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versinator · 2 months ago
Lengje sziklai
Károli rendeit nyúgoti vágyaimtól Lételét pázsitot elandalítja várából Orfeusz sírhalmokon érzete szállonganék Érzésben szemere hölgyének röpítsék Intézvén zengjed vízközépen fűzte Sípjai lebillent isteneink szerete
Sorsának tornyod idvességet éneklőjét Kebelemnek rózsabimbót köréből hölgyét Tekintetekben hullasd harmatlepte távozni Mélyibe pályabér honunkat izzadni Phoebus terjedő korlátot jegyzete Kövessék remegvén rejtekéből ete
Kedvesimért laktanak szondi bajról Szellőm honni philomela pálcájától Árasztok dőlsz neveltetnek kövessék Végcélunk haldoklott lantjával lakjék Arculatja lobogtattam hordozván bánatölelte Kifejlik kihúnysz kétségtől esküdte
Sírhalmára függni lélekként lételét Körének árnyaid dúlván szennyét Csudált koponyátok úsz visszamerengni Kelleme sorsunkra borúlt mosolygni Elasznak szerelmében tehetve nyögte Tész nőd halálhörgés megbünhödte
Függvén enyhítni borúra századaiból Bércedet rémletes palotára kínról Tibur árnyával légyek lengessék Vitézt kisérjenek főispáni élték Kebellel hádes estvén érzete Csillagként emléklapra visszaborzad zengzete
Fürtökkel kívánj lakában balszerencsét Bűnein egedből csattogni szökellését Zászlónk tündérvárában lelkesedő vonulni Andalgót mohot izzadni csattogni Zajra füvekből siralma gyűlölte Üldöznék mosolygni virágában harmatlepte
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aoiraincoat · 1 year ago
Surprisingly enough, Hishatai wa shitai by XaaXaa gives me flashbacks of that time of my life before I got into visual kei when I used to be a huge fan of North European rock music instead.
Because that gut wrenching sad guitar in this song sounds so much like the intro of Bendik og Årolilja by Gåte. Both songs are mournful as hell and have the same effect on me (read: wanting to drown in a puddle of tears)
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tsukiyo-7 · 11 months ago
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Vakna dikko ædelege drenge
Du skal få sove på nykkjens arm
For de hev sovi tidi så lengje
Wake up you noble boys! You'll sleep on the water spirit's arm. Cause you've been sleeping too long.
A little something I drew in 2021 but that I still like; the Nøkken or Nixie, or a gazillion more names depending on who you ask, are shapeshifting water spirits typical of Germanic and Scandinavian folkore who played enchanted songs on the violin, luring women, sometimes men, and children to drown in lakes or streams. However, not all of these spirits were necessarily malevolent; stories also exist wherein the spirit agrees to live with a human who had fallen in love with him. The lyrics are from Heiemo Og Nykkjen by Helene Bøksle. Closeups are under the cut.
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little-parakeet · 2 years ago
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I think I’ve decided to go with Fenghuang Lengjing. I know the name doesn’t suit her in this picture but she’s in solitude with the birdies so who wouldn’t be smiling <3
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bdbdhdjdhdh · 2 years ago
Xiao An's Character Introduction: Wo hao xiang zhen de chi cuo yao le," (我好像真的吃错药了)
"OI NI XIA AH? CANNOT SEE I CHOPE THIS SEAT LIAO AH?" "WHAT, YOU THINK YOUR GRANDFATHER HOUSE AH? YOU SUGA SUGA PUT ALSO CAN AH?" "KUA SIMI KUA?" (看什么看?)"EH BUEY SONG AH?"(不爽啊?)"ORHHH YAO DA JIA AH?" (要打架啊?)"AH, DA JIA JIU DA LAH! SHEI PA SHEI!" (打就打啦!谁怕谁?)*angmoh who can't understand singlish* "Ong what a heated and active conversation they're having!"
(also read the angmoh lines in the spoiled brat voice)
"Wah, sian leh. Today cher give so much homework,"
*angmoh spoiled annoying classmate*
"OMG did you just call the teacher a fat pig? OMG I feel so offended! I'm gonna go tell the teacher!"
"Wah chao ni ma de lah, today I not good mood ok, don't bother me!"
"OMG! Did you just assume I care about your opinions? I'm offended, I am sooo gonna tell the teacher!"
"WAH NI KUA SIMI KUA? HUH? BUAY SONG AH? YAO DA JIA AH?" (看什么看? 不爽啊?要打架啊?‘’)
"Well, I should say this, but I don't understand your dialects, or Singlish or whatever, so you should just shut up and listen to the one I can understand,"
"Ok, I think I heard... yeah I can't understand that but I should think that you're bathing in ny awe and glory right now and you're trying to have a heated conversation with me am I right?"
"LANJIAO LAH CHAO NI MA DE DE CIBAI!" (I think ya'll know this one)
"Ugh, who cares what you're saying anyway? Fuck your mom, who cares?"
"Whooo... deep breaths, lengjing xian, ok... KAN NI NA DE! Multiply your number of bitches by zero!"
"OMG, you think I care- WAIT-"
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pyro-madder · 7 years ago
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Some OCs in the colors of June :’)
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Roy Harper: “Hey buddy where are you going :3? *Lengjing activate her claws* “out.” Roy Harper: “Ok don’t stay out too late!” Starfire: “I-I don’t understand how this is possible….” *Lengjing doing the splits while balancing herself on skinny bamboo sticks in plant pots* Leng: “Balance is everything Kori.” Jason: “We’re home! *Both Jason and Lengjing come in the manor covered in blood, Jason only a little on his face and jacket while is Leng basically soaked in blood from head to toe*
Hehehe Leng sounds lovely.
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rubia-peregrinart · 4 years ago
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And dooooone ! I was afraid I’d be late since second lockdown had me moving out earlier than expected, but I could catch up today. Cheers !
Day 26, Kreta - but what do you do when you’re both the hero and the monster ?
Day 27, Airavata and her unnamed secretary - ladies enjoying some time off~
Day 28, Lady Pavonia & Antares - cosplayed as the characters they were inspired by~
Day 29, Melinoe - a cool thing about crystal magic is that it’s powerful AND gives you free lithotherapy. perfect for emotionally unstable infernal nymphs !
Day 30, HuiYin - flight of the tengu, to match with LengJing !
Day 31, Amaryllis - grab your local ghost girl and happy Halloween !
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familythings · 5 years ago
Si te shmangim Problemet me Guret ne Veshka
Si te shmangim Problemet me Guret ne Veshka
Keni vuajtur ndonjehere nga dhimbjet e Gureve ne Veshka? Jane vertet te tmerrshme dhe mund te shkaktojne trauma te forta ne trupin e njeriut. Une kam qene deshmitare e situatave kur njerez, qe i kishin zene dhimbjet e veshkave, ulerisnin deri ne kupe te qiellit dhe perpeliteshin pafund nga dhimbjet. Shumica e tyre kane perfunduar neper operacione per heqjen e gureve nga veshkat. Guret ne veshka…
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versinator · 13 days ago
Serpenyőben széphalomnak
Fátyolának vegyítjük aranykor pataknál Jöve tehetsz rontván sátoránál Áztatja fellegében derűre vesta Keblihez kimúl borúra szózata Szédeleg vesta gyötrelmében szállnom Ringassad titkaidat rózsafényben sajátom
Lakásokat alakján sejdítve leéli Nimfájához márványpalotát tempe estveli Körítik felgyújtom felriasztja tekintést Világolj kedvre pásztorleány ölelést Zengek ráday holttestre csolnakom Késtél fölettem lakásod széphalom
Rogyni hevem csattogja adál Honleány szállnom körének ajtajánál Letörleni lengje nimfái úta Fámnak énekké megbünhödte könnyáztatta Kertjeként borítsd hass sohajtásom Legfelső szelekben vesztőre rabom
Hívet pályája telén károli Szívrázó lezeng als kőszáli Nemednek hazudván fölette sohajtást Szépről kebellel tűnne újulást Csolnakon kardon enyészettel ontom Földére hangba siralma fontom
Bírva lenka szenvedelme mécsvilágnál Vitorlámat hazánkért omolván virágainál Borkirály lángzók harmatként onta Helyedre szigetvárra szülötti gyújta Lángolóan intés álmaidról ohajtom Követvén völgyének felhozod nyúgalom
Rába keservemnek berekben felöleli Dörgésében fájdalmának sugári megszenteli Köszöntni patkánycsoport virúlt folyást Kihúnysz aranyhaj jötte lest Megemlítvén gerjedelmet vígságra megtanítom Géniuszának hegyéből karjairól végnyúgalom
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bunbuns-many-muses · 6 years ago
Call Out Post That’s Long Overdue. Because I’ve Had It.
I have been keeping it nice and calm for the sake of my personal health, as it has been deteriorating slowly more and more. I tried my best to fucking keep it nice and collected because stress could literally kill me if enough of it overwhelms me right about now. But I have been made aware of some things right now that has set forth into motion, this very post because whether it brings more stress and worsens my health or not, I’m going to stop being silent. I don’t care if any of you hate me. I’m going to call ALL of you out. This all began when my friend Cynn @abandonedentity​ got harassed by some anon messages over a face claim she had been using at the time. Naturally, she was confused because she didn’t know what she did wrong. Considering her rp character is 1/4 Japanese, and therefore her physical appearance would not exactly fit in with the popular image of what someone of mixed heritage should look like, she picked a faceclaim she thought was appropriate. Naturally, these people who have had a problem with Cynn for whatever personal reasons they do, they decide to label her racist because the character isn’t ‘japanese looking’ enough for them. Rather than letting Cynn explain that much about her rp character, @klngrat​ aka @14hnds​ and others a part of @jxdicium,  @cxrtus, @coercitxr, @prxestolatio, @o-tabescere, @kahogo, @tg-positivity, @tg-masterlist, @icons-crate, @kechirase,@lengjing ‘s TG RPC Discord Chat, @klngrat decided to go this route:
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So instead of trying to explain why they harassed my friend @chasedoffthesite​ aka @abandonedentity​, they instead wrote her off as being  racist and with that, they felt it gave them the God given right to be abusive to her. @klngrat also evidently made sure to tell others who knew him that my friend is ‘racist’ and that those who follow them must be too. Considering this happened within the same time period. Yes that’s right, I myself began getting bothered by people. JUST BECAUSE CYNN IS MY FRIEND I TOO BEGAN GETTING HARASSED. People who most likely came from the site my dear Vodkachan helps mod, along with @ofgourmet.
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Yep. Even the owner of TG RPC Discord’d bestie Ramona aka @white-reaper, aka @crown-of-clowns, @grotesque-puppet, @megistanis, @inter-se-solus, @der-ausgleich  got in on the action. I have evidence of them watching my blog in particular but that’s a rant for a whole other  day. And that day will come.
So for all of your  Social Justice Warrior 'efforts’ that you pulled for the sake of proclaiming someone a racist, you did so with false accusations! You branded @chasedoffthesite​ aka @abandonedentity​ as a racist because of their face claim? Do you all hold yourselves to that same letter? Do you watchdog all of your actions all the time to make sure you’re not racist? Do you? I bet you don’t. What’s even sadder is that it has traumatized Cynn and made her feel unsafe, and when you make my friends feel like they’re in danger because of your bullying and slander, that’s when I am truly angry.
So @abandonedentity​ has decided not to stay in hiding anymore and has decided to return with their Aiko, with an entirely new faceclaim as per their newfound knowledge about how awful you people slandering her are, that I, AN ACTUAL PERSON OF COLOR AND SPECIFICALLY OF CHINESE/MEXICAN PARENTAGE, took the time to help her recover from and the depression she found herself drowning in because of YOU.
Yet when she bravely and with pieces of what’s left of her self esteem, announces she’s coming back, this is what happens?
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So the opinion of a small group of white people is more important on deciding who is racist and who isn’t in the TG Fandom? You know what I find WAY MORE OFFENSIVE than the face claim that you harassed Cynn about? The fact that a group of white people get to decide what is and isn’t racist. Like white people haven’t been trying to do that in the USA already....Your dear friend @klngrat​ get’s away with harassing my friend @ofgourmet ? That’s funny that you all have to collab as a team to decide things about this...so let me ask you all something...when was it okay to act as if none of you had ever done anything wrong in your lives? 
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When did you all decide as a group that it was okay to label my friend as being one of the worst things ever?  Were you more concerned about being an SJW? Because if you really gave a fuck, why wasn’t my opinion or any other person of color’s taken into account? I may be just one POC, but you ain’t going to speak over me. You do not get to tell me what is and isn’t truly and intentionally racist when I grew up experiencing it not only from white people but POC who didn’t like the fact that I wasn’t ‘brown’. You don’t get to use the word racist as a way to bully and ostracize a person just because you have a personal problem with them.
The one thing that enrages me as a POC aside from when racists get away with being racist, is when people throw around the word ‘racist’ for anything or anyone they dislike, even if it isn’t actually racist. Because then it trivializes the word ‘racist’ and causes it to be taken less seriously.
 And when people who have no actual prejudice or racism in them get accused of being racist, without any basis, the trigger happy SJW camp here on Tumblr loses their shit and begins bullying and making that person’s life a living hell until they either leave the site traumatized or kill themselves and at that point, you  and your social justice has become nothing more than a tool for cyber bullying people under the guise of being an ‘ally’. 
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Nothing justifies the witch hunt you executed and the slander you all continue to perpetuate against Cynn. As a POC I’m still disgusted that the mods and certain members of the Tokyo Ghoul Discord chat room known as TG-RPC has been engaging in slander and harassment of myself and my friend Cynn I know what racism is...I know all about white-washing....I’ve gone through that MY ENTIRE LIFE FROM WHITE PEOPLE AND OTHER POC. So using my voice as a POC, I’m going to call it out when I see something wrong!
More references to this anon harassment here: http://chasedoffthesite.tumblr.com/post/173116241145/excessiveadaptationsyndrome-this-just-in-a
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shumica-al · 3 years ago
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Pompa Uji Pompa uji automatike,me perfomance te larte,e pajisur me veshje plastike me doreze, duke e bere lehtesisht te transportueshme. Keto pompa uji jane te pershtatshme per shperndarjen e ujit te paster qe nuk permban grimca gerryese dhe lengje te cilat nuk jane kimikisht agresive ndaj perberesve te pompes. Ato jane jashtezakonisht te besueshme, te thjeshta per t’u perdorur, mjaft dhe praktikisht pa mirembajtje, duke gjetur shume perdorime ne aplikimet vendase dhe civile, dhe ne veçanti shperndarjen automatike te ujit nga rezervuaret e vegjel dhe te mesem, transferimin e ujit, lotimin e kopshteve, etj. Pompa uji jane te certifikuar nga ROHS. Karakteristikat Materiali: Alumin Burimi i energjise: Elektricitet Tensioni: 220V – 380V Frekuenca: 50HZ Certifikimi: RoHS Gjatesia e kabllit: 1.5m Forma : Te ndryshme Origjina: Kine Logo: E Personalizuar Ngjyra: Sipas deshires Na Kontaktoni: 📧 [email protected] 🌐 http://shumica.al/
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little-parakeet · 2 years ago
LMK x OC One Shots!!
Chapter 1 — Insults || BullFinch(Lengjing/Red Son)
Chapter 2 — Sample of NoodleVines(Tengwan/MK)
*spurts motivation until it runs out*
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bdbdhdjdhdh · 2 years ago
My Hero PSLE: Episode 11 "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
"What do you call an idiot man with zero iq? Shadow Leaper,"
-Xiao An, maybe
So the Grandmaster is acting seriously sus right now. First the whole power being power thing, and then come the letter? Bruhhhh this guy is sus man.
So like Xiao Ming and gang decided to just continue their lives as normal lah, but then when they want to go back to their dorms, someone suddenly came and kidnapped them from the back!
Wah. Maybe a pedophile but who knows.
So anyway they used power to make Xiao Ming and gang fall asleep. Then they brought them to some other place. Then ya know who is the boss of all the xiaozarbors that kidnapped them?
The fucking Grandmaster. No shit.
"So ya'll already think that I'm the impostor in the school. No shit, I am, I've already been sus like from the day ya'll met me, how did it take you 2 months to figure it out? Sigina,"
Yep. He was already so fucking sus.
"Aiya you lengjing first, I tell you because I think ya'll very powerful, I want you to join my team!"
"SIMI SI? Oh wait... you're gonna kill us if we don't join, right?"
"Ok lor, if not we'll be killed anyway,"
"OK GOOD! So anyway we are an organisation called the Greater Watchwing Solstice, GWS. We are villains trying to take down the magic school. Yah,"
So anyway there were like a ton of different villains there when the Grandmaster introduced them. There was this one guy who can create illusions, and another guy who can make everyone listen to him.
"WELCOME EVERYONE, AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY," said the Grandmaster to Xiao Ming and gang, "TO YOUR NEW VILLAIN LIFE!"
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treguonline-al · 3 years ago
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🆕 Blender Dore elektrik per Frape #️⃣ KODI: SKU57123 #️ 🔖-ÇMIMI: 1290 LEKË 👈 🏷️- BËHET: 1161 LEKË 👈 🛍️ https://treguonline.al/product/blender-dore-elektrik-per-frape/?feed_id=4033&_unique_id=60f351454765d ℹ️Blender dore elektrik per frape Pergatit frape kremoze per vetem 30 seconda Material çeliku inox me një dorezë plastike. Funksionon ne lengje te ngrohte dhe te ftohte Punon me bateri AA 📬TRANSPORTI FALAS KUDO NË SHQIPËRI 🇦🇱🚚
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karacsony2013 · 4 years ago
Karácsonyi idézetek barátoknak
Jöjjön a karácsonyi idézetek barátoknak összeállításunk. Karácsonyra tőled csak azt várom, legyél továbbra is ilyen jó barátom! A szívemben örök hely van neked, kellemes, boldog ünnepeket! *** A karácsony nem a vásár ünnepe, a lényeg az, hogy a szeretet lengje be a teret. Ha nincs csomag a fa alatt, én ugyan nem bánom, mert a legnagyobb ajándék, hogy te vagy a barátom! Hiába vannak a barátok…
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