#Let's listen to the globalists on this one !!
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captainjonnitkessler · 14 hours ago
I was listening to the "Wellness to QAnon Pipeline" episode of Maintenance Phase, which is as it sounds an episode about how people start off well-meaning and curious and end up drawn into QAnon conspiracy theories, and honestly it mimics a lot of behavior I've seen from the left recently.
Like at its core, QAnon believes that there is an elite class of people who hold all the power and can get away with any number of horrible crimes, because the rest of us are all powerless peasants who are being kept in the dark. The only real difference between them and leftist conspiracy theorists is that QAnon calls the elite class (((globalists))) and leftists call them billionaires, but once you start thinking like that it is SUCH a slippery slope from one to the other. It's incredibly dangerous.
It's stuff like confidently stating that Boeing got away with assassinating whistleblowers even though there's zero evidence and it doesn't even make sense that they would do that. Or insisting that Democrats are intentionally losing elections in order to play up the threat of Republicans in order to get elected, which again makes zero sense. It's insisting that the Democratic party fails on purpose because they are one discrete entity that moves in perfect unison and not, like, thousands and thousands of people with different ideas and goals who sometimes work at cross purposes. It's insisting that the reason American healthcare is bad is because the CEOs are all just evil megalomaniacs hitting the "deny care" button repeatedly, instead of understanding that our healthcare is incredibly complicated with a million interlocked parts that all feed into one another. It's insisting that a real progressive will never be elected because "they" won't let that happen, when there is zero evidence that those progressive candidates ever had any real support within the electorate.
It is - basically - the idea that bad things happen because Bad People are doing Bad Things, and the refusal to admit that sometimes bad things happen because of an incredibly complex web of causes and effects that can't be predicted or controlled.
And it's not like there's not any truth to it. Obviously healthcare and pharmaceutical companies put profits over human lives. Obviously billionaires and corporations interfere in politics. But ultimately most things are just really complicated, and anyone who's trying to sell you a fantasy that it's just the Bad People who are causing problems and all we need to do is get rid of them and let The Will of the People take over is either lying to you or is dangerously misinformed. Use your critical thinking, be a skeptic, and don't be blinded by people promising to sell you simple solutions that feel good.
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moodboardsbysarah · 1 year ago
In the end everyone was right and the right wing dudebros betrayed me.
Not by being misogynists... by being pro Israel.
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dosesofcommonsense · 9 months ago
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#FreeSpeech is such that you can’t label someone else’s free speech as Hate Speech. When we let the Globalists control the narrative, there’s always a different party in control and the Hate Speech changes from one administration to the next. When #MAGA leads, it’s just speech. Now, it might be speech I don’t like, but I can also choose to not listen to it, can call it out as lunacy, can call it out as _____ whatever, but you’ve still got a #FreeSpeech right to say it.
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ffcrazy15 · 1 year ago
Alright, Catholic Tumblr, we need to talk.
I know a lot of you try to stay away from the news (and honestly good for you), so you might not have heard about Trump's speech back on Veteran's Day. But you need to be aware that he is saying some scary things.
The example below the cut is a direct quote from the speech he gave, and I want you to listen to me here: this is explicitly fascist rhetoric.
Yes yes, I know Tumblr has a history of calling everyone vaguely right of Stalin a fascist, including us. No, this is not one of those situations. This is me, a fellow faithful Catholic, obedient to the Church and all her teachings, telling you that this is fascist rhetoric.
Please understand, I'm not trying to tell you how to vote. I'm not here advocating for Joe Biden, because goodness knows between his stances on Palestine and abortion and a million other things, that's a hard sell.
But please, for goodness sake, at least be aware of what Trump is saying. Do not let yourself get pulled into his cult and do not let yourself be conned by his rhetoric. Because I am telling you, this is exactly how Hitler and the Nazis talked about Jews and other "enemies against the state" back in the 1930s.
And he is talking about building massive deportation camps. He is describing his enemies as "vermin." He has plans in the works for using the federal government and the military to punish anyone who criticizes him, "crushing their entire existence" to quote his campaign spokesman.
Please take this seriously. Fascists are never our allies; they will always turn on Catholics in the end. Remember, if we don't speak out now, when they come for us, there will be nobody left to speak for us.
Example of fascist rhetoric:
“We will drive out the globalists; we will cast out the communists, marxists, fascists. We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. In honor of our great veterans on Veterans Day, we pledge to you that we will rule out the communists, marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. That lie and steal and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible—they will do anything!—whether legally or illegally to destroy America. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within. Our threat is from within.” –Donald Trump, Veterans Day Speech, 2023
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nutzo0001 · 1 year ago
decline into insanity
3am, 16/7/23
1/30, 13/8/23 (posted/written 14/8/23. after 18/37)[past 11pm, 15/8/23]
PAVLOVIAN EDU -VS- SELF (Agora September Blogging)
1/46 ~ 47, 23/9/23 (Agora Road, September - Vol. II)
AGORA ROAD TRAVELOGUE - OCTOBER <II.>: "faking feeling Fine" / 10/10/23, cca 0:45~1:05AM
1/21, 3/11/23 =Only (or two) Ways of Life= (Nov-I-Agora)
12.11.2023 17:19:38 - Kitty Burrito? (Agora - NOV-II)
i like to write. just like that. this is a shitpost. because it is the (for) sake of it. it feels good and bad. it makes no sense. it is all i hate; and love. i just wanted (to). this should have a theme wouldnt it. i feel bad. ive been played on. futures that never came to be. glorious post-2000s, 2010s, where we... lived, and shit happened. it only get worse. instead of GVC „idealism“, corporate neoliberal surrealism that looked good, became cyberpunk. do, or be banished. obey, or question your morale and sanity, reality.
are you here with me? lets hold hands, cry, demise and curse. lets *** with me. do you need me? what about others, do the need you? what are you to them those? and why, why you think that? have you ever knew anything for sure, no doubts? it feels like Smashing (whatever) Patriarchy was just switch-a(n)d-bait to get you on hook. the net that dont forget and forgive. instead of net to wrap as close as „kitty burrito“, it became...
what it became? finding the words! it, it, it - net of lies. of false smiles. smiles so familiar - fake smiles, those always there, present since forever - those, amplified! instead of kitty burrito, it was abused. no fighting patriarchy (whatever it means), no questioning authority or sanity - it, the authorities, stole it. kitty burrito became dome that reflects all of the toxicity humanity want to get rit of themselves. the greenhouse effect - only mental one. instead of positivity and love, support;
it is easier to cry, vail and blame yourself, others - like this - this Effect, it cooks us, „let (him) us cook“ alive. and oh yes. these fake smiles. everything is fine because you, me, we are, afraid. the old „good“ ways feels, „are“ safer that anything new. stockholm syndrome of sorts. do you hear? the Mark. F for Fisher. press F. press those Fuckers outta consensus. when good is questioned and evil is normalized, all we can hope for is, to be proven wrong.
but how we can ever know if we ignore things? because it is easier, easier than to face consequences, truth, than to admit... we are not special, we are not „new generation“. people simple cant outsmart themselves. only to heal. it takes ages, generations. to take the bitter pill - to get out of your ways. to get out of your ass. to... to help. but if you fake it? it feels bad. but if it dont hurt anyone , anyone else, and if it even helps them - then let it be. you suffered enough, so why would others too?
you can dream of revenge. but what out of it? hurting is easy. but to admit you are not special, not messiah, not angel - that you dont have to dance around eggshells to make others, and on alone some Globalists who predicted everything wrong - to prove them you are afraid, controlable, able to be lied to... this is not protest. this is listening to yourself. this is, to make - do, return to senses! „i said so!“, so they [say]. but what they are, your mother!? (no! if you see bad - listen your conscience)
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So this is an open question. And it's one I've struggled with.
How free is too free? I adore freedom. And I believe freedom leads to prosperity. However. Having said this, I realize the freedom we have we are not enjoying. We are suffering from it.
Our boarders are open
We're being invaded slowly with not nearly enough deportations including allowing known terrorists into our country.
Our education system is more concerned about teaching our kids to have sex and cut off their body parts, then they are teaching them actual academics.
Communists run rampant, indoctrinating or youth into an ideology that there is no truth but power
We can't even properly elect officials to public office because the heads in power do more to keep people out than they do to let them in
Our leaders abuse their power to propagandize us into war and servitude as well as national strife and division.
We've let people get elected to office that hate this country and want to burn it to the ground.
We've demonized nationalism and instead promote national hate, racial hate, and cultural hate.
So again. What the hell do we do here? Our nations are crumbling under the weight of those that scalped our freedoms. Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and lazy entitled shits that think 40hrs is an agonizingly long work week. Where's the off ramp? Because I want to find out before violence becomes the only possible solution. We're well aware the radicals on the left would physically purge anyone to the right of Stalin given the chance to do so unopposed. So as a moderate left libertarian wtf do I even do? Talking sense into people seems to be doing nothing because people further left than me don't listen to reason.
It's always, oppression this, racism that, colonization this, diversity (but only for one ethnicity) that. How exactly do I NOT be black pilled at this point? Things are not getting better. The outright cheering for the Hamas attack by hundreds of thousands if but millions globally including in Western nations was deafening. What were they cheering for? The slaughter, rape, beheading, and torture of civilians specifically women and children. And even IF Hamas were not lying scumbags, which they are, how is killing civilians and tourists ok? Pretty sure the phrase is, "And eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".
We are not winning. Communists are winning. Globalists are winning. Radical islam is winning. And do you know what all three groups have in common? Their hate for liberals and neo liberals after their usefulness is up. You know what else they have in common? Their hate for the "peasant" class and LGBT people, the ladder of which, they make sport of throwing them off rooftops or beheading them.
At this point? I don't know what the point is. We're f*cked. And short of burying our morals and stooping to their level, I don't see a win here. We will crumble. We will collapse. And we will not win.
So again I ask. What the hell do we even do here? Just "live our lives" until the dictators and sharia law roll around? I honestly don't know.
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year ago
Why are Western leaders so eager to go to war with nuclear-armed Russia and China? It’s about depopulation, stupid
With A.I. and robots, Israeli historian and WEF mouthpiece asks: ‘What do we need so many humans for?’
Israeli historian and World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Noah Harari is back in the public eye, making the Forum’s case for a depopulated world.
Harari doesn’t come right out and say, let’s kill off half or more of the human beings on the planet. No, he’s much more subtle and cagey in the way he approaches the subject. He backs into it.
Listen carefully to the philosophy of the most dangerous organization on the planet that most Americans have never heard of, the World Economic Forum, and it’s chief philosophical adviser, Yuval Harari.
Elitist WEF mouthpieces like Harari must have a seething hatred for the human race. Perhaps someone should remind Harari that he is also human, and in desperate need of a more human worldview. Instead of technocracy and its depopulation agenda, perhaps Harari should set his eyes on Jesus Christ and what He teaches about the value of human life.
The philosophy you heard espoused in the above video is not some fringe ideology. It is the philosophy of nearly every government in the Western NATO alliance, the same alliance now angling for war with Russia, China, Iran and others. The WEF also has the allegiance of many globalist U.S. governors, from both blue and red states, who have traveled to Switzerland over the years to pander to Klaus Schwab, Harari, and the rest of the Davos death cult. Governors Brian Kemp of Georgia, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, and JB Pritzker of Illinois attended the WEF’s 2023 summit earlier this year. Eleven members of Congress also checked in at Davos this year along with Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Chris Coons of Delaware, and Krysten Synema of Arizona. Billionaire business leaders from all industries joined the party.
The most represented countries at the 2023 WEF summit, not including the host Switzerland, were the U.S. (27.2 percent of all attendees) and the U.K. (9.1 percent), followed by Germany (4.3 percent).
Today’s leaders in Western governments and businesses — incestuously enmeshed in public-private partnerships — are obsessed with “net zero carbon emissions” and a worship of technology, especially artificial intelligence and quantum computing (Patrick Wood expounds on this in his latest article here). They are desperately looking for ways to eliminate large swaths of the very humans they have always disdained and now no longer need. Eliminating carbon will cause mass die-offs in the years to come. Plants require carbon. Humans and livestock emit carbon. “Net zero” will bring famine and starvation to the world.
But they can’t wait on climate hysteria to do its job. If they can use the deep-seated hatreds ingrained in various geopolitical hotspots — Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan, Serbia-Kosovo, India-Pakistan, and Israel-Gaza — to accomplish their depopulation goals, they will not pass on the opportunity. In each one of these flashpoints, you see almost no effort to negotiate a peaceful resolution. The dogs are out of the doghouse and they are circling the wagons, salivating for human blood.
In the eyes of the Obamas, Bidens, Bushes, Clintons, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Nikki Haley, Justin Trudeau, Emanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Klaus Schwab, King Charles and the rest of the Davos death cult, the more bloody and destructive the coming World War III, the better. They crave it like a vampire in need of a fresh vein. They cannot wait to get the killing started.
Unless these psychopaths are somehow miraculously removed from power, the U.S. and its allies will engage in another world war, and it will likely kill more people than World Wars I and II combined. The technology has advanced so much since the 1940s that these monsters are able to be much more efficient in their eradication of human life. On the other side of this coming calamitous event, they plan to usher in their new digital reset, eliminating all cash, fossil fuels, and freedom.
And it doesn’t have to be so. America faces no threat from abroad. The only threat we face is from inside our borders, where sleeper cells have been allowed to infiltrate by globalist traitors in our government supporting disastrous immigration policies for decades.
Let us pray that our new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, will be a positive force for change in Washington. He can do nothing alone, but this is the first good news I’ve had to report out of Washington in years, and, God willing, it can be a first step toward the full exposure and removal of the blood-thirsty globalist neocon war-hawks who currently rule the roost.
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chrysolipsist · 2 years ago
Pre-Milkshake Ducking
It's probably better if you find out someone is a shithead before you expose their personality to the rest of the world. I was thinking that there is basically 0% chance anyone will ever pay any attention to anything that I post, should some post I make become viral and people try to guess at my identity and what-not and scrutinize the content of my posts to try to figure out if I am some sort of *-ist, how would the conversation be like with the public?
public: Are you a racist, sexist, homophobe, transphobe, or in other ways bigoted?
me: No.
public: Have you ever abused another person or animal?
me: Absolutely not!
public: Are you fair in your dealings with others? With people over whom you have power?
me: Yes, I do my best.
public: Oh yeah, how about unions? Do you support them? Are you in one?
me: I, uh, am not in one but I support them.
public: yeah, you support them up until you have to make a personal sacrifice, right? Would you be willing to walk off the job if your colleagues needed it? Refuse to do your duties? Even if it meant you'd lose pay?
me: I, um, don't know, that's a very hard question to answer but I'd like to think that I would do the right thing and stand in solidarity with my fellows.
public: Oh, "solidarity" is it? I guess you stand in solidarity with the globalist backers who control those unions, don't you? And want to make sure you get held down with all the other lazy-asses who don't want to hustle a little and make more. You stand up for them because you're lazy, aren't you? You're one of the lazy rats dragging down those better than them, like that analogy about the crabs in the bucket, also let me work in that other one about a frog not noticing that they're boiling if you turn the heat up slow. (((They))) control you, don't you? Admit it!
me: How do you even begin to answer this shit, is my question.
public (100%): Okay let's do this differently. We're adding a rating. Let's change the subject and start with less consequential questions to get at how you are as a human being. How do you hang your toilet paper? Over or under?
me: Over.
public (75%): Okay. What's your opinion about astrology?
me: I don't believe in it myself but I think it's a mostly harmless and fun thing. I mean how many decisions do we make that are purely arbitrary anyway?
public: (68%): Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? No fence-sitting. You have to pick one.
me: I like both, but since you're forcing me, I would have to say cat person because they're less demanding animals.
public: (55%): Let's go back to astrology. Remember when you posted that (ahem) "funny" image but you put "Astronomy" instead of "Astrology"? How stupid are you?
me: Look, I didn't even notice it. It was a stupid mistake. I posted a correct version later.
public: (42%): Oh sure but nobody saw that or cared about it. Look at you, you lamebrain loser. You don't know the difference between astronomy and astrology.
me: Look, it was a stupid mistake like I said. Listen, I'm so hard-wired to not confuse it the other way, like look how stupid you look if you mix it up the other way and say astrology when you mean astronomy? Like, "how's your astrologer brother who runs a planetarium doing these days" is way more embarrassing don't you think?
public (21%): That's what you call COPE, lol, COPE HARDER BITCH
me: Don't use your twenties neologisms on me, I don't know what you're saying.
public (13%): This piece of shit is OLD. He remembers when 9/11 happened, he probably can tell you exactly what he was doing that day and everything. He was alive when the USSR was still around. That's right, he's older than Crystal Pepsi. His balls are probably saggy and he probably smells like piss.
me: None of these statements are wholly untrue.
public (4%): Okay, well that's the end of the process and you are left with a final score of 4%. That's right, your approval rating is 4% of the mainstream of normal people, but since this is the Internet there is a vast number of people who do like you although they're not connected to you but guess what! You don't particularly like them! Ah but that's the whole "principle of maximum irony" thing going on isn't it, maybe you'll post about that sometime, if you haven't already done so! Who knows, someone may even read it!
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faggotry-enjoyer · 1 year ago
One of the most helpful things for me has just been osmosis. I didn't start off seeking out resources - I just stumbled across jumblr somehow, lurked on there for a few years, and followed up on starting points I came across. Follow Eden (OP), follow more Jews on here, listen to what they have to say. Not tagging publicly in this section because I don't want to direct any harrassment their way, but feel free to DM me or shoot me an ask for recommendations.
One of the fastest ways to being antisemitic is thinking you're immune to antisemitism. You're not. It's everywhere. Know that you have ingrained antisemitism and decide, in advance, how you're going to react when you discover it or when someone points it out. Take note of when you find yourself feeling defensive, and don't let yourself respond/speak while you're still in that defensive state. Give it time to sink in. Take note of when you find yourself suspicious or (internally or otherwise) pushing back, and interrogate that reaction. Know that you are going to fuck up, and be prepared to correct yourself. A lot. Thank Jews who teach you, thank Jews who show you your own antisemitism, and take their words to heart.
Avoid conspiracy thinking. Be wary of implications of secret/shadowy/etc. control, "it's all connected" and variations, "wake up" and variations, unspecified "they" and variations, attributing intent to everything that goes wrong, and so forth.
While antisemites are broadly becoming increasingly bold, most still deny at least publicly. A lot will deny that they're talking about Jews at all. Be on the lookout for euphemisms, dogwhistles, and "find and replace" - if somebody says, for example, "Zionist" or "globalist" or "elite" or a brand new euphemism of their own, but follows an antisemitic trope, that's still antisemitism. That's (part of) why it's important to be familiar with said tropes - it will allow you to recognize red flags even when the words themselves are outside the scope of the dogwhistles you already know.
For cultural xtians (xtians, ex-xtian atheists, just about anyone growing up in a xtian-majority country): A lot of things you associate with xtianity were actually appropriated from Judaism, and Judaism is not xtianity minus Jesus. I haven't seen much discussion on this variety of antisemitism on my dash since 10/7 when the focus shifted to I/P and the left going mask off, but I do think it's worth thinking through and reading up on. Antitheists and ex-xtian atheists read this one as a starting point. For more on xtian antisemitism, common culturally xtian misconceptions about Judaism, and xtian hegemony in general, I highly recommend checking out @didyoumeanxianity.
Be aware that there are outliers, and make sure to be listening to a number of different Jewish voices/sources in order to get an impression of the majority. Take any and all claims of antisemitism by all Jews seriously, but don't take the word of fringe factions (e.g. JVP, Neteuri Karta) or small numbers when they say something's not antisemitic. Don't just borrow the first opinion you see or the one that most closely matches what you think already, actually take the time to synthesize from direct information and from more than a couple takes.
Listen more than you speak.
More media literacy: here is another of Eden's answers to yours truly. It's linked in a couple posts already included here, but I wanted to highlight it specifically.
More dogwhistles and the like: Web version of the AJC Translate Hate Glossary (pdf linked in previous reblog), ADL Hate Symbols Database
Jews Don't Count by David Baddiel is an excellent short read (took me 2 or 3 hours cover to cover) on the long tradition of leftists excluding Jews from their activism. Check it out from your local library.
rootsmetals (instagram, website) makes in-depth, thoroughly sourced posts on primarily Jewish and Israeli history. If you're talking about I/P, I particularly recommend her posts on emotional extortion (instagram, blog), replacement theology (instagram, blog), double standards (instagram, blog), and asking questions (instagram, blog). Actually think through (and research) those questions, too.
For those who like video as a format, I highly recommend the youtuber Pinely. Selling Anti-Semitic [sic] Theories to Teens uses Sneako as a case study of conspiratorial + right-wing + antisemitic radicalization. Selling Dangerous Theories To Kids looks at Shane Dawson's conspiracy theories. How to Fetishize a Religion uses Trisha Paytas as a case study of philosemitism. How to Radicalize a Celebrity is what it says on the tin and most of the examples used are antisemitism.
Short (4:26) captioned video on Holocaust inversion
When the right and left fight over anti-Semitism, Jews are caught in the middle
myjewishlearning.com - link here is to the antisemitism 101 article for a starting point but the entire site is excellent
For a friend who wanted links to some posts I made about antisemitism, allyship, and how to support Palestine without being antisemitic—which is both possible and easy to do!
How do you know if you’re antisemitic?
How to be a good ally for Jewish people. I responded to a wonderful ask from @faggotry-enjoyer about how to be a better ally and to discuss Israel/Palestine with people who are inclined to distrust Jews due to unexamined antisemitism.
Important post about the dangers faced by Jews as an extreme minority. There are good examples in the reblogs and replies and tags—both of great ways for non-Jews to provide support as well as if antisemites denying their own antisemitism. Therese even one example of ways Jews can and do disagree with each other while remaining respectful without delving into antisemitism OR Islamophobia OR denying the rights and dignity of Palestinians. Jews can do this and so can non-Jews. But that can’t happen if people hate us too much to listen to anything we have to say.
The emotional toll of antisemitism on Jewish people.
Example of the death threats we get that are designed to make us look like bad guys.
If Jews can learn about the Holocaust in detail before we even reach the age of ten, you can and should too.
Don’t trust people who rely on bad sources. People do make genuine mistakes. Here’s an example of bad faith link sharing. Especially when Reblogging things. Even I don’t have time to always check every source in a post. Also, it’s possible that a link seemed legitimate when it was originally posted but the source is either no longer trustworthy or the OP got better at assessing sources. If an error in their original sourcing is pointed out, they should correct it publicly. If they are sharing a link as an OP they should always take time to be as responsible as possible.
There are plenty more posts under my #leftist antisemitism tag to look into about a variety of ways that antisemitism manifests in left wing circles.
Allies, please reblog with any posts you think relevant for a someone new to dismantling their antisemitism.
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jerseydeanne · 2 years ago
France at least is building nuclear. They will need to help Germany and other countries more and more. For Germany to make a concious choice to shut down much of it’s working electricity production, knowing full well it’d make them dependent on Russia, it’s so stupid it’s difficult to comprehend. Germany is also a role model in Europe, other countries like to immitate them. Sweden for exemple, who’s electricity production has been practically fossil free since ~1980, consisting of hydropower and nuclear, have now closed half of their nuclear as well. Leading to soaring electricity prices and a dependence on reserve, oil fired power plants as well as imports of fossil fuel produced electricity from the continent.
We really do have to find a way to reduce climate change, but it can’t be Done through making electricity and food rare and expensive goods all over Europe. That will simply lead to poverty, total lack of competitiveness for European companies, and people struggling to buy food and pay the electricity bill have no margins to also try and save the world.
I don't believe in climate change, Hoax. They only go back 30 years when real scientists go back to the beginning of record keeping.
The earth is in constant flux. We are on a 23-degree wobble since being hit by the last asteroid. Let's make sure.
Today, the Earth's axis is tilted 23.5 degrees from the plane of its orbit around the sun. But this tilt changes. During a cycle that averages about 40,000 years, the tilt of the axis varies between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees. Because this tilt changes, the seasons as we know them can become exaggerated.Mar 24, 2000
We need to remember that we are part of the milky way galaxy. Our universe spins around that one.
We have to take all numbers into consideration when we talk about Climate. The globalists are blowing smoke up your ass.
What did the ancients know? We have forgotten as a people.
Before the great flood and after, what happened?
I could really get into this subject. I would end up writing a book tying it all together. I'm going to post some crucial videos soon. You'll be blown away. We haven't been taught the truth about how civilization began.
Time to open your mind and stop listening to the sky is falling! Remember, the lunatics are running the asylum right now.
You probably think that JD has hijacked your ask. Stop listening to the narrative.
Nukes are super expensive, and you can't build one overnight. Hydropower is the best, but there is something out there that's as small as a substation that can power an entire city. That's the answer. You must be thinking that's awesome! Yep, it is, and what will the corporations do? Shelve it.
Thank you very much for your ask! More to come!
PS: India is much older by 6,000 years
Love, JD 😜💋🤟🏻💖
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itsyourchoicedevotionals · 3 years ago
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Working Out Something Really Good
“But the Lord says: “Now I will stand up. Now I will show My power and might.” Isaiah 33:10NLT
What does our text make you think about? Papa God awakened me to talk about Isaiah 33 in the wee morning hours. In our text verse, I saw power, grandeur, and authority. Nothing, no opposing power will ever stop our God.
Papa God highlighted several verses in Chapter 33. Then He said, “Something will look really bad. Don’t fear. I’m at work. I will work out something really good from what seems really bad.”
Right off the top of my head, I think about the presidential debauchery. What a lying thieving thing for the Globalist to do, seize our Presidency with votes diverted by Italy, Germany, China and Russia. Now we’re suffering through Obama’s third term as he uses Biden, his puppet. Is this the ‘really bad,’ Papa God is going to work out for really good?
I thought, too, of several negative possibilities in our personal world. As I pressed into this prophecy, I’m reminded of October 2008, when the Lord awakened me to tell me ‘My name is Faithful and True.’ He also told me not to worry; He’s taking care of me; His children would see His name was true. The next week, the stock market crashed. Fanny Mae and Jenny Mae funds went crazy. Yahweh held us in His hands. Praise be His name. Remembering this memory gave me the impression to share this warning with His children, who would listen.
Am I saying what is coming is financial? I am saying— this could be anything, including the fall of the USA. From what I’ve seen this year, nothing is looking good, but afterwards, God is going to bring good.   A frequent prayer— I’ve been asking God for a ‘Bible times’ intervention. Open the earth and swallow the corrupted leaders; part the Red Sea; stop the flood stage Jordan River; have an angel wipe out an wicked army, as He did the army of 185,000 soldiers; asking ‘anything big enough Lord for the world to see Yahweh still intervenes in the affairs of man.’ No one trembles in awe and fear of Him. He’s a joke unto entirely too many here and worldwide. All should revere Him. After the Red Sea parting, every nation shook in their boots, afraid of Jehovah God.
Even Christians don’t see God with awesome fear anymore. Few are having that look where you know God is GOD. Where you love, adore, worship Him. The knowledge He won’t fail you. Where nothing is rote in worship, but comes from a full heart of love and adoration. He longs for our true worship and adoration.
Until whatever event comes, I’m preparing four ways: **** I am suiting up in the whole armor of God for battle— Ephesians 6:10-17. **** I will praise wholeheartedly— Psalms 9:1-4; worship completely— Psalm 95:6-7; speak back to God all His promises to me— Isaiah 43:25-26 **** I will pray in my prayer language— Ephesians 6:18, Romans 8:26, Jude 1:20 *** I am gathering in provisions— Proverbs 6:6-8TPT
Join me in praying for God to keep us through the bad that is happening and yet to come, keep us in trust, adoration, worship, and joy. “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10ESV. Will you accept the words of this prophecy or not? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Almighty God You are mighty to save us. Worthy of adoration and glory forever. Be glorified forevermore. Draw us close to you in Jesus Christ’s name I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2021 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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ruinmemes · 4 years ago
part one: henbane river voicemails.
❝  yeah, it’s me.  ❞
❝  i’m not threatening you.  ❞
❝  don’t tell your goddamn lawyer i’m threatening you again, or i’ll shoot up your goddamn car!  ❞
❝  what’s up fuck-o?  ❞
❝  follow your nose.  ❞
❝  have fun pawing through that spicy dogshit, you fuckass douchewaffles!  ❞
❝  it finally happened.  ❞
❝  come by my place and get them when you can.  ❞
❝  ____ is so sad and alone.  ❞
❝  ____ led a faithless life.  ❞
❝  i left them there a long time ago. ❞
❝  i’m not about to repeat myself. ❞
❝  that’s fucking illegal! ❞
❝  you think you and your little band of weirdos scare me? ❞
❝  so help me god, there will be a reckoning. ❞
❝  listen! i was all wrong! ❞
❝  they don’t know shit about partying. ❞
❝  i’m gonna start my OWN cult! ❞
❝  doesn’t that sound nice? ❞
❝  we’re all about sex, guns, booze and rockin’ it 24/7! ❞
❝  is this thing even recording? ❞
❝  i don’t ever need your opinion on how i’m doing. ❞
❝  i can no longer sit back and watch while this country turns into CANADA!  ❞
❝  your days are numbered!  ❞
❝  have you seen their faces? ❞
❝  oh, you should see it. ❞
❝  it gives me life. ❞
❝  every time a bell rings... ❞
❝  hey partner! ❞
❝  it’s the only way to stop the globalist agenda!  ❞
❝  just lie. ❞
❝  tell him exactly what he wants to hear, and send him on his way. ❞
❝  don’t let him get in your head. ❞
❝ [ ungodly shrieking ] ❞
❝  if you ask me, it’s only going to get worse. ❞
❝  sooner or later, they’ll come after you too. ❞
❝  a baby is a sack of screaming shitting crying impulses with no personality. ❞
❝  it has no soul. ❞
❝  the only soul we have, we receive from others. ❞
❝  they’re on a rampage - you gotta run! ❞
❝  i’m telling ya, it’s not just the food. ❞
❝  movies, tvs, video games! they’re all the same! ❞
❝  if someone tells you they’re a hollywood screenwriter, punch them in the goddamn mouth! ❞
❝  if that’s not the hand of the new world order, i don’t know what is. ❞
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foreverdavidbyrne · 4 years ago
David Byrne’s interview in NME magazine
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In 1979, David Byrne predicted Netflix. “It’ll be as easy to hook your computer up to a central television bank as it is to get the week’s groceries,” he told NME’s Max Bell, sitting in a Paris hotel considering the implications of Talking Heads’ dystopian single ‘Life During Wartime’.
He predicted the Apple Watch in that interview too: “[People will] be surrounded by computers the size of wrist watches.” And he foresaw surveillance culture and data harvesting: “Government surveillance becomes inevitable because there’s this dilemma when you have an increase in information storage. A lot of it is for your convenience, but as more information gets on file, it’s bound to be misused.”
In fact, over 40 years ago, he predicted the entire modern-day experience, as if he instinctively knew what was coming. “We’ll be cushioned by amazing technological development,” he said, “but sitting on Salvation Army furniture.”
The 68-year-old Byrne says today, “You can’t say that you know,” chuckling down a Zoom link from his home in New York and belying his reputation for awkwardness by seeming giddily relieved to be talking to someone. “It’s crazy to set yourself up as some sort of prophet. But there’s plenty of people who have done well with books where they claim to predict what’s going on. I suppose sometimes it’s possible to let yourself imagine, ‘Okay – what if?’ This can evolve into something that exists, can evolve into something more substantial, cheaper – these kinds of things.”
It’s been a lifelong gift. Byrne turned up at CBGBs in 1975 with his art school band Talking Heads touting ‘Psycho Killer’, as if predicting the punk scene’s angular melodic evolution, new wave, before punk was even called punk. In 1980, Talking Heads assimilated African beats and textures into their seminal ‘Remain In Light’ album, foreshadowing ‘world music’ and modern music’s globalist melting pot, then used it to warn America of the dangers of consumerism, selfishness and the collapse of civilisation. Pioneering or propheteering, Byrne has been on the front-line of musical evolution for 45 years, collaborating with fellow visionaries from Brian Eno to St Vincent’s Annie Clark, constantly imagining, ‘What if?’
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The live music lockdown has been a frustrating freeze frame, but Byrne was already leading the way into music’s new normal. Launched in 2018, the tour to support his 10th solo album, ‘American Utopia’, has now turned into a cinematic marvel courtesy of Spike Lee – the concert film was released in the UK this week. The original tour was acclaimed as a live music revolution. Using remote technology, Byrne was able to remove all of the traditional equipment clutter from the stage and allow his musicians and dancers, in uniform grey suits and barefoot, to roam around a stage lined with curtains of metal chains with their instruments strapped to them. A Marshally distanced gig, if you will.
“As the show was conceptually coming together, I realised that once we had a completely empty stage the rulebook has now been thrown out,” Byrne says. “Now we can go anywhere and do anything. This is completely liberating. It means that people like drummers, for example, who are usually relegated to the back shadows, can now come to the front – all those kinds of things – which changes the whole dynamic.”
With six performers making up an entire drum kit and Byrne meandering through the choreography trying to navigate a nonsensical world, the show was his most striking and original since he jerked and jived around a constructed-mid-gig band set-up in Jonathan Demme’s legendary 1984 Talking Heads live film Stop Making Sense.
The American Utopia show embarked on a Broadway run last year, where Byrne super-fan Spike Lee saw it twice and leapt at the chance of turning the spectacle into Byrne’s second revolutionary live film, dotted with his musings on the human condition to illuminate the crux of the songs: institutional racism, our lack of modern connection, the erosion of democracy and, on opener ‘Here’, a lecture-like tour of the human brain, Byrne holding aloft a scale model, trying to fathom, ‘How do I work this?’
“I didn’t know how much of a fan Spike was!” Byrne laughs today. “He’d even go, ‘Why don’t you do this song? Why don’t you add this song in’. We knew one another casually so I could text him and say, ‘I want you to come and see our show; I think that you might be interested in making a film of it’.”
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Are the days of the traditional stage set-up numbered? “Yes, I think so,” he replies. “At least in theatres and concert halls the size that I would normally play, yes. The fact that we can get the music digitally [means] a performance has to be really of value. It has to be really something special, because that’s where the performers are getting their money and that’s what the audience is paying for. They’re not paying very much for streaming music, but they are paying quite a bit to go and see a performance, so the performance has to give them value for money… It has to be really something to see.”
How does David Byrne envisage the future possibilities of live performance?
“I’ve seen a lot of things that hip-hop artists have done – like the Kanye West show where he emerges on a platform that floats above the stage,” he says. “I’d seen one with Kendrick Lamar where it was pretty much just him on stage, an empty stage with just him on stage and a DJ, somebody with a laptop – that was it. I thought, ‘Wow’. Then he started doing things with huge projections behind. There are lots of ways to do this. I love the idea of working with a band, with live musicians. ‘How can I innovate in this kind of way?’ It’s maybe easier for a hip-hop musician who doesn’t have a band to figure out. The pressure is on to come up with new ways of doing this.”
In liberating his musicians from fixed, immovable positions, American Utopia also acts as a metaphor for freeing our minds from our own ingrained ways of thinking. As Byrne intersperses Talking Heads classics such as ‘Once In A Lifetime’, ‘I Zimbra’ and ‘Road To Nowhere’ with choice solo cuts and tracks from ‘American Utopia’, he also dots the show with musings on an array of post-millennial questions: the health of democracy; the rise of xenophobia and fascism; our increasing reliance on materialism and online communication; the climate change threat; the existential nightmare of the dating app; and, crucially, the distances all of these things put between us.
“The ‘likes’ and friends and connections and everything that the internet enables,” he argues, “even Zoom calls like this, they’re no substitute for really being with other people. Calling social networks ‘social’ is a bit of an exaggeration.”
Byrne closes the show with the suggestion that, rather than isolate behind our LCD barriers, we should try to reconnect with each other. In an age when social media has descended into all-out thought war and anyone can find concocted ‘facts’ to support anything they want to believe, is that realistic?
“I have a little bit of hope,” he says. “Not every day, but some days. I have hope that people will abandon a lot of social media, that they’ll realise how intentionally addictive it is, and they’re actually being used, and that they might enjoy actually being with other people rather than just constantly scrolling through their phone. So, I’m a little bit optimistic that people will, in some ways, use this technology a little bit less than they have.”
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A key moment in American Utopia comes with Byrne’s cover of Janelle Monae’s ‘Hell You Talmbout’, a confrontational track shouting the names of African-Americans who have been killed by police or in racially motivated attacks – Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, George Floyd and far, far too many more. Does Byrne think the civil unrest in the wake of Floyd’s death and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement make a serious impact?
“We’ll see how long this continues,” he says, “but in projects that I’m working on – there’s a theatre project I’m working on in Denver, there’s the idea of bringing this show back to Broadway, there’s other projects – those issues came to the fore. Issues of diversity and inclusion and things like that, which were always there. Now they’re being taken more seriously. The producers and theatre owners realise that they can’t push those things aside, that they have to be included in the whole structure of how a show gets put together.”
“At least for now, that seems to be a big change. I see it in TV shows and other areas too. There’s a lot of tokenism, but there’s a lot of real opportunity and changed thinking as well.”
Elsewhere, he encourages his audience to register to vote, and had registration booths at the shows. He must have been pleased about the record turnout in the recent US election? “Yeah, the turnout was great. Now you just got to keep doing that. Gotta keep doing it at all the local elections, too. It was important for me not to endorse a political party or anything in the show but to say, ‘Listen, we can’t have a democracy if you don’t vote. You have to get out there and let your voice be heard and there’s lots of people trying to block it.’ We have to at least try.”
Will Trump’s loss help bring people together after four years with such a divisive influence in charge?
“Yes. I think for me Trump was not so much a shock; we knew who he is. He was around New York before that, in the reality show [The Apprentice], we knew what kind of character he was. What shocked me was how quickly the Republican party all fell into line behind him, behind this guy who’s obviously a racist, misogynist liar and everything else. But it’s kind of encouraging – although it’s taken four years and with some it’s only with the prospect of him being gone – that quite a few have been breaking ranks. There are some possibilities of bridge building being held out.”
But, he says, “It’s too early to celebrate,” concerned that Senate Majority Leader and fairweather Trump loyalist Mitch McConnell will use any Republican control of the Senate to block many of Biden’s policies from coming into effect. “[This] is what happened with Obama… I want to see real change happen. [Climate change] absolutely needs to be a priority. The clock had turned back over the last four years, so there’s a lot to be done. Whether there’s the willpower to do everything that needs to be done, it remains to be seen, but at least now it’s pointing in the right direction.”
How will he look back on the last four years? Byrne ponders. “I’m hoping that I look back at it as a near-miss.”
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American Utopia is as much a personal journey as a dissection of modern ills. Ahead of ‘Everybody’s Coming To My House’, Byrne admits to being a rather socially awkward type. He claims that a choir of Detroit teenagers, when singing the song for the accompanying video, had imbued the song with a far more welcoming message than his own rendition, which found him wracked with the fear that his visitors might never leave. How does someone like that deal with celebrity?
“In a certain way it’s a blessing,” Byrne grins, “because I don’t have to go up to people to talk to them – they sometimes come up to me. In other ways it’s a little bit awkward. Celebrity itself seems very superficial and I have to constantly remind myself that your character, your behaviour and the work that you do is what’s important – not how well known you are, not this thing of celebrity. I learned early on it’s pretty easy to get carried away. But it does have its advantages. I had Spike Lee’s phone number, so I could text him.”
Talking Heads drummer Chris Frantz’s recent book Remain In Love suggests that the more successful Byrne got early on, the more distant he became.
Byrne nods. “I haven’t read the book, but I know that as we became more successful I definitely used some of that to be able to work on other projects. I worked on a dance score with [American choreographer] Twyla Tharp and I worked on a theatre piece with [director] Robert Wilson – other kinds of things – [and] I started working on directing some of the band’s music videos. So I guess I spent less time just hanging out. As often happens with bands, you start off being all best friends and doing everything together and after a while that gets to be a bit much. Everybody develops their own friends and it’s like, ‘I have my own friends too’. Everybody starts to have their own lives.”
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The future is far too enticing for David Byrne to consider revisiting the past. “I do live alone so sometimes it would get lonely”, he says of lockdown, but he’s been using his Covid downtime to cycle around undiscovered areas of New York and remain philosophical about the aftermath.
“We’ll see how long before the vaccine is in, before we return to being able to socialise,” he says, “but I’m also wondering, ‘How am I going to look at this year? Am I going to look at it as, “Oh yes, that’s the year that was to some extent taken away from our lives; our lives were put on pause?”’ We kept growing; we kept ageing; we keep eating, but it was almost like this barrier had been put up. It has been a period where, in a good way, it’s led us to question a lot of what we do. You get up in the morning and go, ‘Why am I doing this? What am I doing this for? What’s this about?’ Everything is questioned.”
Post-vaccine, he hopes to “travel a little bit” before looking into plans to bring the ‘American Utopia’ show back to Broadway, and possibly even to London if the financial aspects can be worked out. “Often when a show like that travels, the lead actors might travel,” Byrne explains, “but in this case it’s the entire cast that has to travel. So you’ve got a lot of hotel bills and all that kind of stuff. We wanted to do it. There might be a way, if we can figure that out.”
Once we all get our jab, will everyone come to recognise that, as Byrne sings on ‘American Utopia’s most inspiring track, ‘Every Day Is A Miracle’? “Optimistically, maybe,” he says. “There will be a lot of people who will just go, ‘Let’s get back to normal – get out to the bars, the clubs and discos’. That’s already been happening in New York; there’s been these underground parties where people just can’t help themselves. But after all this it’d be nice to think that people might reassess things a little bit.”
And with the algorithm as the new gatekeeper and technology beginning to subsume the sounds and consumption of music, what does the new wave Nostradamus foresee for rock in the coming decades? Will AIs soon be writing songs for other AIs to consume to inflate the numbers, cutting humanity out of the equation altogether?
“It seems like there’ll be a kind of factory,” Byrne predicts, “an AI factory of things like that, and of newspaper articles and all of this kind of stuff, and it will just exaggerate and duplicate human biases and weaknesses and stupidity. On the other hand, I was part of a panel a while back, and a guy told a story about how his listening habits were Afrofuturism and ambient music – those were his two favourite ways to go. The algorithm tried to find commonalities between the two so it could recommend things to him and he said it was hopeless. Everything it recommended was just horrible because it tried to find commonalities between these two very separate things. This just shows that we’re a little more eclectic than these machines would like to think.”
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And in the distant future? Best prepare to welcome your new gloop overlords. Byrne isn’t concerned about The Singularity – the point at which machine intelligence supersedes ours and AI becomes God – but instead believes that future technologies will emulate microbial forms.
“I watched a documentary on slime moulds [a simple slimy organism] the other day,” he says, warming to his sticky theme. “Slime moulds are actually extremely intelligent for being a single-celled organism. They can build networks and bunches of them can communicate. They can learn, they have memories, they can do all these kinds of things that you wouldn’t expect a single-celled organism to be able to do.”
“I started thinking, ‘Well, is there a lesson there for AI and machine learning, of how all these emerging properties could be done with something as simple as a single cell?’ It’s all in there… when things interact, they become greater than the sum of their parts. I thought, okay, maybe the future of AI is not in imitating human brains, but imitating these other kinds of networks, these other kinds of intelligences. Forget about imitating human intelligence – there’s other kinds of intelligence out there, and that might be more fruitful. But I don’t know where that leads.”
His grin says he does know, that he has a vision of our icky soup-world future, but maybe the rest of the species isn’t yet advanced enough to handle it. But if we’re evolving towards disaster rather than utopia, we can trust David Byrne to give us plenty of warning.
December 18, 2020
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billscheft · 4 years ago
Here’s a piece I wrote a couple of weeks ago everyone baffling passed on: Marjorie Taylor Greene on Sports Talk Radio....
KARL: Welcome back to “First String,” where we grip it and rip it on your morning drive, throwing heat and shade at all things sports, sports-adjacent, sports-oriented and disoriented. I am Karl Flack, and I flack for no one. Behind the glass, as always, my producer, engineer, and cut man, Johnno Scappinola. Joining us this morning in the studio to take your calls is Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. Congrats for making First String.
REP GREENE: Thanks, Karl. Big fan.
KARL: Appreciate the shamelessness. Okay, right out of the chute, I’m coming at you hard. You’re a graduate of the University of Georgia. UGA through and through. Class of 1996. Your freshman year, Dawgs go 10-2, win the SEC East and finish #8 under Ray Goff. And then it NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN until after you leave Athens.
REP GREENE: (nervous laugh) Yeah, well. That was an unfortunate coincidence.
KARL: Of course. Like WTC Building #7… Okay, let’s go to the phones. Al in Smithtown, do you have a question for Marjorie Taylor Greene?
AL IN SMITHTOWN:  Yes, I do. Congresswoman, the New Jersey Nets look absolutely loaded. Is anyone going to beat them for the NBA title this year?
REP GREENE: The Nets may look loaded, but so am I. I like my Hawks. Don’t be sleepin’ on my Hawks. Birds gotta fly, Hawks gotta ball…. Shout out to Trae Young! TY, TY!!!!!!! Seriously, I don’t appreciate the way New Jersey manipulated its globalist payroll and salary cap to amass a team of superstars. I don’t like the way the Nets forced their will over the league. Our league. And it is our league. It’s like the Ho—
KARL: Whoa. Let’s try to keep the questions a little less inflammatory. Okay, this is Samantha from Browning. You’re on with Marjorie Taylor Greene.
SAMANTHA FROM BROWNING: Hi, I’m Samantha. She/her….
KARL: Okay, we lost Samantha. Johnno, see if you can reach out to our friends to track that number. Let’s go out to Lionel on the car phone with a question about the PGA Championship. Lionel?
LIONEL: Hi Karl. Longtime listener, first time caller. Congresswoman Greene, like a lot of people, I was thrilled with Phil Mickelson’s win at Kiawah last month, but when the gallery surged toward him and Brooks Koepka on the 18th, I got very scared for them and their safety. What about you?
REP GREENE: Lionel, it’s Lionel, right? Not Lion-EL? Good. Lionel, I’m going to recuse myself because I had Lefty in one of my Cross-Fit classes ten years ago when he was trying to drop a few, and let me just say he didn’t get his deposit back.  But talking about scary, you know what’s scary? What if those ropes had held? What if they’d kept the gallery packed inside? It would have reminded me of a Mannheim train station in 19—
KARL:  19 past the hour, and we’ll go to Rayburn from Marietta.
RAYBURN FROM MARIETTA: Thanks for taking my call. Serious question. As a fellow Georgian, as a congresswoman, what can you do to get the Major League Baseball All Star Game that we lost to Colorado this year to come back to Atlanta in the future? I’ll hang up and listen.
REP GREENE: What makes you think it left? I’ll be there, July 13. I got four behind the dugout at Fulton County Stadium.
KARL: Uh, Congresswoman, Fulton County Stadium was imploded in 1997.
REP GREENE: Yeah. That’s what they want you to believe. Wake up and smell the space lasers, Karl.
KARL: MTG with solid contact! That’ll bring a run in…. Speaking of which, are you in favor of the universal DH?
REP GREENE: DH? Designated Hitl…
KARL:   –TER! Hitter.
REP GREENE: I’m not in favor of universal anything, Karl. Karl….with a “K,” right?
KARL: Yes.
REP GREENE: Like Marx?
KARL: Let’s go to Nancy on Line 5….
REP GREENE: Let’s not.
KARL: Okay, let’s go to Alejandro from San Jacinto on Line 7….
REP GREENE: Only if I can say his name and town a couple dozen times.
KARL: Okay, here’s Cletis on Line 28. He’s been on hold since the show ended yesterday. Cletis?
CLETIS ON LINE 28: I’m just calling to say “Roll Damn Tide!”
KARL: War Eagle…. We’re coming up on a hard break. Time for one more call. This is Taylor from the 6th District, wherever that is.
TAYLOR FROM 6th DISTRICT: Hello, Karl, am I on? Karl, Karl? Am I on? Karl, am I on? Hello, Karl?
KARL: Taylor, could you turn down your radio?
TAYLOR FROM 6th DTSTRICT: I don’t have a radio. I’m listening through the chip in my head. Tell him, Margie.
REP GREENE: Uncle Taylor, is that you?
TAYLOR FROM 6th DISTRICT:  Margie, you coming for dinner Sunday?
REP GREENE: What are you having?
TAYLOR FROM 6th DISTRICT: Pizza from the new parlor downtown.
REP GREENE: Hard pass.
KARL: My thanks to Marjorie Taylor Greene. You made this so easy. Please come back. One last question before we pay some bills: What isn’t like the Holocaust?
MTG: You know, if you have to ask….
KARL: Back after this!
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Be Advised
This is going to be a tricky topic and it might end up being long. Read at your own risk.
So this tweet was trending apparently and it comes to my attention now that we are in a fight we can't win.
This tweet was in trending for a period of time, and it got suggested to me. I have my stances on the current trend of "Immigration" and it's pretty tame by the standards of the early 00's but certainly volcanic to many by today's standards.
After the sparking of the Israel x Palestine conflict, Anti-Semitism actually skyrocketed. More than I have ever seen it as such. Historically Nazis, Communists, and Marxists in general, hated the Jewish people. All of them claim it's about being "Anti-Zionist" but if you listen to them talk they are not shy about the fact they OPENLY hate Jews.
What's more, we don't see a difference between modern progressives IE: Neo Progressives, and Nazis like Hitler/Communists like Stalin. Both Hated the Jews. And mostly based on similar beliefs about Jewish people. I've recently heard people calling Jews "Parasites who are all landlords and rich and are controlling our country" from Neo Progs, and stuff like, "All them rich Jews are just flooding out country so they can let groomers and pedophiles in" like seen in comments like this one from the above shown Tweet.
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Which funny enough Anti-Globalism sentiment is a mostly middle or right wing position. Certainly not a far left position as they tend to actually be Pro-Globalism. What's more, Black Identity Extremists tend to be VERY Anti-Semitic in general insisting that THEY are in fact the original Jews because they are Black.
When I say, "We've Lost", what I mean to say is on a fundamental level we are fucked.
-Racial Tension is on the rise MOSTLY due to Leftists. -Anti-Semitism is rampant on the far left the far right and amongst some default liberals because they just eat the Hamas propaganda wholesale. -Marxism is taking over around the world and slowing it much less stopping it has been nearly impossible. -Economies are not in good positions around the world ESPECIALLY in the US because of Hyper Inflation caused by Joe Biden -And we still have politicians demanding we keep sending money to Ukraine that we DON'T HAVE -And we face potential ground war in the Middle East AGAIN because that's what the Neo Libs and the Neo Cons want.
Which is another way of saying, "No matter who wins, We lose".
Racism is endorsed by, and actually made worse by the left. Because it's a weapon for them to beat whom they disagree with, and pretend to be the Gallant Saviors of the people they claim to fight for.
Anti Semitism is a long standing stereotype of, "Land owners, Money Grubbers, Pedo enablers, etc." That is frankly, absolutely disgusting. And again, being pushed by the far left and right.
Marxism and their ideals, IE: Identity Politics, are running rampant and decimating culture and civilized society and replacing it with, "My feelings and 'The Cause' are the most important thing about me and my life. And if you don't refer to me as my neo pronouns I will literally destroy your life".
And I can go on and on and on and on.
We are fighting a war on so many fronts that we can't possibly win. I honest to goodness feel bad for everyone caught in the crossfire of this. I really do. And I have no idea how we fix this. More over when we are fighting ACTUAL racism, Anti-Semitism from the extremes of both sides, Identity Extremists, Marxists, Globalists, and the WEF, as well as our own countries corrupt govs. Shits getting very real very quick.
We have Governments trying to ban Natural Gas and Oil, which would KILL millions during the summer and winter months. We have Governments trying to put people in jail, no sorry, PUTTING PEOPLE in jail over speech. And most countries' economies are in the shitter.
I don't like being black pilled. I don't like the idea that we can't pull a win out of this.
But this will get worse. No amount of touching grass will save you or your friends, family or your kids/grandkids/great grandkids from what is to come. And all we can do is fight. We don't even know if there is a way to win. I don't want to say we are fucked. But it really is looking like we are fucked.
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madamlaydebug · 5 years ago
ES Ascension NewsJune 16th, 2020
Foreword: Before you attempt to digest this month’s challenging content, let it be said and known that the inverted systems and reversal networks in the planetary architecture, are systematically being dismantled and aligned to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. Corrections are being made to the ley lines for horizontal-vertical-diagonal alignments, activation of organic creator code and Krystic zero-point architecture are detoxifying and purging out death codes from every corner of our planet. A selection of demonic hierarchies, satanic-luciferian cult harvesting stations, negative alien AI tech and mind control weaponry, and an array of parasitical infestations of miasma, miscreants and bottom feeders are also being cleaned up and evicted. This is a massive ongoing project currently underway, which is being monitored by Cosmic Christos intelligences and cannot be stopped.
 The chess game strategy is on and those of us that are awakened and awakening through the dark night, must be brave and courageous so that we can begin to understand deeper truths and see clearly how the enemies of humanity have repeatedly tricked us into submission through mind control subversion. This will be the shocking realization of betrayal by those in authority that we trusted, and an emotional grieving process for humanity that will happen in stages of ongoing development for the purpose of integrating a great global spiritual healing.  Gradually, we will be taken down the rabbit hole of disclosure and through the many twists and turns to break free from the controlled narrative, and finally be guided to see the larger truth hidden behind these events. Then we will be supported to gain personal spiritual strength through neutrality, empathy and to compassionately integrate this extreme experience by learning from its higher knowledge, each at our own pace and consciousness level. Some will struggle with heavy trauma and dogmatic overlays, and thus choose to leave this timeline, and will be supported from another location in the field.
Currently, the Black Sun entities are clinging to the Dragon Moth Grid and its AI weaponry and from what I can tell, this is the last stand of the most powerful levels of psychotronic weaponry that they have control over as they take their final shot at regaining global control through a digital war. Many of the human Controllers seem to be confused as to why their methods are falling short, yet they press on with all the assets and resources they have which are being put into the final solution of rolling out their One World Order or Techno-Totalitarianism. If we pay attention to all of the props they are using for enforcing tyrannical control through psychological warfare; masks, personal protective equipment (PPE), the terrorism tactics of censorship, political correctness, groupthink thought police, funding anarchists, supporting lawlessness, Alice in Wonderland crazy making tactics, nanochip vaccinations, it’s all made visible for us to see. Naysayers with firing brain cells not linked into the hive net perpetuating the groupthink can no longer deny these events as fringe conspiracy theories, there is a spiritual war, a psychological war being waged against humanity and it is very visible now. To stop feeding into this digital warfare and anti-human system by believing staged events designed to co-create extreme pain and suffering, we must be educated to know how this was done, and how what we are actually observing happening now is the result of many years of methodical grooming and patient subversion to socially accept this anti-human agenda. Stay the course and know that although it appears to be dire, the God forces, Christos forces do not succumb to shortcuts outside of the Law. All of this reorganization to support planetary ascension must occur without superimposed force and within the natural cosmic order. It is Time! Time is on our side and the great awakening is happening now!
~Lisa Renee
Within all the heated controversy, the unveiling of the One World Order through the global implementation of an assortment of AI networks all for achieving complete Technocratic Totalitarianism by 2030 is underway. The agenda of full cognitive capture through digital means is escalating now. The answer to all of this insanity brewing is our full dedication to seeking truth, opening our heart and listening for the whispers of our next direction, taking steps to heal ourselves and increase coherence, which happens naturally when we put our relationship with God and inner spirit before anything else. On the awakening path to access greater levels of truth, our inner work is to recognize where our perception has been controlled through ego mechanisms that were filled with pain and delusion. The world needs emotional and spiritual adults that can speak the truth from their heart, without recrimination, blame or harming intentions. It appears the global awakening is here and although it may be a rough summer, it looks like major revelations are to be made towards the end of the year.
This is a very challenging time as the Controllers pull out every intelligence asset and psychological weapon that they have in their arsenal to demoralize and dehumanize the global population through sophisticated deception methods. This layer of pushing anti-human mind control methods include a long history of hidden subversion running in government, academia, religion and science, along with an eventual plan for radical revolution of the western value system made through intelligence operations and insurgency. The constitution which shapes the western value system in the United States, although severely corrupted by the moral failings of its governmental leaders, was originally designed around a living document that holds an energy signature aligned with truths found in the Natural Laws. This blueprint is the ideological thorn in the side of the NAA and other despots, who want to design nations of mind slaves and brain washed followers, not nations of free independent thinkers who value personal freedom and hold reverence for life. 
Thus, there are armies of funded activists and fake journalists from many interrelated organizations that are strategically working together with the deep pockets of globalist funding to destroy individual human freedoms within all democratic nations that use the template of this living document. This year they pulled the trigger on their long awaited and meticulous plan for activating a multipronged ideological subversion in the western nations, with millions of people being subjected to unprecedented restrictions on their personal freedoms, human rights and free speech, which has forced radical changes and limitations be made in their ability to freely carry out their personal and professional lives. Upon closer examination of the current crisis events and using some critical thinking, we can follow the money back to non-government organizations and globalist institutions who seem to have a penchant for False Flags and bad actors. Then we can ask who and what is actually benefiting from all of this orchestrated plandemic, economic terrorism, division and upheaval, subversion of western democracy while fanning the flames of anarchy in the streets? This is a well-orchestrated coup attempt happening on physical and metaphysical fronts, and the rabbit hole goes deeper than most people can digest.
The satanic cult running the mainstream and social media have been extremely prolific in lying to the masses all these years, repeating the key phrases over and over for shaping the narrative and cultivating the Groupthink towards the satanic ideology based upon collectivism. They were purposely dumbing down and then filling the minds of our youth with cultural Marxism and never-ending classification systems for the purpose of inciting outrage and the radical ideological revolution at the push of a button. Many Marxist-Communist groups believe that violent revolution is the only way to transform government and welcome mass destruction, as we can see the result of this belief system now. When people are extremely mentally and emotionally fragile, stressed out from survival and pushed beyond their limits, it is only a matter of time before the pent-up anger of destructive explosions show up as mass protests that escalate into violence.
Only come to find out that this was designed as a small stepping stone for generating useful pawns, willing to create mass chaos and distraction for the anti-human agendas, in order to progress the main goals of the NAA’s full spectrum dominance over humanity. The don’t look here, look over there distraction. Within all the heated controversy, the unveiling of the One World Order through the global implementation of an assortment of AI networks, quantum supercomputers, weaponized Skynet’s and hive nets, all for achieving complete Technocratic Totalitarianism by 2030 is underway. The plan for Agenda 2030 is hidden in plain sight and now many more of us on the earth need to be awakened to this so we are informed about consent and understand what these anti-human forces are doing in order to achieve these dystopian goals. They only have the power that we give them.
This is a heightened spiritual battle that is taking place on the ground in the west, and through the physical world there is also the visible battle occurring in plain sight to gain complete control over our minds, it is the battle for installing satanic ideology into the mainstream without any limits, into every day technology which strips individual human beings of their dignity, divinity and personal freedom. The battle is happening for laying the full infrastructure required for the Techno-Totalitarian world, which is essential for the next stages they plan to implement which are ongoing mandated nanochip infested vaccinations and plans for directed evolution, eugenics and finally, transhumanism. 
We must be willing to overcome fear and denial and to be potentially very uncomfortable when seeing the ugly truths staring us in the face, connecting the dots of the disinformation campaigns being deployed in order to see the accurate motivations hidden behind the weaponization of these narratives. The answer to all of this insanity brewing is our full dedication to seeking truth, opening our heart and listening for the whispers of our next direction, taking steps to heal ourselves and increase coherence, which happens naturally when we put our relationship with God and inner spirit, before anything else.
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