#Les Indestructibles
vertigoartgore · 3 months
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The Incredibles poster by artist Mike Mignola for Comic Con 2004.
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
1. The sound of your laugh when I piss you off. (@magsalecs)
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2. The way you smell underneath your fancy cologne, like clean linens but somehow also fresh grass (what kind of magic is this?). (@alexshenry)
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3. That thing you do where you stick out your chin to try to look tough. (@tylerposey)
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4. How your hands look when you play piano. (@nostalgiaisabitchhuh)
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5. All the things I understand about myself now because of you. (@userstede)
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6. How you think Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars (wrong) because deep down you're a gigantic, sappy, embarrassing romantic who just wants the happily ever after. (@magsalecs)
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7. Your ability to recite Keats. (@magsalecs)
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8. Your ability to recite Bernadette's "Don't let it drag you down" monologue from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. (@darwinsfinchesx)
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9. How hard you try. (@sheisraging)
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10. How hard you've always tried. (@stevenrogered)
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11. How determined you are to keep trying. (@simon-eriksson)
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12. That when your shoulders cover mine, nothing else in the entire stupid world matters. (@magsalecs)
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13. The goddamn issue of Le Monde you brought back to London with you and kept and have on your nightstand (yes, I saw it). (@sheisraging)
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14. The way you look when you first wake up. (@magsalecs)
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15. Your shoulder-to-waist ratio. (@gay-bucky-barnes)
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16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart. (@thomasbrodiesandwich)
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17. Your equally huge dick. (@tylerposey)
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18. The face you just made when you read that last one. (@uglygreenjacket)
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19. The way you look when you first wake up (I know I already said this, but I really, really love it). (@magsalecs)
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20. The fact that you loved me all along. (@magsalecs)
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— I can't match you for prose, but what I can do is write you a list.
Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (2019) and Matthew Lopez (2023)
Credit to all the gif makers and editors, the real heroes of the fandom.
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therealvinelle · 30 days
I think the vampires in Twilight are boring, largely because they are so perfect. They're beautiful, super strong, super fast, fabulously wealthy, they have superpowers, and all without any of the interesting drawbacks from popular vampire lore apart from the bloodlust (which is mostly utilized in the narrative for romance angst) or mental stagnation (which is weaksauce). I'm not even gonna talk about the sparkling
I think there's room for different interpretations of myths and archetypes but I feel like this one just sanded off all of the all interesting bits instead of actually reinterpreting them
What's the point of vampire romance if they're barely vampires?
What's your take as someone who is knowledgeable about this topic?
You know, rather than defend Twilight, I'm going to make the same argument about Good Omens, Alien, the Wizard of Earthsea, and Harry Potter. I'm also going to be incredibly mean to you, I'm sorry, I know your question is asked in good faith but deep in my heart is a snarky monster yearning to break free. It has been unleashed, because you see, I strongly disagree with the "the vampires in Twilight aren't actually vampires!" criticism.
The angels and demons in Good Omens are nothing like Biblical angels and demons and the authors just made stuff up they liked. I'm not sure what the point of that story was.
The alien in Alien bleeds acid, it's virtually indestructible and Ellen has to eject it into space to kill it. What a terrible villain design.
The Wizard of Earthsea and Harry Potter feature very different wizards which makes me wonder- why couldn't either Ursula Le Guin or J. K. Rowling back off? Find some other word, because these fictional creatures can't be both what they are in the Wizard of Earthsea and in Harry Potter. Don't even factor in Lord of the Rings or the Dresden Files - these authors are all over the place, it's like they can't pin down what a wizard even is.
Vampires, being creatures that I take very seriously and want to see accurately depicted in my YA literature, damnit, are grievously disrespected in Twilight where that Stephenie Meyer woman used her imagination and did her own thing. The sheer disrespect, smh.
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amarguradel-alma · 21 days
Siento que su alma y la mía están conectadas de maneras indestructibles, yo siempre orbitare cerca de él pero jamás le alcanzaré.
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An Incomplete List: Things I Love About HRH Prince Henry & FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz
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Happy February 1st, ya'll. I've decided to start posting an image that represents (in feeling or with direct imagery) Alex's list about Henry. While I can't do too much with gifs because my computer won't run the programs I need it to and I need to save up for one that does. I'm trying this format because I miss posting about RW&RB each day, and giving my thoughts. I'm going to post one each day in February, (the month of love) and I will use the other nine days to post my version of Henry's incomplete list for Alex.
I encourage everyone who may come across this post to do the same and tag it with (#An Incomplete List) and whatever other tags of course that you think will work, and reblog this too. It'll be fun spreading the love as the days go on and seeing what everyone can come up with for Alex's days too. Pictures, fanart, video clips, even if all you do is talk about the quote, it'll be fun to click the tag on Tumblr and see what others have contributed. Just a reminder of the list:
AN INCOMPLETE LIST: THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HRH PRINCE HENRY 1. The sound of your laugh when I piss you off. 2. The way you smell underneath your fancy cologne, like clean linens but somehow also fresh grass (what kind of magic is this?) 3. That thing you do where you stick out your chin to try to look tough. 4. How your hands look when you play piano. 5. All the things I understand about myself now because of you. 6. How you think Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars (wrong) because deep down you're a gigantic, sappy, embarrassing romantic who just wants the happily ever after. 7. Your ability to recite Keats. 8. Your ability to recite Bernadette's "Don't let it drag you down" monologue from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. 9. How hard you try. 10. How hard you've always tried. 11. How determined you are to keep trying. 12. That when your shoulders cover mine, nothing else in the entire stupid world matters. 13. The goddamn issue of Le Monde you brought back to London with you and kept and have on your nightstand (yes, I saw it). 14. The way you look when you first wake up. 15. Your shoulder-to-waist ratio. 16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart. 17. Your equally huge dick. 18. The face you just made when you read that last one. 19. The way you look when you first wake up (I know I already said this, but I really, really love it). 20. The fact that you loved me all along.”
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sabinerondissime · 6 months
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J'ai la sensation que cette fois, c'est la bonne. Mes sentiments s'effritent et se dissipent. Cet amour que je pensais indestructible serait-il, finalement, aussi mortel que les autres ?
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raoullemercier · 7 months
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2014 musée de Beaux-Arts de Lyon, exposition Joseph Cornell et les surréalistes à New York, Objet indestructible, 1923-1933 Man Ray
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fromkenari · 1 year
Waterloo Letters #4 (4/4): Hometown stuff
Re: Hometown stuff A [email protected]                9/4/20 8:31 PM to Henry H, Fuck. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what else to say. I’m so sorry. June and Nora send their love. Not as much love as me. Obviously. Please don’t worry about me. We’ll figure it out. It just might take time. I’ve been working on patience. I’ve picked up all kinds of things from you. God, what can I possibly write to make this better? Here: I can’t decide if your emails make me miss you more or less. Sometimes I feel like a funny-looking rock in the middle of the most beautiful clear ocean when I read the kinds of things you write to me. You love so much bigger than yourself, bigger than everything. I can’t believe how lucky I am to even witness it—to be the one who gets to have it, and so much of it, is beyond luck and feels like fate. Catholic God made me to be the person you write those things about. I’ll say five Hail Marys. Muchas gracias, Santa Maria. I can’t match you for prose, but what I can do is write you a list. AN INCOMPLETE LIST: THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HRH PRINCE HENRY OF WALES 1. The sound of your laugh when I piss you off. 2. The way you smell underneath your fancy cologne, like clean linens but somehow also fresh grass (what kind of magic is this?). 3. That thing you do where you stick out your chin to try to look tough. 4. How your hands look when you play piano. 5. All the things I understand about myself now because of you. 6. How you think Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars (wrong) because deep down you’re a gigantic, sappy, embarrassing romantic who just wants the happily ever after. 7. Your ability to recite Keats. 8. Your ability to recite Bernadette’s “Don’t let it drag you down” monologue from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. 9. How hard you try. 10. How hard you’ve always tried. 11. How determined you are to keep trying. 12. That when your shoulders cover mine, nothing else in the entire stupid world matters. 13. The goddamn issue of Le Monde you brought back to London with you and kept and have on your nightstand (yes, I saw it). 14. The way you look when you first wake up. 15. Your shoulder-to-waist ratio. 16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart. 17. Your equally huge dick. 18. The face you just made when you read that last one. 19. The way you look when you first wake up (I know I already said this, but I really, really love it). 20. The fact that you loved me all along. I keep thinking about that last one ever since you told me, and what an idiot I was. It’s so hard for me to get out of my own head sometimes, but now I’m coming back to what I said to you the night in my room when it all started, and how I brushed you off when you offered to let me go after the DNC, how I used to try to act like it was nothing sometimes. I didn’t even know what you were offering to do to yourself. God, I want to fight everyone who’s ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn’t it? All that time. I’m so sorry. Please stay gorgeous and strong and unbelievable. I miss you I miss you I miss you I love you. I’m calling you as soon as I send this, but I know you like to have these things written down. A P.S. Richard Wagner to Eliza Wille, re: Ludwig II–1864 (Remember when you played Wagner for me? He’s an asshole, but this is something.) It is true that I have my young king who genuinely adores me. You cannot form an idea of our relations. I recall one of the dreams of my youth. I once dreamed that Shakespeare was alive: that I really saw and spoke to him: I can never forget the impression that dream made on me. Then I would have wished to see Beethoven, though he was already dead. Something of the same kind must pass in the mind of this lovable man when with me. He says he can hardly believe that he really possesses me. None can read without astonishment, without enchantment, the letters he writes to me.
McQuiston, Casey. Red, White & Royal Blue: A Novel (pp. 301-304). St. Martin's Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
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idoltoons · 17 days
Aunque ahora que hablo de Caleb, me recordó al dato de que, el futuro rey Caleb si era un excelente guerrero, pero no se puede negar que hubo ciertos artefactos que lo ayudaron mucho durante la batalla contra el rey de los engendros.
Elizabeth, Rosalie, y Everett dieron a Caleb un articulo cada quien que lo protegería durante la guerra.
Elizabeth le dio una armadura bendecida con magia del amuleto del amor. Haciendo difícil para los engendros poder herir a Caleb pues el poder que desprendía esta armadura lo hacia básicamente impenetrable para muchos enemigos. No diré que todos, claro esta que engendros de alto rango con esfuerzo podrían lograrlo, pero Caleb nunca se los hizo fácil, por sus impecables estrategias de batalla y por los otros artefactos que se le fueron concedidos.
Rosalie le otorgo un escudo bendecido con magia del amuleto de la tristeza. Este peculiar artefacto era diseñado con la forma de un cráneo humano. Lo que lo hacia efectivo en la batalla no era el hecho de ser prácticamente indestructible ante los impactos durante la batalla, si no que iba incluido con dos habilidades.
Grito de agonía: Un grito que podía dejar inmovilizados a los engendros. Este grito solo afectaba a los engendros, por lo que Caleb y sus compañero podían aprovechar que los engendros se encontraran inmovilizados para contraatacar.
Susurro desalentador: Durante la batalla, el escudo de Caleb estaría susurrando constantemente a los engendros palabras que nadie quisiera escuchar. De nuevo, al ser un hechizo que solo afectaba a los engendros, Caleb y el resto jamás tenían idea de que es lo que el escudo susurraba a los engendros, pero debía ser lo suficientemente doloroso para que los engendros no pudieran luchar correctamente pues una profunda tristeza empezaba a invadirlos.
Everett le dio una espada bendecida con la magia del amuleto de la esperanza. El potencial de la espada dependería del deseo honesto de su portador. Si tu deseo no era puro, la espada estaría condenada a romperse al primer golpe. En el caso de Caleb, su deseo era poder acabar con la guerra para poder pasar el resto de su vida junto a Elizabeth en un mundo donde la paz reinara. Su esperanza porque este deseo se volviera realidad era tan grande que la espada llegaría a ser tan perfecta que cortaría hasta a los engendros de tamaños colosales de un solo toque.
No voy a negar que Everett no creo esta espada con el propósito de saber que las intenciones de Caleb eran buenas y sinceras. Si los deseos de Caleb no eran buenos Everett no iba tener ninguna pena porque Caleb muriera una vez la espada se rompiera dejándolo expuesto en la batalla.
Donde están estos artefactos mágicos una vez que la guerra acabo?
Claramente Caleb se las quedo porque era un regalo de parte de los 3 reyes, pero una vez este falleció, Elizabeth se encargo de guardarlas junto a muchos otros artefactos que le pertenecieron en un lugar del palacio donde solo Elizabeth puede acceder.
Una vez Elias se vuelva rey, estos artefactos se le serán heredados, ya será decisión de él si decide que permanezcan guardados o los usa para sus aventuras, pero así esta la cosa.
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smokingago · 1 year
'I believe a strong woman may be stronger than a man, particularly if she happens to have love in her heart.
I guess a loving woman is indestructible.'
John Steinbeck
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«Credo che una donna forte possa essere più forte di un uomo, soprattutto se le capita di avere l'amore nel cuore.
Immagino che una donna amorevole sia indistruttibile.'
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jeanchrisosme · 14 days
Elle est forte. Non pas à cause de ce qu’elle peut soulever, mais pour la façon dont elle élève les autres lorsqu’ils sont au plus bas. Non pas parce qu’elle est capable de résister à la tempête, mais parce qu’elle naviguera dans la tempête et vous montrera ensuite comment faire de même. Non pas parce qu’elle est indestructible, mais parce qu’après chaque chute, elle se relèvera toujours, toujours. Elle est forte. Non pas parce qu’elle a choisi d’être, mais parce que le monde l’exigeait. Elle a traversé l’enfer, fait face à des batailles que la plupart ne comprendront pas et pourtant, malgré tout, elle choisit toujours d’être gentille ; d’être douce entre les mains du monde qui essayait de la briser. Sa force vient de l’intérieur. D’apprendre à transformer la douleur en pouvoir, le chaos en paix, les blessures en sagesse. Forte est celle qui connaît sa valeur et refuse de se contenter de moins. Forte est elle, qui ne reculera pas, qui se battra pour ce en quoi elle croit. Forte est elle, qui a l’amour enveloppé dans son cœur, le courage tissé dans ses os et le feu qui coule dans ses veines
Alysha Waghorn
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rainbow-0bsidian · 1 year
I can’t match you for prose, but what I can do is write you a list. AN INCOMPLETE LIST: THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HRH PRINCE HENRY OF WALES 1. The sound of your laugh when I piss you off. 2. The way you smell underneath your fancy cologne, like clean linens but somehow also fresh grass (what kind of magic is this?). 3. That thing you do where you stick out your chin to try to look tough. 4. How your hands look when you play piano. 5. All the things I understand about myself now because of you. 6. How you think Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars (wrong) because deep down you’re a gigantic, sappy, embarrassing romantic who just wants the happily ever a\er. 7. Your ability to recite Keats. 8. Your ability to recite Bernadette’s “Don’t let it drag you down” monologue from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert 9. How hard you try. 10. How hard you’ve always tried. 11. How determined you are to keep trying. 12. That when your shoulders cover mine, nothing else in the entire stupid world matters. 13. The goddamn issue of Le Monde you brought back to London with you and kept and have on your nightstand (yes, I saw it). 14. The way you look when you first wake up. 15. Your shoulder-to-waist ratio. 16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart. 17. Your equally huge dick. 18. The face you just made when you read that last one. 19. The way you look when you first wake up (I know I already said this, but I really, really love it). 20. The fact that you loved me all along.
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Also Alex:
there's this thing you do. this thing. it drives me crazy. i think about it all the time. there's a corner of your mouth, and a place that it goes. pinched and worried like you're afraid you're forgetting something. i used to hate it. used to think it was your little tic of disapproval. but i've kissed your mouth, that corner, that place it goes, so many times now. i've memorized it. topography on the map of you, a world i'm still charting. i know it. i added it to the key. here: inches to miles. i can multiply it out, read your latitude and longitude. recite your coordinates like la rosaria. this thing, your mouth, its place. it's what you do when you're trying not to give yourself away. not in the way that you do all the time, those empty, greedy grabs for you. i mean the truth of you. the weird, perfect shape of your heart. the one on the outside of your chest. on the map of you, my fingers can always find the green hills, wales. cool waters and ashore of white chalk. the ancient part of you carved out of stone in a prayerful circle, sacrosanct. your spine's a ridge i'd die climbing. if i could spread it out on my desk, i'd find the corner of your mouth where it pinches with my fingers, and i'd smooth it away and you'd be marked with the names of saints like all the old maps. i get the nomenclature now-saints' names belong to miracles. give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you.
-Red, White & Royal Blue, by Casey McQuiston
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mimikwolf · 9 months
New Years OFMD Edition!!!
Bringing this blog back from the dead to post a list I made in a fit of insanity of when to start watching episodes of OFMD this New Years Eve so that everyone's favourite moments from both seasons happen at exactly midnight!! Please Enjoy 💜💜💜
Izzy “You absolute Twat” S01 E04: Start at exactly 23:36 and 41 Seconds
Foot touch during The Chain needledrop S01 E08: Start at exactly 23:26 and 29 Seconds
“What makes Ed happy is… you” Ed and Stede's first Kiss S01 E09: Start at exactly 23:41 and 38 Seconds
Stede leaving Ed at the docks S01 E09: Start at exactly 23:35 and 55 Seconds
Jim and Olu’s first Kiss S01 E10: Start at exactly 23:55 and 7 Seconds
Jim and Archie kissing over Izzy's Severed Leg S02 E02: Start at exactly 23:49 and 20 Seconds
Badass Izzy "you indestructible little fucker" S02 E02: Start at exactly 23:35 and 36 Seconds
Merman Stede This Woman’s Work needledrop S02 E03: Start at exactly 23:30 and 51 Seconds
Shirtless Izzy Practicing Swordfighting ft Candles S02 E05: Start at exactly 23:53 and 24 Seconds
Stede upset over The Cursed Suit “Oh Fuck offff” S02 E05: Start at exactly 23:39 and 42 Seconds
Ed Stede you Wear Fine Things well V2 S02 E05: Start at exactly 23:33 and 51 Seconds
Izzy singing Le vie en Rose in French S02 E06: Start at exactly 23:37 and 34 Seconds
"Well and Truly Docked" S02 E07: Start at exactly 23:57 and 28 Seconds
Stede and Ed Reunion 2 Electric Boogaloo S02 E08: Start at exactly 23:46 and 5 Seconds
Izzy to Ricky "You Rancid Syphilitic cunt" S02 E08: Start at exactly 23:42 and 54 Seconds
And a Bonus:
Izzy's Death S02 E08: Start at exactly 23:36 and 43 Seconds
Honestly it hurts to think of starting the new year this way, but I thought I'd Include it regardless
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hemali-smh · 1 year
1. The sound of your laugh when I piss you off.
2. The way you smell underneath your fancy cologne, like clean linens but somehow also fresh grass (what kind of magic is this?).
3. That thing you do where you stick out your chin to try to look tough.
4. How your hands look when you play piano.
5. All the things I understand about myself now because of you.
6. How you think Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars (wrong) because deep down you’re a gigantic, sappy, embarrassing romantic who just wants the happily ever after.
7. Your ability to recite Keats.
8. Your ability to recite Bernadette’s “Don’t let it drag you down” monologue from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
9. How hard you try.
10. How hard you’ve always tried.
11. How determined you are to keep trying.
12. That when your shoulders cover mine, nothing else in the entire stupid world matters.
13. The goddamn issue of Le Monde you brought back to London with you and kept and have on your nightstand (yes, I saw it).
14. The way you look when you first wake up.
15. Your shoulder-to-waist ratio.
16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart.
17. Your equally huge dick.
18. The face you just made when you read that last one.
19. The way you look when you first wake up (I know I already said this, but I really, really love it).
20. The fact that you loved me all along.
red, white and royal blue - casey mcquiston
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gavroche-le-moineau · 8 months
Today's Les Mis chapter describes Jean Valjean's sentencing and subsequent journey as a part of a chain gang to the galleys of Toulon. Published from 1782-1788, Louis-Sébastien Mercier's work, "Tableau de Paris" is a multi-volume book in which he paints a picture of all aspects of Paris and Parisian life. Here are some excerpts from his eye-witness account of a typical galley chain gang leaving Paris:
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"The Chain of Galley-slaves.
It leaves twice a year, on May 25th and September 10th. The galley slaves are held at the Château de la Tournelle until their departure for Toulon, Brest, and Marseille."
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"On the departure day they are placed in long carriages. The same chain connects and binds them all to the wagon.  Eight policemen lead 120 wrongdoers this way. They leave, imploring help from their fellow people, towards whom they were violent and unjust. They leave; and the conscience, that indestructible judge, cries to many that their torture is light, and that they escaped the death that they have merited."
Mercier then goes on to ruminate on his feelings seeing the men bound for the galleys:
"Oh! How I would like to be able to read to the depths of their soul which is the most criminal or the most innocent! I would like to know why, how, and to what degree they have shown contempt to virtue. Is there, in these individuals, as in others, an equal balance of virtue and vice? Human laws are so heavy handed! And then is the moral perfection of society possible, and to what point?"
Noticing an older man in particular, he wonders how he came to be there, with some distinct parallels to Jean Valjean:
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"Is he a hardened criminal who has escaped the justice of men all his life? …  Is he a poor soul thrown into the abyss for a partridge, a pinch of tobacco, a few pounds of salt; for among us Christians, the law of taxation is the most sacred of all; and we know that a partridge or a rabbit is worth infinitely more than a man, even if he is the father of a large family! This is what tears my heart, but the wagon is going to take them away, and with them their justification and the mark of their trial."
He ends with his views on the death penalty and the morality of sentencing men to such a fate for these crimes:
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"Maybe one day we will feel it less necessary to take away the life of a man who is only guilty of the crime of theft, and rather conserve a citizen than make of gold an idol to which we sacrifice human victims."
The volume of Tableau de Paris that contains these excerpts can be found on the Internet Archive.
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ltalaynareor · 2 months
Les adieux d'un roi
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Dans la pénombre de la nuit éternelle, Marcus se tenait seul, son cœur chargé de chagrin et de souvenirs. Les ombres dansaient autour de lui, rappelant le temps où il était heureux avec sa bien-aimée, Didyme. Elle était sa lumière dans les ténèbres, sa raison de vivre.
Les étoiles brillaient faiblement dans le ciel obscur, éclairant à peine la salle vide où Marcus se tenait. Ses yeux sombres étaient emplis de tristesse alors qu'il laissait ses pensées l'envahir, se souvenant de chaque moment précieux passé avec Didyme. Leur amour était pur, puissant et indestructible, mais la mort avait séparé leurs âmes pour l'éternité.
Marcus prit une plume et un parchemin, laissant les mots avec une tristesse profonde. Les vers se formèrent comme des larmes sur le papier, exprimant son amour éternel pour Didyme, sa douleur insurmontable devant sa perte.
"Ma chère Didyme, mon âme sœur,
Ton absence est un fardeau lourd à porter.
Chaque jour, chaque heure, chaque seconde sans toi
Me rappelle à quel point notre amour était vrai.
Les échos de ta voix résonnent dans le vide,
La douceur de ton sourire hante mes nuits.
Ton amour était ma force, ma lumière,
Maintenant, je suis perdu sans toi, ma bien-aimée.
Les étoiles pâlissaient en comparaison de ta beauté,
Mon cœur est brisé, mes espoirs envolés,
Car tu es partie et je suis condamné.
Ma chère Didyme, je t'aime,
Et je te chérirai à jamais.
Un jour prochain, je te rejoindrai.
Et nous serons un, pour toute l'éternité.
Ton Marcus."
Des larmes qui ne pourraient jamais tomber perlaient dans les yeux de Marcus alors qu'il contemplait le poème qu'il venait de composer. Son amour pour Didyme était immortel, tout comme leur lien indéfectible.
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