#Legale fraude
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emilianadarling · 4 months ago
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The Pennsylvania Senate race is still too close to call.
While it's unlikely to affect the presidential race, I hope Americans are aware that the NBC decision desk (pictured above) and New York Times decision desk have not yet called the Pennsylvania Senate race between McCormick (R) and Casey (D), deeming it still too close to call. The AP called the race for McCormick on Wednesday November 7, citing a 30,000 vote margin between the candidates with an estimated 91,000 votes remaining to count -- the rationale being that there were not enough potential votes left in areas favouring Casey to make a difference.
Since then:
The number of estimated votes left to count has been updated by PA from 91,000 to at least 100,000 per a Thursday announcement from the PA Secretary of State, including provisional, military, overseas, and some Election Day votes;
McCormick has filed multiple lawsuits in an attempt to prevent or limit continue counting of provisional ballots, some of which have now by Friday been withdrawn or dismissed;
Efforts from a group called "PA Fair Elections" to challenge 4,000 mail-in ballots (mostly from overseas or military voters) have now all been withdrawn or dismissed. A number of these challenges had previously been flagged both by the media and by individual voters. (Screenshots of these challenge emails being circulated on tumblr alongside accusations of 'cheating' -- in the end these challenges were made in bad faith, but technically made and ultimately dismissed through legal means.)
This DOES NOT MEAN that the Pennsylvania Senate seat is in any way guaranteed to flip once all the remaining votes are counted. The race is extremely close -- enough so that the AP is confident standing by its call.
What it DOES mean is that the votes have not yet finished being counted, and that it is not yet truly known who will have the most votes in the end. Although McCormick has already declared victory, Casey (in my view very reasonably and wisely) has not yet conceded and is calling for all votes to be counted.
By Pennsylvania law, a recount must occur if the race is within 0.5%. It's looking likely that this will occur. While recounts rarely change the outcome unless results are truly within the main of a handful of votes, they are an important tool for ensuring confidence in the final results.
I know that people are grieving and demoralized right now, but these tight margin races are CRITICAL for determining how large the margin of victory will be for Democrats to flip the Senate in future elections. (Assuming future electing aren't subverted or dismantled somehow by a second Trump administration, but we have to hold out hope for institutional residence here.) The outcome of this and other right Senate and House races may have enormous consequences in a few years, and it would be agonizing to look back and realize that the window of opportunity to ensure a fair outcome had been squandered.
So -- what can Americans do?
Send a note to Bob Casey and his team via his campaign website in support of his efforts to ensure all votes are counted (particularly given the legal challenges from the Republican candidate and Republican-aligned groups) and decision to wait to concede until all votes are counted. The man is getting dragged in Conservative media in particular for 'refusing to concede'; add your voice to the people validating that decision as both reasonable and moral.
Keep an eye on this race as the counting (and potential recounting) proceeds, including any further legal challenges attempting to prevent or limit the counting of all ballots. Regardless of the outcome, all eligible votes MUST BE COUNTED. To do otherwise would be both subversion if democracy and an stoicism legal precedent for future elections.
Watch for other legal challenges, particularly in battleground states or right races, seeking to disqualify or prevent the counting of ballots. Look for credible sources, especially local ones. Make noise about them with cited sources if you think there is a risk they may be missed. Notify groups like Democracy Docket or the American Civil Liberties Union if you have concerns. Shared truth and shared confidence in the legitimacy of election results -- including that all eligible votes are counted -- is essential for democracy to function.
Push back on claims that the election results are fully known or finalized. With multiple House races still undecided and a few razor-thin margin Senate races with ballots remaining to be counted, those kind of statements are simply not true. And state-level race are inherently more likely to not make it onto people's radar than the presidential race if candidates try to make it so certain ballots aren't counted or contesting the results if a tight race flips.
There is only a very small window post-election to ensure things like outstanding legal challenges over whether certain ballots can be included in the count are resolved. Please stay alert and do not let that window close without doing all you can to ensure every eligible ballot is counted -- particularly in those tight, tight down-ballot races. 🙏
Note: This post should be accurate as of the end of day on Friday, November 9. Once the results of the PA Senate race are known and truly final, I will update this pay with the results.
UPDATE: As of November 22, Bob Casey (D) has now officially conceded the Pennsylvania Senate race to Dave McCormick (R).
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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Results from the ‘Who is the tallest MDZS Character poll! Thank you all for voting!
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athena-xiii · 4 months ago
America is on fire, might have to marry several friends to get them here, my fuckin shoulder is dislocated cus I sat weird—
But like at least the queen who taught me to bake is demolishing the frat boys of YouTube
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tigerbears · 1 year ago
You might now that The Crew's servers are going to be shut down in April, but this guy is planning to launch an international campaign to prevent the game's shutdown, thus preventing the shutdown of all video games that rely on a central server.
"Oh, but you can't expect the company to run the servers forever."
Your right, that's not what Ross is arguing for. He's arguing that Ubisoft (and any other company that cant run the servers forever) either patch the game so it can run offline/run servers locally, or release the server software.
Guess how much you can help depends on which country you live in
(For example, if you bought the game in the US your very likely f@#ked. Ross explains the only thing you can do is contact the FTC, but if that doesn't work the only other way to stop this practice is an act of congress because the law is f@#ked and the company can do almost anything as long as the EULA says it. If the EULA says you don't own the game, then legally you don't own the game.)
However, if you live anywhere else (like France, Australia, or the EU) you have a better chance because you have rights.
"But I don't care about The Crew."
This isn't about just The Crew. If this campaign is successful, then it could set a president to save all online only games in the future.
"But I don't own The Crew."
Then reblog this post so someone who does can read it.
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freakyarts · 2 years ago
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My mental health is slowly draining thx to summer vacation please praise me on this
I need it 😭💔😞
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coochiequeens · 11 months ago
Men having kids through surrogacy to fulfill selfish wants without thinking of the impact on the kids would be reduced if surrogacy agencies has a screening process
Wife returns from work one day, sees strange woman at home holding infant
Husband hires surrogate to have longed-for child, furious wife threatens divorce
By Alice Yan in Shanghai Published: 9:00am, 29 Mar 2024
A woman in China has told how her husband resorted to secret surrogacy to acquire a baby because the couple’s 29-year-old daughter refused to give him a grandchild.
The 53-year-old woman, surnamed Guo, said when she returned from work one day in September 2022, she saw a strange woman in her home holding an infant, according to Henan Television.
The stranger told Guo the child belonged to her and her husband, and she had been hired as a maid.
A shocked Guo later learned that the baby was born via surrogacy after her husband paid an agency.
The child was carried by a university student, the report said.
Guo and her husband, who live in Yiyang, Hunan province in central China, have one daughter – their only child, who told them she does not want to marry or have children.
“My husband said, ‘Your choice means I will never be a grandfather. What’s the point of raising you? Not having a baby means you are not filial, according to Chinese traditional culture’,” Guo said.
The man, whose age was not included in the report, said because the infant girl was so cute and healthy, he might ask the surrogacy institute for a boy next time.
“I flared up into a fury. I am going to divorce him,” said Guo.
The husband stole his wife’s identity card to apply for the infant’s birth certificate which states that he is her father and Guo is her mother.
“I flared up into a fury. I am going to divorce him,” said Guo.
The husband stole his wife’s identity card to apply for the infant’s birth certificate which states that he is her father and Guo is her mother.
The news report told the story of another man, aged 62, from Henan province in central China who also hired a surrogacy company without telling his family, so he could have a baby boy.
The man’s daughter said her father had wanted a son for a long time.
“After the one-child policy was abandoned, my father asked my mother to have another child for him. But my mother was nearly 50 and she did not want to have another child,” said the daughter.
She said the surrogacy company charged her father 540,000 yuan (US$75,000) and guaranteed the baby would be a boy.
Surrogacy is illegal in China. In 2023, the authorities issued a directive to crack down on the activity.
The story caused a heated discussion on mainland social media.
“I support surrogacy being illegal. Otherwise, women will just be used for their wombs,” one online observer said on Douyin.
“Maybe in the future, dating couples will need to check their DNA to see if they are siblings,” wrote another.
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pleasant-plant-x · 9 months ago
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twofoursixohjuan · 1 year ago
nature is healing (filled up my library holds again with books from the @who-do-i-know-this-man tournament)
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Bulletin/Novus: Nine out of ten foreign-born people have holidayed in their country of birth
By: Alex Alma
[ Note: Auto-translated from Swedish ]
A new survey from Novus shows that over 85 percent of foreign-born people have at some point traveled back to their country of birth for a holiday. Among those who came to Sweden as refugees, the proportion who have holidayed in their old home country is 79 percent.
Holidaying in the country you fled from has become a topic of discussion in European countries in recent years. Bulletin has commissioned Novus to investigate how foreign-born people view repatriation, their children's growing conditions and holidaying in their country of birth. The sample consists of 1050 foreign-born people and the survey was conducted between 18 and 24 August.
The survey shows that only two percent of foreign-born people plan to return to their country of birth in the future, while 16 percent answer maybe. 76 percent believe that they intend to stay, among those who have come to Sweden from a non-European country, the proportion is 81 percent. 53 percent of foreign-born people believe that Sweden is a better country for their children to grow up in compared to their home country, while 9 percent believe that Sweden is worse than their home country. 33 percent answer neither.
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Holidays in the country of birth
In the Bulletin/Novus survey, 85 percent of foreign-born people have visited their home country as a holiday destination at some point. Among those who came as family immigrants, 92 percent have traveled back to their country of birth to holiday at least once, while the figure is 79 percent among those who came as refugees. The group of foreign-born people with the highest proportion have never holidayed in their country of birth are the adopted, where 41 per cent have not visited the country of birth since they came to Sweden.
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Novus points out that it is in the nature of things that those who participate in their surveys are reasonably well integrated in Sweden, since they answer questions in Swedish. The political conditions in their countries of origin may therefore have changed as time has passed.
But 79 percent is still a very high figure considering that we are talking about those who have come to Sweden and claimed that they are refugees.
In Norway, Aftenposten reported in 2018 that 24 percent of immigrants from Somalia, 40 percent of immigrants from Afghanistan, 55 percent of immigrants from Iran and 71 percent of immigrants from Iraq regularly traveled to their home country. According to Aftenposten, the data had been produced by Norway's statistical authority SSB. A difference with Bulletins/Novus is that the Norwegian figures are the proportion of immigrants who regularly holiday in their home country, while the Swedish figures report those who have travelled at least once.
Most countries allow people who have become citizens to return to their home country on vacation. At the same time, the fact that so many who originally came as refugees are returning indicates that the need for protection no longer applies, or perhaps never was so great.
The regulations for asylum seekers who have not been granted citizenship differ depending on the country. In Sweden, there are no restrictions for refugees who have been granted a permanent residence permit to travel back to their home country. However, refugee status can be revoked if it turns out that the person no longer needs international protection from their home country, and in cases where asylum seekers have been found to provide incorrect information about their need for protection. Other countries have stricter regulations. Switzerland, for example, does not allow asylum seekers to travel back to their home country to see relatives or vacation, except in very special circumstances. If this happens, the foreign-born person loses the right to continue to have a residence permit in Switzerland, according to UNHCR.
In Germany, too, asylum seekers' holiday trips to their home country became a political issue, as holiday trips were considered incompatible with the claim that one is fleeing for one's life and seeking protection in Germany due to danger in the home country. In a statement in 2019, Germany's then Interior Minister Horst Seehofer warned refugees that they would be investigated and stripped of their residence permits when traveling to their home country.
"If someone, a Syrian refugee, regularly vacations in Syria, he cannot honestly claim to be persecuted in Syria," he said, adding "we would have to strip him of his refugee status."
According to DW, for example, in 2016, investigations led to 66 refugees from Iraq and Syria being stripped of their residence permits, and were no longer considered to be in need of protection because they had gone on trips to their home country.
Angela Merkel has also criticized refugees' holiday trips to their home country, and said that it could be interpreted as meaning that the need for protection should be reassessed.
CORRECTION: The article previously stated that Sweden does not have restrictions for those who have been granted asylum to return to their country of origin. The Swedish Migration Agency has pointed out: "That statement is directly incorrect, refugee status can be revoked if it turns out that the person no longer needs international protection from their home country or if they have provided incorrect information about such a need." The text has been corrected.
Legal immigration and legitimate asylum/refugee protection are all good things.
But western societies are being taken for a ride by people who are exploiting their empathy. When you claim to be fleeing a toxic ideology but then have no problem wandering back, we're justified in assuming you're not on the side that you claimed to be or that benefits us.
Revoke status and deport.
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ladyelainehilfur · 3 months ago
omg y'all, wait. do you know which real-life person looks just like Rashta? SHAKIRA!!
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spiderman2-99 · 4 months ago
How much money do you make a year? Do you have over a million?
Wouldn’t you like to know.
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Please the dream I had can still come true. If enough election fraud gets proven, trump can still lose in the most embarrassing and incriminating way possible, PLEASE let that be what my dream was about T~T
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wcdonaldo · 4 months ago
debating whether or not to tell them i have to vote today and sneaking out two hours early...
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coochiequeens · 11 months ago
All at once now ladies "But this never happens"
By Natasha Biase March 22, 2024
Spain’s Minister of Family, Youth, and Social Affairs in Madrid is raising alarm bells after locating multiple cases in which men convicted of domestic violence changed their legal gender identity. In a letter issued to the Minister of Equality, Ana Dávila-Ponce de León Municio detailed her concerns that the safety of female victims of violence was at risk due to Spain’s “progressive” approach towards gender identity.
In her letter, issued March 18, Minister Dávila-Ponce de León noted that she had become aware of six cases in the autonomous region of Madrid where men charged with violence against women had changed their legal gender identity — a process that was streamlined and made significantly easier following the enactment of Spain’s “Trans Law” in 2023.
In addition to updating their registered sex, three of the men made requests to stay in women’s shelters with the wives and children who had been escaping from them. So far, concerned staff at the shelters have blocked their access but may be violating the nation’s gender discrimination laws as a result.
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The letter sent by Minister Dávila-Ponce de León to Minister Redondo Garcia.
But perhaps most disturbingly, an abuser changing his legal sex has a tremendous impact on the resources the victims are able to access. In one of the cases recently highlighted by El Mundo, a female victim of sexual assault was stripped of the special protection provided for victims of physical and sexual abuse because officials told her that her aggressor, who drugged and raped her in front of her young daughter, “was no longer registered as a man, but as a woman.”
In Spain, special gender-based violence charges exist, providing female victims of male violence specific protections and resolutions which can impact divorce or separation proceedings, custody, and other important factors. Victims of gender-based violence can also access special protections intended to ensure they are safe from their male abuser.
Because a female cannot be convicted of gender-based violence, male abusers who change their legal sex can avoid this charge and deny their female victims of those legal protections.
As previously reported by Reduxx, a man in Spain who abused his female partner for opposing his gender transition avoided charges of gender-based violence by legally changing his identification to “female” and adopting a woman’s name. As a result, his victim was unable to obtain a specific protection order for intimate partner violence which would typically result in the male abuser being removed from the home to minimize the financial impact to the woman at a time where they are most vulnerable.
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Despite only one year passing since the Trans Law was enacted by Spanish parliament, making it easier for people to “self-identify” their gender on their legal documents, several cases have emerged involving men using the law to receive financial, social, or legal benefits. The phenomenon is now being referred to as “trans fraud.”
Earlier this month, Reduxx reported that dozens of male civil servants in one small Spanish community changed their gender identity reportedly just to get benefits allocated for females. Among them was Roberto Perdigones, a 35-year-old Army corporal, who boasted of changing his legal sex to “female” after deciding he identified as an “intersex bigender” person.
From that moment on, he began to enjoy the benefits: the day he got his new ID card, he showed up at the barracks with earrings, long hair and a beard, now able to disregard mandatory dress code regulations without repercussions.
But the benefits are not limited to aesthetic issues, with Perdigones also now qualifying for a mother’s pension as he is a “woman” with a child.
“By changing my sex, as I have been informed, my pension has gone up. Because women receive more in retirement pensions to compensate for the inequality. In addition, I get 15% more because I have a child,” he boasted.
“I even have a private room in the barracks, all to myself, with a private bathroom. Because, being a woman, I can’t be with the men, and I didn’t consider it appropriate to be with the biological women out of respect for them. I’ve had the room to myself since the sex change.”
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Perdigones also intends to seek a promotion and will be utilizing the so-called ���affirmative action measures” designed to increase female presence in the Armed Forces command.
As Perdigones is approaching the mandatory age of retirement for temporary soldiers, obtaining a permanent position would be beneficial for him. Perdigones will be applying as a “woman,” since the physical tests are less demanding and because certain positions are seeking more female representation.
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tigerbears · 11 months ago
You may have seen a post about this a month or two ago, but if your new I have a question.
Do you care about video preservation?
Basically, this dude (Ross) is launching a campaign to try and shut down the destruction of always online games by targeting the shutdown of "The Crew".
I think the video explains it well enough, but most of it is to direct you to this website that shows you what to do.
Decisions are limited depending where you live/if you own The Crew, but the least you can do is spread the word to people who do own The Crew.
Now I'm going to copy and paste the expected counter arguments from my last post.
"Oh, but you can't expect the company to run the servers forever."
Your right, that's not what Ross is arguing for. He's arguing that Ubisoft (and any other company that cant run the servers forever) either patch the game so it can run offline/run servers locally, or release the server software.
"But I don't care about The Crew."
This isn't about just The Crew. If this campaign is successful, then it could set a president to save all online only games in the future.
"But I don't own The Crew."
Then reblog this post so someone who does can read it.
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ladysophiebeckett · 2 years ago
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if you really think about it, this whole thing actually started with armando being upset that betty had a personal life that didn’t revolve around him. 
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