#Li Dongxue
lldw · 5 months
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[240415] leedongwook_official Instagram Update
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mamun258 · 8 months
 It’s time to test Dong Yuhui
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It can be said that the "Small Essay" incident of Oriental Screening will not really come to an end until the premiere of "Walking HE Tuber with Fai" is completed.
In addition to being promoted to senior partner of Oriental Selection, cultural assistant to the chairman of New Oriental Education Technology Group, and vice president of New Oriental Cultural Tourism Group, Dong Yuhui currently has a new account and a cultural tourism business to be developed, which can be regarded as a new beginning.
According to Qichacha, the company behind the "Yuhui Tong" account is Yuhui Tong (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
Dong Yuhui is the legal person, executive director, and manager; Yu Minhong serves as the supervisor, and the final beneficial shares are 99%, and the other 1% belongs to Yang Zhihui , is the president of New Oriental Culture and Tourism Group. At the same time, the company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Beijing New Oriental Xuncheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. The latter is headed by former Oriental Selection CEO Sun Dongxu as legal person, director, and manager, and Yu Minhong serves as chairman.
This also corresponds to what Dong Yuhui announced in the circle of friends. Walking with Hui is a new account 100% controlled by Oriental Selection. Yu Minhong revealed in the live broadcast that the income generated by the account will be included in Oriental Selection, but if Dong Yuhui leaves Oriental Selection, the account The ownership rights will belong to Dong Yuhui.
Yu Minhong's way of "settling" Dong Yuhui seems to be a two-pronged strategy.
Zhou Ke analyzed that for Dongfang Selection, Dong Yuhui is not only separate from Dongfang Selection, but also can exert greater value. While completing the "de-Dong Yuhui", he avoided repeating the tragedy of Li Ziqi and Lang Weixian. For Dong Yuhui, he has experienced the transformation from anchor to evangelist (culture and tourism) and manager, and his career aspirations have been met.
However, after getting relatively free space for development, Dong Yuhui and Yu Hui's future is also full of challenges.
Dong Yuhui's role has expanded. He is the anchor, needs to participate in product selection, and also needs to manage the team. In the new year, in addition to daily live broadcasts, he will also spend more time interviewing writers, recommending books, and preparing for the "See the World" cultural tourism business.
Among the many roles, how Dong Yuhui adapts, how to reasonably allocate time and energy, and whether his actions will be deformed due to changes in mentality are all unknown to him and the team.
Even Dong Yuhui himself said during the live broadcast, "I couldn't sleep before because I didn't know where to go and was confused; now I can't sleep because I have to think about how to pay my employees as soon as I wake up, which is stressful."
In addition, Dong Yuhui is also responsible for promoting cultural tourism. New Oriental's cultural tourism journey has previously been affected by high pricing, which has affected sales. The topic "Dong Yuhui's fans were persuaded to leave by the price after entering the cultural tourism live broadcast room" was even posted on Weibo's hot search. New Oriental Culture and Tourism’s Doujin store currently has a total of 17 products online, with the lowest price being 4,798 yuan and the highest price being 29,600 yuan.
There is a lot of room for development in the cultural tourism business, but the difficulty is to seize food from the tiger's mouth. "The competitors behind it are not only anchors, but also competitors such as local life, cultural tourism groups and OTA platforms." A travel industry analyst said.
During the first live broadcast, Dong Yuhui’s live broadcast room instantly received too much traffic. There was a certain overlap with the users of the Oriental Selection live broadcast room, and there were also people watching the excitement. There was randomness in the orders and attention of this group of consumers. Whether the results of the first broadcast would be good or not. Durability, how to control the growth period of new anchors and how to expand the user circle is also a big challenge.
However, some people in the industry commented that Dong Yuhui is the only anchor who does not rely on the advantage of low price to become a leader. His popularity with the audience, emotional value and instant knowledge satisfaction are his nirvana. "Now, it's really time to verify Dong Yuhui's business value and personal ability." Chen Ming said.
The resumption of Dong Yuhui’s broadcast is not only the beginning of an account, but also the restart of an IP. In the past, under the leadership of Yu Minhong, Oriental Selection has made many attempts - building its own APP, developing self-operated e-commerce and cultural tourism, entering Taobao live streaming, etc. "The boat has crossed the Ten Thousand Mountains' ', Dong Yuhui mentioned it several times during the premiere and this poem, and he couldn't relax even more. A tough battle for him had begun.
* At the request of the interviewees, Zhou Ke, Chen Ming and Xiaobai are pseudonyms in the article.
Author: Su Qi, Editor: Jin Yufan
Source public account: Dingjiao (ID: dingjiaoone ), profound impact on innovation.
This article is published with the permission of Renren, a product manager cooperative media@dingjiaoone. Reprinting without permission is prohibited.
The title image is from Unsplash and is licensed under CC0.
The opinions in this article represent only the author's own. The Renren Product Manager platform only provides information storage space services.
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nagabajuungu · 2 years
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weeguttersnipe · 5 years
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Seal the gate!
Love and Destiny, ep 60 (Chinese tv series, 2019)
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cfensi · 5 years
Review: Love and Destiny questions the trope of reincarnated love
Review: Love and Destiny questions the trope of reincarnated love
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If the same soul grows up with different experiences and memories, are they still the same person?
Fated romances are one of the most common tropes in Chinese drama, so much so that many series take for granted that one will always love the same person in every lifetime. Xianxia drama Love and Destiny 宸汐缘 is a rare rejection of the assumption, instead questioning the ideas that the soul is…
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chinesemovieposter · 5 years
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Es ist Nacht und die Mäuse schlafen, nur ab und zu wacht mal eine auf, um zu sehen, oder der geliebte Käse noch da ist. Aber was soll das? Wer hat den Käse gestohlen? Wo ist der Käsedieb? Gemeinsam versuchen die Schlafmäuse ihn zu schnappen, doch wird es ihnen gelingen, oder kommt der Käsedieb unbehelligt davon?
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sifeng · 5 years
Review: The Legend of Zhen Huan
Harem dramas (or gongdou dramas) are really extremely interesting, not just because the schemes and plots are smart and evil, but also because the ones planning are ladies. Typically, in big historical political dramas, such as Nirvana in Fire (琅琊榜) or the legendary Romance of the Three Kingdoms (三国演义), the big players are all males. In the former example, you have a few notable female roles, but in the latter, there are a lot of main characters, and only one is a woman. In harem dramas, the tables are reversed. The ladies are the ones doing the scheming, and they’re doing it while completely hiding inner feuds from the emperor. Out of all the harem dramas that have been made by China, the prize for “Best Harem Drama” typically goes to The Legend of Zhen Huan (甄嬛传). So what’s so good about Zhen Huan? And why should you watch it?
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The main five ladies fighting for the emperor’s love (or are they really just fighting for power?) From left to right: Hua Fei (华妃), the Empress (皇后), Zhen Huan (甄嬛), Shen Meizhuang (沈眉庄), An Lingrong (安陵容)
Zhen Huan is a young woman who looks to have a normal life. However, all chances at a normal life are crushed when she is selected to become the emperor’s concubine. Now, she must learn the ways of the harem, which not only include etiquette, but also scheming and betrayal. 
Sun Li/Betty Sun (孙俪) as Zhen Huan (甄嬛)
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Chen Jianbin (陈建斌) as Yongzheng/Emperor (雍正/皇上)
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Cai Shaofen/Ada Choi (蔡少芬) as Ulanara Yixiu/Empress (乌拉那拉·宜修/皇后)
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Li Dongxue (李东学) as Prince Guo/Yun Li (果郡王/允礼)
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Jiang Xin (蒋欣) as Consort Hua/Nian Shilan (华妃/年世兰)
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Tao Xinran (陶昕然) as An Lingrong (安陵容)
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Lan Xi (斓曦) as Shen Meizhuang (沈眉庄)
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My Opinions:
Plot (My Rating - A):
I would say the best thing about the plot is the pacing. It doesn’t go extremely fast, to the point where you lose track of everything that is happening, but it does go at a relatively reasonable pace so the show never gets boring. 
This drama does an amazing job of showing the cruelty of the harem. Also, I kind of think the kind of scheming that goes on in harem dramas are even more scary than the big political schemes of the big historical dramas, because these ladies put on this image of being good sisters that support each other, when in reality they have thought up a million ideas on how to kill each other. 
Of course, being a harem drama, there’s not a whole lot of cute romance here, but there are quite a few couples (beyond the emperor and his concubines) that are kind of cute. Also, as it is a harem drama, focus on friendship and loyalty to friends is rarely mentioned. There’s really only two cases of friendship in the entire drama, everything else is much more like an “alliance”.
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Characterization (My Rating - A+):
I would say the two best parts of this drama are characterization and acting. Every character in this drama has their flaws, but also traits that we should be admirable of and learn from. Let’s take An Lingrong for example. Her biggest flaw is that she has extremely low self esteem, which leads her to be paranoid and loose her ability to trust her friends. However, she is also extremely persistent. She knows singing is her talent, and so she uses it on a number of occasions to gain favor. When she looses her voice, she learns to ice skate, and is able to do it wonderfully, and again, she gains favor with the emperor. She also later learns to take her future into her own hands, instead of depending on her friends, or the Empress to protect her. 
Characters also grow throughout the series. Though they start out innocent, Zhen Huan, Shen Meizhuang and An Lingrong grow to become wise and mature. And as this show is extremely long, we get to see what events set off character growth. All slightly major characters undergo some kind of character development, and all of them have developed personalities that make you want to root for them sometimes, but sometimes you really just want to throw them in the Cold Palace.
No villain is left without a humanized side. No one is evil for the sake of being evil (which cough, Gao Guifei in Yanxi?), and even the villains have backstories that make you sympathize with their actions. At the end of the day, I can’t even really call them “villains” since, let’s be real, some of the “good guys” do things that are just as bad. Similarly, the very few heroes in our show have their negative traits as well. No one is perfect. Everyone is human. 
The most impressive thing is definitely the growth of Zhen Huan. She starts out weak and somewhat of a coward, however, by the end, she is the one that people fear. As the show narrates the story of Zhen Huan from a 16 year old girl to the powerful Empress Dowager, we can see how every event in her life changes her. Every scheme, death, betrayal, they all build Zhen Huan to be a strong, powerful, but cruel person. Some have criticized the show because it seems to send out the message that in order to get above your bullies, you have to become just as evil. I disagree. Two of the concubines in the palace, Jing Pin and Duan Fei are more low-key, rarely participating in schemes, and they survive until the very end, earning the third and second highest ranks possible in the harem respectively. You don’t need to scheme in this show if you develop good relationships with everyone, and have a low-key and simple existence. As long as you don’t push yourself Ito the race for the emperor’s favor, you’re sure to live. 
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Acting (My Rating - A+):
My god. How did they literally manage to get ever single actor portray their characters perfectly? Not just the main leads, but literally everyone, made me truly believe their characterization. Of course I have to give props to Sun Li, Ada Choi and Jiang Xin for their portrayals of Zhen Huan, the Empress and Hua Fei. THEY WERE AMAZING. Even though the latter two are arguably villains, they played their parts so well that honestly, I felt bad when the Emperor didn’t believe them or ignored them. 
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I also think Tao Xinran did really good as An Lingrong. In the beginning she did a great job of bringing out An Lingrong’s self-deprecating and unconfident personality, and I could see that even though An Lingrong ended up growing significantly in power, underneath the facade of confidence, she’s has low self esteem and confidence. 
What’s really amazing is that a lot of the supporting actors here have become stars themselves. Three of the supporting concubines, Qi Guiren, Chun Changzai and Ying Guiren are played by three rising stars Tang Yixin, Tan Songyun and Mao Xiaotong. 
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Cinematography (My Rating - A-): The shots of the Forbidden City are beautiful, but seeing as this is a 2011 drama, the quality isn’t amazing.
Costumes (My Rating - A+): I mean just look at the pictures above. The costumes are STUNNING.
Overall Rating: A+ 
Recommend For: People looking for a drama full of schemes and mystery. People who are okay with a drama that doesn’t include a whole to of romance or friendship. People looking for a good harem drama. People who liked Yanxi or Ruyi should definitely watch this drama! 
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bookofjin · 4 years
Annals of Huangxing 2 - 3 (468 - 469)
[From WS006. Hostilities in the south die down with Wei having gained all the lands north of the Huai.]
[Huangxing 2, 9 February 468 – 28 January 469]
2nd Year, Spring, 2nd Month, guiwei [16 March], hunted at the Western Mountain[s], and personally shot tiger[s] and leopard[s].
Cui Daogu and Liu Yu's Defence Master of Liangzou and Grand Warden of Pingyuan, Liu Xiubin lifted up their cities in surrender.
This Month [10 March – 7 April], a bandit leader in Xu province, Sima Xiufu declared himself King of Jin. General Yu Yuan chastised and pacified him.
3rd Month [9 April – 7 May], Baiyao advanced to besiege Dongyang.
On wuwu [20 April], Liu Yu dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
Summer, 4th Month, xinchou [2 June], used the Duke of Nan commandery, Li Hui, as Great General who Conquers the South, Rites Similar to the Three Ministers, Commander-in-Chief of All Army Affairs Right of the Passes, and Inspector of Yong province, and advanced his feudal rank to be King.
The states of Gaoli, Kumoxi, Qidan, Jufufu, Yuyuling, Rilian, Pilier, Chiliushou, Xiwandan, Adahe, Yuzhenhou, Yutian, and Bosi each dispatched envoys to court to present.
5th Month, yimao [16 June], hunted at Guo Mountain, and thereupon favoured Fanzhi.
On xinyou [22 June], returned to Palace.
6th Month, gengchen [11 July], due opening up the land South of the He, a limited amnesty in the Imperial City for death by cutting off and downwards.
Used the King of Changli, Feng Xi, as Grand Tutor.
Autumn, 7th Month, xinhai [11 August], ennobled august junior uncle Zhen as King of Nan'an, Changshou as King of Chengyang, Tailuo as King of Zhenwu, Xiu as King of Anding.
Winter, 10th Month, xinchou [29 November], the Sovereign hunted at the Cold Springs.
11th Month [1 December – 29 December], since in 27 of the provinces and garrisons had droughts and floods, opened the granaries to relieve and aid.
12th Month, jiawu [21 January], a decree said:
A while ago Zhang Yong misled and caused disorder, and dared to resist royal power. There are exposed bones in the plains and marshes, and the injured and discarded are not few. Living and dead resent the injury, We genuinely sympathize with them. Under Heaven people are as one, can direct the commanderies and counties, that the soldiers of Yong's army that were injured and discarded take heed to return South of the Jiang. Those laid bare bones among the grass and thickets, gather and inter them.
This Month [30 December – 28 January], Xiwandan and others, more than 10 states, each dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
[Huangxing 3, 29 January 469 – 16 February 470]
3rd Year, Spring, 1st Month, yichou [21 February], Dongyang fell. Took prisoner Shen Wenxiu.
On wuchen [24 February], the Minister of Works, the Duke of Pingchang, He Qinu, passed away.
2nd Month [27 February – 28 March], the states of Ruanruan, Gaoli, Kumoxi, and Qidan each dispatched envoys to court to present.
On jimao [7 March], used the Duke of Shangdang, Murong Baiyao, as Commander-in-Chief of All Army Affairs of Qing, Qi, and Dongxu Provinces, Great General who Conquers the South, Opening Office with Rites Similar to the Three Ministers, and Inspector of Qing province, and advanced his feudal rank to King of Ji'nan.
Summer, 4th Month, renchen [19 May], Liu Yu dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
On bingshen [23 May], named the august son as Hong. A great amnesty Under Heaven.
On dingyou [24 May], hunted at Guo Mountain.
5th Month [27 May – 24 June], moved people of Qing province to the Imperial City.
6th Month, xinwei [27 June], installed august son Hong as August Heir-Apparent.
Autumn, 7th Month [25 July – 22 August], the state of Ruanruan dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
Winter, 10th Month [21 October – 19 November], the Palace Attendant and Grand Steward, the King of Dunqiu, Li Jun, passed away.
11th Month [20 November – 19 December], a separate leader of the Tuyuhun, Baiyang Tiduhan led his households to adhere to the interior.
The Duke of Xiangcheng, Han Tui, advanced in feudal rank to be King.
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myhouseidea · 5 years
This project is a transformation of an old apartment. The client, who works in the field of art, is nostalgic and fond of places that carry memories. He especially likes the apartment’s outdoor garden which occupies more than 100 square meters, since it is where dreams begin and all the plants in it have been growing together with his family. Before the transformation, the family had lived in this apartment for 10 years. Because of increase of family members, an extra room needed to be added in order to satisfy living demands. To achieve this, the design firm, JINGU PHOENIX SPACE PLANNING ORGANIZATION, turned the space of an original bedroom and a bathroom into two bedrooms and one bathroom, while retaining the previous layout of the residence. Photography by Ouyang Yun
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  Since the apartment accommodates life, dreams and family memories, the client hoped to transform it into an ideal home. The designers renovated the space based on its original simplistic and austere tone, and at the same time incorporated the client’s collections into it. They added white archaized and textured paint onto interior surfaces, and then polished it. The white finish enriches textures of the space, brightens the living room which used to be lack of daylight, and promotes interplay of light and shadows. The left area inside the entrance is the dining room, which needs to borrow light from the kitchen. The designers extended the kitchen outwards to the garden, and endowed it with a ceiling composed of an aluminum alloy frame and ultra white translucent glass, a white kitchen cabinet, and walls clad in white microcrystal tiles, so that more natural light can be brought into the kitchen and dining room. Through the area of the kitchen where daylight shines in, the occupants are able to indistinctly see the vigorous greenery in the garden. As to the living room, the client wanted it to be an intimate place for family gathering and chatting, rather than a humdrum space where the family merely watch the TV and have no interaction. Considering this, the design team arranged a long table at the middle of the living room, and surrounded it with an American country-style fabric sofa, traditional rattan chairs and a leather bench, making this area perfect for tea drinking, talking, reading or just sitting quietly, and enabling family members to get closer to each other in a comfortable and relaxing way. In addition, a low skinny platform beside a wall in this area places an abstract painting collected by the client. The picture depicts scenes of a busy market, which inject a living atmosphere into the space. Outside the door of the study, there is a wooden lacquered cabinet that the client bought from India. Its diverse light hues add an exotic ambience and a sense of inclusiveness to the space. Each of the objects in the space has its own story, but at the same time is compatible with each other. It’s not necessary to define those items by certain styles, because what they need is a space of inclusiveness — an ideal home. This ideal home is where life returns and dreams begin!
Project information: Project name: A Place Where Dreams Begin Location: Xing Guang Hua Ting, Shantou, Guangdong, China Area: interior (about 150 m2) + garden (about 160 m2) Completion time: November 20, 2019 Design firm: JINGU PHOENIX SPACE PLANNING ORGANIZATION Chief designer: Ye Hui Design team: Chen Xuexian, Zeng Dongxu Decoration team: Feng Qi Wu Tong Construction firm: Wan You Yin Li Main materials: white microcrystal stone tile, beige stone tile, white textured paint (DANILO), beige gravel
A Place Where Dreams Begin by JINGU PHOENIX SPACE PLANNING ORGANIZATION This project is a transformation of an old apartment. The client, who works in the field of art, is nostalgic and fond of places that carry memories.
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manhwafull · 3 years
My CP Is So Sweet That I Want To Have A Love Affair
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Read manhwa My CP Is So Sweet That I Want To Have A Love Affair Summary: Zou Ming, a girl who creates fan works for her OTP and wants to fall in love, and Li Dongxu, a boy who looks honest but enjoys teasing others. Who says science and engineering majors don’t understand romance? Who says love at first sight doesn’t exist? An ignorant first love like a sweet and sour lemon is about to quietly bloom during the summer… My OTP Is So Sweet That I Want to Have a Love Affair / CP磕到想恋爱怎么办? Follow me to reading I Didn’t Mean to Seduce the Male Lead Manga Online for free at Manhwafull. We have the latest manga with all of the updated chapters on our website. Manhwafull has high quality collection …https://manhwafull.com/manga/my-cp-is-so-sweet-that-i-want-to-have-a-love-affair/
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architectnews · 4 years
OCT Chuzhou Minghu Experience Center
OCT Chuzhou Minghu Experience Center Building Design, Anhui Province Architecture Images
OCT Chuzhou Minghu Experience Center Building
23 Nov 2020
OCT Chuzhou Minghu Experience Center, China
Design: Lacime Architects
Location: The Chuzhou Avenue, the South Drum district, Chuzhou, Anhui Province, China
融于自然的雕琢 Harmony with the natural surrounding
The project site is located in the Minghu Lake area, the southeastern part of the planned new town of Chuzhou city, Anhui Province. It is adjacent to Chuzhou-Yangzhou Expressway and the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway, surrounded with a favorable landscape environment. The Experience Center is designed to guide the visitors through the site. The structure, in a natural style, will take the form of mists encircling the wetland on a cloudy day or look like a rock standing still in the field during sunny days.
People can wind their way through the lakeside area and construction landscape after going across the Experience Center. The architecture creates a connection with the natural surrounding by adding variation to the skyline and retaining the ecological and natural features of the site.
The clever design of opening windows on the building facade allows for natural lighting and sightseeing indoors, so that people can still enjoy the surrounding landscape and have a closer look at nature’s beauty. Such design enables visitors to embrace the nature both inside and outside the architecture.
精巧的形体雕塑 Elaborate body sculptures
Inspired by traditional seals and characters, the architect deconstructs the body sculptures with profound significance. This will take away the overwhelming sense of pressure brought by the massive building. The horizontal segmentation of the structure also makes the heavy building “float” in the air, seemingly lighter than you can ever imagine.
By twisting, splicing and eliminating the lines, it looks like that the structure is growing out of the site. The interior space, characterized by an upward spiral layout, offers visitors a place to gather, move around and have a panoramic view of the site.
质朴与通透的互补 Simplicity and transparency
The project design pursues the expression of natural elements–more natural lights and less artificial traces, together with the application of green and recyclable materials such as glass curtain walls, artificial stone, gypsum products and wood.
Artificial stone has the texture of natural stone, and this sharp and solid material is “a perfect combination of natural landscape and artistic expression”. Its shape can be changed if needed, and the unique humanistic features of the Chuzhou city are introduced to the architectural design as much as possible to make the building an extension of the natural landscape of the city.
If we look through the transparent glass curtain walls from indoors, the vibrant landscape is clearly seen; and in the opposite direction, the functional spaces inside are just in sight. Here the harmony of architectural aesthetics, functions, energy conservation design and structure is realized, presenting the dynamic beauty of the structure from different angles.
好城之道 Humanistic design
In Chuzhou, natural and human landscape elements are commonly found in local architecture. The Minghu Wellness Town is a typical example. Its architectural form is a rendering of freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese character, in which powerful structure and rhythmic lines reflect the mental world of local literary men.
In the future, more facilities will be built around the Minghu Wellness Town, including a leisure base for family tours, a medical & wellness complex, a high-end spa and dietary center, a hotel and wetland exhibition hall. There will be so much to explore!
工程档案 Project Profile
项目名称:华侨城滁州.欢乐明湖体验中心 Name丨OCT Chuzhou Minghu Experience Center 项目位置: 滁州市南谯区滁州大道 Location | The Chuzhou Avenue, the South Drum district, Chuzhou 建筑面积:3864.5m² Floor area丨3864.8m² 业主单位:华侨城滁州 Owner丨OCT
设计单位:上海日清建筑设计有限公司 Architectural design丨Lacime Architects 项目总负责:宋照青 Chief designers丨Song Zhaoqing 设计团队:陈斌,鲁健 林静彬 狄中华 车喜刚 柯菲 Design team丨Chen Bin, Lu Jian, Lin Jingbin, Di Zhonghua, Che, Xigang, Ke Fei 甲方设计团队:郝东旭 潘力 张勇 黄志成 Owner’s design team丨Hao Dongxu, Pan Li, Zhang Yong, Huang Zhicheng 施工图设计院:同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司 Construction drawing design丨Tongji architectural design(Group) CO., Ltd. 施工图团队:张镇 王丽莉 杨晖柱 朱丙虎 李韵竹 Construction drawing design team丨Zhang Zhen, Wang Lili, Yang Huizhu, Zhu Binghu Li Yunzhu 幕墙单位:上海中原雄狮企业发展集团有限公司 Curtain wall design | Shanghai Zhongyuan Xiongshi Enterprise Development Group Co. LTD 建成时间:2020年5月 Completion time丨2020.05
建筑摄影:是然建筑摄影 苏圣亮 Photograph丨Schran Images
OCT Chuzhou Minghu Experience Center images / information received 231120 from Lacime Architects
Location: The Chuzhou Avenue, the South Drum district, Chuzhou, China
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A piece of obstinate glass unlocks the monopoly of us and Japan Dongxu group
Beijing, April 28 (reporter Su LAN) April 26 is the 17th World Intellectual Property Day. This year's theme is "innovation creates life changing intellectual property competition for the future". With the gradual implementation of China's innovation driven development strategy, China is stepping forward to become an innovative and technological power. A large number of enterprises, such as Huawei, ZTE and Dongxu, have actively carried out patent layout and seized the technological commanding point. They have constantly staged the new myth of attacking foreign technology monopoly with technology patents. In order to understand the utilization of patent information, the concept and direction of intellectual property protection, and the scientific layout of patent portfolio in the development of enterprise intellectual property rights, The State Intellectual Property Office organized people's daily, Guangming Daily, economic daily, people's daily, China economic network and other central media to enter Dongxu group and other enterprises, in order to further understand how Chinese enterprises can strengthen made in China with intellectual property rights.
Flat panel display is a national strategic basic industry. Dongxu group has strong R & D strength, which can be seen from the patents displayed on its patent wall. Su LAN, a reporter from China economic network, took photos.
a piece of glass that does not admit defeat is "unlocking" made in China with intellectual property rights
the reporter from China economic network has learned that Dongxu's development has not come easily. At present, it is Dongxu who can sell 3000 yuan TV in the market. Dongxu has the responsibility and responsibility of serving the country by industry. It is a banner of national industrial transformation, which proves that Chinese can become a global refined and cutting-edge industry.
Zhang Xiaoyu, chief intellectual property officer of Dongxu group, is acceptingIn an interview with China economic network, it can be said that intellectual property has become the rigid demand and standard configuration for Dongxu's future leap forward development. After more than ten years of patent technology accumulation, Dongxu has more than 1000 valid patents, and the annual application volume is more than 500.
It is reported that with independent innovation, Dongxu group has successfully broken the international technical blockade and built the first fifth generation liquid crystal glass substrate production line with completely independent intellectual property rights in China, which has promoted the development of national industry and ensured the national industrial security.
Data shows that Dongxu group was founded in 1997, under the leadership of Li Zhaoting, chairman of the group, successfully broke the international technology monopoly, and built the first domestic production line of the 5th generation TFT-LCD LCD glass substrate with completely independent intellectual property rights, which filled the domestic gap and realized the real localization of LCD glass substrate. Dongxu has also become the only domestic enterprise that has mastered the complete set of LCD glass substrate equipment and production technology.
China economic network reporter learned that as early as 2003, Li Zhaoting, with a keen sense of market smell, once again relied on years of industrial experience to intuitively feel that the wind direction of the whole industry has changed. In 2004, he made the decision to transform to the flat panel display industry.
In fact, LCD glass substrate is an oligopoly industry, which has been controlled by four foreign enterprises for a long time. American Corning and Samsung Corning occupy more than 50% of the total glass substrate market, while Asahi and eletronics, the Japanese glass giants, account for 25% and 21% respectivelyEG) accounted for 4%.
In the face of industries with strong technical barriers and large investment, how can a barehanded private enterprise break through the "iron wall"?
"what foreigners can do, Chinese can do as well!" after many meetings within the company to discuss whether to promote the research and development of liquid crystal glass substrate, Li Zhaoting, who has the indomitable spirit, has a firm voice in his heart, We should rely on independent innovation to break foreign monopoly.
The whole production line of liquid crystal glass substrate is very difficult. Because there is no ready-made experience and technology to learn from, Li Zhaoting led the technical team through countless overnight and experienced countless failures. After repeated R & D and debugging, the stubborn Dongxu people have successfully broken through one technical difficulty after another, and successfully mastered the whole set of TFT-LCD LCD glass substrate equipment manufacturing and product production process.
In May 2010, Dongxu group built the first 5th generation liquid crystal glass substrate production line with independent intellectual property rights in Zhengzhou Xufei, realizing the real localization of glass substrate and filling the domestic blank.
Its independent research and development of "TFT-LCD liquid crystal glass substrate production new process" not only adopts the arsenic free environmental protection material, but also continuously promotes the product thinness. The yield rate of the production line is steadily improved and reaches the international advanced level. In 2015, Dongxu's LCD glass substrate thin level has reached 0.3mm level, leading the international advanced level.
At the same time, Dongxu group's photoelectric display business actively promotes the industrial extensionUp to now, it has built and under construction nearly 20 production lines, including 5 generations, 6 generations and 8.5 generations. It has realized the coverage of glass substrates for the whole generation, and has become the fourth largest glass substrate manufacturer in the world and China.
Zhang Xiaoyu, chief intellectual property officer of Dongxu group (second from the left), introduced the relevant situation of the enterprise. According to the industry data, imported LCD glass substrates of generation 4 and generation 5 imported from abroad used to be huge profits. With the development of domestic substrates, profits of foreign products decreased by more than 200%. Take an ordinary 50 inch LCD TV as an example. The price has dropped from 20000 yuan to 3000 yuan. LCD TV is no longer an unattainable luxury, but a necessity for ordinary people.
What is more worth mentioning is that for the planning of its photoelectric industry, the substrate is only the first step taken by Dongxu. At present, Dongxu is more focused on the integration, transformation and upgrading of the whole industry. It has successfully launched the only production line of high aluminum cover plate with "float" process in China, filling in the domestic gap. It has also invested 6.95 billion yuan in Fuzhou 85th generation line project, 3 billion yuan in Kunshan color filter project, 2 billion yuan in Wuxi polarizer project and 1.68 billion yuan in Taizhou graphene project, The vertical layout and horizontal linkage of upstream and downstream industries have been continuously deepened.
"The" counter attack "of glass substrate has ended China's long history of relying on foreign technology to produce glass substrate, playing a national prestige and unlocking the rapid development of the whole photoelectric display industry." Industry analysts said that this also made Li Zhaoting successful“China's flat panel shows the first person "industry status.
At the beginning of 2016, Dongxu optoelectronics, a listed company, launched the construction of the 8th.5th generation glass substrate production line, which broke the monopoly of international giants on Gaoshi substrate production line again, basically realized the whole generation coverage of glass substrate production line, and became the largest glass substrate production enterprise in China and the fourth in the world.
Break through the pain of made in China? Seize the commanding heights of intellectual property rights
at present, in terms of volume and scale, made in China is already the first in the world, accounting for 25% of the total global manufacturing industry. But there is a gap between made in China and made in the United States, made in Germany and made in Japan. "Made in China, American core", this is the pain of made in China.
Where is the pain? How to relieve it?
"the pain lies in intellectual property rights. Therefore, China's intellectual property protection is not only from the pressure of the international community, but also from the needs of its own development. " Zhang Xiaoyu, chief intellectual property officer of Dongxu group, told China economic network.
Zhang Xiaoyu said that from the current development stage of Dongxu. Dongxu has been working hard in the photoelectric display material industry all year round, and has accumulated a large number of patent technologies in the fields of liquid crystal glass substrate, cover glass, polarizer, color filter and sapphire.
At the same time, Dongxu actively promotes the new industrial layout, and strongly enters the graphene new materials, new energy vehicles and other industrial fields. Both the development of the original industry and the expansion of the emerging industry need the protection of intellectual property.
The State Intellectual Property Office organized people's daily, Guangming Daily andEconomic daily, people's daily, China economic network and other central media visited Dongxu group to investigate the development of intellectual property rights.
Although there is a certain amount of accumulation, the strategy and quality of patent layout need to be improved. Objectively speaking, in the next two years, Dongxu will still be in a period of rapid growth of intellectual property rights, with equal emphasis on quantity and quality, and coordinated development. Meanwhile, it also needs to purposefully distribute relevant patent technologies such as graphene and lithium-ion battery abroad.
Based on the basic judgment of the situation at home and abroad and Dongxu's own development stage, the intellectual property strategic planning of Dongxu in the next two years is formulated, namely: paying equal attention to both quantity and quality, coordinated development - high quality creation and layout; key breakthrough and full blossom - ensuring industrial development; ensuring operation, promoting research and development - integrating into the company's business; and; Enhance the brand and realize the revenue - self value realization closely around the core issues of each business segment of the group, and provide support and guarantee for the realization of the group's overall development goals in the next two years through the construction of innovation system, industrial patent layout, intellectual >sliding window lock manufacturers in China</a> property risk prevention, etc.
Zhang Xiaoyu further explained the specific strategic planning, namely: to promote the construction of group innovation system with intellectual property as the starting point; to strengthen the layout of patent industry to enhance the competitiveness of industry; to prevent, identify and respond to intellectual property risks; to give full play to the value of intellectual property Stainless steel track pulley manufacturers</a> rights and improve the construction of group innovation system.
It is reported that the group will focus on the National Engineering Laboratory, a high-end platform, to do a good job in patent application and layout, intellectual property brand building, innovation personnel training, foreign exchange and cooperation, etcAt the same time, we should play a positive role in promoting technological innovation and leading the development of the industry. Coordinate the operation of multiple intellectual property innovation platforms, such as reviewer practice base, academician workstation, intellectual property education base, and make full use of external innovation resources to promote the construction of group innovation system to a new level.
Focusing on the key development and breakthrough industries of the group in the future, such as graphene preparation technology and related applications, new energy vehicles, high generation liquid crystal glass substrate, polarizer, color film, photovoltaic modules, etc., we will deeply explore technological innovation points, form high-quality patent applications, and deeply carry out foreign patent layout, Through the perfect protection of intellectual property rights, the group's technological innovation strength will be transformed into market competitiveness.
At the same time, Dongxu group strengthened the patent information retrieval and analysis of competitors, and targeted layout of peripheral patents and barrier patents, so as to curb the lethality of its patents, and used as a weapon of counterattack in patent confrontation. We should further strengthen the identification and early warning of intellectual property risks in major investment projects to reduce the possible losses to the group as much as possible; carry out the tracking and early warning work of patent information of competitors, and take timely response measures for high-risk patent applications; establish and operate the risk response mechanism of intellectual property disputes; Establish and operate the risk response mechanism of intellectual property loss in foreign technical cooperation; establish and operate the risk response mechanism of service invention patent ownership.
In the future, the patent application and layout of Dongxu group around glass substrate and its equipment can be well supportedConstruction and development of engineering laboratory. At the same time, the group has also won a series of intellectual property and innovation construction platforms, such as the practice base of the State Intellectual Property Office, academician and expert workstation, and enterprise intellectual property education base. The overall operation of these platforms will further strengthen and improve the group's innovation system construction.
As a leading enterprise in the industry, the company will adhere to the sustainable and forward-looking development in the future - more accurate and more stable; continue to consolidate the industrial foundation, promote the industrial upgrading and promote the localization of the industry; continue to follow the road of sustainable development under the guidance of the government, and Practice the industry serving the country with practical actions.
The reporter of China economic network learned in the interview that Dongxu group always faces the future with "three pride" on the road of growth, and will develop Dongxu into the pride of industry, the pride of nation and the pride of the world. The future can be expected, but also a long way to go, only the original intention.
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