#Legenda Records
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onetwofeb · 1 month ago
Sam Cooke - Live At The Harlem Square Club, 1963
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years ago
What the Ghost? - The Devil’s Dance & Highgate Cemetery
So I have heard The Devil's Dance before, never listened to the Highgate Cemetery though. So these are my very first thoughts on that one.
The Devil's Dance
"We’ll be peering into the murky depths of history this week, unraveling the story of a deadly plague that spread terror across Europe for centuries." I mean, the title Devil's Dance says it all, but after just this sentence I knew it was the Dancing Plague.
How many puns and silly sound effects can you cram into a podcast? XDDD
"Being up close and personal with the supernatural all day can really wreak havoc with your nerves at night! That’s why I need the best possible mattress to help me drift off to sleep. Luckily, I have my Bedcetera mattress so I can rest in peace!" Ah yes, mattress sponsors in podcasting...
"But one of the strangest cases occurred in 1237 in a town called Erfurt, Germany. Records from the time say that, for one day, a hundred children started feverishly dancing, moving as one all the way to Arnstadt, over twelve miles away, before all collapsing of exhaustion, their feverish movements stopped as suddenly as they started. Though the facts about the children of Erfurt are hidden in the depths of history, their story lives on in the fearsome tale of the Pied Piper." This is apparently a very famous folktale even internationally. Wikipedia calls it a legend? I don't think that term fits. It's called "Sage" in German, which derives from the verb "sagen" - to speak, to say, to tell. Or "Gesagtes" - something that has been said or told. Like... tale! Folktale. In German, a legend (it's literally just "Legende") is distinct from a Sage or Märchen (fairytale), but still close. The English "Saga" also wouldn't fit, that sounds way too epic and heroic. But the German "Sage" does also have its origins in the Old High German term "Saga". Dug a bit into legend. That term comes from the Medieval Latin "legenda" which means "that, which is to read", or "to be read". So a legend got primarily passed down in written form, and Sagen in verbal form, therefore changing ever so slightly over the years. There is no English Wikipedia page for Sagen, it's a very regional label. Boy, that escalated quickly...
"What The Ghost? listeners get a month’s membership for free! No need for a code; (voice climbing higher) they already know who you are! (still at a markedly higher register) SparksFly: Privacy is just another word for loneliness?!" That's the Eye, right? Or is it Web? It's on the Web... But secrets (*cough* search history *cough*) revealed is usually Eye. And, the Eye is the... Fly in the Web! (I know, it's called sparks flying when two people are obviously attracted to each other. But I also want in on the pun fun!) Also this is sponsor section is glorios xD
"Historians, police officers, and city planners who exhume the bodies find them looking mutilated or mutated. Reports describe skeletons with too many bones, limbs that are too long, and joints that bend in a way that the best doctors claim they should not." A bit of Flesh? (too many bones) Or a bit of the Spiral (long limbs). There's certainly something Spiral-y to it.
Highgate Cemetery
Looked for pictures of the Highgate Cemetery on Google. It's beautiful!
"And remember, that those tombs that do lock, always do so from the outside." Yeah, I mean who's supposed to lock it from the inside? A vampire???
Ah, the names were changed. I mean it is very recent history, so super understandable. David Farrant got changed into Daniel Tarrant. And the original Sean Manchester got changed into Shane Sheffield. Very clever!
While we're at the Highgate Trivia, check this out: "The Highgate Vampire appears as a villain in the Dark Horse comics series Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine. The Highgate Vampire is revealed to be, not a vampire, but an insectoid demon that feeds off its victims' emotional trauma." lol
"While Daniel claimed to have seen a tall man in a hat striding across the cemetery grounds" Oh god, I'm sitting alone in a wide open living room with big windows, it’s dark and my spouse already went to sleep... Okay... I am not my fear. The Hat Man is a very common image. People suffering from sleep paralysis might know about it or have actually seen it. I don't know why this certain hallucination is so wide-spread, and I don't wanna look it up right now, that shit gets me.
"Webly always knows what I want to do next. And the best part is, I never have to worry whether I can trust anything on the net because Webly tells me I can. Don't think, just webley.com! " Okay so this is very easy. Web.
"To get your first box for half price, just enter the code, MEATCUTE." Pffffffft, that after we just listened to Jon and Martin's meet-cute yesterday xD (also Flesh, of course. That is where Toby Carlisle from MAG 18 got his meat from!)
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igazikutya · 2 years ago
Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2023.02. (2022.14.)
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Már a múlt hónapban tárgyalni akartam, de olyan volt nekem Kali Malone új lemeze, mint Kolumbusznak az óceán, a ráindulás se ment könnyen, ráadásul valójában ötször akkora, és még csak nem is India. Tavalyi prognózisomon, miszerint Kalit lassan elveszítjük track-szinten, mert átlép a kortárs művészet olyan régióiba, amik már csak önmagukon belül értelmezhető, teljes, oszthatatlan egész kompozícióként élnek meg, megvalósulni látszik. Lucy Railton (cselló) és Stephen O’Malley (gitár, elektronika, művészeti vezető) társaságában jegyzi a 3, körülbelül 50 perces darabból álló Does Spring Hide It’s Joy albumot. Az ötvenek – amiket a digitáis verzióban egybe-renderelve is feltettek, gondolom, hogy ne pattogjál már a húszperces trackek között - három tételből állnak, ambientedve.
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Még a Covid évének őszén jött ki a Jumping Dead Leafs albuma, ez volt Detlef Weinrich utolsó nagylemeze, így lehetett számítani már egy Tolouse Low Trax albumra. Nem, mintha panasz érhetné aktivítását, jelenlétét, talán az egyik legaktívabb és legmarkánsabb vonásokat e-téren felvonultatni képes transzformátorok egyike. Tényleg aktív: csak tavaly 11 remixet jegyeztek nevével, Heimat, Ant Orange, Elektronik Body Girl és a többiek. Érdemes figyelni, hogy TLT kiket remixel, választásaival sokszor hívja fel a figyelmet olyan underground alkotókra, akik amúgy a köd leplében tevékenykednek. A Leave Me Alone a klasszikus épitkezős, barkács-matekos Tolouse Low Trax egy újabb szobakirakósa. Kreatív hangkészleteiből változatos ritmikával építi fel rövid témáit, semmi nincs túltolva, németes precizítással megtartott lényegiség. Bólogatni fogsz (megint). Már most látszik, hogy ezek a darabok a remixalbumon fognak kiterjesztve kiteljesedni hosszas technodarabok formájában. A lemez a hamburgi Bureau B-nél, Németország nemhivatalos krautrock archivátoránál jelent meg. A végére megjött Bianca is Rómából. Nagyon.
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Adrian Sherwoodról is régen hallottunk, kiadója az On-U-Sound is inkább csak retrospektív kiadványok vonalán ketyegett, és ne felejtsük el: 2021 augusztusában, jamaikai otthonában eltávozott a közösség öreg sámánja Lee Scratch Perry is. A Fire nevű crew-ról eddig kb. semmit nem tudtam (a Discogs se), és eleve egy élő fellépésekre összeálló, vizuállal kiegészített, live-act-re szakosodott csapatról van szó, akikkel három éve dolgozott együtt Sherwood. A torinói Salgari Recordings-nál jelent meg a dub legenda és a crew 2020-as Torinói Jazzfesztiválon rögzített koncertanyaga.
Élőben természetesen Sherwood keverte és felügyelte a történéseket, a stúdióban pedig csak masterelték a felvételt (az apróbetűsbe beleírták, hogy hozzáadott dubot nem tartalmaz. Te mondd, hogy cukor, a te vérnyomásod mélyebb!). A zenészek tökéletesen összhangban tolják le a műsort,  mely valami különleges, vibrálóan élő elegye a jazz-nek, dubnak és elektronikának. Hallom benne Sherwoodot, felismerem a hangmintáit, meg végül is a klasszikus dub hangszerelés szól, de mégis, valahogy minden máshogy van, és ettől olyan üdítően szép. A Fire Crew tagjai: Ivan Bert (koncepció, trombita, brazil orrsíp, ukrán furulya), Marco Benz Gentile (gitárok, Moog, melodica), Filoq (szintetizátorok, élő elektronika), Gianni Denitto (alt-saxofon, élő elektronika), Pasquale Mirra (midi marimba, élő elektronika), Riccardo Franco Loiri (VJ), Adrian Sherwood (élő dub, keverés)
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A techno továbbra se egy nagylemezes műfaj, és ha valaki 70-80 percben akarja ezt a műfajt élvezhetően kivezetni, a rövid (amb/drone) tranzitok beiktatása mellett nem ár, ha valami összetettebb kompozícióval is előáll az alkotó. Matrixxman a tranzitokkal tagolt a Dust World-ön, és feltette az általa legjobbnak tartott jelenlegi anyagot. Az összes technosémában kapunk érdekes műveket, és néha kevésbé érdekeseket is, azaz én néha skipeltem, sorry Charlie! Amerikai állampolgár létére Charles McCloud Duff is „berlin-based producer/dj”, és a 2015-ös Homesick album után ez a második nagylemeze, limitált szerzői kiadásban – mégis fent van Spotify-on, vagyis a Traxelektorban öt felvétel erejéig belefülelhettek.
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Nem akartam eredetileg írni a Qant - Moonsick EP-jéről, de ha egy négyszámos EP-ről hármat beválogatok a Traxelektorban, akkor itt helye a megjelenések között. A Soundsystem Music Producer titulust viseli a Discogs-on a francia művész, kinek csak a pszeudója ismeretes, és tucatnyi EP/Single-jéből ez az első, ami a Holding Hands/Submerge labelnél jött ki, pedig műfajilag teljesen itt a helye a danszolópolipos srácok között.
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Tartom, hogy feltámadásokkal teli szép évünk lesz (egész évben húsvét, egy lázá’om) - Seth Horvitz végre szólóban is aktív. Tulip Space címmel érkezik az új Rrose gyorsvonat. Nagyon hiányzott már ez a kifinomult, sokszor kecses techno – ezt a legnehezebb csinálni, és kevesektől is kapjuk meg. A nyitó A Row of Cylinders hétpercében ott van mindaz, ami miatt a 2010-es években a berlini Stroboscopic Artefacts művészeit szerettük. Van ez a kreatív bátorság, amivel a saját világában mozogni mer Rrose, ahogy a Squared experimentalba kifordított minimaltechnojával leültet, majd az In Place Matter-rel egy szerpentínen visszaemel, mindezt egy EP keretei között. 
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Viels, aki nem keverendő össze Viers-szel [Jordon Saxtonnal]. főleg mert előbbiről ennyit tudunk, és hogy hét éve aktív, csak kislemez formátumban. Distorted Reality EP-jét gyémánt keménységű üveghangokkal ékesítette. A holland Dynamic Reflection kiadónál jelent meg.
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Tulajdonképpen egy remek ráfutással készültem a múlt hónapban már beharangozott Optical Delusion-re, szép lassan végighallgattam az összes karizmatius Orbital albumot (Green, Brown, Snivilisation, In Sides, The Middle of Nowhere, Blue). Jó ötletnek tűnt, ám lehet, hiba volt. Mert azt már most kijelenthetem, a OD közelebb van a Wonkyhoz, mint korábbi társaihoz. De nem Wonky! Sajnos, amikor a nyafogásindexet nézem, a dicstelen előd hatásai rendre felbukkanak – a kirakóba erőltetett dubstep klisékről nem is beszélve - ami azért nagy kár, mert egy ekkora hangszerparkkal és rutinnal bíró párosnak ezernyi módja van, hogy elkerülje a korszakos modorosságokat, miközben nem esik át a stúdióban önnön epigonjának kihűlt testén. A hangokat adó közreműködők újak - Katharine Blake (Mediæval Bæbes), Dina Ipavic, The Little Pest, Penelope Isles, Anna B Savage, Sleaford Mods, Miller Y Coppe - és kb mindegyikük rendben is lehetne, de a dalok lényegesebben gyengébbek - az ilyen Are You Alive?-os vokáltrensz slágeres erölkődéseket meg gyorsan el kellene felejteni! Az Orbital-sound most is működik – ez nem kérdés. A Day One ahogy bekezd, minden elektronjában ott zizeg a mágikus Hartnoll dinamika, vagyis nem kell a tótündértől visszakönyörögni a mindentmetssző medzsikszvördöt valahonnan a kies északról. Mégis, a végeredmény olyan ötfen-ötfen, és az Orbital pulcsi megint kicsit halványabb lett az újabb mosásban – minden tavaszi napfény ellenére.
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Ekézhetném az electrot, és kenegethetném vegán gépolajjal az Univacot újfent kéjesen, de a MagnetFunk EP kapcsán már muszáj kijelenteni, hogy egy kivételes arányérzék tartja ilyen magas szinten Rafael Martinez Espinosa zenéit. Mintha Kratwerk-től Detroit-on át mondjuk Jensen Interceptor-ig birtokolná a teljes elektro eszköztárat. Ezeket jól keveri, használja a 6-8 perces kompozíciói felépítéséhez, és az ipari védjegyek még a kontraszton is húznak egyet, hogy az eredmény masszív, tűéles és lehengerlő legyen. Tavaly a Helicon nem fér fel a Top 12 EP/Single listára – 16. lett – idén a MagnetFunk jobb eséllyel indul (4/4)
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Már hat éve, hogy kijött az intelligens elektronika seat/saab párosának, a Talaboman-nek a The Night Land albuma. A pár svéd fele Axel Boman egy inkább felejthető dupla LP-vel villant rövidet tavaly (Luz / Quest For Fire). A spanyol Oriol Riverola, aki ezen a néven kevésbé, John Talabotként annál inkább ismertebb, mindenféle kollaborációkkal próbálkozott (Khidja, Maria Arnal) időközben. A Mioclono nevet viseli újabb, Arnau Obiols-szal közös párosa, melynek első albuma a Cluster I nevet viseli és Riveola barcelonai kiadójánál, a Hivern Discs-nél jelent meg. S nem véletlen hivatkoztam a talabomani előzményekre, ugyanis hasonlóan utazós, törzsi dobokra ráeresztett dallamos elektronikával hajtott, 7-16 perces kompozíciók alkotják 78 perces albumot, mely maga, a tetőtől-talpig stresszoldás, s még némi detroiti acid-minimaltechnot is hallhatunk, hawtinmentes plastikmant.
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Residents - Triple Trouble [2022, Psychofon][OST] Ancient Methods - The Third Siren [2023, Persephonic Sirens][EP] Biosphere - N-Plants (Reissue)[2011/ 2023, Biophon][LP] Fire & Adrian Sherwood - Fire [2023, Salgari][LP] Kali Malone with Stephen O’Malley & Lucy Railton - Does Spring Hide Its Joy [2023, Ideologic Organ][LP] Matrixxman - Dust World [2023, Self-Released][LP] Mioclono - Cluster I [2023, Hivern Discs][LP] Orbital - Optical Delusion [2023, London][LP] Qant - Moonsick [2023, Submerged/Holding Hands][EP] Rrose - Tulip Space [2023, Eaux][EP] Tolouse Low Trax - Leave Me Alone [2023, Bureau B][LP] Univac - MagnetFunk [2023, 30D ExoPlanets][EP] Viels - Distorted Reality [2023, Dynamic Reflection][EP]
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Traxelektor 2023 02 / 2022 14 Spotify playlist - link (58/69, 5:00/6:48, 84%)
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Traxelektor Playlist 2022 14
Commodo - Eyewitness [Mysterious Trax 002, Mysterious Trax] Commodo - Shadowing [Mysterious Trax 002, Mysterious Trax]
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Huerta - Space Dolphins [Liquid Social EP, Leizure] Huerta - Thrift Store Katana [Liquid Social EP, Leizure] Rapoon - Floating Words [These Are Dreams, Klanggalerie] Rapoon - These Are Dreams [These Are Dreams, Klanggalerie] Rapoon - What Do You Remember [These Are Dreams, Klanggalerie]
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The Residents - Empty As an Elephants' Graveyard [Triple Trouble, Psychofon] The Residents - Lost Inside a Soul [Triple Trouble, Psychofon]
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Viola - Girala [Sunbrnt, Reflue]
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Traxelektor Playlist 2023 02
3.14 - Muck Tolerance [VA - Limitation, Pi Electronics] Alessandro Adriani - Kybernetes [VA - Limitation, Pi Electronics]
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Ancient Methods - Rot And Retaliate [The Third Siren, Persephonic Sirens] Ancient Methods - Seers Turned To Voyeurs [The Third Siren, Persephonic Sirens] Ancient Methods - Sophia's Silent Woe [The Third Siren, Persephonic Sirens] Biosphere - Monju-1 - Modified [N-Plants (Reissue), Biophon] Burnt Friedman - Spray Men Chorus (Extended Version)[Hexenschuss (Asymptomatic African Polyrhytmic Electronica), Nonplace] Burnt Friedman - Tipo Duro (Extended Version) [Hexenschuss (Asymptomatic African Polyrhytmic Electronica), Nonplace]
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Coco Bryce - Into The Groove [FR009, Future Retro London] CYRK - Ahemait [Attack Of The Blow Up Dolls, Cultivated Electronics] Deena Abdelwahed - Fête [Flagranti (OST), Self-released]
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El-B & Burial - Prophecy [Prophecy, Nu-Levels] Elin Piel - Skog [VA - Into The Scandinavian Forest, Monument] Fire & Adrian Sherwood - Janjaweed Comes at Sunset [Fire, Salgari] Fire & Adrian Sherwood - Masaai Smiles [Fire, Salgari] Fire & Adrian Sherwood - Sinnervisions [Fire, Salgari] Fire & Adrian Sherwood - Skankification [Fire, Salgari] Jimi Tenor - Ainon Kyynel [VA - 7Ai9, Sähkö] Jon Hassell - Neon Night (Rain) [Psychogeography, Ndeya]
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Loscil & Lawrence English - Black [Colours Of Air, Kranky] Loscil & Lawrence English - Grey [Colours Of Air, Kranky]
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Matrixxman - 1312 [Dust World, Self-Released] Matrixxman - Airlock [Dust World, Self-Released] Matrixxman - Caught Lacking [Dust World, Self-Released] Matrixxman - The Curious One [Dust World, Self-Released] Matrixxman - The Heist [Dust World, Self-Released] Mioclono - Acid Rain [Cluster I, Hivern Discs] Mioclono - Disobedience [Cluster I, Hivern Discs] Mioclono - Fog and Fire [Cluster I, Hivern Discs] Mioclono - Retorn [Cluster I, Hivern Discs] Orbital - The New Abnormal [Optical Delusion, London] Orbital feat. Dina Ipavic - Day One [Optical Delusion, London] Orbital feat. The Little Pest - You Are the Frequency [Optical Delusion, London] Pugilist - Symbiosis [VA - Baroquism Vol. 1, Baroque Sunburst] Qant - C Thru [Moonsick, Submerged/Holding Hands] Qant - Cosmodrome [Moonsick, Submerged/Holding Hands] Qant - Moonsick [Moonsick, Submerged/Holding Hands] Roger Gerressen - Ängsälvor [VA - Into The Scandinavian Forest, Monument]
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Rrose - A Row of Cylinders [Tulip Space, Eaux] Rrose - In Place of Matter [Tulip Space, Eaux] Rrose - Squared [Tulip Space, Eaux] Sam KDC - Dominion [VA - Limitation, Pi Electronics] Saphileaum - Interlingua [VA - Into The Scandinavian Forest, Monument] SØS Gunver Ryberg - Phosphorus Cycle [SPINE, Arterial]
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Taro - Gas Burn (Flørist Remix)[VA - Baroquism Vol. 1, Baroque Sunburst] Tolouse Low Trax - Bianca from Rome [Leave Me Alone, Bureau B] Tolouse Low Trax - How to Beat the Sea [Leave Me Alone, Bureau B] Tolouse Low Trax - I Would Prefer Not To [Leave Me Alone, Bureau B] Tolouse Low Trax - Impure Nature [Leave Me Alone, Bureau B] Tolouse Low Trax - Non Giudicare [Leave Me Alone, Bureau B] Univac - Delta Resonance [MagnetFunk, 30D ExoPlanets] Univac - MagnetFunk [MagnetFunk, 30D ExoPlanets] Univac - Sample This [MagnetFunk, 30D ExoPlanets] Univac - Segunda Creación [MagnetFunk, 30D ExoPlanets] Viels - Distorted Realities [Distorted Reality, Dynamic Reflection] Viels - Eracly [Distorted Reality, Dynamic Reflection] Viels - Lives Circle [Distorted Reality, Dynamic Reflection]
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Yushh - Look Mum No Hands [Look Mum No Hands, Wisdom Teeth] Yushh - Self Couscous [Look Mum No Hands, Wisdom Teeth]
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nusatimesid · 24 days ago
Gantikan STY di Timnas Indonesia, Ini Treck Record Patrick Kluivert
nusatimes.id – PSSI resmi mencoret pelatih Timnas Indonesia Shin Tae-yong dan menunjuk pelatih baru Timnas Indonesia, yakni pelatih asal Belanda, Patrick Kluivert (48th). Pengganti Shin Tae-yong akan diumumkan secara resmi PSSI Ahad pada 12 Januari 2024. Patrick Kluivert dikontrak selama 2 tahun dengan 2 tahun opsi perpanjangan. Sebagai salah seorang legenda sepakbola dunia, berikut statistik…
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bumblecrisp · 25 days ago
today like a week ago i listened to a kékszakállú herceg vára [duke bluebeard’s castle] - béla bartók and группа крови [gruppa krovi / blood type] - кино [kino]!
a kékszakállú herceg vára - now, it’s worth prefacing this with the admission that i have never been a huge fan of opera (that said, i’ve never seen any live). when i briefly took singing lessons in high school, they always had me sing arias and whatnot from various operas because i have a good voice for it apparently. in retrospect, i wish i’d stuck with it, because how cool would that be? but at the time, i was very unenthused and it rather put me off the genre.
also, unfortunately for me, opera is both an auditory and a visual medium for storytelling. being as i lacked the latter component, and having failed to have read a synopsis beforehand, i was extremely confused upon first listening. intrigued, but confused. (later that night i watched a recorded performance, which was very enlightening.)
maybe i’m just communismpilled, but i am of the opinion that the narrative of a kékszakállú herceg vára is a pretty transparent representation of the violence and bloodshed inherent to the establishment & maintenance of a hierarchical state. the people are made fodder for endless wars, forced to toil in the fields that the wealthy might gorge themselves upon the land, to extract riches from the earth to be hoarded by the great dragon of the upper class; and then they are cast away, loved only in the abstract, praised for their sweet suffering as they wither softly in the night.
the third door stood out to me: the glimmering effect of the glockenspiel or whatever it is and the golden quality of the sound is so gorgeous. the sixth door, too, was very expressive. i adore the little woodwind flourishes, and the soft, expansive horn overlaid with ominous strings is just chef’s kiss. apart from a few moments of relative tranquility, the whole production is very bartókian; in fact, i think its auditory storytelling is hampered at times by its bartókishness. keeping in mind i’m largely unfamiliar with opera in general, and given i am technically only rating the sound-based part of it, i can’t say it enthralled me as much as i had hoped, though it did intrigue me enough to devote another hour of my time to understanding it properly. were i rating the opera as a whole including visuals, it would be higher. 3.5/5
группа крови - “группа крови” [gruppa krovi / blood type] is a very vibey track with some lovely bass. “закрой за мной дверь” [zakroy za mnoy dver' / close the door behind me] is absolutely fantastic. the guitar is compelling, the bass excellent, the lyrics simple yet poignant - i love it. probably my favourite song of theirs so far. “легенда” [legenda / legend] is dreamy, wistful, a solemn song about the beauty and horror of war. it’s a vessel, really, for the wonderful poetry of the lyrics:
Лишь потом кто-то долго не сможет забыть, [only later someone won’t forget for a long time]
Как, шатаясь, бойцы об траву вытирали мечи. [how, staggering, the soldiers wiped their swords on the grass]
И как хлопало крыльями чёрное племя ворон, [and how the black tribe of crows flapped their wings]
Как смеялось небо, а потом прикусило язык. [how the sky laughed, and then held its tongue]
И дрожала рука у того, кто остался жив, [and the hand of the survivor was shaking]
И внезапно в вечность вдруг превратился миг. [and suddenly a moment turned into an eternity]
oh it’s just lovely. lovely and awful and so very cold.
much like the last кино album i listened to, группа крови is composed of all good songs and a couple that just blow you out of the water. they have a knack for catchy instrumentals, but the vocals keep the tracks very somber and grounded. extremely solid with some fantastic highlights. 4/5
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matty-boops · 1 month ago
Sam Cooke is great in general, but his live recordings are literally some of the best music I've heard
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chrisbale1199 · 2 months ago
Where to Buy Genuine Soccer Memorabilia for Legends Like Pele and Patrice Evra?
Soccer is more than a game—it’s a global phenomenon, and its legends, like Pele and Patrice Evra, hold a special place in the hearts of fans. Owning a piece of Pele memorabilia or Patrice Evra collectibles is like holding a tangible connection to these iconic players’ legacies. But where can you find genuine items that reflect their storied careers? Whether you’re seeking signed jerseys, autographed balls, or rare collectibles, knowing where to look is key.
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Many fans start by searching for sports memorabilia near me to uncover local treasures. While physical shops and auctions are great starting points, online platforms provide access to an even wider array of items. However, authenticity matters most—especially when investing in pieces tied to legends like Pele or Evra.
The Allure of Soccer Memorabilia
Pele Memorabilia: Honoring a Global Icon
When you think of soccer, Pele’s name is impossible to ignore. A three-time World Cup champion and arguably the greatest player of all time, Pele’s legacy extends far beyond the pitch. Items like his autographed jerseys or match-worn boots are highly sought after, offering fans a piece of soccer history.
Patrice Evra Collectibles: Celebrating Modern Greatness
While Pele represents the golden age of soccer, Patrice Evra symbolizes modern excellence. Known for his dynamic presence as a defender and his contributions to teams like Manchester United, Evra’s memorabilia—such as signed photographs or game-worn kits—celebrates his impactful career.
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How to Spot Authentic Soccer Memorabilia
Key Details to Look For
Authenticity is crucial when purchasing sports memorabilia. Look for certificates of authenticity (COAs) from recognized organizations, clear and sharp player signatures, and detailed descriptions of the item’s provenance. Whether it’s a Pele-signed ball or an Evra-autographed jersey, ensuring the item’s legitimacy protects your investment.
Trusted Sources and Verification Processes
Stick to reputable platforms or sellers with a track record of verified items. Many auction houses and online marketplaces employ experts who assess each piece for authenticity. Websites like Bidsquare offer curated collections of Pele memorabilia and Patrice Evra collectibles, complete with thorough verification.
Best Places to Buy Sports Memorabilia
Online Marketplaces for Soccer Fans
Online platforms provide access to an extensive range of memorabilia from across the globe. Trusted sites like Bidsquare not only host rare items but also ensure buyers receive genuine products. Whether you’re looking for a signed Pele jersey or a unique Evra collectible, these platforms simplify the search process.
Local Sources for “Sports Memorabilia Near Me”
If you prefer a hands-on approach, check local sports shops or attend memorabilia fairs. These venues often feature unique finds and allow you to verify the quality in person. Additionally, live auctions hosted in your area may present opportunities to bid on rare items tied to soccer legends.
Owning a piece of Pele memorabilia or Patrice Evra collectibles is more than a purchase—it’s a tribute to soccer’s enduring legacy. From signed jerseys to autographed balls, these items preserve the spirit of the game’s greatest players. Ready to start your collection? Explore trusted platforms like Bidsquare for authentic sports memorabilia that connects you to soccer history.
What makes Pele memorabilia valuable?Pele’s unmatched career achievements, including three World Cup titles, make his items highly prized by collectors.
How can I ensure the authenticity of Patrice Evra collectibles?Look for COAs and purchase from reputable sellers or platforms that guarantee item verification.
Where can I find sports memorabilia near me?Check local sports shops, memorabilia fairs, or live auctions for unique items.
Are signed jerseys a good investment?Yes, especially if they’re tied to legendary players like Pele or Evra, as their value tends to appreciate over time.
Why choose online platforms for soccer memorabilia?Online Auction platforms like Bidsquare provide access to rare, verified collectibles from around the world, ensuring authenticity and variety.
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astuceslangues · 2 months ago
Applications gratuites et sites web! 1/2
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É uma plataforma de aprendizado de idiomas que utiliza técnicas de memorização e repetição espaçada para ajudar no aprendizado de vocabulário básico. Os cursos são criados pela comunidade e cobrem uma variedade de idiomas.
Um aplicativo e plataforma de aprendizado de idiomas que oferece cursos interativos de francês com lições adaptadas ao nível de proficiência do aluno.
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Um canal no YouTube que oferece vídeos de lições de francês em formato de documentário, apresentando conversas autênticas nas ruas de Paris.
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Um site que oferece recursos de aprendizado de francês, incluindo vídeos, exercícios e jogos interativos.
Il était une histoire
Um site com recursos completos focado no aprendizado da leitura em francês e também em inglês (títulos infantis com vocabulário e expressões simples).
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É um site onde você pode aprender diferentes idiomas assistindo a vídeos. Eles possuem uma seção específica para o francês, onde você pode encontrar vídeos autênticos e reais em francês. Ao digitar uma palavra ou frase em francês, o site busca vídeos que contenham essa palavra ou frase sendo pronunciada por falantes nativos. Isso ajuda você a praticar sua compreensão auditiva e aprimorar sua pronúncia. Os vídeos têm legendas em francês e inglês para facilitar o entendimento. É uma maneira divertida e eficaz de aprender francês assistindo a vídeos realistas.
Uma plataforma de aprendizado de idiomas que oferece prática de conversação em francês com correção de pronúncia por falantes nativos.
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hotnew-pt · 4 months ago
SBT se manifesta sobre saída de Cléber Machado para concorrente #ÚltimasNotícias #Brasil
Hot News Desde setembro de 2023 no quadro fixo da emissora da família Abravanel, o narrador tem vínculo com a empresa pelos próximos dois anos 7 fora 2024 – 12h13 (atualizado às 12h19) Narrador se torna alvo do projeto da Record para transmissões esportivas em 2025 – Foto: Divulgação/Rogerio Pallatta/SBT – Legenda: Cléber Machado comunica SBT sobre interesse da Record, mas nega decisão /…
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ozzyscollectiblehub · 6 months ago
Sports Illustrated 1973: The Triple Threat of Secretariat and Owner Penny Chenery Tweedy
In 1973, the world of sports witnessed an extraordinary feat—one that transcended the racetrack and captured the imagination of millions. At the heart of this story was Secretariat, the chestnut thoroughbred whose dominance on the track made him a legend, and his owner, Penny Chenery Tweedy, whose vision and determination helped make history. Sports Illustrated recognized this monumental achievement, dedicating a memorable cover story to the Triple Crown-winning horse and his trailblazing owner. This coverage immortalized their journey in the annals of sports history.
Secretariat: The Horse of a Lifetime
Secretariat’s story is one of unparalleled athleticism and sheer will. Born on March 30, 1970, at Meadow Stable in Virginia, Secretariat quickly showed signs of greatness. Trained by Lucien Laurin and ridden by jockey Ron Turcotte, he was known for his powerful build, speed, and striking chestnut coat. But it was his performance during the 1973 Triple Crown that solidified his status as one of the greatest racehorses of all time.
The Triple Crown, consisting of the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness Stakes, and the Belmont Stakes, had not been won since Citation’s victory in 1948. The pressure was immense, but Secretariat proved more than capable. He won the Kentucky Derby in a record time of 1:59 2/5, a mark that still stands today. He then took the Preakness Stakes with another record-breaking run. But it was in the Belmont Stakes that Secretariat’s legend was truly forged.
On June 9, 1973, Secretariat delivered what many consider the greatest performance in the history of horse racing. He won the Belmont Stakes by an astounding 31 lengths, shattering the record for the fastest 1.5 miles ever run on dirt—2:24 flat. The image of Secretariat pulling away from the field, his powerful stride unmatched, remains one of the most iconic moments in sports history.
Penny Chenery Tweedy: The Woman Behind the Legend
While Secretariat was the star on the track, his success would not have been possible without the determination and leadership of his owner, Penny Chenery Tweedy. In an era when the world of horse racing was dominated by men, Chenery stood out as a pioneer. Taking over the management of her father’s Meadow Stable after his health declined, Chenery faced skepticism and resistance, but she was undeterred.
Chenery’s faith in Secretariat was unwavering. She made bold decisions, from choosing the right trainer and jockey to negotiating syndication deals that would ensure the horse’s legacy long after his racing days were over. Her belief in Secretariat’s potential and her willingness to challenge the status quo made her a trailblazer in the sport.
Sports Illustrated’s coverage of Secretariat’s Triple Crown victory in 1973 was not just a celebration of the horse’s achievements, but also of Chenery’s remarkable leadership. The magazine highlighted the unique bond between Chenery and Secretariat, as well as her role in navigating the challenges that came with managing a champion racehorse.
The Legacy: A Moment Frozen in Time
The 1973 Sports Illustrated cover featuring Secretariat and Penny Chenery Tweedy is more than just a piece of sports memorabilia; it is a snapshot of a historic moment in American sports. The image of Secretariat, powerful and regal, with Chenery by his side, represents the pinnacle of success in horse racing. It is a testament to the extraordinary talent of one horse and the unshakable resolve of one woman.
Secretariat’s legacy has endured for decades. His records still stand, and his name remains synonymous with greatness. Penny Chenery Tweedy continued to be a prominent figure in horse racing, advocating for the sport and the well-being of its athletes. She passed away in 2017, but her impact on the sport remains profound.
The story of Secretariat and Penny Chenery Tweedy is one of triumph against the odds, a tale of a legendary horse and the woman who believed in him. Sports Illustrated’s 1973 coverage captured this story for the world to see, ensuring that the legacy of Secretariat and Chenery would be remembered for generations to come.
Sports Illustrated Magazine 1973 Triple Threat Secretariat and Owner Tweedy VTG | eBay
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kisah-lara · 8 months ago
karena Kisah Lara bersifat privat, maka utamanya hanya yang diundang secara langsung oleh READER (aka pemilik server) yang diperbolehkan masuk dan bermain. anggota yang diundang langsung juga boleh mengundang kawanan yang lain, dengan syarat harus melapor pada pemilik server terlebih dahulu; tanggungan kawanan yang masuk menjadi anggota yang mengajaknya.
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ocombatenterondonia · 11 months ago
Após morte de ator da Record, esposa faz divulgação emocionante: ‘Pra sempre’
Após a confirmação da morte do ator da Record Edson Caldas Barboza, a esposa dele, Jennyffer Vieira, usou as redes sociais para lamentar o caso e ‘uma legenda emocionante, que contou com força dos seguidores. “Pra sempre vai ser eu, você e eles. Te amarei eternamente! Vai com Deus, descansar. Eu vou fazer tudo por eles sempre”, escreveu Jennyffer, compartilhando uma foto em que eles aparecem…
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ntgospel · 1 year ago
Geisson Augusto lança versão de “Não Desista Ainda de Mim (Yet)”
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/musica-gospel/geisson-augusto-lanca-versao-de-nao-desista-ainda-de-mim-yet
Geisson Augusto lança versão de “Não Desista Ainda de Mim (Yet)”
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Apesar de ter começado a carreira artística em dezembro de 2019, a música faz parte da vida de Geisson Augusto desde a infância. Autodidata, ele é cantor, compositor, multi instrumentista, produtor e ainda edita os vídeos em seu canal no YouTube que somam quase 300 mil visualizações.  
Com um estilo musical que mescla o folk, o pop-rock e o indie, Geisson tem como principais referências o irmão Eberson Luiz e os cantores Cory Asbury, Brandon Lake e Michael W. Smith. Vivendo em Anastácio, no Mato Grosso do Sul, ele já se apresentou em vários estados do Brasil, na Bolívia e no Paraguai. 
Com 18 singles lançados, sendo dez entre 2022 e 2023, ele define o ano que passou como um período em que conseguiu construir boas conexões e fazer um ótimo investimento na carreira.
– Acredito que 2024 é o tempo de colher e as expectativas estão lá em cima. Tenho certeza que será o melhor ano da minha carreira até agora. Para este ano, planejamos uma meta bem ousada de lançarmos um single por mês. Será desafiador, mas é o que precisamos para não ficar no comodismo e evoluir sempre – compartilha Geisson.
Expectativa Para o Cover
Sempre trazendo canções autorais ao longo de sua trajetória, Geisson Augusto resolveu apostar em uma versão para dar o pontapé inicial neste novo ciclo da carreira. A canção escolhida é “Yet”, escrita pela artista norte-americana Ashley Hess e gravada pelo grupo Maverick City no prestigiado álbum “The Maverick Way Complete”, lançado no ano passado.
Ao passar a canção para o português, Geisson a registrou com o título “Não Desista Ainda de Mim (Yet)”. O single foi distribuído nas plataformas digitais pelo próprio selo do artista – Gas Records.
– A música autoral é perfeita para mostrar a sua identidade, mas quero alcançar aqueles que ainda não conhecem o meu projeto e acredito que um cover ou uma versão é a melhor maneira de ser notado nas redes sociais. Essa canção falou muito comigo quando vi um trecho curto dela com legenda na internet e ela me tocou demais. A parte mais difícil foi a tradução. Quis ser o mais coerente com o original e também manter a harmonia e melodia. Essa canção fala sobre sempre buscarmos a ajuda de Deus, ela é como uma oração direta ao Pai, um pedido de ajuda que sempre é respondido – explica o músico.
Confira o lançamento de Geisson Augusto:
Ouça também em sua plataforma de streaming favorita: https://onerpm.link/135429870546
Processo de Produção
De acordo com Geisson, o processo de produção foi bem fluido. Por ser uma “canção de intimidade e muita verdade”, ele optou por uma sonoridade mais acústica, com linhas melódicas e voz bem “na cara”.
– Quando estava gravando essa canção, gravei com o coração e refletindo em cada frase. Assim, acredito que o público pode esperar muita verdade e sentimento. Se pudesse dar um recado, eu diria: “Cuidado para não se emocionar, pois é uma canção que relata o que cada um de nós vivemos todos os dias! Ouçam sem moderação” – declara.
Geisson também lançou o clipe de “Não Desista Ainda de Mim (Yet)” no YouTube. O vídeo foi dirigido por Rafael Barbosa e seguiu o estilo intimista da canção.
– Gravamos dentro do estúdio e em preto e branco para trazer essa nostalgia, onde o foco é apenas a letra e melodia da canção. 2024 será lindo! Em fevereiro já temos um novo projeto autoral e também uma nova fase na carreira – adianta o artista.
Com mais de 40 mil seguidores nas redes sociais, Geisson Augusto é casado com Jennefer Matos e é pai de Vitor Augusto e Liz. Juntamente com a carreira musical, ele é pastor da Igreja Vitória no Mato Grosso do Sul, onde também atua como líder de louvor e dos jovens, com quem trabalho no combate e prevenção ao suicídio e à depressão.
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bravumagazine · 1 year ago
Os ensaios da Megan foram babado!
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Tipo assim, se você não sabe quem é MEGAN BUTLER você então é tipo de outro planeta, né? Ou ao menos não joga role play no IMVU, então a gente pode te perdoar rsrs. A Megan é uma cantora de IMVU muito baladeira que faz parte da gravadora NM Records. E ela simplesmente nos trouxe um dos melhores ensaios do ano! A diva, pelo perfil de instagram @ensaiosdamegan nos proporcionou três dias com muito show, muita interação social e uma porrada de gente importante do IMVU — tudo isso no mesmo lugar, meu! Eu fiquei, tipo assim, muito em shock quando vi o fucking Mc Cabelinho e a JOELMA ali. Foi TUDOOOO, mas nem pude tirar fotos, pois eu estava a trabalho, muito triste a vida de blogueira rsrsrs. Mas vamos ao que importar, ner? Os babados!!!
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No primeiro dia de show a gente teve as THE PUSSY CAT DOLLS trazendo um show farofa, cheio de muita dança, cara! Foi tipo a melhor abertura de todas!!! Elas cantaram Don't Cha e a plateia foi a loucura, eu mesma estava rasgando o meu cu lá em baixo!
Se já não bastasse ter as gatinhas, o segundo show foi tão foda quanto. A Eeka pegou sua lace platinada e meteu uma Aplause da Lady Gaga e todo mundo aplaudiu, é claro, ner? A musa arrebentou, eu fiquei toda arrebentada!
E depois foi a vez dela, a Pamella Frederico, cantora de Oddcast que canta as suas próprias musicas. A diva cantou "Ciuminho" uma deliciosa canção que traz esse sentimento tão doentio de forma fofa. E se vocês olharem bem vão me ver lá de backvocal e dançarina, pois eu sou pau para toda obra e enfiei um fio dental no cu e fui rebolar minha raba no palco!
E depois, assim do nada, tivemos o fucking Filipe Ret cantando Libertina BR, e caras! Minha calcinha encharcou! O divo é tão incluso que pensou até nos surdos e botou uma legenda com a letra de sua musica no vídeo, awnnn, eu queria ficar surda de tanto #$%@¨& com você, Filipe (ai, meu Deus, a demissão vem).
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E o segundo dia foi tão fodastico como o primeiro!!! Começando com a rainha das gostosas Slipbony que matou todos com seu show cantando "Espero Que Entendam" FOI MARAAAAAAAAA
E o 𝘿𝙅 𝘿'𝙈𝙄 que apareceu de SURPRESA e chocou todos, porque você sabe, ner? Ele apareceu de surpresa kkkkk, tá bom desculpa. E se você acha que o show foi ruim por ele ser um DJ e tipo não cantar e nem dançar você errou! O cara foi brabo e você pode ver o show completo clicando AQUI.
E depois de uma rapper e um DJ, nós tivemos o nosso primeiro sertanejo da noite, o romântico (e gostoso rsrsr) 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙮𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝘼𝙡𝙫𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙯 cantando "Não Parei de Sofrer".
E quem pensou que o sertanejo se despediria dos ensaios com o Thalyson pensou errado! A Drih Alvez chegou com tudo e botou todos que estavam sofrendo para dançar com a Boiadeira. Caralho, eu balancei muito meu cu!
E por último tivemos o MC Cabelinho para molhar a calcinha da mulherada (com a minha não seria diferente, mas eu tirei e joguei no palco, caiu no segurança e eu quase fui expulsa). MC Cabelinho cantou "Carta Aberta" e a plateia foi a loucura mesmo quase sendo uma da manhã!
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E o terceiro dia tivemos mais gente de peso e obviamente a própria Megan!
O ensaio começou com os meninos do mainstrivu, que animaram a plateia para caralho com um show super empolgante!
Tivemos também a Joelma animando todos com sua cultura paraense. A diva estava com um look super patriota e chamou a atenção de todes!!!
E depois uma dupla veio com tudo para abalar mais ainda os ensaios da Megan! Mika Luxe e Henriki Fraser tiraram todo mundo do chão!
E minha filhaaaaa, depois tivemos a atração mais esperada!!!!!! MEGAN BUTLLER cantando Oompa Loompa!! E vou te contar minha buceta também é tipo oompa loompa!!! A diva fez um pout pourri. Não satisfeita em deixar a plateia completamente delirada ela foi e chamou a Luisa Sonza para uma apresentação surpresa e por fim encerrou a noite cantando Bongos!
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Os Ensaios da Megan foram uma atração divertida, sonoramente incrível e que reunião a nata artística do IMVU apenas em um lugar, independente do RPG que façam parte. Você pode ver mais postagens sobre esse evento no próprio Instagram do evento @ensaiosdamegan no instagram da revista Variety (@variety.vu) e obviamente pelo nosso perfil (@revistabravu).
Eu sou a redatora estagiara, dançarina e modelo Tiffa Cukies, espero que tenham gostado da cobertura.
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thanathicca · 1 year ago
Penakluk Kematian
(Thanatologist from Pathologic the Musical: Indonesian version/translation/translyrics)
Click here for my new and improved version of the recording from 2024! :D
Original/English Title: Thanatologist Indonesian Title: Penakluk Kematian (Conqueror of Death) English Lyrics, Music: @pathologic-the-musical Indonesian Lyrics, Vocals, Audio Editing: @thanathicca (me) Version: 3 (may not be final)
Konon, hiduplah sosok melegenda Konon, ajalnya tak menghampiri Jika benar Jika bisa bersua Tujuan hidupku terpenuhi!
Konon, ia tinggal di padang tundra Konon, ia bermukim di stepa Ku 'kan coba, Singkap rahasianya- Hingga 'ku diakui Yang Kuasa!
Penakluk kematian Berawal di ajal Rona darahmu Pelita untuk jiwa yang kekal
Penakluk kematian Capai mimpi luar biasa Kutantang maut Walau nyaris tak mungkin ia senang Ku 'kan menang
Tatapan warga yang menyangsikanku Adalah sambutan yang aku tunggu M'reka tak tahu - ha! Takkan mengerti Visi mulia yang kujunjung tinggi
Dunia sungguh kelam Manusia sungguh naif dan kejam Namun selama aku masih bernyawa Ku takkan sirna Bersama sukma sang legenda
Penakluk kematian Terbiasa dengan kegagalan Tetapi akhirnya 'Kan kucapai yang t'lah lama kudamba!
Demi Thanatica!
Translation notes (including the literal English translation of my lyrics) and recording notes under the cut!
Recording Notes
Boy, oh, boy. I live in an environment that isn't very conducive for singing (BIRDS! DOGS! CATS! PEOPLE! xD). The tempo admittedly needs work, but considering my environment, I can't re-record it again (no other recording is as good as this one, which is fucking wild). So you get this take!
(I use it, they, he, and she pronouns in case you're wondering...)
Also, this is my first time using Audacity. So pardon the... imperfections. //D I had to edit my vocals (mostly removing the horrible inhaling sounds xD)
Not to mention that I'm unsure if I really, truly embodied the Bachelor in my singing. I had so much fun, though!!! <3
Since I'm not much of an audio engineer, I'll be moving on to the...
Translation Notes
"Why 'translyrics'?" It's the lingo in Vocaloid cover circles. "Translations" means "subtitles", and "translyrics" means "translations you can sing to the song"!
Now, the first thing you should know is the fact that Indonesian has a lot more syllables than English. Especially if you don't get creative. For example:
English: dead (adjective) -> death (noun) Indonesian: mati (adjective) -> kematian (noun)
That's long as hell, isn't it? So to make these translyrics, I activated my BIG BACHELOR BRAIN to find alternatives to "kematian", such as "ajal" or "maut". Please be proud of me, Daniil T_T
Also, the Bachelor doesn't just use basic words, no! I make sure this song has the most poetic, pretentious lyrics possible, using uncommon or complicated words or try to evoke some Cool Shit to show his level of education.
Fun fact: "the Bachelor" would be translated into "Sang Sarjana" if we go the literal route.
But also no one calls other people "Sarjana" as a honorific (i.e. "Bachelor Dankovsky") unless they're being tongue-in-cheek trying to cheer up a fresh graduate.
Also my biological sibling said "Daniil Dankovsky, S. Ked." and my life has never been the same since. (S. Ked. = Sarjana Kedokteran = Bachelor of Medicine).
We can translate his title to "Sang Cendekiawan" ("the Intellectual") if need be, but... "Sarjana" also means "intellectual/expert" in a more archaic sense.... I digress. xD
Another thing about Indonesian is that the Indonesian word for "psychologist" is "psikolog". But "thanatolog" sounds kinda silly so I just thought, hmm, Tha-na-to-lo-gist... five (5) syllables... hmm... For a thanatologist... seven (7) syllables... I can't fucking say "untuk seorang thanatolog" (9 syllables)...
"Penakluk kematian" it is. It means "conqueror of death", as if he's already succeeded. The hubris of Sang Sarjana is unparallelled, and I adore him. <3
If we make an Indonesian translation for Pathologic, he can also say Sanskrit phrases, because like English/Russian speakers who want to sound smart(TM) speak Latin, Indonesians use Sanskrit. It's in various organization mottos around the country. You're welcome! ;D
English Translation (so you can see what's lost and what's gained):
Literal English Translation
[My notes]
They say there is a man who never dies, here. They say there is a man who can’t be killed. If this is true, and if I can see him, then finally my purpose is fulfilled!
Konon, hiduplah sosok melegenda Konon, ajalnya tak menghampiri Jika benar Jika bisa bersua Tujuan hidupku terpenuhi!
They say, there lived a legendary man They say, his demise will never approach him If this is true If (we) can meet My life's purpose will (finally) be fulfilled
[I decided to call Simon Kain "a legend(ary man)" because there is no way to say "deathless man" or "man who can't be killed" without being extremely clunky.
Deathless man (3 syllables), man who can't be killed (5 syllables), BUT the Indonesian version, "Pria yang tidak dapat/akan mati" (9 syllables), "pria yang tak bisa/mungkin dibunuh" (9 syllables)... and those are the non-poetic translations. I can't fit all these syllables in it unless you want the Bachelor (or me...) to rap, which sounds like it'd be super unique to Pathologic's somber tone (I'm not averse to it if someone does make a Bachelor rap, though :D)
"Sosok" literally means "figure". Often a larger-than-life or mysterious one.
"Bertemu" is the #basic form of "meet". "bersua" is more like... "rendezvous".]
They tell me that he lives here in the tundra, they tell me that he lives here in the steppe. I will prevail, I will win his secrets- a victory the Powers must accept!
Konon, ia tinggal di padang tundra Konon, ia bermukim di stepa Ku 'kan coba, Singkap rahasianya- Hingga 'ku diakui Yang Kuasa!
They tell me, that he lives (here) in the tundra They tell me, that he lives (here) in the steppe I will attempt to Reveal his secrets Until the Almighty acknowledges me at last
[There isn't really a concept for "the powers that be" in Indonesia. So I invoke the monotheistic God (yes, "Yang Kuasa" literally means "The Almighty") instead.
Indonesia is a deeply religious, monotheistic state (for better or for worse), and my translation for Burakh invokes way more religious vibes than Dankovsky in his word choices, though it's for a different belief altogether.]
For a thanatologist, the ending is the start! The answers I seek are in the lifeblood that leaks from your heart!
Penakluk kematian Berawal di ajal Rona darahmu Pelita untuk jiwa yang kekal
A conqueror of death Begins from the end The fire in your blood Is my (guiding) light towards an immortal soul
["Ajal" just means "death", and "Pelita" means "light", but they're both very poetic, especially the latter. You see the theme.
Also, using blood as one's guiding light is so metal.]
For a thanatologist, nothing cannot be overcome. I will spit in Death's face, though the odds may be thousands to one! It will be done!
Penakluk kematian Capai mimpi luar biasa Kutantang maut Walau nyaris tak mungkin ia senang Ku 'kan menang
A conqueror of death Achieves the grandest dreams I will challenge Death Even though They will hardly be happy I shall be victorious
["Spit in one's face" is not a phrase with an Indonesian "twin". We have different phrases... like "menantang maut" (challenging death)
Making Death a sentient being ("they won't be happy") is more of a western concept than an Indonesian one, but it's the best I can put it, because "though the odds may be thousands to one" (9 syllables) would be "meski kemungkinannya ribuan banding satu" (14 syllables)... but since "thousands to one" is "it's almost impossible", you get "will hardly be happy"!]
The people staring, hungry, from the shadows, are a fitting welcome for a man like me. Still, they don’t know – ha! They don’t know a thing about the visions only I can see.
Tatapan warga yang menyangsikanku Adalah sambutan yang aku tunggu M'reka tak tahu - ha! Takkan mengerti Visi mulia yang kujunjung tinggi
The stares of those townsfolk that doubt me Is a welcome I've been expecting They don't know They'll never understand The noble vision that I uphold
[The 1st line was lost in translation, which saddened me. but instead of a "fitting welcome", it's an "expected welcome", reiterating that Sang Sarjana is even more arrogant than the Bachelor.
Like the Town on Gorkhon, Indonesia is a very conformist, superstitious society... innovations are often considered arrogant, and defeating death is truly a goal that deserves to be burned in hell.
This vision is noble for Dankovsky, though. I mean, what's the life expectancy in early 1900s Russia? Not 80, for sure. And Indonesia was still colonized by the Dutch at the time. And the plague... is a manifestation (or friend, etc., etc.) of Death, too.]
For the world is dark and cruel, and all of us are cowards and fools. But as long as I’m alive, I will go on, I will thrive! I will win this fight… when I meet this deathless man tonight!
Dunia sungguh kelam Manusia sungguh naif dan kejam Namun selama aku masih bernyawa Ku takkan sirna Bersama sukma sang legenda
The world is truly dark Humans are truly naive and cruel But as long as I'm alive I will not be vanquished With the legend(ary man)'s soul by my side
[With the amount of Indonesian syllables... I had to cut some words out. Again.
The repetition of "sungguh" is my attempt in trying to imitate the anaphora of the next English lines ("I will go on, I will thrive, I will win this fight...")
"Sirna" is a very pretty word. The basic meaning is "disappear without a trace" - it's often used for dramatic, nebulous things like emotions, or grand things like the sun.
"Sukma" is a poetic way to say "soul". No one says this in conversation, unless they're extremely formal.
Also, unrelated to the song, but "Sukma" is a female given name, did you know that? Now you do!]
For a thanatologist, failure’s just the premise of the game. But at last I’m so close to the goal I’d give my life to attain!
Penakluk kematian Terbiasa dengan kegagalan Tetapi akhirnya 'Kan kucapai yang t'lah lama kudamba!
A conqueror of death Is accustomed to failure But at last I will achieve what I've been dreaming for eons
[I can't use the Indonesian word "premis" without sounding like my Introduction to Logic homework from university. :p
"lama" just means "a long time" but for Sang Sarjana I'll give him the best words <3]
In Thanatica's name!
Demi Thanatica!
In Thanatica's name!
["demi" is used to make a vow, and conservatives only allow people to say "demi Tuhan" (in God's name), or for goals, could be "demi Indonesia" (for the country). But Daniil Dankovsky cares not for such limitations!
All in all, it's the most straightforward line. And it's done!!! >:D]
I really appreciate you reading thus far - seriously, thank you! I hope this gave you some insight.
Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa!
(Thank you and goodbye!)
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