anzynai · 9 months
Oh, are requests open? Weeell, maybe a little something with the Leech twins and lee!reader (platonic), if you're okay with it? 👉🏻👈🏻✨
Have a nice day Jai <3
Two Times the Trouble
Jade & Floyd & Reader (Twisted Wonderland)
a/n: ANON I LOVE U SO MUCH FOR THIS. i love this request!!! anyways i did pour my heart onto this fic!! i struggled a little more that i thought i would?? the idea was a bit difficult but i think i made it work! this is the first request from the batch of TWST requests ive received (a long time ago, unfortunately, but im choosing to blame it on the fact i was doing my SS fic..) so sorry the request took forever but at least its here now LOL hope u enjoy!! ALSO FIRST FIC FOR THE NEW YEAR LETS GO
summary: when floyd learns of your ticklishness, you are already on edge around him. you didn’t know you had to be wary of his twin, too.
word count: 1.5k
You might be in trouble. You might really be in trouble.
It all started just a few minutes earlier. You were in class, minding your own business! Of course, Floyd was in the class, but so was Jade. Azul.. was not, and the only reason you noticed because somehow the three of them were almost always together, unless they weren’t..?
Anyway, Floyd usually only interacted with Jade or Riddle, if he was in the mood for teasing the housewarden. He didn’t really talk to you all that much.
So obviously, you were surprised when he apparently had decided to change his target for the day to you, plopping down in the seat next to you. Grim often sat there and you could hear his protests, but Floyd either didn’t hear or pretended not to. Eventually, Grim grumbled and just moved to sitting on top of your desk. He was small enough.
“What’s up, Shrimpy?” Floyd drawled, a small grin on his face, showing his spiky teeth. It must be a Moray thing, you thought offhandedly.
“Oh, hey, Floyd.” You greeted him back with a small smile. Mostly out of politeness because you had no idea what he was doing there.
“M’ bored. Jade won’t entertain me. And Goldfishie’s not here.” He sighed, sadly, though, it did not sound genuine at all.
“That sounds annoying.” You said, but you start focusing your attention away from him and to Professor Trein, who began speaking. And… you really didn’t want to get on his bad side.
“Yeah, you get it, Shrimpy. That’s why you’re gonna entertain me today!” Floyd grinned, a large toothy smile, almost like an innocent child.
“Am I?” You asked, though it was more of a “response” than a question. You looked down at your notebook, jotting down notes as Trein lectured, pouting when you saw Grim snoozing away. Usually, Trein noticed right away, but he seemed very invested in his lecture today.
“Mhm!” Floyd said, slowly, before he decided to try annoying you. From taking away your notebook so you couldn’t write it down, from kicking your chair, from grabbing every little thing he could get his hands on. You began feeling pity for Riddle. You had always thought he was exaggerating, but you swore you could feel yourself popping a blood vessel every two seconds.
Suddenly, Floyd decided that stealing your items were too boring and he resorted to poking you instead. Again. And again. And again.
“Would you sto-AH!” You tried whispering but then he poked a spot on your side and you couldn’t hold back your squeal.
“Everything alright over there?” Trein asked, seemingly annoyed that his class was disrupted.
“I—uh yeah!” You stuttered out, embarrassed as everyone turned towards the two of you. You glanced over, hoping that Floyd didn’t notice, but the scary grin on his face told you otherwise. For the rest of class, he kept poking your side and you found yourself unable to focus on the lesson, trying your hardest not to giggle.
“I’m gonna squeeze ya!” Floyd exclaimed, though a bit quietly. When the bell rang, you were the first one out the door.
You didn’t notice that Jade had been watching the two of you the entire time.
“Floyd, leave me alone!” You shrieked, running around the mostly empty lounge. You decided to get a quick snack from there since you were about to dive headfirst into an all-night study session for the Alchemy test coming up and you figured that making sure you weren’t hungry would.. help.
It was supposed to be in and out. Quick and easy.
It was not in and out.
Floyd was clearly still interested by his discovery, which even you had thought he had forgotten about. Really, he got bored of most things so quickly so why not now!?
So brings you to the present, him chasing you, wiggling his fingers menacingly and you running as far from him as you can. Azul sighed, used to Floyd’s antics.
“Just don’t mess up the lounge… or you’ll be cleaning it all by yourself.” He said, before walking away and into the kitchen.
You, on the other hand, ran towards Jade, who had been watching you guys with amusement. He seemed like he was wondering whether he should continue watching or help you and well, you decided it for him.
“Jade, help!” You exclaim, ducking behind him and using him as cover. You guys hopefully seemed friends enough to be able to do this, so you were obviously gonna use it to your advantage!
“Now, Floyd, don’t be like this..” Jade started, a pleasant smile on his face that had you sighing in relief and Floyd groaning in disappointment.
“Come on, Jade, just let me squeeze 'em..”
“Look at them, don’t you think they’d be too sensitive to endure your wrath?” Jade added and you could see the exact moment Floyd’s gaze lit up and all hopes of mercy on your poor, unfortunate soul were shattered. But before you could move, Jade grabbed your wrist, locking your arms up easily. You struggled in his grasp, but it was no use. It wasn’t even as if you were weak! What did he eat anyway?! Were moray just stronger?
“Jade.. How could you do this to me..?!” You shouted, betrayed, gulping when Floyd walked towards you, menacingly. It was fast-paced, but to you, it felt like he was walking in slow-motion.
“I must apologize. However, I should indulge both myself and my dear brother at times. You must understand.” Jade said, though there was not an ounce of guilt on his face. Your arms, which were hooked up from Jade’s arms were suddenly released, but that didn’t mean you could escape. Instead, Jade wrapped his arms around your waist and began tickling your sides. And Floyd, well, he pounced and started tickling your stomach, your armpits, pretty much anywhere he could get his hands on.
“N-nOHOHOHO, w-why?!” You cried, feeling overwhelmed by the fact that the Leech twins were so easily tickling you.
“Oooh, Shrimpy, already broke ya, huh?” Floyd teased. He was more on the rougher side of tickling, pinching and squeezing your sensitive skin, while Jade was more gentle, with light grazes and scribbles which were still so evil.
“Ehehehe shuhuhut uhuhup!” You looked around, feeling embarrassed, but the lounge was mostly empty and those who were there seemed occupied with other things so they didn’t pay attention to you. You looked back at the Leech twins, flailing in their arms, but Jade managed to pull your arms above your head with his hand, despite your flailing.
“You’re really going to say that to us? Now, don’t be so mean. You might hurt my feelings.” Jade chucked, deep and low. You knew that what he said was complete bullshit, but you couldn’t comment on it, too caught up on the hands on your body.
They were relentless, that much you could tell. It felt like they were trying to find the spots that made you tick and react the most and you could feel that this wasn’t the last time they’d tickle you like this.
“Plehehehease!” You giggle instead, unable to find the words to respond.
“Please what, Shrimpy? You’re so ticklish already!” Floyd giggled, his hands grasping against your sides and occasionally drifting over towards your stomach.
“Now, now, Floyd. I’d say that they are faring quite well.”
“W-WAHAHAHAHH!” Is your response, apparently. You could just die right now. You never imagined that today would be the day you found yourself being tickled to absolute pieces, by none other than the Leech twins! You began wondering how Azul ever put up with them! Knowing how they’re acting now, you’re sure the three of them have engaged in some sort of tickle-fights, if the experience they very obviously had was anything to go by.
“Sure about that, Jade? They’re like a squeak toy!” You tried to put your lips together. That.. lasted about half a second before you found it hard to keep your mouth shut, eliciting the noises that Floyd had just compared to a toy. “Squeak, squeak!” Floyd chirped, squeezing like you were, in fact, a toy.
“Nohohohoho!!” You shriek, laughing and laughing. The fingers on your body were unrelenting and you could feel tears of mirth begin to prick at your eyes. They hadn’t even gotten your worst spot, and Jade was barely even tickling you, more focused on holding you so Floyd could get more access. Still… you were feeling a bit overwhelmed.
It seemed Jade was watching your reactions, though, because he muttered Floyd’s name. Either that, or he just conveniently and coincidentally noticed at the exact time you were reaching your limit. It didn’t matter, because he had let go of you and Floyd, instead of tickling you, slung his arm over your shoulder, leaning. You felt exhausted, so you just dropped your head, using his arm as a headrest.
“That was super fun, Shrimpy! We gotta do that again sometime!” Floyd laughed, heartily and cheerfully.
“Hopefully not too soon…” You muttered, under your breath, causing Floyd to laugh harder.
“I agree. I wouldn’t mind this scenario happening again.” Jade nodded, poking your side and smirking when you flinch and glare.
“Not you too..” You pout, though you couldn’t hold back a smile. You hadn’t really thought about where you stood with the twins before, but you found that you didn’t ever mind their presence either. In fact, you could feel yourself hoping for times like this to occur more, as well.
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estelle-skully · 9 months
Summary- When Branch is grumpy his brothers notices and as their big brother duties they make him happy again.
Ask and ye shall receive
the bois ever
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ijustliketickling · 8 months
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I like Branch, too.
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blueblade-fluff · 8 months
So… Floyd Leech is Canonically Ticklish- that gives the Twisted Wonderland Fandom so much more for Lee Floyd! But he is also a Ler because he swears to get Yuu back for tickling him?!
Cannon tickle scene: Floyd Leech Lab Card- Home Screen (when you poke him)
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cosmeticalchaosicle · 7 months
Snack that smile back goldfish!
Note : Im sorry I had to make the reference hehe
Summary : Riddle's in a terrible mood once again, and pushed away all his dormates and even his best friend. Until he happened to run into floyd. What did he do to make the tyrant so.. silly?
Warnings & etc:
This fanfic will contain swearing, angst, tickles (Also, As you like Floyd x Riddle. It can be either platonic or romantic to your view)
Now, buckle your seat belts and hang on tight!~☆
‎♡₊˚ 🦩・₊✧
The sky was sunny, rather flaming. It was only spring yet the temperature was heated. And you could say the same about riddle's attitude, he was avoidant of his fellow classmates and making rude remarks when ticked off in the slightest and everyone could portray it as : 'Oh! Just ordinary Riddle' when really.. Something wasnt right with him.
Riddle sat alone in the library, looking for peace. As his mind was drowning in horrid thoughts ; Am I Wrong? What do they think? I wanna be free . I'm sick of the rules. Am I being disobedient for this behavior? Does my sluggishness affect the others? Why do I feel so terrible!? Why can't—
"Hey Goldfishie!~☆"
Oh no , the one face he did not want to see today.. floyd usually doesn't go to the library which is why riddle was even there in the 1st place. Why was he there though? Perhaps to play games, perhaps to do something productive . . . Or was he looking for him
"I was looking for you allll over! Don'tcha know how bored I would be without you?" Floyd skipped over with enthusiasm as riddle's face already began to turn red
"Floyd. I'm NOT in the mood for this.." A deeper tone to riddle's voice came out, floyd didn't care however "Huh? Why not little goldfishie? I wanna play with you :D You've hide away from everyone like a little scared cuttlefish.. Maybe I should switch nicknames ehe!~" floyd teased happily, riddle didn't realize much that floyd payed attention to the fact he was actually hiding from people and not just out of sight. Riddle began to get angrier and angrier "Floyd. Go away. Immediately"
Then. Somehow, this was the last thing that broke riddle
"Oh? Goldfishie. Isn't today when you're supposed to help with the unbirthday?"
. . .
Riddle broke down into tears, his head down on the table. He just couldn't keep these emotions in anymore. Floyd stared confusedly at how Riddle randomly broke down sobbing furiously. He had to ask though.. "Uhm. Goldfishie? Are you okay?"
Riddle gave a harsh outleash back "DO I FUCKING LOOK LIKE I'M OKAY? DO I?! DO I?! I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF THIS CYCLE OF FUCKING BULLSHIT! I'M TIRED OF LIVING LIKE THIS. IM TIRED OF HAVING NO CHOICE BUT TO APPLY IM SO. TIRED OF IT ALL!" Riddle gone quiet. As he broke down even more. . Floyd was aware this could cause blot, he didn't know what much to do than attempt to comfort the teary-eyed housewarden. "Hey uhm.. don't cry. Its gonna be okay." Floyd awkwardly patted the boy. Surprised as riddle pushed his hand away so furiously. Then.. got an idea . Usually, it helped whenever he was upset. So ofcourse he had to try.. but he was partially concerned to. Though he took the chance. And gave a warm smile to riddle. "Come here goldfishie!~ Ive gotcha okay? Don't be sad, and just relax " he pulled in riddle tightly. It wasn't as tight as when he squeezes people but similar, "YOU LITTLE !— PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!!" Floyd only giggled with glee as he proposed an idea "Hehe! I will. Just tell me when you want me to stop the fun okay?~" . "Im sorry wh— Ahahah!— LET ME GO !-" Riddle burst out into this soft , raspy laughter at the feeling of Floyd tickling him . Almost, well yeah. Enjoying it. Honestly riddle forgot what it felt like to be like this since his lack of physical attention. And He could only take it, because its not like he can get down from floyd having him scooped up into his arms while Floyd's stupidly long nails fluttered around his stomach . Soonly Floyd had stopped. But didn't put riddle down.. instead just carried riddle back to his dorm mates.. they were sitting in the cafeteria.. Cater decided to snap a picture with everyone just to see floyd carrying a flustered, giggly riddle in his arms.. "Riddle-kun! Are you okay? We haven't seen you all day!". Floyd looked at riddle "See. They aren't mad." Riddle had quickly composed himself as floyd was still poking him in the ribs and found the words to respond, "O-Oh. Don't worry about it. I'm okay now."
They resumed life as normal.. though something was odd. Riddle was walking off balance. And seemingly startled when someone's hands came in contact with him. Ah, hes alright. Because what can he say? He's always right
A/N : Thank you so much for reading!~☆ I haven't written a genuine fic in months , so I hope you liked it
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tickletastic · 1 year
Belts Are For Safety
Fandom: Top Gun
Ship: N/A
Warnings: Implication of a panic attack
Summary: It's Bob and Phoenix's first flight back after their emergency landing, and Bob is more freaked out than he thought he'd be. Inspired by and dedicated to this Fighter Jet Anon! Day one of Miya and Mia's Tickletober: trap!
Bob heaves a long, deep breath when he and Phoenix finally land on the tarmac, the weight of the exercise melting off his shoulders. He closes his eyes, head pounding behind his eyelids, his heart beating in his ear. It’s their first flight back since the crash landing, and Bob is ashamed to say that, for a moment when he got into the air, all he could smell was smoke and all he could hear was Phoenix yelling his name like they were still there, looking up at the sky only half a mile from their burning plane. He’s not sure how Phoenix didn’t freak out, but then again she’s always been more well-adjusted than most of the crew. Maybe it’s because she was smart enough to start therapy before she enlisted, or maybe it’s something about toxic masculinity and being a military man. 
He doesn’t realized how long his eyes have been closed, how long he’s been listening to his heart beat out of control even though they’re on the ground. He feels like he had been in fight-or-flight the entire exercise, and his body oozes with the tension he had been building up. He hadn’t even realized Phoenix had been calling his name, her face contorting into the worried look she used to give Rooster all the time, the one she gives to Jake or Javy every once in a while. Approaching ten minutes on the tarmac and Bob’s eyes are still screwed shut, all the pilots having gone to change except Phoenix, Rooster, Hangman, who stood beneath the plane, and Maverick, who slowly climbed up to get to the much younger pilot. 
“Hey, Bob?” Maverick says, tentatively reaching out to touch Bob’s shoulder. Bob doesn’t respond until Maverick’s hand makes contact, his eyes shooting open. 
Bob’s eyes shoot around, catching Hangman, Phoenix, and Rooster underneath the plane, taking in that the rest of the pilots have gone. “Thank god,” he sighs, breathing out.
“Hey, kid,” Maverick says, grabbing Bob’s attention again, “what’s going on?” Bob scrambles for his buckles but Maverick’s hands come up to stop him, “hold your horses, let’s talk for a second.”
Bob looks at Maverick before looking down at the other pilots again.
 “It’s alright, Bob,” Phoenix says, “they came because they’re worried,” she pauses, looking at the ground before looking back up at her back-seater, “we’re worried.”
“I was just-” Bob awkwardly clears his throat, looking down at his hands in his lap, “I just got freaked out. I’ve never crash landed before, being up there just freaked me out.” 
Maverick put a soft hand on the side of Bob’s face, bringing his head up so they could make eye contact. “It’s alright, kid. It’s totally fine to be a little freaked out right now. My first crash-landing terrified me, and so did my most recent one, it’s fine to still be a little shaken up.”
Bob nods, though it’s evident to Mav and the other spectators that he’s not entirely convinced. “I promise you, Bob,” Maverick starts, “you’re alright. The crash wasn’t your fault and it wasn’t Phoenix’s either, neither of you could have predicted that.”
“Yeah, but, how are we supposed to predict it the next time?” Bob asks, glasses beginning to fog.
From below them Hangman lets out a loud, obnoxious laugh, doubling over before he can reel it in. All eyes are on him now, Phoenix and Rooster glaring daggers at him. “I’m sorry,” he clears his throat, straightening his face, “I’m sorry. Bird strikes are like, pretty rare, Bobby-boy, the chances of you and Phoenix encountering another one is like, zero.”
“He’s right,” Phoenix nods, “though he didn’t have to be such an asshole about it.”
Hangman sticks his tongue out at her and Phoenix fakes like she’s going to kick him in the balls. Rooster tries to separate them and ends up pulled into the bickering, suddenly being asked to pick between his boyfriend and his best friend.
Maverick brings Bob’s attention back to him, lowering his voice so the others can’t hear him over their bickering, “between you and I, after my first crash-landing I was scared of water for years. I didn’t get over it until recently, but I know I missed out on some pretty fun times because of it.”
“Really?” Bob asks, tilting his head to one side, “I- I mean, I’m sorry.”
“All good, kid, all good.” Maverick smiles, “but what I’m saying is you shouldn't let fear control you. I mean, I didn’t even get to teach Brad how to surf, those pictures would’ve been great blackmail for you kids.”
Bob giggles, peeking down at his friends as their argument seems to settle down. Maverick shifts, getting ready to climb down, “alright, kid. We’re gonna talk about this, but first I want to get you out of this plane, and maybe get that smile to stick around.” 
Before Maverick reaches the bottom of the ladder, Hangman shouts for Bob not to unbuckle, practically bouncing with impatience as Maverick makes his too slow descent. Hangman takes the ladder two steps at a time, hands grabbing at Bob’s where he had begun to unbuckle his thigh straps. 
“Nuh-uh,” Hangman teases, squeezing the other pilot’s thigh. Bob squeals, trying to jerk away but finding himself trapped. “I think we need to get you a little giggly before we head back. Whad’ya say, Bobb-boy?”
Bob shakes his head frantically, cheeks developing a pale pink tint. He puts his hand on top of Hangman’s and makes an attempt to pry it away from his thigh, only to be given another squeak-producing pinch. 
“Hmm,” Hangman says, stroking his chin, he looks down at Phoenix and Rooster, “he’s smiling, so that’s a yes, right?”
“I’d say he looks pretty giddy for it,” Rooster shouts, Phoenix hums in agreement. Watching as Bob turns redder and redder.
“Make sure to go for his tummy!” Phoenix supplies.
Hangman’s fingers dart down to Bob’s knees and splay over them, spidering around his kneecap and calves. 
“Jahahake! Thahahat tihihickles!” Bob screeches, kicking his legs straight as much as he can. Jake’s fingers just follow him however he squirms, pinching and spidering over his legs. 
“That’s great, it means this is working!” Hangman grins. Bob’s fingers scramble upward, hoping he can unbuckle his chest buckle and fold over to stop Jake from attacking his legs. Hangman’s fingers climb all the way up to Bob’s ribs, and it’s enough of a distraction for him to forget his task, throwing his head back and snorting through his laughter.
“STAHAHAP!” Bob giggles, shaking his head back and forth. All he can do is grab onto Jake’s hands and gently hold on, his restraints reminding him how safe he usually is in his plane, but also how trapped he is now that he’s at Jake’s mercy.
“Hmm… Are you ticklish here?” Hangman asks, leaning in and giving Bob a neck raspberry. Bob’s laughter rises in pitch and his shoulders scrunch in an attempt to block it out. Hangman moves his fingers down to Bob’s sides, “What about here?”
“Ihihit tihihickles! IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES!” Bob screeches, giggles freely flowing from him. “IHIHIT’S SOHOHO BAHAHAD!”
“Oh, really?” Hangman smirks, “do the seatbelts make it tickle more? You can’t even fight me off.”
“It’s not like he would,” Phoenix teases from below, “he always just lays back and takes it.”
Bob’s face is fully red now, all the way up to his ears, and his hands flop around as he tries to figure out whether he wants to cover his face or keep holding onto Jake’s hands. He’s giggling himself silly, and everytime he remembers that he’s practically strapped down it makes it so much worse.
As if reading Bob’s mind, Hangman starts to tease again, because of course he does, Bob just can’t win. “If the buckles are making this tickle more, just wait for this.”
When Hangman’s fingers dart down to Bob’s stomach, Bob absolutely screams, throwing his arms wherever in an attempt to dissipate the feeling. His laughter dips into silence, getting enough air every few seconds to hiccup amidst his laughter.
“Alright, alright,” Maverick calls up to Hangman, “he looks giggly enough to us from here, I think you might kill him.”
Hangman groans, pulling his hands away and ruffling Bob’s already too messy hair. “Alright, whatever you say, Pops.”
Hangman helps Bob unbuckle from the seat before scrambling down the ladder, making sure the other pilot is steady enough to come down after him. 
Hangman meets Phoenix and Rooster at the bottom, while Maverick holds back to talk to Bob. 
“Feeling better now, kid?” Maverick asks, slinging an arm around his shoulder. Bob nods, leaning into Mav. 
“Yeah, a lot better. Thanks, Mav.” Bob says, looking up at Mav, blush still fiery over his cheeks.
In front of them they can hear Phoenix, Hangman, and Rooster bickering back and forth, voices raised and accusatory. Bob catches a few words, grinning. 
“Just wait until we get you like that, Bagman,” Rooster says, “let’s see if you find it easy to take the tickling when you’re buckled up like that.”
The tips of Hangman’s ears flush, but he shakes his head anyways, all bravado and cockiness, “you’d have to catch me first, and with your old bones I don’t know if you could manage.”
Phoenix, in the middle of the two of them, pokes them both in the ribs, grinning at each of their high-pitched shrieks. “Enough boys, we’ll settle this another time.”
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radation · 8 months
@valentines-luna hey, I accidentally set your request to set to certain post time and I didn’t know how to get it out so I had no choice but to delete it, but dont worry, I remember your request and I get em right here.
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-will act like a tickle monster who is hunting his victims when he is looking for his lee. Example: “I’m gonna get ya! I’ll find you sooner or later!”
-if his lee is sad and they are in public, then he will sneak a few pokes in. You either get tickled later on or you get cheered up by his pokes.
-definitely is the guy who goes “I’m not doing anything?! I’m just tickling you! Can’t handle a couple tickles?!”
-this man will actually giggle like a child, like not a grown up man giggle, like full blown child bubbly giggle. He hates it and his brothers always tease him about it.
-most ticklish spot is his stomach, I will say no more.
-will hiccup if you tickle his belly button, that’s why whenever the ler is trying to tickle him, he quickly covers his belly button.
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-acts like a father when tickling, he’ll be like “you got no chance against me buddy! I’ve got my masters in this thing! Watch out!”
-likes to blow raspberries on his lees, he will even shake his head to make it way worse.
-he goes “it’s just a tad bit of tickling! Something wrong?~”
- always denies he is ticklish, no. Matter. What.
- is really really really REALLY embarrassed about the fact that he gets lee moods.
- spends 5 years to admit he is in a tickle mood, if he is in a lee mood, his ears twitch a bit.
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- same as Bruce, he goes “why you flipping out? It’s just tickling?”
- if the lee is younger or shorter than him, he holds (or at least he tries) them upside down and tickles them.
- once, he tickled Floyd so much that Floyd peed his pants. And now whenever Floyd is teasing clay, he just has to remind him of that memory to make him shut up.
- his death spot is his armpits, THAT IS FINAL.
- out of his brothers, if he gets a lee mood then he takes the less amount of time than any of them to admit it, but he still gets nervous.
- he hiccups when he laughs, P-E-R-I-O-D.
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- his main teasing tactic is basically asking teasy questions. Example: “oh! You’re laughing! That means you like it right?~”
- has a habit of pinning his lees and giving pokes randomly everywhere.
- when he is about to tickle the lee, he wiggles his fingers at the lee just to make the lee 10x more nervous than the lee is.
- he turns the most red out of all his brothers. (Sometimes darker than his own hair) and his brothers definitely point it out or tease him about it.
- when he gets lee moods, he tends to stutter and blush really hard when he tries to admit it, his brothers all blush when they have Lee moods and try to admit them but he blushes the most.
- hates to admit it but he secretly loves raspberries.
(Sorry I don’t know what color to go with)
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- it took him a while to admit that he is fine with tickling but not be the one being tickled.
- out of everyone, branch’s favorite lee is poppy, (plot twist, poppy loves being his favorite lee too🤭)
- branch is merciless with his brothers except Floyd.
- he struggles but when he admits he is in a lee mood, poppy is by far the easiest to admit to.
- the most ticklish out of his brothers and he HATES to know that.
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wastelandbabyblue · 2 years
Nem me fale, a primeira vez que eu vi um "patriotario" usando zombie em um dos vídeos toscos deles eu fiquei 🤯 fio, tú viu a letra da música? Assim, se eles estiverem se referindo ao q querem fazer c os outros, até faz sentido, mas provavelmente não é uma autocrítica eu imagino
não tem um neurônio na cabeça desse povo
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gabykatttt · 3 months
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Viva Headcanon
She’s an older sister of Poppy.
Likes to play games and sing alone when no one is there.
Gets really sensitive about pranks sometimes.
Crush: Clay
Favorite Holiday: Halloween and Christmas.
Friends: Velvet,Veneer,Barb,Floyd,Bruce,and Branch.
Viva can be hard on herself and starts feeling insecure.
She always blames herself about the past of the rage dome show for trying to help Poppy and Branch while battling with the twins.
Viva always brags about her having feelings for Clay to Poppy,Velvet,and Veneer.
She and Poppy would often fight over little things like pranks, and stuff.
Viva gets really emotional.
She sings alone when no one is there.
Favorite song: Bye Bye Bye by Kismet/ Nysc
Video games: Wii sports and Mario Kart 8
Favorite Season: Fall and Winter.
Favorite tv show: The Powerpuff Girls and Alvin and the chipmunks 80’s version.
Viva knows that she’s not alone. She has her family and friends to be with her.
@simplydannie @once-ler-ask-blog153 @brozonelovergirl @horrorartist23 @angelicstarss @zephyrmars
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ticklishprincey · 4 months
What lees do you typically write for
I'm open to suggestions, but here's a list of all I can think of currently: (Lees first, lers listed after) ✎Helluva Boss ✰Blitzo - Moxxie, Stolas, & Fizzarolli ✰Moxxie - Millie & Blitzo ✰Fizzarolli - Asmodeus & Blitzo ✰Thinking about a lee!Stolas fic but idk ✎Hazbin Hotel ✰Alastor - Rosie, Husk & Lucifer ✰Lucifer - Alastor ✰Husk - Angel Dust & Alastor ✰Angel Dust - Husk ✎TMNT/ROTTMNT ✰Donatello - Raphael, Mikey & Leo ✎Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo ✰Nico Di Angelo - Will, Hazel, Reyna, Percy, Jason & Leo ✰Hazel Levesque - Nico, Frank & Leo ✰Will Solace - Nico & Apollo ✰Leo Valdez - Nico, Hazel & Jason ✎Encanto ✰Camilo Madrigal - Literally anyone but Dolores is my top choice ✎Dear Evan Hansen ✰Evan Hansen - Connor & Jared ✰Connor - Evan, Jared & Zoey ✎Black Butler ✰Ciel Phantomhive - Sebastian (help I have no idea how to spell his last name) ✎Gravity Falls ✰Dipper Pines - Ford, Mabel & Stan ✎FNAF (mainly security breach tbh) ✰Reader - Sundrop, Moondrop, Glamrock Freddy & Monty ✰Sundrop - Moondrop ✰Moondrop - Sundrop ✰Gregory - Glamrock Freddy, Sundrop & Moondrop ✎MHA/BNHA ✰Todoroki - Izuku & Bakugou ✰Izuku - Todoroki, Bakugou & All Might ✰Shinsou - Aizawa & Denki (keep in mind I am a stupid American boy with now idea how to write these names) ✎Twisted Wonderland ✰Jade Leech - Floyd ✰Floyd Leech - Jade ✎Voltron ✰Keith Kogane - Lance & Shiro ✎Sanders Sides ✰Virgil Sanders - Logan, Patton, Janus & Remus ✎Avengers ✰ Peter Parker - Tony & Loki ✰ Thinking about a lee!Loki fic but idk ✎Trolls (the third movie) ✰Branch - Floyd, Clay, Bruce & John Dory ✰Maybe Floyd idk
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anzynai · 1 month
some twst tickle drabbles i wrote!!
sorry ive been inactive pls dont forget abt me 💔💔💔 i wanted to write more drabbles but there’s only three and considering they r drabbles, they r very short. pls enjoy anyway
also i wrote these three for friends mostly so ive had them for a while but just never posted. sorry😔🙏 *dies*
1. lee azul, ler floyd
“Floyd, no one else can cover your shift. You need to work it,” Azul groans, pinching the bridge between his eyes.
“I don’t want to. That’s booooring,” Floyd whines, leaning over Azul.
“Floyd, you said you— hey, w-wait!” Azul feels a poke to his side and jolts. His head whips toward the eel in shock. “F-floyd, stohohop this nohonsense..!”
“Nah, I’m good.” Floyd starts squeezing Azul’s sides, wrapping his arms around the housewarden.
“Stahahahap! J-jahade?!” Azul laughs, unable to help it, and he looks for Jade for assistance, who had been watching it all unfold the entire time.
Jade smirks sadistically and clicks his tongue. “Alas, even I cannot stop my brother when he’s like this. You’ll just have to.. wait until he’s bored.”
Until he’s bored? Floyd was as unpredictable as unpredicatable comes! Who knows when that would be?
“G-gah! Stohohop Flohohoyd!” Azul accidentally snorts around his next giggle when Floyd jabs at a particular sensitive spit and suddenly, he wants to die of shame.
“Awww,” Floyd cooes, unrelenting in his attack when Azul’s laughter becomes more intense, while Jade chuckles behind him.
“Shuhuhut uhuhup!”
2. lee epel, ler riddle
“h-hehehey!” riddle giggled, when epel peppered his face with kisses. the blush on his face was absolutely delightful and it just made epel want to kiss him more.
“you’re amazing..” epel mumbled against his face, twitching when the fingers around his waist tightened their grip. while distracted, riddle began to lightly tickle his sides, and he rolled back, causing the bed to creak.. “gahaha!”
“it’s about time i return the favor, shall i?” riddle said, voice smug and epel didn’t resist the laughter threatening to spill from his lips.
riddle started kissing his face— from his cheeks, to his parted lips, and his forehead. epel closed an eye, feeling tingly and a bit flustered.
“this ain’t fahahair!” he giggled, riddle’s fingers dancing along his hips and tummy.
“fair?” riddle chuckled, amused, as he planted a kiss on the corner of epel’s mouth, almost teasingly.
“nohoho, y-you’re tihihickling me!” epel cried, his hands uselessly pushing at riddle’s. riddle kissed the other corner of his mouth.
“and you look really..” a pause, then a kiss to epel’s lips, longer and more meaningful than the others. epel tried to kiss him back, but it was a bit difficult while laughing. “..lovely,” riddle finished, pulling away. with it, his fingers stopped tickling him, instead rubbing his sides in a more comforting manner.
“i love you,” epel smiled, when he caught the other’s lips again.
riddle smiled at him, pulling epel closer. “i love you too.”
3. lee cater, ler trey
“hnng!” cater squealed, feeling a finger run down his spine. he immediately straightened up, flinching. he whipped his head to glare at the culprit.
“trey, that was #NOTCOOL,” cater turned around, placing his hands on his hips. trey chuckled.
“my bad, i was just curious,” trey admitted.
“curious?” cater raised a brow at that.
“if you were ticklish. you always tense up when someone touches your back.” trey shrugged nonchalantly.
“i— what?!” cater gasped, his face heating up. he put a palm to his cheek, embarrassed. “you.. noticed that?”
“of course i did,” trey chuckled again, reaching to pinch at cater’s hips. cater jumped away, embarrassed.
“i’m not ticklish!” cater blubbered out, and trey looked at him, disbelieving until a smug grin appeared on his face.
“is that so?” trey asked, coming closer. “so you wouldn’t laugh if i did this?” more calculated this time, he lightly squeezed at cater’s sides and cater froze, biting his lip.
“n-no.. way..!” cater squeaked, resisting the urge to flinch and gasp until… “ah!”
“there it is,” trey said, amused. cater squeezed his eyes shut when trey started tickling him for real after he had giggled.
“nohoho! trehehey!” cater cried, shocked. never did he once think he would get tickled by trey, but.. well, it wasn’t so bad. plus, he thought to himself, he will definitely get him back!
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estelle-skully · 4 months
Relentless Revenge
A trolls tkl fic
Lee!John Dory
Lers!His brothers
summary: after years of being the tickle monster of the family, John Dory finally gets humbled by his bros as an act of revenge
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John Dory let out a dramatic sigh of relief as he entered his pod; he had just barely escaped a large group of fangirls who were desperate to get his autograph n shit, but he was not in the mood. All he wanted to do was to go for a little stroll, but apparently that was impossible, being as well known as he was. He knew his brothers went through the same stuff all the time, since they complained so much.
Who knew people would still care so much about us after disappearing from the face of the earth for so many years.. He thought. At least he knew he and his bros were successful. But god damn, the paparazzi could be unbearable sometimes.
Just before he could lazily plop down on his couch, he heard the sound of skittering behind him- a dark blur darted through his vision, and he instantly perked up. “Who’s there?” He asked loudly. Subconsciously, he hoped with every fiber of his being that it was some critter that had gotten in somehow and not an obsessive fan. The ones from earlier did follow him for a while…
With that thought in mind, he reached for the small pocket knife he had tucked away in his jacket. Sure, maybe he was overreacting a bit, but it’s never okay to break into someone’s house!
But as he was lost in thought, he was tackled to the floor from behind.
“ACK-!” Blindly he swung around his little knife.
“Jesus dude! Chill out! It’s just me!”
John Dory was shocked to realize that his “attacker” was none other than his brother, Clay.
“Clay, what the hell was that for? I almost stabbed you!”
“No duh. And uhh.. I can’t tell you”
“Can’t tell me what? What on earth is going on?”
“Now, guys!”
as if on cue, the rest of JD’s brothers- Bruce, Floyd, and Branch- leaped out of their hiding places and ruched to him, pinning him down or sitting around him.
Next thing he knew, John found himself laying on his back with his arms pinned above his head by Branch, Clay straddling his waist, Floyd sitting near his legs and Bruce sitting by his torso, all four of them smirking down at him.
“What the hell is this!?” JD exclaimed, too baffled to really fight back.
“Revenge.” Branch replied curtly.
“That’s not enough detai-ahahaAaahahAHAHAHAA WAHAIT-“
the poor troll was cut off when Branch wiggled his fingers into JD’s armpits.
ohhh fuck. Now he understood. All those years of wrecking his brothers was now coming back to him.
he should have seen this coming.
regardless, JD still tried fighting back, but his brothers were shockingly strong.
at this point the rest of the bros started their attacks too. Clay was squeezing his hips and lower sides, Bruce methodically poked at his stomach and ribs and Floyd scribbled his fingers on JD’s knees
already it was almost too much for the poor ticklish fucker to handle.
He threw his head back and cackled, unable to fight back, and really really wishing that he could get back at his brothers right now.
“How’s it feel being the victim for once?” Clay asked, and JD low key wanted to (kindly) punch that smirk off his face. He chose to ignore him and tried using his hair to throw them off- if he could just use it as a hand, maybe, to tickle one of them back, or to cover Clay’s smug as face-
“Oh no you don’t!” Bruce exclaimed, noticing. Branch trued shoving JD’s hair down. “Don’t worry guys, I’ve got this. Being a dad has given me lots of tickle monster experience.” And Bruce leaned down and blew a loud, sloppy raspberry on JD’s belly.
Their eldest brothers finally lost it.
“d’nawww, what’s wrong? Has the big bad tickle monster finally been defeated?” Bruce asked in a really fake sounding sympathetic voice. As much as he hated to admit his defeat, John Dory nodded.
The bros stopped their attacks and all looked down at him, satisfied with what they had done.
It took a minute for John to fully compose himself, laying there as he still giggled from the leftover tickly feelings. He finally sat up and wiped the tears that pricked at his eyes, still grinning.
“You’re all such dicks for that,” he said, “but I guess that was fair. I think I’ll let this slide.”
“Oh thank goodness,” Floyd replied. “I won’t lie, I was actually scared shitless of this idea.”
“Took a while to convince him.” Bruce added, nodding.
“So, Johnathan Dorathan, what did you think? Ut was really all Branch’s idea.”
JD glanced at his youngest brother. “It was… a clever idea, I’ll admit. Im impressed by your ability to stay hidden like that. But do not ever tickle me again, because I will obliterate all of you on the spot.”
“Whatever you say, bro” Clay teased, poking his side. JD yelped.
“What did I just say?”
“Sorry, sorry, I couldn’t help it-“
“No actually what did I just say” John said, standing up. He wasn’t genuinely angry with Clay- he knew his bro was just messing around. But he was not gonna let this slide!
“ohoho god-“ Clay slowly backed away, knowing exactly what was coming.
“oh shit dude, you’re in for it now” Floyd said, almost wanting to run away himself, fearing that JD might decide to wreck all four of them.
“You can’t escape the beast forever!” JD exclaimed, lowering his voice to sound more gruff, “you have just triggered the tickle monster’s prey drive!”
“noho wait-!”
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anonwrites2233 · 9 months
lol ok I like trolls now so have this shdhhdjfjfjjfo
Lee!Velvet and Ler!Veneer
Grumpy sister
It had been a long night for the two twins, and Velvet was in a way grumpier mood than usual. It had Veneer very puzzled all night. They had a very successful night, yet a busy one. He wondered what was on his sister’s mind.
Once arriving home, Veneer couldn’t help but question her.
“Hey sis, you ok? Your vibe has definitely been off tonight. Resting moody vibe face… except… well not resting. Just extremely grumpy, moody vibe face. What’s up with you??”
Velvet huffed rather loudly. “UGH! Don’t worry about it ok?!” Velvet stormed to her room to sulk on her bed, yet she hadn’t closed the door. Veneer simply followed right behind her taking it as a signal that she wasn’t completely mad enough to shut him out.
Veneer was very worried and a bit offended by the sass levels coming from her.
“Listen, I’m just trying to help you! You know you can tell me anything right?” They both sat on Velvet’s bed as Veneer patted her shoulder, Velvet having her arms crossed and quite literally pouting.
“I guess I’ve just been stressed or whatever ok?! Don’t worry about it.”
Veneer frowned and sincerely felt bad for her.
“Hey, it’s alright. We can chill tonight ok? If there’s anything you need from me let me know…”
Velvet sulked a little, but she looked visibly a little calmer. She simply nodded a little. Her pout was definitely still visible though.
Veneer sat frowning for a moment, he didn’t like seeing his sister upset. He thought for a minute before coming up with an idea: something they’d do as kids.
As children, they had frequent tickle fights. They were actually pretty equally matched in fights, however, Veneer always got her good and knew Velvet’s worse spots and could definitely make her scream. Partly because she would “secretly” get into lee moods a lot and let him win.
Knowing this, Veneer smirked.
Velvet slightly side eyed him, now confused.
“What’s with your face? What are you planning?”
Velvet was already getting suspicious and annoyed at his antics that have yet to unleash.
Veneer simply snickered. “Oh nothing dear sister~ just do me a favor and come see real quick~ I want to help you out…”
Velvet was highly suspicious.
“Veneer, I swear… you better not…— EEP!!”
Veneer had inched closer to her and poked her side.
Velvet squealed and tried to squirm away immediately, swatting his hand.
“V-Veneeheer, don’t you dahare—! EEE!!”
Veneer had a wide grin on his face, pulling Velvet in his lap to begin tickling the absolute daylights out of her.
He immediately started scribbling up and down her sides.
“What’s wrong~? I’m just cheering you up! Tickle tickle sis~”
Velvet squealed rather loudly and kicked her legs, attempting to escape his grasp but it was impossible.
Veneer giggled. “Aw don’t act like you don’t like it Vels~”
He then gently laid his sister down on his lap and began poking her exposed tummy multiple times. “Boop boop boop~!”
Velvet was red as could be and an absolute giggly mess. How embarrassing was this to her? Extremely. Could she deny that she was enjoying herself? No. Not really. In fact, his “cheering up” was definitely working. Velvet had conflicting feelings about that.
She sounded rather childish and bubbly despite her insults, so Veneer could definitely tell she was enjoying herself.
“Nyehehhee!! Veheheneer yohou ididhihidiot! Cuhut it ohout~!”
Veneer chuckled and began scribbling on her tummy.
“You’re so cute when you’re all giggly Vels, you know you can’t deny you like this~ you would’ve pushed me off by now if you didn’t~”
Velvet was red as Floyd’s hair before it faded. Yeah. She really couldn’t deny him. So she just kept on squealing and laughing her head off, now kicking her legs as she tried not to squirm off of him.
Veneer was highly amused. “Duh, that’s the point~ I think you deserve this for the extra pouting and sass you’ve been giving me~”
He pinned her down better and went up to her ribs and armpits.
Velvet literally cackled like a hyena at this point.
She could barely protest through her wild laughter that Veneer also just laughed along with.
“My my dear sister~ you’re awfully sensitive! Have you gotten more sensitive since last time I wonder? You’re awfully loud~”
Velvet continued snorting and laughing, red as can be, enjoying herself despite how badly she was thrashing.
Veneer shook his head. “Tsk tsk~ so rude. I should teach you a lesson for being so mean to your brother.”
He went down to her hips and immediately squeezed them, causing loud high pitched squeals to release from Velvet.
Veneer chuckled and kept going. “Oh this is a lot of fun~ your laughs are music to my ears~ maybe I should keep this up all night huh, wouldn’t that be fun?”
Velvet fake protested through snorts, wildly kicking her feet and laughing her head off.
Veneer giggles again and tickles her thighs, causing more shrieks and loud laughter from Velvet.
“I doooo think you’re enjoying yourself~ maybe I should just continue til you admit ittt~”
Velvet squealed and continued giggling and shaking her head. “Nohohoho~!!”
Veneer mocked her. “Yehehes~”
Venner switches up positions and sits on Velvet’s legs, and went and scribbled behind her knees.
“Ready to give up yet Vels? You know I won’t stop tickling you until you admit it~ or maybe you just don’t want me to stop hm~?”
Velvet squealed loudly and punched the bed wildly while still cackling.
Veneer remained smug. “No you aren’t ready to give up, correct? Well that’s fine~ I’ll just keep going and get this spot then~”
He quickly then held onto Velvet’s ankles and started scribbling on her feet.
She screamed VERY loud.
Veneer smirked evilly. “Oho do you now~?”
She continued laughing and hitting the bed wildly with tears coming out of her eyes.
Veneer kept his smug grin.
“Ok I’ll stop, but admit you like this first~”
Velvet groaned and whines in embarrassment between her laughter.
“Oh yes you can~ I’ll just have to keep going if you don’t~” he gave some more good scribbles for good measure.
Snorting and nearly wheezing, Velvet choked out her answer.
Veneer giggles happily in satisfaction before letting his sister go. He patted her back and allowed her to catch her breath.
Blushing and fake glaring at him, he kept his smug grin and watched Velvet slowly turn away from him pretending to still be mad at him.
“Y-You… idiot…”
“Mhm~ love you too sis. And you’re welcome.”
Velvet huffed and stuck her tongue out at him, causing Veneer to chuckle and hug her. She reluctantly hugged him back. She did have to admit she felt better now.
“…Yeah, thanks I guess. You dork”
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compostando · 1 year
Dear reader. Don´t read.
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Nayara Fernanda Santos de Sena
Este comentário possui mais questionamentos que apontamentos. De início vou pontuar algumas considerações e reflexões sobre o texto de Ulises Carrión: Arte nuevo de hacer libros (1968), e o texto de Eric Schierlon: Como prepararse para el colapso del sistema industrial de publicación. Carrión, revisita alguns questionamentos acerca do que é um livro e de como sua simbologia é perpassada entre leitores e escritores, além de pontuar bastante a questão de que importa mais a mensagem que a linguagem usada para se comunicar através do livro. Ou seja, um livro não tem sentido só por ser um livro e ter sido escrito de tal forma por tal autor, mas é um livro porque alguém leu e deu sentido ao que foi escrito/comunicado. A leitura e a linguagem me pareceram os pontos centrais de reflexão de Carrión e me remeteu há como a escrita se tornou uma mercadoria e de como a indústria editorial, reforça a ideia do livro apenas como mercadoria. Estas questões levantadas no texto me fizeram uma provocação: quem é mais importante? O livro ou o texto que ele contém? Esquecemos que o livro/texto é uma arte? E por que é uma arte? Sobre o texto do Schierlon, a partir da leitura, o que me chamou mais atenção foi de como o autor nos faz refletir sobre todo o processo de feitura de um livro, e não só a escrita do texto; o escritor torna-se um artesão e não só participa, mas desenvolve todo o livro, seja na ideia, na escrita, na escolha dos materiais usados no livro, na montagem, diagramação, arte, impressão, montagem, costura ou colagem enfim uma edição artesanal, mas não só uma edição artesanal ou “especial” para um colecionador com mais dinheiro (hahaha), mas sim uma lógica de pensar, fazer e consumir a arte/literatura de moto artesanal. Como o Schierlon pontua: “la Edición artesanal es la publicación de los textos con los cuerpos" (p. 167) e desenvolve que a produção artesanal/independente é uma prática bio/micro-política que merece ser constantemente repensada e atualizada.   Na aula, juntamente com o professor convidado Gastón Cosentino, tivemos um apanhado de pensamentos e reflexões sobre a literatura, o livro e a escrita enquanto arte que ultrapassa as limitações deste comentário, e que nos fizeram imergir em inúmeras questões do fazer artístico, da escrita e da leitura. Seguem algumas indicações dadas durante a aula, para pensarmos o texto/escrita e o livro por outra perspectiva e não somente no formato escrito e convencional, como a obra de Pescado Rabioso e seu disco de vinil em formato inusitado: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXYZQTtKuo&ab_channel=Capit%C3%A1nFugitivo. A sonoridade e letras da banda Pink Floyd, a qual deixo a sugestão a música Dogs, que possui a musicalidade e a letra que fazem ser a minha preferida da banda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQrFFa2z-wI&ab_channel=RETRO. Também deixo como indicação o álbum visual Bom mesmo é estar debaixo d´água da Luedji Luna: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=Z7lPX61UdJ4&ab_channel=LuedjiLuna. Escrever, ler e ouvir, para mim, pressupõe pensamento, corpo, linguagem, presença, distração, bagagem, histórias e estórias, divagação, reflexão é um ato que pressupõe toda a composição humana, seja ela física, mental, social, política; pressupõe inclusive o visível e o invisível (seja lá o que isso signifique para você). As reflexões dos dois autores e da aula me fizeram lembrar disso e de como é importante se colocar no processo de escrita e de leitura de modo “artesanal”.
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italeean · 1 year
Hi, would you mind sharing a little perspective about Benito Musolini (a prominant figure from Italy). I just learned about him at school, and when my teacher said he's from Italy, I immediately thinks of your account! Tbh My teacher haven't shared any facts about Musolini (He just mentioned that Musolini was a prominent figure from Italy w/o any further explanation). If you know something about him, please do share! I believe your explanation will be the most authentic (since you grew up and receive education in literally Italy) Thank you!! ... Also, Imagine if one day you stumbled upon a tickle fic with Musolini in it (as lee or ler) how would you feel about it? lol (this question is so random I'm sorry)
So... since you said you don't know any facts about this "person" and your teacher didn't do a great job at talking about him (he made him sound like a positive character from what you told me), I'll start with a little history lesson
WWI ended in 1918 with the victory of USA, England, France and Italy (who was initially allied with Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire). However, Italians didn't get what they wanted (like Istria) because they were labeled as "unreliable" for being allied with Austria and Germany before joining WWI on the other side. Basically, at the beginning, Italy "made friends" with Austria to get back the areas of Trento and Trieste from the Empire with diplomacy, but when the Great War broke out, they decided to take that land by force.
Anyway, being disrespected after winning the war caused a lot of discontent in the population, even among the younger ones (because yes, even 17-year-old guys had to go to war...). WWI was the first war to be fought with technological weapons and gas (mustard gas). Compared to the "romantic" kind of war, the one where there were heroes that distinguished themselves, this kind of war caused a much more significant psychological damage, also caused by the shell shock, and Italians felt like they were made fun of because they got injured, invalid or traumatized for nothing. This discontent is called "vittoria mutilata" (mutilated victory).
In this climate of economic crisis and deep instability, Benito Mussolini became popular with his complaints of how things were going and about the "vittoria mutilata". He even founded the movement of Fasci Italiani di Combattimento in 1919, which became PNF, or Partito Nazionale Fascista (Fascist National Party) in 1921, and the 28th of October 1922, he and his blackshirts (his followers, who got that name because they always wore black shirts) marched on Rome.
The king could have declared the state of siege and made the army intervene, but he let Mussolini do what he wanted, because he decided that Fascism was better than Communism (whose echoes were arriving from Russia, which would've officially become USSR 2 months later). However, dictatorship didn't arrive just like that. There were held elections... although they were basically not democratic and fascists "casually" won. Giacomo Matteotti investigated and was ready to present the evidence he had gathered to the Parliament, but the 10th of June 1924, the day before the scheduled presentation of said proof, he disappeared and was found dead.
I won't go into too much detail about his political maneuvers he took all the power with, I'll just focus on how his political choices affected the population.
1925: The government proclaims the Leggi Fascistissime (Ultra-Fascist Laws..?). With these laws, the President of the Council (Mussolini) became the Chief of the Government, every non-fascist political organization was disbanded, the police got more power and was free to act however they wanted (basically the George Floyd case was the normality here), censor was legalized and a Special Court was created to condemn people who were politically dangerous for the integrity of the government. Death penalty and exile were also reintroduced. The elections were extremely controlled: the government itself presented the list of candidates with no possibility of integration and the votes were made by applause in the squares (if it doesn't make sense, it's normal)
1926: Quota 90, it was an economic maneuver to give more value to Lira (Italian currency before Euro), which turned into a flop.
1929: Patti Lateranensi (Lateran Treaty). Basically it's an agreement between the Fascism and the Church to make sure religion doesn't intervene against Mussolini. In exchange, Catholicism becomes the State Religion and it also becomes a subject at school. This compromise with another authority and the presence of the king makes Fascism an imperfect totalitarianism because Mussolini, also known as Il Duce (The Leader, from Latin), wasn't the only authority in the country.
But what happens in the world? The crisis of 1929 hits the world and in 1933 Hitler wins the elections, democratically I think, and at Hindenburg's death in 1934 he also gets the position of President of Republic. The Nazi dictatorship begins.
In the beginning, Mussolini and Hitler aren't even interested in each other, they get closer only after some events.
1935: Italy invades Ethiopia with a scandalous war because Mussolini thinks Italy should have colonies as well, but the Society of Nations (UNO's ancestor) disapproves and Italy receives sanctions. In response to that, Il Duce decided to switch to the autarchic economy, which meant no more import-export and absolute self-sufficiency. Foreign words were banished from the vocabulary or were "italianized", and foreign drinks and foods were changed with Italian variations. For example, coffee was made with macerated chards. In this context of tensions with France and England, Mussolini got closer to Hitler.
1936: Civil war breaks out in Spain and Mussolini sends troops to help Francisco Franco, the soon-to-be dictator, take control of the nation.
1937: Italy joins the alliance between Germany and Japan (they became the Axis)
1938: The racist laws are proclaimed in Italy, following the example of the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, and antisemitism spreads in the nation. Some ghettos and concentration camps are also built, and you can still visit Fossoli.
1939: WW2 breaks out, but Italy still doesn't participate; Mussolini will join only a year later because, according to him "we needed a few hundreds of corpses to throw on the peace table". (Which meant we needed to sacrifice some soldiers to say "Hey, we participated, too! We want our share of whatever there is to gain!"). Let me tell you all this: we weren't ready for that war. Our equipments had never been upgraded since WWI and Italy always needed Hitler's help to finish any kind of war campaign that was started. Many people also died during the russian winter, which was brutal, and in the end we sided with the Allies when the US started the invasion (or the liberation) of Italy in 1943, after the arrest of Mussolini.
25/04/1945: The Allies finally free Italy from the Nazi-fascists (yes, the nazists had started the invasion of Italy the 8th of September 1943)
28/04/1945: Mussolini is found by someone partigiani (the ones who always made resistance to the fascism and even helped the Allies during the occupation of Italy) and gets shot.
After this ✨️not-so-amazing✨️ history lesson based on my knowledge from my years of high school, I'll share my opinions
I'm a progressist, so I'm very far from the extreme right political orientation
People still complain about how we are still under the influence of the US... guess what? If our Duce hadn't joined the war in 1940, we would've come out of this as honorable winners
My great grandfather nearly lost both his feet due to gangrene caused by the serious burns during the war in Ethiopia, a war than gave Italy nothing more than a stupid title
The only decent thing Mussolini did was La Battaglia del Grano (The Wheat Battle). He reclaimed some marshy areas and made them cultivated, but it was still insufficient for autarchy
Mussolini supported racism, which I absolutely do not believe in, censorship, authoritarianism, he forced Italians to be catholic, he punished people publicly by making them drink castor oil (a very strong purge)
The police or the blackshirts could come at your place and beat you to a pulp or even kill you if you were suspected of being against the regime
Women were given an economic incentive if they had children. The more babies they had, the bigger the incentive became. It meant that women were only supposed to be mothers, without being able to choose to remain single.
Homosexuals were directly dragged to the concentration camps
I don't wanna think about what happened to disabled people and kids during those ages...
Would you really think I'd want a world like this?
And would you think I'd ever read a fanfiction about such a shitty man?
And that's all I have to say 😸 I hope I didn't bore you all with this talk, but I felt like this was the bare minimum to make you all understand what Italy went through all these years, in a dictatorship that lasted 20 years.
Guys, just remember one thing: if you're going through a crisis in your country and a candidate to the leadership or someone who claims to be a rebel makes promises of making your country great, putting your own country above any other nation, restoring the economy in a short time or anything that sounds dreamy, they're probably fooling you. And by the way, if every country thought only for themselves, the world and the global society would probably collapse; also, I don't wanna live in a world of egoists so please, let's choose cooperation and integration over autarchy. I can guarantee that it brings no good in the long term.
I know yours was just curiosity, and I'm happy you asked me about this. Don't take my final questions as a sign of anger, I just think they are a good conclusion to this kind of talk 🥰
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v-anrouge · 11 months
HI ASTER sou eu dnv, seu anon estrelinha (talvez) favorito
Hoje vim apresentar alguns dos meus hcs de twst pra vc e seus queridos followers (sinta-se a vontade pra traduzir isso pro inglês pros nossos queridos internacionais entenderem)
1- O Epel ja deu biscoito de cachorro pro Jack só pra zoar com a cara dele, o Jack fingiu q tava puto mas secretamente ele gostou
2- Ruggie cria entra em uns grupo de aposta na escola pelos motivos mais idiotas possíveis. Um deles é tipo "quantas vezes o Sebek vai falar sobre o Malleus hoje"
3- O Jade é sonâmbulo e ele fala cada coisa esquisita enquanto dorme
4- Enguias tem uma visão pessima então os tweels usam óculos as vezes, Jade usa pra ler, o Floyd quase nunca usa
Enfim, esses foram alguns dos hcs q eu lembro por agr, até a próxima!! BYEE 💖💖
- ⭐
2- mano isso deveria ser canon sério pra mim eh canon não tem COMO não ter acontecido eu adorei o exemplo socorro, todo mundo aposta de 100 vezes pra cima
3- O JADE SONÂMBULO EH MTO CANON ORA MIM SOCORRO ELE EH IGUALZINHO EU😭 minha mãe já me disse que eu tava falando que alguém estava vindo e quando ela me perguntou quem eu fiquei quieto e voltei a dormir 💀
eng translation; (if you guys would like a translation of what i said as well pls tell me)
HI ASTER its me again, your (maybe) favorite star anon
today i came to present some of my twst hcs for you and your dear followers (feel free to translate this to english so our beloved gringos will understand)
1- epel has already given jack dog treats (cookies) to mess with him and jack acted like he was really angry but secretively liked them
2-ruggie creates/enters betting groups for the silliest/dumbest reasons possible. one of them is like "how many times will sebek will talk about malleus today"
3- jade is a sleep talker/walker and he says some very weird things while sleeping
4- eels have a terrible vision so the tweels have to wear glasses sometimes, jade uses them to read, floyd barely ever uses them
So, these were some of the hcs i can think of right now, until next time!! BYEE 💖💖
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