#Lia Hawkins
dani-luminae · 4 months
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Coming to you right from the famous Bia brainrot post, we have these two dorks.
Will I ever stop thinking about them? Probably not. Not that I want to, either.
Royal ball, or wedding reception, maybe? Who knows...? Just look at the two lovebirds!
Art by the fantastic and wonderful @descendantofthesparrow!
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Get her ass
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R Mal and TD Lia on their way to kick R Maleficents ass
DO NOT REPOST FOR GODS SAKE, whoever is reposting all my shit to Pinterest STOP it doesn't even give me 'reach/exposure' because nothings credited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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queenpiranhadon · 30 days
guys can I be moots with a fan of the Naturals series I swear I need someone to talk about this to
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just finished reading the naturals series by jennifer lynn barnes and Sloane Tavish might just be my most favorite character ever!!
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ex-cult-member · 2 months
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Human lie detector.
@tooemotionalhere - Micheal a full blown alcoholic. Who doesn't do anything right except read emotions.
@cqssiehobbesx - Cassie.
@the-deanredding - Dean aka the way too overprotective older brother.
@sloanetownstavish - Sloane your should give her coffee for the best results coffee.
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yjwhatif · 2 years
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Full disclosure - this is totally traced but I wanted to do something that wouldn’t require much concentration or brain power (coz I honestly don’t feel like I got much of that at the minute… which is also why I’m failing at getting asks done - sorry…)
I LOVE this shot - it’s so fun and Ed’s face is hilarious - so I drew it…
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Concept looks for Nova Hawkins in three alternate universes that me and my friend, @disneyfan50 , discuss at times.
From top to bottom:
*Nova Hawkins adventure look in Rewrite The Stars/Never Enough alternate universe, where she travels with her brother and his family, albeit not really by choice but more of a result of her constant flying her solar surfer in restricted areas getting her constantly arrested to the point of finally getting a warning of juvy if she's arrested again, which Jim will not allow to happen and so, he decided to take her under his wing on his adventures... *Nova Hawkins pirate look in Love From The Stars alternate universe, where at first, Nova had grown up as safe as possible, her brother making sure of that, but one day while her brother was visiting, enemies of him had followed and tried to kidnap Nova to get at him and while the enemies were dealt with, a fearful Jim decided for Nova's safety, decided to bring her aboard the RLS Baelstrom, into the Pleiadean Fleet, to personally keep her safe. *Nova Hawkins pirate look in a branch off alternate universe on Lia alternate universe on Chasing Stardust, where in this branch off, Nova did not grow up with her mother but instead, the father of her brother, Leland, who told Nova he rescued her from a fire that wrecked her mother's inn, but that her mother didn't make it out in time sadly, leading to her being raised by Leland alongside the crew he's fallen in with, and she questions nothing. Until they abduct a Princess of Solasar, that is.
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earlypalaeoart · 6 months
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Watercolour sketch of Ichthyosaurus, Plesiosaurus and Steneosaurus by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, mid 1800s
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blkgirlsreadfanfic2 · 4 months
CHAPTER ONE: The Vanishing of Will Byers
series masterlist chapter warnings: potentially inaccurate 80s references steve harrington x sinclair!oc
“Thanks, doll.” Jaz said, handing the pre-pubescent pizza boy a $20 bill.
“No problem.” He replied, walking back to his bike.
Jasmine Sinclair closed the door to her parents’ home in Hawkins, Indiana. 15-years-old and the oldest child of Charles and Sue Sinclair, Jasmine (or “Jaz”), carried herself with confidence. Her brown curly hair was pulled into a pineapple updo, and her tattered AC/DC shirt fell loosely over her shoulder. It was a Tuesday night, and while her brother Lucas was playing D&D at Mike Wheeler’s house, she was hosting band practice with two of her best friends, Amelia Rose and Katherine Brown.
“Was he cute?” a voice called from the kitchen.
Jasmine rolled her eyes as she set the pepperoni pizza down on the counter. The voice belonged to Amelia (or “Lia”); Lia’s orange hair glowed in the pale-yellow light of the Sinclair kitchen. Her hazel eyes gleamed with mischief and 12 freckles were grouped along her nose and cheeks.
“He was like 13, Lia. Way too young for you.”
“Hey, I was asking for Kat.” Lia defended.
“If he’s 13 then he’s definitely too young for me.” Kat said.
Katherine Brown was the oldest of the trio, a junior in high school and the unofficial leader. She popped open a Coke bottle on the kitchen counter, her perfectly manicured nails catching in the light. She had wavy black hair that came down to her shoulders and jet black eyes that often seemed to gaze into the depths of your very soul. It was fitting, she was also the most observant of the group.
The three girls had met during Lia and Jaz’s freshman year and Kat’s sophomore year. The three of them tried out for the school’s band but were told that their instruments were not needed. Frustrated over their rejection, the trio decided to start their own rock band. They named it the Bikini Roses which, in retrospect, probably wasn’t the best name they could have come up with. However, they had become attached to the name and used it when applying for gigs at the few clubs that would allow them in. Band practices were frequent in the beginning of the school year; the time where the summer air still lingered and teachers were more concerned with get-to-know you questions than whether or not your paper followed MLA format.
Jaz grabbed a paper plate from the stack and grabbed a slice of pizza, sitting on the stool next to Lia.
“Hey, what time was Lucas supposed to be home?” Kat asked.
“Like an hour ago. He never finishes on time though, I’ll call in the next 30 minutes.” Jaz answered.
In reality, Jaz would have been happier if Lucas just slept at Mike’s. She loved her little brother with all her heart, but his D&D nights meant she could have longer band practices with Lia and Kat. Erica was a heavy sleeper, so she was never bothered by the loud sounds of drums smashing in the garage. The band was Jaz’s ticket out of Hawkins for good, and the better they sounded, the better their chances of being famous.
“We should probably get going, Kat. My mom wants me home early tonight.” Lia said.
Kat nods and chugs the last of her Coke, placing the bottle down on the counter and wiping her mouth off. Kat and Lia finished their slices of pizza and exchanged hugs with Jaz. Once she head Kat’s car pull out of the driveway, Jaz made her way over to the phone, dialing the number to the Wheeler’s house. The line rang for a few seconds before Karen Wheeler’s voice was heard through the speaker.
“Wheeler residence.”
“Hey Mrs. Wheeler, it’s Jasmine. Is Lucas still there?” Jaz asked, using her best “talking to someone’s mom” voice.
“Yes, the boys are still downstairs. Do you want me to put him on the phone?”
“No, it’s all right. Can you just tell him that he needs to start making his way home?”
“Of course, Jasmine. Say hello to your mother for me.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Jaz hung up the receiver and began putting the pizza away, making sure the paper plates and napkins were stored properly. She closed the garage, made sure the porch lights were turned on, and grabbed her song book before settling down on the couch and turning the channel to MTV. They were still playing Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” music video. After about 20 minutes of waiting, the front door clicked and Lucas came into the house.
“Hey, Lucas.” Jaz greeted. “There’s pizza in the fridge if you’re hungry.”
“I’m okay.” Lucas told her, grabbing some water from the sink instead.
Jaz knew that Lucas had gone to bed after she heard a clink in the sink and the creak of the stairs as Lucas walked to his room. She got up and turned off the lights inside the house before turning in for the night.
the next morning…
“Jaz! Kat and Lia are here!”
Jaz jumped down the steps two at a time after her mother’s shouts. She kissed her parents on the cheek and jumped in the backseat of Kat’s Toyota Corolla. Lia reached back and handed Jaz a donut, and the trio began the drive to Hawkins High. Once they got there, the three separated and went off to their respective lockers then first period classes. Jaz’s first period was English, one of her favorite classes. Mrs. Jefferson was sweet; she picked interesting books for the class and allowed her students to choose almost any topic for their papers. English was also Jaz’s favorite because it was one of the few times she got to see her best friend - Jonathan Byers.
Jaz and Jonathan met at a thrift store in the city when they were in the eighth grade. With her birthday money in a small green wallet, Jaz wandered between the aisles before finding what she was looking for: cameras. She stared at the assortment of cameras, sticking to the used ones that cost $150 or less. As she was searching, a gangly boy with brown shaggy hair approached her.
“Um…hi.” He said, rocking back and forth on his heels with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
“Hi?” Jaz answered, unsure of his intentions.
“Are you new? To photography, I mean.”
“Yeah…I don’t know which camera to get.”
He looked at the cameras on the shelf before picking one up and inspecting it.
“This is a Chinon CE4. It’s uh…it’s pretty banged up but it should still work.”
“How much is it?”
The boy checked the tag before handing Jaz the camera. “It’s $120.”
“Cool.” Jax looked at the black-and-silver camera, turning it over in her hands. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
Jaz and the boy awkwardly stared at each other for a bit before she spoke again.
“What’s your name?”
“Jonathan. What’s yours?”
“Well um…I was gonna go…check out the cassettes section.”
“What are you looking for?”
“The new Phil Collins album.”
“Oh my gosh, I love it! My parents got it for my birthday but on vinyl.”
“Wanna help me look for it?”
Jaz smiled and nodded, following Jonathan to the music section. They looked around for 15 minutes, coming up empty.
“Sorry we didn’t find it, Jonathan.” Jaz apologized, feeling bad for her newfound friend.
“It’s okay, Jasmine. I can come back next month.”
“Well…do you live near Hawkins?” Jaz asked nervously.
“I actually live in Hawkins!” Jonathan answered excitedly.
“You can borrow my vinyl, you just gotta promise to bring it back.”
Jaz extended her pinky and Jonathan wrapped his around hers. The two of them smiled as Jaz walked to the register and Jonathan walked back to his mother’s car. As the years went by, their shared love of rock music and photography caused them to grow even closer.
As Jaz took her seat, she noticed that Jonathan was missing. Odd…he was always insanely early to English class. Jaz didn’t have a chance to think on it much though; Mrs. Jefferson was about to start class. The rest of school went by in a similar manner. Even in her classes with Kat and Lia, Jaz noticed Jonathan’s absence more and more. He wasn’t a straight-A student, but it wasn’t like him to skip all of his classes - unless something was going on. Once the final bell rang, Jaz made a beeline for Hawkins Middle, searching for her brother. She found him getting on his bike alongside his friends Mike and Dustin. Oddly enough, Will Byers was also missing.
“Lucas!” She called as she rushed across the parking lot.
“Yeah, Jasmine?”
“You seen Will or Jonathan?”
Lucas opens his mouth to give some excuse, but his face gives it all away. Something is wrong.
“Lucas, where’s Will?”
“Will is missing.”
The words bounce around in Jasmine’s head, the weight of them unbearable.
“Go straight home, you hear me?” She tells Lucas, not waiting for him to respond as she runs back to the high school.
She finds Lia in the parking lot, talking to some of the D&D kids by her car.
“Lia! Lia!”
“Yeah Jaz?” She asks, pausing mid-conversation.
Jaz takes a second to catch her breath before continuing. “Can you give me a ride to Jonathan’s?”
“Yeah sure.” Lia turns back to who she was talking to. “I’ll find you at the Hideout later, Eddie.”
“’K.” Eddie Munson replies, shoving his hands into his pockets. “See you around Lia. Bye Jasmine.”
“Bye.” Jaz said. She watches as he walks off, turning back to Lia after he disappeared behind the building.
“You can’t be serious.” Lia scoffs, rolling her eyes at Jaz.
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re not still harboring a crush on Munson?”
“I never had a crush on him.”
“I saw diary entries that would beg to differ.”
“It’s whatever. He’s like 80.”
“More like 19. Come on, let’s go.”
Jaz rolls her eyes and gets in the passenger seat of the car. Lia starts the car and the two of them begin the drive to the Byers’ house.
later that night…
After arriving at the Byers’ residence, Jonathan and Joyce catch Jaz up on the situation. They tell her how Will had been missing since the night before and how the chief had found his bicycle on the side of the road. After a bit of time, Jaz and Jonathan agreed to get some pizza for dinner. They got in the car and Jonathan began driving.
“So how are you really feeling, J?”
“I dunno…I feel like it’s my fault. I should’ve been there for when he got home; I shouldn’t have taken that extra shift.”
Jaz places a hand on Jonathan’s arm. “It’s not your fault. There’s no way you could have-”
“If Lucas had gone missing that night and you weren’t home, how would you feel?” Jonathan snapped.
Jaz sighed. “Probably the same as you.”
Jaz crossed her arms and looked out the window, unsure of how to continue. After a bit of time, she spoke up.
“So…Joyce mentioned a phone call? Are you sure it was Will?”
Jonathan visibly tensed at the question. Backtracking, Jaz said, “We don’t have to talk about it if-”
“No, it’s fine. She said she heard breathing, and she’s sure it was Will.”
“You don’t sound so sure.”
“Well I didn’t hear it. And how could she know? I mean, it’s just breathing. How does she know Will’s?”
“She’s a mom, Jon. She knows her son’s breathing, the same way she would know your scream or your voice.”
Jonathan goes silent for a moment before speaking up again. “Maybe you’re right. But I don’t know, she just seems…out of it.”
“Well her son is missing. She’s allowed to be a little out of it.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Jaz gives him a small smile and places a hand on his knee. “Hey, I’m sure he’ll turn up soon. I made Lia and Kat join the search party.”
“Thanks JJ.”
“Anytime Jon.”
Jonathan grabs Jaz’s hand as he continues driving. It’s moments like these where the pair are grateful for each other. They’ve been there for all the big milestones - good and bad. Jonathan would always have Jasmine, and Jasmine would always have Jonathan. No matter what happens, they’ll always have each other.
i hope you all enjoyed! this is my first time trying to make a series like this, so I hope this worked! - z
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neoswift · 1 year
PAIRING. haechan x fem!oc
WARNINGS. language
SUMMARY. hyuck and via have been in the same friend group for years, pero dahil sa dalang nila mag-interact, everyone thinks they don’t like each other. siguro ‘di lang talaga sila close… right?
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TWENTY. | prev / masterlist / next
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this is basically just a bunch of “timeskips” ig, it starts at tuesday (report nila via), wednesday naman yung tweet ni lia, then thursday is yung dinner plans ng viahae
hyuck would say napadaan lang sya sa room nila via pero sinadya nya talaga na dumaan sila ng ibang classmates nya habang report nila via
hyuck is that annoying classmate na di naman mukhang nakikinig sa klase pero would still ace quizzes and exams
hindi magkasama sila via at ningning when she sent that 💀💀
TAGLIST. @archivedmkl @nctasdfghj @wooyoung-a @morkleetrash @kkotjia @i-aecrysture @injunified @smolpeyy @pepperrye @hibuki-chan @hannie-dul-set @chanfilms @yiz-yo @anya-writes-stuff @w0nderr @mihyu-ckie @remisaki @fullsunld @main-figuresk8-sunghoonie @dejavukirstein @seijenoh @renjun-pretty @skzbeyleynjasnct @yoitbb @najaeminluvbot @hazyru @lune1897 @heynayu @chimajeyn @rensaure @13isacoolnumber @liljeongseong @marahuyornjn @eureah @markleepooh @000rpheus @nanayogurt @luvenshiti @j-8star @flovezen @jaeyuuns @yoonhanzjaem @ssuungchans @shairamaexx @hibernatinghamster @roseltgiri @nanamioo @loljrau @neosdaisy @lk4izen @​hawkins-hs @bbh-kji
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dani-luminae · 8 months
Montressorian Alurais
Having been initially developed by working class miners after the settlement of Montressor, the language is designed to convey a lot of meaning/words in few syllables. At approximately four decades old, it's still a growing language - not fully recognized by some as a language - but to Montressorians who are descendants of the miners originally brought to this dusty planet, it's a language of great pride.
English is still the "formal" language of Montressor, but most Montressorian children of the non-elite class learn Alurais first. (Though Lia might have been considered an elite because of her father's wealth - recognized by Montressor at least - she still learned Alurais first and didn't learn English until they lived on the Isle of the Lost.)
In chapter 2 of Stars on Earth we're introduced to Montressorian Alurais - the native language of Jim Hawkins' home planet, Montressor. We don't hear much but there are two phrases spoken and translated:
Tyre'es vatha (meaning: "my little star")
Natal-i’wan ("most precious treasure" and the phrase which Lia's name in this AU, Natalia, is derived from)
so I thought I might make a little post talking about the linguistics of it so far.
Starting with tyre'es vatha,
pronounced: "tih-reh-ehs vath-a"
Y is an "ih" sound; in re'es, both es are pronounced like "eh" and the apostrophe is a glottal stop (think of the slight pause in "uh oh"), so re'es does not flow together like "rehs;" in vatha the first a is drawn like in the name Han Solo and the ending a is like the a at the end of the name Anna. Any time two A's are present in a word, they follow the same pronunciation, Han and Anna (or like Disney's pronunciation of Anna's name from Frozen.)
Exact construction:
"Tyre" means star; "'es" is a suffix that can mean little or small (like -ita in Spanish); vatha has no literal translation exactly but rather means "(previous spoken [noun]) that is mine/belongs to me."
Literally, star that is little/small and is mine/belongs to me.
Now with natal-i'wan,
"Natal" follows the explanation above: nat like not in this case and the "tal" less stressed; the hyphen denotes that the two words are directly connected; the i returns with the "ih" sound; the glottal stop; and the a in 'wan' is similar to the first a like Han.
Exact construction:
"Natal" means treasure, "wan" is a measurement of wealth/ preciousness/ value, and "i'" is a prefix that means the following descriptor/word to the fullest extent.
Literally, treasure that is greatly valued to the greatest possible extent.
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i have Bia brain rot
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Hello! I am so happy to find someone who writes for the naturals!
Michael Townsend x Redding!Reader
Dean would not be happy. Like at all.
There would definitely be a, keep the door open rule.
And he would make it his personal mission to make sure you two aren't left alone for long.
He strikes me as an overprotective big bro
(also established reader plz)
michael townsend x redding!reader
hcs about being dean's little sister, also in the naturals program, & dating michael townsend. aka a recipe for disaster.
a/n: omg. ur mind. I LOVE THIS!!! i am a team michael girlie thru and thru so this is gonna be fun to write. tysm for the request and i love ur writings of dean and michael !!! i hope u dont mind i added some backstory, i tried to keep it to the point🤞
word count: 2.3k
warnings: none rlly?, suggestiveish content, some violence
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you and dean were close, probably closer than most siblings would admit they were to their brother or sister. being only a year younger than him made it easier to connect and relate to each other. 
because of the trauma brought on during childhood because of your serial killer father, you and dean were closer than ever. dean also became a lot more protective over you as the years passed by. 
dean had always been your protector since childhood — beating up anyone who bullied you, scaring off mean girls, bandaging up any cuts and bruises, etc. 
when the two of you started becoming more aware of your father’s horrendous acts, dean did his best to keep you out of it. he was the first to step for any torturous task your father asked of you, and was always quick to step in front of you in the presence of your dad. 
after the whole investigation and arrest of your father, you’d met agent briggs & sterling, who at the time were married. there he sat the two of you down to explain the two of you had a special trait that labeled you under the category ‘natural.’ dean’s gift being profiling while yours revolved around being a forensic analyst. 
it was difficult to comprehend, specially at a young age, but the both of you mutually agreed the best option was to go with agent briggs to join the beginning of the naturals program. 
you were brought to some sort of safe house, where you were ought to live for who knew however long. there you met an older man, whose name was judd hawkins. you found out he was the one going to watch over you and manage house tasks. 
after awhile, you were introduced to someone new, also natural. her name – lia zhang. 
she was a natural lie detector and at deception. you were a little wary of her at first, but then the three of you became close. 
however, she had always trusted dean more and was more best friends with him than you. 
a part of you felt left out, but you didn’t speak up in fear of being dramatic. it was enough lia was your friend you told yourself. 
not too long after another girl joined the small group, sloane tavish who was a natural statistician. 
she was quite weird and awkward, spewing the most random facts when she saw an opportunity, but you got along with her great. however, she was almost occupied in the basement doing experiments to be a friend to you in the traditional sense. 
you’d still hoped for a best friend of your own. and your wish got granted and brought to in the form of michael townsend, an emotion reader. 
though at first, he was like lia when he arrived, closed off and not very open to friendships. but eventually you all warmed up to each other. 
now that there was the presence of another male in the house, there was tension between the two. dean warned you to be weary around michael because he didnt trust him fully yet. 
however, michael saw to this and took the opportunity to come around you whenever he pleased. and dean would retaliate by telling michael to stay away, but this only encouraged him. 
you found him quite annoying at first, reading and calling out your emotions bluntly as casually as he says your name. but after awhile the two of you became very good friends. 
dean was more lenient as he got to know michael, but the two never became much of friends - more on a frenemies level.
you and michael connected over books, music, and learned more about each other. his mask started collapsing and you were able to open up the persona he tried so hard to hide. 
when him and lia started getting involved, you did your best not to care. you told yourself michael could be with who he wants, and him opening up to you didn't mean he liked you romantically. 
once cassie joined you guys, you and her became quick friends. you knew what it felt like to be left out, so you wanted to include her as much as you could. 
she helped you in realizing your feelings for michael. you hadn't ever let the thought cross your mind before, but after you confinded in cassie on your insecurity about lia and michael - it became clear. 
so you chicken out and spent time with michael less. it was lucky for you that being best friends with him meant you knew a few tricks to cover up your true emotions. but michael could tell something was off once you slowly distanced yourself. 
though your brother didn't mention it, you knew he was cheering on lia and michael if it meant you and michael disconnected. but he became occupied with cassie to get a chance to profile your reasoning for the distance. 
it came to a head when he cornered you one night, demanding an explanation. caught off guard, you let a crack of your true emotions reveal, and it was enough for michael to quickly pick up what it meant. 
you were utterly embarrassed and ready to face rejection, but he surprised you and instead kissed you. 
he admitted he had a fancy for you, as he put it. and the two of you began your relationship. 
you wanted to hide it for a bit because you knew dean would not approve whatsoever. but living with naturals meant there it was close to impossible to keep any secrets. lia was quick to catch on, and didn't waste a second in spreading it to the others.
the first thing dean did was punch michael in the face. it happened so abruptly, you both were in the living room then dean strided in angrily and just sucked punched your boyfriend. 
you immediately shouted at you brother for his overreaction, but dean kept throwing threats at michael to stay away from you . michael clutched his face, but wasn't faced - he was actually amused and just gave your brother a taunting smirk. 
you had to physically hold dean with all your might to prevent him from throwing another punch. 
dean's protectiveness only got worse from there. 
he watched the the two of you like a hawk. if he saw you close to one another, he would stand or sit between you both to divide you.
if you and michael went somewhere together, trust he was following closely behind. 
for instance, michael took you out to the movies for a date - going as far to rent the entire theater for you both. 
you leaned your head on michael at some point during the film, and that's when dean appeared from the seats behind you, and pushed your head off. 
you were startled so bad, the popcorn in your lap went flying.
dean consistently tried to tell you that michael was going to break your heart, he isn't the type to be serious, and that his past relationship with lia was proof of that. 
it was so much worse when he caught the two of you kissing or making out. 
he screamed to scare you two parts, physically separated the two of you, and he sometimes even tackled michael. 
you were completely embarrassed of your brother's actions, part of you feared it would actually scare your boyfriend away, but michael didn't care for dean's interference, he continued to be with you when and where ever he pleased. 
once cassie and dean got together, things cooled down a bit. she managed to get him to see a bit of reasoning. 
but dean still had a set of rules he expected you to follow. 
number one on the list was - if you and michael are alone in a room together, the door had to be open. especially if it was his room you were in. 
there was an incident that brought it on. 
you and michael frequently went up to his room for privacy to hang out. usually, you took naps, watched movies, researched a case, etc., although the both of you always just end up kissing on his bed. at this point, dean still could not believe the two of you were together. 
well, one afternoon the two of you were looking through interviews for a new case. then michael claimed he was desperately bored and needed to be entertained. you rolled your eyes at his antics and continued reading the transcripts. 
but then he slyly began kissing your neck, slowly pulling you away from the case and into the comfort of his bed. 
next thing you knew, you were under him, making out devoutly on his bed. no surprise that michael got what he wanted. 
his hands made it way under your shirt when dean came barging in, having an inquiry on the case you were supposed to be looking at. 
once he saw the position you two were in, he flipped out. yelling at michael to get off of you and threatening to kill him. you immediately sat up, composing yourself and tried to calm your brother down. michael was of no help, he just rolled his eyes at his outrage and said, "if your this angry at kissing, at hate to see your reaction to our other activities."
you threw a pillow at him, "not helping!"
everyone else ran into the room because of the loud commotion, much to your humiliation, thinking a something horrible had occurred.
lia was holding back a hard laugh, cassie tried to reel dean in, sloane threw in some statistics on sister and brother's best friend relations, judd had to break up michael and dean's fight, and agents briggs and sterling just stayed at their door annoyed by the whole event. 
you wanted to forget that whole event entirely, the thought enough makes you wanna cringe in shame. 
ever since then, dean has made it his sole purpose to ensure the door is always open; he even walks by the room every few hours, which he swears is just a coincidence. 
the only common subject that brings michael and dean together is you. it seems to be the only thing they agree on when it pertains to your well-being. 
they are quick to object to anything that would put you in danger.
lia had convinced you and cassie to go along with her to a college party, she claimed it would help you guys find more evidence for a lead on the case. she gave you guys some interesting clothing to fit the role. 
you three got in smoothly and split up to talk to possible suspects or witnesses. you talked to were able to talk with a few people, feigning curiosity. lia had been right, there was connections to the case at the party. 
you were talking with a guy who was as interesting as a brick, but he was unknowingly drunkenly babbling about possible useful information, so you acted interested, nodding along to his obnoxious story. 
but then he started getting handsy, trying to get you into his room, and you declined very clearly multiple times, but dude couldn't take the message. 
when you tried to walk away he grabbed your wrist harshly, calling you malicious names for leading him on. you were on the verge of calling for lia or cassie, when the drunk man was forcefully pulled away from you. 
you were then pushed behind someone protectively, and you recognized his back appearance; it was dean.
turning toward direction of where the drunk guy was pulled into, and there was your boyfriend, angrily holding the guy by the collar. 
"don't touch my girlfriend."
"girlfriend? dude, hate to break it to you, but she was all over me. practically whoring herself out since she's arrived."
michael wasted no time in throwing a fist to the guy's face for his remark. 
dean also look agitated at the guy's degradtion of you, and for the first time, looked satisfied at michael's actions. eventually, dean had to pull michael away from seriously injuring the guy, and drawing even more attention. 
cassie and lia made their way to you, surprised by the arrival of the guys, who looked pretty peeved at the fact you all three snuck out. 
wasting no time, you all were driven back home by michael; quietly making your way into the house to avoid alerting sterling and judd. 
lia and cassie were smart to quickly to make their way to their rooms, but you weren't so lucky; dean held your arm to stop you from escaping. 
you were used to dean's reprimands, and even the occasional chide from michael when you did something dangerously, but you knew you were in for it if both of them were ready to scold you. 
dean started it - rhetorically, asking what were you thinking, then went into his 'protective brother' rant you were too use to. then michael jumped in, saying you going along with a lia plan was never the best idea and that you should've at least told him to go along with you.
they even took turns having a go at how stupid the entire plan was. you never wanted them to go back to fighting more than now. 
why couldn't they have bonded over sports or games like normal people.
you tried to defend your side, saying you did find helpful information, but it fell deaf to their ears. 
you were watched like a hawk for week after that. dean even threatened to put a ankle monitor on you. michael was even amused at his threat. the jerks. 
dean and michael's small alliance quickly ended the moment michael made a indecent comment about you at dinner. 
in time, dean did start getting along with michael. he still liked to act protective, but you knew in his heart he trusted michael and knew he was a good man for you. 
but to this day, dean continues to glare at any pda you and michael share. 
god, you'd hate to see the day michael asks dean for his blessing. 
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kidflashimpulse · 1 year
How tall do you think all the outsiders are? I love for height headcanons
On another note you’re a fantastic writer and I’m adoring the series you got going on. They’re very captivating to read
So sorry for putting this off for so long ! It’s a seriously good question and I am seriously invested and for that reason! I procrastinate so much on it lol (not to say questions i immediately answer arent, i am just all over the place 😅) (also thank u so much for the kind praise 🙏💗 I am so happy ur enjoying it and it means a lot to me <33)
this ask is especially important as it has also been asked before which i will link this post to as the answer right after :)
i’m including all former and current members for completion. Also their birth years (from the YJ wiki) for added context, because why not.
okay so based on multiple YJ scenes (some examples shown below) and 1 ask greg these r my estimates:
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(disclaimer these r all rough estimates, no way of knowing for 100% sure and I don’t claim to have a complete picture of all relevant scenes for height cold reading lol i would be happy to hear other peoples thoughts/ideas/corrections as well :D )
Rough Outsiders Height Ranking:
Geo-Force - Brion Markov : (2001) probably roughly max 6 ft 4 (about 1.95m)
Cyborg - Victor Stone : (2000) maybe about 6 ft 2 -3 (about 1.9m)
Blue Beetle - Jaime Reyes : (2000) about 6 ft 2 (1.88 - 1.9m) i actually have him tied with Vic, the only reason why id rank him a little lower is because in some scenes it could be his suit giving him some height.
Static - Virgil Hawkins : (2000) about 6 ft (1.85m)
El Dorado - Eduardo Dorado Jr : (2001) actually i tied him with Virgil but i’m not always certain so i’d also estimate about 6 ft but a range of (1.83-1.85m)
Superboy - Conner Kent : (2010 lol) about 5 ft 9 (1.8m)
Robin - Tim Drake : (2001) about 5 ft 8 (1.78m)
Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark : (2001) id put her at the same height as Tim maybe only slightly shorter, but Greg has mentioned they’re roughly the same height so therefore also 5 ft 8 (1.78m)
Kid Flash - Bart Allen : (2043 🙄 cause hes different like that LOL jk but he’s the equivalent age of 2003) id put him between 5 ft 6 - 5 ft 7 (about 1.7 - 1.73/4m)
Livewire - Leslie Willis : (2002) about 5 ft 5 (1.68m)
Looker - Lia Briggs : (2002) about 5 ft 4 (1.65m)
Windfall - Wendy Jones : (2005) about same as Lia maybe 5 ft 3 - 4 (1.63 - 1.65m)
Beast Boy - Garfield Logan : (2002) about 5 ft 2 - 3 (1.6-1.63m)
Stargirl- Courtney Whitmore : (2003) about 5 ft 1-2 (1.55 - 1.58m)
Terra - Tara Markov : (2003) about same as Courtney 5 ft 1-2 (1.55 - 1.58m)
Forager : (?) idk lol let’s say 5 ft 😂
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gritsandbrits · 6 months
What do you think of dani-luminae's Descendants OC Lia Hawkins?
I love Lia, she's so well thought out. She feels like she could actually be a Disney character. And nothing about her feels forced, she's the right amount of relatable and powerful.
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bakumai · 8 months
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byler fanfic recs !
favorite of all time !
force of gravity - oceanfruit
literally the best fic i’ve ever read tbh. it’s got slow burn, angst, fluff, all the good stuff you know? idek how to describe the emotions i felt while reading this but it was an amazing experience. definitely my #1 byler fic recommendation 🫶
one shots !
i’d love to see me from your point of view - unidentifiedblackthorn
Mike and Will get high on Jonathan’s weed and Mike has an amazing idea.
you know me better than i do - unidentifiedblackthorn
Will can't avoid Mike forever, and they talk about what happened the day they got high together.
the right idea - candlelitheart
the basis for this fic is loosely inspired by the scene where jonathan and nancy get together in season two because i think it's one of the cutest scenes ever.
kiss it better - beansie
Mike and Will, through the years and in between the lines of friendship and something more.
magnetic pull - pressedviolets
Mike gets drunk at a party and kisses a boy. Will catches them together and is understandably confused.
sweeter than candy - smpshift
where Mike realizes he's head over heels for Will at 3 AM and mindlessly rides his bike across Hawkins just to tell him.
garden song - bafflingyew
Will is rooted to the ground, heart pounding. He wants this. He wants this so bad, but he needs to know that Mike is sure. He needs to know that he’s serious. He needs to know.
home is where the heart is - snoosnoom (moonsooms)
Living in a shared apartment with Will is all Mike could ask for, except for the part where he keeps thinking about kissing Will in the middle of their kitchen.
what do you do now, will the wise? - rainbownixie
The party is playing D&D together and Mike, as the dungeon master, won’t stop trying to make the Paladin and the Cleric flirt. He’s basically making moves on Will through the game. Will is caught off guard by this, and doesn’t know how to respond to the following question:
What do you do now, Will the Wise?
Everything comes down to a simple roll of dice.
the wooing of will byers (and other mishaps) - softzombieboy
With El still in confinement and Dustin increasingly preoccupied the remaining four members group together. Lucas and Max are inescapably a couple now, which makes it a little awkward for Mike and Will as they are unintentionally tagging along on dates. It is especially uncomfortable because Mike keeps insisting that he and Will do the same romantic things as their friends.
a little of that human touch - poetic patron
Will wakes up from a nightmare and Mike helps in the best way he knows how: Cuddles. Which would be fine, except for the fact he's been trying to hide his feelings for his best friend since the moment he touched down in California.
are you happy? - twistedrocketpower
Hopper doesn't care that Will is gay. He doesn't care that Will is in a relationship with a boy. He only cares that the boy is Mike Wheeler, the bane of his existence. He wants to make sure Will knows what he's doing, so he has a little chat with his stepson.
a three step plan to make will byers fall in love - romeowrites
The party concocts a three-step plan to get Will Byers to fall in love assuming, of course, that he hasn’t already.
busy tone - spaceeggscreams
Mike calls Will after a bad day, hoping to get through to his best friend after he's moved away. Instead, he's confronted with a busy tone. He talks anyway.
defensive positions - on_the_rook_cliff
Will and Mike end up cornered and Will becomes protective while Mike becomes flustered.
yes this is a byler fic but i wrote it at 5am and couldn’t think of a title - lillajoba
Just two bros being totally platonic in a motel room.
dance where the rain won’t hurt us - venusperia
mike wheeler doesn't love art — he just loves will byers.
four lessons about you - lia (liastories)
A collection of four times where Mike discovered new methods to make Will feel safe in his company, including how his ‘Will voice’ was born.
are you still mine? - shoto_scribbles
How music brings Mike and Will closer than any trauma could.
more than anyone else - idkilike5sos
An imagining of what would've happened if Will had been at home when Mike and Lucas went to apologise after the fight in season 3.
i want to dance with somebody (somebody who loves me) - beanwithaq
It's the S2 snowball but everyone is actually gay. Including the girl who Will is dancing with and Jennifer Hayes. Who really wanted to dance with that girl
birds of a feather flock together - bundibird
"You know," Robin tells Mike, her voice low and calm and soothing. "You can like both girls and boys."
Steve jerks in his seat like someone slapped him.
"What!?" he splutters, and it comes out as something halfway between a yelp and a squawk.
I Never Find Out 'Til I'm Head Over Heels - orphan_account
Wherein Mike believes he’s being obvious, Will doesn’t know what he believes, and the pair of them could use a lesson or two in effective communication. Somehow all of this has both nothing and everything to do with five years' worth of school dances.
eyecatcher - smoosnoom (moonsooms)
While volunteering at the Hawkins' help center, it seems like every girl around has a newfound interest in Will Byers, and Mike doesn't know why he feels the way he does.
you had me for a minute there - delusionaltogether (Whyyyyy)
senior year in hawkins
sealed with a kiss - astrobi
Listen. No one should ever let Mike make decisions right after he wakes up from a nap, okay? Especially not decisions where Will is concerned. This is so not his fault.
Follow Your Heart 'Til it Bleeds - teej_318
Will and Richie spend the summer bonding over their feelings for their friends Mike and Eddie. Robin gives them some much-needed advice when they hang out at Scoops Ahoy.
you got a fast car - castlebyer
it's spring of 1989, will and mike are young and in love. loosely based on how the song fast car by tracy chapman makes me feel minus the sad ending bc who wants that ?
Down to the Heart - disaster_energy
Mike doesn’t actually think Jonathan’s doing it on purpose, but he's starting to have his doubts.
Or, 5 times Jonathan shatters the moment and one time he doesn't.
dance with me (I think I really like you) - borealisaurora
Mike feels sad after coming back to his dorm from a party, and he reveals to his roommate Will that he’s never danced with anyone before. Will decides to change that :)
(College AU set in the 80s!)
Sober Thoughts - idk_ilike5sos
After an awkward game of spin the bottle at a party, Will takes Mike back to his place and receives a drunken confession about the game.
Walk of Shame - idk_ilike5sos
Mike wakes up in Will's bed, hungover after attending a party the night before. It's normal. Everything's fine... then he remembers.
make me your future history - andiwriteordie
A story of Will and Mike’s past, present, and plans for the future, told in seven parts.
What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? - BoNUKA5
It's the end of 1988, and Mike is determined to confess his feelings to his best friend, Will. He hatches a plan to confess on New Year's Eve, because what is more romantic than kissing on New Year's Eve?
that funny feeling - delusionaltogether (Whyyyyy)
"So you- you haven't, like. Kissed anyone, then?" Mike asks, fully aware that he should probably just quit while he's ahead but needing to know, suddenly, if Will has any sort of romantic entanglements that he's neglected to tell Mike about. He's not sure why, but there's something in his gut that demands to know, has some sort of sudden need to know if Will has kissed anyone that's not him.
If Will has kissed anyone that's not-
Wait, what?
or: Mike is jealous of himself.
you in my heart - soukeye
It was sundown. Mike finally had the courage to look at Will straight in the face, witnessing up close the rosy blush on his cheeks and his long eyelashes. Mike Wheeler is so lucky to have a best friend like Will Byers. So lucky it made his heart hurt. Is this normal? Is this what close friendship is like? Because never did he feel so much with Lucas and Dustin, his heart practically palpitating with the only thoughts clouding his mind being the boy staring at him so affectionately.
undertow - beansie
Will has never had his first kiss. Mike is happy to lend a hand.
in progress !
why would you ever kiss me? - aghostlybreath
When Eleven saves Will from Vecna she gets more than she bargained for when they wake up in the wrong bodies. Now to prevent Vecna from infiltrating the mind of his most perfect host the two of them must pretend to be the other.
i think we have a lot in common - teddythebear
Eddie Munson Adopts Will Byers because Gay Found Family is my favorite trope!
god, just kiss already! - californiasummer
5 times the Party watched Mike and Will uselessly pine after another + 1 time they did something about it.
as the world ends, i'll find my home in you - romeowrites
The end of the world was almost peaceful. And then the screaming started. 
My version of Stranger Things 5.
a loserparty groupchat - heydorothea18
Mike refuses to tell Richie anything about his friends. Naturally, this is an issue because Richie feels the need to make his cousin's life torture. After a thorough Instagram stalking (with Bev's help), a group chat is created.
When It's Over - ikrannn
Mike Wheeler disappeared from his family's household in Minnesota due to a wolf attack two years ago. One year ago, he came back to them in Hawkins Indiana, where he met his Party and the Losers Club. Now, he hopes that he can survive the turmoils of high school and balance being inhuman on top of that.
OR, haha werewolf fic go BRRR
The Search is Over - ur_ur_ur_mom
Mike moves to Hawkins from Chicago and completely changes Will Byers life.
i'll be your quiet afternoon crush - heydorothea18
Mike hadn't planned on getting arrested on his last day of summer vacation, but at least the chief of police had a cute son.
In Max's mind, getting arrested wasn't that huge of a deal. Getting arrested alongside Mike Wheeler, however, was. And El- the chief of police's daughter- was the biggest deal of all.
Rock 'n' Roll - bylerisc4non
One fateful October night in 1995, Will Byers is dragged by his step-sister, Jane, and her best friend to a rock concert. That was just the beginning…
Or, it's the 90s, Will's in college, Mike's in a band, and there's some...tension.
The Webbing of my Heart - kindoffruityig
Will Byers was a normal 16-year-old living in New York. That was until he got bit by a radioactive spider which changed the trajectory of his mundane life. As Will experiments with his new powers, he finds that he can help people, and save them from the everyday crimes that happen around the city of New York. Juggling his superhero life and his normal life is no easy job so Will has to put his all into it. Through his adventures of being a superhero, he pushes away those that were once the closest to him and has to deal with the responsibility of keeping a whole city safe and also keeping up with his ever-growing pile of schoolwork. Will he be able to keep his identity secret? Can he fight off the dangers that are headed for New York City? The only way to find out is to read, so enjoy!
completed !
i hate accidents (except when we went from friends to this) - blackdeathmamba
five times Mike kissed Will, and one time Will kissed back.
A Box of Unsent Letters Under My Bed, All Addressed To You - adhd_bisexual_nonbeany
Mike Wheeler doesn't understand why he can't just put a stamp on the envelope and place the letters in the mailbox
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ill add more as i read more ! if your fanfic is in here and you want it removed, just comment/dm me. :)
also keep in mind that if you reblog this, any updates i add after that won’t show up on your reblog. if you want to see if i added more fics just go to the original post !
last updated 12/30/22 (i swear imma update soon omfg 😨)
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