#Lesson for private investors
robertreich · 4 months
How Wall Street Priced You Out of a Home
Rent is skyrocketing and home buying is out of reach for millions. One big reason why? Wall Street.
Hedge funds and private equity firms have been buying up hundreds of thousands of homes that would otherwise be purchased by people. Wall Street’s appetite for housing ramped up after the 2008 financial crisis. As you’ll recall, the Street’s excessive greed created a housing bubble that burst. Millions of people lost their homes to foreclosure.
Did the Street learn a lesson? Of course not. It got bailed out. Then it began picking off the scraps of the housing market it had just destroyed, gobbling up foreclosed homes at fire-sale prices — which it then sold or rented for big profits.
Investor purchases hit their peak in 2022, accounting for around 28% of all home sales in America.
Home buyers frequently reported being outbid by cash offers made by investors. So called “iBuyers” used algorithms to instantly buy homes before offers could even be made by actual humans.
If the present trend continues, by 2030, Wall Street investors may control 40% of U.S. single-family rental homes.
Partly as a result, homeownership — a cornerstone of generational wealth and a big part of the American dream — is increasingly out of reach for a large number of Americans, especially young people.
Now, Wall Street’s feasting has slowed recently due to rising home prices — even the wolves of Wall Street are falling victim to sticker shock. But that hasn’t stopped them from specifically targeting more modestly priced homes — buying up a record share of the country’s most affordable homes at the end of 2023.
They’ve also been most active in bigger cities, particularly in the Sun Belt, which has become an increasingly expensive place to live. And they’re pointedly going after neighborhoods that are home to communities of color.
For example, in one diverse neighborhood in Charlotte, North Carolina, Wall Street-backed investors bought half of the homes that sold in 2021 and 2022. On a single block, investors bought every house but one, and turned them into rentals.
Folks, it’s a vicious cycle: First you’re outbid by investors, then you may be stuck renting from them at excessive prices that leave you with even less money to put up for a new home. Rinse. Repeat.
Now I want to be clear: This is just one part of the problem with housing in America. The lack of supply is considered the biggest reason why home prices and rents have soared — and are outpacing recent wage gains. But Wall Street sinking its teeth into whatever is left on the market is making the supply problem even worse.
So what can we do about this? Start by getting Wall Street out of our homes.
Democrats have introduced a bill in both houses of Congress to ban hedge funds and private equity firms from buying or owning single-family homes.
If signed into law, this could increase the supply of homes available to individual buyers — thereby making housing more affordable.
President Biden has also made it a priority to tackle the housing crisis, proposing billions in funding to increase the supply of homes and tax credits to help actual people buy them.
Now I have no delusions that any of this will be easy to get done. But these plans provide a roadmap of where the country could head — under the right leadership.
So many Americans I meet these days are cynical about the country. I understand their cynicism. But cynicism can be a self-fulfilling prophecy if it means giving up the fight.
The captains of American industry and Wall Street would like nothing better than for the rest of us to give up that fight, so they can take it all.
I say we keep fighting.
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survivingcapitalism · 6 months
What Boeing did to all the guys who remember how to build a plane
by Maureen Tkacik
March 28, 2024
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John Barnett had one of those bosses who seemed to spend most of his waking hours scheming to inflict humiliation upon him. He mocked him in weekly meetings whenever he dared contribute a thought, assigned a fellow manager to spy on him and spread rumors that he did not play nicely with others, and disciplined him for things like “using email to communicate” and pushing for flaws he found on planes to be fixed.
“John is very knowledgeable almost to a fault, as it gets in the way at times when issues arise,” the boss wrote in one of his withering performance reviews, downgrading Barnett’s rating from a 40 all the way to a 15 in an assessment that cast the 26-year quality manager, who was known as “Swampy” for his easy Louisiana drawl, as an anal-retentive prick whose pedantry was antagonizing his colleagues. The truth, by contrast, was self-evident to anyone who spent five minutes in his presence: John Barnett, who raced cars in his spare time and seemed “high on life” according to one former colleague, was a “great, fun boss that loved Boeing and was willing to share his knowledge with everyone,” as one of his former quality technicians would later recall.
More from Maureen Tkacik
But Swampy was mired in an institution that was in a perpetual state of unlearning all the lessons it had absorbed over a 90-year ascent to the pinnacle of global manufacturing. Like most neoliberal institutions, Boeing had come under the spell of a seductive new theory of “knowledge” that essentially reduced the whole concept to a combination of intellectual property, trade secrets, and data, discarding “thought” and “understanding” and “complex reasoning” possessed by a skilled and experienced workforce as essentially not worth the increased health care costs. CEO Jim McNerney, who joined Boeing in 2005, had last helmed 3M, where management as he saw it had “overvalued experience and undervalued leadership” before he purged the veterans into early retirement.
“Prince Jim”—as some long-timers used to call him—repeatedly invoked a slur for longtime engineers and skilled machinists in the obligatory vanity “leadership” book he co-wrote. Those who cared too much about the integrity of the planes and not enough about the stock price were “phenomenally talented assholes,” and he encouraged his deputies to ostracize them into leaving the company. He initially refused to let nearly any of these talented assholes work on the 787 Dreamliner, instead outsourcing the vast majority of the development and engineering design of the brand-new, revolutionary wide-body jet to suppliers, many of which lacked engineering departments. The plan would save money while busting unions, a win-win, he promised investors. Instead, McNerney’s plan burned some $50 billion in excess of its budget and went three and a half years behind schedule.
Swampy belonged to one of the cleanup crews that Boeing detailed to McNerney’s disaster area. The supplier to which Boeing had outsourced part of the 787 fuselage had in turn outsourced the design to an Israeli firm that had botched the job, leaving the supplier strapped for cash in the midst of a global credit crunch. Boeing would have to bail out—and buy out—the private equity firm that controlled the supplier. In 2009, Boeing began recruiting managers from Washington state to move east to the supplier’s non-union plant in Charleston, South Carolina, to train the workforce to properly put together a plane.
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azspot · 3 months
And leaving that book to America’s workers, if you read nothing else, reading that book is a game changer, because when workers themselves see their employer across the table behaving like a total ass and trying to explain why what we heard on the Moody’s and Poor’s call about how many billions they’re about to make, and they’re telling us, “Oh, sorry, poor us, pockets are empty. We got no money,” it’s like my favorite negotiation session, is when we’ve shown the workers the real numbers that they’re telling their investors, you know, the corporations that we’re fighting — they’re all big private-sector hospitals now, too. They’re not little hospitals, mom-and-pops. These are huge corporations that own all these hospitals, mostly in the South, because they’re union busters. And then we bring in 300 workers for the day that we’re going to force the chief financial officer into negotiations, because you can do that when you have a union. You can actually say, “Someone has to come explain the financials you gave us.” Nonunion workers don’t have the right to the company’s financials. Unionized workers do. So, those are always some of my favorite sessions on capitalism. I don’t even have to say the word “capitalism.” This is today’s lesson in how capitalism works. They lie to you through their teeth, literally, about how much money there is, and then they get up and walk out of the room. And usually pretty much from that negotiation session on, it’s a game changer.
Jane McAlevey
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rozcdust · 2 years
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Pairing: Ran Haitani x f!reader x Kakucho Hitto
Genre: Crack, SMAU
Word count: 800ish
Warnings: Canon divergent, ooc, profanity, substance abuse, Inui and the reader are a problem both, suicidal jokes, suggestive, talk of dicks (MDNI) mentions of stalking (paparazzi)
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“Are you sure about this?” Quirking an eyebrow, your fingers softly stroked Inui’s leg, staring him right in the eyes.
He threw a look at Draken, who sat on the side and watched, and upon his shrug, Inui finally nodded, motioning for you to go on.
“It will hurt.”
“I know.”
“Draken cried like a bitch.”
“Well I’m not Draken, am I?”
“Okay, on a count of three.”
Inui closed his eyes tight in anticipation.
“Why the hell are you two turning this into something weirdly sexual?” Draken scoffed from the side, seated on the floor next to the two of you, brushing his hair, annoyed and his arms crossed.
“One-“ You stopped your hand, assessing Inui’s state, and deciding it was well enough to proceed.
You pulled the wax strip off.
“MOTHERFUCKER!” Inui screamed, continuing to curse you as he instinctively grabbed the patch of skin you just waxed, his eyes widening, “Fucking hurts- oh that is smooooooth.”
Sticking his leg out in front of Draken’s face, he wiggled his toes, staring at his boyfriend expectantly.
“Touch me.”
“Gross.” Frowning, you slapped the wax strip back on.
Draken rolled his eyes, but indulged him, running his finger over the slowly reddening skin.
“It is smooth Sei, good job, that’s how waxing works.”
“Your fault for deciding to wear a skirt.”
You ripped the strip off.
“FUCK ME- Do it again.”
“Weird that Ken ever needed to be waxed.” Inui tilted his head in thought, carefully watching you rip open the next strip, “He’s weirdly hairless. Like, everywhere. Even his-“
“I do not, DO NOT, want to hear about Ken’s dick.” You slapped your free hand over his mouth before he could continue, glaring at the scarred man with the same sharpness you usually reserved for asshole investors, “That’s my brother you’re talking about, Inui. If I have to know anything about your sex life, I’ll kill myself.”
He licked your hand, and you recoiled, smacking him slightly before wiping it on Draken’s cheek.
“We’ve been to public baths together before, though. You’ve seen my dick.” Draken merely states, casually, as if it’s the simplest thing in the world.
“I have, and it was traumatising and stressful for all parties involved, thank you very much.”
“Sei has a pretty dick though.”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up-“
“Like, it’s genuinely-“
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“Y/n, you can’t wear that.”
“Says who?”
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Despite his rising fame, his hard work and his handsome face getting him internationally recognised and adored, Hakkai stayed as level-headed and humble as ever, some of the shyness of his teenage years stuck around, however, causing him to be quite private regarding his life outside of work, but that never stopped anyone from assuming.
Or the media from straight up harassing him.
You, on the other hand-
The media and the paparazzi tried to harass you for a little while after your father’s death, when you took over the company, the concept of a young woman with a well-known gambling habit in a male-dominated field taking over a successful company borderline unimaginable to some, offensive to others.
They learned their lesson fast, and for years now, your face and name have been kept out of the news or tabloids.
Letting Inui and Draken walk out of the car, you parked it in the club’s parking lot, pocketing the keys as you made a B-line towards the car already swarmed with reporters, desperate to get just a shot of Japan’s favourite pretty boy.
You smirked as they turned to you, and recoiled, politely excusing themselves and leaving.
One, though, a young man with pretty eyes and immaculately done hair, a microphone and a camera already out, obviously new and unfamiliar with your blunt ways, approached you, all chipper smiles and bright eyes.
“Y/n L/n, hello! So pleased to meet you!” He bowed, grinning brightly, “How are you?”
You lazily smirked, deciding to play along.
“I’m good, planning on having some fun with my friends, so if you could just excuse me-“
“Before that, please, just one question. We’re live now, and just a small company, we’d be so happy to have you as our segment-“
You impatiently tapped your foot, glancing behind him at the car, and cursing Hakkai for keeping the windows darkened.
“Sure, what’s up?”
“Well, would you mind explaining your sudden breakup with the young and upcoming detective Tachibana?”
It took all in you to not scoff.
Leaning down, you mindlessly grabbed the microphone out of his hands, ignoring the small noise he let out at the sudden movement.
Staring directly into the camera, your grin turned mean.
“Remember kids, don’t fuck a pig, even if it’s a cute one. All cops are bastards, fuck the law, in fact, start evading your taxes-“
“Miss, thank you so much, that is quite enough-“
“Overthrow the government, hell, start harassing the mayor-“
“The government is lying to you, the birds work for the bourgeoisie-“
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. . . next
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mod-kyoko · 1 year
school au headcanons!! pt. 2
fandom: danganronpa: goodbye despair
type: hcs, non-ultimate au
a/n: just how the characters would be in school if ultimates didn't exist
hajime hinata
so unnoticed
has a good circle of friends but isn't popular
at least he doesn't get bullied though, he's okay with his social standing
on the speech and debate team, but it's not his passion
helps out with the school newspaper from time to time
spends a lot of time studying
games with his friends during lunch
fuyuhiko kuzuryu
kind of a quiet kid but everyone fears him nonetheless because of the rumors that his parents are involved with the yakuza
because of this everyone kind of walks on eggshells around him, except for the few that are genuinely his friends
low key a big supporter of the choir and drama clubs but keeps it a secret
spends a lot of time outside in the courtyard
sonia nevermind
the foreign exchange student all the popular kids swarm and try to become best friends with
there's a huge cultural barrier but she tries a lot of activities at the school
she is a soprano in choir and in the drama club
all of the boys crush on her but she doesn't want to date because she'll have to go back to her country soon
gets tons of gifts and a yearbook her entire class signed before she leaves
nagito komaeda
he's either a debate kid or mock trial kid you decide
fucking annoying (with love)
gets low key teased a lot but he doesn't care
ran track for a while but is too sickly to continue
once he got diagnosed with a chronic and terminal illness his class started feeling bad for him and left him gifts
teruteru hanamura
bro is the only student the lunch ladies let in the kitchen
he is friends with more staff members than students
president of the culinary club
gets his ass kicked weekly for good reason
lowkey a drama kid but is despised by everyone in drama
ran for student council once but lost the vote
peko pekoyama
does fencing and track
in the culture club
quiet in class but sort of popular
she's a rule follower but by no means a snitch
often finds herself in the leader role of group assignments
people beg her to join student council but she isn't interested
nekomaru nidai
that one alumn that shows up at the school randomly to visit his previous teachers and upperclassmen, and to assist the coaches of the sports teams
when he was in school he played basketball, soccer, did wrestling, and ran track
favorite subject in p.e. but he was never the type of kid who got mad at others for being bad at sports
always made sure no one is left out in gym
akane owari
best gymnast in the school's history
pretty popular
tryhard in p.e. but not rude to others
has a reputation for showing off
the one who talks a lot in class but the teacher can't even move her because she'll talk to anyone
byakuya twogami
fake as hell, like he's living a double life
it's not really he's fault, he's poor but he wants to be liked so he pretends to be well off
in the finance/investors club
member of mock trial
was bullied as a kid and pretty traumatized from it
doesn't have many friends
ibuki mioda
somehow always breaking the dress code
pretty popular but some kids think she's weird
mezzo in choir
has a garage band that's actually popular with the other students
in the GSA
not the best academically but super involved in extracurriculars
helps with the school newspaper
mikan tsumiki
super quiet during class and is always a rule follower
loves the drama club but is too afraid to join
spends her time in the nurse's and counselor's offices because the staff are so kind to her
she's either unnoticed or bullied
her teachers see a lot of promise in her
has the most volunteer hours of all the other students because she loves giving her time to charity
hiyoko saionji
lowkey a bully
is on the newspaper staff
quit the dance team because it wasn't her style, and takes lessons privately
english and social studies are the only subjects she likes
has horrible grades in math and science
bullies "nerds" but ends up needing tutoring from them
mahiru koizumi
started the photography club
takes photos for and edits the newspaper and yearbook
tried track for a couple years but it wasn't her passion
pretty popular with other girls
nearly perfect grades because she spends so much time studying
favorite hangout place is any boba shop
kazuichi soda
competes in robotics
another annoying one
tries to be popular but fails
failing so many classes his tutor is working double time
favorite subject is math
wants to be an engineer
gundham tanaka
the kid who sneaks his pets into school
is in the agriculture club because they raise bunnies and chickens
definitely weird but he's immune to being teased
lowkey also a drama kid but only performs classics
argues with teachers
chiaki nanami
esports team...
loves art classes
good grades but doesn't really study
spends all her free time outside because it makes up for the fact that she's gaming
actually a beast in p.e. even though no one expects it
people love her but she's a little bit quiet
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From Albia with "Love"
It is an undeniable truth that Albia has a sense of humor. It is also undeniable that Albia acts with a sense of impunity because, as far as anyone knows, she is the only God-Queen left, and mere mortals have a difficult time getting her to play by their rules, let alone attempt to have any accountability.
Trelawney Thorpe likes to open her mail carefully in the event of any surprises, especially when anything is postmarked as being from Albia. It was a lesson learned the hard way. When your employer’s a millennia-old God-Queen, you have to get use to dangerous things (like, say, a cursed amulet) getting sent to your door, because of course you’ll be able to deal with it before your morning cuppa, right? Spark of the Realm and all that?
Trelawney sometimes wishes she could quit her job. She was getting jealous of the celebrity Tarvek Sturmvoraus, who just gadded about as he pleased, being a spark and saving the day and, yes, occasionally getting into trouble. For the head fashion designer of the Storm King brand, he was quite roguish — and she likes that about him.
She likes that about all of his jet-setting crowd, she can’t deny that. She likes the Gilgamesh Wulfenbach candid photos where he’s caught in dubious situations and he can’t worm his way out of it, so he just gives the camera that deadpan libertine stare of his, suit jacket hung over one shoulder only. She likes reading the Agatha Heterodyne arrest reports from each time she goes full madgirl. Agatha, Gil, and Tarvek, toasting on the runway and on the runway. She likes — and hates that she likes — that they’re all power brokers, each in their own way.
Albia knows about the folder on Trelawney’s phone labelled “Gil” that’s mostly a collection of the most roguish photos of Gil, outside the notorious nightclubs of Paris and the shadiest bars in New York, the sleaziest pubs in London and the most dubious casino backrooms of Monaco. Albia also knows that Gil is wanted by the police for questioning in an investigation into the murder of Omar von Zinzer. Albia, eternally wise, knows that Trelawney capturing Gil would greatly bolster Trelawney’s career, which is slightly stagnating after the Budapest debacle.
(What Albia doesn’t know is that Trelawney has matching folders for Agatha and Tarvek, that technically Agatha is more responsible for von Zinzer’s death than anyone else still alive, and that Trelawney really, really, really wants to quit.)
At 09:00 GMT on 20 May, Gilgamesh “Gil” Wulfenbach is spotted leaving a party in the Beverly Hills area of Los Angeles, looking severely and abnormally intoxicated.
At 20:00 GMT on 20 May, a British military flight from Los Angeles lands at Chequers.
At 01:24 GMT on 21 May, Bangladesh “Bang” DuPree, a Silicon Valley exec, reports Gil Wulfenbach missing after he failed to show up to a lunch meeting and she was unable to contact him. She is told to call again when he’s been gone for 48 hours.
At 01:47 GMT on 21 May, Agatha Heterodyne reports Gil Wulfenbach missing after he failed to return to their luxury estate in Montecito after the party. She is told to call again when he’s been gone for 48 hours and a partial transcript of her call is leaked, turning her into the front page of the next day’s tabloids.
At 06:28 GMT on 21 May, a package is dropped off at Trelawney Thorpe’s Ealing apartment, postmarked from Chequers. She moves it inside but does not open it, instead choosing to leave for her job as an MI5 analyst.
At 07:13 GMT on 21 May, the business magnate Klaus Wulfenbach is interrupted during a late-afternoon meeting in Hong Kong by a call from Bang DuPree that notifies him of his son’s disappearance.
At 07:19 GMT on 21 May, Tarvek Sturmvoraus listens to a voicemail left by Agatha Heterodyne while in Lagos, preparing for a semi-major fashion show.
At 07:25 GMT on 21 May, Violetta Mondarev, an angel investor, receives a text from Tarvek Sturmvoraus and immediately books a private jet from Sofia to Paris.
At 07:33 GMT on 21 May, Xerxesphina “Seffie” von Blitzengaard, an influencer currently based in Milan, reads a screenshot of Tarvek Sturmvoraus’s text to Violetta Mondarev, sent to her by her close friend and personal self-help guru Sparafucile.
At 07:46 GMT on 21 May, Colette Voltaire, president of France, is called by Seffie von Blitzengaard during a national security meeting. She hangs up but promises to call back.
At 08:00 GMT on 21 May, Colette Voltaire calls Seffie von Blitzengaard back.
At 08:27 GMT on 21 May, Sparafucile takes a flight from Milan to Los Angeles.
At 09:01 GMT on 21 May, a very stressed Tarvek Sturmvoraus gets off the phone with Agatha Heterodyne and creates a WhatsApp group composed of himself, Agatha Heterodyne, Bang DuPree, Klaus Wulfenbach, Violetta Mondarev, Seffie von Blitzengaard, Sparafucile, Colette Voltaire, and Gil Wulfenbach’s right hand man, Ardsley Wooster.
At 09:06 GMT on 21 May, the WhatsApp group reaches the consensus that they will not find Gil Wulfenbach anytime in the next few hours. They collectively agree to take the search down a notch and amp it up once Bang DuPree and Agatha Heterodyne are able to report Gil Wulfenbach missing.
At 09:07 GMT on 21 May, Ardsley Wooster, an MI6 agent, texts his handler to make them aware of the current status of the Gil Wulfenbach situation and make sure that Queen Albia didn’t have anything to do with it.
At 09:09 GMT on 21 May, Ardsley Wooster texts his friend Trelawney Thorpe.
At 11:02 GMT on 21 May, Violetta Mondarev lands in Paris.
At 11:15 GMT on 21 May, Klaus Wulfenbach hosts a press conference in Hong Kong about his missing son, calling for his safe return.
At 11:17 GMT on 21 May, screenshots of text messages between Tarvek Sturmvoraus and Gil Wulfenbach are leaked to the tabloids.
At 11:23 GMT on 21 May, the article “Gilvek: Fact of Fiction?” is posted online, along with an accompanying quiz called “Who Said It?: Twilight, the Bard, or Gilvek?” that gives readers quotes from the leaked Tarvek Sturmvoraus-Gil Wulfenbach texts, the Twilight series, and Shakespeare plays.
At 11:36 GMT on 21 May, Tarvek Sturmvoraus takes advantage of the media storm around the leaked text messages to release an appeal he calls “Help Me Find My (and Agatha’s) Boyfriend”. The original video is viewed over 2000 times within fifteen minutes.
At 12:02 GMT on 21 May, Agatha Heterodyne releases her video, “Help Me Find My (and Tarvek’s) Boyfriend”. Her video is viewed over 2500 times withing fifteen minutes.
At 12:14 GMT on 21 May, Klaus Wulfenbach is ambushed by a reporter and admits he did not know that his son was in a polycule with Agatha Heterodyne and Tarvek Sturmvoraus.
At 12:18 GMT on 21 May, the WhatsApp group agrees to a policy of total silence following the debacle that is the tabloids trying to get in on the “Agagilvek” story.
At 12:19 GMT on 21 May, Ardsley Wooster texts Trelawney Thorpe, begging her to check her phone.
At 16:25 GMT on 21 May, Trelawney Thorpe checks her phone and leaves work early.
At 16:45 GMT on 21 May, Trelawney Thorpe arrives at her Ealing apartment.
She enters the flat carefully and gently kicks the box that arrived that morning.
It springs back.
“Bloody hell,” she mutters. She finds the nearest packing knife she has and gently cuts away the tape, taking photos as she goes. If Albia did this… Once she’s cut all the tape away, she opens the lid tenderly, hoping to not be surprised by what’s inside.
She is, of course, surprised, because who else but Albia would send a murder suspect kidnapped in a different country through the Royal Mail to the Spark of the Realm. She regains her composure rather quickly. She can’t do anything while Gil Wulfenbach is still unconscious, so she won’t do anything. She’ll just text Ardsley and hope like crazy that he’ll get here before Gil wakes up, but she knows he’s in New York right now because of course he is, so he probably won’t.
Violetta Mondarev, her one-time-flame, is, however, in Paris (they still share their locations with each other), which is close enough. While Trelawney knows that Letta would still come running if she called, she feels guilty about it. The breakup was… fine, it was just because Trelawney didn’t think she would be able to do long-distance when Letta decided she needed to be based in New York, and since the breakup was on her… Trelawney always hesitates before asking Letta for anything.
Ardsley first. Trelawney texts Ardsley Wooster the photo of Gil in the box with the caption “send help albia’s really done it this time”.
She then overcomes the fear of bothering Letta and calls Violetta Mondarev. Her contact still has a heart in it; Trelawney could never bring herself to get rid of it.
“Letta,” she says when Violetta picks up.
“Hey, Tawny!” Violetta replies, cheerful as ever. It was through Letta that Trelawney had met Tarvek and his group of friends, but Trelawney had never heard Letta as happy around all her friends as she sounded right them. “You need something?”
Trelawney swallowed her pride. “Yes. I… I… I need you to come to my flat as soon as you can. I can’t talk about it on the phone, but Letta, I need you.” Well, that was desperate.
“Okay, Tawny, I’ll be right there. I’m chartering a plane and I’ll get there in two-ish hours, okay? Everything’s going to be fine.” She could hear Letta starting to type on a computer, presumably chartering a jet.
“Thanks, Letta,” she says.
Letta laughs on the other end of the line. “Oh, it’s my pleasure. Look, see you soon, okay? I’ll be there in two hours.”
Trelawney is deprived of the ability to respond by Violetta hanging up the phone.
She paces her flat for two hours, waiting for Gil to wake up (he doesn’t) or Ardsley to respond (he doesn’t, either, because he doesn’t know what to say or who to say it to, and he can’t get over to London fast enough) or just anything at all to happen. She’s fought monsters before, she engineers fantastic contraptions to save the day on a regular basis, she’s the Spark of the Realm, she should be able to deal with anything. It’s just that, well, unconscious Gil Wulfenbach on her living room floor is a little bit outside of her comfort zone.
Violetta Mondarev, true to her word, arrives in two hours. She sees Gil lying on the floor as soon as Trelawney lets her in.
“Tawny… this is an Albia thing again, isn’t it?” She points at Gil, who’s beginning to stir a tiny bit.
Trelawney nods.
“And you called me because I’m adjacent to the Agagilvek jet-setting crew, so I’d be more able to deal with this than you?”
“Letta, I’m translucent when it comes to you,” Trelawney tries to laugh.
Violetta grins. “Oh, Tawny…” They both get lost in each other’s eyes for a few minutes.
“Ladies. What.” Gil’s voice comes up from the floor.
“Oh good, you’re awake,” Trelawney says.
“Where am I?” Gil asks.
Violetta smirks. “The floor of Trelawney Thorpe’s Ealing flat, exactly where Albia sent you.”
“Uh, I’m wanted for murder here, aren’t I?” His face is a perfect specimen of horror.
“Technically, just for questioning,” Trelawney rolls her eyes.
“And so what are we going to do?” He asks. “I don’t know about you, but I’m personally not a fan of being questioned by British police.”
“That’s unavoidable,” Violetta says. “Look, I’m going to call Agatha and Tarvek and tell them to get their butts over here, since you three were involved in that whole von Zinzer disaster. Once they’re here, Trelawney will turn you over. Klaus’ll have a panic attack and Trelawney will come clean about Albia ordering your kidnapping, okay?”
“That’s… surprisingly amenable for one of Tarvek’s Smoke Knights,” Gil says.
Violetta grins. “Tawny, you on board?”
“Yep,” Trelawney says.
Six months later, Agatha Heterodyne is throwing the party of the century in an Irish castle she somehow owns, celebrating the conclusion of the von Zinzer murder trial and the acquittal of Gil Wulfenbach. Trelawney Thorpe is there, a minor celebrity in her own right after her fiery resignation letter from her position as Spark of the Realm that had implicated Albia in various illegal acts beyond just kidnapping Gil (Interpol had given her a job offer right after that, but she’d rejected it to take time to decide what she wants to do). She stands off to the side, watching Agatha, Gil, and Tarvek Sturmvoraus lovingly and tenderly interact with each other. Some emotion deep within her is activated.
Letta’s got to be around here somewhere. She passes the buffet table, where Ardsley Wooster has gotten himself into a heated discussion with Sparafucile about where six slices of American bacon and two fried eggs is a good breakfast. Bang DuPree is over by the fountain, fighting with Zeetha Wulfenbach, Gil’s sister and Agatha’s best friend who had just returned from a twelve-month off-the-grid survival adventure with her boyfriend Axel Higgs. Over at the tennis courts, Seffie von Blitzengaard is flirting with Colette Voltaire, who is trying to not get caught in a romantic entanglement with a foreign national by the French media. Klaus Wulfenbach stares pensively into a pond, wondering where exactly everything went so wrong. She walks by Van von Mekkhan, the property manager for much of the Agagilvek set, and Moloch von Zinzer (who, despite Agatha’s involvement in his brother’s death, remains her right-hand man) trying to fix a broken window that had happened when Gil’s latest drone adventure had deviated from the flight plan. Violetta Mondarev is nowhere to be seen.
Trelawney Thorpe turns a corner of a hallway a bit too fast and collides with someone; they both skid on the stone floor, spinning slightly.
Trelawney stands up as soon as she can. “I’m so sorry —”
“Don’t be,” Violetta Mondarev says. “Tawny, I ran into you.”
“Oh, Letta, but I hit you.”
“We both hit each other, and we’ll be here all day if we want to determine whose fault that is.”
“I’d spend all day with you, Letta.”
“If this is your way of hinting to me you want to get back together, yes, Tawny.”
“I don’t care that we’d be long-distance —”
“I’m moving to London.” Violetta smiles. “I’ve been planning it for a while. We won’t be long-distance starting, oh, early next month.”
Trelawney jumps up and hugs Violetta.
“Uh, can I have a little bit less of the suffocation?” Violetta asks, gently prying Trelawny’s arms off her.
“Right, sorry, I forgot,” Trelawney says.
Two years after that, the angel investor marries the MI5 analyst-turned-spy novelist. After they return from their honeymoon, they start opening their wedding presents.
From Agatha Heterodyne, a miniature Fun Sized Mobile Agony and Death Dispenser, with the attached note of “Remember Budapest, when great times were had by all”.
From Tarvek Sturmvoraus, a set of fine linen, embroidered with maps of places that he thought were significant to them.
From Gil Wulfenbach, a cardboard box with the tag “From Albia with ‘Love’” that contained the wedding cake toppers that had mysteriously disappeared after the reception, along with a letter.
Trelawney and Violetta —
Congratulations on the marriage! We’re so happy for you.
Agatha thought you’d like a memento of Budapest, which Tarvek thought was a bit tactless, but in the end, we agreed that it was certainly a memorable time for all. Tarvek went with the linen because — sorry, Trelawney — he didn’t think that the current set you have was very pretty (Gil disagreed, but we’ve all seen that coat of his, so his color sense is automatically disqualified). Gil insisted on stealing the cake toppers and doing this whole thingamajig with the box as his way of (finally) thanking you for dealing with the time Albia kidnapped him. We were all worried sick.
We hope you’ve had a wonderful honeymoon! If you’re not deathly sick of travelling by now, we’d like to invite you to join us in Geneva for the holidays this year.
Your friends,
Agatha & Gil & Tarvek
Read on AO3.
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kthegoat · 8 months
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                          LA TASK.
What is your full name?
Kaseem Ryan Grant 
Where and when were you born?
Chicago on January 10th, 1999
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
 Kazier Grant —a career criminal specializing in car and home theft. Kazier was caught on a petty theft at the age of 35 and served 2 years in prison before moving out of state, abandoning his family for a life of crime elsewhere. He was known to be full of life to those who knew him, a humorous guy who loved jokes. He was caring, and a great provider under his means. To those that didn’t know him, he was stern with a tough exterior. 
Joyce Stuart — led a life of crime with Kazier until he went missing. Since, she has started her own A&R business, scouting for talent to become a hit sensation. She manages many acts most musically and is supported by her eldest son. Joyce is very erratic, easily flustered and sarcastic. Her experience in dealing with Kaizer has made her less of a jovial person. 
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
Yes. Khalil Grant, is the eldest son of Joyce and  Kazier. He has followed in his father’s footsteps in being a career criminal. He is very nonchalant, sarcastic and nefarious. 
Nyasia Stuart, is the youngest of the Grant clan. She is unspoken of due to not actually being Kazier’s child. Although Kaseem doesn’t know her personally, she is known to be the opposite of her mother. 
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
In a gated mansion, that has multiple bed and bathrooms a finish basement with a studio attached along with a basketball court, and front lawn driveway. Kaseem currently lives with his wife, Asiah two pets Cudi and Chase and their newest addition their daughter. 
What is your occupation?
 Kaseem is a rapper/entertainer. He also is a heavy private investor and gambler. 
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
Kaseem stands at 6’ exact and 200 pounds and growing. He has black locks that are to the length of slightly below his shoulders, brown eyes and multiple tattoos some which include tributes to his grandmother, his father, his wife and most recently his daughter. Many of the tattoos scattered across his body (including his face) cover scars that remind him of bad incidents in time. The most obvious being one on his arm. 
To which social class do you belong?
Upper Class. 
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
Kaseem is allergic to pine nuts, certain anesthetics. He also suffers from asthma but has had it under control since his late teens. 
Are you right- or left-handed?
His right hand is more dominate, but he can use both in certain instances. 
What does your voice sound like?
A heavy Chicago accent, most have described it as slightly ‘nasally’ but with base. 
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
‘On bro, fo’nem, Maxine’ , ‘C’mon’ 
What do you have in your pockets?
Phone and a couple of bills under 100. 
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
                      PART 2: GROWING UP
How would you describe your childhood in general?
Due to the lack of parental guidance, and only having his grandmother as a main resource, Kaseem has blocked out a lot of his childhood. So other than being able to describe it as a lesson, he wouldn’t know how to describe it. 
What is your earliest memory?
His mother helping his father break into a house while he and his brother waited in the car. 
How much schooling have you had?
Kaseem promised his grandmother he would graduate high school, so he did. After that he didn’t further himself. 
Did you enjoy school?
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
On the streets, especially the nights he stayed out all night. 
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
He used to look up to his brother. 
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
Kaseem and his parents, specifically his mother never got along. He did get along with brother and grandmother the most other than that he hasn’t had much contact with other family members. 
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A basketball player. 
As a child, what were your favorite activities?
Playing basketball, running through the mall. 
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
Kaseem was stubborn, abrasive, destructive and airy
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
Kaseem was loner mostly. He had a best friend by the name of Marcus. They  got along so well because Marcus was the same as Kaseem. They were close until their late teens. 
When and with whom was your first kiss?
His first crush, Kenia at the age of 12. 
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
Kaseem lost his virginity at age 14 with a girl in the grade above him. 
                   PART 3: PAST INFLUENCES
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
The marriage to his wife Asiah and the birth of his daughter. It is when Kaseem felt like he was finally becoming his own person away from his family. 
Who has had the most influence on you?
Possibly his wife or grandmother. 
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Being able to be a provider for his family, legally. 
What is your greatest regret?
Keeping minimal contact with his mother after he moved. 
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
Setting his brother up after he got harmed. 
Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
Yes, but nothing too serious. 
When was the time you were the most frightened?
When his grandmother got sick right before his junior year of high school. 
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
Agreeing to the terms of his current success with his mother and brother. 
What is your best memory?
Getting his first platinum record and the birth of his daughter. 
What is your worst memory?
Getting injured and being blamed for it. 
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laresearchette · 7 months
Saturday, February 24, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
ROCK PAPER SCISSORS (YTV) 10:00am (SERIES PREMIERE): When Scissors runs out of money, he tries to become a janitor but discovers that the job involves way more skill than he initially thought; Rock and Paper try to motivate Scissors in an unusual way.
NHL HOCKEY (SN360) 12:00pm: Blues vs. Red Wings (TSN2) 2:00pm: Habs vs. Devils (SN360) 3:00pm: Rangers vs. Flyers (City TV/SNPacific) 7:00pm: Bruins vs. Canucks (CBC/SN) 7:00pm: Leafs vs. Avalanche (SN1) 7:00pm: Knights vs. Sens (CBC/SN) 10:00pm: Flames vs. Oilers
MLB SPRING TRAINING (SN) 1:00pm: Phillies vs. Jays
CURLING (TSN) 2:00pm: 2024 Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Page Playoff (TSN) 5:00pm: Curling Day in Canada (TSN/TSN3) 8:00pm: 2024 Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Page Playoff (TSN4/TSN5) 9:30pm: 2024 Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Page Playoff
PWHL HOCKEY (SN1) 2:30pm: Ottawa vs. Montreal
MLS SOCCER (TSN4/TSN5) 7:00pm: Orlando vs. CF Montreal
W5 (CTV) 7:00pm: Who's at Your Door?; Who Is Dillon Brooks?: "W5" investigates companies that allegedly trick homeowners into signing long-term contracts for items they don't need; why a Canadian is the most-hated man in the NBA.
UFC MMA (SN360) 8:00pm: Moreno vs. Royval 2 - Prelims (SN1/SN360) 10:00pm: Moreno vs. Royval 2
AURORA TEAGARDEN MYSTERIES: SOMETHING NEW (CTV) 8:00pm: Young Aurora Teagarden returns home to Lawrenceton to pursue her post-graduate degree but soon finds herself embroiled in a mystery involving her friend's fiance.
LOVE AT FIRST LIE (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm: Kate is looking for the perfect match online when she swipes and meets Walker, a jet-setting art dealer. After Kate falls for the dashing dealer, she learns that he is a hustler who cons women out of their money.
SNOW SCHOOL (Nat Geo Wild) 8:00pm: When every day is a snow day, school is always in session; a baby walrus gets a swim lesson from Mom; young stoats' playtime teaches them how to hunt; otter pups take a slide and learn to avoid predators; owlets practice leaving the nest.
THE HAPPINESS PLAYBOOK (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm: Journalist Amy goes under cover at a happiness retreat run by the handsome Paul. Sparks fly between the two, but when Amy learns Paul is the secret son of a wealthy investor, she must choose between a career-making story and her growing feelings.
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN2) 8:30pm: Celtics vs. Knicks
THANKSGIVING (Crave) 9:00pm: An axe-wielding maniac terrorizes residents of Plymouth, Mass., after a Black Friday riot ends in tragedy. Picking off victims one by one, the seemingly random revenge killings soon become part of a larger, sinister plan.
DEAD MAN'S HAND (Starz Canada) 9:00pm: A gunslinger teams up with a marshal to save his kidnapped wife from a ruthless mayor and his private army.
WOLVES OF WAR (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: During World War II, a decorated British officer leads Allied commandos across enemy lines to rescue an American scientist held hostage by the Nazis.
JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH (CTV) 12:35am: Offered a plea deal by the FBI, William O'Neal infiltrates the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party to gather intelligence on Chairman Fred Hampton.
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briamichellewrites · 7 months
1998. Bria Michelle Johnson was the adopted daughter of investor, Chris Johnson and makeup designer, Rita Johnson. Together, their net worth was in the multi-billions. They spoiled their daughter with whatever she wanted growing up. She went to a boarding school in Switzerland where she was able to participate in their theatre program. They also paid for voice lessons, acting classes, piano and guitar lessons; and dance lessons. She learned ballet, jazz, and hip-hop.
With only three hundred students, the school was quite small. They knew that if given a chance, she would be on stage performing. Whether it was dancing during talent shows or performing in one of their plays or musicals. She often had the lead role because of her talents. Her parents tried to see her performances whenever they could.
At eighteen years old, she learned that her parents were killed in a car accident. A driver under the influence of drugs and alcohol crashed into their car at over a hundred miles an hour. They both died on impact. Because of their deaths, she was given everything. That included their house in Los Angeles, their apartment in Waldorf-Astoria, their car collection, a private plane, a house in the Hamptons, and a house in Middletown, New Jersey.
After graduating, she returned home to LA. She had nothing, as everything had to go through the probate court before it legally became hers. Her family’s attorney allowed her to live in the house until everything was settled. She could then sell or keep whatever she wanted. The house was her childhood home, so she wanted to keep it.
She was introduced to Brad Delson and Mike Shinoda by Jeff Blue, an A&R guy for Warner Music. He heard her demo and he had her come in for an audition. Once she was signed, he had her meet them. They introduced themselves to her. It’s nice to meet you. What kind of music was she looking to play? Indie folk or country. She wanted to tell stories like Bruce Springsteen. Even though she had grown up in Switzerland and LA.
Jeff had her play something for them, so she got a guitar that was lying around and picked it up. When she sang, they heard her voice. It sounded like nineteen-sixties folk rock. Maybe a little Johnny Cash or Joan Baez. When she was done, they clapped for her. Where did she learn how to sing? She had voice lessons in school. What school did she go to? She went to Saint George’s Boarding School in Switzerland. They had a performing arts program.
Boarding school? What was that like? It was an interesting experience. She guessed it was like college, except with more adult supervision. They laughed. What else did she learn? Did she take any music lessons or classes? She took piano lessons, dance classes, and acting classes. For dance, she took jazz, hip-hop, and ballet. It was a great way to work out.
She had to be on stage performing, even when she fell on her ass. They laughed. That happened once during a ballet recital. She got up, bowed, and then went back to the choreography. They wanted to help her with her album, so they invited her to join them. At the moment, they were using Mike’s in-home studio to make demos. They thought she would get along well with their band members. She thought it sounded like a cool idea, so she accepted their invitation.
Mike lived in a rented house with his college roommate, Joe Hahn. Together, they formed a band with Brad, Rob Bourdon, and Dave ‘Phoenix’ Farrell. They were currently looking for a lead singer after firing Mark Wakefield. He and Brad introduced her when she came over. The guys thought she was beautiful! Joe offered her a coke.
Yeah, thanks. They found she fit in perfectly with them. She could tolerate their sense of humor and she wasn’t afraid of being the only girl. Her long brown hair had been dyed black and cut short to her chin. It was hidden underneath a beanie. She had tights underneath shorts with an oversized Bon Jovi t-shirt and a plaid long-sleeve top. Dave asked if she was going grunge. She was feeling a little Seattle rock at the moment.
She was thinking of piercing the cartilage in her nose and getting a tattoo to honor her parents. What happened to them? They were killed by a driver under the influence of drugs and alcohol. I’m sorry. Thank you. She also wanted to adopt a kitten.
“Decisions. Decisions. What will you decide to do”, Rob joked.
“I don’t know. I’m indecisive. I’ve always wanted a cat but I’ve never been able to. It wouldn’t have been fair because I was at school.”
“Bria, get the cat”, Joe said.
“I might have to give into peer pressure.”
They laughed. Did she get the cat? She did! Woody was an eight-week-old brown and white domestic shorthair kitten. Everything about him was adorable! He meowed at her and pawed at her leg, making her crouch down to him. Hi, human! She said hello to him and scratched his little head. He got excited when he saw he was getting adopted. I’m going home! Meow. Meow.
They went to Petsmart to get everything he needed. He had a collar and a leash, which were required in the store. As they walked around, he looked at everything while in the cart. He was curious about everything! There was so much to see and smell and hear! There were humans everywhere! He wanted to say hello to them. Meow. Meow. Some of the workers stopped to say hello to him. Hi, human! I’m Woody! I got adopted today!
He wanted to play on the belt at the register, but Bria picked him up. She didn’t want his little paws getting smashed. When they got to the car, she put him back into his carrier before putting the purchases in the backseat. Yes, she had an assistant who usually did the shopping for her, but she wanted to do this herself. Nicole was hired by her mother to take over the day-to-day responsibilities.
She was a woman in her twenties who had recently moved to LA from New York. They also had a long-time housekeeper named, Rosita. She and her husband, Miguel immigrated from Mexico in 1990. They both loved Bria and her parents because they were so kind to them. Her parents gave them money when they needed help paying bills or expensive gifts. They were considered family to them. Bria was not a spoiled brat, despite her immense wealth.
She was taught to never look down on anyone and to always be thankful for what she had. Everything could be taken away from her at any moment. Woody had zero knowledge of that. He was involved in watching his human put everything together for him. His water and food bowls went into the kitchen. She filled up the bowl with water before setting it down. His litter box went into the laundry room.
His toys, bed, and cat tree went into the living room. He had everything a kitten could need and want. For the moment, he wanted to play. Bria went into the kitchen and found the takeout menus. She looked through them as she thought about where she wanted to order from. As she made up her mind, the phone rang. It was Dave. She invited him over and gave him her address. After hanging up, she ordered pizza to be delivered. She then went to the living room to play with Woody.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia
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profutured · 2 years
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PUBLIC - things everyone can know, regardless of their connection (or lack thereof) to Paldea
Turo and Sada worked together in the past, with their most notable achievement being the Tera Orb. He is now the Professor associated with Uva Academy and worked closely with them to organise the necessary lessons needed before a student could own and freely use one of these Orbs.
Turo is Arven's father and has ownership over the lab next to the Poco Path lighthouse. He's never there anymore.
There have been increasing numbers of strange pokemon sightings in and around Paldea's more deserted wilderness areas. Some have been rumoured to come from the notoriously dangerous Great Crater, but as that place is off-limits to all but a select few, it's impossible to know for sure. Some of them have been said to share similarities with the creatures mentioned in various issues of the paranormal magazine Occulture.
Only certain researchers are permitted to enter the Great Crater, with Turo being one of them. Trespassing is a criminal offence and risks being reported direct to La Primera: Chairwoman and Top Champion Geeta. Non-authorised personnel attempting to enter have been injured, killed, or even gone totally missing before. It's a dangerous place.
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SEMI-PUBLIC - things confined within certain circles of Paldea, such as the Academy staff or League Elites
The truth behind Miraidon, Iron Treads, and the other Paradox pokemon. These aren't regional variants or new evolutions - these are future pokemon, pulled from a time said to be a billion years in the future. They remain (for the most part) trapped behind the security barriers of Area Zero and are the reason why the area is considered so dangerous to enter.
Turo's ultimate goal was to create a paradise for the family. His love for the Violet Book was no secret, determined to find truth where others had dismissed the writings as fairytales or superstitious paranoia, and he often talked about a world where the species described would live peacefully among people.
To achieve this goal, he planned to create a time machine. Building such an elaborate thing was expensive, and the investors needed transparency before they would willingly throw money at such an ambitious project. Miraidon was the first success of the machine, and the thing that restored the faith of any skeptics and kept the project bringing in the necessary funds and resources.
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PRIVATE - things known by no one, bar Turo himself, his immediate family, or those with a similarly close connection
The AI existing within Area Zero. As far as anyone is concerned, Professor Turo is simply lost in his research and is too busy to be disturbed. AIdrés being a perfect replica means he can hold all sorts of remote phone/video calls with other people without ever raising any of their suspicions. His communications with Director Clavell are an excellent example of this.
The scope of AIdrés' control over Area Zero and Zero Lab itself. Though he is limited to where he can be physically, there's countless sensors, cameras, speakers, etc. that the AI can use. It's an immensely intelligent creation, arguably even surpassing the genius of his creator, and there's nothing that happens in that crater without him knowing about it.
How the AI itself was created. Such a thing should be impossible with modern-day technology, and yet here he stands. It involves the Tera energy, sure, but how many will be able to reverse-engineer this accomplishment? It's not as if Andrés left an step-by-step guide lying around, written in accessible layman's terms.
The exact circumstances of Andrés' death or following burial. AIdrés doesn't like to think about it too often, but he was the one responsible for dealing with the aftermath of the Miraidons' battle and the cleanup of Research Station 4. There wasn't a lot that could be done to repair the building, but he at least organised a shallow burial for the body. The 'grave' was covered by crystals not long after.
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notebooknebula · 1 year
From Veteran To Real Estate Millionaire: Gervon Simon with Jay Conner
Key Takeaways:
Funding your deals without using your own money
How to Become a Millionaire in three years
Perfecting the BRRR method: Buy, Rehab, Renovate, Refinance
How to find real estate deals before your competition does: be a realtor
Veterans can get multiple VA loans,
Lessons learned: Have a margin and learn to say no—nothing ever goes according to your budget plan.
Don’t let your emotions decide—the math should make the decision.
Advice for new investors: partner in some way or form, especially with someone who knows what they’re doing.
Don’t wait to buy real estate. The number way to be on the winning side is by owning properties.
Gervon Simon is the founder of GQ Home Team, a real estate company that buys/sells homes.
Within just 12 months in business, in 2021, they sold 61 homes worth over $30M.
On the side, he has also stepped into real estate development, and since 2020, he has flipped 10 properties.
Gervon is a military veteran who attended The United States Military Academy at West Point, from 2013 to 2017, where he played football and graduated with a degree in business management.
During Gervon's time serving as an officer in the Army, he had to gain the trust of many different kinds of individuals to be effective at his job.
Today, he draws upon this experience when he works with his real estate clients, and he is dedicated to being transparent, honest, and encouraging each step of the way.
Gervon has had the opportunity to work with several clients in a variety of circumstances, whether the clients were purchasing their first home, selling their home due to hard times, or relocating from across the country for a military move.
He faced many different situations and challenges, and each time he’s been able to empower his clients to accomplish their goals. In addition to helping his clients with their real estate endeavors,
Gervon also invests in real estate on his own, and in 2018 he purchased his first 2 rental properties.
0:01 – Get Ready To Be Plugged Into The Money
0:17 – Today’s guests: Gervon Simon
2:13 – How Gervon Simon Gets Started In The Real Estate Business
5:51 – How Do You Fund Your Deals Without Using Your Own Money
7:10 – Jay’s Free Private Money Guide: https://www.JayConner.com/MoneyGuide
8:31 – How To Become A Millionaire In A Span Of 3 Years
11:37 – Perfecting the BRRRR Method
14:06 – How To Find the Best Real Estate Deals Before Your Competition Does
16:25 – Veterans Can Get Multiple VA Loans
19:03 – Gervon Simon’s Early Struggles And Lessons Learned On His Real Estate Business
21:53 – Best Advice For Brand New Real Estate Investors
25:47 – Connect with Gervon Simon: https://www.TheGQHomeTeam.com
26:01 – Team Website – https://www.GQHomeTeamWA.com
26:29 – Parting Comments from Gervon Simon: Don’t Wait To Buy Real Estate. The Number One Way Of Being A Part Of The Winning Side Is Own Real Estate And Collect Assets.
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Managing the Present Crises
The earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010 was of course not caused by climate change. But as one of the deadliest disasters on record we can learn a lot from how it was managed. Following the devastating earthquake, international organizations, private foundations, and USAID, donated millions of dollars to "rebuild" the nation. Of course, that was not done through democratic efforts directed at grassroots or community levels to provide for people's needs and rebuild their homes. Rather, many Haitians were forced off their land, lost their homes and farms, while the money was used for building sweatshops for the US garment industry.[35] This is the difference between mutual aid and charity, with the former being a reciprocal relation and the latter one that put the beneficiaries in a relation of dependency to the donors.[36] When a nation is "rebuilt" by those that have dominated it, it is typically rebuilt to serve the needs of those power structures - in this case to provide cheap labor for American capital.
This lesson from Haiti does not just apply to international relations between "underdeveloped" periphery nations and those in the dominant center. It also applies to communities within that center. After hurricane Katrina in 2005, New Orleans was not so much "rebuilt" as "re-created". Many residents were relocated (some by force) and new developments were made for new residents with a higher tax-bracket. This lead to increased segregation (racially and economic).[37] A similar process took place in New York City after Hurricane Sandy in 2012: the destruction was an opportunity for landowners and developers to bypass regulations protecting tenants and communities and to rebuild desirable areas in a way that would force the poorer population out.[38] Another example is the island of Barbuda where the land is owned by the people as a whole: the inhabitants have the right to use the land but it cannot be sold nor used for major developments by corporations without a public vote. Hurricane Sandy was an opportunity to end this commons system and introduce private landownership which the political elite see as necessary to attract outside capital and "development."[39]
As we see, someone's tragedy is someone else's opportunity for profit. That is the nature of capitalism and climate change is not going to change that. On the contrary, both the crises and the attempts to mitigate them are increasingly presented as a "business opportunity."[40] With cities in South Africa, Australia and India, already running out of water, new markets are opened for private water companies, and their stock value will rise.[41] No disaster affects everyone equally. As long as water exists somewhere, capitalism will find a way to get it to those places with an increased demand as long as there are people there who are able to pay for it. So even in a drought, the rich will have access to water and other resources. But they will also want to protect those resources. As people become more desperate, the rich will take more desperate measures to protect the wealth they're hording. This creates another profitable market: the private security industry. The thugs-for-hire, The Pinkertons, are already marketing their services using the Hobbesian narrative of the fall of civilization where those who have will need to protect what they have by violence against the desperate rabble.[42] Their parent company, the global security firm Securitas, in their sustainability report to investors also presents climate change as an opportunity for growth as disasters and resource scarcity will increase demand for their services.[43] The same goes for private armies and defense contractors.[44] Climate change is creating a lot of disruption, but that does not mean the collapse of capitalism or the existing economic hierarchies.
What about the state and political order? I fear we will also see the essential characteristics of the state, its repressive function, intensify as it attempts to maintain and strengthen its order during climate disruptions. The mentality of the state apparatus is inherently tied to Hobbesian thought: institutions of power and domination must be preserved at all cost or chaos will emerge as human nature is unleashed. We saw this during the flooding after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans where police officers and the national guard treated the civilian population as enemies in a war zone, actively preventing survivors from getting to safety and shooting those who tried. When the state apparatus lost control of parts of the city it, and its ideological companions in the media, immediately started fantasizing about the return of the state of nature and assumed the people had become savages - as is their "true nature" when the state is not there to keep them in order. The first priority was not to help or evacuate survivors but to reinstate political power by any means necessary, including lethal force.[45]
This response was repeated in Haiti after the earthquake. The ideological state apparatus mass produced unsubstantiated articles with headlines like "Looting Flares Where Authority Breaks Down"[46] and panicked stories about the "criminals" who escaped the collapsed prison building (ignoring the fact that most inmates were political prisoners never charged with crimes).[47] The US sent its military to the island and the US secretary of state asked the Haitian government to declare martial law which "would give the government an enormous amount of authority which in practice they would delegate to us."[48] The first priority of the US response was not to provide emergency aid but to establish "command & control" and symbolically one of the first operations was to take control over the ruined presidential palace.[49] International emergency organizations could not enter the island because the US military had occupied the airports and ports, preventing food and medicine from reaching the people.[50] This response is fairly logical: when you subscribe to the Hobbesian fantasy about ruthless savages in the "state of nature" the first order of business must be to reinstate political power. The interesting thing here is not so much that most of the stories about murder and looting were wildly exaggerated or outright lies, but that they became self-fulfilling prophecies: looting and rioting began when people knew emergency supplies had arrived but weren't being distributed because authority had to be established first. This naturally made people angry, thus confirming the narrative that was the premise for the authoritarian approach.
Another response to disasters - whether rapid ones like hurricanes or slow ones like drought and crop failure - is migration. People trying to flee from the area of death. The state has a response to that too. During the 2017 Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, the US government kept the border patrol stations open despite the evacuation order, effectively trapping paperless migrants and those who might be assumed as such in the zone of destruction. Likewise, the EU has for decades been building its border walls and expanding the area of migration control far beyond the borders, extra-territorializing and outsourcing the job of keeping immigrants out. Regularly refugees are storming the fences around the European enclaves in North Africa, Ceuta and Melilla, or the fences in Turkey and Ukraine, and as the borders get increasingly militarized thousands attempt to take the journey at sea where many drown. This is an example of what Achilles Mbembe calls "necropower" where sovereignty means the capacity to define "who is disposable and who is not" and the exercise of it is the control over mortality.[51]
Refugees are not a new phenomenon but as living conditions get worse with climate change this issue will certainly intensify. The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre notes in its mid-year report that 2019 so far has seen the highest figure ever recorded for displacements associated with disasters and that "mass displacement triggered by extreme weather events is becoming the norm."[52] Barring a qualitative change, the state response will be to double down on militarization and securitization of borders and population control. As a Pentagon commissioned report about projections for the future wrote in 2003, the US would probably survive climate change without catastrophic losses but "Borders will be strengthened around the country to hold back unwanted starving immigrants."[53] Even if the elected leaders refuse to take climate change seriously, the backbone of the state, the military, certainly does. But it only perceives the problem through the eyes of Leviathan, i.e. as a problem of security and of protecting the established order.
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Chris Prefontaine Teaches Creative Financing with Jay Conner
Private Money Academy Conference:
Free Report:
Welcome to the Raising Private Money podcast with Jay Conner, join Jay Conner and Crystal Baker, as we dive deep into innovative real estate strategies with expert Chris Prefontaine.
In today’s episode, we explore the nuances of creative financing in real estate without relying on traditional banks. A seasoned investor and coach, Chris Prefontaine shares extensive knowledge on obtaining and leveraging expired listings, using virtual assistants for lead generation, and determining seller motivation through strategic conversations.
From owner financing and subject-to-deals to lease purchases, Chris walks us through real-world examples and case studies demonstrating the effectiveness of his methods.
Learn about the financial benefits of structuring deals with principal-only payments and how these strategies can lead to six-figure profits over multiple paydays.
We'll also discuss the stringent underwriting processes that result in a low default rate for rent-to-own agreements and address the process of investing in commercial properties.
Along the way, Chris emphasizes the importance of real-world application and education, ensuring that listeners leave with actionable insights to enhance their real estate endeavors.
Tune in for a wealth of knowledge, real-life success stories, and practical tips that bridge the gap between learning and executing profitable real estate deals. Let's get started!
00:01 Raising Private Money Without Asking For It
05:20 Prepare for significant changes in creative real estate.
08:08 Owner financing: Principal-only payments on paid-off properties.
11:39 Subject-to-deals provide financial relief band-aid.
15:00 Higher rent-to-own success due to strict underwriting.
17:20 Family earns monthly income per property, future payoff.
21:14 Six-figure deals with $200k+ homes yield predictability.
25:49 Success targeting small, free-clear multifamily properties.
27:55 Insights on deal structures, updates, and lessons.
30:15 Used RedX when licensed, trained virtual assistants.
33:27 Started alone, hired VA post-deal, minimized overhead.
38:22 Most deals are buyer contingencies; solving problems.
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Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now?
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What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his own money or credit.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference
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johndsmiths1 · 11 days
Shanavas M.P. (AKA SHAN): The Visionary Entrepreneur Leading Global Change
In the world of business, only a few individuals manage to carve a legacy that transcends industries, generations, and geographies. One such figure is Shanavas M.P., also known as consultant Shan, a global entrepreneur, investor, consultant, filmmaker, and speaker. With over 25 years of unparalleled experience, Shan has not only mastered the art of entrepreneurship but has also become a beacon of knowledge and inspiration for millions around the world.
A Legacy of Over Two Decades
Shanavas M.P.'s journey is a testament to his unwavering dedication to innovation, leadership, and growth. As an entrepreneur and business strategist, his expertise spans across various domains including digital marketing, e-commerce, investments, WEB3 technologies, and business development. With over 18 years of rich experience in the digital space alone, Shan has built a formidable reputation as a digital entrepreneur, constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the online business world.
Having collaborated with over 100 privately held businesses, from startups to established corporations, Shan has cemented his position as a trusted advisor and leader in the global entrepreneurial ecosystem.
The Digital Entrepreneur: Mastery of Online Businesses
Shan’s extensive expertise in digital marketing and e-commerce has empowered countless businesses to achieve online success. He has played a pivotal role in driving digital transformation across industries, helping organizations transition from traditional business models to more agile and technology-driven frameworks.
His understanding of WEB3 technologies is particularly noteworthy. As blockchain and decentralized platforms continue to revolutionize various industries, Shan’s foresight into these developments has positioned him as a leader in the WEB3 space. He has successfully guided businesses on how to integrate decentralized systems into their operations, enhancing security, transparency, and scalability.
Business Consulting and Strategy Development
Shan’s proficiency as a business strategist is evident in his role as a consultant to various businesses. He has the unique ability to identify growth opportunities, devise innovative strategies, and implement plans that ensure sustained business success. His consulting expertise covers a wide range of areas, including:
Business Planning and Development
Strategic Leadership and Management
Investment Strategies
Enterprise Platform Management
Sales and Marketing
Project Management
What sets Shan apart is his holistic approach to business strategy. He collaborates effectively with stakeholders, clients, and vendors, ensuring that all aspects of a project align with the organization’s overarching goals.
A Global Impact: Empowering Millions
Shan’s influence isn’t limited to boardrooms or high-level business meetings. Over the years, he has empowered millions of individuals across 40 countries through his Digital Mastery programs, seminars, webinars, workshops, boot camps, and live events. His teachings focus on the intersection of business and personal development, helping individuals unlock their full potential in both areas.
The Digital Mastery programs are particularly popular, providing participants with the knowledge and tools needed to excel in the digital world. These programs cover a wide range of topics, including digital marketing, business strategy, leadership development, and personal growth.
Shan’s unique style—marked by his warmth, humor, and keen insights—has made him a favorite among participants, transforming their perspectives on business and life. For over two decades, millions have attended his events, taking away not just lessons but also life-changing experiences.
Recognitions and Awards: A Life of Distinction
Shan’s accomplishments have not gone unnoticed. In 2007, he was honored by the Government of India with the prestigious Indira Gandhi Sadbhavana Award for "Outstanding Individual Achievements & Distinguished Services to the Nation." This recognition highlights his commitment to both business excellence and societal contributions.
In addition, Shan was also nominated for the Young Entrepreneur Award by CNBC TV, further cementing his reputation as a forward-thinking and innovative leader in the business world.
Shan’s Cinematic Journey: A Filmmaker’s Perspective
Shan’s talents extend beyond the boardroom and seminar stage. His diploma in filmmaking adds another dimension to his illustrious career. As a filmmaker, Shan’s understanding of storytelling, production, and cinema reflects his creative side, showcasing his versatility as a leader.
Filmmaking is an art that requires strategic planning, attention to detail, and the ability to manage diverse projects. Shan’s skills in these areas are evident in his business endeavors, where he has successfully managed large teams and complex projects with precision and foresight.
Mastering Strategic Leadership and Business Growth
As a strategic leader, Shan has the ability to look beyond the present and plan for the future. His experience in strategic management and leadership has enabled him to create actionable plans that improve business performance and fuel organizational growth. He is a keen planner, strategist, and implementer, proficient in managing projects that span multiple industries and sectors.
Shan’s approach to leadership is rooted in empowering others. He believes that great leaders inspire and uplift those around them, fostering an environment of collaboration and mutual growth. This leadership philosophy has played a key role in his success, enabling him to build lasting relationships with clients, partners, and colleagues.
A Passion for Investments and Startups
Shan’s involvement in over 100 privately held businesses, including startups and corporations, is a testament to his passion for entrepreneurship and investment. He has an eye for identifying promising ventures and providing them with the resources and guidance they need to succeed. His investment philosophy revolves around supporting innovation and helping businesses unlock their full potential.
As an investor, Shan has a proven track record of making smart, strategic investments in businesses that are poised for growth. His extensive network, industry expertise, and commitment to innovation have made him a sought-after partner for startups and corporations alike.
The Future of Business with Shanavas M.P.
As we look to the future, Shanavas M.P. is poised to continue his trailblazing journey in the business world. His expertise in digital marketing, business strategy, investments, and strategic leadership positions him as a key player in shaping the future of entrepreneurship.
Moreover, his commitment to empowering others through education and mentorship ensures that his legacy will continue to inspire generations of entrepreneurs, leaders, and innovators.
Conclusion: Shanavas M.P., A True Visionary
Shanavas M.P., or Shan, is more than just a successful entrepreneur—he is a visionary leader who has touched millions of lives through his business acumen, leadership, and dedication to empowering others. With over 25 years of experience, a portfolio of over 100 businesses, and a legacy of mentorship that spans continents, Shan stands as a beacon of inspiration in the global entrepreneurial landscape.
Whether it’s through his Digital Mastery programs, his consulting work, or his role as an investor and business strategist, Shan’s impact on the world of business and personal development is profound and lasting. He is not just shaping the future of businesses—he’s shaping the future of people and communities around the world.
For anyone looking to grow their business, develop new skills, or find inspiration in the world of entrepreneurship, Shanavas M.P. is a name to remember.
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jordanianroyals · 23 days
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26 August 2024: King Abdullah II was briefed on the second phase of the King Hussein Business Park’s (KHBP) expansion plan, extending over 309 dunums at an estimated cost of JD5 million, to stimulate economic growth, attract investments, and create jobs.
The second phase of the project offers investment opportunities to develop facilities, roads, parking lots, and green spaces, and will witness the establishment of several facilities, including ones for information storage, medical simulation, and a hotel over an area of 9,000 square metres.
During a visit to the KHBP, attended by Crown Prince Hussein, His Majesty listened to a briefing by KHBP Chairman Osama Madanat on means of implementing the park’s strategy, seeking to enhance the business environment, attract regional and international investments, support start-ups, and hone the skills of young Jordanians.
The King stressed the importance of enhancing Jordan's ability to benefit from economic opportunities by further developing a competitive business environment with distinctive infrastructure and services, capable of attracting more quality investments.
His Majesty called for building on the lessons learned from developing the KHBP’s first phase to accelerate future phases, highlighting the importance of coordinating with the private sector and investors to understand their needs and address challenges.
The investment volume of the KHBP’s first phase reached JD210 million, with a 99 percent occupancy rate, extending over a land of 200 dunums, including 36 facilities.
The park currently includes 295 start-ups, 65 local companies, 14 regional companies, and 19 international companies operating in various sectors and employing about 7,000 people.
His Majesty’s visit to the park also included a stop at the King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD), where he was briefed by the fund's director general, Mazen Tabbalat, on key achievements and development programmes and projects.
Since the fund’s establishment in 2001, it has provided some 3 million direct and indirect employment, training, and qualification opportunities.
During the meeting, attended by the fund’s chairman and members of the Board of Trustees, His Majesty commended KAFD’s efforts throughout the years, stressing the need to ensure projects’ sustainability and secure new funding opportunities through philanthropy and corporate social responsibility.
In addition, the King noted the importance of studying the impact of KAFD’s programmes, in line with the political, economic, and administrative modernisation tracks.
His Majesty was briefed on success stories of young beneficiaries.
Stopping at SITA, an international company specialised in delivering IT solutions for the air transport industry, the King was briefed on the company’s work in Jordan and its plans to expand operations.
SITA’s offices in Jordan are among its largest in the region, as it provides support to a wide network of airports and airlines, functioning as a regional operations hub for air transport, and employs 150 people.
His Majesty concluded his visit to the business park at the Electronic Health Solutions (EHS) company, where the National Health Insurance Claims System (Hakeem claim) was launched, aimed at enhancing the digitisation of healthcare and improving medical services through a unified electronic record.
EHS CEO Omar Ayesh gave a briefing, attended by Health Minister Feras Hawari, on efforts to improve healthcare services for Jordanians, including “Hakeem” programme and the company’s achievements over the past 15 years.
The EHS is currently working on completing the digitisation of all Health Ministry and Royal Medical Services hospitals by the end of 2024, in addition to introducing technologies such as artificial intelligence, he added.
Royal Hashemite Court Chief Yousef Issawi and Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan accompanied the King on the tour.
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cherifmedawar01 · 24 days
Commercial Real Estate Mastermind Podcast with Cherif Medawar
The Commercial Real Estate Mastermind Podcast hosted by Cherif Medawar is a must-listen for anyone interested in mastering the art of commercial real estate (CRE) investing. With years of experience as a successful investor, educator, and mentor, Medawar shares his wealth of knowledge through this podcast, offering listeners an insider's look at the complexities and opportunities within the CRE landscape.
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This blog will provide an overview of the podcast, explore key themes, and highlight the valuable insights that Medawar brings to the table, making it an essential resource for both novice and seasoned investors.
1. The Vision Behind the Podcast
Cherif Medawar launched the Commercial Real Estate Mastermind Podcast to create a platform where real estate professionals, investors, and enthusiasts can come together to learn, share, and grow. The podcast is designed to demystify commercial real estate investing, breaking down complex topics into digestible, actionable insights.
Medawar’s vision is to empower investors to make informed decisions by providing them with the tools, strategies, and knowledge they need to succeed in the competitive world of commercial real estate. Each episode is carefully crafted to address the most pressing issues in the industry, from market trends and investment strategies to legal considerations and risk management.
2. Key Themes and Topics Covered
The podcast covers a wide range of topics, each one crucial for understanding the intricacies of commercial real estate investing. Some of the most notable themes include:
a. Investment Strategies
Medawar delves into various investment strategies, offering guidance on how to identify lucrative opportunities, structure deals, and maximize returns. He discusses the differences between active and passive investing, the benefits of syndications, and the importance of diversification within a CRE portfolio.
b. Market Analysis and Trends
Understanding market trends is essential for any real estate investor. Medawar provides in-depth analysis of current market conditions, exploring how factors like interest rates, economic cycles, and demographic shifts impact the commercial real estate market. His insights help investors anticipate changes and adapt their strategies accordingly.
c. Financing and Capital Raising
Securing financing is a critical aspect of commercial real estate investing. The podcast offers valuable advice on navigating the financing landscape, from traditional bank loans to creative funding options like private equity and crowdfunding. Medawar also shares tips on how to attract investors and raise capital for large-scale projects.
d. Risk Management and Due Diligence
Investing in commercial real estate comes with inherent risks, and Medawar emphasizes the importance of thorough due diligence and risk management. He provides practical advice on how to assess potential risks, conduct property inspections, and evaluate the financial health of an investment. The podcast also covers legal considerations, ensuring that investors are well-equipped to handle any challenges that may arise.
e. Success Stories and Case Studies
One of the most compelling aspects of the podcast is the inclusion of real-life success stories and case studies. Medawar invites successful investors to share their experiences, providing listeners with valuable lessons and inspiration. These stories highlight the rewards of commercial real estate investing and demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategies discussed in the podcast.
 Read more - Commercial Real Estate Mentor, Coach | Cherif Medawar
3. Why Cherif Medawar Stands Out
Cherif Medawar is not just a host but a seasoned expert with decades of experience in the commercial real estate industry. His background as an investor, educator, and mentor gives him a unique perspective on the market. Medawar’s approach is both practical and educational, making complex concepts accessible to listeners of all levels.
a. A Proven Track Record
Medawar’s success in the commercial real estate industry speaks for itself. He has managed and invested in numerous high-profile properties, building a portfolio that spans various sectors of the CRE market. His ability to navigate the ups and downs of the real estate market has earned him a reputation as a trusted authority in the field.
b. Commitment to Education
Beyond his personal success, Medawar is deeply committed to educating others. Through his podcast, seminars, and courses, he has helped countless individuals achieve their financial goals through commercial real estate investing. His passion for teaching is evident in every episode, where he breaks down complex topics into actionable steps that listeners can apply to their own investments.
c. Engaging and Informative Content
The Commercial Real Estate Mastermind Podcast is not just informative but also engaging. Medawar’s charismatic delivery, combined with his deep knowledge of the subject matter, makes each episode a compelling listen. Whether he’s interviewing industry experts or sharing his own experiences, Medawar ensures that his audience walks away with valuable insights.
4. How the Podcast Can Benefit Investors
Whether you're new to commercial real estate or an experienced investor, the Commercial Real Estate Mastermind Podcast offers something for everyone. Here’s how listeners can benefit from tuning in:
a. Gain Expert Insights
Listeners have the opportunity to learn from one of the best in the industry. Medawar’s insights can help you refine your investment strategy, avoid common pitfalls, and stay ahead of market trends.
b. Expand Your Knowledge
The podcast covers a broad range of topics, providing a well-rounded education in commercial real estate investing. From financing to market analysis, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to succeed in this field.
c. Stay Informed
The commercial real estate market is constantly evolving, and staying informed is key to making smart investment decisions. The podcast keeps you up to date on the latest trends, ensuring that you’re always in the know.
d. Connect with a Community
The Commercial Real Estate Mastermind Podcast is more than just a source of information; it’s a community. By listening, you become part of a network of like-minded individuals who share your interest in commercial real estate investing.
5. Conclusion: A Must-Listen for CRE Investors
The Commercial Real Estate Mastermind Podcast with Cherif Medawar is a valuable resource for anyone looking to succeed in commercial real estate investing. With its blend of expert insights, practical advice, and real-life success stories, the podcast offers a comprehensive education in CRE.
Whether you're just starting or looking to enhance your existing investment strategy, Medawar’s podcast provides the knowledge and inspiration you need to achieve your financial goals. By tuning in, you’ll gain the confidence to navigate the complexities of the commercial real estate market and unlock new opportunities for wealth creation.
If you’re serious about mastering commercial real estate, the Commercial Real Estate Mastermind Podcast is a must-listen. Start your journey today and learn from one of the industry’s leading experts, Cherif Medawar.
The Commercial Real Estate Mastermind Podcast with Cherif Medawar is more than just a podcast—it's a masterclass in commercial real estate investing. Medawar's extensive experience, combined with his commitment to education, makes this podcast an invaluable resource for both new and seasoned investors. Through insightful discussions, expert interviews, and practical advice, Medawar equips listeners with the tools and knowledge needed to succeed in the complex world of commercial real estate.
Whether you're looking to diversify your portfolio, learn new investment strategies, or stay informed on market trends, this podcast offers something for everyone. By tuning in, you're not just gaining information—you're joining a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about commercial real estate. With Cherif Medawar as your guide, you're well on your way to mastering the market and unlocking the wealth-building potential of commercial real estate.
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