trashyswitch · 1 month
Shitfaced and Stupid
Jackie goes to the club with Chase, Marvin and Shawn. A bunch of shenanigans happen, and Jackie ends up making a big mistake while drunk off his ass!
So...Funny story about this fanfic: I had written this entire fanfic while I was tipsy or drunk. Only thing is, I didn't write it all at once. I had written the first 2 pages while drunk the first time I had gotten drunk at the club. Then, I wrote 3 more pages while extra drunk on my second clubbing experience. And then the last page, I wrote the third time I had gotten drunk after going to the club. Yes, I was doing a lot of clubbing. But this fanfic had been in the works for exactly 2 weeks. So with that in mind, I hope you enjoy!
I was downing a Moscow Mule, not even caring about how much I was drinking all at once. It was Chase’s birthday, and I never EVER let myself have fun. I am always the sober one who gets a cab, or IS the cab to get my friends home. But you know what? I’m giving up my seat tonight. Tonight is my time to treat myself. And what better way to treat myself, then to let myself get drunk at the club?! 
Yes, I know it’s not MY birthday…But Chase legitimately told me “We’re gonna get SHITFACED TONIGHT!”. And why the fuck wouldn’t I take that chance?! 
We had walked into the club at about 11:30pm, and showed the doorman our ID’s. Being undercover, I didn’t feel a need to pull out my ‘Jackieboy Man’ persona. I’m just Jack tonight. Average Jack. 
I finished my Moscow Mule, and put the empty bottle onto the table. I had promised to be the ‘breadwinner’ tonight. I didn’t save up all this cash for nothing…I might as well use some of it tonight. I had originally paid for Chase, Shawn and Marvin to get into the club with me. We had all gotten a black star on the back of our hands, to signify the fact that ‘we paid already, and we can come back whenever we need to. 
Chase and Shawn had gotten themselves whiskey sours, and were enjoying their drinks. I could feel the buzz hitting already. It probably helped that I had pretty much downed the whole thing without even taking a break to breathe. Though I am well aware of how dangerous this can be, I am an impatient fuck who wants the buzz as soon as possible. 
And I most certainly got it! The buzz took hold rather quickly. I could feel my body moving a little more smoothly and freely. I felt like I could move myself around without a care in the world. No worries about who’s watching me or judging me…just dancing and genuinely enjoying myself. It helped that Chase, Marvin and Shawn were all cheering me on as I swayed my hips, shuffled my feet, and let my arms flow to the beat of the song. The DJ was mostly playing hip hop music, which helped motivate me to dance further. 
Things were going really well…And they only got better once a young lady started dancing her way up to me. 
I started dancing alongside her, watching her move her hips and spin her brown hair. She wasn’t dressed up very sexually considering where she was. She was actually dressed in overalls, of all things, which made her stand out in the group…In a good way, of course. She was really pretty in her own way…
I watched her every move, sensing her lack of experience. Truth was, I was a little inexperienced myself. I don’t really go clubbing very often. I never really have the time. This is a super rare moment for me…and it appears to be the same way for her. 
I offered my right hand to her, and she surprisingly took it! I kept dancing, making sure to take things slowly and comfortably. She seemed to visibly appreciate the patience I was showing her. 
I lifted her arm up, prepared to spin her. She happily took it, spinning around and throwing her long hair around as she spun. Just her flowing hair was enough to enchant me. It made me feel things I hadn’t felt in ages…For once in my life…All I felt was butterflies in my stomach…
…Or maybe it was the cocktail making me feel things…
She brought herself closer and tried to tell me something. It was hard to understand her due to how loud the club music was…so I leaned in and tried to ask her what she was trying to say. “WHAT’S YOUR NAME?” She asked me. 
I smiled and leaned into her ear. “JACK.” I yelled back. I had noticed the blue ear plugs she was wearing, but sensed that she could still hear me somehow. 
“NATALIE!” She yelled back with a wide smile. 
I smiled brightly and kept dancing with her. She seemed to be watching my movements, and following them a little bit. I looked over at my friends, who were recording me on their phones. I rolled my eyes, expecting nothing less but bigotry from them. They were a lot more drunk than me, so…go figure. They clearly can’t get over how quickly I managed to find a girl to dance with…
I slid myself a little closer, and took her hand once again. We danced and moved to the music, just enjoying the beat together. When the chorus hit, I lifted her hand up again to spin her. She took the invitation and spun around, her straightened hair flying around again. I let her spin around again, watching as she took the invitation and spun around with her eyes closed this time. She looked quite comfortable dancing with me. And I’m glad I can bring her that momentary sense of security. 
I let go of her hand, and went back to dancing on my own. I watched as she danced her way back to her own friends, and I turned to look at my own friends. Chase was too busy taking selfies with Marvin, while Shawn was walking up to me. “WHY DID YOU LET HER GO?!” Shawn asked me. 
“SHE NEEDS A REST!” I replied, just guessing. 
“I DON’T FUCKIN’ KNOW!” I replied. 
“ASK!” Shawn ordered me. 
“YOU ASK!” I yelled back to him with a laugh. “NO!” Shawn laughed. Someone walked up and squeezed Shawn’s sides, making him squeak. “HE’S TOO MUCH OF A PUUUUSSY.” Marvin teased. 
Shawn grabbed Marvin and pushed him into the reserved seating sofa. “WHO DA FUCK YOU CALLING PUSSY?!” He shouted as he jumped onto the sofa and squeezed Marvin’s sides multiple times.
“OH, KEEP DIGGING YOUR OWN GRAVE.” Shawn replied, scratching at his sides now. 
I rolled my eyes. It’s not the first time Shawn and Marvin have tickled each other while they’re drunk…It happens more often than they’d both like to admit. Though I’d normally find it rather amusing, we’re currently in a public place…Why here of all places?! 
I ordered myself another drink to keep the tipsy feeling going. It felt great, and I didn’t want it to stop. I received the drink: A cinnamarita. It’s a cocktail made of tequila, orange, cinnamon, and…idk…it sounded good when I found it on the menu. I picked up the drink and tried it. 
And OH MY GOSH- It was SO GOOD! It’s super addicting! I can’t stop drinking it! I want it all in my mouth! Don’t stop!
“Whoa there, Jack.” A hand pulled away the straw. “Slow down, will ya?” The person told me. 
I looked up with an annoyed frown, recognizing exactly who it was. This dude…seriously. “Why do you gotta tell me what to do?” I asked Chase. 
“Because you've already downed half the thing! Keep acting like that, and you’ll be banned from getting more drinks.” Chase told me. 
I sighed and stared him down. “I am a grown man just like you. I can handle it.” I tried to tell him. 
Chase sighed and put down his pineapple daiquiri. “Don’t make me do it.” Chase warned. 
I narrowed my eyes. “Do what?” 
Before I knew it, Chase was wiggling his fingers at me. I scoffed. “Oh please…” I said as I put my drink down. “I’m not ticklish. You know this.” 
Chase rolled his eyes. “I haven’t even had a chance to figure it out.” Chase mentioned. “How do I know you’re not ticklish, if you won’t even let me try?” He asked. 
“Simple: You take my word for it.” I shot back. 
“But that’s the thing:” He says. I narrow my eyes at him, preparing for the worst. I wanna know what ‘thing’ he’s talking about. “Take my hand.” He told me, holding out his hand. 
I look down at his hand. “Okay.” I grab his hand, not expecting him to do much. The worst he can do is kiss the back of my hand. 
aAH! Wait, NO! “aAAAH! DOHON’T TICKLE MEHEHE!” I was wrong! I was so wrong! Tickling is worse than hand-kissing! “IHIHIT TICKLES!” 
“Well, no shit it tickles! I was hoping it would tickle!” Chase said. 
“CHAHAHASE DOHON’T! THIHIS IS MEHEHEAN!” I can’t help my jumpy movements! “IHIF I FALL, IHIHIT’S YOHOUR FAHAHAULT!” I shout at him. 
“I’ll gladly take the responsibility for your injuries.” I saw Chase throw his head back with a laugh. “Cause I’ll be laughing at you the whole time!” 
I feel motion sick. The world is spinning too fast. How do I slow down the spinning world? It’s impossible! I hold my head. It’s hard to focus when I’m like this…
I open my eyes to look at the ground. But the lights are confusing me. Why do I feel like I’m gonna fall? And why is the ground getting closer? 
Wait OH NO- FLY! 
Why is it quiet? 
Why is the music off? 
Where are the bright lights? 
I feel someone grab me. “Okay, I think you’re a little lost. Let me help you, buddy.” Huh? Who’s that? I tried to look around. Marvin? No, Marvin would have his mask on. Who is this? 
I feel myself being shoved into the bathroom. “Hey-!” I turned around to look at him. It was Chase! “What the hell, man?!” I pushed him back a little bit. 
“Whoa whoa whoa there, Jackie…” He put up his hands in arrest. “Let’s calm down.” He told me. 
I could feel my face muscles getting tense. So I let them go. “Okay.” 
Chase grabbed a paper towel. “Are you okay, Jackie?”  
I widened my eyes. “Uh…” I bit my lip and looked down. I felt awkward. “I think so.” 
“Alright.” Chase backed up. “I think I understand why you don’t like getting drunk.” Chase said. 
I tilt my head. “What do you mean?” 
“You…you flew in the middle of the bar.” 
…I’m sorry, what?! 
“When?” I ask. 
“Just now. You were about to fall to the ground, and…you started flying.” Chase told me. 
There’s no way…I couldn’t have flown! I- there were so many people watching me!
“How many people saw me?” I asked. 
“Uhhhh…” Chase bit his lip. “At least 10 people…” 
I sighed. 10 is not that bad. 
“…Plus the camera…” I heard next. 
“WHAT?!” I grabbed Chase’s shoulders. “What camera?!” 
“The security camera in the club.” Chase replied. 
“Oh god, oh god…” I hold my head. “NO!” How could I have done this?! It was ONE NIGHT AT THE CLUB! ONE NIGHT, AND NOW MY REPUTATION IS RUINED! 
“But…there is a way to fix this…” I hear. 
I turned around and grabbed Chase’s shoulders again. “How?” I ask. 
Chase bit his lip. “By…dressing up in the super suit.” Chase said. 
I blink…I blink again…
“I’m sorry…but no.” I reply rather quickly. 
“If you don’t, then people will know who your secret identity is.” Chase told me. 
“…And if I dress in my super suit?” I ask. 
“Then it’ll be known that Jackieboy Man has fun sometimes.” Chase said. 
God, I can’t even think right now…I wanna do it but at the same time…I don’t wanna make a mistake and end up on the news for being at the club. But…news press about clubbing is much better than other controversies…
“Alright. Jackieboy Man is coming out!” I took off my shirt and put on my super sweater. I put my black mask on, put my red hood on and fluffed up my hair. Let’s do this! “LET’S GET ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SHITFACED FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY!” I scream. 
“NOW WE’RE TALKING!” I felt his hand on my shoulder. 
I felt him pulling me out of the bathroom. Wait, what’s he doing?! “WAIT WAIT!” I laughed. “I actually need to shit, dude!” I heard Chase laugh as I pushed him out of the bathroom. Fucking idiot…We’ll get shitfaced after I’m done shitting. 
[The Argus - April 13, 2024 - Brighton’s Jackieboy Man Sighted Drinking Cocktails at PRYSM NightClub - “I had never pictured Jackieboy Man to be a clubber” Witness recalls] 
So, how was my drunken writing? Was it super all over the place? Let me know! For context, I am more of a playful, loud, bouncy drunk.
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dcvina-claires · 8 months
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i am a tragedy enjoyer before i am human
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lesbianlotties · 1 year
RIP Laura Lee, you would've loved that there were twelve disciples yellowjackets eating the body of Christ Jackie
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nataliesscatorccio · 1 year
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1.01 Pilot | 1.08 Flight of the Bumblebee | 1.10 Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
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and to think that this all happened because laura lee called her piano teacher a cunt
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kashlat2 · 4 months
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Some yj requests from twitter
Guys you still can request sketches from amazing artists for a small donation! 👇
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aleprouswitch · 8 months
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Women of Color in Industrial Music:
Sinan Leong (SPK)
Nyra Bakiga
Jacky Blacque (My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult)
Meg Lee Chin (Pigface)
Android Lust
Amelia Arsenic (Angelspit)
Mariqueen Maandig (How to Destroy Angels)
Moor Mother
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Gravity Falls girls grow up to be Yellowjackets girls (I have no proof but also no doubt)
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deerest-deer · 1 month
yellowjackets characters as littlest pet shops:
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noahsartt · 19 days
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happy june to literally the entire yellowjackets team
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trashyswitch · 9 months
Day 9: Lie
Despite having a doctor in the house, Jackie goes to Jameson's room to get some tender loving care from his non-verbal friend. Jameson happily provides that, and a little more.
Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all the Canadians! And I believe today is Columbus day/Indigenous People's Day for Americans too. There's two independence days as well, and overall...24 holidays today! I had no clue. either way, I hope you all enjoy!
Jackie walked up to the door and knocked gently. When the person came to the door and opened it, Jackie looked up to the person at the door. 
‘Hello Jackie.’ the person signed. Jackie smiled and lowered his right arm. “Hi Jay. May I come in?” Jackie asked. 
Jamie nodded his head and opened the door for him. Jackie walked in, and sat on the chair at the side of his room. ‘What’s wrong?’ He asked. 
Jackie sighed and bit his lip, before removing the unzipping his onesie and pulling his arm out. “There’s a reason I wear red.” Jackie explained. “I wear it to cover up any blood that leaves my wounds.” He unrolled his sleeve to show Jamie his arm. “I…” 
Jamie widened his eyes and covered his mouth. Jamie pulled up a chair and checked the slice wound on his arm. ‘Does it hurt?’ Jamie asked. 
Jackie chuckled. “Yeah…but it’s nothing I can’t handle!” Jackie declared, smiling with a thumbs up. 
Jamie hummed silently and stared at the man for a moment before going back to checking the wound. He conjured up a mask and gloves, before putting both on, followed by a pair of glasses. He took a better look at the cut and looked at Jackie. ‘Hurt?’ Jamie asked. 
“Nope.” Jackie replied. 
Jamie opened the wound slightly with his fingers. Then he looked at Jackie and raised his eyebrows in an attempt to ask. 
“I’m fine.” Jackie replied despite some visible strain in his voice. 
Jamie looked at Jackie with suspicion. Jamie then conjured up a bowl and a pitcher of cool water, before dumping bits of the water onto the cut at a time to clean it out. This made any loose bits of blood and dirt fall out of the wound and into the bowl. Jamie looked up and raised his eyebrows again, asking once again for an update on the pain. 
“mm- fine.” Jackie muttered. It seemed like Jackie was determined to keep his pain and anguish a secret from Jamie at any cost. 
Jamie looked at Jackie with eyes partly closed, clearly unamused and annoyed. He didn’t want Jackie to suck it up for him. So, Jamie shoved his finger into the wound and raised his eyebrows slightly more dramatically. 
Jackie yelped and pulled his arm back, grabbing it with his other hand. “OW! DUDE!” Jackie yelled. 
‘Did that hurt?’ Jamie signed, showing slight frustration on his face, as well as in his ASL.
“YES! What do YOU fuckin’ think?!” Jackie yelled. 
Jamie looked him straight in the eye. ‘Thank you for telling me the truth.’ he replied. 
Jackie stared at him and blinked, taken aback. “........I’m sorry, what?” Jackie asked. 
Jamie put the bowl down and picked up a piece of gauze from the bed. Ripping open the gauze, he reached out and took Jackie’s hand. He stayed silent while he did so, due to his hands —his only form of communication— being occupied. 
Jackie was left confused, but strangely let Jamie work at his arm again. But…why he let Jamie work at his arm again despite Jamie’s malice towards him…he couldn’t be sure. Maybe because he was desperate? Or maybe it was because he knew Jamie was proving a point, and wouldn’t do it again. 
After Jamie was done, he put the gauze down and let go so he could sign. ‘You are not being truthful about how you feel.’ Jamie told him.
Jackie blinked. “That…that’s because I feel fine, despite the cut.” Jackie replied. 
Jamie let out a long sigh, and shook his head. ‘No you don’t.’ Jamie said as he conjured up a roll of gauze. 
“But-…but I do!” Jackie repeated. 
Jamie cleared his throat loudly and started to wrap the gauze around the wound. Again, Jamie stayed silent through the wrapping process due to both his hands being too occupied to sign anything. This left Jackie in an uncomfortable state of silent agony. But Jackie didn’t need Jamie to tell him anything…because Jamie’s face said it all. 
Jamie tied the gauze ends together and put his hands down. ‘Done lying?’ Jamie asked. 
Jackie widened his eyes and blinked. Gosh…it’s scary knowing how much Jamie could see through him. The man was not only naturally talented at conveying nonverbal gestures, but also at observing other people’s non-verbal gestures. It fascinated Jackie to no end. 
He finally let go. “Okay, fine…” Jackie sighed and put his arm down. “I’m not okay. I can’t stop thinking about the robbery victim.” Jackie told him as he put on his onesie sleeve again. “The victim’s in the hospital with life-threatening injuries.” Jackie told him. “And the perpetrator got away. He was the one who…” Jackie looked down at his arm and sighed. 
Jamie nodded and adjusted himself in his seat. ‘Why go to me?’ Jamie pointed to the arm. ‘Henrik is a doctor.’ Jamie made the D sign and touched the left inner wrist to make the sign. 
“Doctor?” Jackie clarified. 
Jamie nodded with a smile. ‘Why me? Why not go to the doctor?’ Jamie asked, repeating the sign. 
Jackie bit his lip. “Henrik is very against what I do.” Jackie admitted. “He doesn’t say it out loud, but he doesn’t need to in order to make his opinion known.” he explained. 
Jamie smirked. ‘What does he tell you?’ Jamie asked. 
Jackie sighed. “He warns me about overdoing it and getting injured too often.” Jackie admitted. 
Jamie smiled a bit more. ‘I warn you too.’ Jamie mentioned. 
Jackie grunted. “But you do it with a lot more patience.” Jackie complained with a laugh. 
Jamie chuckled and showed his teeth in his smile, shrugging his shoulders and signing the word ‘true’ back to him. 
“You also know how to cheer me up.” Jackie admitted. “Even when I don’t want to be.” Jackie added with a laugh. Jamie smirked and looked to the upper right, wiggling his mustache playfully. This alone was enough to make Jackie laugh. “Yeah! Like that! We have the same visual humor.” Jackie admitted. Jamie smiled brightly and cleared his throat, getting up. He conjured up a doctor coat and scrubs, put on a medical mask, and wrapped a stethoscope around his neck. Then, he put on a name tag that said [Cheer Up Doctor]. Jackie smiled brightly. “Ooohoho, nice get up! Still not a doctor though…” Jackie teased. 
Jamie rolled his eyes as he pulled out the stethoscope and waved the end of it. ‘Check heart?’ Was roughly what Jamie was asking. 
“Sure!” Jackie replied. 
Jamie placed the stethoscope onto his chest and listened to his heart. Jamie looked super focused on his heart, almost like he WAS able to hear his heart. Jamie soon lowered the stethoscope and removed the earpieces from his ears. ‘Small bit low. Signs of sadness.’ Jamie told him. 
Jackie chuckled. “Doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.” Jackie teased. 
Jamie gave him an unimpressed face before pulling out a thermometer. He waved the thermometer, as if saying ‘check temperature?’ To him. When Jackie gave him the permission, he placed the thermometer in his mouth, under his tongue. A few seconds later, the thermometer beeped and Jamie removed it. He sighed with a smile and showed Jackie the thermometer screen: [Sadder than Eeyore] 
Jackie read it and laughed, loving the little reference. 
Jamie pulled out a clipboard from his doctor coat and conjured up a pen. He started vigorously writing, before removing the paper and giving it to Jackie. 
Jackie read the paper. 
[Treatment: 10 minutes of tickles] 
Jackie widened his eyes and looked up at Jamie. “...Really?” He asked. 
Jamie tapped the paper. ‘Wanna be treated here? Or at home?’ Jamie asked. 
Jackie could feel his face heating up slightly. “Uhhhh…” He chuckled awkwardly and adjusted himself in his seat. “Here? I guess?” Jackie replied, giving Jamie permission to tickle him.
Jamie nodded and offered a hand. ‘Paper please.’ Jamie signed. Jackie laughed and handed him the paper. Jamie took the paper and adjusted his glasses to read it, nodding like a good doctor would, pretending like he had not just written the ‘prescription’. Then, he turned away, put the paper into his pocket, before turning to face Jackie again and sprinting up to him. 
“ooOHGOD-!” Jackie yelped as he was playfully tackled to the bed and tickled mercilessly on his armpits. “eeEEK! WAIT-HAHAHA! Eeek! Noho! NAHAHAHA! You ahahahaHAHAHASS!” Jackie yelled. 
Jamie smiled brightly and winked, before lifting up Jackie’s right arm and signing the word ‘cute’ to him…only for him to resume his tickle attack on just the right armpit. 
Jackie threw his head back and shook his head as his laughing fits filled the room with gleeful noise. “HAHAHAhahaha- Cohohome ohon! Hahaha! Hehehehe- Whyhyhy tihickles?!” Jackie asked. 
Jamie let go of his arm and signed the word ‘fun’ to Jackie. 
“Fun?!” Jackie reacted. 
‘Strong man is ticklish’ Jamie signed next before moving his hands to his ribs. ‘Your laugh is funny’ He signed right before gripping his ribs. 
“Is this really the only treatMENT OPTIOHOHON?! BAAAHAHAHAHA- Hahahaha! This ihihis ridihihiculous! NahaHAHA!” Jackie argued. 
Jamie only squeezed his ribs in response, earning him another fit of hysterical laughter. 
Jamie wiggled his fingers evilly in his face, and moved them around to figure out where to touch down. 
“Oh no, oh no, Jahamie dohon’t you dahahare!” Jackie pleaded. 
Jamie smiled and made his hands into fists facing down. Slowly, he began to count his fingers one by one. 
‘1…2…’ Jamie had both index fingers stretched out. And Jackie was giggling helplessly as he watched Jamie’s fingers anxiously. 
‘3…4…’ Jamie had both middle fingers out now, joining the index fingers in the fight to tickle. And Jackie could only close his eyes and shake his head as giggles left his lungs. 
‘5…6…’ Jamie’s thumbs were now outstretched for poor, vulnerable Jackie to watch and fear as his mind filled with teasy daydreams and phantom tickles.
‘7…8…’ Jamie’s ring fingers were now outstretched, further tormenting Jackie with their look alone. This made Jackie tense up and shake with an anxious, wobbly smile filling his face. 
‘9…10!” The moment both of Hamie’s pinkies were stretched out, the dapper boy let his wiggly fingers touch down. With no moment to lose, he skittered and scraped Jackie’s ribs as gently and as teasily as he possibly could. 
“eeeEEEEEEHEHEEEEK! Heeheeheehee- HAHAHAhahaha! Ihihihihi cahahan’t! Ihihi cahahan’t dohohoho ihit!” Jackie yelled at him. 
Jamie took pity on him and stopped his fingers. For now, anyway. But when Jamie started visibly scanning the man, Jackie immediately began to sense that something else was afoot. “…what?” Jackie asked. 
Jamie looked up at Jackie. ‘One more?’ Jamie asked.
Jackie groaned slightly at this. 
But Jamie was considerate beyond the insistence. ‘Finale! I’ll stop after! Promise!’ Jamie signed. 
Jackie could only look at Jamie’s puppy dog eyes for a few seconds…before he ultimately gave up the cause. “Fiiine.” He replied.
Jamie smiled brightly for a few moments before removing the medical mask from his face, Then, Jamie took in a quick deep breath, and lowered himself down! 
Aaaand out came any ounce of leftover sadness left inside of Jackie. 
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buffyrouge · 10 months
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in another universe…
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nataliesscatorccio · 1 year
personally I find that Yellowjackets succeeds where other plane-crash-stranded media falls short. and it's because if you peel back the layers of other shows in this genre, the story is basically the same: people will do what they have to in order to survive, roles will reverse. Yellowjackets does this too, but Yellowjackets isn't about a plane crash and it isn't about survival. it's about the singular, violent, inescapable wilderness of girlhood, not nature. the wilderness is a backdrop and though the girls use it to tell their story (literally Van beginning an origin story in the season 2 trailer), it isn't... really that important. before they crash they were already icing their teammates out, betraying one another, surviving brutally through youth. being a girl is just like that. yeah, the setting and the strange magic helps reveal that story to the audience in a shocking and palatable and larger-than-life way, it brings to view what that complex inner world of girlhood really felt like. but it has something to say other than "people will do horrible things to survive". if you were ever a teenage girl, you already know that.
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vashti-refused · 11 months
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lais-a-ramos · 3 months
jackie and laura lee. two dead girls. the first ones to die. they had that moment in the kegger party in which jackie looked at laura lee with such fondness in the group bonding scene. both had homoerotic friendships with girls (shauna and lottie) whom they were basically glued together. both haunt the narrative ever since they died. both died and their close friends never been the same since and might as well have died along with them. jackie and laura lee
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