#Lenovo Device Intelligence
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technetmedia · 2 years ago
Transformacja cyfrowa dzięki najnowszym rozwiązaniom Lenovo
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Na targach MWC™ 2023 firma Lenovo zaprezentowała najnowsze rozwiązania w zakresie komputerów PC i Chromebooków, które pomagają w przyjęciu rozproszonego, hybrydowego stylu pracy i zapewniają zaawansowane funkcje umożliwiające użytkownikom spełnianie szerokiego zakresu wymagań i potrzeb.
Prezentuję Wam chyba najobszerniejszy i jak najbardziej dokładny materiał od Lenovo na temat tych rozwiązań na rok 2023.
Także, jeżeli jesteś fanem Lenovo, albo zastanawiałeś się nad zakupem produktów tej marki nie możesz obojętnie przejść obok tego materiału.
W skrócie
Lenovo™ prezentuje nowe urządzenia ThinkPad™ Z13 i Z16 (2. generacji) dla użytkowników poszukujących innowacji.
Najnowsze ThinkPad X13 i X13 Yoga (4. generacji) dla profesjonalistów, wymagających dużej mobilności.
Odświeżone notebooki ThinkPad serii T i L unowocześniają laptopy robocze dla wielu organizacji.
Zaktualizowany ThinkPad E14 (5. generacji) i nowy E16 (1. generacji) dostarczają DNA legendarnej marki ThinkPad do sektora MŚP.
Etui ThinkPad Professional Sleeve w wersji 13- i 14-calowej zapewni komfort i bezpieczeństwo urządzenia w podróży.
Najnowsze monitory ThinkCentre™ Tiny-in-One (TIO) (5. generacji) 22- i 24-calowe zapewniają modułowe rozwiązanie dla wielu scenariuszy.
Zmienione IdeaPad™ Duet 3i i IdeaPad Slim 3 Chromebook oferują wybór dla konsumentów ceniących sobie mobilność i wszechstronność.
Przyspiesz transformację cyfrową w świecie hybrydowym dzięki najnowszym rozwiązaniom Lenovo PC
Obejmując progresywną i współczesną filozofię projektowania, najnowsze rozwiązania PC, w tym kompleksowe odświeżenie całego portfolio ThinkPad, koncentrują się na poprawie wydajności systemu, zwiększonym wykorzystaniu bardziej zrównoważonych materiałów i ciągłym doskonaleniu doświadczenia użytkownika. Laptopy ThinkPad Z13 i Z16 drugiej generacji z systemem Windows 11 zwiększają kluczowe obszary funkcjonalności sprzętu i oprogramowania, aby pomóc użytkownikom zachować kreatywność. ThinkPad Z13 prezentuje również nową powłokę Flax Fiber, wykorzystującą materiały pochodzenia biologicznego (błonnik lniany pozyskiwany z rośliny lnu), zapewniającą wyjątkowy, indywidualny design i wrażenia. Lenovo zaprezentowało również przeprojektowane urządzenia ThinkPad X13 i X13 Yoga czwartej generacji z węższymi ramkami, nowymi kolorami, materiałami i funkcjami ułatwiającymi pracę hybrydową i mobilność. Portfolio ThinkPad na rok 2023 uzupełniają laptopy biznesowe ThinkPad T14s, T14 i druga generacja T16 oraz ThinkPad L13, L13 Yoga, L14 i L15 czwartej generacji, przeznaczone dla firm o szerokich potrzebach w zakresie komputerów mobilnych.
Firmy zorientowane na wysoki stosunek ceny do jakości poszukujące funkcji zwiększających produktywność mogą wybrać ThinkPad E14 piątej generacji z nowymi wyświetlaczami 16:10 lub nowy 16-calowy ThinkPad E16. Osobom często podróżującym spodoba się dodatkowa ochrona, jaką zapewnia nowe etui ThinkPad Professional Sleeve, dostępne w rozmiarach 13- i 14-calowych. Wysoce wszechstronny monitor ThinkCentre Tiny-in-One (5. generacji) oferuje ulepszone możliwości audiowizualne i nowe funkcje pozwalające na obsługę wielu scenariuszy pracy. Wreszcie, konsumenci mogą cieszyć się elastycznością oferowaną przez najnowszy IdeaPad Duet 3i, odłączany laptop z systemem Windows 11, który płynnie przechodzi między trybami standardowej pracy i funkcją tabletu. Prezentowany podczas targów IdeaPad Duet 3i pozwala doświadczyć ekosystemu ChromeOS. Urządzenie wyposażone jest również w szereg ulepszeń audio, wizualnych i łączności.
Wprowadzone dziś produkty mogą być również dostępne w ramach modelu Lenovo TruScale Device as a Service (DaaS), który oferuje organizacjom szeroką gamę rozwiązań cyfrowego miejsca pracy, elastyczne opcje płatności oraz możliwość łatwego skalowania zgodnie ze zmieniającymi się potrzebami. Aby jeszcze bardziej zwiększyć wydajność i doświadczenie pracowników, firmy mogą wdrożyć Lenovo Premier Support Plus (Usługa Premier Support Plus jest uzależniona od dostępności; może nie być dostępna we wszystkich krajach dla wszystkich produktów. Firma Lenovo zastrzega sobie prawo do zmiany oferty, funkcji i specyfikacji produktów w dowolnym momencie bez powiadomienia) . Ten nowy kompleksowy pakiet usług oferuje podejście do wsparcia IT skoncentrowane na człowieku, zapewniając użytkownikom bezproblemowe doświadczenie pracy z urządzeniem i bezpośredni dostęp do najlepszych inżynierów Lenovo. Premier Support Plus wykorzystuje również wgląd AI zasilany przez Lenovo Device Intelligence, aby pomóc zespołom IT przewidywać i zapobiegać przestojom urządzeń w całej flocie administrowanych urządzeń.
Ostatnie badanie Lenovo sugeruje, że IT ukierunkowane na cel umożliwia przekształcenie siły roboczej poprzez pozytywne zaangażowanie, hybrydową elastyczność pracy i większą koncentrację na doświadczeniach pracowników. Uzyskanie najlepszych wyników od użytkowników końcowych wymaga rozwiązań dostosowanych do dzisiejszego hybrydowego świata pracy, skoncentrowania na wspieraniu produktywności i ułatwianiu pracy zespołowej. Najnowsze laptopy Lenovo z serii ThinkPad prezentują innowacje zorientowane na człowieka, które mają kluczowe znaczenie dla pozytywnych doświadczeń pracowników, wprowadzając i udoskonalając funkcje, które zachęcają do nowych sposobów wydajniejszej pracy hybrydowej i jednocześnie podejmują znaczące wysiłki na rzecz tworzenia bardziej zrównoważonych produktów.
Portfolio ThinkPad zwiększa nacisk na gospodarkę cyrkularną
Zespoły projektowe i inżynierskie firmy Lenovo spędzają tysiące godzin na badaniu innowacji w zakresie produkcji, materiałów, efektywności energetycznej, obsługi i pakowania, aby nadal wytwarzać coraz bardziej zrównoważone produkty. Lenovo koncentruje się na inwestowaniu w odporny i bardziej zrównoważony globalny łańcuch dostaw, zwiększając wykorzystanie zrównoważonego paliwa lotniczego i biopaliw w transporcie, instalując energię odnawialną w swoich fabrykach i przyjmując najnowocześniejsze energooszczędne procesy produkcyjne w celu zmniejszenia emisji dwutlenku węgla.
Lenovo zachęca również swoich klientów do realizacji własnych celów w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju poprzez świadczenie usług, takich jak CO2 Offset Service, która zniwelowała już ponad 1 milion ton metrycznych dwutlenku węgla z zakupów komputerów Think PC, oraz Asset Recovery Service, która od 15 lat pomaga klientom w utylizacji sprzętu technologicznego wycofanego z eksploatacji.
Po wprowadzeniu na rynek odświeżonych laptopów ThinkPad X1 w grudniu 2022 r., w pozostałej części portfolio ThinkPad wprowadzono odświeżone i nowe modele, które jeszcze bardziej wzbogacają jedno z najbardziej wszechstronnych portfolio laptopów dostępnych na rynku. Większe wykorzystanie ilości materiałów pochodzących z recyklingu oraz plastiku Post Consumer Content (PCC) w wybranych komponentach jest zgodne z nieustannym naciskiem Lenovo na wspieranie gospodarki cyrkularnej oraz celem Lenovo, jakim jest włączenie treści pochodzących z recyklingu od konsumentów do 100% produktów PC do 2025 roku.
Ponadto nowa aplikacja Lenovo Commercial Vantage zapowiedziana w grudniu 2022 r. pojawi się również w nowych notebookach ThinkPad serii Z, serii X13, serii T i serii L. Poprzez jasno określone etykiety i informacje, intuicyjne funkcje zawarte w oprogramowaniu Commercial Vantage ma na celu wprowadzenie i zachęcanie użytkowników do włączania określonych ustawień, które mają pomóc w zmniejszeniu zużycia energii lub wydłużeniu żywotności komponentów.
ThinkPad wprowadza innowacje w zakresie konstrukcji, wydajności i doświadczeń użytkownika
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ThinkPad Z13 (2. generacji) i ThinkPad Z16 (2. generacji) są wyposażone w najnowsze procesory AMD Ryzen™ serii 7000 z grafiką AMD Radeon™ serii 700M, system Windows 11 i mogą być skonfigurowane z maksymalnie 64 GB pamięci Dual Channel oraz maksymalnie 2 TB dysku SSD PCIe, aby pomóc użytkownikom realizować najbardziej wymagające zadania. ThinkPad Z13 (2. generacji) prezentuje opcjonalny nowy materiał wzmocniony włóknem naturalnym, dopasowany do górnej pokrywy, która wyprodukowana jest z aluminium pochodzącego w 75% z recyklingu. Ten tkany materiał Flax jest wykonany w 100% z produktu rolniczego zebranego podczas zbioru włókien roślin lnianych.
Charakterystyczny wygląd i wrażenia z eleganckich, smukłych i lekkich form oraz ultra wąskich ramek przekładają się na szerszą atrakcyjność ThinkPada. Szybka i niezawodna łączność Wi-Fi 6E3 oznacza, że kamera FHD i mikrofony z obsługą Dolby Voice® zapewniają najwyższej jakości wrażenia audio-wizualne, które pozwalają na efektywną i wciągającą pracę zespołową, zwłaszcza w przypadku pracowników pracujących zdalnie.
Duży haptyczny panel dotykowy znajduje się obok legendarnego TrackPoint™, aby zapewnić wygodne i dokładne wprowadzanie danych w zależności od preferencji. Jego dwukrotne dotknięcie otwiera Szybkie Menu TrackPointa, które wyświetla cztery karty menu. Karty te można teraz dostosować do preferencji użytkownika, wybierając z listy opcji m.in. funkcje kamery i mikrofonu, ale także szybko skonfigurować wybrane ustawienia baterii i preferowane ustawienia urządzenia audio, takie jak Bluetooth® lub wbudowane głośniki.
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Przeprojektowane ThinkPad X13 (4. generacji) i ThinkPad X13 Yoga (4. generacji) posiadają smuklejsze ramki zwiększające stosunek ekranu do całego urządzenia i wprowadzają ulepszenia w funkcjonalności pracy hybrydowej dla osób często podróżujących. Głośniki Dolby Audio są teraz skierowane w stronę użytkownika, zapewniając bardziej wciągający dźwięk, a w połączeniu z nową opcjonalną kamerą 5-megapikselową z podczerwienią, wideokonferencje zapewniają prawdziwie zespołowe doświadczenie. Dla jeszcze większego zanurzenia w głębokiej czerni i żywych kolorach, X13 czwartej generacji, może być skonfigurowany z nowym 13,3-calowym wyświetlaczem OLED o rozdzielczości 2,8K, który obsługuje Dolby Vision® i posiada certyfikat Eyesafe® – technologię Natural Low Blue Light, która pomaga zmniejszyć zmęczenie oczu. Bezpieczeństwo i łatwość użytkowania zwiększa ultradźwiękowe wykrywanie obecności człowieka, które może chronić przed przypadkowymi obserwatorami „zaglądającymi nam przez ramię”, a logowanie do systemu upraszcza rozpoznawanie twarzy za pomocą funkcji Windows Hello.
ThinkPad X13 (4. generacji) i X13 Yoga (4. generacji) mogą być skonfigurowane z systemem operacyjnym do Windows 11 Pro i być napędzane przez najnowsze procesory 13. generacji Intel® Core ™ z Intel vPro® i zintegrowaną grafiką Intel Iris® Xe . X13 Gen 4 może być alternatywnie skonfigurowany z najnowszymi procesorami AMD Ryzen serii 7000 z grafiką AMD Radeon serii 700M.
Od momentu powstania w maju 2000 r. seria ThinkPad T doczekała się ponad dwudziestu generacji, a każda z nich koncentrowała się na ulepszeniu konstrukcji, wydajności i produktywności. Najnowsza generacja kontynuuje wprowadzanie stopniowych ulepszeń i wykorzystuje bardziej zrównoważone materiały, o których mowa powyżej. Nowa opcjonalna kamera 5MP z funkcją podczerwieni może poprawić doświadczenia użytkowników, ponieważ praca hybrydowa zwiększa zapotrzebowanie na wideokonferencje. Więcej opcji wyświetlaczy o niskim poziomie niebieskiego światła jest dostępnych we wszystkich modelach. Pozwala to na ochronę użytkownika przed zmęczeniem oczu, w tym opcja panelu OLED 2,8K dostępna w modelach T14 (4. generacji) i T16 (2. generacji) oraz T14s (4. generacji).
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ThinkPad L13 (4. generacji) i L13 Yoga (4. generacji) zawierają również opcję wyświetlacza o niskim natężeniu niebieskiego światła, co ma pomóc w zwiększeniu wydajności baterii. Najnowsza seria L, w tym L14 (4. generacji) i L15 (4. generacji) może być teraz opcjonalnie wyposażona w pamięć masową SSD o pojemności do 2 TB, czyli dwukrotnie większej niż w poprzedniej generacji.
Aplikacja Lenovo View dostępna w wybranych modelach ThinkPad zapewnia znakomity zestaw inteligentnych funkcji opartych na kamerze, które mają pomóc użytkownikom w odblokowaniu możliwości zintegrowanej kamery w celu zwiększenia doświadczenia w zakresie połączeń wideo oraz poprawy bezpieczeństwa i zdrowia. Ustawienia prywatności, alerty dotyczące stanu zdrowia oczu, automatyczne kadrowanie i algorytmy poprawiające jakość wideo to tylko niektóre z dostępnych ustawień, które płynnie współpracują z głównymi aplikacjami zunifikowanej komunikacji.
Klasyczne wzornictwo ThinkPada sprawia, że etui ThinkPad Professional Sleeve jest dostępne w rozmiarach 13″ i 14″, aby zapewnić dopasowanie do poszczególnych laptopów. Dzięki łatwo dostępnej przedniej kieszeni użytkownicy mogą  przechowywać telefon, kable i akcesoria. Ponadto, użytkownicy mogą robić to wszystko, zwiększając jednocześnie wykorzystanie bardziej zrównoważonych materiałów, dzięki naszym staraniom i wykorzystaniu 24% wegańskiej skóry, 73% przetworzonego politereftalanu etylenu (PET) na zewnątrz oraz 42% przetworzonej podszewki PET wewnątrz.
ThinkPad E Series dodaje energii małym i średnim organizacjom
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Małe i średnie firmy mają kolejną opcję w portfolio laptopów Lenovo. Oprócz portfolio premium i wyróżniających się ThinkBooków, użytkownicy ceniący wysoki stosunek ceny do jakości mogą wybierać spośród najnowszych ThinkPadów E14 (5. generacji) lub nowego 16-calowego ThinkPada E16. Seria E jest teraz wyposażona w wyświetlacze o proporcjach 16:10 i zwiększonym współczynniku screen-to-body przekraczającym 90%, a dzięki nowej klawiaturze i większej konstrukcji touchpada 115 mm użytkownicy mogą korzystać z komputerów jeszcze bardziej komfortowo.
Dostępne z systemem operacyjnym do Windows 11 Pro i najnowszymi procesorami Intel® Core™ 13. generacji lub najnowszymi procesorami AMD Ryzen serii 7000 z grafiką AMD Radeon 610M, lżejsze laptopy można skonfigurować z opcjami pamięci do 40 GB, podwójną pamięcią masową SSD oferującą do 2 TB i połączeniem bezprzewodowym za pośrednictwem opcjonalnego Wi-Fi 6E3 dla szybkiego stabilnego połączenia bezprzewodowego. Ponadto opcje baterii 47Whr lub 57Whr sprawiają, że ThinkPad E14 Gen i E16 lepiej niż kiedykolwiek nadają się do mobilności i hybrydowych miejsc pracy.
Ulepszony monitor ThinkCentre TIO (5. generacji) (22″ i 24″) zapewnia wszechstronną elastyczność All-in-One
W celu zapewnienia bardziej wszechstronnego doświadczenia All-in-One, współczynnik formy Tiny-in-One (TIO) tradycyjnie pozwalał na modularność, umożliwiając bezkablowe połączenie z różnymi komputerami Tiny oraz możliwość wymiany komponentów w razie potrzeby, dzięki czemu monitor i komputer można modyfikować osobno. Jeszcze bardziej zwiększając wygodę korzystania z urządzenia, najnowsza generacja monitorów ThinkCentre TIO jest naszpikowana funkcjami zorientowanymi na użytkownika, które odpowiadają na potrzeby bardziej mobilnych i hybrydowych pracowników. Dostępny w dwóch rozmiarach, 21,5 i 23,8 cala, nowy monitor ThinkCentre Tiny-in-One (5. generacji) oferuje ulepszone wrażenia audio-wizualne VoIP dzięki unowocześnionej kamerze internetowej 1080p, mikrofonowi i dwóm głośnikom skierowanym do użytkownika. Cechują je panele z ramkami NearEdgeless z 3 stron z wyświetlaczem sRGB FHD. Oba monitory wykorzystują naturalną technologię niskiego poziomu niebieskiego światła, aby zoptymalizować komfort oczu i są dostępne z 10-punktowym, dotykowym ekranem (opcjonalnie ekran dotykowy), który obsługuje również możliwość użycia pióra rysika (obsługa pióra stylusowego jest opcjonalna).
Modularna w swej konstrukcji linia produktów ThinkCentre TIO posiada tylną komorę z wbudowanym portem złącza 3 w 1, w który jednostkę stacjonarną Tiny może łatwo wpiąć i ją wysunąć, montując do monitora bez konieczności użycia kabla. W ramach odświeżonej konstrukcji nowy ThinkCentre TIO (5. generacji) został udoskonalony, aby teraz oprócz standardowego ThinkCentre Tiny obsługiwać nawet wysokowydajne komputery robocze ThinkStation™ Tiny. Niezależnie od tego, która jednostka PC jest podłączona, obrotowe, wentylowane drzwiczki komory osłaniają i chronią ją, zapewniając elegancki wygląd, gdy patrzy się na jej tył – co jest istotne w przypadku recepcji, kiosków, stacji roboczych na wózkach lub w call center. Aby jeszcze bardziej zabezpieczyć ten przenośny system, ThinkCentre TIO (5. generacji) wyposażono w podwójną blokadę Kensington Lock, która ochrania zarówno monitor, jak i podłączony do niego komputer Tiny PC. Jest to szczególnie przydatne, gdy system jest wdrażany w niemonitorowanych miejscach publicznych, takich jak stoiska targowe czy biblioteki.
Nowością w tej generacji jest również to, że ThinkCentre TIO (5. generacji) zawiera tylny port HDMI, a także Display Port, co umożliwia rozszerzoną kompatybilność z maksymalnie dwoma dodatkowymi komputerami zewnętrznymi, niezależnie od tego, czy jest to laptop, stacja robocza typu tower, czy inny komputer stacjonarny. Monitory ThinkCentre TIO (5. generacji) zawierają również wiele generacyjnych nowości konstrukcyjnych, które niedawno ogłoszono. Są to między innymi nowości dla linii monitorów Lenovo ThinkVision™ z serii T, w tym z ergonomiczą podstawką z szerszym zakresem podnoszenia, nowy przycisk joysticka do konfigurowania ustawień urządzenia, dedykowane przyciski VoIP z przodu monitora ułatwiające regulację głośności, oraz inteligentne sygnały wizualne, które zmieniają kolor na czerwony, gdy kamera jest włączona, aby ostrzegać ludzi, gdy użytkownik jest na wirtualnym spotkaniu. Monitory te pakowane są w papierową poduszkę. Oprócz tego można je uzupełnić o usługę Lenovo CO2 Offset, która pomoże organizacjom zrównoważyć emisję dwutlenku węgla.
IdeaPad Duet 3i zapewnia podwójną funkcjonalność w smukłej obudowie
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Smukły, stylowy i przenośny –  najnowsza generacja IdeaPad Duet 3i oferuje imponujący wyświetlacz, Windows 11 i potężny procesor Intel z serii N, połączenie to tworzy idealne urządzenie z odłączonym ekranem w przystępnej cenie.
Idealny dla studentów i osób, które realizują wiele zadań jednocześnie i potrzebują wszechstronnego i przenośnego urządzenia do pracy w każdym miejscu. IdeaPad Duet 3i jest lekki, smukły ma zaledwie 8,95 mm i łatwo konwertuje się między trybem laptopa, tabletu i pióra. Dzięki możliwości odłączenia ekranu od klawiatury użytkownicy mogą wygodnie pracować w mniejszych przestrzeniach, korzystając z opcji ekranu dotykowego.
Być może najbardziej imponującą cechą tego nieco większego, 11,5-calowego modelu jest dotykowy wyświetlacz 2K ze 100% DCI-P3, który zapewnia żywą gamę kolorów i jasność 400 nitów, dzięki czemu użytkownicy mogą cieszyć się doskonałymi wrażeniami z oglądania treści w różnych ustawieniach.
Ulepszona przednia kamera 5MP i tylna kamera internetowa 8MP oferują ostrzejszą jakość obrazu, wspieraną przez Dolby Audio, co zapewnia lepsze wrażenia. Ponadto, w tej generacji urządzenie oferuje płynniejsze działanie, a opcjonalne pióro Lenovo Digital Pen umożliwia szybkie sporządzanie notatek podczas spotkań lub lekcji.
Pozostań skupiony i produktywny dzięki najnowszemu procesorowi Intel z serii N, wspieranym przez Wi-Fi 6 oraz do 8,5 godziny pracy na baterii (Wszystkie informacje dotyczące żywotności baterii są przybliżone i oparte na testach wewnętrznych przeprowadzonych w optymalnych warunkach laboratoryjnych i sieciowych. Rzeczywista wydajność baterii będzie się różnić i zależeć od wielu czynników, w tym konfiguracji i użytkowania produktu, oprogramowania, warunków pracy, funkcji bezprzewodowych, ustawień zarządzania energią, jasności ekranu i innych czynników. Maksymalna pojemność baterii będzie się naturalnie zmniejszać wraz z upływem czasu i użytkowaniem.) z funkcją Rapid Charge Boost umożliwiającą 2 dodatkowe godziny użytkowania z krótkiego 15-minutowego ładowania (Ładowanie akumulatora z 0% pojemności naładuje się do 25% w 15 minut).
IdeaPad Slim 3 Chromebook (14″, 8) zapewnia niezbędną pomoc w podróży
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Dla tych, którzy szukają sprzętu oferującego wysoki stosunek jakości do ceny, pasującego do dzisiejszego, coraz bardziej nomadycznego stylu pracy i życia, został stworzony Chromebook IdeaPad Slim 3 nowej generacji z procesorem MediaTek™ Kompanio 500 Series. Ten 14-calowy laptop, dostępny z ekranem dotykowym FHD IPS (opcjonalnie ekran dotykowy), jest smukły i lekki, waży zaledwie 1,3 kg, a oferuje całodzienną baterię działającą do 13,5 godziny (Wszystkie informacje dotyczące żywotności baterii są przybliżone i oparte na testach wewnętrznych przeprowadzonych w optymalnych warunkach laboratoryjnych i sieciowych. Rzeczywista wydajność baterii będzie się różnić i zależeć od wielu czynników, w tym konfiguracji i użytkowania produktu, oprogramowania, warunków pracy, funkcji bezprzewodowych, ustawień zarządzania energią, jasności ekranu i innych czynników. Maksymalna pojemność baterii będzie się naturalnie zmniejszać wraz z upływem czasu i użytkowaniem.) oraz łączność Wi-Fi 6 (Wymaga oddzielnie zakupionego routera Wi-Fi i planu, który może się różnić w zależności od lokalizacji. Obowiązują dodatkowe warunki, postanowienia i/lub opłaty. Szybkość połączenia zależy od lokalizacji, otoczenia, warunków sieciowych i innych czynników).
W porównaniu do poprzednich generacji, ten Chromebook z serii 3 jest wyposażony w szereg ulepszonych funkcji, które wykraczają poza opcje jaśniejszego ekranu 100% sRGB. Dzięki przednim głośnikom dostrojonym przez Waves MaxxAudio, w pełni funkcjonalnemu portowi Type-C, opcji kamery internetowej FHD z fizyczną przysłoną oraz dedykowanemu klawiszowi wyciszenia, jest on gotowy do pracy, zabawy, nauki i nie tylko.
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gadgetsboy · 2 years ago
CES 2023: MediaTek Shows Off Latest in Wi-Fi and IoT Tech
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The new year has finally arrived, and we’re getting a load of awesome tech to go along with it. As such, MediaTek has announced several new technologies ahead of the Consumer Electronics Showcase (CES) 2023 in Las Vegas, and they bring some promising new advancements for Wi-Fi and smart home technology. Let’s take a look! Genio 700 Platform To kick things off, the company announced its latest addition to its Genio platform for IoT devices, which aims to bring improvements to smart home and smart retail tech, to name a couple. In particular, the series’ MediaTek Genio 700 is an octa-core chipset designed for just this purpose, featuring two ARM A78 cores running at 2.2GHz and six ARM A55 cores at 2.0GHz while providing 4.0 TOPs AI accelerator. It also comes with support for FHD60+4K60 display, as well as an ISP for better images. According to Richard Lu, Vice President of MediaTek IoT Business Unit: “When we launched the Genio family of IoT products last year, we designed the platform with the scalability and development support that brands need, paving the way for opportunities to continue expanding. With a focus on industrial and smart home products, the Genio 700 is a perfect natural addition to the lineup to ensure we can provide the widest range of support possible to our customers.” The Genio 700 SDK will allow designers to customize products using Yocto Linux, Ubuntu, and Android. With this support, customers can easily develop their own products with a minimal amount of effort, regardless of application type. Additionally, the chipset will have support for high-speed interfaces, including PCIe 2.0, USB 3.2 Gen1 and MIPI-CSI interface for cameras, Dual-Display support including FHD60+4K60 with AV1, VP9, H.265 and H.264 (video decode) support, industrial grade design and wide temp with 10 years longevity, ARM SystemReady certification for providing a standard and easy way to integrate the platform, as well as ARM PSA certification for increased security. The Genio 700 will be commercially available in Q2 2023. Wi-Fi 7 Ecosystem MediaTek also unveiled its new Wi-Fi 7 ecosystem, making it one of the first adopters of the fastest Wi-Fi tech available right now. The company says that this new breakthrough is the result of investing into Wi-Fi 7 technology, aimed at improving always-on connected user experiences for use across smart devices, streaming products, residential gateways, and more. As per Alan Hsu, MediaTek’s corporate vice president and general manager of the Intelligent Connectivity Business unit: “Last year, we gave the world’s first Wi-Fi 7 technology demonstration, and we are honored to now show the significant progress we have made in building a more complete ecosystem of products. This lineup of devices, many of which are powered by the CES 2023 Innovation Award-winning Filogic 880 flagship chipset, illustrates our commitment to providing the best wireless connectivity.” To put it simply, Wi-Fi 7 uses r320MHz channel bandwidth and 4096-QAM modulation to improve overall speeds and user experience. Multi-Link Operation (MLO) also enables Wi-Fi connections to aggregate channel speeds and greatly reduce link interruption in congested environments. MediaTek’s Wi-Fi 7 solution uses a 6nm process, which reduces power consumption by 50%, a 25x reduction in CPU utilization, and 100x lower MLO switch latency. 4T5R and penta-band mesh are also included to address a larger area of coverage and higher number of linked devices. The company also demoed several devices which use its latest Filogic chips, combining Wi-Fi 7 access point technology to broadband operators, retail router channels and enterprise markets. In particular, MediaTek’s Filogic 380 chipset is designed to bring Wi-Fi 7 connectivity to all client devices, including TVs, smart devices, and computers. With that said, MediaTek’s push to innovate and integrate Wi-Fi 7 technology was met with much praise, particularly from its partners including AMD, Lenovo, ASUS, TP-Link, BUFFALO LINK, Korea Telecom, Hisense, Skyworks, Qorvo, Litepoint, and NI. MediaTek x Federated Wireless Additionally, MediaTek has also been working with Federated Wireless in successfully completing interoperability testing for Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) on MediaTek Filogic Wi-Fi 7 and Wi-Fi 6E chips. For those unfamiliar with the term, AFC systems allow for standard power operation for indoor and outdoor unlicensed devices, including 5G CPEs, fiber gateways, and ethernet gateways, to transmit over 850 MHz of spectrum in the 6 GHz frequency band. This improves range for Wi-Fi products, as well as faster connectivity speeds and improved capacity, which comes into play alongside the arrival of Wi-Fi 7 technology. According to Alan Hsu, MediaTek’s corporate vice president of Connectivity: “Our leadership in Wi-Fi technology would not be complete without ensuring our customers have easy access to AFC solutions. We are very happy to partner with Federated Wireless and to have finished an extensive series of integration testing. Our Filogic Wi-Fi 7 and 6E chips, including the CES 2023 Innovation Award-winning Filogic 880, will soon support Standard Power operation in the 6GHz spectrum for companies producing Wi-Fi devices.”  The aforementioned AFC interoperability testing consisted of a set of positive and negative tests drawn from the Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) AFC System certification specification.  The positive tests included verifying the proper AFC calculation and response of spectrum availability at several locations, while the negative tests included verifying proper AFC System error handling. Kurt Schaubach, chief technology officer at Federated Wireless states: “We are proud to partner with MediaTek to perform these critical interoperability tests to ensure that the commercial industry is ready for standard power device operations to begin. Federated Wireless prides itself on being a premier collaborator with our partners and customers interested in spectrum sharing solutions.” The completion of these tests will allow customers to use Federated Wireless’ AFC system on MediaTek Filogic Wi-Fi 7 and 6E chips (upon full approval by the FCC). Read the full article
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tecnobinaria · 16 days ago
Lenovo y COCOCO presentan herramienta predictiva y proactiva para gestión de PCs a empresarios costarricenses
Lenovo y COCOCO presentan herramienta predictiva y proactiva para gestión de PCs a empresarios costarricenses
Lenovo y COCOCO Business presentaron a empresarios costarricenses, durante el VII Congreso de Zonas Francas, organizado por la Asociación de Zonas Francas (AZOFRAS), su Lenovo Device Intelligence Plus plataforma de monitoreo en tiempo real y análisis predictivo para detectar posibles problemas en hardware y software antes de que afecten la productividad. Esta herramienta se encarga de asistir a…
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truuther · 28 days ago
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parvez96 · 2 months ago
The Evolution of Lenovo Laptop: A Journey Through Innovation
# The Evolution of Lenovo Laptop A Journey Through Innovation
Lenovo has long been a key player in the laptop market, known for its innovation and adaptability. From its origins to its latest models, Lenovo laptop have undergone a remarkable evolution, meeting the diverse needs of users across the globe. In this blog, we’ll explore the journey of Lenovo laptops and how they’ve transformed over the years.
## 1. The Early Days: A Foundation of Quality Lenovo Laptop
Lenovo Laptop was established in 1984, originally as Legend Holdings in China. The company’s early focus was on building reliable PCs. By 2005, Lenovo Laptop acquired IBM's PC division, including the ThinkPad line—a pivotal moment that solidified its reputation for quality and durability. The ThinkPad became synonymous with business reliability, featuring its iconic design and robust build.
## 2. The Rise of Versatility: The Yoga Series
In 2012, Lenovo launched the Yoga series, introducing the world to the 2-in-1 convertible laptop. This innovative design allowed users to switch between laptop and tablet modes seamlessly. The Yoga series catered to those seeking versatility, appealing to both professionals and casual users. Its unique hinge design revolutionized the way people interacted with their devices.
## 3. Gaming Takes Center Stage: Lenovo Legion
Recognizing the growing gaming market, Lenovo introduced the Legion series in 2017. These laptops combined powerful hardware with sleek designs, targeting gamers who demand high performance. The Legion series showcased Lenovo’s commitment to adapting to changing user needs, offering features like high-refresh-rate displays and advanced cooling systems.
## 4. Sustainability and Efficiency: The Green Initiative
As environmental concerns grew, Lenovo stepped up its commitment to sustainability. The company began implementing eco-friendly practices in its manufacturing processes and product designs. The introduction of the **ThinkPad X1 Carbon** showcased this evolution, combining cutting-edge technology with materials designed to reduce environmental impact. Lenovo’s focus on sustainability resonated with consumers seeking responsible choices.
## 5. The Latest Innovations: AI and Beyond
In 2023, Lenovo continued to lead the industry by integrating artificial intelligence into its laptops. Features like **Lenovo Smart Assistant** enhance user experience by offering personalized settings, optimizing performance, and improving battery life. These advancements reflect Lenovo's ongoing commitment to staying ahead of technological trends and meeting user demands.
## 6. What’s Next? The Future of Lenovo Laptops
As we look to the future, Lenovo is poised to further innovate in the laptop space. With trends leaning toward remote work and flexible lifestyles, we can expect even more enhancements in connectivity, portability, and performance. Lenovo’s focus on user-centric design ensures that its laptops will continue to evolve in exciting ways.
## Conclusion
The evolution of Lenovo laptops is a testament to the brand’s ability to adapt and innovate. From reliable business machines to versatile 2-in-1s and powerful gaming rigs, Lenovo has consistently met the needs of its diverse user base. As technology advances, so will Lenovo, paving the way for a future filled with possibilities for laptop users everywhere.
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goldislops · 2 months ago
Qualcomm ramps up challenge to Intel and AMD with latest AI PC chip
Arjun Kharpal
Qualcomm looking to bring AI PCs to the 'mainstream', CEO says
Qualcomm launched a new PC processor on Wednesday as it looks to capitalize on electronics makers' desire to put artificial intelligence on their devices.
The move ramps up Qualcomm's efforts to challenge the dominance of Intel in the PC processor market at a time when the latter is facing mounting challenges.
Qualcomm took the wraps off the Snapdragon X Plus 8-core at the IFA conference in Berlin, Germany. The processor, designed for PCs running Microsoft's Windows operating system, promises to power AI processes with a long battery life.
The latest chips expand Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Series for PCs, which it launched last year.
The U.S. chip giant said the Snapdragon X Plus 8-core is designed for PCs costing as low as $700 as it looks to expand its semiconductors to more devices.
Qualcomm has traditionally designed chips that are used in the smartphones of many of the world's biggest players, including Samsung. But the company stepped up its PC efforts this year when Microsoft announced a Surface Laptop and a Surface Pro tablet with Qualcomm's X Series chips that can run some AI tasks without an internet connection. Microsoft calls these Copilot+ PCs.
In an interview with CNBC, Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon said that the company's push into PC chips forms part of a broader "diversification" story for the company away from just mobile chipsets. The company has also been building out its growing automotive business, with AI a key part of its strategy.
"We are on a journey to diversify and make sure our technology is now expanding into other markets," Amon said in a TV interview Wednesday.
He added that the PC market is "fundamentally" changing due to two things: mobile-PC convergence — in other words, people are coming to expect the same performance they get from their phones around things like battery life — and the convergence of AI with desktop computers.
Analysts said Qualcomm's timing to jump into PCs is key. Neil Shah, a partner at Counterpoint Research, highlighted a few converging themes that are helping the company. He highlighted the push toward "on-device AI," where artificial intelligence applications are processed on a piece of hardware rather than via the internet. Qualcomm has designed processors for smartphones that do this.
Meanwhile, Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Series is built on architecture from British chip designer Arm, allowing the processors to run complex applications with good energy-efficiency. This is key to extending battery life on devices.
"Since the AI boom happened last year, everything has been centered around AI which works well for Qualcomm because they have been ahead in the low powered AI device experiences on mobile," Shah told CNBC.
A view of the logo of Qualcomm at the Mobile World Congress 2024.
Ramon Costa | SOPA Images | Lightrocket | Getty Images
"Translating that to the PC form factor was not that difficult."
The support of Microsoft has also been important for Qualcomm to hit the mainstream in PCs, since Windows is one of the world's biggest operating systems, Shah said.
"The stars have aligned for Qualcomm," Shah said.
PC chip roadmap
The aim for Qualcomm going forward, CEO Amon said, will be expanding the company's AI-focused Snapdragon X line of chips to all personal computing devices, including smaller PCs.
"It's about now bringing AI PCs to mainstream," he told CNBC. "We see a great opportunity to expand your desktop market from scale."
"Next, we're going to see mini desktops from Qualcomm as well, and we're going to continue to add products and roadmap eventually to have the full range of products."
A number of major PC makers have adopted Qualcomm's Snapdragon X series chips for their devices. Companies like Lenovo have launched Copilot+ PCs based on Qualcomm chips and Windows operating system.
Qualcomm CEO discusses AI on the 'edge'
PCs are still a tiny portion of Qualcomm's overall revenue at the moment. But, Shah said, the number of PCs shipped with Qualcomm processors could grow 300% this year from last year.
While Microsoft said it would bring Copilot+ PCs with Intel and AMD chips to market at a later date, Qualcomm has pushed ahead.
To fight back, Intel launched its response to Qualcomm's PC chips on Tuesday. The Intel Core Ultra 200V series of processors are designed to power AI on PCs, the company said, and will be available this month. Intel touted the "power efficiency" of the chips in a press release as device makers look to bring high-performance AI with better battery life.
Amon said that Qualcomm will share an update in November about how many Surface PCs Microsoft has sold with chips from the chipmaking giant.
"Right now, they're actually exceeding our expectations," he said. "Microsoft and Qualcomm are both saying initial sales are exceeding expectations. But [we're] just at the beginning."
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fxpremiere00001 · 2 months ago
Lenovo: A Global Leader in Technology
Lenovo, a prominent name in the technology industry, has established itself as a leading innovator in personal computing, smartphones, and enterprise solutions. With a commitment to quality, performance, and innovation, Lenovo continues to push the boundaries of technology.
 Origins and Growth
Lenovo was founded in 1984 in Beijing, China, as Legend Holdings. Initially focusing on the distribution of imported computing technology, the company quickly shifted to manufacturing its own products. By 2003, Legend Holdings rebranded itself as Lenovo, combining "Le-" from Legend and "novo," the Latin word for new, to symbolize innovation and a fresh start.
 Acquisition of IBM’s PC Division
A pivotal moment in Lenovo's history came in 2005 when it acquired IBM’s Personal Computing Division, including the iconic ThinkPad line of laptops. This acquisition catapulted Lenovo onto the global stage, bringing advanced technology and a strong brand reputation. The ThinkPad series, known for its durability, reliability, and performance, remains a cornerstone of Lenovo's product lineup.
 Innovation and Product Range
Lenovo’s product portfolio is diverse, catering to various market segments. The company offers a wide range of laptops, desktops, tablets, smartphones, and smart devices. The Yoga series, introduced in 2012, showcased Lenovo’s innovative spirit with its flexible 2-in-1 design, combining the features of a laptop and a tablet.
 Enterprise Solutions
Beyond consumer electronics, Lenovo is a key player in enterprise solutions. The company provides servers, storage, and networking products, catering to businesses of all sizes. Lenovo’s Data Center Group (DCG) focuses on delivering reliable and scalable infrastructure solutions, ensuring businesses can operate efficiently and securely.
 Smart Technologies
Lenovo is also at the forefront of smart technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and Internet of Things (IoT). Products like the Lenovo Smart Display and Lenovo Mirage AR headset illustrate the company’s dedication to integrating cutting-edge technology into everyday life.
 Commitment to Sustainability
Lenovo is committed to sustainability and corporate responsibility. The company has implemented various initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, such as using recycled materials, improving energy efficiency, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Lenovo’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its products and operations.
 Global Presence
With a presence in over 180 countries, Lenovo has a truly global footprint. The company’s diverse workforce and multicultural approach enable it to understand and meet the needs of customers worldwide. Lenovo’s strong market position in Asia, Europe, and the Americas underscores its global influence.
Lenovo’s journey from a small Chinese startup to a global technology leader is a testament to its commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. As technology continues to evolve, Lenovo remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries, delivering cutting-edge products and solutions that enhance the way we live and work.
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systemtek · 3 months ago
14% of PCs shipped globally in Q2 2024 were AI-capable
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According to the latest Canalys data, 8.8 million AI-capable PCs were shipped in Q2 2024. These devices are defined as desktops and notebooks that include a chipset or block for dedicated AI workloads, such as an NPU. Shipments of AI-capable PCs represented 14% of all PCs shipped in the quarter. With all major processor vendors’ AI-capable PC roadmaps now well underway, the stage is set for a significant ramp-up in device availability and end-user adoption in the second half of 2024 and beyond.  “The second quarter of 2024 added significant momentum to the expansion of AI-capable PCs,” said Ishan Dutt, Principal Analyst at Canalys. “June saw the launch of Copilot+ PCs incorporating Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X series of chips, based on Arm architecture. While shipment volumes in the quarter were relatively small due to the limited weeks and geographical coverage of availability, the broad commitment of Windows OEMs to adopt these products into their portfolios bodes well for the category’s outlook. In the x86 space, Intel ramped up its delivery of Core Ultra chipsets, reporting strong sequential performance for its AI PC products, while AMD announced its Ryzen AI 300 series of notebook processors in June, with product releases starting in mid-July.”   “With a strong foundation now set, AI-capable PC shipments are poised to gain further traction in the second half of 2024,” added Dutt. “Processor vendors and OEMs are set to target a wider base of customers through new product category availability across more price points. Meanwhile, channel partners are signaling a preference for AI-related features in PCs, with close to 60% of respondents in a May poll indicating that they expect customers to favor devices with a Copilot key. The market performance of AI-capable PCs has largely aligned with expectations and the industry remains on track to ship around 44 million units in 2024 and 103 million units in 2025, according to Canalys forecasts.”  Vendor and platform highlights  With its entire Mac portfolio incorporating M-series chips with the Neural Engine, Apple boasts the highest AI-capable PC shipments and share of the portfolio currently. The announcement of Apple Intelligence, which is now in the developer beta stage in the US, brought greater clarity to AI use cases for Mac. When the features go live, they will be compatible with the vast majority of the existing Mac installed base, providing Apple with rapid scaling of users’ exposure to its AI experiences.    In the Windows space, AI-capable PC shipments grew 127% sequentially. Lenovo, the highest shipping PC vendor globally, made its foray into Snapdragon X powered PCs with the Yoga Slim 7x and ThinkPad T14s, helping to boost the AI-capable share of its total Windows PC shipments to around 6% in the quarter. This represents a sequential growth of 228% for its AI-capable PC shipments. HP achieved around 8% AI-capable PC share within its Windows shipments, with the launch of the Omnibook X 14 and EliteBook Ultra G1 Snapdragon Copilot+ PCs on top of its broadening offerings of Core Ultra devices across various product lines. Dell had just below 7% of its Windows shipments represented by AI-capable PCs, backed by its strong commercial presence. It launched Copilot+ PCs across its XPS, Latitude and Inspiron lines but with staggered availability.    “A key benefit from AI-capable PCs that has materialized for PC OEMs is the growth boost within their premium offerings,” added Dutt. “Windows PC shipments in the above US$800 range grew 9% sequentially in Q2 2024, with AI-capable PC shipments in those price bands up 126%. As the range of features from first- and third-party applications that leverage the NPU increase and the benefits to performance and efficiency become clearer, the value proposition for AI-capable PCs shall remain strong. This is especially important over the next 12 months as a significant portion of the installed base will be refreshed as part of the ongoing Windows upgrade cycle.”   Canalys AI-capable PC definition:   At a minimum, an AI-capable PC must be a desktop or notebook possessing a dedicated chipset or block to run on-device AI workloads. Examples of these dedicated chipsets include AMD’s XDNA, Apple’s Neural Engine, Intel’s AI Boost and Qualcomm’s Hexagon.  Read the full article
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researcher-marketers · 5 months ago
High-Performance Computing Market Size, Share and Industry Analysis, Report 2024-2032
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The latest report by IMARC Group, titled" High-performance Computing (HPC) Market Report by Component (Hardware, Software and Services), Deployment Type (On-premises, Cloud-based), End Use (Aerospace and Defense, Energy and Utilities, BFSI, Media and Entertainment, Manufacturing, Life Science and Healthcare, and Others), and Region 2024-2032", offers a comprehensive analysis of the industry, which comprises insights on the market. The global high-performance computing market size reached US$ 42.3 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 64.4 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.7% during 2024-2032.
Factors Affecting the Growth of the High-Performance Computing (HPC) Industry:
Increasing Demand for Enhanced Computing Power:
The growth of the high-performance computing (HPC) industry is largely fueled by the increasing demand for enhanced computing power across various sectors. Industries such as biosciences, financial services, and engineering require massive computational capacities to handle complex simulations, data analysis, and predictive modeling. HPC systems provide the necessary power to perform these operations at unprecedented speeds, significantly reducing the time for data processing and analysis. This capability is crucial for advancing research and development activities, optimizing financial forecasting, and engineering simulations, thereby driving the adoption of HPC systems to meet these computational demands.
Integration with AI and Big Data Analytics:
The convergence of HPC with cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics has substantially contributed to the growth of the HPC industry. HPC systems are integral for training and running AI models, particularly those requiring extensive data processing capabilities. As AI continues to permeate various sectors, the need for HPC systems to process and analyze large datasets quickly and efficiently increases. This integration enhances the capabilities of HPC systems in real-time data analysis, machine learning tasks, and handling big data workloads, making them indispensable for businesses and research institutions looking to leverage advanced analytics.
Expansion into New Verticals:
HPC is expanding its footprint into new verticals beyond traditional scientific research, such as media and entertainment, retail, and autonomous vehicles. In media and entertainment, HPC is used for high-resolution video processing and virtual reality environments. Retailers utilize HPC for customer behavior analysis and supply chain optimization. In the automotive sector, HPC supports the development and testing of autonomous vehicles through simulation and data analysis. This diversification into various industries promotes broader application scenarios for HPC, broadening its market reach and stimulating further growth of the industry. Additionally, HPC's role in healthcare for genomic analysis is supporting market growth.
For an in-depth analysis, you can request a sample copy of the report: https://www.imarcgroup.com/high-performance-computing-market/requestsample
Leading Companies Operating in the Global High-Performance Computing Market
Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
Atos SE
Cisco Systems Inc.
Dell Technologies Inc.
Fujitsu Limited
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Intel Corporation
International Business Machines Corporation
Lenovo Group Limited
Microsoft Corporation
NetApp Inc.
Nvidia Corporation
High-Performance Computing (HPC) Market Report Segmentation:
By Component:
Software and Services
Hardware dominates the market as it is the core of HPC systems, comprising essential elements like processors, memory, and storage that directly influence computing power and performance.
By Deployment Type:
On-premises account for the largest market share as many organizations prefer to maintain control over their high-performance computing resources to ensure security, performance optimization, and customization.
By End Use: 
Aerospace and Defense
Energy and Utilities
Media and Entertainment
Life Science and Healthcare
Based on the end use, the market has been segmented into aerospace and defense, energy, and utilities, BFSI, media and entertainment, manufacturing, life science and healthcare, and others.
Regional Insights:
North America (United States, Canada)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Others)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, Others)
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Others)
Middle East and Africa
North America's dominance in the high-performance computing market is attributed to the strong presence of leading technology companies, extensive investment in research and development, and high adoption rates of advanced computing technologies across various industries.
Global High-Performance Computing (HPC) Market Trends:
The global high-performance computing (HPC) market is witnessing significant growth and expansion driven by its escalating demand across various sectors such as weather forecasting, scientific research, and complex simulations. There's a notable shift toward adopting HPC solutions in industries like automotive, aerospace, and pharmaceuticals for advanced product innovations and research. Additionally, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning with HPC systems is revolutionizing data processing capabilities, enabling more sophisticated and accurate analyses. Furthermore, the increased focus on developing energy-efficient HPC systems is positively driving market growth, enhancing and improving their attractiveness to environmentally conscious enterprises. 
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
About Us
IMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
IMARC’s information products include major market, scientific, economic, and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high-technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology, and novel processing methods are at the top of the company’s expertise.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
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zitostechnologies · 5 months ago
Zitos Technologies Limited: Your Trusted Source for Second-Hand Laptops in Auckland
In today’s fast-paced world, technology is constantly evolving, making it essential for individuals and businesses to stay updated with the latest devices. However, the cost of brand-new laptops can be prohibitive. This is where Zitos Technologies Limited offers high-quality second-hand laptops in Auckland. With a strong reputation for reliability and affordability, Zitos Technologies Limited has become the go-to source for used laptops in New Zealand. This article delves into the advantages of purchasing second-hand laptops from Zitos Technologies Limited and highlights why they are the best choice for your laptop needs.
High-Quality Second-Hand Laptops in Auckland
Zitos Technologies Limited specialises in providing top-notch second-hand laptops that undergo rigorous testing and refurbishment processes to ensure they meet high performance and reliability standards. Their extensive range of notebooks caters to various needs, whether you’re a student, a professional, or a gamer. Here’s why choosing a second-hand laptop from Zitos Technologies Limited is an intelligent decision:
Affordability: One of the primary advantages of purchasing a second-hand laptop is the significant cost savings. Zitos Technologies Limited offers competitive prices, making it possible to acquire high-performance laptops without breaking the bank. This mainly benefits students and small businesses working within a tight budget.
Quality Assurance: Each laptop sold by Zitos Technologies Limited is thoroughly inspected and refurbished by a team of experienced technicians. This ensures that the laptops are in excellent working condition, with any necessary repairs or upgrades completed before they reach the customer. Buyers can rest assured that they are investing in a reliable device.
Sustainability: Purchasing a used laptop is an environmentally friendly choice. By choosing second-hand devices, you help reduce electronic waste and promote the recycling and reuse of valuable materials. Zitos Technologies Limited is committed to sustainability and encourages customers to make eco-conscious purchasing decisions.
Wide Range of Options Available
Zitos Technologies Limited boasts an extensive inventory of second-hand laptops, offering something for everyone. Whether you need a lightweight laptop for travel, a powerful machine for graphic design, or a budget-friendly option for everyday use, you’ll find it at Zitos Technologies Limited. Their user-friendly website makes browsing and comparing different models easy, ensuring you find the perfect match for your needs.
Variety of Brands and Models: Zitos Technologies Limited offers various brands and models, from Dell and HP to Apple and Lenovo. Each laptop is listed with detailed specifications, making finding a device that meets your specific requirements easy.
Expert Guidance: Need help determining which laptop is right for you? The knowledgeable staff at Zitos Technologies Limited is always available to provide specialist advice and help you make an informed decision. Their commitment to customer satisfaction ensures you receive the support you need throughout the buying process.
Laptop Online Sale: Convenience at Your Fingertips
In addition to its physical store in Auckland, Zitos Technologies Limited offers the convenience of an online sale platform for Laptop online sale second hand. This allows customers across New Zealand to browse, purchase, and have laptops delivered right to their doorstep. Here’s why the online shopping experience with Zitos Technologies Limited stands out:
Ease of Shopping: The user-friendly website lets you easily search for laptops based on brand, price, and specifications. Detailed product descriptions and high-quality images provide all the information you need to make an informed choice.
Secure Transactions: Zitos Technologies Limited prioritises customer security, ensuring that all online transactions are safe and secure. With multiple payment options available, including credit cards and bank transfers, purchasing your second-hand laptop is hassle-free.
Fast and Reliable Delivery: Once you’ve made your purchase, Zitos Technologies Limited ensures prompt and reliable delivery. Their efficient logistics network guarantees that your laptop will arrive safely and on time, no matter where you are in New Zealand.
Zitos Technologies Limited is a trusted provider of high-quality second-hand laptops in Auckland and beyond. With a focus on affordability, quality assurance, and customer satisfaction, they offer an unbeatable solution for those purchasing used laptops in NZ. Whether you visit their physical store or use their convenient online sale platform, Zitos Technologies Limited is your go-to source for reliable, cost-effective laptop solutions. Choose Zitos Technologies Limited for your next laptop purchase and experience the perfect blend of quality and value.
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gadgetsboy · 6 months ago
Microsoft Boasts Powerful AI alongside Qualcomm Team-up
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It's been quite a busy month for tech. Following major announcements from Apple and Google a couple of weeks back, Microsoft took centre stage as it unveiled a new breed of portable computing devices, which it markets as "Copilot+ PCs." According to Microsoft, they differ from more "traditional" computers thanks to the inclusion of built-in AI via Microsoft Copilot+ and new dedicated hardware. CHECK OUT: Meet the Swift 14 AI, Acer’s New Copilot+ Laptop More specifically, this dedicated hardware comes in the form of Qualcomm's new Snapdragon X Elite series processors, which, unlike its other SoCs, are developed specifically for Windows devices. The chips were announced way back, but it's only now that we've seen a more formal announcement of sorts from Qualcomm and Microsoft. That said, both companies seem very confident of the Snapdragon X series chips, which pack enough power on paper to take on Apple's M3 processor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZbHd4suAnQ Microsoft adds that Copilot+ PCs are "the fastest, most intelligent Windows PCs ever built," attributing this claim to 40+ TOPS (trillion operations per second) performance, all-day battery life, and access to AI features. For example, users can remember what they have seen on their computer with Recall. They can generate and refine AI-produced images in near real-time via Cocreator, which performs all operations on-device. There are also live captions that can translate audio from 40+ languages into English. That said, several big names in the industry have also released their first-ever Copilot+ laptops with Snapdragon inside, including ASUS, Acer, Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Samsung. Interested buyers can pre-order today, although we'd recommend waiting for some reviews to come out first for a more well-rounded look at the overall performance of the new Snapdragon X chips. Of course, Microsoft is not one to fall behind in the PC race - it does sell its line of first-party computers, after all. The company also unveiled two new devices, the Surface Laptop 7 and the Surface Pro 11. The Surface Laptop 7 comes with a thin-bezel design with a 13.8-inch or 15-inch display and is, of course, powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon X series, available in Plus and Elite chip variants. It also comes with memory options of 16GB or 32GB and storage options of 256GB, 512GB, or 1TB SSD, and is available in Platinum, Blue, Black, and Dune starting at $999. There's also the new Surface Pro 11, which is available in different display configurations, including a 13-inch LCD or OLED display, and can likewise be purchased with either the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Plus or Elite chip inside. While it lacks a keyboard, it includes two USB-C ports and a Surface Connect port, and its battery supposedly lasts all day. It's available in Black, Platinum, Blue, and Dune at $999. With all that being said, it's certainly interesting to see where Microsoft's massive push for AI-centric computing and Arm-focused hardware will lead, especially since it looks to win back market share from Apple. Read the full article
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govindhtech · 8 months ago
Lenovo slim 7i 14 Touchscreen Intel Evo Platform Laptop
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Lenovo slim 7i laptop
Lenovo unveil the Slim 7i Gen 9 notebook, which has an OLED display and the newest Intel Core Ultra Meteor Lake CPUs. Users may already save a significant $164 on the laptop’s top configuration, even though the device is still relatively new to the market.
Evolutionary machinery
The Lenovo Slim 7i laptop brings a dramatic leap into real-world hybrid performance with its up to Intel Evo, which has 12th Gen Intel Core processors, and delivers exceptional performance where you need it most. Run all of your necessary apps, increase performance, edit 4K footage with ease, and save time. You may easily multitask, work quickly on large creative projects, and apply filters to hundreds of photographs when using Intel Arc graphics. With the Lenovo Slim 7i, you can do everything at maximum speed and efficiency because of the integrated Premium Media Technology.
Amusement everywhere
With an aspect ratio of 16:10 for higher, more optimal viewing, the up to 14″ 2.8K QHD+ touchscreen display offers breathtaking clarity. Visuals will display with amazing color, brightness, contrast, and detail thanks to a full-color spectrum and Dolby Vision, and a refresh rate of 90Hz will guarantee that your screen never lags. The Lenovo Slim 7i laptop provides amazing entertainment wherever it is, especially when paired with the strong sound of Dolby Atmos tuned stereo speakers.
With Premium Suite, you may increase your efficiency in any endeavor by using a comprehensive configuration of high-quality hardware and software tailored just for you. Listen to every breath, rhythm, and boom with the four Dolby Atmos-enhanced speakers. With the four studio-caliber microphones that block out distractions, you can control the room from any location. With its 1.5mm key travel and concave shape, every keystroke on the keyboard is precise and comfortable—just the way you need them to be.
Images That Provide Complete Immersion
The Cloud Grey premium aluminum design of the Lenovo Slim 7i laptop is designed for creators in any environment. The upgraded color-matching keyboard makes the color scheme elegantly consistent and makes typing more comfortable and easy. You may enhance your quality of life with features like the higher camera notch, which allows for effortless one-handed opening and speedier movement than ever.
With a large 90% active area ratio, the 14-inch WUXGA OLED touchscreen display allows you to glide into sheer brightness. With Dolby Vision, images are presented with a very realistic degree of detail, and for situations with more depth, the 1,000,000:1 ratio produces striking contrasts. Your work and entertainment will seem even more colorful with 100% P3 color gamut and 10-bit color depth. The 1s reaction time prevents ghosting and blurring of the action. The TÜV Hardware Low Blue Light Certification makes it more pleasant to work through late-night deadlines or marathon movie sessions.
Sensibly intelligent and safe
A variety of AI-powered smart features are available on the Lenovo Slim 7i laptop to help you organize your day. Flip-to-start makes it easier than ever to get started by just opening the lid, and smart login ensures that you don’t have to bother about inputting your password. AI-powered privacy warnings keep you informed and safe from prying eyes. In addition, the FHD webcam and noise-cancelling microphone provide very clear video conferences and conversations.
Hardness That Adapts to Your Motions
Utilize your creativity while on the road with the Lenovo Slim 7i, all without compromising durability. This ultra-portable laptop with a comfort edge design has a sleek design and a stunning Luna Grey hue. In order to guarantee optimal dependability, the Lenovo Slim 7i has undergone several testing in accordance with the stringent MIL-STD 810H specifications. This laptop is designed to work in tough conditions and keep up with you, whether you’re heading to the studio or stopping by a shoot site.
Relationships That Expand Your Universe
With the Lenovo Slim 7i, connecting is quicker than ever since it has two USB-C Thunderbolt ports that allow for quick power supply and data transmission. Utilize an HDMI 2.1 connector to extend your workspace by connecting to an 8K monitor. Additionally, during creative brainstorming, the Voice ID algorithm uses noise cancellation to ensure that words and sounds are perfectly clear.
The Energy Source for Your Creativity
A battery that can keep up with you allows creativity to flow without limits. With the Lenovo Slim 7i laptop’s long-lasting battery, you can cut the cord and remain powered for the duration of the day. Rapid Charge Boost can quickly get you back on the road when your battery is low. You may continue using your battery for an amazing two hours after only fifteen minutes of charging.
Sustainability Is Integrated Throughout
The Lenovo Slim 7i 14′′, which is ENERGY STAR certified and registered with EPEAT Gold, achieves Plastic-Free Packaging thanks to its system bag made entirely of bamboo fiber that is 100% biobased and cushioned by dry-pressed paper pulp. The 65W power adapter casing is constructed from 90% post-consumer recycled plastic, the keyboard is made from 50% post-consumer recycled plastic, and the bottom cover is made from 50% recycled aluminum. Every paper used in packaging is produced from other regulated materials with less unfavorable environmental effect and is FSC certified.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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researchgroupreports · 10 months ago
EdTech Market Size, Growth, Trends, Industry Overview 2024-2032
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IMARC Group, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “EdTech Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032” The global edtech market size reached US$ 222.4 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 661.2 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 12.48% during 2024-2032.
Request For Sample Copy of Report For More Detailed Market insight: https://www.imarcgroup.com/edtech-market/requestsample
Factors Affecting the Growth of the EdTech Industry:
Increasing Emphasis on Personalized Learning:
The growing emphasis on personalized learning is offering a favorable market outlook. Traditional education systems often follow a one-size-fits-all approach, which can overlook individual learning styles, paces, and interests. EdTech solutions offer tools and platforms that can be tailored to the specific needs of students, enhancing engagement and efficacy. Adaptive learning technologies modify the difficulty level and type of content based on the performance of the learner, ensuring a more personalized educational experience. This approach not only supports students who might struggle in a conventional classroom setting but also allows progressive learners to progress at their own pace.
Technological Advancements:
The rising innovations in artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and cloud computing are enhancing the way educational content is delivered and experienced. AI-driven platforms are enabling more effective learning and teaching processes by providing insights based on data analytics, automating administrative tasks, and facilitating more engaging and interactive learning experiences. VR and AR technologies are turning traditional learning environments into immersive, interactive experiences, making complex subjects more accessible and enjoyable. This technological evolution is not just enhancing academic learning but also offering new avenues for skill development and professional training.
Increasing Accessibility and Cost-effectiveness:
Digital educational resources, such as e-books, online courses, and educational apps, often come at a fraction of the cost of traditional learning materials and methods. This affordability opens up educational opportunities to a wider audience, particularly in developing regions where access to quality education can be limited. Moreover, the advent of mobile learning (m-learning) is further increasing accessibility, allowing learners to access educational content from anywhere, at any time, utilizing smartphones and tablets. In addition, these resources are also enabling continuous learning and skill upgrading for professionals, thereby playing a pivotal role in lifelong learning and career development.
Top Companies Operating in Global EdTech Industry:
2U Inc.
Chegg Inc.
Class Technologies Inc.
Coursera Inc.
Google LLC (Alphabet Inc.)
Instructure Inc.
Lenovo Group Limited
SMART Technologies ULC (Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Ltd.)
Udacity Inc. and upGrad Education Private Limited
EdTech Market Report Segmentation:
By Sector:
Higher Education
K-12 represents the largest segment, owing to the growing number of students in this age group, driving the demand for educational technology solutions.
By Type:
Hardware accounts for the majority of the market share due to increasing investments in devices by schools and institutions to facilitate modern learning experiences.
By Deployment Mode:
On-premises hold the biggest market share as educational institutions often prefer having direct control over their information technology (IT) infrastructure and data security.
By End User:
Individual Learners 
Individual learners exhibit a clear dominance in the market, attributed to the rising popularity of online lessons and self-paced learning options among a diverse range of learners.
Regional Insights:
North America (United States, Canada)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Others)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, Others)
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Others)
Middle East and Africa
North America dominates the market on account of its advanced technology infrastructure, increasing investment in education, and the rising number of key companies headquartered in the region.
Global EdTech Market Trends:
The growing trend of gamification in education is positively influencing the market. Gamification involves employing game design elements in non-game contexts, such as education, to enhance motivation and engagement among learners. Educational content is becoming more engaging and enjoyable by incorporating points, badges, leaderboards, and interactive storylines. This approach improves knowledge retention and makes the learning process more appealing, especially for younger students. Gamification also encourages healthy competition and goal setting, which are important aspects of the educational process, driving further innovation and adoption in the EdTech sector.
Other Key Points Covered in the Report:
COVID-19 Impact
Porters Five Forces Analysis
Value Chain Analysis
Strategic Recommendations
About Us
IMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
IMARC Group’s information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the company’s expertise.
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itfamilymedia · 10 months ago
Lenovo demonstrates a series of new products at CES 2024
Lenovo has just launched its latest consumer device portfolio at CES 2024 with a focus on promoting innovation with the help of AI (artificial intelligence), from the high-end Yoga line to the popular IdeaPad. Notably, the Lenovo Yoga 9i 2-in-1 (14 inch, Gen 9) model combines the Lenovo Smart Pen and carrying case, with MIL-STD-810H1 standard for durability. It comes with a Lenovo AI Core chip…
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jcmarchi · 10 months ago
Computer Companies Hope AI Will Spark Interest in New PCs - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/computer-companies-hope-ai-will-spark-interest-in-new-pcs-technology-org/
Computer Companies Hope AI Will Spark Interest in New PCs - Technology Org
Personal computer (PC) manufacturers are relying on integrations of artificial intelligence (AI) to boost sales.
A view from the CES 2024 event. Image credit: Consumer Technology Association
This way, companies are aiming to entice consumers into upgrading from pandemic-era laptops or even older devices to something made more recently.
Companies like Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Intel are incorporating “neural processing units” (NPUs) in their latest chip designs, aiming to attract customers to invest in higher-end laptops. The integration of advanced AI capabilities is seen as a strategy to compete with Apple and gain a larger market share.
Chip manufacturers integrated NPUs because they offer high AI performance with relatively modest power consumption. While there are currently limited applications fully utilizing these capabilities, more are anticipated, experts say.
Adobe’s creative software suite is one of the few applications taking advantage of these chips.
At CES 2024, Intel organized an “open house” where PC vendors like Dell and Lenovo showcased their latest laptops, featuring demonstrations highlighting the new capabilities.
A Dell laptop presented at the event introduced an AI key, marking Microsoft’s first addition of a Windows keyboard button in decades. The “Copilot” key activates Microsoft’s generative AI software, providing assistance with applications and answering complex questions. Despite the current reliance on a cloud-based Copilot, Dell emphasizes the potential for enhanced speed, lower latency, and increased capabilities by incorporating these engines directly into PCs.
Transferring Copilot to personal computers will demand significantly more powerful machines than presently available, even with advanced AI chips. Currently, these new chips are integrated into pricier laptops offered by PC manufacturers collaborating with Intel and AMD.
PCs featuring advanced AI chips are expected to fall within the price range of $800 to $1,200.
Written by Alius Noreika
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technetmedia · 1 year ago
Transforming digital workspaces: Lenovo introduces new hardware and software to power the future of hybrid work.
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Lenovo™ introduces new, groundbreaking technology tools tailored to the dynamic, evolving needs of today's business end users.
The new monitor, software and accessories are designed not only to enhance the capabilities of today's remote and hybrid workforce, but also to address the significant challenges facing businesses in the midst of digital transformation across departments. Lenovo research shows that managing remote workers and global teams remain CIO's core tasks. That's why the new offerings combine impressive computing power, immersive 3D viewing and advanced security to create a seamless, user-centric experience.
“In an increasingly dynamic hybrid and remote work environment, the concept of ‘one size fits all’ technology solutions is no longer viable. Research shows that more than half of CIOs are investing in digital transformation, where both employers and employees are looking for the right technology tools that not only meet the minimum technical requirements, but can provide flexibility and convenience that combine both productivity and collaboration”. Said Johnson Jia, Senior Vice President, Global Innovation Center Intelligent Devices Group, Lenovo. “The new devices and software we are introducing today are integral elements of a unified ecosystem that leverages massive computing power, immersive visualization and adaptive software. Together, they unlock the possibilities that technology can offer for better work and a better team experience.”
ThinkVision 27 3D Monitor: Stunning 27-inch 3D and 2D glasses-free monitor
As more and more of our work and personal lives move into the digital realm, the powerful combination of display, computing and manufacturing technologies has ushered the 3D ecosystem into an exciting new phase. Content creators and professionals increasingly need immersive remote collaboration and a streamlined content creation process, from 3D graphic design and games to 3D movies. In response to this need, Lenovo introduces the ThinkVision 27 3D Monitor, a pioneering 27-inch display with glasses-free 2D/3D compatibility designed for more immersive creation, connection and collaboration.
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The ThinkVision 27 3D monitor is designed for seamless development, combining an immersive, realistic experience with ease of use. Provides an immersive 3D experience without the need for 3D glasses. Combined with real-time eye tracking for smooth movement, the interchangeable lens provides a more natural 3D viewing experience.
The ThinkVision 27 3D monitor can greatly increase productivity by reducing the need for additional processing power for 3D rendering, while providing a consistent user experience in 2D and 3D modes. The precision of 4K clarity combined with professional double colour accuracy of 99% (DCI-P3, Adobe RGB) makes this monitor the perfect tool for professional content creators. A 3D monitor displays two independent images to the user's eyes, so that each eye sees an object from a slightly different angle. This process ensures a clear stereo image and depth perception in a natural and efficient stereoscopic visualization. The ThinkVision 27 3D monitor also features built-in speakers and connectivity options, including a USB-C® dock and modular camera support for extended functionality and easy charging.
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Combined with 3D Explorer software, the new 3D monitor creates a comprehensive ecosystem for the creation and use of 3D images. The solution offers users an easy platform to access all 3D3 applications, as well as the ability to optimize work and comfort, while increasing control and efficiency. The 3D Explorer platform provides creators with useful tools such as a 3D player for watching movies and files with 3D effects, support for design and productivity software, and a developer SDK for building 3D applications. New features will be refined over time to enhance and extend the 3D experience, pushing the boundaries of digital interaction while providing access to a vibrant and evolving 3D ecosystem.
Lenovo Professional Headsets: Stay focused and collaborate from anywhere
Knowledge workers still need a better audio experience to stay connected and focused as they work from anywhere – be it in a noisy office, at home or somewhere in between. Designed for the hybrid world of conferencing, Lenovo's new professional headsets with seamless audio quality and high comfort are certified for Microsoft Teams™ and Zoom™ and optimized for other select leading platforms. The Lenovo VoIP Wired Headset and the Lenovo ANC 2nd Generation Wired Headset have a consistent design and feature a built-in call control panel for ease of use. A USB-C plug (with a USB-A adapter) provides greater compatibility, and replaceable ear pads increase user comfort. In the latter case, priority is also given to ANC (Active Noise Cancellation) achieved by virtual elimination of distracting ambient sounds.
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Lenovo Device Manager: Streamline remote work with enhanced power management features
Lenovo Device Manager's phased power management features are now conveniently gathered on one page. The Startup Phase allows you to manage eligible Windows PCs and SmartEdge devices.
In addition, PeakShift will be introduced for Lenovo ThinkPad devices, which automatically switches power to the battery during peak hours. In the next phases, Lenovo Device Manager will be introduced with power management (configuring sleep/hibernation settings) and a dashboard widget, creating a comprehensive AI-powered power management solution.
To further help businesses understand energy usage patterns and potential savings, Lenovo Device Manager will provide an energy cost savings report based on scheduled usage and power management operations. Using the power of artificial intelligence, the system helps each device achieve optimized power management.
ThinkPad Professional Backpack (16") Gen 2
Constructed from high-quality, lightweight materials with 70% recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) outer materials, it's designed to keep your laptop and accessories safe and organized. The spacious main compartment and dedicated padded compartment hold up to 16" laptops. Four extra pockets keep your essentials organised, while a clever cable hole lets you charge on the go4, while a travel-friendly luggage strap makes it easy to transport.
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ThinkPad Professional Case (16", 14") Gen 2
Top load bags provide a lightweight and durable way to carry your laptop and essentials without the need for larger backpacks. The 16" and 14" bags are made from more sustainable premium materials, with 89% and 88% of the exterior materials respectively made from recycled PET. Both bags offer multiple pockets for efficient organization, a padded shoulder strap and a luggage strap that can be easily attached to your cabin luggage. The 16-inch version also includes a large main compartment, a separate laptop compartment and an additional smart socket for a charging cable on the go.
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Now, by connecting the Lenovo ThinkPhone by Motorola to any Lenovo monitor with a USB-C5 cable, users will have access to the capabilities of Windows 365 Cloud6, allowing them to use the full suite of Microsoft applications from anywhere they work to facilitate work, view documents, and more. All of these solutions go beyond high-performance computing to advance professional workspaces, inspire creativity and foster collaboration to complement the way businesses and people work today.
Article written by @marcinwojcik from @technetmedia based on information from Lenovo Polska.
Images copyrighted by Lenovo.
LENOVO, THINKVISION, THINKPHONE and THINKPAD are trademarks of Lenovo. MOTOROLA, the Stylized M Logo, MOTO and the MOTO family of marks are trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC. INTEL, INTEL CORE, the Intel logo and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its affiliates. ZOOM is a trademark of Zoom Video Communications, Inc. DROPBOX is a trademark of Dropbox, Inc. USB Type-C® and USB-C™ are registered trademarks of USB Implementers Forum. BLUETOOTH is a trademark of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). NVIDIA and GeForce are trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation. Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2023, Lenovo Group Limited.
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