, and frankly don’t involve being painfully mediocre. Buy a track, buy a car, race for fun. I think the Stroll situation has gone beyond a joke tbh.
Haas - SP11/YT22 and KM20 - I don’t even rate KMag but I don’t think Haas deserve a rookie and I don’t think they can afford one. I don’t think mick Schumacher was any real loss to the grid but it’s clear the Guenther didn’t have the energy, impetus, or indeed the money, to nurture a young driver. I’d give Perez first option in the seat and Yuki can have it if Perez would rather retire. I know it’s my choice but honestly I don’t think either of them would make inroads in a Haas so it doesn’t matter to me, I think they’d both produce an equally exciting performance once or twice in a season. I just think Haas needs to stick with solid, comfortable, and decidedly more experienced drivers.
Williams - AA23 and Felipe Drugovich - I think Alex is a good driver, and I almost gave him the Merc seat, but tbh I think he deserves to be a first driver, I think he deserves to have a team that believes in him built around him, and I don’t think he deserves to have his friendship with George ruined by being his teammate. So I’m leaving him at Williams, to see out that development project, and wherever they get to, he can have the credit. I’d like to see them in that Aston Martin/Alpine fight. I think Sargeant can see himself out; he’s a Mick, too expensive for a small team. I think Williams have the capability to develop a young driver, I think James says and does the right things, I think Alex has amazing mentor potential, I just think it’s wasted on Sargeant. Drugovich has a decent amount of experience, he presumably knows how not to bin it and cost a team money. Worst case scenario he’s a Sargeant, but that’s like a 1% chance. I think there’s a 99% chance he at least costs less.
These takes may be unhinged lol be glad my name isn’t Stefano Domenicalli.
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hljournal · 4 years ago
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Today’s author is delsicle / @eeveelou ! Don’t forget to give the fics kudos and leave a comment!
Bloodlust (4k)
Vampire Harry gets addicted to his human boyfriend's blood. It has unexpected side effects.
a rose by any other name (3k)
Harry is a sheltered omega who is the pinnacle of good breeding, but the flowers in his family’s garden – and the alpha gardener who keeps them – prove to be his greatest weakness.
i want your belly (and that summer feeling) (9k)
Louis loves Harry's body from the first moment he sees him. It takes Harry a little convincing to see what Louis sees.
without crying over calories (5k)
Louis has no idea what to do for his new boyfriend on Valentine's Day. And then, inspiration strikes thanks to a big box of chocolate and a little red lace.
A Valentine's Day special in the thick alpha Harry universe
let me elevate your appetite (WIP)
Louis loves Harry's body and shows him every way he can
Or, the adventures of thick alpha Harry and his omega continue
Canyon Moon (40k)
For as long as Louis has remembered, he has been promised to be mated to Harry, his best friend and the future pack alpha. But Louis’s heart belonged to the forest and to the hunt more than he could ever imagine it belonging to Harry.
Then Harry’s father dies in a violent accident, and Louis’s future alpha disappears on the wind.
An A/B/O Lion King AU
save me, call me baby (14k)
Louis didn't plan for him and his husband to be pregnant at the same time. Somehow, it works out.
An omega/omega love story in three snapshots.
feeling it out (131k)
"Harry wasn’t jealous. He liked watching Louis and Alex together and how blissfully happy they were, a perfect pairing who would one day make a perfect family. Even in his lowest moments when he dreamed about the taste of Louis’s mouth on his, he would never want to live in a world where Louis broke Alex’s heart and left him for Harry.
But maybe he did want to come over one day, and have Louis kiss him in a greeting when he came over for dinner. He wanted a night to come when Alex would pick a tipsy Louis up to take him to bed and to glance over at Harry and say “you can stay, you know” and he wouldn’t just mean just for the night but forever.”
Harry has been hopelessly in love with his twin brother’s omega for five years. And then the war comes.
watched them all come falling down for you (6k)
February 8, 1935, Alex and Louis’s mating night. A timestamp from the feeling it out universe
Heavy Metal (5k)
Harry gets a piercing on a whim. Both he and Louis like it far more than either of them expected.
blue eyes, black jeans, lighters, candy (3k)
Harry is in Madrid and Louis had a hard week.
can you feel the fever (5k)
Tour has Harry exhausted. Luckily exactly what he needs is waiting for him in his Sacramento dressing room
swimming in a champagne sea (17k)
Louis is a supermodel. Harry is a celebrity photographer known for capturing the brightest up and comers in their most candid moments. They meet at London’s most exclusive New Year’s Eve party.
An alpha/alpha fic filled with confusion, banter, Ubers, and glitter
Even in August (30k)
Alex and Louis fell in love in an apple orchard.
The next few years are not so kind.
Trouvaille (18k)
The last thing Alex expects to find in an abandoned neighborhood in Dunkirk, France is something he actually wants to remember.
Baby Honey (14k)
When the next great war strikes, all alphas have to ship out. Alex leaves a little more behind than some of the others.
You and Me (37k)
Alex goes to war. He comes back and everything is the same -- his hometown, his flat, the boy with the bad heart he left behind.
Everything is same. Except for him.
Ever Fixed (41k)
Three years ago, Harry was happily married, successfully heading the largest technology company in the world, and raising his young daughter. After he loses nearly everything in the aftermath of his daughter’s lost battle with a rare brain tumor, it may take three strange and yet very familiar visitors – and a man from the therapy group Harry keeps refusing to go to – to get him back on track.
Based on the film Collateral Beauty
lightning before the thunder (29k)
Or, just another X Factor fic featuring dumb boys with dumber crushes, growing pains, random fires, and a dragon.
pray for some sweet simplicity (237k)
Or, an AU where motorcycle racing is the biggest sport in a heavily divided world, Louis is trying to take control of his own destiny, and Harry is in for more than he bargained for.
oh we’re in love aren’t we (20k)
Or, a soft 19/19 university AU in which Harry is getting a fresh start, Louis isn’t subtle, no one does their homework and 3 AM is an excellent time to fall in love.
beautiful sound beautiful noise (53k)
Louis is a washed-up pop star who has spent nearly a year hiding away from the world. Harry is a guardian angel who is assigned to live with him for the summer. Neither of them quite get what they’re expecting.
till I drown in your hands (26k)
Or, the AU in which Liam has a house to sell (and issues to sort out), Zayn is just trying to keep it together, Niall wants everyone to get along, Louis is flirty, and Harry has been in love with Louis for eight years.
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wontlastimokwiththat · 4 years ago
Witches Mates- Chapter 1
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Hey my loves! This is an actual, full length, WIP I'm working on. It's one of the things that takes up a lot of my time. I have a few (maybe 6-7) chapters written and I’m working on more. This story means a lot to me, I've put a lot of time and effort into it. I hope you guys like it.
This is an all 4 5SOS boy fic. All of them are with one character but they aren't with each other. I'm not sure how it will be taken but I want to put it out there and see if y'all like it.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
"I thought we were going to surprise her," I heard someone say as the door to the shop opened.
"I need her help," a familiar voice countered. I walked out of the back of the shop with a smile.
"Whose help?" I asked my long time friend, Liam. I noticed his pack was with him and four others I didn't know. Yes, pack. Liam and his friends, Harry, Louis, Niall, and Zayn, are werewolves.
"Yours," he stated. I walked out from behind the counter.
"My services will cost you," I said. He smiled.
"I wouldn't expect anything different," he said before hugging me. "I've missed you. Happy birthday."
"You know I don't celebrate." I pulled back. "Who's your new friends?"
"J, meet Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Michael. Our parents are close friends," Liam explained, pointing at each one. "Guys, this is Jessica Lebeau."
"Nice to meet you all," I smiled as Harry cleared his throat. "Shut up, we talk all the time."
"That hurts, J," he said, putting a hand over his heart. I rolled my eyes before looking back at Liam.
"What do you need?" I asked.
"Danielle's hiding something from me. I need you to tell me what," he said.
"I'm not a mind reader, Li," I stated.
"Call her and ask," he told me.
"If she knows you're here, she won't be stupid enough to tell me. That's one reason I like her, she's smarter than you realize."
"It says outside something about tarot card readings," Calum said. "Don't those answer questions?"
"Most of the time, the cards give generalized answers," I told him. "I don't see the harm in trying, though." I walked back behind the counter and grabbed my tarot cards.
"Liam, have you ever had a tarot card reading?" Louis asked.
"Once and I didn't like the outcome," Liam said.
"You didn't like it because the cards told you someone was lying to you and it turned out your girlfriend was cheating," I reminded him as I spread out the cards. "Dani isn't like that so I'd say you're fine. Now, pick three cards."
"Fine," he sighed as he and the others walked to the counter. Liam pointed at one and I flipped it.
"Ten of Cups," I smiled. "You feel whole with her, completely happy."
"True," he nodded before pointing at the second one. I flipped it and frowned slightly. "What? Is it bad?"
"No, it's good. Four of Wands typically means you're on the right path," I said.
"Why'd you frown?" he asked.
"Ten of Cups can mean family and Four of Wands can be marriage or pregnancy," I explained.
"You mean-"
"Pick the last card, Liam," Niall interrupted. Liam pointed at his last card and visibly held his breath as I flipped it.
"You should call Dani," I mumbled.
"Why?" Liam quizzed.
"The Empress represents the life cycle, celebrates love, and the three cards together almost certainly means she's pregnant," I said. He pulled out his phone as he came behind the counter and walked to the back of the shop. The others started walking around the shop but Ashton stayed at the counter, staring at the tarot cards.
"I've never seen tarot cards like this," Ashton told me, running his hand across the back of one. "They're beautiful."
"They're handmade family heirlooms," I told him. "My mom's side of the family has done tarot card reading for generations. This symbol is our family crest." I pointed at the symbol on the back of a card.
"I've seen it before. It's the Firelight symbol," he mumbled.
"My family was around before witches chose the name Firelight," I lied. Actually, my family is the Firelight witch family. His eyes snapped up to meet mine.
"You know?" I laughed.
"Sweetheart, I live in New Orleans. Of course, I know."
"Hey. Is any of this stuff actually cursed?" Michael asked me, looking around one of the shelves.
"I wouldn't touch anything if I were you," Zayn told him. "You never know when it comes to J and her mom."
"J, what's the theme for the party tonight?" Harry asked.
"Witches," I told him as the shop door opened.
"And warlocks, right?" Calum quizzed.
"Language!" my best friend, Damien, exclaimed as the door closed behind him.
"What'd I say?" Calum asked.
"Warlock means oath breaker and is highly offensive to male witches," I explained. "Witch is a gender neutral term."
"Sorry," Calum said and I turned my attention to Damien.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Everything's all set up at your house," he told me. "The invitations have been sent and flyers have been posted."
"Great. Thanks, Damien," I smiled. He eyed the tarot cards and the three still flipped.
"Who's pregnant?" he asked me.
"Possibly Dani. I was reading for Liam," I told him.
"Damn," he whistled. "Tarot cards isn't how you want to find that out. I guess it's better than his last reading, though."
"Wait, you read tarot cards, too?" Michael asked him.
"Yeah," Damien nodded. "J taught me when we were, like, eleven."
"How long have you been doing it?" Ashton asked me.
"I learned to read tarot cards before I learned to read books," I told him. "I told you it's a family thing and Damien's practically family." Liam walked out of the back of the shop with a stupid happy smile on his face. "She's pregnant, isn't she?"
"Yes, she is," he nodded. I smiled as the congratulations rang through the shop. The standing clock in the corner chimed five and I looked at Damien, who smiled. I felt the wave of power rush through my body so strong I would've fallen to the ground had I not been resting against the counter. I closed my eyes to prevent the new comers from seeing my eyes glow a bright purple and I felt someone place a hand over mine.
"You good, J?" Niall asked. I nodded slightly, opening my eyes and looking at him.
"Never better," I smiled. I knew he realized what had happened because he smiled right back at me.
"Happy official birthday," he said with a wink.
"It's closing time," Damien announced. "Let's get the hell outta here."
"Go on. I'll meet you guys there," I said.
"Are you sure?" Harry asked.
"Yeah. I'll have to get my stuff together and lock up. I won't be far behind," I assured.
"I'll stay with her," Liam told him. "We need to catch up anyways." They nodded and left the shop. Liam looked at me. "Was that what I think that was?"
"If you mean me getting my full witch powers, yes, it was," I nodded.
"Have you already chosen a witch name?" See, here's the deal. A witch is given a name at birth, just like mundanes. But when a witch turns 21 and gets their full powers, they have to choose a witch name. The name they'll go by with their coven and other people of the supernatural world. My mother's witch name is Constance Firelight and her mundane name is Maria Lebeau. Damien's witch name Lejend Emberglow.
"I have."
"What name did you chose?"
"Mystia Firelight," I told him.
"It fits you," Liam smiled.
"Thank you." I collected my tarot cards and put them in their case. I put the case in my bag and threw my bag over my shoulder. "Ready?" Liam nodded. I grabbed the keys from under the counter and followed Liam out of the shop. I locked the door and made sure the protection spell was still intact then walked with Liam through the French Quarter to my huge house just outside of it.
Damien and the others were already there when we arrived. While they got into their costumes for the party, I went around the property's perimeter putting up a spell of protection from spirits that could rise and cause harm to me, my friends, or the party goers. Once I was finished, it was time for the party to start. Damien stayed outside greeting guests while I went to my room to change.
I changed into a black dress that hugged my body tightly and ended just above mid thigh. It was low cut in the front, going between my boobs, and was backless. The long sleeves were tight until my forearm then they flared out. I paired the dress with black, high heeled, over the knee boots and brushed out my long hair with brightly colored streaks. I did makeup with dark smokey eyes and deep red lipstick that looked like the color of blood. Once I was finished, I went down stairs.
I lit the elemental candles on the coffee table in the living room, deciding to call the elements to protect the party goers tonight. I lit the green one first. It represents earth and faces north.
"Earth, I call you tonight to keep my visitors grounded." I lit the yellow one next which represents air and faces east. "Air, I ask that you blow away any evil spirits that may try to do harm tonight." Next, I lit the red one that faced south and represented fire. "Fire, I call you to protect and guard my visitors tonight while they are here and while they go home." I lit the blue one next, facing west and representing water. "Water, I ask you to drown out any evil in my visitors hearts and minds tonight." Finally, I lit the purple one in the middle that represented spirit. "Spirit, I bring you into this circle tonight to ensure everyone is happy and has a good time."
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bonniebird · 5 years ago
A chance missed (Part Two)
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Klaus x Reader / Stiles x Reader
Requested by Anon
Part One
“How can you all be ok with this?” Stiles snapped as he sat in the driver's seat of the car.
“They’re very nice and getting along with them will make it easier for Jackson in the long run.” Scott pointed out.
“Not that! Her, (Y/N) she’s dating a Mikaelson! That’s worse than Peter for those of use who weren’t keeping score.” Stiles snapped and glared at Scott who rolled his eyes.
“She can date whoever she wants. It’s none of my business anymore, she lives in New Orleans now, even if she still lived in Beacon Hills I could only voice any issues I had with him.” Scott explained firmly. He was getting tired of Stiles complaining about the situation. It was his fault. He needed to accept it.
“She’s just doing this to get to me.” Stiles said decisively.
“No she isn’t! She’s moved on because you’re a cheating jerk and the only reason half of us forgave you is because (Y/N) forgave you.” Malia growled out from the back of the jeep. “Now let's go inside. I want to see this Rousseau’s bar (Y/N) was talking about.” Malia climbed out of the car and stomped off.
“Stiles you need to get over (Y/N), you cheated on her, for months and she left you. That isn’t on (Y/N) at all. Besides, the pacts here and tenuous at best and I don’t want to go back home with an original Hybrid after us. If you can’t come with us without causing a scene then don’t…” Scott trailed off when he realised Stiles was staring out of the window with a glazed, far off look.
You were walking past with Lydia and Rebekah, heading towards the bar. Liam and Theo weren’t far behind. Scott sighed and shook his head. He just hoped Stiles could get it through his head before he upset Klaus.
“How are you enjoying our guests?” Klaus asked Kol. Kol had taken up a seat at the bar, hoping to avoid the new comers.
“They’re… different. The strawberry blond one… whats her name?” Kol gestured towards Lydia who was dancing with you.
“Lydia Martin.” Klaus informed him and Kol snapped his fingers.
“She was irritating at first, asking a lot of questions, writing notes. Did you know these hybrid descendants of yours have no direct elders, very little history they can collect. Two elder bloodlines in one town. Doesn’t seem right.” Kol’s tone changed from sympathetic.
“I assume you took it upon yourself to fill in some blanks?” Klaus asked hopefully.
“Of course. We can’t have this Sebastien Valet taking credit for too much of our work. Though bearing about that particular monster, makes me glad we don’t have to deal with him.” Kol admitted.
“Well, thank you, for quelling her curiosity, she’s good friends with (Y/N). One key point she keeps reminding me of, if that now matter how unconditional her love may appear, the one and only condition is peace between us and the McCall pack.”
“You know brother, you used to be the most feared monster out there, now you bask in the flight of a human woman.”
“As if you don’t do the same when it comes to Davina.”
“That is true. I just didn’t think you would be capable to patience. It is almost admerale brother.” Kol downed his drink and frowned looking over at the corner of the dance floor. “What is that one called. He never looks happy.”
“That would be Stiles.” Klaus said quickly. There was a moment of awkwardness that hung in the air before Kol spoke.
“Ah, yes, that one. I would ask if you are worried about them but apparently (Y/N) doesn’t want to talk to him, he’s part of the pack so she will forgive him to a point but no more. At least the Banshee said so. It’s rather thrilling to be wrapped up in these young dramas again isn’t it. Reminds me of Mystic Falls.”
“I am not worried. He broke her heart, but my city meant it. I get to love her. What more could anyone want?” Klaus said as he grinned, you looked his way and waved him over, insisting that he fulfilled his promise of dancing once, while the wolves were visiting.
“I could ask for less werewolves, we have enough already.” Kol grumbled as he watched his brother with amusement. Trust you to be able to lure out some softness from Klaus.
“Well they’re not going anywhere and I hate to break it to you, Malia and the fox, are tempted to stay with (Y/N). So urm. How about some some Chimera whiskey. It’ll kill a human and keel a wolf over with a deadly hangover.” Theo said as he took a seat at the bar with his smaller wolf friend. The boy nervously looked over at Kol who smiled and motioned for some shot glasses while Theo produced a Jam jar of clear liquid that burned Kols’ nostrils when it was opened.
“Just don’t tell our alpha we have any.” The small wolf promised.
“Never! I’m Kol.”
“I’m Liam.” Liam said cheerfully, seeming to conquer his fear of Kol but his suspicious frown stayed firmly planted across his face.
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