cloudysfluffs · 1 year
I love the way you drew Sam and Max in your art style! I hope you do more tk art of them (no pressure though draw what you want)
there is nothing id rather draw for you anon!!!! i LOVE making art of these two <3333333333
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(dont worry, sam's got a sneaky way of escaping)
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(ns//fw and/or fetish blogs please dni🙏🙏)
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supermarvel-fics · 9 months
Hi anon who requested the Supernatural headcanons :)
Lee and Ler Headcanons for both Sam and Dean please🥰
Sam and Dean Tickle Headcanons
as a ler, sam is pretty ruthless when he needs to be.
growing up with dean, he can get irritated quickly, so if you're getting on his nerves, he'll let you know by tickling you.
it will start out as quick jabs to the side or harsh pinches to your kneecaps.
"oh, you're just asking for it now..."
if you egg him on, it will turn into a fully blown attack until you're left crying and pleading for mercy.
afterwards, he'll think he genuinely put you in distress and run to get you water and then hold you for as long as you need.
growing up with dean, sam got his fair share of being tickled.
he's the pleading type. the guy who will beg and make deals just so he won't be tickled.
"please, don't! I'll wash the car! I won't touch the car! I'll do your dirty laundry, just DON'T!"
when someone finally gets their hands on him, sam has a laugh they won't expect. it's a bit high-pitched.
he's a fighter, so he'll flail and squirm the entire time unless you're bigger than him and can hold him down.
his ribs are his most ticklish spot and that's where you can effectively weaken him.
as an older brother, dean knows just how to get you to talk or basically do anything he wants.
he's a highly skilled tickler, knowing just how to wreck you.
he's got that stern exterior, so he can be downright menacing when he's about to tickle you.
"you wanna repeat that?"
he can also turn it very sexy.
"oh, don't think I've forgotten where you're ticklish, sweetheart. we'll finish this later."
he can deduce you to a giggling mess before he even touches you just with a mischievous smirk.
he's a pinch and squeeze kind of guy, tickling harshly to get the loudest laughs from you.
the tables completely turn when dean ends up on the receiving end.
he'll deny that he's ticklish until he's blue in the face, but everyone knows that it's a lie.
he'll threaten you just before you get the upper hand, making sure you know that he'll get you back eventually.
"I'd rethink this if I were you..."
"If you so much as put a hand on me, I swear to God."
you know it's all an act. you know dean secretly loves the playfulness (though he'd never admit it)
his most ticklish spot in that hollow dip in his hips and if you ever needed information from him, that's where you'd get it.
he'll fight it at first but will eventually calm down and take it once he realizes it's not so bad.
after a while, he becomes comfortable enough where he can actually enjoy the feeling of the soft, lazy tickles just because it gives him goosebumps and he feels loved and cared for.
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cringemesstickles · 9 months
Cat And Mouse
Summary: This is basically just the scene from s10e03 except it’s normal and Dean is just Dean and also isn’t trying to kill Sam-
Pairing: None
Word Count: 1,010
A/N: *Posts this and runs*
Literally this is all I could think about during this scene. :’)
“Cmon sammy, don’t you wanna hang out with your big brother?” Dean called out, stalking the bunkers halls in search for his little brother.
Sam heard his brother’s taunts, and from the sound of it, he wasn’t too far.
This little cat and mouse game had gone on for about a minute; Dean calling out taunts and teases while Sam tried to get himself as far away as possible from his playful older brother.
The goal was to get to Dean’s room, as It’d be too obvious to hide in his own; and besides, it was only a few corners away.
“Sammy? You’re just making this worse for yourself man.”
Sam pressed himself against the wall when he heard his brother’s voice from around the corner.
He was so screwed.
He peered over the right hand corridor, Dean’s room was right there! If he was stealthy enough, he may be able to slip under Deans radar.
Just as he was about to make a break for it…
“GOTCHA!” Dean grabbed his younger brother and flung him over his shoulder, carrying him to his bedroom.
How Dean was able to carry him, Sam had no clue.
Dean wasn’t weak by any means, but Sam was 6'4 for crying out loud!
There’s no time to dwell on it! right now, he had to find a way to escape.
When they reached the room, Dean dumped his brother onto his bed and quickly climbed on top of him, making sure he was pinned.
“Well little brother, it seems I’ve caught you…” He said through an evil grin,
“You know what happens next, don’t you Sammy?” raising his hands, he wiggled his fingers above Sam’s stomach.
“Dean w-wait, can’t we talk about thihihis?” A nervous giggle slipped past his lips as he started pleading with his big brother.
The sight of his brother’s wiggling fingers tore down his crumbling resolve, reducing him to a giggly mess.
“Sorry Sammy, I caught you fair and square… take your punishment like a man!”
With that, he vibrated his claws into the center of Sam’s belly, making the younger scream with laughter.
Dean grinned cheekily.
“I’m already tickling you, there’s nothing to wait for!”
Sam gripped the soft sheets, head thrown back in mirth, laughing harder than he has in a long while.
Dean’s hands drifted to Sam’s sides, kneading the sensitive flesh while an evil grin made its way to his face.
“Ohhh, I get it… you just can’t wait for me to raspberry that cute belly of yours!”
He said, letting a finger trail back to his brother’s stomach and lightly tracing.
Just at the mention of raspberries, Sam’s eyes widened, shooting his hands down to protect his tummy from the inevitable attack.
“Nonono! Dean, please dohohohont!!”
He was squirming side to side, trying anything to throw his brother off.
“Why not? Too ticklish? Surely you can handle a couple measly raspberries.. unless you really are that ticklish?” The older brother tapped against the younger’s side thoughtfully, smile glued to his own face at the image of his little brother so happy and carefree.
Sam’s face reddened, the teasing easily getting under his skin.
“Shut uhuhuhup!!!” His hands moved from protecting his stomach to covering his face in embarrassment.
“Hey!” Dean poked his brother’s belly button, eliciting a squeak.
“Don’t tell your big brother to shut up!”
As if to punish his little brother for his actions, he dove his head down and blew raspberry after raspberry on the ticklish tummy.
“NOOO DEHEHEAN, I’M SORREEHEHEHE!!” The taller squealed, bucking his hips and shoving at his brothers head.
Sam could feel the older’s smile against his skin; he didn’t know what got Dean in such a playful mood but he had to admit, he was having a lot of fun. It felt nice to let go and laugh, and it felt nice for Dean to hear his brother laugh for real.
It’s not that Sam’s laughter was never genuine, it’s just that it was never really full on laughter, only light chuckles mostly at Dean’s expense.
This laughter on the other hand, loud, boisterous, happy, this was the laughter that Dean had missed so much.
He lifted his head to give his brother a break, lightly tracing along his sides.
“Sorry’s not gonna cut it, Sam. Telling your big brother to shut up is a horrible offense!”
Sam just giggled.
“You tehehell me to shut up ahahall the tihihime!”
Dean shrugged.
“Well, I’m the big brother. I’m allowed.” He grinned at the eye roll he received.
“You’re sohoho annoying.” Sam grumbled, his attempt at a frown looking more like a pout.
“Aww, there’s no need to pout, Sammy. Luckily, I know just how to fix it!”
He caught both of his brothers wrists and pinned them to either side of him, diving down again, this time nuzzling against Sam’s belly, rough stubble rubbing against soft skin and making it all the more ticklish.
The younger hunter snorted, throwing his head back and screaming with bright happy laughter.
Sam was practically screeching, squirming as best he could.
The older brother laughed against the shaking tummy, finding the reactions both funny and cute.
“Why not? Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.”
Dean laughed.
“Well that’s all the reason to continue!”
Tears of mirth were starting to form in Sam’s eyes and his cheeks were getting sore from smiling so much.
Dean could tell it was about time to let up, he gave his brother one last raspberry before rolling off of him.
Sam curled into ball with his arms wrapped around his stomach, leftover giggles falling from his lips.
The older hunter grinned and pat the younger on the shoulder.
“You alright there, little brother?”
Sam nodded, a smile still stuck to his face as he tried to get his giggles under control.
“I hahahate you.”
Dean chuckled at that.
“No you don’t.”
Sam’s laughter subsided a bit but his smile still remained
No I don’t…
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gaybananabread · 4 months
Attack for @arrows-point (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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My stars this took forever (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) Finally got time to finish it this week. I love your OCs; their designs are so fun! I hope you Enjoy!
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auroras-blog37 · 29 days
I loved your Gabriel fic so could you please do Lee and Ler Headcanons for Supernatural?
Thank you for the request!!!
Supernatural Lee and Ler Headcanons:
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This man is a cackler and giggler anytime he is tickled
Growing up with Dean, he’s gotten pretty good at defending himself against being tickled, but as soon as you get one spot he’s done
Will definitely give you puppy dog eyes to convince you not to do it
He’s a fighter, he’ll squirm and try to pry your arms away as he curls in on himself
Thats where his long limbs come in handy for him
Sam’s ribs and armpits would be his most sensitive spots
Sam can be pretty ruthless as a Ler when needed
He’s figured out the signs of when you want him to tickle you, like when you provoke him with sass, stubbornness or trying to tickle him first
Type of person to use more rougher tickles like poking and squeezing
He loves making you laugh so he always admires your laughter when he tickles you
Definitely more comfortable being the Ler but still allows you to be the Ler at times
He’s a teaser, saying things like; “You brought this upon yourself.” Or “What was that? I can’t quite hear you past your giggling.”
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He will never admit that he’s ticklish no matter how much you prove it
His laugh can differ, it could be a hearty laugh or a squeaky laugh or if he’s holding back, only a chuckle
Will give you a certain look of warning when you try to tickle him
Like Sam, he’s a fighter and will do everything to get away
Although he secretly likes it but he will never admit that
His most ticklish spots would be his hips and waist
Much more likely to be the Ler as he is an older brother after all, meaning he’s a very skilled tickler
Dean has the serious surface when in reality he would be getting butterflies at the sound of your laughter and can’t help but crack a smile
He would definitely tease you if you’re ‘air ticklish’
“I haven’t even touched you yet.”
“Oooo what’s this?”
He can work with both soft and rough tickles, depending on the situation
Big fan of soft soothing tickles during cuddling
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He would be confused at the sensation at first but after a bit he will actually start to enjoy it
His laughs are usually more quiet, like little chuckles or giggles
After the first time you tickled him he would ask you to do it again because he ‘Likes The Human Experience’
Castiel twitches and squirms a little bit but tries to remain as still as he can
His most ticklish spots are his waist and neck
Castiel likes tickling just as much as being tickled because he likes to understand human reactions like that
He’ll be soft with the tickles, smiling at you whilst stopping to make sure you’re okay
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“Is it okay with you if I continue?”
Uses tickles as a way to cheer you up if you’re sad or upset
He wouldn’t tease you out of risk of embarrassing you, but also because he doesn’t know how
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Don’t tickle him…just don’t even try
He wouldn’t actually be ticklish but he would threaten to murder you if you tried
Would give you a death stare
“Do that again and I’ll pluck your eyes out and use them in my cocktail.”
I feel like he wouldn’t try to tickle you often, but with the soft spot he has for you he can’t help but find it endearing
Uses it as a form of punishment
“Learn your lesson?”
Only uses rough tickles to make his point
Secretly Crowley can be affectionate with you and may give soft tickles during a cuddle
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He’s a playful guy so I feel like he’d enjoy being tickled but wouldn’t admit it
Wheezes or laughs whenever he’s tickled
He’ll threaten to tickle you if you try to tickle him
He would probably provoke you with his smartass comments to tickle him
I feel like he’d probably need to be pinned down, which I think he’d like anyway
Gabriel has very ticklish ribs and knees
Gabriel is known for loving jokes and pranks so expect to be tickled a lot
Will use mockery and baby talk to tease you
“Aw what’s this? Is that another spot?”
“Someone’s sensitive.”
He would be a smiling/smirking idiot when he hears your laughter
Likes to use both soft and rough tickles as well as tickle hugs, surprise tickle attacks and wake up tickles
Loves when you giggle at neck kisses/love bites
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mysteriouslee · 7 days
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lee!alex switch!sam switch!clover ler!gladis
Today was a slow day, the girls had no assignments, no classes, no dates and for what it seemed, no missions. Thank Christ for that.
Sam lay on her bed, curled up with a good book, listening to Ricky Mathis. Suddenly she heard a shriek from Clover. Then she got up to see the commotion. When she opened her door she witnessed a giggling Alex running as fas as she can away from a determined Clover.
"What's going on!" She yelled, grabbing on to Clover before she ran down the stairs.
"It's Alex! I was trying out this new outfit I got yesterday, then when it was over my head, she snuck up on me and tickled me! I fell over and almost tore the tag off" explained the blonde.
The red head sighed and shook her head. For the past week Alex had been pulling pranks on them and sneaking up on them to tickle them then run away.
"I say it's high time we get ourselves a nice cold dish of revenge" the green clad spy said with a smirk.
Two hours later....
The girls went out for a little while the returned to their dorm. In between Sam and Clover was Alex eating the froyo they bought her.
"I'll pay you guys back as soon as possible, I swear" said the ravenette.
Sam and Clover smiled sweetly and very suspiciously.
"Don't you worry your cute little head about Alex, it's on the house" responded the red clad spy.
"You guys are acting weird"Alex accused, stepping back warily.
"Alex c'mon, we just wanted to treat you,since you want to pay us back, would you mind giving us a hug" Sam asked nicely, however her exspression seemed suspicious.
Alex stared at them with suspicion as they closed in to hug her.
"This has nothing to do with messing with you guys all week, right guys? The orange clad spy questioned.
"What ever do you mean" Clover said awkwardly.
That settles it.
Alex attempted to get away, however Clover over dived foward, toppling over all three of them.
"Oh no you don't!"exclaimed Clover.
Sam found her way on top of Alex beside Clover. "Guhuhys" Alex began giggling nervously.
"Oh Alex, we havent done anything to you yet" Sam pointed out
"Ihih knohow, I cant hehelp ihihit" the ravenette covered her face in embarrassment. Sam and Clover looked over at their friend fondly, giggling to each other. "Just let us know when we go too far Al" Sam said, ruffling Alex's hair. Alex felt delicate nails tracing up her back and the restrained giggles were quick to follow. Next, she felt Sam's palms against her sides. Sam pinched and squeezed Alex's sides up and down and Alex buried her face in the carpet. Sam moved down to Alex's hips and the shriek was immediate. "SAHAHAMMYYYY" screamed Alex.
Clover leaned down to give Alex raspberries on her neck. Alex's whole body convulsed and she tried to buck Clover and Sam off with all her might. "It can't be that bad Alex" Clover remarked
"It is for Alex, she's the most ticklish person I've ever come across" Sam teased
" *snort* PLEAHAHAHASE" Alex cried out "Please what ?" asked Clover Alex shook her head, she wasn't falling for that this time......like the other bajillion and counting times.
A few minutes passed and Samantha and Clover had a managed to reduce Alex to a mess. Alex indicated that she couldn't handle anymore and just as they let up, a trap door opened beneath them. The trio plummeted into Jerry's office, groaning as they nearly missed the couch. "Greetings ladies" Jerry welcomed. "Jer, can I have like a couple minutes to recuperate, Sam and Clover almost just killed me" Alex sighed
"You deserved it you goblin" Clover retorted, reaching over to poke Alex. Jerry snickered at their shenanigans and Gladis's eye seemed to focus in on Clover. Suddenly a few mechanical arms reached over and began tickling Clover, on and under her knees and on her shins, which just so happened to be her worst spots. " *snort* AHAHAHAGLAHADIHIIS" shrieked the blonde. "I'll avenge you Alex" Gladis stated robotically. Sam noticed Gladis turning their gaze over to her, and before she could register anything, mechanical hands were now attacking her stomach. Sam threw here head back and dissolved into cackles. " *hic* *snort* NAHAHAHAH" Sam let out hysterically.
Jerry sighed, I guess the mission can wait a few minutes.
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dreamingticklee · 9 months
Squealing Santa 2023
Happy Holidays @hexalianrebel-blackfeathers !!! I hope you enjoy your gift and that I fulfilled your prompt to your liking! Hope you have had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you the happiest new year! Enjoy! 🎄
And big thank you to my dear @hypahticklish for another year of hosting @squealing-santa ✨️
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Ler!Gabriel/Lee!Sam
Words: 829
"So, Sammy boy, what'll it be?"
The devious voice of the archangel teased it's way into Sam's brain, causing a bright blush to rise to the surface of his skin. Limbs spread apart towards all four corners of the bed by an invisible force, Sam knew he was in for it. (And maybe he wanted to be.)
"I, um...mhmhmhm...don't know."
Gabriel feigned surprise. "You don't know? Well, now, that just won't do!" He slowly sauntered closer to Sam's prone, vulnerable position on the bed and his expression grew into a tantalizing smirk. "Here, tell ya what, I'll be nice and help you figure it out. Now, let's see..."
Gabriel reached out and let his hand hover over Sam's unprotected armpit. He took one finger and tauntingly circled it around, just merely an inch above contact, to which Sam sucked in a breath trying to hold in his creeping laughter, the anticipation already too great to handle.
"Hmm, how about here?" The archangel landed a few ticklish pokes in the stretched hollow.
Sam gasped with a squeak. "No!"
"No? Not there? Then should I try..." Gabriel moved his eager hand to the side of Sam's ribs with a sudden quickness and squeezed in a pulsing succession. "...here? Is this what you want?"
Jolting up with a startled laugh, Sam balked at the tazering zips that shocked his ribcage. It wasn't fair that just a few accurately pinpointed squeezes already had him squirming like bait on a hook. "Stop it!"
"Okay, okay." Gabe took his hand away...only for it to come back seconds later for one more taste and Sam squealed.
"Aww, how adorable."
"You want me to tickle you so bad? All you had to do was ask!"
Not wasting another second, Gabriel's fingers started making quick work to skitter all over Sam's stomach. Sam's body began to dance with uncontrollable giggles brightly shimmering out of his chest, sounding like music to Gabriel's ears and fueling his fire. The tips of his practiced fingers knew just the right amount of speed and pressure to effectively dismantle his prey.
"This is one of your favorite spots isn't it?"
"Shut uhuhup!" Sam felt a wave of heat rush to his cheeks. Gabe wasn't wrong, it was just rude of him to say that out loud.
"You know what I think would make this even more fun though?" With a flick of the wrist, Gabriel tossed the hem of Sam's shirt up, exposing a strip of skin. Taking a big, dramatic breath, the archangel leaned down and connected his lips to Sam's quivering tummy and blew.
Sam busted out into loud laughter, arching his back.
Gabriel smirked against Sam's skin. "Aha, that's the ticket, huh?" He blew again. And again. And again.
The tingling vibrated into Sam's veins and sent a thrill rushing through his system. It seemed like with each raspberry blown onto his sensitive skin, the ticklish feeling grew and grew, radiating from his glowing core.
"Ahahahaa!! Stop it!"
"No can do, Bucko." Gabriel continued blowing raspberries all over Sam's middle while also deciding to bring his fingers back into play, scribbling them up and down Sam's sides. He relished in the growing changes of pitch of Sam's laughter with each new raspberry placed.
A few moments had passed when, without warning, Gabe came to a sudden stop. "You know what? I think we're missing something." And just like magic, four hovering feathers appeared, two by each of Sam's feet. Under the Trickster's control, the feathers were put into position and made contact, two feathers stroking the sole of each foot while the other two feathers began sawing through both sets of toes.
The soft, yet torturous tickles sent a new wave of sensation through Sam's affected body. "NoooOOOHOHOHO!"
Gabriel let out a smug, contented sigh. "Ahhh, that's much better! Now, where was I?...Oh, yeah!" Pfffft.
Sam screamed. The combination of Gabriel's playful raspberries and nimble fingers attacking his torso with the new addition of the teasing feathers having their way with his feet was absolutely lethal. His nerves were alight with ticklish demise and he couldn't do anything but writhe around on the bed and laugh his heart out. But that's what was so thrilling of it all. Sam was used to being the hunter, not the hunted. And now here he was under the playful, silly control of his "predator" and it was always an exciting feeling.
Suddenly, a new voice coming from the doorway broke him from his thoughts.
"Need an extra set of hands?"
Sam gasped. "Dean, NO!"
Gabriel laughed as his tickling came to a pause. "Well, hey there, Deano! I think Sam would definitely love some help with his armpits."
"No problem." Dean made his way over to the head of the bed.
"Nonono NO! Stop this isn't fair!"
Gabe scoffed. "Since when do I ever care about being fair?"
Renewed screams and laughter filled the room once again.
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sleepy--anon · 11 months
Day 28: Massage
Reserved by anon
Reblog first, like later please, reblogs do more
Reservations are full
Sam's back had been killing him all day, trying everything to relieve the pain, stretching, trying to crack it, hot shower, nothing helped. He laid on his front, on Foolish's hotel room floor. Foolish could tell something was wrong, he just couldn't pinpoint what it was.
"What's going on Sam? Somethings wrong." Foolish wandered over to where Sam was laying, kneeling down to make eye contact with Sam without him having to strain his neck.
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"My back is tight, it's killing me man. Driving me nuts." Sam readjusted himself for what felt like the 600th time today. Foolish hummed softly, swinging his leg over to straddle the backs of Sam's thighs, sliding his thumbs up his back with a comfortable pressure.
"Oh God Foolish! Thank you...!" Sam sighed heavily, finally feeling that relief. He all but melted into the rug he was laying on, letting Foolish work his magic, massaging out the knots and tension that had been causing him pain. Foolish was so focused on working out all the kinks in his back that he didn't realize how close he drifted to his ribs. Sam jumped, suddenly very alert. His jump made Foolish flinch, ripping his hands away, thinking he'd hurt him.
"Are you ok?!" Foolish lightly pressed around the area, checking for a bruise he might've pushed into on accident.
"Fohohoolish StohohoOHOP!" Hearing Sam start giggling finally let Foolish know what caused the jump.
"I don't think I've ever met someone actually too ticklish for a massage~"
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Okay but…..
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Sam is canonically ticklish.
Let that sink in.
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rhinco · 2 months
tragedy that i haven't seen anyone post this clip from the latest make some noise
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darrenpillowscriss · 7 months
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cringemesstickles · 11 months
Honey Sweet Laughter
(TickleTober Day 16: Unusual Spot)
Summary: Gabriel discovers a new tickle spot on his boyfriend
Pairing: Sabriel
Word Count: 709
A/N: Some Sabriel tickles because they’re adorable
Anyway, ticklish arms are so underrated, goodbye
One of the first things Gabriel learned about Sam Winchester was that he was incredibly ticklish. Obviously, this would come in handy for a trickster such as himself, and he uses it against his serious boyfriend every chance he gets.
As soon as he learned about Sam’s sensitivity, he quickly found all of his tickle spots.
Or so he thought…
On one lazy evening, the couple was huddled together on the bunkers sofa, enjoying some alone time on a day off.
Gabriel leaned in close and gave his boyfriend a peck on the cheek, delighting in the warmth of his presence.
“I told you a rest day was a good idea.” Said the archangel, grabbing the taller man’s hand and giving it a kiss.
Sam giggled and leaned into the touch, melting at the sensation of warm lips on his soft skin.
“Alright, I’ll admit it… for once, you had a good idea.” He teased lightly, earning a theatrical gasp from Gabriel.
“All of my ideas are good ones and I am offended that you seem to think otherwise!”
Sam giggled again, amused by his lover’s theatrics.
To Gabriel, the sound was like a drug, addictive, always leaving him wanting more. It was a sound so sweet, it could give honey a run for it’s money.
Gabriel did always have a sweet tooth.
Overfilled with affection, the archangel brought Sam’s wrist to his lips and started littering the skin with quick, playful kisses, traveling upwards to the delicate skin of his inner elbow.
The sensation sent sparks through Sam’s arm, drawing out a surprised gasp, followed by a storm of titters.
“Gahahabe! T-That tickles!” The hunter lightly tugged at his arm, his stomach filling with butterflies.
Gabriel froze and looked up at his boyfriend’s smiling face, utterly delighted by the reaction.
“Oh? A new tickle spot, you say?” He kept a firm grip on Sam’s wrist and used his other to spider his fingers from the wrist to the crook of the elbow, prompting the muscles to twitch and shake.
Sam let his head fall back against the couch, letting out sounds that could only be described as angelic.
“Just when I thought I had found all your tickle spots~”
Sam’s laughter reached a new pitch when Gabriel started nuzzling the soft skin. He never knew such a light touch could be so ticklish, but as his boyfriend continued to nuzzle, the slight stubble brushing against the inside of his elbow, he couldn’t deny the overwhelming happiness that the sensation brought.
“Aww, does this tickle? Who knew you could be sooo sensitive in such a strange spot~” Cooed Gabriel, switching back to peppering chaste kisses all over his lover’s arm.
Sam couldn’t help but blush, the teasing getting under his ticklish skin and chasing his blood to the surface.
“You’re s-so embahaharrassing!”
Gabriel’s eyes had that flare to them, signaling that he was up to something.
“You think that tickles? How about this!”
Quick as a hare, he sucked in a breath and blew a sharp raspberry right on the sensitive skin, prompting Sam to jerk his arm and squeal.
“GABE, NOHOHOO!” Sam protested through peals of laughter, the blissful smile on his face betraying how he truly felt.
Gabriel could never put into words how he felt about the hunter before him. In his entire celestial life, he had never loved anything as much as he loved Sam.
Deciding he’d tortured his lover enough, the archangel released his arm and pulled away, eyes filled with love for the blushing mess in front of him.
He leaned in and pulled Sam into a warm, gentle kiss, relishing in the way Sam’s giggles felt against his lips.
When they parted, be it reluctantly, they looked at each other with all the love in the universe, content smiles adorning their faces.
“I love you… even when you embarrass the life out of me.”
Gabriel grinned and gave the hunter one last kiss on the nose, admiring the soft chuckle that escaped Sam’s lips.
“Love you too, my big brave hunter.”
They spent the rest of their night cuddling, letting themselves bask in the serenity of the moment.
And if more tickles took place, that’s a secret for just them to share.
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I’d watch that
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catboywizard · 8 months
the sickness at the core of america, according to brennan
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iamthedukeofurl · 6 months
Everybody acts like each new Game Changer is a new level of betrayal and psychological torture from Sam towards his friends. Did we forget that the very first game changer was "Sam wheels out a strange machine and asks the contestants embarrassing personal questions, the veracity of their responses is judged by the Machine. The machine is actually controlled by the contestant's significant others who have been made accomplices. Forcing their loved ones into revealing shameful truths for internet broadcast." And sure, he's gotten a bit more personalized with these, constructing a variety of torture chambers for Brennan Lee Mulligan specifically, putting Grant O'Brien in various situations and then bringing his mother onto the set. But deception and betrayal were part of Game Changer from the beginning. So, when I hear people say "I can't believe Sam WENT THERE" about something all I can do is think to myself He went nowhere He's been there the whole time
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sleepy--anon · 2 years
18 with ler punz and lee Sam
After the irl pp stream they all drank a bit more but most left, Foolish had passed out in one of the bedrooms and Sam and Punz were the only ones left in the lounge. Punz’s eyes where half lidded with a loopy smile on his face. Sam laughed at him a bit, not used to seeing him like this. "Stoooppp laughing at meee, you're drunk too!" "Clearly not as much, or I can just hold my alcohol better than you~" Sam lightly teased, yelping after Punz 'punched' his ribs. "Sam what...? Wait… That tickled?” "...No?" "You're a terrible liar" Punz used his body weight to lean against his arm that was on the back of the couch, pinning it up, and rapidly poked up and down his ribs. "Now you have a reason to be laughing~"
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