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als-aargauer-unterwegs · 1 year ago
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Erste Runde im richtigen Herbst Vollständiger Bericht bei: https://agu.li/28g Wenn die Nase wieder tropft ist es deutlich kühler geworden. Das GPS registrierte 46.6 KM und 414 Höhenmeter.
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umzugsfuchs · 11 months ago
Räumung Lengnau
Günstige Räumungen Der Räumungsfuchs in Belp räumt große Lagerflächen zum kleinen Preis.Zuverlässiger Räumungsservice Es liegt in Ihrer Hand, wann wir mit der Top-Räumung starten sollen.Flexibel Gerne übernehmen wir zusätzliche Arbeiten bei der Entrümpelung.SCHNELL & PREISWERT Ihre zuverlässige Räumungsfirma in Lengnau Vertrauen Sie auf die Räumungsfirma Räumungsfuchs – Ihren starken Partner für Räumungen aller Art in Lengnau und Umgebung. Als erfahrene Spezialisten in der Branche, garantieren wir Ihnen einen reibungslosen Ablauf und hochwertige Arbeit. Unsere professionell ausgebildeten Mitarbeiter sind jeder Herausforderung gewachsen und übernehmen sowohl kleine als auch umfangreiche Räumungen. Bei uns steht der Kunde im Mittelpunkt: Wir kümmern uns um Ihre Anliegen und sorgen für eine schnelle, effiziente und saubere Räumung. Hinweis: Die abschliessende Räumung erfolgt nach sämtlichen gesetzlichen Vorgaben. Eine ausführliche Besprechung garantiert die reibungslose Räumung. Sämtliches Inventar wird durch die Experten professionell geräumt, sprich abgebaut und transportiert. Keine Angst vor versteckten Kosten! Wir arbeiten mit Festpreise Sollten Sie die Reinigung der Unterkunft wünschen, übernimmt Räumungsfuchs diese ebenfalls. Räumungsfuchs Wohnungsräumung durch die Räumungshelfer in Lengnau Sie planen eine Wohnungsräumung in Lengnau und suchen Unterstützung? Kein Problem! Die Räumungshelfer von Räumungsfuchs sind für Sie da. Mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung im Bereich der Wohnungsräumung, wissen wir genau, was bei einer Räumung zu beachten ist. Wir kümmern uns um den Abtransport des Sperrmülls, die fachgerechte Entsorgung von Abfällen und die besenreine Übergabe der Wohnung. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihnen bei der Räumung so viel Arbeit wie möglich abzunehmen und Ihnen einen stressfreien Umzug zu ermöglichen. Hausräumung und Wohnungsräumungen in Lengnau Ob Einzimmerwohnung oder mehrstöckiges Haus – die Räumungsfirma Räumungsfuchs ist Ihr Ansprechpartner für Hausräumungen und Wohnungsräumungen in Lengnau. Unsere professionellen Räumungshelfer sorgen für einen reibungslosen Ablauf und stellen sicher, dass Ihr Objekt in kürzester Zeit geräumt ist. Wir arbeiten schnell, gründlich und mit Blick auf Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse und Wünsche. Unser umfangreiches Leistungsspektrum beinhaltet unter anderem die Entsorgung von Sperrmüll, die Durchführung von Demontagearbeiten und die Reinigung des Objektes nach der Räumung. Setzen Sie auf den Räumungsfuchs und erleben Sie den Unterschied! Stadt Lengnau Lengnau, eine idyllische Stadt im Herzen der Schweiz, ist bekannt für ihre beeindruckende Landschaft und ihre reiche Geschichte. Mit ihren malerischen Alpenpanoramen, zahlreichen Wanderwegen und charmanten Dorfzentren bietet Lengnau den perfekten Mix aus Stadt und Natur. Die Stadt ist aber nicht nur ein Ort zum Entspannen und Geniessen, sondern auch ein pulsierender Ort mit einem vielfältigen kulturellen und sozialen Leben. Zahlreiche Veranstaltungen, Festivals und Märkte beleben die Stadt und ihre Umgebung. Lengnau ist eine Stadt, die Tradition und Moderne verbindet und ihren Bewohnern und Besuchern ein unvergleichliches Lebensgefühl bietet. Read the full article
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isvicreninsesi · 2 years ago
Basel ve çevresindeki 4 merkezde taziyeler kuruldu
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BASEL- Depremde yaşamını yitirenler için İsviçre’nin Aargau, Basel, Liestal, Baselland ile Almanya’nın Lörrach kentlerinde taziyeler kuruldu. İsviçre’de Marak ve Adıyaman ailelerin yoğunlukta yaşadığı merkezler olan Aargau kantonunda bağlı Lengnau, Basel kantonuna bağlı Listal, Basel merkezi ve Baselland ile İsviçre sınırında Almanya'ya bağlı Lörrach kentlerinde taziyeler kuruldu. Ağıtların yükseldiği ve gözyaşlarının dinmediği taziyeler akşama kadar devam etti. Basel Demokratik Kürt Kültür Derneği’nde Maraş Pazarcık ilçesine bağlı Sofular köyünde yaşamını yitirenler için taziye kuruldu. Bu köyde yaşayan Maniş ailesinden 11 kişinin yaşamını yitirdiği ve halen enkaz altında olan akrabalarının olduğu belirtiliyor. Taziyeye yüzlerce kişi katıldı. Liestal’daki taziye, Pazarcık’ta yıkılan binanın altında kalarak yaşamını yitiren Hıdır Yüksekkorkmaz için kuruldu. Yüzlerce kişinin katıldığı taziyede duygusal anlar yaşandı. Aargau kantonuna bağlı Lengnau kentindeki taziye ise Nurhak ilçesine bağlı Barış köyünde akrabalarını yitiren 4 aile tarafından kuruldu. Taziyeye Aarau Mehmet Tunç Halk Meclisi üyeleri katılıp ailelere başsağlığı diledi. İsviçre’nin Baselland kantonu ile Almanya’nın Lörrach kentinde de Mereşlı aileler taziyeleri kabul etti. Taziyelere yüzlerce kişinin yanı sıra İsviçre Şehit Aile Kurumu (KOMAW) yöneticileri, İsviçre Demokratik Kürt Konseyi (CDK-S) üyeleri ve çok sayıda köy derneklerinin üyeleri katıldı. Öte yandan Basel Alevi Derneği lokalinde depremde yaşamını yitirenler anısına cem etkinliği düzenlendi.
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ANF Read the full article
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elarafritzenwalden · 3 years ago
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House Schibli Lengnau, Bern, Switzerland; 1927
Eduard Lanz (plan and photography by Robert Walker)
see map | more information
via "Mitteilungsblatt / Berner Heimatschutz"; Robert Walker (2004)
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aheavenlylake · 4 years ago
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Located in the canton of Aargau, some 30 kilometers (18 miles) northwest of Zurich, between the 17th and 19th centuries these two villages [of Endingen and Lengnau] were the only places where Jews were allowed to settle in Switzerland.
There are some 18,000 Jews in Switzerland today, based on a census from 2000. A large number can trace their ancestry to Endingen and Lengnau. But only about 20 Jews still live in these villages, most of them elderly residents of a retirement home that was endowed by the Guggenheims at the beginning of the 20th century. Their spoken language nowadays is Swiss German[,as opposed to their traditional dialect of Western Yiddish.]
Source: 'Oldest Jewish Community in Switzerland Is Disappearing, but Not Without a Fight' by Ariel David
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germanpostwarmodern · 4 years ago
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Church Center (1972-75) in Lengnau, Switzerland, by Franz Füeg
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relogioserelogios · 5 years ago
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Novo Delma Shell Star Bronze, um interessante diver da marca independente de Lengnau, Suíça, em edição limitada de 500 exemplares. 🔥🔥🔥 Disponível com mostrador azul, verde ou marrom, possui caixa de 44 mm em bronze, resistente à água até 500 metros. Com fundo em aço e safira, é equipado com o movimento calibre ETA 2824. 💰 1.490 Francos Suíços/Euros 📷 @delmawatches • • #delmawatches #delmashellstar #bronzewatch #shellstarbronze #divingwatch #deepdive #toolwatch #relogioserelogios https://www.instagram.com/p/B38LPyPlEJ1/?igshid=gs6i0kflz3sk
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als-aargauer-unterwegs · 2 years ago
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Squadrat im Surbtal Vollständiger Bericht bei: https://agu.li/271 Kacheln sind nicht immer gleich Kacheln. Das GPS registrierte 44.0 KM und 429 Höhenmeter.
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girlactionfigure · 6 years ago
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🕍 The Lengnau Synagogue, dedicated in 1847, dominates the village square with its impressive facade. The place of worship represents the new inner strength of the Jewish community, which at that time had grown to 500 individuals.
Jews have been living in Lengnau and Endingen for 400 years. For decades, they were only permitted to live in these two villages. Not until 1866 did the Swiss Federation allow them to settle elsewhere in Switzerland. Consequently, in the following years, many moved away, to Baden, Zurich or abroad.
Inspired by the round arches of the Romanesque style, the ascending arch of the synagogue connects the main entrance with the central window and thus emphasizes the projection of the vertically exaggerated central section. It is fitted with a clock, which is unusual for a synagogue. Delicate wooden stilts support the surrounding women’s gallery and divide the interior into three naves.
Since 1963 the synagogue is protected by the Cantonal Heritage Protection Commission. In 1983/84 the facade was restored followed by the restoration of the interior from 1995 to 1997.
Wishing you all #ShabbatShalom Candle lighting in Lengnau is 6:17pm
Source: GO Kosher Travel via Bentzi Sasson
Humans of Judaism is in Switzerland.
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subtilitas · 6 years ago
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Eglin Schweizer - Dorf schoolhouse, Lengnau 2014. Photos © the architects.
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xdietlin · 2 years ago
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Tickets out now!
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michaladamski1987 · 6 years ago
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Press Day marki Rado z udziałem Agnieszki Radwańskiej Założona w 1957 roku marka Rado jest rozpoznawalna na całym świecie. Słynie z innowacyjnego wzornictwa oraz kreatywnego wykorzystania rewolucyjnych materiałów w produkcji jednych z najbardziej trwałych zegarków na świecie. Od samego początku siedziba firmy mieści się w Lengnau, w Szwajcarii. Od zawsze Rado towarzyszy pionierski duch, a marka do dziś pozostaje wierna swojej filozofii zawartej w sloganie “If we can imagine it, we can make it”. Kliknij i zobacz wszystkie zdjęcia: http://akpa.pl/imprezy.php?id=51015&width=980&pageID=1 #wydarzenia #rado @rado #switzerland #switzerland🇨🇭 #radoswitzerland #pressday #event #watch #watches #radowatch #radowatches #time #watchtime #watchlife #agnieszkaradwanska #tennisplayer #michałbaranowski #akpa #akpapl #akpapolskapress @akpapolskapress (w: Jabłonowo Pomorskie) https://www.instagram.com/p/BphrobRgZFp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mdzljia3r6vv
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elarafritzenwalden · 5 years ago
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'Mehrzweckhalle Rietwise MZH', school Lengnau, Zurzach, Aargau, Switzerland; 1972-75
Burkard + Meyer + Steiger (Urs Burkard, Adrian Meyer, Max Steiger)
see map
via "Bauen + Wohnen" 32 (1978)
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watchesreview · 3 years ago
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Based in Lengnau, the family firm, Delma, has a penchant for making accessible divers’ watches. Its latest release, the Delma Shell Star Decompression Timer, features a vertical scale at 12 o’clock corresponding to the wearer’s depth underwater, allowing them to determine whether they are safe to return to the surface without decompression stops or otherwise. US-based journalist, Meehna Goldsmith examines the composition of this robust divers’ watch.
By 1975, Delma had established itself as a brand that could build rugged divers’ watches worthy of professionals. These were called the Shell Star and Quattro, cased in stainless steel with the requisite rotating bezel. 
Reaching back into its history, Delma rebooted the Shell Star collection in 2016 with a model that retained the spirit of the original but included up-to-date technology. It was outfitted with a helium valve and water-resistant to 500m. 
The Delma Shell Star Decompression Timer is the latest addition to the Shell Star family, and she arrives decked out in some mighty fine functionality. Hope the other kids won’t be jealous. As you can see, the dial is chock full of indications. Don’t be overwhelmed, the layout is actually very clear and easy to read. So, what are we looking at? Get ready to geek out. 
You probably know that when you go deep diving, you can’t safely rise to the surface all at once. The rapid change in pressure upon ascent causes Decompression Sickness, also known as the bends.  To prevent this from happening, divers must come up gradually, staying at certain levels for periods of time before rising further. But how do you know where to stop and for how long? 
During the 1950s and 60s, Swiss divers Hannes Keller and Albert Bühlmann, buddies from the University of Zurich, recognised the relationship between altitude and decompression. With their combined expertise in maths, physics and diving, they developed tables showing specific gas mixtures for different elevations, along with decompression stops. Not only were their tables applicable underwater, they also proved useful on land. The Swiss military adopted them in 1972 for use in the mountains. 
Once you know what you’re looking at, the information on the dial pops into relief: Keller and Bühlmann’s table at the ready. As you can see the scale shows depth in both metres and feet, along with white rectangles signifying the no-decompression limit (NDL), and another scale showing decompression stops with the duration indicated by numbers. 
Baton-style hour indications receive luminescent treatment as well as the hour and minute hands along with the central sweep seconds. This latter indication is a requirement for a diving instrument. And yes, the date makes it to the party at 3 o’clock. 
Grab a hold of that unidirectional bezel and you get a satisfying click. While a lot of companies have chosen to go with an updated ceramic bezel, the Shell Star Decompression Timer keeps it classic with an aluminium insert. Aluminium does fade over time, but that gives the watch character and shows it’s been loved. 
The 44mm tonneau-shaped case in stainless is really shapely. It incorporates a helium valve and is water-resistant to an impressive 500m. The case frames the dial, guiding your attention to where it needs to be, rather than distracting the wearer’s attention away from the essential indications. A bit of a puzzler is why Delma chose an exhibition caseback for an unfinished, stock Sellita movement. Granted it’s a workhorse that reliably gets the job done, but if you’re going to make a point of opening up the hood, it would be good to see a little decoration on the engine. 
The Delma Shell Star Decompression Timer is offered with a stainless steel bracelet and deployant clasp or on a genuine rubber strap with stainless steel buckle. The dials are offered in blue or black with the latter shade being offered with a choice of a black or orange bezel. Everything comes neatly packaged in a Delma blue box. 
While only a rarefied few will ever test the specs or need the advanced tables for decompression diving, it’s still cool to have a bulletproof watch at the ready, especially one offered at a very reasonable price. Moreover, you’ve got a cool story to tell when people ask you what the chart on the dial is for. 
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germanpostwarmodern · 5 years ago
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Office & Production Building (1956-57) in Lengnau, Switzerland, by Max Schlup
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kirtida · 3 years ago
What is the Rate of Rado Watches?
Rado is a Swiss luxury brand of watches. In 1917 it was formed by Schulp & Co., but the brand introduced its first collection of watches in 1957. After reaping the benefits of neutrality, Rado became the largest wristwatches manufacturer by the end of the first world war. The headquarters are located in Lengnau, Switzerland.
The launch of the World's first scratch-resistant watch marked the journey of Rado launching watches by using different amalgamations. The usage of ceramic gave a new direction to the World of watches.
Captain Cook 
' Captain Cook ' is one of the masterpieces launched especially for doctors, deep-sea divers, engineers, and athletes. The vintage details and up-to-date features make it suitable for men and women. The rate of Rado watch ranges from ₹160,400.00 to Captain Cook Hi-Tech Ceramic of ₹320,700.00. Buying Rado watches online gives you a vast collection to browse to and many offers to grab on.
True Square : 
One of our heroes is 'True Square,' it has an iconic shape and the first-ever Rado watch, which is square. It has an injection molded. Monobloc high-tech ceramic case and a bracelet to wear smoothly. The rates of Rado Watches online begin from ₹122,400.00 to the expensive one costing ₹194,200.00. 
True :
The True Collection of Rado watches online is made fully with high-tech ceramic for modern wearers. This collection showcases Rado's true style and numerous designs. The True collection Rado Watch online has the rate of 
₹105,400.00 to ₹219,700.00
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Centrix is the most versatile watch of Rado Watches. It has versatility in size, color combinations, and quartz and automatic movements. Centrix Rado watch rates around ₹79,600.00, and the highest model Centrix Diamond rates around ₹240,800.00.
True Thinline.
True Thinline is one of the slimmest watches of Rado. It is the first to feature the groundbreaking monobloc case. Rado Watches' online rates are different. The special edition True Thinline Studs rates around ₹ 143,500, while the True Thinline Anima Rado watches for sale are around ₹ 253,100.00.
Apart from the aforementioned collections, other collections are popular among the Rado Watches Online for Sale. The names of these collections are HyperChrome, HyperChrome Classic, Dia Master, and Couple Classic.  All these collections add elegance through the sapphire crystal or their durability or vintage looks. All these Rado Watches are available for sale online. 
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