anonwrites2233 · 9 months
lol ok I like trolls now so have this shdhhdjfjfjjfo
Lee!Velvet and Ler!Veneer
Grumpy sister
It had been a long night for the two twins, and Velvet was in a way grumpier mood than usual. It had Veneer very puzzled all night. They had a very successful night, yet a busy one. He wondered what was on his sister’s mind.
Once arriving home, Veneer couldn’t help but question her.
“Hey sis, you ok? Your vibe has definitely been off tonight. Resting moody vibe face… except… well not resting. Just extremely grumpy, moody vibe face. What’s up with you??”
Velvet huffed rather loudly. “UGH! Don’t worry about it ok?!” Velvet stormed to her room to sulk on her bed, yet she hadn’t closed the door. Veneer simply followed right behind her taking it as a signal that she wasn’t completely mad enough to shut him out.
Veneer was very worried and a bit offended by the sass levels coming from her.
“Listen, I’m just trying to help you! You know you can tell me anything right?” They both sat on Velvet’s bed as Veneer patted her shoulder, Velvet having her arms crossed and quite literally pouting.
“I guess I’ve just been stressed or whatever ok?! Don’t worry about it.”
Veneer frowned and sincerely felt bad for her.
“Hey, it’s alright. We can chill tonight ok? If there’s anything you need from me let me know…”
Velvet sulked a little, but she looked visibly a little calmer. She simply nodded a little. Her pout was definitely still visible though.
Veneer sat frowning for a moment, he didn’t like seeing his sister upset. He thought for a minute before coming up with an idea: something they’d do as kids.
As children, they had frequent tickle fights. They were actually pretty equally matched in fights, however, Veneer always got her good and knew Velvet’s worse spots and could definitely make her scream. Partly because she would “secretly” get into lee moods a lot and let him win.
Knowing this, Veneer smirked.
Velvet slightly side eyed him, now confused.
“What’s with your face? What are you planning?”
Velvet was already getting suspicious and annoyed at his antics that have yet to unleash.
Veneer simply snickered. “Oh nothing dear sister~ just do me a favor and come see real quick~ I want to help you out…”
Velvet was highly suspicious.
“Veneer, I swear… you better not…— EEP!!”
Veneer had inched closer to her and poked her side.
Velvet squealed and tried to squirm away immediately, swatting his hand.
“V-Veneeheer, don’t you dahare—! EEE!!”
Veneer had a wide grin on his face, pulling Velvet in his lap to begin tickling the absolute daylights out of her.
He immediately started scribbling up and down her sides.
“What’s wrong~? I’m just cheering you up! Tickle tickle sis~”
Velvet squealed rather loudly and kicked her legs, attempting to escape his grasp but it was impossible.
Veneer giggled. “Aw don’t act like you don’t like it Vels~”
He then gently laid his sister down on his lap and began poking her exposed tummy multiple times. “Boop boop boop~!”
Velvet was red as could be and an absolute giggly mess. How embarrassing was this to her? Extremely. Could she deny that she was enjoying herself? No. Not really. In fact, his “cheering up” was definitely working. Velvet had conflicting feelings about that.
She sounded rather childish and bubbly despite her insults, so Veneer could definitely tell she was enjoying herself.
“Nyehehhee!! Veheheneer yohou ididhihidiot! Cuhut it ohout~!”
Veneer chuckled and began scribbling on her tummy.
“You’re so cute when you’re all giggly Vels, you know you can’t deny you like this~ you would’ve pushed me off by now if you didn’t~”
Velvet was red as Floyd’s hair before it faded. Yeah. She really couldn’t deny him. So she just kept on squealing and laughing her head off, now kicking her legs as she tried not to squirm off of him.
Veneer was highly amused. “Duh, that’s the point~ I think you deserve this for the extra pouting and sass you’ve been giving me~”
He pinned her down better and went up to her ribs and armpits.
Velvet literally cackled like a hyena at this point.
She could barely protest through her wild laughter that Veneer also just laughed along with.
“My my dear sister~ you’re awfully sensitive! Have you gotten more sensitive since last time I wonder? You’re awfully loud~”
Velvet continued snorting and laughing, red as can be, enjoying herself despite how badly she was thrashing.
Veneer shook his head. “Tsk tsk~ so rude. I should teach you a lesson for being so mean to your brother.”
He went down to her hips and immediately squeezed them, causing loud high pitched squeals to release from Velvet.
Veneer chuckled and kept going. “Oh this is a lot of fun~ your laughs are music to my ears~ maybe I should keep this up all night huh, wouldn’t that be fun?”
Velvet fake protested through snorts, wildly kicking her feet and laughing her head off.
Veneer giggles again and tickles her thighs, causing more shrieks and loud laughter from Velvet.
“I doooo think you’re enjoying yourself~ maybe I should just continue til you admit ittt~”
Velvet squealed and continued giggling and shaking her head. “Nohohoho~!!”
Veneer mocked her. “Yehehes~”
Venner switches up positions and sits on Velvet’s legs, and went and scribbled behind her knees.
“Ready to give up yet Vels? You know I won’t stop tickling you until you admit it~ or maybe you just don’t want me to stop hm~?”
Velvet squealed loudly and punched the bed wildly while still cackling.
Veneer remained smug. “No you aren’t ready to give up, correct? Well that’s fine~ I’ll just keep going and get this spot then~”
He quickly then held onto Velvet’s ankles and started scribbling on her feet.
She screamed VERY loud.
Veneer smirked evilly. “Oho do you now~?”
She continued laughing and hitting the bed wildly with tears coming out of her eyes.
Veneer kept his smug grin.
“Ok I’ll stop, but admit you like this first~”
Velvet groaned and whines in embarrassment between her laughter.
“Oh yes you can~ I’ll just have to keep going if you don’t~” he gave some more good scribbles for good measure.
Snorting and nearly wheezing, Velvet choked out her answer.
Veneer giggles happily in satisfaction before letting his sister go. He patted her back and allowed her to catch her breath.
Blushing and fake glaring at him, he kept his smug grin and watched Velvet slowly turn away from him pretending to still be mad at him.
“Y-You… idiot…”
“Mhm~ love you too sis. And you’re welcome.”
Velvet huffed and stuck her tongue out at him, causing Veneer to chuckle and hug her. She reluctantly hugged him back. She did have to admit she felt better now.
“…Yeah, thanks I guess. You dork”
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sugarskullcupcakes · 18 days
*throws this and runs*
I'm new to animating stuff, it's not the best but I worked for hours just to make this dumb gif sooo enjoy some poorly drawn ler Veneer
Thank you @anonwrites2233 for the Veneer headcannons, it helped give me this idea >:)
Tummy tickles idk-
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safempty · 5 months
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Who cares if a few trolls are dying?
Haha, hello, I'm back, school was really killing me, but I'm now free of all pending school issues 🙏
I didn't really know how to make Veneer's suit, sorry if the end result was very meh
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moongeonight · 8 months
Family discussions
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Summary: Veneer tries to convince Velvet to free Floyd so he doesn't die, it doesn't go well.
A/N: Well I saw that @estelle-skully proposed this fic idea in her Velvet and veneer headcanons so here I did it! I hope you like it 🩷 this is a tickle fic!
Velvet and veneer had just finished they night concert and had returned to the studio, where he saw that after the show Floyd was completely exhausted.
Floyd had been stuck in the perfume bottle for far too long, it was taking a large toll on his physical condition.
Veneer noticed that he was a little pale and felt a hint of guilt, then he looked at Velvet next to him, maybe... If he could convince her that he could released him after a while it might work...?
"Uh... Sis? I think we have been using him far too much... I was wondering if we could perhaps.. take a break and release him?"
"Take a break?" Velvet glanced at his brother with raised eyebrow.
"a Break? We are still very early to peak! We’ve been on fire recently It would be unwise of us to take a break" She chuckled.
Veneer seemed worried, but she had a point. He tried to counter her but could not bring himself to deny what she was saying.
"I know, I know... But I just worry that we have been using his singing ability too much... We are sucking its energy out of him, sis..."
Still giggling, she rolled her eyes. “Oh please, his voice is still in good health. He’ll be fine."
“Let’s not overthink it okay? Let’s just enjoy the moment and milk it out while we’re still here”
veneer was now interrupted by velvet.
"But nothing, Don't try to argue with me, I hear one more word and you will regret it" Velvet said this as she was now annoyed by his brother.
Veneer stayed silent, his sister had a temper and He did'nt want his sister to be so angry with him, however...
"Still, I-"
he couldn't finish his sentence as Velvet pounced on him.
"What did I tell you about even one more word? I guess I'll have to apply methods from when we were children, my dear brother." She said moving her fingers in anticipation.
Oh boy... Not this again...
"NO! Don't do it sis, PLEASE-"
Velvet smiles as she grabs his sides and started tickling him
"You know the rules. Never argue with me"
Veneer's eyes widened as he let out a laugh and tried to push her away from him.
"ah! stop it! Stohohohop it! You knohohohow I'm weak to this!" He laughed.
Velvet chuckled as she continued to tickle his sides as his brother started to struggle
“Aww come on! It's just a bit of tickling! Don't be such a baby!”
Ah! Hahahaha! S-Stop... Hehe... That tickles!" Veneer giggled.
"Please! Hahaha ! You know I can't hehehelp but laugh when you do this to mehehe! Hahaha! Stop it!"
She smirk "Awwww does it? Does it really bother you that much?~"
She continued to tickle him as she continued to laugh as his brother couldn’t even get himself together anymore.
The only consolation that Veneer had was that they were alone in the studio and there was no audience- wait yes there was an audience, Floyd was still enclosed in the perfume in the headdress that was now looking at them in disconcerted and with a raised eyebrow.
"Hahahaha! Velvet S-stop it! I'm dying...! Hehe.. Hahaha!" Veneer chuckled as he struggled against her grasp.
That's right... Floyd is here too. He is here to witness me getting brutally tickled by my sister, right... Oh god, that's even more embarrasing.
"I swear you're so dramatic"
Velvet said rolling her eyes as continued to tickle him further, not even remotely concerned about his protest, not even letting out a single glance at the bottle where was Floyd.
Veneer laughed, trying as much as he could to escape his sister's grasp to no avail. He couldn't help but feel his cheeks burning...
"HAHAHA! I... I give up! I surrender! HAHAHA! Haha..." He sighed in defeat.
"Ooh! The little baby can't stand a little bit of tickling! I mean, what are you going to do when we go on the next tour? You’re going to beg for me to stop tickling you while I’m on stage too?" She replied while continuing the tickling.
"Now veneer... Are you going to drop the topic of the troll?”
Veneer was laughing so hard he could barely answer her..
"Y-YES! HAHAHA! I GIVE UP! I will not speak about the troll again...! PLEHEHEASE STOHOHOP IT...!"
Velvet looked at his brother for a moment and smirked at her brother before pulling up her fingers from his sides.
“Good. I'm glad you understand now. If you're such good brother I'm sure you won't argue With me again, Now let's get some sleep! We have an event to attend Tomorrow!" She laughed before letting him go and leaving the studio.
Veneer gasped for air and was out of breath as his sister left the room. He chuckled nervously as he took a deep breath
"Well... That could have ended worse... Haha..." He laughed and looked at the headdress, oh right, the troll was still looking.
Veneer stood up immediately although he almost fell because his sides were weak from the attack.
"Um... You didn't see anything, understood!?"
he said, leaving the study as quickly as possible, ignoring the fact that he felt his cheeks burning more, he will have to listen to his sister more now...
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estelle-skully · 1 month
Lee!Veneer ler!Floyd fic/art??
tosses this at you and skitters away
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Imagine this happened when they first captured him and didn’t put him in the bottle yet idk
as usual if someone makes a fic w that concept ill marry them on the spot/p/silly
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gabykatttt · 17 days
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Vaughn and Vivian
Vaughn and Vivian are Velvet and Veneer's parents pookies.
They belong and inspired by of friend of mine @simplydannie.
I hope you like pookie I did my best drawing them. I know it looks wired but I'm trying to improve my art skills to get better.
@once-ler-ask-blog153 @horrorartist23 @justnat3 @jules0511 @zephyrmars @ensixxie
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zephyrmars · 29 days
New Update : September 15, 2024
I made some ship names for all of the Mount Rageons ships I can find 'cause I wanna tried it. I was inspired by TADC fandom's ship names for characters, for example: Pomni x Caine = Showtime. So I want to make one but with this.
Velvet x Orchid:
Kid Ritz x Veneer:
Starinterview/Starview (for short)
Popinterview/Popview (for short)
Luxury (His name Ritz means luxury while Ven is rich)
Bluetooth (Ritz's beanie hat is kinda blue for me while Ven's name is actually a dentist term. Pretty corny right 😅. There's also a ship name in TADC)
Veneer x Pamenilia:
Vanilla (The ship name Veneelia is quite sound like a word vanilla)
Kid Ritz x Orchid:
Purple (Their skin color is same)
Veneer x Justin:
Stars (Veneer is a popstar while Justin has stars on his jumpsuit. Ship name and explanation by @saccharinecoated)
Bluetooth (Same reason, except Justin's suit is blue, but yet still corny. I shouldn't use the same ship name for this ship but still want to put it)
Twinkle star
Pamenilia x Echo:
Sunset (Because purple and orange. Ship name and explaination by @saccharinecoated)
Veneer x Orchid:
Sunflower (Ven and Orchid are both happy, for at least. Ven wears color gold suit while Orchid's name is a type of flower)
Velvet x Pamenilia:
Ponytail (Idk what to think of other names for them. I chose this because they both have ponytail hairstyle)
Velvet x Kid Ritz:
Showtime (This name can also be use for Ritzneer but for me it's more on for Velritz because, for me, Velvet has more spotlight than Veneer (sorry Ven), while Ritz is the a popular interview, probably) (The ship name also exist too in TADC)
Midori x Elwyn:
Purplegreen (idk what to think of other name for them)
Kid Ritz x Pamenilia (just in case someone ships them):
Fanview (word mixture of fan and interview)
Velvet x Justin (my low-key crack ship)
Stars (same reason like Veneer x Justin)
Starlight (Velvet always in the spotlight while Justin has stars in his suit)
Pamenilia x Justin (Just in case someone ships them)
Orange (Same skin color, Pam's hoodie is orange, and Justin's hair is orange)
Kid Ritz x Justin:
Funnyview/Funview (The reason I put funny/fun here is because I always see Justin as the comic relief one)
Orchid x Midori x Velvet (Ship by @once-ler-ask-blog153):
Northern lights (Because the color of it is purple and green. Sorry, I tried to think of a better name for them)
Veneer x Kid Ritz x Pamenilia:
Berries (Ven and Pam's hair color and Ritz's beanie hat color is similar to any type of berries)
Kid Ritz x Summer (Ship and ship name by @simplydannie)
You guys are feel free to add what ship name you can come up with and I'll add it here. Thanks for liking it.
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radation · 9 months
Velvet cackles when she is being tickled, I do not make the rules.
Veneer has bubbly laughter when you tease him.
Velvet is a menace when she is ler, but she does know when to stop and she will only go really rough if needed. (But it won’t hurt, that’s how skilled this b is)
Veneer will tease velvet for being ticklish until he ends up getting himself wrecked. (poor boy lol)
Veneer is more gentle with the tickling but will still wreck you.
Veneer’s most ticklish spot is his armpits while velvet is either her feet or her hips, both work.
Both twins can easily pin their lee and tickle the hell out of them, though have had occasions when they have accidentally slipped and the lee escaped.
It will take YEARS for velvet to admit if she has a lee mood while it will probably take veneer 5 minutes.
Velvet has a skill in surprise attack while veneer is an expert in speed.
Lastly, velvet will 100% call you flustered face. (Example: ha! Flustered face.)
(Bonus, they both just have a smirk that makes the lee nervous, if they raise the eye brow? Lord have mercy.)
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1skittles1 · 2 months
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I did like a little sketch for this AU my friend made It’s called “Essence Chaos.” I’ll probably make more drawings cause I’m not to happy about how this turned out then again am I ever happy about how any of my drawings turn out 💀
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ga-u-1737 · 8 months
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@once-ler-ask-blog153 Your Ever After High au is amazing so I had to draw Veneer in your au
I can’t draw his Rage Dome Show Hair😭
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once-ler-ask-blog153 · 7 months
More evidence
Parts 1 and 2 of my theory if you didn’t get a chance to read it https://www.tumblr.com/once-ler-ask-blog153/740543214568849408
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anonwrites2233 · 5 months
Silly ler!Veneer headcanons!!!
He definitely is so so silly!! He’s goes “Coochie coochie coo!” And “tickle tickle tickle~!” And wiggles his fingers at his victims cause he’s so goofy and silly and he loves having fun!!
And he’s also a cheeky lil shit too!! He’s so smug when he tickles ppl, and he will exploit your worst spots and be delighted in tickling you.
“Oh not here~? Hm no, I think I’m good here”
You can tell just by his “boop boop boop!” Teasing at the trolls, he enjoys poking his victims for sure
He enjoys TEASING you so much dhdhehhenerjrj
He also loves to be a lil shit and tease Velvet with tickles teehee, classic annoying brother activities
He definitely laughs along with his victims too! He enjoys making ppl laugh and having fun
He also likes to wiggle his fingers and say “imma get you~!!”
He uses his noodle arms to stretch and wrap around his victims while he tickles them >:3 based on the chase scene in the hall too, I’d see him liking to run after you too! Probably does a lil “Gotcha~!” When he catches you~!
He def probably when not getting Vel, will team up with Vel on victims then they’re def screwed lol
I think he def would have mercy though towards the end, not wanting to go far and would give aftercare and rubs after to get the ghostly tickles to go away <33 he’s definitely ruthless with teasing tho til he knows you’ve had enough
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hearts4nate · 2 days
go sign the petition for my pooks @once-ler-ask-blog153 .!!
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safempty · 4 months
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All my talent it doesn't grows on trees
Pt. 2 Onceler as Velvet and Veneer
Some naughty fan left that kiss 🫢
I have one more extra, but I'll upload it later haha
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startupmemory · 4 months
Gosto muito do David Heinemeier Hansson e do Jason Frieds do Basecamp desde o Getting Real. Voltei a ler o blog deles recentemente e vou salvar alguns posts motivadores por aqui.
Esse sobre a beleza do trabalho, da habilidade, de fazer realmente bem feito.
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estelle-skully · 9 months
velvet just wrecks veneer out of the blue. With no warning whatsoever, probably when she's bored
(I love ur blog so much btw)
lmao I can just imagine him being like
I gotta learn to draw those two so I can make tk art of em
(also tysm omg 😭💜✨)
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