#Lenny Nunes
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Lenny Nunes at Paul Costelloe, Fall 2022
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6/12 おはようございます。Byrds / The Byrds syla8754 等更新しました。
Mel Torme / An Evening With George Shearing cj-190 Cannonball Adderley / in New York Rlp404 Mundell Lowe / Guitar Moods RLP 12-208 Gildo Mahones / Soulful Piano pr7339 Charles Mingus / Mingus Dynasty 847009BY Bill Evans / the Bill Evans Album C30855 Lennie Tristano / The Lennie Tristano Quartet SD2-7006 Pat Martino / Consciousness mr5039 John Gregory / A Man For All Seasons Uag29546 Milton Nascimento / Ao Vivo 817307-1 Clara Nunes / Canto Das Tres Racas XSMOFB3915 Rance Allen / Ain't No Need Of Crying MPS-8507 Eugene Chadbourne / Country Protest SAVE7 Byrds / The Byrds syla8754 Gyorgy Ligeti / Aventures WER60022
~bamboo music~ https://bamboo-music.net [email protected] 530-0028 大阪市北区万歳町3-41 シロノビル104号 06-6363-2700
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Lenny Nunes
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Lenny Nunes — Unknown age — Brazil
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Lenny Nunes
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Lenny Nunes
#Lenny Nunes#woman#beauty#pretty#model#eyes#lips#sexy#hot#beautiful body#legs#thighs#beautiful hips#sexy hips#feet
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London Fashion Week Fall 2022 (Part 2)
Matty Bovan
Molly Goddard
Nensi Dojaka
Paul & Joe
Paul Costelloe
Poster Girl
Simone Rocha
Yuhan Wang
#favorites#London Fashion Week#fall 2022#Marques'Almeida#Matty Bovan#Jeffrey Lever#Mithridate#Aworo Mayowa#Molly Goddard#Edie Campbell#Nensi Dojaka#Mila Van Der Horst#Paul & Joe#Edwina Preston#Paul Costelloe#Lenny Nunes#Poster Girl#Issa Lish#Simone Rocha#Evie Harris#Yuhan Wang#Maisie Dickinson
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#antidote#channel#Miami#levis#jean#bling#male model#lenny kravitz#typography#wall#type#hype#carlos nunes
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Portugál zenebutik III.
Valószínűleg két nép van a világon, ami büszke arra, hogy sírva vigad. A másik a portugál.
Bár a sorozatban többnyire a kortárs portugál könnyűzene ilyen-olyan elemeit tervezem elővenni, de nem mehetek el az igazi portugálikum (luzonikum?) mellett sem, ami ízig-vérig megtestesíti a portugál néplélek melankolikus kínkeservét: ez a fado (ejtsd: fádu).
A fado akkor jó, ha fáj. Szóval lehetne magyarul fájdu is. E tekintetben tehát olyan, mint egy szar szóvicc, de a hasonlóságok sora ezen a ponton meg is áll.
A fado akkor jó, ha zokogsz, ha meghallod. Ha feltépi a mérhetetlen hiány és vágyakozás okozta fájdalom sebét. Olyannyira, hogy erre a lelki állapotra a portugáloknak külön szavuk is van: saudade. A DSM-ben is van erre szó: depresszió.
Több elmélet van a fado eredetére; mindenesetre valószínűsíthető, hogy valamelyik tengerészek és örömlányok által sűrűn látogatott negyedben serkent kb. kétszáz éve. Jó eséllyel a lisszaboni Mourariában. Eredetileg közösen énekelték és táncoltak hozzá. A hangulat olyan lehetett, mint amit egy korabeli Kamionosok és kurvák partitól elvár az ember. Aztán telt az idő, a táncos lábak székre rogytak, és már inkább csak eltartott kisujjal hallgatták a népek a (nem zöld-fehér) fadista szívszaggató énekét, ahogy kíséretként vele zokogott a 12 húros portugál gitár.
Mára a fado a portugál identitás részévé érett, UNESCO világörökséggel oltalmazott kulturális cikké nemesedett, futószalagon leénekelt turisztikai haknivá silányult. Kinek hogy.
Én amikor - vagy két évvel a Lisszabonba költözésem előtt - először voltam beterelve egy kötelező fado estre, a felemelő fájdalomban osztozást nem, a bezártságtól a pánikrohamot annál inkább éreztem. Ehhez képest ma néha magamtól is berakok valami fado lejátszási listát mosogatáshoz. Persze ehhez kellett, hogy echte portugál barátokkal menjek el párszor ilyen eseményre (az egyik haver haverja fadozgatott egy helyi kiskocsmában és többnyire a baráti köre volt ott. Hallgattuk, beszélgettünk, két pofára zabáltuk a csigát vagy a tremoçot (csillagfürt magot) és jól éreztük magunkat. Ez a setting azért jobban utat nyitott a zenéhez is.)
A fadora épülő nagyipari showbiznisz is kitermelte a maga hőseit az évszázadok alatt. Ma valószínűleg Mariza (a félig portugál, félig mozambiki Marisa Reis Nunes) a legnagyobb fado-díva. Úgy értem, sportcsarnokokat csurig töltő fado-díva.
De azért mégiscsak akinek a neve a XX. században egybeforrt a műfajjal, a fado királynője (a rainha do fado), Amália Rodrigues.
Tőle hoztam most azt a dalt, ami olyannyira nem érfelvágós, hogy gyorsan rá is kérdeztem most egy portugálnál, hogy fadonak számít-e ez, de végül azzal zárta az eszmefuttatást, hogy "Ha Amália énekelte, akkor fado."
Azért is ezt a számot választottam, mert mindig jókat kuncogok a refrénjén: A Cheira bem, cheira a Lisboa sort fejben mindig csak parasztba fordítom: "Jól szaglik. Úgy szaglik mint Lisszabon."
Persze ha kicsit megerőltetem magam, akkor a Cheira a Lisboa-t úgy ültetném át magyarra, hogy "Lisszabon-illat terjeng".
Maradjunk is ennél. Még akkor is, ha Lisszabon amúgy tényleg tud rohadt büdös lenni.
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mwwfcs mais velhos?
Esse é meu momento! Vamo lá:
mwm: Henry Cavill (serio eu dou tudo que você quiser se me dar esse homem), Ben Affleck, Brandon Routh, Jason Momoa, Don Cheadle, Lenny Kravitz, The Rock, Joseph Morgan, Charles Davis (e todo elenco de TO e TVD porque amo), James Marsden, Reynal do Gianecchini (o maior gala brasileiro sim), Rodrigo Lombardi, Bruno Gagliasso, Donald Sutherland (tudo pra mim um Snow), Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr., Colin Firth, Gabriel Nunes, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Morgan Freeman, Samuelr Jackson, Jack Black.
mwf: Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Candice Accola, Queen Latifah (rainha mesmo), Jessica Alba, Juliana Paes (pelo amor de deus), Alinne Moraes, Harlle Berry, Paola Oliveira, Octavia Spencer, Kerry Washington, Julianne Moore, Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Garner, Salma Hayek, Priyanka Chopra (amo demais), Deepika Padukone, Song Seon-mi (rainha, perfeita 0 defeitos), Vivianne Pasmanter, Igrid Guimarães, Lee Young Ae, Angela Basset, Whoopo Goldberg (tudo pra mim 2), Emily Blut, Anne Hathaway, Helena Carter, Eva Green.
Espero ter ajudado cinzinha!
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Ana Claudia Michels with architecture in “50 Shades of Grey” for Vogue Brazil, November 2012. Photograph by Zee Nunes.
“Top & biquini, R$ 1,700, o conjunto, Lenny. Braceletes, R$ 493 cada, Eleonora Hsiung na Esencial.”
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Impeachment fiasco is a Dem gift to Donald Trump
Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi have managed to pull off a miracle with their impeachment gambit.
They’ve united Republicans around Donald Trump, a feat once thought impossible, and for which the president owes a great deal to Schiff’s dogged Republican counterpart Devin Nunes.
“There has never been so much unity and spirit in the Republican Party, as there is right now!” trumpeted Trump on Twitter Friday.
As support for the president edges up nationally and, notably, in the battleground state of Wisconsin, where 94 percent of Republicans oppose impeachment, he has been gifted a remarkable campaign advantage by his opponents.
He ran as an outsider in 2016, and now he gets to run again as an outsider, despite three years in the White House.
The Beltway Brahmin class of bureaucrats and resistance journalists have provided him a new campaign pitch: “New hoax. Same swamp.”
After two weeks of public impeachment hearings, we are no closer to evidence that Trump committed an impeachable offense over Ukraine. Inappropriate, perhaps, but that’s his middle name.
The partisan audience — and media — sitting in the hearings each day, cheering along Schiff’s cunning narrative, has misled the Democrats into thinking it has popular backing.
Like the boy who cried wolf, if you spend long enough shrieking that Trump is the devil incarnate, eventually people switch off.
You only had to hear the laughter at the end of proceedings Thursday, when Schiff let down his guard and mocked Nunes, to recognize the anti-Trump mood infecting the public gallery in Room 1100.
“This is such a threat to democracy … more so than anything I’ve seen in my life,” said retired attorney Michael Lennie, 77, who had come from San Diego to watch the hearings.
When did he realize the gravity of the case? “November 2016.” Boom.
Nor did retiree Melissa Colbert, 71, and Susan Zengerle, 68, of Maryland, hide their antipathy to the president. They were there representing a grassroots political group, Indivisible Montgomery.
“It’s really an anti-Trump group,” said Zengerle. Naturally, she found the impeachment witnesses “very credible and nonpartisan” and the Republicans “obstructionist.”
Like the men and women who testified, the audience might be patriotic Americans doing their duty, but they also seem convinced that this elected president is an existential threat to the republic.
Once you’ve convinced yourself of that, it’s a small step to insist he must be removed, by fair means or foul, to save the nation.
But this is a dangerous delusion which, after three years of crying wolf, afflicts only a shrinking minority of Americans.
The Democrats’ all-smoke-no-fire game has turned off independent voters already disillusioned with the failed Russia collusion probe.
“You’ve seen the polls, I’m going through the roof,” Trump boasted on “Fox & Friends” on Friday morning. “In Wisconsin, in the swing states, I’m well up … because the people get it. It’s a witch hunt.”
He’s not wrong.
As Democrats head home for Thanksgiving to take the temperature of their districts, polls spell impending doom.
Among all-important independent voters, opposition to impeaching Trump leaped from 37 percent to 47 percent over the first week of the public hearings, according to a Politico-Morning Consult poll released Tuesday.
An Emerson poll released Wednesday similarly found a rise in opposition to impeachment among independents, from 39 percent last month to 49 percent.
Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, which Trump won by just 23,000 votes in 2016, a Marquette University poll published Wednesday found 53 percent of all registered voters opposed impeachment, up slightly from last month — and that includes opposition from a whopping 94 percent of Republicans.
The poll also showed Trump flipping the tables to lead every Democratic presidential candidate, including Joe Biden by three points.
Then there’s the Blexit metric. Two polls last week showed Trump’s approval among black voters up around 34 percent.
In the Emerson poll, Trump scored a 34.5 percent job approval rating, echoed in a 34 percent approval in Friday’s Rasmussen poll.
This is the Democrats’ worst nightmare since they need around 85 percent black support to win a presidential race.
Emerson also showed overall approval of Trump jumped to 48 percent from 43 percent last month, before hearings began.
No wonder Democrats in the 31 districts Trump won in 2016 are nervous.
Upstate, Anthony Brindisi, who has a narrow hold on the 22nd District, is trying valiantly to avoid talking about impeachment, as pro-Trump groups prepare to spend millions on TV ads in battleground areas.
“We have to look at what we can start to accomplish over the next few months that will help benefit the American people,” he told WPRI-TV Thursday, “health care, prescription drugs, election security, women’s equality.”
Good luck with that.
In his “Fox & Friends” interview, Trump also described the impeachment process as another “overthrow attempt at the presidency.”
“With no experience I come to Washington. I’ve defeated the Clinton dynasty, the Bush dynasty and the Obama whatever you want to call it … [and] the hatred is incredible.”
It really is. For better or worse, Trump was elected as the great disruptor to change “business as usual” in Washington, to drain the swamp.
The past two weeks, we’ve heard from the bureaucratic state just how much they hate Trump’s disruption.
Tough luck, says America.
Parenting is a job in itself
Andrew Yang got it right in Wednesday’s Democratic debate when he said not all parents want to work outside the home.
“We should not be pushing everyone to leave the home and go to the workforce,” he said. “Many parents … say if they leave the home and go to work, they’d be spending all that money on child care anyway. In many cases, it would we better if the parent stayed with the child.”
Amen. But with Rachel Maddow and MSNBC’s all-female team in charge of proceedings, Yang’s unorthodox honesty guaranteed he would be sidelined the rest of the night, continuing a snub so pointed that he is demanding an apology before he will return to the channel.
For some reason, it is an affront to feminism to point out that the upbringing of children is better done by their parents than outsourced to strangers.
The political party that recognizes parents’ true desires will have an electoral advantage.
Legal pot blows up in Boomers’ face
“OK, Boomer,” was Matt Gaetz’s puerile response to Kellyanne Conway’s concerns about marijuana legalization.
The 37-year-old Florida Republican congressman has it the wrong way around.
Boomers are the marijuana boosters who have caused the problems Conway rightly abhors.
The generation that inhaled still thinks weed is the benign, low-potency drug of their youth. Thus, boomer legislators have failed to understand the threat to mental health, especially for teens, of an easily accessible high-potency drug. Nor did they anticipate the expanding black market and associated environmental threat they now are powerless to control.
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The post Impeachment fiasco is a Dem gift to Donald Trump appeared first on News City Group.
from News City Group https://newscitygroup.com/impeachment-fiasco-is-a-dem-gift-to-donald-trump/9811031/
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