#Leroy Carter Jr.
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Leroy Carter Jr. - Killed by Satanists?
On Sunday February 8, 1981 police were summoned to Golden Gate Park after a headless body was discovered wrapped in a sleeping bag. After searching police were unable to locate the missing head but did locate some strange items: a chicken wing and 2 kernels of corn we're stuffed into the neck stump and a slaughtered chicken was found about 50 yards from the body. Fingerprints identified the victim as LeRoy Carter Jr.
Mystified the police turned to Sandi Gallant. Gallant had become interested in cults, brainwashing, and alternative religions after her involvement in the aftermath of The People's Temple. With the help of a Santeria expert Gallant theorized that Carter's head had been taken to make a ritualistic brew that involved using parts of the brain, and maybe ears and eyes. After 42 days the brew would be complete and the head would be returned near where Carter's body had been left as a sacred way of returning the head.
Unfortunately but understandably, not even Gallant fully believed this theory and nobody was in the park on the 42nd day to do surveillance. The head was however returned to the park on that day and the killer was never caught.
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jpbjazz · 2 months
‘’Pepper was the embodiment of the West Coast "cool" style. He's very individual. You can hear it. You know it. Art was a very lyrical player. Especially at a time when most of the alto players were in a Charlie Parker bag, Art had a distinct style of his own."
- Shelly Manne
Né le 1er septembre 1925 à Gardena, en Californie, Arthur Edward Pepper Jr. était le fils d’Arthur Pepper Sr., un machiniste qui était devenu plus tard matelot de la marine marchande, et de Mildred Bartold. Pepper avait eu une enfance difficile, car ses parents étaient alcooliques et faisaient souvent preuve de violence.
Ses deux parents étant alcooliques, Pepper avait été élevé par sa grand-mère paternelle.
Pepper, qui avait grandi dans un environnement musical (le cousin de sa mère, Gabriel Bartold, était un prodige de la trompette), avait commencé à jouer de la clarinette à l’âge de neuf ans. Son premier professeur était Leroy Parry. Pepper était passé au saxophone alto trois ans plus tard. Plus jeune, le père de Pepper l’emmenait souvent dans des boîtes de nuit où il lui faisait jouer de la clarinette afin d’impressionner les clients, ce qui lui permettait de se faire un peu d’argent de poche.
Lorsque Pepper avait commencé à s’intéresser au jazz, ses idoles étaient Benny Goodman et Artie Shaw. Il appréciait aussi l’orchestre de Jimmy Lunceford, et plus particulièrement le saxophoniste alto Willie Smith. Le cornettiste Mugsy Spanier était un autre de ses préférés.
Au cours de son adolescence, Pepper avait été particulièrement influencé par d’autres saxophonistes comme Benny Carter, Charlie Parker, Lester Young et Lee Konitz. Pepper considérait Lester Young comme « le plus fantastique saxophoniste de tous les temps — égalé beaucoup plus tard par le seul John Coltrane.’’ Il avait ajouté: ‘’Il était meilleur que Charlie Parker, à mon humble avis. ».
Même si Pepper n’avait pas tellement apprécié Parker au début, il était revenu sur sa position par la suite. Pepper avait déclaré: « J’avais découvert Parker et je n’avais pas aimé. Ça me semblait trop rude […] Bird avait une bonne oreille pour les transpositions, un grand sens du blues et c’était un grand technicien. Il pouvait jouer très vite, et ses lignes étaient magnifiques. Tout était pensé chez lui ; tout avait un sens. Je n’ai jamais aimé ce son, mais, c’est une affaire de goût personnel […] Maintenant, quand je réécoute, j’aime tout. C’était un génie. »
Pepper avait aussi une admiration sans bornes pour John Coltrane. Pepper écrivait dans son autobiographie: « Mais alors, quand j’ai entendu Coltrane ! A la fin des années cinquante, j’ai entendu Coltrane avec Miles Davis, sur le disque Kind of Blue. Il y avait tout ce que l’on pouvait imaginer : plus de notes que Bird, un jeu plus complexe, et j’en aimais le son. Tout ce qu’il jouait se tenait, avait un sens pour moi. Il me touchait. C’est le seul type qui m’ait un jour fait dire : « Je donnerais mon bras droit pour jouer comme ça ! ». Pepper admirait aussi Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Ray Brown, Paul Cambers, Philly Joe Jones, Zoot Sims, Gil Evans et Gerry Mulligan. Quant à Stan Getz, il trouvait sa musique trop ‘’glaciale.’’
A l’âge de quatorze ans, Pepper avait joué du saxophone alto avec le groupe de son high school dans le cadre de soirées de danse. Un an plus tard, il avait commencé à improviser sur Central Avenue, le principal quartier de couleur de Los Angeles où on retrouvait de nombreuses boîtes de nuit. À l’époque, Central Avenue était pour Los Angeles une sorte d’équivalent de la 52e rue pour la ville de New York. UNE CARRIÈRE PROMETTEUSE
Pepper, qui avait appris principalement la musique en autodidacte, avait seize ans lorsqu’il avait commencé à se produire au Ritz et l’Alabam, deux clubs de Los Angeles, tout en poursuivant parallèlement ses études. Au Ritz et à l’Alabam, Pepper avait commencé à improviser avec des musiciens comme Louis Armstrong, Roy Aldridge, Jimmy Blanton, Johnny Hodges, Coleman Hawkins, Ben Webster et Dexter Gordon. Impressionné par le talent de Pepper, Gordon l’avait présent au batteur Lee Young, le frère de Lester Young. Young était vite devenu une sorte de mentor pour Pepper, et l’avait présenté au légendaire saxophoniste Benny Carter. À l’époque, Pepper a seulement dix-sept ans.
Dans son autobiographie, Pepper racontait son séjour dans l’orchestre de Carter:
"I had never played much lead alto, so with Benny I played second alto, he played lead, but in my book I had two parts written in most of the arrangements and sometimes, if there wasn't a large audience, Benny would just get off the stand and let me play his parts. I'd get all his solos. I learned that way how to play lead in a four-man saxophone section. And I learned a lot following Benny, listening to his solos, what he played against the background."
Carter étant sur le point de partir en tournée dans les États du Sud, il avait jugé préférable de ne pas exposer le jeune Pepper à une autmosphère de confrontation raciale, d’autant plus que son orchestre était uniquement composé de musiciens de couleur. Carter avait donc décidé de lui faire passer une audition avec l’orchestre de Stan Kenton. Ce dernier avait tellement été impressionné par le talent de Pepper qu’il l’avait aussitôt engagé comme premier saxophoniste alto.
Après avoir écouté les arrangements complexes de Kenton, Pepper n’avait pas tardé à se rendre compte qu’il avait besoin d’en apprendre davantage sur la théorie musicale afin d’exécuter plus efficacement ses solos. C’est le saxophoniste ténor de Kenton, Red Dorris, qui était venu à la rescousse de Pepper.
Après avoir entendu le jeune Pepper jouer pour la première fois, le guitariste Johnny Martizia avait déclaré: ’’Quel son splendide ! […] Je n’en croyais pas mes yeux. ». À l’époque, Pepper avait aussi commencé à partager la scène avec de grosses pointures comme Coleman Hawkins, T-Bone Walker, Dexter Gordon, Charles Mingus, Slick Jones, Art Tatum, Ben Webster, Johnny Hodges, Roy Eldridge et même son idole Lester Young.
Pepper s’était joint par la suite au grand orchestre de Stan Kenton, avec qui il était parti en tournée jusqu’à sa mobilisation en 1943. C’est aussi avec Kenton que Pepper avait fait son premier enregistrement la même année.
Peu après son 18e anniversaire de naissance, Pepper avait reçu son avis de mobilisation. Il a été enrôlé en février 1944. À l’époque, Pepper venait tout juste d’épouser son amie de coeur de seize ans, Patti Moore. Avant que Pepper n’ait eu le temps de partir outre-mer, Patti avait donné naissance à une fille, Patricia Ellen, qui était née le 5 janvier 1945.
Après avoir passé quelques mois en Angleterre, Pepper avait été affecté à la police militaire comme sergent de la garde chargée de la surveillance de Malborough Street Jail à Londres. Durant son séjour à Londres, Pepper avait aussi eu l’occasion de jouer à l’Adelphi Theater, ce qui lui avait permis de rencontrer les meilleurs musiciens de jazz britanniques comme George Shearing et Victor Feldman. Il avait également joué en concert avec le groupe de Ted Heath.
Après la guerre, Pepper était retourné à Los Angeles. En 1947, Pepper s’était joint à un autre groupe dirigé par Kenton, le Kenton Innovations Orchestra, avec lequel il était demeuré jusqu’à la fin de 1951 avant de former son propre groupe. À l’époque, l’orchestre de Kenton comprenait plusieurs grands musiciens de jazz comme les trompettistes Maynard Ferguson et Shorty Rogers, les joueurs de trombone Kai Winding et Milt Bernhart, les saxophonistes Bob Cooper et Bud Shank, ainsi que le batteur Shelly Manne.
Au cours de cette période, Pepper avait également joué avec Zoot Sims, Chet Baker (avec qui il avait enregistré deux albums à succès) et Stan Getz.
Pepper avait quitté l’orchestre de Kenton à la fin de 1951, car il en avait assez des tournées incessantes.
Dans les années 1950, Pepper était reconnu comme un des meilleurs saxophonistes alto du jazz. Il s’était d’ailleurs classé immédiatement derrière Charlie Parker comme meilleur saxophoniste lors d’un sondage des lecteurs du magazine Down Beat en 1952. Avec Chet Baker, Gerry Mulligan et Shelly Manne, Pepper avait souvent été associé au jazz de la Côte ouest, par opposition au jazz de la Côte est qui mettait en vedette Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie et Miles Davis, même si au niveau du style, il était davantage apparenté à ces derniers.
Musicien très lyrique et très mélodique, Pepper avait souvent été comparé à des saxophonistes alto comme Lee Konitz et Paul Desmond. Comme l’affirmait le batteur Shelly Manne, ‘’Pepper was the embodiment of the West Coast "cool" style. He's very individual. You can hear it. You know it. Art was a very lyrical player. Especially at a time when most of the alto players were in a Charlie Parker bag, Art had a distinct style of his own." Un autre ancien membre de l’orchestre de Stan Kenton, le saxophoniste ténor Bob Cooper précisait: "I always felt that Art's major influence was Lester Young; that came out more clearly when I heard him playing tenor a few times... And to transfer that beautiful sound to the alto!... I think his sound wasby far the best alto sound at the time."
Au début de 1952, Pepper avait formé un premier groupe avec le contrebassiste Joe Mondragon, le batteur et vibraphoniste Larry Bunker et le pianiste Hampton Hawes. Au cours de cette période, il avait aussi travaillé avec les batteurs Bud Rich et Shelly Manne. C’est aussi en 1952 que Pepper avait réalisé ses premiers enregistrements sous son nom. Il a aussi enregistré avec d’autres anciens membres de l’orchestre de Kenton comme Shorty Rogers et Shelly Manne. Pepper avait signé un contrat avec les disques Contemporary en 1957.
PROBLÈMES DE CONSOMMATION Pepper avait connu une adolescence plutôt turbulente. Abandonné à lui-même, il avait commencé à courir les rues, à se battre, à boire et à consommer une série de drogues douces. Il faisait aussi souvent l’école buissonnière.
Dans les années 1940, Pepper avait développé une dépendance envers l’héroïne, ce qui lui avait mérité plusieurs peines d’emprisonnement. Après son arrestation pour possession d’héroïne en 1953, Pepper avait été enfermé durant quinze mois au Fort Worth U.S. Public Health Service Hospital. Un malheur arrivant rarement seul, sa femme Patti en avait profité pour divorcer et se remarier.
Pepper était de nouveau retourné vers ses anciens démons après sa libération en mai 1954. Arrêté en décembre, il avait été envoyé à la prison du comté de Los Angeles, puis à Terminal Island, où il avait passé environ un an. Au milieu de l’année 1960, Pepper avait purgé une peine de prison de quatre-vingt-dix jours, avant d’être envoyé à San Quentin et à Tehachapi où il avait été enfermé durant quatre ans et demi. Trois mois après sa libération, Pepper avait échoué un test de drogue, ce qui lui avait valu six mois de détention au Chino Institute for Men. Libéré sur parole, Pepper avait de nouveau été emprisonné à San Quentin après avoir enfreint ses conditions de libération. Il a été libéré en 1966.
Durant la période de son mariage avec Diane Suriago en 1957, Pepper éprouvait des difficultés à se trouver du travail et subvenait à ses besoins gràce à de menus emplois (il avait notamment travaillé dans une boulangerie). Il faut dire que Pepper n’avait guère aidé sa cause puisque Diane était elle-même toxicomane, tout comme plusieurs de ses autres liaisons féminines. Après sa libération de San Quentin en 1966, Pepper était sans le sou et n’avait même plus de saxophone pour jouer. Comme Pepper l’avait écrit dans les notes de pochette de son album ‘’Living Ledgend’’: ‘’I had switched to tenor for two reasons. Rock was in vogue, and only tenor players seemed to be working. But the major reason was that after all my years of playing, I had been influenced to the point of imitation by another musician, [tenor] John Coltrane. I felt what I wanted to say I could only say with the tenor." Après être retourné vers l’alto quelques années plus tard, Pepper avait finalement conclu qu’il n’existait pas d’instrument idéal.
Lors de son séjour à San Quentin dans les années 1960, Pepper avait joué dans un groupe qui comprenait le saxophoniste alto Frank Morgan. Sous les conseils de son père, Pepper avait tenté de casser sa dépendance en se faisant admettre dans un sanatorium. Il y avait un seul problème: après sa libération, Pepper avait rencontré un vendeur de drogues et il avait aussitôt replongé.
Malgré ses problèmes de consommation, Pepper avait énormément enregistré. En 1957, il avait enregistré un album intitulé ‘’Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section’’, qui mettait en vedette la section rythmique de Miles Davis composée de Philly Joe Jones, Paul Chambers et Red Garland. Trois ans plus tard, Pepper avait enregistré avec Wynton Kelly, Jimmy Cobb et Paul Chambers l’album ‘’Gettin’ Together’’, ainsi que l’album ‘’Intensity’’ avec le contrebassiste Jimmy Bond.
Étonnamment, la dépendance de Pepper envers les narcotiques n’avait jamais affecté la qualité de ses enregistrements et de ses performances, contrairement à un Charlie Parker, par exemple.
En 1968, Pepper avait reçu une invitation pour jouer avec le groupe de Buddy Rich. Il y avait seulement un problème: il avait mis son saxophone au clou. Don Menza, un des saxophones ténor de Rich, était allé chercher le saxophone de Pepper chez le prêteur sur gages, ce qui lui avait permis de faire son premier enregistrement en plus de sept ans. Malheureusement, Pepper était tombé malade et avait dû être hospitalisé à la suite de problèmes de rate. Après trois mois d’hospitalisation, Pepper était retourné brièvement avec le groupe de Rich comme troisième saxophone alto, sa santé ne lui permettant plus d’assumer le rôle de premier soliste.
Sa santé continuant de se détériorer, Pepper avait pris les grands moyens pour se débarrasser de sa dépendance et avait décidé de suivre une cure de désintoxication à Synanon, à Santa Monica, en Californie. Comme Pepper l’avait reconnu dans son autobiographie: « Je ne savais faire que ça : boire et me camer. ». C’est à Synanon que Pepper avait fait la connaissance de Laurie Miller, qui était devenue sa troisième épouse en 1974. Miller avait joué un rôle très positif dans la vie de Pepper et lui avait apporté plus de stabilité dans sa vie personnelle. C’est aussi grâce à Miller que Pepper, enfin débarrassé de ses anciens démons, avait pu reprendre avec succès sa carrière musicale.
Dans une entrevue, Pepper était revenu sur cette période troublée de sa vie en expliquant que celle-ci lui avait permis de mûrir, tant comme musicien que comme individu. Il précisait:
‘’The next period in my life, because of my addiction problem, was a terrible one. But I don't think I could have avoided it. I mean, I tried to stay out of it for a long time, knowing what it might do. I think that in my searching for something - for love, acceptance or whatever it is, to be a real man, to relate to my father, and all those things - going to prison was a help. It was part of my evolution, as a human being and as a musician.’’
Au cours de la même entrevue, Pepper avait aussi abordé sa rencontre cruciale avec Laurie. Il expliquait:
‘’We met in Synanon, the rehabilitation centre. (Laurie - It was in 1969). It was very strange. She had been to Westlake School of Music when I was there; she wanted to be a singer [...]. When we were both in Synanon, I was looking for a woman I could love. After you're there a certain length of time, you're allowed to search for a person to get into a relationship with. You find a girl, and then you go to your tribe leader, it's all in tribes, you see. (It's very complicated. It takes three chapters in the book to explain it.) You have to get permission, and make sure that she hasn't been in Synanon too much longer than you, and that she won't be a bad influence, and so forth. Then you can have a courtship and if everything works out all right, you can go on from there.’’
Après avoir entrepris une thérapie à la méthadone au milieu des années 1970, Pepper avait fait une tournée en Europe et au Japon avec ses propres formations. Il avait aussi enregistré plusieurs albums, principalement sur étiquette Galaxy, une filiale de Fantasy Records.
De 1968 à 1975, Pepper n’avait enregistré qu’un seul album. En 1975, il était retourné aux studios de Contemporary pour enregistrer une série d’albums qui lui avaient permis de connaître une véritable renaissance. Avant de reprendre ses enregistrements, Pepper avait reçu le soutien inestimable de Ken Yohe, le représentant des instruments de musique Buffet qui lui avait procuré un assortiment complet de saxophones et lui avait organisé des cliniques dans les collèges afin de l’aider à s’en sortir financièrement. Après avoir repris ses enregistrements, Pepper avait fait de nombreuses apparitions en concert et dans les clubs, principalement avec son propre quartet. En 1975, il avait également collaboré avec le big band expérimental du trompettiste Don Ellis, avec qui il avait fait plusieurs tournées aux États-Unis, en Europe et au Japon. Pepper avait aussi composé la trame sonore du film ‘’The Gauntlet’’ de Clint Eastwood en 1977.
Au cours des dernières années de sa vie, Pepper avait enregistré plusieurs albums, dont ‘’Winter Moon’’, réalisé avec un orchestre à cordes, un projet qu’il chérissait depuis longtemps. Il avait aussi enregistré un album live de trois disques intitulé ‘’Live At the Village Vanguard’’ (un quatrième disque fut publié après sa mort), ainsi que deux albums live enregistrés à Londres avec le pianiste Milcho Leviev, ‘’Blues for the Fisherman’’ et ‘’True Blues.’’
VIE PERSONNELLE Pepper avait publié son autobiographie en 1980. Intitulée ‘’Straight Life’’, L’ouvrage avait été écrit en collaboration avec sa troisième épouse, Laurie Pepper. Peu après la publication du livre, le réalisateur Don McGynn avait tourné un documentaire sur la vie de Pepper intitulé ‘’Art Pepper: Notes from a Jazz Survivor.’’ Le documentaire comprend des entretiens avec Pepper et son épouse Laurie, ainsi que des extraits d’un concert au Malibu Jazz Club.
Usé par des années de dépendance, Art Pepper s’est éteint à la suite d’une hémorragie cérébrale à Los Angeles le 15 juillet 1982. Il était âgé de seulement cinquante-six ans. Il a été inhumé au Forever Cemetery de l’Abbey of the Psalms Mausoleum, à Hollywood.
Après la mort de son mari, Laurie Pepper avait continué de gérer sa maison d’éditions, la Arthur Pepper Music Corporation, et de produire et de faire la promotion de sa musique. Laurie avait toujours été très impliquée dans la carrière de son mari. Elle était non seulement son épouse, mais aussi sa gérante, son agente et sa publiciste.
Connu principalement pour ses enregistrements avec l’orchestre de Stan Kenton, et surtout pour sa collaboration avec l’arrangeur Marty Paich, Pepper s’était également fait remarquer comme accompagnateur de Mel Tormé et d’autres chanteurs. Paich avait salué le sens du swing de Pepper en ces termes: "He had the notes, and he was swinging all the time. That's very important.... Art always swung. And he played all the instruments... exactly the same. He put them in his mouth and it was Art Pepper."
Bien qu’il ait surtout joué du saxophone alto, Pepper jouait aussi de la clarinette et du saxophone ténor à l’occasion. Sous l’influence de John Coltrane, Pepper avait incorporé des éléments de jazz modal à sa musique dans les années 1960.
Pepper s’était marié à trois occasions. Il avait d’abord épousé Patricia (Patti) Madeleine Moore en 1943, avant d’unir ses destinées à Diane Suriago en 1957. Pepper s’était marié une dernière fois avec Laurie La Pan Miller en 1974. Pepper avait eu un seul enfant, une fille nommée Patricia Ellen qui était née de son mariage avec Moore.
Préoccupé par le racisme et la discrimination raciale, Pepper avait écrit dans son autobiographie: ‘’Le soir, à la fin du boulot, je sortais héler un taxi. Freddie [le trompettiste noir Freddie Webster] se cachait. Quand j’ouvrais la portière, Freddie se précipitait dans la voiture : sinon, personne n’aurait voulu prendre un Noir. Je craignais toujours que le taxi ne fasse une réflexion et que Freddie le descende. » Mais le racisme n’était pas toujours à sens unique. Les relations n’étaient pas toujours harmonieuses entre les musiciens blancs et les musiciens noirs. Certains musiciens de couleur étaient d’avis que les blancs ne savaient pas jouer du jazz, qu’ils considéraient comme une sorte de chasse-gardée. Pepper lui-même avait été victime de ce genre de préjugés à de nombreuses reprises.
Pepper a également raconté dans son autobiographie un événement qui s’était produit lors de son séjour dans l’armée. À Durham, en Caroline du Nord, Pepper voulait assister à un concert de Benny Carter, mais il n’était pas parvenu à obtenir une place au parterre car son accès était réservé aux Noirs. Après avoir accepté bien malgré lui d’être relégué dans les loges, Pepper avait tenté de redescendre et de se rendre près de la scène. C’est alors qu’il était passé à un cheveu de se faire lyncher par les spectateurs noirs en colère.
Véritable virtuose, Pepper disposait d’une technique impressionnante et d’un grand sens du jazz. Pepper, qui avait toujours l’air de jouer sans effort, avait souvent nié pratiquer de longues heures, mais des témoignages de ses confrères musiciens laissaient croire le contraire. Un de ses amis musiciens, Alan Dean, avait raconté que lors d’un séjour en Angleterre pendant la guerre, Pepper pratiquait durant des heures avant de s’endormir. Pepper avait aussi rappelé dans son autobiographie un épisode qui s’était produit durant son emprisonnement à Fort Worth. Il expliquait: "I'd go to the band room in the morning, sweep the floor, clean the place, and make sure everything was locked up, and then I'd get out my horn. I'd close the door in this little room and just sit there and practice. I did that every day... and I really got down with music."
Pepper avait influencé plusieurs musiciens de jazz au cours de sa carrière. Benny Carter, qui avait été un des premiers à lui donner sa chance, avait dit de lui: « Le talent d’Art, la qualité du son, sa conception du rôle de premier saxophone, ses idées, tout m’impressionnait chez lui. » Quant au pianiste, arrangeur et chef d’orchestre Marty Paich, il avait déclaré: « Quand j’ai fait connaissance d’Art, c’était le plus grand saxophoniste que j’aie entendu. Bien au-dessus de tous les autres. Je trouvais incroyable qu’on puisse jouer aussi merveilleusement […] Pour moi, la west coast, c’était Art et son style mélodique, très différent du style new-yorkais, plus dur […] Il avait tant de classe. A son arrivée, les gens se calmaient ; quand il jouait, il dégageait une telle autorité ! La salle ne se dressait que pour lui quand nous jouions ensemble.» Le critique de jazz Scott Yanow considérait également Pepper comme le meilleur saxophoniste alto au monde.
Art Pepper avait reçu plusieurs distinctions au cours de sa carrière. Élu au deuxième rang des meilleurs saxophonistes alto par les lecteurs du magazine Down Beat en 1952, il avait été couronné meilleur saxophoniste alto par les critiques du même magazine en 1957, 1977 et 1980. En 1980, le magazine Swing Journal avait décerné à Pepper le prix de l’album de l’année pour son disque ‘’One September Afternoon’’, paru sur étiquette Galaxy.
C-2023-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
An urgent phone call pulls a Yale Law student back to his Ohio hometown, where he reflects on three generations of family history and his own future. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: J.D. Vance: Gabriel Basso Beverly “Bev” Vance: Amy Adams Bonnie “Mamaw” Vance: Glenn Close Lindsay Vance: Haley Bennett Usha Chilukuri: Freida Pinto Papaw: Bo Hopkins Young J.D. Vance: Owen Asztalos Matt: Jesse C. Boyd Phillip Roseman: Stephen Kunken Ken: Keong Sim Travis: Morgan Gao Chris: Ethan Suess Kevin: Jono Mitchell Uncle Pat: Bill Kelly Uncle Arch: David Dwyer Lori: Sarah Hudson Jimmy (Bev’s Brother): Ted Huckabee Bill (Nurse): Nathan Hesse Cousin Nate: Max Barrow Bonnie (Mamaw, 30’s): Sunny Mabrey Jim (Papaw, 30’s): Brett Lorenzini Young Bev (6 years): Tierney Smith Cheryl: Helen LeRoy Emma: Kinsley Isla Dillon Adult Frank McFee: Ryan Homchick Chip: Joshua Stenvick Brooks Houghton: Bill Winkler Brett: Chase Anderson Pamela: Amy Parrish Rich: Ed Amatrudo Hiram Walcott: David de Vries Cocktailer #1: Holly Morris Cocktailer #2: Brandon Hirsch Server: David Alexander Obsequious Server: Alexander Baxter Waiter: Steven Reddington Wiry Law Partner: Angelo Reyes Stodgy Partner: John Rymer Young Bonnie (Mamaw 13 Years): Abigail Rose Cornell Adult Louis Zablocki: Lowrey Brown Young J.D. (4 years): Hunter James Evers Dane: Riley McNerney Pool Woman: Zele Avradopoulos Mr. Selby: David Jensen Holler Aunt: Skylar Denney Young Louis: John Whitley Doug: Zac Pullam Young Frank: Shane Donovan Lewis Officer #1: Mike Senior Officer #2: William Mark McCullough Kameron: Dylan Gage Katrina: Hannah Pniewski Doctor: David Marshall Silverman Dr. Newton: Jason Davis Davis: Joshua Brady Nasty Cashier: Cory Chapman Nurse: Tatom Pender Patient: Cathy Hope Ray: David Atkinson Salesperson: Adam Murray Scared Woman: Dianna Craig Meghan: Emery Mae Edgeman Young Jim (Papaw 16 Years): Rohan Myers Meals On Wheels Delivery Man: Matthew Alan Brady Young Lori (6 years): Lucy Capri Sally Coates: Déjá Dee Kyle: Daniel R. Hill Arguing Girlfriend: Jordan Trovillion Secretary at Club: Yossie Mulyadi ICU Nurse #1: Alisa Harris ICU Nurse #2: Tiger Dawn Rehab Mother: Darla Robinson Rehab Recepcionist: Belinda Keller Old Mamaw Blanton: Jessie Faye Shirley Nurse Vivian: Cheryl Howard Law Candidate Tim: Tim Abou-Nasr Curt: Leland Thomas Griffin Officer Connor: Drew Emerson Jones EMT #1: Justin P. Turner EMT #2: Joshua T. Schneider Marine Barber: Tony Ward Dining Hall Manager: Mara Hall Jill at Financial Aid Office: Tess Malis Kincaid Gas Station Attendant: Chris Charm Intake Receptionist: Mary Kraft Shoe Store Manager: Suehyla El-Attar Study Hall Friend #1: Matthew Withers Study Hall Friend #2: Jessica Miesel Study Hall Friend #3: Benjamin Rapsas Peter (uncredited): Ethan Levy Middletown Resident (uncredited): Bret Aaron Knower Film Crew: Original Music Composer: Hans Zimmer Producer: Brian Grazer Producer: Ron Howard Post Producer: William M. Connor Executive Producer: Diana Pokorny Production Design: Molly Hughes Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Robert Hein Director of Photography: Maryse Alberti Casting: Carmen Cuba Producer: Karen Lunder Stunt Coordinator: Monique Ganderton Writer: Vanessa Taylor Compositing Artist: Daniel L. Smith Camera Operator: Thomas Lappin Compositing Artist: Michael A. Martinez Supervising Art Director: Gregory A. Weimerskirch Costume Designer: Virginia B. Johnson Set Costumer: Bob Moore Jr. Makeup Department Head: Eryn Krueger Mekash Foley Artist: Heikki Kossi Art Direction: Shawn D. Bronson Rigging Grip: Gary Blair Makeup Artist: Erica Stewart Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Josh Berger Compositing Artist: Steve Dinozzi VFX Artist: Bryan Haines Visual Effects Producer: Chris LeDoux Original Music Composer: David Fleming Set Dresser: Aaron Robert Hall Assistant Art Director: Chris Yoo Costume Supervisor: Dana Pacheco Sound Designer: Grant Elder Makeup Artist: Jodi Byrne Set Costumer: Robin Fields Compositing Artist: Brad Lucas Set Dresser: Sam Carter Makeup Artist: Andrea Vieth Set Dresser: Maxfield Ladish Set Dresser: Natalie LeCompte Rigging ...
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Dr. Uzee Brown, Jr. (born June 13, 1950) opera singer, composer, and librettist was born in Cowpens, South Carolina to Alline Gaffney Brown and Uzee Brown, Sr. He graduated from Morehouse College with a BA in Music, he became a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He performed the role of Parson Alltalk in Treemonisha with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. He moved to Austria, to study music at Kunstuniversität Graz and the Università di Siena. He was a soloist at the inauguration of President James Carter Jr.
He earned the MM in Composition from Bowling Green State University and the MM and Ph.D. in Performance from the University of Michigan.
He composed the musical prologue for School Daze. He was co-founder and chairman of the Board of Directors of Onyx Opera Atlanta.
He was elected to the Board of Trustees at Morehouse College and was nominated for the Audelco Award in Black Theater as “Outstanding Musical Director and Arranger” of the off-Broadway musical play Zion. He was the president of the National Association of Negro Musicians. He guided and completed the research of the Documentary History of the National Association of Negro Musicians by the Center for Black Music Research.
His arrangement of the Negro Spiritual, “We Shall Overcome,” was produced for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra’s Martin Luther King Jr. tribute. His cantata, Women of the Fire, was premiered at New York’s Lincoln Center. He performed the role of Frazier in the Atlanta Opera’s production of George Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess. He performed the same role in France, Luxembourg, and Spain. At the South Carolina General Assembly, 121st Session, members of the South Carolina House of Representatives took legislative action to honor him for his outstanding lifetime accomplishments as a native of the state.
His “Triumphal March of Heritage,” a composition for organ, was performed as the postlude in 2021 at the 155th Session of the North Georgia Annual Conference of A Bell Tolls” at the United Methodist Church. It had been commissioned to celebrate the inauguration of Leroy Keith, Morehouse College’s eighth president. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha
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bruceshideout · 6 years
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Found one of my old comics with me as the host somewhere deep in the vault....alas there is no more comic book these days...BUT I’M BACK! 
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unknown-songs · 4 years
A list with black artists who have a song in the Unknown Songs That Should Be Known-playlist (Can be a black artist in a band or just solo-artist) (no specific genre)
Bull’s Eye - Blacknuss, Prince Prime - Funk Aftershow - Joe Fox - Alternative Hip-hop Strangers in the Night - Ben L’Oncle Soul - Soul Explore - Mack Wilds - R&B Something To Do - IGBO - Funk
Down With The Trumpets - Rizzle Kicks - Pop Dans ta ville - Dub Inc. - Reggae Dance or Die - Brooklyn Funk Essentials - Funk FACELESS - The PLAYlist, Glenn Lewis - R&B Tell Me Father - Jeangu Macrooy - Soul
Southern Boy - John The Conquerer - Blues Hard Rock Savannah Grass - Kes - Dancehall Dr. Funk - The Main Squeeze - Funk Seems I’m Never Tired of Loving You - Lizz Wright - Jazz Out of My Hands - TheColorGrey, Oddisee - Hip-Hop/Pop
Raised Up in Arkansas - Michael Burks - Blues Black Times - Sean Kuti, Egypt 80, Carlos Santana - Afrobeat Cornerstone - Benjamin Clementine - Indie Shine On - R.I.O., Madcon - Electronic Pop Bass On The Line - Bernie Worrell - Funk
When We Love - Jhené Aiko - R&B Need Your Love - Curtis Harding - Soul Too Dry to Cry - Willis Earl Beal - Folk Your House - Steel Pulse - Reggae Power - Moon Boots, Black Gatsby - Deep House
Vinyl Is My Bible - Brother Strut - Funk Diamond - Izzy Biu - R&B Elusive - blackwave., David Ngyah - Hip-hop Don’t Ever Let Nobody Drag Your Spirit Down - Heritage Blues Orchestra - Blues Sastanàqqàm - Tinariwen - Psychedelic Rock
Disco To Go - Brides of Funkenstein - Funk/Soul Circles - Durand Jones & The Indications - Retro Pop Cheesin’ - Cautious Clay, Remi Wolf, sophie meiers - R&B Changes - Charles Bradley - Soul The Sweetest Sin - RAEVE - House
Gyae Su - Pat Thomas, Kwashibu Area Band - Funk What Am I to Do - Ezra Collective, Loyle Carner - Hip-hop Get Your Groove On - Cedric Burnside - Blues Old Enough To Know Better - Steffen Morrisson - Soul Wassiye - Habib Koité - Khassonke musique
Dance Floor - Zapp - Funk Wake Up - Brass Against, Sophia Urista - Brass Hard-Rock BIG LOVE - Black Eyed Peas - Pop The Greatest - Raleigh Ritchie - R&B DYSFUNCTIONAL - KAYTRANADA, VanJess - Soul
See You Leave - RJD2, STS, Khari Mateen - Hip-hop Sing A Simple Song - Maceo Parker - Jazz/Funk Have Mercy - Eryn Allen Kane - Soul Homenage - Brownout - Latin Funk Can’t Sleep - Gary Clark Jr. - Blues Rock
Toast - Koffee - Dancehall Freedom - Ester Dean - R&B Iskaba - Wande Coal, DJ Tunez - Afropop High Road - Anthony Riley - Alternative Christian Sunny Days - Sabrina Starke - Soul
The Talking Fish - Ibibio Sound Machine - Funk Paralyzed - KWAYE - Indie Purple Heart Blvd - Sebastian Kole - Pop WORSHIP - The Knocks, MNEK - Deep House BMO - Ari Lennox - R&B
Promises - Myles Sanko - Soul .img - Brother Theodore - Funk Singing the Blues - Ruthie Foster, Meshell Ndegeocello - Blues Nobody Like You - Amartey, SBMG, The Livingtons - Hip-hop Starship - Afriquoi, Shabaka Hutchings, Moussa Dembele - Deep House
Lay My Troubles Down - Aaron Taylor - Funk  Bloodstream - Tokio Myers - Classic Sticky - Ravyn Lenae - R&B Why I Try - Jalen N’Gonda - Soul Motivation - Benjamin Booker - Folk
quand c’est - Stromae - Pop Let Me Down (Shy FX Remix) - Jorja Smith, Stormzy, SHY FX - Reggae Funny - Gerald Levert - R&B Salt in my Wounds - Shemekia Copeland - Blues Our Love - Samm Henshaw - Soul
Make You Feel That Way - Blackalicious - Jazz Hip-hop Knock Me Out - Vintage Trouble - Funk Take the Time - Ronald Bruner, Jr., Thundercat - Alternative Thru The Night - Phonte, Eric Roberson - R&B Keep Marchin’ - Raphael Saadiq - Soul
Shake Me In Your Arms - Taj Mahal, Keb’ Mo’ - Blues Meet Me In The Middle - Jodie Abascus - Pop Raise Hell - Sir the Baptist, ChurchPpl - Gospel Pop Mogoya - Oumou Sangaré - Wassoulou Where’s Yesterday - Slakah The Beatchild - Hip-hop
Lose My Cool - Amber Mark - R&B New Funk - Big Sam’s Funky Nation - Funk I Got Love - Nate Dogg - Hip-hop Nothing’s Real But Love - Rebecca Ferguson - Soul Crazy Race - The RH Factor - Jazz
Spies Are Watching Me - Voilaaa, Sir Jean - Funk The Leaders - Boka de Banjul - Afrobeat Fast Lane - Rationale - House Conundrum - Hak Baker - Folk Don’t Make It Harder On Me - Chloe x Halle - R&B
Plastic Hamburgers - Fantastic Negrito - Hardrock Beyond - Leon Bridges - Pop God Knows - Dornik - Soul Soleil de volt - Baloji - Afrofunk Do You Remember - Darryl Williams, Michael Lington - Jazz Get Back - McClenney - Alternative Three Words - Aaron Marcellus - Soul
Spotify playlist 
In memory of:
Aaron Bailey Adam Addie Mae Collins Ahmaud Arbery Aiyana Stanley Jones Akai Gurley Alberta Odell Jones Alexia Christian Alfonso Ferguson Alteria Woods Alton Sterling Amadou Diallo Amos Miller Anarcha Westcott Anton de Kom Anthony Hill Antonio Martin Antronie Scott Antwon Rose Jr. Arthur St. Clair Atatiana Jefferson Aubrey Pollard Aura Rosser Bennie Simons Berry Washington Bert Dennis Bettie Jones Betsey Billy Ray Davis Bobby Russ Botham Jean Brandon Jones Breffu Brendon Glenn Breonna Taylor Bud Johnson Bussa
Calin Roquemore Calvin McDowell Calvin Mike and his family Carl Cooper Carlos Carson Carlotta Lucumi Carol Denise McNair Carol Jenkins Carole Robertson Charles Curry Charles Ferguson Charles Lewis Charles Wright Charly Leundeu Keunang Chime Riley Christian Taylor Christopher Sheels Claude Neal Clementa Pickney Clifford Glover Clifton Walker Clinton Briggs Clinton R. Allen Cordella Stevenson Corey Carter Corey Jones Cynthia Marie Graham Hurd Cynthia Wesley
Daniel L. Simmons Danny Bryant Darius Randell Robinson Darius Tarver Darrien Hunt Darrius Stewart David Felix David Joseph David McAtee David Walker and his family Deandre Brunston Deborah Danner Delano Herman Middleton Demarcus Semer Demetrius DuBose Depayne Middleton-Doctor Dion Johnson Dominique Clayton Dontre Hamilton Dred Scott
Edmund Scott Ejaz Choudry Elbert Williams Eleanor Bumpurs Elias Clayton Elijah McClain Eliza Woods Elizabeth Lawrence Elliot Brooks Ellis Hudson Elmer Jackson Elmore Bolling Emantic Fitzgerald Bradford Jr. Emmett Till Eric Garner Eric Harris Eric Reason Ernest Lacy Ernest Thomas Ervin Jones Eugene Rice Eugene Williams Ethel Lee Lance Ezell Ford
Felix Kumi Frank Livingston Frank Morris Frank Smart Frazier B. Baker Fred Hampton Fred Rochelle Fred Temple Freddie Carlos Gray Jr.
George Floyd George Grant George Junius Stinney Jr. George Meadows George Waddell George Washington Lee Gregory Gunn
Harriette Vyda Simms Moore Harry Tyson Moore Hazel “Hayes” Turner Henry Ezekial Smith Henry Lowery Henry Ruffin Henry Scott Hosea W. Allen
India Kager Isaac McGhie Isadore Banks Italia Marie Kelly
Jack Turner Jamar Clark Jamel Floyd James Byrd Jr. James Craig Anderson James Earl Chaney James Powell James Ramseur James Tolliver James T. Scott Janet Wilson Jason Harrison Javier Ambler J.C. Farmer Jemel Roberson Jerame Reid Jesse Thornton Jessie Jefferson Jim Eastman Joe Nathan Roberts John Cecil Jones John Crawford III John J. Gilbert John Ruffin John Taylor Johnny Robinson Jonathan Ferrell Jonathan Sanders Jordan Edwards Joseph Mann Julia Baker Julius Jones July Perry Junior Prosper
Kalief Browder Karvas Gamble Jr. Keith Childress, Jr. Kelly Gist Kelso Benjamin Cochrane Kendrick Johnson Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. Kenny Long Kevin Hicks Kevin Matthews Kiwane Albert Carrington
Lacy Mitchell Lamar Smith Laquan McDonald Laura Nelson Laura Wood L.B. Reed L.D. Nelson Lemuel Penn Lemuel Walters Leonard Deadwyler Leroy Foley Levi Harrington Lila Bella Carter Lloyd Clay Louis Allen Lucy
M.A. Santa Cruz Maceo Snipes Malcom X Malice Green Malissa Williams Manuel Ellis Marcus Deon Smith Marcus Foster Marielle Franco Mark Clark Maria Martin Lee Anderson Martin Luther King Jr. Matthew Avery Mary Dennis Mary Turner Matthew Ajibade May Noyes Mckenzie Adams Medgar Wiley Evers Michael Brown Michael Donald Michael Griffith Michael Lee Marshall Michael Lorenzo Dean Michael Noel Michael Sabbie Michael Stewart Michelle Cusseaux Miles Hall Moses Green Mya Hall Myra Thompson
Nathaniel Harris Pickett Jr. Natasha McKenna Nicey Brown Nicholas Heyward Jr.
O’Day Short family Orion Anderson Oscar Grant III Otis Newsom
Pamela Turner Paterson Brown Jr. Patrick Dorismond Philando Castile Phillip Pannell Phillip White Phinizee Summerour
Ramarley Graham Randy Nelson Raymond Couser Raymond Gunn Regis Korchinski-Paquet Rekia Boyd Renisha McBride Riah Milton Robert Hicks Robert Mallard Robert Truett Rodney King Roe Nathan Roberts Roger Malcolm and his wife Roger Owensby Jr. Ronell Foster Roy Cyril Brooks Rumain Brisbon Ryan Matthew Smith
Sam Carter Sam McFadden Samuel DuBose Samuel Ephesians Hammond Jr. Samuel Hammond Jr. Samuel Leamon Younge Jr. Sandra Bland Sean Bell Shali Tilson Sharonda Coleman-Singleton Shukri Abdi Simon Schuman Slab Pitts Stella Young Stephon Clark Susie Jackson
T.A. Allen Tamir Rice Tamla Horsford Tanisha Anderson Timothy Caughman Timothy Hood Timothy Russell Timothy Stansbury Jr. Timothy Thomas Terrence Crutcher Terrill Thomas Tom Jones Tom Moss Tony McDade Tony Terrell Robinson Jr. Trayvon Martin Troy Hodge Troy Robinson Tula Tyler Gerth Tyre King Tywanza Sanders
Victor Duffy Jr. Victor White III
Walter Lamar Scott Wayne Arnold Jones Wesley Thomas Wilbert Cohen Wilbur Bundley Will Brown Will Head Will Stanley Will Stewart Will Thompson Willie James Howard Willie Johnson Willie McCoy Willie Palmer Willie Turks William Brooks William Butler William Daniels William Fambro William Green William L. Chapman II William Miller William Pittman Wyatt Outlaw
Yusef Kirriem Hawkins
The victims of LaLaurie (1830s) The black victims of the Opelousas massacre (1868) The black victims of the Thibodaux massacre (1887) The black victims of the Wilmington insurrection (1898) The black victims of the Johnson-Jeffries riots (1910) The black victims of the Red summer (1919) The black victims of the Elaine massacre (1919) The black victims of the Ocoee massacre (1920) The victims of the MOVE bombing (1985)
All the people who died during the Atlantic slave trade, be it due to abuse or disease.
All the unnamed victims of mass-incarceration, who were put into jail without the committing of a crime and died while in jail or died after due to mental illness. 
All the unnamed victims of racial violence and discrimination. 
My apologies for all the people missing on this list. Feel free to add more names and stories. 
Listen, learn and read about discrimination, racism and black history: (feel free to add more)  Documentaries: 13th (Netflix) The Innocence Files (Netflix) Who Killed Malcolm X? (Netflix) Time: The Kalief Browder Story (Netflix) I Am Not Your Negro
YouTube videos: We Cannot Stay Silent about George Floyd Waarom ook Nederlanders de straat op gaan tegen racisme (Dutch) Wit is ook een kleur (Dutch) (documentaire)
Books: Biased by Jennifer Eberhardt Don’t Touch My Hair by Emma Dabiri Freedom Is A Constant Struggle by Angela Davis How To Be An Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo They Can’t Kill Us All by Wesley Lowery White Fragility by Robin Deangelo Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge Woman, Race and Class by Angela Davis
Websites: https://lynchinginamerica.eji.org/report/ https://museumandmemorial.eji.org/ https://archive.org/details/thirtyyearsoflyn00nati/page/n11/mode/2up https://lab.nos.nl/projects/slavernij/index-english.html https://blacklivesmatter.com/ https://www.zinnedproject.org/
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wutbju · 4 years
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So all the students -- 124, btw, not 88 -- who were at Bob Jones College in that first year are as follows:
Perry Bestor Allen from Crichton, Alabama
Ella Louise Buckner from Headland, Alabama
Henry Seymour Blocker from Sandusky, Ohio
Mary Evelyn Brannon from Headland, Alabama
I. D. Barton from Andalusia, Alabama
Olin Comer Cleveland from Hartwell, Georgia
John Andrew Cherry from Dothan, Alabama
Hilary Herbert Clements from Pinckard, Alabama
Henry Mallory Chandler from Grady, Alabama
Dorothy Maxine Ceruti from Millville, Florida
Virgil Miller Culpepper from Ensley, Alabama
Asa Lee Carter from Ramer, Alabama
Leonidas Littlebury Colley from Brundidge, Alabama
Nollie  Dykes from Ariton, Alabama
LeGare  Day from Abbeville, Alabama
Dorothy  Dowling from Enterprise, Alabama
Leonard LeRoy Dunlap from Meridian, Mississippi
Cecil Marvett Ellisor from Andalusia, Alabama
Bessie Ruby Enfinger from Skipperville, Alabama
Rawdon Lee Gallman from Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Samuel Willard Gates from Carrollton, Alabama
Johnnie  Goare from Slocomb, Alabama
Joseph Leon Goodin from Opp, Alabama
Henry Edward Grube from Mobile, Alabama
Ariana  Haymaker from Winona Lake, Indiana
Nellie Pauline Hallford from Slocomb, Alabama
Dorothy Vivian Harris from Valdosta, Georgia
John William Hightower from Brundidge, Alabama
Russell Clifford Hobbs from Lynn Haven , Florida
William Jennings Hughes from Brewton, Alabama
James Ottis Hays from Red Level, Alabama
Ottawa Grace Hall from Blountstown, Florida
Fannie Mae Holmes from Fort Deposit, Alabama
Bonclie  Howell from Hartford, Alabama
Evenly  Howell from Hartford, Alabama
Lonnie Coleman Henley from Ramer, Alabama
James Welborne Johnston from Panama City, Florida
Anna Louise Johnson from Lynn Haven , Florida
Frank Milner Jones from Daleville, Alabama
Isaac Godfrey King from Sneads, Florida
John Clifford Lewis from Red Level, Alabama
Marvin M. Larrimore from Dickinson, Alabama
Bertha Eloise Long from Clio, Alabama
Lillia V. Long from Clio, Alabama
Ruth  Mowbray from St. Andrews, Florida
Margaret  Massey from Luverne, Alabama
Kate  McMillan from Wausau, Florida
Minnie Eunice Monk from Lynn Haven , Florida
Matha Virginia Monk from Clio, Alabama
Ruth Doris Mahan from Montgomery, Alabama
Ruth Ellen Miller from Vernon, Florida
Frances Eudora Moseley from Sylacauga, Alabama
Homer  Napier from Dothan, Alabama
Laura Frances Porter from Sylacauga, Alabama
Frank Norris Pitts from Montgomery, Alabama
Graff  Parish from Dozier, Alabama
Jesse Lamar Price from Eufala, Alabama
Jesse Lee Riley from Enterprise, Alabama
Eugene Clower Smith from Port St. Joe, Florida
Randolph Aenon Sparks from Aucilla, Florida
Miriam Burnett Sellers from Slocomb, Alabama
Eva May Silent from Slocomb, Alabama
Robert Paul Stough from Dothan, Alabama
James Monroe Strickland from Dothan, Alabama
Illah May Smith from Olustee, Florida
Gladys Alma Trawick from Skipperville, Alabama
Bowers Shipp Sandusky from Marianna, Florida
Evelyn Avery Urquhart from Montgomery, Alabama
Virginia  Urquhart from Montgomery, Alabama
Alvine Herman Vanlandingham from Hartford, Alabama
Walter Bowden Venters from Chipley, Florida
Florrie Love Williams from Panama City, Florida
Ruby  Woodham from Slocomb, Alabama
Lynwood Henry Wilson from Crewe, Virginia
Hugh Emmette Wilson from Sweetwater, Alabama
John Wesley Wilson from Goodwater, Alabama
Daniel Cleveland Whitsett from Abbeville, Alabama
Anthony Hamilton Warner from Montgomery, Alabama
Paul Jennings Ward from Geneva, Alabama
Marguerite  Ward from Panama City, Florida
Bessie Lou Ward from Slocomb, Alabama
Alvin Lewis Walden from DeFuniak Springs, Florida
George J. Leslie Amos from Andalusia, Alabama
Olin B. Brooks from Birmingham, Alabama
Selden Temple Bristow from Lynn Haven , Florida
James Carl Bowden from Tennille, Alabama
I. Z. Bowden from Tennille, Alabama
Minnie Pearl Canterbury from Montgomery, Alabama
Oma Leonteen Cain from Panama City, Florida
Lucy Belle Canterbury from Panama City, Florida
Dora Lee Canterbury from Panama City, Florida
J. C. Dean from Ponce De Leon, Florida
Morrison Mosley Davis from McClenny, Florida
Charlie Herns Edenfield from Altha, Florida
Mildred  Edwards from Dothan, Alabama
Maries  Edwards from Dothan, Alabama
Annalee  Folks from Panama City, Florida
Pat  Hall from Thomasville, Alabama
Frances Catherine Glover from Panama City, Florida
James Lafayette Houston from Comer, Alabama
Steadman Eugene Hobbs from Panama City, Florida
Mrs. W. J. Hughes from Hartford, Alabama
Max Darby Jones from Port St. Joe, Florida
Bob Jr. Jones from College Point, Florida
James Walter Kelly from Slocomb, Alabama
Annie Louise Lee from Panama City, Florida
Lenna Elizabeth Leonard from Lynn Haven , Florida
Andrew Paul McKenzie from Panama City, Florida
Minnie Lois Mayers from Panama City, Florida
William Leonard Peters from St. Petersburg, Florida
William Hubbard Reynolds from Montgomery, Alabama
Gaston  Robinson from Clanton, Alabama
Helen Kathryn Sims from Panama City, Florida
Howard William Sapp from Panama City, Florida
Martha Jane Surber from St. Andrews, Florida
Rea  Steele from Panama City, Florida
Herbert Patton Sapp from Panama City, Florida
Minnie Beatrice Seay from Bartow, Florida
Mabel  Thompson from St. Andrews, Florida
Graves Sim Urquhart from Montgomery, Alabama
Marion Kenneth Vickery from Flomaton, Alabama
Mike Litton Whaley from Ozark, Alabama
Edward Meredith Wilson from Goldwater, Alabama
Alcus Addis Walden from DeFuniak Springs, Florida
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blackkudos · 4 years
Ben Webster
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Benjamin Francis Webster (March 27, 1909 – September 20, 1973) was an American jazz tenor saxophonist. He is considered one of the three most important "swing tenors" along with Coleman Hawkins and Lester Young. Known affectionately as "The Brute" or "Frog", he had a tough, raspy, and brutal tone on stomps (with growls), yet on ballads he played with warmth and sentiment. He was indebted to alto saxophonist Johnny Hodges, who, he said, taught him to play his instrument.
Early life and career
Born in Kansas City, Missouri, United States, he studied violin in elementary and taught himself piano with the help of his neighbor Pete Johnson, who taught him the blues. In 1927-1928 he played for silent movies in Kansas City and in Amarillo, Texas.
Once Budd Johnson showed him some basics on the saxophone, Webster began to focus on that instrument, playing in the Young Family Band (which at the time included Lester Young), although he did return to the piano from time to time, even recording on the instrument occasionally.
In his first biography (‘Ben Webster / In A mellow Tone’, Van Gennep/The Netherlands, 1992, published as ‘Ben Webster / His Life and Music’ with Berkeley Hills Books/USA in 2001), author Jeroen de Valk (assisted by Ben’s cousin Harley W. Robinson) traces back his ancestry to his great-great grandmother, a woman from Guinea who reportedly was brought to America as a slave in the early 19th century. Her son managed to escape from slavery. Ben’s father, who worked as a porter on Pullman trains, separated from his mother before his son was born. Ben was raised by his grand-aunt, Agnes Johnson, to whom he referred as his ‘grandmother’. His mother Mayme worked as a school teacher. He had to play the violin as a kid but hated the instrument, as other kids called him ‘sissy with the violin’. He had his first piano lessons by his second cousin, Joyce Cockrell. He changed to the tenor saxophone after hearing Frankie Trumbauer’s solo on the C-Melody saxophone in 'Singing The Blues', but soon Coleman Hawkins became a major influence. Webster was married for a couple of years in the early 40s to Eudora Williams. He never had a family of his own and lived with his mother and grand-aunt off and on until their passing in 1963.
Kansas City was a melting pot from which emerged some of the biggest names in 1930s jazz. Webster joined Bennie Moten's band in 1932, a grouping which also included Count Basie, Hot Lips and Walter Page. This era was recreated in Robert Altman's film Kansas City.
Webster spent time with quite a few orchestras in the 1930s, including Andy Kirk, the Fletcher Henderson Orchestra in 1934, then Benny Carter, Willie Bryant, Cab Calloway, and the short-lived Teddy Wilson big band.
With Ellington
Ben Webster played with Duke Ellington's orchestra for the first time in 1935, and by 1940 was performing with it full-time as the band's first major tenor soloist. He credited Johnny Hodges, Ellington's alto soloist, as a major influence on his playing. During the next three years, he played on many recordings, including "Cotton Tail" and "All Too Soon"; his contributions (together with that of bassist Jimmy Blanton) were so important that Ellington's orchestra during that period is known as the Blanton–Webster band. Webster left the band in 1943 after an angry altercation during which he allegedly cut up one of Ellington's suits. Another version of Webster's leaving Ellington came from Clark Terry, a longtime Ellington player, who said that, in a dispute, Webster slapped Ellington, upon which the latter gave him two weeks notice.
After Ellington
After leaving Ellington in 1943, Webster worked on 52nd Street in New York City, where he recorded frequently as both a leader and a sideman. During this time he had short periods with Raymond Scott, John Kirby, Bill DeArango, and Sid Catlett, as well as with Jay McShann's band, which also featured blues shouter Jimmy Witherspoon. For a few months in 1948, he returned briefly to Ellington's orchestra.
In 1953, he recorded King of the Tenors with pianist Oscar Peterson, who would be an important collaborator with Webster throughout the decade in his recordings for the various labels of Norman Granz. Along with Peterson, trumpeter Harry 'Sweets' Edison and others, he was touring and recording with Granz's Jazz at the Philharmonic package. In 1956, he recorded a classic set with pianist Art Tatum, supported by bassist Red Callender and drummer Bill Douglass. Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster with fellow tenor saxophonist Coleman Hawkins was recorded on December 16, 1957, along with Peterson, Herb Ellis (guitar), Ray Brown (bass), and Alvin Stoller (drums). The Hawkins and Webster recording is a jazz classic, the coming together of two giants of the tenor saxophone, who had first met back in Kansas City.
In the late 1950s, he formed a quintet with Gerry Mulligan and played frequently at a Los Angeles club called Renaissance. It was there that the Webster-Mulligan group backed up blues singer Jimmy Witherspoon on an album recorded live for Hi-Fi Jazz Records. That same year, 1959, the quintet, with pianist Jimmy Rowles, bassist Leroy Vinnegar, and drummer Mel Lewis, also recorded "Gerry Mulligan Meets Ben Webster" for Verve Records (MG V-8343).
In Europe
Webster generally worked steadily, but in late 1964 he moved permanently to Europe, working with other American jazz musicians based there as well as local musicians. He played when he pleased during his last decade. He lived in London and several locations in Scandinavia for one year, followed by three years in Amsterdam and made his last home in Copenhagen in 1969. Webster appeared as a sax player in a low-rent cabaret club in the 1970 Danish blue film titled Quiet Days in Clichy. In 1971, Webster reunited with Duke Ellington and his orchestra for a couple of shows at the Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen; he also recorded "live" in France with Earl Hines. He also recorded or performed with Buck Clayton, Bill Coleman and Teddy Wilson.
Webster suffered a cerebral bleed in Amsterdam in September 1973, following a performance at the Twee Spieghels in Leiden, and died on 20 September. His body was cremated in Copenhagen and his ashes were buried in the Assistens Cemetery in the Nørrebro section of the city.
After Webster's death, Billy Moore Jr., together with the trustee of Webster's estate, created the Ben Webster Foundation. Since Webster's only legal heir, Harley Robinson of Los Angeles, gladly assigned his rights to the foundation, the Ben Webster Foundation was confirmed by the Queen of Denmark's Seal in 1976. In the Foundation's trust deed, one of the initial paragraphs reads: "to support the dissemination of jazz in Denmark". The trust is a beneficial foundation which channels Webster's annual royalties to musicians in both Denmark and the U.S. An annual Ben Webster Prize is awarded to a young outstanding musician. The prize is not large, but is considered highly prestigious. Over the years, several American musicians have visited Denmark with the help of the Foundation, and concerts, a few recordings, and other jazz-related events have been supported.
Webster's private collection of jazz recordings and memorabilia is archived in the jazz collections at the University Library of Southern Denmark, Odense.
Ben Webster used the same Saxophone from 1938 until his death in 1973. Ben left instructions that the horn was never to be played again. It is on display in the Jazz Institute at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ.
Ben Webster has a street named after him in southern Copenhagen, "Ben Websters Vej".
On June 25, 2019, The New York Times Magazine listed Ben Webster among hundreds of artists whose material was reportedly destroyed in the 2008 Universal fire.
As leader / co-leader
King of the Tenors [AKA The Consummate Artistry of Ben Webster] (Norgran, MGN-1001, 1953)
1953: An Exceptional Encounter [live] (The Jazz Factory, 1953) – with Modern Jazz Quartet
Music for Loving (Norgran MGN-1018, 1954) AKA Sophisticated Lady (Verve, 1956), and Music With Feeling (Norgran MGN-1039, 1955) – reissued as a 2-CD set: Ben Webster With Strings (Verve 527774, 1995; which also includes as a bonus: Harry Carney With Strings, Clef MGC-640, 1954)
The Art Tatum - Ben Webster Quartet (Verve, 1956 [1958]) – with Art Tatum
Soulville (Verve, 1957)
The Soul of Ben Webster (Verve, 1958)
Ben Webster and Associates (Verve, 1959)
Gerry Mulligan Meets Ben Webster (Verve, 1959)
Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson (Verve, 1959)
Ben Webster at the Renaissance (Contemporary, 1960)
The Warm Moods (Reprise, 1961)
Wanted to Do One Together (Columbia, 1962) – with Harry Edison
Soulmates (Riverside, 1963) – with Joe Zawinul
See You at the Fair (Impulse!, 1964)
Stormy Weather (Black Lion, 1965) – recorded at The Jazzhus Montmartre, Copenhagen
Gone With The Wind (Black Lion, 1965) – recorded at The Jazzhus Montmartre, Copenhagen
Meets Bill Coleman (Black Lion, 1967)
Big Ben Time (Ben Webster in London 1967) (Philips, 1968)
Webster's Dictionary (Philips, 1970)
No Fool, No Fun [The Rehearsal Sessions, 1970 with The Danish Radio Jazz Orchestra] (Storyville Records STCD 8304, 1999)
Ben Webster Plays Ballads [recordings from Danish Radio 1967–1971] (Storyville SLP-4118, 1988)
Autumn Leaves (with Georges Arvanitas trio) (Futura Swing 05, 1972)
Gentle Ben (with Tete Montoliu Trio) (Ensayo, 1973)
My Man: Live at Montmartre 1973 (Steeplechase, 1973)
Ballads by Ben Webster (Verve, Recorded 1953-1959, released 1974, 2xLP)
As a sideman
With Count Basie
String Along with Basie (Roulette, 1960)
With Buddy Bregman
Swinging Kicks (Verve, 1957)
With Benny Carter
Jazz Giant (Contemporary, 1958)
BBB & Co. (Swingville, 1962) with Barney Bigard
With Harry Edison
Sweets (Clef, 1956)
Gee Baby, Ain't I Good to You (Verve, 1957)
With Duke Ellington
Never No Lament: The Blanton-Webster Band (RCA, 1940–1942 [rel. 2003])
With Dizzy Gillespie
The Complete RCA Victor Recordings (Bluebird, 1937–1949 [rel. 1995])
With Lionel Hampton
You Better Know It!!! (Impulse, 1965)
With Coleman Hawkins
Rainbow Mist (Delmark, 1944 [1992]) compilation of Apollo recordings
Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster (Verve, 1957)
Coleman Hawkins and Confrères (Verve, 1958)
With Woody Herman
Songs for Hip Lovers (Verve, 1957)
With Johnny Hodges
The Blues (Norgran, 1952–1954, [rel. 1955])
Blues-a-Plenty (Verve, 1958)
Not So Dukish (Verve, 1958)
With Richard "Groove" Holmes
"Groove" (Pacific Jazz, 1961) – with Les McCann
Tell It Like It Tis (Pacific Jazz, 1961 [rel. 1966])
With Illinois Jacquet
The Kid and the Brute (Clef, 1955)
With Barney Kessel
Let's Cook! (Contemporary, 1957 [rel. 1962])
With Mundell Lowe
Porgy & Bess (RCA Camden, 1958)
With Les McCann
Les McCann Sings (Pacific Jazz, 1961)
With Carmen McRae
Birds of a Feather (Decca, 1958)
With Oliver Nelson
More Blues and the Abstract Truth (Impulse!, 1964)
With Buddy Rich
The Wailing Buddy Rich (Norgran, 1955)
With Art Tatum
The Tatum Group Masterpieces, Volume Eight (Pablo, 1956)
With Clark Terry
The Happy Horns of Clark Terry (Impulse!, 1964)
With Joe Williams
At Newport '63 (RCA Victor, 1963)
3 notes · View notes
March 4, 2020
Cora Ann Neikirk, 87
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Cora Ann Neikirk, age 87, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, February 28, 2020 at Wilkes Senior Village.
She was born October 10, 1932 in Wilkes County to Gordon Russell and Maggie Gray Godbee. Cora was retired from Tyson Foods. She loved to do crafts. Ms. Neikirk was preceded in death by her parents.
Surviving are her children, Al Davis and spouse Annie of Texas, Linda Norris and spouse Lee of Wilkesboro, Tony Davis and spouse Joyce of Moravian Falls, Debbie Smith and spouse Shep of Taylors, South Carolina; thirteen grandchildren; a number of great grandchildren; and a number of great great grandchildren.
Memorial service will be held 2:00 p.m. Thursday, March 5, 2020 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Eulogy by the family. Memorials may be made to the Dementia Society of America, PO Box 600, Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
 Mr. William Francis Dargin
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Mr. William Francis Dargin, age 79 of Wilkesboro passed away Friday, February 28, 2020 at his home.
Memorial services with Military Honors by the Veterans of Foreign War Post # 1142 will be held 10:30 AM Saturday, July 4, 2020 at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Matt Miller officiating.  
Mr. Dargin was born February 21, 1941 in Newark, NJ to William J. and Margaret M. McClain Dargin.  He served as a Captain in the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War.   He was a Mensa member, Friends of the Wilkes County Library and  he had a lifelong love of boats and sailing.  He was an avid gardener and mentor to many teens and young adults.  He had a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida in Gainesville.  
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by his wife of 34 years; Laurie Volsdal Frachey-Dargin of the home, three daughters; Heather Bartram and husband Brian of Connecticut, Liv Perry and husband Ross of Vermont, Kimberly Crabb of Wilkesboro, two sons; Jared Dargin and Tammie Brown of Millers Creek and David Frachey and wife Deidre’ of Connecticut, four grandchildren; Jim and John Bartram of Connecticut, Eli Perry of Vermont, Nathaniel and Theodor Frachey of Connecticut, one sister; Margo O’Malley and husband Tim of Tennessee, dear friends; Shasta Phillips, Shelia Owens, Collee Riddle, companion canine; Macy, several nieces, nephews and several great nieces and nephews around the globe.
In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Humane Society of Wilkes, PO  Box 306, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or Friends of the Wilkes County Library, 215 10th Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
 Marvin Franklin Wagoner, 66
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Marvin Franklin Wagoner, age 66, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, February 29, 2020 at his home. Mr. Wagoner was born November 12, 1953 in Wilkes County to Raymond Hobert and Bessie Viola Royal Wagoner. He was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Rufus Wagoner; and sisters, Margie Wagoner and Geneva Wagoner.
Surviving are his wife, Brenda Brown Wagoner; sons, Joe Wagoner and spouse Retha, Mickey Wagoner and spouse Amanda all of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Jeremiah Wagoner and spouse Kayla, Joe Joe Wagoner and spouse Megan, Tommy Wagoner, Sophia Wagoner, Dakota Wagoner, Gina Wagoner, Mickey Wagoner, Jr.; great grandchildren, Jazmine Wagoner, Abigail Wagoner, Aria Wagoner, Joseph Keith Wagoner; and brother, Spencer Wagoner and spouse Verna of North Wilkesboro.
Funeral service were be held 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Brother Billy Wagoner and Brother Michael Brown officiating. Burial followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park. The family received friends at Miller Funeral Service from 6:00 until 8:00 Monday night. Donations may be made to Mountain Valley Hospice, 688 North Bridge Street, Elkin, NC 28621. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
 Gladys Wyatt Roberts, 70
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Gladys Wyatt Roberts, age 70, of Millers Creek, passed away Friday, February 28, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem. Mrs. Roberts was born July 13, 1949 in Wilkes County to Rev. Archie and Julie Cleary Wyatt. Gladys was a member of New Light Baptist Church #2. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Bud Roberts; great grandchild, Gauge Bumgarner; and sister, Clara Hart.
Surviving are her son, Allen Roberts and spouse Becky, Millers Creek; daughter, Pat Roberts and fiancé James Hart of Millers Creek; grandchildren, Julia Medford and spouse Michael of North Wilkesboro, Jason Bumgarner and spouse Celeita, Halie Smith all of Millers Creek; great grandchildren, Jayden Bumgarner and Kason Bumgarner both of Millers Creek; several aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews.
 Funeral service were held 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at New Light Baptist Church #2 with Pastor Jim Belcher and Rev. Mike Church officiating. Burial followed in the Ambrose Roberts Cemetery on Mertie Road. The family received friends at New Light Baptist Church #2 from 1:00 until 2:00 on Tuesday, prior to the service. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
  Mikey James Lovette, 37
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Mikey James Lovette, age 37, of Wilkesboro, passed away Wednesday, February 25, 2020 at his home. Mikey was born August 14, 1982 in Wilkes County to Janet Vivian Johnson Lovette. He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Cecil and Marie Lovette and Lawrence Johnson.
 Surviving are his mother, Janet Johnson Gregory of North Wilkesboro; sister, Malisa Lovette and fiancé, Oliver Bentley of Wilkesboro; aunt, Sandra McCrary and spouse Randy, Smithfield, Virginia; nephews, Tyler Carter, Trace Bentley, Bradley Vorsteg, Elijah Bentley,  and niece, Jaycee Carter.
 A Celebration of Life was held 2:00 p.m. Sunday, March 1,, 2020 at Miller Funeral Service. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
  Carlie Elvin Cleary, age 87
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Carlie Elvin Cleary, age 87, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at his home.
Carlie was born December 7, 1932 in Wilkes County to Raymond and Mozelle Ballard Cleary. He was a member of Second Baptist Church, a US Navy Veteran; was a Mason and a Shriner. Mr. Cleary was preceded in death by his parents; sons, Scott Bryan Cleary, Mark Elvin Cleary; sister, Bernice Cleary; brother, Arbury Cleary; and a step-daughter, Paula Sebastian.
 He is survived by his wife, Betty Porter Cleary; step son, David M. Wyatt and spouse Sandy of Millers Creek; step daughters, Tamara Wyatt of Wilkesboro, Nikole McGuire and spouse Chris of North Wilkesboro; brother, Larry Cleary of North Wilkesboro; sister, Barbara Jean Cooney and spouse Dan of Knoxville, Tennessee; eight step grandchildren; seven step great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews; special little friends, Katie Owens and Bubba Prevette.
Graveside service with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142 and Masonic Rites were held 1:00 p.m. Thursday, February 27, 2020 at Mountlawn Memorial Park with Rev. Danny Dillard officiating. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tennessee 38105 or to a charity of the donor’s choice. Miller Funeral Service was in charge of the arrangements.
 Donald Ray Ferguson, 73
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Mr. Donald Ray Ferguson, age 73 of Millers Creek passed away Sunday, March 1, 2020 at Wilkes Health and Rehabilitation.
Graveside service were held 2:00 PM Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at Shady Grove Baptist Church Cemetery in Wilkesboro with Rev Gwyn Anderson officiating.  The family received friends from 12:30 until 1:30 PM prior to the service at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mr. Ferguson was born May 18,1946 in Wilkes County to Everette and Ruby Nichols Ferguson.
He was preceded in death by his parents and two brothers, Fred and Robert Ferguson.
He is survived by a sister, Betty Jean Ferguson Price and husband, Sydney of North Wilkesboro, a brother, Bill Ferguson of North Wilkesboro, a sister in-law, Helen Ferguson, of Millers Creek, and special friends, Wanda and Danny Byers of Millers Creek.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
 Mr. Gary Dale Colbert
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Mr. Gary Dale Colbert age 55, of North Wilkesboro passed away February 25, 2020 at Forsyth Medical Center.
Funeral services were held at Reins Sturdivant Chapel Sunday, March 1, 2020 at 2:00 PM with Reverend Danny Bauguess officiating.  The family received friends from 12:00 until 1:45 prior to the service.  Burial was in Mountlawn Memorial Park.
Mr. Colbert was born January 1, 1965 to Fred Ray Colbert and Blanche Durham Colbert. He was self-employed as a Little Debbie Distributor.
Mr. Colbert was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Bruce Colbert.
He is survived by a son, Cory Garrett Colbert of the home, Gary’s fiancé, Samantha Hamby of the home, a sister, Cindy Colbert of Elkin, a brother Bobby Colbert and wife Kathy of Traphill. Beloved father figure to nieces Jenna Lyons, Gracie Colbert, nephew Traeson Colbert and Sammi Jo Walker, and also survived by niece, Kathy Jo McGee and nephew, Matthew Colbert.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Leukemia Society of America 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 250 Charlotte, NC  28210.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
 Wilhelmenia Wilby Greene Harris, 90
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Mrs. Wilhelmenia Wilby Greene Harris, 90, of Millers Creek, passed away on Friday, February 28, 2020 at Maple Leaf Health Care in Statesville.  
Wilhelmenia was born on June 25, 1929 in Watauga County to Willie Lawrence Greene and Flora Belle Greene.
Wilhelmenia was a homemaker and life long member of Stony Fork Baptist Church.
Wilhelmenia is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Samuel LeRoy Harris; daughter, Cathy “Vicky” Harris; brothers, Claude Greene, Cecil Greene; sisters, Wilma Latham, Lorena Greene, Linda Kay Watson.  
Wilhelmenia is survived by her sons, Robert Alan Harris (Kelly Church) of Wilkesboro, Barry Harris (Rebecca) of Statesville; sister, Louella Copley of Charlotte; two grandchildren, Madison Harris of Statesville, McKenzie Harris of Millers Creek; two great grandchildren, Tanner and Shania of Statesville and many nieces and nephews.
Visitation was held Sunday, March 1, 2020 from 2:00-2:45 at Stony Fork Baptist Church. The funeral service was held on Sunday, March 1, 2020 at 3 p.m. at Stony Fork Baptist Church.   Burial followed in the church cemetery.
 Rev. Sherrill Welborn and Rev. Phillip Woodring  officiated.
Memorial donations may be given to Stony Fork Baptist Church Cemetery Fund P.O. Box 128 Deep Gap, NC 28618.
Condolences may be sent to: www.adamsfunerals.com
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Harris Family.
 Arvie Lou Hayes Hamby, 89
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Mrs. Arvie Lou Hayes Hamby, age 89 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, February 27, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Medical Center.
Funeral services were held 2:00 PM, Saturday, February 29, 2020 at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Sherrill Wellborn and Rev. Dr. Susan Pillsbury officiating. Burial was in Arbor Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family received friends from 12:00 until 1:30 prior to the service at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mrs. Hamby was born February 22, 1931 in Wilkes County to Washington Mumford Hayes and Essie Viola Holcomb Hayes. She was a member of Arbor Grove United Methodist Church. She was a former President of the Handicap Organization of Wilkes.
Mrs. Hamby was preceded in death by her parents, her husband; Max Aldean Hamby, a sister; Marybelle Hayes Johnson, a brother; William Jasper Hayes and two brother in laws; Walter George and Lester Johnson.
She is survived by four sons; Niki A Hamby and wife Kim of North Wilkesboro, Kimi M. Hamby and wife Kathy of Boomer, W. Kipi Hamby and wife Melissa of North Wilkesboro and Kini H. Hamby and wife Kimberly of North Wilkesboro, four grandchildren; Trevor Hamby, Kailee Davis and husband Tim, Jordan Cheek and husband Thomas and Ethan Hamby and Brenna, two great grandchildren; Sidney Cheek and Emersyn Davis, two sisters; Dicie Hayes George of Sparta, Dorothy “Dot” Hayes Foster and husband Curtis Foster of Purlear and special friends of the family; Perry and Claudia Parks.
Memorials may be made to Arbor Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery c/o Esther Eller 480 Shepherd River Road, Millers Creek, NC 28651 or Mtn. Valley Hospice 401 Technology Lane Suiter 200 Mt. Airy, NC 27030.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
 Virginia Fay Handy Watson, 65
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Mrs. Virginia Fay Handy Watson, age 65 of Sparta passed away Monday, February 24, 2020 at Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital, Elkin NC.
Funeral services were held at 1:00 PM Friday, February 28, 2020 at Traphill Baptist Church with Pastor Mike Caldwell officiating. The family received friends from 6:00 until 8:00 PM on Thursday, February 27, 2020 at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home.  Burial was in White Rock UMC Cemetery on Haystack Rd.
Mrs. Watson was born December 2, 1954 in Wilkes County to Mack Charlie Handy and Merle Blevins Handy. She started at Chatham’s in 1994 and worked there until 2016.  She retired after 22 years. She loved her grandchildren, was an avid church goer, made a mean gravy and biscuit, liked canning, cooking, and planning family get togethers.
In addition her parents, he was preceded in death by her husband; Tony Clinard Watson; one sister Ester Mae Handy and three brothers Charlie, Billy, and Bobby Handy.
She is survived by her daughter; Lisa McCann of Ronda and boyfriend Gary Perdue, and two sons, Tony Dale Watson and girlfriend Jessica Venable of Ennice, NC; Larry Watson and wife Jessica Watson of State Road; four sisters, Patsy Lail, Rita Anderson.Tina Lambert, and Angie Holder; two brothers, James Handy and Chris Mcharque  Thirteen grandchildren and six great grandchildren, and a special friend, Jimmy Billings.
Flowers will be accepted, or memorials may be made to the Donor’s choice.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  James Jackson “Jack” Brown, Jr., 63
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James Jackson “Jack” Brown, Jr., age 63, of Hays, passed away Sunday, February 23, 2020 at his home. Jack was born January 30, 1957 in Wilkes County to James Jackson “Jim” Brown, Sr. and Sally Brewer Brown.  He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by his daughter, Carrie Beasey of Hays; grandson, Tyler Beasey of Hays; sister, Jennifer Fuller and spouse Ralph of Hays; nephew, Clinton Fuller and spouse Brandy of Hays; niece, Christina Call of Wilkesboro; two great nieces; great nephew, Nathan Call of Wilkesboro.
Memorial service was held 10:00 a.m. Saturday, February 29, 2020 at Miller Funeral Chapel. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
  Dare Foster Moore, age 89
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Dare Foster Moore, age 89, of Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, February 24, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. She was born September 3, 1930 in Wilkes County to Alonzo and Nora Riggs McNeil. Mrs. Moore was a member of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. She loved cooking, music, dancing, fashion and decorating. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Bobby Ray Moore; son, Michael Foster; daughter, Susan Faye Foster; four brothers; and four sisters.
Mrs. Moore is survived by her children, Cathryn Aldridge of Columbia, South Carolina, Debbie Foster, Tim Foster and spouse Melanie all of Wilkesboro, Jodi Foster of Asheville, Sandi Foster of Wilkesboro; six grandchildren; six great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.
Funeral service was held 2:00 p.m. Saturday, February 29, 2020 at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church with Pastor Kevin Brown officiating. Burial followed in the Church Cemetery. The family received friends at Mount  Pleasant Baptist Church from 1:00 until 2:00 on Saturday, prior to the service. Memorials may be made to Mountain Valley Hospice, 688 North Bridge Street, Elkin, NC 28621. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
  Bina Louise Myers, 82
Bina Louise Myers, age 82, of Hays, went home to be with Jesus, Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at her home. Mrs. Myers was born March 12, 1937 in Watauga County to Edward and Lona Belle Tedder Brewer. She was a member of Rose of Sharon Baptist Church and was a prayer warrior. Bina loved gardening. She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers, James Brewer, Dean Brewer, sisters, Ella Mae Huggins and Jean Ring; son-in-law, Craig Gambill.
Surviving are her husband, Bill Myers of the home; daughter, Pat Gambill of Hays; sons, Billy Myers and spouse Susan of Millers Creek, Charles Myers and spouse Rachel of Hays; grandchildren, Jamie Gambill of Hays, Anthony Myers and spouse Ashley of Winston Salem, Will Myers of Millers Creek, Acacia Myers of Thomasville, Steven Myers of Hays; great granddaughter, Grace Gambill of Hays.
 Funeral service were held 12:00 p.m. Friday, February 28, 2020 at Rose of Sharon Baptist Church with Rev. Steven Shumate and Rev. Travis Brown officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The family received friends at Rose of Sharon Baptist Church from 11:00 until 12:00 on Friday, prior to the service. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tennessee 38105. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
Pallbearers will be Anthony Myers, Will Myers, Steven Myers, Allen Holbrook, Jim Wood and Bill Gryder.
 Clyde Grady Nickelson, age 83
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Clyde Grady Nickelson, age 83, of Millers Creek, passed away Monday, February 24, 2020 at his home. Clyde was born July 12, 1936 in Ashe County to Robnit and Grace Barker Nickelson. He was a member of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church. He loved to garden, loved his plants and trees, and being outdoors. Clyde worked for Lowe’s Co. as a truck driver and 33 years for Skyline Marina as manager. Mr. Nickelson was preceded in death by his parents; and brother, Jim Stone.
Surviving are his wife, Dorothy Johnson Nickelson; sons, Clyde Nickelson, Jr. of Ronda, Michael Shane Nickelson of Purlear; daughters, Phyllis Keen of Layton, Utah, Roberta Hadley of Las Vegas, Nevada, Sheree Smith of Victory, Texas; brother, Duane Stone of Millers Creek; nine grandchildren; seven great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.
Funeral service were held 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Sherrill Wellborn and Randy Gambill officiating. Burial followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park. The family received friends at Miller Funeral Service from 12:00 until 1:00 on Wednesday, prior to the service. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Ebenezer Christian Children’s Home, PO Box 2777, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
 Kaye C. Reid, age 81
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Kaye C. Reid, age 81, of Purlear, went home to be with her Lord, Sunday, February 23, 2020 at her home. Kaye was born May 18, 1938 in Wilkes County to E.M. and Iola Church Campbell.  Mrs. Reid was a member of Rock Creek Church of Christ. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Billy Wayne Reid; brother, Bobby Campbell; and sister, Virgie Campbell.
Kaye is survived by her son, Guy Wayne Reid and spouse Lonnitta of Millers Creek; grandson, David Wayne Reid and spouse Jamie of Cary; granddaughter, Ricquell Cooper of Charlotte; great grandson, Gavin Wayne Reid of Cary; brother, James Campbell and spouse Judy of Wilkesboro; sister, Jane Bouchelle and spouse Jim of North Wilkesboro; a number of nieces and nephews.
Funeral service were held 2:00 p.m. Thursday, February 27, 2020 at Rock Creek Church of Christ with Pastor Michael Howard officiating. Private burial was in the church cemetery. Memorials may be made to Rock Creek Church of Christ Church, c/o Chuck Wallis, 748 Campbell Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or to Samaritan Kitchen of Wilkes, PO Box 1072 Wilkesboro, NC 28697. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
2 notes · View notes
milliondollarbaby87 · 5 years
Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture Parasite
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role Joaquin Phoenix, Joker
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role Renee Zellweger, Judy
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role Brad Pitt, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role Laura Dern, Marriage Story
TELEVISION Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series The Crown
MARION BAILEY / Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother HELENA BONHAM CARTER / Princess Margaret OLIVIA COLMAN / Queen Elizabeth II CHARLES DANCE / Lord Mountbatten BEN DANIELS / Lord Snowdon ERIN DOHERTY / Princess Anne CHARLES EDWARDS / Martin Charteris TOBIAS MENZIES / Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh JOSH O’CONNOR / Prince Charles SAM PHILLIPS / Equerry DAVID RINTOUL / Michael Adeane JASON WATKINS / Harold Wilson
Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Jennifer Aniston, The Morning Show
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series Tony Shalhoub, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Fleabag
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series Sam Rockwell, Fosse/Verdon
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series Michelle Williams, Fosse/Verdon
STUNT ENSEMBLES Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture
AVENGERS: ENDGAME Marija Juliette Abney Janeshia Adams-Ginyard George “Gee” Alexander Derek Alfonso Nate Andrade Christopher Antonucci Randy Archer Brandon Arnold Steven S. Atkinson Ben Aycrigg Jennifer Badger Christopher Balualua Danya Bateman Loyd Bateman Kelly Bellini Joanna Bennett Carrie Bernans Felix Betancourt Gianni Biasetti, Jr. Mike Bishop Tamiko Brownlee Troy Butler Jwaundace Candece Marc Canonizado Janene Carleton Elisabeth Carpenter Sean Christopher Carter Kevin Cassidy Hymnson Chan Courtney Chen Anis Cheurfa Fernando Chien Alvin Chon Tye Claybrook, Jr. Marcelle Coletti David Conk John A. Cooper Brandon Cornell Thomas Joseph Culler Jahnel Curfman Gui Da Silva-Greene Chris Daniels Keith Davis Martin De Boer Robbert de Groot Isabella Shai DeBroux Holland Diaz Josh Diogo Jackson Dobies Justin Dobies Cory Dunson Jessica Durham Justin Eaton Jared Eddo Katie Eischen Kiante Elam Jazzy Ellis David Elson Jason Elwood Hanna Tony Falcon Guy Fernandez Mark Fisher Alessandro Folchitto Colin Follenweider Glenn Foster Simeon Freeman Shauna Galligan Monique Ganderton Johnny Gao Jomahl Gildersleve Denisha Gillespie Daniel Graham Ryan Green Carlos Guity Califf Guzman Dante Ha Akihiro Haga Garrett Hammond Lydia Hand Daniel Hargrave Kandis Hargrave Sam Hargrave Regis Andrew Harrington III Thayr Harris Zedric Harris Jimmy Hart Alex Hashioka Zachary Henry Danny Hernandez Mark Hicks Maria Hippolyte Bobby Holland Hanton JT Holt Crystal Hooks Niahlah Hope Damita Howard Justin Howell Jacob Hugghins Lindsay Anne Hugghins Michael Hugghins Tony Hugghins Scott Hunter James Hutchison III Pan Iam CC Ice Sarah Irwin Mami Ito Duke Jackson Michael Jamorski Kirk Jenkins Preshas Jenkins Floyd Anthony Johns Jr. Richard M. King Ralf Koch Khalil La’Marr Matt LaBorde Danny Le Boyer Matt Leonard William Leong Bethany Levy James Lew Marcus Lewis Jefferson Lewis III Eric Linden Scott Loeser Rachel Luttrell-Bateman Adam Lytle Tara Macken Dave Macomber Julia Maggio Ruben Maldonado Richard Marrero Rob Mars Andy Martin Aaron Matthews Tim R. McAdams Taylor McDonald Kyle McLean Crystal Michelle Mark Miscione Heidi Moneymaker Renae Moneymaker Chris Moore Tristen Tyler Morts William Billy Morts Marie Mouroum Spencer Mulligan Travor Murray Jachin JJ Myers Anthony Nanakornpanom John Nania Nikolay Nedyalkov Carl Nespoli Paul O’Connor Marque Ohmes Olufemi Olagoke Noon Orsatti Rowbie Orsatti Jane Oshita Leesa Pate Natasha Paul Gary Peebles Nathaniel Perry Josh Petro Lloyd Pitts George Quinones Taraja Ramsess Greg Rementer Antjuan Rhames Meredith Richardson Bayland Rippenkroeger Ryan Robertson Christopher Cody Robinson Donny Rogers Carrington Christopher Eric Romrell Michelle Rose Corrina Roshea Marvin Ross Elena Sanchez Maya Santandrea Matthew Scheib Erik Schultz Jordan Scott Joshua Russel Seifert Brandon Shaw Bruce Shepperson Joseph Singletary III Tim Sitarz Dominique Smith Dena Sodano Robert D. Souris Jackson Spidell Daniel Stevens Jenel Stevens Diandra Stoddard Milliner Granger Summerset Phedra Syndelle Mark Tearle Hamid-Reza Thompson Tyler J. Tiffany Aaron Toney Amy Lynn Tuttle Tony Vo Todd Warren Kevin Waterman Amber Whelan Aaron Wiggins Joseph Williams Matthew M. Williams Thom Williams Zola Williams Mike Wilson Tyler Witte Michael Yahn James Young Marcus Gene Young Woon Young Park Casey Zeller Keil Zeperni
Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Comedy or Drama Series GAME OF THRONES Boian Anev Mark Archer Kristina Baskett Ferenc Berecz Richard Bradshaw Michael Byrch Andrew Burford Yusuf Chaudhri Nick Chooping Jonathan Cohen David Collom Christopher Cox Jacob Cox Matt Crook Matt Da Silva Levan Doran Dom Dumaresq Daniel Euston Bradley Farmer Pete Ford Vladimir Furdik David Grant Lawrence Hansen Richard Hansen Nicklas Hansson Rob Hayns Lyndon Hellewell Jessica Hooker Gergely Horpacsi Paul Howell Rowley Irlam Erol Ismail Troy Kechington Paul Lowe John Macdonald Leigh Maddern Kai Martin Kim Mcgarrity Carly Michaels Nikita Mitchell Chris Newton David Newton Jason Oettle Bela Orsanyi Ivan Orsanyi Radoslav Parvanov Oleg Podobin Josh Ravenscroft Andrej Riabokon Zach Roberts Doug Robson Stanislav Satko Paul Shapcott Mark Slaughter Sam Stefan Jonny Stockwell Ryan Stuart Gyula Toth Marek Toth Andy Wareham Calvin Warrington Heasman Richard Wheeldon Belle Williams Will Willoughby Leo Woodruff Ben Wright Lewis Young
WINS BY STUDIO Disney – 1 Neon – 1 Netflix – 1 Roadside Attractions/LD Entertainment – 1 Sony Pictures – 1 Warner Bros – 1
WINS BY NETWORK Amazon – 3 FX – 2 HBO – 2 Netflix – 1 Apple – 1
SAG Awards 2020 – Winners MOTION PICTURES Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture Parasite HYAE JIN CHANG / Chung Sook…
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mythicallore · 5 years
Unsolved Mystery: Leroy Carter Jr.
Leroy Carter Jr. was sleeping rough in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, on a February night in 1981. His body was found the next day, minus his head, and with a chicken head stuffed Carter’s exposed neck cavity. Due to the odd nature of the killing, the police consulted an expert in the occult to help them with their investigation. The expert concluded that the murder was likely a part of a ritual of Palo Mayombe, a dark magic sect of the Santeria religion. This practice involves making a brew from the victim’s brain, with a dash of ears or nose.
The expert advised that the head would return in 42 days, when the ritual was over. Sure enough, right on schedule the head was returned to the crime scene 42 days later. However, despite having been called in, the occult expert was not taken seriously, and no one was watching the crime scene to make the arrest.
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bandstolookup · 3 years
* Julian Bream
* Buddy Bregman
* Beverly Bremers
* Elton Britt
* Milton Brown
* Vicki Brown
* The Browns
* Ed Bruce
* Buchanan Brothers
* Sam Butera
* Billy Butterfield
* Al Caiola
* Red Callender
* Cab Calloway
* Archie Campbell (comedian)
* Chela Campos
* Canadian Brass
* Eddie Cantor
* Frankie Carle
* Bill Carlisle
* Carmela y Rafael
* Darleen Carr
* Leroy Carr
* humperdinck
* purvis
* massenet
* Diahann Carroll
* Jenny Lou Carson
* Martha Carson
* Mindy Carson
* Anita Carter
* Wilf Carter (musician)
* The Cascades (band)
* Page Cavanaugh
* Carol Channing
* Jean Chapel
* Ray Charles (musician, born 1918)
* Savannah Churchill
* Doctor Clayton
* Jack Clement
* Van Cliburn
* Buzz Clifford
* Rosemary Clooney
* Christopher Cloud
* Hank Cochran
* Alma Cogan
* Ramón Collazo
* Arthur Collins (singer)
* Jerry Colonna (entertainer)
* Perry Como
* Dick Contino
* Sam Cooke
* Spade Cooley
* Ronnie Cord
* Don Cornell
* Dave "Baby" Cortez
* Wally Cox
* Floyd Cramer
* The Crew-Cuts
* Bing Crosby
* Lindsay Crosby
* Milton Cross
* Arthur Crudup
* Xavier Cugat
* Larry Dale
* Vernon Dalhart
* Vic Damone
* Dick Damron
* Julius Daniels
* The Davis Sisters (country band)
* Danny Davis (country musician)
* Gail Davis
* Walter Davis (blues)
* Wild Bill Davis
* Dennis Day
* Bobby Day
* Bernardo de Muro
* Frank De Vol
* red eyed legends
* red krayola
* Barry De Vorzon
* Jimmy Dean
* Damita Jo DeBlanc
* The DeCastro Sisters
* The Delta Rhythm Boys
* Matt Dennis
* William F. Denny
* Paul Desmond
* Bill Dixon
* Tommy Dorsey
* Jimmy Driftwood
* Bobby Driscoll
* Marilyn Duke
* George Duning
* Don Durant
* Billy Eckstine
* Duane Eddy
* Cliff Edwards
* Jonathan and Darlene Edwards
* Lisa Ekdahl
* Larry Elgart
* Jimmy Elledge
* Ray Ellis
* Ethel Ennis
* María Enriqueta
* Dale Evans
* Paul Evans (musician)
* The Everly Brothers
* Everything Everything
* Irving Fazola
* Barbara Feldon
* José Feliciano
* greg the hero
* Francisco Fellove
* Ana María Fernández
* Lydia Fernández (singer)
* José Ferrer
* Arthur Fiedler
* Herbie Fields
* Eddie Fisher (singer)
* Shug Fisher
* Ralph Flanagan
* The Fontane Sisters
* The Four Aristocrats
* The Four Lovers
* The Four Tunes
* Virgil Fox
* Sergio Franchi
* Juan Gabriel
* Rosario García Orellana
* Brother Dave Gardner
* Erroll Garner
* Gale Garnett
* John Gary
* Alice Ghostley
* Don Gibson
* Ginny Gibson
* Ray Gilbert
* Dizzy Gillespie
* Will Glahé
* Dick Glasser
* Darrell Glenn
* The Go-Go's (British band)
* George Gobel
* Marty Gold
* Jerry Goldsmith
* Al Goodman
* Benny Goodman
* Benny Gordon (singer)
* Curtis Gordon
* Morton Gould
* Gogi Grant
* Grapefruit (band)
* Milford Graves
* Lorne Greene
* Merv Griffin
* Grimethorpe Colliery Band
* Bonnie Guitar
* Guylaine Guy
* Adelaide Hall
* Juanita Hall
* René Hall
* Stuart Hamblen
* Judd Hamilton
* Roy Hamilton
* Walter Hampden
* Johana Harris
* Phil Harris
* John Hartford
* Johnny Hartman
* Erskine Hawkins
* Hawkshaw Hawkins
* George "Gabby" Hayes
* Tiger Haynes
* Neal Hefti
* Ray Heindorf
* Tal Henry
* Las Hermanas Montoya
* Milt Herth
* Eddie Heywood Jr.
* Ronnie Hilton
* Al Hirt
* Gaynel Hodge
* Lorin Hollander
* Sterling Holloway
* The Honey Dreamers
* rex harrison
* Bob Hope
* Broadway Performers
* Helmut Zacharias
* Jerry Hadley
* Lena Horne
* David Houston (singer)
* Hugo & Luigi
* Rex Humbard
* Betty Hutton
* Dick Hyman
rex harrison & julie andrews
* Los Indios Tabajaras
* Autry Inman
* The Isley Brothers
stanley holloway
julie andrews
leonard weir
* Jim Jackson (musician)
* Etta James
* George James (musician)
* Sonny James
* Hilton Jefferson
* sailing with the sun
* Herb Jeffries
* Florence Foster Jenkins
* Waylon Jennings
* Johnnie & Jack
* J. J. Johnson
* soft kill
* Ada Jones
* Curtis Jones (pianist)
* Grandpa Jones
* Jack Jones (American singer)
* Spike Jones
* The Jordanaires
* Judas Priest
the unseen
* Kitty Kallen
* munch
* Mickey Katz
* Beatrice Kay
* Sammy Kaye
* KC and the Sunshine Band
* Hal Kemp
* Anita Kerr
* The King Sisters
* tai verdes
* Clydie King
* kella sin
* revolting cocks
* r-generation
* alan jackson
* mighty vhybes
* Pee Wee King
* little acre
* Peggy King
* Pete King (saxophonist)
* Wayne King
* Ray Kinney
* Lisa Kirk
* Eartha Kitt
* Baker Knight
* John Kongos
* Josef Krips
* wah-wah
* tetrarch
* flock of pigs
* brent faiyaz
* Gene Krupa
* Julius La Rosa
* Labelle
* Avelina Landín
* Abbe Lane
* Don Lang (musician)
* Mario Lanza
* Ellis Larkins
* josef salvat
* Charles Laughton
* Rod Lauren
* Paul Lavalle
* Lee Andrews & the Hearts
* Michel Legrand
* Tommy Leonetti
* David Lindley (musician)
* Living Strings
* Hank Locklin
* Lonzo and Oscar
* Sophia Loren
* Myrna Lorrie
* John D. Loudermilk
* Dorothy Loudon
* Norman Luboff
* Dora Luz
* Gisele MacKenzie
* Henry Mancini
* Lorene Mann
* Zeke Manners
* Peggy March
* Marilú (singer)
* Benny Martin
* Freddy Martin
* Janis Martin
* Jimmy Martin
* Mary Martin
* Ray Martin (orchestra leader)
* Skip Martin
* Tony Martin (American singer)
* Trade Martin
* Harpo Marx
* Marie McDonald
* Ray McKinley
* Rod McKuen
* Don McNeill (radio presenter)
* Audrey Meadows
* Jayne Meadows
* Lauritz Melchior
* Robert Merrill
* Paul Mickelson
* Mickey & Sylvia
* Glenn Miller
* Glenn Miller Orchestra
* Roger Miller
* Lucky Millinder
* Anthony A. Mitchell
* Vic Mizzy
* MØ
* Domenico Modugno
* Anna Moffo
* Charlie Monroe
* Marilyn Monroe
* Vaughn Monroe
* Patsy Montana
* Lou Monte
* Hugo Montenegro
* Noro Morales
* Jaye P. Morgan
* Erika Morini
* Buddy Morrow
* Bennie Moten
* Patrice Munsel
* Jimmy Murphy (country musician)
* Rose Murphy
joe roberts
* Toña la Negra
* Willie Nelson
* Peter Nero
* Phineas Newborn Jr.
* Anthony Newley
* Joe Newman (trumpeter)
* Robert Nighthawk
* Ray Noble
* alyssa trahan
* watkins and the rapiers
* Bob Nolan
* Norma Jean (singer)
* Alex North
* The Nutty Squirrels
* Odetta
* Claus Ogerman
* Roy Orbison
* Organisation (band)
* Eugene Ormandy
* Orquesta Casino de la Playa
* Osborne Brothers
* Ottawan
* Vernon Oxford
* Jack Paar
* Fess Parker
* Les Paul
* Rita Pavone
* matthew pauling
* Minnie Pearl
* Mike Pedicin
* Jan Peerce
* Dave Pell
* Hank Penny
* Pérez Prado
* Anthony Perkins
* Ray Peterson
* Stu Phillips (country singer)
* Piano Red
* Jane Pickens
• Bobby Pickett
* The Pied Pipers
* Ezio Pinza
* Nilla Pizzi
* Bud Powell
* anonymous willpower
* André Previn
* Kenny Price
* Leontyne Price
* louis prince
* Charley Pride
* Louis Prima
* Jeanne Pruett
* Tito Puente
* Rosita Quintana
* Sid Ramin
* Ariel Ramírez
* Frankie Randall (singer)
* Boots Randolph
* Barney Rapp
* Rebeca Silva Cosío
* The Redcoats
* Della Reese
* Jim Reeves
* Phil Regan (actor)
* Joe Reisman
* Henri René
* Reparata and the Delrons
* Charlie Rich
* Mona Richardson
* Elvira Ríos
* Don Robertson (songwriter)
* Alys Robi
* Carson Robison
* Jimmie Rodgers (country singer)
* Tito Rodríguez
* Zé Rodrix
* Roy Rogers
* Shorty Rogers
* Sonny Rollins
* Ronny & the Daytonas
* Mick Ronson
* David Rose (songwriter)
* Annie Ross
* Andy Russell (singer)
* Johnny Russell (singer)
* Jean Sablon
* Barry Sadler
* Tommy Sands (American singer)
* Sauter-Finegan Orchestra
* Hal Schaefer
* Daniel Joseph Schafer
* Jack Scott (singer)
* Linda Scott
* Tony Scott (musician)
* The Searchers (band)
* arthur "big boy" crudup
* Al Sears
* Neil Sedaka
* lowell fulson
* Mike Settle
* Artie Shaw
* Robert Shaw (conductor)
* George Beverly Shea
* The Shelton Brothers
* Allan Sherman
* Dinah Shore
* Flor Silvestre
* entertainment
* Nina Simone
* Six Fat Dutchmen
* Skip Bifferty
* Walter Slezak
* Small Faces
* Roy Smeck
* Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith
* Kate Smith
* Walt Solek
* Sonora Matancera
* Sons of the Pioneers
* Red Sovine
* Muggsy Spanier
* Speer Family
* Mary Speer
* Tim Spencer (singer)
* Kay Starr
* The Statesmen Quartet
* Tommy Steele
* Max Steiner
* Steve and Eydie
* April Stevens
* James Stewart
* Redd Stewart
* Arbee Stidham
* Rex Stewart
* the vasco
* Pat Suzuki
* Henry (Hank) Sylvern
* Tampa Red
* Jack Teagarden
* The Teen Queens
* modern love child
* Nino Tempo
* Gordon Terry
* don't look down
* dollar 380
* fluf
* tent
* chuck treece
* g. love & special sauce
* 7 minds
* Sonny Terry
* Conrad Thibault
* Danny Thomas
* Bob Thompson (musician)
* Claude Thornhill
* The Three Suns
* Floyd Tillman
* Terry Timmons
* Art and Dotty Todd
* The Tokens
* Isao Tomita
* Mitchell Torok
* Arturo Toscanini
* Giorgio Tozzi
* The Treniers
* Tommy Tucker (singer)
* Johnny Tyler
* T. Texas Tyler
* Miguelito Valdés
* Caterina Valente
* Rudy Vallée
* June Valli
* Sylvie Vartan
* Fats Waller
* Cedar Walton
* Fran Warren
* Ethel Waters
* Slim Whitman
* Cootie Williams
* Joe Williams (jazz singer)
* Tex Williams
* Meredith Willson
* Paul Winchell
* Hugo Winterhalter
* Jimmy Witherspoon
* Del Wood
* Ilene Woods
* George Wright (organist)
* Nan Wynn
* Glenn Yarbrough
* Si Zentner
• 10cc
* 4 Runner (Polydor Nashville)
* +44 (Polydor UK)
* wolf creek
* • ABBA
* Absent Minded (Polydor UK)
* Bryan Adams
* cathy rich
* AFI (Polydor UK)
* Abd al Malik
* Ace of Base
* A-ha
* A II Z (Polydor UK)
* Alizée
* Alphabeat
* Alphaville
* gary lewis and the playboys
* black dresses
* xiu xiu
* gonjasufi
* Alpines
* Alquin
* The All-American Rejects (Polydor UK)
* The Allman Brothers Band
* María Conchita Alonso
* All Time Low (Polydor UK)
* The Amboy Dukes
* Thomas Anders
* Jon Anderson
* Angels and Airwaves (Polydor UK)
* Die Antwoord (Polydor UK)
* Paul Anka
* Army of Lovers (Polydor UK)
* Art of Noise (China/Polydor)
* Appleton
* Asia
* Athlete (Polydor UK)
* Atlanta Rhythm Section
* Audience
* Audioslave
* The Automatic
* Roy Ayers
* Ayọ
* Intan Ayu (Polydor Bandung)
B Edit
* • Tony Banks (Charisma/Polydor) (US/Canada)
* Barclay James Harvest
* Gary Barlow
* Daniel Bedingfield (Polydor UK)
* The Bees
* Bee Gees (Polydor UK)
* The Big Three
* Björk (outside the UK and Iceland)
* Black Tide (Polydor UK)
* Blind Faith
* Blink-182 (Polydor UK)
* Blossom Toes
* Boyzone
* Brand New (Polydor UK)
* Brick and Lace
* Alicia Bridges
* Bright Eyes (Polydor UK)
* Sarah Brightman
* James Brown
* Ian Brown
* Miquel Brown
* Roy Buchanan
* Buckingham Nicks (outside Canada)
* Bucks Fizz
* Bully Buhlan
* the pietzsche nietzsches
* bob prong
* • Café Tacvba
* personal blend
* pietzsche nietzsche
* Cast
* Cat's Eyes
* Cat Mother & the All Night News Boys
* Celeste (Polydor UK)
* The Chakachas
* Chapel Club
* Chelsia Chan (Polydor Hong Kong)
* Cheryl Cole (Fascination/Polydor)
* Cher Lloyd (UMG Polydor)
* Chris Cornell (Polydor UK)
* Christine Fan (Polydor France)
* Clare Maguire
* Claire Waldoff
* Cover Drive
* Eric Clapton
* Petula Clark
* Stanley Clarke
* Lloyd Cole and the Commotions
* Amie Comeaux (Polydor Nashville)
* Commodores
* Billy Connolly
* bloodkrow butcher
* Jodie Connor
* the isotopes
* Celia Cruz
* mykey
* Cookie Crew
* Crystal Castles
* The Courteeners
* The Cure
D Edit
* • D Mob
* Daley
* Dashboard Confessional (Polydor UK)
* Davis Daniel (Polydor Nashville)
* Bill Deal
* Esmee Denters (Polydor UK)
* Deep Purple (outside US)
* Delays
* Delphic
* Demi Lovato (Polydor UK/Fascination)
* Cathy Dennis
* Destinee & Paris (Polydor UK)
* Lynsey De Paul
* Jim Diamond
* Diddy (Polydor UK)
* Dino
* Dirty White Boy
* Alesha Dixon
* Dodgy
* Plácido Domingo
* Donel
* Double
* Dr. Vades
* Duffy (A&M/Polydor) (outside US)
* The Duke Spirit
* Hilary Duff (Polydor UK)
* Durrty Goodz (Polydor UK)
* E/Eels
* primitive radio gods
* Elbow (Polydor UK)
* 1994!
* Sophie Ellis-Bextor
* Electric Light Orchestra (Polydor UK)
* Ellie Goulding (Polydor UK)
* Emma Bunton (Polydor UK)
* Emma's Imagination (Polydor UK)
* Emerson Lake & Powell
* Eminem (Polydor UK)
* Engine Alley (Polydor UK)
* Envy & Other Sins (Polydor UK)
* Escape The Fate
* Paul Evans
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bdscuatui · 4 years
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Giao dịch Bất động sản Quận Erie - Tin tức Buffalo Sau đây là các giao dịch bất động sản trên 5.000 đô la như được liệt kê trong hồ sơ của văn phòng thư ký Quận Erie trong tuần kết thúc vào ngày 7 tháng 2. ALDEN • 11980 Walden Ave., Walden Realty Limited Hợp tác với Tập đoàn Cintas số 2, $ 6.000.000. • 928 Đường Ba Rod, Renee C. Lyon; Đổi mới Lyon; Ralph M. Mohz; Michael Pelczynski; Michael F. Pelczynski; Renee C. Pelczynski; Renee Pelczynski cho Tập đoàn thế chấp cho vay mua nhà liên bang, $ 212,663. • 885 West Alaura Drive, Toolee LLC đến Kelly A. Jarrell; Scott D. Jarrell, 195.000 đô la. • 11423 Broadway, Michael D. Rosner; Patricia B. Rosner đến Joelle Hoeltke; Nathaniel Hoeltke, $ 179,900. • 1241 East Laray Drive, Buffalo Gates LLC đến Bradley Bowen; Kimberly Bowen, 175.100 đô la. • 928 Đường Ba Rod, Tập đoàn thế chấp cho vay mua nhà liên bang đến Joy Ann Morris, 171.999 đô la. • 11760 Westwood Road, Robert M. Laycock; Bình minh Seiwell đến Nicholas S. Buscaglia; Julia N. Licata; Russell J. Licata, 155.000 đô la. • 1462 Elm St., Joseph R. Demare; Carolyn S. Kawecka đến Hallie Keren; Jehosua Keren, 132.100 đô la. • Vl Wende R, William C. Foley; Leonard A. Weisbeck III đến Cmk Builders Inc, 50.000 đô la. AMHERST • Vòng tròn 7 Le Brun, Lucy A. Campbell; James P. Houck đến Janelle M. Randall; Nathan G. Randall, $ 699.000. • 58 San Fernando Lane, Cheryl Castyham; Thomas Cickyham cho Henry Edward Reyes, $ 428.000. • 151 Darwin Drive, Anthony F. Pegnia Jr. để Denise J. Agostino; Philip A. Agostino, 330.000 đô la. • 177 Patton Place, Edda Tiburzi đến Cynthia M. Donoghue; David K. Hanley, $ 316.500. • 13 Campbell Meadows, David Woods; Rừng Phyllis đến Christine A. Tona; Frank C. Tona, $ 311.000. • Tòa án Cimarand 247, Sachiko Fujita; Sachiko F. Fujita đến Daniel Kim; Kia Thạch, 300.000 USD. • 117 Glen Oak Drive, Daniel L. Rodems; Manda E. Rodems cho Jennodes Acheampong; Eric Barnie, $ 295.000. • 4025 Main St., Aida J. Corey đến Darryl Heusinger; Eric L. Heusinger, 285.000 đô la. • 167 Thợ săn ngõ, Pamela J. Kohrn đến Cristina L. Garcia; Juan J. Garcia Jr., $ 278,780. • 4 Địa điểm Hubbardston, Christine A. Tona; Frank C. Tona cho Alfred C. Leto; Willow Leto, $ 275,100. • Đường 491 Mt Vernon, 6831 Seneca St. LLC đến Shanna M. Becker, $ 250.000. • Ngõ 319 Bramblewood, Clara Parisi; Joseph C. Parisi đến Catherine Patricia Shampine; William Christopher Shampine, $ 245,000. • 305 Willow Green, Omara 2018 Family Trust Tr to Crisanto Champion III; Claire L. Hojnacki, 240.000 đô la. • 6 Westcliffe Drive, Pamela A. Shields; Robert W. Shields cho Ginny Gallersdorfer; Patrick Niedziecki, 227.500 đô la. • 109 Altruria, Barbara R. Edwards; Richard W. Edwards đến Alison R. Giunta; Mickael Giunta, 220.000 đô la. • 1569 Wehrle Drive, Joseph Lafornara cho Michael Hennigan; Tara Lynne Trottnow, 220.000 đô la. • 156 Grandview Drive, Claus Schwinge to Brian Kirsch, 207.000 đô la. • 6 Copley Sq, Jane G. Navarro; Joseph A. Navarro cho David Wieloszynski, $ 199,545. • 1269 Đại lộ Thác Niagara, Forest City Properties LLC; Công ty cổ phần cho thuê rừng thành phố Suc; W-A-L Realty Inc Suc; Niasher Realty Inc đến Jemals Boulevard LLC, $ 194,779. • 108 Hickory Hill Rd Ud, Marilyn T Mendelson ủy thác có thể hủy bỏ 041615 Tr cho Janice J. Kapturowski; Ronald A. Kapturowski, $ 185,900. • Ngõ 21 Crown Point, Donald R. Laux; Margaret A. Laux đến Margaret A. Laux, 180.000 USD. • 2810 Đường Dodge, Bertha Regnet; Bertha M. Regnet; Bertha Regnet Living Trust 072011 Tr cho Donald W. Heim, 165.000 đô la. • 25 Albion Ave., John V. Kivinen; Kelyn G. Kivinen đến Elisa R. Debow; Gabriel E. Rivera-Vazquez, $ 156.000. • 9 Công viên Beacon Đơn vị J, Shelley C. Imbs cho Joseph Braccio; Pamela Braccio, 136.000 đô la. • Đại lộ 324 Crosby, Jeanette Levin đến Envision Enterprices LLC, 125.000 đô la. • 335 South Cayuga Rd Đơn vị C, Frances Carter đến Beverly I. Schuster, 115.900 đô la. • 31 Mckinley Ave., Magdalena M. Block; Norbert J. Block to Dum Ventures LLC, 111.000 đô la. • 4166 North Bailey, Barry Medwin tới Daniel Mansfield, 110.000 đô la. • 165 Lynette Lane, Ciminelli Muir Woods LLC đến Ryan Homes of New York, 82.330 đô la. • 123 Callodine Ave., De Leon Juan Perez đến Vazquez Manuel Omar phơi sáng, 71.000 USD. ANGola • 330 North Main St., Lmb Capital Inc đến Danielle Jasmine Ginkel; Zachary Stephen Ginkel, 125.000 đô la. • 5 School St., Tập đoàn thế chấp cho vay mua nhà liên bang cho Mark Mazur; Clair A. Montroy III, $ 18.000. AURORA / EAST AURORA • 1021 Đường Olean, Thyroff Aurora LLC đến Benedicto Holdings Inc, $ 1.000.000. • 135 Kandahar Drive, Jody B. Dowdall; Mercedes B. Dowdall đến Jacqueline M. Rabey; Jordon R. Rabey, 440.000 đô la. • 299 Triển vọng Ave., Jacqueline M. Rabey; Jordon R. Rabey đến Green J Gerard Jr, 270.000 đô la. • 214 Greenwood, Deborah J. Mccormick đến Donna M. Ward; John P. Ward, $ 244,000. • Đường đọc 1811, Jack A. Weinheimer; Rosalie Weinheimer đến Julie Gemerek; Mark Gemerek, 175.000 đô la. • Vl Center St., Revitalized Neighbours LLC đến Jeffrey E. Brodowski, 82.000 đô la. BLASDELL • 3610 South Park Ave., Mary Ellen Lipinski đến Colleen Degraff, 175.000 đô la. BOoston • 6454 Willow Drive, Brittany D. Rashbrook cho Jessica Carey; Michael Carey, $ 230.000. BUFFALO • 527 Hertel, Buffalo Townhomes LLC đến Gold Wynn Delsan Court LLC, $ 8,737,820. • 377 Main St., Landco H & l Inc đến 377 Main Realty Inc, 2.000.000 đô la. Katharine Stryker; Stryker Katharine G Rooney đến Kristy L. Kapturowski, $ 565.000. • 2801-11 Bailey, Mccormick 111 LLC đến 2801 Bailey LLC, 450.000 USD. • 126 Crescent Ave., Juliette M. Carbone; Robert C. Carbone đến Gina M. Spaulding; Noah J. Spaulding, 404.000 đô la. • 426 Triển vọng Ave., Vanessa M. Fineberg đến Caroline C. Gilbert, 380.000 đô la. • 152 Fargo Ave., 152 Fargo LLC cho Caroline Bernadette Clauss; Điều khoản ăn kiêng; Marilyn Halpin, 375.000 đô la. • 32 Hamburg St., Let Them Lol Inc đến Jc Properties Qozb LLC, 250.000 đô la. • 744 Amherst St., Jessica Hughes; Thomas B. Hughes đến Melissa E. Smith, $ 235,000. • 84 Hammerschmidt, Gannon-Patel Enterprise LLC đến Tim J. Eng, 228.500 đô la. ; Erika Noreck; Hans L. Steiniger; Joseph R. Steiniger; Marianne Steiniger đến Jacobi Joseph John Jr, 180.000 đô la. • 149 Baynes, Anne M. Bouvier; John F. Fraser đến Louis Gott; Nikki Ruehl, $ 165,000. • 172 Bird Ave., Bá tước K. Cantwell III; Hy vọng Maria Dunbar đến Jennifer Rutherford, 165.000 đô la. • 129 Amber St., James K. Roberts đến Richard Hernandez, 159.650 đô la. • 53 Montrose Ave., Dorothy V. Gambino đến Buffalo Callodine LLC, 150.000 đô la. LLC đến Treyger Shmaryahu, 145.000 đô la. • 43 Baxter St., Saphiep Kim đến Marian M. Mclean, 145.000 đô la. • 86 Camden Ave., Tyler J. Bortel cho Michael V. Puleo, 144.500 đô la. • 51 Pavonia St., Lebrun Estate LLC tới Evelyn A. Owens-Hennings, 135.000 đô la. • 882 West Ave., Nicholas Pugliese cho Rich Holdings Inc, 130.000 đô la. • 421 Elk St., Trung tâm Khám phá Di sản LLC đến 421 Elk St. LLC, 130.000 đô la. • 863 Glenwood Ave., Buffalo Circle LLC đến Treyger Shmaryahu, 125.000 đô la. • 269 Skillen St., Nhà thờ Tin lành Nazareth Lutheran đến Sandar Moe; Tun Win, 125.000 đô la. • 445 Willett St., Fred Punturiero đến Alyssa Lopez, 125.000 đô la. • 65 Roanoke Parkway, Claire Lydia Hojnacki đến Jacob J. Lipowski, 120.000 đô la. • 46 Carlyle Ave., Donna J. Miller; Jeffrey Miller; Leroy E. Miller; Đánh dấu Miller; Deborah J. Thomas; Deborah L. Thomas đến Mark W. Miller; Renee J. Sullivan, 115.000 đô la. • 457 Monroe St., Angienell Brown đến Celia Croskery, 110.000 đô la. • 176 Geary St., Karen Andres; Steven B. Bengart; Steven Bengart; Robert Robinson Jr.; Robert P. Robinson Jr. đối với các khoản phải thu bảo đảm tài sản được bảo đảm LLC Trust 2005-Op2 Giấy chứng nhận chuyển nhượng thế chấp & xem; Ngân hàng Wells Fargo NA Tr, 105,674 đô la. • 1848 Clinton, Blp Partnership to Acme Cabin Company LLC, 105.000 đô la. • 946 Abbott Road, Colleen Gill đến Robert Adams, 105.000 đô la. • 202 Kay St., 716 Estates LLC đến Stergios Kotsidis; Damianos Tallides, $ 91.000. • 171 Fenton St., Dolores L. Fontana; Richard A. Fontana đến Bryan Jeffrey Bollman, 87.500 đô la. • 103 Lockwood Ave., Juanita L. Bauer; Cindy L. Coleman cho Richard Acosta, 87.500 đô la. • 279 Davidson, 716 Estates LLC đến Sabina Akter Mukta, 85.000 đô la. • 25 College St., Thomas & elizabeth Campbell Living Trust 091509 Tr tới Bonkuka Fnu Kwayo Ithe, 85.000 đô la. Kevin Croom; Peter M. Kooshioan đến Mfra Trust 2014-2 Tr; Wilmington Trust NA Tr, 77.000 đô la. • 2421 Bailey Ave., Edwina S. Bartscheck đến Prime Properties Buffalo Inc, 75.500 đô la. • 210 Condon Ave., William N. Eaton; Emily Trott đến Galina Tumash, 75.200 đô la. • 31 Vandalia, Let Them Lol Inc cho Jc Properties Qozb LLC, 75.000 đô la. • 45 Kermit Ave., Rahman Properties Management Inc đến Nusrat Zahan, 75.000 đô la. • 290 Cáp, Yrsh LLC LLC, 70.000 đô la. • 779 Triển vọng Ave., Carmen Lai; Carmen L. Lai đến Christina Tretter; Christina E. Tretter, 70.000 đô la. • 968 Genesee St., Addie M. Hargrove; Willie A. Robinson; Tracy Walton; Walton Estelle tháng 12; Walton Faye C đến Fairtrade International Inc, 70.000 đô la. • 547 Highgate Ave., Lĩnh vực Annie L Est; Lĩnh vực Annie Louise Est; Anthony J. Lana đến Fannie Mae, 69.342 đô la. • 153 Hagen, Chat Bark Properties 1 LLC đến Md Jahngir Alam; Md Alamgir Hossain; Md Abdur Razzaque, $ 65,200. • 526 Plymouth Ave., Luz M. Vives đến 716 West Side Holdings LLC, $ 60.000. • 609 East Amherst St., Tonton Group LLC đến Tazin Sultana, $ 60.000. Nykizza A. Hardy; Eric J. Hill, 58.000 đô la. • 163 Wakefield, Raquel Crespo; Giovanni Quinones cho Hemel Ahmed, 55.000 đô la. • 50 Fuller, Jeanallan Properties LLC đến Vicky Nguyen, 55.000 đô la. • 207 Riley, Henry W. Self to Goodeee Management LLC, 55.000 đô la. • 160 Tưởng niệm, Dixon Enterprises Inc cho Wilson Edoh, 52.500 đô la. 846 Walden, Thành phố Buffalo đến Delight Realty LLC, $ 50.000. • 77 Crossman Ave., John C. Szablewski; Kathy J. Szablewski đến Lucky Saad Realty Corp, 50.000 đô la. • 239 Suffolk, Tammy Massey-Thomas đến Carlton Jermaine Byrum, 49.000 đô la. • 97 Bradley St., Robert E. Bordner đến Jcos Properties LLC, 46.000 đô la. • 73 Hawley, Robert E Bordner đến Jcos Properties LLC, $ 46.000. • 396 Riley St., Debra Williams; Robert Williams đến Sylvia Mcneill True lov; Vernon A. True lov, $ 42.500. • 34 Wood Ave., Buffalo Circle LLC đến Treyger Shmaryahu, $ 42.000. • 258 Parkdale Ave., Peter Bestajovsky; Eliza Kaminska đến William Szczerba, 41.000 đô la. • 22 Theodore St., Clinton Calloway đến Main Uddin, 40.000 đô la. • 20 Timon, City of Buffalo to Mds Assets Inc, 38.000 đô la. • 57 Goodyear, Yitzys Homes LLC đến tuxedo • 428 Goethe, Atlantica LLC đến Abu Talukder, $ 32.000. • 182 Hagen St., Leigh Anderson; Ethel L. Cummings cho Buffalo King Reality Inc, 32.000 đô la. • 1649 Fillmore, Nina C. Sidiyahya cho Spencer W. Gaskin, 30.000 đô la. tới Ikram Murad, 28.000 đô la. • 164 Royal Ave., Sdp Properties LLC đến Eric Muniz; Nancy Muniz, 27.520 đô la. • 1903 Broadway, 1375 French Rd Inc đến Ahmad M. Shinwari, 20.000 đô la. • 88 Lewis St., Sunil Bakshi; Hageman Sandra D Est đến Ymr Homes LLC, $ 14,581. CHEEKTOWAGA • 75 Alys Dr E, Vịt con xấu xí LLC đến Courtney Paige Black; Brandon Gl lý, $ 230.000. • Đại lộ 212 Towers, Kelly A. Jarrell; Scott D. Jarrell cho Amy M. Blashot, $ 214.000. • 72 Conway, Jason D. Jacks đến Marietta L. Schaedel; Robert E. Schaedel, $ 188,000. • 35 Gabrielle Drive, Robert P. Johnson; Loretta Roberts đến Rmf Mua lại ủy thác mua lại 2018-1 Tr; Hội tiết kiệm quỹ Wilmington Fsb Tr, $ 178,363. • 99 Sandy Lane, Frank Bednasz đến Daryl Hahn; Kelly Hahn, 150.000 đô la. • 101 Argus Drive, Jaclyn R. Cwiklinski; Timothy G. Stearns đến Samantha L. Girdlestone; Trevor T. Wirth, 149.900 đô la. • 69 Angela Lane, Norma J. Mongtomery đến Khadiza Halim, 145.000 đô la. • 119 Lee St., Gdc Holdings LLC đến Lyndsey Grande; Robert Wilcox, 141.625 đô la. • Ổ đĩa Cherokee, Armond E. Lofton; Brenda L. Lofton đến Kathryn M. Lam, 135.000 đô la. • 107 Houston St., Michelle M. Yates đến Ryen Seyfried, 130.000 đô la. • 122 Haller Ave., Farzana Sultana đến Bird House Holdings LLC, 130.000 đô la. • 177 Kennedy Road, Daniel W. Metzinger đến Aubrey R. Mcguire, 130.000 đô la. • 50 Hawro Place, Cynthia L. Boroszko đến Blair V. Fletcher; Jeremy Schlierf, 127.000 đô la. • 220 Bissell Ave., James A. Schwartz; Linda J. Schwartz đến Robert W. Zinni, 122.500 đô la. • 32 Lyman Ave., Trung tâm dịch vụ con người đô thị Lt Col Matt ở Western New York; Trung tâm cộng đồng Ba Lan của Buffalo Inc dba đến Alicia Threat; Gary Threat, 122.000 đô la. • 43 Ellen Drive, Seggio Properties LLC đến Saleh Mohamed, 120.000 đô la. • 240 Parker, Georgina Sinnett đến Gerald Vilier, 110.000 đô la. • 183 đường Meadowlawn, Adam N. Wilcox tới Nazma Akther; Md Sifat Ullah, 108.000 đô la. • 54 Hadley St., Kathleen A. Kubala; Karen M. Noe cho Jennifer Bartus, 107.000 đô la. • 64 Boll St., Lisa M. Tomchot đến Rebecca A. Doruszewski, 107.000 đô la. • 64 Northcrest Ave., John M. Mugas tới Christina H. Evans, 99.000 đô la. • 44 Loxley Road , Ibrahim M. Abu-Sitta đến Talitha Field; Aaron Hawkins, $ 92.500. • 20 Haller Ave., HUD đến Ruhul Amin, $ 80,055. • 83 Loretto Drive, Debra S. Smith đến Ae Buffalo Properties LLC, $ 75.000. • 5521 Đường Road, Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến 5521 Transit Road LLC, $ 35.000. • 24 Halstead Ave., Michael P. Fischer đến Tri Trekkers LLC, $ 31.000. • 6 Algiers Lane, Arthur V. Pogorzala; Dolores Z. Pogorzala đến Jean Pogorzala, 30.000 đô la. • Đường Vl Kennedy, Daniel Petroski đến Joseph J. Darlak; Rossana D. Darlak, 21.000 USD. CÂU HỎI • 9662 Deerview Lane, George P. Gallagher đến Daniel L. Rodems; Manda E. Rodems, $ 419,900. • Đất trống 9819 Đường mòn Longleaf, Sg Clarence LLC đến Forbes Capretto Homes; Forbes Homes Inc dba, 129.500 đô la. THU THẬP • 14088 Gowanda State Road, Earle W. Gates; Vòng nguyệt quế S. Gates đến Keller Billie Jo M, 143.100 đô la. • 13945 Quaker St., Nancy Wells Withington đến Mark Hawes, 40.000 đô la. CONCORD • Đường mòn 20 dốc, Jennifer A. Obrien; Kevin J. Obrien đến Jerry Grawe; Sandra Grawe, $ 245.000. • 13966 Mill St., 7538 Olean Road LLC đến Michael Meindl; Jessica Stack, $ 178.000. EDEN • 9833 Đường Tice, Joseph J. Willis; Karen S. Willis cho Jennifer L. Weber; Joseph M. Weber, 360.000 đô la. • 2172 Đường Hemlock, Lynn Milligan; Robert Milligan đến Brett J. Gage; Natalia D. Gage, 225.000 đô la. • Đường 2304 tháng 3, Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Tây Nam Inc., $ 10.000.EVans • 7125 Brandywine Drive, John Hider; Kristine Hider đến Desiree Hider; John C. Hider, 150.000 đô la. • 73 Center St., Truman 2016 Sc6 Title Trust Tr to Queen City Remodeling Inc, 61.500 đô la. • 1576 Eden Evans Center Road, Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Tây Nam Inc, 25.000 đô la. • 9096 Đại lộ Tây Nam, Nancy Snyder; Quận Erie đến Tây Nam Inc, $ 10.000. ĐẢO GRAND • 94 Đường mòn dễ chịu, David W. Ambellan; Nancy A. Ambellan đến Narinder Singh, 351.000 đô la. • 1310 East Park Road, 335 Center St. Inc đến Idrees Akhtar; Mubeen A. Moughal, 205.000 đô la. • 1486 Đường Whitehaven, Mehmet Hajdini; Arbnore Islami đến Tri Trekkers LLC, $ 173.500. • 3058 Đường sông Đông, David M. Scalise; Joseph D. Mở rộng cho Susan King, 125.000 đô la. HAMCHA • Tòa án Woodway 5018, David Marshall Meinke đến Joshua R. Bannister; Nicolette E. Bannister, 373.000 đô la. • 4301 Rushford Drive, Timothy J. Keim đến National Nominee Services Inc, $ 325.000. • 4301 Rushford Drive, National Nominee Services Inc cho Emily T. Haas, $ 325.000. Steenberg; Timothy T. Steenberg đến Jami Ali; Matthew Silver, $ 290.000. • 5589 Câu lạc bộ đồng quê, Valerie L. Heywood đến Jessica L. Hargarther; Kyle E. Scritchfield, $ 260.000. • 6233 Đường Versailles, Erin N. Russell đến Louis P. Vertino Jr., $ 215.000. • 4971 Kennison Parkway, Natalie R. Bucholtz; George T. Griesbaum cho Lauren E. Murray; Michael T. Murray, $ 189.000. • 6138 Mckinley Parkway, John C. Stiker; Mary L. Stiker cho Steven J. Fox; Tracy A. Fox, $ 185,000. • 5136 Thurston Ave., Jennifer Sj Beam to Paul Hoffman, $ 170.000. • 77 Cây thông, Joseph R. Hess; Lynn M. Hess đến Lindsey K. Ardus, 150.000 đô la. • 4745 Đại lộ Mount Vernon, Claudia M. Austin; Elbert C. Austin III đến Harold R. Clark, 138.000 đô la. • 2640 Oakwood Ave., Melissa Bannister cho Bradley K. Heilig, 135.000 đô la. HÀ LAN • 6 Cherrywood Ridge, Florence Hoffman; Gene E. Hoffman cho Brandon J. Dawson; Rebecca G. Dawson, $ 217.000. • 124 Canada St., Rebecca G. Keller cho Jennifer R. Larkowski; Sean M. Larkowski, $ 157,400. LACKAWANNA • 66 Orchard Place, Colin P. Higgins đến Sharif M. Alamry, $ 157.500. • 100 Balen Drive, Edward J. Mueller cho David D. Holmwood, $ 147.000. • 191 Franklin St., Bruce Savino đến Samantha Martin, $ 108,150. LANCASTER • 28 Weathersfield Lane, Rjf Development Jv đến Cross Creek Eight LLC, 996.870 đô la. • 1821 Como Park Boulevard, Kcm Enterprises Inc đến Van Buren Boys Holdings LLC, 430.000 đô la. • 16 Park Walk, Jamie L. Cudzil; Jonathan R. Fletcher cho Jennifer N. Zyla; Scott E. Zyla, 270.000 đô la. • 21 Ivy Way, Divert Properties LLC đến Samantha J. Pilote, $ 235.000. • 18 Petersbrook Circle, Patricia K. Wukovits cho William E. Clotfelter, 179.000 đô la. • 132 Iroquois Ave., Beverly Schuster; Beverly I. Schuster đến Valerie Lynn Alba, $ 167,000. • 6 Benson Drive, Helen M. Dietz đến Kelly Ann Martin, $ 122.500. • 6 Weathersfield Lane, Essex Ngôi nhà của WNY Inc cho Lauren C. Rittling; Richard W. Rittling Jr., 84.000 đô la. • 34 Glendale Drive, Crystal A. Richards đến Thomas P Schuster Ira Ben; Equity Trust Co Cust, 81.000 đô la. • 8 Hidden Lawn Crossing, Hidden Lawn Lan LLC đến Forbes Capretto Homes; Forbes Homes Inc dba, 69.000 đô la. • Đất trống 41 Partridge Walk, Hidden Lawn Lan LLC đến Forbes Capretto Homes; Forbes Homes Inc dba, 69.000 đô la. MARILLA • 2432 Đường Eastwood, Jonathan Thompson đến Paul Luke Kieffer, $ 220.000. NEWSTEAD • 4959 South Newstead Road, Cmk Builders của Alden Inc đến Gary Bailey; Candi S. Possinger-Bailey, 360.000 đô la. PHÍA BẮC • Đường Vl Marschfield, David Berghash; David Wadsworth cho Kenneth Phillips, 33.000 đô la. CÔNG viên ORCHARD • 2 Đường Winterhall, Sally A. Manley; William S. Manley đến Dean M. Brewer Jr.; Rachel Annette Biaer, 656.900 đô la. • 8 Grand View Trl, Joseph P. Kubarek; Sharon M. Porcellio đến Kelly A. Todaro; Michael J. Todaro, 650.000 đô la. • 285 Độc lập, Matthew E. Raiff; Susan M. Raiff đến Gregory D. Samei, 375.000 đô la. • 45 Minden Drive, Steven B. Bengart; Charlene C. Parker đến Fannie Mae, $ 231,022. • 5246 Webster Road, Patricia S. Walla viêm; Paul J. Walla viêm đến Timothy T. Steenberg, 148.000 đô la. • Đất trống 4 Stone Bluff Ct 56, Liên doanh Brompton / caesar Associates cho Jamie N. Nadler; Megan E. Nadler, 118.000 đô la. • 20 Hearthstone Terrace, Liên doanh Brompton / caesar Associates cho Forbes Homes Inc, 114.000 đô la. • 22 Hearthstone Terrace, Brompton / caesar Associates liên doanh với Forbes Homes Inc, 114.000 đô la. đến Tài sản & Bất động sản Mỹ LLC, $ 42.500. MÙA XUÂN • 205 Newman St., Ethan W. Collins; Audra D. Towsley; Patrick E. Towsley đến Ngân hàng Cộng đồng NA, 136.341 đô la. • 47 Glen St., Rosemary S. Mumbach đến Margaret A. Obrien, 126.000 đô la. • 154 East Main St., Cordell A. Thompson; Jaime C. Thompson cho Sarah L. Gabler, 104.000 đô la. THÀNH PHỐ TONAWANDA • 4 Peuquet Parkway, Outvue LLC đến Stark Real Estate Holdings LLC, $ 950,000. • 279 Brookside, Trevor J. Mullins cho Jason L. Bishoff; Maegan E. Bishoff, $ 215.000. • 273 Rogers Ave., Matthew Casseri đến Jamie L. Cummings; Nathan Cummings, $ 173,000. • 257 Niagara St., Edward W. Schreaser to Amy E. Tirella, 133.900 đô la. • 228 Grove St., Odonnell Land & expl LLC đến Jacob Rutkowski, 122.000 đô la. • 166 Rogers Ave., Doris Callahan; Doris E. Callahan đến Kristen Consminger, $ 119,900. • 45 Simson St., Kira Cochran-Gross cho Ahad Advisory Group LLC, $ 50,786. • 2 Maldives, Ave., Francis J. Prelewicz đến John C. Pontrello, $ 50.000. • 4 Clinton St ., David L Eddy Ira 100% Ben; Công ty ủy thác Pensco ủy thác cho Michael J. Lee; Khủng bố E. Lee; 78 Niagara Shore LLC, $ 44.000. TONAWANDA • 22 Deerhurst Park, John Pezzino III đến Anthony C. Fanara, $ 330.000. • 42 đường Grayton, Marilyn Kanutsu đến Deborah A. Tomizzi; Joseph J. Tomizzi, $ 277.999. • 324 Argonne Drive, Anne Mcguire; Curtis L. Meer cho Justin Giá, $ 272.000. • 2970 Đường Eggert, Francesca Grisafi; Giovanni Grisafi đến Bình minh Marie Smyth; Michael Lawrence Smyth, 266.000 đô la. • 142 Westfall Drive, William J. Croker đến Breanne A. Queeno, 186.500 đô la. John A. Delaney đến Heather Rende, 161.000 đô la. • 403 Thorncliff, Dorothy M. Grover cho Elizabeth J. Smith; Michael P. Smith, $ 159,000. • 50 Dreyer Ave., Mark Valenti đến Rosalina M. Vanegas, $ 150,000. • 22 Keller, Heather E. Markwart đến Rachelle Roberts, $ 145.000. • 33 North Ellwood Ave., Susan Ellsworth Johnson đến Trevor J Ngày, 140.000 đô la. • 32 Tremont Ave., Eric B. Nelson đến Miranda Scamacca, 135.000 đô la. • 393 Westgate Road, Kaysi Stepien đến Anthony Badon, 130.000 đô la. • 60 Legion Drive, Donald S. Cox; Gary F. Cox; James A. Cox; Walter W. Cox đến 60legion LLC, 129.900 đô la. • 64 North End Ave., Mary T. Kosmerl đến Lsf9 Master Tham gia tin cậy Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr, $ 125,261. • 974 Đại lộ Riverview, Roberta Mcginty đến Kim Tetreault; Scott Tetreault, 106.500 đô la. • 115 Brighton, Arthur Manthey Jr.; Manthey Arthur Paul Jr đến Amanda C. Glor, 100.000 đô la. • 3347 Elmwood Ave., Schofield Residence; Schofield Residence & schofield Certified Home Care; Ghế bánh xe Home Inc dba to Linda C. Baker; Robert A. Baker, 97.000 đô la. • 31 Kerr Ave., Justin J. Bleich; Paul A. Vance gửi Ngân hàng HSBC Hoa Kỳ NA, $ 94,073. • 64 Hoover Ave., Kenneth Graber; Amiee L. Kennedy; Keith D. Miller; Mary E. Miller đến Ngân hàng Midfirst, 81.000 đô la. • 140 Parkwood Ave., HUD đến Emmanuel Tambi, 77.000 đô la. • 164 Woodlawn Drive, Christina Trust Tr; Cơ hội tín dụng dân cư ủy thác III Tr; Hội tiết kiệm Wilmington Fsb Tr dba to Terrance P. Brogan, $ 75,001. • 86 Somerton Ave., 6831 Seneca St. LLC đến Unisource Realty LLC, $ 75.000. • 21 Pullman Ave., Carolyn Diakakis; Peter Diakakis cho Corey J. Hogan, 65.000 đô la. • 149 Kaufman Ave., Michael W. Wagner đến Stephanie E. Capozzi; Nicholas P. Hackett, 30.000 đô la. • 68 Roxley, Anthony F. Scrivo đến Colleen E. Kozlowski; Colleen Scrivo, $ 15,693. TÂY SENECA • 8 Crownland Circle, David R. Modica Jr. đến Jaime E. Noltee; Jeffrey Noltee Jr., $ 202.500. • 69 Woodbine Ave., James Lawson; Theresa Lawson đến Alexia R. Schmidt; Cameron W. Schmidt, 179.900 đô la. • Đường 338 Union, Philip Obrien đến Rachael Ann Kapuscinski, 170.000 đô la. • 4968 Clinton St., Frederick F. Mazurowski đến Richard Wieland, 135.000 đô la. • 45 Nancycrest Lane, George R. Myslinski đến Anne E. Nâu; Stephen P. Brown, $ 134,900. • 319 Nhà thờ Ấn Độ, Erma B. Flory cho Steven J. Wagner, $ 125,250. • 66 Burch Ave., Tập đoàn cải tiến vùng đất Buffalo Erie Niagara đến Elizabeth A. Komoroske, $ 125.000. • 400 Collins Ave. , Nicholas L. Arakelian đến April K. Mueller, 123.600 đô la. • 245 Burch Ave., Steve M. Dipalma cho Christopher S. Golownik; Patricia Golownik, 63.000 đô la. • 212 Saint Jude Terrace, Lisa M. Zimpfer cho Peter J. Celli, 40.000 đô la. • 2p V / l Hyland Ave., Stefan Kablak cho Donald G. Larson, 23.500 đô la. [ad_2] Nguồn
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ethereallad · 7 years
My mother, Willa Broome Gidney, died on December 10. The funeral service is this Saturday. I am in mourning and expect to be for a while. But I will share the long-form obituary I co-wrote with my older brother.
Obituary for Willa Broome Gidney January 29, 1931 – December 10, 2017
Willa (“Billie”) Mae Broome Gidney was born on January 29, 1931 in Gastonia, North Carolina to James Laurance Broome, a stone mason, and Stella Segines Broome, a seamstress. She was the youngest child of that marriage, which included her siblings Stella Constance Broome Fuller, Donald Broome , James Broome Jr., and Bettye Broome Poe.
Her mother, Stella Segines, died when Billie was ten years of age, and that tragic event briefly separated the family as her widowed father looked for steady work in the North. Willa was taken in and raised by Mrs. Rosie B. Thompson and her husband from ages 11-17. During this time, she excelled academically, in spite of the challenges of being separated from her family. Willa moved to Philadelphia, PA along with the rest of her family when her father remarried Ms. Frances Glasco (known to all as “Mama Frances”).
Willa attended Temple University in Philadelphia where, in addition to her studies in French and education, she joined the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and was one of Temple University’s first African-American cheerleaders. She also wrote a weekly column in the university newspaper entitled, “The Broome Sweeps Clean.”
After graduation, she became third-grade teacher in Philadelphia. During the summers of 1957-59, Willa earned her Masters of Education at Harvard University Graduate School of Education. It was at this time that she began courting Calvin Gidney, who would be her husband of nearly 40 years. She met him in her childhood in Newton, North Carolina, where they were both in the same third grade classroom. They wed in 1958. Billie and Calvin lovingly raised three children: Calvin Leroy (III) “Chip” , Craig Laurance, and Evan Lionel. Billie was immensely proud of her three sons, her daughter-in-law Tiffany Ricci (Gidney) and her grandchildren Calvin Lionel Gidney and Eleanor Shea Gidney.
After Calvin Gidney Jr. completed his Doctor of Dental Surgery at Meharry Medical College , the couple moved down to Washington, D.C., where Calvin set up a dental practice on Kennedy Street and Billie began working for the D.C. Public Schools, first as an elementary school teacher, and then as an administrator for the DCPS as the school system’s Cultural Coordinator. In this role, Billie oversaw cultural enrichment programs for the entire DC Public School system. She also managed to complete the coursework towards a Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.) at Nova University.
In addition to her many academic and professional achievements, Billie participated in many volunteer and social organizations. She served a couple of terms as the president of the Carter Barron East Neighborhood Association (CBENA), the neighborhood group she co-founded with Mrs. Louise Whitney. Her work with many local and national clubs including the Emeralds, the Arrowettes, Just Good Friends, Girl Scouts of America, and Christ Lutheran Church enriched the lives of many in the community.
Billie spent the last twelve years of her life living at Riderwood Village, a continuing care community in Silver Spring, MD. There, she took full advantage of the many opportunities for travel, learning, cultural enrichment, physical activities, and games (at which she excelled). She was a beloved member of the Riderwood community – loved and respected by residents and staff alike.
Billie had many talents and interests. She was a voracious reader, an expert bridge player, and an unbeatable Scrabble player. She was a musician – a skilled pianist and vocalist – a gift she shared with her sons Chip and Evan. She was a skilled orator and sometimes performed her own poetry. She was a talented and funny raconteur: her stories live on in the books of her son Craig. She was always impeccably dressed and had a flair for accessories; while at Riderwood, she would even adorn her walkers to the delight of other residents.
Billie was, first and foremost, a beautiful soul – kind, wise, smart, and gentle. She lived a marvelous and long life with grace and dignity. She touched all who knew her.
For the life of Willa B. Gidney, we are eternally thankful!
  My Mother’s Obituary My mother, Willa Broome Gidney, died on December 10. The funeral service is this Saturday. I am in mourning and expect to be for a while.
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butterflyinthewell · 7 years
We remember.
16 years ago, my church held an impromptu service in the wake of 9/11. There was only a preliminary list of the people killed. Everybody drew little sheets of paper with a name on it from a basket, and during the prayer we each read the name we held aloud at the same time. The name I got was Stephen Dimino. I make a point to say his name out loud several times a day every 9/11.
I put a list of their names under the cut. You will be scrolling for a long time. I encourage everyone to pick out a name, write it down and say it in whatever form you communicate best be it AAC, sign language, or even keeping a photo of that person with their name if you can find a photo of them.
Some say a person’s memory stays alive as long as their name is still read or spoken. I can’t bring back the people who died that awful day, but I can use this platform to put their names out there so their memory stays alive.
List of World Trade Center Victims (not including plane crews or passengers)
Gordon M. Aamoth, Jr. Edelmiro Abad Maria Rose Abad Andrew Anthony Abate Vincent Abate Laurence Christopher Abel William F. Abrahamson Richard Anthony Aceto Jesus Acevedo Rescand Heinrich Bernhard Ackermann Paul Acquaviva Donald LaRoy Adams Patrick Adams Shannon Lewis Adams Stephen George Adams Ignatius Udo Adanga Christy A. Addamo Terence E. Adderley, Jr. Sophia Buruwad Addo Lee Allan Adler Daniel Thomas Afflitto Emmanuel Akwasi Afuakwah Alok Agarwal Mukul Kumar Agarwala Joseph Agnello David Scott Agnes Brian G. Ahearn Jeremiah Joseph Ahern Joanne Marie Ahladiotis Shabbir Ahmed Terrance Andre Aiken Godwin Ajala Gertrude M. Alagero Andrew Alameno Margaret Ann Alario Gary M. Albero Jon Leslie Albert Peter Alderman Jacquelyn Delaine Aldridge David D. Alger Sarah Ali-Escarcega Ernest Alikakos Edward L. Allegretto Eric Allen Joseph Ryan Allen Richard Dennis Allen Richard Lanard Allen Christopher E. Allingham Janet M. Alonso Arturo Alva-Moreno Anthony Alvarado Antonio Javier Alvarez Victoria Alvarez-Brito Telmo E. Alvear Cesar Amoranto Alviar Tariq Amanullah Angelo Amaranto James M. Amato Joseph Amatuccio Christopher Charles Amoroso Kazuhiro Anai Calixto Anaya, Jr. Joseph Anchundia Kermit Charles Anderson Yvette Constance Anderson John Andreacchio Michael Rourke Andrews Jean Ann Andrucki Siew-Nya Ang Joseph Angelini, Jr. Joseph Angelini, Sr. Laura Angilletta Doreen J. Angrisani Lorraine Antigua Peter Paul Apollo Faustino Apostol, Jr. Frank Thomas Aquilino Patrick Michael Aranyos David Arce Michael George Arczynski Louis Arena Adam P. Arias Michael Armstrong Jack Charles Aron Joshua Aron Richard Avery Aronow Japhet Jesse Aryee Patrick Asante Carl Asaro Michael Asciak Michael Edward Asher Janice Marie Ashley Thomas J. Ashton Manuel O. Asitimbay Gregg Arthur Atlas Gerald T. Atwood James Audiffred Louis Frank Aversano, Jr. Ezra Aviles Sandy Ayala Arlene T. Babakitis Eustace P. Bacchus John J. Badagliacca Jane Ellen Baeszler Robert J. Baierwalter Andrew J. Bailey Brett T. Bailey Tatyana Bakalinskaya Michael S. Baksh Sharon M. Balkcom Michael Andrew Bane Katherine Bantis Gerard Baptiste Walter Baran Gerard A. Barbara Paul Vincent Barbaro James William Barbella Ivan Kyrillos F. Barbosa Victor Daniel Barbosa Colleen Ann Barkow David Michael Barkway Matthew Barnes Sheila Patricia Barnes Evan J. Baron Renee Barrett-Arjune Nathaly Barrios La Cruz Arthur Thaddeus Barry Diane G. Barry Maurice Vincent Barry Scott D. Bart Carlton W. Bartels Guy Barzvi Inna B. Basina Alysia Basmajian Kenneth William Basnicki Steven Bates Paul James Battaglia Walter David Bauer, Jr. Marlyn Capito Bautista Jasper Baxter Michele Beale Paul Frederick Beatini Jane S. Beatty Lawrence Ira Beck Manette Marie Beckles Carl John Bedigian Michael Earnest Beekman Maria A. Behr Yelena Belilovsky Nina Patrice Bell Debbie Bellows Stephen Elliot Belson Paul M. Benedetti Denise Lenore Benedetto Maria Bengochea Bryan Craig Bennett Eric L. Bennett Oliver Duncan Bennett Margaret L. Benson Dominick J. Berardi James Patrick Berger Steven Howard Berger John P. Bergin Alvin Bergsohn Daniel Bergstein Michael J. Berkeley Donna M. Bernaerts David W. Bernard William Bernstein David M. Berray David S. Berry Joseph J. Berry William Reed Bethke Timothy Betterly Edward Frank Beyea Paul Beyer Anil Tahilram Bharvaney Bella J. Bhukhan Shimmy D. Biegeleisen Peter Alexander Bielfeld William G. Biggart Brian Bilcher Carl Vincent Bini Gary Eugene Bird Joshua David Birnbaum George John Bishop Jeffrey Donald Bittner Albert Balewa Blackman, Jr. Christopher Joseph Blackwell Susan Leigh Blair Harry Blanding, Jr. Janice Lee Blaney Craig Michael Blass Rita Blau Richard Middleton Blood, Jr. Michael Andrew Boccardi John P. Bocchi Michael Leopoldo Bocchino Susan M. Bochino Bruce D. Boehm Mary Catherine Boffa Nicholas Andrew Bogdan Darren Christopher Bohan Lawrence Francis Boisseau Vincent M. Boland, Jr. Alan Bondarenko Andre Bonheur, Jr. Colin Arthur Bonnett Frank Bonomo Yvonne Lucia Bonomo Genieve Bonsignore, 3 Seaon Booker Sherry Ann Bordeaux Krystine Bordenabe Martin Boryczewski Richard Edward Bosco John H. Boulton Francisco Eligio Bourdier Thomas Harold Bowden, Jr. Kimberly S. Bowers Veronique Nicole Bowers Larry Bowman Shawn Edward Bowman, Jr. Kevin L. Bowser Gary R. Box Gennady Boyarsky Pamela Boyce Michael Boyle Alfred Braca Kevin Bracken David Brian Brady Alexander Braginsky Nicholas W. Brandemarti Michelle Renee Bratton Patrice Braut Lydia E. Bravo Ronald Michael Breitweiser Edward A. Brennan III Francis Henry Brennan Michael E. Brennan Peter Brennan Thomas M. Brennan Daniel J. Brethel Gary Lee Bright Jonathan Briley Mark A. Brisman Paul Gary Bristow Mark Francis Broderick Herman Charles Broghammer Keith A. Broomfield Ethel Brown Janice Juloise Brown Lloyd Stanford Brown Patrick J. Brown Bettina Browne Mark Bruce Richard George Bruehert Andrew Brunn Vincent Brunton Ronald Paul Bucca Brandon J. Buchanan Gregory Joseph Buck Dennis Buckley Nancy Clare Bueche Patrick Joseph Buhse John Edwards Bulaga, Jr. Stephen Bunin Matthew J. Burke Thomas Daniel Burke William Francis Burke, Jr. Donald J. Burns Kathleen Anne Burns Keith James Burns John Patrick Burnside Irina Buslo Milton G. Bustillo Thomas M. Butler Patrick Byrne Timothy G. Byrne Jesus Neptali Cabezas Lillian Caceres Brian Joseph Cachia Steven Dennis Cafiero, Jr. Richard M. Caggiano Cecile Marella Caguicla Michael John Cahill Scott Walter Cahill Thomas Joseph Cahill George Cain Salvatore B. Calabro Joseph Calandrillo Philip V. Calcagno Edward Calderon Kenneth Marcus Caldwell Dominick Enrico Calia Felix Calixte Frank Callahan Liam Callahan Luigi Calvi Roko Camaj Michael F. Cammarata David Otey Campbell Geoffrey Thomas Campbell Jill Marie Campbell Robert Arthur Campbell Sandra Patricia Campbell Sean Thomas Canavan John A. Candela Vincent Cangelosi Stephen J. Cangialosi Lisa Bella Cannava Brian Cannizzaro Michael Canty Louis Anthony Caporicci Jonathan Neff Cappello James Christopher Cappers Richard Michael Caproni Jose Manuel Cardona Dennis M. Carey Steve Carey Edward Carlino Michael Scott Carlo David G. Carlone Rosemarie C. Carlson Mark Stephen Carney Joyce Ann Carpeneto Ivhan Luis Carpio Bautista Jeremy M. Carrington Michael Carroll Peter Carroll James Joseph Carson, Jr. Marcia Cecil Carter James Marcel Cartier Vivian Casalduc John Francis Casazza Paul R. Cascio Margarito Casillas Thomas Anthony Casoria William Otto Caspar Alejandro Castano Arcelia Castillo Germaan Castillo Garcia Leonard M. Castrianno Jose Ramon Castro Richard G. Catarelli Christopher Sean Caton Robert John Caufield Mary Teresa Caulfield Judson Cavalier Michael Joseph Cawley Jason David Cayne Juan Armando Ceballos Jason Michael Cefalu Thomas Joseph Celic Ana Mercedes Centeno Joni Cesta Jeffrey Marc Chairnoff Swarna Chalasani William Chalcoff Eli Chalouh Charles Lawrence Chan Mandy Chang Mark Lawrence Charette Gregorio Manuel Chavez Delrose E. Cheatham Pedro Francisco Checo Douglas MacMillan Cherry Stephen Patrick Cherry Vernon Paul Cherry Nester Julio Chevalier Swede Chevalier Alexander H. Chiang Dorothy J. Chiarchiaro Luis Alfonso Chimbo Robert Chin Wing Wai Ching Nicholas Paul Chiofalo John Chipura Peter A. Chirchirillo Catherine Chirls Kyung Hee Cho Abul K. Chowdhury Mohammad Salahuddin Chowdhury Kirsten L. Christophe Pamela Chu Steven Chucknick Wai Chung Christopher Ciafardini Alex F. Ciccone Frances Ann Cilente Elaine Cillo Edna Cintron Nestor Andre Cintron III Robert Dominick Cirri Juan Pablo Cisneros-Alvarez Benjamin Keefe Clark Eugene Clark Gregory Alan Clark Mannie Leroy Clark Thomas R. Clark Christopher Robert Clarke Donna Marie Clarke Michael J. Clarke Suria Rachel Emma Clarke Kevin Francis Cleary James D. Cleere Geoffrey W. Cloud Susan Marie Clyne Steven Coakley Jeffrey Alan Coale Patricia A. Cody Daniel Michael Coffey Jason M. Coffey Florence G. Cohen Kevin Sanford Cohen Anthony Joseph Coladonato Mark Joseph Colaio Stephen Colaio Christopher M. Colasanti Kevin Nathaniel Colbert Michel P. Colbert Keith E. Coleman Scott Thomas Coleman Tarel Coleman Liam Joseph Colhoun Robert D. Colin Robert J. Coll Jean Collin John Michael Collins Michael L. Collins Thomas J. Collins Joseph Collison Patricia Malia Colodner Linda M. Colon Sol E. Colon Ronald Edward Comer Sandra Jolane Conaty Brace Jaime Concepcion Albert Conde Denease Conley Susan P. Conlon Margaret Mary Conner Cynthia Marie Lise Connolly John E. Connolly, Jr. James Lee Connor Jonathan M. Connors Kevin Patrick Connors Kevin F. Conroy Jose Manuel Contreras-Fernandez Brenda E. Conway Dennis Michael Cook Helen D. Cook John A. Cooper Joseph John Coppo, Jr. Gerard J. Coppola Joseph Albert Corbett Alejandro Cordero Robert Cordice Ruben D. Correa Danny A. Correa-Gutierrez James J. Corrigan Carlos Cortes Kevin Cosgrove Dolores Marie Costa Digna Alexandra Costanza Charles Gregory Costello, Jr. Michael S. Costello Conrod K. Cottoy Martin John Coughlan John Gerard Coughlin Timothy J. Coughlin James E. Cove Andre Cox Frederick John Cox James Raymond Coyle Michele Coyle-Eulau Anne Marie Cramer Christopher S. Cramer Denise Elizabeth Crant James Leslie Crawford, Jr. Robert James Crawford Joanne Mary Cregan Lucy Crifasi John A. Crisci Daniel Hal Crisman Dennis Cross Kevin Raymond Crotty Thomas G. Crotty John Crowe Welles Remy Crowther Robert L. Cruikshank John Robert Cruz Grace Yu Cua Kenneth John Cubas Francisco Cruz Cubero Richard J. Cudina Neil James Cudmore Thomas Patrick Cullen lll Joyce Cummings Brian Thomas Cummins Michael Cunningham Robert Curatolo Laurence Damian Curia Paul Dario Curioli Beverly Curry Michael S. Curtin Gavin Cushny John D’Allara Vincent Gerard D’Amadeo Jack D’Ambrosi Mary D’Antonio Edward A. D’Atri Michael D. D’Auria Michael Jude D’Esposito Manuel John Da Mota Caleb Arron Dack Carlos S. DaCosta Joao Alberto DaFonseca Aguiar, Jr. Thomas A. Damaskinos Jeannine Marie Damiani-Jones Patrick W. Danahy Nana Danso Vincent Danz Dwight Donald Darcy Elizabeth Ann Darling Annette Andrea Dataram Lawrence Davidson Michael Allen Davidson Scott Matthew Davidson Titus Davidson Niurka Davila Clinton Davis Wayne Terrial Davis Anthony Richard Dawson Calvin Dawson Edward James Day Jayceryll de Chavez Jennifer De Jesus Monique E. De Jesus Nereida De Jesus Emerita De La Pena Azucena Maria de la Torre David Paul De Rubbio Jemal Legesse De Santis Christian Louis De Simone Melanie Louise De Vere William Thomas Dean Robert J. DeAngelis, Jr. Thomas Patrick DeAngelis Tara E. Debek Anna Marjia DeBin James V. Deblase Paul DeCola Simon Marash Dedvukaj Jason Defazio David A. DeFeo Manuel Del Valle, Jr. Donald Arthur Delapenha Vito Joseph DeLeo Danielle Anne Delie Joseph A. Della Pietra Andrea DellaBella Palmina DelliGatti Colleen Ann Deloughery Francis Albert DeMartini Anthony Demas Martin N. DeMeo Francis Deming Carol K. Demitz Kevin Dennis Thomas F. Dennis Jean DePalma Jose Depena Robert John Deraney Michael DeRienzo Edward DeSimone III Andrew Desperito Cindy Ann Deuel Jerry DeVito Robert P. Devitt, Jr. Dennis Lawrence Devlin Gerard Dewan Sulemanali Kassamali Dhanani Patricia Florence Di Chiaro Debra Ann Di Martino Michael Louis Diagostino Matthew Diaz Nancy Diaz Rafael Arturo Diaz Michael A. Diaz-Piedra III Judith Berquis Diaz-Sierra Joseph Dermot Dickey, Jr. Lawrence Patrick Dickinson Michael D. Diehl John Difato Vincent Difazio Carl Anthony DiFranco Donald Difranco Stephen Patrick Dimino William John Dimmling Marisa DiNardo Schorpp Christopher M. Dincuff Jeffrey Mark Dingle Anthony Dionisio George DiPasquale Joseph Dipilato Douglas Frank DiStefano Ramzi A. Doany John Joseph Doherty Melissa C. Doi Brendan Dolan Neil Matthew Dollard James Joseph Domanico Benilda Pascua Domingo Carlos Dominguez Jerome Mark Patrick Dominguez Kevin W. Donnelly Jacqueline Donovan Stephen Scott Dorf Thomas Dowd Kevin Dowdell Mary Yolanda Dowling Raymond Mathew Downey Frank Joseph Doyle Joseph Michael Doyle Stephen Patrick Driscoll Mirna A. Duarte Michelle Beale Duberry Luke A. Dudek Christopher Michael Duffy Gerard Duffy Michael Joseph Duffy Thomas W. Duffy Antoinette Duger Sareve Dukat Christopher Joseph Dunne Richard Anthony Dunstan Patrick Thomas Dwyer Joseph Anthony Eacobacci John Bruce Eagleson Robert Douglas Eaton Dean Phillip Eberling Margaret Ruth Echtermann Paul Robert Eckna Constantine Economos Dennis Michael Edwards Michael Hardy Edwards Christine Egan Lisa Egan Martin J. Egan, Jr. Michael Egan Samantha Martin Egan Carole Eggert Lisa Caren Ehrlich John Ernst Eichler Eric Adam Eisenberg Daphne Ferlinda Elder Michael J. Elferis Mark Joseph Ellis Valerie Silver Ellis Albert Alfy William Elmarry Edgar Hendricks Emery, Jr. Doris Suk-Yuen Eng Christopher Epps Ulf Ramm Ericson Erwin L. Erker William John Erwin Jose Espinal Fanny Espinoza Bridget Ann Esposito Francis Esposito Michael Esposito William Esposito Ruben Esquilin, Jr. Sadie Ette Barbara G. Etzold Eric Brian Evans Robert Evans Meredith Emily June Ewart Catherine K. Fagan Patricia Mary Fagan Keith George Fairben Sandra Fajardo-Smith William F. Fallon William Lawrence Fallon, Jr. Anthony J. Fallone, Jr. Dolores Brigitte Fanelli John Joseph Fanning Kathleen Anne Faragher Thomas Farino Nancy Carole Farley Elizabeth Ann Farmer Douglas Jon Farnum John G. Farrell John W. Farrell Terrence Patrick Farrell Joseph D. Farrelly Thomas Patrick Farrelly Syed Abdul Fatha Christopher Edward Faughnan Wendy R. Faulkner Shannon Marie Fava Bernard D. Favuzza Robert Fazio, Jr. Ronald Carl Fazio William Feehan Francis Jude Feely Garth Erin Feeney Sean B. Fegan Lee S. Fehling Peter Adam Feidelberg Alan D. Feinberg Rosa Maria Feliciano Edward Thomas Fergus, Jr. George Ferguson Henry Fernandez Judy Hazel Fernandez Julio Fernandez Elisa Giselle Ferraina Anne Marie Sallerin Ferreira Robert John Ferris David Francis Ferrugio Louis V. Fersini Michael David Ferugio Bradley James Fetchet Jennifer Louise Fialko Kristen Nicole Fiedel Samuel Fields Michael Bradley Finnegan Timothy J. Finnerty Michael Curtis Fiore Stephen S R Fiorelli, Sr. Paul M. Fiori John B. Fiorito John R. Fischer Andrew Fisher Bennett Lawson Fisher John Roger Fisher Thomas J. Fisher Lucy A. Fishman Ryan D. Fitzgerald Thomas James Fitzpatrick Richard P. Fitzsimons Salvatore Fiumefreddo Christina Donovan Flannery Eileen Flecha Andre G. Fletcher Carl M. Flickinger John Joseph Florio Joseph Walken Flounders David Fodor Michael N. Fodor Stephen Mark Fogel Thomas Foley David J. Fontana Chih Min Foo Godwin Forde Donald A. Foreman Christopher Hugh Forsythe Claudia Alicia Foster Noel John Foster Ana Fosteris Robert Joseph Foti Jeffrey Fox Virginia Fox Pauline Francis Virgin Francis Gary Jay Frank Morton H. Frank Peter Christopher Frank Richard K. Fraser Kevin J. Frawley Clyde Frazier, Jr. Lillian Inez Frederick Andrew Fredricks Tamitha Freeman Brett Owen Freiman Peter L. Freund Arlene Eva Fried Alan Wayne Friedlander Andrew Keith Friedman Gregg J. Froehner Peter Christian Fry Clement A. Fumando Steven Elliot Furman Paul Furmato Fredric Neal Gabler Richard Samuel Federick Gabrielle James Andrew Gadiel Pamela Lee Gaff Ervin Vincent Gailliard Deanna Lynn Galante Grace Catherine Galante Anthony Edward Gallagher Daniel James Gallagher John Patrick Gallagher Lourdes Galletti Cono E. Gallo Vincenzo Gallucci Thomas E. Galvin Giovanna Galletta Gambale Thomas Gambino, Jr. Giann Franco Gamboa Peter Ganci Ladkat K. Ganesh Claude Michael Gann Osseni Garba Charles William Garbarini Ceasar Garcia David Garcia Juan Garcia Marlyn Del Carmen Garcia Christopher S. Gardner Douglas Benjamin Gardner Harvey J. Gardner III Jeffrey Brian Gardner Thomas Gardner William Arthur Gardner Francesco Garfi Rocco Nino Gargano James M. Gartenberg Matthew David Garvey Bruce Gary Boyd Alan Gatton Donald Richard Gavagan, Jr. Terence D. Gazzani Gary Geidel Paul Hamilton Geier Julie M. Geis Peter G. Gelinas Steven Paul Geller Howard G. Gelling Peter Victor Genco, Jr. Steven Gregory Genovese Alayne Gentul Edward F. Geraghty Suzanne Geraty Ralph Gerhardt Robert Gerlich Denis P. Germain Marina Romanovna Gertsberg Susan M. Getzendanner James G. Geyer Joseph M. Giaccone Vincent Francis Giammona Debra Lynn Gibbon James Andrew Giberson Craig Neil Gibson Ronnie E. Gies Laura A. Giglio Andrew Clive Gilbert Timothy Paul Gilbert Paul Stuart Gilbey Paul John Gill Mark Y. Gilles Evan Gillette Ronald Lawrence Gilligan Rodney C. Gillis Laura Gilly John F. Ginley Donna Marie Giordano Jeffrey John Giordano John Giordano Steven A. Giorgetti Martin Giovinazzo Kum-Kum Girolamo Salvatore Gitto Cynthia Giugliano Mon Gjonbalaj Dianne Gladstone Keith Glascoe Thomas Irwin Glasser Harry Glenn Barry H. Glick Steven Glick John T. Gnazzo William Robert Godshalk Michael Gogliormella Brian Fredric Goldberg Jeffrey Grant Goldflam Michelle Goldstein Monica Goldstein Steven Goldstein Andrew H. Golkin Dennis James Gomes Enrique Antonio Gomez Jose Bienvenido Gomez Manuel Gomez, Jr. Wilder Alfredo Gomez Jenine Nicole Gonzalez Mauricio Gonzalez Rosa Gonzalez Calvin J. Gooding Harry Goody Kiran Reddy Gopu Catherine C. Gorayeb Kerene Gordon Sebastian Gorki Kieran Joseph Gorman Thomas Edward Gorman Michael Edward Gould Yuji Goya Jon Richard Grabowski Christopher Michael Grady Edwin J. Graf III David Martin Graifman Gilbert Franco Granados Elvira Granitto Winston Arthur Grant Christopher S. Gray James Michael Gray Tara McCloud Gray Linda Catherine Grayling John M. Grazioso Timothy George Grazioso Derrick Auther Green Wade B. Green Elaine Myra Greenberg Gayle R. Greene James Arthur Greenleaf, Jr. Eileen Marsha Greenstein Elizabeth Martin Gregg Denise Gregory Donald H. Gregory Florence Moran Gregory Pedro Grehan John Michael Griffin Tawanna Sherry Griffin Joan Donna Griffith Warren Grifka Ramon Grijalvo Joseph F. Grillo David Joseph Grimner Kenneth George Grouzalis Joseph Grzelak Matthew James Grzymalski Robert Joseph Gschaar Liming Gu Jose Guadalupe Cindy Yan Zhu Guan Joel Guevara Gonzalez Geoffrey E. Guja Joseph Gullickson Babita Girjamatie Guman Douglas Brian Gurian Janet Ruth Gustafson Philip T. Guza Barbara Guzzardo Peter M. Gyulavary Gary Robert Haag Andrea Lyn Haberman Barbara Mary Habib Philip Haentzler Nezam A. Hafiz Karen Elizabeth Hagerty Steven Michael Hagis Mary Lou Hague David Halderman Maile Rachel Hale Richard B. Hall Vaswald George Hall Robert J. Halligan Vincent Gerard Halloran James Douglas Halvorson Mohammad Salman Hamdani Felicia Hamilton Robert Hamilton Frederic K. Han Christopher J. Hanley Sean S. Hanley Valerie Joan Hanna Thomas Hannafin Kevin James Hannaford Michael Lawrence Hannan Dana R Hannon Vassilios G. Haramis James A. Haran Jeffrey Pike Hardy Timothy John Hargrave Daniel Edward Harlin Frances Haros Harvey Harrell Stephen G. Harrell Melissa Marie Harrington Aisha Anne Harris Stewart Dennis Harris John Patrick Hart John Clinton Hartz Emeric Harvey Thomas Theodore Haskell, Jr. Timothy Haskell Joseph John Hasson III Leonard W. Hatton Terence S. Hatton Michael Haub Timothy Aaron Haviland Donald G. Havlish, Jr. Anthony Hawkins Nobuhiro Hayatsu Philip Hayes William Ward Haynes Scott Jordan Hazelcorn Michael K. Healey Roberta B. Heber Charles Francis Xavier Heeran John F. Heffernan H. Joseph Heller, Jr. Joann L. Heltibridle Mark F. Hemschoot Ronnie Lee Henderson Brian Hennessey Michelle Marie Henrique Joseph Henry William Henry John Christopher Henwood Robert Allan Hepburn Mary Herencia Lindsay C. Herkness III Harvey Robert Hermer Claribel Hernandez Eduardo Hernandez Nuberto Hernandez Raul Hernandez Gary Herold Jeffrey A. Hersch Thomas Hetzel Brian Hickey Ysidro Hidalgo Timothy Higgins Robert D. W. Higley II Todd Russell Hill Clara Victorine Hinds Neal O. Hinds Mark D. Hindy Katsuyuki Hirai Heather Malia Ho Tara Yvette Hobbs Thomas Anderson Hobbs James J. Hobin Robert Wayne Hobson DaJuan Hodges Ronald George Hoerner Patrick A. Hoey Marcia Hoffman Stephen G. Hoffman Frederick Joseph Hoffmann Michele L. Hoffmann Judith Florence Hofmiller Thomas Warren Hohlweck, Jr. Jonathan R. Hohmann John Holland Joseph F. Holland Elizabeth Holmes Thomas Holohan Bradley Hoorn James P. Hopper Montgomery McCullough Hord Michael Horn Matthew Douglas Horning Robert L. Horohoe, Jr. Aaron Horwitz Charles Houston Uhuru G. Houston George Howard Michael C. Howell Steven Leon Howell Jennifer L. Howley Milagros Hromada Marian R. Hrycak Stephen Huczko, Jr. Kris Robert Hughes Paul Rexford Hughes Robert Thomas Hughes Thomas Hughes Timothy Robert Hughes Susan Huie Lamar Hulse William Christopher Hunt Kathleen Anne Hunt-Casey Joseph Hunter Robert R. Hussa Abid Hussain Thomas Edward Hynes Walter G. Hynes Joseph Anthony Ianelli Zuhtu Ibis Jonathan Lee Ielpi Michael Iken Daniel Ilkanayev Frederick Ill, Jr. Abraham Nethanel Ilowitz Anthony P. Infante, Jr. Louis S. Inghilterra, Jr. Christopher Noble Ingrassia Paul Innella Stephanie Veronica Irby Douglas Irgang Kristin A. Irvine Ryan Todd Antione Isaac Erik Isbrandtsen Taizo Ishikawa Aram Iskenderian, Jr. John F. Iskyan Kazushige Ito Aleksandr Valeryevich Ivantsov Virginia May Jablonski Brooke Alexandra Jackman Aaron Jeremy Jacobs Ariel Louis Jacobs Jason Kyle Jacobs Michael Grady Jacobs Steven A. Jacobson Ricknauth Jaggernauth Jake Denis Jagoda Yudh Vir Singh Jain Maria Jakubiak Ernest James Gricelda E. James Priscilla James Mark Steven Jardim Muhammadou Jawara Francois Jean-Pierre Maxima Jean-Pierre Paul Edward Jeffers Alva Cynthia Jeffries Sanchez Joseph Jenkins, Jr. Alan Keith Jensen Prem N. Jerath Farah Jeudy Hweidar Jian Eliezer Jimenez, Jr. Luis Jimenez, Jr. Fernando Jimenez-Molina Charles Gregory John Nicholas John LaShawna Johnson Scott Michael Johnson William R. Johnston Allison Horstmann Jones Arthur Joseph Jones Brian Leander Jones Christopher D. Jones Donald T. Jones Donald W. Jones Linda Jones Mary S. Jones Andrew Jordan Robert Thomas Jordan Albert Gunnia Joseph Guylene Joseph Ingeborg Joseph Karl Henry Joseph Stephen Joseph Jane Eileen Josiah Anthony Jovic Angel L. Juarbe, Jr. Karen Sue Juday Mychal F. Judge Paul William Jurgens Thomas Edward Jurgens Kacinga Kabeya Shashikiran Lakshmikantha Kadaba Gavkharoy Kamardinova Shari Kandell Howard Lee Kane Jennifer Lynn Kane Vincent D. Kane Joon Koo Kang Sheldon Robert Kanter Deborah H. Kaplan Alvin Peter Kappelmann, Jr. Charles Karczewski William A. Karnes Douglas Gene Karpiloff Charles L. Kasper Andrew K. Kates John Katsimatides Robert Michael Kaulfers Don Jerome Kauth, Jr. Hideya Kawauchi Edward T. Keane Richard M. Keane Lisa Yvonne Kearney-Griffin Karol Ann Keasler Paul Hanlon Keating Leo Russell Keene III Joseph John Keller Peter R. Kellerman Joseph P. Kellett Frederick H. Kelley, Jr. James Joseph Kelly Joseph A. Kelly Maurice P. Kelly Richard John Kelly, Jr. Thomas Michael Kelly Thomas Richard Kelly Thomas W. Kelly Timothy Colin Kelly William Hill Kelly, Jr. Robert Clinton Kennedy Thomas J. Kennedy John R. Keohane Ronald T. Kerwin Howard L. Kestenbaum Douglas D. Ketcham Ruth Ellen Ketler Boris Khalif Sarah Khan Taimour Firaz Khan Rajesh Khandelwal Oliva Khemrat SeiLai Khoo Michael Kiefer Satoshi Kikuchihara Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim Lawrence D. Kim Mary Jo Kimelman Andrew M. King Lucille Teresa King Robert King, Jr. Lisa King-Johnson Takashi Kinoshita Chris Michael Kirby Howard Barry Kirschbaum Glenn Davis Kirwin Helen Crossin Kittle Richard Joseph Klares Peter Anton Klein Alan David Kleinberg Karen Joyce Klitzman Ronald Philip Kloepfer Evgueni Kniazev Andrew Knox Thomas Patrick Knox Rebecca Lee Koborie Deborah A. Kobus Gary Edward Koecheler Frank J. Koestner Ryan Kohart Vanessa Kolpak Irina Kolpakova Suzanne Kondratenko Abdoulaye Kone Bon-Seok Koo Dorota Kopiczko Scott Kopytko Bojan Kostic Danielle Kousoulis John J. Kren William E. Krukowski Lyudmila Ksido Shekhar Kumar Kenneth Kumpel Frederick Kuo, Jr. Patricia Kuras Nauka Kushitani Thomas Kuveikis Victor Kwarkye Kui Fai Kwok Angela Reed Kyte Andrew La Corte Amarnauth Lachhman James Patrick Ladley Joseph A. LaFalce Jeanette Louise Lafond-Menichino David Laforge Michael Laforte Alan Charles LaFrance Juan Lafuente Neil Kwong-Wah Lai Vincent Anthony Laieta William David Lake Franco Lalama Chow Kwan Lam Stephen LaMantia Amy Hope Lamonsoff Nickola Lampley Robert Lane Brendan Mark Lang Rosanne P. Lang Vanessa Langer Mary Louise Langley Peter J. Langone Thomas Michael Langone Michele Bernadette Lanza Ruth Sheila Lapin Carol Ann LaPlante Ingeborg Lariby Robin Blair Larkey Christopher Randall Larrabee Hamidou S. Larry Scott Larsen John Adam Larson Gary Edward Lasko Nicholas Craig Lassman Paul Laszczynski Jeffrey G. LaTouche Charles Laurencin Stephen James Lauria Maria LaVache Denis Francis Lavelle Jeannine Mary LaVerde Anna A. Laverty Steven Lawn Robert Lawrence Nathaniel Lawson Eugen Gabriel Lazar James Patrick Leahy Joseph Gerard Leavey Neil Joseph Leavy Leon Lebor Kenneth Charles Ledee Alan J. Lederman Elena F. Ledesma Alexis Leduc David S. Lee Gary H. Lee Hyun Joon Lee Juanita Lee Kathryn Blair Lee Linda C. Lee Lorraine Mary Lee Myoung Woo Lee Richard Y. Lee Stuart Soo-Jin Lee Yang Der Lee Stephen Paul Lefkowitz Adriana Legro Edward Joseph Lehman Eric Andrew Lehrfeld David Leistman David Prudencio Lemagne Joseph Anthony Lenihan John Joseph Lennon, Jr. John Robinson Lenoir Jorge Luis Leon Matthew Gerard Leonard Michael Lepore Charles A. Lesperance Jeff Leveen John Dennis Levi Alisha Caren Levin Neil David Levin Robert Levine Robert Michael Levine Shai Levinhar Adam Jay Lewis Margaret Susan Lewis Ye Wei Liang Orasri Liangthanasarn Daniel F. Libretti Ralph Licciardi Edward Lichtschein Steven Barry Lillianthal Carlos R. Lillo Craig Damian Lilore Arnold A. Lim Darya Lin Wei Rong Lin Nickie L. Lindo Thomas V. Linehan, Jr. Robert Thomas Linnane Alan P. Linton, Jr. Diane Theresa Lipari Kenneth Lira Francisco Alberto Liriano Lorraine Lisi Paul Lisson Vincent M. Litto Ming-Hao Liu Nancy Liz Harold Lizcano Martin Lizzul George A. Llanes Elizabeth C. Logler Catherine Lisa Loguidice Jerome Robert Lohez Michael William Lomax Laura Maria Longing Salvatore Lopes Daniel Lopez George Lopez Luis Manuel Lopez Manuel L. Lopez Joseph Lostrangio Chet Dek Louie Stuart Seid Louis Joseph Lovero Jenny Seu Kueng Low Wong Michael W. Lowe Garry W. Lozier John Peter Lozowsky Charles Peter Lucania Edward Hobbs Luckett Mark Gavin Ludvigsen Lee Charles Ludwig Sean Thomas Lugano Daniel Lugo Marie Lukas William Lum, Jr. Michael P. Lunden Christopher Lunder Anthony Luparello Gary Frederick Lutnick William Lutz Linda Anne Luzzicone Alexander Lygin Farrell Peter Lynch James Francis Lynch Louise A. Lynch Michael Cameron Lynch Michael F. Lynch Michael Francis Lynch Richard D. Lynch, Jr. Robert Henry Lynch, Jr. Sean P. Lynch Sean Patrick Lynch Michael J. Lyons Monica Anne Lyons Patrick Lyons Robert Francis Mace Jan Maciejewski Catherine Fairfax Macrae Richard Blaine Madden Simon Maddison Noell Maerz Jennieann Maffeo Joseph Maffeo Jay Robert Magazine Brian Magee Charles Wilson Magee Joseph V. Maggitti Ronald Magnuson Daniel L. Maher Thomas Anthony Mahon William J. Mahoney Joseph Daniel Maio Takashi Makimoto Abdu Ali Malahi Debora I. Maldonado Myrna T. Maldonado-Agosto Alfred Russell Maler Gregory James Malone Edward Francis Maloney III Joseph Maloney Gene Edward Maloy Christian Maltby Francisco Miguel Mancini Joseph Mangano Sara Elizabeth Manley Debra Mannetta Marion Victoria Manning Terence John Manning James Maounis Joseph Ross Marchbanks, Jr. Peter Edward Mardikian Edward Joseph Mardovich Charles Joseph Margiotta Kenneth Joseph Marino Lester V. Marino Vita Marino Kevin Marlo Jose Marrero John Marshall James Martello Michael A. Marti Peter C. Martin William J. Martin, Jr. Brian E. Martineau Betsy Martinez Edward Martinez Jose Angel Martinez, Jr. Robert Gabriel Martinez Victor Martinez Pastrana Lizie D. Martinez-Calderon Paul Richard Martini Joseph A. Mascali Bernard Mascarenhas Stephen Frank Masi Nicholas George Massa Patricia Ann Massari Michael Massaroli Philip William Mastrandrea, Jr. Rudolph Mastrocinque Joseph Mathai Charles Mathers William A. Mathesen Marcello Matricciano Margaret Elaine Mattic
Robert D. Mattson Walter Matuza Charles A. Mauro, Jr. Charles J. Mauro Dorothy Mauro Nancy T. Mauro Tyrone May Keithroy Marcellus Maynard Robert J. Mayo Kathy Nancy Mazza Edward Mazzella, Jr. Jennifer Lynn Mazzotta Kaaria Mbaya James Joseph McAlary Brian McAleese Patricia Ann McAneney Colin Robert McArthur John Kevin McAvoy Kenneth M. McBrayer Brendan McCabe Micheal McCabe Thomas McCann Justin McCarthy Kevin M. McCarthy Michael McCarthy Robert McCarthy Stanley McCaskill Katie Marie McCloskey Joan McConnell-Cullinan Charles Austin McCrann Tonyell F. McDay Matthew T. McDermott Joseph P. McDonald Brian Grady McDonnell Michael P. McDonnell John McDowell, Jr. Eamon J. McEneaney John Thomas McErlean, Jr. Daniel Francis McGinley Mark Ryan McGinly William E. McGinn Thomas Henry MCGinnis Michael Gregory McGinty Ann McGovern Scott Martin McGovern William McGovern Stacey Sennas McGowan Francis Noel McGuinn Patrick McGuire Thomas M. McHale Keith McHeffey Ann M. McHugh Denis J. McHugh III Dennis McHugh Michael E. McHugh Robert G. McIlvaine Donald James McIntyre Stephanie Marie McKenna Barry J. McKeon Evelyn C. McKinnedy Darryl Leron McKinney George Patrick McLaughlin, Jr. Robert C. McLaughlin, Jr. Gavin McMahon Robert D. McMahon Edmund McNally Daniel W. McNeal Walter Arthur McNeil Jisley McNish Christine Sheila McNulty Sean Peter McNulty Robert McPadden Terence A. McShane Timothy Patrick McSweeney Martin E. McWilliams Rocco A. Medaglia Abigail Cales Medina Ana Iris Medina Deborah Louise Medwig Damian Meehan William J. Meehan Alok Mehta Raymond Meisenheimer Manuel Emilio Mejia Eskedar Melaku Antonio Melendez Mary Melendez Yelena Melnichenko Stuart Todd Meltzer Diarelia Jovanah Mena Charles Mendez Lizette Mendoza Shevonne Olicia Mentis Steven Mercado Westly Mercer Ralph Joseph Mercurio Alan Harvey Merdinger George L. Merino Yamel Merino George Merkouris Deborah Merrick Raymond Joseph Metz III Jill Ann Metzler David Robert Meyer Nurul H. Miah William Edward Micciulli Martin Paul Michelstein Peter Teague Milano Gregory Milanowycz Lukasz Tomasz Milewski Sharon Christina Millan Corey Peter Miller Craig James Miller Douglas Charles Miller Henry Alfred Miller, Jr. Joel Miller Michael Matthew Miller Philip D. Miller Robert Alan Miller Robert Cromwell Miller, Jr. Benjamin Millman Charles Morris Mills Ronald Keith Milstein Robert Minara William George Minardi Diakite Minata Louis Joseph Minervino Thomas Mingione Wilbert Miraille Dominick N. Mircovich Rajesh Arjan Mirpuri Joseph Mistrulli Susan J. Miszkowicz Paul Thomas Mitchell Richard P. Miuccio Frank V. Moccia, Sr. Louis Joseph Modafferi Boyie Mohammed Dennis Mojica Manuel Mojica Kleber Molina Manuel De Jesus Molina Carl Molinaro Justin Molisani Brian Monaghan Franklin Monahan John Monahan Kristen Montanaro Craig Montano Michael Montesi Jeffrey Montgomery Peter Montoulieu Cheryl Ann Monyak Thomas Moody Sharon Moore Krishna Moorthy Abner Morales Carlos Manuel Morales Luis Morales Paula E. Morales John Moran John Chrisopher Moran Kathleen Moran Lindsay Stapleton Morehouse George Morell Steven P. Morello Vincent S. Morello Yvette Nicole Moreno Dorothy Morgan Richard Morgan Nancy Morgenstern Sanae Mori Blanca Robertina Morocho Leonel Geronimo Morocho Dennis Gerard Moroney Lynne Irene Morris Seth Allan Morris Stephen Philip Morris Christopher Martel Morrison Jorge Luis Morron Garcia Ferdinand V. Morrone William David Moskal Marco Motroni Cynthia Motus-Wilson Iouri A. Mouchinski Jude Joseph Moussa Peter Moutos Damion O’Neil Mowatt Christopher Mozzillo Stephen Vincent Mulderry Richard Muldowney Jr Michael D. Mullan Dennis Michael Mulligan Peter James Mulligan Michael Joseph Mullin James Donald Munhall Nancy Muniz Carlos Munoz Frank Munoz Theresa Munson Robert M. Murach Cesar Augusto Murillo Marc A. Murolo Brian Joseph Murphy Charles Anthony Murphy Christopher W. Murphy Edward Charles Murphy James F. Murphy Iv James Thomas Murphy Kevin James Murphy Patrick Sean Murphy Raymond E. Murphy Robert Eddie Murphy, Jr. John Joseph Murray John Joseph Murray, Jr. Susan D. Murray Valerie Victoria Murray Richard Todd Myhre Robert B. Nagel Takuya Nakamura Alexander Napier Frank Joseph Naples III John Napolitano Catherine Ann Nardella Mario Nardone, Jr. Manika K. Narula Mehmood Naseem Narender Nath Karen Susan Navarro Joseph Micheal Navas Francis Joseph Nazario Glenroy I. Neblett Rayman Marcus Neblett Jerome O. Nedd Laurence Nedell Luke G. Nee Pete Negron Ann N. Nelson David William Nelson James Nelson Michele Ann Nelson Peter Allen Nelson Oscar Francis Nesbitt Gerard Terence Nevins Christopher Newton-Carter Kapinga Ngalula Nancy Yuen Ngo Jody Nichilo Martin S. Niederer Alfonse Joseph Niedermeyer Frank John Niestadt, Jr. Gloria Nieves Juan Nieves, Jr. Troy Edward Nilsen Paul Nimbley John B. Niven Katherine Marie Noack Curtis Terrance Noel Daniel R. Nolan Robert Noonan Daniela R. Notaro Brian Christopher Novotny Soichi Numata Brian Felix Nunez Jose Nunez Jeffrey Roger Nussbaum Dennis O’Berg James P. O’Brien, Jr. Michael P. O’Brien Scott J. O’Brien Timothy Michael O’Brien Daniel O’Callaghan Dennis James O’Connor, Jr. Diana J. O’Connor Keith Kevin O’Connor Richard J. O’Connor Amy O’Doherty Marni Pont O’Doherty James Andrew O’Grady Thomas O’Hagan Patrick J. O’Keefe William O’Keefe Gerald O’leary Matthew Timothy O’Mahony Peter J. O’Neill, Jr. Sean Gordon O’Neill Kevin O’Rourke Patrick J. O’Shea Robert William O’Shea Timothy F. O’Sullivan James A. Oakley Douglas E. Oelschlager Takashi Ogawa Albert Ogletree Philip Paul Ognibene Joseph J. Ogren Samuel Oitice Gerald Michael Olcott Christine Anne Olender Linda Mary Oliva Edward Kraft Oliver Leah E. Oliver Eric T. Olsen Jeffrey James Olsen Maureen Lyons Olson Steven John Olson Toshihiro Onda Seamus L. O’Neal John P. Oneill Frank Oni Michael C. Opperman Christopher Orgielewicz Margaret Orloske Virginia Anne Ormiston Ronald Orsini Peter Ortale Juan Ortega-Campos Alexander Ortiz David Ortiz Emilio Ortiz, Jr. Pablo Ortiz Paul Ortiz, Jr. Sonia Ortiz Masaru Ose Elsy C. Osorio James R. Ostrowski Jason Douglas Oswald Michael Otten Isidro D. Ottenwalder Michael Chung Ou Todd Joseph Ouida Jesus Ovalles Peter J. Owens, Jr. Adianes Oyola Angel M. Pabon Israel Pabon, Jr. Roland Pacheco Michael Benjamin Packer Rene Padilla-Chavarria Deepa Pakkala Jeffrey Matthew Palazzo Thomas Palazzo Richard Palazzolo Orio J. Palmer Frank Anthony Palombo Alan N. Palumbo Christopher Matthew Panatier Dominique Lisa Pandolfo Paul J. Pansini John M. Paolillo Edward Joseph Papa Salvatore T. Papasso James Nicholas Pappageorge Vinod Kumar Parakat Vijayashanker Paramsothy Nitin Parandkar Hardai Parbhu James Wendell Parham Debra Marie Paris George Paris Gye Hyong Park Philip Lacey Parker Michael Alaine Parkes Robert E. Parks, Jr. Hashmukhrai C. Parmar Robert Parro Diane Marie Parsons Leobardo Lopez Pascual Michael Pascuma Jerrold Paskins Horace Robert Passananti Suzanne H. Passaro Avnish Ramanbhai Patel Dipti Patel Manish Patel Steven Bennett Paterson James Matthew Patrick Manuel D. Patrocino Bernard E. Patterson Cira Marie Patti Robert E. Pattison James Robert Paul Patrice Paz Victor Paz-Gutierrez Stacey Lynn Peak Richard Allen Pearlman Durrell V. Pearsall Thomas Pedicini Todd Douglas Pelino Michel Adrian Pelletier Anthony G. Peluso Angel Ramon Pena Richard Al Penny Salvatore F. Pepe Carl Peralta Robert David Peraza Jon A. Perconti Alejo Perez Angel Perez, Jr. Angela Susan Perez Anthony Perez Ivan Perez Nancy E. Perez Joseph John Perroncino Edward J. Perrotta Emelda H. Perry Glenn C. Perry John William Perry Franklin Allan Pershep Danny Pesce Michael John Pescherine Davin Peterson William Russell Peterson Mark Petrocelli Philip Scott Petti Glen Kerrin Pettit Dominick Pezzulo Kaleen Elizabeth Pezzuti Kevin Pfeifer Tu-Anh Pham Kenneth Phelan Sneha Ann Philips Gerard Phillips Suzette Eugenia Piantieri Ludwig John Picarro Matthew M. Picerno Joseph Oswald Pick Christopher Pickford Dennis J. Pierce Bernard Pietronico Nicholas P. Pietrunti Theodoros Pigis Susan Elizabeth Pinto Joseph Piskadlo Christopher Todd Pitman Joshua Piver Joseph Plumitallo John Pocher William Howard Pohlmann Laurence Polatsch Thomas H. Polhemus Steve Pollicino
Susan M. Pollio Joshua Iousa Poptean Giovanna Porras Anthony Portillo James Edward Potorti Daphne Pouletsos Richard N. Poulos Stephen Emanual Poulos Brandon Jerome Powell Shawn Edward Powell Antonio Pratt Gregory M. Preziose Wanda Ivelisse Prince Vincent Princiotta Kevin Prior Everett Martin Proctor III Carrie Beth Progen Sarah Prothero-Redheffer David Lee Pruim Richard Prunty John Foster Puckett Robert David Pugliese Edward F. Pullis Patricia Ann Puma Hemanth Kumar Puttur Edward R. Pykon Christopher Quackenbush Lars Peter Qualben Lincoln Quappe Beth Ann Quigley Michael Quilty James Francis Quinn Ricardo J. Quinn Carlos Quishpe-Cuaman Carol Millicent Rabalais Christopher Peter A. Racaniello Leonard J. Ragaglia Eugene Raggio Laura Marie Ragonese-Snik Michael Ragusa Peter Frank Raimondi Harry A. Raines Ehtesham Raja Valsa Raju Edward Rall Lukas Rambousek Maria Ramirez Harry Ramos Vishnoo Ramsaroop Lorenzo E. Ramzey Alfred Todd Rancke Adam David Rand Jonathan C. Randall Srinivasa Shreyas Ranganath Anne T. Ransom Faina Aronovna Rapoport Robert A. Rasmussen Amenia Rasool Roger Mark Rasweiler David Alan Rathkey William Ralph Raub Gerard P. Rauzi Alexey Razuvaev Gregory Reda Michele Reed Judith Ann Reese Donald J. Regan Robert M. Regan Thomas Michael Regan Christian Michael Otto Regenhard Howard Reich Gregg Reidy James Brian Reilly Kevin O. Reilly Timothy E. Reilly Joseph Reina, Jr. Thomas Barnes Reinig Frank Bennett Reisman Joshua Scott Reiss Karen Renda John Armand Reo Richard Cyril Rescorla John Thomas Resta Luis Clodoaldo Revilla Eduvigis Reyes, Jr. Bruce Albert Reynolds John Frederick Rhodes Francis Saverio Riccardelli Rudolph N. Riccio Ann Marie Riccoboni David H. Rice Eileen Mary Rice Kenneth Frederick Rice III Vernon Allan Richard Claude Daniel Richards Gregory David Richards Michael Richards Venesha Orintia Richards James C. Riches Alan Jay Richman John M. Rigo Theresa Risco Rose Mary Riso Moises N. Rivas Joseph Rivelli Carmen Alicia Rivera Isaias Rivera Juan William Rivera Linda Ivelisse Rivera David E. Rivers Joseph R. Riverso Paul V. Rizza John Frank Rizzo Stephen Louis Roach Joseph Roberto Leo Arthur Roberts Michael Roberts Michael Edward Roberts Donald Walter Robertson, Jr. Catherina Robinson Jeffery Robinson Michell Lee Jean Robotham Donald A. Robson Antonio A. Rocha Raymond James Rocha Laura Rockefeller John Rodak Antonio J. Rodrigues Anthony Rodriguez Carmen Milagros Rodriguez Gregory Ernesto Rodriguez Marsha A. Rodriguez Mayra Valdes Rodriguez Richard Rodriguez David Bartolo Rodriguez-Vargas Matthew Rogan Karlie Barbara Rogers Scott Williams Rohner Keith Roma Joseph M. Romagnolo Efrain Romero, Sr. Elvin Romero Juan Romero Orozco James A. Romito Sean Paul Rooney Eric Thomas Ropiteau Aida Rosario Angela Rosario Wendy Alice Rosario Wakeford Mark Rosen Brooke David Rosenbaum Linda Rosenbaum Sheryl Lynn Rosenbaum Lloyd Daniel Rosenberg Mark Louis Rosenberg Andrew Ira Rosenblum Joshua M. Rosenblum Joshua Alan Rosenthal Richard David Rosenthal Daniel Rosetti Norman S. Rossinow Nicholas P. Rossomando Michael Craig Rothberg Donna Marie Rothenberg Nicholas Rowe Timothy Alan Roy, Sr. Paul G. Ruback Ronald J. Ruben Joanne Rubino David M. Ruddle Bart Joseph Ruggiere Susan A. Ruggiero Adam Keith Ruhalter Gilbert Ruiz Obdulio Ruiz Diaz Stephen P. Russell Steven Harris Russin Michael Thomas Russo, Sr. Wayne Alan Russo Edward Ryan John Joseph Ryan, Jr. Jonathan Stephan Ryan Matthew Lancelot Ryan Tatiana Ryjova Christina Sunga Ryook Thierry Saada Jason Elazar Sabbag Thomas E. Sabella Scott Saber Joseph Francis Sacerdote Neeraha Sadaranghgani Mohammad Ali Sadeque Francis John Sadocha Jude Safi Brock Joel Safronoff Edward Saiya John Patrick Salamone Hernando Salas Juan G. Salas Esmerlin Antonio Salcedo John Salvatore Salerno, Jr. Richard L. Salinardi, Jr. Wayne John Saloman Nolbert Salomon Catherine Patricia Salter Frank Salvaterra Paul Richard Salvio Samuel Robert Salvo, Jr. Rena Sam-Dinnoo Carlos Alberto Samaniego James Kenneth Samuel, Jr. Michael San Phillip Sylvia San Pio Hugo M. Sanay Erick Sanchez Jacquelyn Patrice Sanchez Eric M. Sand Stacey Leigh Sanders Herman S. Sandler James Sands, Jr. Ayleen J. Santiago Kirsten Santiago Maria Theresa Santillan Susan Gayle Santo Christopher Santora John A. Santore Mario L. Santoro Rafael Humberto Santos Rufino Conrado Flores Santos Iii Jorge Octavio Santos Anaya Kalyan Sarkar Chapelle R. Sarker Paul F. Sarle Deepika Kumar Sattaluri Gregory Thomas Saucedo Susan M. Sauer Anthony Savas Vladimir Savinkin Jackie Sayegh John Michael Sbarbaro Robert L. Scandole, Jr. Michelle Scarpitta Dennis Scauso John Albert Schardt John G. Scharf Frederick Claude Scheffold, Jr. Angela Susan Scheinberg Scott Mitchell Schertzer Sean Schielke Steven Francis Schlag Jon Schlissel Karen Helene Schmidt Ian Schneider Thomas G. Schoales Frank G. Schott, Jr. Gerard Patrick Schrang Jeffrey H. Schreier John T. Schroeder Susan Lee Schuler Edward William Schunk Mark E. Schurmeier Clarin Shellie Schwartz John Burkhart Schwartz Mark Schwartz Adriane Victoria Scibetta Raphael Scorca Randolph Scott Sheila Scott Christopher Jay Scudder Arthur Warren Scullin Michael Herman Seaman Margaret M. Seeliger Anthony Segarra Carlos Segarra Jason Sekzer Matthew Carmen Sellitto Howard Selwyn Larry John Senko Arturo Angelo Sereno Frankie Serrano Alena Sesinova Adele Christine Sessa Sita Nermalla Sewnarine Karen Lynn Seymour Davis Sezna Thomas Joseph Sgroi Jayesh S. Shah Khalid M. Shahid Mohammed Shajahan Gary Shamay Earl Richard Shanahan Neil Shastri Kathryn Anne Shatzoff Barbara A. Shaw Jeffrey James Shaw Robert John Shay, Jr. Daniel James Shea Joseph Patrick Shea Linda Sheehan Hagay Shefi John Anthony Sherry Atsushi Shiratori Thomas Joseph Shubert Mark Shulman See Wong Shum Allan Abraham Shwartzstein Johanna Sigmund Dianne T. Signer Gregory Sikorsky Stephen Gerard Siller David Silver Craig A. Silverstein Nasima Hameed Simjee Bruce Edward Simmons Arthur Simon Kenneth Alan Simon Michael J. Simon Paul Joseph Simon Marianne Teresa Simone Barry Simowitz Jeff Lyal Simpson Khamladai Singh Kulwant Singh Roshan Ramesh Singh Thomas E. Sinton III Peter A. Siracuse Muriel Fay Siskopoulos Joseph Michael Sisolak John P. Skala Francis Joseph Skidmore, Jr. Toyena Skinner Paul A. Skrzypek Christopher Paul Slattery Vincent Robert Slavin Robert F. Sliwak Paul K. Sloan Stanley S. Smagala, Jr. Wendy L. Small Catherine Smith Daniel Laurence Smith George Eric Smith James Gregory Smith Jeffrey R. Smith Joyce Patricia Smith Karl T. Smith Keisha Smith Kevin Joseph Smith Leon Smith, Jr. Moira Ann Smith Rosemary A. Smith Bonnie Jeanne Smithwick Rochelle Monique Snell Leonard J. Snyder, Jr. Astrid Elizabeth Sohan Sushil S. Solanki Ruben Solares Naomi Leah Solomon Daniel W. Song Michael Charles Sorresse Fabian Soto Timothy Patrick Soulas Gregory Spagnoletti Donald F. Spampinato, Jr. Thomas Sparacio John Anthony Spataro Robert W. Spear, Jr. Maynard S. Spence, Jr. George Edward Spencer III Robert Andrew Spencer Mary Rubina Sperando Tina Spicer Frank Spinelli William E. Spitz Joseph Spor, Jr. Klaus Johannes Sprockamp Saranya Srinuan Fitzroy St. Rose Michael F. Stabile Lawrence T. Stack Timothy M. Stackpole Richard James Stadelberger Eric Stahlman Gregory Stajk Alexandru Liviu Stan Corina Stan Mary Domenica Stanley Anthony Starita Jeffrey Stark Derek James Statkevicus Craig William Staub William V. Steckman Eric Thomas Steen William R. Steiner Alexander Steinman Andrew Stergiopoulos Andrew Stern Martha Stevens Michael James Stewart Richard H. Stewart, Jr. Sanford M. Stoller Lonny Jay Stone Jimmy Nevill Storey Timothy Stout Thomas Strada James J. Straine, Jr. Edward W. Straub George J. Strauch, Jr. Edward T. Strauss Steven R. Strauss Steven F. Strobert Walwyn W. Stuart, Jr. Benjamin Suarez David Scott Suarez Ramon Suarez Yoichi Sugiyama William Christopher Sugra Daniel Suhr David Marc Sullins Christopher P. Sullivan Patrick Sullivan Thomas Sullivan Hilario Soriano Sumaya, Jr. James Joseph Suozzo Colleen Supinski Robert Sutcliffe Seline Sutter Claudia Suzette Sutton John Francis Swaine Kristine M. Swearson Brian Edward Sweeney Kenneth J. Swenson Thomas Swift Derek Ogilvie Sword Kevin Thomas Szocik Gina Sztejnberg Norbert P. Szurkowski Harry Taback Joann Tabeek Norma C. Taddei Michael Taddonio Keiichiro Takahashi Keiji Takahashi Phyllis Gail Talbot Robert Talhami Sean Patrick Tallon Paul Talty Maurita Tam Rachel Tamares Hector Tamayo Michael Andrew Tamuccio Kenichiro Tanaka Rhondelle Cheri Tankard Michael Anthony Tanner Dennis Gerard Taormina, Jr. Kenneth Joseph Tarantino Allan Tarasiewicz Ronald Tartaro Darryl Anthony Taylor Donnie Brooks Taylor Lorisa Ceylon Taylor Michael Morgan Taylor Paul A. Tegtmeier Yeshauant Tembe Anthony Tempesta Dorothy Pearl Temple Stanley Temple David Tengelin Brian John Terrenzi Lisa M. Terry Shell Tester Goumatie T. Thackurdeen Sumati Thakur Harshad Sham Thatte Thomas F. Theurkauf, Jr. Lesley Anne Thomas Brian Thomas Thompson Clive Thompson Glenn Thompson Nigel Bruce Thompson Perry A. Thompson Vanavah Alexei Thompson William H. Thompson Eric Raymond Thorpe Nichola Angela Thorpe Sal Edward Tieri, Jr. John p Tierney Mary Ellen Tiesi William R. Tieste Kenneth Francis Tietjen Stephen Edward Tighe Scott Charles Timmes Michael E. Tinley Jennifer M. Tino Robert Frank Tipaldi John James Tipping II David Tirado Hector Luis Tirado, Jr. Michelle Lee Titolo John J. Tobin Richard Todisco Vladimir Tomasevic Stephen Kevin Tompsett Thomas Tong Doris Torres Luis Eduardo Torres Amy Elizabeth Toyen Christopher Michael Traina Daniel Patrick Trant Abdoul Karim Traore Glenn J. Travers Walter Philip Travers Felicia Y. Traylor-Bass Lisa L. Trerotola Karamo Trerra Michael Angel Trinidad Francis Joseph Trombino Gregory James Trost William P. Tselepis Zhanetta Valentinovna Tsoy Michael Tucker Lance Richard Tumulty Ching Ping Tung Simon James Turner Donald Joseph Tuzio Robert T. Twomey Jennifer Tzemis John G. Ueltzhoeffer Tyler V. Ugolyn Michael A. Uliano Jonathan J. Uman Anil Shivhari Umarkar Allen V. Upton Diane Marie Urban John Damien Vaccacio Bradley Hodges Vadas Renuta Vaidea William Valcarcel Felix Antonio Vale Ivan Vale Benito Valentin Santos Valentin, Jr. Carlton Francis Valvo II Erica H. Van Acker Kenneth W. Van Auken Richard B. Van Hine Daniel M. Van Laere Edward Raymond Vanacore Jon C. Vandevander Barrett Vanvelzer, 4 Edward Vanvelzer Paul Herman Vanvelzer Frederick Thomas Varacchi Gopalakrishnan Varadhan David Vargas Scott C. Vasel Azael Ismael Vasquez Arcangel Vazquez Santos Vazquez Peter Anthony Vega Sankara S. Velamuri Jorge Velazquez Lawrence G. Veling Anthony Mark Ventura David Vera Loretta Ann Vero Christopher James Vialonga Matthew Gilbert Vianna Robert Anthony Vicario Celeste Torres Victoria Joanna Vidal John T. Vigiano II Joseph Vincent Vigiano Frank J. Vignola, Jr. Joseph Barry Vilardo Sergio Villanueva Chantal Vincelli Melissa Vincent Francine Ann Virgilio Lawrence Virgilio Joseph Gerard Visciano Joshua S. Vitale Maria Percoco Vola Lynette D. Vosges Garo H. Voskerijian Alfred Vukosa Gregory Kamal Bruno Wachtler Gabriela Waisman Courtney Wainsworth Walcott Victor Wald Benjamin James Walker Glen Wall Mitchel Scott Wallace Peter Guyder Wallace Robert Francis Wallace Roy Michael Wallace Jeanmarie Wallendorf Matthew Blake Wallens John Wallice, Jr. Barbara P. Walsh James Henry Walsh Jeffrey P. Walz Ching Wang Weibin Wang Michael Warchola Stephen Gordon Ward James Arthur Waring Brian G. Warner Derrick Washington Charles Waters James Thomas Waters, Jr. Patrick J. Waters Kenneth Thomas Watson Michael Henry Waye Todd Christopher Weaver Walter Edward Weaver Nathaniel Webb Dinah Webster Joanne Flora Weil Michael T. Weinberg Steven Weinberg Scott Jeffrey Weingard Steven George Weinstein Simon Weiser David M. Weiss David Thomas Weiss Vincent Michael Wells Timothy Matthew Welty Christian Hans Rudolf Wemmers Ssu-Hui Wen Oleh D. Wengerchuk Peter M. West Whitfield West, Jr. Meredith Lynn Whalen Eugene Whelan Adam S. White Edward James White III James Patrick White John Sylvester White Kenneth Wilburn White, Jr. Leonard Anthony White Malissa Y. White Wayne White Leanne Marie Whiteside Mark P. Whitford Michael T. Wholey Mary Catherine Wieman Jeffrey David Wiener Wilham J. Wik Alison Marie Wildman Glenn E. Wilkenson John C. Willett Brian Patrick Williams Crossley Richard Williams, Jr. David J. Williams Deborah Lynn Williams Kevin Michael Williams Louie Anthony Williams Louis Calvin Williams III John P. Williamson Donna Ann Wilson William Wilson David Harold Winton Glenn J. Winuk Thomas Francis Wise Alan L. Wisniewski Frank Thomas Wisniewski David Wiswall Sigrid Wiswe Michael Wittenstein Christopher W. Wodenshek Martin P. Wohlforth Katherine Susan Wolf Jennifer Yen Wong Siu Cheung Wong Yin Ping Wong Yuk Ping Wong Brent James Woodall James John Woods Patrick J. Woods Richard Herron Woodwell David Terence Wooley John Bentley Works Martin Michael Wortley Rodney James Wotton William Wren John Wayne Wright Neil Robin Wright Sandra Lee Wright Jupiter Yambem Suresh Yanamadala Matthew David Yarnell Myrna Yaskulka Shakila Yasmin Olabisi Shadie Layeni Yee William Yemele Edward P. York Kevin Patrick York Raymond R. York Suzanne Youmans Barrington Young Jacqueline Young Elkin Yuen Joseph C. Zaccoli Adel Agayby Zakhary Arkady Zaltsman Edwin J. Zambrana, Jr. Robert Alan Zampieri Mark Zangrilli Ira Zaslow Kenneth Albert Zelman Abraham J. Zelmanowitz Martin Morales Zempoaltecatl Zhe Zeng Marc Scott Zeplin Jie Yao Justin Zhao Ivelin Ziminski Michael Joseph Zinzi Charles A. Zion Julie Lynne Zipper Salvatore Zisa Prokopios Paul Zois Joseph J. Zuccala Andrew S. Zucker Igor Zukelman
List of Victims on American Airlines Flight 11
Anna Allison David Lawrence Angell Lynn Edwards Angell Seima Aoyama Barbara Jean Arestegui Myra Joy Aronson Christine Barbuto Carolyn Beug Kelly Ann Booms Carol Marie Bouchard Robin Lynne Kaplan Neilie Anne Heffernan Casey Jeffrey Dwayne Collman Jeffrey W. Coombs Tara Kathleen Creamer Thelma Cuccinello Patrick Currivan Brian Paul Dale David Dimeglio Donald Americo Ditullio Alberto Dominguez Paige Marie Farley-Hackel Alexander Milan Filipov Carol Ann Flyzik Paul J. Friedman Karleton D.B. Fyfe Peter Alan Gay Linda M. George Edmund Glazer Lisa Reinhart Gordenstein Andrew Peter Charles Curry Green Peter Paul Hashem Robert Jay Hayes Edward R. Hennessy, Jr. John A. Hofer Cora Hidalgo Holland John Nicholas Humber, Jr. Waleed Joseph Iskandar John Charles Jenkins Charles Edward Jones Barbara A. Keating David P. Kovalcin Judith Camilla Larocque Natalie Janis Lasden Daniel John Lee Daniel M. Lewin Sara Elizabeth Low Susan A. Mackay Karen Ann Martin Thomas F. McGuinness, Jr. Christopher D. Mello Jeffrey Peter Mladenik Carlos Alberto Montoya Antonio Jesus Montoya Valdes Laura Lee Morabito Mildred Naiman Laurie Ann Neira Renee Lucille Newell Kathleen Ann Nicosia Jacqueline June Norton Robert Grant Norton John Ogonowski Betty Ann Ong Jane M. Orth Thomas Nicholas Pecorelli Berinthia B. Perkins Sonia M. Puopolo David E. Retik Jean Destrehan Roger Philip Martin Rosenzweig Richard Barry Ross Jessica Leigh Sachs Rahma Salie Heather Lee Smith Dianne Bullis Snyder Douglas Joel Stone Xavier Suarez Madeline Amy Sweeney Michael Theodoridis James Anthony Trentini Mary Barbara Trentini Pendyala Vamsikrishna Mary Alice Wahlstrom Kenneth Waldie John Joseph Wenckus Candace Lee Williams Christopher Rudolph Zarba, Jr.
List of Victims on United Airlines Flight 175
Alona Abraham Garnet Edward Bailey Mark Lawrence Bavis Graham Andrew Berkeley Touri Bolourchi Klaus Bothe Daniel Raymond Brandhorst David Reed Gamboa Brandhorst John Brett Cahill Christoffer Mikael Carstanjen John J. Corcoran III Dorothy Alma de Araujo Ana Gloria Pocasangre Debarrera Robert John Fangman Lisa Anne Frost Ronald Gamboa Lynn Catherine Goodchild Peter M. Goodrich Douglas Alan Gowell Francis Edward Grogan Carl Max Hammond, Jr. Christine Lee Hanson Peter Burton Hanson Susan Kim Hanson Gerald Francis Hardacre Eric Hartono James Edward Hayden Herbert Wilson Homer Michael Robert Horrocks Robert Adrien Jalbert Amy N. Jarret Ralph Kershaw Heinrich Kimmig Amy R. King Brian Kinney Kathryn L. LaBorie Robert G. Leblanc Maclovio Lopez, Jr. Marianne Macfarlane Alfred Gilles Marchand Louis Mariani Juliana McCourt Ruth Magdaline McCourt Wolfgang Peter Menzel Shawn M. Nassaney Marie Pappalardo Patrick J. Quigley IV Frederick Charles Rimmele III James Roux Jesus Sanchez Victor J. Saracini Mary Kathleen Shearer Robert M. Shearer Jane Louise Simpkin Brian David Sweeney Michael C. Tarrou Alicia N. Titus Timothy Ray Ward William Michael Weems
List of Victims at the Pentagon (Not Including Flight 77) Note: USA – United Stated Army; USN – United States Navy
SPC Craig S. Amundson, USA YN3 Melissa Rose Barnes, USN MSG Max J. Beilke, Retired IT2 Kris Romeo Bishundat, USN Carrie R. Blagburn COL Canfield D. Boone, ARNG Donna M. Bowen Allen P. Boyle ET3 Christopher L. Burford, USN ET3 Daniel M. Caballero, USN SFC Jose O. Calderon-Olmedo, USA Angelene C. Carter Sharon A. Carver SFC John J. Chada, USA, Retired Rosa Maria Chapa Julian T. Cooper LCDR Eric A. Cranford, USN Ada M. Davis CAPT Gerald F. DeConto, USN LTC Jerry D. Dickerson, USA IT1 Johnnie Doctor, Jr., USN CAPT Robert E. Dolan, Jr., USN CDR William H. Donovan, USN CDR Patrick Dunn, USN AG1 Edward T. Earhart, USN LCDR Robert R. Elseth, USNR SK3 Jamie L. Fallon, USN Amelia V. Fields Gerald P. Fisher AG2 Matthew M. Flocco, USN Sandra N. Foster CAPT Lawrence D. Getzfred, USN Cortez Ghee Brenda C. Gibson COL Ronald F. Golinski, USA, Retired Diane Hale-McKinzy Carolyn B. Halmon Sheila M.S. Hein ET1 Ronald J. Hemenway, USN MAJ Wallace Cole Hogan, Jr., USA SSG Jimmie I. Holley, USA, Retired Angela M. Houtz Brady Kay Howell Peggie M. Hurt LTC Stephen N. Hyland, Jr., USA Lt Col Robert J. Hymel, USAF, Retired SGM Lacey B. Ivory, USA LTC Dennis M. Johnson, USA Judith L. Jones Brenda Kegler LT Michael S. Lamana, USN David W. Laychak Samantha L. Lightbourn-Allen MAJ Stephen V. Long, USA James T. Lynch, Jr. Terence M. Lynch OS2 Nehamon Lyons IV, USN Shelley A. Marshall Teresa M. Martin Ada L. Mason-Acker LTC Dean E. Mattson, USA LTG Timothy J. Maude, USA Robert J. Maxwell Molly L. McKenzie Patricia E. Mickley MAJ Ronald D. Milam, USA Gerard P. Moran, Jr. Odessa V. Morris ET1 Brian A. Moss, USN Teddington H. Moy LCDR Patrick J. Murphy, USNR Khang Ngoc Nguyen DM2 Michael A. Noeth, USN Ruben S. Ornedo Diana B. Padro LT Jonas M. Panik, USNR MAJ Clifford L. Patterson, Jr., USA LT Darin H. Pontell, USNR Scott Powell CAPT Jack D. Punches, USN, Retired AW1 Joseph J. Pycior, Jr., USN Deborah A. Ramsaur Rhonda Sue Rasmussen IT1 Marsha D. Ratchford, USN Martha M. Reszke Cecelia E. (Lawson) Richard Edward V. Rowenhorst Judy Rowlett SGM Robert E. Russell, USA, Retired CW4 William R. Ruth, ARNG Charles E. Sabin, Sr. Marjorie C. Salamone COL David M. Scales, USA CDR Robert A. Schlegel, USN Janice M. Scott LTC Michael L. Selves, USA, Retired Marian H. Serva CDR Dan F. Shanower, USN Antionette M. Sherman Diane M. Simmons Cheryle D. Sincock ITC Gregg H. Smallwood, USN LTC Gary F. Smith, USA, Retired Patricia J. Statz Edna L. Stephens SGM Larry L. Strickland, USA LTC Kip P. Taylor, USA Sandra C. Taylor LTC Karl W. Teepe, USA, Retired SGT Tamara C. Thurman, USA LCDR Otis V. Tolbert, USN SSG Willie Q. Troy, USA, Retired LCDR Ronald J. Vauk, USNR LTC Karen J. Wagner, USA Meta L. (Fuller) Waller SPC Chin Sun Pak Wells, USA SSG Maudlyn A. White, USA Sandra L. White Ernest M. Willcher LCDR David L. Williams, USN MAJ Dwayne Williams, USA RMC Marvin Roger Woods, USN, Retired IT2 Kevin W. Yokum, USN ITC Donald M. Young, USN Edmond G. Young, Jr. Lisa L. Young
List of Victims on American Airlines Flight 77
Paul W. Ambrose Yeneneh Betru Mary Jane Booth Bernard C. Brown, II CAPT Charles F. Burlingame III, USNR, Retired Suzanne M. Calley William E. Caswell David M. Charlebois Sarah M. Clark Asia S. Cottom James D. Debeuneure Rodney Dickens Eddie A. Dillard LCDR Charles A. Droz III, USN, Retired Barbara G. Edwards Charles S. Falkenberg Dana Falkenberg Zoe Falkenberg J. Joseph Ferguson Darlene E. Flagg RADM Wilson F. Flagg, USNR, Retired 1stLt Richard P. Gabriel, USMC, Retired Ian J. Gray Stanley R. Hall Michele M. Heidenberger Bryan C. Jack Steven D. Jacoby Ann C. Judge Chandler R. Keller Yvonne E. Kennedy Norma Cruz Khan Karen Ann Kincaid Dong Chul Lee Jennifer Lewis Kenneth E. Lewis Renee A. May Dora Marie Menchaca Christopher C. Newton Barbara K. Olson Ruben S. Ornedo Robert Penninger Robert R. Ploger III Zandra F. Ploger Lisa J. Raines Todd H. Reuben John P. Sammartino George W. Simmons Donald D. Simmons Mari-Rae Sopper Robert Speisman Norma Lang Steuerle Hilda E. Taylor Leonard E. Taylor Sandra D. Teague Leslie A. Whittington CAPT John D. Yamnicky, Sr., USN, Retired Vicki Yancey Shuyin Yang Yuguag Zheng
List of Victims on United Airlines Flight 93
Christian Adams Lorraine G. Bay Todd Beamer Alan Beaven Mark K. Bingham Deora Frances Bodley Sandra W. Bradshaw Marion Britton Thomas E. Burnett Jr. William Cashman Georgine Rose Corrigan Patricia Cushing Jason Dahl Joseph Deluca Patrick Driscoll Edward Porter Felt Jane C. Folger Colleen Fraser Andrew Garcia Jeremy Glick Lauren Grandcolas Wanda A. Green Donald F. Greene Linda Gronlund Richard Guadagno Leroy Homer, Jr. Toshiya Kuge CeeCee Lyles Hilda Marcin Waleska Martinez Nicole Miller Louis J. Nacke, II Donald Arthur Peterson Jean Hoadley Peterson Mark Rothenberg Christine Snyder John Talignani Honor Elizabeth Wainio Deborah Ann Jacobs Welsh Kristin Gould White
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
S2;E9 ~ November 17, 1969
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Directed by George Marshall ~ Written by David Ketchum and Bruce Shelley
When the Carters want to become a two-car family, Kim and Craig visit a used car dealer named Cheerful Charlie (Milton Berle).  When the car turns out to be a lemon, Lucy and Harry turn the tables on the huckster.
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter), Gale Gordon (Harrison Otis Carter), Lucie Arnaz (Kim Carter), Desi Arnaz Jr. (Craig Carter)
Guest Cast
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Milton Berle (Cheerful Charlie) this is the first time that Milton Berle has not played Milton Berle on a Lucille Ball sitcom. He was born Milton Berlinger in New York City on July 12, 1908. He started performing at the age of five. Berle perfected his comedy in vaudeville, early silent films, and then on radio, before taking his act to the small screen, where he would be proclaimed “Mr. Television” and later “Uncle Miltie.” He hosted “Texaco Star Theater” on NBC from 1948 to 1956. The variety show was re-titled “The Milton Berle Show” in 1954 when Texaco dropped their sponsorship. The program was briefly revived in 1958, but lasted only one season. In 1959 he played himself in “Milton Berle Hides out at the Ricardos.” In return, Lucy and Desi appeared on his Sunday Showcase special that same year. Berle continued to perform live, in films, and on television specials for the remainder of his career. Berle previously appeared on "The Lucy Show” in “Lucy Saves Milton Berle” (TLS S4;E13) and did a cameo in “Lucy Meets John Wayne” (TLS S5;E10). He will also do one more episode of the series: “Milton Berle Is the Life of the Party” (S6;E19).  Berle died of cancer in 2002.
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Jack Berle (Jack, uncredited) was the older brother of Milton Berle.  This is the second of his eleven uncredited appearances on the series.  He also did two episodes of “The Lucy Show.”  
The character has no dialogue.
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The cameraman and cue card holder are played by uncredited performers.  
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This is the first episode written by David Ketchum and Bruce Shelley. The pair will also return to write “Lucy and Rudy Vallee” (S3;E12).  Ketchum and Shelley began writing together in 1967 and their partnership ended in 1984.  The pair were nominated for a Writer's Guild of American (WGA) Award for a 1973 episode of “M*A*S*H”.  Ketchum was also an actor.  He played Agent 13 on “Get Smart” (1965-70).  
Milton Berle had a previous professional engagement he canceled in order to star in this episode.
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This is the second episode in a row to be set among parked cars.  The previous episode took place at a drive-in movie theatre, which is really just a used car lot with entertainment. In fact, seven of the last ten episodes have featured automobiles. Interestingly, none of the vehicles seen previously are used here.  
Kim's new boyfriend is named Herbie Hofferman (“Hoffy”).  In the previous episode she was dating a college graduate named Alan.  
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Craig is now dating Susan. In the previous episode he was dating Patty.  He is planning to use the car to double date with Steve & Peggy, and Billy & Debbie. They are all going to a drive-in movie – just as Craig & Patty and Kim & Alan all did the previous week! Susan (or Susie, as Lucy calls her) may be a reference to Susan Callahan-Howe, a model that Desi Arnaz Jr. had a relationship with (and had a child with) the previous year.  The name Patty may refer to Patty Duke, another of Desi Jr.'s romances, but it is generally thought the two didn't meet until 1970, a year after this episode was shot.  The name Billy is probably a reference to Desi's good friend and band-mate Billy Hinsche of Dino Desi & Billy. The names Susie and Steve were mentioned as friends of Craig's in “Lucy the Fixer” (S1;E14).
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Craig tells Kim that it is his night to use the car, so she should “take the bus and leave the driving to us!” This was the advertising slogan of the Greyhound Bus Company.  It was previously quoted in “Lucy Helps Craig Get a Driver's License” (S1;E24).  
Lucy says they have $147 in IOU's in their Emergency Fund but only $75 in cash. Pooling their resources, they find they have $97 to spend on a second car.  
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Searching between the sofa cushions for coins, Kim finds a 'Win With Willkie' button. Wendell Lewis Willkie (1892–1944) was the 1940 Republican nominee for President.  His Democratic opponent, incumbent President Franklin D. Roosevelt, handily won a third term (pre-term limits). Lucy calls him Mendell Willkie. Later in the episode, Harry asks if anyone's found his Willkie button.
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Cheerful Charlie's lot is located on the corner of Cherokee and Chatsworth. In the 1940's Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz had a ranch in Chatsworth, California. 
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The brightly painted lemon that is the subject of the transactions is actually a 1940 Packard One-Twenty [1397].  Harry calls the paint job “sick-o-delic.”  
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Cheerful Charlie's lot also offers:
A 1966 tan Volkswagen Beetle
A light blue 1961 Ford Falcon
A blue 1964 Chevrolet Biscayne
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Upon seeing the car Cheerful Charlie has sold the kids Harry says “Well, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!” That was the title of a 1968 musical fantasy film (based on a novel by Ian Fleming) about a colorful flying car.  Harry then refers to it as “a purple people eater.”  “Purple People Eater” was the title of a hit kids novelty song written by Sheb Wooley in 1958.
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When Craig tries to start the car by kicking the floorboard, Harry asks him “What in the name of Kaiser-Frazer are you doing?” The Kaiser-Frazer Corporation was a car company that briefly thrived after World War II.  When the car finally starts and fills the garage with smoke, Harry says it is “a one-car smog alert.” References to Los Angeles' smog problem were topical and frequent in this time period.  
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Posing as a British dandy, Harry calls the car a Pierce-Ruxton with a sundial in place of a clock. 
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Pierce-Ruxton is a combination of two automakers names. Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Company was an manufacturer based in Buffalo, New York, active from 1901 to 1938. The Ruxton was a front-wheel drive automobile produced by New Era Motors Company during 1929 and 1930.
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Posing as Texan 'Laredo Lucy,' Lucy calls the car a combination Hudson Edsel Tucker Reo and Packard - all defunct automobile companies. Laredo Lucy sings a bit of “Deep in the Heart of Texas,” a 1941 song by June Hershey and Don Swander.
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When Craig and Kim return to claim their car, Cheerful Charlie says “Go away kid, you bother me.” This is a quote attributed to W.C. Fields, talking to his nemesis Baby Leroy.
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Lucy Carmichael drove a Packard in “Lucy Buys a Sheep” (TLS S1;E5).  
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Looking for loose change in the sofa cushions was something Lucy Ricardo and Ethel Mertz did in “Ricky's European Booking” (ILL S5;E10).  
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While Kim finds a 'Win With Willkie' button in the sofa, Lucy Carmichael found a ‘Vote for Dewey’ button under the sofa in “Lucy Gets the Bird” (TLS S3;E12).  
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Lucy Ricardo also had trouble with an antique lemon when Fred Mertz bought a 1929 Cadillac for their trip across the country in “Getting Ready” (ILL S4;E11).  
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Over The Line! When returning the car for a refund, Desi jumps one of Milton Berle's lines and has to repeat himself.
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“Lucy and the Used Car Dealer” rates 5 Paper Hearts out of 5 
This is a memorable episode.  Lucy, Milton Berle and Gale Gordon all get to play dress-up and take on  funny and unusual characters.  The writers' dedication to Cheerful Charlie using as many 'CH' words as possible is silly but a lot of fun. 
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