#Leowaine as parents
akelafang · 2 months
I am slowly developing headcanons of all the knights pairing off and having kids in unconventional ways. I already made a post about Merlin using magic to turn himself into a woman and getting pregnant that way with Arthur's children. Now I've come up with an idea of one of Gwaine's old one-night stands coming back to bite him after he and Leon get together.
Here's how it goes: Gwaine unknowingly got a girl pregnant during his travels and due to a combination of not knowing where he went and not really wanting him involved, she didn't tell him. However, she got sick and died leaving her now toddler (who I'll call Bonnie) in the care of her aged parents who can't realistically take care of a small child. Having heard stories of what's become of Gwaine since his night with this woman, her father travels to Camelot with Bonnie and demands to see Sir Gwaine. He tells Gwaine the child is his daughter and now that her mother is dead it's his responsibility to make sure she's taken care of since he has the means to do so. Take her in himself or ensure she's with a family who can provide for her it doesn't matter, just make sure she'll be okay. Gwaine isn't sure what to do, he's worried he wouldn't be a good father and his relationship with Leon is still fairly new, but he doesn't like the idea of abandoning his daughter now that he knows she exists. He gets help from Merlin and Gwen in actually taking care of Bonnie since he has no idea how. Having them there gives him a chance to calm down and bond with his daughter without completely freaking out. He's still unsure what he wants to do long-term or how this is going to effect his relationship with Leon, he didn't sign up for a kid when they got together after all. Gwen encourages him to talk to Leon about it, pointing out that avoiding him and keeping something this big from him is going to do more damage than Bonnie's existence will. Gwaine does tell Leon about Bonnie and he takes the news a lot better than Gwaine was expecting. Leon explains that he likes kids and always wanted to be a parent but gave up on the idea after he fell for Gwaine thinking they could never have any. Gwaine expresses his worry about not being a good parent and Leon reassures him that while he likes the idea of kids he doesn't want to force Gwaine into it. He'll support whatever decision Gwaine makes when it comes to Bonnie and whatever way they go they'll figure it out together. Knowing that Leon will be with him either way is a massive comfort and Gwaine asks if Leon wants to meet Bonnie. Leon and Bonnie take to each other right away and seeing them together solidifies the decision for Gwaine. They raise her together and she grows up being a mischievous terror around the castle who gets away with it by hiding behind a polite smile and accommodating demeanor.
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akelafang · 1 month
Leon played the violin growing up and was quite passionate about it. The only thing he loved more was his training to become a knight which ended up consuming so much of his time he had to stop playing. Years later Leon's married to Gwaine and they've taken in Bonnie, Gwaine's daughter he didn't know he had from a one-night stand. Bonnie expresses an interest in music and Leon gives her his old violin, offering to teach her how to play.
Leon gets to reconnect with his old passion while passing it down to his daughter.
Bonnie learns to play many instruments over the years but she always comes back to the violin and the memories of playing with her papa.
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akelafang · 1 month
Can't help but imagine Arthur and Merlin playing matchmaker for their children the way Violet Bridgerton does hers. Arthur introducing them to people he thinks they'll take an interest in. Merlin subtly pushing them to the right action when courting drama pops up. Both of them ensuring that, while there are some matches that are more beneficial for the kingdom, their children know that their parents will not force them into a marriage they are not happy with and it's okay to choose a love match over an alliance with a neighboring kingdom
Will: Papa you're not mad about me choosing Bonnie over Princess Lola are you? Arthur: Son I changed several laws so that I could marry my manservant, I have no room to judge. At least Bonnie's the daughter of 2 knights, the council will have much less to complain about compared to my choice of spouse. My only issue is did she have to be Gwaine's daughter?
Merlin: Tell me, is there a reason you tend to throw Sir Moris around on the training grounds so much? Morgan: If this is your way of asking if I fancy Sir Moris and I'm pulling his pigtails instead of dealing with it properly then I'm sorry to tell you but you're off the mark on this one mama. I have more maturity than my lizard-brain little brothers. Merlin: Then why do you always push yourself so much harder when he's at training? The only other difference is that when he's not there his sister's not...oh Morgan are you trying to show off to Elise by beating up her brother when she watches training? Morgan: ...Maybe. Merlin: Alright, let me give you some advice on how to charm her without sending her family members to see Gaius.
Random Lord: My son has quite the talent for forging and metalwork. He's been asking to become an apprentice for my local smith. Arthur: Really? My second son Tristan is a talented bladesmith, he makes all his weapons himself. We should introduce them to each other.
Merlin: You certainly don't look ready for tonight's feast Freya: I'm not going down I'm...feeling sick Merlin: Ah, I'm quite familiar with this sickness. However you're not going to find the cure by moping in your bed all night. Freya: But going into the banquet hall will only make it worse. How can I face Lady Roslin after today? She hates me. Merlin: Did she say that? Freya: ... Merlin: Well her family leaves tomorrow, tonight might be your last chance to find out for sure
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akelafang · 2 months
People who have known Leon his whole life: Whoever that boy ends up with they'll be an efficiency-based power couple Leon: This is my boyfriend Gwaine People: That's a disaster on legs
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