#Ler Roman
Pride and Teases
With pride month starting Virgil decided to try something new, even though his anxiety brain told him other wise, he decided why not.
Walking into his boyfriend's room on his tip toes for rainbow colored eye shadows he sees that Roman is nowhere to be found. Either on an adventure or getting food. I'll ask him for the permission after I grab what I need. He won't mind. Virgil goes over to Roman's vanity and searches through his drawers, which had surprisingly been color coded, for the correct eye shadows.
When Roman walks in he leans on the door frame, snack in his left hand with his right wrapped around his waist, watching his boyfriend go through the drawers full of makeup supplies. "Whatcha doin' darling?"
Virgil jumps a little, "Oh, there you are, sorry, I was looking to get some different colors of makeup,"
"My face?" Virgil says sarcastically.
"You normally just wear the black and purple ones."
"Trying something new." Virgil shrugs before going back to looking through Roman's drawers for the rest of the colors he needs.
"Well, maybe you should have asked?"
"Why?" Virgil asked. He saw Romans smirk and hears his tone. There's something familiar about it.
"Because now you need a consequence for not before you leave."
That's why that tone is familiar. Virgil froze, a nervous smile on his face.
"There's that smile I love my emo storm cloud." Roman states playfully as he sets his snack down on his dresser before wrapping his arms around Virgil's waist. "Are you green storm cloud?" Roman whispers in Virgil's ear softly, sending shivers down Virgil's spine.
Virgil nods slightly, his face getting more heated every second. "Then why don't you put down the makeup and then pick it back up when were done?" Virgil puts the makeup down enthusiastically. "Aww, so eager aren't you my precious tickle-me-emo?" Roman whispers gently into Virgil's ear before laying Virgil on his bed.
Roman makes sure that Virgil gets his full consequence for not asking for the makeup before he can even think about leaving.
(Sry it's short, I just don't know how to write tickle scenes to well<3 Thx for reading, if you have constructive criticism I would love to read it. Have an amazing day/night/rest of your day.)
[Idea from @hahanamegobrrrr on the post https://www.tumblr.com/hahanamegobrrrr/670440349804756992/makeup-mayhem-roman-wants-to-spice-up-his-makeup]
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spookyghostbunny · 8 months
I missed your smile too
Alright everyone, come get your yummy bread crumbs!
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Lucifer was pacing back and forth in his room full of rubber ducks. That fight with the hotel's busboy really got to him. What was his name again? Doesn't matter. He stops when he sees a duck that looks like Charlie. He picks it up, beginning to rant aloud.
"That busboy is insane! He really had the fucking nerve to call him your dad to my face! Me! Lucifer!The King of Hell! Your real dad! Your flesh and blood! Your kin! He can't possibly think he's a better dad than me!? No one in Hell is a better dad than me!" He paused, looking down at the Charlie duck. "Right?"
The duck of course didn't respond.
He lets out a pathetic sigh, holding the duck close and flopping on his bed. Who was he kidding? Anyone would be a better dad to Charlie than him. He was barely in her life! He doesn't know her favorite drink, her favorite color, anything! He didn't even know she had a girlfriend until today!
Lucifer rolled over, shoving his face into a pillow with a groan. He was the worst dad in the universe!
The sad little man looked up from his pity party when he heard a soft knock on the door. He quickly gets up, clumsy running around and fixing his appearance. "Uh- C-come in!" He answered once he looked mostly presentable.
Charlie opens the door, peaking around the messy room. She doesn't remember there being this many ducks.
Lucifer stared at her in complete shock. His daughter? Here? HIS DAUGHTER WAS HERE!!!
He coughs, trying to act cool. "Heeeey, Char-Char! What- what are you doing here? Couldn't get enough of your old man today, eh!" He rubs the back of his neck. What do you do in a situation like this? It's been years since Charlie came to visit him. Did she somehow know he was thinking about her?
Was the princess psychic this entire time!?
Charlie carefully steps into the room. "Hey, dad. Nice ducks?" She picks one up to examine. The ducky flipped in her hand before it suddenly started spitting fire. "AH!-" She yelps, dropping the duck and jumping away in fear.
Lucifer freaked out. "CHARLIE I'M SO SORRY THAT DUCK WAS A NEWER ONE I KNEW IT WAS STUPID PLEASE DON'T HATE ME-" He was cut off when Charlie placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Deep breaths, dad. It's ok. I don't hate you. I never hated you." She helps him get his breathing normal as she leads him to the bed.
They sit down, Charlie taking her dad's hands in hers. "I just wanted to thank you for... Everything. I know we were... Distant- But today was a huge step forward!" His daughter smiles, and Lucifer had to hold back tears. "You're an amazing dad. I wouldn't want anyone else."
That did it. That broke the camel's back. He choked on a sob, pulling the sweet princess into a tight hug. His daughter really was psychic!!
Charlie hugged back just as hard. She didn't like seeing her father cry. A frown wasn't a good look on him. Like Alastor says: You're never fully dressed without a smile!
And she knew just the trick to bring his back.
Without any warning Charlie pulls back and tackles her dad.
"Oof! Wha- Charlie! What are- Oh no. Nononono!" His eyes widen with panic from the mischievous smirk on her face.
"Who's this Charlie you speak of? I'm.... The Tickle Monster! Rawrrr!" She broke character for a second to giggle. Lucifer used to use this trick on her when she was sad, so now she's returning the favor! She formed her hands into claws and wiggled them above his stomach. "I'm here to feast!" She growled in a deep funny voice.
Lucifer panicked more, but he also felt a mixture of silliness and pride. It's been a long long time since him and Charlie played together. He thought she wouldn't remember this game. His smile turned wobbly, deciding to play along. "Pl-please, Miss T-tickle Monster! Have m-hehehercy!" He was already starting to giggle.
Charlie broke character again to squee in pure happiness. She didn't actually expect him to go along with this! She clears her throat, putting back on her scary tickle monster persona. "Silence! My meals don't talk!" She dives in, attacking his belly with many scribbles and pokes. "They laugh!"
Luci squealed, bursting into high-pitched giggles. He grabs onto Charlie's wrists, but he made no move to push them away. "Chahaharlie! Ihihit tihihickles!"
Charlie couldn't help but to coo at her dad. "That's the point, ya goober! And that's Miss Tickle Monster to you!" She moved up higher to pinch at his ribs.
The King of Hell's giggles turned into full on laughter. He kicked his feet and squirmed, still not trying to get away.
"My, these ribs give off some tasty laughter! I must have more!" With each pinch she made a nomming noise like she was actually eating his laughter.
Lucifer flushed at the silliness of it all. He had to admit, this was making him feel better. It's been so long since he had a good laugh, and the anxiety from earlier melted away with each "nom."
Charlie stopped to give her father a quick break. "Mmm! Those ribs were delicious! Now I'm craving something for dessert!"
Lucifer froze. He knew what that meant. Still, he didn't want to ruin the fun. He pretended to be curious. In reality, he was preparing himself for what's to come. "What would that be, Miss Tickle Monster?"
"Raspberries!" The Princess leaned down, blowing a huge raspberry on Lucifer's tummy.
Luci went absolutely crazy with laughter! He even let out a few snorts! "OHOHOHO GOHOHOHODNEHEHESS!!" He shook his head, covering his blushy face.
Charlie was delighted by his reaction and laughed along with him. She blew a few more raspberries before deciding he had enough and falling onto the bed next to him. "You alright there, dad?"
"Ihih'm fihihine!" Despite still being giggly he felt great!
Soon enough, they were both taking a well deserved nap.
"That's good. I really did miss your smile too, dad." She hugs him, snuggling into his side.
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why-not-a-tickle-blog · 3 months
Dwindling Creativity
Thomas groaned, putting his head in his hands. He’d been brainstorming and writing and editing and erasing and rewriting and researching and writing again.
“I feel like I’ve used up all the creativity I have,” Thomas grumbled, shoving aside his laptop.
This pause, reluctant as it was, was instigated by Janus. Patton took over from there, leading Thomas to flop on the couch with reruns of the Office to give his mind a chance to rest.
- - -
Roman did not stop working when Thomas did. This was Important to Thomas, and Roman had to get it right.
Thomas’s statement about using up his creativity was very nearly correct. As they had worked, Roman had dwindled away gradually, until now the quill he was holding was nearly as tall as he was. He had to hold it in a two-handed grip, kneeling on the parchment and balancing the unwieldy feather against his shoulder. At least he had a magic quill that didn’t run out of ink, so he didn’t have to keep getting up and down to re-dip it.
He ignored the click as the door to his room opened, but moments later the quill was snatched out of his grasp.
“Hey! Give that back, you- you ruffian!”
Deceit raised an eyebrow. “Ruffian? I would’ve expected a more… creative insult.”
Roman glared at him, more tired and grumpy than truly angry. “Well—! Well…” his mind went blank.
Deceit let him flounder for a retort, twirling the quill in his gloved fingers.
All at once, his inability to come up with a properly applicable insult, a good rhyme, even a solid sentence, slammed into Roman. He crumpled onto the desk. “Just leave me alone, I’m useless.”
Deceit sat down in Roman’s chair. Roman wasn’t looking at him, and was surprised to be lifted by the back of his shirt. He let out a squeak, then decided he was too tired to flail or protest, and merely went limp.
“Useless?” Deceit drawled, his voice dripping with something like sympathy. Knowing him though, it could well be anything, or nothing. “My dear prince, you and I both know that’s far from the truth.”
He draped Roman over his other hand, resting on the table. Roman was laying on his stomach, across Deceit’s palm, his arms flopped over his pointer finger.
“I am useless.” Roman asserted. “I can’t even make a song. I’m supposed to be great at songs!”
Deceit stroked the feather over Roman’s back, the smooth, gentle pressure a pleasant sensation. “Or perhaps, you’re holding yourself to too high a standard considering the circumstances.”
Roman’s muscles loosened further as the feather continued stroking over his shirt. “It’s for Thomas’s mother’s birthday, if I can’t make something perfect for this, when else could it matter?”
“I’m sure you will make something perfect,” Deceit replied. “But it may take more time. Time which we have, the birthday is in three weeks.”
Roman dropped his head onto Deceit’s glove. It was cool, rather than warm as he might have expected a hand to be. The feather traced patterns over his shirt, almost like a back rub, melting away his protests.
“You need rest now. Distraction, to get your mind off of the song and give you time to return to your full strength.”
As Deceit said the word Distraction, the edge of the feather brushed over a small strip on skin on Roman’s side, where his shirt had ridden up. Tingles spread from that spot, making him shiver. It felt nice, nearly tickly.
Roman shifted to dispel the tingles, inconspicuously doing so in a way that made his shirt ride up slightly higher.
For a few moments, Deceit must not have noticed, still stroking the feather over his shirt, but then the tip of the feather was drawn across his lower back, crossing from his shirt to his bare skin. Roman muffled a small giggle, enjoying as tingly sensations ran over him again.
Deceit was saying something else, but Roman was becoming lost in the moment, relishing the soft, gentle strokes and the occasional sparks of tickles.
At some point, he had relaxed so thoroughly as to forget he was hiding his giggles, and let one fully slip out.
“Oh, so I have a ticklish little prince?” Deceit said fondly, smiling down at him with a glint in his eyes.
Roman’s first impulse was to protest, especially as Deceit was sure to grow condescendingly teasing, but his enjoyment of his situation battled that impulse, leaving him speechless and blushing.
His internal battle was interrupted by the feather slipping up the back of his shirt, wiggling over his whole back. Roman fell into giggles, kicking his feet gently. The stiff quill feather wasn’t the most effective tool for causing tickles at his current size, but his embarrassment had made him more sensitive than usual.
“Awwww,” Deceit cooed. “Enjoying yourself?”
Roman didn’t respond other than to blush a bit pinker, though he made no move to block the feather.
Deceit twirled the feather. The strange sensation of the spinning feather under his shirt startled a laugh out of Roman.
“It seems I’ve found quite a good distraction, haven’t I?” Deceit said smugly. “Take all your thoughts away and leave only giggles~”
Roman rolled over, trapping the feather underneath his back as he giggled. Deceit easily pulled it free and teased it over Roman’s front. Here his shirt was better covering him, but the feather coming at him, fluttering at his sides or his stomach or neck, and constantly changing spots had him caught in giggles. He batted at the feather playfully when it came within reach of his hands. Indeed, all his previous difficult thoughts had fled.
“A happy little darling,” Deceit murmured, his voice overwhelmingly fond.
Roman was sure his face was still pink, but he was losing the embarrassment, caught up in the fun and the non-judgemental affection. He shucked his shirt off, clicking his fingers to change the quill in Deceit’s hand to a longer feather with droopy, dangly vanes.
Deceit shook the feather over Roman, the little tips flickering over his skin. Roman curled up into a giggly ball, rolling back and forth in Deceit’s hand. So many little tickly points all over him. It was like being out in a summer rain, if every drop left tingles in its wake.
Roman soaked in the attention, the sensations, the love. His body filled with warmth and joy, releasing the excess with every laugh. His giggles were infectious, and Deceit chuckled at the adorable sight in his hand.
When Roman got breathless, he grabbed at the trailing ends of the feather to stop them. Deceit obligingly switched tactics to long slow strokes of the feather up and down over Roman. It was hardly tickly at all, returning to a relaxing massage-like experience, but Roman couldn’t seem to fully stop the remaining giggles.
Slowly, gradually, he melted into Deceit’s palm. After such a height of joy, tiredness draped over him like a blanket. His eyes slipped closed, and the giggles came further and further apart.
Roman didn’t notice the ever so gradual shift of the feather into a miniature fringed blanket. He barely noticed when it stopped moving and instead tucked around him. And by the time Deceit gently transferred him into his bed he was sound asleep.
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fanderficreader · 1 month
The Trend. (Prinxiety)
A/N you could see it as platonic or romantic. (Either way, idc.) btw this is my first fic, so be nice pls. 😁
Words: 1021
TW: none
Virgil was in his room watching TikTok on his phone, when he came across a video. Someone was wearing a hoodie while someone else behind them was in the back of it, using their arms as the first persons arms. When he saw this, he got an idea.
Virgil made his way to Romans room, and knocked on the door. "Come in~" he said in a sing song tone. "Hey Roman. Whatcha doing?" Roman was at his desk, working on the script for the next sander sides video for Thomas. "Just helping Thomas with his script. Why?" Roman asked. "I was wondering if you're willing to try this trend with me." As Virgil said that, he pulled out his phone, pulling up the video he watched earlier.
"Oh, Yeah sure!" Roman said excitedly. He was mostly happy because Virgil barely wants to hang out with any of the sides. If so, he mostly hangs with Patton. So this was special for Roman. "So we're gunna need one of my hoodies." Virgil went to go grab a big hoodie that he owned. When he came back Roman was already set up with everything ready to go.
"Ok, so am I gunna be your arms, or are you gunna be mine?" Roman asked. "You can be my arms." Virgil put on the hoodie and let Roman get in the back. His arms then went through the sleeves, and they were ready to record. They chose the same audio that the other people did, and just ran with that. As they were recording though, Roman kept breathing on Virgil's neck on the inside of the hoodie.
Roman stopped the recording. "Hey, why do you keep shivering?" Roman started. "You are literally wearing a hoodie." He exclaimed. Roman was still in the hoodie as he was talking. So every time he would talk, it would send another tingly vibration down Virgil's spine. "I'm not s'shivering. I don't know w'what you're talking a'about." Virgil stuttered. "Is it cause I'm breathing on you?" When he asked that, Virgil got a little pink in the face.
Roman finally stuck his head out of the hoodie- his face also downing a nice crimson and some beads of sweat -he looked at Virgil and saw the pink in his cheeks. "I know why I'm red but why is your face flushed as well?" As roman said that, his face flushed a deeper pink. Roman was confused for a second. Until he put two and two together, and realized what was happening. "So you're sure you're fine?" As he said that, he shifted his hand so it could poke Virgil in the stomach a little. This made him jump slightly.
"Nope. I'm fihine." He awkwardly laughed, to brush off some of the tension. "Are you sure?" Roman leaned in to Virgil's ear to whisper that. When he did Virgil scrunched up his neck. Roman mentally giggled at that. Oh this is gunna be fun... he thought. "Hey Virgil." "Whahat?" He giggled slightly. "You know what would be great right now?" He started. "A kiss." With that he then started giving Virgil tiny kisses on his neck, behind his ear, and on his collarbone.
To tell you Virgil was a mess is an understatement. He was giggling up a storm, just enjoying the sensations on his body -But he would never tell anyone that(except for Roman...)- "aww, you look so cute like this Virgie." That made Virgil blush even more. "Stohahap wihith the tehehsihing!" Virgil said through the giggles. "Aww, but you love the teases~" he pulled up Virgil's shirt and the hoodie a bit, and started poking Virgil's stomach. That made the giggles pick up, and the squeals start.
After about 2,3 minutes of this Roman finally spoke. "Hey, Virge. You know what I'm craving right now?" Virgil didn't answer and just kept giggling. He shook his head back and fourth already knowing the answer. "Raspberries!" With that he then started blowing tiny raspberries on Virgil's neck and collarbone. When I tell you, Virgil screamed. "EEEEEEhehe!! NoHOHOoh!!" Virgil was in stitches, but he was also the happiest he'd been this whole week.
He's been down lately, in a state of depression. So he thought by doing this with Roman would really help lift his spirits. -and oh, did it do more then that- his dopamine levels were as high as a kite right now. "Hey Virge. You know what I've noticed." He stated calmly, as if there wasn't a grown man in hysterics in front of him. "Whahhahahat!?" He tried to answer. "You haven't once said for me to stop." He said with a shit-eating grin on his face. As he said that, he slowed his 'attack' to a stop.
"w'Well, i- um..." his blush burned a dark crimson at this point, and started to spread to the tips of his ears. "Do you perhaps like it?~" Roman asked. "n'No..." that got him a poke to the side. -the hoodie had already gotten taken off of the both of 'em at this point- he squeaked. "Ok, maybe a little..." Virgil's face was flushed so brightly, if you didn't know what they were talking about, you would be concerned for him.
"Well isn't that just adorable~" Roman said. "No it's not!" When he said that, Roman lifted a brow. "Are you sure about that?~" he then fluttered his fingers on Virgil's neck, making him giggle and scrunch up. "You're just like a roly poly." Roman smiled at Virgil. Which made him look away in embarrassment. "Hey, don't look away." He started. " I'm not done tickling you yet." There they both were, on the floor, in a tickle fight. Forgetting about the once attended to tripod, that was still recording Everything.
(A/N) I hope that you enjoyed this. It's my first sander sides fic, so it's probably not the best. But, I tried to give the characters as much justice as I could. I hope it was just as teasy for you as it was for me... AnYwAaAAaYsS! I hope you enjoyed, and I'll try and write more soon.😅 BYE!
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hahanamegobrrrr · 4 months
For the ask prompts: 21 with Virgil and Roman?
21. “Oh but you’re not going anywhere.”
Lee!Roman, Ler!Virgil, 810 words. Warnings: none I can think of, I'll add any if someone points something out!
This was written as platonic, but you can read it as a ship if you want, I don't care LOL
I did Lee!Roman and Ler!Virgil, because as much as Lee!Virgil is my whole world, he needs to be a ler more too HSDJFK
Virgil and Roman had just finished watching The Lion King together in the common room. They were sitting next to each other on the couch. Roman had been fidgety throughout the movie. He was also wearing a tank top, despite the fact that it was fairly cool in the mind palace today, which left much of his top ribs and his armpits exposed. Virgil mentally noted all of this, suspecting what was going on.
Now, something shifted in Virgil’s peripheral vision, and he glanced over to see Roman stretching. He held his arms high above his head for several seconds with an exaggerated yawn. He arched his back, letting his tank top ride up slightly and exposing a sliver of the skin on his stomach. Virgil felt something swoop through his stomach, and his fingers suddenly felt itchy. Clearly, Roman knew what he was doing, since he shot Virgil a teasing grin as he stood up from the couch.
“Well, it seems that it is time I take my leave,” Roman declared, giving Virgil a bow and a wink. He didn’t even get to walk a single step away before Virgil dragged him back down onto the couch. Roman let out a quick yelp of surprise, fake-struggling for a moment before Virgil grabbed both of his hands and pinned them against his chest. He was now sitting up against the back of the couch with Virgil sitting on his legs.
“Oh, but you’re not going anywhere. Not after that stunt you just pulled,” Virgil retorted, a gleam in his eyes. “Showing off your armpits? Really? You must want this really badly, huh?” A slight flush was already spreading across Roman’s face.
“Yes, well, I’m a man who knows what he wants,” Roman replied, trying to keep his grandeur. He wasn’t going to get flustered that easily (or, at least, he wasn’t going to show it).
Virgil didn’t reply immediately. Instead, he moved Roman’s hands down so that they were pinned beneath his knees, the cushion of the couch keeping it comfortable for both of them. The warmth of Virgil’s breath caused a shiver to run down Roman’s spine as Virgil leaned in close to his ear.
“Well, tell me when you want to stop, then,” Virgil murmured, low and gravelly. A beat passed, then Roman’s breath hitched as he felt light tracing around his upper ribs. Then, without warning, Virgil instead leaned back and reached down to pinch at Roman’s thighs. A shocked and strangled noise came out of Roman’s throat, immediately followed by laughter.
“Aww, there it is, Princey,” Virgil crooned, smirking. “Since you know what you want so well, care to answer a question for me?” Virgil ceased pinching, gingerly walking his fingers up Roman’s thighs, hips, and arms.
“Do you want me to be gentle, or…” His hands came to a rest right below Roman’s underarms. “Do you want to scream?” Roman completely short-circuited, blinking for a second before clearing his throat.
“Uhmhm, the second option, please,” Roman replied, flushing a bit more. The moment the words left his mouth, Virgil’s fingers sprung into action. He wriggled one hand into each of Roman’s armpits, using his thumbs to knead into the muscle. This sent Roman into deep belly laughter, and he tried his best not to squirm away from the almost unbearable (but so, so craved) sensations.
“Aww, you’re so cute, Princey,” Virgil smirked, moving and adding his other fingers into the mix so that he was now scritching the tops of Roman’s exposed ribs. He reveled in the adorable faces and sounds that Roman was making. While his ribs weren’t as bad as his underarms, they made Roman much more squirmy. He leaned forward, burying his head into Virgil’s chest as he laughed. He wiggled so much that he eventually freed his hands from under Virgil’s knees, using them to grip onto Virgil’s arms. But still, he did nothing to stop Virgil from tickling him, instead simply holding on for dear life as Virgil spoke into his ear once more.
“As soon as you try to stop me, that’s when it’ll stop. So make sure you’re done before that happens,” Roman flushed and broke out into deep laughter once more as Virgil moved back to his armpits. Then, Virgil stopped and shot his head up as he heard footsteps from upstairs. No one came down into the common room, but Virgil knew that he and Roman both preferred to be alone any time they were partaking in any sort of tickly activities. It was just far too embarrassing for both of them to have anyone witness them.
“Do you want to move this to your room?” Virgil asked, getting up from the couch and offering Roman a hand.
“Yes, please,” Roman replied, giggling a little from the anticipation of how this would continue once they relocated.
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A Sleeping Dragon
“This movie is completely unrealistic!” spoke out Logan, completely and utterly exasperated during Wreck it Ralph. Family movie nights never went according to plan. “There is no possible way video game characters could interact in that way and frankly, the way the inner workings of electrical units are portrayed is ridiculous.”
Roman sighed. He looked down at Virgil who was laying into him fast asleep. “Logan, it’s just a movie. It's a silly movie. It isn’t meant to be realistic.”
Patton giggled. “Yeah, Lo! It’s just a movie.”
Logan huffed. “I don’t see how someone could enjoy a film when it is so blatantly ridiculous.” Roman rolled his eyes, while Patton just giggled again. “It should have at least some aspect of a realistic component to it.”
”Just watch the movie, Specs,” huffed Roman in annoyance.
Virgil, who was curled up napping in between Roman and Patton with his head in Roman’s lap, stirred. He grunted, very annoyed. “Who woke me up?”
All three sides froze. You did not want to be the person who woke Virgil up. He didn’t sleep much, so when he did, he expected to not be disturbed.
“Well? I’m waiting,” demanded Virgil, now sitting up straight. He looked around in question, arms crossed.
Roman blurted out, pointing an accusatory finger toward the logical trait in the recliner. “Logan was complaining about the movie!”
Logan glared at Roman in indignation. “Oh, I’m sorry. Am I not allowed to speak during the whole movie?” he inquired angrily. He turned to Virgil. “Besides, I would have dropped it if Roman would have just nodded and agreed with me. But no, he had to argue,” he added scowling.
Virgil hid his smirk and instead raised an eyebrow. “Oh, is that so?” In reality, he never actually got mad when he was woken up. He just liked messing with the others (especially Roman) however he could. Virgil figured he could have some fun with this.
”O-oh, well-” stuttered Roman.
“I thought I heard something other than Logan’s voice! I heard someone else who was frankly quite louder than Logan!” interjected Virgil looking up at Roman. Roman paled.
“Ah well, I was just defending the movie that’s all,” he replied, trying to hide his fear and failing miserably. “Simply making conversation.”
Virgil smothered a grin. He loved making Roman nervous. “Well, Roman, we all know you’re a lot louder than Logan; it was probably you who woke me up.”
“Now that’s not always-“
Roman was cut off by his yelp, feeling a poke at his ribs. “No interrupting!” scolded Virgil, this time forgetting to mask the grin and the obvious enjoyment he was getting out of this.
Roman blanched as Virgil’s intentions were made clear. “Virge, I’m sorry! Honest! You can go back to sleep, and we’ll all be quiet okay?” He glanced around to see if any of the other Sides would lend a hand. Logan was pretending to be fascinated by the movie suddenly and Patton was also suddenly too ‘preoccupied‘ to notice. He began to grow very nervous as Virgil crept up closer to him.
“Well, I’m already awake now thanks to you-“ he poked Roman’s side again who squeaked at the touch. Virgil‘s evil smile took up his whole face. “I’m very upset, Roman. My sleep was disturbed.” Roman began whining and backed into the arm of the sofa as Virgil continued to get closer. Patton and Logan finally turned their attention to the two traits in the middle of a standoff.
“Don’t hurt him, Virgil!” pleaded Patton.
“I appreciate your concern, but don’t worry Pat. I won’t hurt him. Physically anyway. His pride might be a little bruised.” Virgil smirked again. Roman continued to plead with the darker side despite knowing full well that nothing would stop what was about to happen.
“Come on, Virgil, please! I promise it won’t happen again! I- EEP!“ A pinch to his side.
“Too late, Princey. In all your years of being a prince, has no one told you the most important rule?“
Virgil paused as if trying to build up even more anticipation. He leaned in so close, that Roman could feel the anxious Side’s breath against his neck.
“Don’t wake a sleeping dragon.”
With that, he pounced on Roman and scribbled all over his torso immediately causing the Prince to break into frantic cackles. He mercilessly tickled all over and despite Roman’s defenses, Virgil was just too fast. Every place he tried to guard, the anxious side would just tickle somewhere else. Roman was hysterically laughing and resorted to calling for help from the others.
“HEEHEHEHELLLPPP!!” He cried through his desperate laughter.
“You shouldn’t require our assistance. You should be able to fight him off yourself. If I’m not mistaken, you supposedly have beaten this so-called ‘Dragon Witch’ which, judging by the name, would seem much more dangerous than the tickle monster,” replied Logan, a teasing smile encompassing his features.
”Oh I’m not sure about that Logan,” joked Virgil. “The tickle monster is pretty vicious.”
Poor Roman turned a bright red. “Stahahahahahahap teheheheasheheing!!”
“Aww Lo, look he’s blushing really hard,” Patton gushed.
Roman just blushed harder at that, the teasing was killing him. He was laughing himself hoarse while Virgil just snickered with no signs of stopping anytime soon. After what seemed like hours, Virgil noticed Roman’s laugh becoming more breathy.
“Well, Princey,” Virgil began. Roman was beside himself laughing, as Virgil’s hands were shoved in his armpits “I think you might have learned your lesson.” Roman nodded frantically. “Okay, okay. I’ll stop on one condition. You say, ‘Virgil, you are the best side in the entire world and I would be nothing without you, and I promise to never disrupt your sleep ever again.’ Can you say that?” Roman squeaked as a response. Virgil chuckled knowing Roman couldn’t possibly; he was laughing way too hard.
“Yes? I am what?”
Virgil laughed. “And?”
“IHIHIHI CAHAHAHANT REMEHEHEMBER!!” Roman cried in desperation. Virgil started to feel a little bad.
“Alright close enough.” He finally stopped and poor Princey fell limp, giggling and wheezing for air. Virgil smiled down at him. “Sorry dude. May have gone slightly overboard,” he apologized.
“Hahaha, my stohohomahahach, ohoho mahan.”
Virgil helped him sit up and got him settled. Roman was exhausted, so Virgil let him lay in his lap. “There you go, Sir Sing-a-lot,” Roman mumbled a thank you. The roles were reversed as Roman laid napping on Virgil and the rest of the bunch were threatened to stay quiet by Virgil, lest they get the same treatment Roman did. They all watched the movie in silence.
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you gotta be kitten me
Pairings: Platonic Prinxiety
Word Count: 1,822 words
just a silly little thing i came up with when i used to play neko atsume djfhghdjskjdh. good times man
Some days were meant for grand adventures, Roman thought. Trying new things, climbing new heights, and achieving goals beyond your wildest dreams.
Other days were for sitting in the living room, half-watching a musical bootleg on the TV as you rapidly refreshed Neko Atsume over and over and over again.
Roman groaned for the fifth time in as many minutes as his garden, yet again, failed to attract any new cats. He knew the point of the game was to be patient, but come on! His entire yard was decked out with the highest quality cat trees, toys, and trinkets possible, all elegantly displayed along the beautiful Zen Garden backyard expansion model. He kept his food bowls stocked with Deluxe Tuna Bitz, even upgrading to a nice plate of sashimi or two when he had gold fish to spare. There was no reason at all why he should be so incapable of attracting rare cats to his garden.
“Lookit. I got another one.”
And of course, the worst fact of all: Virgil was fucking great at the game.
Roman groaned in exasperation. “Which one now?”
Virgil turned his phone around and held it up for Roman to see. They were both on the couch, lying toe-to-head so they could both recline while sharing the good blanket between them. After a few moments of blinking, Roman could make out the distinctive striped shirt, cap, and baseball bat that belonged to none other than--
“Joe DiMeowgio,” Virgil confirmed. Roman’s jaw dropped.
“What? How did you find him?”
Virgil shrugged, pulling the phone back and tapping the screen smugly. “He likes the baseball.”
Roman made an affronted noise. “That’s like, one of the most basic, boring, blah toys you can have in the entire game.”
“He’s a simple cat with simple needs, Princey,” Virgil deadpanned. Roman groaned, draping his arm over his eyes in defeat, but his dramatics were interrupted by Virgil’s foot popping out of the blanket to kick him.
“How dare you kick a man when he’s down, you villain!”
Virgil ignored him, settling back into the couch now that he’d stopped Roman’s whining. “Maybe just try switching up your yard once in a while. The cats need variety.”
The two fell silent again. Roman pouted down at his phone as he pondered the Goodies shop in the game’s menu. It was true, he didn’t like to switch out his items often-- his preferred method for games like this was to save up until he could get all of the expensive items first. It made sense to him; why waste time collecting cheap items if he could get the most payback from the expensive ones?-- but now, he found himself scrolling through the early pages of the shop’s catalogue, looking for a new toy to catch his eye.
And, well... something did:
Fluff-Thing Teaser: a ball of fluff that inspires playful strikes. Your cat will never get bored of this thing!
Roman eyed the toy in the photo. It was definitely a cheap one, costing only 100 regular fish. But what really caught his eye was the wording-- “inspires playful strikes”.
His eyes drifted from the screen in front of him, to Virgil’s foot, still exposed from when he’d kicked Roman earlier.
He turned the idea over in his head, his lips twitching into a smile. He dropped his hand to the side, and, as subtly as he possibly could, summoned a small handheld toy with a ball of fluff on the end.
Clearing his throat to cover the laugh building up inside him, Roman rearranged himself so the Fluff-Thing Teaser was hidden from Virgil’s sight, resting on his own chest so the fluff-ball tip was an inch away from Virgil’s foot.
He waited. Waited. Waited...
And swiped the piece of fluff straight down Virgil’s sole.
The reaction was minor, but immediate-- Virgil jerked, his foot pulling back minutely as a startled gasp burst out of him.
“What was that?” he asked sternly. Roman looked at him over his phone.
He thought he sounded pretty innocent, but Virgil clearly wasn’t fooled. “Don’t do that.”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes! I swear on my sword, I haven’t touched you.” Which wasn’t a lie. Roman hadn’t touched him-- the Fluff-Thing Teaser had.
He dropped his eyes back to his screen, feigning obliviousness to Virgil’s glare. After a few moments, however, he too returned his attention to his game.
Roman bit his lip, flipping quickly through the item pages for his next trick. He quickly found it:
Wing-Thing Teaser: Mild curiosity will turn into obsession once your cat starts pouncing on this tufted teaser.
Roman bit his lip again to avoid laughing aloud. He focused on swapping the Fluff-Thing for the Wing-Thing (listen, he didn’t choose the names, okay?) and hid all but the feathery tip in his sleeve. He coughed, shifting himself again, and swiped the soft toy down just beneath Virgil’s toes.
“Fuck!” Virgil burst out again, yanking his leg all the way back to his chest. He grabbed his foot defensively as he rubbed at the skin. “Fucking-- stop that.”
“I’m literally not doing anything,” Roman lied, but he couldn’t stop the smile that was curling up at the edges of his mouth. “Why are you being twitchy?”
Virgil glowered at him. “I’m always twitchy.”
“Well, you’re being extra twitchy today. Just sit back and look at the cats.”
For a moment Roman was worried that Virgil would get up and ruin his game, but luckily for him, the anxious side merely rubbed at his foot once more before, hesitantly, stretching his legs out in front of him again. His brow was still furrowed, and Roman kept his eyes directly on his phone.
Waiting for the perfect moment to strike with a straight face was nearly impossible, but he knew that Virgil was expecting it now. As soon as his eyes caught sight of the Wild-Thing Teaser in the catalogue, he knew this one would be much more obvious than the first two toys.
Well. Time to give up the act.
Roman shoved the fluffy ball of the Wild-Thing directly in between Virgil’s first and second toe. The anxious side made a noise of confusion, then shock, then burst into laughter.
“Dude!” he managed through his giggles, reaching for his foot to yank the toy away. Scrunching his toes around it instinctively only made it tickle more, and Roman watched with amusement bright on his face as Virgil giggled at the accidental self-tickling.
“Did I do that?” Roman asked innocently. Virgil glared at him as he eyed the item with a fair amount of suspicion.
“Wait,” he said suddenly, eyes widening. “Is this the--”
“The Wild-Thing Teaser? Well, it appears so!” Roman finished for him, grinning widely as he waved his phone in the air before reading the description. “‘Talk about a big tease! Just try to stop your cats from pouncing at this fluffy fur ball.’”
He snorted. “Aw, looks like they’re right! This kitty right here couldn’t help but play with the lil’ fuzzball!”
He relished in watching Virgil grow more and more flustered at the teasing.
“Shut up-- I’m not-- I’m not a cat,” he protested. Roman laughed at his flustered indignation.
“Well, you’re certainly acting like one! Are you having fun playing with your new toy, Mr. Meow-Meow?”
He laughed louder as Virgil realized that he’d been rolling the small fuzz ball in between his fingers. The emo side threw the toy to the side, crossing his arms and pouting. “Well, you’re the one being freaking immature, summoning toys like that!”
“Ah, but that’s the spirit of the game, isn’t it? Finding all the cute little toys that make your little kittens as happy as can be--”
“I’m not a cat!”
“Oh, yeah?” Roman asked. “Prove it.”
Suddenly one hand darted forward and clamped around Virgil’s ankle, where he’d accidentally left his leg within Roman’s range. With the other hand, he summoned the next tool on the list, and this time he was lucky enough to see the recognition dawn on Virgil’s face.
“Roman!” he hissed (another point in Roman’s ‘Virgil is a cat’ agenda), but he was too slow, because Roman was already flicking and fluttering the Zebra Grass Gadget all up and down the bare sole of Virgil’s foot.
The result was immediate: Virgil squealed, yanking his foot back helplessly against Roman’s much stronger grip as the toy tickled his sole.
“‘Watch your cats’ fascination turn to obsession!’,” Roman recited over the sound of Virgil’s giggles. He made sure to brush the grassy toy in rhythm to his words as he continued, “‘It has a fluffy teaser tip that they just. Can’t. Resist!’”
“Stop ihihihit!” Virgil said through giggles. His other leg kicked out in time with his bursts of laughter, but Roman’s grip kept the captured foot nice and snug as he fluttered all along the wrinkles of his sole.
“Which toy is your favorite, kitty?” Roman teased. “Or do you just love them all so much?”
Virgil looked like he was about to argue (well, as much as he could through his silly laughter) so Roman flipped the Zebra Grass Gadget around and scratched its stem on the ball of Virgil’s foot. That was enough to make any snarky words die on Virgil’s tongue, replacing them with desperate screeches of laughter instead.
“Okay-- okay okay okahahahay!” he gasped, rocking back and forth in his trapped state. Roman moved to trail the stem up and down the arch of his foot, and Virgil gripped the fabric of the couch like he was fighting off torture. “No more, no more-- please it tihihihickles!”
That was enough for Roman. He slowed the tickling until he was just barely grazing Virgil’s foot with the stem; he waited until Virgil had calmed down before quickly flipping the toy around and giving one more tickle with the grassy side.
“Ah!” Virgil yelped. He yanked his leg back, and this time Roman let him go.
He couldn’t help but grin at Virgil as the anxious side caught his breath. The soft grass of the toy floated through the air as Roman lazily twirled it around his fingers.
“Well, well, well...” he drawled. “I’ll be honest, I think this is even more fun than the actual game!”
“Shut the fuck up,” Virgil said, face still flushed.
“Aw, you don’t think so? You sounded like you were having lots of fun. These cat toys really do work... kitten.”
Suddenly Virgil was lunging forward through the air, arms outstretched. Roman only had half a second to scream before the emo side had him pinned on his back.
“You think I act like a cat?” Virgil asked. “Lemme ask you this, Princey: did you forget that cats have claws?”
He raised his hands, ten fingers wiggling just above Roman’s stomach, and Roman realized that this game was about to get much harder.
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fluffomatic · 2 years
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I have 2 commissions I've got to get done, but I haven't drawn in a loooong time, so I decided to whip up a quick practice pic to get me back into it. Plus, I've been dying to draw some Lee Virgil after rewatching Sanders Sides. I'm embarrassed to admit how much I love Prinxiety 😅 Just love these two's relationship with each other! Roman would absolutely love how ticklish Virgil is. Are you kidding?? His emo nightmare all giggly and smiley????? Freaking adorable! Oh my gosh, and I love how everyone in the tickle community and into sanders sides all collectively agreed that Virgils worst spot is his belly. Not that I'm complaining! It's my fav spot~
(My art don't repost but please reblog)
Edit: forgot Virgil’s stitches whoops!
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notnobot · 9 months
Lee moods part 1 (logans mood)
Notnobot, "Hello people!!! This is my first fanfic with the sanders, so bare with me. I would also like to announce that I will be starting to take requests for fics, no art because I don't do art, I will be making a request thing a mugig that will tell you what you can request, sorry forgot the name of the stupid thing, please remind me if any of you get the chance. Oh, and ENJOY!!!"
Logan was lying on his bed in one of the biggest lee moods a person could endure, fantasizing about the dreaded t-word while he stretched himself out and hung his feet over his bed. What if someone had been hiding under his bed, then slowly started to drag their fingers over his feet. Or what if someone, maybe patton, came into his room just to tickle his tummy until he was out of breath. Those both sounded pretty nice right about now, logan thought.
After about ten whole minutes of swimming in a six foot deep lee mood, logan decided to head to the living room in hopes someone there would be willing to tickle him.
As he walked towards the living room, he could hear someone laughing. He entered the living room only to see roman on the couch being tickled by patton.
"Ehehehe, pahahaAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEASE" Roman laughed as patton found an extra ticklish spot near his armpits, not noticing that logan was standing on the threshold of the living room door, only able to watch in pure silence.
Patton, on the other hand, did notice logan. "Wanna help? He is a pretty wiggley wiggle worm, could use an extra pare of hands." Patton asked cheerfully. Logan just stood there and started giggling.
Patton, being the one and only tickle monster of the mind palace, realized that logan had been in a lee mood. Oh yeah, he was in trouble now.
Patton stopped his attack on roman the second he realized this. Roman, once he caught his breath, saw Patton's face and knew someone was in a lee mood. He turned around only to see the mind palaces pocket protector, red in the face, giggling.
Both patton and roman had the same mischievous look on their faces. Roman had actually gotten up and picked up logan to bring him over to the couch, and guess what, logan gave absolutely no fight what so ever. All while Patton was wiggling his fingers waiting for logan to be brought over to him to give him the tickles he so very much wanted.
"Lee mood, huh? Well, don't worry, my ticklish friend, you will get the tickles you so very much want and deserve." Roman teased as he flopped logan onto the couch so his tummy was open for tickling.
Patton sat on his legs so he could tickle his tummy, ribs, and sides while roman was standing by his armpits, ready to tickle at any given moment. Logan didn't even protest. All he did was giggle, waiting for the tickles.
"Pick a number, Lolo." Said patton excitedly. For a moment, logan just giggled, thinking about what the number could mean. It could mean the time they tickled him for, or it could be the time he must wait to be tickled.
Logan thought that it was more likely that it was for the time he had to wait to get tickled, so "ehehe twohohoho plehehehase!"
"Two, it is!" Roman said, "Would you like to count down for us logan?" Logan looked at the two with a flushing face. They were really gonna make him do that?!?! Of all the ways to tease him! Well, logan thought, it's only two seconds.
"Ohohkahay," Logan started, "twohohoho, ohohone, zerohoHOHOHO!" Logan laughed. Roman was softly tracing circles inside his armpits while Patton was digging into his tummy. The ticklish sensations were unbearable, but he loved every last second of it.
"Awww, my cute little nerd is all giggly and cute. What more could a dad ask for?" Patton cooed.
"Yes, he is pretty cute, isn't he?" Roman answered,
After about five minutes of tickling, their favorite nerd, roman had to get it really going, for logan's sake, of course.
"Hay Patton, isn't it time for our afternoon snack?"
Patton looked at roman with the most mischievous, sly smile that roman had ever seen. "Oh, how could I have forgotten our afternoon snack?! We must find a suitable snack for today, but what?"
The two were talking as though there was not a laughing, wiggling logan right in front of them. His giggles, laughs, and snorts filled the room. He was truly lost in tickles, drowning almost.
Roman looked down at logan to see he was still holding up quite well for how long they had been tickling him, so why not tickle him a little more intensely, right?
Roman gave patton a sly grin, and in a smooth voice, he said, "Well, raspberries are very tasty and nutritious. Why not have some of those?"
"NOHOHOHOHO NOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHE RAHAHSBEHERRIEHEHES!" Logan protested, not meaning a single word of it.
With that, patton pushed up logan's shirt and blew raspberry after raspberry on his poor tummy.
Patton stopped with the raspberries but kept his face on logans belly to soak in all his beautiful laughter. Roman, however, had moved down to logan's ribs to keep him giggling, but no longer laughing as hard as he was with the raspberries.
Roman had stopped with his tickling to let logan calm down. Patton went to fetch him a glass of water while roman got him some apple slices. Logan gladly took all the snacks and drinkage he was offered before sitting on the couch leaning on patton.
"So," started patton, "was it all you wanted?" Logan cuddled closer to patton and nodded, with the biggest smile any of them had ever seen logan wear.
He was happy, they were happy, everyone was happy, even virgil! All the laughter had concerned him, so he came downstairs to find logan all smiliey and roman and patton all happy as well. Virgil had joined in to cuddle logan while he was still happy and smiley.
"All tickled out, huh?" Asked virgil with a small smile already forming on his face. Logan looked up at him and nodded, cuddling back into virgil as well as patton. In the end, they all took a nice relaxing nap on the couch.
The end
Sorry, it's short, guys. I didn't have much time to make it. Hope you all enjoyed it, because I enjoyed making it for you! More will be coming soon!!!
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A Ticklish Punishment
Virgil walks into the living room with his headphones over his ears and his music loud enough to block out most of his thoughts, except the inescapable loud thoughts that are always blasting in his head. He walks over to where Roman is sat on the couch watching a TV show and lays his head in Romans lap. Without thought Roman plays with Virgil's hair as Virgil closes his eyes leaning into Roman's touch.
Roman puts his other hand on Virgil's stomach and Virgil slightly flinches and opens his eyes at the unexpected touch on an extremely ticklish spot. Roman knows this spot is ticklish but when Virgil looks at his face it's still staring at the TV. Virgil closes his eyes once again and Roman brushes his fingers over Virgil's stomach ever so softly and Virgil lets out an unexpected giggle. When Virgil once again opens his eyes Roman has an amused smile on his face and is looking into Virgil's eyes. Virgil tries to hide his nervous smile but fails and when he tries to get away Roman grabs his wrist and pulls him back into his lap as genitally as possible.
"Trying to escape, are we?" Roman asks with a mischievous smirk on his lips. Virgil lets out a nervous giggle under his breath. "Oh, we can't have that can we?" Roman says as he holds both of Virgil's wrists in one hand while the other hovers so very closely to Virgil's stomach. Virgil squirms a little at the sight, letting a few nervous giggles escape as he tries to get away from Romans hand once again, but fails. "And now your trying to escape again!" Roman says teasingly as he rests his hand on Virgil's stomach. Virgil shakes his head 'no' and Roman gasps. "And now your lying to me!" Roman leans down so he can whisper into Virgil's ear softly. "You know what lairs get?" Virgil giggles nervously and shakes his head. "A ticklish Punishment."
Roman moves his face away from Virgil's ear and rolls up Virgil's shirt ever so slowly. Roman once again leans down to Virgil's ear and whispers, "If you don't want to be tickled, this is your last chance to say so." Virgil just smiles up at Roman. "Okay then," Roman smiles even more at the adorable younger boy in his lap before siting back up and staring down at Virgil's very exposed, soft pale stomach.
Roman lightly traces stars, hearts, crowns, and whatever other shapes come to his mind as Virgil slowly starts turning into a puddle of endless giggles on Romans lap. Roman then starts poking and prodding at Virgil's sides, ribs, and hips and Virgil's giggles turn into happy laughter. Roman traces his finger slowly over the outside of Virgil's belly button, not on the edge but almost.
"Nohoo! Nohohot thehehrehe!" Virgil say's in between the over powering laughs in his voice.
"Not here?" Roman says teasingly. "Are you sure because I'm pretty sure this giggle button needs a few laughs as well." Virgil shakes his head as Roman starts tracing over the edge of his belly button.
"Noohooo!" Virgil laughs.
"I'm gonna get your giggle button!" Roman says as Virgil shakes his head quickly, frantically kicking his legs.
"It's nohoot a giggle button!" Virgil yells through his over powering laughter getting more frantic with his kicking.
"That's the last lie you tell to me!" Roman says with a chuckle before screwing and swirling his pointer finger into Virgil's belly button as Virgil shrieks with uncontrollable laughter. When Virgil starts getting mirth in the corners of his eyes and his laughter goes silent Roman stops and gets up to get Virgil some water.
When he returns Virgil is still a puddle of giggles on the couch holding his stomach. "Did I go to far?" Roman asked concerned. Virgil shakes his head as his giggles start to calm down more. "Good," Roman says before handing Virgil the cup of water.
Virgil sits up and drinks the water while Roman sits back on the couch and picks him up genitally and sets him in his lap softly. When Virgil finishes the water he leans back into Roman and faces him before wrapping his arms around him and nuzzling his face into Romans chest. After a while Virgil eventually falls asleep in Romans arms and Roman follows shortly.
This is my first tickle fiction, may not be the best but plz be kind<3
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spookyghostbunny · 11 months
Spspspsp come get your lee!Caine
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It's not surprising that the circus performers occasionally have their off days. Even Caine, the usually lively ringmaster, had them
However, those days were far and few between.
Today just so happens to be one of those days.
Caine didn't understand why he felt so blue. The sun was shining, the stars were sparkling, and the digital flowers were in full bloom. There was even a gentle breeze that passed through THE GROUNDS, making it a perfect day to be outside.
Despite the beautiful day outside, inside THE TENT was a different story. The circus performers quickly noticed their ringmaster's unusual behavior. They were all frantically telling jokes and performing tricks, trying to bring Caine's frown back to its signature smile.
Everything they tried had failed.
Caine sighs as he floats back to his room. He was grateful for his performers trying to help, but now he just wanted to be alone. He couldn't shake this weird feeling. Overwhelmed? Is that the right word? He sighed again and sat down on his bed, staring off at the wall in thought.
Will he ever feel better?
"What's got ya so down in the dumps, boss?" Caine jumps at hearing the familiar voice of his assistant.
Bubble floated in front of him, looking curious. It's not every day his friend looks this upset.
"I'm not quite sure, dear Bubble. I believe I am experiencing one of those days that Ragatha refers to as 'bad days.' I wasn't sure what that meant, but now I'm starting to understand," Caine explains, unconsciously fidgeting with his hands.
Bubble cooed in sympathy. He was feeling a little useless in this situation. He wanted to help his friend, but he was only a sphere with eyes and a mouth. What could he do?
The sentient bubble drifted towards Caine, attempting a few affectionate nuzzles.
What happened next was something Bubble would never let Caine live down.
The ringmaster let out a soft gasp before being consumed by giggles.
The two were equally taken back by Caine's strange reaction. "What was that?" Bubble asked, lifting an eyebrow.
Caine stuttered, appearing uncharacteristically flustered. "N-Nothing!"
It didn't take long for Bubble to realize what had happened. A mischievous smirk formed on his toothy mouth.
He figured out a way to help his friend.
Caine rapidly leaps off the bed and backs away from Bubble. "N-now, Bubble! Don't you try any funny business! I- um- feel better already! Yeah! Hey, I think I heard Pomni calling me! I should-"
Before Caine has the chance to retreat, Bubble unleashes his attack, aiming at Caine's tummy.
Caine squeals, bursting into goofy laughter from the ticklish nuzzles. "Buhuhubble!"
"I didn't know you were ticklish, Caine! This is such great news!" Bubble chirps, not realizing that his talking made the tickly feeling worse.
Caine squeals again, attempting to push away his assistant.
For a bubble, Bubble was surprisingly strong.
It was a funny sight for sure! The floating mouth's jaw almost touched the floor from how hard he was laughing, and he was wiggling this way and that! If only Bubble had a camera with him.
As Caine grew weaker, he gradually descended to the floor. "Hahaha St-stohohop thihis! Yohohou parasite!!"
Bubble gasps in fake offense. "You're in for it now," he growls.
Caine instantly knew he [insert silly noise here] up.
Bubble took a deep breath (it was mostly for show since he didn't need to breathe) and blew a raspberry on Caine's poor stomach.
Caine shrieked, attempting to curl up and escape the madding tingles that rippled through his body. This is so weird! He has never been on the receiving end of a raspberry before! This must be what the others felt when he gave them one.
It was kind of fun!
"Hmm... I don't know. You don't look sorry to me!" Bubble teased, having to hold back his own laughter. He was having a blast! He took another mock deep breath, delivering a raspberry to Caine's side.
This went on until Bubble saw that Caine was close to his limit. He stops and moves so he was sitting beside Caine. "Feelin any better, boss?" Bubble asks, hoping he didn't take it too far.
Caine took a minute to calm down. His digital nerves still felt the tingles shooting through them. When the phantom tickles finally went away, he shoots back up into the air and does a dramatic twirl.
"Yep! I'm feeling like my old self again! In fact..." He glaces at the door, his voice taking on a playfully darker tone. "I would like to repay our guests for their help."
"SCATTER!" They heard Jax yell outside the door. They both chuckle as they hear the performers take off in different directions.
Bubble was ready for round two.
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Patton walked into the room to see all five of the other sides. Perfect!
“I’ve been in a ler mood allllll day,” Patton announced. “I’m gonna go get some tools, and when I return there’d better be a little lee waiting as a sacrifice or else I’ll be coming after each one of you~”
Patton happily walked away, a spring in his step. He trusted them to do the right thing.
He happily picked out an assortment of feathers, brushes, and other fluffy things. This was a day to tickle gently until the lee melted into an adorable little puddle, exhausted and giggly.
Patton returned to the living room to see a very pink and shy-faced Roman. He was laying on the ground, already a bit squirmy. His own sash and Remus’s were tying his hands to the legs of an armchair, holding his arms up above his head. Logan’s tie held his ankles together, and there was a black belt connecting his ankles to the leg of the coffee table. Roman’s shirt had been removed, and Virgil’s hoodie was draped over him to keep him warm until Patton got back.
Patton’s eyes sparkled. How wonderful~ And they all participated, betraying poor Roman. An excellent excuse to wreck each and every one of them.
He sat on Roman’s hips, delighting in the teeny squirms underneath him.
“You ready to laugh for me?”
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fanderficreader · 25 days
Characters: sides + Thomas in the beginning.
Ships: none.
(A/N) this is based on a dream I had, so hopefully it's good. Also... 1451 words!!! What?! That's crazy!! Apparently I clarified A Lot of things in this...😅
Patton was making dinner, when all of a sudden he heard noises coming from Thomas's room. He immediately ran upstairs to see what it was. When he opened the door he was not expecting to see Virgil tickling Thomas. Patton cleared his throat to get their attention. "Am I interrupting something?" He said with a smirk on his face. Both Virgil and Thomas looked over, and flushed. They were not expecting Patton to walk in on them.
Immediately Thomas pointed a finger at Virgil. "He started it!" "No I did not! And if you don't stop pointing at me, you're gunna walk out of here with one less finger." Thomas immediately retracted his finger at that. Patton scolded Virgil for threatening Thomas, and then walked out. "You two can continue, as long as you stay out of trouble!" He said and then closed the door. When he was gone they continued their antics.
And that kind of behavior would happen for the rest of the day. Every so often he would hear screaming and a few 'helps' followed by more laughter, and every time it happened he would get this pit in his stomach. Why you ask, well Patton was jealous of course. He was jealous because it sounded like fun, and he wasn't apart of it. So he was jealous. Did the other sides notice this? Of course they did. Cause Patton was super mopey and didn't really talk to them that much, and was all around just not being his normal happy pappy self. And the other sides took notice right away.
It all started when they were having dinner. Virgil was the first to speak. "Hey pat?" "Yeah kiddo?" He asked. "Why have you been so distant today?" Virgil said. Making every one at the table perk up. "Like, you haven't been talking as much, and whenever you do it's just to answer a question." Virgil noted. "Well, I dunno. I've just been feeling a little down lately, that's all." Patton responded. Virgil wasn't buying it. He knew when Patton was actually just not feeling great, and this wasn't it. He was hiding something. "Why do you think you're feeling this way Patton?" Logan inquired. "I dunno I've just not been feeling like my usual self. Anyways, can we get back to eating? I'm starving." Patton stated. Trying in vain to change the subject.
"You're hiding something." Virgil blurted out. Patton looked up from his food in confusion. (And a little bit of horror that he figured it out so quickly, but he was trying to hide that part) "Heh whatever do you mean, Virgil?" Patton said, trying and failing to not panic. "You know what I'm talking about. You're trying to hide something! What is it?" Virgil preyed. Patton was getting nervous and also red from embarrassment. When Virgil saw this, he preyed more. Wanting and needing to know what it was that Patton felt the need to hide from them, and him.
After a while of 'Spill it' and 'I wanna know' and a few 'it's something juicy isn't it?' He finally caved, and told them. All of them had a different reaction than the other. Logan's reaction:😐 Romans reaction:🫢 and Virgil's reaction:😏. They all were some what shocked as too hear that's what he wasn't telling them this whole time. While Virgil was interested in granting Pattons wish. "So that's what you were keeping from us? That you were jealous all day, because you wanted to partake in our tickle sessions??" Logan asked. Not really grasping the situation, but trying his hardest to understand. "Really Padre? You could have just asked when you walked in on Thomas and Virgil earlier. They would have said yes." Roman reassured. While they were all talking, Virgil got a devilishly brilliant idea.
"Hey guys. I think we should cut Patton some slack. I mean," Virgil started. "I can see where he's coming from. He was scared of rejection, and I mean, aren't we all??" They all gave slight nods. Well, except for Roman. He stared off into the distance while he agreed a little too aggressively. "Anyways... I feel like even though Patton isn't in the wrong for what he did. It still wasn't right for him to lie to us." Virgil stated. "So, how about we think up a good punishment to fit the crime." At this point, Virgil had stood up, and was now behind Patton. Gesturing something to the others that Patton couldn't see.
They both nodded and Virgil made his way back into Patton's view. "Oh Patton~ I think we found a fitting way to get you back~" Roman said, in a very unsettling sing song voice. Patton got more nervous as the others made their way closer to him. He started giggling in anticipation, and the others all 'awwed' at that. "We haven't even done anything yet, padre." Patton knew that, but what he also knew, was what they were planning. That's why he got so nervous, so early on. They could all feel Patton's Lee mood radiating off of him -it was quite cute actually, how giggly he was at just the thought of that happening-
With Roman now so close to Patton, he was able to pick him up, and bring him to the couch for better access. Roman straddled his hips, Logan sat by his feet, and Virgil held his arms above him with on hand. While the other was ready to attack. "g'Guys, please. We c'can talk about t'this!" Patton managed through his anticipatory giggles. "Awww, you're already giggling, and we haven't even started yet. How cute." Roman rested his hands on pattons stomach. Watching his breath hitch and him tense up at the touch. "Oh, is your tummy ticklish?" He said in a borderline baby voice. "Hehe st-opp with the t-eeasing!!" He stuttered. Romans hands now started rubbing on pattons stomach, in a nice and steady fashion.
"Can we just get the party started already, princy??" Virgil was getting impatient, and Roman also wanted to hear those sweet, sweet giggles. So, he gave Virgil the go ahead, and let him start at pattons neck. Gliding his fingers up and down pattons neck and a little behind his ear. When Virgil would do that though, it would elicit a small squeak, followed by him scrunching his neck in that direction. Leaving his other side open for more tickles. Soon princy started up again, but this time drawing tiny shapes on his stomach with his left index finger. While the right one, was gliding up and down on pattons left side. Soon enough Logan started on his end too.
All Patton was right now, was a squirming puddle of giggles. But, when he felt his shoes being wiggled off, something flipped in him. "Nohohoo!! Dohhahont!!" As soon as he said that, Logan started at his feet. Nothing unbearable though. Just four fingers on one foot, going up and down his socked sole. But, that was enough for him to lose It. He screamed. -well not a 'ahh' scream. More of a girly squeal- he arched his back, and bucked wildly. That was enough of a signal to Logan to stop at his feet. So, he continued on his ankles. Surely he's not ticklish there. The logical aspect thought. And even if he is, it's probably not unbearable.
Logan started scratching at the moral sides right ankle, and boy was he wrong. Well, he was right, it wasn't unbearable. But, it still made him giggle a lot. After about 10 minutes of this he was getting tired. His laughs were more breathy and he started to hiccup every so often. That was a good sign for them to stop. He then just laid there for a few seconds, waiting for the ghost giggles to subside. When they were gone, Roman let out a hand for Patton to take, and he unhesitantly took it. Helping Patton up, he held firm on his hand, and pulled him into a hug. Which he accepted happily. Then they all got into a big group hug, and after a while decided to relax, and all watch a movie together.
(A/N) I really hope that this was good. If it was let me know what other scenarios or fics I should do, if you have any ideas. Also there might be a part 2 of this coming soon😏 so stay tuned for that. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll try and write again soon. Bye!! ✌️
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Day 14: Soft
Roman is giving Patton a massage to try and treat the neck pain he's experienced. But the lower he does down his back, the more ticklish Patton appears to be! Is his back that ticklish!?
Okay...Day 14. Of course, a day late. But, I guess that means I'm uploading 2 fanfics in one day again. I hope you enjoy!
Patton was laying on his stomach, resting his chin on his arms as he watched TV. But he found it a bit difficult to focus on the TV, due to Roman’s palms and fingers against his back. 
Roman was trying to massage Patton’s back and neck in an attempt to help him relax. Patton had been complaining about knots in his neck, and Roman offered to massage them out. But Roman quickly began to wonder if he bit off more than he could chew. Or maybe, Patton was holding in more emotions than he lets on.
Why was that his theory? Well, it’s simple. Patton’s neck and shoulder muscles felt like rocks. Literally! They felt like they had been stretched out all the way, and were physically unable to relax. Roman worked at his shoulders as gently, but as effectively as he could muster. 
“Oh yeah, right there, aaaAH-!” Patton reacted, closing his right eye as he winced in pain. God, it felt really painful. But it also felt good getting his shoulders worked out. He badly needed it. 
“Is that doing anything for you?” Roman asked. 
“Yup! You’re doing great, kiddo!” Patton said, before letting out a deep breath. 
Roman worked at his neck and shoulders a little bit more, using his elbows to get some of the knots out. In all honesty, he didn’t feel like he was achieving anything. Roman had never come across anything this bad. Not even Virgil’s neck and shoulders were this bad! And he’s the embodiment of stress and anxiety! 
“Patton…” Roman asked, strain in his voice. “How did your neck get this bad?!” Roman asked. 
Patton grunted and breathed out slowly. “I…have no idea.” He admitted. 
Roman dug his fingers into Patton’s trap muscles. Patton bit his lip and grunted before hiding his face in his hands. It hurt so much, but he knew it had to be dealt with. If he didn’t deal with it now, then he would be in so much more pain. But this…was a little difficult to deal with. 
“Okay…” Roman stopped his hands. “I can tell you’re in pain. I’m gonna stop.” Roman told him. 
Patton opened his eyes and looked at Roman. “What?! Already?” Patton reacted. 
Roman sighed. “I know you’re in pain, Patton. I don’t wanna put you in more pain.” Roman admitted. “But…That’s part of the massage.” Patton told him. 
Roman moved his hands down his neck. “What about your back? Would you like me to work on your back for a bit?” he asked. 
Patton nodded his head and smiled. “Sure!” He replied. 
Roman smiled a bit more and started pushing on the areas right beside his spine. “How about starting here?” Roman asked, pushing down. 
Patton hummed and grunted slightly, feeling the thumbs push down on the muscles directly beside either side of his spine. It felt a little unusual, but it felt good too. It felt like he was stretching out his back with literally just his fingers. It felt…different. 
Roman moved his thumbs up and down the spine, before pushing 4 fingers each on either side of the middle of Patton’s back.
Patton opened his eyes and smiled, gasping lightly and letting out a relaxing breath. “That feels amaaaazing…” Patton mumbled. 
Roman smiled and started to push the fingers down on his back ribs. Indexes, middles, rings, and pinkies. Index, middle, ring, pinkie. He kept this going, making sure to push on and in between other ribs. 
Patton smiled a bit more, loving the feeling of his middle back muscles being worked on. “You’re so good at this…” Patton told him. “How you’re not a masseuse…I can’t fathom it.” The dad admitted. 
“Oh hush…don’t make me blush.” Roman told him with a smirk. 
“Why? Is it working?” Patton asked, smirking as well. 
Roman poked the left side of his ribs in response, making Patton wheeze and cackle. “Shush.” He warned. 
Patton laughed a little more at his reaction. “Ohoho myhy gohohohod!” Patton giggled, hiding his face in his arms. 
Roman rolled his eyes with a smile as he maneuvered his palms and fingers onto his lower ribs. “Yeah yeah, I get it. I’m the laughing stock of the group.” Roman teased. 
Patton squeaked and tried to cover his face with his hands. “Ohohoho gohohosh! Heheheheheheee!” Patton giggled. 
Roman’s smile stayed on his face for a bit as he kept going. “Am I really making you laugh that much?” Roman asked, not fully expecting Patton to still be laughing. Patton giggled a little more and kicked his feet up like a ditzy little girl. “Kkk-Kihihindahahaha.” Patton admitted. 
Roman’s smile lessened slightly as he looked down at his hands. They were currently located on the lower back, near Patton’s sides. Hmm…Maybe Patton’s not laughing at him…but rather…he’s laughing because of him…
Roman stopped his hands and lifted them up. Patton’s laughter quickly lessened to giggles, before calming down. He looked over his shoulder at Roman. “Why’d you stop?” Patton asked. 
Roman narrowed his eyes curiously as he planted his fingers back onto his lower back. “Hmm…” He hummed, looking down. But Roman’s head shot up to look at him the moment he heard Patton’s squeal and laugh. 
Patton gasped and yelped. “Wahahait- NahahahaHAHA!” Patton laughed, covering his mouth and muffling his giggles. 
“Oooooh…Are my pushes and massages…tickling you?” Roman asked. 
Patton giggled and nodded his head. “Yeheheheah! Yohohohou dihidn’t knohohohow?” Patton asked.
“I’ll be honest, it was hard to tell at first.” Roman admitted. 
With this information in mind, Roman quickly began to spider his fingers on his lower back and occasionally on the sides. He did this by going softer in his finger strokes. He was no longer massaging and was now, just gently petting the back muscles like he would to a dog.
Patton’s reaction was immediate. He arched his back and started squeaking and squealing in between his little giggles. “EEK! Hehehehe! Hahaha- EEEHEHEEEK! NAhAhaha- nuuuuhuhuhuuu!” Patton giggled. 
“Oh my gosh…” Roman started gently tapping his back like it was a keyboard or a piano, making Patton squeak and giggle with every touch. “You’re so ticklish here! How have I never known this?” Roman asked. 
Patton giggled and shook his head. “Ihihihi dohohon’t knohow!” Patton admitted. 
“What would happen if I just…” Roman removed his fingers.  
Patton blinked and attempted to look at Roman. “Hm?” But the moment he grabbed Patton’s sides, Patton jumped and giggled a little. “Wahahait…What are you-” 
Roman took in a big breath and blew a raspberry onto his lower back. 
Patton gasped as well, but followed it up with a SCREAM of hysterical laughter! “NaaAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Patton cackled, hiding his face in his arms. “NAHAHAHOHOHOHOHO!” He yelled, tapping the ground with his fingers. 
“I’m shocked, Padre. I never would’ve guessed you had a ticklish back.” Roman admitted. 
“Ihihihi…Hehehe…Whyhyhyhy a rahahaspberryhy?” Patton asked. 
“Because it’s fun!” Roman admitted. “And because you’re very fun to tickle.” Roman admitted. 
Patton blushed a bit as he looked down, clearly embarrassed. “Sh…Shut up.” Patton muttered. 
This only made Roman cackle in reaction. “That worked?!” Roman asked. 
Patton giggled. “Yeheheah…Ihihit dihihihihid.” he admitted. Roman started very softly fluttering his fingers onto his lower back. “Do you prefer softer tickles?” Roman asked. 
Patton hummed and giggled little by little. “Yeheah…Ihihi lihike sohofter ticklehes.” Patton admitted. 
“Okay.” Roman responded and continued to flutter his fingers on his back. “Is it just your whole lower back that’s ticklish?” Roman asked. 
Patton giggled. “Ihi thihink?” Patton replied. 
“Okay. What about here?” Roman moved his fingers closer to the spine, and pushed there. 
“OhgodohgohohOHOHOD!” Patton kicked his feet wildly and pounded the ground with his fists. 
“Holy-” Roman quickly got his hands off him, terrified he went too far. “Sorry! I’m sorry.” Roman attempted to wipe the tickles off as best he could. 
Patton giggled and rolled himself onto his back. “Ihihi’m tihihired.” Patton admitted. 
“Tired bean?” Roman asked, poking his belly. “Ye-EHEhes! Yeheah. Sleepy eepy.” Patton admitted. 
“Sleepy eepy.” Roman summoned a fluffy blanket and a dog stuffy. 
Patton gasped and hugged the stuffy. “Thomas’s first stuffy!” Patton reacted. 
Roman giggled and laid down beside him. “Is your neck better?” Roman asked. 
Patton bent his head to the right and left, twisting his neck around, just making little popping sounds with his spine and joints. “Oooookay.” Patton leaned his head back, making the spine between his shoulder blades snap and pop. “Yes! I feel so much better.” Patton replied. 
When he looked at Roman to get his approval though…Patton would discover that Roman was staring at him with his jaw dropped, and his eyes the size of saucers. 
“...What?” Patton asked. 
“18 cracks…” Roman muttered. 
Patton laughed and opened his jaw a bit, making two more pops. “20.” Patton said with a smirk. 
Roman sighed and shivered, disturbed by Patton’s bad, yet flexible back. But this only made Patton laugh at him more. Something about Roman’s disturbed reaction was absolutely hilarious to Pat. To calm him down, Patton wrapped his arms around him and gave him a side hug. This, thankfully, helped Roman calm down. His back may be screwed beyond fixing…but that’ll never stop Patton from giving everyone all the love they need. 
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wake up call
Pairing: Romantic Analogince (Roman/Virgil/Logan)
Word Count: 1,476 Words
roman is lee in like 70% of the fics i have drafted rn. i just want to Wreck him
"Is he seriously still asleep?"
Virgil's voice came from the direction of Roman's bedroom door. He couldn't look at him to check, but he could imagine the fondly exasperated look on Virgil's face as he watched Roman 'sleep'. He was lying on his stomach, his face shoved into a pillow, and even with his eyes innocently closed he could tell how bright it was in his bedroom. He was supposed to get up hours ago, yet here he was.
"I've knocked on his door three times, and nothing," Logan added. He must've joined Virgil in Roman's doorway; Roman felt his heart flutter a bit at the idea that his partners were both watching him sleep.
It was silent for a few long seconds. Roman thought they might've left again, until Virgil spoke.
"Well, you know he needs the sleep," he said, voice strangely measured. "He was up late last night, and we had a lot of work to do yesterday... and plus you tickled him for like an hour before he fell asleep."
Roman inhaled so quickly he nearly choked. Oh. Oh, fuck.
"Ah, yes, I'd almost forgotten about that," Logan continued. "Only because we do it so frequently, it's practically routine to tickle Roman to sleep every night."
Oh, fuck both of them. Roman absolutely was going to make them pay for this stunt later-- if he could get through this without blowing his cover.
"Yeah, he's pretty loud when he gets tickled," Virgil said. "I was in the kitchen with Patton and we both heard it. Kinda... squeal-y, and shriek-y."
"Ah, that must have been when he said he could keep his arms up for five minutes straight. I told him we could stick to gentler tickles to help him wind down, but you know how he is."
They both laughed lowly, and Roman could feel his face getting hot. It's one thing for the two of them to talk about him like he's not even there-- it's even worse when he can't even try to fight back in some way without ruining his plan.
"What was that one thing he does? When he drops his arms almost all the way down again 'cause it tickles too much, but then he just sorta folds his elbows over his face, like he's trying to hide? It's pretty freaking funny."
"Especially since it blocks his vision and prevents him front anticipating the other hand moving toward his torso. We had a lot of fun with that last night-- I believe I found a new freckle, above his right hip, that seemed to be quite sensitive to spider tickles."
Virgil snorted. "Oh, yeah? I'll have to remember that for later... poor little Princey. He has no idea what he's in for as soon as he wakes up."
No, no, no teasing. The butterflies fluttering around his stomach were already bad enough.
"Roman..." Logan's voice was nearly a coo, and Roman fought the urge to shiver as he suddenly realized his partner must be standing right by his bed. "I do hope you're not pretending to be asleep when we've asked you so politely to get up."
He felt the logical side move to sit gingerly on the edge of the bed. He considered throwing in a fake snore, but decided that would be too much.
Especially when, all of sudden, he felt Logan's hand running through his hair. And then he felt Logan's nails running through his hair.
It took every single thing in Roman not to squirm then and there and ruin the whole game.
"We miss you," Logan said softly, and really that wasn't even fair, because if they're planning what Roman knows they're planning, then he was purposefully trying to be romantic and gentle in that way that made Roman's heart flutter in his chest. Stupid smart boyfriends and their stupid observation skills.
Another dip on his other side told him Virgil had joined him on the bed; he forced himself to stay still when he felt a warm hand rub up and down his back. "We have literally nothing to do today. Give it up to Janus on finally booking in that self-care day. And if we do end up doing any work, then everyone is gonna get to see the genius ideas you came up with yesterday. You did good, Princey."
Bastards, bastards, bastards. Roman's tummy would be full of butterflies just from the compliments and validation alone. Pairing it with the gentlest of tickles was overkill.
He could just give in. Roll over, get good morning kisses from his two favorite people in the whole world, and return the love they've showered onto him tenfold. But no one ever accused Roman of giving up from a fight, so his eyes stayed closed and his breathing stayed measured.
At least, until Virgil suddenly curved his fingers so his nails were the ones running up and down Roman's back. He kept his hand right along the spine, which wasn't so bad for Roman, but with every motion he let his fingers creep closer, closer, closer to the backs of Roman's ribs. Those horrible, wonderful tickle spots that Roman was utterly incapable of ignoring. He felt himself begin to tremble, and he wondered if Virgil could feel it, too.
Logan hummed, and suddenly his hand had moved, too, to gently brush and wiggle against Roman's ear. He softly scratched below the lobe, where Roman's ear met his jawline.
It took everything in Roman not to smile, not to scrunch his neck up, not to laugh. He ached to laugh, to wiggle and kick his legs and squirm away from his lovers' hands... and maybe even to be held so tightly, wrapped up in someone's arms, while the other let their hands trail all over his body in retaliation for sleeping late. Or each of his partners could grab one wrist, keeping him so vulnerable between them as they take turns inspecting each one of his tickle spots. Maybe-
"Alright, enough of this," Virgil said, before shoving both arms under Roman's chest and flipping him over onto his back like a pancake. "Time to wake up."
Roman had approximately 0.1 seconds to take a deep breath before both Logan and Virgil dived in with reckless abandon. Gone were the gentle, soft, nearly soothing tickles they'd began with; now Logan was leaning over to dig his thumbs into Roman's underarms while Virgil vibrated his hands all over Roman's soft stomach.
Immediately Roman screamed, eyes shooting open and limbs desperately trying to coordinate some way to defend himself, but his barely-awake brain coupled with the devious double attack left him beyond delirious and without any way to save himself. Virgil leaned down, letting his own morning stubble graze Roman's side while he massaged his tummy, and Logan dropped himself down to murmurs soft coos into Roman's ear that he couldn't even comprehend over how much his warm breath set his ear and neck alight with tingles.
"Nahaha- wahaha- wait!" he gasped. The tickles slowed, but his partners didn't pull away.
"Wakey wakey," Virgil purred, leaning down to leave slow, soft kisses against Roman's midsection. Roman's legs kicked weakly.
"Not fair," he whined. His ear seemed to vibrate with the sound of Logan's low laughter, before he, too, was peppering the spot with gentle kisses. Roman snorted; he couldn't decide which way to move his head (towards the kisses or away from the tickles?). Luckily, Logan made the decision for him, pressing his mouth even closer to Roman's ear so he couldn't scrunch his neck.
"It's time to get up, darling."
Each syllable sent breath against Roman's ear and shivers run up and down his spine. It was horrible, absolutely horrible- Roman could do nothing but squeal and buck against the bed, where Virgil's own kisses and wandering hands were still attacking his tummy.
"Plehehease..." he begged. His smile nearly ached, but he couldn't feel anything other than the soft warmth that came from being adored by his partners. Blissfully, his partners seemed to listen: Logan pecked his kisses down until he was merely kissing Roman's shoulder through his shirt, and Virgil folded his hands and rested his chin on them as he smirked up at his bedraggled boyfriend.
"That was," Roman continued through catching his breath, "utterly uncalled for."
"We warned you, dude," Virgil shot back. "You could've gotten up at any time."
"I was asleep!"
Virgil snorted. "Uh huh."
"I was!"
"Whatever you say, dear," Logan murmured. Roman opened his mouth to continue arguing, but suddenly Logan was once again running his nails through Roman's hair, and any word of complaint disappeared as he moaned.
Virgil propped himself up further, and even in his blissed-out state Roman could make out the softness in his gaze.
"You know what? I think you should sleep in every day."
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Which three sides from Sanders Sides would you choose to wreck with tickles, have an evenly two-sided tickle fight with, and tickle you into oblivion? And why?
I would wreck Logan. Listen, he just needs some tickles, okay?
I feel like Roman would be the best to have a tickle fight with. He would be so dramatic and let me win, if I so wanted.
I would choose Janus to wreck me. He can sense lies so, he'd know when I actually need him to stop, versus when I'm just saying "no!" If that makes sense.
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