#Leather Dyes Market
cherry-pop-elf · 4 months
Farmers Market
Bill Weasley x Reader
((Can be read as platonic because there needs to be more platonic fics :>))
Summary: You wanted to go to your local farmers market. Get some fresh foods, see interesting things, just have a nice day. That’s when you see a new stand pop up. How could you resist? Not every day you see a gaggle of red heads
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You just LOVED visiting the farmers market. Once a week, you would visit. Given it was in such a close walking distance, it made life easier. Fresh food for good prices. How could anyone refuse such a thing? A favorite routine to enjoy.
With your basket on your arm, and outfit dusted off, you were off to the little slice of heaven. Just walking down the street. Giving a wave hello to your neighbors, and having pep. Was always so nice to just get some fresh air. Was a perfect day. Just the right amount of sun, and just enough breeze to keep the heat low. You just adored it.
When you arrived you visited your favorite farmers. Saying hi to them, and picking out your favorites. With how often you visited, they always made sure to set aside the best for you. Supporting local farmers is the best, and it’s appreciated after all.
As you did your routine, you noticed a new stand. The little pop up was quite eye catching. Bright colors that catch attention easy. Said bright colors being brilliant red hair on each person there. You had never seen hair of such a shade like that, unless dye counts. Can’t be dye, since the smallest of the children had that same wild shade. Had you invested quickly, and you were soon walking over.
“Well hey there-!” You assumed the oldest said, as he was having a little girl on his hip. Cute little pig tails, and snuggling her tightly. Protective of him, and clearly defensive of anyone who got too close. Must be the youngest, and the baby girl.
“Hey. I haven’t seen this little stand before. You knew here?” You asked, as you looked around. It just had so many things. Hand made paper, soaps, fruits and veggies, meats, and many different types of hand made things. Plenty being sweets.
“Yep. Names Bill. Bill Weasley. That guy over there is Charlie, that guy with the book is Percy, those two trouble makers are Fred and George, the one talking to mum is Ron, and this little girl is Ginny. Yeah uh. Mum has a lot of kids.” He chuckled, as the baby sister kept playing with his ponytail. Had you giggle, as she yanked on it. Making him squeak, and her giggle.
“What can we do ya for?” He asked, as he tickled his baby sister’s tummy. Made her squeal in delight, as she kicked her little bare feet. You adored how sweet he was to the little girl. So full of love.
“I was actually interested in those tins. With the sweets-“ You asked. That seemed to catch the twins attention, and they weee quick to be side by side with their eldest brother. Big, proud, smiles on their freckled cheeks.
“Those sweets were hand made by these two. Don’t worry, I made sure none of them will turn you into a newt.” He teases, as the twins have a pout. Regardless, they were quick to pick the tins up. Excited to share.
“This one tastes like grape! Grapes my favorite-!” “And this one tastes like oranges! Oranges are MY favorite-!” The twins would echo each other, as they explained what those candy’s were. The hard candy, the chewy kind, just such confidence.
“Percy is the one to make the hand made paper. He’s pretty proud of that. Ron and Ginny help with the soaps. That leather-? Me and Charlie. Charlie and I would hunt for a bit, and turn the leftovers into soaps and leather. No waste in this family.” Bill would explain, as he would hand Ginny off to Charlie. She gave a huff, but that second sibling was quick to entertain her.
“You are all quite talented. It’s admirable.” You would admit, as you were in awe that people so young were able to create candy. GOOD candy no less, as you were offered a sample. It was like heaven. You couldn’t compare it to any other candy you’ve had before. It was beyond words.
“We all have a talent for something in this family.” Bill would shrug, as if it wasn’t a big deal. You thought it was. You found your new favorite table now. You just had to. These kids deserved to know their hard work wasn’t for nothing.
“I’ll have this, and that, and that-“ You would pick out. Sure it was going to be a bit pricey, but this was your spending money for a reason. Besides, it went to a clearly well deserving family. The way those twins were beaming was just to much to handle.
“MUM MUM-! WE SOLD OUR CANDY-!” They were cheering, as Bill would chuckle. Hardly could count the change, as the twins were jumping for joy to their mother. The woman giving them a tired, but proud, smile.
“Means more than you know. Mum is uh….Complicated about the twins wanting to grow up to be inventors. Like I get it, but exactly a job that can be successful.” Bill would whisper to you, as he would place the items in your bag. You gave a nod, as you watched them bounce in pure joy. So proud, and happy. They deserved the support.
“Will you be here next week?” You asked, as he smirked. With a nod. “Yeah, for sure.” He winked, as you chuckled at the banter you shared.
“Hypothetically-“ “That’s a really bug word-“ “Yeah. Anyway, what would happen to be your favorite flavor?” The twins would ask you, with those big doe eyes. How could you resist? You told them, and they were quick to huddle to a corner to brain storm.
“Be careful. If they like you too much, you’ll be pranked to hell and back.” He warned you, as you brushed it off. What’s the worse they could do?
“Can’t wait to see you again. Those two are going to never shut up about you now. Their ‘first customer ever-!’ They’ll cheer.” He was sounding more proud than the twins were. You admired that greatly. He clearly wanted the twins to succeed at their dreams. Made your heart warm.
“See you soon-!” Ginny would wave, as Charlie would mimic her tiny wave. You would return the gesture, before taking your leave. Still able to hear those twins cheering and bragging to their siblings.
When you finally returned home, and unloaded your things, you noticed something odd with your items. Made you think.
For starters, you swore the candy you had bought had changed color. Somehow brighter than it originally was. The paper you got as well was off. You swore the black specks on it were moving. Made you worry they were bugs, but you touched it to feel nothing. Another odd trait was there was a little note.
“Come to Ottery St. Catchpole sometime. You can’t miss us. Hope to see you sometime. William.”
Suppose you made a bigger impression than you thought. Had you giggling with excitement, that you completely missed the fact that a runt of a gnome had climbed out of your still packed bag. Quick to make itself cozy in your backyard.
Guess that’s what you get for talking to strangers.
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solarpunkbusiness · 2 months
Mycotech: The Indonesian Startup Biofabricating novel materials from mushrooms
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Called Mycotech Lab, the company was inspired by tempeh, the traditional Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans, and came up with its own technology to grow its ethical and carbon-friendly mycelium-based materials. 
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Mycotech Lab decided to experiment with the fermentation process used to make tempeh to make a new fabric out of the complex root structure of mushrooms, otherwise known as mycelium. It was a lengthy trial-and-error process that kicked off in 2016, but “finally, we found one mushroom with a mycelium that can be made into binding material,” said Erlambang Ajidarma, head of research at the startup, in conversation with Reuters. 
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The final product, developed with fungus grown on sawdust that then gets scraped off and dried and cut into different sizes, is Mylea, a fibrous but tough material that acts just like the real thing. It’s waterproof, pliable, durable, and most importantly, is far more sustainable than existing plastic-based synthetic leathers or carbon-intensive real leather made from hide. 
Mycotech also uses natural dye extracted from roots, leaves and food waste in the region to colour their leather alternative, which again is a process that is far less polluting than traditional tanning processes used for real cowhide that leaves behind solid and liquid waste that contains chromium and other hazardous compounds.
Since its inception, Mycotech has managed to grow its client base with no marketing budget because the demand for sustainable alternatives has grown alongside awareness of the damaging effects of animal-based materials in the fashion industry. 
We the Fungi
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Bio Binderless Board | Sustainable non-adhesive binder board from Mylea™ byproduct to meet modern architectural and design standards
Biodegradable Solid-Composite | Utilizing mushroom mycelium that grows and is shaped into desired form and utilities.   
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acti-veg · 8 months
I know you have talked a lot about leather. But what’s about wool and fur like are those materials really that lang lasting and sustainable?
Long lasting? Sure, but that doesn’t mean sustainable. ‘Long-lasting’ and ‘biodegradable’ have been seized on as marketing for what are about the only corporate green buzzwords you can legally apply to these wildly unsustainable products that make them sound vaguely sustainable. Anti-vegan tumblr of course, does their advertising for free.
The massive environmental harm caused by grazing sheep, who have converted vast swathes of formerly forested land into ecologically dead wastelands, is difficult to overstate. Grazing animals are widely acknowledged as one of the most significant barriers to forest restoration and re-wilding.
Sheep are called ‘the white plague’ by some ecologists for good reason. Just take a look at what has happened to most of England and Wales. That isn’t even factoring in the methane emissions of the sheep themselves, their resource requirements, or the fact that farmers routinely kill predators to protect their herds. Not to mention the fact that modern production and dyeing processes make much of the wool we buy not actually even biodegradable.
The vast majority of fur is farmed, and farmed fur is no more sustainable than plastic is by just about any available metric. From getting the animals to slaughter size in the first place to the production processes, toxic run off, preservatives, it is nonsense to call fur sustainable. So much so that a campaign from the European Fur Breeders' Association which claimed that it is ‘eco-friendly to wear fur’ was banned by the Advertising Standards Authority, as the group could not provide adequate evidence that this was true.
It is just utterly depressing how much corporate propaganda that otherwise intelligent people are willing to swallow just because it confirms their existing bias and supports the choices they already want to make. Let’s be honest, nobody is buying a fur coat, a leather jacket or choosing wool over cotton because they did the research and decided it was more sustainable.
People buy animal fabrics because they like the way they look and feel, then find ways to justify it according to their existing values after the fact. Hell, they barely even talk about the sustainability of fabrics outside wanting to criticise vegans for being somehow solely responsible for the existence of plastic clothing.
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15-lizards · 1 year
Hi!! First i one to say that i absolutely adore your HC's for westeros and essos fashion. They are incredibly spot on *Chef's kiss*. I was wondering if you had any ideas for the free cities like Pentos, Braavos, Tyrosh, Lys, Myr, etc. Certainly i am more interested in Braavos and its courtesans, since in the book is implied that the nobles use more dark colors and the commoners more colorful clothes (unlike westeros, that is the contrary).
Let’s go 🫡🫡 (I think I’ll focus on Braavos here but if you want more of the others just let me know!)
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I think besides the classic dark dyes of Braavos, another tell on whether a person is Braavosi is the amount of detailing on their clothing. Ruffles, gilding, lace, patterns etc on a persons clothing are all a staple of a fashionable Braavosi who can afford to buy things from foreign ships at the ports. The shape of the clothing itself can be described as flowing and practical. Skirts usually stop at the ankle due to the water, and can be layered during the cold months. Jackets have detachable sleeves for optimal water dancing movement. Loose veils are worn to either keep out sun or a winter chills.
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The rich obviously have more embellished, expensive clothing, but also have noticeably longer clothing. Your skirt can’t trail in the canals and your veil can’t get caught on something in the market if you’re riding through the streets on a covered palanquin. They have the luxury of clothing that is harder to move in, because they don’t really need to move around much. Also they may buy bright foreign dyes as a status symbol, but there’s some controversy over whether or not it makes a Braavosi noblewoman look like a whore
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As for the courtesans themselves, they can usually be spotted by wearing bright foreign dyes as an attempt to be eye catching or “exotic” or by wearing the classic dark Braavosi colors in an effort to seem more upper class. However, courtesans can almost always be spotted due to the tighter silhouette they prefer to wear over the flat, rather shapeless lines of the upper classes. They tightly belt their waists and wear slashed sleeves and skirts to give the illusion of a longer, more willowy figure
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The bravos and swords of the city definitely dress…eccentrically. High leather boots, puffed pants that stop at the knee, loose shirts and jackets that are easy to move in and can be thrown off at a moments notice. All perfect for an impromptu sword fight on the narrow streets and long canals. Men’s clothing is just as elaborately decorated, if not sometimes more so, than the women’s. For anyone living in the wealthiest of the free cities, status symbols are as important to them as breathing
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y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
Clothes and Fashion
Link: Disclaimer regarding D&D "canon" & Index [tldr: D&D lore is a giant conflicting mess. Larian's lore is also a conflicting mess. There's a lot of lore; I don't know everything. You learn to take what you want and leave the rest, etc etc etc]
Clothes in general; underwear; not wasting trousers on children who'll only outgrow them within the week; pockets! Sparkly hats; cosmetics; the word for hair care products; etc.
Demihuman cultures might vary slightly from this, but will generally follow the gist of it and they're all noted to be far less fashion conscious than humans. Dwarves, gnomes and orcs as a norm like to dress practically in durable clothes. Halflings, goblins and kobolds will blend in quietly until special occasions, where they'll dress as brightly and colourfully as possible. Elves have their own various culture-specific fashion trends, but mostly tend to wear whatever the hell they personally feel like wearing, be that human fashion, diaphanous gowns, or just living plants trained to be worn as garments with some jewellery.
Dethmas: '...a tight cloth breast-binding or sling (the equivalent of a modern sports bra, although instead of stretchy fabric covering a lot of skin, the Realms version is more like a trough or shelf of tightly-stretched cloth sewn to cords (precisely because elastic fabric is largely unknown in the Realms).
The concept of wire for breast support and shaping is unknown in the Realms, but corsets (laced-up, tight boiled hide, not whalebone or any sort of stiffeners) and stomachers that cinch the waist tight are popular, and many of them have shaped panels for the hips and a top ‘shelf’ to thrust out and support the breasts. Corsets are also unisex garments.
Clouts: '...a very tight leather, cloth, or cord (listed here in descending order of perceived quality and durability) belt worn around the hips, and usually held tight by multiple hooks (like a modern bra) at the front. Then a long, diaper-like strip of rectangular cloth (usually cotton) is passed between the legs, up through the front of the belt to dangle down, and up through the back of the belt to dangle down. [...] In many cases, the dangling front and back ends are designed to be tied together, and the cloth may be folded in on itself for absorbency [menstruation] and padding [horse riding].' Clouts come in fancy lingerie styles and are easily available in cities. Those who menstruate place extra layers of thick red cloth in and change as necessary.
Codpieces are also normally worn.
Black - and especially red - are considered the 'sexy' colours, especially when applied to undergarments. I'm going to make a different post about dating and so on in Faerûn though, so I'll talk about dressing sexy there instead.
Nobody wastes money getting complicated clothes for growing children who are going to outgrow their garments in a matter of weeks or months. All children wear smocks, usually hand-me-downs, ‘with leggings or pull-on hose (long stockings tied to an underbelt to keep them from “riding down”) with boots, clogs, slippers for indoor wear, or bare feet.’
Nevertheless, customisation is common enough in children’s clothes. Things such as belts, scarves, deliberately arranging a too-big smock to bare one shoulder in a way that I do remember doing myself as a child, curiously.
The majority of people in the Realms can afford a sizable wardrobe. Daily wear tends to be practical, but almost everyone has some kind of fine clothing they’ll bring out on special occasions. Noble and the wealthy women are often seen in fancy gowns, but will likely be wearing practical garb underneath and be prepared to pin up their hems if need be. Nobles also really like their cloaks
All cities and markets will have tailors and seamstresses for altering garments as necessary, whether as repairs and maintenance or for aesthetics like dyes and adornments. Almost all clothiers found in cities are prepared to do on-the-spot alterations. Enameled metals, coloured cut-glass and painted wire are popular amongst the working glass who want to look flashy but can’t afford genuine fancy stuff. Many outfits may be modified, so that armour such as breastplates and gorgets are disguised within fabric and bodices, or jerkins reinforced with armour plating.
Breeches and tunics, the former usually made of leather, are the most common garment on all genders in most of the continent. Skirts are rarely seen, though gowns are common enough. Bare arms, a low neckline that exposes a ‘little bosom’, and a hemline at the mid-calf or lower is considered dressing conservatively. 'Low-cut peasant blouses and even lace trimmings are widely used.'
Keyhole necklines are common along the trade routes of the Heartlands, and they're called 'gracetels' which is an elven word of unknown meaning. The elven empire of Cormanthor was known for skin-exposing risqué fashions (by real-world and in-universe dwarven and gnomish standards, at least), so possibly the word comes from there, although humans were cutting their clothes like this long before Netheril.
It's also called a 'heartbare' or 'heartbearing' cut, and Waterdhavian generation of the 1350s to the 1370s called it a 'splendour-glance.'
The commons style of jerkin on Faerun is a heavy, fitted garment that goes down to the knees and fastens down the front or side by a sustem of toggles and loops. Shoulder padding and a stand-up collar are common, and they usually have pockets (internal or external)
Most people will be wearing belts and baldrics (belts that go diagonally across the chest, over the shoulder) for holding clothes up and carrying items.
A tammalar is a type of baldric with many pouches attached.
Bracelars are leather braces with pouches, popular with merchants.
'...and the scrip, which in recent centuries has come to mean a large piece of leather or cloth with sewn-on ties or thongs, and sewn-on loop or sleeves for those ties to go through. It is gathered up (around goods, to form a carrysack) into a bundle, and kept that way by threading ties through the sleeves (and a user’s belt, to carry it at the hip or hanging from the rear waist).'
Typical shoes are either boots or open-toed sandals. Thigh-high boots and stiletto heels canonically exist, ways to make them stop murdering your feet when you wear them apparently do not.
Hat fashions come and go rapidly. A ‘fancy-me’ or ‘dee’ is a hat that’s been augmented with several feathers, gauze, gemstones and various sparkly things, usually worn by those concerned with fashion.
Outdoors wear:
Weathercloaks are ankle-length cloaks made from a light material held together by a brooch. They’re noted to not be much use at keeping the cold out, but are better than nothing. Those with more coin can afford leather longcoats that keep the rain off and greatcloaks for the cold.
Ear piercings and naval piercings are common, but other piercings are much more rarely seen outside of some priests who have ritual piercings for religious reasons. In the Western Heartlands (including the Gate) piercing your nostrils is also normal.
A person who has piercings other than these areas is assumed to be clergy, as these alterations are done for religious rites of passages rather than cosmetics.
Makeup on Toril is called 'fleshpaint' in the tradestongue (i.e., Common), and apparently 'dardarra' in Chondathan and 'adratha' in Alzhedo (unless those are localised words in dialects of Common. It wasn't specified). Apparently they don't know the word 'makeup' at all.
The stuff that we'd recognise as cosmetics is created from a powder base of mud or chalk, mixed with the boiled essences of bark, reptile hide, plant matter or whatever else and then some kind of lipid (animal fat, seed oil, etc), simmered over heat before having colours and maybe scents added in. High-end brands may be enchanted with cantrips or orisons to keep it from going bad.
Fleshpaint is mostly popular in the south (Vilhon reach and lower), with most of the cosmetics industry working in southern Tethyr, the Vilhon, Chessenta and etc.
In the northern half of Faerûn, for the most part, your cosmetics options are mostly stuff like crushed berries that temporarily dye the skin that you can make in the kitchen.
Obviously trade hubs like the Gate and Waterdeep import the stuff, though it may not be cheap. You can buy it from street stalls or from beauty stores. Average decent quality product is 4-8gp, with the worse stuff peddled on the street going for 4sp (which is a decent chunk of most people's weekly wages gone). The luxury brands go for 20-75+gp per tiny bottle. It's also mostly popular with nobles and the nouveau-riche 'who may have closets full of a wide selection of scents, fleshpaints, specialized lip-paints, and so on.'
There's also a trend for doing decorative beauty spots in fancy shapes (flowers, stars, etc) painted onto the skin with something like a very thin tapered stick... or tattooed under the skin with a needle.
Painting your nails is also popular.
Thurdrixes are hair products that work as dyes or to encourage hair growth (up to several inches a day). These treatments are also expensive, and may not be widely trusted due to being arcane magic. These products usually have long, fanciful sounding names.
Barbers and trained hairdressers aren't much of a thing, though they do exist. Usually you ask a family member to cut it for you, so there's not much call for professionals in the market
Plucking and shaving body hair is a fashion in the Southern hemisphere, but not really present in the rest of Faerûn (so not common in Baldur's Gate outside of places like Little Calimshan).
The fashion for men in the Heartlands is to have facial hair, though no particular style is more popular than others. Illuskans favour long beards, provided that they're not too impractical. Calishite fashion involves oils and perfumes to keep lice out, and a popular fashion in the South is for bare chins and long moustaches and sideburns which may well be seen further north due to trade and migration.
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orlissa · 1 year
How Not to Commit a Crime Against Historical Fashion–A Basic Guide for Writers
I have been reading a lot (mostly YA) (pseudo)historical (fantasy) novels (and let’s not even get started on what’s going on TV), and I’m stunned and horrified by the complete lack of basic understanding of historical fashion most authors display (not you, Rebecca Ross, darling, you didn’t do anything wrong). So here is a little guide from a miffed little gremlin who knows just a tad bit more about what people wore in the ye olden days than the average person (really, I’m no expert), so YOU don’t commit these heinous crimes:
First and foremost, and I cannot stress this enough: clothing and fashion don’t exist in vacuum. They are intrinsically tied to culture, climate, and, maybe most importantly, technology.
For the most of history (and I’m primarily talking about Western history here, sorry), people wore a simple base layer under their clothing: chemises, shifts, undershirts, underpants, drawers, combinations. Women and men! These had a very important function: they protected the actual outer layers from sweat, and protected the skin from chafing (e.g. from a corset). In the time and day when you didn’t have sewing and washing machines, outer clothes were relatively super expensive, while doing laundry was an actual nightmare. You didn’t want to wash you gowns much, because it was hard on your hands and on the fabric as well. So instead you wore a chemise–made of, most likely, some inexpensive, white material, in an easy-to-sew shape–, and changed and washed that chemise frequently. So as long as your worldbuilding doesn’t include (basically) fast fashion and washing machines (washing spells?), you really, really wanna have your characters to wear an undershirt/chemise.
You also have to think about colors. Chemical dying had a great advancement in the 1860s, which brought on a plethora of new and bright shades that actually lasted. Women’s clothing thus became extra and blindingly colorful, while men’s clothing went… black. As before these chemical dies black dye was hard to make and it also faded fast. (So yeah, your medieval bad guy is actually not that likely to wear black.) Purple is extra tricky, as it was traditionally made from a little creature called the purple dye murex, and making such dye was a lot of work and thus super expensive–so for the longest time only the wealthiest wore purple: senators, cardinals, kings…
(I just read a scene today where in the late 1800s Sicily a male character exchanged a leather shirt for a black (linen?) one at the town market, which he put right on the skin. I was understandably upset and manifested the author stepping on a piece of Lego.)
Climate really determines what people wear: think not only about the temperatures, but what raw materials are available at the climate. (Like, can they wear silk? Are there silk worms in this world? If yes, where? How can the characters have access to it?) Also, do not be daunted by the layers and think that your characters would be sweating buckets in the summer: we are talking about natural materials here which breathe.
Also, I’m not happy to rain on your parade, but generally speaking your (pseudo)historical character wouldn’t be showing too much skin in public. They don’t have sun screen, so they’d be protecting their skin from the sun by covering up–no short sleeves and super low necklines for you! However, evening attire can be more daring (short sleeves! Uncovered shoulders! Décolletage!)
I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: before the… say second third of the 19th century, you don’t have corsets. You have stays, that give the body a conical shape. Then at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries you have transitional stays, which might be closer to modern bras/bralettes than you’d think. The point of these is to push the boobs up (since the gown is loose around the stomach, there is no point in trying to shape the silhouette there). Then you have corsets. You cannot tightlace (drastically shrink the waist) until the mid-19th century, when metal eyelets in corsets are introduced (and so they can take more tension). Still, it was more like an exception than a rule.
“Whalebone” is not actual bone. It’s baleen, those thingies in the whales’ mouth they use to filter their food from the water. Baleen is made of keratin, the same substance that makes up your fingernails, making them flexible.
Also, it’s just my general advice: try not to conceptualize corsets as bras, but as shoes: they need to be broken in, but once they are molded to your body, they are rather comfortable.
Clothes also play a cultural function–they have a meaning, a function. E.g. the point of panniers (those wide hip-thingies in 18th century gowns) and crinolines was that the women who wore them took up a lot of physical space. Women might not really had much say in everyday life, but they used fashion to show that they are there (men hated it, btw).
General silhouette guide to the 19th century, very roughly:
1800-1820s: Regency (brr, I’m gonna say it… Bridgerton). Boobs up, waistline right under the boobs, skirt is light and loose, with not much volume (will end up looking like a nightgown if the costume designer is not careful enough)
1820s-1830s: waistlines are going down (but still kinda up), skirts are getting fuller, sleeves puffier
1840s-1860s: waistline down to the natural waist, skirts are getting really full with huge crinolines, sleeves slim down, pagoda sleeves (getting wider down from the elbow) later down the road
1870s: First bustle period. Skirts get flat in the front and the sides, stick out in the back.
Turn of the 1870s-1880s: Natural form era. The bustle shrinks.
1880s: Second bustle period. The bustle comes back, gets even bigger.
1890s: Skirts become more A-lined, sleeves get puffed up (till they are ridiculous), chest shaped like a dove’s
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sapphicteaparty · 2 years
i've NEVER seen a single good faith discussions about pleather on this website and i want ppl to think critically for one second about the way businesses talk about their products. "vegan leather" is purely a marketing term and nothing else. it was invented by the fashion industry and it has nothing to do with vegans or veganism.
"vegan leather" is basically made of polyester (a type of plastic), but crucially a lot of clothes nowadays are made of polyester either fully or partially because it's cheaper to produce. so of course clothing companies are going to be producing and marketing things that make them more money.
these products are not even targeting vegans, they're making an average customer feel better about their purchases, same way they are now putting "eco" labels on some of their organic cotton clothing. it's just greenwashing. NOTHING in fast fashion is eco friendly in any way - this whole industry is extremely wasteful an exploitative on every level. when are ppl going to realize that these companies just say anything they can to make it seem like they care about anything other than their profit margins. because they don't.
my wish is that ppl that talk about how bad pleather is and how vegans are apparently responsible for all of the microplastic pollution in the world also talked or cared even a little bit about the absolutely horrific abuse and exploitation that happens in the clothing and fast fashion industry. talk about how this industry consistently fails (or outright refuses) to pay its workers a living wage or how they don't provide them humane working conditions - and how that led to thousands of garment workers dying and getting injured when a garment factory collapsed in Bangladesh (and that's not the only tragedy this industry is directly responsible for).
also microplastics are only the tip of the iceberg if you want to talk about the pollution that the clothing industry is responsible for (toxic chemicals and pesticides used in cotton production, garment dyes, the disposal of textile waste etc) - all of which has direct human costs tied to it.
but if your only concern ever was microplastics that clothes can shed then great! avoid all polyester and plastic clothing. but did you know textiles aren't even the primary microplastic contaminants? it's plastic bags, bottles and fishing nets by far. most ppl can't always avoid these plastic items in daily life. but do you eat fish? vegans don't.
i'm just so tired of the pleather discussion focusing on the wrong thing (vegans) when there are so many more aspects about the clothing industry and plastic pollution that never get addressed when they should. and the amount of misinformation on these topics is just laughable at this point. ppl sure enjoy reblogging posts that confirm their biases and free them from having to critically engage with complicated issues because it's so easy to just blame a group of ppl for it.
anyway if you're concerned about ethical clothing (i hope you are) then basically these are your best options:
wear what you already have and don't buy new clothes unless necessary
get second hand clothes
get upcycled clothes
this may seem a bit extreme but these are the only options that don't result in new clothes and textiles being produced because there is an overproduction issue in the clothing industry which is why over 80% of clothes end up in landfills. obviously these options aren't viable for everyone all the time but if the goal is sustainability then that's just the reality of things for now.
you can also do things like mend your clothes so they last longer, learn to sew to make your own clothes etc all of that is better than buying new clothes. donating clothes to a thrift store is also not ideal since they get so many donations that a lot of it ends up in a landfill anyway and recycling clothes is also not straightforward or even possible in a lot of cases. so not buying new/more clothes is the most environmentally friendly option. and before you go no ethical consumption under capitalism blah blah yeah we know. doesn't mean you are powerless and have no choices in anything ever.
please learn more about microplastics, the clothing/textile industry and veganism before you uncritically reblog another misinformed post about "vegan leather" or microplastics. also please don't uncritically believe what i wrote here either. if you're seriously interested in these topics then your source for this information shouldn't be some tumblr post in the first place. there are lot of studies, documentaries and articles about all the things i mentioned. i'm not a researcher or a scientist, so don't ask me. i'm just tired.
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m0par-sweetheart · 9 months
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This post is long! Everything under the cut!
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Overall Information
The two subclasses Beta and Netherant are remnants of the Enderians who escaped the End before the dragon came to power, with them evolving to fit their environment after centuries
eye contact is seen as a challenge to combat, but Endbornes are the only ones who become instantly enraged
the subclasses Netherant and Beta have been known to crossbreed, though this is not without chances for defects
Beta / Cavedweller
Shortest of the Enderian Subspecies, around 5'11, so they can traverse caves better
Lives mostly in caves, mostly in Lush biomes or close to the Deep Dark, in small communities.
thick fur on feet to muffle noises
excellent hearing
green and blue parts glow in the dark
Short blunt horns, mostly used for sparring or light mining
slightly resistant to water
piebaldism is more common than other subspecies
has cool blues and cool purples in their palettes
extremely skittish
no back spines
splotch-like patterns
Netherant Enderians
Midsize, average height 6'5" to traverse the nether's lower roofs and foliage
live all over the Nether, mostly in the crimson and warped forests
warmer colored to match the Nether palette
orange/yellow parts can be bioluminescent
excellent heat resistance
large bulky horns built for defense and sparring -lives mostly in small villages on cliffs or near the Nether roof
most disagreements are solved through regulated fighting
prone to exploration
patterns are striped, like a tiger
True / Endborne Enderians
Tallest of the subclasses, average around 7'4"
all Endborne are influenced by the Ender Dragon, making them drones for Her.
some travel to the Overworld, but most stay to the end
highly aggressive towards other subclasses
long, thin horns, mostly decorative
colored only in shades of purple and purple-blacks
patterns are dotted or circular
(Remember: You can mix spike colors and pattern placement to your discretion. Everything in these documents is a BASELINE for your creative designs!)
Trading between Beta and Netherants
Trading between the subclasses is common, and even encouraged! due to the Nether being full of potion ingredients, quartz, gold, and other things that are hard for Betas to get, and the Overworld having resources like vegetables, fruits, colorful dyes, and ores like diamonds and iron that are hard for Netherants to get.
Normally, in Netherant and Beta villages, there will be portals leading to the other side, where these villages will develop around trading goods back and forth, allowing for both sides to thrive, relationships to form, and holidays and traditions to be recognized and proformed.
Basically, a giant, enderman themed Farmer's Market
Enderborne Enderians, due to becoming drones for The Ender Dragon, normally do not wear ornate clothing with patterns like their subspecies counterparts. This isn't seen as a issue, due to Enderians naturally not having any secondary sex characteristics, due to their way of reproduction not involving sexual activity
Netherant Enders normally wear clothing that is warm toned, with breathable fabric, with little layering, with patterns that are angular or boxy
Golden jewelry and leather bracelets and chokers and similar items are worn commonly.
Colors like brown, orange, red, and white, warm purples and shades between are the standard
Beta Enders have slightly more baggy and thick clothing, with colors more on the cooler side, ranging in blues and green and cooler purples are common. their patterns are swirly and wave-like
Iron jewelry is common, with dangly piercings and necklaces
Elytra are a common clothing/mobility aid among Enderians, which are craftable through rituals.
It's a very expensive ritual, and it's normally preformed by village elders, giving each Enderian a elytra when they come of age.
Elytra are seen as the most important garment a Enderian has, and they care for them almost religiously
Mending and Unbreaking III are commonly put on Elytra to make them highly durable
Body Painting
Body painting is common, normally done for formal events, parties and celebrations, but there are Enderians who paint their bodies casually as well, and this is accepted. There are sections of enderian bodies made on or off limits depending on the event, but as the formality of the event increases, so does the amount of patterning on the body.
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Lots of Player holidays have been adopted by Enderian cultures, especially as cultures mix and grow with time, but there is one Enderian holiday, basically the mother of all parties…
the Longest Night Festival!
This festival takes place on the Winter Solstice, which is the longest night of the year. Enderians will gather in their villages and around portals linking Beta and Netherant villages, where Enderians will host large parties full of food, drinking, dancing, and gift giving.
Enderians will wear ornate costumes (similar to masquerade balls), and bring out their finest paints and jewels.
Enderians will sell/trade moon themed gifts and foods, and tell stories passed down from generations ago about the moon, stars, and the Home Dimension…the End.
Expect tons of fireworks and bonfires!
It's said to be bad luck to wear anything sun-related on Longest Night. It's almost a insult!
Enderians have no real sexual organs, so their reproduction takes a odd turn…through their mouth!
Ender pearls, the core of a Enderian's teleporting, also acts as eggs. Once a month, similar as human ovulation cycles, Enderians will develop a second ender pearl, which they will regurgitate. Enderian mouths open that wide for that reason. (even though it does work as intimidation!)
Enderians will bring up the pearl, holding it in their jaws, before giving the baseball-sized pearl to their partner, who will pierce it with their hollow canine teeth, and fill it with their blood (not painful). This creates the two halves required to make a whole. The pearl will grow in size to accommodate the growing hatchling
Sadly, this means enderians with WPS are infertile when it comes to pearls…
There is a growing number of Enderians who will give their pearls up for donation (similar to sperm banks? Egg donors? Think that)
It's seen as lewd for a Enderian to drop their jaws fully in public
Endborne Genetics
Due to Endbornes being inherently hostile towards the other subspecies of Enderians, it is common for Endborne deaths from other Enderians
What's been happening as of late, Enderians from the two subspecies will draw blood from the dead Endborne and take the blood and inject it into a donor pearl, creating Endborne hybrids!
Disorders and Defects
Warped Pearl Syndrome (WPS) is a defect where the ender pearl develops incorrectly, normally causing a ender pearl to look warped or twisted
This disorder causes teleporting to be extremely difficult or unstable, normally causing what would be a stable, normal teleport to become erratic, making the affected Enderian warp in short, fast, uncontrollable spurts, which causes pearl pains, and short fainting spells due to the stress put on the enderian.
-Family History -Severe injury to the pearl early in life -Farlander Syndrome
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Piebaldism / White Spotting
This is mostly a cosmetic defect that causes irregular white patches of skin on a enderian. This shows no internal harm or side effects, but it makes them easier to spot, and they are sometimes seen as more "exotic"
Causes -Family History -Being a Beta (it's more common in Beta and Beta hybrids) -Farlander Syndrome
Early Hatchling / Premature Hatching
Sometimes, a enderian will hatch from their egg early, which can cause defects and irregular development. Normally it causes Enderians to develop slower in their early years, but they catch up as they grow. They are also normally shorter than normal
Farlander Syndrome
It's said that if one travels too far from home, they will encounter someplace called the Farlands, a land of warped terrain and strange creatures…
It was said to be false, but then Enderians came from these "Farlands" changed. Their normally dark coats turn white, and their eyes turn different colors and shades. In some cases, their pearls will warp and twist into unusablity. If they stay there too long, it seems their minds corrupt as well.
Mild cases of Farlander Syndrome will cause changes in eye color, and will cause post-birth piebaldism. There is no known cure
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...phew, that's all I have for now, If you have any ideas for my version of Enderman/Enderians, please comment!
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cherrygirlystuff · 1 month
Grunge Glamour: Your Guide to Indie Sleaze Fashion Staples
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Hey babe! 🌸 Ready to dive into the world of grunge glamour? We’re talking about the fashion staples that defined the indie sleaze era—skinny jeans, band tees, vintage leather jackets, and all the effortlessly cool vibes that come with them. Whether you’re a longtime fan of the look or just getting into it, I’ve got all the tips and tricks you need to rock that indie sleaze style like the icon you are. So grab your shopping list, put on your favorite playlist, and let’s get into it! 🎧✨
Grunge Glamour: The Essentials of Indie Sleaze Style 🌟
If you were around during the mid-2000s, you know that the indie sleaze era was all about a perfect mix of grunge and glamour. It was messy, it was edgy, and it was oh-so-stylish. The key to nailing this look is all about balancing those rough-around-the-edges vibes with just the right amount of chic. Think Kate Moss meets Karen O with a little bit of early 2000s Alexa Chung thrown in for good measure.
Ready to recreate that effortlessly cool, don’t-care-but-still-look-amazing vibe? Let’s break down the must-have pieces that every indie sleaze lover needs in their wardrobe.
1. Skinny Jeans: The Ultimate Indie Sleaze Staple 👖
Skinny jeans were the thing back in the day, and for good reason. They’re versatile, flattering, and the perfect base for any grunge-inspired outfit. Whether you’re going for a classic black pair or something a bit more distressed, skinny jeans are an absolute must in your indie sleaze wardrobe.
Classic Black Skinnies: You can never go wrong with a pair of classic black skinny jeans. They go with everything and can easily be dressed up or down. Pair them with a band tee and a leather jacket for a quintessential indie look, or throw on a blazer and some ankle boots for a night out.
Distressed Denim: If you’re looking to add some edge to your outfit, distressed skinny jeans are the way to go. The more rips and tears, the better! These jeans add a little bit of rock ‘n’ roll to your look and are perfect for those days when you want to channel your inner rockstar.
High-Waisted Styles: For a more modern take on the indie sleaze look, go for high-waisted skinny jeans. They’re super flattering and give off that cool, retro vibe. Tuck in your favorite band tee, throw on a belt, and you’re good to go.
Shopping Tip: When shopping for skinny jeans, make sure they have a bit of stretch so they’re comfortable enough to wear all day (and night!). Don’t be afraid to hit up thrift stores for some amazing vintage finds or look for brands known for their quality denim.
2. Band Tees: Show Your Love for Music 🎤
No indie sleaze wardrobe is complete without a collection of band tees. These aren’t just shirts; they’re statements. Wearing a band tee is all about showing off your love for music, whether it’s an indie darling or a rock legend.
Vintage Finds: There’s something so special about a vintage band tee that’s been worn and loved over the years. It’s like wearing a piece of music history. Scour thrift stores, flea markets, and online vintage shops for tees that have that perfectly worn-in feel.
DIY and Customized Tees: Can’t find the exact band tee you’re looking for? Get creative! DIY your own by cutting, distressing, or tie-dyeing a plain tee. You can even add patches, pins, or screen print your favorite band’s logo onto a plain shirt for a custom look.
Oversized vs. Fitted: Both oversized and fitted band tees have their place in the indie sleaze aesthetic. An oversized tee with skinny jeans gives off that effortlessly cool, borrowed-from-your-boyfriend vibe, while a fitted tee tucked into high-waisted jeans is more polished but still edgy.
Shopping Tip: When hunting for band tees, don’t just stick to the women’s section—check out the men’s section for oversized fits or hit up the kids’ section for cropped tees. And remember, the more worn-in, the better!
3. Vintage Leather Jackets: The Cool Girl’s Armor 🧥
A vintage leather jacket is the ultimate indie sleaze statement piece. It’s tough, it’s timeless, and it instantly adds that rockstar edge to any outfit. Whether you’re throwing it on over a dress or pairing it with jeans and a tee, a leather jacket is a wardrobe essential.
Classic Black Leather: A black leather jacket is a no-brainer. It’s versatile and goes with literally everything. Look for one with a slightly oversized fit, so you can layer it over chunky sweaters in the winter or just a tee in the summer.
Distressed and Worn-In: The best leather jackets are the ones that have seen some life. Look for jackets that have a bit of wear and tear—scuffs, scratches, and even a little fading give the jacket character and make it feel lived-in.
Moto Style: If you want to add some extra edge to your look, go for a moto-style leather jacket with zippers, studs, and all the bells and whistles. It’s a bit more daring but oh-so-cool.
Shopping Tip: Vintage stores are your best bet for finding a quality leather jacket that won’t break the bank. If you’re buying new, invest in a piece that will last you for years to come—real leather only gets better with age!
4. Mixing and Matching: The Indie Sleaze Way 🎨
The magic of indie sleaze style is all about mixing and matching. Don’t be afraid to pair something ultra-glam with something super grungy—like a sequined top with ripped jeans or a floral dress with combat boots. The key is to look like you just threw it all together but somehow ended up looking amazing.
Accessories: Add some personality to your look with accessories like beanies, oversized sunglasses, and chunky jewelry. Don’t forget a scarf for that effortlessly chic touch.
Layers, Layers, Layers: Layering is your best friend when it comes to indie sleaze. Think flannels over tees, jackets over dresses, and scarves over everything. It’s all about creating a look that feels a little messy but totally put together.
Shopping Tip: When mixing and matching, think outside the box! Pair unexpected items together and see what works. Indie sleaze is all about breaking the fashion rules, so have fun with it!
Final Thoughts, Gorgeous: Embrace Your Inner Indie Sleaze Queen 🌟
There you have it, babe—your ultimate guide to rocking grunge glamour like a true indie sleaze icon. With the right mix of skinny jeans, band tees, and vintage leather jackets, you’ll be turning heads wherever you go. Remember, this style is all about confidence, attitude, and a little bit of chaos. So go ahead, mix, match, and create outfits that make you feel like the rockstar you are.
What’s your go-to indie sleaze outfit? Let’s chat in the comments and share all our fashion secrets! 💕
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santi-u · 1 month
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[ bie thassapak hsu, demi-man, he/they ] Look who just landed! SANTI AMARIN-ZHAO, I sure hope you packed all you need. Perhaps you’re not worried as the CEO of X ACADEMY. The city has plenty of spots for a 29 year old SIGHIR like you. You’ll be known in the city soon enough as THE PEACEMAKER, being CHARISMATIC and INSTIGNANT. 
❯ tags — interview — bio — headcanons — wanted connections & plots
OOC Information
Fayn / PST (Vancouver, Seattle, Los Angeles) /  They/Them 
Muse: Santi Amarin-Zhao 
Tagging System: here
Interview: here
Muse’s Statistics
Full Name: Santi Amarin-Zhao | สันติ อมรินทร์ | 兆三緹
Nickname: Silk / Xiao Ti (小緹) / Titty (lmao)
Date of Birth: 28 May 2376
Gender: Demi-Man
Pronouns: He/They
Sexual Orientation: Queer
Romantic Orientation: …Ask him when he’s drunk. (Queer)
Current Age: 29
Modification: Sighir (Classified) Human :)
Affiliation: X Academy
Birthplace: New Jakarta
Current Neighbourhood: Sora
Occupation: CEO of X Academy, Philanthropist, Insider Threat, Dog Papa :)
Known Languages: English, Thai, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Bahasa
Faceclaim: Bie Thassapak Hsu
Height: 6'0"
Eye Colour: Dark brown, almost black
Hair Colour: Naturally black, tends to dye it dark, reddish brown 
Clothing Style: Has an extensive suit collection, surprisingly only a fraction of which are custom tailored. Wears more eccentric and femme-leaning blazer choices when feeling up to it. Tends to wear layers and long sleeves even during warm weather. Wears a hat to disguise himself in the Slums. Occasionally wears glasses.
Jewelry:  Watch he inherited from a mentor. Occasionally wears a bracelet and necklace with no real sentimental meaning, just only for the vibe. 
Tattoos: N/A
Marks/Scars: An innumerable amount of scars all over his body, even his face, as a result of testing done on him. They’ve all healed nearly perfectly thanks to his Sighir powers, and as a result, they’re nearly imperceptible / basically invisible unless you know what you’re looking for and are literally up in his business. He doesn't usually let anyone get that close, physically or emotionally.
Modifications: N/A
Scent/Fragrance: Tom Ford ��bène Fumé — overall woody and smoky; has notes of incense, palo santo, black pepper, violet leaf, leather, and labdanum
Positive Traits: Charismatic, compassionate, loyal
Neutral Traits: Guarded, resourceful, analytical
Negative Traits: Hyperindependent, manipulative, self-destructive
Peeves: His lunch getting double booked, expense reports, interviews, people who pet Khoi without asking Khoi if he’d like to be pet, people who don’t respect nature
Fears: A particular part of the city he now avoids going to at all costs; locked, windowless rooms; his parents; vulnerability
Skills: Partnership management, B2B commerce, research design, organizational management, public speaking, tying the perfect tie in one shot, being able to tell what kind of spices were used in a dish, inhuman-like terrifyingly high pain tolerance
Goals: Autonomy and control over his own fate
Likes: His black golden retriever (Khoi), a tasteful accent pocket square, street food, boba, bugs (butterflies in particular), a certain Overseer :)
Dislikes: The smell of antiseptic, stainless steel furniture and decor, loss of control 
Hobbies: Cooking, going out to Bartori or the Marwar Market in disguise to eat street food
Habits: Sleep talking, overworking, checking the app on his phone to make sure Khoi is okay at home
One Cherished Item: The chrysalis of a butterfly he helped raise in secret from a caterpillar when he was a child
UNN's Class of 2405: 30 Under 30 Interview with Santi Amarin-Zhao, CEO of X Academy
Date: September 12, 2404 Time: 13:57 PM NJT Location: X HQ, Santi’s Office
The interview takes place in the sleek, ultra-modern headquarters of X Academy, a towering structure that dominates the skyline of New Jakarta. The office is a blend of glass and metal, with a panoramic view of the sprawling city below. Santi sits behind a minimalist desk, his posture relaxed but his eyes sharp, betraying the meticulous mind behind the polished exterior. The interviewer, an experienced journalist from the United News Network, is acutely aware that this is more than just a profile piece—it’s an opportunity to peel back the layers of one of Mars' most enigmatic young leaders.
Interviewer: "Santi Amarin-Zhao, thank you for joining us today. It's not every day that we get to sit down with one of the youngest CEOs in New Jakarta's history. Let's start from the beginning—being born and raised on Mars is still not an everyday occurrence, and especially not nearly three decades ago. How has your upbringing shaped the leader you are today?"
Santi offers a warm smile, the kind that has won him the admiration from many of the million citizens of New Jakarta, but behind that smile is a carefully crafted persona. He knows exactly how to play this role, the heir to a legacy of power and innovation.
Santi: "Thank you for having me. My upbringing was nothing short of a privilege, and I recognize that every day. My mother's side was instrumental in the initial colonization efforts, and my father's side were some of the original Braax mine owners. Their combined legacy is something I take very seriously. Growing up, I was always taught that with great power comes great responsibility—not just to my family, but to the people of New Jakarta."
As he speaks, Santi’s thoughts drift momentarily to his childhood, where lessons were taught not in classrooms, but in boardrooms. His mother, a brilliant scientist, would often take him to meetings where breakthroughs in Martian terraforming and mineral research were discussed, while his father, a shrewd businessman, exposed him to the intricacies of corporate strategy. From a young age, Santi learned that every action, every word, was a move in a larger game—a game he was expected to win.
Interviewer: "That's a powerful ethos to live by. Many would say that you were born into success, but you've clearly worked hard to maintain and build upon that legacy. What drives you to keep pushing forward, especially in such a high-stakes environment?"
As the interviewer asks this, Santi leans back slightly, as if contemplating the question. The truth is, the drive to push forward comes not from ambition alone, but from a deeper, almost primal need to assert control over a life that has always been orchestrated by others. But that’s not something he can admit out loud.
Santi: "You know, it's easy for people to assume that everything was handed to me on a silver platter, but the reality is far more complex. Yes, I had opportunities that others might not, but I was also held to incredibly high standards. From a young age, I was taught the importance of hard work, and that success is not just about what you achieve, but how you achieve it. I’ve always believed in leading by example, which is why I make it a point to be in the trenches with my team, whether it's working late nights on a project or navigating the complexities of our latest research initiatives."
He recalls the countless nights spent in the labs of X Academy, not because he needed to be there, but because he wanted to understand every aspect of the institution he would one day lead. He wasn’t just a figurehead—he was determined to know the ins and outs of every department, every project. The long hours weren’t just about work; they were about proving, perhaps to himself more than anyone else, that he was worthy of the legacy he was born into.
Interviewer: "It's clear that your work ethic is something you take pride in. Let's talk about X Academy. Under your leadership, it's become a beacon of hope for many in New Jakarta, especially with the rising tensions in the city. How do you balance the pressures of being a public figure with the responsibilities of running such a pivotal institution?"
Santi’s expression shifts subtly—a flicker of something deeper, darker. He knows that the public sees him as a beacon of hope, a leader who can unite the fractured city. But the truth is, the very tensions they hope he will resolve are often of his own making. He is both the architect of chaos and the one who brings order, a duality that he keeps hidden beneath layers of charm and calculated sincerity.
Santi: "Balancing those pressures is definitely a challenge, but it's one I embrace. X Academy was founded with the goal of advancing scientific research for the betterment of all Martian citizens, and that mission is something I take to heart. At the same time, I understand the power of public perception. People are looking for someone to believe in, especially now, and I’m grateful that they see me as that figure. However, it’s not just about what I can do as a leader, but what we can achieve together as a community. Creating opportunities for all, committing to public good—these are not just slogans, but guiding principles in everything I do."
He remembers the latest crisis he orchestrated in the Akumu Slums—a small piece of information, leaked at just the right time, setting off a chain of events that sent shockwaves through the city. It was a dangerous game, one that could easily spiral out of control, but Santi thrives on the thrill of it. The chaos serves a purpose; it keeps people looking to him for solutions, reinforcing his role as the indispensable leader.
Interviewer: "You've been dubbed 'The Peacemaker' by some, yet New Jakarta is far from peaceful, if we must be honest. How do you reconcile this title with the realities of the city?"
Santi knows this question is coming, and he’s prepared. The irony of the title isn’t lost on him—it’s part of the persona he’s carefully cultivated. He is the Peacemaker, but peace, as he defines it, is a tool, a means to an end. True peace would leave him with nothing to control, nothing to fix, and that’s a reality he’s not ready to face.
Santi: "The title 'Peacemaker' is both a compliment and a burden. Peace is not just the absence of conflict but the presence of justice and opportunity. It’s no secret that New Jakarta faces many challenges, from economic disparities to social unrest. But these challenges also present opportunities for growth and innovation. My job is to navigate these complexities and find solutions that benefit the city as a whole. Sometimes, that means making difficult decisions that aren't immediately popular, but I always have the long-term prosperity of New Jakarta in mind."
As he speaks, his mind wanders to the many nights he spent alone in his office, staring out over the city. From this vantage point, he could see everything—the glittering towers of the elite, the sprawling slums below. It was all part of a grand design, one he was orchestrating from behind the scenes. Every conflict, every resolution, was a step towards a future only he could envision.
Interviewer: "There's a lot of talk about the criminal underworld in New Jakarta, particularly in the Akumu Slums. How does X Academy fit into this picture, and what steps are you taking to ensure that your initiatives aren't just a band-aid on a larger issue?"
Santi’s smile doesn’t falter, but inside, he feels a spark of satisfaction. The criminal underworld is a complex web, one that he’s intimately familiar with. He’s not just aware of it—he’s a part of it, a shadowy figure pulling strings from the comfort of his high-rise office. But that’s a truth he’ll take to his grave.
Santi: "The situation in the Akumu Slums is one of the most pressing issues we face, and it’s something I’m deeply concerned about. X Academy's role is to provide education and resources that empower people to create better lives for themselves, but we can’t do it alone. That’s why I’ve been working closely with the Overseers and other city leaders to address the root causes of these problems. It’s not just about education; it’s about creating a sustainable ecosystem where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. As for the criminal circuit—let's just say, we're keeping a close eye on things and doing everything we can to ensure that X Academy’s work is part of the solution, not part of the problem."
He remembers the recent heist at one of X Academy’s facilities, a heist that the public believed was a tragedy. What they didn’t know was that Santi had orchestrated the entire event, leaking the location of the facility to a rival faction in the slums. It was all part of a larger plan, one that would ultimately strengthen his grip on the city. The stolen research was never meant to be used—it was a decoy, a test of loyalty and competence for those who would carry out his orders.
Interviewer: "Lastly, with everything you've accomplished so far, what does the future hold for you and X Academy? How do you plan to continue your family's legacy while also making your own mark?"
Santi pauses, considering his response carefully. The future is something he thinks about often, but not in the way most people do. For him, the future is a canvas, one that he can shape and mold to his liking. His family’s legacy is the foundation, but the empire he’s building will be his own.
Santi: "The future is bright, but it’s also uncertain—and that’s what makes it exciting. My family’s legacy is something I’m incredibly proud of, but I’m also focused on carving out my own path. For X Academy, that means continuing to push the boundaries of scientific research and making sure that our work has a real, tangible impact on the lives of the people of New Jakarta. Personally, I’m committed to staying grounded, to listening to the needs of the community, and to never losing sight of the values that brought me here. My goal is to make sure that when people think of X Academy, they don’t just think of a name—they think of a force for good that is changing the world for the better."
As he finishes, Santi glances out the window, his mind already racing with the next steps in his plan. The interviewer thanks him for his time, and Santi responds graciously, but his thoughts are elsewhere. The interview is just another move in the game, another step in a carefully plotted journey that only he knows the destination of.
Interviewer: "Thank you, Santi. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you, and we’re all looking forward to seeing what you accomplish next."
Santi: "The pleasure’s all mine. Thank you for the opportunity to share my story."
As the interviewer leaves, Santi sits back in his chair, allowing himself a rare moment of introspection. He’s come so far, but there’s still so much to do. The city of New Jakarta is a complex machine, and he’s the one turning the gears. The future he envisions is one of power, control, and legacy—his legacy, not just his family’s. And he won’t stop until every piece of the puzzle falls into place.
End of interview.
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(AO3 - ch 2)
Scott and Jimmy didn't care much about politics. They knew that their house was located in disputed territory, but they also knew the dyed leather they bartered would be in high demand no matter who the land belonged to, and the rumors of warfare in the distance never bothered them. They were fine staying where they were.
They were fine, until Jimmy went on a trip to the market and came back Red.
- - - - -
Jimmy arrived at the village right before sunrise. He'd set out early, wheeling his cart over the roads by the moonlight, to prevent the fresh beef he was bringing from being spoiled by the sun. People would always trade more for fresh meat; and he was hoping to barter for enough supplies today to last him and Scott another few weeks at their hillside farm. The residents of the village were happy to see Jimmy and gladly traded and chatted with him; the last couple times it had been Scott that went out to trade, so Jimmy hadn't spoken with many of the villagers in a little while.
Near the end of the morning, Jimmy had traded all of the beef and most of the dyed leather for various foods, clothing, and a few other things. While packing up, he noticed some commotion on the other end of the market square. He realised it was an argument between the old pottery saleswoman Efe and another woman he didn't reccognise. He'd never seen anyone pick a fight with Efe; he decided to go over and investigate.
“...tell you right now, these pots really aren't worth as much as you seem to think!” the unknown woman, who was wearing a yellow shirt-- faded yellow, not as high-quality as Scott's dye-- was yelling at Efe. She was holding a clay pot in her hands.
“What's going on here?” Jimmy asked as he jogged up to the pair. He nodded at Efe, who smiled at him.
“This woman is refusing my very sensible offer of ten coins for this pot,” the stranger said, looking at Jimmy. She had yellow eyes, he noticed-- matching with her shirt.
Efe just shrugged. “The coins aren't worth anything. They look nice, but they're not going keep me alive.”
“They're currency, don't you understand that? You, other guy.” she faced Jimmy again. “What would you pay for this pot?”
Jimmy looked at the pot. It was well-made, but nothing too special. “One, two steaks maybe?”
“And how many loaves of bread would you trade one steak for?”
What did bread have to do with any of this? “Look, if Efe doesn't accept the barter, just back off, okay?”
The argument was drawing a crowd now- most of the villagers seemed to be on their neighbor Efe's side. One other villager, Sunny, stepped forwards and put their hands on the stranger's shoulders. “I think you should leave.”
“Don't touch me.” she shrugged their hands off. “You're green. I'm yellow. You're not allowed to attack me.”
“...yes? No one's 'allowed' to attack anyone,” Sunny responded. No one had allowed the red-lifed to be killers either- they just couldn't be reasoned with. “I'm not attacking you. I'm just asking you to leave.”
The stranger closed her eyes and sighed. “Fine,” she said. She turned around to leave, but didn't return the pot she was still holding- in fact, she raised it high, then dropped it to the ground. Efe gasped as it hit the ground and shattered into a dozen pieces.
Then chaos broke loose. Several villagers rushed at the stranger when the pot shattered-- Jimmy joined them. She responded by picking up shards of the pot and throwing them around. Some people grabbed their tools to use as weapons, and the peaceful market square very quickly exploded into a messy brawl.
Somehow, a shard of hardened clay ended up in Jimmy's chest.
- - -
Jimmy woke up lying on a bed inside a house, Efe and Sunny looking down at him, concern visible on their faces. He got up and looked down at his chest. There was a hole in his shirt, and a massive stain of blood around it. His actual skin only showed a small scar, as if nothing much had happened at all.
“The fight dissipated after you fell down,” Efe said. “We figured we should clean the wound, get you somewhere covered to wake up again.”
“Wow. Efe, I'm so sorry this happened.”
“Hey, if you're gonna feel sorry for anyone, it should be yourself. I mean, you died!” Sunny responded. “That other woman left town though, luckily.”
“Oh my gosh. I did die, didn't I?” Jimmy touched the scar on his chest. He could still remember the sharp pain of getting impaled by the shard, but he felt no discomfort now. “I'm yellow now.”
Sunny nodded grimly. “I kept your cart of stuff here as well. Didn't want people looting it after that ordeal.”
“Oh, right, thanks,” Jimmy said, and he got up and followed Sunny to the door, where his cart was parked. “I think I'm headed home now. Thanks for having me.”
“I appreciate you trying to help me, Jimmy,” Efe said. “Travel safely.”
It was now afternoon, and Jimmy was walking back home, lost in thought. He was yellow-lifed now. He'd always figured that, given his luck, he might get killed and become yellow one day, but that didn't make it any less of a shock when it happened. How was he going to explain this to Scott? Would he want to dig a grave for the chance that Jimmy turned red? And if so, should Jimmy help with that? The answer was yes, obviously, but Jimmy found the thought of preemptively digging his own grave to be a bit grim.
“Hello there!” Jimmy was shaken from his thoughts by someone calling out to him. Two men were sitting in a booth by the side of the road, waving at him.
“Hello hello! Seems you're walking quite a long way with that big cart, would you like to buy some boots to make the walk more comfortable?” one of the two asked, a big smile plastered on his face. “It's just twenty-five coins.” the other man's eyes went to the hole in Jimmy's shirt, but he didn't say anything.
“I don't have any coins, sorry,” Jimmy responded, smiling back.
“Well, that's fine, we can barter. You've got a lot of good stuff with you, I see,” the first man responded, nodding to Jimmy's cart loaded with various essentials.
“No thanks. My own boots are fine.”
“You sure? Impulse, show him the boots. Here, just look at these beauties.” the second salesman now pulled a pair of blue boots out from under the counter of the booth. “Surely those are better than... whatever it is you're wearing now.”
Jimmy was getting annoyed now, but he had to admit, they looked like good boots. They seemed sturdy, set with pieces of metal, and the coloring of the leather was done cleanly, about as good as Scott could do it.
In fact, they looked exactly like boots Scott would make. Like the boots that had mysteriously vanished from their supplies some weeks back, that Scott lamented for days afterwards.
“Uh,” Jimmy said, “these are my boots.”
“That's the spirit! Now, looking at your stuff, I think that bottle of-”
“No.” Jimmy stepped forwards, laying a hand on one of the boots. “I'm saying these are my boots. These are boots that my husband made, that were stolen a few weeks back. And now you're trying to sell them to me.”
The smiles vanished from the two men's faces as they shot glances toward each other. Then the second one- Impulse, apparently-- said: “Iiii don't know what you mean by-”
“You're a terrible liar,” Jimmy cut him off. “I'll be taking these, thank you very much.”
“NO YOU WON'T!” the first man suddenly yanked the boots from underneath Jimmy's hand and took off running.
“HEY!” Jimmy shouted, then pursued. Chasing the man was probably not the smartest thing to do, he realized, but after the day he'd had, he would not let these thieves get away with Scott's boots on top of it. He was a faster runner than the thief, and closed the gap rapidly. “GET BACK HERE!” he shouted, as he was almost close enough to grab the man by the collar-
When he suddenly turned around and swung the boots hard at Jimmy's head. The toes of the boots, tipped with metal, slammed into his cheek, and Jimmy heard something crack as pain flashed across his entire head.
Stars covered Jimmy's vision as he heard the thief laughing. “Woo, these boots are great! They function as melee weapons too!”
Jimmy felt something dripping down to his neck. “Uh, that hit harder than I expected...”
Jimmy felt himself falling backwards. Distantly, he heard the second thief yelling: “Tango, you idiot, didn't you see his eyes were-”
Then Jimmy's head hit the floor, and everything went black.
- - -
He was on fire.
Jimmy opened his eyes to see flames coming off of his hair, his clothes, his skin. He yelped, jumped up, and immediately dropped back to the floor as he remembered the instructions his parents had drilled him with as a child. He rolled across the ground a few times until the fire was out, then realizing he didn't actually feel the flames at all.
Now slightly calmed down, he looked around to get his bearings. Scott's boots, now stained with blood at the toetips, were lying on the ground a few feet away, near the scorched grass where Jimmy must've been laying earlier. His cart of traded goods was on the road a bit further away. Nothing else was on fire, and the two bandits were nowhere to be seen. They must've set Jimmy's body on fire and ran, trying to prevent him from respawing-
Again. He'd died twice now, and respawned both times.
He was Red now.
Jimmy suddenly felt chilled down to his spine, and he looked down at himself again. His skin was ashen gray, flaking off in places. His clothes were a ragged mess, and though there weren't any mirroring surfaces nearby, Jimmy knew exactly what his eyes would look like.
He felt lost. If explaining his first death to Scott would have been difficult, this would be impossible. Should he even come back? He didn't want to kill Scott. Going home would just endanger him. Should he leave and go live in the forest, like the wolf-man? That thought sent a shiver down his spine again. He'd encountered the man once, and didn't want to do so ever again, even if they were theoretically equals now.
Jimmy picked up the boots from the ground, and walked to his cart. Fortunately, one of the things he'd obtained today was a cloak, which he took and draped over himself, to cover his burnt clothing and red eyes. As he pulled the hood over his head, he noticed footprints in the dirt, leading away into the distance; probably belonging to the thieves, who had fled the scene. Numbly Jimmy wondered if he should chase them and get revenge. It'd make sense for him to do, as a red-lifed.
But he didn't want to do that. He just wanted to go home.
So he took his cart and continued along the road.
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solarpunkbusiness · 8 hours
Very interesting new and different business models and business ideas for rural markets in global North.
Millennial Farmers: The New Fashion Pioneers
One of the most exciting aspects of this movement is the connection between millennial farmers and the fashion industry. Here are some real-life examples.
• Regenerative agriculture for textiles in which millennial farmers are increasingly adopting practices focused on improving soil health, conserving water and sequestering carbon. Some farms are now growing cotton, flax and other fibers using regenerative techniques. These materials are used in fashion and represent a significant shift away from traditional, resource-intensive farming.
• The use of organic and eco-friendly dyes in textile production is on the rise. Many millennial farmers are experimenting with plant-based dyes — such as indigo — and incorporating them into fashion. These natural dyes not only reduce the environmental impact but also create unique, earthy colors.
• Farms that raise animals for wool, leather and other textiles are taking a more ethical approach. By ensuring the welfare of the animals, these farmers are producing high-quality, sustainable materials for fashion brands that prioritize animal welfare.
• Millennial farmers are embracing the direct-to-consumer model, much like they do with farm produce. They sell fibers and materials directly to fashion brands, cutting out intermediaries and ensuring transparency in the supply chain. This connection appeals to fashion brands that want to know where their materials come from.
• Millennial farmers are also choosing to wear and support sustainable fashion brands that align with their values. It’s a way of living the principles of slow living not just in farming but in every aspect of their lives.
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like-a-masquerade · 8 months
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Coord Breakdown: January 30th, 2024
A rather fancy look to go shopping today. It's my first time wearing this blouse and I'm sooooo happy with it! Full coord comments under the cut.
Blouse + jabot: Lilizi
Skirt: Fanplusfriend
Bracelets: Offbrand (Rainbow)
Boots: Offbrand (Betsey Johnson)
Earrings: Offbrand (Spirit Halloween)
Hairbow that you can't see from the front but I swear it's real: Offbrand (???)
I love this coord, and especially the blouse, so much!! Purple is my favorite color and I am quite the fancy goth, so when I saw this blouse on Lolibrary I absolutely fell in love with it. When I got some Christmas money, I splurged and bought it through 42Lolita's Buy For Me service. It was my first time using 42Lolita and it was pretty nice tbh! Very easy, lovely customer service, shipping was relatively fast. Of course the shipping cost wasn't exactly the cheapest in the world, but... well... you know how it is with shipping as an overseas lolita lmao. Anyway, the blouse itself is comfortable and very well made, and seems surprisingly durable. Absolutely gorgeous, 10/10.
The skirt's been a favorite of mine for a long time now, after buying it off Lace Market a few years ago. It's a beautiful black satin damask with tiny black rhinestones on the lace trim, and I'm nothing if not a lover of glam, so of course I'm all about that shit. The skirt definitely pairs really well with the blouse!
The boots I found at a thrift store a few months ago for about $13, iirc. They're nubuck leather. They're kind of hard to see here, but here's a picture of another pair in their original form from a Depop listing:
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Now, I thought that they were simply very worn and dirty, and with a little TLC would be revived to a vibrant purple with uncrushed pleats. No. No, apparently these are simply "distressed". As a punk I think the concept of making expensive items and faking them to look worn out is fucking stupid (at least distress them yourself, goddamn it! Don't do it in the factory!), so I took it upon myself to un-distress them using some Angelus leather dye. This was my first time dyeing shoes, and the color came out gorgeous! Unfortunately I put on way the hell too much, so between that and all the work and rubbing alcohol it took to get rid of the excess dye, I... think they dried up and shrunk a bit... But wearing them a few times softened them up. I'll probably look into treating them with some leather conditioner when I get the chance.
As for the eyeshadow, it's all Juvia's Place as usual, a combination of the Violets palette and the black from the Saharan palette. Typically I put the darkest shade on the inside corner of my eye and give it a sharp unblended edge in a vaguely tradgoth look, but I wanted my makeup to be a bit less harsh for this coord, so I instead put the darkest color on the outside and blended it all like a normal person. I think it looks cute!
I'm also wearing a nice black satin hairbow my best friend gave me for my birthday. It has a nice delicate, old-timey look. She's made a tradition of giving me a black hair bow every year, because one time she gave me one and I accidentally lost it and she refuses to let me live it down and keeps jokingly buying me more black bows "to replace the one you left on the goddamn train". Love her!!
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lees-chaotic-brain · 2 months
hooray!! congrats on the good news, i hope the streak continues!
okay i'm glad you won't be uncomfortable with the stuff i interact with. i didn't bother with any warnings on my blog bc i'm mostly here to consume things and don't expect too many people to wander by lol. but! since i have been coming out of my lil lurker basement lately i finally at least added a color scheme to it so i look less like a bot.
oh man oh man where to start on tea and jackets? what are your go-to's for either? i'm kind of a tea purist-i prefer tea the east asian (chinese/japanese/korean) way, just pure tea leaves and occasional aromatics with no additional sugar or cream unless i'm specifically making a milk tea. i don't really like herbal teas. i want that camellia sinensis in my shit. my default tea rn is probably hojicha. i made a sunrise burnt basque hojicha cheesecake and though the layers didn't come out as cleanly as i wanted it tasted lovely. a tumblr friend on here inspired me to try out the burnt basque with a FANTASTIC green thai tea i have next! (if you're in the market for the green thai tea and are usa-based i cannot recommend it enough. it's so unique bc green thai is uncommon in the states already, and most of it comes from the powder packets but the one i have is all whole ingredients, no extracts or dye or flavor enhancements and it is DIVINE. sooo fragrant with pandan and vanilla and mint. i will scarf down anything with pandan in it but this is especially lovely)
i basically only own leather jackets or blazers, i have an embarassing amount of both. i did just do a closet purge with a friend's help though and i am proud of say i got rid of like, 16 college-era (p)leather jackets and blazers that had seen better days/are no longer in style
ty for sticking around for my D1 yapping!
dw abt it LMAO. it's not super apparent, but if you look close enough you can see my inner hoe poking through in my tags, so yes. i definitely consume smut and dark content and am looking forward to seeing your stuff on my dash 🤭
omg and for tea? i literally drink any and all kinds of tea. so again, if you've been on my blog long enough/look closely i'm pretty sure i've mentioned it before but i'm half korean, and i while i love all kinds of tea, the tea my mom made for me are nostalgic and bring me comfort. i almost always drink my teas plain (chai being the only exception) or with a little bit of honey.
i LOVE herbal teas. i can't really drink a ton of caffeine with my adhd meds or i genuinely start tweaking. like twitching and all that shit, so i normally drink other teas even though i really enjoy green and black teas :')
i'm a sucker for jackets and boots, and while i don't have too many, i definitely own a few, but i'll probably reblog this post and rant about them later lmao
if you're interested, here is a comprehensive list of my top ten favorite teas (in no particular order), how i drink them, and why. thank you for attending my lecture.
1. you are so right about hojicha. i love green tea, but my absolute favorite variation of green tea is nokcha. i love the extra flavor the brown rice brings to it. i normally drink it plain, but if i'm feeling fancy i'll steam a little milk and add a drizzle of honey
2. this definitely isn't korean, but when i was little my mom would make me this tea and it was so, so, so, good. it's basically just a stick of cinnamon, some apples slices up, orange and lemon peel, and a little bit of honey boiled together for like an hour. it's literally my favorite thing to drink in the fall bc it just warms me up from the inside
3. oksusu-cha. it's basically a korean tea made from roasted corn kernels and i really, really, like it. it's different from a lot of teas in the sense that it's almost savory, but its taste is very unique and almost earthy? idk how to describe it but i highly recommend trying it. i always drink it plain, but pouring it over heukmi bap (korean purple rice) and eating is also amazing
4. earl gray. i know this one is very british and different from the rest of the teas i drink, but i love having a cup of it once in a while! i drink it black sometimes, but i'll also drink it with either lemon and honey, or a little milk and honey
5. chamomile my love. i love love love a nice cup of chamomile before bed while i'm reading a book! i almost always drink it plain, but if i'm on my period i add a spoonful of honey
6. hibiscus tea. while this isn't necessarily my favorite taste wise, it brings back a lot of memories from when i was little and would go to a cafe with my mom. not to say i don't enjoy the flavor, it's just a little too sweet and a little too tart for me to drink a lot of
7. gyulpi cha. it's a korean citrus peel tea (not unlike #2) and it's really, really, good. i always drink it plain.
8. chai. this is the only type of tea i drink with a ton of stuff in it. i'm currently boycotting starbucks, but i love their iced chai latte with sweet cream foam. during fall i normally get it with some pumpkin flavoring lol. however i barely consider the drink tea at this point lmao
9. lavender tea. i absolutely love a cup of lavender tea before bed. i always drink it plain, and think the scent is so calming!
10. and finally lilac tea. i love lilacs. growing up we had a massive lilac bush and the smell always brings me back. i really enjoy its subtly sweet and floral flavor, and always drink it plain.
anyways, that's it for the tea lmao.
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acatalystrising · 2 years
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone who celebrates! I couldn’t get through the day without thinking about my favorite green tin can man, so I wrote a special little life day scene in case anyone needed some softttt cheer! 💚🖤
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Life Day with Boba Fett
“What are you doing, Mesh’la?”
You flinched at that gruff, teasing voice - turning from your precariously perched spot on the ladder, a strand of lights gripped in your hands.
Boba Fett stood at the throne room’s entrance, fully armored, arms crossed - dark, expressionless visor trained on you.
“I wanted to put up a couple more lights before everyone shows up,” you gestured at your work, almost complete, with a smirk. “It’s still too drab in here.”
Boba slowly paced into the room, the clinking of his spurs bouncing off the walls. He stopped right below your ladder, helmet tilted up, and you tried so, so hard to keep your thoughts to yourself. Because from this height, you discovered, the most terrifying bounty hunter in the galaxy looked positively adorable.
“Hook those lights,” he gestured at you with a slow curl of his index finger, “come down.”
You didn’t miss the command in his tone, and for a moment, you wondered if you’d actually done something wrong. So you made a short work of hanging the rest of the lights, all too aware of his eyes trained on your back. And when they were finally done, you climbed down the ladder, heart pounding, and stood before him.
“What,” he lifted a hand and pinched the collar of your sweater. His leather gloves brushed against your skin, sending chills spiraling down your spine. “Is this?”
You frowned, lips parting to answer his question with one of your own, when it dawned on you. You glanced down at your chosen attire and felt a blush creep onto your cheeks with the speed of a forest fire.
“Oh, I can explain,” you gestured at your sweater with a sheepish grin - a custom sweater carefully dyed to resemble and match the colors of his armor. “I wanted…you know…”
“Wanted what, little one?” He tilted his helmet to the side, hand brushing against your cheek and cupping your chin. “If I didn’t know better, I’d wager you were trying to copy me.”
He advanced, slowly backing you toward the throne until the backs of your calves bumped into the first stone step. You looked up at him, heart pounding, his every movement calculated and intentional.
“I…thought it’d be cute if we matched,” you felt the blush completely overtake your face, making your ears burn. You bravely kept your gaze trained on his T-visor. “Since it’s…our first Life Day together? As a couple? I wanted it to be special.”
Boba fell silent, entirely unreadable behind that impenetrable beskar. Was he upset? Angry? Did he find your sweater offensive? You blinked when his thumb stroked your cheek, the gesture so soft you nearly melted where you stood, washing away every shred of doubt.
“Oh, sweet girl,” he moved his free hand to lift the helmet from his face, revealing a nearly shocked smile that extended to those beautiful brown eyes. “How’d you manage that?”
One of the facts you’d discovered ever since you’d met Boba was that the bounty hunter turned Daimyo did in fact, have the warmest smile.
“I went to the market, had a friend dye the pieces. I even tried to draw your armor so I had a reference,” you tried to duck your head but his hand remained firm, holding your chin in place. “Your beskar has protected you - saved you. And I thought…if I wore something similar, it would…let everyone know I’m yours.”
He chuckled lowly, the sound reverberating through your chest and leaving you breathless. He took another step, guiding you onto to the first cool stair, making you nearly level with him.
“Do you know?” He leaned closer, lips inches away, eyes burning. “Whose girl you are?”
“Yeah,” you smiled, blush hotter than Tatooine’s twin suns. “I do.”
“Good,” his eyes flicked from yours to your lips, an unspoken question. “It’s sweet. Never thought anyone would do something like this. Not for me.”
“I love you, Boba Fett,” you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “That’ll never change. This is only the first life day together, we have the rest of our lives to look forward to the rest.”
“Oh mesh’la,” he hummed, capturing your lips in his, holding you so, so close as he deepened the kiss - arms wrapping around you.
Head spinning, you clung to him, hands gripping his chestplate, kissing him harder. Gods, you wanted him to know how much you loved him. How much he meant to you. And you knew he felt the same. He nipped at your bottom lip and you smirked against him, tracing the scars on the back of his head as he claimed you, pressing achingly sweet kisses along your jawline.
“Hey, lovebirds, Din’s here with the kid,” Fennec’s teasing voice from the doorway brought you back to reality, and you pressed your forehead against Boba’s with a smirk, breaths mingling. “I could use some help, you know.”
“We’re being summoned,” Boba’s voice was nearly a low growl. “Shame.”
You gave his pauldron a playful shove.
“Coming!” You went to pull away, but Boba chuckled dark as sin, pulling you flush with his chest, hand pressed against your lower back.
“You aren’t yet,” he met your gaze, beautiful lips curving into a sly grin. “But later, when they’ve all gone to bed, you will until you can’t remember your name, and can only scream mine.”
Oh gods. You nearly collapsed against him, breath caught in your throat, heat trickling down your spine and coiling between your legs.
“Fine,” you pressed a kiss to the top of his nose. “But after the party. You’re going to have to wait, you know…because I’m going to return the favor.”
“Guys!” Fennec’s tone was sharp, but you heard the laugher bubbling from the back of her throat. “Seriously…”
You finally broke apart, reaching for his hand and twining his fingers with yours. You both walked toward the door to join Fennec, who was leaned against the doorframe wearing a smug grin.
“For the record,” Boba’s voice was low, teasing. “Love the sweater. We’ll make a mandalorian out of you, yet.”
“Happy Life Day, love,” you tightened your grip on his fingers, hoping he knew just how grateful you were for him.
You hoped he knew he’d never be alone again.
“Happy life day, princess,” his tone was low, gravelly, overcome with emotion. “You’re the best gift I’ve ever had.”
The palace had many rooms that had housed many terrors and abuse over the years. But now…one of them held a tree, all decorated and glimmering. And within the room sat one of the strangest families the Galaxy would ever see.
“This…is so much.” Din’s shiny helmet shifted to meet you and Boba’s watching gazes, his voice softening despite the modulator. “Thank you.”
The mandalorian held a new pulse rifle, shining in the firelight, slowly examining his new weapon with awe. Grogu, his little green child, sat surrounded by gifts, a decent amount of food, and even a pair of tiny socks.
“Certainly,” Boba leaned froward from his seat beside you, earnestly meeting the man’s gaze with a nod. “I hope it serves you well.”
“Wouldn’t want any new weapons mishaps, huh Mando?” Fennec smirked at him from her chair in the corner as she examined her new knives, leg crossed over her knee with a small smirk.
“No,” he set the rifle down with a subtle shake of his head. “You didn’t have to do this.”
You chuckled, gripping Boba’s hand in yours, and he squeezed back, shifting so you were leaning against his shoulder.
“You’re family, Din. Of course we did,” you smiled at him, holding Boba close. “I’m just glad you wanted to be a part.”
He nodded, and you nearly flinched when you felt something touch your leg. You looked down to find Grogu staring up at you, little arms held high. You smirked, glancing at Din for confirmation before lifting the little guy into your lap.
He cooed, leaning into you, smiling as wide as he could. Boba observed you both with a small smirk, expression softening ever so slightly when Grogu shifted to face him, once again lifting his arms.
“Love…he wants you,” you couldn’t stop a small chuckle from slipping through your lips, even as Boba lifted a skeptical brow. “C’mon…he won’t bite.”
Boba hesitated. You saw a shadow briefly pass through his eyes, but it diminished when he met yours.
“All right mesh’la,” he extended his gloved hands and lifted Grogu, holding him against his chest with a lowered brow. “You’re…sweet, ad’ika. Make your father proud.”
Grogu cooed again, and you saw the moment Boba Fett softened. The subtle cave of his shoulders, the tilt of his head. He leaned forward, and everyone observed the moment in silence…
And then Grogu sneezed in his face.
Fennec was the first to laugh. It was more of a snicker, but you couldn’t help but laugh too. You glanced at Boba, hoping he wasn’t upset, but you found he was actually smiling.
Boba Fett was smiling.
“Little terror,” he set Grogu back down on the floor, and he shuffled toward Din with a squeal. “Don’t cause too much trouble.”
“That’s a lot, coming from you,” you smirked, and he grinned, leaning in to kiss you.
“Time for your present, little one,” he pulled something out of his pocket, a small box.
You took it, opening it with bated breath, and found a small, intricate necklace. It bore his sigil, carefully carved, and tears welled into your eyes.
“Oh, Boba…” you swallowed hard, blinking back tears, as he took it from you and carefully removed the necklace from its box.
“I’m with you whenever you go,” his voice was low, for you alone, as he placed it around your neck. “You’re…my family. I hope this will always remind you of that.”
You smiled, kissing him again. Fennec chuckled and Din shook his helmet in mock disgust. Grogu squealed and tossed one of his toys into the air, nearly hitting Din’s helmet.
“Didn’t think you’d ever have this, huh?” You snuggled against Boba, holding him close.
“No.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead, voice softer than you think you’d ever heard before. “But I’m glad it did, mesh’la. Glad it did.”
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Not me sending an ask but then ignoring the ones in my own blog 😳umm.. how about some Halloween headcanons with agata? Like what he would do, how he feels, his costume, etc. anything else you’d like to add too 🧙‍♀️🦁
All’s well — I’ve been sitting on an ask since Nov 2021 myself haha
Hope you enjoy! Agata’s fun to write for because he's the youngest lion pspsp
— Psychic
General Halloween Headcanons
Halloween is one of the bigger holidays in the Beastars world: there's something very captivating about being able to just dress up and pretend you are someone else, if even for a little while.
It isn't uncommon for smaller herbivores to dress up as stronger herbivores, and vice versa.
For carnivorous animals, Halloween is one of the only days where it's acceptable for them to be scary and threatening — claws and fangs are sharpened.
Halloween also serves as a fun way to pick on social norms, and give commentary on pressing social issues: it's not uncommon to see herbivores dressed up as the most recent predation victim as a sort of statement.
In spite of all this, the Black Market doesn't really do Halloween; or at least, the gangs don't. (Not officially, anyway)
Agata’s Feelings on Halloween
Having been raised outside of the Black Market, Agata had some exposure to Halloween.
When he was younger, his mother liked to dress him up as the ‘threatening lion’ Agata’s father never quite was.
But outside of that, Agata has never participated in any sort of Halloween event, but by God, he wants to change that.
It's just his luck that this year, the Shishigumi isn't as busy around Halloween. It gives him a good excuse to leave the Black Market and explore how people celebrate the holiday.
Agata’s Exploration [Prose]
Agata wasn't used to riding in the back seat, but Dolph insisted that he did. Something about how the passenger side seatbelt was broken, and how he didn't want to be pulled over for something as stupid as that.
With a low sigh, Agata rest his head against the hard, leather seat. He and Dolph’s eyes met in the rear view window.
“Kid,” Dolph said. “Your stop is coming up soon.”
Agata nodded at that, and Dolph’s eyes drifted back onto the road.
Looking out the car window, he could see that the storefronts were decorated with all sorts of things: paper cut-outs, fake skeletons — one store even had a fake re-enactment of a predation.
It was almost frightening how looser everyone became when Halloween was involved; doing something like that was a major no-no any other time of the year.
Catching his reflection on the window, Agata began to stare at himself. Really stare at himself, and look at everything from his face to his dark mane. Idly pulling at his mouth, he lamented that it was too late to grow out his fangs.
But that was fine — it wasn't like he was going to get a costume or anything. No, he was just going to look around and see what was for sale…
“Uh, Dolph?” Seeing the older lion not stop the car made Agata lurch forward. “You missed my stop.”
Dolph made a low noise of disapproval. “I can't park in the middle of the road, now can I?”
Agata + Dolph’s Exploration
Dolph really didn't plan on sticking around with Agata.
At most, he planned to give Agata some extra cash (nothing much, just an extra $200 or so — Halloween costumes could be expensive, and what if Agata got hungry along the way?) and then return to the Mansion.
That being said, Dolph is glad he decided to walk the streets with Agata: the younger lion’s curiosity is infectious.
Agata never got the chance to grow up properly, and it's so obvious that Dolph can't help but feel guilty whenever Agata stops walking to stare, or examine or touch a Halloween display.
It's mostly due to Dolph’s insistence and not-so-subtle nudging that Agata considers getting a costume at all.
Agata’s Costume
Agata wants something simple: so, no fur-dyes, or styrofoam horns, or anything of the sort.
He’s metaphorically dipping his toes in. Even though he wants to have fun this Halloween, he’s still the youngest member of the Shishigumi. And while the other lions probably wouldn't say anything, or even care ... well, what would they think?
Agata’s low self-esteem threatens to get in the way, and while Dolph can't handle the root cause, he can try to make Agata feel a bit more confident in his decision.
Dolph winds up dragging Agata to different stores, and encouraging him to try on simple costumes: the ones that are just outfits with as few accessories as possible.
In the end, both Dolph and Agata wind up paying for mobster costumes. They already dress like they're part of a gang (because they are), and it just feels "right".
(Agata thinks it's hilarious that they went to so many stores, just to wind up dressing up as themselves. Dolph finds it more amusing than hilarious)
As Agata and Dolph walk back to the car, they receive many compliments on their realistic mobster costumes.
Neither of them were wearing their store-bought costumes yet.
All in all, it's a successful outing. Though it isn't discussed, both Agata and Dolph agree that they'll be doing the same thing again the following year.
Agata believes he’s too old for trick-or-treating, so honestly, maybe he could hit up a club next Halloween? Or go to one of those adult costume parties? Either outing sounds like fun to him.
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