#Leon: Petrol with Gwaine? I think you mean story time with Gwaine
akelafang · 2 months
Gwaine overhears some of the nobleborn knights complaining about how much he talks, saying they wish he'd learn when to shut up. He tries to shrug it off but noticeably doesn't say more than he needs to during his patrol with Leon that night.
Leon: What's got you so quiet? I kind of miss your usual chatter Gwaine: I don't need your mockery Sir Leon Leon: I was being sincere. If I'm being entirely honest you're my favorite person to do patrols with. It's a relief to not feel the need to fill the silence when you're more than willing to do so. And your stories, while most likely embellished, are very entertaining. I always look forward to hearing them Gwaine: Most people get tired of my voice Leon: Then most people are fools. I enjoy the sound of your voice Gwaine: Well in that case, did I ever tell you about the time I got into a bar fight with a crew of pirates in Mercia?
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