#Leto = Лето (Summer)
markmefistov · 2 months
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Leto means summer ₊˚.⋆
Summer is my favorite time to draw Fenris, lol, my best drawings of him have always been done in the summer.
Commissions: Open
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frnndlcs · 7 months
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Shchedroe leto, Boris Barnet, 1951
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cosmere-cat · 1 year
Russian rock music! My favorite songs
I'm including a couple songs from a few artists I like (spotify links), with a bit of an explanation of what each song is about.
This is a long post so the rest is below the cut if you're interested :)
Going by band/artist!
Секрет (Sekret) - rock and roll, beatles-ish, mostly upbeat but they do have some range. Lots of song that are just fun to sing along to :)
One of my favorite songs from them that is fairly representative of their general sound:
Привет (Privet - meaning: Hello)
This song is about a chance meeting with an old friend on the subway. So catchy! So fun to sing along to! A little bittersweet :)
Here's a song of theirs that has a bit of different sound:
Ночь (Noch - meaning: Night)
This is just a beautiful poem about city nighttime and its many aspects, personified. Very evocative.
Кино (Kino) - more punk/post punk. Mostly sad/melancholic songs with emphasis on lyrics, but the beats are top notch.
Note: I really love this band so I really recommend checking out more of their songs if you like these, they made such good music.
Звезда по имени Солнце (Zbezda pa imeni Solntza - meaning: A Star named the Sun)
The song talks about the way 2000 years pass for a city, with conflict and wars going and returning through the cyclical passage of time.
Лето (Leto - meaning: Summer)
This song sort of talks about everyday life, but mostly negative aspects - bad weather, a long-closed down restaurant, a broken record player - while evoking a melancholic apathy. Depression but with a killer beat.
Земфира (Zemfira) - very punk rock singer. Her vibe is kinda like P!nk maybe? Amazing vocals, pretty modern lyrics (tbf she's started her career in 1998...)
Хочешь? (Khochesh? - meaning: Do you want?)
Song expressing love/adoration - basically "I would do the craziest things for the smallest improvements in your life". Example: do you want me to blow up the stars so they don't bother your sleep? It's a super fun song :)
спид (spid - meaning: AIDS)
In this song the narrator's partner has just found out they have aids. She's thinking about what little future is left for them. It's a pretty hopeless song but it's also kick ass
Машина Времени (Mashina Vremeni)
Звезды Не Ездят в Метро (Zvezdy ne Yezdyat V Metro - meaning: Starts don't take the subway)
Unrequited love or perhaps a chance meeting that never will be. A dichotomy between the hopeful fan on the subway and the discontent music star in his apartment.
Крематорий (Krematorij)
Родео и Джульетта (Romeo and Juliet)
This song is about a dysfunctional relationship. If we ignore all the bad stuff - we were just like Romeo and Juliet! There's an undercurrent of a tragic "it was doomed to fail".
Мусорный ветер (Musornyj veter - meaning: Wind of garbage/Garbage wind)
This song is about pollution :)
Bonus: not really rock but this song just makes me so emotional and is part of the inspiration for this post
25 к 10 (25 to 10)
This one is kind of a ballad (i think? not very good with music genres). It's about accepting your life and not regretting it. Being unapologetically yourself. Honestly makes me emotional evry tim
And.. I've hit audio limit for this post. I didn't even know that was a thing. Anyway I hope anyone seeing this post enjoys some of these songs and maybe check out other songs by these artists if you like them :)
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eurovision-revisited · 3 months
Eurovision 2004 - Number 16 - Yana - "Скажы мне"
Here's something incredibly rare. Eurovision and the national finals normally take a decade to catch up with mainstream musical trends. Just occasionally, there's something almost contemporary and up to date. In 2004 there's a song that's actually ahead of the curve. In Belarus. You may think that dubstep had its Eurovision heyday in 2013, yet here's Yana doing something with some heavy bass, 2-step rhythms and all the wubs in the TV studios of BTRC in 2004.
Let's start with Yana who's full name is Tatiyana Lipnitskaya - although she's now much better known as Бьянка/Bianka. In 2004 she's still better known as Yana. Not only is she singing here, but she also wrote the song. Her normal genre is R'n'B, and she's already been kicked out of a traditional folk choir in her childhood for 'unconventional vocals'. She's someone who's got an ear for some highly non-Belrusian music and here she isbringing that to a stage that's maybe not ready for such unconventionality.
For context, in 2004 dubstep is still largely a London-based form of music emerging from the UK garage scene over the previous five years. Outside of the record shops of Croydon and clubs in the East End, it's not heard. Even John Peel only started playing this it 2003. English language listening is also evidenced in the lyrics. Even though the song is called Скажы мне (Skazhi mne/Tell Me), it's sung entirely in English. The only bit of this that isn't from a club in the UK is the sample of Russian folk music used in one of the breaks. It's so out of place, and yet it so good!
It will not come as a shock to learn that out of the fifteen songs, this finished tenth. Radical departures in music rarely get immediate public approval, even if the phone vote across the entire field at the Belrusian selection is unbelievably, suspiciously close. Yana did impress the TV producers and new Belarusian delegation so much that they invited her to be the 2005 representative of Belarus at Eurovision - internal selection and everything.
She turned them down.
Since this appearance Bianka has gone from strength to strength - but has had not further involvement in Eurovision. For her first album in 2006 she refined her style and named the album after it - Russian R'n'B. Typically she incorporates traditional Russian instrumentation and styles with a much more contemporary R'n'B sound. Eight albums and fifty-five singles later, she's still going strong. Here's an example of her sound from 2007 - Про лето (Pro leto/About Summer)
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kmp78 · 1 year
I made an ask for her “how is summer aka (лето) in all meanings”
You know Лето=Leto
She answered it’s been the best summer in her life and there’s more to come but she can’t tell a lot in sm.
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Yeah don't tell on IG for free but save it for OF for $8,95!
Follow Jared Leto for more financial tips. 🤑
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Последнее лето | last summer
Forgive me, my home
Inside me is oblivion
I hope this is a dream
It's simply such an hour
And high in the sky
Birds are watching us
Certainly it would be easy
To bid farewell to us
But I can't live
There's a tsunami inside me
There was once a glorious garden,
Full of beautiful flowers
Find my childhood gaze,
I will be grateful
Look, the dawn is already
Melting away in my hands
Please live
Kill the oblivion inside me
And all my flowers
Will blossom out as if they've never seen the sun before
Have never seen the sun
Have never seen the sun
Have never seen the sun, the sky or dawn
And this is probably their last summer
They've never seen the sun, the sky or dawn
And this is probably their last summer
( последнее лето -ssshhhiiittt, translated to English, taken from https://lyricstranslate.com/en/posledneye-leto-last-summer.html )
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eground01 · 3 months
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Трендбук Summer лето 2024. РФ + Европа - Степанченко (2024)
Трендбук Summer лето 2024. РФ + Европа
Рита Степанченко
В этом трендбуке собраны позиции из российских и европейских брендов, которые можно приобрести с помощью байеров
Соотношение локальных и европейских брендов 50/50
Что внутри:
-ключевые тренды сезона
-глава с пляжной одеждой
-подборки по категориям: джинсы, рубашки, топы и т.д.
-сумки и обувь
-120 образов
-6 капсул
Для просмотра вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
Читать далее
Подробнее на https://eground.org/threads/trendbuk-summer-leto-2024-rf-evropa-stepanchenko-2024.128425/
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movienized-com · 6 months
Leto v gorode
Leto v gorode (Serie 2023) #SergeyBezrukov #LyusyaChebotina #VyacheslavChepurchenko #VadimGalygin #GrantKagramanyan #MariyaKiselyova Mehr auf:
Serie / Лето в городе / Summer in the cityJahr: 2023- Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romantik Hauptrollen: Sergey Bezrukov, Lyusya Chebotina, Vyacheslav Chepurchenko, Vadim Galygin, Grant Kagramanyan, Mariya Kiselyova, Ivan Kleschevnikov, Mariya Lugovaya, Aleksandr Lykov, Aleksey Morozov, Olga Naumenko, Olga Prokofeva … Serienbeschreibung: Die fröhliche Mari aus einer Familie russischer Emigranten in…
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likeeleven · 6 years
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« None of this ever existed »
Лето (Summer) - Kirill Serebrennikov 2017
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Leto (ЛЕТО) movie poster (2018
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shimyereh · 3 years
I was recently thinking about how the concept of marking people’s ages by summers is a thing that exists in both English and Russian.
In English, I’m pretty sure I’ve only seen this used poetically. I can immediately think of two examples from Gilbert & Sullivan. In the Act I finale of Ruddigore, Rose enters to: “Hail the Bride of seventeen summers!” In Act I of Pirates, Ruth pleads with Frederic: “Take a maiden tender — her affection raw and green, / At very highest rating, / Has been accumulating / Summers seventeen…” Wiktionary adds that this usage is esp. for younger ages — which checks out with those examples, each emphasizing (or attempting to emphasize) a character’s youth.
In Russian, the word for “year”, год/god, takes the alternate genitive plural лет/let [lit. “summers”, declined from лето] when it’s used for counting numbers of years. So most ages are actually given in summers! I’ve definitely seen years referred to as “summers” in other contexts, too, typically in the plural (лета) and with a somewhat poetic feel. Looking at the etymology, I see Old Church Slavonic лѣто/leto means both “summer” and “year”.
Also, note words like летопись/letopis’ [chronicle, lit. “summer/year” + “write” --> “record of summers, yearly record”]. English has “annals”, which comes from Latin annales libri [books of years], without the double meaning of “summers”. (And then there’s also English “chronicle” and Russian хроника/khronika, which both trace back to Greek χρόνος/khrónos [time].)
Why mark years by summers, in particular? My guess would be it’s something to do with summer as the prime of the year, in a metaphorical framework where spring is new life and winter is death.
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linapavlovska · 5 years
Leto. Summer...
Не буду писать о учебе, зачетах и экзаменах. 
Первое число месяца. Мы сидели на нашей лавочке на набережной, пели песни, ну грубо говоря. Тогда я писала первый план дел на лето и, почему-то параллельно на осень...
Потом было белое платье, плохой кофе CityFix и прекрасное солнце...
Дальше вторник - пикник. Меня человека, который обожает городскую архитектуру, затащили на берег Енисея...
Пятница - рассвет. Свобода. Эти два слова полностью характеризуют тот день. Хотя наверное можно добавить еще слово Молодость. Тогда я жила в моменте. 
Потом были дождливые понедельник, вторник в Кексе))) И последний экз, сессия закрыта на хорошо-отлично и нет ни капли сожаления. Так должно быть. 
И закрывают июнь две прогулки с Ксеней. Пятница - отмечали закрытие сессии и суббота - кофе и вечер у них.
Июль + Август
Неделя у бабушки. Роковой разговор с мамой. Возвращение в Каратуз. И все бы шло в том же ключе. Но я начала просто жить. Постриглась, как давно хотела. Были моменты когда сидела на своем питании. Начала краситься. Проходила курсы Питона, правда не закончила. Опять заболела Дашкин, но почему то именно ранней. и ПО-МОЕМУ НАЧАЛА ЛЮБИТЬ СЕБЯ. Правда я, как и хотела вернулась к себе. Прочитала Дориана Грея, впечатлил, достаточно интересно и еще раз доказывает, что не нужно верить аннотациям. Фильм “Стажер” показал, что не все, что было раньше не прекрасно, что-то все-таки можно оставить. И даже если на кону стоит призрачное счастье твоей семьи не бросай то за что тебя полюбили изначально. БУДЬ СОБОЙ! Эта мысль была и в книге о Дориане.
Гамак. О нем я напишу отдельно. Пять минут на нем плюс наушники в уши и ты в норме. Или просто лежать и слушать песни Коржа. Кстати, с Коржом как нельзя ближе познакомилась именно этим летом.(”Где твоя любовь, сука”; “Мотылек”)
А еще лимонные обертывания, кофейный скраб, зеленый чай с мятой и манго, а еще лучше с малиной и земляникой, прогулки почти ночные, остановка возле старого автовокзала, браслеты, афигенно звездное августовское небо и полное ощущение дома. Тихо и спокойно. Именно эти два месяца сделали таким обычным и счастливым, как раньше.
P.S. Теплые капли дождя на твоей коже. И ты идешь по любимому городу, понимая, что живешь...
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ruspeach · 5 years
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"Делай сегодня то, что другие не хотят, завтра будешь жить так, как другие не могут." "Do today what others will not, tomorrow you will live like others can not." (c) Джаред Лето. Jared Leto * By the way, do you know that author has a very beautiful surname, in Russian it means Summer. Кстати, вы знали, что у автора очень красивая фамилия, если читать её по-русски: #P1# www.ruspeach.com
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kangsook · 6 years
와우 드디어 #예고편 공개 엄청 설렘 #leto #레토 #유태오 #젊음 #빅토르최 #러시아 #한국배우 #키릴 #키릴감독 #배우 #주연 #깐느 #canne 다녀온 작품과 배우들 🙏👏👏👏😍 레토 Leto Лето 2019년 1월 3일 LETO is Love - Love is LETO #키노 #러시아 #영화 #한러 #전설 #leto #viktortsoi #kino #summer #лето #кино #викторцой #цойжив #летофильм #freekirill #movietrailers #freekirillserebrennikov(강숙화실에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq6j41IgZHi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fwlcxxbpcxij
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polyglotacademia · 2 years
English: Summer
Dutch: Zomer
German: Sommer
French: L'été
Italian: L'estate
Slovakian: Leto
Russian: лето
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kmp78 · 2 years
Ooooooh I bet you are! 😂😉 - I think there are a bunch of girls missing 'leto' out there after summer yacht party... ;DBuuuuut…Does лето miss any of them? 🤔 Of course not...excuse me how was your name…🏃🏻💨💨🤭😂😂😂
Maybe he has dementia... 🤭🤷🏼‍♀️
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