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The last piece for Lemuria Phase I
The peaks of Lemuria during the Cretaceous were often snow covered but in the valleys and on the plateaus animal and plant life can thrive. Here the last Refugium of stegosaurs lies.
THE LAST STEGOSAUR was one of the points on our clade list for the phase. And subsequently we got a lot of submissions with suggestions on who this species should look and where it should live. Unfortunately non of the submissions satisfied me completely, but many elements presented I liked a lot. So relatively early on I decided to turn this into a waste basket taxon. I chose 8 of my favarite designs and took parts of and puzzled them into a new genus that was named, on stream: Deimaximerror.
On Lemuria
Lemuria is a new spec evo project for and by the #paleostream community. Like the Atlantis project beforehand it deals with a fictional piece of land in 3 phases. Lemuria is an already existent concept that was invented before the recognition of plate tectonics to explain certain distribution patterns of animals and plants. In our case Lemuria is a continent consisting of India and Madagascar. We speculate how animals and plants would evolve if these two would never separate. This has MANY consequences. And the further we progress through time the more natural history will change. Phase one deals with the Cretaceous, when things are still rather "normal".
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ppaleoartistgallery · 2 months
#LemuriaChallenge - Submission 8: Carbonate Platform Part 1
as is my brand i love anything to do with water, the bulk of my submissions are going to be aquatic
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arminreindl · 3 months
Some entries for @knuppitalism-with-ue 's most recent spec evo challenge, Lemuria. I kinda went a lot into sauropods, but will try to steer more into Notosuchia from here on out.
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The current entries consist of 1) a small monogamous rainforest sauropod 2) a large solitary desert wanderer 3) a hippo-like swamp dweller 4) an aggressive native of the mountains 5) a pig-like peirosaurid
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All of my lemuria challenge submissions so far
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doomyte · 2 months
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Part I / III of my Lemuria Phase I submissions!
I hope they are readable lol
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titanartwork01 · 2 months
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My second spec evo is a predatory chameleon chasing down and catching pterosaurs Species name- Messorem Chamelonitis (Reapers Chameleon) Creator- Titan Diet- carnivorous Clade- Chamaeleontiformes Habitat- Tropical Rainforest and Carbonate Platform Height- 1m Length-1.4m Ecology- Fast ambush hunter/fisher
Additional info- The Reapers Chameleon is a stead fast ambushhunter being able to climb and run down any prey its jaws around. This reptile will mostly target small fish and pterosaur,using an ambush to catch its meal. They are normally solo until till mating season in which they will group together, fully grown males will hissand grown while the smack each other withtheir hard muscular tails, leaving gashes and cuts over the body or even dismemment of toes,fingers or tail. They also posses a large barded finger which it gets its name sakewhich it uses to stab its prey.
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ognimdo2002 · 3 months
Lemuria Island Creature 1: Lianguschanara kamilovi – Ancient Moss Frog
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This species was not related to three frog suborders: Neobatrachia, Mesobatrachia, and Archaeobatrachia, rather than in their own family: Gobiatidae.
Name: Lianguschanara kamilovi (Russian: Лягушка "lyaguschka" for frog + Sanskrit: नर "nara" for man, and kamilovi is honored to Abdulaziz Khafizovich Kamilov)
Creator: Ognimdo2002
Clade: Anura
Habitat: Tropical rainforest, temperate maritime forest, open woodlands, savannah, and wetlands near rivers, oxbow lake, and ponds.
Size: 2.5 cm
Ecology: Insectivore, piscivore
Additional Info: This species classified in binomial nomenclature as incertae sedis, lack of any related to three frogs and it is more primitive than other frogs. This frog is unique among the rest of the Anuran, except for its tail, which is present and the three families of frogs lack, notably except for the modern-day tailed frog. It eats insects, crabs, spiders, and smaller fish. The frog's croaking is quieter than other frogs', and during courtship, it actually wrestles with the female. Its superb camouflage is in the forests covered in mosses and ferns.
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Size comparison of this species and the height.
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– Ognimdo
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yagizcomics · 3 months
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My first entry for the Lemuria Challenge :3
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velespaleoart · 2 months
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My first entry for #LemuriaChallenge
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fukouna-yuki · 2 months
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Here's my submission for @knuppitalism-with-ue's Lemuria Spec Evo project. It's a bit on the quick and dirty side (that and airbrush isn't my strong suit), but I hope it will suffice.
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harpagornis · 2 months
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My submission to #lemuriachallenge
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In higher elevations tropical rainforest is replaced by a maritime temperate forest. Tons on precipitation and a lot of fog make it a less ideal place for crocodilians but dinosaurs and mammals flourish here.
Some of the largest sauropods of Lemuria can be found here.
On Lemuria
Lemuria is a new spec evo project for and by the #paleostream community. Like the Atlantis project beforehand it deals with a fictional piece of land in 3 phases. Lemuria is an already existent concept that was invented before the recognition of plate tectonics to explain certain distribution patterns of animals and plants. In our case Lemuria is a continent consisting of India and Madagascar. We speculate how animals and plants would evolve if these two would never separate. This has MANY consequences. And the further we progress through time the more natural history will change. Phase one deals with the Cretaceous, when things are still rather "normal".
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ppaleoartistgallery · 3 months
#LemuriaChallenge - Submission 3
third #LemuriaChallenge submission wooohoooooooo, this time only four images
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No ecosystem is complete without a myriad of small insects, arachnids and other invertebrates. Which is the reason that this is the second spec evo project where we have a dedicated leaf litter piece to canonize all the little creatures we can't really fit into the larger habitat pieces.
On Lemuria
Lemuria is a new spec evo project for and by the #paleostream community. Like the Atlantis project beforehand it deals with a fictional piece of land in 3 phases. Lemuria is an already existent concept that was invented before the recognition of plate tectonics to explain certain distribution patterns of animals and plants. In our case Lemuria is a continent consisting of India and Madagascar. We speculate how animals and plants would evolve if these two would never separate. This has MANY consequences. And the further we progress through time the more natural history will change. Phase one deals with the Cretaceous, when things are still rather "normal".
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Moving up in elevation we are reaching the cold steppes of the uplands. A realm ruled by giant azhdarchid pterosaurs. Few large animal species venture up here.
On Lemuria
Lemuria is a new spec evo project for and by the #paleostream community. Like the Atlantis project beforehand it deals with a fictional piece of land in 3 phases. Lemuria is an already existent concept that was invented before the recognition of plate tectonics to explain certain distribution patterns of animals and plants. In our case Lemuria is a continent consisting of India and Madagascar. We speculate how animals and plants would evolve if these two would never separate. This has MANY consequences. And the further we progress through time the more natural history will change. Phase one deals with the Cretaceous, when things are still rather "normal".
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The tropical rainforest of Lemuria is too dense for really large sauropods, but some species still make it here.
Apex predator as well as the most common macro-herbivores are crocodilians, especially simosuchians love the hot and humid climate
On Lemuria
Lemuria is a new spec evo project for and by the #paleostream community. Like the Atlantis project beforehand it deals with a fictional piece of land in 3 phases. Lemuria is an already existent concept that was invented before the recognition of plate tectonics to explain certain distribution patterns of animals and plants. In our case Lemuria is a continent consisting of India and Madagascar. We speculate how animals and plants would evolve if these two would never separate. This has MANY consequences. And the further we progress through time the more natural history will change. Phase one deals with the Cretaceous, when things are still rather "normal".
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