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The Catchphrase Says It All..
It’s funny how language reveals intent. The rallying cry of modern leftists isn’t “help the poor” or “lift people out of poverty.” No, the phrase that echoes through protests, Twitter threads, and political speeches is “tax the rich.”
This isn’t a coincidence it’s a reflection of what really drives these movements. It’s not about improving lives; it’s about punishing success.
Envy Over Solutions
If the true goal was to help those in need, wouldn’t the focus be on creating jobs, improving education, or incentivizing charitable giving? Wouldn’t there be a push for economic opportunities rather than punitive taxation? But instead of advocating policies that uplift, the Left fixates on tearing others down.
The phrase “tax the rich” betrays a mindset of envy rather than progress. It’s about resentment, not reform. It’s far easier to demand that someone else pays up than to take responsibility for fixing systemic issues.
A Convenient Scapegoat
The wealthy are an easy target. They’re a faceless enemy, a villain in a simplistic narrative where success is inherently immoral. But here’s the truth: the rich already pay a disproportionate share of taxes. In the UK, the top 1% of earners contribute nearly 30% of all income tax yet activists act as if they pay nothing.
Meanwhile, billionaires create jobs, invest in innovation, and fund philanthropy at a level governments could never match efficiently. Yet, rather than encouraging more wealth creation, the Left would rather see wealth punished even if it means fewer jobs and lower economic growth.
What Should the Focus Be?
The slogan should be “help the poor.” That means supporting policies that actually work:
✅ Encouraging job creation – Lower taxes on businesses to spur investment and employment. ✅ Fixing broken welfare systems – Too many programs trap people in dependency rather than providing a pathway out. ✅ Championing education and skills training Empower people to rise on their own merits.
Instead, the focus remains on punishment. And that’s why so many leftist policies fail—they’re not about making the world better, just about making it "fair" through forced redistribution.
The Takeaway
The obsession with “tax the rich” is a telltale sign that the movement isn’t about helping the poorit’s about resentment, control, and ideology.
Real change comes from policies that create prosperity, not ones that destroy it. But as long as the loudest voices are more concerned with taking from others rather than lifting people up, we’ll never have real progress.
#TaxTheRich#HelpThePoor#WealthCreation#EconomicFreedom#FreeMarket#LowerTaxes#PoliticalHypocrisy#LeftistAgenda#PunishingSuccess#WealthRedistribution#ConservativeValues#TaxationIsTheft#WelfareReform#JobCreation#Meritocracy#CapitalismWorks#AntiSocialism#GovernmentOverreach#ProsperityNotPunishment#EconomicTruth#today on tumblr#new blog
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Richard Dawkins slams the regressive left on Fox News (YouTube)
Whereas there are examples around the world of the coexistence or integration of cultures to the benefit of society as a whole (thinking specifically of Afro-Caribbean culture in the U.K.), cultural incompatibility is what results in ghettos and no-go zones, as we see with the failure – or refusal – of Islamic culture to integrate into European countries. But the politically correct political and intellectual establishment tells us that all cultures are equal; that it all comes down to tolerance of diversity.
No. All cultures are not equal. When political correctness has gone insane; when rape victims fear reporting their attackers for not wanting to "offend," and the authorities cover up the crimes of Muslim rape gangs, you know there is an agenda beyond what you see on the mainstream news. Our civilization and way of life is not under threat by accident. You shall know the beast by its actions.
The destruction of the family unit is essential for bringing in a new era of global governance. Governments need to create more and more dependence on the state, and they do this via divide and conquer – principally via turning women against men (and men to give up on women) via feminism, which has women dependent on the government for resources and men seen as surplus to requirements; even though it is men who pay most of the taxes which end up as welfare payments to single mothers.
The emasculation (and submission) of the Western man has created the opportunity for misogynistic Islam to come in and restore order. (It’s really fascinating to see the female psyche play out on a social scale; claiming to be against chauvinism and misogyny while defending and welcoming Islam, of all things.)
Once feminism had subverted Western civilization, the next steps in setting up total cultural collapse were the creation of racial narratives and thus reverse racism at every available opportunity – entrenching the hopelessness of cultural determinism at the expense of self-empowerment – and more dependence of racial minorities on the state via “urban plantations.” And, most importantly, the importation of third-world populations that will depend on the welfare state, and thus vote for bigger government, is accelerating the collapse.
The leftist-liberal establishment persecutes, vilifies and makes an example of anyone who takes a stand for national sovereignty and cultural heritage. Newly elected Macron in France had said “there is no such thing as French culture.” That sums up everything you need to know.
The irony is that the left’s multicultural indoctrination has as its agenda the destruction of all culture. Except, in place, a rapidly and morbidly propagating culture of fear and submission – aided by terror attacks which often occur through all-too convenient incompetence up to the highest levels – so that people willingly (and it often seems happily) submit to the big-brother government.
Destabilizing the Middle East was by design – problem, reaction, solution – so that “multiculturalism” could be taken to the next level.
(Classical Liberalism 2.0, 2017)
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Also tell women that men suppressed them from ages under some hidden conspiracy #leftistagenda #antihinduagenda https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Rp0IhpzSk/?igshid=1qf2o46koduit
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