#Leviticus Riley
seawitchtales · 2 years
Current Theme for Roleplay Progession.
I’d be fucking terrified.
Becuase I’m coming for y o u. 
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cityofwexfordsl · 2 years
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The summer and harvest seasons passed by quickly in Wexford. The days of being a small settlement were long gone, as it had now expanded into a large city-state, running independently. Upon his return, ruler Jarl Jacob Adair went right to work, working on expansions alongside his wife Carolina, and his cousin/right hand, Slania. 
He asked his wife to be in charge of overseeing the expansions in Wexford’s port. They had a lot more ships now, and due to their growing reputation, they had begun to conduct a lot more trade. She was to have workers build new docks, and choose which ships were for trade, and which would be for warfare. 
Then, he instructed Slania to first work on creating new farmlands, as their city-state was expanding, which meant the citizens would require more food. He also had her help him create new homes for newer residents, as many from other parts of the great isle and some from the north had arrived to make Wexford their new home. More watch towers were also built, and a second set of barracks was created to train more warriors and military personnel.  While he did not want to ask him directly, he did imply to Slania that perhaps Keiran Riley could be a great help for this task. She already had him in mind, and the two were seen making sure the construction of the new barracks went smoothly.
More weapons for made, under the careful work and supervision of  Jacob’s friend and trusted Weaponsmaster, Leviticus Riley
Finally, Jacob began to make his longhouse, his home, into a fortified hold of sorts. He wanted his home to be a place of refuge not only for his family but for the elderly, the children, and women who needed a place to hide should Wexford’s enemies be at their gates. He made his home bigger, fortifying it with stone walls. Housecarls were tasked with guarding the inside and outside of his home.
The season of Yuletide was quickly approaching, and by then, most of these important projects and tasks were done. That harvest season had been plentiful, and the raids that had been done came back successful. Jacob had other tasks he wished to do, but decided to start them after the festivities.
It was a time of abundance and growth for the Northern-Celtic land, which was greatly needed, as dark days were ahead of them.
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leviticusriley · 6 years
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And I’m r e a l comfortable.
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from-etihad · 3 years
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Meanwhile, in Wexford... 
Yuletide that winter was quieter than the last. Jarl Jacob Adair Sargenis, his wife, and Slania were still gone, so the city state didn’t celebrate it as they did. But, it was still celebrated, nonetheless.
At the Inn, Finnegan Hall and aunt had closed up the inn for the day and given Hana Yasmin, Ingrid Thornfield, and the rest of the workers a nice dinner banquet and extra money as a gift. It was a nice dinner, with all of them drinking and chatting the day away. People like Ingrid and Hana were far away from family, so having that feast felt like a family event all on its own. It made Hana pretty good, as it reminded her of family feasts back on Etihad. She gave Finn’s aunt a dress and Finn a new dagger as Yuletide gifts.
She announced she was going to give gifts to the Rileys and the Adair Children, Finn said he would go with her. They went to the long house that the Adairs lived. Now, Estefania and Leviticus, along with the handmaidens of the home, were celebrating Yuletide and trying to make the best of it for Erik and Signy, but while Siggy was mostly distracted, there were times when she asked for her mama and papa and would cry when Levi told her they would be around another time. Erik, while he tried to look happy, seemed a little sad throughout the night.
As Stef and Levi put the kids to bed, she and Finn stayed by the fireplace, sitting near each other while waiting for them.
“I feel so terrible for the children,” Hana said with a frown, remembering Siggy’s whimpers and Erik’s sadness as she held her cup of hot mead, “They shouldn’t be away from their parents during this time.”
“Things apparently got very complicated over where their parents are, at least for them.” Finn said with a long sigh, crossing his broad arms. “Hopefully they come soon. We can’t be without the Jarl and the second in command for much longer. It puts Wexford in a vulnerable position.”
Hana nodded, agreeing with him completely. She began to think about writing a letter to Caspian to ask him to help Carolina and Jacob with whatever their situation was, but then again, she wasn’t sure if Caspian wasn’t a cause of the growing complication. Plus, she had not heard from him since the death of his father. They weren’t close as she and Ryan, her uncle, had been. She was in no position to ask him for such a favor, but worried for Slania and her cousins, she was tempted to...
Finn cleared his throat, which disrupted her thoughts. “Here. I got you something.”
Hana blinked as Finn fished out a small leather bag from his pocket.
“I thought the money was the gift...” She said, unable to stop herself from smiling as she untied the bag.
“I decided to get you a little extra something else. Had to give it to you away from the other maids, though. For obvious reasons.” Finn told her with nod towards the small bag.
Hana reached into the small bag, and took out a necklace made out of cow’s hide, with a flat stone tied at the end. On the stone, a rune was carved upon it. 
“You’ve been through a whole lot, and I’ve come to know you as a hardworking, kind, and good person. You deserve happiness, Hana, and I hope that rune helps you in that. It’s the rune Wunjo, which means joy and harmony.” Finn told her as she held it in the palm of her hands.
Hana was touched and she put on the necklace right away. Her fingers traced the rune and she looked up at him.
“Thank you so much, Finn. This means a lot to me,” Hana said warmly, but then she let out a gasp, “Wait, I don’t have a second gift to give you--”
“It’s fine. Besides, didn’t you say your birth’s day is at the start of winter? If so, you can consider this a birthday gift.” Finn replied with a wink.
Hana scoffed and let out a chuckle. “You shouldn’t spoil me, Finn. It’s not wise to show favoritism at your inn.”
Finn smirked and leaned in towards her. “The money was the gift I gave you as the bar tender. This one is a little more personal.”
Hana felt her face begin to grow warm for the first time since her first days with Eamonn Sargenis.  She smiled shyly, as she was feeling shy all of a sudden, and Finn smiled big in return, and she knew by then that such a smile was rare.
They spoke and laughed through the night, not even realizing that Stef and Levi had fallen asleep while tucking in the Adair Children.
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thenorthernrecords · 3 years
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Being a jarl was one thing, but being a father taking care of two children on his own? That was always more difficult than leading a city state. Jacob found himself finally able to relax one night. Siggy and Erik had finally gone to bed, and Jacob had a circular tub filled up for him in his bedroom. He had just gotten into the water and had began to settle for a relaxing time when he heard a familiar caw.
Jacob opened one eye, and peered towards the bedroom window. His largw crow flew right in and perched on a stool which had the linens he planned to use to dry himself off. 
“About time,” He said as he extended his arm towards the crow, who extended his foot towards him. Jacob was relieved to see there was a letter, but then he paused, noticing a ring tied to the ribbon that held the letter onto the crow.
“...She’s not divorcing me... is she?” Jacob began with a scoff but then he frowned and eyed the crow. The crow didn’t make a noise; he only stared at him before flying to perch on the windowsill. Jacob untied the letter and ring.
 “I’ve been a fairly decent husband. Even let her go and save her dumbass brother,” He said with a frown as he began to read the paper. Soon, he let out a long sigh.
“’Jacob please do not be angry’ she says. What a great start.” He sarcastically said to himself, holding the letter above the water as he continued to read. 
He had hoped this was the letter that would be news of Carolina and Slania’s return. But no; what he read was far more complicated than that. 
It was as Katy Areli told him during Yule: “Your life becomes complicated once you or a loved one steps into that fucking kingdom.”
Jacob grew worried and sullen as he read Carolina’s written tale. It had become more than just a help mission for his brother-in-law. This had become an entirely more complex and dangerous ordeal. Midway into the letter, Jacob had made up his mind to go and help his wife, his cousin, and possibly Benjamin. Carolina correctly predicting that he would go only solidified his decision. He put the letter on the stool, slipped Carolina’s ring onto his pinky, and called out for a guard. Once the guard arrived into his room, Jacob told him:
“Go get Keiran Riley and bring him here. You can’t miss him. He’s the incredibly tall man with women trying to talk to him every second,” As soon as Jacob mentioned that, the guard seemed to know who he was talking about. “If you can’t find him, look for my cousin’s large hound or ask his son Leviticus.”
The guard left to carry out his order and as Jacob sat in his tub, he let himself sink, until the water reached his chin.
“...Fuck...” He said outloud in an exasperated tone. He clenched his jaw, trying to careful think of a plan. They were dealing with not only Victor, but Marcus Gazer,  a powerful, dodgy being who possibly was holding Carolina and Slania captive.
Perhaps, he thought, it was time to write a letter his extended, legal family...
@seawitchtales​ ​ 
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arazolasecrets · 4 years
A Talk Over Drinks
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It was a cold night in Wexford, and the inn was full of people eating, drinking, and taking it easy after a long day. In the inn was Estefania, sitting with Hana Yasmin, who had decided to stay and was trying to figure out what to do next.
“You could start to work here in the inn. That’s how I started. Finn helped me with that,” Stef informed her, which prompted a nod from Hana as she drank her warm water.
“He offered me a job to work behind the bar top,” Hana stated, looking back at Finn, who was busy with patrons, “I may do that, and then figure out what I want to do. Starting over has been frightening...but exciting.”
Stef smiled, understanding completely. “You’ll do fine. I’ll help you the way you helped me way back then.”
The two women smiled warmly at each other as they lifted their cups in a toast, but soon, a pretty, short-haired woman holding a cup full of wine approached Hana, and tapped her on the shoulder. Hana looked back and stood up.
“Aunt Riley! Hello!” She greeted, prompting the shorter woman to one-arm hug Hana Yasmin tightly.
“My dear, darling Hana Yasmin! It’s so good to see you again!”  She said to her, pulling away, but still held on to Hana’s upper arm. “I’m so sorry about what happened. As beautiful of a man as he was, you deserve better! You deserve consistancy!”
Stef watched as Hana gave the woman a sad little smile, but soon, she turned and extended an open hand towards her.
“Aunt Riley, this is Estefania Arazola, a good friend who is also my former trusted advisor and councilwoman. Stef, this is Riley Sargenis -- my true father’s half sister.” Hana told her, and Stef stood up to give her a respectful and proper nod.
“Oh! You’re so small!” Riley remarked in surprised. Indeed, both women were small-statured, but Stef was smaller by a few marks. Riley grinned. “Sorry, I usually never get to say that. I’m usually the smallest person around!”
“I only get to say it to children,” Stef said with a laugh, “Please, sit with us.”
Riley pulled over a seat and sat with the two of them. “I was talking to some of the women of the town today. Apparently there’s this amazingly good looking man that looks like a god that lives here, and I was hoping I’d see him here for myself but...” Riley let out a long sigh, lifting her wine to her lips, “I guess I just missed him.”
Stef raised a brow. Leviticus had been the man women all over town had hounded over before, but once they married, the women of town would still look at him, but no longer approached him. She wondered if it was Keiran, Leviticus’s father, but she wasn’t sure, as Keiran usually kept to himself.
“Maybe the man isn’t a people person,” Hana commented, shrugging, “I’ve heard women here mention such a man. But, I’ve been too focused on other matters to pay attention to that talk.”
“Hah. I am never busy for a beautiful man. That man is quite the looker, although he also looks awfully mean,” Riley gestured towards Finnegan, who was giving a drunk patreon a stern talk, “Listen, if they call a man as beautiful as a god, Riley Sargenis will find him and judge that for herself!”
Stef couldn’t help but grin at Riley’s determined declaration, finding herself liking the woman already. Then, a thought popped into her head.
“Wait, are you Caspian’s Maxson’s aunt as well?” She asked as Riley drank her wine.
Riley wrinkled her nose, and once she lowered her cup, she let out a loud scoff. “I haven’t heard that name in ages. Unfortunately yes, I am Caspian’s aunt, although I don’t recognize him as my nephew anymore.”
There was a loud whistle, and when the three of them turned around, it was Finnegan, holding up a plate of food and gesturing towards Hana.
“Oh, excuse me, I have to get my dinner,” Hana told the two, and got up, leaving the two petite women alone together.
“I... was courted by Caspian once,” Stef revealed, causing Riley to look surprised, but Stef added in, “I haven’t seen him in a long time.”
“Oh! Oh, good for you! I’m glad you got to escape that mess,” Riley said  with a big smile, before she tilted her head, “So... spill it out. Why did your courtship end? He was always surrounded by women, so it’s a surprise to hear a woman actually ended something with him. ”
Stef took her cup of mead and took a drink, looking up as she began to recall events.
“One reason was an occurance that happened during the funeral of his father, Ryan Maxson. I was there, and watched everyone speak: his relatives, even women rumored to be his mistresses. And... get this -- When the service came to a close, that’s when I realized: His wife wasn’t given the chance to speak.”
This prompted a loud, theatrical gasp from Riley as Stef nodded while pursing her lips.
“No! They didn’t let Destiny Maxson speak?! His very wife?!” Riley asked in shock.
“They did after I said something out loud,” Stef told her with a shrug, “And that’s when the poor, grieving woman was finally allowed to say something. It was awful.”
“Good god. Well, I would have said something as well if I were there, but I wasn’t even told Ryan was dead until days after his mother left for the funeral,” Riley said indignantly with raised brows.
“They didn’t tell you?” Stef questioned her in disbelief.
“No. That’s why I didn’t go. That’s why I refuse to call Caspian my nephew. The only nephews I have are Benjamin Areli, and now little Erik Adair.” Riley declared, lifting up her wine before taking another drink.
“I do not blame you at all,” Stef told her with a firm nod, “But anyway, so I saw the way they treated the Queen and you know, I was a powerful woman in the kingdoms I had lived in. I had pride. I didn’t want to go through that, especially since I had been Destiny’s presence before. She was a strong willed queen who cared about her kingdom, her husband, and Caspian -- she didn’t deserve that treatment. So, I told Caspian I needed some time away to think things through. But then, he said his father said he should marry a docile lamb, not a lionness like myself. That’s when we parted ways.”
Riley let out a loud snort, then let out a laugh. “Oh, I forgot what a buffoon Ryan could be when he still lived. I went to Caspian’s wedding, mainly for another family matter, but god, I feel bad for his wife. She seemed nice, as she was the one to invite me to the wedding, but if her husband followed in Ryan’s footsteps? Oh boy.”
“I got married to a wonderful man. He’s the blacksmith of this part of town.” Stef told Riley with a pleased smile, and Riley grinned.
“Oooh, I see that you’re living the blissful married life. I’ll toast to that,” Riley declared with a wink, and the two women toasted, clinking their cups together. “You dodged an arrow, darling. Snow Mystic is in a problematic state from what I heard last, and well, while I never got to spend time with Destiny Maxson, I do hope the poor woman is resting in peace.”
“Me too. She treated me with respect, and I’ll always appreciate that.” Stef said, feeling sad for how the woman’s life turned out. “And Caspian wasn’t bad towards me, so I hope he fixes his life and finds some peace.”
“Hah! Don’t count on it.” Riley replied with a roll of her eyes. “But, if he does finally stop his stupidity, then that would be good, I suppose. It’ll take a miracle for that to happen, however.”
Riley tilted her cup, frowning as it was revealed to be empty. “I’m getting more wine. Do you want some?” She asked Stef as she stood up.
“I wouldn’t mind some.” Stef replied with a chuckle. “I love wine.”
“Good! ... Hm, by the way, you know my sister Slania right?” Riley asked, and when Stef nodded, she continued, “You haven’t seen her with a man, lately? Or getting closer to one?”
Stef thought for a moment. “Slania is a pretty sociable person. She has a lot of friends. In fact, I’m sure most of these people in here with us consider her a friend. I haven’t seen anything particular yet.”
Riley clicked her tongue in disappointment. “Ugh. She’s so BORING! It’s always battle things or scary things she has to tell. She never has anything of the fun kind to tell me. Even our older sister Fay had fun things to talk about.”
Stef chuckled. “Maybe she’ll find someone here. I found my husband here, and he was once the talk of town himself.”
“Ooooo! Well, next time I see you, you should introduce me. I want to see the man that ‘outwon’ Caspian,” Riley grinned but then, she remembered: “Oh, right! Wine!”
Stef watched the woman move through the crowd towards the bar, passing by Hana as she returned to the table.
“I hope she didn’t seem too intrusive,” Hana told her with a half smile as she sat back down, setting the plate in front of her, “She loves to ‘investigate.’“
“Oh, I don’t mind. She’s a fun woman. I really like her.” Stef said as she raised her cup to finish the rest of her drink.
Hana blinked and then smirked amusingly.
“Of course you do.”
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a-room-of-my-own · 5 years
quillette[.]2019/11/04/meet-the-gay-activists-whove-had-enough-of-britains-ultra-woke-homophobes/ 🙌
Are gay people allowed to meet and organise in defense of their interests? A hard yes, you might have thought. But some apparently disagree.
Witness the response to the London-based LGB Alliance, a newly created British group that asserts “the rights of lesbian, gay and bisexual people to define themselves as same-sex-attracted.” The group’s creation has sparked vitriol, not from the traditionalist Christians or social conservatives who might have opposed such groups in the 1980s or 1990s, but from the self-described progressive left.
Readers who aren’t steeped in the most fashionable iteration of identity politics might now be scratching their heads. Unless you’re taking cues from Leviticus, what could possibly be wrong with saying it’s okay to be gay?
The answer is that, in acknowledging the reality of same-sex attraction, you are indirectly acknowledging the reality and importance of biological sex as a driver of attraction. You are also indirectly acknowledging that members of the opposite sex are not members of your dating pool—even if they tell you that they share your gender identity. Which means you have effectively pled guilty to that grave modern thoughtcrime, transphobia.
If you are not on Twitter, have not set foot on a college campus in the last few years, and don’t read woke web sites such as Teen Vogue, where this sort of thing is taken very seriously, you may imagine that I am engaged in some kind of Swiftian send-up of identity politics gone amok. After all, just about every single person reading this knows quite well how sexual attraction works. But I am quite serious: Activist groups that brand themselves as mainstream representatives of the LGBT community not only preach the idea that true attraction is based on gender, they also have sought to de-platform and mob anyone within their ranks who points out that this idea is completely divorced from the way the human brain actually works. In this make-believe world, to be gay—in the way gay people actually experience being gay—is to be a transphobe.
This is not an entirely new development. As gay-rights groups pivoted to become “trans-inclusive” in recent years, this de facto homophobia has emerged in plain sight. Rather than simply combat violence, bullying and discrimination against trans people, and press for better health care and representation for them—all noble and important goals—those groups have taken on an ideological mission. One might even call it quasi-spiritual: They have replaced biological sex with gender identity—an indefinable internal essence that one demonstrates outwardly by adherence to masculine or feminine stereotypes—throughout their literature and activism.
Stonewall UK, for example, was set up in 1989 to fight Section 28 of the Local Government Act of 1988, which banned schools from “promoting homosexuality” and “pretended” (i.e., gay) “family relationships.” But that same group now defines gay and lesbian people as those who are “attracted to the same gender” (my emphasis), and that evidence of transphobia shall be taken to include “the denial/refusal to accept someone else’s gender identity.” The logical consequence of these distorted definitions is to define same-sex-attraction as bigotry. In 1988, it was conservative homophobes in government claiming that homosexuality was a dangerous, counterfeit identity. Now the homophobes are the progressives running organizations that claim to champion the interests of lesbians and gay men.
Of course, doctrinaire trans-rights activists might attack straights with equal vigour—since straight men and straight women are just as focused on the reality of biological sex as gay men and lesbians. But all bullies seek out the weak and vulnerable, which is why they now rail against the LGB Alliance with more fury than they direct at society as a whole. That’s why the LGB Alliance’s launch meeting was an invitation-only affair, held at a secret location—the sort of security precaution that one might implement when moderate Muslims break away jihadists. “This is an historic moment for the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual movement,” tweeted Allison Bailey, the criminal-defence barrister who chaired the event. “LGB Alliance launched in London tonight, and we mean business. Spread the word, gender extremism is about to meet its match.”
Based on the reaction from defenders of the new gender orthodoxy, you would have thought Bailey were a Cossack leader announcing a pogrom. “This is frightening and nasty. There is no LGB without the T,” tweeted Owen Jones, who is perhaps Britain’s best-known gay journalist. (This is not new behaviour for Jones, who often starts pile-ons against anyone he regards as transphobic—especially women.) Anthony Watson, an advisor to the opposition Labour Party, said he was “horrified and disgusted,” and described the Alliance as a “#hategroup.” Linda Riley, the editor of Diva, a lesbian magazine that proclaims itself “trans-inclusive,” adapted Martin Niemöller’s famous 1946 confession, First They Came, Tweeting, “First they came for the T…”—thereby suggesting that refusing to prioritize the artifice of gender ideology over inborn sexual orientation is the first step toward some kind of real or metaphorical Holocaust.
Trans activists also used a despicable tactic that now has become a common feature of these cultish campaigns: attempting to beggar those they disagree with. Gendered Intelligence, a non-profit group that works exclusively with trans people (and apparently sees no irony in attacking an organisation focused exclusively on the rest of the LGBT grouping), urged followers to write to Bailey’s law chambers in London, “expressing your concern with the barrister in question and with the new group.” This same mob also sent equally spurious complaints to JustGiving, which hosted the Alliance’s fundraising page. The company panicked and temporarily suspended the Alliance’s account.
The original mover behind the Alliance was Kate Harris, a lesbian and veteran civil-rights campaigner, who a decade ago was a Stonewall fundraiser. She had become increasingly enraged by the harassment of lesbian women that was tolerated, even encouraged, by such groups. Harris and Beverley Jackson, another veteran campaigner, had been writing to Stonewall executives for months, seeking a discussion about the malign impact of gender-identity extremism. They asked Stonewall’s chief executive at the time, Ruth Hunt, whether she was worried about the enormous increase in the number of teenage girls attending GIDS, Britain’s gender-identity clinic for under-18s, and what she would say to the growing number of “de-transitioners”—people who abandon their trans identity and return to an identity corresponding to their biological sex. Many of these girls (as most of them are) describe themselves, with hindsight, as having been motivated by internalised homophobia.
“What upsets me most is that this is all based on the legitimacy we created,” Harris told me. It was this anger that inspired her to gather a group of notables, some of whom had been involved in Stonewall during its early days, to draft an open letter to the group’s current management and board for publication in the Times of London on October 4, 2018. The signatories included Simon Fanshawe, one of Stonewall’s founders, novelist Philip Hensher, actor James Dreyfus, feminist campaigner Julie Bindel, and several trans people who regard Stonewall’s divisive approach as likely to harm the interests of the trans community in the long run.
“We urge Stonewall to acknowledge that there are a range of valid viewpoints around sex, gender and transgender politics, and to acknowledge specifically that a conflict exists between transgenderism and sex-based women’s rights,” the authors wrote. “We call on Stonewall to commit to fostering an atmosphere of respectful debate.”
In response, Ms. Hunt pretended that the letter writers were inventing some kind of non-existent tension. “The petition also asks us to acknowledge that there is a conflict between trans rights and ‘sex based women’s rights,’” she wrote. “We do not and will not acknowledge this. Doing so would imply that we do not believe that trans people deserve the same rights as others.”
A year after this fruitless exchange, it had become clear no change of direction was forthcoming. Ms. Hunt had stepped down, and Stonewall was looking for a new CEO. One potential candidate who was approached by a recruiter disclosed that exploratory questions about whether it might be possible to soften the organisation’s dogmatic position on gender were dismissed out of hand. Many of the signatories of the 2018 open letter decided it was time for a decisive break from an organization that, while pretending to represent L, G,B and T alike, had come to prioritize the most extreme T faction.
Despite all the harassment to which LGB Alliance already has been subject, the group still got off to a flying start. Its JustGiving page has been reinstated, and is on course to hit a £25,000 initial target. The attacks on Bailey sparked widespread outrage and sympathy. Gendered Intelligence deleted its outrageous tweet about her. (Such a personal and highly politicized attack is unlikely to have gone down well with the Charities Commission, which regulates non-profits). Even fans of Owen Jones think a witch hunt against Bailey—a black lesbian from a working-class background—was a low blow. Several publications have written about the LGB Alliance, painting it as everything from a saviour of left-wing politics from its own worst elements, to a front for U.S. evangelicals seeking to export America’s culture wars. The articles in praise were pleasant to read; those lambasting the group neatly underscored the urgency of its mandate. All in all, the Alliance can be said to have arrived. So what next?
Like many of us, Bailey saw parallels with the actions of an abusive spouse. “Just think about what this means LGB,” she Tweeted. “The T has said that this is a marriage that we cannot leave, even if the T becomes abusive. If we try to leave, we will be threatened. If we do manage to leave, we will be starved of cash.”
On its agenda will be protecting women’s sex-based rights—including the right to have certain services offered in spaces free of male bodies. The group will also be campaigning against legislative changes that would compromise female safety.
Stonewall and other trans groups frequently misrepresent Britain’s Equality Act of 2010, which states clearly that single-sex spaces and facilities are perfectly lawful provided they are a “proportionate means to a legitimate aim.” They insist, falsely, that separately stipulated protections against discrimination and harassment for trans-identified people ensure that they can access all spaces intended for the opposite sex. Under such false guidance, Girlguiding UK and Sport England have gone “trans-inclusive,” a euphemism used to describe policies that enable males and females to “self-identify” into spaces intended for the opposite sex. Anyone with even the faintest grasp of biological reality will see immediately why such policies impact most heavily on girls and women.
The Alliance also will lobby for a change of tack at GIDS, Britain’s gender-identity clinic for under-18s, which is under fire for being too quick to affirm children’s claims of a cross-gender identity. It will disseminate unbiased information on the risks of transition and the evidence that gender confusion in children usually resolves itself during puberty, so that young people and their parents have an alternative to a gender-identity narrative based wholly on mechanical affirmation of a child’s claims. It will also seek to give a voice to detransitioners, whom trans activists often accuse of never having been trans in the first place (a claim that completely contradicts these same activists’ insistence on a policy of unfettered self-identification, which equates thinking you are trans with being trans).
If the Alliance flourishes, it could help forge a new consensus on trans rights, one that doesn’t rely on a denial of the reality of biological sex or sexual orientation. And who knows? If sanity prevails, the LGB and T communities may one day find rapprochement.
Helen Joyce is finance editor for The Economist.
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my-sensorium · 5 years
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Deirdre & Maxim: B + L + M 
Fay & Levon: 2 + 6 
Jacob + Carolina: B + L 
Hana + Eamonn: 1 + L (used to be N lol) 
Estefania & Leviticus: B + 5 
Benjamin & Harper: B + 1 + 5 
Riley & Elidyr: F + J (currently lol) 
Luisa & Kisu: 1 + N
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groveacademyhq · 5 years
admin note
with our lockdown event starting this friday (20th september) we thought we would give you the lockdown groups beforehand so that you can start plotting with others in your mutual groups and locations! these groups can be found under the cut.
if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask us! please make sure to give this post a like so we know that you’ve seen it!
group one - elevator (HQ)
benjamin hawthorne, aubrey hale & alexa jackson 
group two - hospital 
aaron hale, cassia rosi, kiara grey, kyle grey & devin connolly
group three - weapons armory
marcus stone, emilia santiago, willow frost, noah cross & ethan holden
group four - training room (HQ)
logan wilde, lola wilson, leviticus blackwood, aurelie watson & juliet robinson
group five - grove academy sports centre
anastasia van der berg, lennon connolly, esme byers, jacqueline henderson-adams & alice rowe 
group six - nebula
james ashcroft, mirana diaz, dallas jones, pj parker & yun hee moon
group seven - animal shelter
christian davies, louis byers, jay ruzek, andy simmons, abigail berry & chase kensington
group eight - library (grove academy)
mallory thorne, maya jenkins, jordan garcia, winifred vaughn & evan webb
group nine - the 6th sense
valeria garcia, jude matthews, melanie severide, tristan connoly & theodore oliver
group ten - fire station
cedric montgomery, mylene delacroix, harlow lawson & william cartwright
group eleven - canteen (grove academy)
eliza hart, alexander wood, penelope carmichael & max watson
group twelve - arcade
lucas harper, nora ruzek, christian o’hare, crystal rhodes & gabriel adams 
group thirteen - the golden spoon
daniel spier, dawn fords, sloane carlisle, elliott jacobson & benjamin campbell
group fourteen - gym (grove academy)
samuel lorente, veronica vale aguirre, andrew mitchell & rebekah hyde
group fifteen - classroom (grove academy)
marie beaumont, casper rhodes, ajay kotak, kennedy adams & nathaniel ashcroft 
group sixteen - town hall
althea collins, sadie matthews, nicolette belmont & rayna vaughn 
group seventeen - aroma mocha
august farley, reuben alexander, aiden carlisle, rori cross & arden connolly
group eighteen - garage
riley walker, samantha blanche, april marchant, marzia dameron & felicity caner 
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drgphotostudiollc · 2 years
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End of the Weekend->Nugget -> chew on that...] “A Mother’s bond” (Exodus 20:12, Psalm 138:8, Isaiah 66: 13, and Leviticus 19:3) In honor of my mother Rosa Lee Hines-Riley’s (RIH)❤️❤️❤️birthday(she would have been 89), I am dedicating this post to my Momma. . Happy Heavenly Birthday to my Momma!!! We miss you!!! RIH 🕊🕊🕊 . . As children grow into adults and move on throughout life, the impacts of their parents is often reflected upon especially as it relates to mothers. The impact and bond a mother has with her child(ren) stretches back to the womb. That bond knows no boundaries. It’s unchanged by time and distance. It’s understanding about any situation, and forgiving of any mistakes is a blessing from God. For my mother she woke up every morning (early) to make sure her children (family) had what they needed to start their day. She always thought of her children first, putting the needs of her household before her own. As time went by, and life continued to change, it became clearer that my mom wasn’t going to be around forever. However, regardless of what was going on my mother was my (our) biggest cheerleader. My mother knew her purpose and she walked in it. It is said that the two most important day’s of anyones life is the day they are born and the day you understand your purpose in life. God’s waiting on you... My mother always said “what you do for others is what will matter to God.” Make sure you are living on purpose, and don’t waste your time. Never give up on yourself... There’s purpose in everything that you do. Listen to the inner/small voice from God (The Holy Spirit) for guidance. You either rise to the occasion or fail miserably... #HappyHeavenlyBirthday #Momma #TeamRosaLeeHinesRiley #ATLWalkToDefeatALS #GeorgiaWalk #SAVEtheDate #AtlantaALSwalk #September24 That’s my end of the “Weekend Nugget,” chew on that and digest it or not 😎😎😎🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Have a fantastic week!!! #FridayVibes #SaturdayVibes #SundayVibes #wordsofwisdom #Jesus #TheWordOfGod #Faith #DRGphotoStudioLLC #FiveByFive #MissionReady #ToujoursPrêt https://www.instagram.com/p/CiH312xuf9u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gritandgrace40 · 3 years
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The Fall Season and Biblical Harvest
by Kyra Riley Daniels
Autumn is a favorite season for many. The smell of cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla fills a kitchen. The colors of carrots, squash, and green beans are all beautifully arranged on a table. The sound of dried leaves rustling in the wind is like nature’s music. People may also love autumn for the sense of nostalgia, holidays, and new beginnings. We look forward to sharing stories and laughs with family and friends. We are excited about the start of another school year and football games. Autumn is not only a significant time culturally, but this season also holds biblical significance. We can study Scripture and its theme of harvest to gain a deeper perspective of fall. For those of us who place our faith in Christ, autumn signifies the gospel and the coming of Jesus.
Old Testament Fall Feasts
Scripture introduces gospel hope through the fall feasts among the ancient Israelites. The Israelites were God’s chosen people through whom He revealed His plan of redemption. Living in an agrarian society, the Israelites viewed autumn in light of harvest. Harvest refers to a process or period when crops are gathered. To accompany the harvest season, God told the Israelites to celebrate three festivals (Leviticus 23 and Numbers 29). These festivals included the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles.
As indicated in its name, the Feast of Trumpets began with a blast of a trumpet. Scholars claim that the instrument’s sound gathered the people and signified the arrival of God as their King. The Day of Atonement was when the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies, the place where the glory of God resided. The priest performed animal sacrifices there and then released a goat into the wilderness. These actions symbolized sin’s payment and its removal from the people of God. Finally, the Feast of Tabernacles was a time to remember God dwelled with the Israelites during their wilderness journey. The Israelites feasted on harvested produce and rejoiced in God’s provision.
When the harvest season was over, however, the Israelites continued in their brokenness. Nevertheless, in the festivals, God revealed that He would have mercy on His people, save them from sin, and dwell with them forever. Through Christ, the fall feasts have their fulfillment.
The Harvest Mission
In Jesus’s life, we see the realization in what the fall feasts symbolized. For instance, the Eternal Son of God came to earth and took on flesh. When He was born, a host of angels announced the arrival of King Jesus. The heavenly beings praised His name, and, like the sound of trumpets, their praises excited shepherds nearby to see. As the Israelites gathered together during the Feast of Trumpets, the shepherds too gathered before the manger.
Throughout His ministry, Jesus lived with His people. The God of the universe was with the lowly and humble. In Christ, He dwelt with us in a way similar to the Lord’s presence in the tabernacle but more intimate. The joy of His nearness was foreshadowed in the Feast of Tabernacles. But, in His first coming, His people feasted on His goodness and rejoiced in His salvation. Finally, when Jesus hung on the cross, Jesus embodied the Day of Atonement. As the Banished Goat, He took on our sins and was rejected. As the Spotless Lamb, He offered His body as a perfect sacrifice to pay for our debt. Jesus was also the True High Priest who entered the Holy of Holies and gave us access to God the Father at all times.
Jesus equated bringing people to salvation with the work of the fall season. After preaching the good news about the kingdom and healing people from sin, Jesus said to His disciples, “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:35-38). Belief in the gospel is a spiritual harvest. Through our faith in Him, Jesus reaps us for the kingdom of God.
Preparing for Jesus’s Return
Autumn not only looks back to what Jesus accomplished but also looks forward to His second coming. One day, we will hear a trumpet sound, and Jesus will descend from heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:16). Christ will raise us from the grave like the sprouts of good seeds bursting from a field (Matthew 13:37-43). Our natures will change to the glorious likeness of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:52). Jesus will remove sin and evil for good, like casting the goat into the wilderness, and His people will be covered in His blood. We will forever celebrate in God’s abundant presence, expressing praise and thanks for His salvation.
Until the time of this great harvest, we can reflect on these truths during the fall season. Though believers today do not need to celebrate the biblical feasts because of the finished work of Christ, we can still set aside time to consider God’s Kingship, mercy, and provision in Jesus. With the indwelling Holy Spirit, we can strive to reach maturity by sowing seeds of faithfulness so that we are ripe for Christ’s return (Galatians 6:7-9). We can be sure that God will make us ready for His harvest, for the power of God’s redemption does not fail.
As the crisp autumn air comes in, view this time through the lens of biblical truth. When we see the leaves change color, our minds can remember our transformation into the image of Jesus. When we cozy up in a warm sweater, our hands can reach for the comfort of God’s presence. When we taste the sweetness of a pumpkin-spiced latte, our hearts can know that God has a sweeter gift for us in eternity.
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yall. i have to update my muses list bc bash and like 9 others arent on it yet but what the fuck. list is long af so its under a read more jfc
ace watson -- charlie hunnam fc
adrienne bellefontaine -- dove cameron 
aiden lawrence -- dom sherwood 
ainsley reign -- emeraude toubia 
amber kirkpatrick - lily aldridge 
anders hoffman - justin baldoni 
annette nyxton -- taylor momsen fc 
atticus cruz -- ricki hall fc 
avery carver -- lights fc 
beau bloom -- alex pettyfer fc 
bernie st james - emmy rossum 
bradley locke -- taron egerton fc 
bryce neville -- jack falahee 
cain danvers --  dudley o'shaughnessy fc 
callum gallagher -- nicholas hoult 
charles fitzgerald -- jesse williams 
constantina helveticus -- shannyn sossoman 
corey west -- dylan o brien 
damien montgomery -- roman reigns 
daniel marcello -- tom hardy fc 
daniel montgomery -- aaron taylor johnson 
dante montgomery -- dwayne johnson 
darin montgomery -- ezra miller 
darla montgomery - alexandra daddario 
davis silva -- jussie smollett fc 
declan o'ryan -- louis tomlinson 
dexter mason - jai courtney 
dmitri "dima" Igorevich -- jack falahee fc 
draven gallagher -- ed skrein 
dustin sinclair -- taron egerton fc 
dwight vitti -- mgk fc 
eggsy unwin -- taron egerton 
eliza wallin - ksenia solo 
emilie carmichael -- taylor hill fc
Emilie von Laurer - cleo watterstrom 
emerson shaffer - colin o'donoghue 
ethan barassi -- cole sprouse fc 
evelyn mccallister -- saiorse ronan 
falcon amici -- mgk fc 
fernando mccray -- jason momoa fc 
francesca bloom  --  zoey deutch 
frankie mattiace  --  ashley frangipane 
gideon driscoll  --  diego barrueco 
gunner whitman -- taron egerton 
haiden bell - harry shum jr 
ham watson  --  luke hemmings 
harlee grant -- rena lovelis 
hudson cooke -- darren criss 
ira larsson -- rena sofer 
isabella tiszman  --  nina dobrev 
ivan montgomery -- jason isaacs 
jaelynn abbott -- jasmine sanders 
jaime wright -- ashton irwin fc 
james madison -- corey taylor fc 
jamie west -- kellan lutz 
jasmine lalaurie -- barbara palvin fc 
jax watson  --  hunter parrish 
jeremy bowman-- tom hardy fc 
jericho gonzalez -- william levy 
joel roberts -- michael b jordan 
jonathan wild - steven yeun 
jude mccormick - prince royce 
juniper brown -- carlson young 
kai backchan - sendhil ramamurthy 
kieran carr -- samira wiley 
kirill mazalin -- jensen ackles 
kolya mazalin  --  ashton irwin 
kylah harper -- grace phipps 
leonora wade -- jessica parker kennedy fc 
leon stone -- miles teller 
leviticus james - lou taylor pucci 
lilianna poole -- annasophia robb 
lily cohen -- taylor momsen 
lina cameron  --  alexandra daddario 
lincoln sharpe -- taron egerton 
lip watson -- chad michael murray 
london bradshaw - john boyega 
luciano deveraux -- pierson fode fc 
lucinda wilkes -- barbara palvin fc 
maria desenclos -- ana de armas 
marquis shay -- eiza gonzalez fc 
matthew schultz -- taron egerton 
michael wysocki -- ian somerhalder 
monica wade - zoe kravitz 
nathaniel price -- dylan o brien 
nicholas sweet -- jesse lee soffer 
nicole varanni -- barbara palvin 
niels baker -- stephen james fc 
nix moore - ryan hurst 
noah brooks -- dylan obrien fc 
odie bryan - bryshere gray 
oliver veres  --  luke hemmings 
orion brooks -- matt sanders fc 
orion sage -- gerard way 
oz bryant -- jeremy jordan fc 
patrick moran -- noel fisher fc 
quintin bellefontaine -- dom sherwood fc 
rhett harmon -- josh dun fc 
riley st james -- chris wood 
river kirby -- symphani soto 
roman hylton -- jonathan groff fc 
ronin pierston -- dom sherwood 
ryleigh james  --  hannah marks 
sameer baqri -- zayn malik fc 
samuel fisher --  matthew daddario 
sebastian booker -- michael fassbender 
sergei angelov  --  taron egerton 
skye grant -- nia lovelis 
sonya whithouse -- maria brink 
stefania putnam -- sara fabel fc 
stella veres  --  barbara palvin 
summer lewis -- barbara palvin 
tatum underwood -- ashley moore 
trinity dupont  --  kaya scodelario 
valentino neville -- douglas booth fc 
valya mazalin  --  ksenia solo 
vinay apte - naveen andrews 
wyatt marquis-watkins -- ed westwick 
yanick "yan" dubois -- willy cartier 
zack pierson -- matthew daddario 
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cityofwexfordsl · 5 years
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The Conclusion of The Battle at Brownweald
The battle fought between Jarl Gunne Sitricsson and Jacob Adair was long and bloody, with both sides suffering plenty of causalities. While they had the greater numbers, the armies of Gunne and Halvor Geirsson quickly became overwhelmed by the tactics used by Jacob and his allies. Once Gunne was subdued and captured by Slania Sargenis, the remaining armies attempted to retreat back into Wexford.
The Adair army and their allies pursued them, where they overtook the city, with Halvor Geirsson managing to flee, not before receiving a severe injury from an attack by Leviticus Riley. The majority of Gunne’s and Halvor’s armies were slaughtered, and the surviving soldiers surrendered.
Jacob Adair was named Jarl of Wexford, and the citizens, finally liberated from Geir Lundsson’s terrible reign, were pleased with their new leader, celebrating and praying to the gods for his success. After mourning the dead and celebrating their victory, they began to rebuild their city.
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leviticusriley · 6 years
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They say when you get married there’s a comfort zone everyone hits..
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wearemmauk-blog · 6 years
The Buckeye Blaster featuring UFC fighter Jeff Hughes
The Buckeye Blaster featuring UFC fighter Jeff Hughes - http://mmauk.net/2019/02/07/the-buckeye-blaster-featuring-ufc-fighter-jeff-hughes/
The Buckeye Blaster featuring UFC fighter Jeff Hughes
Legacy Fighting Alliance has had several champions make their way to the UFC through Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series. In today’s episode of Across The Pond, you will meet a buckeye blaster looking to power his way to victory at UFC On ESPN plus 4 on March 9. A professional since October 2014 and representing Strong Style Fight Team, Jeff Hughes owns a 10-1 record in 11 career bouts as a professional comprised of five decisions, four knockouts and one submission. Hughes secured a contract with the UFC on week six of season two of Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series in 2018. He has also competed with Legacy Fighting Alliance.
In his MMA debut at NAAFS Rock N Rumble 8, Hughes submitted Devon Wilson in the first round via guillotine choke. He defeated his next two opponents via TKO in Leviticus Roberson at RFO Big Guns 15 and Ed Abrasley at PA Cage Fight 21 respectively. Then at RFO Big Guns 16 The Summit, Hughes defeated Curt Lemmon via unanimous decision. He knocked out Jason Riley in the first round at Caged Madness 40. At RFO Big Guns 18 Hughes defeated John Hawk via unanimous decision. He also defeated Ryan Pokryfky via unanimous decision. In his debut appearance with Legacy Fighting Alliance, Hughes faced Richard Odoms in the main event of LFA 26 and defeated him via unanimous decision. In his second and final outing with LFA, he faced Maurice Greene in the headliner of LFA 38 and defeated him via unanimous decision.
At Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series 6, Hughes faced Bellator MMA veteran Josh Appelt and knocked him out in the first round to earn a contract with the UFC. The victory also earned him his fourth knockout win as a professional. At UFC On ESPN plus 4 on March 9, Hughes will face Daniel Spitz in a heavyweight clash. This event will also mark the UFC’S first trip to Kansas. Good luck Jeff!
Jeff’s first-round knockout of Josh Appelt at DWTNCS 6
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thenorthernrecords · 4 years
Family Matters
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[ The following  is a log of a scene between Jacob and Carolina, shortly after the Sargenis family meeting. ]
Well that was exciting! Carolina’s heart hurt for Lani, she could completely understand the pain she felt from her Brother’s actions. Sea-colored irises watched Jacob as he told everyone goodbye, and closed the large doors of the long house. “...I don’t really know what to say about all of this. What a mess..” Using her arms she pulled herself up to stand using the help of the table. With a little wobble she’d reach into the pocket of her dress to pull out a flowered crown. With a weak smile she’d extend it out to Jacob. “... I was able to make you this..” And she was proud! (D)
So, dinner had been served, and he got to do some chitchat with the two elder 'cousins', which was nice, and for the most part, as messy as the situation was, dinner wasn't so bad! Riley had chosen to stay in a spare room in their home, and she went in for the night (probably to cry more) while the Areli family went to stay in the inn. Jac practically looked drained by the end of it. He rubbed the back of his neck, as he approached the table. "The man was a fucking prick. I'm glad you didn't get to meet him. The way he insulted his own sister?" He still got pissed off over it. Now, Michael Blackwood was horrible, but Eamonn Sargenis had an edge to his cruelty that made his blood boil. "Lani's holding up better than her two older sisters. It's a fucking mess, but his departure means we never have to worry about that idiot ever again." Good riddance! Jacob sat down with a huff, but the sight of a flower crown did make him feel better. He took it and just placed it on his head. "Look at you! You've recovered enough to start making me these again." Plus she was standing! He looked so proud of her progress. [d](edited)
When Jacob sat down Carolina took the opportunity to sit back within his lap, but this time she faced him. Gently both of her hands held his face with thumbs toying with his beard. For a long moment she looked into his eyes. She had thought she was damned to be trapped forever within the horrors of her mind. “...I’m so happy that you are real, Jac..” Her voice squeaked just a little bit as tears were held back. Her arms would wrap themselves around his neck so that a tight embrace could be given. “...I’m also glad that I never met him. He sounds like a real peach..” A rotten one. (D)
Jacob frowned, and reached up to stroke her cheek with his thumb gently. "Of course I'm real, sweetheart, and I'm not going anywhere." He smiled a tired, yet sincere smile, and he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tightly for a moment, reflecting just how damn happy he was that she was wake and with them again. Then, he scoffed. "Oh he was. The man was miserable -- I still can't believe I'm blood related to that man." Plus, they looked a little similar too, which annoyed him further. "I actually felt bad for him for a moment, but after today? Fuck that, and fuck him." He turned his head and spit on the ground because he was super serious! "That's another destructive relative I don't have to worry about anymore." [d]
Slowly Carolina leaned back so that she could lean against the edge of the table to watch Jacob as he spoke. “...what is it about Brothers? I mean everyone we know has the same issues including myself. We’ve got to make sure Erik is a good Brother, or I swear to Odin that I will hang him from his toes..” Because fuck this shit, their children would NOT be like this. Headache city. “..you look exhausted, my darling Jarl. We could go get close under the furs and sleep..” Before their darling children woke them up at the ungodly hour of the morning. (D)
Jacob let out a short sigh, leaning his head back so he can look up at the ceiling. "I don't know. Each case I know about has this odd sense of unearned entitlement, and maybe, their sisters have made them feel insecure, so they had to lash out." Jacob let out a snort, "But it proves just how weak and ball-less they were. This one --" Meaning Eamonn, "--respected me more than his own sister, but that's not saying much. Did you read the letter? ‘Jacob may carry our name if he wishes.’ As if I need his permission when I have Slania's already." Jacob simply chose not to carry it. "No, our children will be better because I'm making sure Erik never harms his sister, or lets harm come to her. I'm not going to coddle him and shit if he does." He raised his head to look at her. "We could, but we haven't had any time to just be together. It's been so long since you and I just spoke like this, without a care in the world. I missed it." Did he pout? Yes. Yes he did. [d]
A brow perked as she watched her Husband, pout? Carolina couldn’t even hold back a giggle. “...what’s this, Jacob Adair?” A content sigh was given as she leaned forward so that her face was directly in front of his. Her finger reached out and poked his nose. “...I missed it too, Jac, and I missed you. Don’t get me wrong..I missed our children. But the love I have for you is just different if that even makes any sense at all. I thought that I was going to die that night in the fire, and I was...well..never mind about all of that. Tell me everything that I missed, even if you think I wouldn’t be interested..” She had missed a whole lot, she was sure! (D)
The pout vanished almost instantly, and Jacob shrugged. "What's what? I don't know what you're talking about." He said casually, as if the pout never had occurred in the first place. But, he still smiled and gave her a wink. "Are you saying I'm more lovable than a child? Carolina Adair, I never!" He teased her, grinning ear to ear like the dork he really was inside. "Well, as you heard, Lani got hurt, but that big big guy, what's his name ... Keiran, saved her. You should have seen it, He came in with her in his arms, bleedin' all over him, and the man was worried." Which surprised him because it looked like Keiran had a sour grape in his mouth at all times. "But she recovered, thankfully. Benjamin Areli got hurt too, but he was nursed to health by Harper Maxson I believe." He raised his brows at that one. He had a feeling Katy wasn't feelin' too happy about that. "Oh, we rebuilt the orphanage, or rather, made it bigger and better.  Most of the city is rebuilt, with newer defenses too.  Leviticus has a brand new forge now -- the apprentice has become the master." And they totally did not want to give each other the biggest hug ever when Jacob told him he was to have a new forge because that would be crazy. Jacob then looked pensive, as if trying to decide something. He then let out an annoyed groan, and decided it was best to let Carolina know what had come in for her. He fished a letter from his pant's pockets and held it up to her. "So... this was for you. I normally would not open your letters but ...It's from your brother, Michael." He looked so disgusted just saying his name. [d]
“...you are the only man I will e v e r love the way that I love you, Mr. Adair...” Forever and always this fire would burn. Carolina watched Jacob as he explained the happenings over the past few months. “...Keiran is a good man, so I’m glad that he has decided to stick around.” Destiny would of never summoned him if there had been any doubt. Now a brow rose when Jacob mentioned Leviticus, followed by another giggle. “...you guys are disgusting, you’re going to have to control yourself with your mistress. She’s still a newlywed.” Oh ho! Quick with the jabs, lulz. And then her stomach fell. For a long moment she peered at the letter that Jacob held out to her. Slowly a hand would reach out before her gaze fluttered across the words that her Brother had written. By the time she was done reading, her whole body was shaking.
The letter fell against the floor as she quickly stood from Jacob’s lap. That might of been a terrible idea because she was still way too weak to support herself. Both of her knees were shaking. “...why..why did HE kill Andrew. That was supposed to be..this motherfucker!” Carolina hissed, tears rolling down her cheeks. The one thing that had been promised to her was stolen. Andrew had only tortured her for almost her entire life. She always had to stay one step ahead, sleep with one eye open, and he still managed to catch her. Not once, but twice he almost succeeded in killing her. Because of him her whole family had been murdered. “...and I couldn’t even see the look on his face as he took his last breath..” Her knees gave way as she collapsed to sit on the floor, pulling her legs up under herself a bit. “...I’m going to have to go home, Jacob..” There was an emptiness to her voice, she couldn’t even look at her Husband. (D)
Jacob had frowned at the whole mistress bit. "Pfft. I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. That man is an asshole." Said another man who was also an asshole. Now, when Carolina stood up, on instinct, Jacob reached out and put a hand on her waist, trying to keep her steady, but also, it would give him a chance to catch her if she stumbled. Jacob had a deep frown on his face. "If there's anything I know about your brother, it's that he acts before he fucking thinks. He also thinks he knows whats best." Which is a quality he shared with the shit brother he had just finished talking about. He began to rub her back, to comfort her, but then, he stopped. "Carolina, first of all, this is your home now. I thought we had talked about this," Jacob began, already beginning to feel that anger begin to boil, "You don't have to go home, and you don't have to fix his fuckin' mess. Didn't you just see what happens when you run and fix a shit brother's mess?! We just had a dinner with a set of sisters who did just that, and look how well that turned out!" Jacob was shaking his head. He didn't like this one bit. [d](
Carolina winced hearing Jacob’s tone, but she still never rose her gaze to look at him. Again her eyes scanned the letter as if somehow it would change. “...I cannot allow my Brother to be punished for killing a man that should have been hung in the Palace Square for his crimes. My parents are dead because of him, he’s tried to kill me multiple times. This is bullshit..” And in a small struggle she stood on bare feet, standing as strong as she could for the moment. “...family is always the most important thing, Jacob, even if they don’t deserve it.” Finally she looked at him, her long chestnut tresses spilling over just one shoulder. “If Caspian made these arrangements then there’s a serious problem brewing, and even if I wanted to ignore this..I cannot, nor will I.” Even if he was furious with her, she didn’t care. (D)
Jacob just stared, his face blank for a moment, but soon, he was breathing a little more heavily than usual -- an indicator of his growing exasperation. "He chose to kill the man, and even the right choices have consequences." He first state firmly. Oh, but the family bit? That made Jacob stand up and step away, his back towards Carolina for a moment. He tapped his foot, trying to not let his growing anger get the best of him. "What about our family?" He said slowly, strain in his voice as he turned around to glance at her, "Let's say something happens to you while you're out saving your idiot brother. What of our children? Shall they go motherless because you wanted to help the one family member who failed you time and time again? You just fuckin' came back to us, Carolina." He turned his face away, balled his hand into a fist and began to tap his fist into his other hand. "Just when I thought I was rid of all these cocksuckers." Yep, he was mad. His entire body was tensed up, but he was trying his hardest to keep it all from just lashing out. [d]
Irises narrowed slightly as she listened to her Husband. Oi, YES, my Brother is a fuckin’ douche...and then she sighed. Slowly the distance between herself and Jacob was closed as she stood in front of him. Both hands rose so that she could gently take his face and pull him closer to her level. “...Jacob, I will n e v e r leave you, nor our children. I love you more than I have ever loved anything else, and that is the o n l y reason I am standing before you today...” For a long moment she searched his face, her eyes starting to well up with tears. “...maybe I can bring a group with me. Harper needs to get her ass home instead of playing house with Ben..” Heh, trying to lighten the mood. “...we have peace for a moment, and I swear that this will be the one and only time that I return to Snow. If you allow it, I will never go back after this..” And she meant it. (D)
He crossed his arms tightly, and when she put her hands on his face, she would feel that his jaw was clenched. He studied her face silently, and when he saw the tears? He began frown, and looked away for a moment. He was trying to remain mad, but it was difficult to do so when his wife was being vulnerable. It made him feel like a dick. "... Tears won't work on me, Carolina." He said, but by the way he slightly pursed his lips? Yeah, it worked, much to his dismay. He let out a groan and aggressively rubbed the nape of his neck. The prospect of never having to worry about her going off to Snow Mystic was incredibly tempting. "Fine! Fine." He grumbled, extending his arms and letting them fall to his sides in defeat. "Yes, I want you to go with a group -- with at least one person I Trust." He crossed his arms again because he meant business! Clearly. [d]
“Really?!” Whoa! Mark this shit down in history, MARK IT DOWN. This was the same man that used to fight hard to push her away from him, y e a r s of being a dick. Carolina couldn’t help but to smile wide, wrapping her arms around his neck, basically climbing him so that she could wrap her bare legs around his waist. The Jarl’s wife may have attended a family meeting with nothing but Jac’s tunic on, heh. She was recovering! “...you can pick whom ever you want to, Mr. Jarl...Sir Jarl? Jarl Studmuffin..” Oooo, Daddy! Slowly she used her nose to turn his face back towards her so that the softest most sweetest kiss was offered to his lips. “....thank you, Jac..” Heh. Carolina’s cheeks may have been a little pink, but she was so...content. (D)
Naturally she started to climb him, he unfolded his arms and held her against him, with his hands in place beneath her. "Hah, now you're just patronizing me." He started with narrowing eyes, "If anything happens to you, I'm killing your brother. That's a promise." More like, the entire of Snow Mystic would burn to the ground if anything happened to his wifey, dammit. He'd have the army there in seconds, somehow. And like the softy that he begrudgingly was, he smiled slightly and gave her a peck back. And then another.  And then a third for good measure. What a sap. "...I love you too. I only get angry because I'm tired of bad shit happening to you and the rest of our family. But, if you doing this means I don't have to hear Caspian Fucking Maxson's name ever again, then I suppose it's a reasonable risk." Imagine?! He smiled at the thought.  "I'll pick, but you'd have to agree. I wouldn't want you to be in company you don't like either." [d]
Carolina giggled after the third kiss, but made sure to return every damn one. Honestly if she could ride around like this on Jacob, everyday, she would do it! If she had to move Heaven or Hell for him, well, y’all get it. “...I know you were scared, Jacob, I felt it..that’s how I stayed connected to you. And you’ll still be connected to me when I leave. Plus I know you’ll have a pair of beady little eyes watching for you. If anything happens I know you’ll come for me..” This War had done a number on the both of them, and she knew this wasn’t the best time to be going to a whole other country on some fuckshit, but it had to be done. “...and I will be okay with anyone from here. I know and love all o u r people..” Daw, she was so proud of Jacob, and now he’d know. She hadn’t really had the chance to tell him anything, ya know, comas and stuff. (D)
The war had basically almost wiped out the family he gained, through marriage and discovery. So, he was terrified deep down for sure! One bad brother had caused a shitstorm, and now another was causing another. it never ended! He didn't have to say it, it was all over his face how much it had all affected him. "A certain crow would be wise to watch over my wife lest he wants to be a stuffed animal!" He said in a raised voice, knowing the black feathered friend had heard it somehow. "I have someone in mind, but I gotta convince 'em first." He was worried about that part. But! That was a worry he'd deal with in the morning. "We should get some rest. If you want to go on this journey, I want your fully recovered, and ready. I want you to be ready to give them all hell."
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