#Ler!Mango Cookie
radiant-fanon-maker · 2 years
Last compilation for the day
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Rambutan: You better get over here, troublemaker!
Mangosteen [Lychee Dragon]: NO!
Pitaya Dragon: AHAHAHAHA!
Mala Sauce: Your scales are no match for me!
Hydrangea: Do you want some tickles?
Lotus Dragon: ...mhmm..
Mango: Coochie Coochie Coo, sir!
Ananas Dragon is trying not to laugh
Snake Fruit: Now to just..
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Red Velvet: Huh. Keep going puppers
Crunchy Chip: NOHOHO
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Adventurer: It's one little gem, so please let me- AGH!
Jelly Worm: Look! I got his hat!
Jelly Serpent: Good job, little one. Wanna join the fun with the other snakes?
JW: Yeah!
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mushyblushyredhead · 1 year
DAY 9: Lie ˚✧₊⁎・⁎⁺˳✧༚ (Marvel)
TickleTober 2023 🎃
Presented by @august-anon
Lee!Peter 3
Ler!Doc Ock
Words: 2,400
Summary: Spider-Man’s snarky quips have always helped him out of intense situations. Except when one particular Spider-Man (Peter 3) quickly realizes that his iconic quips aren’t enough to hide the silly weakness he “totally doesn’t have” from a certain eight-limbed, but surprisingly playful, scientist.
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Peter 3 hummed to himself as he dangled upside down on one of the infamous actuators of Doctor Octavius. He never thought he’d be casually sitting in the same room with the once notorious villain from Peter 2’s universe.
The three Spider brothers had decided to hang out together earlier that day in the oldest Peter’s world. Except, Peter 2 had forgotten that he had to help assist Otto in the lab that same day.
“Aw don’t tell me you’re secretly helping him build another doomsday machine,” Peter 3 had joked.
The oldest rolled his eyes. “Relax. He’s dropped out of the villain gig for good. I was only supposed to help him sort and organize stuff around the lab, that’s all.”
The youngest Peter pouted. “Awww so what does that mean? You won’t be able to hang out today?”
Peter 2 was about to say something when the younger spiders both gave him their best puppy dog eyes stare. He grimaced. He could never deny his little bros with those looks. “Okay, look,” he finally said with a sigh. “Even though I’m supposed to help Otto today, I guess…you guys can…tag along too? As long as you don’t break anything, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind your guys’ company.”
“Alright!” The younger brothers cheered. “Let’s go!”
Things went smoothly upon arrival. Doctor Octavius was a bit surprised that all three Peter Parkers showed up, but he didn’t mind. While he and his Peter worked away at sorting through cabinets and desk drawers, the doctor let the younger Peters play around with his metal tentacles to keep them occupied.
Peter 1 was having a blast; swinging and dangling from the actuators, and letting them hold and lift him up.
Peter 3, however, wasn’t exactly having the same amount of fun. He simply sat down on a nearby swivel chair, pretending to be occupied with his web shooters. He was still a little unnerved about Doctor Octavius.
Okay, he had to admit, those artificially intelligent metal arms of his were really cool in a way. But they still seemed kind of…scary? Intimidating? The way those pointy claws curled and snapped shut, and the fact that were intelligent with a mind of their own that used to take control of their maker’s mind. Shudder.
It wasn’t until Peter 2 announced for a coffee break, that got the younger Spider bros’ attention.
“I’m just going to grab a couple coffees from Starbucks for us,” he said while grabbing his coat. “Anyone want anything from there?”
“Oooh! Oooh!” Peter 1 frantically waved from his upside down position on the actuators. “I’ll take a mango dragonfruit lemonade! Make it a venti!”
“Got it. Peter 3? You want anything?”
Said Peter hummed in thought. “Umm…a mocha cookie crumble for me. Make mine a venti, too.”
Peter 2 nodded. “Got it.”
The youngest spider chirped. “Wait! Can I come with you? You might need an extra pair of hands to carry all the drinks, heh.”
“Good thinking, little bro.”
“Awesome! Okay, uhh…can you guys let me go?” Peter 1 sheepishly asked the clingy actuators. They whirred understandingly and set him down, and all took a turn to give him a quick hair ruffle.
“You guys need me to come, too?” Peter 3 asked, getting up from his spot.
“Actually…” said the oldest. “Peter 1 and I can handle it. Thanks, though. In the meantime, you can hang back here in the lab. We won’t be long.”
“You can chill out here with Doc’s cool arms!” Peter 1 chirped. “They’re really fun to be around. Super clingy, too, but affectionate.”
“Oh. Okay then…” the middle brother eyed the mechanical arms wearily from the corner of his eye.
Peter 2 wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “Hey, I know what you’re thinking. There’s no need to be afraid or intimidated by him. It’s all good now. I know you don’t know Doc as well as I do or even like Peter 1 has gotten to lately, but this is a chance to get to know him, too. Oh, and don’t be scared about those metal arms of his. They won’t bite.”
Peter 3 rolled his eyes. “Yeah, okay, whatever. Just go get my coffee already. I need my caffeine!”
“Relax, bossy,” the oldest said with a poke to the middle’s ribs. “We’ll be back in a little bit.”
Peter 3 flinched and bit back a smile. It got super quiet in the lab now that the other two left. It was a little too quiet for Peter 3.
Doc Ock noticed how uneasy the middle Peter looked. He gave a little sigh. He must still be intimidated by me. He couldn’t blame the young Spider-Man. He knew he must’ve always looked intimidating to anyone who came across him.
But still, he didn’t want the young Parker to be afraid of him forever. Maybe his Peter’s suggestion earlier about leaving the two of them alone wasn’t such a great idea after all.
Then one of his nearby actuators chirped. Oh, yes. I almost forgot about that. Let’s just hope that what my Peter says about him is indeed true.
The scientist cleared his throat, breaking the awkward silence. “Y’know, you can have a look around my laboratory if you’d like. You don’t have to be confined to one spot.”
Peter 3 nodded. “Yeah, okay.”
Octavius shyly extended a metal tentacle towards him. “Would you…like to have a seat?” I know your other counterparts really enjoy it. Especially the littlest Peter.”
The middle Spidey hesitated or a moment. “Well…okay.” He climbed on top of the extended actuator. It suddenly lifted him up high off the ground. “W-Whoa! What the heck?!”
Doc Ock had to bite back a smile. “Sorry. Too high?” The actuator lowered. “That better?”
Peter 3 nodded. Feeling a little more relaxed, he let himself instinctively dangle upside down from the metal arm. Huh…he had to admit, this was nice. “Yeah. Don’t worry, it’s not your fault. Sometimes I forget those metal arms of yours have a mind of their own.”
The scientists hummed in agreement. “They can be quite a handful sometimes. But in reality, it’s like having four puppies attached to my back at all times.”
As if on cue, the other actuators slithered over to Peter 3, chirping curiously as they closed in. Peter 3 shrunk back a little. “W-Whoa uhm…they aren’t—they aren’t gonna like, attack me or anything, right?”
“Relax, they don’t bite.” Otto paused. “On second thought, technically they do, but you’ll get used to it.”
“Wait, what?!”
“Easy now, Peter,” Otto chuckled. “Before you get alarmed, I must ask…are you ticklish by any chance?”
Peter 3 could feel his cheeks grow warm in an instant. The question caught him so off guard, and already made butterflies fill his belly. “U-Uhhaahm…” he laughed awkwardly, averting his gaze. “Um…n-no..?”
“Hm. Your hesitance and the color of your cheeks says otherwise.”
Peter 3 awkwardly rubbed at his face, as if that would wipe away his blush. “W-Well I’m not hesitating. So…yeah. A-And I’m not ticklish, either.” He scoffed. “I mean, why would I be, right? That’s just not something that really works on me, y’know?”
Otto nodded. “I know, Peter. Which is why I’m gonna do this.”
Peter 3 suddenly squeaked like a mouse as he felt a jab to his side. “AaHHEAA!” Another squeeze, this time to his other side. The culprit? Two sneaky actuators. “Whoa, hey, d-don’t get any ideHAA! HaHAHeheheyyy! Nohohoho!” This time, both curious actuators simultaneously nuzzled against Peter 3’s sides.
The tallest Spidey was starting to lose his balance so he hopped off the metal tentacle. But as soon as he touched the ground, all four actuators surrounded and hovered over Peter 3, their claws teasingly pinching and wiggling in the air just above him.
Peter 3 squeaked and curled in on himself. His arms wrapped around his torso protectively. Air tickles always drove him crazy! It made his spider tingle go off over and over, which made the fuzzy feeling of anticipation even worse!
“Oh, and another thing, Peter,” Doc Ock’s voice cut in. “Your other two partners in crime explained to me how you’re still hesitant to be around me. I don’t blame you, boy. I now I can look very intimidating, but you don’t have to be afraid of me. I can be very fun to be around with, y’know!” He smiled over the sound of the tall Spidey’s cackles.
Peter 3 couldn’t answer properly with his mad giggling and squeaking. He couldn’t believe how teasy and casual the scientist was being! Okay, maybe his other spider bros were right about one thing: maybe he didn’t have to be intimidated by Doc Ock anymore.
But still, he couldn’t shake off the feeling like he had been set up. His question was immediately answered.
“I was also told by my Peter that the best way I could warm up to you was through silly play like this,” the scientist emphasized his point by having two metal arms squeeze at the boy’s ribs. “Since you love to play round and laugh. His words, not mine.”
“WhaHAAAhat?! I-I knew you guhuhuys were uhuhup to somethiHHEEE!! Something eheeHEE—evil when you were tahahahalking!”
“Why, I did no such thing,” Otto innocently answered. “I’m simply trying to show you how friendly and warm I can be. You, on the other hand, have brought this upon yourself by lying to me!”
“WhahAHAt?! I nehehever lied!”
“Mhm, did so. You lied about being ticklish, and I will not tolerate any liars in my lab!”
“B-Buhuhut I wahahasn’t lying! I-I swear!”
“Then lift your arms up.”
“You heard me. Lift your arms up. If you aren’t ticklish like you say, then clearly this shouldn’t affect you, right?”
“Well, then go ahead.”
Being ever so stubborn, Peter shook his head and wrapped his arms even tighter around his torso. “Noho wahahay! I knhohohow what you’re gonna do!”
Otto couldn’t help but laugh at the flustered Spider-Man. “Good lord, you must be extremely ticklish to be this jumpy and giggly.”
“I-I aham nahahahat!”
“Another lie right there! That’s it, now you’re going to get it!”
The four actuators descended onto Peter 3, two grabbing his wrists, making him screech. “NAAAAHAHAHAO PLEASE!”
The scientist actually jumped back at he sudden reaction and quirked a brow. “Too much? I’m sorry, I’ll tone it down if you’re too overwhelmed by this.”
The metal tentacles pulled away like nothing had happened. Otto stole a quick glance at Peter 3, and was sure his heart was going to melt at the sudden look of shock and disappointment on his face.
Was he…pouting?
“Something on your mind?” The doctor asked with a soft grin.
“U-Uhmm….I-I hhhmmffhh…” the flustered Spider-Man averted his gaze and fumbled with his hoodie sleeves. “Y-You don’t—you didn’t have to…necessarily stop…”
“Oh? Is that my cue to keep going?” The metal tentacles were back, pinching the air above Peter 3’s sides.
“W-Whoa! Watch ihihit with those thihihings! A-And what? Keep going?” Peter’s 3’s face flushed as red as a cherry. “You couuuuld if you wanted to…” His lips suddenly curled into a cheeky smile. “But you’re wasting your time ‘cause I’m not even ticklish!” He stuck his tongue out and made a run for it as soon as the actuators descended on him again.
Otto shook his head with a smile at the Spider-Man’s cheekiness. His Peter warned him about how stubborn Peter 3 could be when admitting something like being ticklish. But he also said that was just Peter 3’s silent way of asking for more tickles or to keep going as he always provoked the other person instead of asking for it; he was just too shy to ask the dreaded question.
Otto had his metal tentacles make a grab for him again, resulting in Peter dashing for the door. He, of course, didn’t make it and was once again grabbed and pinned by the actuators. “What is with you lying to my face? You’re literally giggling and squirming already and I haven’t laid a finger on you!”
Peter 3 just shook his head, sputtering more giggles as his blush darkened and reached the tips of his ears. “I-Ihihit’s your freaheeheeheaky arms! Make them stohohop thahat!”
The older scientist was confused at first, but quickly caught on when he saw his actuators hovering over the boy’s body, the claws teasingly wiggling and slowly lowering and pulling away at the last second. “Ohhh I see. You can’t stand anticipating tickles, can you?”
Peter 3 stuck his tongue out in response.
“My goodness, you just have quite the attitude today. I’m guessing you don’t want me to go easy on you then. For that extra lie, you’re getting all four actuators!”
“W-Wait huh? What does that me—HEEEEEEheahaHAAAAAhaha!!” Peter 3 didn’t have the time to finish his sentence because all four metal tentacles attacked him at once. One was squeezing at his ribs, another shoved under his arm, another scribbled at his belly, and the last one was trying to get at his kicking feet.
Despite not being restrained at all, Peter 3 made no real attempt to get away. He just laid there on the floor, squirming like a worm on a hot sidewalk, and cackling like a hyena.
“Interestingly enough, you’re not making much attempt to get away. I don’t even have to hold you down with my extra arms!”
“Oh? Is this a bad rib of yours?”
“YEHEHEHES!!” Peter 3 shook his head madly. “T-Thahahat one’s off limits—NAAAAAAHAHAAA!! N-Not there EHEEEHEHEEE—either!!”
Octavius shook his head with a chuckle. “Is there any part of you that isn’t ticklish?”
“I-I d-HAAAAAAHAHAA don’t knoHOHOW!! *snort*”
“Dihihid you just snort?!”
Unbeknownst to them, two figures were watching the playful spectacle from the slightly ajar door.
Peter 1 giggled behind his hand. “Peter 3 does sound like a hyena!”
Peter 2 lightly shushed him. “He sure does. I’m just glad Otto took my advice after all when we left. Well played with you too, little brother; tagging along with me to get those two alone.” He ruffled the younger spider’s hair.
Peter 1 squeaked happily at the touch. “Hey, you don’t think Peter 3 will get mad at us for doing this to him on purpose, do you?”
“Nah,” Peter 2 shook his head. “You know how much he secretly loves to be tickled. Besides, this way he won’t be afraid of Doctor Octavius anymore just like we all once were. Despite the scary metal arms, he really does have a soft playful side.”
THE END (*´꒳`*)
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Welcome to the Boba Shop!
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Waah okay here’s the event! It’s kind of silly jnkdf but I wanted to do something themed and I’ve been in a boba mood lately so I decided to do this! Everything is explained below, feel free to read!
Welcome to the Boba Shop! We’re serving up lots of different flavors this week, so make sure to grab it while you can! Below is our menu, we have lots to choose from! Customize your order however you like, and be sure to send it here!
Menu! ◃:✮.❃⭒
Tea!  ◃:✮.❃⭒
Milk Tea - “Bold words from someone within tickling distance.”
Brown Sugar Milk Tea - “You’re awfully cocky for someone who’s so ticklish.”
Strawberry Fruit Tea - “I love seeing you laugh!”
Mango Fruit Tea - “I really want to tickle you right now.”
Taro Milk Tea - “Did you just snort?”
Thai Milk Tea - “I’ll tickle it out of you!”
Matcha Milk Tea - “Your laugh is so cute!”
Peach Fruit Tea - “If you’re not ticklish, then why are you laughing?”
Guava Green Tea - “Sorry, I forgot how ticklish you are.”
Honey Lemon Oolong Tea - “You want me to tickle you that bad?”
Toppings!  ◃:✮.❃⭒
Classic Boba Pearls - Tickling in an inconvenient situation
Mini Boba Pearls - Sleepy tickles
Lychee Jelly - A lee asking for tickles
Coffee Jelly - A competition on who’s the better ler
Strawberry Jelly - Tickles + Cuddles
Popping Boba - A tickle fight!
Red Bean - Tickle revenge!
Grass Jelly - A tickle chase!
Pudding - Reward tickles for the lee/ler
Cheese Foam - A lee having to say “tickle”
Pick a tea and pick a topping! Or just pick a tea, or just pick a topping! We also accept custom requests! Our boba is quality guaranteed, and will be short and sweet! Our only rule is that you stick to the fandom list below when ordering your boba, and pick a pairing that you enjoy! If you need any clarifications on how our shop works, feel free to ask! The shop will be open until February 8th 7 PM PST so make sure to order before then!
Arcane | The Arcana | Bungou Stray Dogs | Beyond the Boundary | Cookie Run: Kingdom | Demon Slayer | Fruits Basket | Genshin Impact | Haikyuu!! | Harry Potter | The Legend of Zelda | The Lunar Chronicles | Persona 5 | She-Ra | Soul Eater | Stardew Valley | Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Happy Ordering!!
(Note: These are going to be short drabbles, so roughly 500 words or less! The “toppings” are some of my favorite tickle tropes that could be paired with the “tea”! Feel free to customize how you like, and remember to have fun! :D These are also mostly just things from my prompt lists so if there’s something that you wanna send in that’s custom that’s totally fine!)
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