#Lehusa Medora
jarael · 3 years
(So I think I’ve decided it’s Brontes, not Calphayus, that survives the Dread War.  Someday I’ll rewrite my Dread War fic, but in the mean time, have a scene after the war.)
Brontes awoke to find herself on a medical table.  Her eyes darted around the room.  This was...a Republic facility?  It was a lot brighter than most Imperial facilities.  But what was she doing here?
There were two women, military, judging by their uniforms, standing by her side.  The human woman, her blonde hair tied back in a smooth bun, stepped back to give Brontes room to sit up.  “Major?  Can you get the Barsen’thor?”  That was an Imperial accent the woman spoke with.  The other soldier, a Mirialan woman with her dark brown hair cut in a bob, exited the room and returned with Ursulina.
The Barsen’thor smiled at the two women.  “Thank you, Elara, Lehusa.  Can you please leave us for a bit?”  The soldiers bowed respectfully before exiting.  Brontes’ daughter turned to her.  “How are you feeling?”
Brontes slowly sat up, wincing at a pain in her back.  “Fine, I guess.  Why am I here?  You were supposed to kill me.”  She hesitated.  “The others...?”
“They wouldn’t surrender,” Ursulina confirmed quietly.  She had her mother’s face, but her T-zone and smile, along with her tendency towards sarcasm, was Styrak’s.  And what would Styrak think, seeing his lover here with his Jedi daughter, in a Republic facility?  Brontes had to bury the thought.  “Lehusa and Elara said that your injuries were relatively minor compared to everyone else’s.”
“But...I don’t understand.  Your Order will punish you for sparing me.  They’ll lecture you on attachment and morals and--”
“You seem to forget that Master Kaidan has long since become one with the Force, so I won’t have to deal with him seeing his work being undone.”  Ursulina noticed her mother flinch at the name of the Jedi who had imprisoned her and the other Dread Masters.  “I already talked to the other Council members.  I convinced them that you were more valuable alive, and that you regretted your actions, as you were not in your right mind at the time.  Officially, you’re a prisoner of the Republic.  I’m to keep an eye on you as much as possible.”
“So I’m not going back to Belsavis?”
“No.  You’re going to travel with me once you’re fully recovered.  My ship is rather small, but it’ll fit us all.”  Ursulina smiled, clasping her mother’s hand.  “You don’t need to let fear and hate rule your life any more.” 
Brontes nodded, a weak smile coming to her lips.  “Thank you, Ursulina.  We...have a lot of lost time to make up.”
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jarael · 3 years
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And the last two done.
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jarael · 3 years
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jarael · 4 years
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talk about a rough way to start your career lmfao
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jarael · 3 years
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(takes Lehusa from a flat Great Value Shepard to a commentary on the shittiness of American military culture)  enjoy the trauma and chaos, love
also praise Best Girl Elara
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jarael · 3 years
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Negative traits meme, tagged by @delavairess!
aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
Tagging: @arcann, @julikidmxns, @abyss-wolf, and anyone who wants to do it!
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jarael · 4 years
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tfw you find a datacron you weren’t even looking for
and it’s easy to get
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jarael · 4 years
(Here it is: the last chapter of the Dread War fic!  Enjoy!  Also I’m writing Satele as having brown eyes.)
Jedi Temple, Tython
Satele Shan poured tea into a mug, then pushed it towards Ursulina.  “You’re exhausted.  It is okay to rest, Ursulina.”
“I’m not worried about myself.  I’m worried about D’leah.”  She blew on the tea, contemplating the future, and what Calphayus had said to her.  Twins?  Well, she and Felix could handle it, but the ship would get very crowded.  “She doesn’t take care of herself.”
“She learned it from the best,” Satele teased, her eyes warm and smile welcoming.  “But...you’ve been through a lot.  You both need a break.”
“I suppose you’re right.  How is Calphayus doing?”
“Sleeping.  He’s going to be resting for a long time.  He was surprisingly cooperative.”
“Maybe I should have D’leah talk to Praven for advice.  Perhaps he’ll stay on the right path if he meets someone from a similar background.”
The two women sat in silence for a while, embracing the peace of the temple.  Then Ursulina hesitated.  “Satele...did you know about my parents?”
“I had heard...whispers.  But it is never my place, or any Jedi’s to judge.”  The Grandmaster embraced her friend.  “You are not your parents.  You never have been.”
“I know.  But...if things had just gone slightly differently.”
“Unfortunately, we cannot save everyone.  We can, however, always be compassionate and make the best decisions we possibly can.  And you have never faltered in that regard.”
Ursulina needed to hear that.  “Thank you, Satele.”
5 months later, Club Vertica casino, Nar Shaddaa
Viksuni kept her blaster ready, but extended a hand to the trooper.  “Major.”
“Agent,” Lehusa returned.  “Have you learned anything?”
“Nothing concrete.  But there has been a lot of weird movements lately.  That woman I told you Lord Sadow met years ago?  Tari Darkspanner?  She’s gone missing?”
“She’s dead?”
“No, but I can’t find her or her camp.  They’ve just...”  Viksuni produced a holo of a mask.  “But the few Raina and I were able to talk to have all started wearing this mask.”
It was vaguely Mandalorian in inspiration, but it was similar to the one worn by one who had never been Mandalorian.  “It looks like Revan’s mask.”  Lehusa had paid attention in history class.  “You think they’re onto something?  Because he’s dead.”
“No idea.  But I doubt their motives are completely benevolent either.  A lot of them have become obsessive recently.”
“You think the Dread Masters are back?”
“No.  And if the Barsen’thor is telling the truth, Calphayus doesn’t have it in him to use Force terror any more.  I think something else is going on.  I’ll have Scorpio see if she can get into any databanks.”
“Good luck.”
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jarael · 4 years
Taris, 3 years ago
Elara elected to check on Lehusa.  The young soldier was capable, but she could tell that there was a huge weight on her shoulders.  The former Imperial was shocked to find her former commander, Thorus, talking to the Mirialan. 
Thorus began to pale.  “Dorne?”
“What did Thorus tell you, Lieutenant?”
“He gave me info on Needles, Dorne.  I know where I’m going next.  Thorus wants me to let him go.”
“I served under him, Lieutenant.  I watched him commit war crimes, even some things that defied orders from our Sith superiors.”
Lehusa cocked an eyebrow.  “Is that true?”
“Well, I did what I thought was best!” Thorus retorted.  “Don’t listen to that stick in the mud!”
“Now you’re just being rude.  What do you think, Dorne?  Should I let him go?”
“I think you should unload your blaster into his skull, Lieutenant.  I reserve the right to turn off my holocommunicator.  See you soon.”
Lehusa turned back to the Imperial, scowling.  “End of the line, Thorus.”
“You can’t do this!  This is brutality!”
Blam, blam.  Jorgan approached the corpse.  “Actually, Imperial, it’s a fatality.”
Xenli Sadow’s ship over Oricon
Xenli had finished showering and was looking out over Oricon via the cockpit.  Jaesa sensed some frustration in her master.  “Is everything okay, my lord?  We’ve had a rough time.”
“I’m getting angry, Jaesa.  How long have you been my apprentice?”
“About four years.”
“And what progress have we made?”
Jaesa hesitated.  “Sometimes change takes a while.”
“I’ve learned a lot more from you than I did from Baras.  And what has the Empire learned?  We’re in hiding, Jaesa.  It’s unacceptable.  You, Aayes and I deserve to live our lives the way we want to.  Vette and Aayes should be held in as high regard as I am.  Nothing is changing, and I’m fed up!”  She slammed her hand on the wall.  “Look how the Jedi don’t have to hide in the Republic.  Look how Adira is free to do what she wants.  Look how loved Lehusa is to the public.  I want that.”
Vette was in the pilot’s seat, rocking to and fro.  “Yeah, it would be nice if we could be ourselves.  I at least have the advantage of not being Force sensitive.  Look, Flameo, if you want us to defect--”
“I need an opening, first.  I need an opening, and a reason to give to my mother.”  Xenli didn’t want to break Ixarte’s heart, but she had to take care of herself and her crew.  “Then we’ll make a better life for ourselves.”
In her own room, Aayes was laying on her bed, tears streaming down her face.  She was exhausted.  She would not make certain choices again.  And she would choose someone who was actually good for her.
Strike Team Oricon camp, Oricon
“We’re almost ready to go,” Lehusa began.  “We’re just packing up some things.”
“Thank you for everything, Major.”  Ursulina tightened her bandages on her leg.  “I know how tough this was for everyone.  Havoc Squad and Adira’s crew proved themselves more than capable.”
“We are always happy to--”
“Uh, Lee?  Breadsen’thor?”  Adira was looking at something behind them.  “We have company.”
Calphayus was clutching his side in pain, his hand covered in dried blood.  He was exhausted, and collapsed once he reached the camp.  “They’re gone.  I...surrender.”
Lehusa approached him carefully.  “Why are you here?”
“The Imperials would shoot me on site?  I...”  He turned to Ursulina.  “You are strong in the light side, but you are far from weak.  Your friends and family love you.  I...had a wife once, and I didn’t fear her.”
“You feared the other Masters?” inquired Ursulina.
“We were forced to serve a higher purpose, and it broke us in the end.”
Lehusa had her blaster aimed, but...he wasn’t smug, or arrogant like most of the Imperials and Sith she had encountered.  But this wasn’t an easy answer.
D’leah knelt beside him.  “I can see that you are penitent.  Mom, I think we should take him to Tython.”
A single tear trickled down Ursulina’s cheek.  “Agreed.  Help me get him on my ship.”
She and D’leah helped him get up, trying to avoid irritating his broken leg.  Calphayus turned to the Barsen’thor.  “Before the end of the next year, you will bear twin girls.”
Ursulina remained silent.  She needed to meditate and calm herself.
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jarael · 4 years
Oricon, the Dread Palace
Arisa woke up, her visor cracked slightly.  Great, this was a brand new helmet, and it already needed to be fixed.  She had no idea what the hell had just happened.  All she knew was that she needed to find someone she recognized and figure out what was going on.
She began to rose and her hand brushed against something slightly squishy.  It was...a beast she didn’t recognize.  It smelled horrible, and had two large teeth in an overbite, with bug eyes and claws.  The Mandalorian shrieked and shot it.
Lehusa nearly jumped at the sound of the blaster fire.  At least there was something in here not trying to kill her.  She rushed to Arisa’s side.  “You okay?”
“I guess.”  Arisa took Lehusa’s extended hand.  “The fuck happened?”
“I don’t know.  I think...”  She turned around to find a woman in ornate red and black robes, her raven hair kept in intricate braids running down her back.  Her golden eyes shone in the dark room.  Lehusa could see she was smirking.  “We have company.”
“You don’t like my pets?  But look how much they love you!” laughed Bestia.
Arisa barely dodged a larger beast, managing to incinerate it in time.  Lehusa launched a grenade at some smaller beasts, causing them to explode.  Bestia sarcastically clapped.  “Good show, for a Mandalorian and a Republic grunt.  I could do this all day.”
“I couldn’t.”  Arisa launched her grapple at the Dread Master.  “Get over here!”
Bestia was fast, drawing her red lightsaber.  “Bad choice.  Does your armor really resist lightsabers?”
“It does, actually.  Come try it out.”  And so they fought, Bestia’s lightsaber carefully parrying Arisa’s blaster bolts.
Lehusa was looking for a gap in the enemy’s methods.  Arisa was a hothead; how did she take down 2 Jedi Masters and a Sith Lord?  Okay, Tormen, from what Arisa had said, was an idiot.  But Bestia certainly wasn’t.
Then she noticed something.  Bestia was solely focusing on Arisa, only occasionally seeing what Lehusa was doing.  The woman smirked.  “Don’t worry.  We’re all going to the same place soon.  Embrace it.”
“No, I don’t think I will.”  Lehusa launched a grenade at the Sith’s feet, causing her to stumble.  Arisa reacted in a flash.  She launched herself with her jetpack straight into Bestia’s ribcage.
Lehusa checked the koltos pack she always carried on her person.  “One down.  We need to go find everyone else.”
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jarael · 4 years
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jarael · 4 years
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Life Day for the Kavi legacy!
It’s not that Viksuni doesn’t like Life Day, but speaking from personal experience, PTSD and seasonal depression don’t mix.  Also Lehusa and Adira should not be allowed near stoves.  Or open flames.  And try getting a saline Mando and a prissy Sith heretic to play dejarik and see what happens.  Lol.
I found the template from @shanfamilydrama​!  I’ll put it under the cut.
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jarael · 4 years
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And that’s that on that.
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jarael · 4 years
micro prompts - falling
Lehusa was on the ledge. She had to keep her balance, or Rakton would have the upper hand. He made a sudden movement, and she fell back. Down, down, down...
She lurched upright in her bed, neck dripping with sweat. She looked over to Aric. Her husband was thankfully still asleep. She couldn't hear movement from Elara or Yuun.
She got up to go to the restroom. As she walked back, she looked at the old holo on the hallway table: her, five years old, with her parents. She needed to call her mom before Havoc Squad headed to Corellia. She wished she could call her dad.
Her throat began to clench. I'm trying my best to be a good soldier, Dad. I promise.
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jarael · 4 years
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I’m going to stop now.  Fic is going great btw.
This was inspired by a friend and I discussing our characters a few weeks ago.  The joke was actually made in reference to Xenli’s mom, but it still works here.
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jarael · 4 years
Asation, 1 1/2 years ago
Arisa had decided that she had stumbled upon something larger than just a disturbance as the Gree ambassador had informed her. That giant worm had been one thing, but now she was facing 3 Sith. Well, she assumed they were Sith. They definitely didn't look like Jedi, with dark, ornate robes. But those golden, intricate masks...
She gave the signal to her comrades and the beatdown began. Mandalorians had to prepare themselves for anything, including Force users of all kinds. These would surely be no different.
Arisa finally had the woman of the trio pinned down, her target's breathing labored. "Wretched Mandalorian," the Sith hissed. "You could have served a higher purpose. We are more forgiving than the Masters."
What "Masters"? "Shut up, aru'e. Do not ever insult my people." She brought her elbow down on the woman's neck and that battle was over. Arisa got up and went to ask Torian for water when--
"The shield is broken, but the sword is drawn."
Torian reflected some concern in his welcoming brown eyes. "What was that?"
"Dar'jetti, probably."
"I get that. Something's wrong."
Oricon, present day
"So that was my first brush with the Dread Masters." Arisa leaned towards the outer most part of her perch, watching for the Dread Guard.
"Did you really fight Kephess? I'd heard rumors." Lehusa was making notes of what they'd encountered so far.
"Oh, the Trandoshan? Yeah, I did. Don't think you'd recognize him. I think they 'roided him. You met him?"
"On Denova. That was my first encounter with the Dread Masters."
"Oh, so you put the shabuir in his place, huh?"
"One way of putting it. They paid me and Ursulina a visit afterwards. Not a nice bunch of folks."
"No shit." The Chiss mercenary knelt to address the eager Jawa waving whatever was in his hand. "What cha got for me, Blizz?"
"Blizz bring bad man's tech for Boss! Uh...Blizz no like Dread Guard. They chase Blizz and friend around."
Torian approached his wife and embraced her. "He exaggerates. Nothing we can't handle."
Lehusa was looking at the device. "Did he--"
"Blizz bring one for Soldier Lady too!"
"Oh." She was caught off guard. "Thanks. Dorne? Take this to Forex and have him take it to the camp."
"Yes, sir." Elara Dorne was a striking, fit blonde who carried herself with poise and courage. She was born Imperial, but defected in adulthood after realizing the cruelty of the Empire. She was admittedly nervous about the new war. Lehusa had killed Kephess once, and more importantly, she had killed Lord Styrak. And with Elara herself being a defector, they would both be targets of the Dread Guard.
Arisa handed Lehusa her canteen. "So is this your second time encountering the Dread Masters or?"
Lehusa accepted the drink. "No. My third. I led the op on Darvannis and killed Lord Styrak."
"You should be proud. These aren't ordinary Sith."
"I'm not. He..."
"Sir, should you tell her?" Elara interrupted.
"It's fine, Elara. Styrak and Brontes are the parents of Master Ursulina. She told me before we headed out today."
Pure silence. Lehusa wanted one of Bestia's beasts to come swallow her whole.
Torian spoke up first. "Ouch. At least you didn't have to kill your own dad."
"You what?" Elara was incredulous.
"Yeah. Jicoln was a traitor. Mando business. Didn't like it."
More silence. Then, "that's rough, Torian," mustered Dorne.
Suddenly, a tentacle emerged from the ground and grabbed Blizz, causing the Jawa to flail and panic. Arisa dived in to save her friend, pummeling the dread creation until it died. "Enough for today. We need to head back."
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